Collection 3 - The Bonds Between Us

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The Bonds Between Us

By: Christine Le, Kevin Do, and William Herrera

Introduction-- What does Bonds Between Us Mean
A bond is something that ties or fastens things
together: things that connect people, communities, and
animals. Bonds can occur in tragedies, building new
friendships and relationships with one another. Bonds
include the traits of empathy, sympathy, emotions,
internal sensations, and cognition. Which leads us to the
varieties of text we read in Collection 3: The Bonds
Between Us.
When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine by Jhumpa Lahiri
In the short story When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine by
Jhumpa Lahiri the author shows forms of bonds when
tragedies and immigrants occur as when the author stated, I
prayed that Mr. Pirzadas family was safe and sound. I had
never prayed for anything before, had never been taught or
told to, but I decided, given the circumstances, that it was
something I should do. This means that thanks to the bond
lilia done something she wouldve never have done in her life,
wishing for a friends family safety. This responds to the
theme because at first they were just plain strangers that her
family found through birth roots, but thanks to the
circumstances, got them both together to the point that once ]
said friend leaves she learns the meaning of missing someone.
In conclusion tradies are bad and can cause deep traumas but,
sometimes good things can happen through it too.
And of Clay Are We Created by Isabel
In the short story And of Clay Are We Created by Isabel Allende the
author shows how bonds are formed through tragedy and past events
when the text states Nothing could stop him, and I was always
amazed at his equanimity in the face of danger and suffering; it
seemed as if nothing could shake his fortitude or deter his curiosity.
This quote emphasizes how during this tragedy Carle and the
narrator's relationship came together because Carle was brave and
very courageous to help people during this tragedy. Which means that
even throughout this danger he was acting very calm just to go out
and help people in danger. For example, Carle tried to help Azucena
in many different ways during the tragedy and he was able to comfort
her during the devastation. This matters because both Relf and
Azucena went through a life changing tragedy at a really young age.
Throughout this text the author furthers the understanding of how
people cooperate which forms a connected bond through a tragedy.
Monkey See, Monkey Do, Monkey
Connect by Frans de Waal
In the article, Monkey See, Monkey Do, Monkey Connect written by
Frans de Waal the author addresses how people form bonds by
empathy, sympathy, internal sensations, communications, and
cognition when the author states, This is precisely where empathy
and sympathy start - not in the higher regions of imagination, or the
ability to consciously reconstruct how we would feel if we were in
someone else's situation. This quote means that empathy and
sympathy start when you are in reality, when you are living what
others are living at the same moment. This quote is important
because it tells us that youll feel pain when others feel pain too, you
join in a laugh when a joke is told, you can cry when others are
feeling depressed and sad. In conclusion you can feel what others feel
too even if you are not there when the problem is occurring.
With Friends Like These by Dorothy Rowe

In the article, With Friends Like These by Dorothy Rowe

the author discusses about how the connections in friendships
are in both positive and negative ways when the author states,
When confident of ourselves, we feel that we can deal with being
invalidated; when lacking self-confidence, we often see danger
where no danger need exist. This text tells that if has have
confidence were able to see past the bad and cheer for ours
cheers, if not then we get clouded by the bad emotions that can
proceed to damaging bonds. This goes with the theme because
without bonds we cant get that needed confidence that youve
gotten from having the bond. In conclusion we should keep and
protect our bonds we share carefully so we both you and your
friends and change the way you both want.
At Dusk by Natasha Tretheway

In the poem At Dusk by Natasha Trethewey the author

shows forms of bonds when she states, left me to wonder that I
too might lift my voice, sure of someone out there, send it over the
lines stitching here to there, certain the sounds I make are enough
to call someone home. This text means that seeing her neighbor
call out to her cat, makes her realize how much she herself wants
to call a friend. This matters because without bonds you dont
realize how small and lonely your world really is until you see
someone else with bonds. In conclusion bonds are important to
expanding and keeping as a support pillar through life.
Connections to Today #1 : Bullying
There are countless of problems still going on in our society today.
One problem that still comes around for most teens is physical,
verbal, indirect and cyberbullying. Bullying isnt something like My
friend didnt share a cookie with me. Bullying is unwanted,
aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real
or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the
potential to be repeated, over time. Cyberbullying is just when kids
bully each other through electronic technology or social media.
Name calling, teasing, insulting, and threatening are examples of
verbal bullying. Eventually when a bullying problem occurs there's
always a solution either solving the situation the easy or hard way.
The person who is being bullied and the person who was bullying
can either apologize and come to an agreement of leaving each
other alone, or the person being bullied can get help from any
trustworthy adult.
Connections to Today #2: Racism

In addition, another problem that occurs in our society today is racism.

Racism is prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against
someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is
superior. An example of racism is by separating people by their color,
and making a judgements just because of their different race. A solution
of stopping racism is by giving everyone a chance and coming together
to find an agreement and more importantly dont judge people by their
Rowe, Dorothy. "With Friends Like These." CA Collections. N.p.: HMH, n.d.

Lahiri, Jhumpa. "When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine." CA Collections. N.p.: HMH,
n.d. 103-118.

Allende, Isabel. "And of Clay Are We Created." CA Collections. N.p.: HMH, n.d.

Tretheway, Natasha. "At Dusk." CA Collections. N.p.: HMH, n.d. 1.

De Waal, Frans. "Monkey See, Monkey Do, Monkey Connect." CA Collections.

N.p.: HMH, n.d. 123-127.

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