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For the of security guard or valet, develop five situational, five behavioral, and five job
knowledge questions, with descriptive good/average/poor answers.


i) Situational Question
1) How do you manage a particularly daunting problem like a theft or an act of
Answer: I am trained to remain calm at all times and to get to the root of the
matter. If I get the opportunity to catch the culprit, I deal with him or her as the
law dictates.
2) How do you handle if the boss is wrong?
Answer: I made sure to speak to him in private.
3) How would you react if a colleague was not contributing towards the job?
Answer: Dont let it affect my attitude. If I waste my time and energy on being
angry or annoyed about my colleague, my work performance may start slipping.
4) Where do you feel you are least experienced professionally and personally in
relation to this post?
Answer: I have acquired various security related skills via training and hands-on
experiences. These include; surveillance setup and monitoring, metal screening,
incident report writing, police dispatch protocols, fire extinguisher handling,
parking management, and security alarms/cameras handling.
5) Give me an example of a time when have worked in a stressful environment and
how you coped?
Answer: "I worked for a manager who used to shout at me when he was under
pressure to meet deadlines. (Situation)
I got upset the first couple of times and then I decided to talk to him about it. I
empathized with the stress he was under and suggested that he communicated his
expectations clearly to me on a daily basis so that I knew exactly when he needed
something and I could also give him feedback on progress. We arranged an early
morning feedback meeting every day. (Action)
This helped as we were able to sort out issues immediately and anticipate likely
problems." (result)

ii) Behavioral Question

1) How do you manage working the night shift?
Answer: I sleep for a few hours before work.
2) Tell me about a time when you were faced with problems or stressed at work that
tested your copying skills. What did you do?
Answer: Once I received an emergency call from the fifth floor while I was at the
reception checking delegates of an important conference. Security staff was short
and there was no one to attend the reception in my absence. I responded to the
situation effectively by initiating a lock down on the ground and fifth floor and
updating the security sergeant regarding the situation immediately while on my
way to the fifth floor.
3) What have you learned from mistakes youve made on the job?
Answer: I think the worst mistake I ever made at work was in my first ever job
five years ago now. A more senior member of the team seemed to take an instant
dislike to me from the start and one day she was particularly unpleasant to me in
front of several colleagues. Later on, I was talking to one of those colleagues who
was, I thought, attempting to console me. Angry and hurt, I foolishly vented my
feelings and told her what I thought of the lady in question. I was naturally
shocked to find out that she went on to tell everyone what I had said and this
certainly didnt help my relationship with the team member who was causing me
problems. Rather than let the situation carry on, I chose to have a quiet word with
this lady so as to find out what her problem was with me and to see if we could
put it behind us. It turned out it was nothing personal; she just resented the fact
that a friend of hers had also been interviewed for my position and had been
turned down. Once we had got matters out into the air, her behavior changed and
we actually got on quite well after that. However, I certainly learned a lot from
the experience. I learned that careful communication is vital in managing
interpersonal relationships and that if I have a problem with someone its always
best to talk it over with them rather than with someone else.
4) Tell me about a time when you had to adapt to a difficult situation. What did you
Answer: One time I had to take over for my supervisor when she took some
unexpected leave while still taking on my own job. I admit I was definitely
intimidated, as I was already swamped with work at the time and I wouldnt have
anyone under me to delegate to.
But one of the first things you learn about work is that there is always time in the
day if you plan well and organize yourself, even if it seems overwhelming when
youre pulled every which way. So before she left, I asked her if she could create
a list of her day to day tasks. Then I listed my own, eliminated any tasks that
could be postponed or were not critical, put the remaining tasks in a schedule, and
did them at the times that were allotted. It wasnt perfect, since taking on two jobs
at once is never going to be perfect, but I was able to hold down the fort until she
returned. Then a few years later, I was able to move into her old role because of
the experience i had gained and the work I did during that time.
5) Tell me about a conflict with a co-worker and how you resolve it?
Answer: I will not stop him/her personally but I would immediately report to the
iii) Job knowledge Question
1) What is the meaning Information Security Incidents?
Answer: An information security incident is any event that has the potential to
affect the confidentiality, integrity or availability of University information in any
2) What do you mean by policy and security?
Answer: Policy- Policies simply guide our actions. i.e. Outline rules
Security- Protection of anything.
3) What are key tasks for security guard?
Answer: To be clearly visible.
To respond quickly and correctly during crisis.
Observing and reporting.
4) In what specific areas do you need to expand your knowledge to become more
proficient at this job?
Answer: Look for opportunities to reshape my current job. There are a number of
ways to go about doing this. I could trade tasks with a coworker or volunteer for a
task that would normally go to a more experienced person.
5) How do you decide when you need to use your weapon to defuse a situation?
Answer: This answer is extremely clear cut for me. A weapon should be used for
the sole purpose of a life-threatening situation and as a last resort. My main goal
is to protect myself and everyone around me, even those that appear to be a threat
to them. If I come across a case that is non-fatal and there are other means of
settling the problem, then resorting to the use of any weapon is unnecessary.


Combine your questions into a complete interview that you would give to someone who must
interview candidates for these jobs.


1) Tell me about yourself.

2) What is your greatest strength?
3) How do you manage a particularly daunting problem like a theft or an act of vandalism?
4) How would you react if a colleague was not contributing towards the job?
5) What do you mean by policy and security?
6) How do you manage working the night shift?
7) What are key tasks for security guard?
8) What have you learned from mistakes youve made on the job?
9) How do you handle stress and pressure?
10) Why should we hire you?

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