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Federal Grant Procurement for Small

Rental Rehabilitation and Reconstruction
(SRRR) Program
April 2014

Adapted from HUD Document,
Page #

1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION ...................................................................................................... 1-1

1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................ 1-1
1.3 Applicable Statutes and Regulations and Other Guiding Documents .............................. 1-1
1.4 Purpose of the Plan ................................................................................................................ 1-2
1.5 Mission of the Internal Auditor Objectives of the Audit ................................................. 1-2
1.6 Scope ........................................................................................................................................ 1-2
1.7 Documents Requested From Auditee ................................................................................... 1-2
1.8 Points of Contact .................................................................................................................... 1-3
2.0 AUDIT PROCESS ....................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Type of Internal Audit ........................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Methodology............................................................................................................................ 2-1
2.3 Schedule ................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.4 Entrance Conference .............................................................................................................. 2-2
3.0 EVALUATION ............................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1 Strategy.................................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Metrics ..................................................................................................................................... 3-1

Internal Audit Plan, Infrastructure Projects Procurement and Contracting Review, February 2014.
1.0 General Information


1.1 Introduction
The City of Minot hereinafter called the City, due to the severe impacts experienced from the 2011
Souris River Flood (the Flood), received a direct grant from the Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) in the form of a Community Development Block Grant for Disaster Recovery
(CDBG-DR). The City must use these funds as provided by Public Law 112-55, Department of Housing
and Urban Development Appropriations Act, 2012.
This audit will review the procurement, contracting, and allowable costs for the infrastructure activities
being funded by the CDBG-DR program. Since the City has contracted with CDM Smith to administer
the disaster recovery program, this review will focus on CDM Smiths performance of the procurement,
contracting, and allowable cost compliance with DSW Homes; as well as the Citys overall responsibility
regarding these items.
The City of Minot is required to ensure all costs paid entirely or in part with CDBG-DR funds are
allowable. To be allowable a cost must be consistent with Federal cost principles; HUD regulations; and
other federal, state, and local statutes and regulations.

1.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations

CDBG-DR Community Development Block Grant, Disaster Recovery
DRGR Disaster Recovery Grant Reporting System
GAAS Generally Accepted Auditing Standards
GMBA SunGard, Government Management and Budgetary Accounting
RFP Request for Proposal
HUD U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
POC Points of Contact
The City City of Minot
SRRR Small Rental Rehabilitation and Reconstruction
1.3 Applicable Statutes and Regulations and Other Guiding Documents
Federal Register/Vol. 77 No. 73/Monday, April 16, 2012
Public Law 112-55
OMB A-87 Federal cost Principles for State, Local & Indian Tribal Governments
City of Minot Action Plan
City of Minot Federal Grant Procurement Policy and Procedures
City of Minot Finance Department Expenditure Policies and Procedures
City of Minot Finance Department Internal Controls Policies and Procedures
Minot Disaster Recovery Services Public Infrastructure Program Policies
24 CFR 85.35
24 CFR 85.36
24 CFR 135.32
Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968
503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended

Internal Audit Plan, Procurement for DSW Small Rental Program, April 2014.
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1.0 General Information

1.4 Purpose of the Plan

This plan will outline the processes to be followed to ensure thorough and complete coverage and
documentation of the audit. This plan will illustrate the overall work to be performed, the work papers or
checklists to be utilized, the internal auditor to perform the work, and provide a basis for the
Comptrollers approval of the pending work.

1.5 Mission of the Internal Auditor Objectives of the Audit

The objectives of this audit are to review procurement and contracting for the Small Rental projects, to
ensure the City of Minots compliance with its procurement policy and procedures; as well as state,
federal and CDBG-DR regulations and statues.
The Key procurement and contracting objectives to be reviewed are:
Ensuring procurement and agreement documents for the construction projects contain all
required clauses and information for compliance with CDBG-DR; and other federal, state, and
local statutes and requirements.
Ensuring all bid requirements, selection procedures, methods of procurement, and contract
pricing have been adhered to.
Ensuring the protest procedure has procedures in place to ensure policies are followed.
1.6 Scope
The scope of this audit will include all construction contracts advertised and awarded to date for the
Small Rental Program.

1.7 Documents Requested From Auditee

Binder for SRRR program
Complete files for individual bids and awards

Internal Audit Plan, Procurement for DSW Small Rental Program, April 2014.
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1.0 General Information

1.8 Points of Contact

This audit will be conducted by Ashley Freitas, Internal Auditor for the City of Minot.
Contact information for all POCs is listed below:

Name Title Organization Phone Email

Cindy Hemphill Finance City of Minot, (701) 857-4784 [email protected]
Director Finance
Sue Greenheck Comptroller City of Minot, (701) 857-4773 [email protected]
Dan Jonasson Public Works City of Minot (701) 857-4112 [email protected]
Lance Meyer City City of Minot (701) 857-4100 [email protected]
Karen Pocha-Melby Internal City of Minot, (701) 720-4559 [email protected]
Auditor Finance

Ashley Freitas Internal City of Minot (701) 720-4559 [email protected]

Auditor Finance

DJuana Conner Lead Case CDM Smith (701) 837-5813 [email protected]

Randall Irwin Program CDM Smith (641) 660-9852 [email protected]
Marisa Britton Management CDM Smith (701) 837-5813 [email protected]

Internal Audit Plan, Procurement for DSW Small Rental Program, April 2014.
Page 1-3
2.0 Audit Process


2.1 Type of Internal Audit
This internal audit will be a combination of compliance and a financial audit.

2.2 Methodology
This audit will be conducted on-site at the City of Minot Finance Department offices located at 515 2nd
Avenue SW, Minot, North Dakota, and the Disaster Recovery Offices of CDM Smith located at1600 2nd
Avenue SW, Suite 27, Minot, North Dakota. The Internal Auditor will conduct the audit as a desk and an
on-site audit. An audit report of concerns and recommendation will be delivered to the Finance Director
and CDM Smith.
A risk assessment was not completed for this audit. This is the initial audit of procurement with the
Federal Grant funds awarded for Small Rental Rehabilitation and Reconstruction. In light of this, the
decision was made to review procurement and contracts for the ongoing projects at this time. This
review will establish a base line on which to gauge risk and effectiveness of internal controls.
To prepare for this audit, the internal auditor will review governing statutes, regulations, official
guidance, and other applicable documents. The documents to be reviewed are listed within this plan as
well as in the checklist to be utilized.
The internal auditor will become sufficiently familiar with the CDBG-DR program and the contractors
being reviewed so as to ascertain compliance, provide technical assistance to the auditee, and maximize
the use of the auditors time. This process will include review and analysis of reports, available data, and
financial information.
Once all of the above preparation has been completed, the auditor will utilize the Procurement Review
checklist to perform the desk and onsite reviews.
The internal auditor will document every step of the auditing process. All correspondence,
documentation and working papers relating to the audit and conclusions will be maintained in the internal
auditors office files.

2.3 Schedule
Task Estimated Date Completed Actual Time
Hours to to Complete
Preparation and writing of the Audit 3.00 April 9, 2014
Plan and Check List to be utilized.
Review of applicable documents, 12.00 April 8-9, 2014
reports, and files
Perform onsite reviews at CDM 16.00 April 10-11, 2014
Smiths offices.
Documenting results and compiling a 8.00 April 14, 2014
draft audit report to submit to the

Internal Audit Plan, Procurement for DSW Small Rental Program, April 2014.
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2.0 Audit Process

Preparing the final audit report and 4.00 April 15, 2014
sending to the City Finance Director.
Entering the audit in a tracking data .50 April 15, 2014
Following up on any suggestions made 1.00 April 16, 2014
for resolution or additional processing
Ensuring the audit file is complete .50 April 16, 2014
Total time to complete the audit 45.00

2.4 Entrance Conference

An entrance conference will be held with Mr. Randall Irwin, Mrs. Marisa Britton, and Ashley Freitas at
the Minot Disaster Recovery Office.

Internal Audit Plan, Procurement for DSW Small Rental Program, April 2014.
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3.0 Evaluation

3.1 Strategy
The internal auditor will follow the schedule listed above and utilize the SRRR Procurement Review
checklist. All work will be documented for inclusion in the audit file. A detailed audit report with results
will be sent to the auditee with suggestions if needed. If additional information or work is needed from
the auditee, a follow-up schedule will be developed and follow-up will be conducted. All applicable
information from this audit will be entered into the CDBG-DR Audit Tracking data base. The file will be
held in the auditors office for the applicable time period.

3.2 Metrics
The internal auditor will maintain an on-going dialogue with CDM Smith to keep them informed as to
how the monitoring is progressing, engage in discussions with the auditee regarding any areas of concern,
and provide the auditee an opportunity to make adjustments to ensure the requirements and deliverables
are being met. Thus, at the conclusion of the audit, the auditee will have a clear picture of any issues to
be corrected or actions to be taken to obtain compliance. The deliverable for this process will be an audit
free of issues and concerns.

Internal Audit Plan, Infrastructure Projects Procurement and Contracting Review, February 2014.
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