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There are several variations of powerful African Love Potions but I will explain just one for
educational purpose only

Most girls / ladies don't know the spiritual powers of their vagina. The woman vagina can be used
for destruction or for construction of a man's destiny but I am here to teach you how to use your
vagina for love potion.

Every woman is an aje (witch) by nature because they carry Odu (womb), the Odu (womb) inside a
woman is a portal to the spiritual world where life (baby) is created and brought to existence
through the vagina

We will talk about the Odu inside of a woman some other time but for today, let's forcus on vagina
love potion


The girl / woman that wants to carry out this assignment she should not eat or drink or bath in the
morning and this assignment is most effective in the morning and she must not be seeing her
menstrual period.

While standing bare footed, she should get a clean water and recite this incantation in Yoruba
language on a bowl of water three times


Iba Osun sekese

Praise to the Goddess of Mystery

Latojoku awede we mo

Spirit that cleans me inside out

Iba Osun Olodi

Praise to the Goddess of the river

Latojoku awede we mo

Spirit that cleans me inside out

Iba Osun ibu kole

Praise to the Goddess of Seduction

Latojoku awede we mo
Spirit that cleans me inside out

Yeye kari

Mother of the Mirror

Latojoku awede we mo

Spirit that cleans me inside out

Yeye jo

Mother of Dance

Latojoku awede we mo

Spirit that cleans me inside out

Yeye opo

Mother of Abundance

O san rere o

We sing your praise


The child of Ife where the sun rises

The mother who gives a bounteous gift

The tender hearted one

The source of water

The child of Ijesa

The water to whom the King prostates to receive a gift

Yeye O, Osun, Osun O, aare me Osun waa se kumara!


Now she should use the enchanted water from the bowl to wash her vagina, she should use the
water prepare her husband or boyfriend or admirer most favorite food.

She should serve the man the food but she should not eat from the food except a protection charm
is marked on her tongue


The benefits of using this love potion are too numerous to mention here but I will mention a few

(1) Your man becomes your slave

(2) Your man will tell you all his secrets

(3) You become the man of the house and your man becomes the woman of the house

(4) You will start controlling your man

(5) Even if you man catch you cheating, he will not be able to leave you, instead he will be the one
begging you...

(To enable a love relationship with a female).

Materials for this involves, a cock's head, a goat's penis, etc. Burnt mixed with soap and bathed

This incantation is recited with it's preparation...

" Ojo ti obuko bawo lu loma fe obinrin,

Ojo ti akuko gagara bawo ilu lo ma fe obinrin tie, be ni temi na o ri be".

"The day he-goat enters a town, he gets a bride. The day a cock enters a town, he gets his own
bride, and so it is with me".

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