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Global Human Resource Management Case Study: McDonalds Corporation Custom Essay Writing Assignment Help Services UK | US |

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Global human resource management refers to the art of balancing people and processes in

an organisation. This process involves recruitment, selection and training individuals at the

management position in an organisation. In other words, global human resource management

refers to the process that recruits candidates, offer efficient training, improve their skills and

prepare them for their services according to the requirement of the organisation (Werner,

Schuler, Jackson, 2012). The overall objective of effective recruitment and selection process is to

make sure that an organisation is able to achieve its objectives and goals through its workforce.

The main aim of this analysis is to systematically investigate the processes and practices

associated to human resource in McDonalds Corporation. The human resource management at

McDonalds Corporation aims at escalating its distribution network by implementing its global

HRM strategies effectively, based on their professionals and resourcefulness to attain certain set


Importance of HRM Strategies

Human resource management strategies enable an organisation to retain skilled, talented

and committed employees that it demands for. The process of recruitment involves application of

effective and efficient strategies to assess and meet upcoming demands of an organisation and

create a number of employment opportunities by making constant development in practices and

policies. Attracting, hiring and retaining a talented workforce are one of the most important

functions of HRM strategies (Bianca and Media, 2014). A good recruitment and selection human

strategy has the potential to develop organisational performance by offering employees with Custom Essay Writing Assignment Help Services UK | US |

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wide and extended responsibilities, so that they successfully make proper use of their skills and


Examine HRM goals of employee commitment, flexibility, equality and strategic integration

It is the workforce in an organisation that is responsible for carrying out a number of a

number of work activities. Managers and HR professionals of McDonalds Corporation perform

the most crucial job of managing people so that they can successfully conduct these work

activities. This demands perceiving people as human assets, not costs to the company. Perceiving

employees as assets is part of global human resource management and global human capital

management. The global human resource management team of McDonalds Corporation explains

various effective strategies to the management team to strategically organise employees as

business resource (Barrows and Powers, 2010). These strategies involves managing recruiting

and hiring candidates, maintaining employee benefits and proposing employee training and

improvement strategies. In such way, HR professionals perform as consultants, not workers in an

isolated business environment as they recommend managers on many issues associated to

employees and also help the organisation in attaining its objectives.

Managers and HR professionals of McDonalds Corporation work in coordination at all levels

to develop required skills in employees of an organisation. For instance, HR professionals give

advice to managers and other executives at the time of assigning various roles to employees in

the organisation, thus helping the company adapt effectively to its environment. It has been

observed that in a successful organisation, employees are assigned to various business processes

based on employee preference and business priority. HR professionals also recommend strategies

and policies for boosting employee commitment to the organisation. This commences with Custom Essay Writing Assignment Help Services UK | US |

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applying the recruiting practice or matching employees with the appropriate positions based on

their qualification or experience (Grandori, 2002). Once recruited, employees need to be

dedicated to their professions and feel motivated throughout the year by their managers. Global

human resource management team facilitates an organisation in developing a competitive

advantage, which involves creating the potential of the organisation so it can provide a dynamic

set of products or services to its customers.

Figure 1: Recruitment as a strategic HRM tool

(Source: Compton, Morrissey, Nankervis and Morrissey, 2009) Custom Essay Writing Assignment Help Services UK | US |

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The chief and important goal of global human resource management in McDonalds

Corporation is to make sure that all employees carry out their work processes well in order to

fulfil the demands of the organisation. Moreover, the global HRM are accountable for utilising

the full advantage of the potentials of the employees and keeping the right employees in the

required job positions. Global HRM consist of a number of business schemes and policies

required to manage the employees within a business organisation. The human resource

management strategies of McDonalds Corporation mainly encompass the anticipations that

managers demands from their employees, as well as the benefits and compensation given to the

employees. Some of the main important business work done by human resource professionals are

the selection of employees, employee training and the retention of desired employees.

The global HRM of McDonalds Corporation creates programs and policies designed to make

sure that the performances of the workforce within the company supports the mission of the

organisation. HR managers and supervisors investigate the aim of the goal and create policies

and practices to manage the selection and improvement of the employees in organisations. Along

with applying the policies and practices to attract and retain desired employees, the global human

resource management analyse the most crucial job responsibilities based upon the objectives of

the company and categorize job profiles, as well as the duty for each job profile. HR managers

and professionals are responsible for managing the diversity in the business organisation. In the

era of globalisation, majority of business organisations consist of candidates with different

backgrounds, experience and qualifications. Human resource maintains employee objectives

with the motive that differences in employees are valued and respected. Such types of issues are

usually mentioned in employee personnel manuals, which may also involve other company

formalities. Custom Essay Writing Assignment Help Services UK | US |

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Evaluate the effectiveness of HRM strategy in achieving these goals

An organisation is unable to establish a good team of working professionals in the absence of

good human resources. The global human resource management advances the bottom line of an

organisation with its wide knowledge about the human capital and organisational factors. The

HR managers and other professionals of McDonalds Corporation have proficiency in HR

strategic management involve in company decision-making focuses on current staffing

assessments and plans for future employees based on business requirement. Realistic

compensation frameworks are developed by HR compensation experts to decide company

earnings competitive with other organisations in the area, in the similar industry or organisations

competing for candidates with same skills. They carry widespread salary and wage surveys to

preserve compensation costs aligned with the current financial status and set revenue of an


The global human resource management of McDonalds Corporation motivates the people in

a business organisation, to perform according to their skill and offer them guidance that can

assist them to bring about changes in it. This result in better communication with the workforce

individually from time to time and offers all the required information associated with their

processes and also describes their respective roles. Employee relations experts in HR assist the

organisation attain high performance, confidence and satisfaction levels throughout the

employees, by developing ways to fortify the employer-employee relationship. They conduct

employee opinion surveys, administer focus group and receive worker opinion related with job

satisfaction and practices the worker can maintain effective working relationships. Custom Essay Writing Assignment Help Services UK | US |

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The main objective of human resource management of McDonalds Corporation is to achieve

the organisational goals and objectives. It ensures the efficient and effective implementation of

resources and guides the utilisation of human and non-human resources in order to achieve the

organisational goals and objectives. Business organisations aspiring to consume their resources

efficiently encourage the HR professionals and supervisors to develop required aims and

objectives. Training program which is an essential part of recruitment and selection procedure

proposes measures for enhancing employee commitment to the organisation. The HR

professionals of McDonalds Corporation make sure that employees, after hiring, will remain

committed to their jobs and feel motivated throughout the year by their seniors. The global

human resource management of McDonalds Corporation aims at intensifying its distribution

network by effectively implementing its HRM strategies, based on their professionals and

resourcefulness to fulfil certain defined objectives. At the time of issues and disputes in an

organisation, human resource strategies act as a consultant and mediator to solve those conflicts

in a successful manner.

In other words, HRM of McDonalds Corporation implements timely action and avoid things

from getting bad. It has been seen that the art of building successful and good public relations

depends on HRM to a large extent. The HRM department is responsible for organising business

meetings, conferences, seminars and different official gatherings for the organisation with the

motive of building relationships with other business organisations. Sometimes, the HRM also

plays a crucial role in creating the marketing and other business plans for the organisations.

Human resource training and development officers of McDonalds Corporation manage new

employee orientation, an integral aspect in implementation of successful and effective employer-

employee relationship. The human resource strategies implemented by these officers assist in Custom Essay Writing Assignment Help Services UK | US |

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providing training that aids the organisations fair employment schemes and employee

development programs to develop aspiring employees for management and supervisory roles.

An organisation without an appropriate setup for human resource management is likely to

suffer from severe issues while coordinating its daily work activities. HR experts and

professionals adopt efficient measures in reducing the organisations costs related with abrasion,

turnover and hiring replacement employees. They are vital to the organisation as they have the

talent and skills essential to consult group benefit packages for workers, within the set budget

and reliable with economic conditions. They also are well aware with employee benefits need to

attract new employees and retain skilled employees. Human resource strategies of McDonalds

Corporation ensure that the organisation works in accordance with federal state employment

laws. This is the main reason that today a number of organisations need to put a lot of efforts

and energy into establishing a strong and effective global human resource management.

Relationship between HRM and Organisational Performance

HRM and Organisational performance are inter related and are the most significant aspect

of McDonalds Corporation. Organisational performance is associated with various factors such

as operation, strategies, aims, management and challenges. It is considered as a fundamental and

crucial component of an organization functioning. Organisation performance is typically

organisational behaviour and development occurring in an organisation both internally and

externally. The McDonalds Corporation is one of the famous fast food chains in the world, and

it is an important part of the life of a number of people of all age groups. The iconic American

restaurant has been implementing various techniques and human resource strategies for

encouraging employees and teaching leadership techniques and skills. All these factors in Custom Essay Writing Assignment Help Services UK | US |

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McDonalds have provided an excellent opportunity to the management to hire a number of

desired and talented employees.

Theories related to HRM and Organisational Performance (diagram)

It has been observed that employees in the McDonalds Corporation exhibit quality

leadership as HR managers and professionals of the company adopt significant measures to

influence and motivate employees. The work culture of the company is basically dependent on

the specific line manager in charge at a specific period of time. The HR professionals of the

company use effective leadership skills to encourage young or inexperienced workers. These HR

professionals and experts successfully conduct business operations in a machine like manner,

specifically at the time of high business. Nevertheless, it has been also experience that lot of

business managers of the company seem comfortable, and sometimes, behave in the same

manner like other employees of the company. The business managers of the company apply a

number of leadership theories in their working style. In the McDonalds Corporation, human

resource managers and professionals applied Situation Leadership Theory (SLT) and Path-Goal

to motivate the working pattern of employees.

Figure 2: Relationship among Leadership Variables Custom Essay Writing Assignment Help Services UK | US |

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(Source: )

Situation Leadership Theory (SLT): Situation Leadership Theory (SLT) is implemented

continually by human resource managers to fulfil the necessary requirements of employees in the

organisation, based on the specific situation (Wagner, 2006). Through the implementation of

SLT, managers of the company work to introduce changes and innovations in their recruiting and

selection process and do not motivate employees to follow managers style rather encourage

them to introduce their own style. SLT focuses mainly on two types of organisational behaviour

in an organisation; Task behaviour and Relationship behaviour. Custom Essay Writing Assignment Help Services UK | US |

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Figure 2: Situational Leadership Model


Leadership-Development/Situational- Leadership-II/The-SLII-Experience-Sample-PW.pdf )

According to this theory business environment and the willingness of employees

determine to a great extent, how managers will perform in specific situations. The human

resource managers by determining the relationship between environment and the willingness and

inspiration of employees, can strengthen the leadership skills, achieve experience and self-

esteem in their own leadership style. This theory typically relies on the ways employees respond

to working and being associated in groups. As per the modern theories of situational leadership

proposed by P. Hersey, K.H. Blanchard, and D.E. Johnson, employees cannot be influenced by a

one single way (Situational Leadership, n.d). These theories suggest that the leadership style

selected by human resource managers of McDonalds Corporation depends on the environment

and the willingness or the capability of employees working in an organisation.

Path-Goal Theory

This theory was created to define the way that leaders motivate and assist their employees

in attaining the objectives they have been set by offering the path that seems clear and easy.

Path-Goal Theory is used by human resource managers of the McDonalds Corporation to

motivate their subordinates and HR executives. This theory is applied by managers or leaders of

the company to encourage and motivate employees by following leadership styles and behaviour

of their leaders. This theory states that the behaviour of leaders is followed by employees of the

company as they perceive it as a source of inspiration, motivation and job satisfaction. This

theory also states that the perception of employees is influenced by the behaviour and leadership Custom Essay Writing Assignment Help Services UK | US |
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styles of leaders or managers of the company. The McDonalds Corporation applied this theory

to motivate employees to perform well as it offers many opportunities, such as promotion,

incentive, and paid holidays, to enhance job satisfaction and motivation.

Figure 3: Path-Goal Theory

(Source: goal-theory.gif )

In the area of organisational performance and human resource management, the path-goal

theory determines the impact of behaviour of leaders on employees job satisfaction, motivation

and effectiveness. This theory consists of four leadership behaviours which are supportive

leadership, directive leadership, participative leadership and achievement-oriented leadership.

The aim behind these leadership behaviours is to enhance employee motivation and confidence

by identifying the influence of both environmental factors and employee characteristics in work

activities. Moreover, this theory states that achievement- oriented behaviour of HR managers and

professionals concentrates on motivating performance excellence by aiming objectives and goals Custom Essay Writing Assignment Help Services UK | US |

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that challenges employees throughout the year. According to this theory, the main concern of the

HR managers is to support and maintain the psychological well being of employees of the

company. It also involves leaders or managers consulting with workers regarding individual

choices in executing job requirements.

Impact of HRM on Organisational Performance

Over the last few years remarkable steps have been made in discovering the impact of

HRM on organisational performance. McDonalds Corporation is specifically aim at expanding

their sales to customers who are not yet familiar with companys food items. The HR managers

of the company achieve their objectives not only through advertising, but by expanding their

distribution network as well. The strong human resource management of the McDonalds

Corporation has created on effective association between strategy and performance of employees

as well as HR professionals. The fundamental reason that keeps McDonalds Corporation apart

from other organisations of its type and discovers the scope of its operations in product and

services is described as the mission of the company. Effective set up of human resource

management enables an organisation to develop consistency, which results in offering employees

a clear direction to fulfil customer demands and achieve higher satisfaction.

An effective management of strategic human resource of McDonalds Corporation is

focussed on the harmonisation of organisational work activities and practices to the business

strategy. The HR professionals and other managers of the company assist in identifying the

business strategy by converting it into effective HR practices and processes. To meet the

challenges in the highly competitive world HR managers and employees need to constantly

renew their knowledge, skills and work activities and also invest highly in the improvement of Custom Essay Writing Assignment Help Services UK | US |

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their human capital. It has been observed in a number of researches that investment in training

employees is responsible for bringing profitable organisation level outcomes.

McDonalds with the aim of development of desired worker behaviour and skills

implements the use of appraisal mechanism. The implementation of performance appraisal by

the McDonalds Corporation involves promotion, termination, assessments and performance

improvement. As a result of which, development of performance appraisal is considered among

the highest priorities of the McDonalds Corporation. Performance appraisal system in

McDonalds Corporation has the capacity to bring lots of benefits for the organisation such as

promoting more communication, increasing employee attention through promoting trust,

improving performance, and estimation of training requirements.

Employee empowerment in McDonalds Corporation is considered as the process of

enabling employees to think, behave, adjust, take proper action, coordinate work and decision

making in an effective way to enhance work productivity and efficiency. The process of

employee participation and involvement in decision making enables employees to boost their

confidence and self-esteem. This strategy is used by human resource management team to

promote motivation in employees in different ways to attain the specific goals and objectives of

the organisation. Another human resource strategy which promotes employees to work is the

process of compensation. It has been observed by the management of HRM of McDonalds

Corporation that compensation has an important impact on performance of employees.

Global Issues influencing the development and implementation of global HRM strategies

Organisations seeking new opportunities in new markets face many challenges and issues

so human resource management of the organisation plays a crucial role in order to tackle these Custom Essay Writing Assignment Help Services UK | US |
Australia | Singapore
challenges. In this context, some of the challenges faced by organisations are differences in

social, political and economic environment, resistance to change in the organisation, recruiting

high quality employees, developing a long term HR plan and aligning HR strategies with the

overall corporate objectives (Snell, 2011). In the world of 21st century, a high number of

companies have been trying to compete globally; there is a high demand for employees, leaders

and managers. HR managers have to find staff with global skills, as well as, offer appropriate

training and skills to them.

Organisational, National and cultural Issues

Organisations generally deal with a number of issues and problems while conducting its

recruitment and selection process. The quality and talent of employees hired by an organisation

depends on its valuable recruitment and selection human resource strategy (Berman, 2006). The

process is not always smooth as employers face a lot of problems and conflicts such as cost

offered for advertising job openings and various other barriers such as improving communication

between recruiters and hiring agencies (Tan and Nasurdin, 2011).

The human resource department generally faces issues related with executing department

audits, collaboration of performance management system and creating policies on worker

attitude and behaviour. The HR professionals face issues related to employee conduct involve

low employee morale, high voluntary and involuntary revenue, and analysis of workers

complaints filed with state enforcement organisations. The global HRM of McDonalds

Corporation is also responsible for handling of diversity conflicts and partially responsible for

diversity management (Stanleigh, n.d.). The compensation experts in human resource department

are equipped with the duty of ensuring the McDonalds Corporation offers competitive salary and Custom Essay Writing Assignment Help Services UK | US |

Australia | Singapore
gives attractive inclusive benefits packages. Moreover, the compensation experts also build

networking relations with their competitors and counterparts. These experts usually face

challenges and issues that demand them to explain budget increases to stay competitive and hire

the best, highly skilled job candidates. Even if salary and benefits are not considered as the

priorities for few job searchers, they are aspects to be critically considered when searching at a

potential employer.

In the recent few years, the HRM of McDonalds Corporation has been highly criticized

for offering low wages to employees. Employees were feeling frustrated and stressed with the

increasing responsibility and constant promotions. The company also faces complaints regarding

slow service, high calorie food, etc (Huang, 2000). The famous fast-food company has been

questioned for not offering overtime rates even when employees work in double shifts. In this

high competition, the human resource management of the company was working with the

strategy of high profits and low wage costs, resulting in understaffing wherein all employees are

required to work harder and faster. This results in causing frustration among companys

employees and they start criticizing the company in public.

In context to McDonalds Corporation, where the achievement and accomplishment of the

company depends on three factors i.e., hiring, training and developing creative workforce, the

organisation is constantly facing challenges such as employees dissatisfaction and less retention

level (Mieth, 2007). The companys HR strategy has been again dealing with issue of retention

of talented and skilled employees after the criticism for health food has been faced by company.

As a result of, the company lacks succession planning that requires to be achieved in order to

retain the talented employees and handle other major issues and conflicts associated to the HRM

department. The company has been highlighted in public many times for its inability to treat its Custom Essay Writing Assignment Help Services UK | US |
Australia | Singapore
employees fairly. For instance, the employees of the company believe that the main reason for

them to leave the job is that they are being offered low compensation.

Systematically Analysis of Organisational, National and cultural Issue

Training and selection programs assist an organisation to understand different aspects of

culture education and represents a good image of employees significance and value to the

organisation. Human resource managers work hard to hire candidates who adjust with culture of

an organisation. They need to keep their focus on diversity and equal opportunity as well as both

moral and lawful hiring policies. At the time of issues and problems, the HR professionals need

to resolve issues between the requirements of organisational culture and those of ethical practices

(Adler, & Gundersson, 2008). HR professionals need to perform the process of screening at the

time of hiring. The process of screening leaves few candidates out and allows others to move in

the company. When the culture of an organisation focuses minimum observance to the law, the

HR professional sometimes experience an ethical issue while suggesting a highly qualified

employee who does not adjust in the background required for an organisation quota.

Privacy is always an integral aspect of the McDonalds Corporation. Even though the

company has a friendly culture and motivates employees to openly discuss personal information

and lifestyles, the human resource managers of the company has a moral responsibility to keep

such information private and confidential. Human resource challenges generally face by HR

team includes maintaining productivity, hiring employees, executing training processes, keeping

employees safe, resolving conflicts and avoiding discrimination (Catano, 2009). Creating and

offering benefits, motivating and managing diversity, and maintaining outsourcing are important Custom Essay Writing Assignment Help Services UK | US |

Australia | Singapore
aspects as well. Each and every organisation faces specific human resource issues based on the

HR manager as well as policy of the organisation.

An important and major objective of a human resource department of McDonalds

Corporation is to handle and manage employees to keep them productive, which results in high

revenue. HR managers, therefore, adopt specific measures regarding the number of employees

per shift, team tasks, motivational offers such as bonuses, incentives, and keeping morale high.

These elements can have powerful relationships, so the problem is how to do improvements in

one area without highly affecting other (Nichols, Rourke, and Vlachopoulos, 2011). It is very

challenging and difficult for HR managers to make modifications and correct arrangements that

do not align with the budget of the company.

Human resource managers of the company are responsible for employee recruitment and

selection. They need to work hard to discover processes, such as attending job fairs, forwarding

promotional mailings, to produce interest in specific openings and the organisation as a whole. In

the context of McDonalds Corporation, the HR professionals deal with lots of issues in this area

because of globalisation as companies are competing with each other globally than in just one

small region or country (Burnes, 2009). Well qualified employees are searching for jobs that

offer more of stability between family and employment. In such cases, HR managers of

McDonalds Corporation need to provide high in terms of profit packages or incentives, as well,

because talented candidates constantly searching for jobs that minimise their risk in unfavourable

economic situations. Custom Essay Writing Assignment Help Services UK | US |

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Recommendation for addressing Organisational, National and cultural Issues

The main issue that McDonalds Corporation is facing today regarding its recruitment and

selection procedure is that the organisation is still focussing on traditional methods of HR

practices and policies. Thus, it is vital that the company need to emphasis on using print

advertisements and agencies while recruiting large number of skilled and talented

employees. Moreover, the organisation can also implement other measures of effective

recruitment processes for example job boards and virtual social networks (Compton et-al.


The company can also take further efforts and measures in this area such as making use

of referrals. This will assist the organisation to choose those employees who are highly

qualified and skilled from leading college and university. In terms of recruiting young

and skilled employees, referral system is considered to be the most efficient method as it

assists the organisation to meet its talent demands.

The company is recommended to work on fast innovation technology and thus meet the

needs of its customers across the globe with its creative menu and healthy food items.

The implementation of referral system will aid the company to monitor its core activities

and processes.

Other than this, with the help of private consultancy companies with the aim of recruiting

the individuals, the organisation can be benefited as these agencies will be able to find

more talented and efficient people (French, 2011). Even this activity demands high cost,

but the process is appropriate for the organisation to make the talent acquisition process

to be more successful and effective. Custom Essay Writing Assignment Help Services UK | US |

Australia | Singapore
For the recruiters who are appointed for the recruitment campaigns of the organisation, it

is vital that the organisation should hire trained recruiters in their organisation. This is

because efficient and skilled recruiters will help in maintaining the significant aspects or

queries of the applicants who are placing their resume for employment in the company.

Along with this, the recruiters of the McDonalds Corporation are recommended to be

able to identify other factors in the candidates such as technical qualifications, high skills,

innovation and creativity. This can be achieved by appointing a specialised team that

consist of both human resource specialist and experts who are dedicated to generate high

recruitment output for the organisation.

Furthermore, the recruiters need to be responsible, helpful and technically competent

(Barrows and Powers, 2010). The HR professionals and recruiters of McDonalds

Corporation should be willing and should possess the information about the current

changing business environment they are facing with, the competitors, the demand and the

requirements of the candidates and necessity and demands of the current markets. This

will assist the company to achieve a productive and effective workforce. Custom Essay Writing Assignment Help Services UK | US |

Australia | Singapore

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