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GR Nos. 83843-44
April 15, 1990

On June 10, 1972, Melecio Labrador died in the Municipality of Iba, Province of
Zambales, where he was residing, leaving behind a parcel of land designated as Lot No. 1916
under Original Certificate of Title No. P-1652, and the following heirs, namely: Sagrado, Enrica,
Cristobal, Jesus, Gaudencio, Josefina, Juliana, Hilaria and Jovita, all surnamed Labrador, and a
holographic will.

On July 28, 1975, Sagrado Labrador (now deceased but substituted by his heirs), Enrica
Labrador and Cristobal Labrador, filed in the court a quo a petition for the probate docketed as
Special Proceeding No. 922-I of the alleged holographic will of the late Melecio Labrador.

Subsequently, on September 30, 1975, Jesus Labrador (now deceased but substituted
by his heirs), and Gaudencio Labrador filed an opposition to the petition on the ground that the
will has been extinguished or revoked by implication of law, alleging therein that on September
30, 1971, that is, before Melecio's death, for the consideration of Six Thousand (P6,000) Pesos,
testator Melecio executed a Deed of Absolute Sale, selling, transferring and conveying in favor
of oppositors Jesus and Gaudencio Lot No. 1916 and that as a matter of fact, O.C.T. No. P-
1652 had been cancelled by T.C.T. No. T-21178. Earlier however, in 1973, Jesus Labrador sold
said parcel of land to Navat for only Five Thousand (P5,000) Pesos.

Sagrado thereupon filed, on November 28, 1975, against his brothers, Gaudencio and
Jesus, for the annulment of said purported Deed of Absolute Sale over a parcel of land which
Sagrado allegedly had already acquired by devise from their father Melecio Labrador under a
holographic will executed on March 17, 1968, the complaint for annulment docketed as Civil
Case No. 934-I, being premised on the fact that the aforesaid Deed of Absolute Sale is fictitious.

After both parties had rested and submitted their respective evidence, the trial court
rendered a joint decision dated February 28, 1985, allowing the probate of the holographic will
and declaring null and void the Deed of Absolute sale. The court a quo had also directed the
respondents (the defendants in Civil Case No. 934-I) to reimburse to the petitioners the sum of
P5,000.00 representing the redemption price for the property paid by the plaintiff-petitioner
Sagrado with legal interest thereon from December 20, 1976, when it was paid to vendee a

Respondents appealed the joint decision to the Court of Appeals, which on March 10,
1988 modified said joint decision of the court a quo by denying the allowance of the probate of
the will for being undated and reversing the order of reimbursement. Petitioners' Motion for
Reconsideration of the aforesaid decision was denied by the Court of Appeals, in the resolution
of June 13, 1988. Hence, this petition.

Whether or not the alleged holographic will of Melecio Labrador is dated, as provided for
in Article 810 of the New Civil Code.

The petition, which principally alleges that the holographic will is really dated, although
the date is not in its usual place, is impressed with merit.

The will was dated in the hand of the testator himself in perfect compliance with Article 810. It is
worthy of note to quote the first paragraph of the second page of the holographic will, viz:

And this is the day in which we agreed that we are making the partitioning and
assigning the respective assignment of the said fishpond, and this being in the
month of March, 17th day, in the year 1968, and this decision and or instruction
of mine is the matter to be followed. And the one who made this writing is no
other than MELECIO LABRADOR, their father.
The law does not specify a particular location where the date should be placed in the
will. The only requirements are that the date be in the will itself and executed in the hand of the
testator. These requirements are present in the subject will.

Respondents claim that the date March 17, 1968 in the will was when the testator and
his beneficiaries entered into an agreement among themselves about "the partitioning and
assigning the respective assignments of the said fishpond," and was not the date of execution
of the holographic will; hence, the will is more of an "agreement" between the testator and the
beneficiaries thereof to the prejudice of other compulsory heirs like the respondents. This was
thus a failure to comply with Article 783 which defines a will as "an act whereby a person is
permitted, with the formalities prescribed by law, to control to a certain degree the disposition of
his estate, to take effect after his death."

Respondents are in error. The intention to show March 17, 1968 as the date of the
execution of the will is plain from the tenor of the succeeding words of the paragraph. As aptly
put by petitioner, the will was not an agreement but a unilateral act of Melecio Labrador who
plainly knew that what he was executing was a will. The act of partitioning and the declaration
that such partitioning as the testator's instruction or decision to be followed reveal that Melecio
Labrador was fully aware of the nature of the estate property to be disposed of and of the
character of the testamentary act as a means to control the disposition of his estate.

The holographic will of Melecio Labrador is APPROVED and ALLOWED probate.

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