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University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center Inc.

College of Nursing

Alteration in Respiratory System

Submitted to:
Dr. Mildred Glinoga
May 09, 2017

Items with # 1 TABIGO-ON, Jacob
Items with # 2 ANDRES, Paolo
Items with # 3 VARGAS, Teresa Carmela
Items with # 4 - CHUA, Nina Elaine
Items with # 5 RAMOS, Johanna
Items with # 6 CHAN, Pauline
Items with # 7 LOCQUIAO, Kayle
Items with # 8 TULIAO, Aira
Items with # 9 BRIONES, Icio
Items with # 0 FAJARDO, Alvin
University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center Inc.
College of Nursing


1 D
2 A
3 B
4 B
5 B
6 C Ventilation The PaO2 is low because of inadequate oxygenation secondary to
exceeds perfusion an occluded pulmonary vasculature preventing matching of
perfusion to ventilation. (Lewis, 552)
7 D
8 A
9 D
10 A
11 A
12 B
13 C
14 C
15 A
16 B Bradycardia The most common presenting symptoms of pneumonia are cough,
fever, shaking chills, dyspnea, tachypnea, and pleuritic chest pain.
(Lewis, 524)
17 A
18 A
19 D
20 D
21 D
22 A
23 C
24 C
25 A
26 B Reddish orange Side effects for this medication include orange discoloration of
urine bodily fluids (Lewis, 531)
27 C
28 D
University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center Inc.
College of Nursing

29 D
30 B
31 C
33 C
34 A
35 D
36 B Prepare a Medical management of pneumothorax depends on its cause and
drainage system severity. The goal of treatment is to evacuate the air or blood from
the pleural space. (Brunner, 597). The pleural space can also be
aspirated with a large-bore needle. This procedure is called a
thoracentesis. (Lewis, 543)
37 C
38 C
39 D
40 C
41 B
42 D
43 C
44 B
45 C
46 A Ask him as If respiratory distress is severe, only obtain pertinent information
fewB questions as and defer a thorough assessment until the patients condition
possiDble stabilizes. (Lewis, 482)
47 D
48 D
49 D
50 A
51 A
52 B
53 B
54 A
55 D
56* D/A 1, 2, 4 Thoracentesis is the insertion of a large-bore needle through the
chest wall into the pleural space to obtain specimens for diagnostic
To remove fluid
evaluation, remove pleural fluid, or instill medication into the
from pleural cavity
pleural space. (Lewis, 494) Purposes of the procedure include
University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center Inc.
College of Nursing

To obtain sterile removal of uid and air from the pleural cavity, aspiration of
specimen for pleural uid for analysis, pleural biopsy, and instillation of
analysis medication into the pleural space. (Brunner, 512)
To drain air caused
by positive pressure
in the intrathoracic
57 D
58 D
59 B
60 D
61 A
62 C
63 B
64 D
65 C
66 B Presence of pain The key characteristic of pleuritic pain is its relationship to
during respiratory respiratory movement. Taking a deep breath, coughing, or
movement located sneezing worsens the pain. Pleuritic pain is limited in distribution
in one side of the rather than diffuse; it usually occurs only on one side. (Brunner,
chest 573)
67 D
68 C
69 B
70 D
71 C
72 C
73 A
74 B
75 A
76 D Altered Preventing thrombus formation is a major nursing responsibility.
cardiopulmonary (Brunner, 586). Expected outcome for patients with PE include
tissue perfusion adequate tissue perfusion and respiratory function (Lewis, 553)
77 C
78 D
79 D
80 C
University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center Inc.
College of Nursing

81 D
82 B
83 D
84 C
85 B
86 A Achieving Airway clearance techniques (ACTs) loosen mucus and secretions
airway clearance so they can be cleared by coughing. ACTs include effective
coughing, chest physiotherapy, airway clearance devices, and
high-frequency chest ventilation.
87 B
88 C
89 A
90 A
91 B
92 A
93 E
94 C
95 B
96 D Brochodilator Long-Term Control Versus Quick Relief of Asthma (Drug
Therapy Table) lists Albuterol as Long-acting oral 2 -adrenergic
agonists (Lewis, 568)
97 B
98 C
99 E
100 A

Prepared by: Chan, Pauline

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