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G.R. Nos.

89224-25 January 23, 1992 Both cases were appealed to the Court of Appeals, where
they were consolidated. In its own decision dated February
MAURICIO SAYSON, ROSARIO SAYSON-MALONDA, 28, 1989, 5 the respondent court disposed as follows:
and JUANA C. BAUTISTA, petitioners, WHEREFORE, in Civil Case No. 1030 (CA-
vs. G.R. No. 11541), the appealed decision is
assisted by her husband, CIRILO CEDO, JR., EDMUNDO (CA-G.R. No. 12364), the appealed
SAYSON AND DORIBEL SAYSON, respondents. decision is MODIFIED in that Delia and
Edmundo Sayson are disqualified from
CRUZ, J.: inheriting from the estate of the deceased
spouses Eleno and Rafaela Sayson, but is
At issue in this case is the status of the private respondents affirmed in all other respects.
and their capacity to inherit from their alleged parents and
grandparents. The petitioners deny them that right, SO ORDERED.
asserting if for themselves to the exclusion of all others.
That judgment is now before us in this petition for review
The relevant genealogical facts are as follows. by certiorari. Reversal of the respondent court is sought on
the ground that it disregarded the evidence of the
Eleno and Rafaela Sayson begot five children, namely, petitioners and misapplied the pertinent law and
Mauricio, Rosario, Basilisa, Remedios and Teodoro. Eleno jurisprudence when it declared the private respondents as
died on November 10, 1952, and Rafaela on May 15, 1976. the exclusive heirs of Teodoro and Isabel Sayson.
Teodoro, who had married Isabel Bautista, died on March
23, 1972. His wife died nine years later, on March 26, The contention of the petitioners is that Delia and
1981. Their properties were left in the possession of Delia, Edmundo were not legally adopted because Doribel had
Edmundo, and Doribel, all surnamed Sayson, who claim to already been born on February 27, 1967, when the decree
be their children. of adoption was issued on March 9, 1967. The birth of
Doribel disqualified her parents from adopting. The
On April 25, 1983, Mauricio, Rosario, Basilisa, and pertinent provision is Article 335 of the Civil Code, naming
Remedios, together with Juana C. Bautista, Isabel's mother, among those who cannot adopt "(1) Those who have
filed a complaint for partition and accounting of the legitimate, legitimated, acknowledged natural children, or
intestate estate of Teodoro and Isabel Sayson. It was natural children by legal fiction."
docketed as Civil Case No. 1030 in Branch 13 of the
Regional Trial Court of Albay. The action was resisted by Curiously enough, the petitioners also argue that Doribel
Delia, Edmundo and Doribel Sayson, who alleged herself is not the legitimate daughter of Teodoro and
successional rights to the disputed estate as the decedents' Isabel but was in fact born to one Edita Abila, who
lawful descendants. manifested in a petition for guardianship of the child that
she was her natural mother. 6
On July 11, 1983, Delia, Edmundo and Doribel filed their
own complaint, this time for the accounting and partition The inconsistency of this position is immediately apparent.
of the intestate estate of Eleno and Rafaela Sayson, against The petitioners seek to annul the adoption of Delia and
the couple's four surviving children. This was docketed as Edmundo on the ground that Teodoro and Isabel already
Civil Case No. 1042 in the Regional Trial Court of Albay, had a legitimate daughter at the time but in the same
Branch 12. The complainants asserted the defense they breath try to demolish this argument by denying that
raised in Civil Case No. 1030, to wit, that Delia and Doribel was born to the couple.
Edmundo were the adopted children and Doribel was the
legitimate daughter of Teodoro and Isabel. As such, they On top of this, there is the vital question of timeliness. It is
were entitled to inherit Teodoro's share in his parents' too late now to challenge the decree of adoption, years
estate by right of representation. after it became final and executory. That was way back in
1967. 7 Assuming the the petitioners were proper parties,
Both cases were decided in favor of the herein private what they should have done was seasonably appeal the
respondents on the basis of practically the same evidence. decree of adoption, pointing to the birth of Doribel that
disqualified Teodoro and Isabel from adopting Delia and
Judge Rafael P. Santelices declared in his decision dated Edmundo. They did not. In fact, they should have done this
May 26, earlier, before the decree of adoption was issued. They did
1986, 1 that Delia and Edmundo were the legally adopted not, although Mauricio claimed he had personal knowledge
children of Teodoro and Isabel Sayson by virtue of the of such birth.
decree of adoption dated March 9, 1967. 2 Doribel was
their legitimate daughter as evidenced by her birth As the respondent court correctly observed:
certificate dated February 27, 1967. 3 Consequently, the
three children were entitled to inherit from Eleno and When Doribel was born on February 27,
Rafaela by right of representation. 1967, or about TEN (10) days before the
issuance of the Order of Adoption, the
In his decision dated September 30, 1986, 4 Judge Jose S. petitioners could have notified the court
Saez dismissed Civil Case No. 1030, holding that the about the fact of birth of DORIBEL and
defendants, being the legitimate heirs of Teodoro and perhaps withdrew the petition or perhaps
Isabel as established by the aforementioned evidence, petitioners could have filed a petition for
excluded the plaintiffs from sharing in their estate. the revocation or rescission of the
adoption (although the birth of a child is

Adoption Page 1
not one of those provided by law for the If this were not the rule,
revocation or rescission of an adoption). the status of adopted
The court is of the considered opinion children would always
that the adoption of the plaintiffs DELIA be uncertain, since the
and EDMUNDO SAYSON is valid, evidence might not be
outstanding and binding to the present, the same at all
the same not having been revoked or investigations, and might
rescinded. be regarded with
different effect by
Not having any information of Doribel's birth to Teodoro different tribunals, and
and Isabel Sayson, the trial judge cannot be faulted for the adoption might be
granting the petition for adoption on the finding inter held by one court to have
alia that the adopting parents were not disqualified. been valid, while another
court would hold it to
A no less important argument against the petitioners is have been of no avail.
that their challenge to the validity of the adoption cannot (Emphasis supplied.)
be made collaterally, as in their action for partition, but in
a direct proceeding frontally addressing the issue. On the question of Doribel's legitimacy, we hold that the
findings of the trial courts as affirmed by the respondent
The settled rule is that a finding that the court must be sustained. Doribel's birth certificate is a
requisite jurisdictional facts exists, formidable piece of evidence. It is one of the prescribed
whether erroneous or not, cannot be means of recognition under Article 265 of the Civil Code
questioned in a collateral proceeding, for a and Article 172 of the Family Code. It is true, as the
presumption arises in such cases where petitioners stress, that the birth certificate offers
the validity of the judgment is thus only prima facie evidence 9 of filiation and may be refuted
attacked that the necessary jurisdictional by contrary evidence. However, such evidence is lacking in
facts were proven [Freeman on the case at bar.
Judgments, Vol. I, Sec. 350, pp. 719-720].
(Emphasis supplied.) Mauricio's testimony that he was present when Doribel
was born to Edita Abila was understandbly suspect,
In the case of Santos v. Aranzanso, 8 this Court declared: coming as it did from an interested party. The affidavit of
Abila 10 denying her earlier statement in the petition for
the guardianship of Doribel is of course hearsay, let alone
Anent this point, the rulings are summed the fact that it was never offered in evidence in the lower
up in 2 American Jurisprudence, 2nd courts. Even without it, however, the birth certificate must
Series, Adoption, Sec. 75, p. 922, thus: be upheld in line with Legaspi v. Court of Appeals, 11 where
we ruled that "the evidentiary nature of public documents
An adoption order must be sustained in the absence of strong, complete and
implies the finding of the conclusive proof of its falsity or nullity."
necessary facts and the
burden of proof is on the Another reason why the petitioners' challenge must fail is
party attacking it; it the impropriety of the present proceedings for that
cannot be considered purpose. Doribel's legitimacy cannot be questioned in a
void merely because the complaint for partition and accounting but in a direct
fact needed to show action seasonably filed by the proper party.
statutory compliance is
obscure. While a judicial
determination of some The presumption of legitimacy in the Civil
particular fact, such as Code . . . does not have this purely
the abandonment of his evidential character. It serves a more
next of kin to the fundamental purpose. It actually fixes a
adoption, may be civil status for the child born in wedlock,
essential to the exercise and that civil status cannot be attacked
of jurisdiction to enter collaterally. The legitimacy of the
the order of adoption, child can be impugned only in a direct
this does not make it action brought for that purpose, by the
essential to the proper parties, and within the period
jurisdictional validity of limited by law.
the decree that the fact
be determined upon The legitimacy of the child cannot be
proper evidence, or contested by way of defense or as a
necessarily in collateral issue in another action for a
accordance with the different purpose. . . . 12 (Emphasis
truth; a mere error supplied.)
cannot affect the
jurisdiction, and the In consequence of the above observations, we hold that
determination must Doribel, as the legitimate daughter of Teodoro and Isabel
stand until reversed on Sayson, and Delia and Edmundo, as their adopted children,
appeal, and hence cannot are the exclusive heirs to the intestate estate of the
be collaterally attacked.

Adoption Page 2
deceased couple, conformably to the following Article 979 share the estate of their parents with the petitioners. The
of the Civil Code: Court of Appeals was correct, however, in holding that only
Doribel has the right of representation in the inheritance
Art. 979. Legitimate children and their of her grandparents' intestate estate, the other private
descendants succeed the parents and respondents being only the adoptive children of the
other ascendants, without distinction as deceased Teodoro.
to sex or age, and even if they should
come from different marriages. WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED, and the challenged
decision of the Court of Appeals is AFFIRMED in toto, with
An adopted child succeeds to the property costs against the petitioners.
of the adopting parents in the same
manner as a legitimate child. A.M. No. RTJ-92-802 July 5, 1993

The philosophy underlying this article is that a person's OFFICE OF THE COURT ADMINISTRATOR, complainant,
love descends first to his children and grandchildren vs.
before it ascends to his parents and thereafter spreads HON. GENARO C. GINES, as Presiding Judge, Branch 26;
among his collateral relatives. It is also supposed that one MA. GORGONIA L. FLORES, Court Interpreter and
of his purposes in acquiring properties is to leave them Officer-in-Charge, Branch 26; ROSIE M. MUNAR,
eventually to his children as a token of his love for them Stenographic Reporter, Branch 26, PACITA B. DIAZ,
and as a provision for their continued care even after he is Staff Assistant IV, Office of the Clerk of Court; MA.
gone from this earth. CONCEPCION B. DIAZ, Staff Assistant I, Branch 26, and
ALFREDO V. LACSAMANA, JR., Staff Assistant II, Branch
Coming now to the right of representation, we stress first 26, all of the RTC, San Fernando, La Union, respondents.
the following pertinent provisions of the Civil Code:
Art. 970. Representation is a right created
by fiction of law, by virtue of which the This case was initiated by the Office of the Court
representative is raised to the place and Administrator with the filing of an administrative
the degree of the person represented, and complaint which reads:
acquires the rights which the latter would
have if he were living or if he could have Pursuant to the Resolution of the Court En Banc, dated July
inherited. 30, 1991, the undersigned hereby institutes this
administrative complaint against Judge Genaro C. Gines,
Art. 971. The representative is called to Presiding Judge, Branch 26; Ma. Gorgonia L. Flores, Court
the succession by the law and not by the Interpreter and Officer-in- Charge, Branch 26; Rosie M.
person represented. The representative Munar, Stenographic Reporter, Branch 26; Pacita B. Diaz,
does not succeed the person represented Staff Assistant IV, Office of the Clerk of Court; Ma.
but the one who the person represented Concepcion B. Diaz, Staff Assistant I, Branch 26; and Mr.
would have succeeded. Alfredo V. Lacsamana, Jr., Staff II, Branch 26, all of the RTC,
San Fernando, La Union, for Dishonesty; Violation of par.
Art. 981. Should children of the deceased (e), Sec. 3 of R.A. 3019 (Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices
and descendants of other children who Act) as amended; and Violation of Administrative Order
are dead, survive, the former shall inherit No. 6, dated June 30, 1975, Circular No. 7, dated September
in their own right, and the latter by right 23, 1974, and Administrative Order No. 1, dated January
of representation. 28, 1988, by virtue of their collective illegal acts involving
deliberate and surreptitious assignment of cases at the
There is no question that as the legitimate daughter of Docketing and Receiving Section, Office of the Clerk of
Teodoro and thus the granddaughter of Eleno and Rafaela, Court, RTC, San Fernando, La Union.
Doribel has a right to represent her deceased father in the
distribution of the intestate estate of her grandparents. 1. This complaint is substantially anchored on the Report
Under Article 981, quoted above, she is entitled to the submitted by Atty. Aurora P. Sanglay, Clerk of Court, RTC,
share her father would have directly inherited had he San Fernando, La Union, relative to her investigation of the
survived, which shall be equal to the shares of her alleged anomaly in the non-raffling of cases in the said
grandparents' other children. 13 Court, and the Affidavit-complaint of Ma. Concepcion B.
Diaz dated September 19, 1991, implicating other court
But a different conclusion must be reached in the case of personnel involved in the aforestated irregularity;
Delia and Edmundo, to whom the grandparents were total
strangers. While it is true that the adopted child shall be 2. Atty. Sanglay, in her Report, averred that:
deemed to be a legitimate child and have the same right as
the latter, these rights do not include the right of 2.1. From April 3, 1989 to April, 1991, there were forty-
representation. The relationship created by the adoption is four (44) Special Proceedings cases, twenty-seven (27)
between only the adopting parents and the adopted child Land Registration cases, six (6) Civil Cases, and three (3)
and does not extend to the blood relatives of either Criminal Cases which were directly assigned to the RTC,
party. 14 Branch 26, San Fernando, La Union, without passing
through the mandatory, raffling procedure, of cases except
In sum, we agree with the lower courts that Delia and for three (3) special proceedings cases which were
Edmundo as the adopted children and Doribel as the assigned to Branch 27, which anomaly had been going on
legitimate daughter of Teodoro Sayson and Isabel Bautista, since 1986;
are their exclusive heirs and are under no obligation to
Adoption Page 3
2.2. Pacita Diaz, Ma. Concepcion Diaz and Alfredo Respondents then filed a motion to reconsider the
Lacsamana, Jr. were the court employees in-charge in (sic) Resolution of 28 May 1992; the same was denied in the
the receiving and docketing of the Land Registration Cases, Resolution of 14 July 1992. This latter resolution likewise
Special Proceedings cases and Civil Cases, respectively; denied the respondent Judge's motion to reconsider the 7
and May 1992 Resolution wherein he prayed that his answer
(actually a Comment), dated 14 May 1992, be admitted.
2.3. There is a probability that the aforesaid clerks, who However, this Court resolved that the said comment be
were in-charge of receiving the cases, did not submit attached to the record of the instant case.
deliberately to the Officer-in-Charge, some of the cases
received from mandatory raffling in compliance with the In the same 14 July 1992 Resolution, the instant case was
Administrative Orders/Circulars of the Supreme Court. referred to Mr. Justice Nathanael P. De Pano, Jr. of the
Court of Appeals for investigation, report, and
3. In the Affidavit-Complaint dated September 19, 1991, of recommendation.
Ma. Concepcion B. Diaz, which was received by the Office
of the Court Administrator on September 20,1991, she On 31 March 1993, Justice De Pano, Jr. submitted his 26-
asserted, inter alia, that: page REPORT. It appears therefrom that on 2 September
1992, he issued an order (a) requiring the parties to file
3.1. She blamed Judge Genaro C. Gines, Presiding Judge, respective affidavits which shall serve as their direct
RTC, Branch 26, San Fernando, La Union, Ma. Gorgonia testimonies in this case subject, however, to cross-
Flores, Court Interpreter and Officer-In-Charge, same examination by the adverse parties and (b) setting the
Court, and Rosie Munar, Stenographic Reporter, same initial hearing of the case for 28 September 1992.
Court, for applying pressures and intimidations to her in Respondents Pacita Diaz and Ma. Concepcion Diaz
order that the cases of their choice may no longer be submitted their joint affidavit, dated 9 September 1992, as
forwarded to the proper Officer-in-Charge; well as the affidavits of Fortunata Gualberto, retired
branch clerk of court of Branch 27 of the Regional Trial
3.2. Several petitions have been prepared by the (sic) Judge Court (RTC) in San Fernando, La Union, and Consolacion
Gines himself in coordination with his Stenographer Rosie M. Dulay, Clerk III of the same Branch 27. Respondents
Munar and Court Interpreter Ma. Gorgonia Flores, some of Gorgonia Flores, Rosie Munar and Alfredo Lacsamana
which are as follows: likewise submitted their individual affidavits which are all
dated 14 September 1992. Respondent Judge Gines, for his
part, filed a manifestation dated 17 September 1992,
3.2.1. Special Proceeding No. 1965 where the petitioner, adopting his 14 May 1992 Comment as his direct
who alleged himself to be a resident of San Fernando, La testimony as well as the aforesaid affidavits of respondents
Union, is actually a resident of Sta. Cruz, Ilocos Sur and the Flores, Munar and Lacsamana.
Aunt of Judge Gines. The required bond of P500.00 therein
has not yet been posted: and
At the hearing on 28 September 1992, the parties entered
into a stipulation of facts. They agreed on the status and
3.2.2. Special Proceeding No. 1967 where the Office of the personal circumstances of the parties as stated in the
Solicitor General and other parties were not furnished affidavits, as well as the descriptions of their respective
with copies of the petition upon the instruction of Judge positions in the RTC in San Fernando, La Union; the
Gines. assumption into office of the respondent Judge in January
of 1987; the non-membership of the respondent Judge and
The respondents were then required to answer the the other respondents in the raffle committee; and the
complaint. procedure prescribed for the raffling of cases filed with the
RTC in San Fernando, La Union. The respondents then
Separate motions for an extension of time to file their marked as exhibits their affidavits and other documents.
answers were made by the respondents, but only
respondents Pacita Diaz and Ma. Concepcion Diaz filed It further appears from the REPORT that no testimonial
their Answer within the extended period. The Resolution evidence was offered by the parties. While the complainant
which granted the others the extension warned them that wanted to present Atty. Sanglay, the respondents admitted
no further postponements would be granted. her report and agreed to dispense with her testimony. The
Notwithstanding such caveat, however, they again asked complainant then marked in evidence the following
for another extension. In the Resolution of 28 May 1992, documents: (1) the undated Report of Atty. Aurora Sanglay
this Court ruled, inter alia, that: to the Executive Judge, as Exhibit "A"; (2) the 17 June 1991
Letter of Atty. Aurora Sanglay addressed to the Executive
It appearing that said respondents have not taken this case Judge, with annexes, as Exhibit "B"; (3) the Joint Affidavit
seriously, and considering the prior warning in the of Pacita and Ma. Concepcion Diaz dated 11 September
Resolution of 7 May 1992, the above motions for another 1992, as Exhibit "C"; (4) the Compliance of respondents
extension of time to file the Answers are hereby DENIED. Flores, Munar and Lacsamana, Jr., as Exhibit "D"; (5) the
The respondent Judge and respondents Flores, Munar and Affidavit of respondent Flores dated 14 September 1992,
Lacsamana are deemed to have waived the filing of their as Exhibit "E"; (6) the Affidavit of Romeo Hermosura dated
Answer. 14 September 1992, as Exhibit "F"; (7) the Affidavit of
Teodorico Basilio dated 14 September 1992, as Exhibit
As it turned out, respondents Flores, Munar and "G"; (8) the Affidavit of respondent Munar, dated 14
Lacsamana were able to post their joint Answers on 15 September 1992, as Exhibit "H"; (9) the Affidavit of
May 1992 the last day of the additional period they had respondent Lacsamana, Jr. dated 14 September 1992, as
prayed for in their second motion which was eventually Exhibit "I"; and (10) the Manifestation of respondent Judge
denied in the aforementioned Resolution. Gines dated 17 September 1992, as Exhibit "J". It appears
that counsel for the complainant expressed a desire to
cross-examine respondents Flores, Munar and Lacsamana

Adoption Page 4
but that the latter's counsel objected on the ground of Until your memorandum dated May 24, 1991, the
possible self-incrimination. These three respondents following persons were in-charge of receiving and
further manifested that they were not presenting any docketing the following kinds of cases:
evidence against the other respondents. Respondents
Pacita Diaz and Concepcion Diaz likewise manifested, Mrs. Pacita Diaz Land Registration Cases
through counsel, that they will not present evidence on
account of the possibility of self-incrimination. Respondent Miss Ma. Concepcion Diaz Special Proceedings Cases
Judge Gines did not present his evidence.
Mr. Alfredo Lacsamana Civil Cases
Justice De Pano, Jr. then made the following observations,
findings and conclusions in his REPORT:
Criminal Cases were docketed by Mr. Vicente Tatunay of
the Prosecutor's Office and received by either Mr. Alfredo
Executive Judge Braulio Yaranon of the San Fernando, La Lacsamana, Jr., the person handling all cases filed for raffle,
Union Regional Trial Court, in a letter dated June 20, 1991, or Mr. Oscarlito Fantastico or any of the clerks in the OCC,
transmitted to the Court, the report dated June 17, 1991, of in his absence.
Attorney Aurora Sanglay, the said Court's Clerk of Court,
on the subject of cases that had not been raffled by the
appropriate committee on raffle but which nevertheless, Supposed to be, all these filed cases are to be turned over
found their way mostly, to Branch 26 of the said Court to Mr. Alfredo Lacsamana, Jr. for raffle, but as per my
(presided over by respondent Genaro Gines from January findings, some of these cases were not at all included in the
1987) and Branch 27 (the letter and its annexes were later mandatory raffle, but were instead directed to specific RTC
marked Exhibit B). In 1986, the report states, 6 criminal Branches. The possibility is not remote that these clerks
cases, 9 civil cases, 51 special proceeding cases and 9 land in-charge of receiving their respective cases deliberately
registration cases, (a total of 75 cases) did not pass did not submit some of their received cases for raffle.
through the raffle committee but went directly to the
branch which apparently acted on the cases without A lapse in the system and poor monitoring also provided
question. In 1987, 8 criminal cases, 9 civil cases, 13 special for this thing to happen. Instances are common where a
proceedings cases, 2 land registration cases (a total of 32 client/lawyer is allowed possession of the papers to be
cases) did not pass through the raffle committee. In 1988, filed at certain critical stages of the receiving process,
9 civil cases, 18 special proceedings cases and 2 land specifically after the docketing and payment of filing fees,
registration cases (a total of 29 cases) went directly to the and after said stages, the possibility is not likewise remote
branches mentioned. A total of 136 cases from 1986 to that these papers are not submitted to the person in-
1988, Attorney Sanglay reports, went from charge of the raffle.
filing/docketing direct to two branches without
undergoing the mandated raffle by the raffle committee. The undersigned had already instituted procedures, i.e.
centralized receiving, payment of filing fees, docketing, and
The more germane report, one which demonstrates the has strengthen (sic) monitoring of the cases and the
continuing perpetuation of the above obviously illegal and number of cases filed to prevent occurrence (sic) of similar
nefarious system of directing cases filed with the Regional nature. (Exhibit A, Court Administrator, pp. 76-77, rec., 3rd
Trial Court of San Fernando, La Union to Branches 26 and Folder.)
27 of that court, is the undated report of Clerk of Court
Aurora P. Sanglay to Executive Judge Braulio Yaranon, and Clerk of Court Sanglay's report includes 44 special
received by his office on June 6, 1991. The letter, proceedings cases, 27 land registration cases, 6 civil cases
uncontroverted, is marked Exhibit A, Court Administrator, and 3 criminal cases or a total of 80 cases that did not pass
and it reads thus: through raffle from April, 1989 to April, 1991 but found
their way directly to Branches 26 and 27 of the Regional
In compliance to (sic) your memorandum dated May 23, Trial Court of San Fernando, La union. Of these 80 cases,
1991, directing the undersigned to make an investigation all, except 3, found their way to Branch 26, occupied by
re the matter of cases filed before my office (Office of the respondent Judge Genaro Gines who, as he admits, was
Clerk of Court), which did not undergo the mandatory assigned in (sic) that branch since January, 1987.
raffle procedure, herewith are my findings:
The respondents here are Judge Genaro Gines, the
The period covered by my investigation is from April 3, incumbent presiding judge of Branch 26 of the RTC in
1989 to April 1991. In summary, during this period, there Judicial Region No. 1 based in San Fernando, La Union;
were FORTY-FOUR (44) Special Cases, TWENTY-SEVEN Pacita Diaz, a staff member in that court now retired in the
(27) Land Registration Cases, SIX (6) Civil Cases, and period covered by the Sanglay report, in charge of filing
THREE (3) Criminal Cases which did not pass through and docketing of land registration cases; Pacita Diaz's
raffle, but which were instead directed to specific RTC daughter, Ma. Concepcion Diaz, another staff member in
Branches, particularly Branch 26 and Branch 27. A great Branch 26, during the period covered by the Sanglay
majority of these cases however were assigned to Branch report, the clerk in charge of the filing and docketing of
26. special proceedings cases; Alfredo Lacsamana, Jr., in the
period covered by the Sanglay report the clerk in-charge of
Attached is the list of these cases mentioned for your the filing and docketing of civil cases; Rosie Munar, court
reference. This data obtained (sic) by counterchecking the stenographic reporter; and Ma. Gorgonia Flores, court
Minutes of previous raffles covering the period of my interpreter and the Officer-in-Charge of Branch 26.
investigation vis-a-vis the corresponding docket books. Francisco Lacsamana, Jr., additionally, was assigned to
gather all cases filed and docketed in the week civil,
criminal, special proceedings, land one day before the
weekly raffle, and to transmit these newly filed cases to the
Committee on Raffle. Ma. Gorgonia Flores, Officer-in-

Adoption Page 5
Charge of Branch 26, oversees the administrative 3) under respondent Judge Gines. Respondent Judge Gines
machinery of Branch 26 (pp. 8-9, t.s.n., September 28, must know, under the above Supreme Court acts, at a
1992). simple glance on the cover of the rollo and the first page of
every such record, whether a case was assigned to him
The respondents felt that since the Court Administrator after going through raffle or not. Cases assigned to his
limited himself to the sworn statement and report of Clerk branch, after going through the required raffle, show on
of Court Attorney Aurora Sanglay, they were not called the face of the rollo, in words and in figures, the branch to
upon to present evidence in their behalf as it would which the case is assigned, authenticated by the initials of
amount to self-incrimination. They refused to testify; they the Executive Judge and the two other members of the
refused to be cross-examined. Your investigator informs Committee. From January 1987, when respondent Judge
the Court that the Sanglay affidavit and report are Gines was appointed to Branch 26, the respondent judge
uncontroverted. Admissions in the sworn statements had received unraffled cases, considered them and decided
forming part of the record are utilized in this report in them. He had done so, apparently, not because he was a
addition to the stipulated facts. maniac of a worker, nor because he loved his work but for
reasons unspoken in this case. Why should a sane judge
The respondents are charged in the administrative accept additional cases for study and decision, in addition
complaint: to his regular load, without any benefit or consideration?
Here obviously, the res ipso loquitor (sic) doctrine applies.
(1) for dishonesty, in violation of paragraph (e), section 3
of Republic Act No. 3019, the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Among the administrative officers charged here, Alfredo
Practices Act, as amended; Lacsamana, Jr., as stipulated, gathers all the cases filed and
docketed in any particular week, for transmittal to the
Committee on Raffle. He prepared the cases for raffle,
(2) for violation of Administrative Order No. 6, dated June including the preparation of the pieces of paper properly
30, 1975; written on, to be picked in the raffle. It was his job to do so.
He was assigned to do so; he admitted so. That he did not
(3) for violation of Circular No. 7, dated September 23, do so is obvious from the Sanglay Report from 1989 to
1974; and 1991, he failed to transmit 80 cases and these cases
found their way (except for 3) to respondent Judge Gines.
(4) for violation of Administrative Order No. 1, dated The Sanglay report is not controverted. It was Lacsamana's
January 28, 1988. job to collect all cases docketed, and to transmit them to
the Raffle Committee. 80 such cases he did collect and
The last three, Supreme Court issues, have to do with the failed to report to the Raffle Committee from April, 1989 to
creation of a raffle committee in multi-branch Regional April, 1991.
Trial Courts, with supervision of the raffle of newly-filled
cases; with the manner of raffling cases, and establish the The Diazes, in the period covered by the Sanglay report
policy that no case, in multi-branch trial courts, may be had apparently fallen out with respondent Judge Gines and
assigned to any branch or sala unless it had undergone the respondents Flores, Munar and Lacsamana. In an affidavit
raffle process. dated September 18, 1991 executed by respondent Ma.
Concepcion Diaz, the following passages appear, to wit:
Supreme Court Circular No. 7, September 23, 1974
mandates that in courts with several branches, cases shall xxx xxx xxx
be assigned to the different branches only by raffle. "No
case may be assigned to any branch without being raffled." The conflict between the Diazes and the other respondents
(Part I) And immediately after raffle, the Executive Judge is deem (sic) to have arisen from the suspicion the
mandated by the said Circular to indicate the particular respondent Judge entertained that the Diazes had
branch to which the case is raffled, "the same to be written 'squealed' on him to the Executive Judge, the Honorable
in words and in figures on the cover of the Rollo and on the Braulio Yaranon. This is contained in the Diazes Joint
first page of the original complaint or information and Affidavit dated September 9, 1992 (Marked C-Diaz), in the
initialled by the Executive Judge and the two other officers following passage:
who attended said raffle." (Part III). The same circular
created a raffle committee of three, composed of the xxx xxx xxx
Executive Judge and two other judges of the court. The
Executive Judge, supervises the Raffle. Administrative
Circular No. 1, (January 28, 1988) reiterates strict As to the two other respondents, respondents Ma.
compliance with Administrative Order No. 6 (June 30, Gorgonia Flores, who is officer-in-charge of Branch 26 and
1975) and Circular No. 7 (September 23, 1974 Raffle of Rosie Munar, court interpreter, there appears to be no
cases, this later Circular required, must be "in open session evidence. The record shows that when the Court
in the presence of lawyers and spectators . . . . ." (Section Administrator's lawyers rested their case with the
8.1). The Court in this later Circular restated the res ipso presentation of the Sanglay report, the respondents
loquitor (sic) rule regarding the conduct and removal of refused to be cross-examined on their sworn statements.
judges (Section 5.2). Consequently, each sworn statement lost value as evidence
against the other respondents. However, it may be easily
inferred that as court officer-in-charge, respondent Flores
It is therefore, beyond cavil, that under the rules governing was in (sic)-duty bound to supervise the work of her
the administration of courts, all cases filed in court must go subalterns. The non-raffling of 80 cases during the period
through the raffle committee for assignment. No case must covered from April, 1989 to April 1991 reflects her failure
be assigned, in multi-branch courts, unless it is raffled by to do her job.
the Raffle Committee. The 80 cases involved in this case,
filed from April 1989 to April 1991, were not raffled, but
were directly assigned to, or taken by, Branch 26 (except xxx xxx xxx

Adoption Page 6
The Supreme Court orders and circulars complained of as 3. That respondent Ma. Gorgonia Flores be likewise
having been violated, are directed to district judges, while penalized with a 3-month suspension without pay; and
Section 3, paragraph (e) of RA 3019 is inclusive in scope,
penalizing public officers for causing undue injury to any 4. That the other respondents be warned against
party . . . . or giving any private party any unwarranted committing any such violations.
benefits, advantage or preference in the discharge of his
official, administrative a (sic) judicial functions through The continuing deliberate violations of Administrative
manifest partiality, evident bad faith or gross inexcusable Order No. 6 (dated 30 June 1975), Circular No. 7 (dated 23
negligence. . . . September 1974) and Administrative Order No. 1 (dated
28 January 1988) for the years reported in Atty. Sanglay's
The prosecution had limited itself to presenting the report, and their belated discovery boggle our minds. The
Sanglay report. It is apparent that we must take the Diazes' irregularities should have been easily discovered by the
statement that they were pressured to do that which they respondent Judge either because the fact that a case has
had to do, and whatever it was, was done without consent, not been properly raffled off is at once discernible on the
and against their will. However, under the facts here, all cover of the records and on the first page of the original of
the cases filed docketed in Branch 26 were collected by the initial pleading (complaint, information, etc.), or
respondent Lacsamana, Jr., who was in (sic) duty bound to because plain common sense would have told him that
forward the cases to the Raffle Committee. That 80 such something was wrong somewhere as an unusual number
cases did not find their way to the Committee, but ended of cases of the same class had been "assigned" to his sala.
up as 80 extra cases (except 3) in the docket load of the That he had failed to appreciate the physical evidence or,
respondent judge, means at the very least that Lacsamana, at the very least, exhibit surprise at the unusual number of
Jr., failed to perform his job. The respondent judge in cases is quite amazing. Thus, we are loathe to grant him
accepting or securing, such 80 cases, (minus 3) that did not the benefit of the doubt and conclude that he had no
pass through raffle, for his action and resolution, and interest whatsoever in having those cases raffled off to him
which he eventually resolved violated all the Supreme and that he only loved to work more than the others. Given
Court circulars on the matter with the help and the circumstances of this case, we cannot merely cut him
cooperation of respondent Lacsamana, Jr. Evidently, some slack and assume good faith on his part; he deserves
respondent judge must have received undue benefits and no such treatment. As the investigating Justice himself
advantages (which have not been demonstrated in this assessed the situation:
case) in securing this extra load of cases, benefits and
advantages coming from the party benefited (sic) by his . . . . The 80 cases involved in this case, filed from April
action, and at the same time, granted the parties involved 1989 to April 1991, were not raffled, but were directly
in the some (sic) 80 cases that did not undergo raffle, assigned to, or taken by, Branch 26 (except 3) under
undue and unwarranted benefits resulting from the bias respondent Judge Gines. Respondent Judge Gines, must
and partiality in their favor coming from the respondent know, under the above Supreme Court acts, at a simple
judge. As earlier observed, a single glance at the cover and glance on the cover of the rollo and the first page of every
first page of each of the 80 or so rollos would show that such record, whether a case was assigned to him after
they were unraffled, and yet, the respondent judge going through raffle or not. . . . From January 1987, when
knowing that such cases were unraffled, secured the said respondent Judge Gines was appointed to Branch 26, the
cases, considered them and decided or resolved them, in respondent judge had received unraffled cases, considered
violation of law. them and decided them. He had done so, apparently, not
because he was a maniac of a worker, nor because he loved
It would appear, therefore, that the respondent judge is his work but for reasons unspoken in this case. Why
guilty of the charges in the administrative complaint. Along should a sane judge accept additional cases for study and
with him as guilty, is respondent Alfredo Lacsamana, Jr. decision, in addition to his regular load, without any
This conclusion is bolstered by, among other things, the benefit or consideration? Here, obviously, the res ipso
Diazes' statement that cases were indeed directly secured loquitor (sic) doctrine applies.
by the respondent judge without their undergoing raffle.
The irregularity and violations of the aforementioned
With respect to the other respondents, it could be deduced administrative orders and circular could not have been
that the respondent Ma. Gorgonia Flores, as officer-in- committed so blatantly, brazenly and openly for an
charge of Branch 26, would have known that Alfredo unusually long period of time if the respondent Judge did
Lacsamana, Jr. was not doing his job of forwarding all not have the cooperation of some of the court employees.
docketed cases to the Raffle Committee faithfully. We therefore agree with the investigating Justice that such
support and cooperation were extended by subordinates
He then recommends: who likewise had something to do with the raffle of cases.
Hence, the findings on the degree of participation, either
WHEREFORE, it is respectfully recommended: by commission or omission, of respondents Flores and
Lacsamana are sustained.
1. That respondent Judge Genaro C. Gines be appropriately
penalized for violation of all the Supreme Court orders and In his report, the investigating Justice absolves the Diazes
circulars mentioned in the Administrative Complaint for and Munar from responsibility in the aforesaid
the period covered from April 1989 to April 1991, plus irregularities.
apparent violation of Section 3, paragraph (e) of R.A. 3019;
With respect to respondent Pacita Diaz, the case has
2. That respondent Alfredo Lacsamana, Jr. for his apparent become moot as she died on 10 February 1993. 1 Thus, the
failure to do his job, be, likewise appropriately penalized, case is dismissed insofar as she is concerned.
at least with a 6-month suspension without pay; and

Adoption Page 7
On the other hand, while we find no evidence to link and sworn to before respondent Flores in her capacity as
respondent Munar to the aforementioned irregularities, the Officer-in-Charge of the Office of the Clerk of Court,
we hold that respondent Ma. Concepcion Diaz is not Branch 26.
entirely blameless. In her affidavit of 18 September 1991,
the relevant portions of which are quoted in the REPORT Special Proceeding No. 1965 involves a petition for
of Justice de Pano, she explicitly admitted: guardianship over the person and property of a certain
Juan R. Lagmay. The said petition was filed by Regina
11. In my explanation dated May 27, 1991 to the Lagmay Valdez who claims to be a resident of Poblacion,
Memorandum of Judge Yaranon, while I might have made San Fernando, La Union 3 on 24 September 1990, and
an admission that I was the clerk receiving cases that later alleges that Juan R. Lagmay is "presently residing at No.
turned out to be unraffled, I placed the direct blame on 2579 Pamintuan Village, Mabalacat, Pampanga." Upon its
Judge Gines and my two officemates, namely, Mrs. Ma. filing, the respondent Judge immediately issued an order
Gorgonia L. Flores and Mrs. Rosie Munar who had applied (a) giving due course to the petition, (b) directing that
all sorts of pressures upon me, including series (sic) of notices be served to Juan Lagmay's nearest of kin, namely
intimidation and, insinuations in order that cases of their Bonifacia Lagmay, Lilia Gumangan and Mariano Lagmay,
choice receive (sic) by me may no longer be forwarded to all residents of Las-ud, Sta. Cruz, Ilocos Sur and (c)
the proper officer-in-charge of the raffle, but to them directing the latter to submit their opposition to the
directly in Branch 26. 2 petition, if any, on or before 8 October 1990 at 8:30
a.m. 4 No order setting the case for hearing at that
It is to be noted that Ma. Concepcion did not elaborate on particular date, time and place was issued. It would
the nature of such intimidation and insinuations. In view of appear, however, that this 24 September 1990 order was
the fact, however, that she was in charge of receiving and considered by the respondent Judge as the order setting
docketing special proceedings cases, and that out of the the case for hearing on 8 October 1990 because
controversial 80 unraffled cases, 44 were special respondent Flores prepared the Minutes of the alleged
proceedings cases, her participation could, by no means, proceedings conducted on 8 October
be considered as insignificant. And even if the alleged 1990. 5 The said Minutes show that the following exhibits
"intimidation" and "insinuations" were true, they still were offered for jurisdictional purposes,: (1) Notice of
would not exculpate her in view of the length of time hearing, as Exhibit "A" and (b) the dorsal side of Exhibit
involved, the number of cases questioned and the absence "A," purportedly to show that Juan Lagmay's nearest of kin
of proof that such intimidation and insinuations were were furnished with the notice of hearing, as Exhibit "A-1.
persistent, continuous and irresistible. It is thus clear that " Said Minutes further disclose that the petitioner therein
she had, by neglecting her duty, allowed herself to be used was not assisted by counsel; that respondent Flores acted
by the other respondents. as Interpreter while respondent Munar acted as
Stenographer; and that since no opposition was filed
A far more serious matter which has escaped the attention therein, the testimony of the petitioner was received. The
of the investigating Justice involves the charges set forth latter then allegedly declared that she is a resident of
under paragraph 3 of the Administrative Complaint, Poblacion, San Fernando, La Union; she is Juan Lagmay's
particularly on the preparation by the respondent Judge, niece as he is her father's brother; and Juan Lagmay is an
allegedly in coordination with respondents Munar and American citizen, single, childless, a resident of 2579
Flores, of petitions in certain cases, some of which are (a) Pamintuan Village, Mabalacat, Pampanga and a retired
Special Proceeding No. 1965 wherein it is made to appear seaman receiving pension from the Social Security
that the petitioner therein an aunt of the respondent Judge Administration of the United States of America in the
and a resident of Sta. Cruz, Ilocos Sur resides in San amount of $550.00 a month. Thereafter, the respondent
Fernando, La Union, and (b) Special Proceeding No. 1967 Judge issued an order appointing petitioner Regina Valdez
wherein the Office of the Solicitor General and the other as the guardian of the person and property of Juan R.
parties were not furnished with copies of the petition upon Lagmay, and directing her to take her oath as such upon
order of the respondent Judge. Not having undergone the the filing of a bond of P500.00, after which she would be
prescribed raffle procedure, these two cases were directly issued letters of guardianship. Without the bond having
assigned to the respondent Judge who then acted thereon. first been filed, however, respondent Flores administered
The said petitions, the pertinent orders issued in the the oath to Regina Valdez. 6 Thereafter, or on 18 October
course of the proceedings therein and the minutes thereof 1990, respondent Flores issued to the latter her letters of
were attached by the respondent Judge to his 14 May 1993 guardianship. 7
Comment, which he had adopted as his direct testimony
pursuant to his 17 September 1992 Manifestation (Exhibit A closer examination of the so-called proofs of notice of
"J"). These documents provide conclusive proof of more hearing to the nearest of kin, consisting supposedly of
serious irregularities amounting to either gross ignorance "registry return receipts," reveals that there are no entries
or malicious disregard of applicable procedural laws, grave in the blanks reserved for information on the name of
misconduct, grave abuse of authority and conduct sender, name of post office, municipality or province
prejudicial to the best interest of the service. The where the same post office is located, registry number and
respondent Judge made a mockery of the judicial process case number. It is not likewise indicated therein when the
as it is obvious that he had displayed a special interest in addressees received the "registered" letter. In view
these cases; in fact, he even caused the cases to be thereof, the conclusion that the so-called notices were not
excluded from the raffle. A careful review of the sent at all is inevitable.
abovementioned petitions will reveal that the designation
"Branch 26," indicating the branch presided over by the Respondent Judge knew or ought to have known that his
respondent Judge, has been originally typewritten as part court was not the proper venue for the case because the
of the caption, and not merely entered in the blank space person sought to be placed under guardianship was
reserved for the branch to which the case may alleged to be a resident of Mabalacat, Pampanga. Section 1,
subsequently be raffled off. It is to be further observed that Rule 92 of the Revised Rules of Court provides that:
the petition in Special Proceeding No. 1965 was subscribed

Adoption Page 8
Guardianship of the person or estate of a minor or husband, during his lifetime, reared the child and gave her
incompetent may be instituted in the Court of First all their love, attention, care and understanding. They also
Instance of the province, or in the justice of the peace court provided her with an education and considered her as
of the municipality, or in the municipal court of the their own child. Hence, the petition was filed "for the
chartered city where the minor or incompetent resides,. . . . purpose of judicially confirming the de facto adoption of
(emphasis supplied). Cecilia Averion by herein petitioner and her late
husband." 14 The said petition was not accompanied by the
Worse, the aforesaid Order of 24 September 1990 did not written consent of Cecilia Averion who, at the time of filing,
even direct that notice be served on Juan Lagmay, the very was already of legal age. On the very day the petition was
party sought to be placed under guardianship. Such an filed, respondent Judge forthwith issued a Notice of
omission, therefore, clearly violated Section 3, Rule 93 of Hearing which provided that the petition would be heard
the Revised Rules of Court which directs the court to fix on 31 October 1990; it was likewise ordered therein that
the time and place for hearing and cause reasonable notice "a copy of this notice be published once a week for three
to be given to the person named in the petition, including consecutive weeks at the expense of the petitioner in a
the minor if above 14 years of age or the incompetent newspaper of general circulation in La Union and in the
himself. We have ruled that service of notice to the minor Philippines." 15
above 14 years of age or the incompetent is
jurisdictional. 8 Failing to have notice sent to Juan Lagmay, From the so-called Minutes of the proceedings of 31
respondent Judge had no jurisdiction to proceed with the October 1990, 16 as prepared by respondent, Flores, it
hearing on 8 October 1990, receive the petitioner's appears that the following exhibits were offered to
testimony, if he did at all, and thereafter appoint her as establish the jurisdiction of the court: (1) the affidavit of
Juan Lagmay's guardian. Nor was the respondent Judge the Editor of the North Tribune, "a newspaper of general
justified in issuing on 22 January 1990 pursuant to the circulation in La Union and Northern Luzon provinces,"
petitioner's 17 January 1990 motion 9 an order published in San Fernando, La Union, as Exhibit "A"; (2)
appointing deputy sheriffs Oscar Fantastico and Romualdo clippings of the published order in the 10, 17 and 24
Baladad as special sheriffs to take custody over the person October 1990 issues of the North Tribune, as Exhibits "A-l,"
of Juan Lagmay from one Florencio "Boy" Cortes of "A-2" and "A-3," respectively; and (3) the entire issues of
Bolinao, Pangasinan. In the said order, respondent Judge the North Tribune for 10, 17 and 24 October 1990, as
further directed Boy Cortes "to release from his custody Exhibits "B," "B-1" and "B-2," respectively. It may further
and deliver the person of said Juan R. Lagmay, a.k.a. John R. be gleaned from the said Minutes that since no opposition
Lagmay to the aforementioned special sheriffs was registered by any other party, the petitioner's
immediately upon receipt of this Order, under pain of testimony was received by the court. On 6 November
contempt." 10 Based on the special sheriffs' 1990, the respondent Judge handed down a
report, 11 however, Boy Cortes did not release Juan Lagmay decision 17 granting the petition and decreeing as follows:
because the latter was too weak and sickly to travel. This
refusal prompted the respondent Judge to order Boy WHEREFORE, this Court hereby approves the petition and
Cortes' arrest (for contempt) and confinement until he hereby confirms the de facto adoption of Cecilia Averion by
shall have complied with the said order. 12 It was herein petitioner and her late spouse Fernando Averion
respondent Flores who forwarded the warrant of arrest to retroactive to the year 1967.
the PNP Regional Command at San Fernando, La Union for
its service. 13 The remedy pursued in Special Proceeding No. 1967 is
certainly unusual as we are not aware of any prescribed
Having acquired no jurisdiction to hear the case and action that may be instituted for the judicial confirmation
appoint Regina Valdez as Juan Lagmay's guardian, of a de facto adoption. Nor do our adjective and
respondent Judge acted clearly beyond his authority when substantive laws on adoption provide for such a
he designated special sheriffs to take custody of Juan proceeding. In fact, the only proper and authorized
Lagmay, directed the person who had custody over the procedure relative to adoption is outlined in the rule on
latter to deliver him to the said special sheriffs and adoption itself. 18 That Cecilia Averion had been treated by
ordered the arrest of the said person who refused to the petitioner and her husband as their own child during
surrender custody. And even if we are to assume, for the the former's minority may only provide compelling
sake of argument, that the respondent Judge had validly reasons to grant the decree of adoption notwithstanding
acquired jurisdiction over the case and appointed Regina her (Cecilia's) having attained the age of majority. This is
Lagmay as guardian, and that Boy Cortes did in fact refuse one of the exceptions provided by the Family Code to the
to deliver Juan Lagmay to the special sheriffs, he rule that a person of legal age cannot be adopted. 19
(respondent Judge) would still be guilty of gross ignorance
of the law for ordering Cortes' arrest and confinement. In In "confirming" the so-called de facto adoption and
such a situation, the petitioner's remedy would be to file a decreeing the same to be "retroactive to the year 1967,"
petition for habeas corpus, and not to have Boy Cortes cited respondent Judge has carved a name for himself in history
for contempt, much less arrested. for, as already pointed out, no action or proceeding for
judicial confirmation of a de facto adoption is authorized in
We shall now focus our attention to Special Proceeding No. this jurisdiction. Furthermore, by its very nature and
1967. It is very strange proceeding. The case involves a purpose, a decree of adoption can never be made to
petition for the "judicial confirmation of the de retroact. Lastly, considering that the petitioner's husband
facto adoption" of Cecilia Averion filed on 11 October had died in 1987, or three years before the petition was
1990. The petitioner therein alleges that she and her late filed, he could not now be resurrected for purposes of the
husband, Fernando Averion who died in 1987 adoption, be in fact declared an adopter and be
"adopted" Cecilia Averion in 1967; only 1 year and 3 subsequently bound by the decree to the prejudice of his
months old at the time, Cecilia was supposedly given up by heirs.
her natural parents, the whereabouts of whom remain
unknown. Petitioner further avers that she and her

Adoption Page 9
Then too, respondent Judge completely disregarded the deliberately separated from the cases that are turned over
fact that Cecilia Averion had submitted no written consent to the Raffle Committee, and is directly turned over to
to the adoption at the time of the filing of the petition or at Branch 26. Care is taken that the date of filing is made to
any subsequent date a manifest infirmity. Nor was coincide with the scheduled day for raffling of cases
Cecilia called to testify in the case. Moreover there seems (Tuesdays).
to be an irregularity in the publication of the notice of
hearing. It is to be observed that as indicated in the upper On the same date of filing, the ORDER setting the case for
right hand corner of the first page of the petition, the initial hearing, is issued by Branch 26. On the date of initial
proceeding was instituted on 11 October 1990. If this were hearing, a lawyer-contact of the syndicate enters an
so, the notice of hearing which was issued by the appearance for the petitioner/applicant, and he then
respondent Judge on that same date 20 could not have been presents jurisdictional facts.
published in the North Tribune in its 10 October 1990
issue. In his affidavit, the Editor of the said newspaper On the very same day of initial hearing (in special
disclosed that the notice was indeed published on 10 proceedings) and without any ACTUAL HEARING (in
October 1990. special proceedings and land registration cases), for the
reception of evidence on the material allegations of facts in
All told, respondent Judge completely ignored the the application/petition, a DECISION is forthwith issued.
procedural rules on adoption and promulgated guidelines
for himself to suit his own purpose and design. Judge Yaranon then partly concludes:

Hence, it is evident that Special Proceeding No. 1965 and Just one aspect of the matter is herein submitted for
Special Proceeding No. 1967 were not only directly filed consideration. The issuance of a DECISION without any
with the court of the respondent Judge without passing previous hearing being held for the reception of evidence
through the raffle procedure, the two cases were also by the applicant/petitioner, constitutes FALSIFICATION OF
resolved by the latter in a manner that may be A PUBLIC DOCUMENT by a public officer, under Article
characterized by gross ignorance or the brazen and blatant 171, Revised Penal Code committed by:
disregard of the applicable procedural laws, grave
misconduct, palpable abuse of authority and conduct
prejudicial to the best interest of the service. He is 2. Causing it to appear that persons have participated in an
therefore unfit to continue in the service a day longer. He act or proceeding when they did not in fact so participate; .
has evidently forgotten that the administration of justice is . . (par. 2, Art. 171, Revised Penal Code).
a sacred task. Upon assumption to office, a judge ceases to
be an ordinary mortal. He becomes "the visible According to Justice De Pano, he received the 2 March
representation of the law and, more importantly, of 1993 Resolution just as he was about to write his report in
justice." 21 A judge must be the embodiment of this case. He then suggests that the matter subject thereof
competence, integrity and independence, 22 and should be be treated separately and that "appropriate, charges be
studiously careful to avoid even the slightest infraction of leveled against the respondent Judge principally, and his
the law, lest it be a demoralizing example to others. 23 cohorts with the Tanod Bayan, for criminal
prosecution." 25 Indeed, the referral of Judge Yaranon's
As shown in the above disquisitions, respondent Flores letter to Justice De Pano may have been too late. In any
was a willing participant in the commission of the event, the charges proffered therein may be separately
irregularities in both proceedings. On the other hand, dealt with.
however, respondent Munar's participation has not been
substantiated. IN THE LIGHT OF ALL THE FOREGOING, judgment is
hereby rendered:
Before closing, we would like to point out that per our
Resolution of 2 March 1993, we referred to Justice De Pano (1) DISMISSING from the service respondent Judge
for inclusion in his investigation the 29 January 1993 letter GENARO C. GINES with prejudice to re-employment, in the
of Executive Judge Braulio Yaranon which was addressed government, including government-owned or controlled
to Deputy Court Administrator Juanito Bernard. 24 In his corporations, and with forfeiture of all benefits except
letter, Judge Yaranon informs the latter about matters earned leave credits. This dismissal shall be immediately
discovered in the course of the audit which are more executory and said respondent Judge is hereby ordered to
serious than the "illegal raffling" of cases. He then exposes forthwith vacate his position and desist from performing
alleged case fixing and illegal office practices committed on any further official function;
a large scale by a syndicate composed principally of court
officers and personnel, and describes the modus (2) SUSPENDING from office respondents MA. GORGONIA
operandi of those involved as follows: L. FLORES and ALFREDO V. LACSAMANA, JR. for a period
of six (6) months each, without pay;
The operation in a particular case, starts with
"AMBULANCE CHASING"; after arrangements are made (3) SUSPENDING from office respondent MA. CONCEPCION
with a prospective applicant/petitioner, a petition is B. DIAZ, for a period of three (3) months, without, pay.
prepared by the syndicate; the same is then signed
personally by the petitioner/applicant; and the oath for The foregoing suspensions shall take effect immediately
purposes of verification, is administered also by the upon the service of a copy of this Decision on the
syndicate. aforenamed respondents MA. GORGONIA L. FLORES,
The petition/application is then filed with the Office of the DIAZ. The periods of their respective suspensions shall not
Clerk of Court, where syndicate members receive and be charged against their leave credits, if any;
docket the case in the docket book of Branch 26; the case is

Adoption Page 10
(4) DISMISSING this case as against respondent PACITA B. appointment of an administrator was unnecessary, since
DIAZ in view of her demise; and she was the only heir of Lising who passed away without
leaving any debts. She further asserted that Chichioco is
(5) DISMISSING this case as against respondent ROSIE M. unfit to serve as administrator of Lisings estate because of
MUNAR for lack of substantial evidence. her "antagonistic interests" against the decedent.
Chichioco and her alleged co-heirs have questioned the
The Office of the Court Administrator is hereby directed to decedents title to a piece of real property which forms a
evaluate the 29 January 1993 letter of Executive Judge large part of the estate.
Braulio Yaranon subject of the 2 March 1993 Resolution
of this Court in this case and to submit to this Court On November 11, 1998, petitioner filed a Supplement to
appropriate recommendations thereon within fifteen (15) the Opposition3 attaching thereto the Certification4issued
days from receipt of a copy of this Decision. by the Municipal Civil Registrar of Paniqui, Tarlac stating
that on page 76, Book No. 01 of the Register of Court
SO ORDERED. Decrees, Reyes was adopted by Elena Lising and Serafin
Delos Santos pursuant to a decision rendered in Spec. Proc.
No. 1410 by Judge Julian Lustre of the Court of First
G.R. No. 167405 February 16, 2006 Instance (CFI) of Tarlac, Branch 3, promulgated on
December 21, 1968 and duly registered with the Office of
ANA JOYCE S. REYES, Petitioner, the Civil Registrar on January 29, 1969.
HON. CESAR M. SOTERO, Presiding Judge, RTC of Petitioner also submitted a Certification5 issued by the
Paniqui, Tarlac, Branch 67, ATTY. PAULINO SAGUYOD, Clerk of Court of the RTC-Tarlac City, stating that a
the Clerk of Court of Branch 67 of the RTC at Paniqui, judgment was rendered in Spec. Proc. No. 1410 on
Tarlac in his capacity as Special Administrator, December 21, 1968 decreeing petitioners adoption by
CORAZON CHICHIOCO, ANGELITO LISING, ERLINDA Elena Lising and Serafin Delos Santos. She also presented a
ESPACIO, GONZALO ZALZOS and ERNESTO copy of Judicial Form No. 436 indicating that the adoption
LISING, Respondents. decree was on file in the General Docket of the RTC-Tarlac
City, wherein the dispositive portion of the adoption
DECISION decree was recorded as follows:

YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.: In view of the foregoing, the court finds this petition a
proper case for adoption and therefore grants the same.
This petition for review seeks to modify the Decision of the Consequently, the Court declares that henceforth, the child
Court of Appeals dated May 14, 2004 in CA-G.R. SP No. Ana Joyce C. Zalzos is freed from all legal obligations of
74047 as well as the Resolution dated May 14, 2005 obedience and maintenance with respect to her natural
denying the motion for reconsideration. In the assailed parents Orlando Zalzos and May C. Castro, and is to all
judgment, the Court of Appeals annulled and set aside the legal intents and purposes the child of the petitioners
September 18, 2002 and November 12, 2002 Resolutions Serafin delos Santos and Elena Lising.7
of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Paniqui, Tarlac, Branch
67 in Spec. Proc. No. 204 but refrained from dismissing the Petitioner likewise submitted a Decree of Final
petition for letters of administration and settlement of Distribution8 issued by the Philippine Veterans Affairs
estate on the ground that petitioner must first prove that Office (PVAO) showing that, upon the death of Serafin
she was legally adopted by the decedent, Elena Lising. Delos Santos, death benefits were paid to his widow, Elena
Lising, and his "daughter", Ana Joyce Delos Santos, in
On September 15, 1998, respondent Corazon L. Chichioco accordance with pertinent provisions of law.
filed a petition for the issuance of letters of administration
and settlement of estate of the late Elena Lising before the On April 5, 1999, the RTC ordered respondents to submit
RTC of Paniqui, Tarlac, where it was docketed as Spec. documentary evidence to prove the jurisdictional facts of
Proc. No. 204 and raffled to Branch 67. Chichioco claimed the case and to comment on petitioners opposition.9 Only
that she was the niece and heir of Lising who died intestate Rosario L. Zalsos appears to have filed a Comment/Reply
on July 31, 1998. Named as co-heirs of Chichioco were to Oppositors Opposition,10 after which the RTC ordered
Rosario L. Zalzos, Florante Zalzos, Erlinda Lising, Manuel the parties to submit memoranda thereon.11 On July 22,
Lising, Evelyn Lising, Josephine Lising, Alfredo Lising and 1999, the case was deemed submitted for resolution.12
respondents Ernesto Lising and Erlinda Espacio.
Meanwhile, on June 30, 1999, Chichioco and her alleged
According to Chichioco, the deceased left real properties co-heirs filed before the Court of Appeals a petition for
located in the municipalities of Ramos and Paniqui, Tarlac, annulment of the adoption decree docketed as SP No.
as well as assorted pieces of jewelry and money which 53457.13 They claimed that no proceedings for the
were allegedly in the possession of petitioner Ana Joyce S. adoption of petitioner took place in 1968 since the
Reyes, a grandniece of the deceased. Chichioco prayed that Provincial Prosecutor of Tarlac and the Office of the
she be appointed administrator of the estate, upon Solicitor General (OSG) had no records of the adoption
payment of a bond, pending settlement and distribution of case. Petitioners natural mother supposedly connived
Lisings properties to the legal heirs.1 with the court personnel to make it appear that petitioner
was adopted by the Delos Santos spouses and that the
On November 6, 1998, petitioner Reyes filed an CFIs order for initial hearing was published in a weekly
Opposition2 to the petition, claiming that she was an newspaper which was not authorized to publish court
adopted child of Lising and the latters husband, Serafin orders in special proceedings.
Delos Santos, who died on November 30, 1970. She
asserted that the petition should be dismissed and that the

Adoption Page 11
Upon motion of Chichioco, the RTC ordered on October 4, conducting business in a property belonging to the estate.
1999, the suspension of hearings in Spec. Proc. No. 204 Respondent Chichioco alleged that petitioner converted
pending the outcome of SP No. 53457.14 Subsequently, the basement of Lisings residence into a billiard hall
however, the Court of Appeals dismissed15 SP No. 53457 without authority of the special administrator.28
for failure to comply with the third paragraph of Section 4,
Rule 47 of the Rules of Court.16 The said dismissal became Acting on said motion, the RTC issued a resolution on
final and executory on March 8, 2000.17 September 18, 2002, the dispositive part of which reads:

Thereafter, on August 22, 2000, petitioner filed a motion WHEREFORE, the Oppositor Ana Joyce Reyes is hereby
before the RTC praying that the opposition to Spec. Proc. enjoined from conducting business activity in any of the
No. 204 be finally resolved and that the petition be properties left by the decedent. The Special Administrator
dismissed.18 This was followed by an Urgent Ex Parte is also empowered to take control and possession of the
Motion19 filed by petitioner on October 17, 2000 praying listed personal and real properties of the decedent and
for the immediate resolution of her opposition. those that may be found to be owned or registered in the
name of the same.
On November 16, 2000, respondents filed a Comment20 to
the opposition stating that reasonable doubts have been SO ORDERED.29
cast on petitioners claim that she was legally adopted due
allegedly to certain "badges of fraud." Respondents also Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration of the above
informed the RTC that they have filed a criminal complaint resolution which was denied by the RTC on November 12,
against petitioner before the Office of the Provincial 2002. On even date, the DOJ also issued a resolution
Prosecutor, Tarlac City, for alleged falsification of the dismissing respondent Chichiocos petition for review in
adoption decree and Judicial Form No. 43, docketed as I.S. the criminal case.30
No. 00-1016.
Subsequently, petitioner filed a special civil action for
Subsequently, the RTC issued a Resolution21 dated certiorari before the Court of Appeals, docketed as CA-G.R.
December 12, 2000 deferring resolution of petitioners SP No. 74047,31 assailing the September 18, 2002 and
opposition to Spec. Proc. No. 204, pending the outcome of November 12, 2002 resolutions of the RTC. Petitioner
the criminal case filed against the latter. In the meantime, alleged that said resolutions were issued with grave abuse
the parties were enjoined from dissipating or disposing of discretion amounting to lack or in excess of jurisdiction
any or all of the properties included in the estate of Elena since as sole heir, she had the right to possess and use the
Lising without order from this Court. decedents property, title over which automatically passed
on to her upon the latters death. Moreover, the special
On December 13, 2000, Chichioco filed an Urgent Motion administrator, Atty. Saguyod, had yet to file a bond and
to Appoint Special Administrator22 before the RTC on the submit an inventory of the decedents estate.
ground that there was yet no true determination and
appraisal of the decedents universal estate. It was prayed Additionally, petitioner insisted that Spec. Proc. No. 204
therein that the Branch Clerk of Court, Atty. Paulino should be dismissed since the dismissal by the Court of
Saguyod, be appointed special administrator as he was "an Appeals of SP No. 53457 constituted res judicata as to the
experienced and able person in the management of former. There was likewise no valid challenge to her
properties" and is "honest, impartial, competent and adoption and she consequently remains to be the sole heir
acceptable to the majority of the interested parties." of the decedent. Thus, she stressed that there was no need
for the appointment of an administrator or for the
In the meantime, the Provincial Prosecutor found probable settlement proceedings.
cause to charge petitioner with falsification of public
documents per resolution dated January 5, In due course, the Court of Appeals rendered
2001.23 Petitioner thus appealed the said finding to the judgment32 nullifying the resolutions of the trial court. It
Office of the Regional State Prosecutor. held that the presiding judge, Judge Cesar M. Sotero,
gravely abused his discretion in appointing his branch
On August 8, 2001, the RTC granted respondents motion clerk of court as special administrator. Citing Balanay, Jr. v.
for the appointment of a special administrator and Martinez,33 the appellate court reasoned that such act
appointed its branch clerk of court, Atty. could engender a suspicion that Judge Sotero and his clerk
Saguyod.24 Petitioner moved for reconsideration on the are in cahoots in milking the decedents estate. Moreover,
grounds that the branch clerk of court was disqualified Atty. Saguyod failed to comply with the requirements of a
from taking on the task of special administrator, and that bond and inventory and could not therefore take control
Atty. Saguyod was appointed without being required to file and possession of any of the decedents properties.
a bond. Petitioner also reiterated that the petition should
be dismissed because she is the sole heir of the However, the appellate court refused to dismiss Spec. Proc.
decedent.25 However, the RTC denied petitioners motion No. 204 since the dismissal of SP No. 53457 was not a
for reconsideration on November 5, 2001.26 judgment on the merits and did not operate as res judicata
to the former. It was also incumbent upon petitioner to
On January 14, 2002, the Office of the Regional State prove before the trial court that she was indeed adopted
Prosecutor reversed the findings of the Provincial by the Delos Santos spouses since, according to the
Prosecutor and dismissed the criminal complaint against appellate court, "imputations of irregularities permeating
petitioner.27 Undaunted, Chichioco filed a petition for the adoption decree render its authenticity under a cloud
review before the Department of Justice (DOJ). of doubt."

Simultaneously, Chichioco and the other alleged co-heirs

filed a motion before the RTC to enjoin petitioner from

Adoption Page 12
Petitioners motion for reconsideration having been reason, we agree with petitioner that Spec. Proc. No. 204
denied on March 15, 2005,34 hence this petition on the should be dismissed.
following assigned errors:
As succinctly held in Santos v. Aranzanso:41
PETITIONER HAD TO PROVE THE VALIDITY OF HER From all the foregoing it follows that respondents - x x x
ADOPTION DUE TO IMPUTATIONS OF IRREGULARITIES and those who, like them x x x, claim an interest in the
IN VIEW OF SECTION 47 OF RULE 39.35 estate x x x as alleged first cousins, cannot intervene, as
such, in the settlement proceedings, in view of the fact that
B. THE HONORABLE COURT ERRED IN HOLDING THAT in the order of intestate succession adopted children
THE DISMISSAL IN SP NO. 53457 WAS NOT A DISMISSAL exclude first cousins (Articles 979 and 1003, New Civil
ON THE MERITS.36 Code). The same holds true as long as the adoption must
be - as in the instant case - considered valid. (Emphasis
The petition is meritorious. added)

On the first assigned error, we agree with petitioner that Petitioner, whose adoption is presumed to be valid, would
she need not prove her legal adoption by any evidence necessarily exclude respondents from inheriting from the
other than those which she had already presented before decedent since they are mere collateral relatives of the
the trial court. To recall, petitioner submitted a latter. To allow the proceedings below to continue would
certification from the local civil registrars office that the serve no salutary purpose but to delay the resolution of
adoption decree was registered therein and also a copy of the instant case. After all, the dismissal of Spec. Proc. No.
Judicial Form No. 43 and a certification issued by the clerk 204 is the logical consequence of our pronouncement
of court that the decree was on file in the General Docket of relative to the presumed validity of petitioners adoption.
the RTC-Tarlac City. Both certifications were issued under
the seal of the issuing offices and were signed by the Moreover, it must be stressed that all the evidence
proper officers. These are thus presumed to have been pertinent to the resolution of the petitioners opposition,
regularly issued as part of the official duties that said which is actually a motion to dismiss the petition for
public officers perform.37 letters of administration and settlement of the estate, is a
matter of record in the instant case. The same has in fact
It should be borne in mind that an adoption decree is a been submitted for resolution before the RTC more than
public document38 required by law to be entered into the six years ago and is so far the only pending incident before
public records, the official repository of which, as well as the RTC. The parties have likewise amply ventilated their
all other judicial pronouncements affecting the status of positions on the matter through their respective pleadings
individuals, is the local civil registrars office as well as the filed before the lower courts. No useful purpose will thus
court which rendered the judgment. be served if we let the RTC resolve the matter, only for its
ruling to be elevated again to the Court of Appeals and
Documents consisting of entries in public records made in subsequently to this Court. The remand of the case to the
the performance of a duty by a public officer are prima lower court for further reception of evidence is not
facie evidence of the facts therein stated.39 As such, the necessary where the Court is in a position to resolve the
certifications issued by the local civil registrar and the dispute based on the evidence before it.42 This is in
clerk of court regarding details of petitioners adoption keeping with the avowed purpose of the rules of procedure
which are entered in the records kept under their official which is to secure for the parties a just, speedy and
custody, are prima facie evidence of the facts contained inexpensive determination of every action or
therein. These certifications suffice as proof of the fact of proceeding.43 Hence, since the grounds for the dismissal of
petitioners adoption by the Delos Santos spouses until Spec. Proc. No. 204 are extant in the records and there is
contradicted or overcome by sufficient evidence. Mere no cogent reason to remand the case to the RTC, Spec.
"imputations of irregularities" will not cast a "cloud of Proc. No. 204 should be dismissed.
doubt" on the adoption decree since the certifications and
its contents are presumed valid until proof to the contrary Based on the foregoing, the Court sees no need to discuss
is offered. petitioners second assigned error.

In this regard, it must be pointed out that such contrary WHEREFORE, the instant petition is GRANTED. Special
proof can be presented only in a separate action brought Proceedings No. 204 pending before the Regional Trial
principally for the purpose of nullifying the adoption Court of Tarlac City, Branch 67 is DISMISSED.
decree. The latter cannot be assailed collaterally in a
proceeding for the settlement of a decedents estate, as SO ORDERED.
categorically held in Santos v. Aranzanso.40 Accordingly,
respondents cannot assail in these proceedings the validity G.R. No. 155733 January 27, 2006
of the adoption decree in order to defeat petitioners claim
that she is the sole heir of the decedent. Absent a IN THE MATTER OF THE INTESTATE ESTATES OF THE
categorical pronouncement in an appropriate proceeding DECEASED JOSEFA DELGADO AND GUILLERMO RUSTIA
that the decree of adoption is void, the certifications CARLOTA DELGADO VDA. DE DE LA ROSA and other
regarding the matter, as well as the facts stated therein, HEIRS OF LUIS DELGADO, namely, HEIRS OF CONCHA
should be deemed legitimate, genuine and real. Petitioners VDA. DE AREVALO, HEIRS OF LUISA DELGADO VDA. DE
status as an adopted child of the decedent remains DANAO, ANGELA DELGADO ARESPACOCHAGA, TERESA
unrebutted and no serious challenge has been brought DELGADO PERLAS, CAROLINA DELGADO-
against her standing as such. Therefore, for as long as ARESPACOCHAGA, RODOLFO DELGADO, BENJAMIN
petitioners adoption is considered valid, respondents DELGADO, GLICERIA DELGADO and CLEOFAS
cannot claim any interest in the decedents estate. For this DELGADO; and HEIRS OF GORGONIO DELGADO,

Adoption Page 13
namely, RAMON DELGADO CAMPO, CARLOS DELGADO validly married, then their only child Luis Delgado was a
CAMPO, CLARITA DELGADO CAMPO-REIZA, YOLANDA legitimate half-blood brother of Josefa Delgado and
DELGADO ENCINAS, FELISA DELGADO CAMPO-ENCINAS therefore excluded from the latters intestate estate. He
and MELINDA DELGADO CAMPO- and his heirs would be barred by the principle of absolute
MADARANG, Petitioners, separation between the legitimate and illegitimate
vs. families. Conversely, if the couple were never married, Luis
HEIRS OF MARCIANA RUSTIA VDA. DE DAMIAN, Delgado and his heirs would be entitled to inherit from
namely, GUILLERMO R. DAMIAN and JOSE R. DAMIAN; Josefa Delgados intestate estate, as they would all be
HEIRS OF HORTENCIA RUSTIA CRUZ, namely, within the illegitimate line.
CRUZ-RODIL, AMELIA CRUZ-ENRIQUEZ and FIDEL R. Petitioners allege that Ramon Osorio and Felisa Delgado
CRUZ, JR.; HEIRS OF ROMAN RUSTIA, SR., namely, were never married. In support thereof, they assert that no
JOSEFINA RUSTIA ALBANO, VIRGINIA RUSTIA evidence was ever presented to establish it, not even so
PARAISO, ROMAN RUSTIA, JR., SERGIO RUSTIA, much as an allegation of the date or place of the alleged
FRANCISCO RUSTIA, LETICIA RUSTIA-MIRANDA; and marriage. What is clear, however, is that Felisa retained
GUILLERMINA RUSTIA, as Oppositors;1 and the surname Delgado. So did Luis, her son with Ramon
GUILLERMA RUSTIA, as Intervenor, Respondents.3
Osorio. Later on, when Luis got married, his Partida de
Casamiento14 stated that he was "hijo natural de Felisa
DECISION Delgado" (the natural child of Felisa
Delgado),15 significantly omitting any mention of the name
CORONA, J.: and other circumstances of his father.16 Nevertheless,
oppositors (now respondents) insist that the absence of a
In this petition for review on certiorari, petitioners seek to record of the alleged marriage did not necessarily mean
reinstate the May 11, 1990 decision of the Regional Trial that no marriage ever took place.
Court (RTC) of Manila, Branch 55,4 in SP Case No. 97668,
which was reversed and set aside by the Court of Appeals Josefa Delgado died on September 8, 1972 without a will.
in its decision5 dated October 24, 2002. She was survived by Guillermo Rustia and some collateral
relatives, the petitioners herein. Several months later, on
FACTS OF THE CASE June 15, 1973, Guillermo Rustia executed an affidavit of
This case concerns the settlement of the intestate estates
of Guillermo Rustia and Josefa Delgado.6 The main issue in adjudication of the remaining properties comprising her
this case is relatively simple: who, between petitioners and estate.
respondents, are the lawful heirs of the decedents.
However, it is attended by several collateral issues that The marriage of Guillermo Rustia and Josefa Delgado
complicate its resolution.
Sometime in 1917, Guillermo Rustia proposed marriage to
The claimants to the estates of Guillermo Rustia and Josefa Josefa Delgado17 but whether a marriage in fact took place
Delgado may be divided into two groups: (1) the alleged is disputed. According to petitioners, the two eventually
heirs of Josefa Delgado, consisting of her half- and full- lived together as husband and wife but were never
blood siblings, nephews and nieces, and grandnephews married. To prove their assertion, petitioners point out
and grandnieces, and (2) the alleged heirs of Guillermo that no record of the contested marriage existed in the civil
Rustia, particularly, his sisters,7 his nephews and registry. Moreover, a baptismal certificate naming Josefa
nieces,8 his illegitimate child,9 and the de facto adopted Delgado as one of the sponsors referred to her as
child10 (ampun-ampunan) of the decedents. "Seorita" or unmarried woman.

The alleged heirs of Josefa Delgado The oppositors (respondents here), on the other hand,
insist that the absence of a marriage certificate did not of
The deceased Josefa Delgado was the daughter of necessity mean that no marriage transpired. They
Felisa11 Delgado by one Lucio Campo. Aside from Josefa, maintain that Guillermo Rustia and Josefa Delgado were
five other children were born to the couple, namely, married on June 3, 1919 and from then on lived together
Nazario, Edilberta, Jose, Jacoba, and Gorgonio, all as husband and wife until the death of Josefa on September
surnamed Delgado. Felisa Delgado was never married to 8, 1972. During this period spanning more than half a
Lucio Campo, hence, Josefa and her full-blood siblings century, they were known among their relatives and
were all natural children of Felisa Delgado. friends to have in fact been married. To support their
proposition, oppositors presented the following pieces of
However, Lucio Campo was not the first and only man in
Felisa Delgados life. Before him was Ramon Osorio12with
whom Felisa had a son, Luis Delgado. But, unlike her 1. Certificate of Identity No. 9592 dated [December 1,
relationship with Lucio Campo which was admittedly one 1944] issued to Mrs. Guillermo J. Rustia by Carlos P.
without the benefit of marriage, the legal status of Ramon Romulo, then Resident Commissioner to the United States
Osorios and Felisa Delgados union is in dispute. of the Commonwealth of the Philippines;

The question of whether Felisa Delgado and Ramon Osorio 2. Philippine Passport No. 4767 issued to Josefa D. Rustia
ever got married is crucial to the claimants because the on June 25, 1947;
answer will determine whether their successional rights
fall within the ambit of the rule against reciprocal intestate 3. Veterans Application for Pension or Compensation for
succession between legitimate and illegitimate Disability Resulting from Service in the Active Military or
relatives.13 If Ramon Osorio and Felisa Delgado had been Naval Forces of the United States- Claim No. C-4, 004, 503

Adoption Page 14
(VA Form 526) filed with the Veterans Administration of and the other claimants were barred under the law from
the United States of America by Dr. Guillermo J. Rustia inheriting from their illegitimate half-blood relative Josefa
wherein Dr. Guillermo J. Rustia himself [swore] to his Delgado.
marriage to Josefa Delgado in Manila on 3 June 1919;18
In November of 1975, Guillerma Rustia filed a motion to
4. Titles to real properties in the name of Guillermo Rustia intervene in the proceedings, claiming she was the only
indicated that he was married to Josefa Delgado. surviving descendant in the direct line of Guillermo Rustia.
Despite the objections of the oppositors (respondents
The alleged heirs of Guillermo Rustia herein), the motion was granted.

Guillermo Rustia and Josefa Delgado never had any On April 3, 1978, the original petition for letters of
children. With no children of their own, they took into administration was amended to state that Josefa Delgado
their home the youngsters Guillermina Rustia Rustia and and Guillermo Rustia were never married but had merely
Nanie Rustia. These children, never legally adopted by the lived together as husband and wife.
couple, were what was known in the local dialect
as ampun-ampunan. On January 24, 1980, oppositors (respondents herein) filed
a motion to dismiss the petition in the RTC insofar as the
During his life with Josefa, however, Guillermo Rustia did estate of Guillermo Rustia was concerned. The motion was
manage to father an illegitimate child,19 the intervenor- denied on the ground that the interests of the petitioners
respondent Guillerma Rustia, with one Amparo and the other claimants remained in issue and should be
Sagarbarria. According to Guillerma, Guillermo Rustia properly threshed out upon submission of evidence.
treated her as his daughter, his own flesh and blood, and
she enjoyed open and continuous possession of that status On March 14, 1988, Carlota Delgado vda. de de la Rosa
from her birth in 1920 until her fathers demise. In fact, substituted for her sister, Luisa Delgado vda. de Danao,
Josefa Delgados obituary which was prepared by who had died on May 18, 1987.
Guillermo Rustia, named the intervenor-respondent as one
of their children. Also, her report card from the University On May 11, 1990, the RTC appointed Carlota Delgado vda.
of Santo Tomas identified Guillermo Rustia as her de de la Rosa as administratrix of both estates.27 The
parent/guardian.20 dispositive portion of the decision read:

Oppositors (respondents here) nonetheless posit that WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, petitioner and
Guillerma Rustia has no interest in the intestate estate of her co-claimants to the estate of the late Josefa Delgado
Guillermo Rustia as she was never duly acknowledged as listed in the Petitions, and enumerated elsewhere in this
an illegitimate child. They contend that her right to Decision, are hereby declared as the only legal heirs of the
compulsory acknowledgement prescribed when Guillermo said Josefa Delgado who died intestate in the City of Manila
died in 1974 and that she cannot claim voluntary on September 8, 1972, and entitled to partition the same
acknowledgement since the documents she presented among themselves in accordance with the proportions
were not the authentic writings prescribed by the new referred to in this Decision.
Civil Code.21
Similarly, the intervenor Guillerma S. Rustia is hereby
On January 7, 1974, more than a year after the death of declared as the sole and only surviving heir of the late Dr.
Josefa Delgado, Guillermo Rustia filed a petition for the Guillermo Rustia, and thus, entitled to the entire estate of
adoption22 of their ampun-ampunan Guillermina Rustia. He the said decedent, to the exclusion of the oppositors and
stated under oath "[t]hat he ha[d] no legitimate, the other parties hereto.
legitimated, acknowledged natural children or natural
children by legal fiction."23 The petition was overtaken by The Affidavit of Self-Adjudication of the estate of Josefa
his death on February 28, 1974. Delgado executed by the late Guillermo J. Rustia on June
15, 1973 is hereby SET ASIDE and declared of no force and
Like Josefa Delgado, Guillermo Rustia died without a will. effect.
He was survived by his sisters Marciana Rustia vda.
de Damian and Hortencia Rustia-Cruz, and by the children As the estates of both dece[d]ents have not as yet been
of his predeceased brother Roman Rustia Sr., namely, settled, and their settlement [is] considered consolidated
Josefina Rustia Albano, Virginia Rustia Paraiso, Roman in this proceeding in accordance with law, a single
Rustia, Jr., Sergio Rustia, Francisco Rustia and Leticia administrator therefor is both proper and necessary, and,
Rustia Miranda.24 as the petitioner Carlota Delgado Vda. de dela Rosa has
established her right to the appointment as administratrix
ANTECEDENT PROCEEDINGS of the estates, the Court hereby APPOINTS her as the
ADMINISTRATRIX of the intestate estate of the decedent
On May 8, 1975, Luisa Delgado vda. de Danao, the daughter JOSEFA DELGADO in relation to the estate of DR.
of Luis Delgado, filed the original petition for letters of GUILLERMO J. RUSTIA.
administration of the intestate estates of the "spouses
Josefa Delgado and Guillermo Rustia" with the RTC of Accordingly, let the corresponding LETTERS OF
Manila, Branch 55.25 This petition was opposed by the ADMINISTRATION issue to the petitioner CARLOTA
following: (1) the sisters of Guillermo Rustia, namely, DELGADO VDA. DE DE LA ROSA upon her filing of the
Marciana Rustia vda. de Damian and Hortencia Rustia- requisite bond in the sum of FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND
Cruz;26 (2) the heirs of Guillermo Rustias late brother, PESOS (P500,000.00).
Roman Rustia, Sr., and (3) the ampun-
ampunan Guillermina Rustia Rustia. The opposition was
grounded on the theory that Luisa Delgado vda. de Danao

Adoption Page 15
hereby ordered to cease and desist from her acts of
administration of the subject estates, and is likewise Acting on the appeal, the Court of Appeals34 partially set
ordered to turn over to the appointed administratix all her aside the trial courts decision. Upon motion for
collections of the rentals and income due on the assets of reconsideration,35 the Court of Appeals amended its earlier
the estates in question, including all documents, papers, decision.36 The dispositive portion of the amended
records and titles pertaining to such estates to the decision read:
petitioner and appointed administratix CARLOTA
DELGADO VDA. DE DE LA ROSA, immediately upon receipt With the further modification, our assailed decision
of this Decision. The same oppositor is hereby required to is RECONSIDERED and VACATED. Consequently, the
render an accounting of her actual administration of the decision of the trial court is REVERSED and SET ASIDE. A
estates in controversy within a period of sixty (60) days new one is hereby RENDERED declaring: 1.) Dr. Guillermo
from receipt hereof. Rustia and Josefa Delgado Rustia to have been legally
married; 2.) the intestate estate of Dr. Guillermo Rustia,
SO ORDERED.28 Jacoba Delgado-Encinas and the children of Gorgonio
Delgado (Campo) entitled to partition among themselves
On May 20, 1990, oppositors filed an appeal which was the intestate estate of Josefa D. Rustia in accordance with
denied on the ground that the record on appeal was not the proportion referred to in this decision; 3.) the
filed on time.29 They then filed a petition for certiorari and oppositors-appellants as the legal heirs of the late Dr.
mandamus30 which was dismissed by the Court of Guillermo Rustia and thereby entitled to partition his
Appeals.31 However, on motion for reconsideration and estate in accordance with the proportion referred to
after hearing the parties oral arguments, the Court of herein; and 4.) the intervenor-appellee Guillerma S. Rustia
Appeals reversed itself and gave due course to oppositors as ineligible to inherit from the late Dr. Guillermo Rustia;
appeal in the interest of substantial justice.32 thus revoking her appointment as administratrix of his
In a petition for review to this Court, petitioners assailed
the resolution of the Court of Appeals, on the ground that The letters of administration of the intestate estate of Dr.
oppositors failure to file the record on appeal within the Guillermo Rustia in relation to the intestate estate of Josefa
reglementary period was a jurisdictional defect which Delgado shall issue to the nominee of the oppositors-
nullified the appeal. On October 10, 1997, this Court appellants upon his or her qualification and filing of the
allowed the continuance of the appeal. The pertinent requisite bond in the sum of FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND
portion of our decision33 read: PESOS (P500,000.00).

As a rule, periods prescribed to do certain acts must be Oppositor-appellant Guillermina Rustia Rustia is hereby
followed. However, under exceptional circumstances, a ordered to cease and desist from her acts of administration
delay in the filing of an appeal may be excused on grounds of the subject estates and to turn over to the appointed
of substantial justice. administrator all her collections of the rentals and incomes
due on the assets of the estates in question, including all
xxx xxx xxx documents, papers, records and titles pertaining to such
estates to the appointed administrator, immediately upon
The respondent court likewise pointed out the trial courts notice of his qualification and posting of the requisite
pronouncements as to certain matters of substance, bond, and to render an accounting of her (Guillermina
relating to the determination of the heirs of the decedents Rustia Rustia) actual administration of the estates in
and the party entitled to the administration of their estate, controversy within a period of sixty (60) days from notice
which were to be raised in the appeal, but were barred of the administrators qualification and posting of the
absolutely by the denial of the record on appeal upon too bond.
technical ground of late filing.
The issue of the validity of the affidavit of self-adjudication
xxx xxx xxx executed by Dr. Guillermo Rustia on June 15, 1973
is REMANDED to the trial court for further proceedings to
determine the extent of the shares of Jacoba Delgado-
In this instance, private respondents intention to raise Encinas and the children of Gorgonio Delgado (Campo)
valid issues in the appeal is apparent and should not have affected by the said adjudication.
been construed as an attempt to delay or prolong the
administration proceedings.
Hence, this recourse.
xxx xxx xxx
The issues for our resolution are:
A review of the trial courts decision is needed.
1. whether there was a valid marriage between Guillermo
Rustia and Josefa Delgado;
xxx xxx xxx
2. who the legal heirs of the decedents Guillermo Rustia
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing considerations, the and Josefa Delgado are;
Court hereby AFFIRMS the Resolution dated November
27, 1991 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 23415,
for the APPROVAL of the private respondents Record on 3. who should be issued letters of administration.
Appeal and the CONTINUANCE of the appeal from the
Manila, Branch LV Regional Trial Courts May 11, 1990 The marriage of Guillermo Rustia and Josefa Delgado

Adoption Page 16
A presumption is an inference of the existence or non- Third, the baptismal certificate45 was conclusive proof only
existence of a fact which courts are permitted to draw of the baptism administered by the priest who baptized
from proof of other facts. Presumptions are classified into the child. It was no proof of the veracity of the declarations
presumptions of law and presumptions of fact. and statements contained therein,46 such as the alleged
Presumptions of law are, in turn, either conclusive or single or unmarried ("Seorita") civil status of Josefa
disputable.37 Delgado who had no hand in its preparation.

Rule 131, Section 3 of the Rules of Court provides: Petitioners failed to rebut the presumption of marriage of
Guillermo Rustia and Josefa Delgado. In this jurisdiction,
Sec. 3. Disputable presumptions. The following every intendment of the law leans toward legitimizing
presumptions are satisfactory if uncontradicted, but may matrimony. Persons dwelling together apparently in
be contradicted and overcome by other evidence: marriage are presumed to be in fact married. This is the
usual order of things in society and, if the parties are not
xxx xxx xxx what they hold themselves out to be, they would be living
in constant violation of the common rules of law and
propriety. Semper praesumitur pro matrimonio. Always
(aa) That a man and a woman deporting themselves as presume marriage.47
husband and wife have entered into a lawful contract of
The Lawful Heirs Of Josefa Delgado
xxx xxx xxx
To determine who the lawful heirs of Josefa Delgado are,
the questioned status of the cohabitation of her mother
In this case, several circumstances give rise to the Felisa Delgado with Ramon Osorio must first be addressed.
presumption that a valid marriage existed between
Guillermo Rustia and Josefa Delgado. Their cohabitation of
more than 50 years cannot be doubted. Their family and As mentioned earlier, presumptions of law are either
friends knew them to be married. Their reputed status as conclusive or disputable. Conclusive presumptions are
husband and wife was such that even the original petition inferences which the law makes so peremptory that no
for letters of administration filed by Luisa Delgado vda. contrary proof, no matter how strong, may overturn
de Danao in 1975 referred to them as "spouses." them.48 On the other hand, disputable presumptions, one
of which is the presumption of marriage, can be relied on
only in the absence of sufficient evidence to the contrary.
Yet, petitioners maintain that Josefa Delgado and
Guillermo Rustia had simply lived together as husband and
wife without the benefit of marriage. They make much of Little was said of the cohabitation or alleged marriage of
the absence of a record of the contested marriage, the Felisa Delgado and Ramon Osorio. The oppositors (now
testimony of a witness38 attesting that they were not respondents) chose merely to rely on the disputable
married, and a baptismal certificate which referred to presumption of marriage even in the face of such
Josefa Delgado as "Seorita" or unmarried woman.39 countervailing evidence as (1) the continued use by Felisa
and Luis (her son with Ramon Osorio) of the surname
Delgado and (2) Luis Delgados and Caridad
We are not persuaded. Concepcions Partida de Casamiento49 identifying Luis as
"hijo natural de Felisa Delgado" (the natural child of Felisa
First, although a marriage contract is considered a primary Delgado).50
evidence of marriage, its absence is not always proof that
no marriage in fact took place.40 Once the presumption of All things considered, we rule that these factors
marriage arises, other evidence may be presented in sufficiently overcame the rebuttable presumption of
support thereof. The evidence need not necessarily or marriage. Felisa Delgado and Ramon Osorio were never
directly establish the marriage but must at least be enough married. Hence, all the children born to Felisa Delgado out
to strengthen the presumption of marriage. Here, the of her relations with Ramon Osorio and Lucio Campo,
certificate of identity issued to Josefa Delgado as Mrs. namely, Luis and his half-blood siblings Nazario, Edilberta,
Guillermo Rustia,41 the passport issued to her as Josefa D. Jose, Jacoba, Gorgonio and the decedent Josefa, all
Rustia,42 the declaration under oath of no less than surnamed Delgado,51 were her natural children.52
Guillermo Rustia that he was married to Josefa
Delgado43 and the titles to the properties in the name of
"Guillermo Rustia married to Josefa Delgado," more than Pertinent to this matter is the following observation:
adequately support the presumption of marriage. These
are public documents which are prima facie evidence of Suppose, however, that A begets X with B, and Y with
the facts stated therein.44 No clear and convincing evidence another woman, C; then X and Y would be natural brothers
sufficient to overcome the presumption of the truth of the and sisters, but of half-blood relationship. Can they
recitals therein was presented by petitioners. succeed each other reciprocally?

Second, Elisa vda. de Anson, petitioners own witness The law prohibits reciprocal succession between
whose testimony they primarily relied upon to support illegitimate children and legitimate children of the same
their position, confirmed that Guillermo Rustia had parent, even though there is unquestionably a tie of blood
proposed marriage to Josefa Delgado and that eventually, between them. It seems that to allow an illegitimate child
the two had "lived together as husband and wife." This to succeed ab intestato (from) another illegitimate child
again could not but strengthen the presumption of begotten with a parent different from that of the former,
marriage. would be allowing the illegitimate child greater rights than
a legitimate child. Notwithstanding this, however, we
submit that

Adoption Page 17
succession should be allowed, even when the illegitimate Intervenor (now co-respondent) Guillerma Rustia is an
brothers and sisters are only of the half-blood. The reason illegitimate child58 of Guillermo Rustia. As such, she may be
impelling the prohibition on reciprocal successions entitled to successional rights only upon proof of an
between legitimate and illegitimate families does not apply admission or recognition of paternity.59 She, however,
to the case under consideration. That prohibition has for claimed the status of an acknowledged illegitimate child of
its basis the difference in category between illegitimate Guillermo Rustia only after the death of the latter on
and legitimate relatives. There is no such difference when February 28, 1974 at which time it was already the new
all the children are illegitimate children of the same Civil Code that was in effect.
parent, even if begotten with different persons. They all
stand on the same footing before the law, just like Under the old Civil Code (which was in force till August 29,
legitimate children of half-blood relation. We submit, 1950), illegitimate children absolutely had no hereditary
therefore, that the rules regarding succession of legitimate rights. This draconian edict was, however, later relaxed in
brothers and sisters should be applicable to them. Full the new Civil Code which granted certain successional
blood illegitimate brothers and sisters should receive rights to illegitimate children but only on condition that
double the portion of half-blood brothers and sisters; and they were first recognized or acknowledged by the parent.
if all are either of the full blood or of the half-blood, they
shall share equally.53 Under the new law, recognition may be compulsory or
voluntary.60 Recognition is compulsory in any of the
Here, the above-named siblings of Josefa Delgado were following cases:
related to her by full-blood, except Luis Delgado, her half-
brother. Nonetheless, since they were all illegitimate, they (1) in cases of rape, abduction or seduction, when the
may inherit from each other. Accordingly, all of them are period of the offense coincides more or less with that of
entitled to inherit from Josefa Delgado. the conception;

We note, however, that the petitioners before us are (2) when the child is in continuous possession of status of
already the nephews, nieces, grandnephews and a child of the alleged father (or mother)61 by the direct acts
grandnieces of Josefa Delgado. Under Article 972 of the of the latter or of his family;
new Civil Code, the right of representation in the collateral
line takes place only in favor of the children of brothers
and sisters (nephews and nieces). Consequently, it cannot (3) when the child was conceived during the time when
be exercised by grandnephews and the mother cohabited with the supposed father;
grandnieces.54 Therefore, the only collateral relatives of
Josefa Delgado who are entitled to partake of her intestate (4) when the child has in his favor any evidence or proof
estate are her brothers and sisters, or their children who that the defendant is his father. 62
were still alive at the time of her death on September 8,
1972. They have a vested right to participate in the On the other hand, voluntary recognition may be made in
inheritance.55 The records not being clear on this matter, it the record of birth, a will, a statement before a court of
is now for the trial court to determine who were the record or in any authentic writing.63
surviving brothers and sisters (or their children) of Josefa
Delgado at the time of her death. Together with Guillermo Intervenor Guillerma sought recognition on two grounds:
Rustia,56 they are entitled to inherit from Josefa Delgado in first, compulsory recognition through the open and
accordance with Article 1001 of the new Civil Code:57 continuous possession of the status of an illegitimate child
and second, voluntary recognition through authentic
Art. 1001. Should brothers and sisters or their children writing.
survive with the widow or widower, the latter shall be
entitled to one-half of the inheritance and the brothers and There was apparently no doubt that she possessed the
sisters or their children to the other one-half. status of an illegitimate child from her birth until the death
of her putative father Guillermo Rustia. However, this did
Since Josefa Delgado had heirs other than Guillermo not constitute acknowledgment but a mere ground by
Rustia, Guillermo could not have validly adjudicated which she could have compelled acknowledgment through
Josefas estate all to himself. Rule 74, Section 1 of the Rules the courts.64 Furthermore, any (judicial) action for
of Court is clear. Adjudication by an heir of the decedents compulsory acknowledgment has a dual limitation: the
entire estate to himself by means of an affidavit is allowed lifetime of the child and the lifetime of the putative
only if he is the sole heir to the estate: parent.65 On the death of either, the action for compulsory
recognition can no longer be filed.66 In this case, intervenor
SECTION 1. Extrajudicial settlement by agreement between Guillermas right to claim compulsory acknowledgment
heirs. If the decedent left no will and no debts and the prescribed upon the death of Guillermo Rustia on February
heirs are all of age, or the minors are represented by their 28, 1974.
judicial or legal representatives duly authorized for the
purpose, the parties may, without securing letters of The claim of voluntary recognition (Guillermas second
administration, divide the estate among themselves as ground) must likewise fail. An authentic writing, for
they see fit by means of a public instrument filed in the purposes of voluntary recognition, is understood as a
office of the register of deeds, and should they disagree, genuine or indubitable writing of the parent (in this case,
they may do so in an ordinary action of partition. If there Guillermo Rustia). This includes a public instrument or a
is only one heir, he may adjudicate to himself the private writing admitted by the father to be his.67 Did
estate by means of an affidavit filed in the office of the intervenors report card from the University of Santo
register of deeds. x x x (emphasis supplied) Tomas and Josefa Delgados obituary prepared by
Guillermo Rustia qualify as authentic writings under the
The Lawful Heirs Of Guillermo Rustia new Civil Code? Unfortunately not. The report card of
intervenor Guillerma did not bear the signature of
Adoption Page 18
Guillermo Rustia. The fact that his name appears there as next of kin, neglects for thirty (30) days after the death of
intervenors parent/guardian holds no weight since he had the person to apply for administration or to request that
no participation in its preparation. Similarly, while the administration be granted to some other person, it may
witnesses testified that it was Guillermo Rustia himself be granted to one or more of the principal creditors, if
who drafted the notice of death of Josefa Delgado which competent and willing to serve;
was published in the Sunday Times on September 10,
1972, that published obituary was not the authentic (c) If there is no such creditor competent and willing to
writing contemplated by the law. What could have been serve, it may be granted to such other person as the court
admitted as an authentic writing was the original may select.
manuscript of the notice, in the handwriting of Guillermo
Rustia himself and signed by him, not the newspaper In the appointment of an administrator, the principal
clipping of the obituary. The failure to present the original consideration is the interest in the estate of the one to be
signed manuscript was fatal to intervenors claim. appointed.71 The order of preference does not rule out the
appointment of co-administrators, specially in cases where
The same misfortune befalls the ampun-ampunan,
Guillermina Rustia Rustia, who was never adopted in justice and equity demand that opposing parties or
accordance with law. Although a petition for her adoption factions be represented in the management of the
was filed by Guillermo Rustia, it never came to fruition and estates,72a situation which obtains here.
was dismissed upon the latters death. We affirm the ruling
of both the trial court and the Court of Appeals holding her
a legal stranger to the deceased spouses and therefore not It is in this light that we see fit to appoint joint
entitled to inherit from them ab intestato. We quote: administrators, in the persons of Carlota Delgado vda.
de de la Rosa and a nominee of the nephews and nieces of
Guillermo Rustia. They are the next of kin of the deceased
Adoption is a juridical act, a proceeding in rem, which spouses Josefa Delgado and Guillermo Rustia, respectively.
[created] between two persons a relationship similar to
that which results from legitimate paternity and filiation.
Only an adoption made through the court, or in pursuance WHEREFORE, the petition (which seeks to reinstate the
with the procedure laid down under Rule 99 of the Rules May 11, 1990 decision of the RTC Manila, Branch 55) is
of Court is valid in this jurisdiction. It is not of natural law hereby DENIED. The assailed October 24, 2002 decision of
at all, but is wholly and entirely artificial. To establish the the Court of Appeals is AFFIRMED with the following
relation, the statutory requirements must be strictly modifications:
carried out, otherwise, the adoption is an absolute nullity.
The fact of adoption is never presumed, but must be 1. Guillermo Rustias June 15, 1973 affidavit of self-
affirmatively [proven] by the person claiming its adjudication is hereby ANNULLED.
2. the intestate estate of Guillermo Rustia shall inherit half
Premises considered, we rule that two of the claimants to of the intestate estate of Josefa Delgado. The remaining
the estate of Guillermo Rustia, namely, intervenor half shall pertain to (a) the full and half-siblings of Josefa
Guillerma Rustia and the ampun-ampunan Guillermina Delgado who survived her and (b) the children of any of
Rustia Rustia, are not lawful heirs of the decedent. Under Josefa Delgados full- or half-siblings who may have
Article 1002 of the new Civil Code, if there are no predeceased her, also surviving at the time of her death.
descendants, ascendants, illegitimate children, or surviving Josefa Delgados grandnephews and grandnieces are
spouse, the collateral relatives shall succeed to the entire excluded from her estate. In this connection, the trial court
estate of the deceased. Therefore, the lawful heirs of is hereby ordered to determine the identities of the
Guillermo Rustia are the remaining claimants, consisting of relatives of Josefa Delgado who are entitled to share in her
his sisters,69 nieces and nephews.70 estate.

Entitlement To Letters Of Administration 3. Guillermo Rustias estate (including its one-half share of
Josefa Delgados estate) shall be inherited by Marciana
An administrator is a person appointed by the court to Rustia vda. de Damian and Hortencia Rustia Cruz (whose
administer the intestate estate of the decedent. Rule 78, respective shares shall be per capita) and the children of
Section 6 of the Rules of Court prescribes an order of the late Roman Rustia, Sr. (who survived Guillermo Rustia
preference in the appointment of an administrator: and whose respective shares shall be per stirpes).
Considering that Marciana Rustia vda. de Damian and
Hortencia Rustia Cruz are now deceased, their respective
Sec. 6. When and to whom letters of administration granted. shares shall pertain to their estates.
If no executor is named in the will, or the executor or
executors are incompetent, refuse the trust, or fail to give a
bond, or a person dies intestate, administration shall be 4. Letters of administration over the still unsettled
granted: intestate estates of Guillermo Rustia and Josefa Delgado
shall issue to Carlota Delgado vda. de de la Rosa and to a
nominee from among the heirs of Guillermo Rustia, as joint
(a) To the surviving husband or wife, as the case may be, administrators, upon their qualification and filing of the
or next of kin, or both, in the discretion of the court, or to requisite bond in such amount as may be determined by
such person as such surviving husband or wife, or next of the trial court.
kin, requests to have appointed, if competent and willing
to serve;
No pronouncement as to costs.
(b) If such surviving husband or wife, as the case may be,
or next of kin, or the person selected by them, be SO ORDERED.
incompetent or unwilling, or if the husband or widow or

Adoption Page 19
G.R. No. 161434 March 3, 2004 Victorino X. Fornier, petitioner in G.R. No. 161824, entitled
"Victorino X. Fornier, Petitioner, versus Hon. Commission
MARIA JEANETTE C. TECSON and FELIX B. DESIDERIO, on Elections and Ronald Allan Kelley Poe, also known as
JR., petitioners, Fernando Poe, Jr., Respondents," initiated, on 09 January
vs. 2004, a petition docketed SPA No. 04-003 before the
The COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS, RONALD ALLAN Commission on Elections ("COMELEC") to disqualify FPJ
KELLY POE (a.k.a. FERNANDO POE, JR.) and VICTORINO and to deny due course or to cancel his certificate of
X. FORNIER, respondents. candidacy upon the thesis that FPJ made a material
misrepresentation in his certificate of candidacy by
x-----------------------------x claiming to be a natural-born Filipino citizen when in
truth, according to Fornier, his parents were foreigners;
his mother, Bessie Kelley Poe, was an American, and his
G.R. No. 161634 March 3, 2004 father, Allan Poe, was a Spanish national, being the son of
Lorenzo Pou, a Spanish subject. Granting, petitioner
ZOILO ANTONIO VELEZ, petitioner, asseverated, that Allan F. Poe was a Filipino citizen, he
vs. could not have transmitted his Filipino citizenship to FPJ,
RONALD ALLAN KELLEY POE, a.k.a. FERNANDO POE, the latter being an illegitimate child of an alien mother.
JR., respondent. Petitioner based the allegation of the illegitimate birth of
respondent on two assertions - first, Allan F. Poe
x-----------------------------x contracted a prior marriage to a certain Paulita Gomez
before his marriage to Bessie Kelley and, second, even if no
G. R. No. 161824 March 3, 2004 such prior marriage had existed, Allan F. Poe, married
Bessie Kelly only a year after the birth of respondent.
vs. In the hearing before the Third Division of the COMELEC
HON. COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS and RONALD ALLAN on 19 January 2004, petitioner, in support of his claim,
KELLEY POE, ALSO KNOWN AS FERNANDO POE presented several documentary exhibits - 1) a copy of the
JR., respondents. certificate of birth of FPJ, 2) a certified photocopy of an
affidavit executed in Spanish by Paulita Poe y Gomez
DECISION attesting to her having filed a case for bigamy and
concubinage against the father of respondent, Allan F. Poe,
after discovering his bigamous relationship with Bessie
Kelley, 3) an English translation of the affidavit aforesaid,
4) a certified photocopy of the certificate of birth of Allan
Citizenship is a treasured right conferred on those F. Poe, 5) a certification issued by the Director of the
whom the state believes are deserving of the privilege. Records Management and Archives Office, attesting to the
It is a "precious heritage, as well as an inestimable fact that there was no record in the National Archives that
acquisition,"1 that cannot be taken lightly by anyone - a Lorenzo Poe or Lorenzo Pou resided or entered the
either by those who enjoy it or by those who dispute it. Philippines before 1907, and 6) a certification from the
Officer-In-Charge of the Archives Division of the National
Before the Court are three consolidated cases, all of which Archives to the effect that no available information could
raise a single question of profound importance to the be found in the files of the National Archives regarding the
nation. The issue of citizenship is brought up to challenge birth of Allan F. Poe.
the qualifications of a presidential candidate to hold the
highest office of the land. Our people are waiting for the On his part, respondent, presented twenty-two
judgment of the Court with bated breath. Is Fernando Poe, documentary pieces of evidence, the more significant ones
Jr., the hero of silver screen, and now one of the main being - a) a certification issued by Estrella M. Domingo of
contenders for the presidency, a natural-born Filipino or is the Archives Division of the National Archives that there
he not? appeared to be no available information regarding the
birth of Allan F. Poe in the registry of births for San Carlos,
The moment of introspection takes us face to face with Pangasinan, b) a certification issued by the Officer-In-
Spanish and American colonial roots and reminds us of the Charge of the Archives Division of the National Archives
rich heritage of civil law and common law traditions, the that no available information about the marriage of Allan
fusion resulting in a hybrid of laws and jurisprudence that F. Poe and Paulita Gomez could be found, c) a certificate of
could be no less than distinctly Filipino. birth of Ronald Allan Poe, d) Original Certificate of Title No.
P-2247 of the Registry of Deeds for the Province of
Antecedent Case Settings Pangasinan, in the name of Lorenzo Pou, e) copies of Tax
Declaration No. 20844, No. 20643, No. 23477 and No.
On 31 December 2003, respondent Ronald Allan Kelly Poe, 23478 in the name of Lorenzo Pou, f) a copy of the
also known as Fernando Poe, Jr. (hereinafter "FPJ"), filed certificate of death of Lorenzo Pou, g) a copy of the
his certificate of candidacy for the position of President of purported marriage contract between Fernando Pou and
the Republic of the Philippines under the Koalisyon ng Bessie Kelley, and h) a certification issued by the City Civil
Nagkakaisang Pilipino (KNP) Party, in the forthcoming Registrar of San Carlos City, Pangasinan, stating that the
national elections. In his certificate of candidacy, FPJ, records of birth in the said office during the period of from
representing himself to be a natural-born citizen of the 1900 until May 1946 were totally destroyed during World
Philippines, stated his name to be "Fernando Jr.," or War II.
"Ronald Allan" Poe, his date of birth to be 20 August 1939
and his place of birth to be Manila. On 23 January 2004, the COMELEC dismissed SPA No. 04-
003 for lack of merit. Three days later, or on 26 January
2004, Fornier filed his motion for reconsideration. The

Adoption Page 20
motion was denied on 06 February 2004 by the COMELEC Commission or by the Commission itself. Unless otherwise
en banc. On 10 February 2004, petitioner assailed the provided by this Constitution or by law, any decision,
decision of the COMELEC before this Court conformably order, or ruling of each Commission may be brought to the
with Rule 64, in relation to Rule 65, of the Revised Rules of Supreme Court on certiorari by the aggrieved party within
Civil Procedure. The petition, docketed G. R. No. 161824, thirty days from receipt of a copy thereof."
likewise prayed for a temporary restraining order, a writ
of preliminary injunction or any other resolution that Additionally, Section 1, Article VIII, of the same
would stay the finality and/or execution of the COMELEC Constitution provides that judicial power is vested in one
resolutions. Supreme Court and in such lower courts as may be
established by law which power "includes the duty of the
The other petitions, later consolidated with G. R. No. courts of justice to settle actual controversies involving
161824, would include G. R. No. 161434, entitled "Maria rights which are legally demandable and enforceable, and
Jeanette C. Tecson, and Felix B. Desiderio, Jr., vs. The to determine whether or not there has been a grave abuse
Commission on Elections, Ronald Allan Kelley Poe (a.k.a. of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on
Fernando Poe, Jr.), and Victorino X. Fornier," and the the part of any branch or instrumentality of the
other, docketed G. R. No. 161634, entitled "Zoilo Antonio G. Government."
Velez, vs. Ronald Allan Kelley Poe, a.k.a. Fernando Poe, Jr.,"
both challenging the jurisdiction of the COMELEC and It is sufficiently clear that the petition brought up in G. R.
asserting that, under Article VII, Section 4, paragraph 7, of No. 161824 was aptly elevated to, and could well be taken
the 1987 Constitution, only the Supreme Court had cognizance of by, this Court. A contrary view could be a
original and exclusive jurisdiction to resolve the basic gross denial to our people of their fundamental right to be
issue on the case. fully informed, and to make a proper choice, on who could
or should be elected to occupy the highest government
Jurisdiction of the Court post in the land.

In G. R. No. 161824 In G. R. No. 161434 and G. R. No. 161634

In seeking the disqualification of the candidacy of FPJ and Petitioners Tecson, et al., in G. R. No. 161434, and Velez, in
to have the COMELEC deny due course to or cancel FPJs G. R. No. 161634, invoke the provisions of Article VII,
certificate of candidacy for alleged misrepresentation of a Section 4, paragraph 7, of the 1987 Constitution in
material fact (i.e., that FPJ was a natural-born citizen) assailing the jurisdiction of the COMELEC when it took
before the COMELEC, petitioner Fornier invoked Section cognizance of SPA No. 04-003 and in urging the Supreme
78 of the Omnibus Election Code Court to instead take on the petitions they directly
instituted before it. The Constitutional provision cited
"Section 78. Petition to deny due course to or cancel a reads:
certificate of candidacy. --- A verified petition seeking to
deny due course or to cancel a certificate of candidacy may "The Supreme Court, sitting en banc, shall be the sole judge
be filed by any person exclusively on the ground that any of all contests relating to the election, returns, and
material representation contained therein as required qualifications of the President or Vice-President, and may
under Section 74 hereof is false" promulgate its rules for the purpose."

in consonance with the general powers of COMELEC The provision is an innovation of the 1987 Constitution.
expressed in Section 52 of the Omnibus Election Code - The omission in the 1935 and the 1973 Constitution to
designate any tribunal to be the sole judge of presidential
"Section 52. Powers and functions of the Commission on and vice-presidential contests, has constrained this Court
Elections. In addition to the powers and functions to declare, in Lopez vs. Roxas,4 as "not (being) justiciable"
conferred upon it by the Constitution, the Commission controversies or disputes involving contests on the
shall have exclusive charge of the enforcement and elections, returns and qualifications of the President or
administration of all laws relative to the conduct of Vice-President. The constitutional lapse prompted
elections for the purpose of ensuring free, orderly and Congress, on 21 June 1957, to enact Republic Act No. 1793,
honest elections" - "An Act Constituting an Independent Presidential Electoral
Tribunal to Try, Hear and Decide Protests Contesting the
and in relation to Article 69 of the Omnibus Election Code Election of the President-Elect and the Vice-President-
which would authorize "any interested party" to file a Elect of the Philippines and Providing for the Manner of
verified petition to deny or cancel the certificate of Hearing the Same." Republic Act 1793 designated the Chief
candidacy of any nuisance candidate. Justice and the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court to
be the members of the tribunal. Although the subsequent
adoption of the parliamentary form of government under
Decisions of the COMELEC on disqualification cases may be the 1973 Constitution might have implicitly affected
reviewed by the Supreme Court per Rule 642 in an action Republic Act No. 1793, the statutory set-up, nonetheless,
for certiorari under Rule 653 of the Revised Rules of Civil would now be deemed revived under the present Section
Procedure. Section 7, Article IX, of the 1987 Constitution 4, paragraph 7, of the 1987 Constitution.
also reads
Ordinary usage would characterize a "contest" in reference
"Each Commission shall decide by a majority vote of all its to a post-election scenario. Election contests consist of
Members any case or matter brought before it within sixty either an election protest or a quo warranto which,
days from the date of its submission for decision or although two distinct remedies, would have one objective
resolution. A case or matter is deemed submitted for in view, i.e., to dislodge the winning candidate from office.
decision or resolution upon the filing of the last pleading, A perusal of the phraseology in Rule 12, Rule 13, and Rule
brief, or memorandum, required by the rules of the
Adoption Page 21
14 of the "Rules of the Presidential Electoral Tribunal," fundamentally willing to submit his private interests to the
promulgated by the Supreme Court en banc on 18 April general interest of society.
1992, would support this premise -
The concept of citizenship had undergone changes over
"Rule 12. Jurisdiction. - The Tribunal shall be the sole judge the centuries. In the 18th century, the concept was limited,
of all contests relating to the election, returns, and by and large, to civil citizenship, which established the
qualifications of the President or Vice-President of the rights necessary for individual freedom, such as rights to
Philippines. property, personal liberty and justice.9 Its meaning
expanded during the 19th century to include political
"Rule 13. How Initiated. - An election contest is initiated by citizenship, which encompassed the right to participate in
the filing of an election protest or a petition for quo the exercise of political power.10 The 20th century saw the
warranto against the President or Vice-President. An next stage of the development of social citizenship, which
election protest shall not include a petition for quo laid emphasis on the right of the citizen to economic well-
warranto. A petition for quo warranto shall not include an being and social security.11 The idea of citizenship has
election protest. gained expression in the modern welfare state as it so
developed in Western Europe. An ongoing and final stage
"Rule 14. Election Protest. - Only the registered candidate of development, in keeping with the rapidly shrinking
for President or for Vice-President of the Philippines who global village, might well be the internationalization of
received the second or third highest number of votes may citizenship.12
contest the election of the President or the Vice-President,
as the case may be, by filing a verified petition with the The Local Setting - from Spanish Times to the Present
Clerk of the Presidential Electoral Tribunal within thirty
(30) days after the proclamation of the winner." There was no such term as "Philippine citizens" during the
Spanish regime but "subjects of Spain" or "Spanish
The rules categorically speak of the jurisdiction of the subjects."13 In church records, the natives were called
tribunal over contests relating to the election, returns and 'indios', denoting a low regard for the inhabitants of the
qualifications of the "President" or "Vice-President", of the archipelago. Spanish laws on citizenship became highly
Philippines, and not of "candidates" for President or Vice- codified during the 19th century but their sheer number
President. A quo warranto proceeding is generally defined made it difficult to point to one comprehensive law. Not all
as being an action against a person who usurps, intrudes of these citizenship laws of Spain however, were made to
into, or unlawfully holds or exercises a public office. 5 In apply to the Philippine Islands except for those explicitly
such context, the election contest can only contemplate a extended by Royal Decrees.14
post-election scenario. In Rule 14, only a registered
candidate who would have received either the second or Spanish laws on citizenship were traced back to the
third highest number of votes could file an election protest. Novisima Recopilacion, promulgated in Spain on 16 July
This rule again presupposes a post-election scenario. 1805 but as to whether the law was extended to the
Philippines remained to be the subject of differing views
It is fair to conclude that the jurisdiction of the Supreme among experts;15 however, three royal decrees were
Court, defined by Section 4, paragraph 7, of the 1987 undisputably made applicable to Spaniards in the
Constitution, would not include cases directly brought Philippines - the Order de la Regencia of 14 August
before it, questioning the qualifications of a candidate for 1841,16 the Royal Decree of 23 August 1868 specifically
the presidency or vice-presidency before the elections are defining the political status of children born in the
held. Philippine Islands,17 and finally, the Ley Extranjera de
Ultramar of 04 July 1870, which was expressly made
Accordingly, G. R. No. 161434, entitled "Maria Jeanette C. applicable to the Philippines by the Royal Decree of 13 July
Tecson, et al., vs. Commission on Elections et al.," and G. R. 1870.18
No. 161634, entitled "Zoilo Antonio Velez vs. Ronald Allan
Kelley Poe a.k.a. Fernando Poe, Jr." would have to be The Spanish Constitution of 1876 was never extended to
dismissed for want of jurisdiction. the Philippine Islands because of the express mandate of
its Article 89, according to which the provisions of the
The Citizenship Issue Ultramar among which this country was included, would
be governed by special laws.19
Now, to the basic issue; it should be helpful to first give a
brief historical background on the concept of citizenship. It was only the Civil Code of Spain, made effective in this
jurisdiction on 18 December 1889, which came out with
the first categorical enumeration of who were Spanish
Perhaps, the earliest understanding of citizenship was that citizens. -
given by Aristotle, who, sometime in 384 to 322 B.C.,
described the "citizen" to refer to a man who shared in the
administration of justice and in the holding of an "(a) Persons born in Spanish territory,
office.6 Aristotle saw its significance if only to determine
the constituency of the "State," which he described as "(b) Children of a Spanish father or mother, even if they
being composed of such persons who would be adequate were born outside of Spain,
in number to achieve a self-sufficient existence.7 The
concept grew to include one who would both govern and "(c) Foreigners who have obtained naturalization papers,
be governed, for which qualifications like autonomy,
judgment and loyalty could be expected. Citizenship was "(d) Those who, without such papers, may have become
seen to deal with rights and entitlements, on the one hand, domiciled inhabitants of any town of the Monarchy."20
and with concomitant obligations, on the other.8 In its ideal
setting, a citizen was active in public life and

Adoption Page 22
The year 1898 was another turning point in Philippine "inhabitant" was taken to include 1) a native-born
history. Already in the state of decline as a superpower, inhabitant, 2) an inhabitant who was a native of Peninsular
Spain was forced to so cede her sole colony in the East to Spain, and 3) an inhabitant who obtained Spanish papers
an upcoming world power, the United States. An accepted on or before 11 April 1899.24
principle of international law dictated that a change in
sovereignty, while resulting in an abrogation of all political Controversy arose on to the status of children born in the
laws then in force, would have no effect on civil laws, Philippines from 11 April 1899 to 01 July 1902, during
which would remain virtually intact. which period no citizenship law was extant in the
Philippines. Weight was given to the view, articulated in
The Treaty of Paris was entered into on 10 December 1898 jurisprudential writing at the time, that the common law
between Spain and the United States.21 Under Article IX of principle of jus soli, otherwise also known as the principle
the treaty, the civil rights and political status of the native of territoriality, operative in the United States and
inhabitants of the territories ceded to the United States England, governed those born in the Philippine
would be determined by its Congress - Archipelago within that period.25 More about this later.

"Spanish subjects, natives of the Peninsula, residing in the In 23 March 1912, the Congress of the United States made
territory over which Spain by the present treaty the following amendment to the Philippine Bill of 1902 -
relinquishes or cedes her sovereignty may remain in such
territory or may remove therefrom, retaining in either "Provided, That the Philippine Legislature is hereby
event all their rights of property, including the right to sell authorized to provide by law for the acquisition of
or dispose of such property or of its proceeds; and they Philippine citizenship by those natives of the Philippine
shall also have the right to carry on their industry, Islands who do not come within the foregoing provisions,
commerce, and professions, being subject in respect the natives of other insular possession of the United States,
thereof to such laws as are applicable to foreigners. In case and such other persons residing in the Philippine Islands
they remain in the territory they may preserve their who would become citizens of the United States, under the
allegiance to the Crown of Spain by making, before a court laws of the United States, if residing therein."26
of record, within a year from the date of the exchange of
ratifications of this treaty, a declaration of their decision to With the adoption of the Philippine Bill of 1902, the
preserve such allegiance; in default of which declaration concept of "Philippine citizens" had for the first time
they shall be held to have renounced it and to have crystallized. The word "Filipino" was used by William H.
adopted the nationality of the territory in which they Taft, the first Civil Governor General in the Philippines
reside. when he initially made mention of it in his slogan, "The
Philippines for the Filipinos." In 1916, the Philippine
Thus Autonomy Act, also known as the Jones Law restated
virtually the provisions of the Philippine Bill of 1902, as so
"The civil rights and political status of the native amended by the Act of Congress in 1912 -
inhabitants of the territories hereby ceded to the United
States shall be determined by the Congress."22 "That all inhabitants of the Philippine Islands who were
Spanish subjects on the eleventh day of April, eighteen
Upon the ratification of the treaty, and pending legislation hundred and ninety-nine, and then resided in said Islands,
by the United States Congress on the subject, the native and their children born subsequently thereto, shall be
inhabitants of the Philippines ceased to be Spanish deemed and held to be citizens of the Philippine Islands,
subjects. Although they did not become American citizens, except such as shall have elected to preserve their
they, however, also ceased to be "aliens" under American allegiance to the Crown of Spain in accordance with the
laws and were thus issued passports describing them to be provisions of the treaty of peace between the United States
citizens of the Philippines entitled to the protection of the and Spain, signed at Paris December tenth, eighteen
United States. hundred and ninety-eight and except such others as have
since become citizens of some other country; Provided,
The term "citizens of the Philippine Islands" appeared for That the Philippine Legislature, herein provided for, is
the first time in the Philippine Bill of 1902, also commonly hereby authorized to provide for the acquisition of
referred to as the Philippine Organic Act of 1902, the first Philippine citizenship by those natives of the Philippine
comprehensive legislation of the Congress of the United Islands who do not come within the foregoing provisions,
States on the Philippines - the natives of the insular possessions of the United States,
and such other persons residing in the Philippine Islands
".... that all inhabitants of the Philippine Islands continuing who are citizens of the United States, or who could become
to reside therein, who were Spanish subjects on the 11th citizens of the United States under the laws of the United
day of April, 1891, and then resided in said Islands, and States, if residing therein."
their children born subsequent thereto, shall be deemed
and held to be citizens of the Philippine Islands and as Under the Jones Law, a native-born inhabitant of the
such entitled to the protection of the United States, except Philippines was deemed to be a citizen of the Philippines
such as shall have elected to preserve their allegiance to as of 11 April 1899 if he was 1) a subject of Spain on 11
the Crown of Spain in accordance with the provisions of April 1899, 2) residing in the Philippines on said date, and,
the treaty of peace between the United States and Spain, 3) since that date, not a citizen of some other country.
signed at Paris, December tenth eighteen hundred and
ninety eight."23 While there was, at one brief time, divergent views on
whether or not jus soli was a mode of acquiring
Under the organic act, a "citizen of the Philippines" was citizenship, the 1935 Constitution brought to an end to any
one who was an inhabitant of the Philippines, and a such link with common law, by adopting, once and for all,
Spanish subject on the 11th day of April 1899. The term

Adoption Page 23
jus sanguinis or blood relationship as being the basis of "The following are citizens of the Philippines:
Filipino citizenship -
"(1) Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time
"Section 1, Article III, 1935 Constitution. The following are of the adoption of this Constitution.
citizens of the Philippines -
"(2) Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the
"(1) Those who are citizens of the Philippine Islands at the Philippines.
time of the adoption of this Constitution
"(3) Those born before January 17, 1973 of Filipino
"(2) Those born in the Philippines Islands of foreign mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship upon reaching
parents who, before the adoption of this Constitution, had the age of majority; and
been elected to public office in the Philippine Islands.
"(4) Those who are naturalized in accordance with law."
"(3) Those whose fathers are citizens of the
Philippines. The Case Of FPJ

"(4) Those whose mothers are citizens of the Philippines Section 2, Article VII, of the 1987 Constitution expresses:
and upon reaching the age of majority, elect Philippine
citizenship. "No person may be elected President unless he is a
natural-born citizen of the Philippines, a registered voter,
"(5) Those who are naturalized in accordance with law." able to read and write, at least forty years of age on the day
of the election, and a resident of the Philippines for at least
Subsection (4), Article III, of the 1935 Constitution, taken ten years immediately preceding such election."
together with existing civil law provisions at the time,
which provided that women would automatically lose The term "natural-born citizens," is defined to include
their Filipino citizenship and acquire that of their foreign "those who are citizens of the Philippines from birth
husbands, resulted in discriminatory situations that without having to perform any act to acquire or perfect
effectively incapacitated the women from transmitting their Philippine citizenship."27
their Filipino citizenship to their legitimate children and
required illegitimate children of Filipino mothers to still The date, month and year of birth of FPJ appeared to be 20
elect Filipino citizenship upon reaching the age of majority. August 1939 during the regime of the 1935 Constitution.
Seeking to correct this anomaly, as well as fully cognizant Through its history, four modes of acquiring citizenship -
of the newly found status of Filipino women as equals to naturalization, jus soli, res judicata and jus sanguinis 28
men, the framers of the 1973 Constitution crafted the had been in vogue. Only two, i.e., jus soli and jus sanguinis,
provisions of the new Constitution on citizenship to reflect could qualify a person to being a "natural-born" citizen of
such concerns - the Philippines. Jus soli, per Roa vs. Collector of
Customs29 (1912), did not last long. With the adoption of
"Section 1, Article III, 1973 Constitution - The following are the 1935 Constitution and the reversal of Roa in Tan
citizens of the Philippines: Chong vs. Secretary of Labor30 (1947), jus sanguinis or
blood relationship would now become the primary basis of
"(1) Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time citizenship by birth.
of the adoption of this Constitution.
Documentary evidence adduced by petitioner would tend
"(2) Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the to indicate that the earliest established direct ascendant of
Philippines. FPJ was his paternal grandfather Lorenzo Pou, married to
Marta Reyes, the father of Allan F. Poe. While the record of
"(3) Those who elect Philippine citizenship pursuant to the birth of Lorenzo Pou had not been presented in evidence,
provisions of the Constitution of nineteen hundred and his death certificate, however, identified him to be a
thirty-five. Filipino, a resident of San Carlos, Pangasinan, and 84 years
old at the time of his death on 11 September 1954. The
"(4) Those who are naturalized in accordance with law." certificate of birth of the father of FPJ, Allan F. Poe, showed
that he was born on 17 May 1915 to an Espaol father,
Lorenzo Pou, and a mestiza Espaol mother, Marta Reyes.
For good measure, Section 2 of the same article also Introduced by petitioner was an "uncertified" copy of a
further provided that supposed certificate of the alleged marriage of Allan F. Poe
and Paulita Gomez on 05 July 1936. The marriage
"A female citizen of the Philippines who marries an alien certificate of Allan F. Poe and Bessie Kelley reflected the
retains her Philippine citizenship, unless by her act or date of their marriage to be on 16 September 1940. In the
omission she is deemed, under the law to have renounced same certificate, Allan F. Poe was stated to be twenty-five
her citizenship." years old, unmarried, and a Filipino citizen, and Bessie
Kelley to be twenty-two years old, unmarried, and an
The 1987 Constitution generally adopted the provisions of American citizen. The birth certificate of FPJ, would
the 1973 Constitution, except for subsection (3) thereof disclose that he was born on 20 August 1939 to Allan F.
that aimed to correct the irregular situation generated by Poe, a Filipino, twenty-four years old, married to Bessie
the questionable proviso in the 1935 Constitution. Kelly, an American citizen, twenty-one years old and
Section I, Article IV, 1987 Constitution now provides:

Adoption Page 24
Considering the reservations made by the parties on the The trustworthiness of public documents and the value
veracity of some of the entries on the birth certificate of given to the entries made therein could be grounded on 1)
respondent and the marriage certificate of his parents, the the sense of official duty in the preparation of the
only conclusions that could be drawn with some degree of statement made, 2) the penalty which is usually affixed to
certainty from the documents would be that - a breach of that duty, 3) the routine and disinterested
origin of most such statements, and 4) the publicity of
1. The parents of FPJ were Allan F. Poe and Bessie Kelley; record which makes more likely the prior exposure of such
errors as might have occurred.31
2. FPJ was born to them on 20 August 1939;
The death certificate of Lorenzo Pou would indicate that he
3. Allan F. Poe and Bessie Kelley were married to each died on 11 September 1954, at the age of 84 years, in San
other on 16 September, 1940; Carlos, Pangasinan. It could thus be assumed that Lorenzo
Pou was born sometime in the year 1870 when the
Philippines was still a colony of Spain. Petitioner would
4. The father of Allan F. Poe was Lorenzo Poe; and argue that Lorenzo Pou was not in the Philippines during
the crucial period of from 1898 to 1902 considering that
5. At the time of his death on 11 September 1954, Lorenzo there was no existing record about such fact in the Records
Poe was 84 years old. Management and Archives Office. Petitioner, however,
likewise failed to show that Lorenzo Pou was at any other
Would the above facts be sufficient or insufficient to place during the same period. In his death certificate, the
establish the fact that FPJ is a natural-born Filipino citizen? residence of Lorenzo Pou was stated to be San Carlos,
The marriage certificate of Allan F. Poe and Bessie Kelley, Pangasinan. In the absence of any evidence to the contrary,
the birth certificate of FPJ, and the death certificate of it should be sound to conclude, or at least to presume, that
Lorenzo Pou are documents of public record in the custody the place of residence of a person at the time of his death
of a public officer. The documents have been submitted in was also his residence before death. It would be extremely
evidence by both contending parties during the doubtful if the Records Management and Archives Office
proceedings before the COMELEC. would have had complete records of all residents of the
Philippines from 1898 to 1902.
The birth certificate of FPJ was marked Exhibit "A" for
petitioner and Exhibit "3" for respondent. The marriage Proof of Paternity and Filiation
certificate of Allan F. Poe to Bessie Kelley was submitted as
Exhibit "21" for respondent. The death certificate of Under Civil Law.
Lorenzo Pou was submitted by respondent as his Exhibit
"5." While the last two documents were submitted in Petitioner submits, in any case, that in establishing filiation
evidence for respondent, the admissibility thereof, (relationship or civil status of the child to the father [or
particularly in reference to the facts which they purported mother]) or paternity (relationship or civil status of the
to show, i.e., the marriage certificate in relation to the date father to the child) of an illegitimate child, FPJ evidently
of marriage of Allan F. Poe to Bessie Kelley and the death being an illegitimate son according to petitioner, the
certificate relative to the death of Lorenzo Pou on 11 mandatory rules under civil law must be used.
September 1954 in San Carlos, Pangasinan, were all
admitted by petitioner, who had utilized those material
statements in his argument. All three documents were Under the Civil Code of Spain, which was in force in the
certified true copies of the originals. Philippines from 08 December 1889 up until the day prior
to 30 August 1950 when the Civil Code of the Philippines
took effect, acknowledgment was required to establish
Section 3, Rule 130, Rules of Court states that - filiation or paternity. Acknowledgment was either judicial
(compulsory) or voluntary. Judicial or compulsory
"Original document must be produced; exceptions. - When acknowledgment was possible only if done during the
the subject of inquiry is the contents of a document, no lifetime of the putative parent; voluntary acknowledgment
evidence shall be admissible other than the original could only be had in a record of birth, a will, or a public
document itself, except in the following cases: document.32 Complementary to the new code was Act No.
3753 or the Civil Registry Law expressing in Section 5
"x x x xxx xxx thereof, that -

"(d) When the original is a public record in the custody of a "In case of an illegitimate child, the birth certificate shall be
public office or is recorded in a public office." signed and sworn to jointly by the parents of the infant or
only by the mother if the father refuses. In the latter case,
Being public documents, the death certificate of Lorenzo it shall not be permissible to state or reveal in the
Pou, the marriage certificate of Allan F. Poe and Bessie document the name of the father who refuses to
Kelly, and the birth certificate of FPJ, constitute prima facie acknowledge the child, or to give therein any information
proof of their contents. Section 44, Rule 130, of the Rules of by which such father could be identified."
Court provides:
In order that the birth certificate could then be utilized to
"Entries in official records. Entries in official records made prove voluntary acknowledgment of filiation or paternity,
in the performance of his duty by a public officer of the the certificate was required to be signed or sworn to by the
Philippines, or by a person in the performance of a duty father. The failure of such requirement rendered the same
specially enjoined by law, are prima facie evidence of the useless as being an authoritative document of
facts therein stated." recognition.33 In Mendoza vs. Mella,34 the Court ruled -

Adoption Page 25
"Since Rodolfo was born in 1935, after the registry law was "(1) The record of birth appearing in the civil register or a
enacted, the question here really is whether or not his final judgment; or
birth certificate (Exhibit 1), which is merely a certified
copy of the registry record, may be relied upon as "(2) An admission of legitimate filiation in a public
sufficient proof of his having been voluntarily recognized. document or a private handwritten instrument and signed
No such reliance, in our judgment, may be placed upon it. by the parent concerned.
While it contains the names of both parents, there is no
showing that they signed the original, let alone swore to its "In the absence of the foregoing evidence, the legitimate
contents as required in Section 5 of Act No. 3753. For all filiation shall be proved by:
that might have happened, it was not even they or either of
them who furnished the data to be entered in the civil
register. Petitioners say that in any event the birth "(1) The open and continuous possession of the status of a
certificate is in the nature of a public document wherein legitimate child; or
voluntary recognition of a natural child may also be made,
according to the same Article 131. True enough, but in "(2) Any other means allowed by the Rules of Court and
such a case, there must be a clear statement in the special laws.
document that the parent recognizes the child as his or her
own." "Art. 173. The action to claim legitimacy may be brought
by the child during his or her lifetime and shall be
In the birth certificate of respondent FPJ, presented by transmitted to the heirs should the child die during
both parties, nowhere in the document was the signature minority or in a state of insanity. In these cases, the heirs
of Allan F. Poe found. There being no will apparently shall have a period of five years within which to institute
executed, or at least shown to have been executed, by the action.
decedent Allan F. Poe, the only other proof of voluntary
recognition remained to be "some other public document." "The action already commenced by the child shall survive
In Pareja vs. Pareja,35 this Court defined what could notwithstanding the death of either or both of the parties.
constitute such a document as proof of voluntary
acknowledgment: "x x x xxx x x x.

"Under the Spanish Civil Code there are two classes of "Art. 175. Illegitimate children may establish their
public documents, those executed by private individuals illegitimate filiation in the same way and on the same,
which must be authenticated by notaries, and those issued evidence as legitimate children.
by competent public officials by reason of their office. The
public document pointed out in Article 131 as one of the "The action must be brought within the same period
means by which recognition may be made belongs to the specified in Article 173, except when the action is based on
first class." the second paragraph of Article 172, in which case the
action may be brought during the lifetime of the alleged
Let us leave it at that for the moment. parent."

The 1950 Civil Code categorized the acknowledgment or The provisions of the Family Code are retroactively
recognition of illegitimate children into voluntary, legal or applied; Article 256 of the code reads:
compulsory. Voluntary recognition was required to be
expressedly made in a record of birth, a will, a statement "Art. 256. This Code shall have retroactive effect insofar as
before a court of record or in any authentic writing. Legal it does not prejudice or impair vested or acquired rights in
acknowledgment took place in favor of full blood brothers accordance with the Civil Code or other laws."
and sisters of an illegitimate child who was recognized or
judicially declared as natural. Compulsory
Thus, in Vda. de Sy-Quia vs. Court of Appeals,36 the Court
acknowledgment could be demanded generally in cases
has ruled:
when the child had in his favor any evidence to prove
filiation. Unlike an action to claim legitimacy which would
last during the lifetime of the child, and might pass "We hold that whether Jose was a voluntarily recognized
exceptionally to the heirs of the child, an action to claim natural child should be decided under Article 278 of the
acknowledgment, however, could only be brought during Civil Code of the Philippines. Article 2260 of that Code
the lifetime of the presumed parent. provides that 'the voluntary recognition of a natural child
shall take place according to this Code, even if the child
was born before the effectivity of this body of laws' or
Amicus Curiae Ruben F. Balane defined, during the oral
before August 30, 1950. Hence, Article 278 may be given
argument, "authentic writing," so as to be an authentic
retroactive effect."
writing for purposes of voluntary recognition, simply as
being a genuine or indubitable writing of the father. The
term would include a public instrument (one duly It should be apparent that the growing trend to liberalize
acknowledged before a notary public or other competent the acknowledgment or recognition of illegitimate children
official) or a private writing admitted by the father to be is an attempt to break away from the traditional idea of
his. keeping well apart legitimate and non-legitimate
relationships within the family in favor of the greater
interest and welfare of the child. The provisions are
The Family Code has further liberalized the rules; Article
intended to merely govern the private and personal affairs
172, Article 173, and Article 175 provide:
of the family. There is little, if any, to indicate that the
legitimate or illegitimate civil status of the individual
"Art. 172. The filiation of legitimate children is established would also affect his political rights or, in general, his
by any of the following: relationship to the State. While, indeed, provisions on

Adoption Page 26
"citizenship" could be found in the Civil Code, such The proof of filiation or paternity for purposes of
provisions must be taken in the context of private determining his citizenship status should thus be deemed
relations, the domain of civil law; particularly - independent from and not inextricably tied up with that
prescribed for civil law purposes. The Civil Code or Family
"Civil Law is that branch of law which has for its double Code provisions on proof of filiation or paternity, although
purpose the organization of the family and the regulation good law, do not have preclusive effects on matters alien to
of property. It has thus [been] defined as the mass of personal and family relations. The ordinary rules on
precepts which determine and regulate the relations of evidence could well and should govern. For instance, the
assistance, authority and obedience among members of a matter about pedigree is not necessarily precluded from
family, and those which exist among members of a society being applicable by the Civil Code or Family Code
for the protection of private interests."37 provisions.

In Yaez de Barnuevo vs. Fuster,38 the Court has held: Section 39, Rule 130, of the Rules of Court provides -

"In accordance with Article 9 of the Civil Code of Spain, x x "Act or Declaration about pedigree. The act or declaration
x the laws relating to family rights and duties, or to the of a person deceased, or unable to testify, in respect to the
status, condition and legal capacity of persons, govern pedigree of another person related to him by birth or
Spaniards although they reside in a foreign country; that, marriage, may be received in evidence where it occurred
in consequence, 'all questions of a civil nature, such as before the controversy, and the relationship between the
those dealing with the validity or nullity of the two persons is shown by evidence other than such act or
matrimonial bond, the domicile of the husband and wife, declaration. The word `pedigree includes relationship,
their support, as between them, the separation of their family genealogy, birth, marriage, death, the dates when
properties, the rules governing property, marital authority, and the places where these facts occurred, and the names
division of conjugal property, the classification of their of the relatives. It embraces also facts of family history
property, legal causes for divorce, the extent of the latter, intimately connected with pedigree."
the authority to decree it, and, in general, the civil effects of
marriage and divorce upon the persons and properties of For the above rule to apply, it would be necessary that (a)
the spouses, are questions that are governed exclusively the declarant is already dead or unable to testify, (b) the
by the national law of the husband and wife." pedigree of a person must be at issue, (c) the declarant
must be a relative of the person whose pedigree is in
The relevance of "citizenship" or "nationality" to Civil Law question, (d) declaration must be made before the
is best exemplified in Article 15 of the Civil Code, stating controversy has occurred, and (e) the relationship
that - between the declarant and the person whose pedigree is in
question must be shown by evidence other than such act
"Laws relating to family rights and duties, or to the status, or declaration.
condition and legal capacity of persons are binding upon
citizens of the Philippines, even though living abroad" - Thus, the duly notarized declaration made by Ruby Kelley
Mangahas, sister of Bessie Kelley Poe submitted as Exhibit
that explains the need to incorporate in the code a 20 before the COMELEC, might be accepted to prove the
reiteration of the Constitutional provisions on citizenship. acts of Allan F. Poe, recognizing his own paternal
Similarly, citizenship is significant in civil relationships relationship with FPJ, i.e, living together with Bessie Kelley
found in different parts of the Civil Code,39 such as on and his children (including respondent FPJ) in one house,
successional rights and family relations.40 In adoption, for and as one family -
instance, an adopted child would be considered the child of
his adoptive parents and accorded the same rights as their "I, Ruby Kelley Mangahas, of legal age and sound mind,
legitimate child but such legal fiction extended only to presently residing in Stockton, California, U.S.A., after
define his rights under civil law41 and not his political being sworn in accordance with law do hereby declare
status. that:

Civil law provisions point to an obvious bias against "1. I am the sister of the late Bessie Kelley Poe.
illegitimacy. This discriminatory attitude may be traced to
the Spanish family and property laws, which, while "2. Bessie Kelley Poe was the wife of Fernando Poe, Sr.
defining proprietary and successional rights of members of
the family, provided distinctions in the rights of legitimate "3. Fernando and Bessie Poe had a son by the name of
and illegitimate children. In the monarchial set-up of old Ronald Allan Poe, more popularly known in the Philippines
Spain, the distribution and inheritance of titles and wealth as `Fernando Poe, Jr., or `FPJ.
were strictly according to bloodlines and the concern to
keep these bloodlines uncontaminated by foreign blood "4. Ronald Allan Poe `FPJ was born on August 20, 1939 at
was paramount. St. Luke's Hospital, Magdalena Street, Manila.

These distinctions between legitimacy and illegitimacy "x x x xxx xxx

were codified in the Spanish Civil Code, and the invidious
discrimination survived when the Spanish Civil Code
became the primary source of our own Civil Code. Such "7. Fernando Poe Sr., and my sister Bessie, met and became
distinction, however, remains and should remain only in engaged while they were students at the University of the
the sphere of civil law and not unduly impede or impinge Philippines in 1936. I was also introduced to Fernando
on the domain of political law. Poe, Sr., by my sister that same year.

Adoption Page 27
"8. Fernando Poe, Sr., and my sister Bessie had their first respondent and a marriage certificate of his parents
child in 1938. showed that FPJ was born on 20 August 1939 to a Filipino
father and an American mother who were married to each
"9. Fernando Poe, Sr., my sister Bessie and their first three other a year later, or on 16 September 1940. Birth to
children, Elizabeth, Ronald, Allan and Fernando II, and unmarried parents would make FPJ an illegitimate child.
myself lived together with our mother at our family's Petitioner contended that as an illegitimate child, FPJ so
house on Dakota St. (now Jorge Bocobo St.), Malate until followed the citizenship of his mother, Bessie Kelley, an
the liberation of Manila in 1945, except for some months American citizen, basing his stand on the ruling of this
between 1943-1944. Court in Morano vs. Vivo,43 citing Chiongbian vs. de
Leo44 and Serra vs. Republic.45
"10. Fernando Poe, Sr., and my sister, Bessie, were blessed
with four (4) more children after Ronald Allan Poe. On the above score, the disquisition made by amicus curiae
Joaquin G. Bernas, SJ, is most convincing; he states -
"x x x xxx xxx
"We must analyze these cases and ask what the lis mota
"18. I am executing this Declaration to attest to the fact was in each of them. If the pronouncement of the Court on
that my nephew, Ronald Allan Poe is a natural born jus sanguinis was on the lis mota, the pronouncement
Filipino, and that he is the legitimate child of Fernando would be a decision constituting doctrine under the rule of
Poe, Sr. stare decisis. But if the pronouncement was irrelevant to
the lis mota, the pronouncement would not be a decision
but a mere obiter dictum which did not establish doctrine.
"Done in City of Stockton, California, U.S.A., this 12th day of I therefore invite the Court to look closely into these cases.
January 2004.
"First, Morano vs. Vivo. The case was not about an
Ruby Kelley Mangahas Declarant DNA Testing illegitimate child of a Filipino father. It was about a stepson
of a Filipino, a stepson who was the child of a Chinese
In case proof of filiation or paternity would be unlikely to mother and a Chinese father. The issue was whether the
satisfactorily establish or would be difficult to obtain, DNA stepson followed the naturalization of the stepfather.
testing, which examines genetic codes obtained from body Nothing about jus sanguinis there. The stepson did not
cells of the illegitimate child and any physical residue of have the blood of the naturalized stepfather.
the long dead parent could be resorted to. A positive match
would clear up filiation or paternity. In Tijing vs. Court of "Second, Chiongbian vs. de Leon. This case was not about
Appeals,42 this Court has acknowledged the strong weight the illegitimate son of a Filipino father. It was about a
of DNA testing - legitimate son of a father who had become Filipino by
election to public office before the 1935 Constitution
"Parentage will still be resolved using conventional pursuant to Article IV, Section 1(2) of the 1935
methods unless we adopt the modern and scientific ways Constitution. No one was illegitimate here.
available. Fortunately, we have now the facility and
expertise in using DNA test for identification and "Third, Serra vs. Republic. The case was not about the
parentage testing. The University of the Philippines illegitimate son of a Filipino father. Serra was an
Natural Science Research Institute (UP-NSRI) DNA illegitimate child of a Chinese father and a Filipino mother.
Analysis Laboratory has now the capability to conduct The issue was whether one who was already a Filipino
DNA typing using short tandem repeat (STR) analysis. The because of his mother who still needed to be naturalized.
analysis is based on the fact that the DNA of a child/person There is nothing there about invidious jus sanguinis.
has two (2) copies, one copy from the mother and the
other from the father. The DNA from the mother, the
alleged father and the child are analyzed to establish "Finally, Paa vs. Chan.46 This is a more complicated case.
parentage. Of course, being a novel scientific technique, the The case was about the citizenship of Quintin Chan who
use of DNA test as evidence is still open to challenge. was the son of Leoncio Chan. Quintin Chan claimed that his
Eventually, as the appropriate case comes, courts should father, Leoncio, was the illegitimate son of a Chinese father
not hesitate to rule on the admissibility of DNA evidence. and a Filipino mother. Quintin therefore argued that he got
For it was said, that courts should apply the results of his citizenship from Leoncio, his father. But the Supreme
science when competently obtained in aid of situations Court said that there was no valid proof that Leoncio was
presented, since to reject said result is to deny progress." in fact the son of a Filipina mother. The Court therefore
concluded that Leoncio was not Filipino. If Leoncio was not
Filipino, neither was his son Quintin. Quintin therefore was
Petitioners Argument For Jurisprudential not only not a natural-born Filipino but was not even a
Conclusiveness Filipino.

Petitioner would have it that even if Allan F. Poe were a "The Court should have stopped there. But instead it
Filipino citizen, he could not have transmitted his followed with an obiter dictum. The Court said obiter that
citizenship to respondent FPJ, the latter being an even if Leoncio, Quintin's father, were Filipino, Quintin
illegitimate child. According to petitioner, prior to his would not be Filipino because Quintin was illegitimate.
marriage to Bessie Kelley, Allan F. Poe, on July 5, 1936, This statement about Quintin, based on a contrary to fact
contracted marriage with a certain Paulita Gomez, making assumption, was absolutely unnecessary for the case. x x x
his subsequent marriage to Bessie Kelley bigamous and It was obiter dictum, pure and simple, simply repeating the
respondent FPJ an illegitimate child. The veracity of the obiter dictum in Morano vs. Vivo.
supposed certificate of marriage between Allan F. Poe and
Paulita Gomez could be most doubtful at best. But the
documentary evidence introduced by no less than "x x x xxx xxx
respondent himself, consisting of a birth certificate of
Adoption Page 28
"Aside from the fact that such a pronouncement would in his certificate of candidacy by representing himself to be
have no textual foundation in the Constitution, it would a natural-born citizen of the Philippines.
also violate the equal protection clause of the Constitution
not once but twice. First, it would make an illegitimate (2) The Court must dismiss, for lack of jurisdiction and
distinction between a legitimate child and an illegitimate prematurity, the petitions in G. R. No. 161434 and No.
child, and second, it would make an illegitimate distinction 161634 both having been directly elevated to this Court in
between the illegitimate child of a Filipino father and the the latters capacity as the only tribunal to resolve a
illegitimate child of a Filipino mother. presidential and vice-presidential election contest under
the Constitution. Evidently, the primary jurisdiction of the
"The doctrine on constitutionally allowable distinctions Court can directly be invoked only after, not before, the
was established long ago by People vs. Cayat.47 I would elections are held.
grant that the distinction between legitimate children and
illegitimate children rests on real differences. x x x But real (3) In ascertaining, in G.R. No. 161824, whether grave
differences alone do not justify invidious distinction. Real abuse of discretion has been committed by the COMELEC,
differences may justify distinction for one purpose but not it is necessary to take on the matter of whether or not
for another purpose. respondent FPJ is a natural-born citizen, which, in turn,
depended on whether or not the father of respondent,
"x x x What is the relevance of legitimacy or illegitimacy to Allan F. Poe, would have himself been a Filipino citizen
elective public service? What possible state interest can and, in the affirmative, whether or not the alleged
there be for disqualifying an illegitimate child from illegitimacy of respondent prevents him from taking after
becoming a public officer. It was not the fault of the child the Filipino citizenship of his putative father. Any
that his parents had illicit liaison. Why deprive the child of conclusion on the Filipino citizenship of Lorenzo Pou could
the fullness of political rights for no fault of his own? To only be drawn from the presumption that having died in
disqualify an illegitimate child from holding an important 1954 at 84 years old, Lorenzo would have been born
public office is to punish him for the indiscretion of his sometime in the year 1870, when the Philippines was
parents. There is neither justice nor rationality in that. And under Spanish rule, and that San Carlos, Pangasinan, his
if there is neither justice nor rationality in the distinction, place of residence upon his death in 1954, in the absence
then the distinction transgresses the equal protection of any other evidence, could have well been his place of
clause and must be reprobated." residence before death, such that Lorenzo Pou would have
benefited from the "en masse Filipinization" that the
The other amici curiae, Mr. Justice Vicente Mendoza (a Philippine Bill had effected in 1902. That citizenship (of
former member of this Court), Professor Ruben Balane and Lorenzo Pou), if acquired, would thereby extend to his son,
Dean Martin Magallona, at bottom, have expressed similar Allan F. Poe, father of respondent FPJ. The 1935
views. The thesis of petitioner, unfortunately hinging Constitution, during which regime respondent FPJ has
solely on pure obiter dicta, should indeed fail. seen first light, confers citizenship to all persons whose
fathers are Filipino citizens regardless of whether such
Where jurisprudence regarded an illegitimate child as children are legitimate or illegitimate.
taking after the citizenship of its mother, it did so for the
benefit the child. It was to ensure a Filipino nationality for (4) But while the totality of the evidence may not establish
the illegitimate child of an alien father in line with the conclusively that respondent FPJ is a natural-born citizen
assumption that the mother had custody, would exercise of the Philippines, the evidence on hand still would
parental authority and had the duty to support her preponderate in his favor enough to hold that he cannot be
illegitimate child. It was to help the child, not to prejudice held guilty of having made a material misrepresentation in
or discriminate against him. his certificate of candidacy in violation of Section 78, in
relation to Section 74, of the Omnibus Election Code.
The fact of the matter perhaps the most significant Petitioner has utterly failed to substantiate his case before
consideration is that the 1935 Constitution, the the Court, notwithstanding the ample opportunity given to
fundamental law prevailing on the day, month and year of the parties to present their position and evidence, and to
birth of respondent FPJ, can never be more explicit than it prove whether or not there has been material
is. Providing neither conditions nor distinctions, the misrepresentation, which, as so ruled in Romualdez-
Constitution states that among the citizens of the Marcos vs. COMELEC,48 must not only be material, but also
Philippines are "those whose fathers are citizens of the deliberate and willful.
Philippines." There utterly is no cogent justification to
prescribe conditions or distinctions where there clearly WHEREFORE, the Court RESOLVES to DISMISS
are none provided.
1. G. R. No. 161434, entitled "Maria Jeanette C. Tecson and
In Sum Felix B. Desiderio, Jr., Petitioners, versus Commission on
Elections, Ronald Allan Kelley Poe (a.k.a. "Fernando Poe,
(1) The Court, in the exercise of its power of judicial Jr.,) and Victorino X. Fornier, Respondents," and G. R. No.
review, possesses jurisdiction over the petition in G. R. No. 161634, entitled "Zoilo Antonio Velez, Petitioner, versus
161824, filed under Rule 64, in relation to Rule 65, of the Ronald Allan Kelley Poe, a.k.a. Fernando Poe, Jr.,
Revised Rules of Civil Procedure. G.R. No. 161824 assails Respondent," for want of jurisdiction.
the resolution of the COMELEC for alleged grave abuse of
discretion in dismissing, for lack of merit, the petition in 2. G. R. No. 161824, entitled "Victorino X. Fornier,
SPA No. 04-003 which has prayed for the disqualification Petitioner, versus Hon. Commission on Elections and
of respondent FPJ from running for the position of Ronald Allan Kelley Poe, also known as Fernando Poe, Jr.,"
President in the 10th May 2004 national elections on the for failure to show grave abuse of discretion on the part of
contention that FPJ has committed material representation respondent Commission on Elections in dismissing the
petition in SPA No. 04-003.

Adoption Page 29
No Costs. and utterly indifferent towards petitioner which is not
expected of a son.
"15. That herein respondent has recently been jealous of
G.R. No. 143989 July 14, 2003 petitioner's nephews and nieces whenever they would find
time to visit her, respondent alleging that they were only
ISABELITA S. LAHOM, petitioner, motivated by their desire for some material benefits from
vs. petitioner.
JOSE MELVIN SIBULO (previously referred to as "DR.
MELVIN S. LAHOM"), respondent. "16. That in view of respondent's insensible attitude
resulting in a strained and uncomfortable relationship
VITUG, J.: between him and petitioner, the latter has suffered
wounded feelings, knowing that after all respondent's only
motive to his adoption is his expectancy of his alleged
The bliss of marriage and family would be to most less rights over the properties of herein petitioner and her late
than complete without children. The realization could have husband, clearly shown by his recent filing of Civil Case No.
likely prodded the spouses Dr. Diosdado Lahom and 99-4463 for partition against petitioner, thereby totally
Isabelita Lahom to take into their care Isabelita's nephew eroding her love and affection towards respondent,
Jose Melvin Sibulo and to bring him up as their own. At the rendering the decree of adoption, considering respondent
tender age of two, Jose Melvin enjoyed the warmth, love to be the child of petitioner, for all legal purposes, has been
and support of the couple who treated the child like their negated for which reason there is no more basis for its
own. Indeed, for years, Dr. and Mrs. Lahom fancied on existence, hence this petition for revocation,"1
legally adopting Jose Melvin. Finally, in 1971, the couple
decided to file a petition for adoption. On 05 May 1972, an
order granting the petition was issued that made all the Prior to the institution of the case, specifically on 22 March
more intense than before the feeling of affection of the 1998, Republic Act (R.A.) No. 8552, also known as the
spouses for Melvin. In keeping with the court order, the Domestic Adoption Act, went into effect. The new statute
Civil Registrar of Naga City changed the name "Jose Melvin deleted from the law the right of adopters to rescind a
Sibulo" to "Jose Melvin Lahom." decree of adoption.

A sad turn of events came many years later. Eventually, in Section 19 of Article VI of R.A. No. 8552 now reads:
December of 1999, Mrs. Lahom commenced a petition to
rescind the decree of adoption before the Regional Trial "SEC. 19. Grounds for Rescission of Adoption. Upon
Court (RTC), Branch 22, of Naga City. In her petition, she petition of the adoptee, with the assistance of the
averred Department if a minor or if over eighteen (18) years of age
but is incapacitated, as guardian/counsel, the adoption
"7. That x x x despite the proddings and pleadings of said may be rescinded on any of the following grounds
spouses, respondent refused to change his surname from committed by the adopter(s): (a) repeated physical and
Sibulo to Lahom, to the frustrations of petitioner verbal maltreatment by the adopter(s) despite having
particularly her husband until the latter died, and even undergone counseling; (b) attempt on the life of the
before his death he had made known his desire to revoke adoptee; (c) sexual assault or violence; or (d)
respondent's adoption, but was prevented by petitioner's abandonment and failure to comply with parental
supplication, however with his further request upon obligations.
petitioner to give to charity whatever properties or
interest may pertain to respondent in the future. "Adoption, being in the best interest of the child, shall not be
subject to rescission by the adopter(s). However, the
xxx xxx xxx adopter(s) may disinherit the adoptee for causes provided in
Article 919 of the Civil Code." (emphasis supplied)
"10. That respondent continued using his surname Sibulo
to the utter disregard of the feelings of herein petitioner, Jose Melvin moved for the dismissal of the petition,
and his records with the Professional Regulation contending principally (a) that the trial court had no
Commission showed his name as Jose Melvin M. Sibulo jurisdiction over the case and (b) that the petitioner had
originally issued in 1978 until the present, and in all his no cause of action in view of the aforequoted provisions of
dealings and activities in connection with his practice of R.A. No. 8552. Petitioner asseverated, by way of
his profession, he is Jose Melvin M. Sibulo. opposition, that the proscription in R.A. No. 8552 should
not retroactively apply, i.e., to cases where the ground for
rescission of the adoption vested under the regime of then
xxx xxx xxx Article 3482of the Civil Code and Article 1923 of the Family
"13. That herein petitioner being a widow, and living alone
in this city with only her household helps to attend to her, In an order, dated 28 April 2000, the trial court held
has yearned for the care and show of concern from a son, thusly:
but respondent remained indifferent and would only come
to Naga to see her once a year.
"On the issue of jurisdiction over the subject matter of the
suit, Section 5(c) of R.A. No. 8369 confers jurisdiction to
"14. That for the last three or four years, the medical this Court, having been designated Family Court in A.M.
check-up of petitioner in Manila became more frequent in No. 99-11-07 SC.
view of a leg ailment, and those were the times when
petitioner would need most the care and support from a
love one, but respondent all the more remained callous "On the matter of no cause of action, the test on the
sufficiency of the facts alleged in the complaint, is whether
Adoption Page 30
or not, admitting the facts alleged, the Court could render a favor the adopted child. R.A. No. 8552 secured these rights
valid judgment in accordance with the prayer of said and privileges for the adopted. Most importantly, it
complaint (De Jesus, et al. vs. Belarmino, et al., 95 Phil. 365). affirmed the legitimate status of the adopted child, not
only in his new family but also in the society as well. The
"Admittedly, Section 19, Article VI of R.A. No. 8552 deleted new law withdrew the right of an adopter to rescind the
the right of an adopter to rescind an adoption earlier adoption decree and gave to the adopted child the sole
granted under the Family Code. Conformably, on the face right to sever the legal ties created by adoption.
of the petition, indeed there is lack of cause of action.
Petitioner, however, would insist that R.A. No. 8552 should
"Petitioner however, insists that her right to rescind long not adversely affect her right to annul the adoption decree,
acquired under the provisions of the Family Code should nor deprive the trial court of its jurisdiction to hear the
be respected. Assuming for the sake of argument, that case, both being vested under the Civil Code and the
petitioner is entitled to rescind the adoption of respondent Family Code, the laws then in force.
granted on May 5, 1972, said right should have been
exercised within the period allowed by the Rules. From the The concept of "vested right" is a consequence of the
averments in the petition, it appears clear that the legal constitutional guaranty of due process15 that expresses
grounds for the petition have been discovered and known a present fixed interest which in right reason and natural
to petitioner for more than five (5) years, prior to the filing justice is protected against arbitrary state action;16 it
of the instant petition on December 1, 1999, hence, the includes not only legal or equitable title to the
action if any, had already prescribed. (Sec. 5, Rule 100 enforcement of a demand but also exemptions from new
Revised Rules of Court) obligations created after the right has become
vested.17 Rights are considered vested when the right to
"WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing consideration, the enjoyment is a present interest,18 absolute, unconditional,
petition is ordered dismissed."4 and perfect19 or fixed and irrefutable.

Via a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the In Republic vs. Court of Appeals,20 a petition to adopt Jason
1997 Rules of Court, petitioner raises the following Condat was filed by Zenaida C. Bobiles on 02 February
questions; viz: 1988 when the Child and Youth Welfare Code (Presidential
Decree No. 603) allowed an adoption to be sought
1. May the subject adoption, decreed on 05 May 1972, still by either spouse or both of them. After the trial court had
be revoked or rescinded by an adopter after the effectivity rendered its decision and while the case was still pending
of R.A. No. 8552? on appeal, the Family Code of the Philippines (Executive
Order No. 209), mandating joint adoption by the husband
and wife, took effect. Petitioner Republic argued that the
2. In the affirmative, has the adopter's action prescribed? case should be dismissed for having been filed by Mrs.
Bobiles alone and without being joined by the husband.
A brief background on the law and its origins could The Court concluded that the jurisdiction of the court is
provide some insights on the subject. In ancient times, the determined by the statute in force at the time of the
Romans undertook adoption to assure male heirs in the commencement of the action. The petition to adopt Jason,
family.5 The continuity of the adopter's family was the having been filed with the court at the time when P.D. No.
primary purpose of adoption and all matters relating to it 603 was still in effect, the right of Mrs. Bobiles to file the
basically focused on the rights of the adopter. There was petition, without being joined by her husband, according to
hardly any mention about the rights of the the Court had become vested. In Republic vs.
adopted.6 Countries, like Greece, France, Spain and Miller,21 spouses Claude and Jumrus Miller, both aliens,
England, in an effort to preserve inheritance within the sought to adopt Michael Madayag. On 29 July 1988, the
family, neither allowed nor recognized adoption.7 It was couple filed a petition to formalize Michael's adoption
only much later when adoption was given an impetus in having theretofore been taken into their care. At the time
law and still later when the welfare of the child became a the action was commenced, P.D. No. 603 allowed aliens to
paramount concern.8 Spain itself which previously adopt. After the decree of adoption and while on appeal
disfavored adoption ultimately relented and accepted the before the Court of Appeals, the Family Code was enacted
Roman law concept of adoption which, subsequently, was into law on 08 August 1988 disqualifying aliens from
to find its way to the archipelago. The Americans came and adopting Filipino children. The Republic then prayed for
introduced their own ideas on adoption which, unlike most the withdrawal of the adoption decree. In discarding the
countries in Europe, made the interests of the child an argument posed by the Republic, the Supreme Court ruled
overriding consideration.9 In the early part of the century that the controversy should be resolved in the light of the
just passed, the rights of children invited universal law governing at the time the petition was filed.
attention; the Geneva Declaration of Rights of the Child of
1924 and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of It was months after the effectivity of R.A. No. 8552 that
1948,10 followed by the United Nations Declarations of the herein petitioner filed an action to revoke the decree of
Rights of the Child,11 were written instruments that would adoption granted in 1975. By then, the new law,22 had
also protect and safeguard the rights of adopted children. already abrogated and repealed the right of an adopter
The Civil Code of the Philippines12 of 1950 on adoption, under the Civil Code and the Family Code to rescind a
later modified by the Child and Youth Welfare Code13 and decree of adoption. Consistently with its earlier
then by the Family Code of the Philippines,14gave pronouncements, the Court should now hold that the
immediate statutory acknowledgment to the rights of the action for rescission of the adoption decree, having been
adopted. In 1989, the United Nations initiated the initiated by petitioner after R.A. No. 8552 had come into
Convention of the Rights of the Child. The Philippines, a force, no longer could be pursued.
State Party to the Convention, accepted the principle that
adoption was impressed with social and moral
responsibility, and that its underlying intent was geared to Interestingly, even before the passage of the statute, an
action to set aside the adoption is subject to the five-year
Adoption Page 31
bar rule under Rule 10023 of the Rules of Court and that the On March 23, 2001,3 the trial court rendered the assailed
adopter would lose the right to revoke the adoption decree Decision granting the adoption, thus:
after the lapse of that period. The exercise of the right
within a prescriptive period is a condition that could not "After a careful consideration of the evidence presented by
fulfill the requirements of a vested right entitled to the petitioner, and in the absence of any opposition to the
protection. It must also be acknowledged that a person has petition, this Court finds that the petitioner possesses all
no vested right in statutory privileges.24 While adoption the qualifications and none of the disqualification provided
has often been referred to in the context of a "right," the for by law as an adoptive parent, and that as such he is
privilege to adopt is itself not naturally innate or qualified to maintain, care for and educate the child to be
fundamental but rather a right merely created by adopted; that the grant of this petition would redound to
statute.25 It is a privilege that is governed by the state's the best interest and welfare of the minor Stephanie Nathy
determination on what it may deem to be for the best Astorga Garcia. The Court further holds that the
interest and welfare of the child.26 Matters relating to petitioners care and custody of the child since her birth up
adoption, including the withdrawal of the right of an to the present constitute more than enough compliance
adopter to nullify the adoption decree, are subject to with the requirement of Article 35 of Presidential Decree
regulation by the State.27 Concomitantly, a right of No. 603.
action given by statute may be taken away at anytime
before it has been exercised.28 WHEREFORE, finding the petition to be meritorious, the
same is GRANTED. Henceforth, Stephanie Nathy Astorga
While R.A. No. 8552 has unqualifiedly withdrawn from an Garcia is hereby freed from all obligations of obedience
adopter a consequential right to rescind the adoption and maintenance with respect to her natural mother, and
decree even in cases where the adoption might clearly turn for civil purposes, shall henceforth be the petitioners
out to be undesirable, it remains, nevertheless, the legitimate child and legal heir. Pursuant to Article 189 of
bounden duty of the Court to apply the law. Dura lex sed the Family Code of the Philippines, the minor shall be
lex would be the hackneyed truism that those caught in the known as STEPHANIE NATHY CATINDIG.
law have to live with. It is still noteworthy, however, that
an adopter, while barred from severing the legal ties of Upon finality of this Decision, let the same be entered in
adoption, can always for valid reasons cause the forfeiture the Local Civil Registrar concerned pursuant to Rule 99 of
of certain benefits otherwise accruing to an undeserving the Rules of Court.
child. For instance, upon the grounds recognized by law, an
adopter may deny to an adopted child his legitime and, by
a will and testament, may freely exclude him from having a Let copy of this Decision be furnished the National
share in the disposable portion of his estate. Statistics Office for record purposes.

WHEREFORE, the assailed judgment of the court a quo is SO ORDERED."4

AFFIRMED. No costs.
On April 20, 2001, petitioner filed a motion for clarification
SO ORDERED. and/or reconsideration5 praying that Stephanie should be
allowed to use the surname of her natural mother
(GARCIA) as her middle name.
G.R. No. 148311. March 31, 2005
On May 28, 2001,6 the trial court denied petitioners
IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION OF STEPHANIE motion for reconsideration holding that there is no law or
NATHY ASTORGA GARCIA jurisprudence allowing an adopted child to use the
surname of his biological mother as his middle name.
Hence, the present petition raising the issue of whether an
DECISION illegitimate child may use the surname of her mother as
her middle name when she is subsequently adopted by her
SANDOVAL-GUTIERREZ, J.: natural father.

May an illegitimate child, upon adoption by her natural Petitioner submits that the trial court erred in depriving
father, use the surname of her natural mother as her Stephanie of a middle name as a consequence of adoption
middle name? This is the issue raised in the instant case. because: (1) there is no law prohibiting an adopted child
from having a middle name in case there is only one
The facts are undisputed. adopting parent; (2) it is customary for every Filipino to
have as middle name the surname of the mother; (3) the
On August 31, 2000, Honorato B. Catindig, herein middle name or initial is a part of the name of a person; (4)
petitioner, filed a petition1 to adopt his minor illegitimate adoption is for the benefit and best interest of the adopted
child Stephanie Nathy Astorga Garcia. He alleged child, hence, her right to bear a proper name should not be
therein, among others, that Stephanie was born on June 26, violated; (5) permitting Stephanie to use the middle name
1994;2 that her mother is Gemma Astorga Garcia; that "Garcia" (her mothers surname) avoids the stigma of her
Stephanie has been using her mothers middle name and illegitimacy; and; (6) her continued use of "Garcia" as her
surname; and that he is now a widower and qualified to be middle name is not opposed by either the Catindig or
her adopting parent. He prayed that Stephanies middle Garcia families.
name Astorga be changed to "Garcia," her mothers
surname, and that her surname "Garcia" be changed to The Republic, through the Office of the Solicitor General
"Catindig," his surname. (OSG), agrees with petitioner that Stephanie should be
permitted to use, as her middle name, the surname of her
natural mother for the following reasons:
Adoption Page 32
First, it is necessary to preserve and maintain Stephanies (2) Her maiden first name and her husband's surname or
filiation with her natural mother because under Article
189 of the Family Code, she remains to be an intestate heir (3) Her husband's full name, but prefixing a word
of the latter. Thus, to prevent any confusion and needless indicating that she is his wife, such as Mrs.
hardship in the future, her relationship or proof of that
relationship with her natural mother should be Art. 371. In case of annulment of marriage, and the wife is
maintained. the guilty party, she shall resume her maiden name
and surname. If she is the innocent spouse, she may
Second, there is no law expressly prohibiting Stephanie to resume her maiden name and surname. However, she may
use the surname of her natural mother as her middle choose to continue employing her former husband's
name. What the law does not prohibit, it allows. surname, unless:

Last, it is customary for every Filipino to have a middle (1) The court decrees otherwise, or
name, which is ordinarily the surname of the mother. This
custom has been recognized by the Civil Code and Family (2) She or the former husband is married again to another
Code. In fact, the Family Law Committees agreed that "the person.
initial or surname of the mother should immediately precede
the surname of the father so that the second name, if any,
will be before the surname of the mother."7 Art. 372. When legal separation has been granted, the wife
shall continue using her name and surname employed
before the legal separation.
We find merit in the petition.
Art. 373. A widow may use the deceased
Use Of Surname Is Fixed By Law husband's surname as though he were still living, in
accordance with Article 370.
For all practical and legal purposes, a man's name is the
designation by which he is known and called in the Art. 374. In case of identity of names and surnames, the
community in which he lives and is best known. It is younger person shall be obliged to use such additional
defined as the word or combination of words by which a name or surname as will avoid confusion.
person is distinguished from other individuals and, also, as
the label or appellation which he bears for the convenience
of the world at large addressing him, or in speaking of or Art. 375. In case of identity of names and surnames
dealing with him.8 It is both of personal as well as public between ascendants and descendants, the word Junior
interest that every person must have a name. can be used only by a son. Grandsons and other direct male
descendants shall either:
The name of an individual has two parts: (1) the given or
proper name and (2) the surname or family name. The (1) Add a middle name or the mother's surname,
given or proper name is that which is given to the
individual at birth or at baptism, to distinguish him from (2) Add the Roman numerals II, III, and so on.
other individuals. The surname or family name is that
which identifies the family to which he belongs and is x x x"
continued from parent to child. The given name may be
freely selected by the parents for the child, but the Law Is Silent As To The Use Of
surname to which the child is entitled is fixed by law.9
Middle Name
Thus, Articles 364 to 380 of the Civil Code provides the
substantive rules which regulate the use of surname10 of As correctly submitted by both parties, there is no law
an individual whatever may be his status in life, i.e., regulating the use of a middle name. Even Article 176 11 of
whether he may be legitimate or illegitimate, an adopted the Family Code, as amended by Republic Act No. 9255,
child, a married woman or a previously married woman, or otherwise known as "An Act Allowing Illegitimate Children
a widow, thus: To Use The Surname Of Their Father," is silent as to what
middle name a child may use.
"Art. 364. Legitimate and legitimated children shall
principally use the surname of the father. The middle name or the mothers surname is only
considered in Article 375(1), quoted above, in case there is
Art. 365. An adopted child shall bear the surname of the identity of names and surnames between ascendants and
adopter. descendants, in which case, the middle name or the
mothers surname shall be added.
Notably, the law is likewise silent as to what middle
Art. 369. Children conceived before the decree annulling a name an adoptee may use. Article 365 of the Civil Code
voidable marriage shall principally use the surname of the merely provides that "an adopted child shall bear the
father. surname of the adopter." Also, Article 189 of the Family
Code, enumerating the legal effects of adoption, is likewise
Art. 370. A married woman may use: silent on the matter, thus:

(1) Her maiden first name and surname and add her "(1) For civil purposes, the adopted shall be deemed to be
husband's surname, or a legitimate child of the adopters and both shall acquire
the reciprocal rights and obligations arising from the

Adoption Page 33
relationship of parent and child, including the right of the Justice Puno suggested that they agree in principle
adopted to use the surname of the adopters; that in the Chapter on the Use of Surnames, they
should say that initial or surname of the mother
x x x" should immediately precede the surname of the father
so that the second name, if any, will be before the
However, as correctly pointed out by the OSG, the surname of the mother. Prof. Balane added that this is
members of the Civil Code and Family Law Committees really the Filipino way. The Committee approved the
that drafted the Family Code recognized the Filipino suggestion."12 (Emphasis supplied)
custom of adding the surname of the childs mother as
his middle name. In the Minutes of the Joint Meeting of In the case of an adopted child, the law provides that "the
the Civil Code and Family Law Committees, the members adopted shall bear the surname of the adopters."13Again, it
approved the suggestion that the initial or surname of is silent whether he can use a middle name. What it only
the mother should immediately precede the surname expressly allows, as a matter of right and obligation, is for
of the father, thus the adoptee to bear the surname of the adopter, upon
issuance of the decree of adoption.14
"Justice Caguioa commented that there is a difference
between the use by the wife of the surname and that of the The Underlying Intent of
child because the fathers surname indicates the family
to which he belongs, for which reason he would insist Adoption Is In Favor of the
on the use of the fathers surname by the child but that,
if he wants to, the child may also use the surname of Adopted Child
the mother.
Adoption is defined as the process of making a child,
Justice Puno posed the question: If the child chooses to use whether related or not to the adopter, possess in general,
the surname of the mother, how will his name be written? the rights accorded to a legitimate child.15 It is a juridical
Justice Caguioa replied that it is up to him but that his act, a proceeding in rem which creates between two persons
point is that it should be mandatory that the child uses a relationship similar to that which results from legitimate
the surname of the father and permissive in the case of paternity and filiation.16 The modern trend is to consider
the surname of the mother. adoption not merely as an act to establish a relationship of
paternity and filiation, but also as an act which endows the
Prof. Baviera remarked that Justice Caguioas point is child with a legitimate status.17 This was, indeed, confirmed
covered by the present Article 364, which reads: in 1989, when the Philippines, as a State Party to the
Convention of the Rights of the Child initiated by the
Legitimate and legitimated children shall principally use United Nations, accepted the principle that adoption is
the surname of the father. impressed with social and moral responsibility, and
that its underlying intent is geared to favor the
Justice Puno pointed out that many names change through adopted child.18 Republic Act No. 8552, otherwise known
no choice of the person himself precisely because of this as the "Domestic Adoption Act of 1998,"19 secures these
misunderstanding. He then cited the following example: rights and privileges for the adopted.20
Alfonso Ponce Enriles correct surname is Ponce since the
mothers surname is Enrile but everybody calls him Atty. One of the effects of adoption is that the adopted is
Enrile. Justice Jose Gutierrez Davids family name is deemed to be a legitimate child of the adopter for all
Gutierrez and his mothers surname is David but they all intents and purposes pursuant to Article 18921 of the
call him Justice David. Family Code and Section 1722 Article V of RA 8552.23

Justice Caguioa suggested that the proposed Article Being a legitimate child by virtue of her adoption, it
(12) be modified to the effect that it shall be follows that Stephanie is entitled to all the rights
mandatory on the child to use the surname of the provided by law to a legitimate child without
father but he may use the surname of the mother by discrimination of any kind, including the right to bear
way of an initial or a middle name. Prof. Balane stated the surname of her father and her mother, as
that they take note of this for inclusion in the Chapter on discussed above. This is consistent with the intention of
Use of Surnames since in the proposed Article (10) they the members of the Civil Code and Family Law Committees
are just enumerating the rights of legitimate children so as earlier discussed. In fact, it is a Filipino custom that the
that the details can be covered in the appropriate chapter. initial or surname of the mother should immediately
precede the surname of the father.
Additionally, as aptly stated by both parties, Stephanies
Justice Puno remarked that there is logic in the continued use of her mothers surname (Garcia) as her
simplification suggested by Justice Caguioa that the middle name will maintain her maternal lineage. It is to be
surname of the father should always be last because there noted that Article 189(3) of the Family Code and Section
are so many traditions like the American tradition where 1824, Article V of RA 8552 (law on adoption) provide that
they like to use their second given name and the Latin the adoptee remains an intestate heir of his/her biological
tradition, which is also followed by the Chinese wherein parent. Hence, Stephanie can well assert or claim her
they even include the Clan name. hereditary rights from her natural mother in the future.

xxx Moreover, records show that Stephanie and her mother

are living together in the house built by petitioner for them
at 390 Tumana, San Jose, Baliuag, Bulacan. Petitioner
provides for all their needs. Stephanie is closely attached

Adoption Page 34
to both her mother and father. She calls them "Mama" and On February 4, 2002, Diwata Ramos Landingin, a citizen of
"Papa". Indeed, they are one normal happy family. Hence, the United States of America (USA), of Filipino parentage
to allow Stephanie to use her mothers surname as her and a resident of Guam, USA, filed a petition3 for the
middle name will not only sustain her continued loving adoption of minors Elaine Dizon Ramos who was born on
relationship with her mother but will also eliminate the August 31, 1986;4 Elma Dizon Ramos, who was born on
stigma of her illegitimacy. September 7, 1987;5 and Eugene Dizon Ramos who was
born on August 5, 1989.6 The minors are the natural
Liberal Construction of children of Manuel Ramos, petitioners brother, and Amelia
Adoption Statutes In Favor Of
Landingin, as petitioner, alleged in her petition that when
Adoption Manuel died on May 19, 1990,7 the children were left to
their paternal grandmother, Maria Taruc Ramos; their
biological mother, Amelia, went to Italy, re-married there
It is a settled rule that adoption statutes, being humane and now has two children by her second marriage and no
and salutary, should be liberally construed to carry out the longer communicated with her children by Manuel Ramos
beneficent purposes of adoption.25 The interests and nor with her in-laws from the time she left up to the
welfare of the adopted child are of primary and paramount institution of the adoption; the minors are being financially
consideration,26 hence, every reasonable intendment supported by the petitioner and her children, and relatives
should be sustained to promote and fulfill these noble and abroad; as Maria passed away on November 23, 2000,
compassionate objectives of the law.27 petitioner desires to adopt the children; the minors have
given their written consent8 to the adoption; she is
Lastly, Art. 10 of the New Civil Code provides that: qualified to adopt as shown by the fact that she is a 57-
year-old widow, has children of her own who are already
"In case of doubt in the interpretation or application of married, gainfully employed and have their respective
laws, it is presumed that the lawmaking body intended families; she lives alone in her own home in Guam, USA,
right and justice to prevail." where she acquired citizenship, and works as a restaurant
server. She came back to the Philippines to spend time
This provision, according to the Code Commission, "is with the minors; her children gave their written
necessary so that it may tip the scales in favor of right and consent9 to the adoption of the minors. Petitioners
justice when the law is doubtful or obscure. It will brother, Mariano Ramos, who earns substantial income,
strengthen the determination of the courts to avoid an signified his willingness and commitment to support the
injustice which may apparently be authorized by some minors while in petitioners custody.
way of interpreting the law."28
Petitioner prayed that, after due hearing, judgment be
Hence, since there is no law prohibiting an illegitimate rendered in her favor, as follows:
child adopted by her natural father, like Stephanie, to use,
as middle name her mothers surname, we find no reason WHEREFORE, it is most respectfully prayed to this
why she should not be allowed to do so. Honorable Court that after publication and hearing,
judgment be rendered allowing the adoption of the minor
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The assailed children Elaine Dizon Ramos, Elma Dizon Ramos, and
Decision is partly MODIFIED in the sense that Stephanie Eugene Dizon Ramos by the petitioner, and ordering that
should be allowed to use her mothers surname "GARCIA" the minor childrens name follow the family name of
as her middle name. petitioner.

Let the corresponding entry of her correct and complete Petitioner prays for such other reliefs, just and equitable
name be entered in the decree of adoption. under the premises.10

SO ORDERED. On March 5, 2002, the court ordered the Department of

Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) to conduct a case
G.R. No. 164948 June 27, 2006 study as mandated by Article 34 of Presidential Decree No.
603, as amended, and to submit a report thereon not later
than April 4, 2002, the date set for the initial hearing of the
petition.11 The Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) entered
its appearance12 but deputized the City Prosecutor of
Tarlac to appear in its behalf.13Since her petition was
unopposed, petitioner was allowed to present her
DECISION evidence ex parte.14

CALLEJO, SR., J.: The petitioner testified in her behalf. She also presented
Elaine Ramos, the eldest of the adoptees, to testify on the
Assailed in this petition for review on certiorari under written consent executed by her and her siblings.15 The
Rule 45 of the Rules of Court is the Decision1 of the Court petitioner marked in evidence the Affidavit of Consent
of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 77826 which reversed the purportedly executed by her children Ann, Errol, Dennis
Decision2 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Tarlac City, and Ricfel Branitley, all surnamed Landingin, and
Branch 63 in Civil Case No. 2733 granting the Petition for notarized by a notary public in Guam, USA, as proof of said
Adoption of the petitioner herein. consent.16

The Antecedents

Adoption Page 35
On May 24, 2002, Elizabeth Pagbilao, Social Welfare Officer On November 23, 2002, the court, finding merit in the
II of the DSWD, Field Office III, Tarlac, submitted a Child petition for adoption, rendered a decision granting said
Study Report, with the following recommendation: petition. The dispositive portion reads:

In view of the foregoing, undersigned finds minors Elaine, WHEREFORE, it is hereby ordered that henceforth, minors
Elma & Eugene all surnamed Ramos, eligible for adoption Elaine Dizon Ramos, Elma Dizon Ramos, Eugene Dizon
because of the following reasons: Ramos be freed from all legal obligations obedience and
maintenance from their natural parents and that they be
1. Minors surviving parent, the mother has voluntarily declared for all legal intents and purposes the children of
consented to their adoption by the paternal aunt, Diwata Diwata Ramos Landingin. Trial custody is dispensed with
Landingin this is in view of her inability to provide the considering that parent-children relationship has long
parental care, guidance and support they need. An been established between the children and the adoptive
Affidavit of Consent was executed by the mother which is parents. Let the surnames of the children be changed from
hereto attached. "Dizon-Ramos" to "Ramos-Landingin."

2. The three minors subject for adoption have also Let a copy of this decision be furnished the Local Civil
expressed their willingness to be adopted and joins the Registrar of Tarlac, Tarlac for him to effect the
petitioners in Guam, USA in the future. A joint Affidavit of corresponding changes/amendment in the birth
consent is hereto attached. The minors developed close certificates of the above-mentioned minors.
attachment to the petitioners and they regarded her as
second parent. SO ORDERED.19

3. The minors are present under the care of a temporary The OSG appealed20 the decision to the Court of Appeals on
guardian who has also family to look after. As young December 2, 2002. In its brief21 for the oppositor-
adolescents they really need parental love, care, guidance appellant, the OSG raised the following arguments:
and support to ensure their protection and well being.
In view of the foregoing, it is hereby respectfully
recommended that minors Elaine D. Ramos, Elma D. THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN GRANTING THE PETITION
Ramos and Eugene D. Ramos be adopted by their maternal FOR ADOPTION DESPITE THE LACK OF CONSENT OF THE
aunt Diwata Landingin. Trial custody is hereby further PROPOSED ADOPTEES BIOLOGICAL MOTHER.
recommended to be dispensed with considering that they
are close relatives and that close attachments was already II
developed between the petitioner and the 3 minors.17
Pagbilao narrated what transpired during her interview, as FOR ADOPTION DESPITE THE LACK OF THE WRITTEN
The mother of minors came home together with her son
John Mario, this May 2002 for 3 weeks vacation. This is to III
enable her appear for the personal interview concerning
the adoption of her children.
The plan for the adoption of minors by their paternal aunt ESTABLISH THAT SHE IS IN A POSITION TO SUPPORT THE
Diwata Landingin was conceived after the death of their PROPOSED ADOPTEES.
paternal grandmother and guardian. The paternal relatives
including the petitioner who attended the wake of their
mother were very much concerned about the well-being of On April 29, 2004, the CA rendered a decision22 reversing
the three minors. While preparing for their adoption, they the ruling of the RTC. It held that petitioner failed to
have asked a cousin who has a family to stay with minors adduce in evidence the voluntary consent of Amelia
and act as their temporary guardian. Ramos, the childrens natural mother. Moreover, the
affidavit of consent of the petitioners children could not
also be admitted in evidence as the same was executed in
The mother of minors was consulted about the adoption Guam, USA and was not authenticated or acknowledged
plan and after weighing the benefits of adoption to her before a Philippine consular office, and although petitioner
children, she voluntarily consented. She realized that her has a job, she was not stable enough to support the
children need parental love, guidance and support which children. The dispositive portion of the CA decision reads:
she could not provide as she already has a second family &
residing in Italy. Knowing also that the petitioners & her
children have been supporting her children up to the WHEREFORE, premises considered, the appealed decision
present and truly care for them, she believes her children dated November 25, 2002 of the Regional Trial Court,
will be in good hands. She also finds petitioners in a better Branch 63, Tarlac City in Spec. Proc. No. 2733 is hereby
position to provide a secured and bright future to her REVERSED and SET ASIDE.
However, petitioner failed to present Pagbilao as witness
and offer in evidence the voluntary consent of Amelia Petitioner filed a Motion for Reconsideration24 on May 21,
Ramos to the adoption; petitioner, likewise, failed to 2004, which the CA denied in its Resolution dated August
present any documentary evidence to prove that Amelia 12, 2004.25
assents to the adoption.
Adoption Page 36
Petitioner, thus, filed the instant petition for review on (b) The biological parent(s) of the child, if known, or the
certiorari26 on September 7, 2004, assigning the following legal guardian, or the proper government instrumentality
errors: which has legal custody of the child;

1. THAT THE HONORABLE LOWER COURT HAS (c) The legitimate and adopted sons/daughters, ten (10)
OVERLOOKED AND MISAPPLIED SOME FACTS AND years of age or over, of the adopter(s) and adoptee, if any;
IMPORTANCE AND WHICH IF CONSIDERED WOULD HAVE (d) The illegitimate sons/daughters, ten (10) years of age
AFFECTED THE RESULT OF THE CASE. or over, of the adopter, if living with said adopter and the
latters souse, if any;
CONCLUDING THAT THE PETITIONER-APPELLEE IS NOT (e) The spouse, if any, of the person adopting or to be
The general requirement of consent and notice to the
The issues raised by the parties in their pleadings are the natural parents is intended to protect the natural parental
following: (a) whether the petitioner is entitled to adopt relationship from unwarranted interference by
the minors without the written consent of their biological interlopers, and to insure the opportunity to safeguard the
mother, Amelia Ramos; (b) whether or not the affidavit of best interests of the child in the manner of the proposed
consent purportedly executed by the petitioner-adopters adoption.32
children sufficiently complies with the law; and (c)
whether or not petitioner is financially capable of Clearly, the written consent of the biological parents is
supporting the adoptees. indispensable for the validity of a decree of adoption.
Indeed, the natural right of a parent to his child requires
The Courts Ruling that his consent must be obtained before his parental
rights and duties may be terminated and re-established in
The petition is denied for lack of merit. adoptive parents. In this case, petitioner failed to submit
the written consent of Amelia Ramos to the adoption.
It has been the policy of the Court to adhere to the liberal
concept, as stated in Malkinson v. Agrava, 28 that adoption We note that in her Report, Pagbilao declared that she was
statutes, being humane and salutary, hold the interest and able to interview Amelia Ramos who arrived in the
welfare of the child to be of paramount consideration and Philippines with her son, John Mario in May 2002. If said
are designed to provide homes, parental care and Amelia Ramos was in the Philippines and Pagbilao was
education for unfortunate, needy or orphaned children and able to interview her, it is incredible that the latter would
give them the protection of society and family in the not require Amelia Ramos to execute a Written Consent to
person of the adopter as well as to allow childless couples the adoption of her minor children. Neither did the
or persons to experience the joys of parenthood and give petitioner bother to present Amelia Ramos as witness in
them legally a child in the person of the adopted for the support of the petition.
manifestation of their natural parental instincts. Every
reasonable intendment should thus be sustained to Petitioner, nonetheless, argues that the written consent of
promote and fulfill these noble and compassionate the biological mother is no longer necessary because when
objectives of the law.29 Amelias husband died in 1990, she left for Italy and never
came back. The children were then left to the guidance and
However, in Cang v. Court of Appeals,30 the Court also care of their paternal grandmother. It is the paternal
ruled that the liberality with which this Court treats relatives, including petitioner, who provided for the
matters leading to adoption insofar as it carries out the childrens financial needs. Hence, Amelia, the biological
beneficent purposes of the law to ensure the rights and mother, had effectively abandoned the children. Petitioner
privileges of the adopted child arising therefrom, ever further contends that it was by twist of fate that after 12
mindful that the paramount consideration is the overall years, when the petition for adoption was pending with
benefit and interest of the adopted child, should be the RTC that Amelia and her child by her second marriage
understood in its proper context and perspective. The were on vacation in the Philippines. Pagbilao, the DSWD
Courts position should not be misconstrued or social worker, was able to meet her, and during the
misinterpreted as to extend to inferences beyond the meeting, Amelia intimated to the social worker that she
contemplation of law and jurisprudence. Thus, the conformed to the adoption of her three children by the
discretion to approve adoption proceedings is not to be petitioner.
anchored solely on best interests of the child but likewise,
with due regard to the natural rights of the parents over Petitioners contention must be rejected. When she filed
the child.31 her petition with the trial court, Rep. Act No. 8552 was
already in effect. Section 9 thereof provides that if the
Section 9 of Republic Act No. 8552, otherwise known as written consent of the biological parents cannot be
the Domestic Adoption Act of 1998, provides: obtained, the written consent of the legal guardian of the
minors will suffice. If, as claimed by petitioner, that the
Sec. 9. Whose Consent is Necessary to the Adoption. - After biological mother of the minors had indeed abandoned
being properly counseled and informed of his/her right to them, she should, thus have adduced the written consent
give or withhold his/her approval of the adoption, the of their legal guardian.
written consent of the following to the adoption is hereby
required: Ordinarily, abandonment by a parent to justify the
adoption of his child without his consent, is a conduct
(a) The adoptee, if ten (10) years of age or over; which evinces a settled purpose to forego all parental

Adoption Page 37
duties.33 The term means neglect and refusal to perform As the eldest she tries her best to be a role model to her
the filial and legal obligations of love and support. If a younger siblings. She helps them in their lessons, works
parent withholds presence, love, care, the opportunity to and has fun with them. She also encourages openness on
display filial affection, and neglects to lend support and their problems and concerns and provides petty
maintenance, the parent, in effect, abandons the child.34 counseling. In serious problems she already consult (sic)
her mother and petitioner-aunt.40
Merely permitting the child to remain for a time
undisturbed in the care of others is not such an xxxx
abandonment.35To dispense with the requirement of
consent, the abandonment must be shown to have existed In their 5 years of married life, they begot 3 children,
at the time of adoption.36 herein minors, Amelia recalled that they had a happy and
comfortable life. After the death of her husband, her in-
In this case, petitioner relied solely on her testimony and laws which include the petitioner had continued providing
that of Elaine Ramos to prove her claim that Amelia Ramos support for them. However being ashamed of just
had abandoned her children. Petitioners testimony on that depending on the support of her husbands relatives, she
matter follows: decided to work abroad. Her parents are also in need of
financial help as they are undergoing maintenance
Q Where is the mother of these three children now? medication. Her parents mortgaged their farm land which
A She left for Italy on November 20, 1990, sir. she used in going to Italy and worked as domestic helper.
Q At the time when Amelia Ramos left for Italy, was there
an instance where she communicated with the family? When she left for Italy in November 1990, she entrusted
A None, sir. her 3 children to the care & custody of her mother-in-law
Q How about with her children? who returned home for good, however she died on
A None, sir. November 2000.
Q Do you know what place in Italy did she reside?
A I do not know, sir. While working in Italy, she met Jun Tayag, a married man
Q Did you receive any news about Amelia Ramos? from Tarlac. They became live-in partners since 1995 and
A What I know, sir, was that she was already married with have a son John Mario who is now 2 years old. The three of
another man. them are considered Italian residents. Amelia claimed that
Q From whom did you learn that? Mr. Tayag is planning to file an annulment of his marriage
A From others who came from Italy, sir. and his wife is amenable to it. He is providing his
Q Did you come to know whether she has children by her legitimate family regular support.
second marriage?
A Yes, sir, she got two kids.37 Amelia also sends financial support ranging from P10,000-
Elaine, the eldest of the minors, testified, thus: P15,000 a month through her parents who share minimal
Q Where is your mother now? amount of P3,000-P5,000 a month to his (sic) children. The
A In Italy, sir. petitioner and other paternal relatives are continuously
Q When did your mother left for Italy? providing support for most of the needs & education of
A After my father died, sir. minors up to present.41
Q How old were you when your mother left for Italy in
A Two years old, sir. Thus, when Amelia left for Italy, she had not intended to
Q At the time when your mother left for Italy, did your abandon her children, or to permanently sever their
mother communicate with you? mother-child relationship. She was merely impelled to
A No, sir.38 leave the country by financial constraints. Yet, even while
However, the Home Study Report of the DSWD Social abroad, she did not surrender or relinquish entirely her
Worker also stated the following: motherly obligations of rearing the children to her now
deceased mother-in-law, for, as claimed by Elaine herself,
she consulted her mother, Amelia, for serious personal
IV. Background of the Case: problems. Likewise, Amelia continues to send financial
support to the children, though in minimal amounts as
xxxx compared to what her affluent in-laws provide.

Since the mother left for Italy, minors siblings had been Let it be emphasized, nevertheless, that the adoption of the
under the care and custody of their maternal grandmother. minors herein will have the effect of severing all legal ties
However, she died in Nov. 2001 and an uncle, cousin of between the biological mother, Amelia, and the adoptees,
their deceased father now serves as their guardian. The and that the same shall then be vested on the adopter. 42 It
petitioner, together with her children and other relatives would thus be against the spirit of the law if financial
abroad have been supporting the minor children consideration were to be the paramount consideration in
financially, even during the time that they were still living deciding whether to deprive a person of parental authority
with their natural parents. Their mother also sends over his/her children. More proof has to be adduced that
financial support but very minimal.39 Amelia has emotionally abandoned the children, and that
the latter will not miss her guidance and counsel if they are
xxxx given to an adopting parent.43 Again, it is the best interest
of the child that takes precedence in adoption.
V. Background Information about the Minors Being Sought
for Adoption: Section 34, Rule 132 of the Rules of Court provides that the
Court shall consider no evidence which has not been
xxxx formally offered. The purpose for which the evidence is
offered must be specified. The offer of evidence is

Adoption Page 38
necessary because it is the duty of the Court to rest its In reversing the ruling of the RTC, the CA ruled that
findings of fact and its judgment only and strictly upon the petitioner was not stable enough to support the children
evidence offered by the parties. Unless and until admitted and is only relying on the financial backing, support and
by the court in evidence for the purpose or purposes for commitment of her children and her siblings.48 Petitioner
which such document is offered, the same is merely a scrap contradicts this by claiming that she is financially capable
of paper barren of probative weight. Mere identification of as she has worked in Guam for 14 years, has savings, a
documents and the markings thereof as exhibits do not house, and currently earns $5.15 an hour with tips of not
confer any evidentiary weight on documents unless less than $1,000.00 a month. Her children and siblings
formally offered.44 have likewise committed themselves to provide financial
backing should the need arise. The OSG, again in its
Petitioner failed to offer in evidence Pagbilaos Report and comment, banks on the statement in the Home Study
of the Joint Affidavit of Consent purportedly executed by Report that "petitioner has limited income." Accordingly, it
her children; the authenticity of which she, likewise, failed appears that she will rely on the financial backing of her
to prove. The joint written consent of petitioners children and siblings in order to support the minor
children45 was notarized on January 16, 2002 in Guam, adoptees. The law, however, states that it is the adopter
USA; for it to be treated by the Rules of Court in the same who should be in a position to provide support in keeping
way as a document notarized in this country it needs to with the means of the family.
comply with Section 2 of Act No. 2103,46 which states:
Since the primary consideration in adoption is the best
Section 2. An instrument or document acknowledged and interest of the child, it follows that the financial capacity of
authenticated in a foreign country shall be considered prospective parents should also
authentic if the acknowledgment and authentication are be carefully evaluated and considered. Certainly, the
made in accordance with the following requirements: adopter should be in a position to support the would-be
adopted child or children, in keeping with the means of the
(a) The acknowledgment shall be made before (1) an family.
ambassador, minister, secretary of legation, charg d
affaires, consul, vice-consul, or consular agent of the According to the Adoption Home Study
Republic of the Philippines, acting within the country or Report49 forwarded by the Department of Public Health &
place to which he is accredited, or (2) a notary public or Social Services of the Government of Guam to the DSWD,
officer duly authorized by law of the country to take petitioner is no longer supporting her legitimate children,
acknowledgments of instruments or documents in the as the latter are already adults, have individual lives and
place where the act is done. families. At the time of the filing of the petition, petitioner
was 57 years old, employed on a part-time basis as a
(b) The person taking the acknowledgment shall certify waitress, earning $5.15 an hour and tips of around $1,000
that the person acknowledging the instrument or a month. Petitioners main intention in adopting the
document is known to him, and that he is the same person children is to bring the latter to Guam, USA. She has a
who executed it, and acknowledged that the same is his house at Quitugua Subdivision in Yigo, Guam, but the same
free act and deed. The certificate shall be under his official is still being amortized. Petitioner likewise knows that the
seal, if he is by law required to keep a seal, and if not, his limited income might be a hindrance to the adoption
certificate shall so state. In case the acknowledgment is proceedings.
made before a notary public or an officer mentioned in
subdivision (2) of the preceding paragraph, the certificate Given these limited facts, it is indeed doubtful whether
of the notary public or the officer taking the petitioner will be able to sufficiently handle the financial
acknowledgment shall be authenticated by an ambassador, aspect of rearing the three children in the US. She only has
minister, secretary of legation, charg de affaires, consul, a part-time job, and she is rather of age. While petitioner
vice-consul, or consular agent of the Republic of the claims that she has the financial support and backing of
Philippines, acting within the country or place to which he her children and siblings, the OSG is correct in stating that
is accredited. The officer making the authentication shall the ability to support the adoptees is personal to the
certify under his official seal that the person who took the adopter, as adoption only creates a legal relation between
acknowledgment was at the time duly authorized to act as the former and the latter. Moreover, the records do not
notary public or that he was duly exercising the functions prove nor support petitioners allegation that her siblings
of the office by virtue of which he assumed to act, and that and her children are financially able and that they are
as such he had authority under the law to take willing to support the minors herein. The Court, therefore,
acknowledgment of instruments or documents in the place again sustains the ruling of the CA on this issue.
where the acknowledgment was taken, and that his
signature and seal, if any, are genuine. While the Court recognizes that petitioner has only the
best of intentions for her nieces and nephew, there are
As the alleged written consent of petitioners legitimate legal infirmities that militate against reversing the ruling of
children did not comply with the afore-cited law, the same the CA. In any case, petitioner is not prevented from filing
can at best be treated by the Rules as a private document a new petition for adoption of the herein minors.
whose authenticity must be proved either by anyone who
saw the document executed or written; or by evidence of WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is hereby
the genuineness of the signature or handwriting of the DENIED.
Since, in the instant case, no further proof was introduced
by petitioner to authenticate the written consent of her G.R. No. 159374 July 12, 2007
legitimate children, the same is inadmissible in evidence.

Adoption Page 39
FELIPE N. MADRIAN, Petitioner, For her part, respondent averred that she did not leave
vs. their home on May 18, 2002 but was driven out by
FRANCISCA R. MADRIAN, Respondent. petitioner. She alleged that it was petitioner who was an
alcoholic, gambler and drug addict. Petitioners alcoholism
DECISION and drug addiction impaired his mental faculties, causing
him to commit acts of violence against her and their
CORONA, J.: children. The situation was aggravated by the fact that
their home was adjacent to that of her in-laws who
frequently meddled in their personal problems.4
When a family breaks up, the children are always the
victims. The ensuing battle for custody of the minor
children is not only a thorny issue but also a highly On October 21, 2002, the Court of Appeals5 rendered a
sensitive and heart-rending affair. Such is the case here. decision6 asserting its authority to take cognizance of the
Even the usually technical subject of jurisdiction became petition and ruling that, under Article 213 of the Family
emotionally charged. Code, respondent was entitled to the custody of Phillip and
Francis Angelo who were at that time aged six and four,
respectively, subject to the visitation rights of petitioner.
Petitioner Felipe N. Madrian and respondent Francisca R. With respect to Ronnick who was then eight years old, the
Madrian were married on July 7, 1993 in Paraaque City. court ruled that his custody should be determined by the
They resided in San Agustin Village, Brgy. Moonwalk, proper family court in a special proceeding on custody of
Paraaque City. minors under Rule 99 of the Rules of Court.

Their union was blessed with three sons and a daughter: Petitioner moved for reconsideration of the Court of
Ronnick, born on January 30, 1994; Phillip, born on Appeals decision but it was denied. Hence, this recourse.
November 19, 1996; Francis Angelo, born on May 12, 1998
and Krizia Ann, born on December 12, 2000.
Petitioner challenges the jurisdiction of the Court of
Appeals over the petition for habeas corpus and insists that
After a bitter quarrel on May 18, 2002, petitioner allegedly jurisdiction over the case is lodged in the family courts
left their conjugal abode and took their three sons with under RA 8369. He invokes Section 5(b) of RA 8369:
him to Ligao City, Albay and subsequently to Sta. Rosa,
Laguna. Respondent sought the help of her parents and
parents-in-law to patch things up between her and Section 5. Jurisdiction of Family Courts. The Family Courts
petitioner to no avail. She then brought the matter to shall have exclusive original jurisdiction to hear and decide
the Lupong Tagapamayapa in their barangay but this too the following cases:
proved futile.
xxx xxx xxx
Thus respondent filed a petition for habeas corpus of
Ronnick, Phillip and Francis Angelo in the Court of b) Petitions for guardianship, custody of children, habeas
Appeals, alleging that petitioners act of leaving the corpus in relation to the latter;
conjugal dwelling and going to Albay and then to Laguna
disrupted the education of their children and deprived xxx xxx xxx
them of their mothers care. She prayed that petitioner be
ordered to appear and produce their sons before the court Petitioner is wrong.
and to explain why they should not be returned to her
custody. In Thornton v. Thornton,7 this Court resolved the issue of
the Court of Appeals jurisdiction to issue writs of habeas
Petitioner and respondent appeared at the hearing on corpus in cases involving custody of minors in the light of
September 17, 2002. They initially agreed that petitioner the provision in RA 8369 giving family courts exclusive
would return the custody of their three sons to original jurisdiction over such petitions:
respondent. Petitioner, however, had a change of
heart1 and decided to file a memorandum. The Court of Appeals should take cognizance of the
case since there is nothing in RA 8369 that revoked its
On September 3, 2002, petitioner filed his jurisdiction to issue writs of habeas corpus involving
memorandum2 alleging that respondent was unfit to take the custody of minors.
custody of their three sons because she was habitually
drunk, frequently went home late at night or in the wee xxx xxx xxx
hours of the morning, spent much of her time at a beer
house and neglected her duties as a mother. He claimed
that, after their squabble on May 18, 2002, it was We rule therefore that RA 8369 did not divest the Court
respondent who left, taking their daughter with her. It was of Appeals and the Supreme Court of their jurisdiction
only then that he went to Sta. Rosa, Laguna where he over habeas corpus cases involving the custody of
worked as a tricycle driver. He submitted a certification minors.
from the principal of the Dila Elementary School in Sta.
Rosa, Laguna that Ronnick and Phillip were enrolled there. xxx xxx xxx
He also questioned the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals
claiming that under Section 5(b) of RA 8369 (otherwise The provisions of RA 8369 reveal no manifest intent to
known as the "Family Courts Act of 1997") family courts revoke the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals and
have exclusive original jurisdiction to hear and decide the Supreme Court to issue writs of habeas corpus relating to
petition for habeas corpus filed by respondent.3 the custody of minors. Further, it cannot be said that the
provisions of RA 8369, RA 7092 [An Act Expanding the
Jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals] and BP 129 [The

Adoption Page 40
Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980] are absolutely exclusive jurisdiction in custody cases, not in habeas
incompatible since RA 8369 does not prohibit the Court of corpus cases. Writs of habeas corpus which may be issued
Appeals and the Supreme Court from issuing writs exclusively by family courts under Section 5(b) of RA 8369
of habeas corpus in cases involving the custody of minors. pertain to the ancillary remedy that may be availed of in
Thus, the provisions of RA 8369 must be read in harmony conjunction with a petition for custody of minors under
with RA 7029 and BP 129 that family courts have Rule 99 of the Rules of Court. In other words, the issuance
concurrent jurisdiction with the Court of Appeals and of the writ is merely ancillary to the custody case pending
the Supreme Court in petitions for habeas before the family court. The writ must be issued by the
corpus where the custody of minors is at same court to avoid splitting of jurisdiction, conflicting
issue.8 (emphases supplied) decisions, interference by a co-equal court and judicial
The jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals over petitions
for habeas corpus was further affirmed by A.M. No. 03-03- The rule therefore is: when by law jurisdiction is conferred
04-SC (April 22, 2004) in Re: Rule on Custody of Minors on a court or judicial officer, all auxiliary writs, processes
and Writ of Habeas Corpus in Relation to Custody of and other means necessary to carry it into effect may be
Minors: employed by such court or officer.11 Once a court acquires
jurisdiction over the subject matter of a case, it does so to
In any case, whatever uncertainty there was has been the exclusion of all other courts, including related
settled with the adoption of A.M. No. 03-03-04-SC Re: incidents and ancillary matters.
Rule on Custody of Minors and Writ of Habeas Corpus
in Relation to Custody of Minors. Section 20 of the rule Accordingly, the petition is hereby DENIED.
provides that:
Costs against petitioner.
Section 20. Petition for writ of habeas corpus. A verified
petition for a writ of habeas corpus involving custody of SO ORDERED.
minors shall be filed with the Family Court. The writ shall
be enforceable within its judicial region to which the [G.R. No. 144763. September 3, 2002]
Family Court belongs.
REYMOND B. LAXAMANA, petitioner, vs. MA.
xxx xxx xxx LOURDES* D. LAXAMANA, respondent.

The petition may likewise be filed with the Supreme DECISION

Court, Court of Appeals, or with any of its members and,
if so granted, the writ shall be enforceable anywhere
in the Philippines. The writ may be made returnable to a YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.:
Family Court or to any regular court within the region
where the petitioner resides or where the minor may be This is another sad tale of an estranged couples tug-of-war
found for hearing and decision on the merits. over the custody of their minor children. Petitioner
Reymond B. Laxamana and respondent Ma. Lourdes D.
From the foregoing, there is no doubt that the Court of Laxamana met sometime in 1983. Petitioner, who came
Appeals and Supreme Court have concurrent from a well-to-do family, was a graduate of Bachelor of
jurisdiction with family courts in habeas corpus cases Laws, while respondent, a holder of a degree in banking
where the custody of minors is involved.9(emphases and finance, worked in a bank.After a whirlwind courtship,
supplied)1avvphi1 petitioner, 31 years old and respondent, 33, got married on
June 6, 1984.[1] Respondent quit her job and became a full-
time housewife. Petitioner, on the other hand, operated
We note that after petitioner moved out of their Paraaque buy and sell, fishpond, and restaurant businesses for a
residence on May 18, 2002, he twice transferred his sons living. The union was blessed with three children twin
to provinces covered by different judicial regions. This brothers Joseph and Vincent, born on March 15, 1985, and
situation is what the Thornton interpretation of RA 8369s Michael, born on June 19, 1986.[2]
provision on jurisdiction precisely addressed:
All went well until petitioner became a drug dependent. In
[The reasoning that by giving family courts exclusive October 1991, he was confined at the Estrellas Home Care
jurisdiction over habeas corpus cases, the lawmakers Clinic in Quezon City. He underwent psychotherapy and
intended them to be the sole courts which can issue writs psychopharmacological treatment and was discharged on
of habeas corpus] will result in an iniquitous situation, November 16, 1991.[3] Upon petition of respondent, the
leaving individuals like [respondent] without legal Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 101, ordered
recourse in obtaining custody of their children. Individuals petitioners confinement at the NARCOM-DRC for
who do not know the whereabouts of minors they are treatment and rehabilitation.[4] Again, on October 30, 1996,
looking for would be helpless since they cannot seek the trial court granted petitioners voluntary confinement
redress from family courts whose writs are enforceable for treatment and rehabilitation at the National Bureau of
only in their respective territorial jurisdictions. Thus, if a Investigation-TRC.[5]
minor is being transferred from one place to another,
which seems to be the case here, the petitioner in
a habeas corpus case will be left without legal remedy. On April 25, 1997, the court issued an order declaring
This lack of recourse could not have been the intention petitioner already drug-free and directing him to report to
of the lawmakers when they passed [RA 8369].10 a certain Dr. Casimiro for out-patient counseling for 6
months to one (1) year.[6]
Moreover, a careful reading of Section 5(b) of RA 8369
reveals that family courts are vested with original

Adoption Page 41
Despite several confinements, respondent claimed (2) THEY witnessed their father when he was under the
petitioner was not fully rehabilitated. His drug dependence influence of shabu.
worsened and it became difficult for respondent and her
children to live with him. Petitioner allegedly became (3) THEY think their father had been angry at their
violent and irritable. On some occasions, he even paternal grandmother and this anger was displaced to
physically assaulted respondent. Thus, on June 17, 1999, their mother.
respondent and her 3 children abandoned petitioner and
transferred to the house of her relatives. (4) THEY hope their father will completely and
permanently recover from his drug habit; and their criteria
On August 31, 1999, petitioner filed with the Regional Trial of his full recovery include:
Court of Quezon City, Branch 107, the instant petition
for habeas corpus praying for custody of his three a. he will regain his easy-going attitude.
children.[7]Respondent opposed the petition, citing the
drug dependence of petitioner.[8]
b. he wont be hot-headed anymore and would not drive
their van recklessly.
Meanwhile, on September 24, 1999, respondent filed a
petition for annulment of marriage with Branch 102 of the
Regional Trial Court of Quezon City.[9] c. he would not tell unverifiable stories anymore.

On September 27, 1999, petitioner filed in the habeas d. he would not poke a gun on his own head and ask the
corpus case, a motion seeking visitation rights over his children who they love better, mom or dad.
children.[10] On December 7, 1999, after the parties
reached an agreement, the court issued an order granting (5) At one point one of the sons, became very emotional
visitation rights to petitioner and directing the parties to while he was narrating his story and he cried. I had to stop
undergo psychiatric and psychological examination by a the interview.
psychiatrist of their common choice. The parties further
agreed to submit the case for resolution after the trial (6) THEIR mother was fearful and terrified when their
courts receipt of the results of their psychiatric father quarreled with her.
examination. The full text of said order reads:
(7) THEY hope their visits to their father will not interfere
The parties appeared with their respective lawyers. A with their school and academic schedules.
conference was held in open Court and the parties agreed
on the following: xxxxxxxxx

Effective this Saturday and every Saturday thereafter until (3) MARILOU is one of 4 siblings. She graduated from
further order the petitioner shall fetch the children every college with a degree in banking and finance. SHE was a
Saturday and Sunday at 9:00 oclock in the morning from carreer (sic) woman; worked for a bank for ten years;
the house of the sister of respondent, Mrs. Corazon Soriano subsequently quit her job to devote more time to her
and to be returned at 5:00 oclock in the afternoon of the family.
same days.
(4) REYMOND is one of 5 siblings in a well-to-do
That the parties agreed to submit themselves to Dr. family. His father was a physician. During his
Teresito Ocampo for psychiatric/psychological developmental years, he recalled how his mother
examination. Dr. Ocampo is hereby advised to go over the complained incessantly about how bad the father was;
records of this case to enable him to have a thorough only to find later that the truth was opposite to the
background of the problem. He is hereby ordered to complaints of his mother; that his father was nice, logical
submit his findings directly to this Court without and understanding. He recalled how he unselfishly served
furnishing the parties copies of his report. And after the his father --- he opened the door when he arrived home; he
receipt of that report, thereafter, the case shall be deemed got his portfolio; he brought the days newspaper; he
submitted for decision.[11] removed his shoes; he brought his glass of beer or his shot
of whisky. In short, he served him like a servant. His father
On January 6, 2000, Dr. Ocampo submitted the results of died of stroke in 1990.
his psychiatric evaluation on the parties and their
children. Pertinent portions thereof state: REYMOND graduated from college with a degree in LAW in
1984; he did not pass the bar.
SINGLY and COLLECTIVELY, the following information was
obtained in the interview of the 3 children: His work history is as follows:

(1) THEY were affected psychologically by the drug- a. 1985 to 1989 he operated fishponds.
related behavior of their father:
b. 1976 to 1991 simultaneously, he operated restaurant.
a. they have a difficult time concentrating on their studies.
c. 1991 he engaged in the trading of vegetable, cooking oil,
b. they are envious of their classmates whose families live and mangos.
in peace and harmony.
d. HE handled the leasing of a family property to a fast food
c. once, MICHAEL had to quit school temporarily. company.

Adoption Page 42
The findings on the examination of the MENTAL STATUS 3. constructive and reproductive outlets for the mental and
and MENTAL PROCESSES OF MARILOU showed a woman physical energies of the addict.
who showed the psychological effects of the trauma she
had in the past. She is slightly edgy and fidgety with any 4. behavior oriented towards spiritual values and other
external noise. SHE answered all my questions things.
coherently. Her emotional state was stable throughout the
interview. She is of average intelligence. She was oriented II BASED on such scientific and observable criteria, I
to person, place and date. Her memory for recent and do not yet consider REYMOND LAXAMANA completely
remote events was intact. She could process sets of figures cured even though his drug urine test at Medical City
and sets of similarities and differences. Her content of for shabu was negative. (Emphasis supplied)
thought was negative for delusions, hallucinations,
paranoia, suicidal and homicidal ideation. She could
process abstract ideas and general information. Her III I DO NOT DETECT any evidence that the paternal visits
attention span was adequate. There was no evidence of of the sons would be harmful or they would be in any
impaired judgment. danger. The academic schedules of the sons has be taken
into account in determining the length and frequency of
their visits.
The Rorschach ink blot test gave responses such as man
touching a woman, 2 people on a hi-five , 2 women
chatting, beast, stuffed animal, etc. Her past reflected on x x x x x x x x x.[12]
her psyche. There is no creative process.There were no
bizarre ideas. On January 14, 2000, the trial court rendered the assailed
decision awarding the custody of the three children to
The ZUNG anxiety/depression test highlighted I get tired respondent and giving visitation rights to petitioner. The
for no reason; I feel that I am useful and needed (re, dispositive portion thereof states:
son). There is moderate depression. However, she could
still make competent decisions. WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, judgment is hereby
The Social Adaptation Scale scored well in her capacity to
adapt to her situation. There is no evidence of losing 1. The children, Joseph, Michael and Vincent all surnamed
control. Laxamana are hereby ordered to remain under the custody
of the respondent.
The findings on the examination of the MENTAL STATUS
and MENTAL PROCESSES of REYMOND showed an 2. The visitation arrangement as per Order of December 7,
individual who presented himself in the best situation he 1999 is hereby incorporated and forms part of this
could possibly be. He is cool, calm and collected. He Decision. The parties are enjoined to comply with the
answered all my questions coherently. He is of average terms stated therein.
intelligence. He was oriented to person, place and date. His
memory for recent and remote events was intace (sic). His 3. The petitioner is hereby ordered to undergo urine drug
content of thought was negative for delusions, screen for shabu for three times (3x) per month every ten
hallucinations, paranoia, suicidal and homicidal (10) days, with the Dangerous Drugs Board. The said
ideation. His attention span was adequate. He could Board is hereby ordered to submit the results of all tests
process abstract ideas, sets of figures, and general immediately as directed to this Court.
4. The petitioner is hereby referred to undergo regular
The Rorschach ink blot test gave responses such as counseling at the Free-Clinic at the East Avenue Medical
distorted chest , butterfly with scattered color, cat ran over Center, Department of Health Out Patient Psychiatry
by a car, nothing 2 people, monster etc. There is no central Department until further order. For this purpose, it is
theme in his responses. There were no bizarre ideas. suggested that he should see Dr. Teresito P. Ocampo to
make arrangements for said counseling.
The Zung anxiety/depression test: My mind is as clear as it
used to be (most of the time). There was no evidence of Let copies of this Decision be furnished the Dangerous
brain damage. There is no significant affective response Drugs Board and the Free-Clinic, Out Patient Psychiatry
that would affect his rationality. Department, East Avenue Medical Center, Department of
Health for their information and guidance.
The Social Adaptive Scale scored well in his capacity to
adapt to his situation. He reached out well to others. He is SO ORDERED.[13]
in very good control of his emotions.
Aggrieved, petitioner filed the instant petition for review
BASED ON MY FINDINGS I MADE THE FOLLOWING on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, based on

I. The CRITERIA for cure in drug addiction consist of: I

1. 5-years and 10-years intervals of drug-free periods. THE COURT A QUO HAS DEPARTED FROM THE ACCEPTED
2. change for the better of the maladaptive behaviors of the IT RESOLVED THE ISSUE OF CUSTODY WITHOUT
addict consisting of telling lies, manipulative behavior, CONDUCTING A TRIAL TO DETERMINE FACTUAL ISSUES.
melodramatic and hysterical actions.

Adoption Page 43
II with. In its September 8, 1999 order, the trial court merely
stated that: The children were asked as to whether they
THE COURT A QUO HAS RESOLVED THE ISSUE OF would like to be with petitioner but there are indications
CUSTODY IN A MANNER NOT IN ACCORD WITH LAW AND that they entertain fears in their hearts and want to be
WITH THE APPLICABLE DECISIONS OF THIS HONORABLE sure that their father is no longer a drug
SUPREME COURT WHEN IT RESOLVED THE ISSUE OF dependent.[18] There is no showing that the court
CUSTODY WITHOUT CONSIDERING THE PARAMOUNT ascertained the categorical choice of the children. These
INTEREST AND WELFARE OF HEREIN PARTIES THREE (3) inadequacies could have been remedied by an exhaustive
MINOR CHILDREN. trial probing into the accuracy of Dr. Ocampos report and
the capacity of both parties to raise their children. The trial
III court was remiss in the fulfillment of its duties when it
approved the agreement of the parties to submit the case
for decision on the basis of sketchy findings of facts.
CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE In Lacson v. Lacson,[19] the case was remanded to the trial
PHILIPPINES.[14] court with respect to the issue of custody. In the said case,
the court a quo resolved the question of the childrens
custody based on the amicable settlement of the
The core issue for resolution in the instant petition is spouses. Stressing the need for presentation of evidence
whether or not the trial court considered the paramount and a thorough proceedings, we explained
interest and welfare of the children in awarding their
custody to respondent.
It is clear that every child [has] rights which are not and
should not be dependent solely on the wishes, much less
In controversies involving the care, custody and control of the whims and caprices, of his parents. His welfare should
their minor children, the contending parents stand on not be subject to the parents' say-so or mutual agreement
equal footing before the court who shall make the selection alone. Where, as in this case, the parents are already
according to the best interest of the child. The child if over separated in fact, the courts must step in to determine in
seven years of age may be permitted to choose which whose custody the child can better be assured the rights
parent he/she prefers to live with, but the court is not granted to him by law. The need, therefore, to present
bound by such choice if the parent so chosen is unfit. In all evidence regarding this matter, becomes imperative. A
cases, the sole and foremost consideration is the careful scrutiny of the records reveals that no such
physical, educational, social and moral welfare of the child evidence was introduced in the CFI. This latter court relied
concerned, taking into account the respective resources as merely on the mutual agreement of the spouses-parents.
well as social and moral situations of the opposing To be sure, this was not sufficient basis to determine the
parents.[15] fitness of each parent to be the custodian of the children.

In Medina v. Makabali,[16] we stressed that this is as it Besides, at least one of the children Enrique, the eldest is
should be, for in the continual evolution of legal now eleven years of age and should be given the choice of
institutions, the patria potestas has been transformed from the parent he wishes to live with. x x x.
the jus vitae ac necis(right of life and death) of the Roman
law, under which the offspring was virtually a chattel of his
parents, into a radically different institution, due to the In the instant case, the proceedings before the trial court
influence of Christian faith and doctrines. The obligational leave much to be desired. While a remand of this case
aspect is now supreme. There is no power, but a task; no would mean further delay, the childrens paramount
complex rights of parents but a sum of duties; no interest demand that further proceedings be conducted to
sovereignty, but a sacred trust for the welfare of the minor. determine the fitness of both petitioner and respondent to
assume custody of their minor children.
Mindful of the nature of the case at bar, the court a
quo should have conducted a trial notwithstanding the WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, the instant case
agreement of the parties to submit the case for resolution is REMANDED to the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City,
on the basis, inter alia, of the psychiatric report of Dr. Branch 107, for the purpose of receiving evidence to
Teresito. Thus, petitioner is not estopped from questioning determine the fitness of petitioner and respondent to take
the absence of a trial considering that said psychiatric custody of their children. Pending the final disposition of
report, which was the courts primary basis in awarding this case, custody shall remain with respondent but subject
custody to respondent, is insufficient to justify the to petitioners visitation rights in accordance with the
decision. The fundamental policy of the State to promote December 7, 1999 order of the trial court.
and protect the welfare of children shall not be
disregarded by mere technicality in resolving disputes SO ORDERED.
which involve the family and the youth.[17] While petitioner
may have a history of drug dependence, the records are G.R. No. L-26953 March 28, 1969
inadequate as to his moral, financial and social well-
being. The results of the psychiatric evaluation showing ZENAIDA MEDINA, assisted by her husband, FELICIANO
that he is not yet completely cured may render him unfit to CASERO, petitioner-appellant,
take custody of the children, but there is no evidence to vs.
show that respondent is unfit to provide the children with DRA. VENANCIA L. MAKABALI, respondent-appellee.
adequate support, education, as well as moral and
intellectual training and development. Moreover, the REYES, J.B.L., J.:
children in this case were 14 and 15 years old at the time
of the promulgation of the decision, yet the court did not
ascertain their choice as to which parent they want to live

Adoption Page 44
Once more Courts are asked to arbitrate between rights chattel of his parents, into a radically different institution,
and duties of parents and children, and between parent due to the influence of Christian faith and doctrines. The
and foster parent. obligational aspect is now supreme. As pointed out by Puig
Pea, now "there is no power, but a task; no complex of
Appellant's claim for custody of a minor boy, Joseph rights (of parents) but a sum of duties; no sovereignty, but
Casero, was sought to be enforced by habeas a sacred trust for the welfare of the minor." 1
corpus proceedings in the Court of First Instance of
Pampanga, in its Special Proceeding No. 1947. After As a result, the right of parents to the company and
hearing, the writ was denied by the Court, and the case custody of their children is but ancillary to the proper
was appealed directly to this Supreme Court exclusively on discharge of parental duties to provide the children with
points of law. adequate support, education, moral, intellectual and civic
training and development (Civil Code, Art. 356). As
Uncontested facts found by the Court below are that on remarked by the Court below, petitioner Zenaida Medina
February 4, 1961, petitioner Zenaida Medina gave birth to proved remiss in these sacred duties; she not only failed to
a baby boy named Joseph Casero in the Makabali Clinic in provide the child with love and care but actually deserted
San Fernando, Pampanga, owned and operated by him, with not even a visit, in his tenderest years, when he
respondent Dra. Venancia Makabali, single, who assisted at needed his mother the most. It may well be doubted what
the delivery. The boy was Zenaida's third, had with a advantage the child could derive from being coerced to
married man, Feliciano Casero. abandon respondent's care and love to be compelled to
stay with his mother and witness her irregular menage a
The mother left the child with Dra. Makabali from his trois with Casero and the latter's legitimate wife.
birth. The latter took care and reared Joseph as her own
son; had him treated at her expense for poliomyelitis by It is hinted that respondent's motivation in refusing to
Dra. Fe del Mundo, in Manila, until he recovered his health; surrender the boy is to coerce petitioner to pay for the
and sent him to school. From birth until August 1966, the rearing of the child. This is not acceptable, for Dra.
real mother never visited her child, and never paid for his Makabali knew (at least at the trial) that any expectation
expenses. on her part is illusory, given Zenaida's meager resources,
yet expressed willingness to care and educate him.
The trial disclosed that petitioner Zenaida Medina lived
with Feliciano Casero with her two other children No abuse of discretion being shown, but on the contrary,
apparently with the tolerance, if not the acquiescence, of the appealed order being justified in fact and law, we hold
Caseros lawful wife who resides elsewhere, albeit the that said order should be, and hereby is, affirmed. Costs
offspring of both women are in good terms with each against appellant.
other; that Casero makes about P400.00 a month as a
mechanic, and Zenaida herself earns from 4 to 5 pesos a G.R. No. L-23482 August 30, 1968
ALFONSO LACSON, petitioner,
The Court, upon calling Joseph on the witness stand, vs.
observed that the boy is fairly intelligent as a witness. He CARMEN SAN JOSE-LACSON and THE COURT OF
never knew his mother, Zenaida. He was calling the APPEALS, respondents.
respondent his "Mammy". The Court informed him that his
real mother is Zenaida. He was asked with whom to stay -----------------------------
with his real mother or the respondent. The boy pointed to
the respondent and said "Mammy!" The Court asked him, G.R. No. L-23767 August 30, 1968
"Why do you choose to stay with your "Mammy?" He
answered, "She is the one rearing me." This confrontation
was made in the presence of the two women, Zenaida, the CARMEN SAN JOSE-LACSON, plaintiff-appellant,
petitioner, and the respondent, Dra. Makabali, in open vs.
court. (C.F.I. Rollo, p. 39). ALFONSO LACSON, defendant-appellee.

After extracting from Dra. Makabali a promise to allow -----------------------------

the minor a free choice with whom to live when he reaches
the age of 14, the Court held that it was for the child's best G.R. No. L-24259 August 30, 1968
interest to be left with his foster mother and denied the
writ prayed for. The real mother appealed, as already ALFONSO LACSON, petitioner-appellee,
stated. vs.
CARMEN SAN JOSE-LACSON, petitioner-appellant.
We see no reason to disturb the order appealed from.
While our law recognizes the right of a parent to the CASTRO, J.:
custody of her child, Courts must not lose sight of the basic
principle that "in all questions on the care, custody, These three cases (G.R. L-23482, L-23767 and L-24259)
education and property of children, the latter's welfare involving the same parties pose a common fundamental
shall be paramount" (Civil Code of the Philippines, Art. issue the resolution of which will necessarily and
363), and that for compelling reasons, even a child under inescapably resolve all the other issues. Thus their joinder
seven may be ordered separated from the mother (Do.) in this decision.
This is as it should be, for in the continual evolution of
legal institutions, the patria potestas has been transformed The antecedent facts are not disputed.
from the jus vitae ac necis (right of life and death) of the
Roman law, under which the offspring was virtually a

Adoption Page 45
Alfonso Lacson (hereinafter referred to as the petitioner 5. Petitioners have no creditors.
spouse) and Carmen San Jose-Lacson (hereinafter referred
to as the respondent spouse) were married on February WHEREFORE, they respectfully pray that notice of this
14, 1953. To them were born four children, all alive. petition be given to creditors and third parties pursuant to
Article 191 of the Civil Code of the Philippines and
On January 9, 1963 the respondent spouse left the conjugal thereafter that the Court enter its judicial approval of the
home in Santa Clara Subdivision, Bacolod City, and foregoing agreement for the dissolution of their conjugal
commenced to reside in Manila. She filed on March 12, partnership and for separation of property, except that the
1963 a complaint docketed as civil case E-00030 in the Court shall immediately approve the terms set out in
Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court of Manila paragraph 4 above and embody the same in a judgment
(hereinafter referred to as the JDRC) for custody of all their immediately binding on the parties hereto to the end that
children as well as support for them and herself. any non-compliance or violation of its terms by one party
shall entitle the other to enforcement by execution writ
However, the spouses, thru the assistance of their and contempt even though the proceedings as to creditors
respective attorneys, succeeded in reaching an amicable have not been terminated.".
settlement respecting custody of the children, support, and
separation of property. On April 27, 1963 they filed a joint Finding the foregoing joint petition to be "conformable to
petition dated April 21, 1963, docketed as special law," the CFI (Judge Jose F. Fernandez, presiding) issued an
proceeding 6978 of the Court of First Instance of Negros order on April 27, 1963, rendering judgment (hereinafter
Occidental (hereinafter referred to as the CFI). referred to as the compromise judgment) approving and
incorporating in toto their compromise agreement. In
The important and pertinent portions of the petition, compliance with paragraph 4 (e) of their mutual
embodying their amicable settlement, read as follows: agreement (par. 3[e] of the compromise judgment), the
petitioner spouse delivered all the four children to the
3. Petitioners have separated last January 9, 1963 when respondent spouse and remitted money for their support.
petitioner Carmen San Jose-Lacson left their conjugal
home at the Santa Clara Subdivision, Bacolod City, did not On May 7, 1963 the respondent spouse filed in the JDRC a
return, and decided to reside in Manila. motion wherein she alleged that she "entered into and
signed the ... Joint Petition as the only means by which she
4. Petitioners have mutually agreed upon the dissolution of could have immediate custody of the ... minor children who
their conjugal partnership subject to judicial approval as are all below the age of 7," and thereafter prayed that she
required by Article 191 of the Civil Code of the Philippines "be considered relieved of the ... agreement pertaining to
the particular terms and conditions of their mutual the custody and visitation of her minor children ... and that
agreement being as follows: since all the children are now in her custody, the said
custody in her favor be confirmed pendente lite." On May
24, 1963 the petitioner spouse opposed the said motion
(a) There will be separation of property petitioner and moved to dismiss the complaint based, among other
Carmen San Jose-Lacson hereby waiving any and all claims things, on the grounds of res judicata and lis pendens. The
for a share in property that may be held by petitioner JDRC on May 28, 1963, issued an order which sustained
Alfonso Lacson since they have acquired no property of the petitioner spouse's plea of bar by prior judgment
any consequence. and lis pendens, and dismissed the case. After the denial of
her motion for reconsideration, the respondent spouse
(b) Hereafter, each of them shall own, dispose of, possess, interposed an appeal to the Court of Appeals (CA-G.R. No.
administer and enjoy such separate estate as they may 32608-R) wherein she raised, among others, the issue of
acquire without the consent of the other and all earnings validity or legality of the compromise agreement in
from any profession, business or industry as may be connection only with the custody of their minor children.
derived by each petitioner shall belong to that petitioner On October 14, 1964 the Court of Appeals certified the said
exclusively. appeal to the Supreme Court (G.R. No. L-23767), since "no
hearing on the facts was ever held in the court below no
(c) The custody of the two elder children named Enrique evidence, testimonial or documentary, presented only a
and Maria Teresa shall be awarded to petitioner Alfonso question of law pends resolution in the appeal." .
Lacson and the custody of the younger children named
Gerrard and Ramon shall be awarded to petitioner Carmen The respondent spouse likewise filed a motion dated May
San Jose-Lacson. 15, 1963 for reconsideration of the compromise judgment
dated April 27, 1963 rendered in special proceeding 6978
(d) Petitioner Alfonso Lacson shall pay petitioner Carmen of the CFI, wherein she also alleged, among others, that she
San Jose-Lacson a monthly allowance of P300.00 for the entered into the joint petition as the only means by which
support of the children in her custody. she could have immediate custody of her minor children,
and thereafter prayed the CFI to reconsider its judgment
(e) Each petitioner shall have reciprocal rights of visitation pertaining to the custody and visitation of her minor
of the children in the custody of the other at their children and to relieve her from the said agreement. The
respective residences and, during the summer months, the petitioner spouse opposed the said motion and, on June 1,
two children in the custody of each petitioner shall be 1963, filed a motion for execution of the compromise
given to the other except that, for this year's summer judgment and a charge for contempt. The CFI (Judge Jose
months, all four children shall be delivered to and remain R. Querubin, presiding), in its order dated June 22, 1963,
with petitioner Carmen San Jose-Lacson until June 15, denied the respondent spouse's motion for
1963 on which date, she shall return the two elder reconsideration, granted the petitioner spouse's motion
children Enrique and Maria Teresa to petitioner Alfonso for execution, and ordered that upon "failure on the part of
Lacson this judgment of course being subject to Carmen San Jose-Lacson to deliver the said children [i.e., to
enforcement by execution writ and contempt. return the two older children Enrique and Maria Teresa in

Adoption Page 46
accordance with her agreement with Alfonso Lacson] to As heretofore adverted, the aforecited three appeals
the special sheriff on or before June 29, 1963, she may be converge on one focal issue: whether the compromise
held for contempt pursuant to the provisions of Rule 39 agreement entered into by the parties and the judgment of
sections 9 and 10, and Rule 64 section 7 of the (old) Rules the CFI grounded on the said agreement, are conformable
of Court." From the aforesaid compromise judgment dated to law.
April 27, 1963 and execution order dated June 22, 1963,
the respondent spouse interposed an appeal to the Court We hold that the compromise agreement and the judgment
of Appeals (CA-G.R. No. 32798-R) wherein she likewise of the CFI grounded on the said agreement are valid with
questioned the validity or legality of her agreement with respect to the separation of property of the spouses and
the petitioner spouse respecting custody of their children. the dissolution of the conjugal partnership.
On February 11, 1965 the Court of Appeals also certified
the said appeal to the Supreme Court (G.R. No. L-24259), The law allows separation of property of the spouses and
since "no evidence of any kind was introduced before the the dissolution of their conjugal partnership provided
trial court and ... appellant did not specifically ask to be judicial sanction is secured beforehand. Thus the new Civil
allowed to present evidence on her behalf." . Code provides:

The respondent spouse also instituted certiorari In the absence of an express declaration in the marriage
proceedings before the Court of Appeals (CA-G.R. No. settlements, the separation of property between spouses
32384R), now the subject of an appeal by certiorari to this during the marriage shall not take place save in virtue of a
Court (G.R. No. L-23482). In her petition for certiorari judicial order. (Art. 190, emphasis supplied)
dated June 27, 1963, she averred that the CFI (thru Judge
Querubin) committed grave abuse of discretion and acted
in excess of jurisdiction in ordering the immediate The husband and the wife may agree upon the dissolution
execution of the compromise judgment in its order of June of the conjugal partnership during the marriage, subject to
22, 1963, thus in effect depriving her of the right to appeal. judicial approval. All the creditors of the husband and of
She prayed for (1) the issuance of a writ of preliminary the wife, as well as of the conjugal partnership, shall be
injunction enjoining the respondents therein and any notified of any petition for judicial approval of the
person acting under them from enforcing, by contempt voluntary dissolution of the conjugal partnership, so that
proceedings and other means, the writ of execution issued any such creditors may appear at the hearing to safeguard
pursuant to the order of the respondent Judge Querubin his interests. Upon approval of the petition for dissolution
dated June 22, 1963 in special proceeding 6978 of the CFI, of the conjugal partnership, the court shall take such
(2) the setting aside, after hearing, of the compromise measures as may protect the creditors and other third
judgment dated April 27, 1963 and the order dated June persons. (Art. 191, par. 4, emphasis supplied).
22, 1963, and (3) the awarding of the custody of Enrique
and Maria Teresa to her, their mother. As prayed for, the In the case at bar, the spouses obtained judicial
Court of Appeals issued ex parte a writ of preliminary imprimatur of their separation of property and the
injunction enjoining the enforcement of the order dated dissolution of their conjugal partnership. It does not
June 22, 1963 for execution of the compromise judgment appeal that they have creditors who will be prejudiced by
rendered in special proceeding 6978. The petitioner the said arrangements.
spouse filed an urgent motion dated July 5, 1963 for the
dissolution of the writ of preliminary injunction ex It is likewise undisputed that the couple have been
parte which urgent motion was denied by the Court of separated in fact for at least five years - the wife's
Appeals in its resolution dated July 9, 1963. The petitioner residence being in Manila, and the husband's in the
spouse likewise filed his answer. After hearing, the Court conjugal home in Bacolod City. Therefore, inasmuch as a
of Appeals on May 11, 1964 promulgated in said certiorari lengthy separation has supervened between them, the
case (CA-G.R. No. 32384-R) its decision granting the propriety of severing their financial and proprietary
petition for certiorari and declaring null and void both (a) interests is manifest.
the compromise judgment dated April 27, 1963 in so far as
it relates to the custody and right of visitation over the two Besides, this Court cannot constrain the spouses to live
children, Enrique and Teresa, and (b) the order dated June together, as
22, 1963 for execution of said judgment. The petitioner
spouse moved to reconsider, but his motion for [I]t is not within the province of the courts of this country
reconsideration was denied by the Court of Appeals in its to attempt to compel one of the spouses to cohabit with,
resolution dated July 31, 1964. From the decision dated and render conjugal rights to, the other. .. At best such an
May 11, 1964 and the resolution dated July 31, 1964, the order can be effective for no other purpose than to compel
petitioner spouse interposed an appeal to this Court, as the spouse to live under the same roof; and the experience
abovestated, and assigned the following errors: of those countries where the courts of justice have
assumed to compel the cohabitation of married couple
(1) The Court of Appeals erred in annulling thru certiorari shows that the policy of the practice is extremely
the lower court's order of execution of the compromise questionable. (Arroyo v. Vasquez de Arroyo, 42 Phil. 54,
judgment. 60).

(2) The Court of Appeals erred in resolving in the However, in so approving the regime of separation of
certiorari case the issue of the legality of the compromise property of the spouses and the dissolution of their
judgment which is involved in two appeals, instead of the conjugal partnership, this Court does not thereby accord
issue of grave abuse of discretion in ordering its execution. recognition to nor legalize the de facto separation of the
spouses, which again in the language of Arroyo v. Vasquez
(3) The Court of Appeals erred in ruling that the de Arroyo, supra is a "state which is abnormal and
compromise agreement upon which the judgment is based fraught with grave danger to all concerned." We would like
violates article 363 of the Civil Code. 1wph1.t to douse the momentary seething emotions of couples

Adoption Page 47
who, at the slightest ruffling of domestic tranquility The general rule is recommended in order to avoid many a
brought about by "mere austerity of temper, petulance of tragedy where a mother has seen her baby torn away from
manners, rudeness of language, a want of civil attention her. No man can sound the deep sorrows of a mother who
and accommodation, even occasional sallies of passion" is deprived of her child of tender age. The exception
without more would be minded to separate from each allowed by the rule has to be for "compelling reasons" for
other. In this jurisdiction, the husband and the wife are the good of the child: those cases must indeed be rare, if
obliged to live together, observe mutual respect and the mother's heart is not to be unduly hurt. If she has
fidelity, and render mutual help and support (art. 109, new erred, as in cases of adultery, the penalty of imprisonment
Civil Code). There is, therefore, virtue in making it as and the (relative) divorce decree will ordinarily be
difficult as possible for married couples impelled by no sufficient punishment for her. Moreover, her moral
better cause than their whims and caprices to abandon dereliction will not have any effect upon the baby who is as
each other's company. yet unable to understand the situation." (Report of the
Code Commission, p. 12).
'... For though in particular cases the repugnance of the law
to dissolve the obligations of matrimonial cohabitation The use of the word shall2 in article 363 of the Civil Code,
may operate with great severity upon individuals, yet it coupled with the observations made by the Code
must be carefully remembered that the general happiness Commission in respect to the said legal provision,
of the married life is secured by its indissolubility. When underscores its mandatory character. It prohibits in no
people understand that they must live together, except for uncertain: terms the separation of a mother and her child
a very few reasons known to the law, they learn to soften below seven years, unless such separation is grounded
by mutual accommodation that yoke which they know upon compelling reasons as determined by a court.
they cannot shake off; they become good husbands and
good wives from the necessity of remaining husbands and The order dated April 27, 1963 of the CFI, in so far as it
wives; for necessity is a powerful master in teaching the awarded custody of the two older children who were 6 and
duties which it imposes ..." (Evans vs. Evans, 1 Hag. Con., 5 years old, respectively, to the father, in effect sought to
35; 161 Eng. Reprint, 466, 467.) (Arroyo vs. Vasquez de separate them from their mother. To that extent therefore,
Arroyo, Id., pp. 58-59). it was null and void because clearly violative of article 363
of the Civil Code.
We now come to the question of the custody and support
of the children. Neither does the said award of custody fall within the
exception because the record is bereft of any compelling
It is not disputed that it was the JDRC which first acquired reason to support the lower court's order depriving the
jurisdiction over the matter of custody and support of the wife of her minor children's company. True, the CFI stated
children. The complaint docketed as civil case E-00030 in in its order dated June 22, 1963, denying the respondent
the JDRC was filed by the respondent spouse on March 12, spouse's motion for reconsideration of its order dated
1963, whereas the joint petition of the parties docketed as April 27, 1963, that .
special proceeding 6978 in the CFI was filed on April 27,
1963. However, when the respondent spouse signed the ... If the parties have agreed to file a joint petition, it was
joint petition on the same matter of custody and support of because they wanted to avoid the exposure of the bitter
the children and filed the same with the CFI of Negros truths which serve as succulent morsel for scandal
Occidental, she in effect abandoned her action in the JDRC. mongers and idle gossipers and to save their children from
The petitioner spouse who could have raised the issue embarrassment and inferiority complex which may
of lis pendens in abatement of the case filed in the CFI, but inevitably stain their lives. ..
did not do so - had the right, therefore, to cite the decision
of the CFI and to ask for the dismissal of the action filed by If the parties agreed to submit the matter of custody of the
the respondent spouse in the JDRC, on the grounds of res minor children to the Court for incorporation in the final
judicata and lis pendens. And the JDRC acted correctly and judgment, they purposely suppressed the "compelling
justifiably in dismissing the case for custody and support reasons for such measure" from appearing in the public
of the children based on those grounds. For it is no defense records. This is for the sake and for the welfare of the
against the dismissal of the action that the case before the minor children.".
CFI was filed later than the action before the JDRC,
But the foregoing statement is at best a mere hint that
there were compelling reasons. The lower court's order is
... [T]hat the Rules do not require as a ground for dismissal eloquently silent on what these compelling reasons are.
of a complaint that there is a prior pending action. They Needless to state, courts cannot proceed on mere
provide only that there is a pending action, not a pending insinuations; they must be confronted with facts before
prior action. 1 they can properly adjudicate.

We agree with the Court of Appeals, however, that the CFI It might be argued and correctly that since five years
erred in depriving the mother, the respondent spouse, of have elapsed since the filing of these cases in 1963, the
the custody of the two older children (both then below the ages of the four children should now be as follows: Enrique
age of 7). 11, Maria Teresa 10, Gerrard 9, and Ramon 5.
Therefore, the issue regarding the award of the custody of
The Civil Code specifically commands in the second Enrique and Maria Teresa to the petitioner spouse has
sentence of its article 363 that "No mother shall be become moot and academic. The passage of time has
separated from her child under seven years of age, unless removed the prop which supports the respondent spouse's
the court finds compelling reasons for such measure." The position.
rationale of this new provision was explained by the Code
Commission thus:

Adoption Page 48
Nonetheless, this Court is loath to uphold the couple's With the view that we take of this case, we find it
agreement regarding the custody of the unnecessary to pass upon the other errors assigned in the
children. 1wph1.t three appeals.

Article 356 of the new Civil Code provides: ACCORDINGLY, the decision dated May 11, 1964 and the
resolution dated July 31, 1964 of the Court of Appeals in
Every child: CA-G.R. 32384-R (subject matter of G.R. L-23482), and the
orders dated May 28, 1963 and June 24, 1963 of the
(1) Is entitled to parental care; Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court (subject matter of
G.R. L-23767) are affirmed. G.R. L-24259 is hereby
remanded to the Court of First Instance of Negros
(2) Shall receive at least elementary education; Occidental for further proceedings, in accordance with this
decision. No pronouncement as to costs.
(3) Shall be given moral and civic training by the parents
or guardian;
March 8, 2016

(4) Has a right to live in an atmosphere conducive to his G.R. No. 221697
physical, moral and intellectual development.
It is clear that the abovequoted legal provision grants to LLAMANZARES, Petitioners,
every child rights which are not and should not be vs.
dependent solely on the wishes, much less the whims and COMELEC AND ESTRELLA C. ELAMPARO Respondents.
caprices, of his parents. His welfare should not be subject
to the parents' say-so or mutual agreement alone. Where, x-----------------------x
as in this case, the parents are already separated in fact,
G.R. No. 221698-700
the courts must step in to determine in whose custody the
child can better be assured the right granted to him by law. MARY GRACE NATIVIDAD S. POE-
The need, therefore, to present evidence regarding this LLAMANZARES, Petitioners,
matter, becomes imperative. A careful scrutiny of the vs.
records reveals that no such evidence was introduced in COMELEC, FRANCISCO S. TATAD, ANTONIO P.
the CFI. This latter court relied merely on the mutual CONTRERAS AND AMADO D. VALDEZ Respondents.
agreement of the spouses-parents. To be sure, this was not
a sufficient basis to determine the fitness of each parent to DECISION
be the custodian of the children.
Besides, at least one of the children Enrique, the eldest
is now eleven years of age and should be given the Before the Court are two consolidated petitions under Rule
choice of the parent he wishes to live with. This is the clear 64 in relation to Rule 65 of the Rules of Court with
mandate of sec. 6, Rule 99 of the Rules of Court which, extremely urgent application for an ex parte issuance of
states, inter alia: temporary restraining order/status quo ante order and/or
writ of preliminary injunction assailing the following: (1) 1
December 2015 Resolution of the Commission on Elections
... When husband and wife are divorced or living separately
(COMELEC) Second Division; (2) 23 December 2015
and apart from each other, and the question as to the care,
Resolution of the COMELEC En Banc, in SPA No. 15-001
custody, and control of a child or children of their marriage
(DC); (3) 11 December 2015 Resolution of the COMELEC
is brought before a Court of First Instance by petition or as
First Division; and ( 4) 23 December 2015 Resolution of
an incident to any other proceeding, the court, upon
the COMELEC En Banc, in SPA No. 15-002 (DC), SPA No.
hearing testimony as may be pertinent, shall award the
15-007 (DC) and SPA No. 15-139 (DC) for having been
care, custody and control of each such child as will be for
issued without jurisdiction or with grave abuse of
its best interest permitting the child to choose which parent
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction.
it prefers to live with if it be over ten years of age, unless the
parent so chosen be unfit to take charge of the child by The Facts
reason of moral depravity, habitual drunkenness,
incapacity, or poverty... (Emphasis supplied). Mary Grace Natividad S. Poe-Llamanzares (petitioner) was
found abandoned as a newborn infant in the Parish Church
One last point regarding the matter of support for the of Jaro, Iloilo by a certain Edgardo Militar (Edgardo) on 3
children assuming that the custody of any or more of September 1968. Parental care and custody over
the children will be finally awarded to the mother. petitioner was passed on by Edgardo to his relatives,
Although the spouses have agreed upon the monthly Emiliano Militar (Emiliano) and his wife. Three days after,
support of P150 to be given by the petitioner spouse for 6 September 1968, Emiliano reported and registered
each child, still this Court must speak out its mind on the petitioner as a foundling with the Office of the Civil
insufficiency of this amount. We, take judicial notice of the Registrar of Iloilo City (OCR-Iloilo). In her Foundling
devaluation of the peso in 1962 and the steady Certificate and Certificate of Live Birth, the petitioner was
skyrocketing of prices of all commodities, goods, and given the name "Mary Grace Natividad Contreras Militar." 1
services, not to mention the fact that all the children are
already of school age. We believe, therefore, that the CFI When petitioner was five (5) years old, celebrity spouses
may increase this amount of P150 according to the needs Ronald Allan Kelley Poe (a.k.a. Fenando Poe, Jr.) and Jesusa
of each child. Sonora Poe (a.k.a. Susan Roces) filed a petition for her
adoption with the Municipal Trial Court (MTC) of San Juan
City. On 13 May 1974, the trial court granted their petition
and ordered that petitioner's name be changed from "Mary

Adoption Page 49
Grace Natividad Contreras Militar" to "Mary Grace permanently in the Philippines sometime in the first
Natividad Sonora Poe." Although necessary notations were quarter of 2005.19 The couple began preparing for their
made by OCR-Iloilo on petitioner's foundling certificate resettlement including notification of their children's
reflecting the court decreed adoption,2 the petitioner's schools that they will be transferring to Philippine schools
adoptive mother discovered only sometime in the second for the next semester;20 coordination with property
half of 2005 that the lawyer who handled petitioner's movers for the relocation of their household goods,
adoption failed to secure from the OCR-Iloilo a new furniture and cars from the U.S. to the Philippines;21 and
Certificate of Live Birth indicating petitioner's new name inquiry with Philippine authorities as to the proper
and the name of her adoptive parents. 3 Without delay, procedure to be followed in bringing their pet dog into the
petitioner's mother executed an affidavit attesting to the country.22 As early as 2004, the petitioner already quit her
lawyer's omission which she submitted to the OCR-Iloilo. job in the U.S.23
On 4 May 2006, OCR-Iloilo issued a new Certificate of Live
Birth in the name of Mary Grace Natividad Sonora Poe.4 Finally, petitioner came home to the Philippines on 24 May
200524 and without delay, secured a Tax Identification
Having reached the age of eighteen (18) years in 1986, Number from the Bureau of Internal Revenue. Her three
petitioner registered as a voter with the local COMELEC (3) children immediately followed25 while her husband
Office in San Juan City. On 13 December 1986, she received was forced to stay in the U.S. to complete pending projects
her COMELEC Voter's Identification Card for Precinct No. as well as to arrange the sale of their family home there.26
196 in Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila.5
The petitioner and her children briefly stayed at her
On 4 April 1988, petitioner applied for and was issued mother's place until she and her husband purchased a
Philippine Passport No. F9272876 by the Department of condominium unit with a parking slot at One Wilson Place
Foreign Affairs (DFA). Subsequently, on 5 April 1993 and Condominium in San Juan City in the second half of
19 May 1998, she renewed her Philippine passport and 2005.27 The corresponding Condominium Certificates of
respectively secured Philippine Passport Nos. L881511 Title covering the unit and parking slot were issued by the
and DD156616.7 Register of Deeds of San Juan City to petitioner and her
husband on 20 February 2006.28 Meanwhile, her children
Initially, the petitioner enrolled and pursued a degree in of school age began attending Philippine private schools.
Development Studies at the University of the
Philippines8but she opted to continue her studies abroad On 14 February 2006, the petitioner made a quick trip to
and left for the United States of America (U.S.) in 1988. the U.S. to supervise the disposal of some of the family's
Petitioner graduated in 1991 from Boston College in remaining household belongings.29 She travelled back to
Chestnuts Hill, Massachusetts where she earned her the Philippines on 11 March 2006.30
Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Studies.9
In late March 2006, petitioner's husband officially
On 27 July 1991, petitioner married Teodoro Misael Daniel informed the U.S. Postal Service of the family's change and
V. Llamanzares (Llamanzares), a citizen of both the abandonment of their address in the U.S.31 The family
Philippines and the U.S., at Sanctuario de San Jose Parish in home was eventually sold on 27 April 2006.32 Petitioner's
San Juan City. 10 Desirous of being with her husband who husband resigned from his job in the U.S. in April 2006,
was then based in the U.S., the couple flew back to the U.S. arrived in the country on 4 May 2006 and started working
two days after the wedding ceremony or on 29 July for a major Philippine company in July 2006.33
1991. 11
In early 2006, petitioner and her husband acquired a 509-
While in the U.S., the petitioner gave birth to her eldest square meter lot in Corinthian Hills, Quezon City where
child Brian Daniel (Brian) on 16 April 1992.12 Her two they built their family home34 and to this day, is where the
daughters Hanna MacKenzie (Hanna) and Jesusa Anika couple and their children have been residing.35 A Transfer
(Anika) were both born in the Philippines on 10 July 1998 Certificate of Title covering said property was issued in the
and 5 June 2004, respectively. 13 couple's name by the Register of Deeds of Quezon City on
1June 2006.
On 18 October 2001, petitioner became a naturalized
American citizen. 14 She obtained U.S. Passport No. On 7 July 2006, petitioner took her Oath of Allegiance to
017037793 on 19 December 2001. 15 the Republic of the Philippines pursuant to Republic Act
(R.A.) No. 9225 or the Citizenship Retention and Re-
On 8 April 2004, the petitioner came back to the acquisition Act of 2003.36 Under the same Act, she filed
Philippines together with Hanna to support her father's with the Bureau of Immigration (BI) a sworn petition to
candidacy for President in the May 2004 elections. It was reacquire Philippine citizenship together with petitions for
during this time that she gave birth to her youngest derivative citizenship on behalf of her three minor
daughter Anika. She returned to the U.S. with her two children on 10 July 2006.37 As can be gathered from its 18
daughters on 8 July 2004. 16 July 2006 Order, the BI acted favorably on petitioner's
petitions and declared that she is deemed to have
After a few months, specifically on 13 December 2004, reacquired her Philippine citizenship while her children
petitioner rushed back to the Philippines upon learning of are considered as citizens of the
her father's deteriorating medical condition. 17 Her father Philippines.38 Consequently, the BI issued Identification
slipped into a coma and eventually expired. The petitioner Certificates (ICs) in petitioner's name and in the names of
stayed in the country until 3 February 2005 to take care of her three (3) children. 39
her father's funeral arrangements as well as to assist in the
settlement of his estate.18 Again, petitioner registered as a voter of Barangay Santa
Lucia, San Juan City on 31 August 2006.40 She also secured
According to the petitioner, the untimely demise of her from the DFA a new Philippine Passport bearing the No.
father was a severe blow to her entire family. In her XX4731999.41 This passport was renewed on 18 March
earnest desire to be with her grieving mother, the 2014 and she was issued Philippine Passport No.
petitioner and her husband decided to move and reside EC0588861 by the DFA.42
Adoption Page 50
On 6 October 2010, President Benigno S. Aquino III claimed that international law does not confer natural-
appointed petitioner as Chairperson of the Movie and born status and Filipino citizenship on
Television Review and Classification Board foundlings.63 Following this line of reasoning, petitioner is
(MTRCB).43 Before assuming her post, petitioner executed not qualified to apply for reacquisition of Filipino
an "Affidavit of Renunciation of Allegiance to the United citizenship under R.A. No. 9225 for she is not a natural-
States of America and Renunciation of American born Filipino citizen to begin with.64 Even
Citizenship" before a notary public in Pasig City on 20 assuming arguendo that petitioner was a natural-born
October 2010,44 in satisfaction of the legal requisites stated Filipino, she is deemed to have lost that status when she
in Section 5 of R.A. No. 9225.45 The following day, 21 became a naturalized American citizen.65 According to
October 2010 petitioner submitted the said affidavit to the Elamparo, natural-born citizenship must be continuous
BI46 and took her oath of office as Chairperson of the from birth.66
MTRCB.47 From then on, petitioner stopped using her
American passport.48 On the matter of petitioner's residency, Elamparo pointed
out that petitioner was bound by the sworn declaration
On 12 July 2011, the petitioner executed before the Vice she made in her 2012 COC for Senator wherein she
Consul of the U.S. Embassy in Manila an "Oath/Affirmation indicated that she had resided in the country for only six (
of Renunciation of Nationality of the United States."49 On 6) years and six ( 6) months as of May 2013 Elections.
that day, she accomplished a sworn questionnaire before Elamparo likewise insisted that assuming arguendo that
the U.S. Vice Consul wherein she stated that she had taken petitioner is qualified to regain her natural-born status
her oath as MTRCB Chairperson on 21 October 2010 with under R.A. No. 9225, she still fell short of the ten-year
the intent, among others, of relinquishing her American residency requirement of the Constitution as her residence
citizenship.50 In the same questionnaire, the petitioner could only be counted at the earliest from July 2006, when
stated that she had resided outside of the U.S., specifically she reacquired Philippine citizenship under the said Act.
in the Philippines, from 3 September 1968 to 29 July 1991 Also on the assumption that petitioner is qualified to
and from May 2005 to present.51 reacquire lost Philippine Citizenship, Elamparo is of the
belief that she failed to reestablish her domicile in the
On 9 December 2011, the U.S. Vice Consul issued to Philippines.67
petitioner a "Certificate of Loss of Nationality of the United
States" effective 21 October 2010.52 Petitioner seasonably filed her Answer wherein she
countered that:
On 2 October 2012, the petitioner filed with the COMELEC
her Certificate of Candidacy (COC) for Senator for the 2013 (1) the COMELEC did not have jurisdiction over
Elections wherein she answered "6 years and 6 months" to Elamparo's petition as it was actually a petition for quo
the question "Period of residence in the Philippines before warranto which could only be filed if Grace Poe wins in the
May 13, 2013."53 Petitioner obtained the highest number Presidential elections, and that the Department of Justice
of votes and was proclaimed Senator on 16 May 2013. 54 (DOJ) has primary jurisdiction to revoke the BI's July 18,
2006 Order;
On 19 December 2013, petitioner obtained Philippine
Diplomatic Passport No. DE0004530. 55 (2) the petition failed to state a cause of action because it
did not contain allegations which, if hypothetically
On 15 October 2015, petitioner filed her COC for the admitted, would make false the statement in her COC that
Presidency for the May 2016 Elections. 56 In her COC, the she is a natural-born Filipino citizen nor was there any
petitioner declared that she is a natural-born citizen and allegation that there was a willful or deliberate intent to
that her residence in the Philippines up to the day before 9 misrepresent on her part;
May 2016 would be ten (10) years and eleven (11) months
counted from 24 May 2005.57 The petitioner attached to (3) she did not make any material misrepresentation in the
her COC an "Affidavit Affirming Renunciation of U.S.A. COC regarding her citizenship and residency qualifications
Citizenship" subscribed and sworn to before a notary for:
public in Quezon City on 14 October 2015. 58
a. the 1934 Constitutional Convention deliberations show
Petitioner's filing of her COC for President in the upcoming that foundlings were considered citizens;
elections triggered the filing of several COMELEC cases
against her which were the subject of these consolidated b. foundlings are presumed under international law to
cases. have been born of citizens of the place where they are
Origin of Petition for Certiorari in G.R. No. 221697
c. she reacquired her natural-born Philippine citizenship
A day after petitioner filed her COC for President, Estrella under the provisions of R.A. No. 9225;
Elamparo (Elamparo) filed a petition to deny due course or
cancel said COC which was docketed as SPA No. 15-001 d. she executed a sworn renunciation of her American
(DC) and raffled to the COMELEC Second Division. 59She is citizenship prior to the filing of her COC for President in
convinced that the COMELEC has jurisdiction over her the May 9, 2016 Elections and that the same is in full force
petition.60 Essentially, Elamparo's contention is that and effect and has not been withdrawn or recanted;
petitioner committed material misrepresentation when
she stated in her COC that she is a natural-born Filipino e. the burden was on Elamparo in proving that she did not
citizen and that she is a resident of the Philippines for at possess natural-born status;
least ten (10) years and eleven (11) months up to the day
f. residence is a matter of evidence and that she
before the 9 May 2016 Elections.61
reestablished her domicile in the Philippines as early as
On the issue of citizenship, Elamparo argued that May 24, 2005;
petitioner cannot be considered as a natural-born Filipino
on account of the fact that she was a foundling.62 Elamparo

Adoption Page 51
g. she could reestablish residence even before she Similar to Elamparo's argument, Tatad claimed that
reacquired natural-born citizenship under R.A. No. 9225; petitioner cannot avail of the option to reacquire
Philippine citizenship under R.A. No. 9225 because it only
h. statement regarding the period of residence in her 2012 applies to former natural-born citizens and petitioner was
COC for Senator was an honest mistake, not binding and not as she was a foundling.79
should give way to evidence on her true date of
reacquisition of domicile; Referring to petitioner's COC for Senator, Tatad concluded
that she did not comply with the ten (10) year residency
i. Elamparo's petition is merely an action to usurp the requirement.80 Tatad opined that petitioner acquired her
sovereign right of the Filipino people to decide a purely domicile in Quezon City only from the time she renounced
political question, that is, should she serve as the country's her American citizenship which was sometime in 2010 or
next leader.68 2011.81 Additionally, Tatad questioned petitioner's lack of
intention to abandon her U.S. domicile as evinced by the
After the parties submitted their respective Memoranda, fact that her husband stayed thereat and her frequent trips
the petition was deemed submitted for resolution. to the U.S.82
On 1 December 2015, the COMELEC Second Division In support of his petition to deny due course or cancel the
promulgated a Resolution finding that petitioner's COC, COC of petitioner, docketed as SPA No. 15-139 (DC), Valdez
filed for the purpose of running for the President of the alleged that her repatriation under R.A. No. 9225 did not
Republic of the Philippines in the 9 May 2016 National and bestow upon her the status of a natural-born citizen.83 He
Local Elections, contained material representations which advanced the view that former natural-born citizens who
are false. The fallo of the aforesaid Resolution reads: are repatriated under the said Act reacquires only their
Philippine citizenship and will not revert to their original
WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing considerations,
status as natural-born citizens.84
the instant Petition to Deny Due Course to or Cancel
Certificate of Candidacy is hereby GRANTED. Accordingly, He further argued that petitioner's own admission in her
the Certificate of Candidacy for President of the Republic COC for Senator that she had only been a resident of the
of the Philippines in the May 9, 2016 National and Local Philippines for at least six (6) years and six (6) months
Elections filed by respondent Mary Grace Natividad Sonora prior to the 13 May 2013 Elections operates against her.
Poe Llamanzares is hereby CANCELLED.69 Valdez rejected petitioner's claim that she could have
validly reestablished her domicile in the Philippines prior
Motion for Reconsideration of the 1 December 2015
to her reacquisition of Philippine citizenship. In effect, his
Resolution was filed by petitioner which the COMELEC En
position was that petitioner did not meet the ten (10) year
Banc resolved in its 23 December 2015 Resolution by
residency requirement for President.
denying the same.70
Unlike the previous COMELEC cases filed against
Origin of Petition for Certiorari in G.R. Nos. 221698-
petitioner, Contreras' petition,85 docketed as SPA No. 15-
007 (DC), limited the attack to the residency issue. He
This case stemmed from three (3) separate petitions filed claimed that petitioner's 2015 COC for President should be
by Francisco S. Tatad (Tatad), Antonio P. Contreras cancelled on the ground that she did not possess the ten-
(Contreras) and Amado D. Valdez (Valdez) against year period of residency required for said candidacy and
petitioner before the COMELEC which were consolidated that she made false entry in her COC when she stated that
and raffled to its First Division. she is a legal resident of the Philippines for ten (10) years
and eleven (11) months by 9 May 2016.86 Contreras
In his petition to disqualify petitioner under Rule 25 of the contended that the reckoning period for computing
COMELEC Rules of Procedure,71 docketed as SPA No. 15- petitioner's residency in the Philippines should be from 18
002 (DC), Tatad alleged that petitioner lacks the requisite July 2006, the date when her petition to reacquire
residency and citizenship to qualify her for the Philippine citizenship was approved by the BI.87 He
Presidency.72 asserted that petitioner's physical presence in the country
before 18 July 2006 could not be valid evidence of
Tatad theorized that since the Philippines adheres to the reacquisition of her Philippine domicile since she was then
principle of jus sanguinis, persons of unknown parentage, living here as an American citizen and as such, she was
particularly foundlings, cannot be considered natural-born governed by the Philippine immigration laws.88
Filipino citizens since blood relationship is determinative
of natural-born status.73 Tatad invoked the rule of In her defense, petitioner raised the following arguments:
statutory construction that what is not included is
excluded. He averred that the fact that foundlings were not First, Tatad's petition should be dismissed outright for
expressly included in the categories of citizens in the 193 5 failure to state a cause of action. His petition did not invoke
Constitution is indicative of the framers' intent to exclude grounds proper for a disqualification case as enumerated
them.74 Therefore, the burden lies on petitioner to prove under Sections 12 and 68 of the Omnibus Election
that she is a natural-born citizen.75 Code.89 Instead, Tatad completely relied on the alleged lack
of residency and natural-born status of petitioner which
Neither can petitioner seek refuge under international are not among the recognized grounds for the
conventions or treaties to support her claim that disqualification of a candidate to an elective office.90
foundlings have a nationality.76 According to Tatad,
international conventions and treaties are not self- Second, the petitions filed against her are basically
executory and that local legislations are necessary in order petitions for quo warranto as they focus on establishing
to give effect to treaty obligations assumed by the her ineligibility for the Presidency.91 A petition for quo
Philippines.77 He also stressed that there is no standard warranto falls within the exclusive jurisdiction of the
state practice that automatically confers natural-born Presidential Electoral Tribunal (PET) and not the
status to foundlings.78 COMELEC.92

Adoption Page 52
Third, the burden to prove that she is not a natural-born restraining orders were issued by the Court enjoining the
Filipino citizen is on the respondents.93 Otherwise stated, COMELEC and its representatives from implementing the
she has a presumption in her favor that she is a natural- assailed COMELEC Resolutions until further orders from
born citizen of this country. the Court. The Court also ordered the consolidation of the
two petitions filed by petitioner in its Resolution of 12
Fourth, customary international law dictates that January 2016. Thereafter, oral arguments were held in
foundlings are entitled to a nationality and are presumed these cases.
to be citizens of the country where they are
found.94 Consequently, the petitioner is considered as a The Court GRANTS the petition of Mary Grace Natividad S.
natural-born citizen of the Philippines.95 Poe-Llamanzares and to ANNUL and SET ASIDE the:

Fifth, she claimed that as a natural-born citizen, she has 1. Resolution dated 1 December 2015 rendered through its
every right to be repatriated under R.A. No. 9225 or the Second Division, in SPA No. 15-001 (DC),
right to reacquire her natural-born status.96 Moreover, the entitled Estrella C. Elamparo, petitioner, vs. Mary Grace
official acts of the Philippine Government enjoy the Natividad Sonora Poe-Llamanzares.
presumption of regularity, to wit: the issuance of the 18
July 2006 Order of the BI declaring her as natural-born 2. Resolution dated 11 December 2015, rendered through
citizen, her appointment as MTRCB Chair and the issuance its First Division, in the consolidated cases SPA No. 15-002
of the decree of adoption of San Juan RTC.97 She believed (DC) entitled Francisco S. Tatad, petitioner, vs. Mary Grace
that all these acts reinforced her position that she is a Natividad Sonora Poe-Llamanzares, respondent; SPA No.
natural-born citizen of the Philippines.98 15-007 (DC) entitled Antonio P. Contreras, petitioner, vs.
Mary Grace Natividad Sonora Poe-Llamanzares,
Sixth, she maintained that as early as the first quarter of respondent; and SPA No. 15-139 (DC) entitled Amado D.
2005, she started reestablishing her domicile of choice in Valdez, petitioner, v. Mary Grace Natividad Sonora Poe-
the Philippines as demonstrated by her children's Llamanzares, respondent.
resettlement and schooling in the country, purchase of a
condominium unit in San Juan City and the construction of 3. Resolution dated 23 December 2015 of the Commission
their family home in Corinthian Hills.99 En Banc, upholding the 1 December 2015 Resolution of the
Second Division.
Seventh, she insisted that she could legally reestablish her
domicile of choice in the Philippines even before she 4. Resolution dated 23 December 2015 of the Commission
renounced her American citizenship as long as the three En Banc, upholding the 11 December 2015 Resolution of
determinants for a change of domicile are complied the First Division.
with.100 She reasoned out that there was no requirement
that renunciation of foreign citizenship is a prerequisite The procedure and the conclusions from which the
for the acquisition of a new domicile of choice.101 questioned Resolutions emanated are tainted with grave
abuse of discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction. The
Eighth, she reiterated that the period appearing in the petitioner is a QUALIFIED CANDIDATE for President in the
residency portion of her COC for Senator was a mistake 9 May 2016 National Elections.
made in good faith.102
The issue before the COMELEC is whether or not the COC
In a Resolution103 promulgated on 11 December 2015, the of petitioner should be denied due course or cancelled "on
COMELEC First Division ruled that petitioner is not a the exclusive ground" that she made in the certificate a
natural-born citizen, that she failed to complete the ten false material representation. The exclusivity of the
(10) year residency requirement, and that she committed ground should hedge in the discretion of the COMELEC and
material misrepresentation in her COC when she declared restrain it from going into the issue of the qualifications of
therein that she has been a resident of the Philippines for a the candidate for the position, if, as in this case, such issue
period of ten (10) years and eleven (11) months as of the is yet undecided or undetermined by the proper authority.
day of the elections on 9 May 2016. The COMELEC First The COMELEC cannot itself, in the same cancellation case,
Division concluded that she is not qualified for the elective decide the qualification or lack thereof of the candidate.
position of President of the Republic of the Philippines.
The dispositive portion of said Resolution reads: We rely, first of all, on the Constitution of our Republic,
particularly its provisions in Article IX, C, Section 2:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the
Commission RESOLVED, as it hereby RESOLVES, Section 2. The Commission on Elections shall exercise the
to GRANT the Petitions and cancel the Certificate of following powers and functions:
(1) Enforce and administer all laws and regulations
LLAMANZARES for the elective position of President of
relative to the conduct of an election, plebiscite, initiative,
the Republic of the Philippines in connection with the 9
referendum, and recall.
May 2016 Synchronized Local and National Elections.
(2) Exercise exclusive original jurisdiction over all contests
Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration seeking a
relating to the elections, returns, and qualifications of all
reversal of the COMELEC First Division's Resolution. On 23
elective regional, provincial, and city officials, and
December 2015, the COMELEC En Banc issued a
appellate jurisdiction over all contests involving elective
Resolution denying petitioner's motion for
municipal officials decided by trial courts of general
jurisdiction, or involving elective barangay officials
Alarmed by the adverse rulings of the COMELEC, petitioner decided by trial courts of limited jurisdiction.
instituted the present petitions for certiorari with urgent
Decisions, final orders, or rulings of the Commission on
prayer for the issuance of an ex parte temporary
election contests involving elective municipal and
restraining order/status quo ante order and/or writ of
preliminary injunction. On 28 December 2015, temporary

Adoption Page 53
barangay offices shall be final, executory, and not or of the last paragraph of Article VII, Section 4 which
appealable. provides that:

(3) Decide, except those involving the right to vote, all The Supreme Court, sitting en banc, shall be the sole judge
questions affecting elections, including determination of of all contests relating to the election, returns, and
the number and location of polling places, appointment of qualifications of the President or Vice-President, and may
election officials and inspectors, and registration of voters. promulgate its rules for the purpose.

(4) Deputize, with the concurrence of the President, law The tribunals which have jurisdiction over the question of
enforcement agencies and instrumentalities of the the qualifications of the President, the Vice-President,
Government, including the Armed Forces of the Senators and the Members of the House of Representatives
Philippines, for the exclusive purpose of ensuring free, was made clear by the Constitution. There is no such
orderly, honest, peaceful, and credible elections. provision for candidates for these positions.

(5) Register, after sufficient publication, political parties, Can the COMELEC be such judge?
organizations, or coalitions which, in addition to other
requirements, must present their platform or program of The opinion of Justice Vicente V. Mendoza in Romualdez-
government; and accredit citizens' arms of the Commission Marcos v. Commission on Elections,104 which was
on Elections. Religious denominations and sects shall not affirmatively cited in the En Banc decision in Fermin v.
be registered. Those which seek to achieve their goals COMELEC105 is our guide. The citation in Fermin reads:
through violence or unlawful means, or refuse to uphold
and adhere to this Constitution, or which are supported by Apparently realizing the lack of an authorized proceeding
any foreign government shall likewise be refused for declaring the ineligibility of candidates, the COMELEC
registration. amended its rules on February 15, 1993 so as to provide in
Rule 25 1, the following:
Financial contributions from foreign governments and
their agencies to political parties, organizations, coalitions, Grounds for disqualification. - Any candidate who does not
or candidates related to elections constitute interference possess all the qualifications of a candidate as provided for
in national affairs, and, when accepted, shall be an by the Constitution or by existing law or who commits any
additional ground for the cancellation of their registration act declared by law to be grounds for disqualification may
with the Commission, in addition to other penalties that be disqualified from continuing as a candidate.
may be prescribed by law.
The lack of provision for declaring the ineligibility of
(6) File, upon a verified complaint, or on its own initiative, candidates, however, cannot be supplied by a mere rule.
petitions in court for inclusion or exclusion of voters; Such an act is equivalent to the creation of a cause of action
investigate and, where appropriate, prosecute cases of which is a substantive matter which the COMELEC, in the
violations of election laws, including acts or omissions exercise of its rule-making power under Art. IX, A, 6 of the
constituting election frauds, offenses, and malpractices. Constitution, cannot do it. It is noteworthy that the
Constitution withholds from the COMELEC even the power
(7) Recommend to the Congress effective measures to to decide cases involving the right to vote, which
minimize election spending, including limitation of places essentially involves an inquiry into qualifications based
where propaganda materials shall be posted, and to on age, residence and citizenship of voters. [Art. IX, C,
prevent and penalize all forms of election frauds, offenses, 2(3)]
malpractices, and nuisance candidacies.
The assimilation in Rule 25 of the COMELEC rules of
(8) Recommend to the President the removal of any officer grounds for ineligibility into grounds for disqualification is
or employee it has deputized, or the imposition of any contrary to the evident intention of the law. For not only in
other disciplinary action, for violation or disregard of, or their grounds but also in their consequences are
disobedience to its directive, order, or decision. proceedings for "disqualification" different from those for
a declaration of "ineligibility." "Disqualification"
(9) Submit to the President and the Congress a proceedings, as already stated, are based on grounds
comprehensive report on the conduct of each election, specified in 12 and 68 of the Omnibus Election Code and
plebiscite, initiative, referendum, or recall. in 40 of the Local Government Code and are for the
purpose of barring an individual from becoming a
Not any one of the enumerated powers approximate the candidate or from continuing as a candidate for public
exactitude of the provisions of Article VI, Section 17 of the office. In a word, their purpose is to eliminate a candidate
same basic law stating that: from the race either from the start or during its progress.
"Ineligibility," on the other hand, refers to the lack of the
The Senate and the House of Representatives shall each qualifications prescribed in the Constitution or the statutes
have an Electoral Tribunal which shall be the sole judge of for holding public office and the purpose of the proceedings
all contests relating to the election, returns, and for declaration of ineligibility is to remove the incumbent
qualifications of their respective Members. Each Electoral from office.
Tribunal shall be composed of nine Members, three of
whom shall be Justices of the Supreme Court to be Consequently, that an individual possesses the
designated by the Chief Justice, and the remaining six shall qualifications for a public office does not imply that he is
be Members of the Senate or the House of Representatives, not disqualified from becoming a candidate or continuing
as the case may be, who shall be chosen on the basis of as a candidate for a public office and vice versa. We have
proportional representation from the political parties and this sort of dichotomy in our Naturalization Law. (C.A. No.
the parties or organizations registered under the party-list 473) That an alien has the qualifications prescribed in 2
system represented therein. The senior Justice in the of the Law does not imply that he does not suffer from any
Electoral Tribunal shall be its Chairman. of [the] disqualifications provided in 4.

Adoption Page 54
Before we get derailed by the distinction as to grounds and Grounds. - Any candidate who, in action or protest in which
the consequences of the respective proceedings, the he is a party, is declared by final decision of a competent
importance of the opinion is in its statement that "the lack court, guilty of, or found by the Commission to be suffering
of provision for declaring the ineligibility of candidates, from any disqualification provided by law or the
however, cannot be supplied by a mere rule". Justice Constitution.
Mendoza lectured in Romualdez-Marcos that:
A Petition to Disqualify a Candidate invoking grounds for a
Three reasons may be cited to explain the absence of an Petition to Deny to or Cancel a Certificate of Candidacy or
authorized proceeding for determining before election the Petition to Declare a Candidate as a Nuisance Candidate, or
qualifications of a candidate. a combination thereof, shall be summarily dismissed.

First is the fact that unless a candidate wins and is Clearly, the amendment done in 2012 is an acceptance of
proclaimed elected, there is no necessity for determining the reality of absence of an authorized proceeding for
his eligibility for the office. In contrast, whether an determining before election the qualifications of candidate.
individual should be disqualified as a candidate for acts Such that, as presently required, to disqualify a candidate
constituting election offenses (e.g., vote buying, over there must be a declaration by a final judgment of a
spending, commission of prohibited acts) is a prejudicial competent court that the candidate sought to be
question which should be determined lest he wins because disqualified "is guilty of or found by the Commission to be
of the very acts for which his disqualification is being suffering from any disqualification provided by law or the
sought. That is why it is provided that if the grounds for Constitution."
disqualification are established, a candidate will not be
voted for; if he has been voted for, the votes in his favor Insofar as the qualification of a candidate is concerned,
will not be counted; and if for some reason he has been Rule 25 and Rule 23 are flipsides of one to the other.
voted for and he has won, either he will not be proclaimed Both do not allow, are not authorizations, are not vestment
or his proclamation will be set aside. of jurisdiction, for the COMELEC to determine the
qualification of a candidate. The facts of qualification must
Second is the fact that the determination of a candidates' beforehand be established in a prior proceeding before an
eligibility, e.g., his citizenship or, as in this case, his authority properly vested with jurisdiction. The prior
domicile, may take a long time to make, extending beyond determination of qualification may be by statute, by
the beginning of the term of the office. This is amply executive order or by a judgment of a competent court or
demonstrated in the companion case (G.R. No. tribunal.
120265, Agapito A. Aquino v. COMELEC) where the
determination of Aquino's residence was still pending in the If a candidate cannot be disqualified without a prior
COMELEC even after the elections of May 8, 1995. This is finding that he or she is suffering from a disqualification
contrary to the summary character proceedings relating to "provided by law or the Constitution," neither can the
certificates of candidacy. That is why the law makes the certificate of candidacy be cancelled or denied due course
receipt of certificates of candidacy a ministerial duty of the on grounds of false representations regarding his or her
COMELEC and its officers. The law is satisfied if candidates qualifications, without a prior authoritative finding that he
state in their certificates of candidacy that they are eligible or she is not qualified, such prior authority being the
for the position which they seek to fill, leaving the necessary measure by which the falsity of the
determination of their qualifications to be made after the representation can be found. The only exception that can
election and only in the event they are elected. Only in be conceded are self-evident facts of unquestioned or
cases involving charges of false representations made in unquestionable veracity and judicial confessions. Such are,
certificates of candidacy is the COMELEC given anyway, bases equivalent to prior decisions against which
jurisdiction. the falsity of representation can be determined.

Third is the policy underlying the prohibition against pre- The need for a predicate finding or final pronouncement in
proclamation cases in elections for President, Vice a proceeding under Rule 23 that deals with, as in this case,
President, Senators and members of the House of alleged false representations regarding the candidate's
Representatives. (R.A. No. 7166, 15) The purpose is to citizenship and residence, forced the COMELEC to rule
preserve the prerogatives of the House of Representatives essentially that since foundlings108 are not mentioned in
Electoral Tribunal and the other Tribunals as "sole judges" the enumeration of citizens under the 1935
under the Constitution of the election, Constitution,109 they then cannot be citizens. As the
returns and qualifications of members of Congress of the COMELEC stated in oral arguments, when petitioner
President and Vice President, as the case may be.106 admitted that she is a foundling, she said it all. This
borders on bigotry. Oddly, in an effort at tolerance, the
To be sure, the authoritativeness of COMELEC, after saying that it cannot rule that herein
the Romualdez pronouncements as reiterated petitioner possesses blood relationship with a Filipino
in Fermin, led to the amendment through COMELEC citizen when "it is certain that such relationship is
Resolution No. 9523, on 25 September 2012 of its Rule 25. indemonstrable," proceeded to say that "she now has the
This, the 15 February1993 version of Rule 25, which states burden to present evidence to prove her natural filiation
that: with a Filipino parent."

Grounds for disqualification. -Any candidate who does not The fact is that petitioner's blood relationship with a
possess all the qualifications of a candidate as provided for Filipino citizen is DEMONSTRABLE.
by the Constitution or by existing law or who commits any
act declared by law to be grounds for disqualification may At the outset, it must be noted that presumptions
be disqualified from continuing as a candidate.107 regarding paternity is neither unknown nor unaccepted in
Philippine Law. The Family Code of the Philippines has a
was in the 2012 rendition, drastically changed to: whole chapter on Paternity and Filiation.110 That said,
there is more than sufficient evider1ce that petitioner has
Filipino parents and is therefore a natural-born Filipino.
Adoption Page 55
Parenthetically, the burden of proof was on private Second. It is contrary to common sense because foreigners
respondents to show that petitioner is not a Filipino do not come to the Philippines so they can get pregnant
citizen. The private respondents should have shown that and leave their newborn babies behind. We do not face a
both of petitioner's parents were aliens. Her admission situation where the probability is such that every
that she is a foundling did not shift the burden to her foundling would have a 50% chance of being a Filipino and
because such status did not exclude the possibility that her a 50% chance of being a foreigner. We need to frame our
parents were Filipinos, especially as in this case where questions properly. What are the chances that the parents
there is a high probability, if not certainty, that her parents of anyone born in the Philippines would be foreigners?
are Filipinos. Almost zero. What are the chances that the parents of
anyone born in the Philippines would be Filipinos? 99.9%.
The factual issue is not who the parents of petitioner are,
as their identities are unknown, but whether such parents According to the Philippine Statistics Authority, from 2010
are Filipinos. Under Section 4, Rule 128: to 2014, on a yearly average, there were 1,766,046
children born in the Philippines to Filipino parents, as
Sect. 4. Relevancy, collateral matters - Evidence must have opposed to 1,301 children in the Philippines of foreign
such a relation to the fact in issue as to induce belief in its parents. Thus, for that sample period, the ratio of non-
existence or no-existence. Evidence on collateral matters Filipino children to natural born Filipino children is
shall not be allowed, except when it tends in any 1:1357. This means that the statistical probability that any
reasonable degree to establish the probability of child born in the Philippines would be a natural born
improbability of the fact in issue. Filipino is 99.93%.

The Solicitor General offered official statistics from the From 1965 to 1975, the total number of foreigners born in
Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)111 that from 1965 to the Philippines is 15,986 while the total number of
1975, the total number of foreigners born in the Filipinos born in the Philippines is 15,558,278. For this
Philippines was 15,986 while the total number of Filipinos period, the ratio of non-Filipino children is 1:661. This
born in the country was 10,558,278. The statistical means that the statistical probability that any child born in
probability that any child born in the Philippines in that the Philippines on that decade would be a natural born
decade is natural-born Filipino was 99.83%. For her part, Filipino is 99.83%.
petitioner presented census statistics for Iloilo Province
for 1960 and 1970, also from the PSA. In 1960, there were We can invite statisticians and social anthropologists to
962,532 Filipinos and 4,734 foreigners in the crunch the numbers for us, but I am confident that the
province; 99.62% of the population were Filipinos. In statistical probability that a child born in the Philippines
1970, the figures were 1,162,669 Filipinos and 5,304 would be a natural born Filipino will not be affected by
foreigners, or 99.55%. Also presented were figures for the whether or not the parents are known. If at all, the
child producing ages (15-49). In 1960, there were 230,528 likelihood that a foundling would have a Filipino parent
female Filipinos as against 730 female foreigners might even be higher than 99.9%. Filipinos abandon their
or 99.68%. In the same year, there were 210,349 Filipino children out of poverty or perhaps, shame. We do not
males and 886 male aliens, or 99.58%. In 1970, there imagine foreigners abandoning their children here in the
were 270,299 Filipino females versus 1, 190 female aliens, Philippines thinking those infants would have better
or 99.56%. That same year, there were 245,740 Filipino economic opportunities or believing that this country is a
males as against only 1,165 male aliens tropical paradise suitable for raising abandoned children. I
or 99.53%. COMELEC did not dispute these figures. certainly doubt whether a foreign couple has ever
Notably, Commissioner Arthur Lim admitted, during the considered their child excess baggage that is best left
oral arguments, that at the time petitioner was found in behind.
1968, the majority of the population in Iloilo was
Filipino.112 To deny full Filipino citizenship to all foundlings and
render them stateless just because there may be a
Other circumstantial evidence of the nationality of theoretical chance that one among the thousands of these
petitioner's parents are the fact that she was abandoned as foundlings might be the child of not just one, but two,
an infant in a Roman Catholic Church in Iloilo foreigners is downright discriminatory, irrational, and
City.1wphi1 She also has typical Filipino features: height, unjust. It just doesn't make any sense. Given the statistical
flat nasal bridge, straight black hair, almond shaped eyes certainty - 99.9% - that any child born in the Philippines
and an oval face. would be a natural born citizen, a decision denying
foundlings such status is effectively a denial of their
There is a disputable presumption that things have birthright. There is no reason why this Honorable Court
happened according to the ordinary course of nature and should use an improbable hypothetical to sacrifice the
the ordinary habits of life.113 All of the foregoing evidence, fundamental political rights of an entire class of human
that a person with typical Filipino features is abandoned in beings. Your Honor, constitutional interpretation and the
Catholic Church in a municipality where the population of use of common sense are not separate disciplines.
the Philippines is overwhelmingly Filipinos such that there
would be more than a 99% chance that a child born in the As a matter of law, foundlings are as a class, natural-born
province would be a Filipino, would indicate more than citizens. While the 1935 Constitution's enumeration is
ample probability if not statistical certainty, that silent as to foundlings, there is no restrictive language
petitioner's parents are Filipinos. That probability and the which would definitely exclude foundlings either. Because
evidence on which it is based are admissible under Rule of silence and ambiguity in the enumeration with respect
128, Section 4 of the Revised Rules on Evidence. to foundlings, there is a need to examine the intent of the
framers. In Nitafan v. Commissioner of Internal
To assume otherwise is to accept the absurd, if not the Revenue,114 this Court held that:
virtually impossible, as the norm. In the words of the
Solicitor General: The ascertainment of that intent is but in keeping with the
fundamental principle of constitutional construction that

Adoption Page 56
the intent of the framers of the organic law and of the unknown and I think those of overseas Filipino mother and
people adopting it should be given effect. The primary task father [whom the latter] does not recognize, should also be
in constitutional construction is to ascertain and thereafter considered as Filipinos.
assure the realization of the purpose of the framers and of
the people in the adoption of the Constitution. It may also President:
be safely assumed that the people in ratifying the The question in order is the amendment to the amendment
Constitution were guided mainly by the explanation from the Gentleman from Cebu, Mr. Briones.
offered by the framers.115
Sr. Busion:
As pointed out by petitioner as well as the Solicitor Mr. President, don't you think it would be better to leave
General, the deliberations of the 1934 Constitutional this matter in the hands of the Legislature?
Convention show that the framers intended foundlings to
be covered by the enumeration. The following exchange is Sr. Roxas:
recorded: Mr. President, my humble opinion is that these cases
are few and far in between, that the constitution need [not]
Sr. Rafols: For an amendment. I propose that after refer to them. By international law the principle that
subsection 2, the following is inserted: "The natural children or people born in a country of unknown parents are
children of a foreign father and a Filipino mother not citizens in this nation is recognized, and it is not necessary to
recognized by the father. include a provision on the subject exhaustively.116

xxxx Though the Rafols amendment was not carried out, it was
not because there was any objection to the notion that
President: persons of "unknown parentage" are not citizens but only
[We] would like to request a clarification from the because their number was not enough to merit specific
proponent of the amendment. The gentleman refers to mention. Such was the account,117 cited by petitioner, of
natural children or to any kind of illegitimate children? delegate and constitution law author Jose Aruego who
Sr. Rafols:
To all kinds of illegitimate children. It also includes During the debates on this provision, Delegate Rafols
natural children of unknown parentage, natural or presented an amendment to include as Filipino citizens the
illegitimate children of unknown parents. illegitimate children with a foreign father of a mother who
was a citizen of the Philippines, and also foundlings; but
Sr. Montinola: this amendment was defeated primarily because the
For clarification. The gentleman said "of unknown Convention believed that the cases, being too few to
parents." Current codes consider them Filipino, that is, I warrant the inclusion of a provision in the Constitution to
refer to the Spanish Code wherein all children of unknown apply to them, should be governed by statutory legislation.
parentage born in Spanish territory are considered Moreover, it was believed that the rules of international
Spaniards, because the presumption is that a child of law were already clear to the effect that illegitimate
unknown parentage is the son of a Spaniard. This may be children followed the citizenship of the mother, and
applied in the Philippines in that a child of unknown that foundlings followed the nationality of the place where
parentage born in the Philippines is deemed to be Filipino, they were found, thereby making unnecessary the
and there is no need ... inclusion in the Constitution of the proposed amendment.
Sr. Rafols: This explanation was likewise the position of the Solicitor
There is a need, because we are relating the conditions General during the 16 February 2016 Oral Arguments:
that are [required] to be Filipino.
We all know that the Rafols proposal was rejected. But
Sr. Montinola: note that what was declined was the proposal for a textual
But that is the interpretation of the law, therefore, there is and explicit recognition of foundlings as Filipinos. And so,
no [more] need for amendment. the way to explain the constitutional silence is by saying
that it was the view of Montinola and Roxas which
Sr. Rafols: prevailed that there is no more need to expressly declare
The amendment should read thus: foundlings as Filipinos.
"Natural or illegitimate of a foreign father and a Filipino
mother recognized by one, or the children of unknown Obviously, it doesn't matter whether Montinola's or Roxas'
parentage." views were legally correct. Framers of a constitution can
constitutionalize rules based on assumptions that are
Sr. Briones: imperfect or even wrong. They can even overturn existing
The amendment [should] mean children born in the rules. This is basic. What matters here is that Montinola
Philippines of unknown parentage. and Roxas were able to convince their colleagues in the
convention that there is no more need to expressly declare
Sr. Rafols:
foundlings as Filipinos because they are already impliedly
The son of a Filipina to a Foreigner, although this [person]
so recognized.
does not recognize the child, is not unknown.
In other words, the constitutional silence is fully explained
in terms of linguistic efficiency and the avoidance of
Does the gentleman accept the amendment or not?
redundancy. The policy is clear: it is to recognize
Sr. Rafols: foundlings, as a class, as Filipinos under Art. IV, Section 1
I do not accept the amendment because the amendment (3) of the 1935 Constitution. This inclusive policy is
would exclude the children of a Filipina with a foreigner carried over into the 1973 and 1987 Constitution. It is
who does not recognize the child. Their parentage is not appropriate to invoke a famous scholar as he was

Adoption Page 57
paraphrased by Chief Justice Fernando: the constitution is Adoption Act of 1998) and this Court's A.M. No. 02-6-02-SC
not silently silent, it is silently vocal. 118 or the "Rule on Adoption," all expressly refer to "Filipino
children" and include foundlings as among Filipino
The Solicitor General makes the further point that the children who may be adopted.
framers "worked to create a just and humane society," that
"they were reasonable patriots and that it would be unfair It has been argued that the process to determine that the
to impute upon them a discriminatory intent against child is a foundling leading to the issuance of a foundling
foundlings." He exhorts that, given the grave implications certificate under these laws and the issuance of said
of the argument that foundlings are not natural-born certificate are acts to acquire or perfect Philippine
Filipinos, the Court must search the records of the 1935, citizenship which make the foundling a naturalized
1973 and 1987 Constitutions "for an express intention to Filipino at best. This is erroneous. Under Article IV, Section
deny foundlings the status of Filipinos. The burden is on 2 "Natural-born citizens are those who are citizens of the
those who wish to use the constitution to discriminate Philippines from birth without having to perform any act
against foundlings to show that the constitution really to acquire or perfect their Philippine citizenship." In the
intended to take this path to the dark side and inflict this first place, "having to perform an act" means that the act
across the board marginalization." must be personally done by the citizen. In this instance, the
determination of foundling status is done not by the child
We find no such intent or language permitting but by the authorities.121 Secondly, the object of the
discrimination against foundlings. On the contrary, all process is the determination of the whereabouts of the
three Constitutions guarantee the basic right to equal parents, not the citizenship of the child. Lastly, the process
protection of the laws. All exhort the State to render social is certainly not analogous to naturalization proceedings to
justice. Of special consideration are several provisions in acquire Philippine citizenship, or the election of such
the present charter: Article II, Section 11 which provides citizenship by one born of an alien father and a Filipino
that the "State values the dignity of every human person mother under the 1935 Constitution, which is an act to
and guarantees full respect for human rights," Article XIII, perfect it.
Section 1 which mandates Congress to "give highest
priority to the enactment of measures that protect and In this instance, such issue is moot because there is no
enhance the right of all the people to human dignity, dispute that petitioner is a foundling, as evidenced by a
reduce social, economic, and political inequalities x x x" Foundling Certificate issued in her favor.122 The Decree of
and Article XV, Section 3 which requires the State to Adoption issued on 13 May 1974, which approved
defend the "right of children to assistance, including petitioner's adoption by Jesusa Sonora Poe and Ronald
proper care and nutrition, and special protection from all Allan Kelley Poe, expressly refers to Emiliano and his wife,
forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation, and other Rosario Militar, as her "foundling parents," hence
conditions prejudicial to their development." Certainly, effectively affirming petitioner's status as a foundling.123
these provisions contradict an intent to discriminate
against foundlings on account of their unfortunate status. Foundlings are likewise citizens under international law.
Under the 1987 Constitution, an international law can
Domestic laws on adoption also support the principle that become part of the sphere of domestic law either by
foundlings are Filipinos. These laws do not provide that transformation or incorporation. The transformation
adoption confers citizenship upon the adoptee. Rather, the method requires that an international law be transformed
adoptee must be a Filipino in the first place to be adopted. into a domestic law through a constitutional mechanism
The most basic of such laws is Article 15 of the Civil Code such as local legislation.124 On the other hand, generally
which provides that "[l]aws relating to family rights, accepted principles of international law, by virtue of the
duties, status, conditions, legal capacity of persons are incorporation clause of the Constitution, form part of the
binding on citizens of the Philippines even though living laws of the land even if they do not derive from treaty
abroad." Adoption deals with status, and a Philippine obligations. Generally accepted principles of international
adoption court will have jurisdiction only if the adoptee is law include international custom as evidence of a general
a Filipino. In Ellis and Ellis v. Republic,119 a child left by an practice accepted as law, and general principles of law
unidentified mother was sought to be adopted by aliens. recognized by civilized nations.125 International customary
This Court said: rules are accepted as binding as a result from the
combination of two elements: the established, widespread,
In this connection, it should be noted that this is a and consistent practice on the part of States; and a
proceedings in rem, which no court may entertain unless it psychological element known as the opinionjuris sive
has jurisdiction, not only over the subject matter of the necessitates (opinion as to law or necessity). Implicit in the
case and over the parties, but also over the res, which is the latter element is a belief that the practice in question is
personal status of Baby Rose as well as that of petitioners rendered obligatory by the existence of a rule of law
herein. Our Civil Code (Art. 15) adheres to the theory that requiring it.126 "General principles of law recognized by
jurisdiction over the status of a natural person is civilized nations" are principles "established by a process
determined by the latter's nationality. Pursuant to this of reasoning" or judicial logic, based on principles which
theory, we have jurisdiction over the status of Baby Rose, are "basic to legal systems generally," 127 such as "general
she being a citizen of the Philippines, but not over the principles of equity, i.e., the general principles of fairness
status of the petitioners, who are and justice," and the "general principle against
foreigners.120 (Underlining supplied) discrimination" which is embodied in the "Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant
Recent legislation is more direct. R.A. No. 8043 entitled on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the International
"An Act Establishing the Rules to Govern the Inter-Country Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial
Adoption of Filipino Children and For Other Purposes" Discrimination, the Convention Against Discrimination in
(otherwise known as the "Inter-Country Adoption Act of Education, the Convention (No. 111) Concerning
1995"), R.A. No. 8552, entitled "An Act Establishing the Discrimination in Respect of Employment and
Rules and Policies on the Adoption of Filipino Children and Occupation."128 These are the same core principles which
For Other Purposes" (otherwise known as the Domestic underlie the Philippine Constitution itself, as embodied in

Adoption Page 58
the due process and equal protection clauses of the Bill of A foundling is, until the contrary is proved, presumed to
Rights.129 have been born on the territory of the State in which it was
found. (Underlining supplied)
Universal Declaration of Human Rights ("UDHR") has been
interpreted by this Court as part of the generally accepted The second is the principle that a foundling is presumed
principles of international law and binding on the born of citizens of the country where he is found, contained
State.130 Article 15 thereof states: in Article 2 of the 1961 United Nations Convention on the
Reduction of Statelessness:
1. Everyone has the right to a nationality.
Article 2
2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality
nor denied the right to change his nationality. A foundling found in the territory of a Contracting State
shall, in the absence of proof to the contrary, be considered
The Philippines has also ratified the UN Convention on the to have been born within the territory of parents
Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Article 7 of the UNCRC possessing the nationality of that State.
imposes the following obligations on our country:
That the Philippines is not a party to the 1930 Hague
Article 7 Convention nor to the 1961 Convention on the Reduction
of Statelessness does not mean that their principles are not
1. The child shall be registered immediately after birth and binding. While the Philippines is not a party to the 1930
shall have the right from birth to a name, the right to Hague Convention, it is a signatory to the Universal
acquire a nationality and as far as possible, the right to Declaration on Human Rights, Article 15(1)
know and be cared for by his or her parents. ofwhich131effectively affirms Article 14 of the 1930 Hague
Convention. Article 2 of the 1961 "United Nations
2. States Parties shall ensure the implementation of these
Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness" merely
rights in accordance with their national law and their
"gives effect" to Article 15(1) of the UDHR.132 In Razon v.
obligations under the relevant international instruments in
Tagitis, 133 this Court noted that the Philippines had not
this field, in particular where the child would otherwise be
signed or ratified the "International Convention for the
Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance."
In 1986, the country also ratified the 1966 International Yet, we ruled that the proscription against enforced
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Article 24 disappearances in the said convention was nonetheless
thereof provide for the right of every child "to acquire a binding as a "generally accepted principle of international
nationality:" law." Razon v. Tagitis is likewise notable for declaring the
ban as a generally accepted principle of international law
Article 24 although the convention had been ratified by only sixteen
states and had not even come into force and which needed
1. Every child shall have, without any discrimination as to the ratification of a minimum of twenty states.
race, colour, sex, language, religion, national or social Additionally, as petitioner points out, the Court was
origin, property or birth, the right, to such measures of content with the practice of international and regional
protection as are required by his status as a minor, on the state organs, regional state practice in Latin America, and
part of his family, society and the State. State Practice in the United States.

2. Every child shall be registered immediately after birth Another case where the number of ratifying countries was
and shall have a name. not determinative is Mijares v. Ranada, 134 where
only four countries had "either ratified or acceded
3. Every child has the right to acquire a nationality. to"135 the 1966 "Convention on the Recognition and
Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil and
The common thread of the UDHR, UNCRC and ICCPR is to Commercial Matters" when the case was decided in 2005.
obligate the Philippines to grant nationality from birth and The Court also pointed out that that nine member
ensure that no child is stateless. This grant of nationality countries of the European Common Market had acceded to
must be at the time of birth, and it cannot be accomplished the Judgments Convention. The Court also cited U.S. laws
by the application of our present naturalization laws, and jurisprudence on recognition of foreign judgments. In
Commonwealth Act No. 473, as amended, and R.A. No. all, only the practices of fourteen countries were
9139, both of which require the applicant to be at least considered and yet, there was pronouncement that
eighteen (18) years old. recognition of foreign judgments was widespread practice.
The principles found in two conventions, while yet Our approach in Razon and Mijares effectively takes into
unratified by the Philippines, are generally accepted account the fact that "generally accepted principles of
principles of international law. The first is Article 14 of the international law" are based not only on international
1930 Hague Convention on Certain Questions Relating to custom, but also on "general principles of law recognized
the Conflict of Nationality Laws under which a foundling is by civilized nations," as the phrase is understood in Article
presumed to have the "nationality of the country of birth," 38.1 paragraph (c) of the ICJ Statute. Justice, fairness,
to wit: equity and the policy against discrimination, which are
fundamental principles underlying the Bill of Rights and
Article 14 which are "basic to legal systems generally," 136 support the
notion that the right against enforced disappearances and
A child whose parents are both unknown shall have
the recognition of foreign judgments, were correctly
the nationality of the country of birth. If the child's
considered as "generally accepted principles of
parentage is established, its nationality shall be
international law" under the incorporation clause.
determined by the rules applicable in cases where the
parentage is known. Petitioner's evidence137 shows that at least sixty countries
in Asia, North and South America, and Europe have passed
Adoption Page 59
legislation recognizing foundlings as its citizen. Forty-two Philippine citizenship, he will be restored to his former
(42) of those countries follow the jus sanguinis regime. Of status as a natural-born Filipino.
the sixty, only thirty-three (33) are parties to the 1961
Convention on Statelessness; twenty-six (26) are not R.A. No. 9225 is a repatriation statute and has been
signatories to the Convention. Also, the Chief Justice, at the described as such in several cases. They include Sobejana-
2 February 2016 Oral Arguments pointed out that in 166 Condon v. COMELEC141 where we described it as an
out of 189 countries surveyed (or 87.83%), foundlings are "abbreviated repatriation process that restores one's
recognized as citizens. These circumstances, including the Filipino citizenship x x x." Also included is Parreno v.
practice of jus sanguinis countries, show that it is a Commission on Audit,142 which cited Tabasa v. Court of
generally accepted principle of international law to Appeals,143where we said that "[t]he repatriation of the
presume foundlings as having been born of nationals of the former Filipino will allow him to recover his natural-born
country in which the foundling is found. citizenship. Parreno v. Commission on Audit144 is
categorical that "if petitioner reacquires his Filipino
Current legislation reveals the adherence of the citizenship (under R.A. No. 9225), he will ... recover his
Philippines to this generally accepted principle of natural-born citizenship."
international law. In particular, R.A. No. 8552, R.A. No.
8042 and this Court's Rules on Adoption, expressly refer to The COMELEC construed the phrase "from birth" in the
"Filipino children." In all of them, foundlings are among the definition of natural citizens as implying "that natural-
Filipino children who could be adopted. Likewise, it has born citizenship must begin at birth and remain
been pointed that the DFA issues passports to foundlings. uninterrupted and continuous from birth." R.A. No. 9225
Passports are by law, issued only to citizens. This shows was obviously passed in line with Congress' sole
that even the executive department, acting through the prerogative to determine how citizenship may be lost or
DFA, considers foundlings as Philippine citizens. reacquired. Congress saw it fit to decree that natural-born
citizenship may be reacquired even if it had been once lost.
Adopting these legal principles from the 1930 Hague It is not for the COMELEC to disagree with the Congress'
Convention and the 1961 Convention on Statelessness is determination.
rational and reasonable and consistent with the jus
sanguinis regime in our Constitution. The presumption of More importantly, COMELEC's position that natural-born
natural-born citizenship of foundlings stems from the status must be continuous was already rejected in Bengson
presumption that their parents are nationals of the III v. HRET145 where the phrase "from birth" was clarified
Philippines. As the empirical data provided by the PSA to mean at the time of birth: "A person who at the time of
show, that presumption is at more than 99% and is a his birth, is a citizen of a particular country, is a natural-
virtual certainty. born citizen thereof." Neither is "repatriation" an act to
"acquire or perfect" one's citizenship. In Bengson III v.
In sum, all of the international law conventions and HRET, this Court pointed out that there are only two types
instruments on the matter of nationality of foundlings of citizens under the 1987 Constitution: natural-born
were designed to address the plight of a defenseless class citizen and naturalized, and that there is no third category
which suffers from a misfortune not of their own making. for repatriated citizens:
We cannot be restrictive as to their application if we are a
country which calls itself civilized and a member of the It is apparent from the enumeration of who are citizens
community of nations. The Solicitor General's warning in under the present Constitution that there are only two
his opening statement is relevant: classes of citizens: (1) those who are natural-born and (2)
those who are naturalized in accordance with law. A
.... the total effect of those documents is to signify to this citizen who is not a naturalized Filipino, ie., did not have to
Honorable Court that those treaties and conventions were undergo the process of naturalization to obtain Philippine
drafted because the world community is concerned that citizenship, necessarily is a natural-born Filipino.
the situation of foundlings renders them legally invisible. It Noteworthy is the absence in said enumeration of a
would be tragically ironic if this Honorable Court ended up separate category for persons who, after losing Philippine
using the international instruments which seek to protect citizenship, subsequently reacquire it. The reason therefor
and uplift foundlings a tool to deny them political status or is clear: as to such persons, they would either be natural-
to accord them second-class citizenship.138 born or naturalized depending on the reasons for the loss
of their citizenship and the mode prescribed by the
The COMELEC also ruled139 that petitioner's repatriation in applicable law for the reacquisition thereof. As respondent
July 2006 under the provisions of R.A. No. 9225 did not Cruz was not required by law to go through naturalization
result in the reacquisition of natural-born citizenship. The proceedings in order to reacquire his citizenship, he is
COMELEC reasoned that since the applicant must perform perforce a natural-born Filipino. As such, he possessed all
an act, what is reacquired is not "natural-born" citizenship the necessary qualifications to be elected as member of the
but only plain "Philippine citizenship." House of Representatives.146

The COMELEC's rule arrogantly disregards consistent The COMELEC cannot reverse a judicial precedent. That is
jurisprudence on the matter of repatriation statutes in reserved to this Court. And while we may always revisit a
general and of R.A. No. 9225 in particular. doctrine, a new rule reversing standing doctrine cannot be
retroactively applied. In Morales v. Court of Appeals and
In the seminal case of Bengson Ill v. HRET, 140 repatriation Jejomar Erwin S. Binay, Jr.,147 where we decreed reversed
was explained as follows: the condonation doctrine, we cautioned that it "should be
prospective in application for the reason that judicial
Moreover, repatriation results in the recovery of the
decisions applying or interpreting the laws of the
original nationality. This means that a naturalized Filipino
Constitution, until reversed, shall form part of the legal
who lost his citizenship will be restored to his prior status
system of the Philippines." This Court also said that "while
as a naturalized Filipino citizen. On the other hand, if he
the future may ultimately uncover a doctrine's error, it
was originally a natural-born citizen before he lost his
should be, as a general rule, recognized as good law prior

Adoption Page 60
to its abandonment. Consequently, the people's reliance there must basically be animus manendi coupled
thereupon should be respected."148 with animus non revertendi. The purpose to remain in or at
the domicile of choice must be for an indefinite period of
Lastly, it was repeatedly pointed out during the oral time; the change of residence must be voluntary; and the
arguments that petitioner committed a falsehood when residence at the place chosen for the new domicile must be
she put in the spaces for "born to" in her application for actual.153
repatriation under R.A. No. 9225 the names of her
adoptive parents, and this misled the BI to presume that Petitioner presented voluminous evidence showing that
she was a natural-born Filipino. It has been contended that she and her family abandoned their U.S. domicile and
the data required were the names of her biological parents relocated to the Philippines for good. These evidence
which are precisely unknown. include petitioner's former U.S. passport showing her
arrival on 24 May 2005 and her return to the Philippines
This position disregards one important fact - petitioner every time she travelled abroad; e-mail correspondences
was legally adopted. One of the effects of adoption is "to starting in March 2005 to September 2006 with a freight
sever all legal ties between the biological parents and the company to arrange for the shipment of their household
adoptee, except when the biological parent is the spouse of items weighing about 28,000 pounds to the Philippines; e-
the adoptee."149 Under R.A. No. 8552, petitioner was also mail with the Philippine Bureau of Animal Industry
entitled to an amended birth certificate "attesting to the inquiring how to ship their dog to the Philippines; school
fact that the adoptee is the child of the adopter(s)" and records of her children showing enrollment in Philippine
which certificate "shall not bear any notation that it is an schools starting June 2005 and for succeeding years; tax
amended issue."150 That law also requires that "[a]ll identification card for petitioner issued on July 2005; titles
records, books, and papers relating to the adoption cases for condominium and parking slot issued in February 2006
in the files of the court, the Department [of Social Welfare and their corresponding tax declarations issued in April
and Development], or any other agency or institution 2006; receipts dated 23 February 2005 from the Salvation
participating in the adoption proceedings shall be kept Army in the U.S. acknowledging donation of items from
strictly confidential."151 The law therefore allows petitioner's family; March 2006 e-mail to the U.S. Postal
petitioner to state that her adoptive parents were her birth Service confirming request for change of address; final
parents as that was what would be stated in her birth statement from the First American Title Insurance
certificate anyway. And given the policy of strict Company showing sale of their U.S. home on 27 April
confidentiality of adoption records, petitioner was not 2006; 12 July 2011 filled-up questionnaire submitted to
obligated to disclose that she was an adoptee. the U.S. Embassy where petitioner indicated that she had
been a Philippine resident since May 2005; affidavit from
Clearly, to avoid a direct ruling on the qualifications of Jesusa Sonora Poe (attesting to the return of petitioner on
petitioner, which it cannot make in the same case for 24 May 2005 and that she and her family stayed with
cancellation of COC, it resorted to opinionatedness which affiant until the condominium was purchased); and
is, moreover, erroneous. The whole process undertaken by Affidavit from petitioner's husband (confirming that the
COMELEC is wrapped in grave abuse of discretion. spouses jointly decided to relocate to the Philippines in
2005 and that he stayed behind in the U.S. only to finish
On Residence
some work and to sell the family home).
The tainted process was repeated in disposing of the issue
The foregoing evidence were undisputed and the facts
of whether or not petitioner committed false material
were even listed by the COMELEC, particularly in its
representation when she stated in her COC that she has
Resolution in the Tatad, Contreras and Valdez cases.
before and until 9 May 2016 been a resident of the
Philippines for ten (10) years and eleven (11) months. However, the COMELEC refused to consider that
petitioner's domicile had been timely changed as of 24
Petitioner's claim that she will have been a resident for ten
May 2005. At the oral arguments, COMELEC Commissioner
(10) years and eleven (11) months on the day before
Arthur Lim conceded the presence of the first two
the 2016 elections, is true.
requisites, namely, physical presence and animus
The Constitution requires presidential candidates to have manendi, but maintained there was no animus non-
ten (10) years' residence in the Philippines before the day revertendi.154 The COMELEC disregarded the import of all
of the elections. Since the forthcoming elections will be the evidence presented by petitioner on the basis of the
held on 9 May 2016, petitioner must have been a resident position that the earliest date that petitioner could have
of the Philippines prior to 9 May 2016 for ten (10) years. started residence in the Philippines was in July 2006 when
In answer to the requested information of "Period of her application under R.A. No. 9225 was approved by the
Residence in the Philippines up to the day before May 09, BI. In this regard, COMELEC relied on Coquilla v.
2016," she put in "10 years 11 months" which according to COMELEC,155 Japzon v. COMELEC156 and Caballero v.
her pleadings in these cases corresponds to a beginning COMELEC. 157 During the oral arguments, the private
date of 25 May 2005 when she returned for good from the respondents also added Reyes v. COMELEC.158 Respondents
U.S. contend that these cases decree that the stay of an alien
former Filipino cannot be counted until he/she obtains a
When petitioner immigrated to the U.S. in 1991, she lost permanent resident visa or reacquires Philippine
her original domicile, which is the Philippines. There are citizenship, a visa-free entry under a balikbayan stamp
three requisites to acquire a new domicile: 1. Residence or being insufficient. Since petitioner was still an American
bodily presence in a new locality; 2. an intention to remain (without any resident visa) until her reacquisition of
there; and 3. an intention to abandon the old citizenship under R.A. No. 9225, her stay from 24 May
domicile.152 To successfully effect a change of domicile, one 2005 to 7 July 2006 cannot be counted.
must demonstrate an actual removal or an actual change of
domicile; a bona fide intention of abandoning the former But as the petitioner pointed out, the facts in these four
place of residence and establishing a new one and definite cases are very different from her situation. In Coquilla v.
acts which correspond with the purpose. In other words, COMELEC,159 the only evidence presented was a

Adoption Page 61
community tax certificate secured by the candidate and his No case similar to petitioner's, where the former Filipino's
declaration that he would be running in the evidence of change in domicile is extensive and
elections. Japzon v. COMELEC160 did not involve a candidate overwhelming, has as yet been decided by the Court.
who wanted to count residence prior to his reacquisition Petitioner's evidence of residence is unprecedented. There
of Philippine citizenship. With the Court decreeing that is no judicial precedent that comes close to the facts of
residence is distinct from citizenship, the issue there was residence of petitioner. There is no indication in Coquilla v.
whether the candidate's acts after reacquisition sufficed to COMELEC,166 and the other cases cited by the respondents
establish residence. In Caballero v. COMELEC, 161 the that the Court intended to have its rulings there apply to a
candidate admitted that his place of work was abroad and situation where the facts are different. Surely, the issue of
that he only visited during his frequent vacations. In Reyes residence has been decided particularly on the facts-of-the
v. COMELEC,162 the candidate was found to be an American case basis.
citizen who had not even reacquired Philippine citizenship
under R.A. No. 9225 or had renounced her U.S. citizenship. To avoid the logical conclusion pointed out by the evidence
She was disqualified on the citizenship issue. On residence, of residence of petitioner, the COMELEC ruled that
the only proof she offered was a seven-month stint as petitioner's claim of residence of ten (10) years and eleven
provincial officer. The COMELEC, quoted with approval by (11) months by 9 May 2016 in her 2015 COC was false
this Court, said that "such fact alone is not sufficient to because she put six ( 6) years and six ( 6) months as
prove her one-year residency." "period of residence before May 13, 2013" in her 2012 COC
for Senator. Thus, according to the COMELEC, she started
It is obvious that because of the sparse evidence on being a Philippine resident only in November 2006. In
residence in the four cases cited by the respondents, the doing so, the COMELEC automatically assumed as true the
Court had no choice but to hold that residence could be statement in the 2012 COC and the 2015 COC as false.
counted only from acquisition of a permanent resident visa
or from reacquisition of Philippine citizenship. In contrast, As explained by petitioner in her verified pleadings, she
the evidence of petitioner is overwhelming and taken misunderstood the date required in the 2013 COC as the
together leads to no other conclusion that she decided to period of residence as of the day she submitted that COC in
permanently abandon her U.S. residence (selling the 2012. She said that she reckoned residency from April-May
house, taking the children from U.S. schools, getting quotes 2006 which was the period when the U.S. house was sold
from the freight company, notifying the U.S. Post Office of and her husband returned to the Philippines. In that
the abandonment of their address in the U.S., donating regard, she was advised by her lawyers in 2015 that
excess items to the Salvation Army, her husband resigning residence could be counted from 25 May 2005.
from U.S. employment right after selling the U.S. house)
and permanently relocate to the Philippines and actually Petitioner's explanation that she misunderstood the query
re-established her residence here on 24 May 2005 in 2012 (period of residence before 13 May 2013) as
(securing T.I.N, enrolling her children in Philippine inquiring about residence as of the time she submitted the
schools, buying property here, constructing a residence COC, is bolstered by the change which the COMELEC itself
here, returning to the Philippines after all trips abroad, her introduced in the 2015 COC which is now "period of
husband getting employed here). Indeed, coupled with her residence in the Philippines up to the day before May 09,
eventual application to reacquire Philippine citizenship 2016." The COMELEC would not have revised the query if
and her family's actual continuous stay in the Philippines it did not acknowledge that the first version was vague.
over the years, it is clear that when petitioner returned on
That petitioner could have reckoned residence from a date
24 May 2005 it was for good.
earlier than the sale of her U.S. house and the return of her
In this connection, the COMELEC also took it against husband is plausible given the evidence that she had
petitioner that she had entered the Philippines visa-free as returned a year before. Such evidence, to repeat, would
a balikbayan. A closer look at R.A. No. 6768 as amended, include her passport and the school records of her
otherwise known as the "An Act Instituting a Balikbayan children.
Program," shows that there is no overriding intent to
It was grave abuse of discretion for the COMELEC to treat
treat balikbayans as temporary visitors who must leave
the 2012 COC as a binding and conclusive admission
after one year. Included in the law is a former Filipino who
against petitioner. It could be given in evidence against
has been naturalized abroad and "comes or returns to the
her, yes, but it was by no means conclusive. There is
Philippines." 163 The law institutes a balikbayan program
precedent after all where a candidate's mistake as to
"providing the opportunity to avail of the necessary
period of residence made in a COC was overcome by
training to enable the balikbayan to become economically
evidence. In Romualdez-Marcos v. COMELEC,167 the
self-reliant members of society upon their return to the
candidate mistakenly put seven (7) months as her period
country"164 in line with the government's "reintegration
of residence where the required period was a minimum of
program."165 Obviously, balikbayans are not ordinary
one year. We said that "[i]t is the fact of residence, not a
statement in a certificate of candidacy which ought to be
Given the law's express policy to facilitate the return of decisive in determining whether or not an individual has
a balikbayan and help him reintegrate into society, it satisfied the constitutions residency qualification
would be an unduly harsh conclusion to say in absolute requirement." The COMELEC ought to have looked at the
terms that the balikbayan must leave after one year. That evidence presented and see if petitioner was telling the
visa-free period is obviously granted him to allow him to truth that she was in the Philippines from 24 May 2005.
re-establish his life and reintegrate himself into the Had the COMELEC done its duty, it would have seen that
community before he attends to the necessary formal and the 2012 COC and the 2015 COC both correctly stated
legal requirements of repatriation. And that is exactly what the pertinent period of residency.
petitioner did - she reestablished life here by enrolling her
The COMELEC, by its own admission, disregarded the
children and buying property while awaiting the return of
evidence that petitioner actually and physically returned
her husband and then applying for repatriation shortly
here on 24 May 2005 not because it was false, but only

Adoption Page 62
because COMELEC took the position that domicile could be such that "based on this declaration, [petitioner] fails to
established only from petitioner's repatriation under R.A. meet the residency requirement for President." This
No. 9225 in July 2006. However, it does not take away the conclusion, as already shown, ignores the standing
fact that in reality, petitioner had returned from the U.S. jurisprudence that it is the fact of residence, not the
and was here to stay permanently, on 24 May 2005. When statement of the person that determines residence for
she claimed to have been a resident for ten (10) years and purposes of compliance with the constitutional
eleven (11) months, she could do so in good faith. requirement of residency for election as President. It
ignores the easily researched matter that cases on
For another, it could not be said that petitioner was questions of residency have been decided favorably for the
attempting to hide anything. As already stated, a petition candidate on the basis of facts of residence far less in
for quo warranto had been filed against her with the SET number, weight and substance than that presented by
as early as August 2015. The event from which the petitioner.169 It ignores, above all else, what we consider as
COMELEC pegged the commencement of residence, a primary reason why petitioner cannot be bound by her
petitioner's repatriation in July 2006 under R.A. No. 9225, declaration in her COC for Senator which declaration was
was an established fact to repeat, for purposes of her not even considered by the SET as an issue against her
senatorial candidacy. eligibility for Senator. When petitioner made the
declaration in her COC for Senator that she has been a
Notably, on the statement of residence of six (6) years and resident for a period of six (6) years and six (6) months
six (6) months in the 2012 COC, petitioner recounted that counted up to the 13 May 2013 Elections, she naturally
this was first brought up in the media on 2 June 2015 by had as reference the residency requirements for election
Rep. Tobias Tiangco of the United Nationalist Alliance. as Senator which was satisfied by her declared years of
Petitioner appears to have answered the issue residence. It was uncontested during the oral arguments
immediately, also in the press. Respondents have not before us that at the time the declaration for Senator was
disputed petitioner's evidence on this point. From that made, petitioner did not have as yet any intention to vie
time therefore when Rep. Tiangco discussed it in the for the Presidency in 2016 and that the general public was
media, the stated period of residence in the 2012 COC and never made aware by petitioner, by word or action, that
the circumstances that surrounded the statement were she would run for President in 2016. Presidential
already matters of public record and were not hidden. candidacy has a length-of-residence different from that of
a senatorial candidacy. There are facts of residence other
Petitioner likewise proved that the 2012 COC was also
than that which was mentioned in the COC for Senator.
brought up in the SET petition for quo warranto. Her
Such other facts of residence have never been proven to be
Verified Answer, which was filed on 1 September 2015,
false, and these, to repeat include:
admitted that she made a mistake in the 2012 COC when
she put in six ( 6) years and six ( 6) months as she [Petitioner] returned to the Philippines on 24 May 2005.
misunderstood the question and could have truthfully (petitioner's] husband however stayed in the USA to finish
indicated a longer period. Her answer in the SET case was a pending projects and arrange the sale of their family home.
matter of public record. Therefore, when petitioner
accomplished her COC for President on 15 October 2015, she Meanwhile [petitioner] and her children lived with her
could not be said to have been attempting to hide her mother in San Juan City. [Petitioner] enrolled Brian in
erroneous statement in her 2012 COC for Senator which was Beacon School in Taguig City in 2005 and Hanna in
expressly mentioned in her Verified Answer. Assumption College in Makati City in 2005. Anika was
enrolled in Learning Connection in San Juan in 2007, when
The facts now, if not stretched to distortion, do not show she was already old enough to go to school.
or even hint at an intention to hide the 2012 statement and
have it covered by the 2015 representation. Petitioner, In the second half of 2005, [petitioner] and her husband
moreover, has on her side this Court's pronouncement acquired Unit 7F of One Wilson Place Condominium in San
that: Juan. [Petitioner] and her family lived in Unit 7F until the
construction of their family home in Corinthian Hills was
Concededly, a candidate's disqualification to run for public completed.
office does not necessarily constitute material
misrepresentation which is the sole ground for denying Sometime in the second half of 2005, [petitioner's] mother
due course to, and for the cancellation of, a COC. Further, discovered that her former lawyer who handled
as already discussed, the candidate's misrepresentation in [petitioner's] adoption in 1974 failed to secure from the
his COC must not only refer to a material fact (eligibility Office of the Civil Registrar of Iloilo a new Certificate of
and qualifications for elective office), but should evince a Live Birth indicating [petitioner's] new name and stating
deliberate intent to mislead, misinform or hide a fact that her parents are "Ronald Allan K. Poe" and "Jesusa L.
which would otherwise render a candidate ineligible. It Sonora."
must be made with an intention to deceive the electorate
as to one's qualifications to run for public office.168 In February 2006, [petitioner] travelled briefly to the US in
order to supervise the disposal of some of the family's
In sum, the COMELEC, with the same posture of remaining household belongings.1a\^/phi1 [Petitioner]
infallibilism, virtually ignored a good number of evidenced returned to the Philippines on 11 March 2006.
dates all of which can evince animus manendi to the
Philippines and animus non revertedi to the United States In late March 2006, [petitioner's] husband informed the
of America. The veracity of the events of coming and United States Postal Service of the family's abandonment
staying home was as much as dismissed as of their address in the US.
inconsequential, the focus having been fixed at the
petitioner's "sworn declaration in her COC for Senator" The family home in the US was sole on 27 April 2006.
which the COMELEC said "amounts to a declaration and
therefore an admission that her residence in the In April 2006, [petitioner's] husband resigned from his
Philippines only commence sometime in November 2006"; work in the US. He returned to the Philippines on 4 May

Adoption Page 63
2006 and began working for a Philippine company in July

In early 2006, [petitioner] and her husband acquired a

vacant lot in Corinthian Hills, where they eventually built
their family home.170

In light of all these, it was arbitrary for the COMELEC to

satisfy its intention to let the case fall under the exclusive
ground of false representation, to consider no other date
than that mentioned by petitioner in her COC for Senator.

All put together, in the matter of the citizenship and

residence of petitioner for her candidacy as President of
the Republic, the questioned Resolutions of the COMELEC
in Division and En Banc are, one and all, deadly diseased
with grave abuse of discretion from root to fruits.

WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The Resolutions,

to wit:

1. dated 1 December 2015 rendered through the COMELEC

Second Division, in SPA No. 15-001 (DC),
entitled Estrella C. Elamparo, petitioner, vs. Mary Grace
Natividad Sonora Poe-Llamanzares, respondent, stating

[T]he Certificate of Candidacy for President of the Republic

of the Philippines in the May 9, 2016 National and Local
Elections filed by respondent Mary Grace Natividad Sonora
Poe-Llamanzares is hereby GRANTED.

2. dated 11 December 2015, rendered through the

COMELEC First Division, in the consolidated cases SPA No.
15-002 (DC) entitled Francisco S. Tatad, petitioner, vs. Mary
Grace Natividad Sonora Poe-Llamanzares, respondent; SPA
No. 15-007 (DC) entitled Antonio P. Contreras, petitioner,
vs. Mary Grace Natividad Sonora Poe-Llamanzares,
respondent; and SPA No. 15-139 (DC) entitled Amado D.
Valdez, petitioner, v. Mary Grace Natividad Sonora Poe-
Llamanzares, respondent; stating that:

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Commission

RESOLVED, as it hereby RESOLVES, to GRANT the petitions
and cancel the Certificate of Candidacy of MARY GRACE
position of President of the Republic of the Philippines in
connection with the 9 May 2016 Synchronized Local and
National Elections.

3. dated 23 December 2015 of the COMELEC En

Banc, upholding the 1 December 2015 Resolution of the
Second Division stating that:

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Commission

RESOLVED, as it hereby RESOLVES, to DENY the Verified
Motion for Reconsideration of SENATOR MARY GRACE
dated 11 December 2015 of the Commission First Division

4. dated 23 December 2015 of the COMELEC En

Banc, upholding the 11 December 2015 Resolution of the
First Division.

are hereby ANNULED and SET ASIDE. Petitioner MARY

is DECLARED QUALIFIED to be a candidate for President
in the National and Local Elections of 9 May 2016.


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