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Character Name

Belethon Elimdris D&D 5e Character Sheet Player Name

Race / SubRace Gender Age Height Weight Skin Hair Eyes Personal Characteristics:
Elf, Wood male 125 5' 4" 130 Copper/Tan Redish/Brown Green Personality Traits Ideals, Bonds, Flaws
Doesn't like responsibility
Class / SubClass Level XP Back Ground Alignment Deity
Sullen, Brooding, not very talkative
Ranger, Hunter 8
Outlander/Trapper|Noble Lawful (Chaotic) Good Corellion - Not a whiner

Always feels like hes being watched.

- Always looking around.
Strength Dexterity Constitution - Strong desire to make things right
Size Proficiency Vision

+1 +4 +5 20 +8 +1 +1
and protect the weak.

13 13
Medium Darkvision - Loyal to Friends

- Trusting

Heir to the throne; Ran away to live a simple life;

Meet a shaman who blocked his memories from previous life.
Intelligence Wisdom Charisma Armor
Class Speed Married and became a trapper and guide in a secluded village.

0 11 0 +2 14 +2 0 11 0
18 35/7 +10 Meet the party when he spied an advancing orc war host and felt
compelled to ride ahead and warn the local garrison of the
impending attack. Was "recruited" to party to assist in warning
and wrangling outlying villagers and then to defend the post.
Skill Prof Score Pasv Skill Prof Score Pasv Skill Prof Score Pasv
Athletics +4 14 Investigation +3 13 Perception +5 15
Success Death Checks Failed Inspiration
Acrobatics +5 15 Nature +3 13 Survival +5 15
Current HP Temp HP Spell, Ki, Sorcery, Dice, Attacks
Slight of Hand +5 15 Religion 0 10 Deception 0 10
Stealth +8 18 Animal Handling
+2 12 Intimidation 0 10
Arcana 0 10 Insight +2 12 Performance 0 10
History +3 13 Medicine +2 12 Persuasion +3 13
Languages Tool Proficiencies Weapon & Armor Proficiencies
Race - Elvish, Common, Dwarvish Simple/Martial weapons - Light/Medium armor, Shield HP Hit Dice Used
Class Points Save DC

Ranger - Orc, Abyssal Wounded Mod Dice Type
long/Short Swords/Bows - Simple/Martial weapons
long/Short Swords/Bows
24 d10 0
Armor AC +Dex +Mgc Type Stlth Wt Notes Weapons + Hit Damage +Dmg Type Range Wt Ablty Notes
Glamoured Std Leather +1 12 +5 +1 Light -- 13 Bonus action to change appearance LongSword +4 d8 / d10 +1 S 3 S Versatile
ShortSword +8 d6 +5 P 2 SD Light, Finesse
Long Bow +2 +12 d8 +7 P 150/600 2 D heavy, two-handed

Casting Ability Wisdom Consumables

Spells 4 3 Attack Save DC
Known 5
Potion of Healing

Cntrps 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
+5 13 Prepared
Rest Type LR
Traits Feats Features Actions Bonus Actions Saves Reactions Damage Movement Op Attacks
Equipment Qty Wt
Attack Action Bonus Actions Wanderer: Excellent memory for maps and geography, can recall general

Attuned Items
layout o f terrain, settlements, and other features around you. Can find
2 - Attacks on your turn Spells food and water for up to six people a day if available.
+d8 damage if target below Max HP
Fey Ancestry - Adv on Charm Save, magic cant put you to sleep.
Opp Attacks
Reactions Op Atks against me at Dis Adv Land Stride: Moving through nonmagical difficult terrain costs no extra
Adventures Kit
Spells movement. Can pass through nonmagical plants without being slowed or
without taking damage if applicable.

TraitsFeatsFeatures Type Uses Rcvry Mod Mechanic Target Damage Keen Sense - Proficiency in Perception skill Belt Pouch 2
Area & Notes Darkvision: dim light = bright light, dark = dim light; 60', shades of gray
Spells Lvl Cst Time Range Cpnts Durtn Sv / Atk Type Quiver 2
Fey Ancestry, PHB-23 R -- Save Charm magic cant put you to sleep Arrows 120

Mask o f the Wild, PHB-24 R check Stealth Attempt to hide in lightly obscured natural phenomena (foliage, hvy rain, falling snow, mist)
Potion of Healing 2
Favored Enemy, PHB-97 C1,6 Adv check Sur&Int Orcs, Fiends - Gain Adv on Survival check to track, Int check to recall info

Natural Explorer, PHB-97 C1,6 2x prf check Int&Wis Forest, Mountains - Travel, Lost, Alert, Stealth, Forage, Tracking Climbers Kit 2
Silk rope (50') 2
Fighting Style, PHB-97 C2 +2 Attack Ranged Style: Archery Flask of Oil 2
Hntr's Prey-Colossus Slyr, phb-93 C3 1/T +d8 Damage >MaxHP +d8 damage to target that is below HP max
Extra Attack C5 Attack attack twice whenever you take the Attack action on your turn Water Pouch
Dfnsve Tactcs-EscapeTheHoard C7 Dis OpAtk You Opp attacks against you at disadvantage Hunters Kit
Land's Stride, phb-93 C8 Adv Save Mvmnt Diff terrain no extra mvmnt/dmg, plants that are magically created or manipulated to impede movement

Alert Feat, phb-165 F +5 Check Initiativ Can't be surprised while Conscious, No Adv against you from hidden attack
Total Weight Carried

Primeval Awareness, phb-92 3 1 actn 1,6 mile sslot 1 min/lvl Snse crture region arnd you (Abrrtns, Celstls, Drgns, Elmntls, Fey, Fiends, unded) 6 miles favrd terrain

Absorb Elements, EEPC-15 1 Rctn w/ht S 1 rnd Mle Atk Self +d6 +Resist to triggr (acid,cold,fire,lightning,Thunder) till strt of nxt trn. Next Melee hit +d6 of triggr type, +d6 FELA
Ensnaring Strike, phb-237 1 Bns Actn self V C, 1m Str Sv Hit 1d6 P Nxt hit - Thrny vines Restrain trgt on Str sv fail, Lrg+ Adv on save, Str chk escpe | 1d6 P strt of turn, +d6 FELA
Hail of Thorns, phb-247 1 Bns Actn Self V C, 1m Dex Sv Rng Atk 1d10 P Nxt hit Nrml effect + Each creature in 5' Dex Sv, Fail=Full, Success=Half | +d10 FELA
Cordon of Arrows, phb-228 2 1 Actn 5 ft VSM 8 hr Dex Sv 30' 1d6 P Plnt 4 Ammo in grnd, Creature enters 1st time or ends turn in range, 1 atk - make dex sv, +2 ammo FELA Platinum

Lesser restoration, phb-255 2 1 actn Touch VS Inst Touch a creatre, end one disease/condition (blinded, deafened, paralyzed, poisoned)
Gold 4
Character Name
Belethon Elimdris D&D 5e Character Sheet Player Name

Natural Explorer Favored Enemy Primeval Awareness

You are particularly familiar with one type of natural environment and Beginning at 1st level, you have significant experience Beginning at 3rd level, you can use your action and expend
are adept at traveling and surviving in such regions.
Choose one type of favored terrain: arctic, coast, desert, forest,
studying, tracking, hunting, and even talking to a certain one ranger spell slot to focus your awareness on the region
grassland, mountain, swamp, or the Underdark. type of enemy. around you. For 1 minute per level of the spell slot you
When you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check related to your Choose a type of favored enemy: aberrations, beasts, expend, you can sense whether the following types of
favored terrain, celestials, constructs, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, giants, creatures are present within 1 mile of you (or within up to 6
- your proficiency bonus is doubled- if using a skill that youre monstrosities, oozes, plants, or undead. Alternatively, you miles if you are in your favored terrain): aberrations,
proficient in.
can select two races of humanoid (such as gnolls and orc s) celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. This
While traveling for an hour or more in your favored terrain, you gain the as favored enemies. feature doesnt reveal the creatures location or number.
following benefits: You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track Use an action and expend one spell slot
Difficult terrain doesnt slow your groups travel. your favored enemies, for 1 minute per level.
Your group cant become lost except by magical means. as well as on Intelligence checks to recall information Focus your awareness on the region around you.
Even when you are engaged in another activity while traveling (such
about them. Sense if the types of creatures are present
as foraging, navigating, or tracking), you remain alert to danger.
If you are traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a normal pace. When you gain this feature, you also learn one language of within 1 mile of you
When you forage, you find twice as much food as you normally would. your choice that is spoken by your favored enemies, if they or up to 6 miles if you are in your favored terrain
While tracking other creatures, you also learn their exact number, speak one at all. doesnt reveal location or number.
their sizes, and how long ago they passed through the area. You choose one additional favored enemy, as well as an
You choose additional favored terrain types at 6th and 10th level. associated language, at 6th and 14th level. As you gain levels, aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, and
your choices should reflect the types of monsters you have undead.
encountered on your adventures.

Spells Hunters Prey Potential Feats

1st Level At 3rd level, you gain one of the following features of your choice.
Absorb elements, Ensnaring Strike, Hail of Thorns - Colossus Slayer. Your tenacity can wear down the most potent
- Observant +1 int, +5 passive perc,inv
Alarm, Animal Friendship, Beast bond, Cure Wounds, Detect Magic, foes. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, the creature - Dual Wielder - +1 AC
Detect Poison and Disease, Fog Cloud, Goodberry, Hunters Mark,
Jump, Longstrider, Speak with Animals
takes an extra 1d8 damage if its below its hit point maximum. You - Sharpshooter - No range/cover effects, +10 damage
can deal this extra damage only once per turn.
2nd Level
Defensive Tactics
Cordon of Arrows, Lesser Restoration
At 7th level, you gain one of the following features of your choice.
Animal Messenger, Barkskin, Beast Sense, Darkvision, Find Traps,
Locate Animals or Plants, Locate Object, Pass without Trace, Protection - Escape the Horde. Opportunity attacks against you are made with
from Poison, Silence, Spike Growth disadvantage.

3rd Level
Conjure Animals, Conjure Barrage, Daylight, Flame arrows, Lightning
Alert Feat
Arrow, Nondetection, Plant Growth, Protection from Energy, Speak with Always on the lookout for danger, you gain the
Plants, Water Breathing, Water, Walk, Wind Wall
following benefits:
4th Level You gain a +5 bonus to initiative.
Conjure Woodland Beings, Freedom of Movement, Grasping Vine,
Locate Creature, Stoneskin
You cant be surprised while you are conscious.
Hidden creatures dont gain advantage on
5th Level
Commune with Nature, Conjure Volley, Swift Quiver, Tree Stride
attack rolls against you.

Armor AC +Dex +Mgc Type Stlth Wt Notes Weapons + Hit Damage +Dmg Type Range Wt Ablty Notes

Equipment Qty Wt
Combat Notes: Actions Bonus Actions Saves Reactions Damage Movement Op Attacks

TraitsFeatsFeatures Type Uses Rcvry Mod Mechanic Target Damage

Area & Notes
Spells Lvl Cst Time Range Cpnts Durtn Sv / Atk Type

Total Weight Carried

Equipment Qty Wt 13 +3 Persuasion 12 +2 Medicine 13 +3 History
Armor AC +Dex +Mgc Type Stlth Wt Notes
Adventures Kit 10 0 Performance 12 +2 Insight 10 0 Arcana
Glamoured Std Leather +1 12 +5 +1 Light -- 13 Bonus action to change appearance
Intimidation Animal Handling Stealth
10 0 12 +2 18 +8
Belt Pouch 2 Attuned Items 10 0 Deception 10 0 Religion 15 +5 Slight of Hand
Quiver 2 +5 15 Survival +3 13 Nature 15 +5 Acrobatics
Arrows 120
+5 15 Perception +3 13 Investigation +4 14 Athletics
Prof Score Pasv Skill Prof Score Pasv Skill Prof Score Pasv Skill
Weapons + Hit Damage +Dmg Type Range Wt Ablty Notes
Potion of Healing 2
LongSword +4 d8 / d10 +1 S 3 S Versatile
ShortSword +8 d6 +5 P 2 SD Light, Finesse Dice Type

d10 0
Climbers Kit 2
+5 13 Wisdom
then to defend the post.
Hit Dice Save DC Class Points Spell Save DC Spell Attack
Long Bow +2 +12 d8 +7 P 150/600 2 D heavy, two-handed to assist in warning and wrangling outlying villagers and Casting Ability
Silk rope (50') 2 garrison of the impending attack. Was "recruited" to party +5 Range
Flask of Oil 2 and felt compelled to ride ahead and warn the local 24
Wounded Melee

+3 +10 18 48 +1
Meet the party when he spied an advancing orc war host
Consumables HP AC Initiative Prof Bonus Attack Modifiers Base +Hit/Dmg
Natural Explorer
Potion of Healing Water Pouch
You are particularly familiar with one type of natural environment and
are adept at traveling and surviving in such regions. Married and became a trapper and guide in a secluded long/Short Swords/Bows
Choose one type of favored terrain: arctic, coast, desert, forest, - Simple/Martial weapons
grassland, mountain, swamp, or the Underdark.
0 11 0 +2 14 +2 0 11 0
When you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check related to your
Hunters Kit life. Shield
Charisma Wisdom Intelligence
favored terrain, - Light/Medium armor,
- your proficiency bonus is doubled- if using a skill that youre
Meet a shaman who blocked his memories from previous
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies
proficient in.
Heir to the throne; Ran away to live a simple life; +1 13 +1 +8 20 +5 +4 13 +1
While traveling for an hour or more in your favored terrain, you gain Spells Total Weight Carried Constitution Dexterity Strength
the following benefits: 1st Level Treasure
- Trusting
Difficult terrain doesnt slow your groups travel. Absorb elements, Ensnaring Strike, Hail of Thorns
- Loyal to Friends
Your group cant become lost except by magical means. Alarm, Animal Friendship, Beast bond, Cure Wounds, Detect
and protect the weak.
Even when you are engaged in another activity while traveling (such
long/Short Swords/Bows 8 Ranger, Hunter
Magic, Detect Poison and Disease, Fog Cloud, Goodberry,
- Strong desire to make things right Outlander/Trapper|Noble
as foraging, navigating, or tracking), you remain alert to danger.
Hunters Mark, Jump, Longstrider, Speak with Animals
Simple/Martial weapons
Back Ground Level Class / SubClass
If you are traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a normal pace. - Always looking around.
Tool Proficiencies
When you forage, you find twice as much food as you normally
2nd Level
Always feels like hes being watched. Darkvision
Lawful (Chaotic) Good 35/7 Medium
While tracking other creatures, you also learn their exact number, Cordon of Arrows, Lesser Restoration Alignment Vision Speed Size
Animal Messenger, Barkskin, Beast Sense, Darkvision, Find
- Not a whiner
their sizes, and how long ago they passed through the area.
Traps, Locate Animals or Plants, Locate Object, Pass without
Sullen, Brooding, not very talkative
You choose additional favored terrain types at 6th and 10th level. Ranger - Orc, Abyssal Corellion Green Redish/Brown Copper/Tan
Trace, Protection from Poison, Silence, Spike Growth Dwarvish Deity Eyes Hair Skin
Doesn't like responsibility
Race - Elvish, Common,
Success Death Checks Failed
Personality Traits Ideals, Bonds, Flaws 130 5' 4" 125 male Elf, Wood
Weight Height Age Gender Race / SubRace
Personal Characteristics:
Gold 4
Known 5
Spells 4 3 Electrum
Cntrps 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
WastingX Belethon Elimdris
Rest Type Silver
LR Player Name Character Name
D&D 5e DMs Card
Recoverable Copper
Player Name Character Name
Traits Feats Features Actions Bonus Actions Saves Reactions Damage Movement Op Attacks
Attack Action Bonus Actions Wanderer: Excellent memory for maps and geography, can recall WastingX Belethon Elimdris
2 - Attacks on your turn Spells general layout o f terrain, settlements, and other features around you.
Can find food and water for up to six people a day if available.
+d8 damage if target below Max HP
Opp Attacks Fey Ancestry - Adv on Charm Save, magic cant put you to sleep.
Reactions Op Atks against me at Dis Adv
Spells Land Stride: Moving through nonmagical difficult terrain costs no
extra movement. Can pass through nonmagical plants without being
slowed or
TraitsFeatsFeatures Type Uses Rcvry Mod Mechanic Target Damage without taking damage if applicable.
Area & Notes
Spells Lvl Cst Time Range Cpnts Durtn Sv / Atk Type Keen Sense - Proficiency in Perception skill
Darkvision: dim light = bright light, dark = dim light; 60', shades of
Mask o f the Wild, PHB-24 R -- Save Charm gray
magic cant put you to sleep
Fey Ancestry, PHB-23 R check Stealth Attempt to hide in lightly obscured natural phenomena (foliage, hvy rain, falling snow, mist)
Favored Enemy, PHB-97 C1,6 Adv check Sur&Int Orcs, Fiends - Gain Adv on Survival check to track, Int check to recall info
Natural Explorer, PHB-97 C1,6 2x prf check Int&Wis Forest, Mountains - Travel, Lost, Alert, Stealth, Forage, Tracking
Fighting Style, PHB-97 C2 +2 Attack Ranged Style: Archery
Hntr's Prey-Colossus Slyr, phb-93
C3 1/T +d8 Damage >MaxHP +d8 damage to target that is below HP max
Extra Attack C5 Attack attack twice whenever you take the Attack action on your turn
Dfnsve Tactcs-EscapeTheHoardC7 Dis OpAtk You Opp attacks against you at disadvantage
Land's Stride, phb-93 C8 Adv Save Mvmnt Diff terrain no extra mvmnt/dmg, plants that are magically created or manipulated to impede movement
Alert Feat, phb-165 F +5 Check Initiativ Can't be surprised while Conscious, No Adv against you from hidden attack
Primeval Awareness, phb-92 3 1 actn 1,6 mile sslot 1 min/lvl Snse crture region arnd you (Abrrtns, Celstls, Drgns, Elmntls, Fey, Fiends, unded) 6 miles favrd terrain
Absorb Elements, EEPC-15 1 Rctn w/ht Self S 1 rnd Mle Atk Self +d6 +Resist to triggr (acid,cold,fire,lightning,Thunder) till strt of nxt trn. Next Melee hit +d6 of triggr type, +d6 FELA
Ensnaring Strike, phb-237 1 Bns Actn self V C, 1m Str Sv Hit 1d6 P Nxt hit - Thrny vines Restrain trgt on Str sv fail, Lrg+ Adv on save, Str chk escpe | 1d6 P strt of turn, +d6 FELA
Hail of Thorns, phb-247 1 Bns Actn Self V C, 1m Dex Sv Rng Atk 1d10 P Nxt hit Nrml effect + Each creature in 5' Dex Sv, Fail=Full, Success=Half | +d10 FELA
Cordon of Arrows, phb-228 2 1 Actn 5 ft VSM
8 hr Dex Sv 30' 1d6 P Plnt 4 Ammo in grnd, Creature enters 1st time or ends turn in range, 1 atk - make dex sv, +2 ammo FELA
Lesser restoration, phb-255 2 1 actn Touch
VS Inst Touch a creatre, end one disease/condition (blinded, deafened, paralyzed, poisoned)

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