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Advanced Pathology and

Treatment of Diseases of
Domestic Animals

C.D.N. Singh &A.H., (Vet.), Gold
Medalist, Ph. D., F.R.V.C.S.

International Book Distributing Co.

Advanced Pathology and
Treatment of Diseases of
Domestic Animals
(With Special Reference to Etiology, Signs,
Pathology and Management)

C.D.N. Singh &A.H., (Vet.), Gold Medalist, Ph. D., F.R.V.C.S.
Former University Professor-cum-Chairman of Pathology,
Bihar Veterinary College, Patna

International Book Distributing Co.

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Published by
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First Edition 2008

ISBN 978-81-8189-134-1

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Dedicated to
Lord Paw an Putr Hanuman Ji and
to the memory of Late Veena singh,
wife of the author
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PATNA, 800 022

23 February, 2007

I am glad to note that the book "Advanced Pathology
and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals" written by
Shri C.D.N. Singh will be usefull for veterinary students. The
user will find the book useful.
I wish success of the publication.

(R.S. Gavai)
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Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of

Domestic of Animals' ~ ~ ~ Fc1~qFc1ulc>1<l ~, '5To

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~ 23.12.2005
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Advanced pathology and treatment of disease of

domestic animals has been written mainly for the under -
and post graduate students but it is also intended for use of
teachers and diagnosticians of diseases in the animals. Dr.
C. D. N. Singh has kept in mind the needs and interests of
the students and veterinary practitioners by giving a relevant
coverage of symptoms, lesions, diagnosis and management
of diseases of the animals.

K. R. Maurya
(Vice- Chancellor)
Rajendra Agricultural University,
Pusa (Samastipur) - 848 125
This Page is Intentionally Left Blank
The book grew out of more than three decades of
teaching and the schematic structure of the text has been
designed to cater to the needs and problems of the students
in both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the
veterinary colleges, diagnosticians and veterinary
practitioners engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of
animal diseases. The VCl syllabi followed in different
agricultural universities have been kept in view in preparing
the manuscripts of this book for inserting pertinent
pathological changes noticed in different animal diseases and
relevant information on the management and treatment
needed with the object of making this book of high value to
the students, teachers and veterinary practitioners. The book
has been written in a simple easy and lucid language with
more emphasis on the symptoms, lesions and treatment of
diseases. The material in the advanced pathology and
treatment of diseases of domestic animals is organized ill a
manner so that the students are introduced to symptoms and
lesions of diseases and their relevance to diagnosis,
chemotherapeutic and Prophylactic measures.
Different tables on symptoms and lesions of animal
diseases, veterinary drugs and vaccination schedules have
been incorporated in the book for quick diagnosis, treatment
on time and prophylactic steps against such
diseases. Molecular imaging is an important adjunct to today's
pathology and medicine helping the detection of disease
processes much earlier with information on the origins of
disease realated pathways, targets and adoption of proper
methods for treatment and management of the root cause of
diseases. It, thus, revolutionises the usual practice of treatment
through symptoms by adopting technology driven techniques
like PET, eT, SPECT, ultrasound, MRl and optical imaging
etc. in patients.
My indebtedness lies to various scholars and
pathologists whose views have been included in this book. I
am grateful to Dr. P.B. Kupuswamy, former Principal, Bihar
Veterinary College, Patna for help and encouragement in
writing this book. I lay no claim to any originalities and
welcome suggestions from users to improve its qualities. I
wish to thank Dr. S.P.Verma, Principal BVe, Patna. Bihar,
Dr. S.RP Sinha, University Professor, B.V.C Patna and Dr.
S.V Singh College of veterinary science, NDUAT, Kumar
Ganj, Faizabad, U.P in preparing the manuscript of the book.
My thanks are also due to Somya Raj, Shalini Raj, K-3, P.e.
Colony, Kankarbagh, Patna, Neha, West Ashok Nagar Road
No-I, Kankarbagh Patna-20 and Amit kumar, RM.5 Colony,
Kankarbagh, Patna-20 for its meticulous composing.
Pathology, an observational science, is combined with a live
demanding subject of medicine for making this book as
stimulating and exciting for the veterinarians.
1. Anthrax 10
2. Haemorrhagic septicaemia 15
3. Colibacillosis 21
4. Mastitis 24
5. Stangles 30
6. Navel- ill 31
7. Glanders 34
8. Leptospirosis 38
9. Nocardiosis 44
10. Tuberculosis 44
11. Johne' s disease 50
12. Salmonellosis 54
13. Actinomycosis 59
14. Actinobacillosis 62
15. Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia 65
16. Enterotoxaemia 68
17. Lamb dysentery 74
18. Black leg 76
19. Tetanus 78
20. Malignant oedema 82
21. Botulism 83
22. Braxy 85
23. Gas gangrene 86
24. Bovine bacillary haemoglobinuria 87
25. Abortion 88
26. Brucellosis 94
27. Swine erysipelas 98
1. Foot and Mouth diseas e 120
2. Rinde rpest 128
3. Bovin e ephem eral fever 135
4. Pox diseas es 137
5. Africa n horse sickne ss 143
6. Equin e enceph alomy elitis 146
7. Blue tongu e 148
8. Scrapi e 151
9. Rabies 152
10. Canin e parvo virus infecti on
(haem orrhag ic gastro enterit is) 160
11. Infecti ous canine heptiti s (Ruba rth diseas e) 163
12. Canin e distem per 165
13. Swine fever 168
14. Pseud orabie s (Aujes ky's diseas e) 171
1. Babesiosis 203
2. Theile riasis 210
3. Surra 214
4. Anapl asmos is 217
5. Coccid iosis 219
6. Toxop lasmo sis 222
1. Fascioliasis 234
2. Amph istomi asis 237
3. Ancyl ostom iasis 239
4. Trichosh"ongylosis 242
5. Schist omias is 244
6. Ascari asis 247
1. Pneumonia 290
2. Hepatitis 297
3. Gastritis 304
4. Enteritis 308
5. Nephritis 311
6. Oedema 322
7. Ruminal tympany 328
8. Viral diarrhea 329
9. Indigestion 332
10. Anaemia 333
11. Laminitis 336
12. Snake bites 337
13. Stings of bee, scorpion and wasp 339
14. Inpaction of omasum and abomasum 340
15. Shock 342
16. Treatment of some diverse pathological
conditions 344
1. Milk fever 352
2. Ketosis 356
3. Magnesium deficiency 359
4. Azoturia 361
5. Post parturient haemoglobinuria 363
6. Photosensitisation 365
7. Equine colic 368
8. Table of different physiological values 372
1 Common chemotherapeutic agents
and vaccines 373
2. Immunisation programme in animals 403
3. Patent preparations used animals 407
4. Post-mortem examination 429
Index 498
Chapter 1

These are reactions to injurious agents in the bodies of

man and animals. Various diseases are caused by different
animate factors like bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa etc.
The pathogens (microbes) exist in the bodies of susceptible
animals solely as obligate parasites. The existence of the
organisms for a short period outside the body of animals is
noticed in some cases as seen in Mycobacterium tuberculosis
infection. Both saprophytic and parasitic existence can be
noticed in certain bacteria e.g., Enjsipelothrix r/zusiopathiae
in pigs. Saprophytes are such bacteria, which can live upon
dead organic material of both the plant and animal origins.
Infection (from the Latin infiecere) is that condition in which
living agents enter the animal body and a disturbance of
function, with or without tissue abnormalities, in any part is
set up. A disturbance of function is recognized in the form
of symptoms. Facultative pathogens are those organisms
which are capable to produce diseases in the state of lowered
vitality. The organisms existing on the external surfaces of
the body and in the mouth, anus, vagina etc., in usually
harmless state are called commensals. An infectious disease
results from presence of living organisms in or on the animals'
body with the capability to produce a state of disturbed
functions (i.e., symptoms). When an infectious disease
spreads from one individual to another by direct or indirect
contact, it is said to be a contagious disease. All contagious
diseases are said to be infectious, but at the same time, all
infectious diseases are not considered to be contagious. Some
infections may be highly contagious, others may be slightly
contagious and a few others may not be at all contagious.
The facultative pathogenic bacteria behave as secondary

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

invaders in some diseases i.e., Brucella bronchiseptica in canine

distemper and Pasteurella suiseptica (P. multocida) in swine
fever. When there is a departure from a state of health, the
condition is called a disease. The disease spreads by two basic
routes. The first route is the horizontal spread of disease,
which means a spread of disease between infected animals
and others. This involves contact of an infected animal with
the healthy ones through the contaminated litter, sand and
airborne dust particles. The second route of spread is a
vertical one which means the passage of the disease producing
agents from parents to offsprings through the eggs etc.
Pullorum disease, lymphoid leucosis and mycoplasmosis are
examples of vertical spread. Vertical spread of a disease is
prevented by elimination of the infected parents.
The conditions of toxaemia and septicaemia developing
in the infectious diseases are given below:
1. Toxaemia
It means the presence of toxins (derived from bacteria
or produced by the body cells) in the blood stream of animals.
This definition does not cover the toxic substances produced
by plants and insects or ingested organic or inorganic poisons.
Toxins may be exotoxins, endotoxins and metabolic ones. In
toxic shock, there is a peripheral vasodilation, fall in blood
pressure, pallor of mucosa, hypothermia, tachycardia, pulse
of small amplitude and muscle weakness. It is commonly
associated with bacteraemia or septicaemia. Microscopically,
degenerative changes are noticed in the organs like liver,
kidneys (glomeruli and tubules), heart and adrenal glands.
2. Septicaemia
It is a condition characterized by toxaemia,
hyperthermia and presence of bacteria, viruses and protozoa
in the blood stream. Bacteriaemia refers to the state of
presence of bacteria in the circulation for transitory periods.
But in septicaemia, the causative agents i.e., bacteria and


viruses etc., are present in the blood throughout the course

of the disease. Anthrax, pasteurellosis, salmonellosis,
leptospirosis, neonatal septicaemia and hogcholera are
examples of septicaemia.
Special septicaemic states arise from radiation (because
of injury to bone) and congenital defects in the immune
system in the body. Immunological suppression due to
corticosteroid therapy can also cause septicaemia.
Toxaemia, high fever and causative agents (like bacteria
or viruses) are seen in septicaemia in the body. The infectious
agents damage endothelial cells and cause haemorrhages in
the organs. Toxins are not produced by viruses but they
damage the tissue cells themselves or through the products
of tissues killed by the viruses. In septicaemia, the causative
bacteria can be isolated from the blood stream. Leucopenia
or leucocytosis can be found in the patients of septicaemia.
Postmortem examination of the septicaemic cases shows
subserous and submucosal haemorrhages. Emboli of the
infectious agents can be found in different organs.
Subepicardial and subendocardial petechiae are also seen in
the septicaemic state.
Pathological lesions
These are important bases to identify and establish a .
disease and also to correlate it to the suspected biological
agents. The lesions or pathological abnormalities caused in
the body of animals by different biological factors may be
different in different diseases. The lesions may be quite
characteristic specific and pathognomonic in certain diseases
as seen in cases of (1) rabies, (e.g., Negri bodies in neurons)
and (2) Gumboro disease (e.g., reddened, haemorrhagic or
enlarged bursa of Fabricius) or may be of a general character.
These could be detectable in different diseases and can be
caused by different biological factors. Some of the lesions in
bacterial and viral diseases are as follows:

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Ammals

(i) Bacterial Diseases

Lesions in animals are caused by both simple and
higher bacteria and can be narrated separately in the
following manner :
(a) Lesions caused by simple bacteria (order Eubacteriales)
Pasteurella multocida type I causes exudation, petechiae
or ecchymosis, oedema, congestion and haemorrhagic or
purulent inflammation.
Some effects of certain bacteria are as under-
(i) Haemolysis of red blood cells due to haemolysin (a
toxin produced by many bacteria). For example,
Clostridium perfringens type A and Cl. haemolyticum
cause haemolysis of red cells.
(ii) Destruction of leucocytes by leucocidin released from
certain bacteria.
(iii) Tissue destruction by localization of organisms in
certain organs, for example Conjnebacterium renale
in kidneys in cattle and Enjsipelothrix rhusiopathiae
in the valves of the heart in pigs.
(b) Lesions caused by higher bacteria (other than
These bacteria grow slowly and progressively in the
tissues of susceptible animals over a long period and produce
chronic inflammatory changes as found in TB, glanders,
brucellosis, Johne' s disease, actinomycosis and
actinobacillosis etc. There is a massive destruction of tissues
affected by many of these agents producing necrotising
toxins. Different inflammatory cells such as monocytes,
lymphocytes, eipthelioid cells, reticuloendothelial cells and
giant cells are noticed in affected tissues. These lesions are
usually encapsulated by proliferated fibroblasts and lesions
look like granulomas or granulomata (characterized by
nodules or granules). Such granulomas arising from
infectious processes are called infective granulomata (for


example, nodules in tuberculosis etc.}. In Johne's disease

caused by Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, there is an
accumulation of plasma cells and epithelioid cells etc., in the
mucosa and these processes do not reach the stage of necrosis
and caseation. In other words, they do not go beyond the
stage known as symplasma stage.
In the diseases caused by higher bacteria, marked
debility, anaemia and emaciation are noticed in the affected
(ii) Viral Diseases
Different viruses show affinity for different tissues in
body. Such affinity is called tropism. FMD virus shows affinity
for epithelial tissue, rabies for nervous tissue and rinderpest
for different kinds of tissues and these viruses are called as
epitheliotropic, neurotropic and pantropic respectively.
Viruses may produce degenerative or necrotic changes in
the cells of affected animals or may stimulate the cells to
proliferate in uncontrolled manner to give rise to tumour
formation (neoplasia) as noticed in cases of bovine viral
papilloma, Shope's papilloma and avian leucosis complex.
Ulceration, necrotic, exudative, congestive and oedematous
changes are produced by viruses in several species of animals.
The viruses of equine encephalomalacia and rabies produce
degenerative changes in nervous tissues. Characteristic
changes in such tissues like neuronophagia, satellitosis and
perivascular cuffing (accumulation of lymphocytes around
blood vessels) are the main microscopic changes. Tissue
tropism is also influenced by certain deficiency, for example,
vitamin B deficiency enhances tropism in human beings to
the virus of poliomyelitis. In table 1 the positions of different
inclusion bodies in the cells or tissues of affected animals in
some diseases are as follows :

Advanced Patlwlogy and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Table 1 : Diseases and Locations of Inclusions in the

Diseases Positions of Inclusions in the Cells
1. Rabies Intracytoplasmic inclusions
2. Canine Intranuclear and intracytoplasmic
destemper inclusions
3. Pox Intracytoplasmic (e.g. Bollinger
bodies in fowl pox and Guarnieri
bodies in small pox)
4. Infectious Intranuclear bodies
5. Infection canine Intranuclear inclusions
6. Rinderpest Intranuclear and intracytoplasmic
7. Swine fever Intranuclear inclusions. Not
considered to be specific
(iii) Fungal Diseases
Fungal infections can occur in the skin, lungs and
mucous membrane of the body of the susceptible animals.
Toxic substances are produced by the fungi in the tissues or
cells in the body as seen in cases of aspergillosis,
coccidioidomycosis and histoplasmosis.
The mycoses are diseases caused by fungi which infect
both man and animals. Some fungal diseases are contagious
(i.e., dermatophytoses - ring worm). Dermatophytoses are
found in the skin of the individuals. Systemic mycosis
(resulting from inhalation of spores etc.) may cause
pulmonary lesions. Diseases affecting the skin or mucous
membrane of the body may be chronic.
Fungi can be demonstrated in pus etc., by adding a drop
of 10 per cent KOH or NaOH to a little amount of pus or
sputum on a slide. These two are mixed together and
examined under low or high power objectives of the


microscope at once after a gentle heating. Fractions of tissues

of the diseased organs may be stained by the periodic acid
Schiff (PAS) or methenamine silver stains to detect the fungi
in organs. Inhalation of spores from a culture due to improper
disposal of fungal plates, debris, stale bread or food etc., is
extremely hazardous for man.
The mycetomas are fungal infections in the subcutis of
the body in man and animals, but the infections may spread
to the adjacent bones as seen in the cases of maduromycosis
and rhinosporidiosis.
Systemic mycoses may affect different systems of the
body and are exemplified by blastomycosis, cryptococcosis
and histoplasmosis etc. Nearly identical tissue reactions are
seen in hosts affected by very closely and biologically related
fungi or higher bacteria. Toxins are produced in the disease
like aspergillosis, coccidioidomycosis and histoplasmosis in
the affected individuals. Granulomas seen in aspergillosis in
chickens are characterized by necrotic centre surrounded
with giant cells of the foreign body type, lymphocytes and
connective tissue in the affected tissues. Septate branching
of fungi are seen in such lesions. In blastomycosis, nodules
containing purulent exudates are found in the lungs and there
is an infiltration of epithelioid cells in the nodular lesions.
Neuhophiles and lymphocytes are also found in such lesions.
Caseation necrosis and proliferation of fibroblasts can be
seen in the infected tissues.

Lesions in Metazoal Parasitic Infections

Different types of tissues reactions are produced by the
metazoan parasites which produce injuries or damages etc.,
in the body of the hosts. These are as follows:
(i) Mechanical injuries (invasions, displacement and de-
struction etc.) in the infected organs or tissues are seen
in the cases of kidney worm infection in swine or lung
worm infection in cattle. Intermediate stages of

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Trichinella spiralis produce mechanical damages in the

affected muscular tissues.
(ii) Utilization of the nutrients or food by the metazoan
parasites in the affected hosts. Such harmful effect is
seen in cases of infections of tape worms and ascarids.
(iii) Development of neoplasms - Spirocerca lupi produces
tumours in the oesophagus of dogs. Sarcomas develop
in the livers of rats affected by Cysticercus fasciolaris. Schis-
tosoma haematobium produces tumors in the urinary blad-
der of human beings.
(iv) Obstructions in the ducts or passages can arise from liver
flukes in bile ducts, Spirocerca lupi in the oesophagus,
ascarids and tape worms in intestines and Dioctophyma
renale in kidneys.
(v) Attachment to or utilization or destruction of the vital
tissues. This is seen in abomasal mucosae in cattle and
in small intestines due to Trichostrongylus axei and hook-
worm infection respectively.
(vi) Ova of schistosomes (flukes) or dead larvae of nema-
todes like Toxocara canis and Dirofilaria immitis behave
like foreign bodies in the tissues. Toxins like haemolysin,
histolysin and anticoagulants are produced in infections
due to hook worms, stomach worms and strongyles.
Ascarids and stomach worms are known to devour the
tissue of the hosts.

Lesions in the Protozoal Diseases

Affinity to different types of tissues is noticed in certain
protozoal infections. Babesia spp. are known to haemolyse
red cells and produce haemolytic jaundice in animals.
Haemorrhagic or necrotic lesions are produced in epithelial
cells of the intestinal mucosa in coccidial infection. Eimeria
steidae are known to cause papillary ingrowths of cells of
the biliary passages in the liver of rabbits.
Sununing up, the somatic tissues react to animal or plant


pathogens in different ways. When the individuals succumb

to the injurious agents, the different kinds of the lesions are
noticed in the body and these can be correlated to various
kinds of symptoms in the patients during life. The bodies
can show degenerative, infiltrative, proliferative and
regenerative changes in the tissues affected by different
injurious agents. Some cells show hyperplastic reactions (e.g.,
viral neoplasia). Rise in the eosinophilic count is seen in
heliminthiasis. Granulomatous lesions are seen around
migrating parasites and infiltration of eosinophiles,
lymphocytes and reticoloendothelial cell is seen in such
lesions. There can be granulomatous encepstllation of the
parasites in the intestinal nodular disease
(Oesophagostomiasis) and necrotic changes are seen in the
centres of such nodules.
Encysted parasites or trichinae undergo degenerative
and calcareous changes. Haemorrhagic enteritis is seen in
hook worm infection. In toxoplasmosis, there can be presence
of mononuclear and giant cells etc., in lesions. In many
bacterial diseases, production of antibodies in the body of
the infected individuals is noticed. The bodies react to bacteria
and fungi through manifestation of purulent or proliferative
reactions leading to encapsulation or fibrosis. Lymphocytes
or giant cells can be seen in such lesions. Animals react to
viruses or simple bacteria by exhibiting fever, exudative or
infiltrative changes in the tissue or organs. In many viral
diseases, lymphocytic infiltration is seen in the tissue of the
brain (e.g., equine encephalomyelitis). In bacterial infection,
agglutinins, precipitins, opsonins and antitoxins etc., are
produced in individuals' bodies.

Chapter 2
Bacterial Diseases

It is a febrile and highly fatal septicaemic disease of
mammals (especially herbivores like cattle and sheep). The
infectious organisms are noticed in the blood films singly or
arranged in chains of twos or threes in the affected animals.
These organisms exist as an obligate parasites but they can
also exist in the soil which may remain infective for several
months. Humans handling the diseased animals or animal
products may be infected through cuts in the body with
development of malignant pustules in the skin or through
inhalation of spores into the lungs (woolsorter's disease).
Ingestion of the contaminated materials also leads to the
occurrence of anthrax in the animals. A few hours before
death, the state of bacteraemia is caused by these organisms
in the infected animals to be followed by the state of
septicaemia. A fulminant septicaemia is seen in cattle, sheep
and horses but swines, dogs and cats are resistant to anthrax
infection. In swines, the disease is localized and confined to
the regional lymph nodes e.g., cervical lymphnodes. The
anthrax bacilli fail to grow in the body due to lack of oxygen.
Organisms like Clostridium septique, Cl. sporogenes and
Cl.welchii grow rapidly in the dead bodies of animals after
entering from the gut and anthrax bacilli undergo
degenerative changes and disappear from the carcasses
within one to three days. While diagnosing anthrax in
animals, the anthrax bacilli must be differentiated from
putrefactive or other postmortem invaders which may form
very long chains in the stained films. Bacillus anthracis fails
to grow in long chains in the blood of the infected hosts before

Bacterial Diseases

These infected animals may die without any overt sign

of this disease. Incubation period of anthrax infection varies
from 1 to 3 days and death may occur within a few hours or
a day. Peracute cases may die even within an hour or two.
Anthrax may last over 2 to 4 days in the subacute cases.
Subcutaneous oedemas are found in the neck, breast and
abdomen. These swellings are hot and pit on pressure and
yellow serous gelatinous fluid may escape from such
swellings. In the abortive cases of anthrax, afebrile reaction
can be seen in the animals. The main changes in the dead
cases of sudden death are tarry blood at the natural orifices,
lack of rigor mortis and blood clots in the blood vessels.

Gross Appearance

(i) A yellow gelatinous oedema in the abdominal or throat
region at the point of entrance of bacteria.
(ii) Haemorrhagic gastroenteritis, oedematous and
haemorrhagic serous membranes.
(ill) Haemorrhagic lymph nodes may have dark colour like
(iv) Spleen is greatly enlarged (splenomegaly) with dark and
black pulp containing unclotted blood. It may be friable
or its capsule may rupture. There is a massive
haemorrage in the spleen. Spleen may be normal in rare
(v) Liver, kidneys and intestinal tract are congested, swol-
len and haemorrhagic.
(vi) Trachea and bronchi are filled with frothy blood stained
(vii) Blood is dark in colour but does not clot firmly and rarely
a string or blood clot can be found in the case of an
(vill)Tarry blood discharge at the mouth and other body
Advanced PathologV and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

(ix) Haemorrhages on mucous membranes of the stomach

and intestines.
(x) Throat lesions are not common in cattle but there is a
strong tendency of the carcass to undergo putrefaction.

The main changes are :
(i) Splenic enlargement is not a characteristic change.
(ii) Presence of gestroenteritis.
(ill) Rapid putrefaction in the carcass.
(iv) No throat lesions are found in the sheep

One can notice the following :
(i) Presence of throat swellings.
(ii) Oedematous fluid in the subcutaneous and inter-
muscular tissue.
(iii) Swollen and congested lymph nodes.

The main changes seen in pigs are as under ;.
(i) Splenic enlargement is not seen.
(ii) Oedema and haemorrhage in the pharynx and cer-
vicallymph nodes. In old cases, lymph nodes may
be enlarged and firm in consistency.

Microscopic Appearance
Anthrax bacilli are large rod shaped organisms which
can be found in the blood and affected tissues. Splenic
architecture is not visible due to numerous red cells.
Trabeculae are visible amidst red cells and nuclear debris.
Splenic sinuses and cords of Bilroth are filled with red cells
and pulmonary oedema is noticed. Toxins produced by
anthrax bacilli are known to produce increased permeability
of the blood vessels. In pigs, there is focal necrosis surrounded
Bacterial Diseases

by granulation tissue in the lymph nodes. The toxins

produced by anthrax bacilli are lethal and produce oedema,
tissue damage, acute renal failure, terminal anoxia mediated
by the central nervous system and death from shock.
It is based on symptoms, lesions and examination of the
blood films of sick animals and identification of Bacillus
anthracis. Death of several animals (all of sudden) in a herd
or farm makes one to suspect of anthrax infection.
Monoclonal antibody fluorescent conjugates, cultural
examination and Ascolis's test provide strong bases to confirm
anthrax infections in animals. The incidence of sudden death
in the cases of haemorrhagic septicaemia and black quarter
may be confused with the death pattern seen in the outbreak
of anthrax in animals.
The main methods of diagnosing the anthrax infection
are as under :
(1) Direct Smears
The blood films are made with the oozing blood from a
small cut made in the ear vein. It is stained with 1 % methylene
blue solution and another film by Gram's method. The film
is examined for Gram positive square ended rod with distinct
capsule. A granular purple ground work arising from
distntegration of imperfectly fixed capsules is recognizable
in the stained organism of anthrax by 1 % methylene blue
solution. Anthrax bacilli in short chains surrounded by a
common capsule are noticed in the blood films of anthrax
(2) Cultural Examination
Inoculation of heart blood, liver etc., is made on to blood
agar to see the colonies of Anthrax bacilli.
(3) Animal Inoculation
0.5 m1 of 24 hour broth culture is injected subcutaneously
Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

into a mouse or guinea pigs. These animals die in about 48

hours in positive cases. Capsulated organisms are noticed in
the blood films of the sick animals.
(4) Examination of Decomposed or Putrified Material
When the carcass of the dead animal is putrified, Ascoli's
test is done to diagnose the anthrax cases.
In case of either suspected or confirmed diagnosed cases
of anthrax, antibiotics and anthrax antiserum can be used.
It is better to use Procaine penicillin and broad spectrum
antibiotics such as oxytetracycline. However, Penicillin is a
drug of choice in the cases of anthrax. Since anthrax is a
septicaemic disease with high fever, so antipyretics such as
Bolin inj.jNovalgin and corticosteroids such as Coradex or
Dexavet may be used in view of severity of the infection. For
convalescent animals after fall of temperature to normal,
supportive treatment (5% Dextrose and B. Complex inj.) is
also given for quickly restoring the animals to health.
Anthrax cases detected in an early febrile stage prior to
development of other clinical signs of disease respond very
well to treatment with Penicillin (10,000 units j kg b.wt)
twice daily. Streptomycin 8-10 gm j kg b.wt in two doses ij
m and oxytetracycline (5 mgjkg b.wtj day) are very effective
in the affected cases. Antianthrax serum (100-250 ml ijv)
can be given daily to the patients of anthrax. One may also
utilize choice of ampicillin, tilmicosin and erythromycin etc.,
in anthrax cases.
The authorities (e.g.Animal husbandry department) are
to be informed for adopting regulatory steps to check the
spread of the disease. The infected areas or premises should
be quarantined. The dead animals are buried deep (6 ft under
ground) between layers of lime (about 1 ft thick) and
bleaching powder and the ditch is covered with soil in a
perfect way in order to check the removal of dead bodies by
Bacterial Diseases

wild animals and anti-social elements.

The manure, feedings and other contaminated materials
should be thoroughly burnt. Sick animals should be removed
from healthy animals and put under observation to see rise
of temperature etc. Cattle sheds, pen and milking equipments
should be thoroughly disinfected. Scavengers like jackals etc.,
should not be allowed to feed on dead animals. See table
37,38 and 39 for information on different drugs or vaccines
used for treating animal diseases.
All animals in enzootic areas should be vaccinated
annually. When there is an outbreak of anthrax, all in-contact
animals, should be administered anthrax vaccine.
Anthrax spore vaccine (1 ml si c) should be
administered and immunity is provided for one year. Annual
vaccination in enzootic areas is highly recommended to keep
the disease under control. More importantly, it is worthwhile
to note that the suspected or confirmed cases of anthrax
should not be opened. However, the post-mortem
examination of anthrax cases is allowed in well equipped
laboratory with all facilities to check the spread of the disease
to the autopsists or animals living in the areas surrounding
the laboratory.

Haemmorrhagic Septicaemia (Pasteurellosis)

It is an acute septicaemic bacterial disease caused by
Pasteurella multocida type I (or B) and its Hindi synonym is
Galaghotu. Pasteur (1880) discovered the organisms of
cholera in fowls. This disease appears in cattle and buffaloes
as a very serious febrile disease. With the onset of monsoon
rains, it appears in animals exposed to chills, exhaustion and
strenuous work in an acute or subacute form of an infectious
disease recognized by subcutaneous oedema, and acute
gastroentritis with high fever (107F). The pasteurella
organisms are present in the blood of the infected animals
(i.e., organisms present in all the body fluids and tissues as
Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of DomestIc Animals

well as tonsillar and pharyngeal mucosae). Young animals

(cattle and buffaloes) are usually affected. When the infection
in the livestock takes place by ingestion, injuries are produced
in the nasopharyngeal region. Incubation period ranges from
a few hours to fortyeight hours. Animals whose resistance
has been lowered by cold rains or wet conditions are usually
affected by pasteurellosis. Occasionally type 4(D) and type
E also cause pasteurellosis in cattle. Rabbit is the most
susceptible animal to HS Affected animals my die within a
few hours (i.e., even upto 6 hours) or it may last over 3 to 6
days. A less rapid course may be seen in the infected animals
and pasteurellae may be found in the nasopharynx and
healthy animals may remain as carriers. The pasteurellae are
gram negative bipolar organisms as seen in the blood films
stained by Leishman's or Gram's stain.
There is presence of profuse salivation and nasal
discharge is rich in the pasteurellae. Dullness, reluctance to
movement and fever (up to 107F) are noticed. Hot and
doughy swellings around the laryngeal region or along the
neck or brisket upto the head region or around head is noticed
in the infected animals. The tongue may be swollen or
protruding and the mucous membranes are congested and
haemorrhagic. Respiratory distress is seen in the affected
animals. Recovery is rare in the infected buffaloes due to the
severity of infection. Septicaemic effects are most pronounced
in the respiratory tract, heart and gastrointestinal h'act.
The main lesions are as follows :
(1) Oedematous swelling due to subcutaneous infiltration
of gelatinous fluid in the head, throat and brisket re-
gion in the majority of the cases. Clear sh'aw coloured
fluid escapes from the incised surfaces of the swellings,
(2) Scattered or generalised petechiae are noticed under the
serous membranes throughout the body. Subserosal,
subcutaneous and submucosal haemorrhages or
Bacterial Diseases

(petechiae) noticed in the dead bodies of bovines are

very characteristic lesions.
(3) Pharyngeal and cervical lymph nodes are swollen and
haemorrhagic. Hot and painful swellings about the
throat, dewlap, brisket and perineom are noticed in the
sick animals.
(4) Presence of blood tinged fluid in the thoracic, abdomi-
nal and pericardial cavities. Oedema is noticed in the
lungs and lymph nodes of the affected bovines.-
(5) Occurrence of pulmonary consolidation or some pneu-
monic changes by Pasteurella haemolytica. Other
serotypes (Type-IV) can cause changes of bronchopneu-
monia. No marked change is seen in the spleen of pa-
(6) There will be presence of haemorrhagic gastritis or gas-
troenteritis. Only enteritis may be seen in some cases.
Enlarged oedematous and haemorrhagic lymph nodes,
haemorrhagic endocarditis and serofibrinous pericar-
ditis in the fatal case of HS are the marked lesions.
(7) Little or no swellings in the atypical cases.
It is based on the symptoms and the lesions like throat
swellings with detection of Gram negative bipolar organisms
in the saliva, blood films or tissue smears of the infected
animals or recently dead cases. Blood films or tissue smears
are stained by Grarn's method or Leishman's technique. The
pasteurellae may be in abundance (about 10 to each red cell)
or may be scanty or undetectable and are usually recovered
from heart blood and spleen. Swabs or sealed pipettes with
blood or oedema fluid, pieces of internal organs, a long bone
from animals (within a few hours of death) and even a
portion of ear in a suitable container are required for cultural
or isolation work of the organism in the laboratory.
Pasteurella types like type 4 or type E may also cause this
disease. A rapid enzyme-linked immunoassay may be carried

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

out to identify the specific serotypes of Pasteurella multocida

in the infected animals.
The following table 2 will help in its differential diagnosis
from some other diseases of domestic animals.
In short, pasteurellosis is diagnosed by examining thin
blood films stained by Gram's and Leishman's method,
Pasteurellae can be found in the red cells in the smears like
short Gram negative bipolar rods. Heart blood or liver etc., is
Table-2. Causes of Diseases in Bovines and their main
Diseases Causes Distinguishing features in cattle
H.S (Pasteurellosis) P. multocida I. Presence of neck or throat swellings
Type-I and hIgh fever and profuse
salivation with respiratory distress
in the tropical countries like India.
2. No characteristic change in the
3. Isolation of Gram negative bipolar
organisms from the infected

Anthrax Bacillus I. High fever, restlessness and

anthracis abdominal pain noticed in the
highly infectious and septicaemic
disease. Disease may last over 2 to
4 days or animals may die within
an hour.
2. Throat swelling is not common
leSIOn in cattle.
3. No firm clotting of blood. Strings of
blood clots in blood vessels are not
noticed in anthrax.
4. Blood at mouth, nostrils. Spleen
severely enlarged (splenomegaly)
and may even rupture in cattle.
5. Presence of haemorrhagic
gastroentritis. Lymphnodes may be
dark like spleen pulp.
6. Tarry blood and lack of rigor mortis
in the head and limbs are
important features in the fatal

Bacterial Diseases

Black quarter (BQ) Clostridium 1. Local lesions in the muscles and

chauvoei subcutaneous tissues of the
shoulders or hindquarters as
swollen and emphysematous
wounds. Crepitating sounds are
produced when the lesions are
pressed between fingers. The
swellings may not be painful and
may be cold or insensitive to touch
(due to necrosis). The muscles
may be riddled with gas bubbles or
may contain black or blackish red
2. Young cattle between the age of 6th
and 24 months in a very good
nutritional state are usually
Rinder-pest A filterable I. Presence of fever, erosion or ulcers
virus (i.e. a on the mucous membranes
virus of the 2. Indigenous cattle resistant to its
alimentary infection. Crossbred or pure
tract of the foreign imported cattle are very
genus susceptible to this disease
Molillivirus (mortality may exceed 90%).
of the 3. Rectal mucous membrane is swollen
family and congested and the anus is
Paramyxovi soiled with blood stained foetid
vidae. faeces. Zebra markings (i.e., areas
of haemorrhage and hyperaemia)
are present in the rectal mucosae
as very characteristic lesions of
4. Greyish membranous deposits on the
mucous membrane of the mouth
and pharynx give rise to ulcers or
erosions after their removal from
the underlying tissues. The grayish
white lesions on the mucous
membrane of the tongue or mouth
look like bran deposits on these

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

inoculated on to the blood agar and MacConkey's plates to

recognize and isolate pasteurella colonies. A portion of ear
or a long bone after tirturition can be injected into rabbits
which show typical haemorrhagic tracheitis in their bodies.
A quick septicaemic state is produced in infected rabbits.
The patients of pasteurellosis can be either given
parenterally or orally sodium sulphadimidine or
sulphamezathine (33.3% soln). The affected animals in the
cases of relapse should be treated for three successive days
with the same dose rate. Anyone of the routes i.e., i.v. or Lp.
can be selected for drug administration. Streptomycin may
also be given to sick animals. Penicillin is not so much effective
in treating the cases of HS. Use of more than one kind of
antibiotics is not usually advisable in treating bacterial
infections. Broad spectrum antibiotics like tetracycline and
chloramphenicol should be used for three days. Since HS is
also a septicaemic disease with high fever, it is worthwhile
to administer corticosteroids, and antipyretics with
supportive treatment. In short, sulphadimidine and
oxytetracycline are very effective in bovine and swine
pasteurellosis respectively. Early detection of pasteurellosis
in animals coupled with timely treatment minimises the risk
of mortality. The dose shedule in affected animals is as follows
1. Oxytetracycline @10 mg/kg b.wt i/m
2. Procaine penicillin G @ 30,000 to 45,OOO/kg b.wt i/v
3. Trimethoprin-sulphadoxine @ 3 ml /45 kg b wt i/m
4. Tilmicosin @10 mg/kg b.wt

Prophylactic vaccination in HS infection is advisable in

Bacterial Diseases

enzootic areas and the vaccination should be done before

the onset of monsoon.
In an area of outbreak, healthy animals should be
separated from sick ones and kept under observation.
Immunity imparted by HS vaccine lasts for about 10 months.
Steps should be taken to prevent the contamination of
the pastures and feeding troughs etc. It is always better to
isolate the infected animals from the healthy ones. Animals
should not come ill contact with discharges of sick animals.
The dead animals should also be burried underground with
all precautions to avoid removal by wild animals. The
vaccination schedule is as follows:
Table 3. Vacciens and their dosages
Vaccines Dosages Remarks
1. HS vaccine- Cattle, Primary
monovac (inactivated buffaloes and vaccination at the
culture of calves 2 ml age of six month or
P. multocida) sic above with annual
2. HS+BQ vaccine- 2. Cattle DO
a biovac buffaloes and
3 ml sic
Coli bacillosis
Escherichia coli which are gram negative rod shaped
organisms colonise the intestinal tract of newly born animals
very shortly after birth. These harmless organisms become
pathogenic under reduced state of resistance to produce the
condition of colibacillosis. Young calves upto 2 month of age
suffer from colibacillosis or white scour. These organisms are
also non-sporing and non-capsulating and the most of the
strains are motile.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domes tic Animals

Some of the types of colibacillosis are as follows :

(1) Enterotoxic colibacillosis
It is also called E. coli diarrhoea which is seen in young
piglets, lambs and calves. These organisms adhere to the
mucosa of young animals (under 3 month of age) and
produce an enterotoxin in the lumel . This toxin causes
excessive production of fluid from the intestinal mucosa
resulting in diarrhoea. Dehydration in the animals arises from
diarrhoea. The goblet cells discharge their secretion and there
is no other important change in the intestinal mucosae as
revealed by light rnicroscopy.
(2) Enterotoxaemic coli bacillosis
The virulent E.coli produce toxins in the intestinal lumen
and the toxins absorbed into the body are considered to be a
neurotoxin (i.e., oedema disease principle). Oedema is
produced in gastric, colonic, palpebral, subcutaneous and
central nervous tissues. Vascular damage, vasculitis and
hyaline necrosis of arterial and arteriolar walls are produced.
Some strains of E.coli may produce an enterotoxin as well.
(3) Septicaemic colibacillosis
The E.coli even invade the buccal cavity, pharynx,
umbilicus and respiratory system. In this disease, lesions are
produced by an endotoxin. Calves deficient in colostoral
irnrnunoglobulins are very much susceptible to this strain of
E.coli. Colostrum fed calves, piglets, lambs and foals are very
resistant to E. coli infection.
Bacterial arthritis, polyserositis, meningitis, opthalrnitis
and pyelonephritis are found in the sick calves. The lesions
are necrotic with purulent or fibrinous exudation. 50 per cent
of the infected calves may die and morbidity is noticed in

Bacterial Diseases

Colibacillosis caused by E.coli is a severe disease of calves
(neonates). It is quite safe to make choice of antibiotics after
having report about sensitivity of E.coli strains affecting the
animals. The most important antibiotics are chloramphenicol,
neomycin, tetracycline, and streptomycin etc. There is a
severe development of dehydration in sick animals. Fluid
therapy can be given to dehydrated patients. In neonates,
the fluid should be administered in divided doses for a period
ending over 2 to 3 days. Streptomycin and chloramphenicol
can be given to patients with good results.
In order to have quick effect of drugs, parenteral
administration with oral preparation is advisable. Since
toxaemia is seen in white scour, administration of fluid
therapy is greatly helpful. Corticosteroids can also be given
to animal patients for quick response.
Sanitation and feeding management have got to be
improved and calves suffering from diarrhoea should be
given cold (previously boiled) milk.
In order to control colibacillosis, the calf feeding pan
should be thoroughly disinfected. Overcrowding of calves
should be avoided. There should be proper housing and
hygienic conditions. The calves must be given fresh water.
The calves during their first 7 to 10 days of life should be
given prophylactic medication with sulphonamides,
antibiotics or deworming agents. Newly born calves must be
fed colostrum within first twelve hours of life. The calves
should have milk at the rate of 10% of body weight till the
attainment of the age of three months. The calves may be
given 2 kg of colostrum depending upon their weights. This
practice imparts passive immunity to the newly born calves.
For successful treatment of colibacillosis, important
precautions to be kept in one's mind are alteration in the
diet of the calves, fluids, and intestinal protectants
antimicrobial therapy and proper management of the infected

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

animals. It is better to reduce milk intake until observation of

clinical improvment in the patients. Glucose electrolyte
mixtures are given orally to the infected calves. Parentral
and oral administration of balanced electrolytes solutions is
very vital step to prevent dehydration, acidosis and electrolyte
imbalance. Solutions containing sodium bicarbonate are
preferably given to patients. An equal mixture of isotonic
saline (0.85%), isotonic sodiumbicarbonate 1.3% and isotonic
dextrose 5 % is given parenterally for obtaining quick
improvement in the patients.
Mastitis refers to an inflammation of the mammary
glands caused by several factors like bacteria, Mycoplasma
spp. and fungi etc. This term has been derived from the Greek
word mastos, meaning mammary gland. Trauma to
mammary gland by wires or pointed objects can lead to
transient inflammation of the mammary glands but the
infection of the mammary glands is usually caused by living
agents i.e., animate factors like bacteria and fungi etc.It is
usually seen in the mammary glands of lactating dairy
animals like cattle and bufalloes etc.
The main causes of mastitis are as under:
Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Str
zooepidemicus, Str faecalis, Str pyogenes, Corynebacterium
pyogenes, Mycobacterium bovis, Pasteurella muItocida,
Mycoplasma bovis, Nacardia asteroides, Trichosporon spp.
Aspergillus fumigatus, Candida spp., Cryptococcus neoformans
and Torulopsis spp. etc. Leptospira spp. Staphylococcus,
Mycoplasma spp., Eischerichia coli and Pseudomones aentginosa
are also known to cause mastitis in animals. Str. dysgalactiae
can cause acute mastitis in the udder and udder may be
permanently non-functional in such affected animals.

Bacterial Diseases

Strep. pyogenes produces an acute mastitis with fever

and malaise in the lactating animals. The udder can become
reddish purple in staphylococcal infection and later, it
becomes blackish green or cold. Gangrenous changes may
set in the udder. Staph. aureus produces chronic mastitis.
Granules can be found in pus of the abscesses in the udder
(e.g., equine mammary gland showing botryomycosis). The
major contagious pathogens in bovines are Str. agalactiae,
Staph. aureus and Mycoplasma spp.
Gangrenous type of mastitis can be caused by
Conjnebacterium pyogenes in sheep. In black garget, the disease
runs an acute rapid course and is frequently fatal in the
mastitis cases. The mammary gland in the sheep may be hot,
tense and painful and death can occur in 24 to 40 hours.

Gross Changes
1. The cardinal signs of inflammation i.e., heat, redness,
swelling, pain and loss of function (i.e., reduced milk
secretion) etc. can be seen in the inflamed udder. Clots,
flakes, blood, discolouration of milk and an excess of
leucocytes are important findings in the milk of mastitis
2. Cessation or reduction in the milk secretion. Exudative
fluid of abnormal colour or consistency can be milked
from the teat in place of usual milk. Warmth, diffuse
swelling and gangrene may be noticed in the mammary
glands in acute cases.
3. Firmness or shrinking in the quarters. When two or more
quarters are involved, the udder atrophy (marked by a
small quarter or small teat) is a more marked change.
The reason of the firmness in the udder is diffuse prolif-
eration of the fibrous tissue (fibrosis).
4. Old inspissated abscesses or lumps of firm tissue are
evident in the affected quarter and these can be pal-
Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

5. A dark pink or light red colour can be marked on the

cut surface of the acutely inflamed udder. The cut sur-
face of gland is moistened and lobulations are less dis-
tinct on the cut surfaces. Even blood can be noticed on
the incised surfaces of the gland. Yellowish milk or pus
can be seen on the cut surfaces of the udder. In chroni-
cally inflamed udder, abscesses or somewhat shiny
white fibrous tissue can be detected on its cut surfaces.

Microscopic appearances
Acute exudative inflammatory changes can be noticed
in the udder except the mucous inflammation (because of
udder being a non-mucus forming organ). Serous, purulent
and fibrinous changes occur in the lactating dairy animals
like cattle and buffaloes in the mammary glands.
Haemorrhagic inflammatory changes can be found rarely in
the udder. Fibrous proliferative changes are more marked in
chronic mastitis. (Fig. 1; p. 199) The exudative changes are
marked in the alveolar lumina and the intercellular spaces.
Dead or dying leucocytes (pus cells) can be found in the
alveoli of the udder. Scanty albuminous precipitate can be
seen in the alveoli indicating distension of the alveoli with
fluid. In such alveoli, the epithelial lining shows compressed
or vacuolated cells. Inflammatory cells like leucocytes,
neutrophiles, monocytes and lymphocytes can be noticed in
the adjoining alveolar stroma. The alveolar capillaries can
be found distended with blood. Clots of fibrin and leucocytes
are seen in the smaller ducts. Occlusion to the drainage of
the exudate leads to growth and spread of the infectious
organisms. In Streptococcus agalactiae infection of the udder,
there is hyperplastic thickening and cornification of the
epithelial lining of the lactiferous ducts and sinuses with
infiltration of the inflammatory cells beneath the hyperplastic
epithelial cells. The infection spreads to supporting stroma.
In virulent infections, the alveolar Epithelium is destroyed
and the alveolar walls may collapse against each other with

Bacterial Diseases

replacement by fibrous tissue growth at later stages. The

affected parts of the udder become smaller than normal due
to fibrosis and destruction of the mammary tissues and such
quarters have shrunken appearance.
It is based on the symptoms, lesions and isolation of the
aetiological factors from the milk or udder lesions. The
secretion from the udder will be yellowish or watery in
nature. In severe chronic cases, the milk will be stringy, ropy
or curdy. The coagulated fibrin gives rise to stringy milk.
Coagulated casein is seen in the milk. The milk may be acidic
in reaction and strip up test shows solidified material.
The following steps can be taken to diagnose mastitis :
1. The leucocyte count and direct bacterial count: For this,
a measured quantity of milk is spread on a slide and
then it is stained and all kinds of body cells and bacteria
are counted.
2. Bromothymol blue test: It is carried out to detect in-
creased alkalinity in the milk.
3. The white side test: A drop of 5% NaOH is added to 4
to 5 drops of milk on a glass slide. It is mixed with a
palatinum loop. Discrete clumps or flecks can be found
in milk after half a minute.
4. The coagulase test: A colony of staphylococci (i.e., from
culture of milk sample) is mixed with normal saline. A
drop of 1/10 dilution of the rabbit plasma is added to it
and clumping of bacteria is seen after a few seconds in
staphylococcal mastitis.

Bacteriological Examination
A loopful of well shaken milk sample is inoculated on
to an Edwards plate and an another loopful on to a blood
agar plate and the plates are incubated at 37C. The bacterial
sediments of the centrifused milk are used to make smears

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

which are stained by Gram's method and acid fast method

to detect the acid and non-acid test organisms respectively.
Treatment of mastitis is carried out either locally or in
general ways. Steps are taken to protect the animals from
toxaemic condition. The pus, clots, debris and fibrinous
materials are removed from udder to maintain the milk flow
and restore the milk yield.
The systemic general treatment includes parentral
administration of drugs to check septicaemia or bacteraemia.
Antibiotics like penicillin, streptomycin and ampicillin can
be given. Oxytetracycline can also be given by i/ m or if v
route. Use of antihistaminics by i/m route (e.g., avil) is also
advisable. Cortico-steroids are given parenterally in cases of
toxaemia. Use of electrolytes solutions is also recommended
in cases of toxaemic condition.
The local treatment of mastitis includes udder infusion.
For this, disposable intrammary infusion tubes containing
antibiotics are utilized. Such intramammary tubes contain
ampicillin and strepto-penicillin with cortisone etc. If the
bacteria are susceptible to such antibiotics, recovery takes
place. Administration of antibiotics maintains high level in
plasma and milk and it is always advisable to adopt local
treatment alwongwith parenteral administration of
antibiotics. It is usually helpful to have application of similar
kind of antibiotics in the udder and in the body by parenteral
For controlling mastitis in herd, it is proper to adopt
hygienic measures and avoid contamination or infection of
udder with yeast or fungi. Utensils must be thoroughly
sterilized before their coming in contact with udder of
healthy animals. The use of cortisone (steroid) in acute
mastitis reduces inflammation. The chronic cases of mastitis
can be treated satisfactorily when the cows are dry. When

Bacterial Diseases

the cows are under dry state, the infusion of the udder is
done as a preventive measure at the end of the last milking
and also at the beginning of the first milking. The presence
of antibiotic residues in milk causes sensitivity in human
beings. It is better not to use the milk having residues of the
There should be lapse of atleast ninty-six hours before
consumption of milk from infected quarters. The quarters of
lactating animal can be dried by using infusion of the
following preparation like 30 to 60 m1 (3% AgN03 soln or 20
ml of 5% copper sulphate soln) or 100 to 300 ml of 1:500
acriflavin solution. In case of visibility of reactions in other
tissues, the quarters should be milked out. The quarter of
the animals can be stripped after 10 -14 days of infusion.
Such two infusions may be required for rendering the udder
dry. If there is a suspicion of resistant strains of bacteria,
treatment of mastitis can be done only by obtaining report
on the antibiotics sensitivity test for organisms present in
the milk.
Mastitis due to fungi and yeast do not respond
satisfactorily to antibiotics and drugs nystatin may be used.
In order to control mastitis, it is advisable to remove the
sources of infection, reduce the susceptibility of mammary
glands and also prevent the spread of infection between
lactating quarters.
The milk from affected quarter is examined
bacteriologically and such infected cow should be separated
from healthy ones. As a general procedure, careful milking,
udder washing, disinfection of teats and cup etc., should be
followed strictly. The quarters of the udder, if fibrosed, can
not be restored to normalcy and any surgical interference in
such udder is not helpful. Cows and buffaloes etc., can go
on giving milk inspite of one or two functioning quarters for
whole of their life spans. Subclinical mastitis due to contagious
pathogens in cows can be treated by intramammary injection

Advanc ed Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

of long acting anti-m icrobia ls at drying off.

It is notice d as an acute contag ious diseas e mainl y in
young horses which is caused by Streptococcus equi (sub species
equi). There is a catarr hal inflam matio n of the upper
respir atory tract and forma tion of absce sses in the
subma xillary and phary nagal lymph nodes . The causat ive
agent of strang les is Streptococcus equi which is gram positiv e.
The recov ered horses exist as carrie rs which can spread
infecti on to other young horses. Organ isms like Str. equi can
enter the blood stream produ ces fever and set up metast atic
lesion s like abscesses. Horse s over 5 years of age are resista nt
to Str. equi infecti on. Conta minat ed utensi l, beddin g, food
and drinki ng water etc., spread the infect ion to health y
young horses . Conta ct with diseas ed horses also spread s
infect ion to health y ones. Infect ion can enter the body by
ingest ion, inhala tion and woun d infecti on with discha rges
etc., of the anima l patien ts. The incuba tion period varies form
3 to 8 days in the horses . The impor tant clinical signs are
fever, anorex ia, depres sion, subma ndibu lar as phary ngeal
lymph adeno pathy marke d by absces sation , ruptur e of the
absces ses and purule nt nasal discharge.
The main lesion s are:
(1) Catarr hal inflam matio n of the nasal and phary ngeal
mucou s memb rane. This results in forma tion of a thick
yellow discha rge from the nostrils.
(2) Subma xillary , pharyn geal, paroti d and cervical lymph
nodes are swolle n and can under go suppu ration which
may burst into the pharyn x.
(3) Rise of tempe rature (pyrexia).
(4) Catarr hal bronch itis, pneum onia, pleuri sy and perica r-

Bacterial Diseases

(5) Pyaemia and abscesses in the different internal organs.

Septic peritonitis may arise from bursting of the abscesses
in the mesenteric lymph nodes. Abscesses may occur in
the lymphnodes like mediastinal, axillary, inguinal or
popliteal lymph nodes etc. Abscesses of the
retropharyngeallymph nodes drain into the guttural
pouches. Empyema in such structures can be noticed.
In short, caseous lymphadenopathy with rhinitis and
pharyngitis, pneumonia and metastatic infection are
main changes in equine strangles.
It is based on the symptoms, lesions and isolation of
Str. equi from the nasal discharge and abscesses.
For treating stangles in horses, antibiotics like dicrysticin
and sulpha-mezathine sodium can be used. Tetracycline can
also be effective.
In order to control strangles in equines, it is very
important to isolate the affected horses and keep them
separately. The horses should be given warm shelter, good
food, etc. The nostrils and muzzles should be kept clean. They
should be given steam inhalation. The house, bedding, broom,
brush and blankets should be disinfected. An autogenous
vaccine consisting of culture of Streptococcus equi can also be
given to control the cases of strangles. The vaccine can be
given i~ two or three doses at an interval of 10 to 15 days.
The dose of vaccine in the beginning is 1 cc by s/ c route.
Penicillin (Procaine penicillin G) 22,000 iu/kg b.wt. twice
daily is injected intramuscularly for five days.
This disease is alsq called pyosepticaemia neonatorum
which means a septicaemic state in the affected young
animals (e.g., calves and foals etc.). Lesions in the joints of

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

the foals are not constant accompanying facts. Death occurs

in foals within 3 or 4 days of birth due to acute septicaemic
changes in bodies. In health, amminiotic membrane of the
umbilical cord is torn at birth with closure of the umbilical
vein and the umbilicus dries up within a week after birth in
The main causes are as under:
Table 4. Animals and causative factors
Animals Organisms
Equines (foals) Shigella equirulis (Actinobacillus equuli) and
other organisms like E.coli,S. (abortus equi
and Confnebacteria etc.)
Bovines (calves) E. Coli, Br. abortus, C. pyoguenes, and
Pasteurella etc. can be isolated alone or in
mixed infections.
Ovines (lambs) Streptococci and Staphylococci.
Swines (piglets) E.coli, pyogenic coced and Haemophilus
influenzae etc.
The affected animals (foals) are weak, unable to stand
and show swollen, hot and painful joints. Fever and
depression are seen in the foals which die within a few days
of birth. When the infection is of prenatal origin, the foals
are found dead at bjrth. These foals get infected from the
infected udder through the mouth or infected umbilicus. Even
contaminated vagina can spread the disease to the young
animals. The carrier mares of infection of navel-ill are known
to exist and pose problems before horse rearing.
At autopsy, joints are found to be enlarged and contain
an excess of synovial fluid (with sanguinous or purulent
material) in the foals. Grey fod are found in the renal cortex
Bacterial Diseases

and haemorrhages are seen in the renal medulla. The grey

foci in the cortex are areas of abscesses arising from lodgement
of the bacteria in the glomeruli. The kidneys are swollen and
their capsules can be easily detached. In pigs, the navel-ill
occurs as a septicaemic disease. Other lesions in the foals
include enlargement and oedema of the lymph nodes,
petechiae or congestion in the serous membranes and
degenerative changes in the skeletal and cardiac muscles.
Inflammation of the umbilical vein (omphalophlebitis) and
purulent material can be found in the navel. The cartilages
or bones in the joints can show necrotic changes. The
mucosae of the intestine may be thickened and congested
and oedematous changes are found in the lungs. There is no
blood in the normal umbilical vein of calves and foals etc.,
but in navel-ill, imperfectly coagulated blood can be found
in the umbilical vein.
It is based on the symptoms, lesions and isolation of the
organisms like Actinobacillus equuli, Streptococci, and E. coli
Navel-ill can be treated by injection of penicillin for the
period of three days (10,000 iu/lb body wt.). Antibiotics
can be given for longer period in case of suppurration in
navel. Cortisone can be used parenterally and can also be
applied locally. Calves should be fed Vitamins (B-complex)
orally. Infected animals should be prevented to come in
contact with pregnant or newly born animals. It is very much
advisable to disinfect the navel of calf at birth and for this,
betadine lotion can be used. Exploratory laprotomy and
surgical removal of abscesses are also advisable in some cases
of navel-ill.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

It is a contagious bacterial disease primarily affecting
the solipeds like horses and now-a-days only sporadic
incidence of this disease is noticed. Man and members of the
cat family are also be affected. The obligate causative
organism is Pseudomonas mallei which produces an acute or
more usually a chronic disease in horses, mules and asses.
This disease ends fatally and fibro-caseous nodules are
formed in the upper respiratory tract, lungs and skin etc.
Pigs and cattle are immune to this disease. Ingestion of food
or water contaminated with discharges of excretion of the
infected animals produces it in healthy animals. Skin infection
through contamination of open wounds in the body may
occur in some cases. Infection by inhalation is unusual.
Incubation period ranges from 2 weeks to 2 or 3 months or
longer. Guinea pig is very susceptible to the glanders
organisms and nodules develop in their lymph nodes, spleen,
lungs and liver etc. The male guinea pig which is infected
with the organisms given intra peritoneally, develops pus
formation in the tunica vaginalis and orchitis is seen in 2 to 3
days. This is called Strauss test for glanders. Organisms are
found in the guinea pig's lesions and these can be isolated in
pure form from such lesions. The organisms are rodshaped,
Gram negative, non-sporulating and non-motile and are
isolated on glycerine-agar and potato etc.
Glanders can be divided into the following types:
(i) Nasal glanders
(ii) Pulmonary glanders
(ill) Cutaneous glanders
It may develop in either acute, sub acute or chronic form
in animals. The characteristic lesions in the glandered animals
are pneumonia, nodules or ulcers in the respiratory tract (e.g.,
larynx and trachea etc.), skin and subcutaneous tissues along
lymphatics. Vari-sized nodules in the subcutaneous tissues


- - - - - - - - - -
Bacterial Diseases

of hind limbs, neck, face and liver etc. are called farcy buds.
(i) Nasal Glanders
Submucosal nodules are found on the nasal septum and
these nodules break down to give rise to shallow, crater like
ulcers or erosions which liberate a thick, sticky or oily
yellowish brown discharge. Later, these ulcers turn into
stellate shaped scars. Swelling is noticed in regional lymph
nodes. The ulcers on the nasal septum may have
characteristic punched out appearance. There is an irregular
contour of these lesions with raised or eroded borders. Ulcers
can penetrate into cartilage to cause perforations. The
discharge from the ulcers may be often blood tinged in nature.
Usually isolated ulcers are found in the larynx and trachea.
Ulcers can also be found on the turbinate bones and in the
guttural pouches and Eustachean tubes.
(ii) Pulmonary Glanders
Greyish, firm round encapsulated nodules like tubercles
of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection are found in the lungs.
Diffuse pneumonic changes may be present in such lungs.
The nodules can be found subpleurally like small shots in
the lung parenchyma. The nodules are red at the earliest
stages but later show yellowish centres projecting above the
surrounding red zone of hyperaemia. Later, yellowish grey
nodules are formed in the lungs from such lesions. Capsules
are found in the old lesions. Pleurisy is found with a covering
of fibrinous material. Bronchial and thoracic lymph nodes
may show degenerative changes or abscesses.
Microscopically, the lesions in the lungs show alveoli filled
with leucocytes and the alveolar walls can be seen
disappearing or disintegrating at places. The degenerative
necrotic changes occur in the affected tissues with
appearance of nuclear chromatin as fragmented or scattered
particles (phenomenon of karyorrhexis). At peripheral areas
of such changes, red cells and fibrinous material are found

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

and the surrounding lung tissue is hyperaemic. Endothelioid

cells are seen around these central degenerated areas in the
older nodular lesions. Necrotic centre with surrounding
endothelioid cells can be found marginal to fibrous capsule.
Giant cells are found in such areas and calcification may be
present occasionally. Highly virulent strains of P.mallei
produce acute lesions marked by necrosis and disintegration
of the cellular elements where as endothelioid cells, fibrous
tissue and giant cells are noticed in the less acute lesions i.e.,
subactue or chronic ones.
Conversion of lesions of chronic glanders into acute ones
is seen in cases of acute glanders arising from chronic
glanders. Catarrhal or croupous pneumonia and
haemorrhagic infards are found in the pulmonary glanders
in addition to nodular changes. Such nodular lesions are also
found in the organs like liver and spleen. These nodules may
be firm and grey with central softening in these organs.
Submaxillary lymph nodes are most commonly infected and
show enlargement, oedema and one or two yellowish-grey
centres. Later, these become hard, fibrous and fixed to the
jaw of horses.
(iii) Cutaneous glanders
It is also called farcy. Nodules appear along the
lymphatic channels, particularly often on limbs and break
through the skin discharging a thick, sticky and yellowish
grey pus. Such ulcers heal very slowly. Farcy is characterized
by chronic lymphangitis and lymphadenitis affecting one or
more limbs(especially the hind limbs). Small round nodules
(farcy buds) appear in chains in subcutaneous tissues along
the course of lymph channels. These buds turn into abscesses
which later give rise to ulcers. Such lesions can be found on
face, neck and body of the infected horses.

Bacterial Diseases

It is based on the following :
(i) Symptoms, lesions and detection and isolation of P.
mallei from glanders lesions, nasal discharge, ulceration,
chronic cough, submaxillary lymphadenitis. Cutaneous
lesions help diagnosis of glanders in the affected ani-
(ii) Cultures from the lesions of glanders and performance
of Strauss test in the guinea pigs. These tests help its

Mallein Test
It is done by subcutaneous, intradermo-palpebral,
ophthalmic and cutaneous methods. Intradermo-palpebral
mallein test is the most reliable one. 0.1 ml of concentrated
mallein is injected into the dermis of the lower eyelid about a
one- fourth of inch below the lashes. A voluminous oedema
develops in the positive cases. The oedema is very hot and
painful one.
Direct smears are made from a farcy bud and stained
by Gram's method after fixation over heat. Films are
examined for the presence of slender Gram negative rods.
For cultural examination, pus is inoculated on to blood agar
plates and the plates are examined after 3 - 4 days for the
growth of organisms. Animal inoculation is done to diagnose
glanders. Pus or contaminated material or culture is
inoculated into two male guinea pigs subcutanceously and
examination of guinea pigs is done for the development of
orchitis daily after 3 days. Complement fixation test confirms
its diagnosis.
The treatment of glanders is very costly one and in the
case of confirmation of glanders cases, the authorities should
be informed immediately, in fact, there is no effective

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

treatment. Sodium sulphadiadine has got good effect in

treating experimental glanders, in hamsters. Sulfonamides
are effective in treating glanders in man and laboratory
animals. Penicillin and streptomycin are not effective. Horses
can be treated for atleast 20 days with sulpha drugs. The
treatment of glanders is not advisable in view of threat to
public health. In order to control glanders in horses, the best
procedure is to test horses for glanders and destroy the
positive cases. The mallein test and complement fixation are
done in horses to diagnose glanders.

Leptospi rosis
A bacterial disease of man and animals caused by
organisms of the genus Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae. L.
canicola are the organisms affecting dogs. L. pomona and L.
grippohJphosa (bovis) infect cattle and swine etc. Several other
serotypes of Leptospira spp. have also been identified. The
organisms may be single, helical, flexuous or hooked. They
may have also curved ends.
The important types of leptospirosis are canine
leptospirosis, bovine leptospirosis and procine leptospirosis.
Canine Leptospirosis
Leptospira interrogans and serotypes as L. canicola and L.
ictero/zaemorrhagiae infect dogs. The important signs in these
animals are fever, vomiting, icterus, dehydration, bloody
diarrhoea, increase in E.5.R., albuminuria and debility etc.
The dogs develop nephritis with uraemia. Leptospira can be
found in the kidneys of dogs. The dogs show dehydration
and uraemic breath is recognized in them by smell. Ureamic
smell can be marked in the stomach contents or mucosae of
the mouth at autopsy of fatal cases.
Leptospirosis occurs in acute and subacute phases in

Bacterial Diseases

The main lesions in the acute phases are:

(i) Severe dehydration, icterus, petechiae on the pleura,
peritoneum and nasal and oral mucosae.
(ii) There is shrinkage of the liver cells alongwith dissocia-
tion from each other (disorganization of the hepatic
cells). The liver cells in the hepatic cords break into indi-
vidual ones and disruption of the cells in the hepatic
cords occurs (individualisation). The liver cells are granu-
lar with eosinophilic cytoplasm and hyperchromatic
nuclei. Regeneration is recognized owning to presence
of binucleate cells, hyperchromatic nuclei and mitotic
figures. There are areas of focal necrosis and I
of the bile canaliculi due to bile. Portal vessels are con-
gested and haemosiderin is noticed in the Kupffer cells.
Leptospirae can be found within sinusoids of liver cells
by silver impregnation technique. There is almost no
change in the glomeruli of the kidneys but the epithelial
cells of the convoluted tubules are swollen, granular
and highly eosinophilic. These epithelial cells may be
vacuolated or desquamated into the tubular lumens.
The basement membrane of the tubules can be seen in
some cases and the tubular lumina can be found packed
with eosinophilic epithelial cytoplasmic debris which
may show nuclei with occasional presence of some red
cells: The tubular epithelial cells may show regenera-
tive changes which are evidenced by the presence of
mitoses, hyperchromatic nuclei or multinucleated giant
cells (due to fusion or coalescence of the cells). Lept-
ospirae can be found in the affected tubules by follow-
ing silver impregnation methods for staining the tissues.
The tubules can be seen surrounded by red cells, plasma
cells, lymphocytes and occasional some red cells. Such
cells also diffusely infiltrate into interstitium of the tu-
Spleen and lymph nodes are enlarged and may show
oedema and haemorrhages. Microscopically, paucity of
mature lymphocytes with an apparent increase in vesicular
Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases o/Domestic Animals

cells can be seen in the stained sections of these organs. Red

cells can be found free or inside the macrophages in the
medullary sinuses. There are areas of diffuse haemorrhages
in the fundic portion of the gastric mucosa. Necrosis,
neutrophilic iniiltratiqn and desquamation of the gastric
mucosa can be noticed. Haemorrhages in the submucosa and
less frequently in the muscularis are noticed. Small petechiae
in the intestinal serosae are seen. Haemorrhages and oedema
are also noticed in the heart, submucosa and muscularis of
the urinary bladder, and organs like adrenal glands, pancreas
and gall bladder. Tiny spherical haemorrhages are seen in
the pleural lesions in subacute phase.
Animals recovering from acute phase die later from
development of uraemia. The animals in the subacute phase
of the disease show dehydration, emaciation and uraemic
odour can be marked in the oral mucosae. Icterus and
haemorrhages can be found. The kidneys are grossly enlarged
with usually smooth surface and capsule may be tense, white
or greyish in colour with sometimes haemorrhages in the
renal parenchyma. The kidneys are somewhat firm and are
cut into slices with some resistance and the cut surfaces of
the kidneys are moist and turgid and somewhat bulging.
Petechiae amy be present on the cut renal surfaces. Greyish
masses of firm turgid tissue can be seen at the
corticomedullary junction of the kidneys and these lesions
may more or less obliterate the cortex. Microscopically,
convoluted tubules may show degenerative changes or may
be replaced by large dense masses of cells such as
lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages, occasional
neutrophiles and some red cells. Glomeruli are often spared
or involved only secondarily. Leptospirae can be
demonstrated in the luminae of tubules or epithelial cells
lining the tubules by silver impregnation techniques. Lesions
in the state of the uremia noticed in the affected dogs include
gastric haemorrhages, deposits (Le., calcium in the gastric
mucosa) and calcareous deposits in the wall of the aorta and
larger arteries.
Bacterial Diseases

Bovine Leptospirosis
Leptospiral organisms have been noted in bovines
showing signs of mastitis, fever, icterus, emaciation,
haemoglobinuria, abortion (usually late abortions i.e. abortion
after 6 months), occasional anaemia, transient leucopenia
and death. The principal serotype of leptospira in cattle is
L. interrogans serovar pomana. 30 % of the pregnant infected
cows abort dead foetuses with yellowish brown
discolouration of the placenta. Gelatinous oedema may be
seen between allantois.
Acute septicaemic or chronic nephritic form of
leptospirosis has been noticed in cattle. The lesions are similar
to those of dogs. Icterus and swollen and yellowish liver with
petechiae are found in acute septicaemic form. Haemolytic
anaemia is seen in the diseased cattle. Microscopically, portal
lymphocytic infiltration with splenic haemosiderosis and
centrilobular necrosis are noticed in the livers of the affected
cattle. Hepatic cells dissociation, cholangitis, congestion and
haemosiderosis of the spleen are marked in cattle affected
with the Grippotyphosa serotype. Swelling and
disorganization of the convoluted tubular epithelium are
associated with the presence of bile and haemoglobin in the
tubular lumina. Greyish white focal lesions are seen in the
kidneys and these foci are discrete and scattered through
out the cortex. Microscopically, the epithelial cells of the
tubules are granular and swollen with vacuolated
cytoplasm. Fragmentation of the cytoplasm and detatchment
of the cells can be seen in the tubules. Leucocytes like
lymphocytes and plasma cells can be found around the
tubules. Syncytial giant cells of the Langhan's type can also
be found. Leptospirae can be demonstrated in the epithelial
cells of tubular lumina by silver impregnation method.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Porcine Leptospirosis
Several serotypes of leptospira affect the pigs. Serotype
P01110na is a common type producing disease in the pigs. These
organisms can produce subclinical infection or acute lesions
or changes like hepatitis and icterus. Subacute chronic
nephritis, abortion, still birth or birth of the weak piglets can
occur in the leptospiral infections. Tubular degeneration and
intense focal lymphocytic infiltration can be found in kidneys.
Tubular epithelium and lamina also show leptospirae. The
organisms can be found in the nodules of the lymphocytic
infiltrations. Leptospirae are observed in the urine for some
time. Still born pigs and aborted foetuses are found in the
last third of gestation. The foetuses may be macerated. Focal
necrosis is found in the livers of still born or dead foetuses.
Fresh material is used for diagnosis. Blood examination
is made in early febrile or septicaemic stage of the disease.
Dark ground microscopy is adopted to identify the organisms.
The main methods of diagnosiS are as follows :
1. Direct Examination - Deposits of blood collected at
height of the fever or deposits of fresh urine is exam-
ined by dark ground microscopy to detect leptospirae.
2. Fresh Kidney or Liver Tissue is examined by (i) Dark
ground microscopy and (ii) by Levaditi's methods.
Smears of liver of kidneys can be fixed and stained by
Levaditi method to identify the leptospirae.
3. Biological Examination White guinea pigs are inocu-
lated intraperitoneally with preparations from urine,
kidney or liver tissue. They are observed for 3 weeks.
These animals usually die within 8 to 12 days. Jaundice
and haemorrhage in the lungs, serous membranes and
muscles are found in the dead guinea pigs. Direct ex-
amination of liver and kidneys reveals leptospirae.
4. Cultural Examination For this, fresh kidney or liver

Bacterial Diseases

material and blood at the height of fever is used for cul-

ture on special media like Noguchis or Fletcher's media.
Leptospira spp are isolated from samples like blood, urine
cervico vaginal mucus, body fluids and lesions in the
affected tissue.
5. Elisa, DNA Probes and Microscopic Agglutination
Tests: These tests are performed to confirm the diagno-
sis of leptospirosis in the infected animals.
Leptospirosis in animals like cattle and dogs etc. is caused
by several species of leptospirae. It responds well to treatment
with antibiotics such as Streptomycin and Tetracycline etc.
Dihydrostreptomycin in single dose of 25 mg/kg body can
be used to eliminate the infection from shaders. The treatment
with tetracycline can be carried out for 7 to 10 days. For
controlling leptospirosis, vaccination can be done in large
In order to treat haemolytic anaemia in acute
leptospirosis, blood transfussion @S-10 It/4S0kg b.wt and
@SO-100ml/Skgb.wt gives good results in the infected cattle
and dogs respectively. A combination therapy of
dihydrorestptimycin @ 10-11 mg/kg b.wt twice daily with a
single daily dose of penecillin G @ 10,OOO/kg b.wt or
tetracycline @ 20mg/kg bwt by oral route twice daily is very
effective in dogs suffering from acute leptospirosis.
Calves from immune mothers get passive immunity
through colostrum which lasts 2 to 6 months. The immunity
produced by vaccination may last six months and the
susceptible animals are vaccinated to control this disease. In
short, antimicrobials are used to eliminate infection in the
carriers. Vaccines containing serovars are beneficial for
control of leptospirosis in a particular zone.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

It is a bacterial infection caused by Nocardia asteroides
in man and animals. Bovine farcy is produced by it. In cattle,
bovine mastitis is also caused by Nocardia spp . Infection of
the bovine foetus and placenta causes abortions in bovines.
Lungs, pleura and skin are affected in the dogs and
the organisms are found to localize at places like peritoneal
and pleural cavities, brain and different visceral organs.
Tangled indistinct colonies of the organisms surrounded by
necrotic cellular debris, purulent exudate and granulation
tissue are seen in the lesions caused by Nocardia spp. The
organisms are Gram positive and have also acid fast staining
properties. In bovine farcy, there is a chronic suppurative
granulomatous inflammation in skin lymphatics draining
lymph nodes in the infected limbs. Infection can metastasise
in the organs like lungs, liver, spleen and internal lymph
nodes. Extensive granulomatous lesions are noticed in
nocardia I mastitis in cattle.
Symptoms, lesions and isolation of the organisms from
the lesions establish the infection in animals. The nocardial
organisms are also detectable in the stained sections of the
lesions in the tissues like mammary glands.
Sodium iodide can be used parenterally. The affected
limbs of cattle may be disinfected with proper drugs to control
this disease.

It is a bacterial disease of man and animals caused by
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Koch (1882) demonstrated t)1.e

Bacterial Diseases

casual organisms of tuberculosis. Different types of tubercle

bacteria produce lesions in man, animals and birds. Human
and bovine types of tubercle bacteria infect human beings
wherease fowls are affected by M. avium. Mycobacterium bovis
produces a progressive and fatal infection in cattle, guinea
pigs and rabbits of all ages but in cattle, a progressive type of
infection is not produced by human types. Tuberculosis is
the most frequent disease in cattle but is also noticed in
buffaloes, sheep, goat, pig, dog, cat and horse etc. The
organisms are acid fast and stained by Ziehl-Neelsen method.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is also Gram positive.
Contaminated excretions and secretions from
tuberculous animals infect man and animals either by
ingestion or by inhalation. Urine, faeces and milk from
tuberculous animals contaminate water or food which are
eaten by healthy animals and tuberculosis subsequently
develops in them. Milk in tuberculous mastitis is a dangerous
source of infection to man and calves or young ones fed on
such milk. The tubercle bacilli penetrate through the
pharyngeal mucosae and produce tuberculous lesions in the
pharyngeal and submaxillary lymph nodes. The organisms
may infect the intestinal mucosae and reach mesenteric lymph
nodes to produce tuberculous lesions. No macroscopic lesions
can be seen at the site of penetration of tubercle bacilli in the
mucosae, but the lesions of tuberculosis develop in the
neighbouring lymph nodes due to spread through lymph
channels (called metastasis). Cattle get infected through
inhalation of infected material (droplet infection) with
tubercle bacilli. These droplets containing TB organisms are
present as a fine spray expelled by tuberculous patients
during coughing and on being inhaled, these droplet nuclei
teaming with tubercle bacilli give rise to pulmonary
tuberculosis in the infected animals. Dried dusts rich in
tubercle bacilli produce TB on being inspired by healthy
animals. The organisms enter the alveoli and finally reach
the neighbouring lymph nodes draining lymph from such

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases o/Domestic Ammals

organs and tuberculous nodules are produced in the affected

organs. Congenital tuberculosis is found in calves produced
by cows infected with tuberculous metritis. Bulls suffering
from TB of penis, testicle or epididymis may infect the healthy
cows during service. Infected cows may also spread TB to
bulls. Cutaneous infection of TB rarely occurs. Generalisation
of tuberculosis occurs due to spread of tubercle bacilli by
blood to different sites or organs in the body. TB lesions can
develop in the different organs like lungs, liver, kidneys and
spleen to produce what is termed as generalized tuberculosis.
When the lungs are invaded by innumerable tubercle bacilli
released in the blood, several small tuberculous lesions
develop in the lungs to produce what is called miliary
tuberculosis. Progressive emaciation, capricious appetite and
fluctuating temperature are some important signs of TB in
A tubercle is a characteristic lesion of tuberculosis in
the body of an organism. It starts as a cluster of neutrophiles
surrounding the tubercle bacilli. In a few hours, they are
replaced by more powerful phagocytic cells like macrophages
or cells like epithelioid, endothelioid and reticulo-endothelial
cells. The encircling epithelioid cells engulf the bacteria. Such
cells die and undergo caseous necrosis and more epithelioid
granulation tissue is formed. The epithelioid cells have
abundant foamy, pale acidophitic cytoplasm and their nuclei
are eccentrically placed. When epithelioid cells fuse,
Langhan's types of giant cells are formed. These giant cells
measure about 50 ~ in diameter and their nuclei are arranged
like a wreath or crescent at the periphery of pale acidophilic
cytopla~m. (Fig. ) Other inflammatory cells like lymphocytes
also appear at the scene of infections called infectious
granulomata and the whole lesion, later, gets encapsulated
by connective tissue. Such tubercles show calcification in
cattle and buffaloes etc., but no calcification is seen in birds

Bacterial Diseases

like chickens. A tubercle may exist as a mass of fibrous or

hyaline scar tissue in the case of destruction of the invading
tubercle bacilli. In meningeal tuberculosis, there is a scanty
or fibrinous or fibrinopurulent material on the surface of the
piameter. Firm hard white and grey or yellow nodules are
formed in the organs like liver and lungs. The cut surfaces of
such lesions are yellowish, caseous, dry or solid in
consistency. Chronic proliferative lesions with rare
calcification or caseation are noticed in equine tuberculosis.
In dogs, calcification and caseation are not prominent lesions
but there is diffuse infiltration of epithelioid cells. Tubercle
bacilli produce local cell proliferations to cause formation of
microscopic tubercles, which on fusion with each other, give
rise to macroscopic tubercles (1 mm to 2 cm in diameter) in
an organ. Microscopic tubercles are noticed in miliary
tuberculosis. These nodules grow to the size of millet seeds
and are translucent or grey in colour and are almost of the
same sizes. In short, aT B nodule consists mass of endothelioid
or epithelioid cells and some giant cells of Langhan's types
surrounded by several lymphoid cells. (Fig. 2; p. 199) This
nodular structure is supported by a fibrous recticulum or
fibrous tissue capsule. The enothelioid cells are derived from
reticuloendothelial cells and have a large pale staining
vesicular nuclei and irregular or ill defined bodies. The
Langhan's type of giant cells are produced due to division of
the nuclei of the endothelioid cells. The nuclei in these giant
cells have got a peripheral arrangement and the cytoplasm
is granular or hyaline. The lymphocytes are migrated cells
from the blood vessels invading the tubercles. T B nodules
are non-vascular. Later, necrotic changes with karyorrhexis
of nuclei are noticed at the centre of such nodules. The dead
tissue undergoes caseation i.e., becomes cheese like in
consistency. Lime salts are precipitated into the dead caseated
areas (a kind of dystrophic calcification) to form a substance
of a gritty calcified nature. Such changes at the centre of the
tubercle are accompanied by proliferation of the fibroblasts

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domes tic Animals

at the periphery of the h~sions in order to encapsulate the TB

lesions. Encapsulation tends to isolate the disease processes
and limits their spread into healthy tissues or other organs.
It is based on the following :
(i) Symptoms, lesions and detection and isolation of M.
tuberculosis from tuberculous lesions. TB bacilli are found
in the smears made from the coughed up mucus, milk
sediment, vaginal discharge, urine and faeces etc. Ziehl-
Neelsen's technique is followed to stain the organisms
in these smears. The tubercle bacilli are acid fast rods
which stain red by this technique. The non-acid fast
organisms stain blue. The affected animals show mild
cough and also some rise of temperature (say, 103P).
(ii) Subcutaneous inoculation of the suspected material is
made inside the thigh of the guinea pigs which are usu-
ally killed in 5 to 6 weeks for postmortem examination.
TB bacilli are found in the smears of the lesions in the
body of guinea pigs. Cultures are also done to isolate TB
bacteria from such lesions.
(iii) Tuberculin Test: Intradermal tuberculin test is done to
detect TB in the affected herds of cattle and buffaloes.
Tuberculin or purified protein derivative (P.P.D.) is in-
jected intradermally into the skin of neck. A hot, diffuse
and painful swelling develops at the site of injection of
tuberculin in positive cases.
In short, tuberculosis is diagnosed on the basis of
examination of stained direct smears from tissues (for
example, lymph nodes and lungs showing nodules) by Ziehl-
Neelson's method, cultural examination (inoculation of
suitable preparation of the deposit, say 1 ml, into left leg of
two guinea pigs). Gross lesions of TB are noticed in the related
or regional lymph nodes i.e., lymph nodes draining the
inoculation site. Milk sediment from suspected tuberculous

Bacterial Diseases

udder can be used as an inoculum to be injected into the left

legs of two guinea pigs by the intramuscular route.
Tuberculosis in human beings is treated effectively by
using drugs like Isoniazid and streptomycin etc. But in cases
of animals, the treatment of tuberculosis cannot be safely
advocated in view of public health and economical factors.
In short, it is risky for human beings to remain in contact
with tuberculous animals. Cattle with lesions in the lungs
kidneys and other organs do not show quick response to
treatment and usually die.
Tuberculosis can be controlled in a herd or farms
maintained in public or private sector by following rigid .
eradication programme :
1. Regular testing work in all animals.
2. Segregation of positive rectors from non-reactors.
3. But the positive animals to TB can be sent to concentra-
tion camps meant for such purpose in this country
(India) on account of various factors.
4. Slaughter of positive cases is not considered in view of
different factors (social or religious) in India.
Cases of open tuberculosis which show the organisms
of tuberculosis in their discharges and secretions like urine,
milk etc., must be immeciiately separated from herd and
owners of such milch cattle must be informed about this fact.
Such animals can also be considered for transport to
segregation camps. Nowadays, a lot of several cattle herds
are being maintained in increasing numbers at many places
in small and big cities in india, so a vigorous programme of
tuberculin test should be strictly followed in them. Tuberculin
is used to diagnose tuberculosis in animals and it is injected
into the body intradermally for diagnosis of TB. The
vaccination with B.C.G is costly in young animals but even
the vaccination can be too costly matter for the owner. In

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

short, B.C.G vaccination giving premunity is the only choice

for field use. However, tuberculin test and segregation or
slaughter of positive reactors is the most satisfactory method
of control of tuberculosis. Animals sensitized to some
mycobacterial allergens or allergens as found in Nocardia
spp, advanced tuberculosis, early cases of infected animals,
desensitized animals, following tuberculin test, old age and
tuberculin of low potency etc., are factors for giving false
reactions in execution of tuberculin test in animals.
Johne's Disease (Paratuberculosis)
It is a bacterial disease caused by an acid-fast organism
known as Mycobactrium paratuberculosis (also called M.johnei)
Cattle, sheep, goats and deer are affected by this disease.
The organisms seem almost entirely confined to the lesions
in organs like mesenteric lymph nodes and intestinal mucous
membrane of the infected animals. These are usually found
in the faecal material of the diseased animals or mucosal
tissue pinched from the rectum. But these can also be found
in other organs (e.g., mesenteric lymph nodes or other parts
of small intestine); or also some different lymphoid tissues.
Evidence of Johne's disease is found in the animals of at least
18 months of age and it is usually seen between the age of 3
to 6 years. Ingestion of food and water contaminated with
the faeces or infected material produces this disease in
healthy animals. Young cattle are more susceptible to
infection than old ones. Parturition, lactation and other
factors lowering resistance of animals frequently accelerate
the disease process in the infected aminals. In short, infection
is transmitted by ingestion of contaminated food and water
and JD is mark~d by a long incubation period in the affected
Faeces in the infected animals is thin, watery, foetid and
mixed with gas bubbles. Affected animals are emaciated, dull

Bacterial Diseases

and their bony eminences or ribs are very prominent with a

little subcutaneous fat or adipose tissue in the gelatinized
form. All affected animals suffer from this disease for months
or years and usually die of it. Progressive emaciation and
persistent diarrhoea are important features of
Gross Appearances
The main lesions are as follows :
1. Emaciated carcasses with prominent ribs or bony
eminences (hide bound condition of the skin).
2. The lesions are more common in the ileum in the region
of Peyer's patches or near the ileo-caecal valves. Cae-
cum, colon and rectum also show lesions. The small in-
testinal mucous membrane may be severely thickened
(4 to 5 times of its normal thickness) and is also corru-
gated. The corrugations in the mucosae, run into longi-
tudinal or transverse directions like the convolutions of
the brain. The crests of the folds may show hyperae-
mia. The intestinal mucous membrane is smooth to touch,
shiny in appearance or covered with grey green slime.
The mucous membrane of the intestine is intact with no
necrosis or ulceration in animals (e.g., cattle). The me-
senteric and colic lymph nodes are swollen and
oedamatous. The characteristic observation of JD cases
is chronic enteritis with persistent diarrhoea in the af-
fected animals.

Microscopic Appearance
Proliferation of plasma cells and endothelioid cells is
noticed in the mucosae of the intestinal lesions. There are no
changes in the muscular coat of the intestine. There is a
, disappearance of the normal cells and glands of the intestine
with increasing number of proliferated plasma cells etc., in

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

the mucosae causing swelling or distortion of the villi. The

changes like necrosis and caseation are not noticed in the
intestine affected with Johne's disease in cattle. The disease
process in JD stops at a stage called symplasma stage which
is marked by a partial fusion of the cytoplasm in the
endothelioid calls and appearance of clefts or channels. The
nuclei of the cells are found free in such clefts. The
microscopic sections of the small and large intestines reveal
lamina propria of the mucosa to be packed with epithelioid
cells. These epithelioid cells have foamy cytoplasm and are
often multinucleated. Such cells also cause thickening of the
submucosae but the muscularis mucosae and the muscularis
are left intact. Nests of epithelioid cells are also found in the
mesenteric lymph nodes. Acid-fast rods indistinguishable
from M. paratuberculosis are seen in the epithelioid cells of
the sections of intestines and mesenteric lymph nodes stained
by Ziehl-Neelsen's method. Necrosis and calcification are
noticed in the nodular lesions in the sheep and goats.
It is based on the following facts:
1. Symptoms and lesions with detection of acid-fast
organisms in clumps in the smears from the affected
tissues (say, intestinal mucosae mesentric lymph nodes
or faecal material stained by Ziehl-Neelsen's stain).
Smears are prepared from mucosal material pinched
from rectum. Films of moist faeces are made on the clean
glass slides and stained by Z.N. method to look for acid-fast
2. Performance of Johnin Test
The process is similar to double intradermal test with
tuberculin to detect tuberculosis. 0.2 m1 of Johnin (or avian
tuberculin) is injected into the dermis on the side of the neck.
A diffuse hot and painful swelling appears in 72 hours after
the injection of Johnin. The test is very useful to eradicate JD

Bacterial Diseases

from herds of cattle.

3. Cultural Examination
Suitable preparations of faecal material are sown on to
tubes of serum Dubos agar and reading is taken after 8 - 12
4. JD in the infected animals is confirmed by ELISA, AGID
and CF tests.

Johne's disease is caused by a bacterium which resists
treatment by antibiotics etc. However, streptomycin at the
rate of 25 mg/lb body weight can be given for long period to
have some recovery. Since there is no absolute recovery from
this disease, and as such, an advocacy of Johne's disease
treatment is not economical for farmers. However,
symptomatic treatment can be given to check diarrhoea by
giving drugs like streptomycin and furazolidone etc. In short,
there is no significant and effective drug to treat JD in the
infected animals for the sake of recovery.
Treatment is not an encouraging suggestion because
other animals may get infection from the sick infected
patients. This disease rapidly spreads through contaminated
water and feeds etc., with the faeces of infected animals.
The best way to control Johne's disease is to test the
animals for its diagnosis and all the animals found positive
for the test should be segregated from non-reactors and the
positive animals for JD can be disposed of by sending them
into concentration camps. The method followed in Bihar is
to send the positive reactors into segregation camps. The
excreta or faecal material of sick animal is preferably
incinerated. The animals can be protected from Johne's
disease by adopting vaccination programm~. Proper hygienic
conditions must be maintained in farms to prevent spread of
the condition from animals to animals. Identification and
segregation of JD cases and rigorous vaccination programme

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

are important steps to control the disease in dairy farms.

Salmoneliosis (Paratyphoid Fever)

Salmonella spp.are Gram negative rod shaped organisms
which are incapable to form spores or ferment lactose (non-
lactose fermenters). Many of the organisms produce host
specific diseases in animals. Some salmonellae like S. cJwlerae
suis act like secondary invaders as seen in hog cholera due to
a virus. These organisms produce a disease called
salmonellosis in different species of animals.
Some of the diseases caused by them are as follows :
Table 5. Organisms, hosts and disease casused
Organisms Hosts Diseases caused
1. Salmonella cholerae Swine Enteritis and
suis speticaemia
2. S. typhi Man Typhoid fever
3. S. gallinarum Poultry Enteritis,
septicaemia and
fowl typhoid
4. S. typhimurium Cattle Enteritis
(Salmonellas is )
5. S. pullorum Chicks Entritis,
pullorum disease
6. S. abortus equi Mares Abortion
7. S. dublin Cattle, Abortion, enteritis
swine and and meningitis
8. S. typhimurium and Sheep, goat
9. S. anatum Ducks Enteritis and
Monkeys septicaemia
10. S. abortus ovis Ewes Abortion

Bacterial Diseases

Food poisoning is caused by salmonellae in man. These

organisms produce a powerful, toxin within 18-24 hrs after
intake of infected food and the disease is marked by
gastroentritis, nausea, vomiting, cramps and diarrhoea in
man. It is an important zoonosis.
These are as follows
1. Septicaemia and enterocolitis in neonatal ruminants,
fowls and pigs upto 4 months of age and high case fa-
tality rate.
2. Toxaemia, dehydration, acute diarrhoea, dysentery
fibrinous faecal casts and chronic enteritis.
3. Abortion, dry gangrene of extremities, arthritis and foci
of osteomyelitis.
4. Acute enteritis is noticed in almost all species of ani-
mals. In short, the usual autopsy findings in acute fatal
cases of salmonellosis are enteritis and septicaemia in
the affected species of animals and the clinical signs in
the infected animals are recumbency, weakness, tem-
perature, abortion in pregnant animals, diarrhoea (an
usual sign) and convulsions.
The main lesions are :
(1) Septicaemia and enterocolitis
(2) Presence of mucoenteritis in ileum and colon. The mu-
cosae of the intestine is hyperaemic or haemorrhagic.
Enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes and haemorrhagic
necrotic enteritis are also seen in the infected animals.
(3) The musocae are covered with red yellow or grey exu-
date and even ulcers are formed in the intestines. Mi-
croscopically, haemorrhage, oedema, necrosis and leu-
cocytic infiltration (mainly macrophages) are seen in the
mucosae of intestinal wall. In the livers, there are foci of

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

necrosis and formation of paratyphoid nodules which

consist of aggregates of reticuloendothelial cells like
histiocytes or macrophages etc. The Kupffer cells are
prominent and leucocytes are present in the sinusoids.
There is reticuloendothelial hyperplasia in lymphnodes
and spleen. Haemorrhage and necrosis are seen in me-
senteric lymph nodes. Septicaemia in the animals is
marked by petechiae, ecchymoses on the pleura, perito-
neum, endocardium, kidneys and meninges. Microscopi-
cally, there is fibrinoid necrosis of the vessel walls and
hyaline material is deposited in the glomerular capillar-
ies and small vessels of the dermis. Petechial haemor-
rhages in kidneys, congestion and hepatisation of lungs,
skin discolouration (e.g., as seen in pigs), haemorrhagic
enteritis, putrid odour of the intestinal contents,
diphtheritic pseudomembrane, enlarged mesenteric
lymph nodes and thickened wall of gall-bladder are some
important changes in salmonellosis.
S. Cholerae suis causes villous atrophy in the ileum of
pigs. S. typhimurium causes ulcerative proctitis in swine.
Rectal stricture in pigs is caused due to fibrous thickening of
the submucosa and muscularis anterior to the rectum.
S.abortus equi causes abortion in mares between the 6th and
9th months of pregnancy. The placenta is oedematous and
contains focal haemorrhages and shows necrosis in a few
days. Oedema and haemorrhage are found in the foetus.
Infected young ones are born weak and die, later, within a
few days.
Carrier animals shed salmonellae in the faeces and
transmit the Salmonella spp. to healthy stock of animals.
Symptoms, gross and microscopic lesions alongWith
isolation and identification of the organisms help the diagnosis
of the salmonellosis in the animals. An immunoflourescence

Bacterial Diseases

method is followed for its diagnosis.Antigen-capure

ELISA,Polymerase chain reaction (peR) and DNA probes
are important tests to diagnose the cases of salmonellossis,
Serum ELISA idenfies S.dublin carriers Leucopenia,
neutropenia, hyponitraemia and faecal leucocyte count are
indirect tests of salmonellosis. Important signs and lesions
etc., of salmonellosis in some domestic animals are given for
making differential dignoses (table 6)
Table 6. Some Signs, Lesions and Features in
Salmonellosis of Animals
SI Animals Signs, Lesions and Features etc.
1. Cattle 1. Septicaemia in neonatal ruminants.
Fever,depression, toxaemia dyspnoea,
weakness, diarrhoea and dysentery
etc., are seen in calves.
2. Intermittent diarrhoea in calves
affected with chronic enteritis owing
to salmonellosis.
3. Outbreak in cattle caused by
4. Spread by direct er indirect contact.
5. Milk may be contaminated with
faeces of infected cows.
6. Salmonellae invade the blood of
bovines and cause the persistence of
carrier state subsequent to invasion
of blood by salmonellae.
7. Abortion in cows due to S.dublin
S. Dry gangrene (due to end arteritis) in
the extremities of ears, limbs and tails
etc., in calves.
9. Septicaemia, abortion and enteritis in
cattle and sheep infected with
S.cholerae suis associated with
defiCiency of some mineral or vitamin
in certain geographical zones.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

2. Pigs (swines) 1. Septicaemia in pigs upto 4 months of

age and outbreaks of salmonillosis in
suckling pigs.
2. Enteritis, meningitis, encephalitis,
colitis and pneumonia etc., in
infected pigs.
3. Erosions, necrosis and oedema in
caecal mucosa and slough of necrotic
intestinal mucous membrane.
4. Dark to purple discolouration of skin
and subcutaneous tissue in S. cholerae
suis infection.
3. Goats 1. Peracute septicaemia and acute
enteritis in goats.

Treatment/Management :
B.efore administration of antimicrobial antibiotics, it is
better to find out the drug sensitivity of the organisms in
Antibiotics like ampicillin, oriprim and chloramphenicol
are found to be quite useful. In severe cases, one can
administer intravenously ch1oramph~nicol at the dose rate
of 20 mg per kg body weight six hourly in the animals like
cattle, horse, sheep and pigs.
Nitrofurazone at the rate of 20 mg per kg body weight
can be given daily for 5 days by oral route.
Demulcent and astringent preparation and fluid therapy
can be given in view of factors like dehydration and
imbalances of electrolytes.
Vit. B complex can also be given to patients for quick
recovery. It is very important to have strict hygienic
precautions. The houses should be well ventilated and there
should not be overcrowding in animal sheds. As recovered
cases may exist as carriers, steps should be taken to eliminate
such animals. It is advisable to vaccinate the cows in their
late pregnancy for giving passive immunity to the calves.

Bacterial Diseases

The passive immunity lasts about six weeks. The calves must
be allowed adequate amount of colostrum from their mother
to control salmonellosis in animals. Identification of carrier
animals, restricted movement of animals, clear water supply
hygenic disinfection of buildings, disposal of contaminated
material and vaccination of livestock are important
preventive measures to control salmonellosis

It is also called lumpy jaw in cattle which is caused by
Actinomyces bovis. Cattle and pigs are commonly affected by
these organisms but its infection is rare in sheep and goats.
The organisms seem to enter inside the body of the host
through injuries in the mucosae of the alimentary tract.
Colonies formed by A bovis are gritty to the touch on the cut
surfaces of the lesions in bones or other tissues in the infected
animals. The most marked feature of lumpy jaw is a rarefying
osteomyelitis of jaw bones. Abovis lives in the mouth of cattle
and can also invade and grow in the visceral organs of the
affected hosts.
The lesions in the tissues of animals infected with A
bovis are of a granulomatous kind and the organisms are
found embedded in the granulation tissue or found as
granules in the pus of suppurative lesions. The swollen lesions
may discharge sticky honey like exudates containing minute
hard yellowish white granules called sulphur granules.
In cattle, the jaw bones and its surrounding structures
show the granulomatous lesion or a painless bony swelling
on the mandible and maxillae. Involvement of the tongue is
an occasional incidence. The bones, particularly, the maxillae
and soft structures like gums, palate and tongue show
actinomycotic lesions characterized by granulomatous
reaction. The swellings on the bones are hard and immovable.
Lymph nodes in the vicinity get infected by direct extension.
There is no metastasis via the lymphatic channels as seen in
Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

the cases of actinobacillosis. Suppurative osteitis is found in

the maxillae. A mass of granulation tissue with soft purulent
centres is found in the medullary cavity of the maxillae.
Several sulphur granules are seen in such purulent centres.
The bone adjacent to these growths becomes absorbed and
rarefied and the formation of a new bone on its outside forms-
what is called lumpy jaw. Sinuses leading to the surface of
the skin with discharge of pus develop in such affected areas
(maxillary region). Actinomycosis is found in the mammary
gland of sows. Chronic mastitis is found in such sows.
Firmness or induration and fibrosis of the nodular type with
suppurative changes are found in such affected mammary
glands. Gums and thorax show lesions of A. bovis in the dogs
and cats. Impaired digestion arises from the lesions in the
oesophageal groove. Orchitis and abscesses in the lungs and
brain are noticed in infected cattle.
Microscopically, the stained sections of the lesions of
actinomycosis show a granular centre as a mass of Gram
positive filaments matted together to form a mycelium. This
mycelium is surrounded by a zone of clubs. The filamentous
centre in the old colonies becomes degenerated and has a
structureless granular appearance. (Fig. 3; p. 199)
Dichtomous branching of the filaments in the colonies can
be seen. The clubs appear as a homogenous structure with
swollen ends. Formation of clubs is also known in
botryomycosis (a staphylococcosis). The clubs are usually
Gram negative and mycelial centre is Gram positive in the
sections of the lesions stained by Gram's method.
It is based on the following :
(i) Appearance of lesions (lumpy jaw in cattle), nodular or
firm lesions in the mammary gland in sows and pres-
ence of Gram negative clubs in the Gram positive myc-
elia in the granules in the lesions helps one to diagnose

Bacterial Diseases

(ii) Isolation and identification of A.bovis is done to con-

firm its diagnosis.
(ii) Animal inoculation
Two male guinea pigs are inoculated intraperitoneally
with culture or fresh material. Multiple peritoneal nodules
develop in the infected guinea pigs. These experimental
animals inoculated with Actinomyces bovis. do not die due
its infection.
The following table 7 gives the main differences between
actionmycosis and actionbacillosis.
Table 7. Difference between actinomycosis and
actino bacillosis
Actinomycosis Actionbacillosis
1. The centers of the colonies 1. Gram negative mycelia
containing short rods or center surrounded by gram
branching filaments are gram negative clubs in the colonies
positive with gram negative of A. lignieresi in the stained
clubbed periphery in the stained sections of lesions in the
sections of lesions in the tissues. tissues. The organisms are
In short, actinomyces are gram small and gram negative.
positive but the peripheral clubs
are usually gram negative.
2. Bones (chiefly jaw-bones) and 2. There is a tendency of the
adjacent soft tissues are affected.organisms to attack soft
tissues and lymph nodes.
3. Spread of infection by blood 3. Spread of infection by
channels. lymph channels.
4. Calcification. 4. No calcification
5. Lymph nodes are not affected. 5. Lymph nodes affected.
6. Minute yellowish granules in 6. Minute white flecks or
pus of the abscesses in organs. granules.
7. Animal inoculation. There are 7. Animal inoculation. Male
multiple peritoneal nodules but guinea pige inoculated
no death in the inoculated guinea intra peritoneally with fresh
pigs intraperitoneally with material shows Strauss
actinomyces is seen. reaction and death in 7 days.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

8. Granul ar myceli al centre and 8. Colonie s of A. lignieresi

zone of somew hat less distinc t surrou nded by a zone of
clubs surrou nded by leucocy tes leucocy tes, epithel iod cells and
and fibrobla sts in the stained fibroblasts in stained sectino s
section from the lesions in of lesions are main finding s. A
jawbon es are some main few giant cells may be seen
observa tions. around the finger like clubs of
the rosettes (rose like
structu res) in tissues sections.

It is a chroni c infecti ous diseas e caused by Actinobacillus
lignieresi (an inhabi tant of alimen tary tract) occurr ing mainl y
in cattle . The chara cteris tic lesion in this diseas e is a
granu lomat ous one which occurs in tongue or soft tissues of
head and intern al organs . The organi sm A. lignieresi invade s
the injure d areas in the mouth , phary nx or intesti nes etc., to
enter differ ent kinds of tissue s (espec ially soft tissues ) to
produ ce the lesions. The granul omato us growt h of the tissue
marke d by inflam mation and absces sation in this infecti on
contai ns foci of pus having clubs radiat ing from the centre s
of the masse s called rosettes. Microscopically, these rosette s
are surro unded by giant cells, epithe lioid cells and
neutro philes . The tumou r like mass in the tongu e produ ces
seriou s disabi lity and leads to emaci ation and inanit ion in
the affecte d anima ls. Lingu al actino bacillo sis is notice d in
solipe ds like horses . Granu lomato us lesion s develo p in the
lips and cheek s of sheep infect ed with this organ ism and
may extend into the mucou s memb rane of turbin ates and
soft tissues of head and neck.
The lesion s occur in the tongue , pharyn x, gums, palate
and neighb ouring lymph nodes of the affecte d anima ls. Other
organ s like stoma ch, intesti nes, lungs, liver and skin etc., also
show its lesions. There is an occasi onal involv ement of the

Bacterial Diseases

jaw bone. Metastatic lesions develop by lymphatic stream

and there is a frequent involvement of the lymphatic lymp h
nodes. The granulomas developing in these organs contain
several colonies of the organisms. Grossly, these are firm, hard
and the colonies of the organisms look like yellowish white
specks on the cut surfaces of the granulomas. Finger like
clubs or projections abutting the bacterial colonies are
surrounded by cellular granulation tissue consisting of
epithelioid cells, a few giant cells and leucocytes. Fibroblasts
form masses of fibrous tissue beyond these infiltrating
inflammatory cells. The lesions may be soft and suppurative
in nature. Bacterial colonies form granules in the pus present
inside the granulomas. The granulomas in the submucosa or
muscular tissue or tongue may be equal to peas or hazel
nuts. The affected tongues may be hard or indurated due to
fibrous tissue formation and ulcers may be found in the
submucosae of these organs. Such hard and firm tongues
are called wooden tongues in animals. The enlarged or
distorted tongues may protrude from the mouth. These
lesions may assume the shape of a wart or of a polypoid to
fungoid growth. Tongue lesions usually do not exist in form
of abscesses. Mucosal ulcers or diffuse thickenings of the
submucosae due to granulation tissue can also be found on
the gums or palates and characteristic bacterial colonies are
seen in such lesions. Ulcers of polypoid lesions are also seen
in the pharynx and cirrhotic lesions containing bacterial
colonies are noticed in the internal organs. The lungs contain
fibrous growth or sponge like cavities. Chronic pleuritis with
extension of fibrosis along the interlobular septa occur in
the lungs. Lymphatic nodes draining such areas also become
infected and show nodules on their cut surfaces.
In short, the typical granulomatous, lesions of the
actinobacillosis consists of the following facts:
(i) Small Gram negative colonies at the centers of the gran-
ules surrounded by a zone of Gram negative clubs (like
Indian clubs). These clubs are radially arranged with

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

their ends outwards to form a palisade around the colo-

nies of A. lignieresi. The organisms can be found be-
tween these clubs and stain blue in the sections staind
by Ziehl-Neelsen's method. The clubs stain red with
carbol fuchsin used in this method.
(ii) There is a discharge of pus to the exterior from granulo-
matous lesions in the soft tissues like tongue.
Its diagnosis is based on the following :
1. Appearance of the granulomas in organs like tongue
(wooden tongue) and presence of granules in the pus of
the suppurative lesions. Inability to eat properly and
excessive salivation is noticed.
2. Detection of Gram negative bacilli in the smears pre-
pared from the crushed granules. A small sample of pus
is examined for the presence of granules. Presence of
lymphadenitis, snoring and enlarged retropharyngeal
lymph nodes helps its diagnosis.
3. Isolation and identification of A. lignieresi by cultural
4. Presence of ulcers on the surface of the palate and thick-
ened interlobular septa in the lung or pleurae:
5. Animal Inoculation.
Two'male guinea pigs are inoculated intraperitoneally
with culture or fresh pus. Strauss reaction is given by
Actinobacillus spp. and infected guinea pigs die in about 7
Treatment of Actinomycosis/Actinobacillosis
For treating actinomycosis/actinobacillosis, the use of
iodides is a standard procedure. Iodide reduces the severity
of fibrous tissue reaction. Potassium iodide (6 to 10 gms/
with Sodabicarb 10 gm) are given per day for the period of
7 to 10 days orally in the form of drench to cattle. This is

Bacterial Diseases

continued till iodisim develops and this state of iodisim can

be recoganised by lacrimation, anorexia and development
of dandruff. Sodium iodide as 5 to 20% solution (lgm/12kg
body weight) can be injected IjV through slow drips. Such
administration of drug can be repeated and it can not be
given in the advanced stage of pregnancy. Antibiotics like
streptomycin can be given in high doses for 6 to 8 days. There
can be adoption of one course of Potassium Iodide or one
injection of Sodium Iodide for curing lesions in soft tissues.
Sulphonamides are of greater value in the treatment of
The treatment can be repeated once or twice after 10 to
14 days of interval in cases of bony lesions. Bony lesions rarely
disappear and exist in a subsided state. Animals receiving
Sodium Iodide may show reaction like restlessness, dyspnoea,
tachychardia and staggering. Sodium Iodide can also be
given by si c route and is suitable for sheep. In cattle, it causes
severe irritation and swelling at the site of injection. Triple
sulph can also be given @ 1 gm per 15 lbs body wt. per day
for 4 to 5 days. Other drugs like isoniazid (3 to 5 mgms per lb
body wt.) can be given orally for 2 to 3 weeks. Treatment is
discontinued with onset of iodism. Avoid contamination of
feed, troughs and pasture to control this disease.
Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumona (CB PP)
It is a highly contagious disease of cattle caused by
pleumorphic Mycoplasma mycoides (sub sp. mycoides). The
causative agent Mycoplasma mycoides sub sp. mycoides exists
in acute, sub-acute or chronic cases of CBPP in cattle.
Pneumonia, serofibrinous pleurisy and oedema of the
interlobular septae of the lungs are found in the affected
animals. The organism (a mycoplasma) is isolated from the
blood and tissues like lungs and thoracic exudates and some
forms of mycoplasma are also filterable. An infection of
healthy animals can occur due to inhalation of the organisms
expelled by the infected animals and the carrier animals are

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

called lungers. Such animals have some infected foci in their

lungs. A focus can exist as a sequestrum equal to the size of
a pea or a large orange. Such focus also possesses a fibrous
capsule but the capsule breaks down or bursts and viable
organisms escape into the bronchi and get expelled with the
expectorate. Contaminated discharge into air may infect in
contact animals. The incubation period ranges from 3 to 6
weeks and mortality may vary from 10 to 15 per cent. Direct
contact of the diseased animals with healthy ones spreads
the infection. Adult cattle are more susceptible than calves
under 12 months of age. An attack of the natural infection
of CB PP is followed by a stong immunity in cattle and
vaccination has an important role in its control. CBPP has
been reported in Asiatic countries.
Animals affected with acute form of the disease show a
rise in temperature, rapid respiration, a rough coat, anorexia
and a dejected appearance. There is a laboured breathing in
the affected animals which may also show grunting.
Symptoms are less marked in sub-acute or chronic cases and
recovered animals are potential carriers. In the acute disease,
there is a dry and painful cough, laboured breathing and
dyspnoea in the sick cattle. The young calves show swelling
of the joints, polyarthritis. The infection spreading to foetus
and placenta in the pregnant animals can cause abortion.
Rare natural infection of CBPP is noticed in buffaloes and
The main lesions are as follows :
(i) Lymphatics bring the infection to the lungs which
show lesions of bronchopneumonia or pleuropneumonia.
The lesions which may be firm or prominent may occur in
one or both lungs. Yellowish white thickened septae around
various coloured lobules of lungs impart a marbled

Bactenal Diseases

appearance to the pulmonary parenchyma. The interlobular

septae contain clear straw coloured exudate (i.e., lymph).
Later, the fluid may be gelatinized and fibrotic changes (called
organization) causes thickening of the interlobular septae.
The lymphatics in the septae may be dilated and prominent
enough to be visible to the naked eyes imparting a beaded
appearance to the septae. Fibrinous pneumonia develops in
the lungs. Red, gray or orange coloured lobules can be found
in the lungs causing marbled appearance of the pulmonary
tissue. Thrombosis causes deep red haemorrhagic infarcts in
the lobules of the lungs. Later, pleurisy of serofibrinous nature
marked by a clear yellow brown fluid containing fibrinous
pieces develops in the thorax and pleurae may be thickened
or firm with development of adhesive lesions in the thorax.
Necrotic pulmonary tissue is surrounded by fibrous capsule
to form what is called a sequestrum. Small sequestra get
absorbed but bigger ones communicate with bronchioles
leading to expulsion of infected droplets during expiration
on coughing. When the thorax is opened, the lungs do not
collapse. The lobules may reveal both patent alveoli, and
the interlobular septae are distended with amber coloured
fluid but there may be complete consolidation in others.
Infiltration of lymphocytes and plasma cells etc., can be seen
around the bronchi and blood vessels. Round cell infilbation
can be seen in the portal triads and the liver cells near the
central veins may show necrotic changes. In the spleen, the
germinal centres are enlarged with decrease in the number
of mature lymphocytes. The plasma cells may be found in
increased numbers. Red blood cells and blood pigments are
found in excess in the sections of spleen.
It is based on the symptoms or lesions in the diseased
animals and detection of the mycoplasma (i.e., M. mycodies)
in the smears from the pleural fluid by dark ground
illumination. Organisms are to be isolated for the sake of

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

confirmatory diagnosis. A histopathological examination also

aids the diagnosis and complement fixation test and FAT
are also useful in detecting infection in the suspected cases.
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is useful in identifying
the specific organism in the infected patients.
For treating contagious bovine pleuropnuemonia, the
drugs like streptomycin, chloramphenicol and terramycin are
quite useful ones. Tylosin tartarate 2 to 5 m1 per pound body
wt. should be given to animals if m every six hours.
For controlling CBPP tail tip vaccination with natural
lymph or culture can be done. A live attenuated vaccine is
also available which can be given in a dose of 0.2 m1 at the
ear tip. Immunity conferred lasts about six months. The
animals recovered from the disease are in immune state. For
effective control free movements of such cases to healthy
areas should be discouraged. Animals can also be tested for
CBPP and the positive ones can be slaughtered or disposed
of. Infected animals are not usually treated and more stress
is given on vaccination, establishment of disease free herds
and controlled movement of the infected case to control the
spread of this disease.
It is a pathological toxaemic condition caused by
different kinds of Clostridium perfringens types (A, B, C and
D etc.) in domestic animals. Pulpy kidney disease, lamb
dysentery, struck and enterotoxic haemorrhagic enteritis are
some of the diseases caused by these organisms. Cl. perfringens
type A has been isolated from the cases of diarrhoea in horses
and pigs. The details of some diseases are as follows :
(i) Pulpy Kidney Disease (PKD)
It is a disease of fattening lambs, adult sheep, calves
and goats caused by Clostridium perfringens type D. The

Bacterial Diseases

organisms which proliferate in the intestine, liberate epsilon

toxin and damage vascular channels and nervous tissues.
Nervous symptoms and sudden death happen in the affected
animals. This bacterial infection may last over half to few
hours. Heads are pushed against the solid objects and
convulsions, depression, opisthotonus, respiratory distress,
diarrhoea, abdnominal pain and comma are seen in the sick
animals. The organisms are found in the intestine and liberate
strong toxins to cause death. Lambs (3-10 weeks of age) and
goats of all ages are affected by it. Animals in good health or
on a rising plane of nutrition are easy targets of its infection
Cl. perfringens type D produces a toxin called epsilon.
Table 8 gives important information about toxins released
by clostridial species and their pathologic effects produced
in different animals.
Table 8. Diseases Produced by Clostridial Species, the
Toxins Released and Pathologic Effect in the Infected
Species Disectses Toxins Released Pathological
Produced Effects
1.C;Zostridiu Black 1. Alpha toxin 1. Necrotic and
m chauvoei quarter (a Dnase) haemolytic changes
(black leg) 2. Beta toxin by alpha toxin
Animals 3. Gamma toxin 2. Cardiac myositis
susceptible (a hyaluronidase) and death by lethal
cattle and 4. Delta toxin (a toxin produced by
sheep haemolysin) Cl. chauvoei
5. A lethal toxin
2. Clotridium Enterotoxae 1. Alpha toxin 1. Gas, gangrene,
prefrigens miain produced by Cl. food poisoning and
(type A) lambs, perfringens type A enterotoxaemia in
cattle, lambs cattle, goats
goats, and horses.
horses and 2. Necrosis,
pigs etc. haemolysis and
increased vascular
permeability caused
by alpha toxin
Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domes tic Animals

Cl. Bovine 1. Beta toxin. 1. Icterus, hepatic

haemolyticum bacillary infards, venous
haemoglobi thrombosis and
nuria. haemoglobiluria.
Cl. novyi Black 1. Alpha toxin 1. N ecrotising and lethal
disease is produced by toxins produced by Cl.
caused by Cl. novyi type novyi
Cl. novyi A. 2. Alpha and beta
typeB 2. Alpha and toxins have necrotising
insheep beta toxins. haemolytic and lethal
and wound produced by toxic effects
infections Cl. novyi 1. Cl. novyi type C is
in many type B. non-toxigenic
species. 3. Cl. nOV1ji 2. Anaerobiasis is
type C. created by migrating
flukes like Fasciola spp.
and Dicrocoelium spp.
favouring growth of Cl.
novyi and release of
necrotizing toxins for
liver cells by this
Cl. sordelli Wound
gangrene in
Cl. tetani Tetanus in 1. Tetano- 1. Tetanospasmin
many spasmin. travelling along the
species. 2. Tetanolysin peripheral nerve trunks
(a reaches the central
haemolysin). nervous system to
3. produce spasms.
Nonspasmodi Haemolysis is caused by
c toxin. tetanolysin. Non-
spasmogenic toxin
interferes with motor
nerve functions.

Bacterial Diseases

Cl. Lamb Alpha, 1. Lamb dysentery

perfringens dysentery. beta and enterotoxaemia in
type B epsilon- calves and foals etc.
toxins 1. Necrosis and vascular
produced. permeability
produced by beta and
epsilon toxin.
Cl. Struck. Alpha 1. Enterotoxaemia
perfringens and beta (necrotic enteritis) in
typeC toxins lambs, goats, cattle, pigs,
produced. struck in adult sheep.

Cl. Pulpy Alpha 1. Enterotoxaemia (pulpy

perfringens kidney and kidney disease) in sheep,
typeD disease. epsilon goats and cattle.
toxins 2. Epsilon toxin causes
produced. vascular permeability and
tissue necrosis.
Cl. No Alpha 1. Enterotoxaemia in
perfringens significant and iota calves and lambs.
typeE infection. toxins 2. Iota toxin increases
produced. vascular permeability and
necrotic changes caused.
Cl. Malignant 1. Alpha 1. HaemolysiS and
septicum oedema toxin. necrosis caused by alpha
and toxin
braxy in
Cl. Bovine 1. Beta 1. Icterus, hepatic infarcts,
haemolyticu bacillary toxin. venous thrombosis and
m haemoglob haemoglobiluria
Cl. botulinum Botulism in Botulism in man
Cl. botulinum many 1. Type A Limber neck in fowls
type A species. toxin. Lame sickness (loin disease)
Cl. botulinum 2. Type B in cattle due to chewing of
type B toxin. decomposed bones (called
Cl. botulinum 3. Type C pica) in phosphorus
typeC toxin. deficiency.
Cl. botulinum 4. Type D
typeD toxin.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

The following are the main lesions produced by Cl.
perfringens type D :
(i) Petechial and ecchymotic haemorrhages are seen sub-
epicardially and sub-endocc;trdially. Such haemorrhages
are also present on the serosal surfaces of the intestine,
abdominal muscles, diaphragm and thymus.
(ii) Hydropericardium.
(iii) Hyperglycemia, glycosuria, distension of the rumen,
retilculum, abomasum and lower intestine by gas.
(iv) Mild catarrhal gastroenteritis and presence of bloody
intestinal contents.
(v) Distended gall bladder as a sign of digestive
(vi) Pulpy kidneys. The kidneys of dead animals examined
soon after death show a blotchy appearance and con-
gested cortex. The kidneys, later, disintegrate and break
down into a soft pulpy mass (called pulpy kidneys). This
characteristic feature is valuable in the autopsy of dead
animals conducted a few hours after death. But a cau-
tious opinion is required on a carcass of a long dead
(vii) Nervous lesions i.e., lesions in the central nervous sys-
tem like malacia of the basal ganglia, substantia nigra,
thalamus and demyelination in subcortical white mat-
ter and cerebral peuduncles are found.
(1) Examination of the stained thin smears of intestinal
contents, any inflamed or ulcerated areas by Gram's
method to detect presence of clostridial organisms.
(2) Mouse toxin test and demonstration of epsilon toxin.
Mice are injected I/V 0.03 m1 of the supematant material
or mixture of the suspected contents of the intestine. These

Bacterial Diseases

experimental animals are observed for 15 minutes and again

after 24 hours. Deaths in the mice within 3 minutes are due
to nonspecific factors, shock or air emboli etc.
(3) An ELISA is quite specific to confirm its diagnosis.
PKD is a toxaemic condition caused by Clostrudium
perfringens type D growing in the intestine of the animal.,
and is marked by diarrhoea, convulsion etc., and as such,
the treatment is adopted in light of the aforesaid facts. Anti-
epsilon anti-toxin is very effective in such enterotoxaemic
Hyperimmune serum is quite beneficial for the sick
animals. Sulphadimidine and penicillin can be given orally
to animals. Absorbent can also be given to produce chelating
effects against toxins. It is better to give kaolin and calcium
for having such effects.
The ewes should be vaccinated prior to 6 weeks and 2
weeks before lambing in order to have two vaccinations. The
revaccination can be done in the subsequent year. Colostrum
provides passive immunity to the newly born ones (e.g.,
calves). After vaccination, no immunity can be found in
calves up to the period of 10 days.
The vaccine used is an activated alum precipitated
toxoid. A multiple vaccine consisting toxoid of
enorotoxaemia, tetanus, black leg and braxy can be used.
Clostridium Perfringens Type-A Enterotoxaemia
It is an enterotoxaemia of short duration in the lambs
and calves with a very high rate of mortality.
Icterus, haemolytic anaemia and haemoglobinuria are
the main signs in the affected animals in the haemolytic form

Advanc ed Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

of Cl. perfringens type A infection. Some other impor tant signs

are severe depres sion, collap se and dyspn oea in sick anima ls.
The main lesion s are :
(i) Exessi ve perica rdial fluid
(ii) Dark kidney s
(ill) El1larged pale and friable liver, hydro perica rdium and
pulmo nary oedem a
(ill) Extens ive necrot ic chang es in the intesti ne

Lamb Dysentery
(Cl.perfringens type B entero toxaem ia)
It is an entero toxaeI ria caused by Cl. perfringens type B.
Lambs less then two weeks of age are affected. Foals and
calves also suffer from it. Lambs are reluct ant to suckle , lie
down and show signs of abdom inal pain. Faece s are
semifl uid, brown ish and may have blood. Recum bency , coma
and death within 24 hours after the onset of sympt oms are
notice d in the diseas ed anima ls.
Patho logy
Presen ce of haemo rrhagi c enteri tis with ulcera tion,
petech iae and ecchy moses are seen on serous surfac e of
epica rdium and endoc ardiu m. Exces sive amou nt of
perica rdial fluid is also found . In acute diseas e, the conten ts
are blood staine d. In short, the main lesion s are haemo rrhagi c
enterit is and ulcera tion.
Cl. perfringens type C Enterotoxaemia
It is a type of entrot oxaem ia caused by Cl. perfringens
type C in adult sheep and is known as struck marke d by
sudde n death. Haem orrhag ic entriti s and ulcera tive chang es
are found in the mucos ae of the duode num and jejunu m.
Presen ce of perito nitis with a large volum e of clear fluid is

Bacterial Diseases

noticed in the peritoneal cavity. Type C enterotoxaemia is

also noticed in lambs and goats. Both alpha and beta toxins
are produced by Cl. perfringens type C.
Enterotoxic Haemorrhagic Entritis
It is also a type of enterotoxaemia caused by
Cl.perfringens type C in calves and lambs. Enterotoxaemia is
caused in suckling piglets, usually during the first week of
life. Diarrhoea and haemorrhagic enteritis with ulceration
are noticed in calves and lambs.
Haemorrhages also occur in epicardium and thymus.
Piglets die within 12 to 48 hours. Depression, dehydration,
diarrhoea (blood often present) haemorrhagic lymphadenitis
of draining lymph nodes, serosanguinous fluid in the
peritoneal, pleural and pericardial cavities are main
pathological changes. Haemorrhage is seen in the epicardium,
endocardium and kidneys of the sick piglets.
Another type of Cl. perfringens type E is found in lambs
and calves. This organism is of no significance.
Enterotoxaemia is a toxic disease in animals like sheep,
calf and goat etc. The patients can be given hyperimmune
antiserum. Calf can be given 25 ml of antiserum si c. Annual
vaccination can be done by using vaccine and immunity
conferred lasts over 9 months.
The patients can be given broad-spectrum antibiotics
like chlortetracycline hydrochloride and terramycin in
drinking water. Absorbent can also be given for having
chelating effects in the alimentary tract of sick animals.
The enterotoxaemia in cattle can be controlled by regular
vaccination of toxoid in time. The enterotoxaemia vaccine is
polyvalent one and can be given in doses of 1 cc sic.
Supportive treatment such as fluid therapy, haematinics and
Vit B. complex may be used.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Black Leg
Synonyms, Black quarter, Langari (Hind i)
It is a highly fatal and febrile bacterial disease caused
by Clostridium chauvoei in ruminants (particularly cattle) and
characterized by swollen and emphysematous or crepitating
lesions of the muscles and subcutaneous tissues in some
region in the bodies such as the shoulder or the hind quarter
of the affected animals. The infectious myositis is the most
marked lesion. The organisms exist in the soils and are also
found in large numbers in the local muscle lesions and
exudates around such lesions. Young cattle on high plane of
nutrition between the age of six months to two years are
chiefly affected by this disease. Grazing infected animals
suffer from lameness, depression, anorexia and ruminal stasis
etc. Outbreaks of black quarter have been found in sheep of
all ages after lambing, docking and castration etc., and this
disease occurs as an wound infection in the sheep. Horses
are refractory. Ruminants in good nutritional state fall victims
to this infection. Cl. chauvoei are Gram positive and may have
central or subterminal spores. BQ patients die of severe
toxaemia and myonecrosis of skeletal or cardiac muscles.
It occurs as an acute disease usually with a fatal ending.
Animals are found dead without showing signs of illness.
There is a characteristic extension of the limbs a short time
after death of the affected animals. Lameness is noticed in
the sick animals. High temperature (106F), increased pulse
rate (lOO-120/min.) are seen in the sick animals. Sheep reveal
myositis, lameness and depression in the cases of Cl. chauvoei
The local lesions occur mainly in some muscular parts
of the body and these lesions are found in the shoulders,
hin~ quarters, neck, back and loins etc. Lesions of black

Bacterial Diseases

quarter do not occur below the hock or knee in the

ruminants. These lesions in the muscles are hot, painful
insensitive (cold) and (painless). Blackened, soft,
emphysematous and necrotic muscles infiltrated with gas
bubbles produce a crackling sound as heard from application
of pressure on them. Affected animals die within 24 to 40
hours. A large amount of blood stained fluid or dirty red
exudate escapes from the oedematous tissues. Bubbles of gas
are found in the exudate. The affected muscles are dry, black
or of dark colour with dissection of the muscle by infiltrating
gases because of bacterial growth. An odour of rancid or
sweetish butter is emitted by the muscular lesions and the
adjoining lymph nodes are swollen. Serous cavities contain
blood tinged fluid and internal organs show degenerative
changes. Microscopically, the affected muscles show spherical
spots (gases) separating muscle bundles and fascia. The
muscles show areas of necrosis and collections of neutrophiles
and lymphocytes along the muscle septae. Gram-positive
bacteria are seen singly or in small irregular clumps in the
muscles. The skin over the affected muscles shows dryness,
cracks and discolouration etc.
It is based on the clinical symptoms and the
characteristic crepitating lesions in the muscle of the black
quarter cases. Culture from needle biopsy is done to isolate
the causative bacteria. The organisms of black quarter can
be seen in the smears of the exudate and can also be isolated
in cultures of the infected materials. Guinea pig inoculation
is done to confirm diagnosis of black quarter. Impression
smears from peritoneum or liver capsules show the bacteria
in ones, twos or threes but not in long chains. There is no
tendency to form long chains as seen in the case of Cl.septique
infection. The organisms of black quarter have rounded ends
and occasional spores near the ends of the bacterial bodies.
Fluorescent antibody test identifies the causative bacteria in
the muscular lesions.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Treatm entl Manag ement

Anima ls are given parent erally penici llin by ilv route
to have quick effects. Tetracycline can also be tried by i/v or
intrap eriton ealy or by i/ m route. Since it is a bad toxaem ic
condit ion with high fever, antiall ergic and antipy retic drugs
should be given. In the cases of abscesses in glutea l muscl es,
the absces ses should be opene d and prope rly draine d and
washe d antise pticall y with betadi ne lotion. Penici llin inj. may
be given aroun d the abscesses to facilitate quick healin g of
the wound s.
Contr ol
In enzoo tic areas, all cattle betwe en 6 month s and 2
years of age should be vaccin ated with BQ vaccin e before
onset of monso on. Monso on rains and inclem ent weath er
increa se the suscep tibility of cattle. Anima ls can be given
vaccin es by si c and the immu nity lasts for about 6 month s
to one year. The movem ents of anima ls from infecte d areas
shoul d be contr olled and there shoul d be const ant
survei llance to check the diseas e. Vaccin es should also be
given to sheep about 2 to 3 weeks before sheari ng.
The dead bodies of the infected anima ls are buried deeply
in order to preve nt spread of infection. Practic e of follow
annua l revacc ination progra mme in enzoo tic areas is highly
recom mende d to comba t with the black quarte r in anima ls
in time.
The vaccin ation schedu le of BQ vaccin e is as follows:
BQ vaccine- a Dosage Cattle, Remar ks
monov ac (inacti vated buffaloes and pi vaccin ation at 6
culture of calves 2ml si c month s or above
Cl. chauvoei) with annual
revacc inaiton
Tetanus (Lock Jaw)
It is an infecti ous fatal diseas e of all domes tic anima ls

Bacterial Diseases

caused by Clostridium lelani. The organisms are Gram positive

and have terminal spores. The toxin produced by Cl. lelani is
absorbed from the site of its production, travels along the
peripheral nerves and exerts action on the motor nerve cells
of the cord to cause spasmodic contractions of muscles in
the body. State of hyperaesthesia, opisthotonus and enhanced
reflex excitability are produced in cases of tetanus.
Tetanospasmin and tetanolysin, two toxins produced by the
tetanus bacilli which induce the toxaemic state and
haemolytic changes. Red cell are haemolysed by tetanolysin.
The organisms are frequently found in the alimentary tract
of horses. Cl. lelani is found confined to the wounds and toxins
produced therein cause symptoms i.e., tetany or convulsions
are noticed in the infected animals. Horses are most often
affected and the disease lasts 3-10 days in them. Sheep (on
being castrated or docked) and cattle with the wounds in
their bodies suffer from this disease. Fowls are resistant to it.
Contaminated nails or instruments which have injured the
animals, may cause tetanus in them. Dirty contaminated
objects infect wounds in the body with appearance of
symptoms like tetanic spasms and arrested respiration. A
wound is found in the cases of tetanus but in an idiopathic
tetanus, no wound or no history of injury is found in the
body of the patient. Tetanus is found in animals during and
after parturition and in young animals with unhealed
infected umbilicus and its\ incubation period varies four days
to 3 weeks. Death is noticed in 3-5 days from the onset of
symptoms. Carnivorous animals rarely suffer from tetanus.
These are as follows :
Animals Signs
Horses Erection of the ears and the tails, rigidity or
spasms of the muscles, visibility of the
membrana nictitans, lock jaw and presence of
umbilical wounds in new born foals.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Pigs Tetanic spasms and presence of castration

wounds, if any.
Cattle Tetanic spasms and presence of wounds of
castration or nose ringing, umbilical wounds
and infected genital tract after calving.
Sheep Tetanic spasms, presence of wounds following
castration and docking and opisthotonus in

There are no specific lesions in cases of tetanus. Patches
of hyperaemia are noticed in the spinal cord, medulla and
along the peripheral nerves. Only local wounds as generation
sites of tetanus toxins can be found in patients.
It is based on the following:
(i) Symptoms (almost similar symptoms noticed in all ani-
mals) and detection of Gram positive rods with termi-
nal spherical spores in the smears prepared from the
(ii) Isolation of the organisms in culture from pus or wound
discharge and identification of the isolate.
(ill) Inoculation of mice or guinea pigs with material from
the wound or culture of the organisms. In this test, the
control is one which has been given a prophylatic dose
of antitoxin.
The tetanus is a toxaemic condition. It is very difficult
to treat it after the appearance of the symptoms. Horses and
sheep respond poorly to treatment but treatment leads to
recovery in cattle.
For treating tetanus, the steps adopted are the following:

Bacterial Diseases

(i) Elimination of causative agents by using suitable antibi-

(ii) Neutralization of the residual toxin in the body.
(ill) Relaxation of muscle spasms and avoidance of asphyxia.
(iv) Maintenance of hydration and nutrition.
It is proper to find out the site of wound or infection in
the body which is thoroughly cleaned and dressed with
antiseptic solution (for this, hydrogen peroxide is preferred).
The antitetanus serum is used to check tetanus intoxication.
If the A TS is given with the onset of tetanus, it has got
laudable effects. The ATS can be given by sic or i/v route.
3,00000 LU. of ATS can be given 12 hourly to horses upto a
maximum of three injections. Antibiotics like penicillin and
terramycin can destroy the organisms in the body.
Chloralhydrate can be given orally (i.e., 30 gm) and Magsulph
(20 to 25%) can be given s/ c to tetanus patients.
Chloropromazine can be used i/m @ 1 mg/Kg body wt at
the interval of 8 - 12 hours till the disappearance of tetany.
Animals should be kept in the house comfortably in a quite
place. Sound, noise and sunlight should be avoided to lessen
irritability in tetanus in the animal patients. Use of enema
and catheterization reduces animal discomfort. Animals can
be fed by stomach tube or by if v injection.
In order to control tetanus, strong aseptic conditions
during operation or in treatment of wound should be
adopted. Protective vaccination (toxoid injection) of costly
animals can be done in the cases of presence of wound on
the body caused by trauma etc.
The immunity in tetanus lasts a year and it can be
maintained for an other year by next injection of toxoid. Use
of antitoxic immune serum confers passive immunity in the
animals and such immunity lasts a few weeks.
Castration and dockings etc., should be done very
carefully to avoid contamination of the wounds. In short,

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

aseptic precautions ward off tetanus infection in animals.

Malignant Oedema
It is bacterial disease of horses, sheep and cattle caused
by Clostridium septique which is quite ubiquitous in nature
with its presence in the cultivated soil or intestinal tract of
herbivores. These organisms are Gram positive and may
produce infection in animals by entering the tissues of the
body through the skin or mucosal wounds. Organisms like
Cl. chauvoei, Cl. perfringens, Cl. sordelli and Cl. novyi have been
isolated from the cases of malignant oedema.
Lowered resistance of the mucosae favours the
penetration of the organisms in the body. The organisms are
common postmortem invaders. Human beings are vary
susceptible to CI.septique infection and the organisms are
found in gas gangrene associated with war wounds.
Shearing, docking or faulty parturition may be followed by
malignant oedema. Animals of all ages and species are
affected by Cl. septique.
This disease has a short duration. The lesions are hot
and painful at site of infection. The wounds, later, become
oedematous, less painful and cooler. Gas bubbles or
haemorrhages are seen inside the lesions. There is often,
development of septicaemia. The lungs may be congested or
oedematous. Oedema of subcutaneous and intermuscular
tissues around the site of infection or gangrenous areas in
the skin are important lesions in the cases of gas gangrene.
It is based on the symptoms and lesions. The organisms
are readily demonstrable in affected tissues and found to form
long coiling filaments on the peritoneal surface of the liver of
the guinea pigs inoculated with Cl .septique. In Cl. chauvoei
infection, single or organisms in short chains are seen in the

Bacterial Diseases

liver impression smears of the infected experimental cases.

FAT is conducted to confirm its diagnosis.
Malignant oedema is a toxaemic disease of cattle, horse,
sheep, goats and swines etc. The disease responds well to
therapy to penicillin or broad spectrum antibiotics. Antitoxin,
if available, can also be used. The wounds in the body of the
animals should be treated with H 20 2 (hydrogen peroxide).
Cold pack is used over the site of wound to minimize the
absorption of toxins.
In order to control the disease, the following steps are
to be adopted:
(1) Antiseptics like acridine dyes and betadine lotion etc.
can be used for dressing the wounds.
(2) Lambing, shearing, castration and docking should take
place under hygienic conditions.
(3) Vaccination can be done in the calves.
(4) Penicillin must be given in adequate doses to reduce the
(5) When there is a development of high fever in malignant
oedema with toxaemia, antipyretics and corticosteroids
can be administered.

It is a toxaemia called food poisoning in man and animals
characterized by the symptom of paralysis. This disease in
poultry is known as limberneck. A soluble exotoxin
(neurotoxin) is produced by it and the disease produced is
not an infection but a state of intoxication. Botulism in man
has been caused by eating sausages or decomposed animals
products. This organism exists in the soil or nature as a
saprophyte Cl. botulinum B, C and D are associated food
poisoning in animals.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

The main types of Cl. botulinum are as follows:

The aforesaid types are serologically distinct and the
toxin of anyone is not neutralized by antitoxin of the other.
The toxins produced by different Clostridial species are given
in the table 8. No signs are seen in the peracute cases of
The course of the disease depends on the amount of toxin
ingested and incubation period ranges from a few hours to
10 days.- Affected animals die in a few hours. Muscular
weakeness, paralysis of the jaw is noticed. No fever is seen
but the prostration of the body occurs. In birds, extreme
weakness, sluggish movement, drooping wings, beak and
head resting on the floor (limber neck) are the main signs of
the disease. Wild ducks ingest contaminated material in
shallow ponds and lakes etc. Spoiled canned contaminated
food given to chicks produces limber-neck in them.
Nutritionally deficient cattle ingest decaying decomposed bits
of meat clinging 'to the bones of dead animals in
aphosphorosis and get intoxicated with Cl. botulinum.
No specific lesions are found in the dead animals.
Punctiform hae!l1.orrhages can be found in the brain, spinal
cord and lungs. The toxin produced by Cl.botulinum does

Bacterial Diseases

not act on the nervous system but act at the myoneural

junction of the peripheral nervous system. The symptom of
paralysis is mediated through the prevention of release of
acetylcholine. In limberneck, the affected birds show
sleepiness, a flaccid paralysis of neck muscles and usually
the birds die.
It is based on the symptoms, isolation and identification
of the organism. Filtrated extract of the saline suspension of
the contaminated food is injected into mice or guinea pigs to
produce the disease. Preformed toxin of Cl.botulinum is
demonstrated in food material by injecting fiIterate of the
suspected food material subcutaneously into guinea pigs. The
inoculated pigs die within 12 hours in positive cases.
Preformed toxins of Cl. botulinum may be present in the
contaminated feeds.
Specific or polyvalent antitoxic serum is useful in early
stages of the disease. Purgatives are used to remove toxins
from the body.
Vaccinate the animals with type specific precipitated
toxoid in the enzootic areas. Prevention of intake of preformed
toxins in the feeds and improvement of the feed management
are very important measures to control the food poisoning
in animals.
It is an acute infections bacterial disease of sheep caused
by Clostridium septicum and the characteristic primary lesion
is an acute abomasitis. Predisposing factor like ingestion of
frosted foods may lower vitality of the mucous membrane
and facilitate the penetration of the abomosal mucosae by
the organisms which may, later, enter the blood stream.
Young sheep or the best conditioned animals are very

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

susceptible to this disease. The incubation period is very short

and the sheep found sick in the late evening may die during
the night hours. Death may be seen even all of a sudden in
Cl. septicum infection.
The abomasal mucosa is thickened, oedematous and
haemorrhagic. Such congested, oedematous and necrotic or
ulcerated lesions are also- seen in the intestinal mucous
membrane. The mucosae will be necrotic and the bacteria
can be found in the tissue sections of the affected animals.
It is based on the symptoms, lesions, isolation and
identification of the bacilli obtained from the lesions. FAT
confirms its diagnosis.
There is no use of doing any treatment in the case of
braxy because of its very high mortality due to toxaemia,
high fever and depression etc. The animals affected with Cl.
septicum die within a few hours with the prominent lesions
of abomasitis. However, this disease can be controlled by
proper management of the herds. The sheep should be kept
in yard at night and not allowed to graze forsted pasture. It
is better to feed the sheep before driving these animals for
grazing during morning hours. The vaccine consisting of
formaline killed Cl. septicum is quite usefuL
Gas Gangrene
It is caused by Clostridium spp. and associated with war
wounds in human beings. The counterpart of the malignant
oedema (a disease of animals) occurring in humans is called
gas gangrene. In gas gangrene, there is an excessive
destruction of tissue leading to necrosis and gangrene.
Oedema and gas production are quite marked changes in

Bacterzal Diseases

the affected tissues. Experimental inoculation of Cl. welchii,

Cl. septique, Cl. oedematiens or Cl. chauvoei in animals produces
gas gangrene in them. Advanced techniques of treatment of
the wounds have very much lessened incidence of this
condition. The organisms found in clostrodial wound
infection are as follows :
(1) Cl. perfringens
(2) Cl. novyi
(3) Cl. sordelli
(4) Cl. feseri
(5) Cl. hitolyticum and
(6) Cl carnis.
The wounds should be properly dressed with antiseptic
solution. Penicillin at the higher dose rate can be used to
treat the condition.
Bovine Baciliary Haemoglobinuria ( Infectious Ictero
It is a bacterial disease of bovines. Evidence is seen in
favour of Cl. haemolyticum which produces this disease in
cattle and sheep. It produces the powerful haemolytic toxin
in the infected body.
The disease is sudden with onset of toxaemia and
haemoglobinuria and is marked by high fever, collapse and
death within a day or two following infection in the animals.
Large areas of infarcts surrounded by hyperaemic zone
are found in the livers of affected animals. Hepatic damages
caused by Fusobacterium necroforum and liver flukes favour
rapid growth of Cl. Izaemolyticum in the liver parenchyma.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of DIseases of Domestic Animals

The toxins produced by the organisms produce the

characteristic constant lesions like liver infarcts in this disease.
Venous thrombi are found in the liver. Haemorrhages and
haematuria are noticed in the body of affected animals dying
of anoxaemia.
It is based on the constant lesions like hepatic infarcts,
haemoglobinuria and isolation of Cl. lzaemolyticum from the
hepatic lesions. FAT is helpful in confirming its diagnosis.
The animal patients of this disease should be given
immediate treatment. The affected animals are administered
penicillin or tetracycline in high doses. Antitoxic serum (500
to 1000 ml) can be given to sick animals. Supportive
treatment in form of blood transfusion, parenteral fluid
therapy and electrolyte solution can be given.
Animals should be given mineral supplement containing
iron, copper and cobalt. The patients may have sufficient
rest at least for three weeks after recovery in view of damage
done to liver and destruction of red cells.
Formalin killed whole culture absorbed on aluminium
hydroxide provides immunity for a year to cattle. All the
susceptible stock should be vaccinated before the expected
period of disease occurrence. Annual vaccination can also
be done.
It refers to the expulsion of a dead embryo or foetus
previous to the end of full term of pregnancy. Sometimes,
the expelled embryo is too small to be observed. It can occur
at any stage before the full term of pregnancy in animals.
Abortions occur at the 7 month of pregnancy in brucellosis.
It is frequent in the farm animals but it is quite rare in dogs
and cats. In short, it is an immature end of pregnancy with
Bacterial Diseases

expulsion of dead or living embryo or foetus.

1. When the foetus dies in the uterus, it becomes
like a foreign body and its very death leads to abortion. The
dead foetus is like a foreign substance in the uterus which
attempts to get rid of it. Injuries to the tissues of placental
union occur with the onset of inflammation, necrosis,
hyalinization and degenerative changes. Injured placenta
fails to supply nutrients and oxygen to the foetus which dies
and is then expelled by the uterus. In cases of intoxication,
the foetus gets poisoned and dies. In equine viral abortion,
the foetus dies and is expelled like a foreign object.
2. Erogot Poisoning
Erogot causes violet abnormal contractions of uterine
muscles to cause foetal expulsion. In such poisoning, no death
of the foetus occurs.
3. Hormonal Imbalances
When progestational effect of the corpus luteum is
eliminated or neutralized early, an abortion can occur.
Injection of large amout of oestrogen or manual removal of
corpus luteum can bring an end to pregnancy owing to
disturbances in the action of progesterone.
4. Infections
Infections injuring the placenta and factors preventing
implantation of the embryos (for example, placentitis etc.)
can cause abortion. An acute or septicaemic infection
produces anoxia because of generalized venous congestion
and the foetus dies with its ultimate fate of abortion.
5. Deficiencies
Certain deficiencies lead to a state of deprivation in the
mother or its foetus. Deficiencies of minerals, oxygen and
vitamins can even prevent conception rather than abortion
in animals.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

(6) Trauma
Traumatic injury can lead to death of the foetus which
is expelled later.
(7) Mummified Foetus
A dead foetus is an irritating foreign substance in the
uterus and is soon expelled. Putrefactive or pathogenic
bacteria invade the dead foetus and the state of maternal
infection and septicaemia is produced. When the cervix is
closed, the uterine contents are sterile and the foetus
undergoes postmortem autolysis and may not get expelled.
The soft tissues are liquified and the liquid formed is absorbed
by the maternal blood or lymph. The foetus is, then, expelled
as a mass of bones with the shrunken or wrinkled skin. The
foetus looks like a dried or shrivelled mummy.

Retained Foetal Membranes

Placentitis (inflammation of placenta) leads to retention
of the foetal membranes. Chorion is separated from maternal
structures owning to acute swelling of chorionic laminations.
Post-mortem autolysis and putrefaction take place in the
retained placenta. A retained placenta is life-less, devoid of
blood supply and is also exposed to external contamination
with bacteria through the cervix. The disintegration of
chorion loosens its attachment to the endometrium and the
placenta is expelled in fragments. Toxic products produced
by putrefactive or pathogenic bacteria enter the body of the
animals to produce condition of toxaemia. Infectious
organisms can also enter the uterus through the vagina
Clostridum tetani can grow in the placenta and produce a
disease called tetanus.

Hydatiform Mole
Small bits of chorion remain even attached to the
endometrium and derive nutrients. The cells of the chorionic
villi proliferate to produce an irregular mass of cystic

Bacterzal Diseases

structures called hydatiform mole. A malignant epithelial

neoplasm called chorinoepithelioma arises from tissues of the
foetal villi or hydatiform mole. Multinucleated giant cells are
found in such tumours.

Hydrops Amnii
It means an oedema of the amnion i.e., presence of two
much fluid in an amniotic cavity (upto 3 to 6 litres in mare
and cow). 6 to 15 litres of fluid can be found in the allantoic
cavity. Rotation of uterus or twist of the umbilical cord can
give rise to the state of hydrops amnii. Oedema arises on
account of the compression of the veins. This condition may
last in cow until parturition. The foetus may die and is then
expelled from the body.
Diseases or disorders of the uterus causing abortions
and placentitis (inflammation of placentitis) in the animals.
Placentitis is caused by several infectious agents. It ends
in abortion (expulsion of the foetus). Granulomatous
inflammation in the chorionic villi is caused by tuberculous
bacilli. The foetus dies before the development of the tubercles
on the chorion and it gets expelled by the uterus.
The following are the important diseases causing
abortions in the animals :
(1) Brucellosis
Brucella spp. causes placentitis. Bang's diseases is caused
by Br. abortus in cattle. In acute brucellosis, there is an
extensive formation of seropurulent exudate between the
chorion and endometrium in the interplacental areas
(chorionic leaves). This leads to separation of the surfaces
with subsequent expulsion or abortion. Chorion shows
inflammatory oedema and there is also infiltration of
reticuloendotheial cells, lymphocytes, plasma cells and
neutrophiles. Chorionic epithelium is rich in bacterium.
Necrosis extends in the allantochorion which undergoes

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

hyalinization and has also brownish colour with leathery

consistency. Weakening of the placental connection between
foetus and mother ends in abortion. The foetus may survive
to be born alive. A chronic proliferative form of placentitis
occurs and chorion is tied to the endometrium due to diffuse
or sparse fibrosis and, thus, the placenta is retained in animals
like cows. A very few cows abort more than thrice and
abortions in the cows are noticed mainly towards the end of
pregnancy. Unvaccinated heifers suffer from abortion due
to Br. abortus infection usually after 5th month of pregnancy.

In this disease, there is placentitis caused by Vibrioi spp.
Necrosis and cellular infiltration are noticed in the placental
structures and there is formation of serofibrinous exudate in
the inter-placental areas. The smears prepared from
placentomes show Gram negative curved organisms. Foetus
is killed in vibriosis in ewes about one month before full term
and no permanent injuries are found in the foetus. The foetal
liver is discoloured and changes like necrosis and perivascular
infiltration of neutrophiles and eosinophiles are found.
Vaginitis, metritis, infertility and abortions are some
important findings in vibriosis.

It is an important disease of cattle caused by Trichomonas
foetus. T. foetus infection spreads from infected vagina to'
uterus which show endometritis and placentitis. Copious
pyometra and a mild purulent reaction in the endometrium
is produced. In chronic cases of trichomoniasis, the foetal
membranes are retained usually following abortion during
the 1st half of gestation. The organisms are noticed in foetal

Bacterial Diseases

Paratyphoid Abortion of Mares

The main lesions of this disease caused by Salmonella
abortus equi are purulent haemorrhagic placentitis and
necrosis of chorionic villi. Abortion occurs between the 4th
and 8th month of pregnancy. The organisms are present in
the foetal membranes, uterine exudate, blood and also internal
organs like stomach and intestines of the foetus.
Equine Virus Abortion
The main lesions of this disease include oedema of foetal
membranes and necrotic foci in the livers of the aborted
foetuses. The liver cells around these necrotic foci show
intranuclear inclusions. "The foetal lung is also oedematous.
Viral infection is present in the foetus which is also icteric.
Foetus is infected between 8th to 11th month of pregnancy
and abortions take place between the 9th and 10th month of
pregnancy. The virus kills the foetus, which is,later expelled.
Ninety per cent of the infected mares abort due to this viral
In order to adopt logical treatment of abortion, it is very
important to find out the cause of abortion. When causes of
abortion have been established, specific treatment can be
adopted. In case of abortion due to Salmonella abortus equi,
drugs used for salmonellosis are quite beneficial. There should
be proper management of housing condition. Drugs used in
treating the cases of salmonellosis can be safely given to treat
abortion in view of symptoms shown by the animals. In
brucellosis, treatment is not successful due to intracellular
sequestration of Br. abortus in the lymph nodes, mammary
glands and reproductive organs. This organism is known to
multiply in the macrophages of the body of infected animals.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Brucellosis (Bang's Disease in Cattle)

It is a very impotant zoonotic bacterial disease of cattle
caused Brucella abortus and leads to abortion or birth of very
weak off-springs or still born ones. Metritis, infertility,
interruption in breeding programmes and loss of milk in the
dairy stock are important features of the disease. Bang (1896)
discovered this organism in Denmark in cattle. Acute
catarrhal inflammation and degenerative changes are
produced in the cotyledons of the gravid uterus with the
subsequent death of the foetus, abortion and its expulsion
from the uterus. Br. abortus forms abscesses in the testicles. It
does not lead a saprophytic existence outside the body of the
infected animals and grows in the pregnant uterus between
the wall of the uterus and chorion and also in the chorionic
epithelium. It shows tissue predilection e.g., pregnant uterus,
udder, testicle, lymph nodes and joints etc. Organisms are
present in the catarrhal discharge of the uterus and in pure
culture form in the stomach contents of the foetus. The calves
show congeriita1 form of the disease. Lungs and other tissues
also contain the organisms of Br. abortus and the organisms
can be found in the discharge from the uterus and vagina
within 3 weeks of calving or abortion. Tissues like udder,
supra mammary and iliac lymph nodes also contain Br.
abortus in infected animals even for months or years. All
affected cattle secrete organisms in their milk and the
elimination of the organisms may be confined to one or more
quarters. Abortion in cattle occurs within the last three
months of pregnancy in the most cases. The infection in the
cattle occurs by the mouth or by ingestion of food or water
contaminated by uterine discharge or aborted foetuses.
Infection can also occur through the vagina, conjunctiva and
skin (even intact one). Infected bulls also transmit the
infection to healthy cows through the contaminated seminal
fluid. Testicles show inflammatory liquefactive or
degenerative changes due to Br. abortus infection. Painful
swellings are noticed in the scrotum of infected bulls. Eighty

Bacterial Diseases

per cent of the infected cows abort only once. Affected bulls
show enlarged seminal vesicles, become sterile, and scrotum
may be swollen. Br. abrotus is a Gram negative, non acid
fast and non sporulating rod like organism.
The main lesions are :
(1) Placentitis leading to abortion of the foetus and necrotic
granulomatous changes in the placenta.
(2) Discharge of yellowish brown slimy flocculent aborted
odourless discharge from the vagina in the aborted cases.
(3) A yellow necrotic appearance of the foetal membranes
or uterine cotyledous. The chorion becomes thick and
the intercotyledonary areas present a leather like wrin-
kling. Br. abrotus is found in the scrappings of such tis-
sues. The placenta may be dull or granular.
(4) Endometritis and retention of the foetal membrane.
(5) Presence of subacute or chronic inflammatory changes
in foci in the alveoli, inter-alveolar tissue and lactifer-
ous ducts of the infected mammary glands in the cattle
(6) Presence of orchitis, epididymitis and vesicullitis in the
infected bulls. Scrotal lymph nodes may show inflam-
matory changes.
(7) Synovitis and hygroma are also seen in the cattle.
(8) Phagocytic cells are attracted towards the Brucella or-
ganisms which are engulfed by them. The organisms
grow and multiply in the cytoplasm of these cells. Later,
epithelioid cells accumulate at these sites. The early mi-
croscopic lesion in the tissues infected with such organ-
isms is a tiny nodule of epithelioid cells surrounded by a
narrow zone of lymphocytes. Later, caseous necrosis can
occur at the centres of such lesions which may be sur-
rounded by a fibrous capsule formed at the periphery.
Neutrophiles and lymphocytes get attracted towards
such necrosed cells. Frank abscesses and nodules or frank

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

granulomas are rarely formed.

The aborted foetus shows oedema and serosanguinous
fluid is present in the body cavities. The mammary glands
and supramammary lymph nodes show diffuse inflammation
with presence of lymphocytes, neutrophiles, epithelioid cells
and occasional Langhan's giant cells. The scrotum in the bulls
becomes enlarged and indurated. The tunica vagina may be
thickened, compressing or replacing the testicle or epididymis.
There can be rare suppuration in the scrotum.
It is based on the symptoms, lesions and isolation of the
organisms by cultural methods or by the inoculation of
guinea pigs with suspected material. Guinea pigs are
destroyed after a month and cultures are made from spleen
to isolate the Burcella spp. Agglutination test is quite useful
in the diagnosis of Brucells spp. infection and a positive
reaction is one in which there is complete agglutination in
serum dilution of 1 in 40 or higher. Agglutination in the
suspected sera at one in 20 but incomplete at one in 40 gives
a suspicious reaction. Other tests to diagnose Br. abortus
infection in animals are complement fixation and abortion
or brucellin tests.
In case of abortion, stomach contents of the foetus are
inoculated on to blood agar and MacConkey's agar
aerobically and under 10 per cent Co 2 The plates are
examined for growth of brucella, vibrio etc. Placenta is
examined for necrosis on cotyledons or in intercotyledonary
areas. Smears from such lesions are stained by Gram's method
and examined under oil immersion objective for Brucella spp.
and Vibrio spp. etc. Bacteriological examination of milk is
done by inoculating the mixture of the cream and deposit
intramuscularly into the left leg of guinea pigs. The animal is
bled and killed after a week and the blood is examined by
the agglutination test and the body is examined for the lesions
of brucellosis.

Bacterial Diseases

The attempt for treating brucellosis in animals is usually
not made. But, however, sulpha drugs and antibiotics can
be used. Streptomycin and chloramphenicol can be given to
the cases of brucellosis. There can be intraperitoneal injection
of teteracycline in a single dose of 10 mg and it can be repeated
after 3 days.
For control of brucellosis, specific programme of testings
like serological agglutination test can be adopted and the
reactors can be segregated from healthy stock. Hygienic
methods are very much useful in controlling brucellosis. This
includes isolation and segregation of infected animals, proper
disposal of aborted foetuses, placenta and uterine discharges
etc. Cattle sheds and premises are thoroughly disinfected.
The infected animals can be isolated for thirty days and
For controlling brucellosis, vaccination of tlle animals
with Brucella abortus strain 19 living vaccine is quite useful.
This vaccine protects the healthy animal from contacting
infection in contaminated environment. For any control
programme, the method of isolating and disposing of infected
ones is very useful one. Calves getting infection after birth
remain infected till they are adult.
The vaccination of female calf can be done between 4 to
8 months of age. If adult cattle are vaccinated, abortion rate
comes down but this is not advisable. Bulls and pregnant
animals are not vaccinated. Cows vaccinated in the
advanced stage of pregnancy may abort. Reactions of
vaccination are seen in the form of high fever,anorexia,
decrease in milk yield and local reaction.
There is a single 5 m1 dose of Brucella abortus strain 19
which is given si c at the age of six months in calves. The
immunity conferred in calves is adequate one for five or more

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

The followings methods of eradication can be followed:

(1) During an outbreak of abortion, it is proper to vacci-
nate all reactors.
(2) Disposal of all reactors is not satisfactory.
(3) Herds free of abortion should be tested and vaccinated
immediately and positive reactors should be culled out
or disposed of.
(4) In lightly infected herds, all calves are to be vaccinated
and positive reactors should be culled.
(5) An eradication programme envisages attempts to reduce
susceptibility of cattle population till the incidence be-
comes very low and the eradication programme by test
and then disposal becomes quite economical. For con-
trolling brucellosis in sheep, vaccination can be done
and it is also better to isolate the infected ones.

Swine Erysipelas
It is a bacterial disease caused by Erysipelothrix
rhusiopathiae (E. insidosa) in pigs. The organisms are Gram
positive, non-sporing and non-motile. In less severe form of
the disease, rhomboid - shaped areas of erythema are seen
in the skin and the disease is so called as diamond skin disease.
Acute and chronic forms of the diseases in animals are
noticed. Septicaemia, skin discolouration, high fever (upto
108F) and gastroentritis are seen in the acute infections. The
chronic form is recognized by unthrifitines, endocarditis and
lameness due to arthritis. Human beings handling the
infected pigs show cutaneous lesions (erysipeloids) on the
hands, face or over the body. Pigs between 3 to 9 months of
age are affected and those over one year of age are resistant
to it. Ingestion of contaminated food or water produces
infection of the disease in pigs. Carrier stage is also seen in
the pigs. Incubation period varies from 1 to 5 days. This
organism also infects birds like turkeys, chickens, ducks and
geese etc.

Bacterial Diseases

There are four forms of this disease :

(1) Acute form
(2) Urticarial form (Diamond skin disease)
(3) Chronic form
(4) Arthritic form

1. Acute or Septicaemic Form

Pyrexia, inappetence, thirst, vomiting, conjunctivitis and
prostration are seen in the affected pigs. Bright or dark red
patches are present over the ears, neck, abdomen and inside
the thigh and forelegs. These patches get covered with scabs.
Tips of ears and tail are necrosed and sloughs of dead tissues
are cast off. Eighty per cent of the affected pigs die within 2
to 3 days.
2. Urticarial or Diamond Forms
This form of the disease is mild in nature. Loss of
appetite, dullness, stiffness, characteristic quadrangular, deep
red or purple patches or blotches with a paler centre on the
sides, back and buttock are noticed in the affected pigs. The
skin lesions vary from an inch to 2 inches in size. These
patches become swollen and covered with crusts which are
later thrown off. The skin lesions like diamond shaped'
plaques in infected pigs are considered pathognomonic.
(3) Chronic form (Cardiac form)
It is usually sequel to acute form or may arise
independently. Cardiac insufficiency from chronic valvular
endocarditis marked by vegetations on the cardiac valves in
pigs may cause death. Dyspnoea, stunted growth, coughing
and dark red discolouration of skin and extremities are quite
marked signs. Chronic venous congestion may be seen in
the lungs and livers of infected pigs. The lungs may be
odematous in such cases.

Advanced Pathologlf and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

(4) Arthritic or joint form

It may arise independently or be sequel to urticarial
form. Some important signs in the patients are stunted
growth, difficult movement, back arched and enlarged joints
of the limbs.
Reddish purple, patchy or diffuse discoloration of skin
is seen. Scabs are also formed over such areas. Tips of ear
and tail show necrosis. Septicaemic lesions are in the form of
haemorrhages on serous membranes, heart muscles and
The lesions in different types of swine erysipelas have
been given in tabular form (table 9).
Table 9. Pathological changes in different forms of
swine erysipelas.
Acute Form Joint Form Chronic Form Urticarial
1. Diamond Enlarged Non- Rhomboid
shaped skin limb-joints proliferative congested
lesions. and arthritis in limbs areas in the
difficult and skin with
movement. intervertebral sharp margins
joints. of lesions.
2. Diffuse Oedema Synovitis Nearly bright
. purplish and marked by red tissues
discolouration congestion serous or turning into
of the belly of synoival serofibrinous or purpulish or
and tissues and amber coloured dark blue ones.
extremities. joint exudates.

Bacterial Diseases

Acute form Joint form Chronic form Urticarial

3. Petechial Presence of Thickening of Dry epidermal
and chronic the joint tissues peel off
ecchymotic non- capsules and and their
haemorrhages suppurativ patches of removal leaves
on the pleura, e arthritis. vascular behind raw
peritoneum granulation bleeding
and beneath tissue on the surfaces.
the renal articular
capsules. surfaces of the
4. Infarcts in Large friable
spleen and vegetations of
kidneys and the heart valves
intracellular and presence of
presence of Gram positive
organisms in organisms in
the affected such lesions.
tissues. Nodular masses
on the mitral or
bicuspid valves
of the affected
Hypertrophy of
the ventricles
due to valvular

It is based on the lesions and demonstration and isolation
of organisms from cardiac and valvular or joint lesions. Acute
form of the disease is marked by early leucocytosis. Later,
leucopenia and monocytosis are noticed.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domes tic Animals

Treatment I Management
In infected cases, treatment is not much effective. Long
acting penicillin (Penidure) can also be given.
Use of cortisone is also suggested in cases of arthritis. In
skin lesions on the bodies of pigs, topical applications (Himax
or beta dine lotion) can be given. Since this disease may appear
as an acute septicaemic form, use of an antipyretic and
supportive treatment may be applied. For the sake of
controlling swine erysipelas, it is advisable to adopt general
hygienic conditions and affected pigs should be isolated and
disposed of at the earliest. Eradication becomes a difficult
problem on account of existence of EnJsipelotlzrix rlzusiopntlzine
as soil borne bacterium. Animals with arthritis and
endocarditis must not be allowed to mix with healthy ones.
Steps should be taken to immunize animals against swine
erysipelas. Immune serum and virulent culture live vaccine
using a virulent stain of E. rhusiopathiae and inactivated
bacterium can also be given. The method followed in U.5.A.
for control of swine erysipelas is as follows:
(i) Use of the autogenous killed vaccine.
(ii) Use of immune serum simultaneous with virulent cul-
(ill) A virulent culture alone.
(iv) Immune serum alone.
Immunity is quite durable in pigs (aged 5 to 8 weeks).
The infected animals and new or fresh animals should be
kept in quarantine. New or fresh animals should be only
acceptable after, keeping them in the quarantine for about
fortnight and they should be vaccinated before being added
to the herds. Yearly vaccination is followed. There should a
thorough disinfection of the premises, utensil etc. Caustic
soda, carbolic acid or copper sulphate solution or even hot
house soap should be used as disinfectant.
The main symptoms and lesions of different bacterial
diseases in animals are given in table 10.
Bacterial Diseases

Table 10. Signs and Lesions in Some Important Bacterial

Diseases of Domestic Animals
Diseases Causes Toxins Signs and Pathological Diagnosis
Produced Changes
1. Anthrax Bacillus Marked A disease of worldwide
anthracis effects of the occurrence. Human
(llsolated for lethal toxin beings and all domestic
the first time produced by animals are affected by
In) Robert Anthrax anthrax bacilli. Anthrax
Koch in bacilli are bacilli are capsulated
1876). oedema, organisms which are
tissue noticed singly, in twos
damage, or threes in the blood
acute renal smears of the infected
failure, cattle and buffaloes etc.
terminal 1 % methelene blue and
anoxia and Wright or Leishman's
death from stains the organisms in
shock. the blood films. The
Oedema bacilli in short chains
factor (EF), (but never in long
protective filaments) appear in the
antigen blood of anthrax cases.
(PL), lethal The blood films give a
factors like I, purple ground work
11, III and EF between the bacilli after
(an staining with
adenylate methelene blue. Heat,
cyclase) are moisture and shade
some favour existence of the
exotoxins anthrax organisms in
produced by the soil of tropical
Anthrax countries. Septicaemia
bacilli. EF is seen in infected
causes animals and organisms
increases in degenerate or
intracellular disintegrate in the

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Diseases Causes Toxins Signs andp iagnosis

Produced Pathological Changes
blood or tissues soon 1. Based on the
after death of the symptoms and
affected animals. lesions
Peracute or acute 2. Staining feature
forms of infection in (i.e., M'Fadyean's
cattle, buffaloes and methylene blue
sheep etc., is noticed. reaction of the
Death of bovines organism in the
(cattle and buffaloes) blood or tissues
within an hour or so stained by 1 %
after the onset of methylene blue.
symptoms i.e. 3. Ascoli's test
detection of a sudden (precipitin
onset and death in reaction). It is quite
peracute cases. In dependable in
acute form, the sick cattle and can be
animals die in 10 to 24 performed using
hours. It is marked by extract of blood,
fever and bleeding spleen and hide
from the body etc. from the
openings (mouth and suspected cases,
nose etc.). Malignant Even extract of
carbuncle is seen in infected tissues
cutaneous anthrax in from advanced
man. The important cases of
postmortem findings putrefaction is
in bovines like cattle used to do
and buffaloes are Ascolis's test.
haemorrhagic gastritis
and enteritis, an
exc5sive enlargement
of the spleen with
black pulp
(splenomegaly). The
blood fails to form
clots (i. e., absence of
blood clot in the blood
vessels). Dark tarry.

Bacterial Diseases

Diseases Causes Toxins Signs and Diagnosis

Produced Pathological Changes
blood and
haemorrhages on the
serous membranes.
Gelatinous yellow
oedema at the
mucosae is seen due to
entry of the anthrax
organisms. Rapid
putrefaction is noticed
in the dead animals
marked by growth of
the putrefactive
organisms e.g.,
Clostridium septique, Cl.
welcllii and Cl.
sporogelles. Marked
absence of rigor mortis
and lack of blood
clotting in the
carcasses of dead
animals are important
features of anthrax
infection in aniJ;nals.
More rapid growth of
anthrax bacilli in
lymph nodes than in
other tissues of the
2. Pasteurella A septicaemic 1. Based on the
Haemorrhagi multocida pasteurellosis symptoms and
c type I (or B) (galaghotu) in cattle lesions in the
septicaemia P. multocida and buffaloes in India. carcass
(HSor serotypes B Peracute form of 2. Isolation of
Barbone) and E are disease with high pasteurellae from
cattle, noticed in mortality. European blood and spleen
buffaloes, Asia and cattle die of of infected dead
sheep, goat Africa. pneumonic form of animals
and swine pasturellosis. 3. Detection of
affected by P. Pasteurella mllltocida gram nega-tive or
Inultocida. produces a fibrino bipolar organism
Dogs are purulent broncho in the
immune to pneumonia in cattle

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Diseases Causes Toxins Signs and Diagnosis

Produced Pathological
A pneunomonic stained film with
form of Wright's or
pasteurellosis by Giemsa's stain.
Pasteurella multocida 4. An enzyme
in swines, sheep linked immu-
and goats is noassay tes t
noticed. Mortality (ELISA test) IS
rate in cattle, done to identify
buffaloes and pasteurellae.
camels by 5. Death of rabbits
Pasteurella multocida within 24 hours
type I lies between follOWing
50 to 100%. inoculation of the
Pasteurellae isolates from the
isolated form infected animals.
tonsillar and
nasopharyneal .
mucosae of the
carriers of this
disease. The mam
signs are acute
sudden onset of
disease, high fever
(1060-1 0711),
swelling in
space,neck, throat
and brisket and
severe dyspnoea.
petechiation under
the serosae, oedema
of the lungs,
gastroenteritis and
pneumonic lesions
are noticed in acute
cases of

Bacterial Diseases

Diseases Causes Toxins Signs and Pathological Diagnosis

Produced Changes

3. Clostndillm Alphatoxin
An acute infectious 1. Based on
Blackquart cJzauvoei s, febrile disease of cattle symptoms
er (BQ) Affected betatoxins
and buffaloes and lesions and
Hi.ndi animals are (a DNase)
marked by swollen, isolation of Cl.
(langari) cattle and gammatoxi
painful emphysematous challvoci
bllffaloes n (a and crepitating lesions 2. Increase in
Sheep and hyaluronid
in the muscles of young the levels of
horses also ase) andanimals (4 months to 2 SGPT,SGOT
sllffer frOIll delatatoxin
years of age) or animals and lactic
it. (a in good condition The dehydrogenase
muscular lesions are dry myositis
n) and infiltrated with gas
bubbles. The affected
muscles emit rancid
odour and produce
crackling sound on
being pressed with
fingers. The
characteristic signs are
fever, lameness and
depression. Cardiac
muscles are pale and
friable and show
myositis in the dead
calves. Shearing
docking, castration and
lambing may cause out
breaks of BQ in sheep.
Quick development of
bloating and
putrefaction are also
noticed. In the cases of
bovines, body cavities
reveal the excess of
4. Botulism Clostndlllm 1.A A serious intoxication in 1. Based on the
(food botulilllllll powerful animals and birds symptoms and
Anil1lals lleurotoxin following ingestion of isolation of
intoxicatio sllceptable: infected, spoiled or neurotoxins,
n or food Cattle, decomposed or spoiled the causative
poisioning) sheep and food. agent from gut
horses and contents of the

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Diseases Causes Toxins Signs and Diagnosis

Produced Pathological
Botulism in Aphosphorosis in affected animals.
fowls is cattle 15 marked by 2.
called craving for DemoflStration
limberneck phosphorus (pica). of prefomled
(paralysis of Cattle which chew toxin in ilie food
respiratory decomposed bones ingested or by
muscles) contaminated wiili injecting saline
Type C toxin Cl. botulinum shows suspension of
ofel. sigflS of botulism. gut
botulillulll The neurotoxin contents in mice
causes produced by Cl. or guinea pigs.
limbemeck botulillulIl acts at ilie
in fowls and neuromuscular
ducks. Types junction or synapitic
CandD clefts and block
affect cattle. release of actyl
choline (a
neurotraflSmitter) at
ilie motor end plates.
As a result, paralysis
of ilie related
muscles innervated
by cholinergic nerves
is noticed. There are
no characteristic
lesioflS of botulism in
animals and birds
etc., as comparable
to ilie negative
lesioflS seen in
5. Mycobactenu Tuberculosis is 1. Based on ilie
Tuberculosis In bovis marked by fOmlation symptoms and
(TB) Anim<iIs of tubercles in ilie lesions.
affected: different orgaflS of 2 Isolation of
Cattle, diseased animals. M. bovis from
buffalo, goats Tuberculous ilie lesions or
and pigs etc. organisms are discharges.
noticed in ilie 3. Tuberculin
exhaled air, faeces, test.
sputum, milk, urine 4. Detection of
and discharges from acidfast bacilli in
ilie infected u terns ilie smears of ilie
and peripheral lesions of ilie
lymph nodes. orgaflS, milk,
Animals pick up urine and

Bacterial Diseases

Diseases Causes Toxins Signs and Dia~nosis

Produced Pathological
infections by sputum etc., of
ingestion or infected animals.
inhalation of.
M. bovis m the
contaminated milk.
Children consuming
such milk. becomes
infected. In
tuberculosis, bacilli
are present in the
expectorated material
as fine or large
droplets in the air.
caseation and
offensive odour from
the cut surfaces of
the lesions are found
ill the lymph nodes
like pharyngeal,
bronchial, medistinal
lymph nodes.
calcification and
encapsulation by
fibrous tissue are
noticed in the lesions.
A nodule reveals
caseation, cheesy
consistency and
calcmed zone due to
deposition of calcium
salts in the necrosed
tissues which are
surrounded by cells
like epitheliOid cells,
giant cells of
Langhan's types,
lymphocytes and
fibrous capsules at its
margins of such

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of DIseases of Domestic Animals

Diseases Causes Toxins Signs and Diagnosis

Produced Pathological
6. Jhone's Mycobacterlll An infectious 1. Based on the
disease In disease of cattle, symptoms and
(Para tu- paratllberclllo sheep and goats lesions.
berculosis) SIS. Alllluals etc., marked by 2. Isolation of
sllsceptible emaciation, M. paratllberclllosis.
Cattle, persistent 3. Acid fast
sheep, goats diarrhoea thin, organisms in
alld deer. watery, foetid, clumps in the
faeces mixed with smears of
aIr bubbles. Tne intestinal mucosa.
mucosae of small 4. Johnin test.
mtestine, caecum
colon and rectum
show lesions like
corrugations in
the mtestinal
mucosae. No
necrosis is seen in
the intestinal
mucosae. Swollen
and oedematous
mesenteric lymph
nodes are often
seen in the
affected animals.
7. Tetanus C/ostridlllln 1. Neurotoxin A total infectious 1. Based on the
tetalli (tetanospasmi toxaemic disease symptoms like
All domestic n). of domestic muscular spasm,
allimals are 2. animals and death prolapse of the 3rd
affected bllt Haemolysin of almost all eyelid membrana
horses are (tetanolysin). affected arumals ructitans and
most 3. Non- with tetanus. The history of some
sllsceptible spasamogenic

Bacterial Diseases

Diseases Causes Toxins Signs and Diagnosis

Produced Pathological
alllllla/s. important signs injuries or surgical
are tetanus, wounds.
hyperaesthesia 2. Isolation of Cl.
due to exotoxins teta/ll from the
of the organisms. sltes of wounds or
No wound is seen injuries detected
ID idiopathic in the
tetanus. patients.
Punctured wound
leads to
development of
this disease.
shearing and
parturition in
sheep and pigs.
lead to tetanus.
travel along
the peripheral
nerves to reach
the central
nervous system
and cause
muscular spasm.
Incubation period
varies from 1 to 3
weeks. Restricted
jaw movements
stiffness of the
hind limbs, stiffly
held out tails
during backing or

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Diseases Causes Toxins Signs and Pathological Diagnosis

Produced Changes
Prolapse of
3rd eyelid, constipation
and retention of urine
are important signs of
tatanus. Normal range
of temperature and
pulse noticed in the sick
animals. No
characteristic lesions
are noticed in the
animals died of tetanus
except some congestion
in the spinal cord,
medulla and
peripheral nerve trunks
chosen by the toxins to
reach CNS (central
nervous system).
8. Brucellosis Brucella An infectious disease 1. Based on the
(Bang's disese). abortus marked by abortion symptoms,
A gram- towards the end of lesions and
negative pregnancy and isolation of Br.
organism. placentitis causing abortus from the
Animals premature expulsion of lesions in the
sllsceptzble the foetus (abortion). A endometrium or
cattle yellOwish brown pasty foetal
slimy odourless floccule membranes
-nt discharge in the case 2. Customary
of abortion. A yellow agglutination
appearance of the test (of one in
necrotic cotyledons in forty dilution of
the cases of late suspected
abortion, synovitis, serum) is noticed
hygroma and orchitis, in positive cases.
epididymitis and
vesiculitis in the
infected bulls. The
uterus of infected cows
usually gets rid of Br.

Bacterial Diseases

Diseases Causes Toxins Signs and Diagnosis

Produc Pathological Changes
9. Actinomycosis Actlllomyces An llljectious disease of 1. Based on the
(Lumpy jaw) bovis cattle marked by chronic microscopic
AlIlmals granulomatous lesions appearance of the
susceptible in the Jaw bones and granulomatous
Cattle and slllTollllding soft tissue. lesions.
rare cases in Lesions in the intenzal 2. Dectection of
sheep and organs e.g., lungs are gram positive
goats also noticed. organisms in the
stained crushed
3. Isolation and
identification of
the causative
agent from the
SlIppurativc osteitis is
seen in the maxillae and
affected bones become
absorved and rarefied
and the sinuses
reIeaslllg pus open on
the skill surface.
Granules in the lesions
of cows are grithj to the
touch. In stained
sections of tissue, the
microscopic appearance
reveals gram
positive filaments
l"ronning a mycelium,
gram-negative clubs in
the peripheral zone.
Granules in the bony
lesions are gritty due to
calcification and the
causatIve organisms
spread to other organs
or parts by blood stream.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Diseases Causes Toxins Signs and Diagnosis

Produced Pathological
10. Actionbaallusis Actillobacil An infectious L Based on the
(Wooden tongue) Ills disease of cattle symptoms,
lIglllersii marked by granulomatous
Animals wooden tongue. appearance of
susceptibl Inflammatory lesions in organs
e Cattle lesions are of tissues. Gram
and noticed in negative granules
occasional tongues, gums, in the pus smears
cases in palate, or stained films on
sheep pharyngeal the glass slides
lymph nodes and and isolation of the
oesophageal organisms.
groove etc.,
Granules (called
sulphur bodies)
are noticed in
tissues, purulent
necrotic and
ically gram
organisms are
seen in the
granules which
reveal club like
rosettes with a
central mass of
lesions in organs
reveal a central
zone of bacterial
delimiting finger
like clubs
epithelioid cells
and peripheral
location of

Bacterial Diseases

Diseases Causes Toxins Signs and Diagnosis

Produc Pathological
ed Changes
fiborblasts. The
organisms may
enter by
12. Glanders Pseudomollas A contagious 1. Based on the
lIIallcl disease of lesions in different
Solipedslike solipeds marked organs and
horses, by chronic isolation of
mules and cough,high Peudolllollas lIIallel.
donkeys fever, sticky or 2. Strauss test in
affected. oily nasal male guinea pigs
Man also discharge, characterised by
suffer from ulcerative orchitis and pus in
its infection. nodules on the the tunica vagmalis
Cattle and skin and death following intra
pigs are from peritoneal
immune to septicaemia. A inoculation of the
it. lymphatic isolate
infection 3.ELISA, mallein
in equines and and complement
organisms fixation tests
present in confirm the
different organs. diagnosis of
Acute and glanders.
chronic glanders
are two forms of
the disease.
Chronic forms
are marked by
nodules in the
Foci of catarrhal
and croupous
pneumonia and
infarcts present.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases o[Domestic Animals

Diseases Causes Toxins Signs and Diagnosis

Produced Pathological
the serous
mucosae with
ulcerated surfaces,
nodules in the
hyperaemic and
enlarged lymph
nodes are some
other lesions
noticed in acute
form. The lesions
noticed in the
chronic forms are
lyphangitis and
(farcy) in affecting
f9re or hind limbs.
Small round
nodules (called
farcy buds) along
the lymphatics in
tissue in the
affected animals.
The farcy buds
rupture and leave
ulcers with ragged
borders. Ulcers
also arise from
rupture of nodules
in the nasal,
pharyngeal and
tracheal mucosae
with punched out
appearance. Nasal
discharge is
yellowish and oily
m nature.

Bacterial Diseases

Diseases Causes Toxins Signs and Diagnosis

Produ Pathological
ced Changes
13. The organisms An infectious 1. Based on the
Mastitis causing mastitis disease of lactating symptoms and lesions
Animals are as follows: animals. Peracute, in the !acta ting
affected (1) Streptococcus acute, subacute and mammary glands
Lactating agalactiae chronic mastitis are 2. Staining of the
animals, (2) StaphylococClls some different centrifuged milk
like cattle, aweus forms of udder sediment by Gram's
buffaloes, (3) Elschencllla coli infection. A disease and acidfast staining
sheep and (4) Str. of zoonotic technique to detect
goats etc. zooepidelllicus potential. Acute organisms in the milk
(5) Str. pyogenes mastitis is marked 3. Isolation and
(6) CorynebacteriulII by cardinal signs of identification of the
pyogenes inflammation bacteria obtained
(7) MycobacteriulII e.g., redness from the milk samples
bovis (rubor), swelling 4. Strip cup,
(9) Pasteurella (tumor), heat cell count, direct
multocida (colour) and pain capture ELISA test
(10) Mycoplasma (dolor) etc. and California
bovls Peracute or acute mastitis test (CMT),
(11) FungI like from of mastitis white side test and
Trichosporon, may cause death of chloride content are
Aspergillus the affected cows. useful in diagnOSing
[til1lligatus and There is no visible cases of mastitis.
yeasts abnormality in the
milk or udder of
subclinical form of
mastitis. But a high
cell count in the
milk may be an
evidence of
mastitis. Indurated
udder and nodular
lesions are seen in
chronic mastits.
Toxaemia, fever,

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Diseases Causes Toxins Signs and Pathological Diagnosis

Produced Changes

(e.g Candida anorexia and recumbency

and Trolliopsis are signs of peracute
spp.etc.) mastitis. Wateriness is
(12) Leptospira marked in the milk of
illterrogalls mastitis cases, serous,
serovar fibrinous and purulent
Pomonaand exudate in acute mastitis.
Interrogans Dead neutrophils (pus
(13) Some cells), vacuolation or
viruses etc. compression of the
epithelial cell in the
alveolar lining, mono
nuclear cell or
neutrophiles in the
alveolar septa are noticed
in the cases of mastitis.
Capillaries in
the alveolar walls are
distended with blood in
acute mastitis. In chronic
contagious mastitis
caused Str. agaiactlae,
thickening and
cornification of the
epithelial lining are
present in the lactiferous
ducts. Lack of
regeneration in the alveoli
affected with epithelial
destruction and collapse
of the alveoli followed by
replacement with a mass
of proliferated fibrous
tissues are marked in

Bacterial Diseases

Diseases Causes Toxins Signs and Diagnosis

Produc Pathological
ed Changes
chronic mastitis.
Hardening and
induration are
noticed in such
cases of chronic
14. Navel-ill ~COII Pre-natal or post 1. Based on the
(Septic Pasteurella na tal infection symptoms, lesions
omphalophle- spp.,b, may cause navel and isolation of the
bitis) pyogenes, ill in animals. causative organisms.
streptococ Purulent
ciand discharge from the
staphyloc open inflamed
occi etc. umbilical veins in
Animals the affected calves.
susceptibl No changes are
e: Calves, noticed in the
foals, normal naval cord
lambs and (umbilicus). Blood
piglets etc. is seen in the
umbilical vein in
navel ill.
coagulated blood
is noticed in the
infected umbilical
vein and bacteria
are isolated from
such lesions which
may show pus or
dead tissues on
their cut surfaces

Chapter 3
Viral Diseases

Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD)

FMD is a highly contagious viral disease of ruminants
i.e., cloven footed animals like cattle, sheep and goats and
pigs. It is characterized by fever and formation of vesicles
especially in the foot and mouth. Foot and mouth disease
virus is an aphthovirus causing aphthous fever in domestic
and some wild animals and possesses epidermotropic
character (that is, affinity for epithelial cells).
The horse is not susceptible to FMD and reindeers suffer
from it. Susceptible animals are infected through ingestion
or by droplet infection from in-contact infected FMD cases.
This virus may enter respiratory or alimentary mucous
membrane to produce infection. There is a high fever (1040 -
106F) with fall in milk in cattle. Contaminated food, water
and utensils etc., spread infection to healthy stock. Incubation
period varies from 2 to 7 days and vesicles (called aphthae)
are seen in the mouth and the foot of the diseased animals.
This viral disease has low mortality but it has a great deal of
economic impact. FMD virus occasionally occurs in milk or
urine of infected animals
Types of the FMD viruses
These are as follows :
1. Vallee 0 4. S.A.T. 1 7. Asia-1
2. Vallee A 5. S.A.T.2
3. Waldman C 6. S.A.T. 3
These types are immunologically distinct from each other

Viral Diseases

and animals recovered from the attack of one type are fully
susceptible to infection with another types. Cattle, pigs, sheep
and goats are susceptible to it. The disease is transmitted by
direct contact between healthy and diseased animals. Tissues
and discharges have high infectivity. Airborne droplets of
saliva or discharges from infected cases of FMD lead to spread
of infection. Animals in good fat conditions are more severely
affected than lean animals. Immune status of the population
affected also influences the severity of FMD outbreak among
cattle and other susceptible animals. In enzootic areas,
animals are partially immune. A malignant from of FMD
occurs in the young stock of cattle with severe heart damage
because of degenerative changes in the heart muscles. Several
calves die of cardiac lesions marked by subendocardial
yellowish streaks and foci with a high rate of mortality. 50%
glycerine in normal sline is a good preservative of this virus
in vesicle fluid or epithelium.
Inappetence, loss of condition, ulcers in the mouth and
feet and severe lameness are important symptoms of the
disease in animals. Superficial erosions of the feet can be seen
with loss of horny covering of the hoof. Degenerative lesions
develop in the myocardium of the infected young animals
(like calves).
Necrotic lesions are found in the stratified epithelium of
the tongue, buccal mucosae, rumen and coronary bands or
teats. Vesiculation in such tissues occurs with loss of the
epithelium covering at a later stage. Ulcers may heal with
presence of very little scarring. There is an extensive
denudation of epithelial cells because of rupture of the vesicles
in the mucosa of tongue. The virus multiples in the stratum
germinativum of the epithelium which develops degenerative
changes (ballooning of the cells with swelling and pyknosis

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

of the nuclei). The remnants of epithelial cells get separated

from more superficial layers e.g., cornified layers. The space
created in this way gets filled with fluid to form vesicles. The
vesicles appearing on the mucous membranes of the mouth
tongue, dental pads, cheeks and gums and also on the skin
of muzzle, of the interdigital space on the teats or on udder
rupture to form ulcers. The roof of the vesicle is formed by
the stratum lucidum and some cells of the stratum
germinativum and the floor by the remnants of the stratum
germinativum. The cells of the vesicles are dead and white
in color like the skin over blisters. When these dead cells get
denuded or sloughed off, a red and painful base is seen in
the ulcers. Punctate haemorrhages or diffuse oedema of the
mucosae in the abomasum or small intestine can be found.
The mucosae of the small intestine may be hyperaemic or
blue red. Subpleural, subepithelial or subepicardial
haemorrhages can also be seen. Balloon degeneration is seen
in the cells in the middle of stratum spinosum of the
epidermis. Such cells are loos~ in the cellular prickles (stratum
spinosum), the cells become round or detached from one
The mouth lesions in FMD are differentiated from those
of R.P. in view of the depth of the involvement of the
epithelium. In FMD, there is a tendency to form an ulcer
(dip even upto dermis) with under run edges. The
characteristic lesion is a vesicle (an aphthus) containing straw
coloured fluid.
Distinguishing features between the FMD, vesicular
exanthema and vesicular stomatitis are given in the following
table 11. New techniques for identifying different strains
are enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), reverse
transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and
nucleotide sequence analysis.

Viral Diseases

Table 11. Some features of FMD, VS and VE

FMD Vesicular Stomatitis Vesicular
(VS) Exanthema (VE)
1. Cattle and Horse and cattle are Pigs are affected
ruminants are affected, occasional with vesicles in the
affected. Sudden incidence in pigs. mouth or snouts
death in young and teats etc.
2. Presence of both Generally there are no Signs like fever or
foot and mouth foot lesions. Vesicular lesions are not
lesions, fever and lesions are seen on the distinguishable
profuse salivation. oral mucosae, teats fromFMD and
and prepuce. vesicular stomatitis
in pigs is seen.
3. FMD virus (an This virus is The causative virus
aphthovirus i.e., a serologically distinct (a Calcivirus) is
picorna virus) is one. Vesiculovirus is a serologically
serologically member in the family distinct one.
distinct one. Rhabdoviridae.

Isolation and identification of the virus along with tests

to detect complement fixing bodies, or virus neuhoalizing
bodies can also be done. The cells become also highly
eosinophilic and their nuclei get pyknosed. Liquefaction
necrosis or accumulation of serum or leucocytes can extend
down to the cells of the basal layer. The vesicles and bullae
are seen over the highly congested dermis. Bullae are formed
from fusion of the vesicles. When the vesicles rupture, a red
raw surface with oozing blood is exposed to exterior.
Anorexia arises from pain in the vesicles. In calves or lambs,
the cardiac lesions occur in the form of hyaline degeneration
and necrosis in the myocardial muscle fibres. The skeletal
muscles may also show such lesions. Necrotic areas look like
grey foci or spots in the muscles. Features of DNA and RNA
viruses are given in Table 12.
There is a no specific treatment of foot and m0 1.lth

Advanced Pathology and Treatment o/Diseases o/Domestic Animals

Table 12. DNA and RNA viruses their genetic and some
other features
Viruses Families Sites of Species/virus Genome
Viral types
(i) Double
stranded (ds)
Enveloped i. Poxviridae Cytoplasm Cow pox, small A linear
(ds) DNA (+/- (enveloped) pox, swine pox double
) and fowl fox . stranded
viruses DNA
ii. Nudes Pseudorabies do
Herpesviridae and Mareks
I(enveloped) diseases viruses
N onenvelope i. Adenoviridae do Bovine do
d (non- adenovirus and
enveloped) canine
disease virus)
ii. do Bovine, canineCircular
Papovaviridae and Shope super
(non- papilloma double
enveloped) standed
viruses (rabbits)
Single Parvoviride do Feline A linear
stranded (ss) panleucopenia single DNA
DNA virus and molecule
Nonenvelope canine (ssDNA)
d (ss) DNA parvovirus-2

Viral Diseases

B.RNA Reoviridae Cytoplasm Bluetongue 10 or 11

virsues (non- virsues 1-25 molecules of
Double enveloped) and African linear double
strnaded (ds) horse stranded RNA
RNA sickness (segmented
Nonenvelope viruses 1-9 genome)
d (ds) RNA dsRNA
Bisegmented Birnaviridae do BNirnavirus Two molecules
double (non of double
stranded (ds) enveloped) stranded
RNA (segmented
nonenvelope genome
Single (i) do Rinderpest A linea single
stranded (ss) Paramixovirida virus and stranded RNA
RNAssRNA e (enveloped) canine molecule
(-) distemper (-ssRNA)
Nonsegmente virus
(ii) do Rabies virus do
Rhaboviridae and bovine
(enveloped) ephemero
(iii) Nucleus Born disease Three
Bornaviridae virus molecules of
linear single
stranded RNA
Negative (i) Nucleus Influenza 8,7and6
sense, Orthonyxovirid viruses molecules of
segmented ae (enveloped) linear single
stranded RNA
(ii) Bunyaviridi Cytoplasm Rift valley 3 molecules of
(enveloped) fever virus linear stranded
(iii) Single (i) Cytoplasm Canine A linear Single
stranded (ss) Coronaviridae Corona stranded
RNA viruses (enveloped) virus molecule of
RNA (+ss

Advance d Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

(ii) do FMDvi rus A linear

Picorna viridae and swine single
(nonenv eloped) vesicul ar strande d
disease s virusRNA

(iii) do
molecu le
Astrovi ruses do
Astrovi ridae
(iv) Togavir idae do Equine do
(envelo ped) encepha litis
(v) Flavivir idae do Hogcho lera do
virus and
Bovine and
diarrho ea
CaIcivi ridae do Vesicul ar do
(non-en veloped ) exanthe ma
virus of
c. DNA and Hepadn avirida e Nucleus Hepatit is B A circular
RNA (non envelop ed) virsus double
reverse transcri (Orthoh epad strande d
bing virsues na virus) DNA
partly double Duck molecu le
strande d (ds) hepatiti s (ss/ds DNA)
DNA/p artly virus
single strande d (Avihep adna
(ss) DNA virus)
I(nonenv eloped)
Single strande d Retrovi ridae do Bovine Diploid linear
(ss) RNA or ss (envelo ped) leukaem ia Single
RNA (+) strande d
DNA step in virus, feline RNA
replicat ion (non leukaem ia molecu le
envelop ed) virus and
avian leucosis
Note :- Subviral agents These are self replicating proteins with no known
acid and are known as prions (PrP)-a protein associated with scrapie.

Viral Diseases

disease. However, antibiotics can be used for controlling

secondary bacterial infections. Only symptomatic treatment
is advisable.
Tissue culture inactivated vaccine containing all the four
important strains (0, A, C, and Asia-1) of foot and mouth
disease can be used. Calves above four months of age can be
given FMD vaccine. There is a need of booster dose after
three to four months and revaccination is done every year.
When a locality has incidence of FMD, it is better to have
revaccination programme after every six months. Use of mild
disinfectants and protective dressings on the inflamed parts
checks the spread of secondary bacterial infections.
The lesions in mouth are treated with antiseptic electuary
of mouth wash (2% alum. soIn., boric acid in glycerine; 1 :
2000 soIn. of potassium permanganate). Antiseptic ointment
(Furacin oint., Himax lotion etc.) may be used on ulcers or
the cleft of the hooves. Immunity in the vaccinated animals
develops after 15 days and cannot be absolute in vaccinated
animals due to involvement of different immunologically
distinct strains. It short, mass vaccination with killed vaccines
is advisable in the endemic areas of a country. The vaccines
against FMD are as follows :
FMD vaccines Dosage Remarks
1.FMD vaccines Cattle, buffaloes and Primary vaccination
(inactivated strains calves 3ml si c in the at 4 months of age
like 0, A,C and mid neck region. Booster to
ASIA-1) 2. Sheep and goats primovaccinate after
FMD+ HS+ BQ oil 1ml. sic --------do-- 2-4 weeks
adjuvant vaccine- ------ ---------d0------- Revaccination 6
triovac. 3. FMD+HS months thereafter
oil adjuvant vaccine- 1st vaccination at 4
biovac. months of age and
the revaccination
after 9 months
followed by annual

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domes tic Animals

See tables-37,38 and 39 for different drugs or vaccines

used in the treatment of viral diseases.

It is an acute contagious febrile disease caused by a
filterable virus known as rinderpest virus of the genus
Morbillivirus. Cattle and buffaloes are very susceptible to it
and the virus of cattle plague (RP) is present in all the
secretions and the excretions of the body. The viral position
is intraleucocytic in the blood and the virus is not available
in the serum of the patients. Many other ruminants (like
cattle and buffaloes) and pigs are also susceptible to
rinderpest. Food, water, utensils, hides etc., contaminated
with the virus of RP infect the healthy animals. The virus
penetrates through the alimentary tract to enter inside the
body. There is a natural transmission of disease by direct
contact between infected and susceptible animals. Incubation
period of RP varies from 3 to 9 days. R.P. runs a milder course
in sheep, goat and camels than in cattle but causes an
explosive out break in Asiatic countries.
Affected animals show fever (104 to 105F), profuse
diarrhoea and inflammation of mucous membranes in the
alimentary tract and small ulcers or erosions are found in its
mucosae. In India, RP is an enzootic disease and indigenous
cattle suffer from a mild course and the mortality in them is
also low, but RP is a serious disease in imported exotic cattle
(Le., foreign breeds or crossbred animals) and mortality in
them may exceed over 90 per cent. The disease in the infected
animals lasts over 2 to 9 days and these animals usually die.
Marked leucopenia is found is RP cases. The body
temperature rises to 105F or higher and remains high for 3
to 10 days before becoming normal. The peak of the fever in
RP reaches on the 3rd to 5th day but there is an abrupt drop
with the onset of diarrhoea. Lesions within the oral mucosa

Viral Diseases

are seen on the 2nd or 3rd day of fever. The RP cases show
proshation, subnormal temperature and death after a course
of 6 to 12 days. High temperature, congested mucous
membranes, watering of the eyes, erosions in the mouth,
nasal discharge and diarrhoea are important signs to suspect
RP in a herd of cattle and buffaloes. The muzzle and mouth
are hot. Diarrhoea and arching of back are seen at the later
stages. Red spots can be seen on the inner aspects of the lips,
cheeks, gums, hard palate and the sides of the tongue.
Inflammatory changes are present in the papillae of the cheek
and the commissures of the mouth. Greyish yellow necrotic
areas replace the red spots on the mouth and nostrils and on
being sloughed off, these spots give rise to red ulcers which
may be deep or bleeding. The discharges from the mouth are
offensive and the breath is foetid. Weakness, exhaustion,
sunken eyes, fever and dehydration due to diarrhoea are very
important signs of RP patients. In epizootics of R.P., numerous
cases of rinderpest are seen all at once in many places but in
enzootic cases, the symptoms are less intense and are not so
violent as seen in the epizootics of this disease. Restlessness,
dryness of the muzzle and constipation can be seen in cattle
with the onset of rinderpest, but after a day or two, nasal
discharge, larcrimation, photophobia, depression, excessive
thirst, retarded rumination, anorexia and excessive salivation
(drooling of saliva) can be noticed in the rinderpest cases.
Lesions in the oral mucosa occur on the third day of infection
and severe diarrhoea develops at later stages.
The bodies of the RP patients are dehydrated and
emaciated due to rapid loss of condition. Haemorrhages,
small papules or pustules can be found in the skin of udder
or scrotum ett\. The mucous membrane in the rectum is
swollen and congested and blood stained foetid faeces can
be found around the anal region. Conjunctivitis may be
present. Crusts of discoloured mucopurulent discharge are
found in the areas around eyes, nostrils and mouth and
Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domes tic Animals

_carcass is soiled with faeces.

There is congestion in the oral and pharyngeal mucous
membranes and red spots and greyish white nodular
elevations are found in these mucosae. Later, ulcers or
erosions are formed in these red spots or elevations after
removal of greyish membranous deposits on surfaces of these
nodules or elevations. Erosions and ulcers also extend to
pharynx, oesophagus and pyloric region in the abomasum.
The R.P. virus has strong affinity for lymphoid tissues
and epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract. Necrosis of the
lymphoid tissue is seen in lymph nodes, spleen and Peyer's
patches. There is a fragmentation of the nuclei in the germinal
centers and disappearance of mature lymphoid cells in the
lymphoid follicles. Eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusion bodies
are found inside the multinucleated giant cells and there is
also presence of intranuclear inclusions in RP The lymphoid
cells are destroy~d to leave behind eosinophilic and a cellular
matrix, in place of lymphoid cells.
Necrosis of a few epithelial cells occurs in the deep layers
of the stratum Malpighi in the oral mucosae. Nuclei show
pyknosis, fragmentation and multinucleated giant cells are
found in the stratum spinosum. Mucosal epithelial ceiIs and
giant cells contain eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusions.
Intranuclear and intracytoplasmic viral inclusions may be
present in organs like tonsils. Basal layer of the squamous
epithelium is rarely penetrated or destroyed and the ulcers
are rarely found in RP in the oral mucosae. The erosions
which are shallow with a red raw floor are found in thr oral
mucosae. Rarely, lesions are found in the rumen, reticulum
and omasum. Congestion and haemorrhages are found in
the lamina propria of the abomasal mucosae. Abomasal folds
are thickened and oedematous and erosions with red raw
floor are seen. There may be deep ulceration in occasional
cases. Numerous petechiae are found in the large intestines
(e.g., caecum). Chronic passive congestion in the liver can

Viral Diseases

arise from cardiac or pulmonary complications. At caecocolic

junctions, infundibuli are formed due to invagination of
necrotic epithelium through muscularis mucosae. A
characteristic striped appearance called zebra marking is
noticed in the colonic mucosa arising from transversely
running zones (stripes) of haemorrhages and congestion in
the caecum and rectum etc.
In the respiratory system, petechiae are found on the
turbibnates and erosions or petechiae can occur in the larynx.
There are sub-endocardial haemorrhages in the heart. A
mucopurulent tenacious exudate forms a coating on the nasal
turbinates epithelial lining. Removal of such exudates causes
erosions or ulcers in the septa.
It is based on the following facts :
(1) Symptoms, gross and microscopic lesions. These help in
making a presumptive diagnosis on a herd basis and
not at all on an individual basis.
(2) A challenge of immune and normal control animals is
made with splenic suspensions from suspected cases of
RP This is done to confirm the diagnosis.
(3) Serum virus neutralization test
(4) Gel diffusion preciptin test is an important aid to differ-
ential diagnosis. Agar gel immunodiffusion test using
needle biopsy specimens and ELISA test also confirm
RP in the outbreaks affected animals.
Some important features of diseases marked by
diarrhoea or intestinal lesions are given in table 13.

Advanced Pathologlf and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Ammals

Table 13. Diseases characterized by Diarrhoea or

Intestinal Lesions etc., in Cattle.
Diseases Common Signs or Pathologic SignsfFeatures
(1) (2) (3)
1. Rinder 1. Erosions in the Presence of erosive stomatitis,
pest (cattle mouth. 2. Zebra blood stained saliva, high fever,
plague). markings in the rectum. 1050 F, severe diarrhoea and
dysentery. Marked leucopenia,
and lymphopenia with
karyorrhexis of the lymph nodes,
rapid outbreaks, commonly
affecting the young and mature
cattle and death of animals may
be upto 90%. Resistant animals
may show subacute or chronic
form of the disease.
2. Foot and 1. Vesicles in the Ropy saliva, high fever,
Mouth mouth. 2. Vesicles on lameness, painful stomatitis.
disease. the udder and comet. 3. Morbidity of the FMD patients
Mycoardial may rise to 100%. Rapid spread
degenerative changes of the disease in the enzootic
in the calves. areas. Serological and animal
transmission tests confirm its
3. Bovine 1. Erosions in the Marked by persistent high fever.
malignant mouth 2. Skin lesions 3. Hyperaemic buccal mucosae,
catarrh. Diarrhoea and severe conjunctivitis, enlarged
dysentery. swollen lymph nodes and
shedding of the horn coverings
are noticed in the affected
animals which are mostly young
or immature.
Haematuria, vasculitis and
corneoseleral opacity are marked.
Presence of leucopenia and
neutropenia at the early stages of
the disease in the animals and
leucocysts noticed at a later
stage. Disease is confirmed by
transmission test.

Viral Diseases

(1) (2) (3)

4.Salmonellosis 1. Leucopenia 2. Presence of high fever, foul smell
(paratyphoid Diarrhoea 3. in the faeces, fibrous casts and
fever). Dysentery 4. abdominal pain are marked in
Fibrinohaemorrhagic this disease. Death within 24-48
enteritis 5. hours. Cattle of all ages affected
Septicaemia and by its outbreak. Acute disease
enterocolitis 6. Focal followed by subcute or chronic
hepatic necrosis and form.
permeation of
paratyphoid nodules
consisting of
histiocytes and
macrophages etc.
5.Johne's 1. Emaciation 2. Watery homogenous faeces
disease Chronic diarrhoea 3. inspite of almost normal appetite
Mycobacterium Enteritis. and temperature. Loss of weight
paratuberculosis is a marked sign. Folds or
infection. corrugations of the mucosae of
the intestine. Older or animals of
2 years of age show low
morbidity. Disease is confirmed
by serological test or cultural
examination of faeces. Almost
normal hydration in the body.
6. Ostertagiasis. 1. Persitent diarrhoea No presence of mucus, blood or
2. Bottle jaw smell in the faecal matter.
(subcutaneous Decreased appetite, Cattle (6
oedema in the months to 2 years of age) are
mandibular space). mostly affected. Presence of
parasitic eggs in the faeces,
several treatments with
fenbendazole give good results.
7. Coccidiosis. 1. Presence of Presence of enteritis in the young
dysentery 2. cattle. Nervous signs are noted
Haemorrhagic cecitis in 20% of the patients with
and colitis. deaths. Presence of mild fever,
oocysts are noticed in the faeces.
A self limiting disease in the
cattle and respond very well on
treatment with amprolium and

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

(1) (2) (3)

8. Arsenic 1. Sudden death 2. Diarrhoea, muscular tremors
poisoning. Acute abdominal and convulsions are noticed in
pain. the poisoning cases in cattle.
Affected animals die within 4-8
hours of the appearance of
symptoms. Belowing and
regurgitation are also noticed in
the cases of arsenical poisonings.
Abomasal oedema is noticed.
Feeds, faeces and organs are
collected for the sake of chemical

As applicable for all viral diseases, there is no specific
treatment of rinderpest in animals. However, symptomatic
treatment is given and in order to check diarrhoea and
superimposed infections (secondary complications),
administration of sulpha drugs and antibiotics is advisable.
In early cases of rinderpest, hyper-immune serum can be
given for the first few days (200 to 500 cc. of the immune
serum can be given s/ c or i/v). To check the acute
dehydration in the suffering animals, fluid therapy (5%
dextrose saline) at the dose rate of 50 to 100 mljkg body
weight can be given. In convalescent animals vit. B-complex
may be given for 5 to 7 days. Antipyretics can be given in the
early stage to lower down the high temperature in developing
rinderpest infection. There is no specific therapy for
rinclerpest but surveillance and annual vaccination with
tissue culture or other vaccine is advisable in the endemic
In order to control rinderpest in cattle, the steps followed
are as under :-
(i) There should be compulsory vaccination of all suscepti-
ble animals. Legislation can be passed for compulsory

Viral Diseases

(ii) Movements of cattle and other susceptible animals

should be restricted from one place to another place.
No infected animals should be allowed to enter out-
break affected states or into the states free from this dis-
ease. There should be a strict quarantine of all infected
imported livestock.
(iii) The utensils should be thoroughly disinfected to pre-
vent spread of infection to healthy stock.
Different available vaccines can be used. Freeze dried
goat tissue vaccine is quite useful in the indigenous stock
and immunity conferred lasts for whole life (say, about 14
It is better to administer tissue culture vaccine (TCRP)
to exotic and crossbred animals and immunity in them lasts
two years.
The application of freeze dried GT virus (GTV) vaccine
in exotic cattle is not advisable because of development of
severe RP like symptoms leading to several deaths in such
animals. The cattle (aged up to 6 months) should be
vaccinated with suitable choice of vaccine. R.P. vaccine
protects goats and sheep against Peste-des-petits-ruminants
(PRP) infection.

BOVINE EPHEMERAL FEVER (Three day sickness)

A vesiculovirus (family Rhabdoviridae) has features
similar to those of vesicular stomatitis and rabies and causes
an acute disease in bovines. Very few sick animals die of
three day sickness. Biting arthopods (flies) are believed to
transmit this infection to healthy animals. The incubation
period varies from 2 to 3 days and there is quick spontaneous
recovery in the affected animals. The causative type species
is an Ephemerovirus of the family Rhabdoviridae.
The main signs of this disease in bovines are as follows:

Advanced PathologV and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

1. Transitory high fever, enlargement of peripheral lymph

nodes, muscular shivering inappetence and dyspnoea
or respiratory distress of short duration.
2. Mucoid or purulent discharge from nose, shivering and
shifting lameness. Presence of running eyes and nose.
3. There may be occurrence of cessation of rumination,
diarrhoea, ruminal stasis or constipation.
4. Stiffness and lameness (helpful in diagnosis) are very
important signs of this disease. Swollen eyelids and
drooping ears are seen in the sick animals. There is
hyperfibrirogenemia, elevated creatin kinase, hypocal-
caemia, leucocytosis and fall in milk production.

The main lesions in the animals are generalized vascular
engorgement, oedematous lymph nodes, hydropericardium,
hydroperitoneum, oedema of the lymph nodes, rhinitis,
tracheitis and pulmonary emphysema. Fasciculitis,
tendovaginitis, cellulitis and focal necrosis in the muscles are
also found. The blood vessels are seen surrounded by oedema
and leucocytic infiltration and endothelial proliferation are
also present. Blood vessels can be thrombosed and necrotic
changes are found in their walls. Haemosiderosis of spleen
and lymph nodes can be found. Haemorrhages in the trachea
and heart muscles are seen. When the throat muscles are
involved, drenching can produce inhalation pneumonia due
to improper entry into trachea.
It is based on the symptoms, lesions and isolation and
identification of the viral agent i.e., a vesiculovirus. Sudden
onset of illness (fever) and short course are characteristic signs
of the disease. Other diagnostic tests are blocking ELISA,
agargel immunodiffusion (AGID), serum neutralization and
fluorescent anti-body test etc.

Viral Diseases

Ephemeral fever in cattle is a viral infection and no
specific treatment is given for this disease. The principle of
symptomatic palliative treatment is followed. Animals
suffering from constipation are given purgative or an enema.
Saline and diuretics may also be given. The sick animals
should have an access to plenty of water. The body of animal
is protected from cold and heat.
Analgesic (Novalgin) 10-20 rnl (i/m B.LD.) can be given
to animals to reduce temperature and stiffness of the body.
Antibiotics can also be given to check secondary infection in
the lungs and other organs. Non steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs and calcium borogluconate in the cases of
hypocalcaemia are beneficial in the sick animals.
Pox Diseases (Variolae)
These diseases refer to an acute viral diseases affecting
man, animals and birds. The viruses of pock or pox diseases
are basically similar and belong to the family Poxviridae but
under natural conditions, different species of animals are
attacked by the pox viruses. All strains in man, animal or
birds produce cross immunity against each other but the fowl
pox and swine pox viruses are quite distinct from each other.
Typical lesions in the skin and mucous membranes are found
in these diseases.
The lesions are as follows :
1. Macules: These are small red spots like flea bites
which are formed in the roseola stage. This stage in noted
after an incubation period of 3-6 days in cattle.
2. Papules: These small spots (macules)are converted
into small red, swollen areas or nodules due to prolif-
eration of cells. These lesions are found in papular stage.
Raised papules have a zone of hyperaemia around their

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

3. Vesicles : These are formed in the vesicular stage in

which clear lymph accumulates in the papules to be
converted into vesicles on the 7th or 8th day. In short, a
vesicle is a yellow coloured blister with a pitted centre.
4. Pustules: In the pustular stage, these are formed
when the lymph turns turbid and purulent. Pustules,
later, undergo umbilication.
5. Desquamative stage: In this, exudate or lymph dries
into a tenacious scabs and crusts. These scabs fall in
about 3 weeks after the beginning of the eruptions in
the bodies.
In short, the typical skin eruptions in the skin and
mucous membranes of the infected animals progress by stages
i.e., from macules to papules to vesicles and sometimes
pustules etc. Incubation period varies from 3 to 5 days.
Paschen bodies which are elementary bodies are formed
inside the epithelial cells and these bodies give rise to large
cytoplasmic inclusion bodies called Guarnieri bodies. Paschen
granules are the viruses of vaccinia (cow pox).
The pox diseases are transmitted by direct contact
betw~en infected and healthy individuals. Droplet infection
also occurs through the inhalation of the droplets
contaminated with the viral particles. The viruses of the pox
diseases primarily involve the epithelial tissues. The
parasitized epithelial cells contain inclusion bodies which
consist of smaller elementary bodies (i.e., the viruses
themselves). Guarinieri bodies are found in all poxes. These
are noticed in the cytoplasm in the state of encroachment
upon the nuclei of the epithelial cells.
The inclusion bodies are specific for fowl pox and are
called Bollinger bodies. These bodies are found in the
cytoplasm of the affected epithelial cells in the skin and have
an accumulation of granules within a limiting membrane.
The granules involved in the formation of Bollinger bodies
are called Borrel bodies.

Viral Diseases


It is caused by a species called cow pox virus or variola

vaccinia (vaccinia virus) of the genus Orthopox. There is a
basic relationship between the viruses of small pox, cow pox
and horse pox. Adults and children infected with cow pox
virus attain immunity against the small pox. During milking,
the virus is transmitted to the dairy man or milkers through
the injured skin. Buffalo pox is closely related to cow pox.
The main lesions of cow pox are found on the teats and
the udders and these heal without leaving any scar at the
sites of the lesions. Such cows suffer from superimposed
infection of mastitis. Cows recovered from pox get lifelong
immunity. The cow pox is a self-Hming disease with
characteristic lesions on the teats and udder.
Sheep Pox
It is a very serious contagious damaging generalized
disease in sheep. The causative virus is a sheep pox virus of
the genus Capri pox virus. This disease is spread by Stomoxys
calcitrans and has an incubation period of 12-14 days. A
malignant form of sheep pox is noticed in lambs.
Fever and eruptions in the skin and mucous membrane
are found in the infected sheep. Mortality varies from 5 per
cent to 50 per cent.
Lesions like nodules on skin devoid of wool and mucous
membrane are found in the diseased sheep. These animals
also suffer from pneumonia. Cheeks, lips and nostrils show
the lesions. Haemorrhages are also seen. Later, pustules
develop. There is a subcutaneous gelatinous oedema.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Goat Pox
It resembles sheep pox and is a very contagious disease.
A viral dermatitis resembling goat pox occurs as an acute
fatal disease in the goats in India. Pneumonia developing in
goats is usually of a fatal type. The lesions in the skin develop
in the hairless parts like axillae, inside the thigh, nose, chick
and lips. In goat, the pox is less severe than in sheep.

Horse Pox
The virus of horse pox is similar to that of cow pox.
There is a cross immunity between the viruses of horse and
cow pox which transmit immunity to non-vaccinated human
beings. This fact led to development of vaccines for use in
the human beings.
Two kinds of horse pox are:
1. Skin Type :The flexor surfaces of joints in the lower
part of the legs are attacked by the virus. Very greasy
painful crusts are formed. Nodules, vesicles, pustules
and scabs are noticed on the back of the pastern. Sick
horses suffer from pain and lameness with formation of
nodules, vesicles and pustules etc.
2. Mouth Type: The lesions develop in the buccal mucous
membranes, lips, gums, tongue, nose and cheek etc. Fe-
ver is present in the sick horses. Drooling of saliva from
the mouth and loss of appetite are seen in the affected
horses. Death may occur in foals. Recovered horses get
lifelong immunity. Healing of lesions occur in 2-4 weeks.

Buffalo Pox
It is a contagious disease of water buffaloes caused by a
virus very similar to vaccinia virus. Lesions develop on the
teats and udders of milking buffaloes. Necrotic nodules are
formed in an experimental infection in mice.

Viral Diseases

Swine Pox
1. Swine pox caused by swine pox virus of the genus
Suipoxvirus. Typical lesions appear on the ventral sur-
face of the abdomen of the affected pigs. A solid immu-
nity is a sequel to viral infection in swines. It can occur
as a sporadic or epizootic disease in pigs.
The virus affects usually the young pigs and the lesions
like eruptions of pox are found on skin, mouth and pharynx.
The lesions in the lungs cause a lot of mortalities. Black
pustular crusts are found on the abdomen, inside the thighs
and arms. Hamatopinus suis transmits the virus to pigs. Lesions
like vesicles and scabs heal and drop off at the end. Young
pigs are very susceptible to this virus which may be
transmitted by mosquitoes and flies etc. There is no cross
immunity with either cow pox vaccine or with other types
of swine pox.
Fowl Pox
A virus infection of birds characterized by development
of wart like nodules on the skin, a watery or mucopurulent
discharge from the eyes and nose and presence of diphtheritic
growths in the oral cavities. The poxes in all birds are closely
related. The causative agent is a fowl pox virus of the genus
Avipoxvirus. Skin lesions are noticed on combs, eyelids and
wattles of chickens. The lesions are marked as hyperplastic
epidermis, thick layers of keratin, oedema in dermis and
inclusions (called Boolinger bodies) in epithelial cells.
Since pock (pox) diseases are caused by viruses, only
palliative treatment is advisable. Antiseptic cream or a
stringent lotion can be used before milking. Control of the
pock disease is a very difficult task. However, milking
machine and udder cloth should be disinfected to avoid
spread of infection to healthy animals. For washing teats,

Advanced.Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

any detergent (weak soln. of tincture iodine) can be used.

Ointment like terramycin, savlon cream, Furacin etc. can be
Chickens from 6 weeks of age can be administered fowl
pox vaccine. Birds develop immunity in about 14 days. Birds
recovered from natural infection are immune.
No specific treatment for sheep and goat pox is available.
Only palliative treatment is available. In order to check
secondary bacterial infection, broad spectrum antibiotics or
sulpha drugs are used.
For controlling sheep and goat pox, the following steps
are taken:
1. No animals from infected source should be imported.
2. Affected flock of sheep and goats should be destroyed
and animals in the affected areas must be quarantined.
3. Tissue culture vaccines absorbed on aluminium hydrox-
ide can be used. Immunity develops in two weeks and
persists for about 9 to 12 months. Sheep and goat pox
vaccines are available for prophylaxis. Sheep pox vac-
cine in doses of 0.5 rn1 can be given si c about an inch
inside the tip of ear using 21 guage needle. Precaution
should be taken to check the entry of vaccine inside
bloods vessels. Immunity produced lasts two years.
Sheep pox cell culture vaccine (Indian immunological
Ltd.) can even be given at the dose rate of one rn1 if m at
rnidneck or thigh region of the sheep at the age of three
months usually after lambing season or during onset of
breeding season.

Contagious Pustular Dermatitis (CPD) Or (Contagious

Ecthyma) Of Sheep And Goat
This virus affects the sheep(usually young lambs) and
goats which show eruptions around the mouth and the
buccal mucosae. Such eruptions like papules or vesicles of

Viral Diseases

pox like lesions can be seen on cornea,nostrils and eyes,

vulva,udder and teats of the sheep. The lesions are
proliferative and lead to formation of scabs.The viruses of
goat pox and sheep pox are immunologic ally distinct ones,
i.e., lack of cross immunization but the goat pox virus is
related to virus of contagious pustular dermatitis.Goat pox
virus offers immunity against CPD but the virus of CPD does
not immunise against goat pox.
Pathological Changes
The important signs are sore mouth, emaciation and
scabs.These scabs fall and heal in about a month .The main
lesions are papules, vesicles,pustules and scabs on the skin
of lips, around nostrils and eyes.
The signs and lesions are helpful in making its diagnosis.
Vaccines (e.g., live strain CPD virus in the dried scabs)
are used to protect the sheep against this disease.

African Horse Sickness

African horse-sickness is an infectious but not contagious
febrile seasonal disease of horses which is caused by a
filterable virus (an Orbivirus of the family Reoviridae). It is
characterized by fever, oedema of the lungs and subcutaneous
tissues in the affected animals. Culicoides are responsible for
its transmission to healthy horses from diseased ones.
Standing or stagnant water and warm humid conditions give
a suitable environment for the multiplication of these vectors.
Antigenically, different types of viruses (1-9-main
immunological types) have been identified and the virus is
present in the blood, other affected tissues and even in the
foetus of the affected animals. Horses are highly susceptible
to infection and donkeys can also be affected.
Incubation period varies from 2 to 21 days. An average
one is 6 days. Fever is seen in the sick horses. .
Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Two types of African horse sickness are as follows :

1. Dikkop horse sickness (marked by hydropericardium).
2. Dunkop horse sickness (marked by respiratory distress).

Dikkop (thick_head) horse sickness

Subcutaneous oedema of head and neck, shoulders and
chest, fever (reaching its height after about 2 weeks of its
infection) are noticed. Such symptoms arise from abnormality
of heart and circulation. The affected animals show
drowsiness, arched back, restlessness, hanging of the head,
loss of natural wrinklings in the mandibular space and
jugular furrows.

Dunkop (thin head) Horse Sickness

This is an acute form of the disease affecting primarily
the lungs of the animals. These animals show pulmonary
oedema and death at a later stage. Dyspnoea, paroxymal
coughing and escape of frothy fluid from the nose and
struggle, severe breathing problems are noticed in the sick
In Dikkop horse sickness (thick head form), the main
pathological lesions are the following:
1. Oedema of the subcutaneous and serous tissues.
2. Oedema in the head, neck and region of temporal fossa
is seen and it can extend to shoulders, sternum and ab-
domen. Ascites is a marked lesion in this viral infection.
3. Excess of pericardial fluid (hydropericardium and sub-
endocardial and subepicardial haemorrhages), myocar-
dial degeneration and anasarca.
4. In Dunkop (thin head horse sickness), there is no sub-
cutaneous oedema but the pulmonary oedema is mas-
sive and the interlobular tissue is infiltrated with fluid
of gela~ous consistency. The trachea and bronchi are

Viral Diseases

filled with forthy material. Hydrothorax is also seen in

such cases.

Its diagnosis is based on the symptoms, leucopenia and
lesions. The immunological type of the virus infecting the
horse is also identified. Other tests are detection of the virus
by culture and reverse transcriptase - polymerase chain
reaction (RTPCR) in blood or tissues.
Oedema of head and neck (especially supraorbitalfossae)
along with fever, hydrothorax and pulmonary oedema are
important signs of the disease. In cases, horses are found
dead, the diseases like piroplasmosis and anthrax should be
eliminated before diagnosing it as a cause of death. Agar gel
immunodiffusion (AGID), indirect fluorescent antibody (IF A),
complement fixation (CF), virus neutralization (VN) and
ELISA test are advisable to confirm its diagnosis.
African horse sickness is a viral disease with fever
respiratory and cardiac trouble. Symptomatic treatment in
view of the lesions can be given to horses. Antibiotics can be
administered to check bacterial infection. Cough electuary
and expectorants can also be given. Diruetics and cardiac
tonics are also given in cardiac form of African horse sickness.
Proper managemental care should be taken in stable and
freeze dried polyvalent attenuated vaccine can be used in
doses of 5ml by subcutaneous route. The horses are given
rest for three weeks and immunity caused by this vaccine
lasts a year. The horses should be protected from the bites of
insects and flies by providing fly proof stables. Vaccination
and reduction of exposure of horses to bites of insects are
very important steps to control African horse-sickness. Foals
(aged 3-4 months) are also vaccinated. An immunity
following vaccination lasts a year in the vaccinated horses.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Equine Encephalomyelitis
It is a viral disease caused by the arthropod borne alpha
viruses affecting the central nervous system of the horses.
The virus belongs to the genus Alphavirus of the family
Togaviridae. The three immunologic ally distinct strains of
equine encephalomyelitis are:
1. Western strain or Western equine encephalitis virus.
2. Eastern strain or Eastern equine encephalitis virus.
3. Venezuelan strain or Venezuelan equine encephalitis
Mosquitoes are the main vectors of the virus of equine
encephalomyelitis. Human beings and other animals like pigs
are also affected by these viruses. Incubation period varies
from strain to strain as given below :
EEE - 1 to 3 days
WEE - 2 to 4 days
VEE- 1 to 6 days

Loss of awarness of the surroundings, tremors of
shoulders, facial muscles, aimless wandering, continuous
walking in circles, unresponsive to commands, mental
depression and collision with different objects are some of
the main signs of equine encephalomyelitis. Fever occurs at
the outset of the disease and paralysis of the various groups
of muscles occurs. The sick horses lie down and are unable
to stand and soon die or relapse into a state of somnolence.
The neurons are attacked by the virus of equine
encephalomyelitis and are greatly damaged. Neurons show
degenerative or necrotic changes. There is a dissolution and
loss of tigroid substance (tigrolysis) and chromatin
(chromatolysis) in the neurons. The neurons, later, undergo

Viral Diseases

fragmentation and are removed by phagocytes

(neuronophagia). The leucocytes and glial cells form nodules
around the damaged neurons. The grey matter around the
affected neurons may become oedematous and diffusely
infiltrated with lymphocytes, neutrophiles and red cells etc.
Lymphocytes escaping from the nearby arterioles form a
collar of densely packed cells around the blood vessels
(perivascular cuffing). Small intranuclear acidophilic
inclusions are noticed in neurons in western equine
encephalomyelitis of horses. In the infection with the eastern
strain, the grey matter is diffusely infiltrated with
neutrophiles. Lesions of the equine encephalomyelitis are
numerous in thalamus, hypothalamus and brain stem etc.
It is based on the symptoms, lesions and isolation and
identification of the virus. Complement fixing antibodies are
noticed in the sera of the affected or recovered cases. Indirect
immunofluorescence, virus neutralisation and complement
fixation are helpful in diagnosis of equine viral encephalitis.
As equine encephalomyelitis is a viral disease with high
fever and nervous symptoms, symptomatic or supportive
treatment is advisable. Hyperimmune serum in doses of 500
ml can be given in the beginning of infection. Horses should
be given good nutrition. Nervine tonics such as thiamine,
vit. B-12, neurobion etc., should be given. Horses should also
be given laxative. There should be proper care and
management of the sick horses. Bedding should be turned
frequently and the horses are to be protected from bites of
the mosquitoes, flies, ticks and bugs etc. It is very difficult to
control flies and for this purpose, fly repellants should be
used. Attenuated virus vaccine can be used and it gives
immunity for a year. There can also be annual vaccination
within eight months of age and revaccination is done

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

annually. Vaccination of all horses against viral

encephalomyelitis and quarantine of infected horses are
important steps to protect the equine population.
Blue Tongue (Synonym. Catarrhal Fever of Sheep)
It is an infectious febrile viral disease (an Orbivirus
infection of the family Reoviridae) of sheep. It is a disease of
non-contagious nature and characterized by fever and
catarrhal inflammatory changes in the buccal and nasal
mucosae in the affected sheep. The inflamed buccal and nasal
mucosae have a tendency to excoriation and ulceration.
Congestion and capillary haemorrhages are noticed in the
coronary tissues of the hoof and the muscle fibres show
degenerative changes. Blood tissue fluids and organs of the
infected animals contain the blue tongue virus (1-25). Blood
is found to be the most virulent material. The sheep is the
most susceptible animal but the cattle and goats may harbour
the virus. The disease is not transmitted directly from one
animal to another in the closest contact but natural
transmission occurs by infected vectors like mosquitoes or
It has an incubation period of less than a week. Rise of
temperature (between 1050 to 106F), unwillingness to feed,
rolling movements of the tongue, licking of the lips and nasal
discharge of mucoid or watery consistency and salivation
are noticed in the affected animals. Incrustations of the dried
up discharges are formed on the nostrils. Ulcerations and
congestion are noticed in the nasal mucosae. The lips are
swollen, tender and blood escapes readily when handled.
The buccal mucous membrane is congested and cyanotic and
has a tendency to excoriate to form superficial ulcers on the
inside of the lips. Deep ulcers are found at the sides of the
tongue. Oedema is seen in the face and ears and submaxillary
regions of the body.

Viral Diseases

Lameness or stiffness is marked in the affected sheep.

There is an intense congestion and haemorrhage in the
coronary band or horny tissues and bands may be red or
purplish. The skin in the inter digital cleft has a purplish
discolouration. The losses of sheep may be upto 90 per cent.
Death may occur within 6 days after the first appearance of
the symptoms. The nasal or buccal discharges are foetid and
diarrhoea can be seen in the sick animals. Periople may be
pink and it later, turns red.
The main pathological lesions are as follows :
(1) Blood vessels are congested or engorged with blood in
general. There is a presence of arteritis with the hyper-
plasia of endothelium and there is also infiltration of
neutrophiles and lymphocytes in the adventia. Such
changes are found in the oral mucosae, brain and pla-
(2) Hyperaemia, oedema, cyanosis and multiple haemor-
rhages are present in the tongue and cheeks. There is
an erosion or ulceration of the epithelium. Lips and
tongue are cyanotic.
(3) The skin is hyperaemic and subcutis around head and
neck are oedematous. There is intensive hyperaemia of
the vascular corium of the hoof especially marked at
the dermal papillae and oedematous changes with neu-
trophilic infiltration are present. Red cells and
neutrophiles accumulate in the medullary canals of the
horny walls and form red streaks which continue as
channels from dermal papillae.
(4) There are focal haemorrhages in the muscles with
hyalinasation and loss of striations in the muscle bun-
dles. There is coagulation, irregular swelling and frag-
mentation of sarcolemmal nuclei.
(5) Presence of haemorrhages in the abomasal and duo de-

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

nal mucosae and fatty changes at periphery of the he-

patic lobules are noticed.
(6) There is an extravasation of blood in the endocardium
and blood tinged fluid in the pericardial sac. The spleen
is congested, enlarged with haemosiderosis and neu-
trophilic infiltration of the red pulp. Degenerative
changes in the cardiac muscles lead to collapse of the
(7) Presence of gelatinous infiltration in the subcutaneous
tissues and intermuscular fasciae is found.

It is based on the symptoms and lesions. Fever, lameness,
swollen and hyperaemic conditions of the lips, cyanosis of
the tongue, ulceration in the mouth, foot lesions, stiffness
and nasal discharge etc. helps in its diagnosis. The petechiae
in the trapezius muscle is quite suggestive of the disease.
Suspected blood collected during febrile stage in sick sheep
is inoculated into healthy and immune sheep to confirm its
diagnosis. Virus isolation, detection of viral nucleic acid
complement fixation, AGID, ELISA and virus neutralization
(VN) tests are carried out to confirm the blue tongue infection
in sheep.
No specific treatment is available for blue tongue.
Antibiotics are used to control secondary bacterial infections.
Vitamin A (prepalin) or Vit.C (Redoxone) can be used as
supportive drugs. Egg-attenuated polyvalent virus vaccine
is used in South Africa and the immunity lasts in the sheep
for a year. Use fly repellants in the sheep dwellings and ,
control insect population by spraying. A void the risk of
exposure to control the insect vectors. Timely annual
vaccination in sheep is recommended and immunity develops
in 10-15 days following vaccination in sheep. Import of sheep
from infected countries or zones is prohibited to prevent
spread of blue tongue.
Viral Diseases

Scrapie COvine Spongiform Encephalopathy)

It is a non-febrile prion disease of sheep which is an
infection caused by a self-replicating infectious protein (PrP)
with no known nucleic acid in its structure. Sheep of 2 to 3
years of age are usually affected. The ewes suffer from it at
about their first pregnancy. The disease spreads to other
sheep from even ewes or lambs belonging to an infected flock.
The most characteristic sign of the disease is continuous
scraping of the skin. Incubation period may be upto several
months to several years in nature. The causative factors are
prions that cause a group of diseases in man and animals
known as spongiform encephalopathy.
Two varieties of scrapie are :
(i) Itchy variety.
(ii) Trotting variety.

Itchy Variety
There is an intense pruritus (itchiness) or scraping of
the skin with loss of flesh and abnormalities of gait. The sheep
get emaciated and show extreme debility and loss in weight.
There is an increasing weakness with fixed stare or listening
attitude and twitching of the ears and eye lids. Sheep are
restless and affected cases may live from weeks to months. 5
to 20 per cent of the affected sheep die. Sheep show
restlessness and a startled look and the pupils are dilated in
the sick sheep. The skin irritation commences in the lumbar
region and the affected sheep scratch the back with grinding
of the teeth.
Trotting Variety
Itchiness and scratching or scraping of the skin is seen.
Sheep trot with flopping ears. There is an emaciation in the
body. Nervous twitchings are seen in the sheep. Grinding of

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases a/Domestic Animals

teeth and twitching of the lips and muscles of the shoulders

and thighs are seen in the affected sheep. The sheep are
unable to stand and show incoordination and paralysis. The
case fatality rate is 100 per cent.
There are no characteristic lesions in scrapie. But the
most characteristic change is the presence of large vacuoles
in the cytoplasm of neurons, diffuse astrogliosis and
occasional accumulation of lymphocytes in the Virchow-
Robin spaces. Such lesions can be found in the medulla
oblongata, pons, mid-brain and spinal cord etc.
It is based on the symptoms (scraping or restlessness)
lesions and detection of scrapie prion protein in the affected
sheep. Neurons with vacuoles in the medulla oblongata or
pons are very helpful in the diagnosis of scrapie. Scrapie defies
all sorts of treatment.
Scrapie is a viral disease and its treatment should be
done symptomatically but the treatment is not so effective
and advisable on account of mortality rising upto 100%.
Methods for its control and eradication are to be adopted.
The sheds and barns should be disinfected. When sheep
are found to be suffering from the disease, it is better to destroy
them. There should be complete restriction on movement of
sheep and destruction of all clinical cases is adopted. Selective
breeding to evolve resistant sheep is a reasonable approach
to control this disease.
Rabies (Hydrophobia)
It is an infectious viral disease which is transmitted
usually by the saliva of a rabies infected dog's bite. Incubation
period ranges from 2 weeks to 6 months or may be longer in

Viral Diseases

rare cases. Rabid animals show symptoms of paralysis, death

and encephalomyelitis. The causative virus is a rabies virus
of the genus Lyssavirus of the family Rhabdoviridae.
The virus of rabies is a neurotropic virus and the greatest
concentration of the virus is found in the brain (Pasteur, 1881)
and salivary glands of the infected cases. It may be either a
street or a fixed virus. It is the street virus, which usually
produces the natural disease in animals by bites of the rabid
animals and this virus can be isolated from naturally infected
warm blooded animals like cattle, dogs and sheep etc. The
incubation period of the street virus can be shortened by
several intracerebral passages (say, 50 passages) in rabbits
or in the same species of animals. After a certain stage, the
incubation period becomes constant or fixed for that species.
In short, the fixed virus is a strain adapted to the secondary
hosts for experimental use. Fixed virus does not produce
Negri bodies in the brain as done by the street virus and does
not normally produce infection in the animals. The
commonest affected species of the domestic animals is the
dogs. Poultry also gets infected with rabies. In short, all the
warm blooded animals can be infected by rabies virus.
Wolves, foxes, jackals, wild, felidae and vampire bats etc.,
get naturally infected with rabies virus and they can transmit
this disease to man and animals by their bites. The saliva
from submaxillary and parotid glands of the infected dogs
may be infective due to the excreted rabies virus 3-8 days
prior to appearance of any symptoms in these animals. The
foetus of the infected bitch reveals virus in the brain. The
milk of the milch cattle and buffaloes with history of bites of
the rabid canines also contains rabies virus. There is a
possibility of infection to humans drinking such milk. The
rabies virus enters the body of the victims through some
wounds or abrasions. The rabies virus to the extent of 53 per
cent has been reported in rabid cattle. The virus has been
reported to be present in the mammary glands and milk of
the infected cases. It is worthwhile to note that the attempts

Advance d Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

to comm unicat e rabies by consu mptio n of the contam inated

milk have not been successful.
Rabie s is almos t invari ably transm itted in health y
anima ls by the bites of rabid anima ls and this diseas e occurs
all over the world . Conta ct of infecte d materi al (say milk or
saliva) with the abrade d skin or mucou s surfac es of health y
anima ls or indivi duals can produ ce rabies in them. Rabies
virus reache s the spinal cord and brain by travell ing throug h
the nerve fibres. There is a centri fugal spread throug hout
the periph eral centra l nervo us system and the virus may
reach saliva ry gland s and the saliva (Zinke , 1804) and it
becom es a poten t source of rabies infecti on even before the
onset of sympt oms of rabies in anima ls. When one anima l is
suspec ted for rabies , it is very impor tant to trace all huma n
and anima l contac ts during the 3 to 5 days period before the
onset of sympt oms for appro priate action of safety and
protec tion agains t rabies. The incuba tion period ranges from
a few days to many month s depen ding upon the distan ce of
the bite in the body from the brain i.e., the centra l nervo us
system .
The main signs of rabies are :
(i) A sudde n chang e in norma l behav iour of the anima ls.
There may be ferocious look of the dogs. Rarely sudde n
death of the infecte d anima ls with no reveal ation of any
sympt oms may also occur.
(ii) A norma l tacitur n dog may sudde nly becom e friend ly
or norma lly docile dog may becom e short tempe red.
Hydro phobi a (fear of water) is not a sympt om to be
notice d in rabid anima ls.
(iii) Resen tment of interfe rence or tenden cy to hide in the
corner s of houses . Foam may adhere to the lips and face.
(iv) Restle ssness , hypera esthes is to noise and light. Anima l
may stare or bark at nothin g or at somet hing and may
bite thems elves and snap at imagi nary flies or objects.
Viral Diseases

(v) Apprehensive expression of the eyes tenesmus and

strains as if to defaecate are seen in rabid cases.
(vi) The rabid domestic animals are not afraid of human
beings, may enter into the human houses and attack
them without provocations.
(vii) Cats attack humans or other animals. Cattle paw the
ground or make short turns and can toss their heads.
Horses are excited. Infected poultry and crows are ag-
gressive. Dogs howl and may become unfriendly to their
(viii)Paralysis of the tongue and lower jaw (dropped jaw)
and profuse salivation are very common in cases of ra-
bies in dogs. In furious form of rabies, dogs are very
aggressive, bite at their manger or try to tear up an ob..
ject. Such dogs, if loose, walk aimlessly for miles before
collapsing in the state of exhaustion or fatigue. Dogs
have decreased appetite and swallowing of food be-
comes very difficult.
(ix) Sudden change in behaviour of any animal (with or
without aggressiveness and irritability) followed by pa-
ralysis gives one a strong suspicion of rabies in such
(x) In all species, death usually takes place in 3 to 7 days
after the onset of first symptoms. All suspected rabid
dogs should be quarantined or kept under observation
for 10 days and if alive after the end of this period, the
case is considered not to be one of rabies. If once symp-
toms of rabies have appeared in animals, h"eatment is
of no use and death is inevitable in them. Post vaccinal
paralysis has been reported in both man and animals
inoculated with antirabic vaccine.
The main pathological changes found in the central
nervous system is non-suppurative encephalomyelitis. The

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

meninges of the brain are usually hyperaemic. Cerebral

oedema may be present. Foreign bodies like sticks, stones and
pieces of metal etc., are found in the stomach of dog at autopsy
Microscopically, there is a diffuse encephalitis and
cytoplasmic inclusion bodies in neurons known as Negri
bodies are pathognomonic findings for rabies in animals.
Negri (1903) demonstrated inclusions in the brain of rabid
dogs. These inclusions are found in the hippocampus major
in the brain of dog Presence of Negri bodies is very well
expected in those rabid dogs which are allowed to die of
their own accord. Perivascular cuffing and neuronophagic
nodules or degenerative changes in the neurons are found
throughout the brain. Glial cells proliferate and replace
neurons to form nodules known as Babes's nodules. Capsule
cells around the ganglion cells also proliferate in the brain in
the rabies infection. Necrosis is found in the acinar epitheliu.m
of the salivary glands. Negri bodies are always
intracytoplasmic and can be found in the Purkinje cells of
the cerebellum in the cattle. All neurons in the brain or
neurons of the gangalia may show inclusion bodies. Inclusion
bodies possess a distinct limiting membrane and may be
encircled by a clear halo as seen microscopically. Rabies virus
is seldom observed in the blood or tissues of organs of the
infected animals because of the neurotropic character of the
(1) The dogs suspected to be cases of rabies should be kept
in cages. In case of rabies infection, the dogs usually die
within a week or may linger upto 9 days.
(2) Part of the brain of suspected animal is preserved in
50% glycerine saline solution. Two rabbits or mice are
inoculated intracranially with suspected material
(brain). A hole is bored into the cranium with a gimlet
and the inoculum is introduced through a find needle

Viral Diseases

subdurally. On about 11th day, the rabbit shows head

nodding and paralysis in them is seen on the 14th day.
If the inoculum is contaminated, dogs die even earlier.
(3) Impression smears are made from the hippo-campus
major of the brain of the suspected cases and stained
by Seller's staining method. Intracytoplasmic inclusion
bodies (Negri bodies) are searched out in the stained
films under the oil immersion objective of the micro-
(4) Even sections of brain are stained by specific methods
to look for Negri bodies in them. For this, part of the
brain is preserved in Zenker's fixative.
(5) When the animals are destroyed in the early stages, no
Negri bodies could be seen in the impression smears.
These inclusions require enough of time for the forma-
tion in neurons. Negri bodies are not even formed in all
cases of rabies. If there are no Negri bodies in the im-
pression smears, it is not fair to conclude that the dis-
ease is not a case of rabies. This inference is a guiding
factor in making decision about prophylactic measures.
If symptoms of rabies develop in animals, the prognosis
is grave and the affected animals showing the symptoms of
rabies invariably die. Rabies virus can be present in the
mammary tissue or in milk, but it is difficult to
experimentally transmit the infection to other animals or
human beings by cunsumption of infected milk. Attempts to
transmit the disease by ingestion of milk are unsuccessful. If
the facility for diagnosis of rabies is not available, it is
advisable to send the whole head after proper preservation
between layers of ice slab with proper packing in the wooden
boxes through a courier.
(6) Certain other test done to confirm rabies in animals are
Dot ELISA, fluorescent antibody test and histological
examination. Results of histological examination of
stained section may be available within 24 hrs in labo-

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals


Rabies is a disease which defies treatment, in case,
symptoms of rabies are evident in the animals. And as such,
preventive or timely steps are essential to ward off danger of
rabies infection. The sites of bite-wounds in the body of
animal should be washed with dettol solution or ordinary
soap solution within a few minutes i.e., just after the dog
bite. Wound can be very well washed with ordinary cloth
soap (i.e., 20% soft soap solution) without producing deep
scratches at the bite site. The site of dog bite must be washed
immediately. A solution of zephiran may be used to irrigate
the site of the wounds.
Vaccination against rabies cases showing symptoms is
useless, because the animal usually dies before onset of
immunity. If the human beings had been bitten by rabid
animals like dogs, these animals should not be deshoyed and
rather advised to be kept under observation in cages for 7 to
10 days. In positive case of rabies infection, animals invariable
die within 7 days. In animals, alike human beings, post
vaccination paralysis develops after vaccination with rabies
vaccine. The rabid cases may show unsteady gait and
hypersensitiveness. The symptoms may be treated with
cortisones, and sedatives. Immunity does not develop
effectively in the animals, which are under three months of
age (and in the case of cat under six month of age).However
there are vaccines which can be innoculated under three
months of age.
In order to protect the pet dogs and cats, it is always
advisable to keep them in chains. All unprotected street dogs
and cats (without owners) should be destroyed or sterilised
for reproduction, if possible. Such canines or felines pose
threat to human beings under the spell of rabies. To eradicate
rabies, practice of keeping animals in chains is highly

Viral Diseases

advisable and in no case, domestic animals should be allowed

to come in contact with wild carnivores and bats etc. The
vampire bats are well known to spread rabies to domestic
animals in certain parts of the world.
In case of bites by suspected rabid animals, the post bite
treatment envisages timely and promptly vaccination at an
earliest in the affected animals. Application of antibiotics and
bandages can be resorted to have quick recovery from bite
Inactive rabies vaccines are quite satisfactory for
domestic animals. In short, it is quite safe to resort to
vaccination immediately after bite of dog or animals in order
to ward off the danger of rabies infection in man and
A vaccination schedule of rabies veterinary vaccine (BP)
is as follows:
Table 14. Vaccine and its dosage
Vaccine Dosage Immunity
Rabies vaccine Dogs, cattle and lasting for a period of three
(inactivated sheep 1 ml sic or years and annual
culture). ilm revaccination recommended.

Rabies vaccine can be given at the age of three months

for prophylaxis. If pups are vaccinated below three months
of age, a booster dose is also given to them at three months
of age. Only healthy pups or pups free of parasitic infestation
are chosen for the sake of vaccination.
Post exposure therapy of dogs following bites by rabid
or wild animals is as follows (Table 14, 14a):

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Table 14a. Dosage schedule

Dosa!?;es Days / Dates
1st oh "0" day i.e. day of bite
2nd 3rd day
3rd 7th day
4th 14th day
5th 28th day
6th booster 90th day

Canine Parvovirus Infection (Haemorrhagic

A parvovirus which is related to that of feline
panleukopenia has been found to cause a disease entity in
several parts of world. A more severe attack of this disease
appears in young pups and imported breeds of dogs. Cases
of this disease have been reported in India.
Two forms of haemorrhagic gastroentritis are as under:
(1) Intestinal Form
It occurs in dogs of all ages and is seen in more severe
form in young pups. Vomiting, diarrhoea, dehydration, fever
and rapid loss of condition are noticed in dogs. Leucopenia
is also present. Lymphopenia and neutropenia arise from
death of their percursor cells e.g., lymphoblasts etc.
The intestine shows haemorrhagic and necrotic enteritis.
The mucosae are reddened and covered with blood tinged
mucoid material. Microscopically, crypts are found dilated
and regenerative changes are seen in the epithelium.
Intranuclear inclusions can be found in the intestinal
epithelium. The cardiac lesions may re seen associated with
lesions of the intestinal form.

Viral Diseases

(2) Cardiac Form

It is noticed in puppies (aged 2 to 8 weeks). The lesions
in the intestine can be found in this form. Dyspnoea and
respiratory distress are found in the sick animals.
Microscopically, the foci of necrosis in the myocardium are
associated with infiltration of mononuclear cells. Intranuclear
inclusions can be found in the muscle fibres. Interstitial
oedema is also present in the mycocardium. Later, fibrosis in
the heart can be seen in the old cases.
. It is based on the symptoms, isolation of the virus, lesions
and detection of intranuclear inclusions in the intestinal
epithelial cells. Virus neutralization test can be done to
confirm its diagnosis.
There is no specific treatment for this viral disease and
symptomatic and supportive treatment is usually required
for this purpose.
The steps taken for treatment of this parvoviral infection
are as follows :
(1) Broad spectrum antibiotics like ampicillin and chloram-
phenicol etc., can be given to check bacterial infection.
(2) In order to check dehydration from diarrhoea and vom-
iting and maintain acid base balance in the body, the
fluid and electrolyte like 5% Dextrose, Ringer lactate
solution etc., can be used.
(3) To control intestinal haemorrhages, ascorbic acid, Vit.
K, chromostat etc., can be given to the patients.
(4) To check hyperperistaltic movement and diarrhoea, in-
testinal sedatives such Buscopan inj. Baralgan etc., can
be used. Antiemetics like perinorm and Stemetil inj. may
be used.
(5) Anti-inflammatory drugs like Dexamethazone and
gamma globulin can also be given to sick animals.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

(6) Supportive drugs such as B-complex inj. can be used.

For the purpose of prophylaxis, vaccines against
parvovirus infection, distemper and hepatitis can be used in
susceptible dogs.Some details of canine vaccine are given in
table 15.
The gudelines for preparing vaccination schedule with
respect to 1st, 2nd and yearly vaccinations in canines are
are as follows:
Basal Immunization Against Revaccination Against
Distemper, canine viral 1. Distemper, Rubarth disease
hepatitis, rabies and (canine viral hepatitis) at
leptospirosis 1. First intervals of one to two years
vaccination 7-9 weeks of 2. Rabies and leptospirosis at
age 2. Second vaccination an interval of twelve months.
12-14 weeks of age.

Table 15. Vaccination Schedule of Some Canine


First First Second Annual Dosage Route Remark

vaccinat vaccination vaccination vaccination s
ion (age (age 8-9 (age 12 (age 12
6 weeks) weeks) months and
weeks) above)
Megava Megavac-P Megavac- Megavac-D Iml i/mor Pups
c-D Megavac- DHL Megavac- Iml sic should
Megava DHL Megavac- P(live) i/mor be
c-P Megavac- DHRL Megavac- Iml sic deworm
Biocan- DHRL Megavac-6 P(inactivated) i/mor ed at the
DHPPi Megavac-6 Biocan-L inj. Megavac- Iml sic age of 4-
Nobi (Distemper,* ------- DHL Iml i/mor 5 weeks
vac hepatitis - Megavac- sic before
puppy CAV2,* DHRL Iml i/mor vacci-
DP. parvovirus,* Megavac-6 Iml sic nation
Hepatitis- Biocan- 1ml i/mor Pups
CAVl** L. DHPPi Iml sic should
canidola** L. Biocan-L inj. sic be
icterohaemor Nobi vac sic healthy
puppyDP sic

Viral Diseases

rhagiaae**) with
NB Live normal
attenuated tempera
viruses* t-ure
Inactivated and free
antigens** from
Biocan-L parasitic
inj.(primovac inf-
cinated dogs estation
at the age of Megava
8/9 weeks) c-
revaccinated product
after 14 to 28 s of
days Nobi Indian
vac puppy immuno
DP I-ogicals

Infectious Canine Hepatitis

(Rubarth Disease; Hepatitis contagiosa canis)
Etiology, clinical features and even actual existence of
this disease was established by Rubarth in 1947. It occurs in
peracute form and good dogs fall victim to this dis~ase which
is a viral infection caused by the species called Canine
adenovirus I of the genus Mastadenovirus. Symptoms may
be seen a few hours before death. The viral genome consists
of a single molecule of double stranded DNA. A characteristic
intranuclear inclusion body develops in the affected cells.
Anorexia, intense thirst, oedema of head and neck,
ventral aspect of the trunk, vomiting and diarrhoea are seen
in the sick animals. Moaning sounds due to abdominal pain
are heard. Haemorrhages, clonic spasms of extremities and
neck, paralysis of hind quarters and extreme agitation are
also present. There is a rise of temperature and subnormal
temperature is seen just before death. Mucous membranes
are anaemic or slightly icteric. Petechiae in the mucous
membrane (particularly gingival mucosa) are also present.
Tonsils are reddened and swollen. There is a copious
lacrimation with hyperaemic conjunctivae. The cornea is

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

opaque and shows cloudiness. Urine contains albumin.

The adenovirus causing Rubarth disease has strong
affinity for parenchymal and Kupffer cells of the liver and
endothelial cells (i.e., in general sense). Specific intranuclear
inclusions in the hepatocytes, Kupffer cells and endothelial
cells (for example, endothelial cells of the glomeruli) are
noticed. The hepatocytes show necrotic changes and liver
cells with intranuclear inclusions show margination of the
chromatin in the liver cells. Lacunose dilation of hepatic
sinusoids are found. Congestion is usually noticed in the liver
and spleen. The gall bladder is oedematous and thickened.
Liver is engorged with increased amount of blood and
adjacent liver cells are compressed due to lacunose dilation
of the sinusoids. There are focal areas of necrosis in liver
with disappearance of the cell and their nuclei. Intranuclear
inclusions have distinct outline with basophilic tint. Hepatic
lymph nodes are oedematous with petechiae. Intra-nuclear
inclusions are also noticed in the endothelial cells of the
spleen. Petechiae are seen around the small capillaries with
intranuclear inclusions in the endothelial cells. Endothelial
cells are increased in the brain and also contain intranuclear
inclusions. Haemorrhages are also present in the thalamus,
midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata. Loss of myelin and
collection of glial cells are seen adjacent to the affected blood
vessels. Proliferation of endothelial cells and increased
vascular permeability are important features of this disease.
It is based on the symptoms, lesions of focal necrosis
and presence of intranuclear inclusions. As this disease is
seen associated with leptospirosis and canine distemper, this
fact is borne in mind while diagnosing cases of infectious
canine hepatitis. Liver biopsy specimens are examined to
confirm the presumptive clinical diagnosis.

Viral Diseases

There is no specific treatment of canine hepatitis. Steps
for prophylaxis and control are adopted. Recovered dogs
develop solid immunity. Symptomatic treatment can be given.
It is better to vaccinate the susceptible dogs. Supportive
treatment must be given in view of degenerative changes in
livers of the patients. Corneal opacity should be treated with
ointment containing corticosteroids. Combined distemper
hepatitis vaccine is available for controlling the canine
distemper and Rubarth disease. Important guide lines are
given for preparing vaccination schedule of canines.
(table 14). Rabies and leptospirosis are very serious zoonosis
for humans. Even the parainflunza and influnza viruses are
also pathogenic for humans. And as such, immunisation
against these viral infections is also included in vaccination
regimen. Multicomponent vaccines for providing
simultaneous immunisation against four or five viral diseases
like canine distemper, rabies, canine leptospirosis (its two
types), and viral hepatitis (Rubarth disease) are administered
to dogs
Canine Distemper (Abbreviation CD)
It is a viral disease caused by the species of the ~nus
Morbillivirus which affects dogs, ferret, fox and mink etc.
Most of the dogs may get infected with it before the
attainment of the age of one year. The virus of canine
distemper is present in the blood (in the initial febrile stage),
secretions and excretions etc.
Disease is transmitted from infected animals to healthy
ones through contaminated discharges, secretions, food or
air droplets etc. The secondary bacterial invader in canine
distemper is Brucella bronchiseptica- an organism usually
recovered from pneumonic lesions in CD cases.
Incubation period of canine distemper is about four

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

days. A typical diphasic fever is noticed in canine distemper.

In this disease, there is an acute fever. Whithin 96 hours,
temperature drops to almost normal, then it again attains
the second peak (i.e., a marked diphasic character). Other
symptoms include excessive salivation, epileptiform fits,
chewing and abnormal movements etc. Hyperkeratosis of
the digital pads is also seen. Dehydration due to "diarrhoea,
coryza, purulent conjunctivitis, bronchitis, broncho-
pneumonia and vesicular pustular lesions may be seen in
dogs infected with this virus.
Conjunctivitis, inflammation of the respiratory tract,
nervous disturbances, skin eruptions and gastroenteritis are
found in the sick animals. There is a purulent or catarrhal
exudate over the nasal and pharyngeal mucosae.
Intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies are found
in the cells associated with exudate on the mucosal surfaces
of urinary bladder, trachea and bronchi etc. Schorr S-3 stain
is used for staining the inclusions which are also eosinophilic
in character. Inclusions are seen in the epithelial cells of the
urinary bladder and gastric mucosae. Purulent
bronchopneumonia is seen in the sick animals. Neutrophiles,
mucin and tissue debris are seen in the alveoli and smaller
bronchi. The exudate contain mononuclear cells.
Multinucleated gaint cells containing inclusions are found
free in the alveoli and also seen in the bronchial lining of
alveolar septa. Vesicular and pustular dermatitis is seen in
the skin of abdomen Formation of thick keratin layer on the
foot (hard pad disease) is also present. The lymphocytic
infiltrations are noticed in the gastric mucosa. Spleen is
enlarged, congested and lymphoid follicles show necrotic
changes. Myelinated tract in the cerebrum is destroyed and
delimited holes of irregular sizes are formed (leading to status
spongiosa). Gitter cells, astrocytes and" microglia are seen
around areas of desbuction. There are necrotic changes in
the white matter. Neurons show degenerative changes.
Viral Diseases

pyknosis, chromatolysis, gliosis and neuronophagia are also

present. There is an oedema and congestion in the retina.
Perivascular cuffing with lymphocytes is seen in the brain.
Ganglia show degenerative changes. There is also neuritis of
optic nerves with demyelination.
It is based on the symptoms, lesions and detection of
inclusion bodies in lining cells of the urinary bladder or
bronchial mucosae.
A ferret is kept in contact with a suspected dog or is
inoculated with suspected material in form of blood, spleen
or mesenteric lymph nodes obtained from a dead infected
dog. An immune ferret is also infected with suspected
material. Immunised ferret survives whereas healthy or non-
immunised one dies in positive cases of infection.
Complement fixation test using dog's spleen as an
antigen is also done to diagnose canine distemper.
Immunological staining techniques and viral isolation or
identification are required to confirm its diagnosis.
There is no specific treatment of canine distemper.
However, use of antibiotics, electrolyte solution, protein
hydrolysate, anti-emetics, antipyretics, anticonvulsants and
supportive treatment is advisable. For controlling canine
distemper, anti-canine distemper serum (10-15 ml si c) can
be given. All steps should be taken to check secondary
bacterial infections.
There should be good nursing of dogs and they must
have plenty of comfort.
The vaccine can be used to prevent the occurrence of
the disease in the age groups of 6 or upto 8-10 weeks. See
table 14 for primary, booster and annual vaccinations of pet

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Swine Fever (hog cholera)

It is a highly contagious febrile disease of swines of all
ages caused by a Pestivi,.;:; of the family Flaviviridae. This
virus has an RNA genome. Salmonella cholerae suis exists as a
secondary bacterial invader in this viral infection. In the
infected body, all the fluids, tissues and secretions contain
this virus which is principally discharged in the urine. The
blood becomes infective on the first day of infection whereas
urine is found infected on the 4th and 5th day. Persons,
premises, litters and utensils contaminated by the infected
urine spreads the disease to healthy pigs. The principal way
of spread of infection to the healthy one is by direct contact
between the diseased and healthy pigs. Swines of all ages
are susceptible to this disease and the natural way of infection
is by ingestion of contaminated food.
The main signs are as under:
(i) The pigs are depressed with high fever (106F) after ex-
perimental exposure to infection. The primary infection
of the virus occurs in the tonsils of infected pigs. Symp-
toms of swine fever appear in 3 to 5 days after parenteral
administration of blood or serum etc.
(ii) Presence of severe leucopenia. The white cells may be-
come less than 4000 per cmm of blood. The swine fever
virus concentrates in the organs like spleen, peripheral
and visceral lymph nodes, bone marrow and Peyer's
patches of small intestine of infected pigs.
(ill) Weakness, inappetence,lethargy, convulsions, grinding
of teeth and difficult locomotion are seen in the sick
animals. Erythematous lesions can be seen on the skin
of the abdomen, axillae and inner surfaces of the legs.
In peracute cases, the infected pigs die in 3 days but in
the average acute case, death may occur in about one
to two weeks. The recovered pigs act like carriers of the
Viral Diseases

(iv) Symptoms arising from intestinal and pulmonary lesions

in the infected pigs.
The main lesions are :
(1) Petechial haemorrhages in the various parts of the body
like pericardium and endocardium etc. Haemorrhages
can be found in the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Hy-
dropic degeneration and proliferation of the vascular
endothelium and splenic infarcts are important lesions
of swine fever.
(2) Turkey's egg markings are seen in the kidneys and arise
from several varisized subcapsular haemorrhages which
could be seen after removal of the renal capsule with
finger tips.
(3) Congestive or inflammatory changes in mucosae of the
stomach and intestines. The mucosae of the small intes-
tine is studded with numerous haemorrhages and in-
testinal serosae also reveal haemorrhages.
(4) Ulcers develop in the lymphoid follicles of the small in-
testines. The necrotic areas which give rise to ulcers are
seen as grey, yellow or black areas. In the beginning,
the ulcers have more or less flat surfaces but they, later,
project above the level of surrounding mucosae. Such
ulcers are called button ulcers and the ulcers are cov-
ered with epithelium. Only scars can be noticed at such
places. In chronic cases, the ulcers can be found on the
ileocaecal valves and mucosae of the first portion of the
large intestine. The epiglottis, tongue, pharynx, larynx
and stomach also reveal ulcers. The infected endothe-
lial cells show degenerative and hyaline changes owing
to viral affinity for endothelial cells. The vascular changes
give rise to conditions of haemorrhages, thrombosis and
infarction in the infected organs like intestines and
spleen. Swelling and degeneration of endothelial cells
and muscle cells can be seen in the central arteriole of

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

the spleen . The embry os in the pregn ant swine s are de-
stroye d by the virus to produ ce the state of still birth.
Precap illarie s and capilla ries may be dilated or closed
in the infect ed organs . In the centra l nervo us system ,
periva scular accum ulatio n of lymph ocytes , mono nu-
clear cells and plasm a cells can be found in the Vircho w
Robin spaces . Haem orrhag es are seen in the brain and
spinal cord. Prolife rated microg lia can be presen t in the
white matter of the brain. The neuro ns show degen era-
tive or necrot ic chang es (Le., tigroly sis of the cytopl asm
and fragm entatio n of the nuclei). Neuro nopha gia and
satelli tosis can be seen in the grey masse s of the brain.
Intran uclear inclus ions have been notice d in the neu-
rons. These inclus ions are found to be homog enious and
acidop hilic in appea rance.

It is based on the sympt oms, lesion s and isolati on of the
virus. Fluore scent antibo dy stainin g is done to confir m the
diagno sis. Diagn osis can also be made by inocu lation of
infect ed food or tissue filtrate into both health y suscep tible
pigs and pigs (controls) which have receiv ed a large dose of
antich olera immu ne serum . The unpro tected pigs die but the
immu nized ones show no chang e in their health . Antige n-
captur e ELISA and agar gel precip itation tests are helpfu l in
confir ming the diagno sis of the cases of swine fever.
Treatm ent/M anage ment
Since it is an acute septic aemic diseas e, sympt omati c
treatm ent can be given. Analg esics should be used to lower
down the tempe rature . Antibi otics are not effective becaus e
of the viral origin of the diseas e. To preve nt secon dary
bacter ial compl ication s, antibio tics can, howev er, be used.
In order to contro l swine fever, hyper immu ne sera and
vaccin es are used. 50 to 150 m1 serum can be given to sick
pigs. It is better to eradic ate swine fever by slaugh ter of all in

Viral Diseases

contacts and infected pigs. In enzootic areas with the

incidence of hog-cholera, suitable vaccine should be selected.
If swine fever spreads in a herd, steps should be taken to
prevent infection from spreading to others. The sources of
infection or infected pigs should be removed and vaccination
should be carried out. It is also proper to maintain hygienic
Vaccination should be followed strictly and there should
be adoption of garbage cooking regulation. A carrier animal
poses problems before the steps of eradication.
For immunization, killed virus vaccine or crystal violet
vaccine can be given thrice after interval of a month.
Immunity lasts 12 months. Serum can be given only after
lapse of five days of vaccination. The dose of crystal violet
vaccine is 5 ml (s/ c). Serum virus vaccination is done to give
immediate immunity. Piglets are passively immunized by
getting antibiotics in colostrum from immune pigs and
immunity lasts 4 weeks. Breakdown in vaccination
programme occurs when immune serum fails to counteract
the administered virus. Use of fully virulent virus can also
cause out-break of the disease. It is difficult to control swine
fever in baby pigs. If baby pigs (between one and seven days)
after giving passive immunization with serum is given
vaccine, there can be failure of vaccination programme. It is
not safe to do vaccination of sows during first 3rd of
pregnancy because born piglets show congenital defects.
Congenital defects are very common in pigs vaccinated
between 15th to 25th days of pregnancy. Freeze-dried swine
fever vaccine should be better transported on ice and 1 ml of
reconstituted vaccine is given si c inside the thigh and
immunity conferred in pigs lasts a year.

Pseudorabies (Aujeszky's Disease or Mad Itch)

Pseudorabies is primarily a viral disease of pigs, cattle,
sheep and dogs etc, of worldwide occurance and is caused

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases o{Domestic Animals

by porcine herpesvirus-1 or pseudorabies virus, a member of

family Herpesviridae. It occurs in the infected herds after a
period of 1-2 weeks post infection and its outbreak lasts over
1-2 months. The morbidity and mortality rates reach 100%
in dogs, cattle and young and piglets. Introduction of infected
animals transmit the disease to healthy herds. Recovered pigs
are latent cariers of the virus for whole life. Mad itch is mildly
infectious for adult pigs but this disease is naturally
transmitted to pigs.
The main signs are:
(i) Coughing, nasal discharge, sneezing and dyspnoea in
(ii) Intense pruritus at the sites of bites in cattle and sheep.
(iii) Infected piglets show fever (upto 107F), inco-ordina-
tion, recumbency, convulsions and death.
(iv) Excitement, pruritus of the skin, circling, convulsions,
fever, recumbency, paralysis and death are noticed in
cattle and sheep within 48 hours. Cattle show grinding
of teeth, mania and frenzied behaviour.

These are as follows:
(i) No typical gross lesions in the dead animals.
(ii) Extensive damage to local areas of skin and extensive
subcutaneous oedema in infected animals with a his-
tory of pruritus.
(iii) Reddened and abraded skin is seen in animals like cat-
tle. Excess fluid with the pericardial sac and subendo-
cardial haemorrhages in the carcasses.
(iv) Some splenomegaly, meningitis and excess pericardial
fluid in pigs. Foci of necrosis in livers of the aborted

Viral Diseases

(v) Extensive neuronal damage in the spinal cord and brain

in all species of animals.
(vi) Perivascular cuffing and focal necrosis in the grey
matter (particularly in cerebral cortex), and presence of
intranuclear inclusions in degenerating neurons or
astroglial cells. Necrotic lesions with inclusions in the
upper respiratory tract are features of porcine pseu-

It is based on symptoms, lesions and serological test etc.
Detection of virus in tissues and inclusion bodies in nervous
tissue and respiratory tract are carried out for diagnostic
confirmation. Serum- neutralization (SN) and ELISA are done
to confirm preudorobies in infected animals.
There is no specific treatment for pseudorabies. The
reproduction ratio is kept in view in control and eradication
of pseudorabies. Control and eradication of pseudorabies
depend on reproduction ratio (i.e., Ra-to average number of
new infections caused by one typical infection in animals. A
ratio greater than one (Ro>l) indicates the potentiality of
spread of pseudorabies. A ratio less than 1 indicates the end
of infection. Depopulation and repopulation of the herd is
practiced when the herd infection is above 50%. But
depopulation is Cl very extensive method. Subunit vaccines
which distinguish between infected and vaccinated pigs are
also used to control this disease. Infected swines are
segregated from healthy cattle herds.
Some important details about viral diseases and their
viral genomes are given in Table 16.

Table 16. Viruses, their genetic features, signs and pathological changes (lesions) etc.
Genetic Features Family/Sub Genus Species! Animal Diseases Signs and Diagnosis
Family Virus Types Affected caused Pathological Changes
Humans etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A DNA viruses Poxvlridae i.Orhtopox a. Vaccima Cow Humans Cow pox or Pock Diseases Pock 1. Based on the
Double stranded virus vIrus Buffaloes Pigs Variola vaccina diseases are called symptoms and
(ds) DNA viruses 1. (vaccinia) variolae. Pox is spread lesions in the
Poxviruses Pox by contact, abrasions affected
b. Cowpox C"ttle Cowpox
viruses (poc= etc. Dogs and cats do animals. 2.
vinls humans and
pustule) marked by not suffer from it. Detection of
a SIngle linear Human beings, cattle inclusion bodies
molecule of double c. Camel pox Camels Camel pox and sheep are affected in the epithelial
stranded (ds) DNA, virus by it. Cow pox lymph cells. 3.
replication and protects humans Eruptions on
assembly within the againstsrnallpox.The the skin in the
ii. Capri pox a. Sheep pox Sheep & goat Sheep pox
cytoplasm, releasing important stages of affected animals
VIrus virus
of enveloped pox are as follows (1) are considered
virions by budding Do b. Goat pox Goat & sheep Goat pox Roseola stage - characterishc
and non-enveloped virus Marked by small red lesions.
virions released by iii. Suipox c. Swmepox Pigs Swine pox spots and measles (2)
cell lysis and VIruS virus Papular stage - Small
formation of red areas formed in
intracytoplasnuc iv. AVlpox Fowl pox virus Fowls Fowl pox the skin due to
inclusions (called virus proliferation of
Genetic Features Family/Sub Genus Species! Animal Diseases Signs and Diagnosis
Family Virus Types Affected caused Pathological Changes
Humans etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Guarnieri bodies epithelial cells. (3)
and Bollinger bodies Vesicular stage -
in cattle and fowls Accumulation of fluid
respectively). An in papules is the main
example of change. (4) Pustular
enveloped DNA stage - Conversion of
virus. lymph in vesicles into
a purulent material in
about 10 days. (5)
Desquamative stage-
Dessication of the
exudate in the
pustule, formation of
scabs and final
desquamation in
about 21 days
Fever, fall in the milk
yield and pox like
lesions are seen on the
teats and udders of
cows affected with
cow pox. leSIOns of
Ipox are noticed on the
Genetic Features Family/Sub Genus Species,! Animal Diseases Signs and Diagnosis
Family Virus Types Affected caused Pathological Changes
Humans etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
lips, muzzle and
around the nostrils in
calves. Cow pox VIrUS
is distinguishable
from the vanola and
vaccinia virus. Variola
causes small pox in
man but vaccinia (a
created laboratory
virus) is used for
immunising human
2.Herpesviruses A Herpesvmdae 51lidherpes or Pigs and A generalized Pseudorabies 1. It is based on
single molecule of Alpha herps- Porcine cattle disease and Pseudorabies is a the symptoms
linear double virinae (a sllb- herpes-vims 1 abortion in highly fa tal disease in of pruritus,
stranded (ds) DNA Ifamily) (5HV-l) pigs and swims. Pharyngeal lacerations, torn
i.e. a monopartJte Gam111aher pseudorabies paralysis, salivation areas in the
genome. An pesvirinae (a in second-dary mania, bellowing and skin of the sick
example of ds DNA subJamzly) hosts convulsions are animals and
enveloped virus noticed in cattle. intranuclear
Cattle die within 24 inclusions in the
hours. Intense itching, capillary
Genetic Features Family/Sub Genus Species! Animal Diseases Signs and Diagnosis
Family Virus Types Affected caused Pathological Changes
Humans etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
local irritation, endothelium
necrosis, hyperaemia and nerve cells.
and oedema in the 2. Experimental
skm. 2. Neuronal productIOn of
degeneration, mad itch in the
proliferation of susceptible
capsule and glial cells animals helps
3. Intranuclear its diagnosis in
inclusions in the the patients.
nerve cells, glial cells, It is based on
capillary endothelium signs and
and sarcolemmal lesions and
cells, etc. Lesions are acidophilic
noticed on flank or cytoplasmic
hind limbs of affected inclusions
cattle. Pigs do not D.3/0.5 micron
show pruritus, in diameter in
become prostrate and the affected
die in 12 to 24 hours. neurons
Bovine herpes- Cattle Infectious
virus 1. oedema,
pustular vulvo
haemorrhages on the
vagi-nitis and . .~.

, .u. .~
Genetic Features Family/Sub Genus Species! Animal Diseases Signs and Diagnosis
Family Virus Types Affected caused Pathological Changes
Humans etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
abortion oedema of the lungs
seen in the animals
Bovine herpes- Cattle & Bovine
virus 2. showing symptoms of
sheep mammalitis
pruritus. Malignant
Gal/id herpes Frls Infectious catarrhal fever (MCF)
viurs 1 larynggo Malignant catarrhal
tracheitis of fever (malignant
fowls catarrh) is marked by
Galid herpes Fowls Marek's fever, depression, loss
virus 2 disease of condition,
(a) Alcela Cattle AHV-1 neutropenia and
phine herpes associated with weakness. Three
virus 1- AHV- bovine clinical types are (1)
1 malignant head and eye (2)
catarrhal fever abdominal and (3)
(b) Ovine Sheep Catarrhal cataneous forms.
herpesvirus 2 fever(MCF)of Catarrhal
(a sheep sheep inflammation of the
associated mucosae of the
MCFvirus) respiratory and
digestive tracts
leadinz_ to congestion
Genetic Features Family/Sub Genus Species,' Animal Diseases Signs and Diagnosis
Family Virus Types Affected caused Pathological Changes
Humans etc.

1 - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
of the mucous
membranes and
formation of catarrhal
exudate, presence of
ulcers on the gums,
checks and dental
pad. Nodules of pea
size turning into
pustules and
ulcerated areas.
Swollen and closed
eyes with catarrhal
Adenoviruses Adenaviridae (a)Aviadenavi (i) (Fowl Fowls Egg drop Bovine adenoviral It is based on
Double stranded rus adenovirus-l) syndrome infection Symptoms the symptoms,
(ds) DNA viruses in bovines arising lesions
linear A single from infection of inclusions in the
molecule of linear respiratory and enterocytes and
double stranded gastrointestinal tract. isolation and
(ds) genome. An Presence of oedema, identification of
example of non- haemorrhage around the adenovirus.
enveloped DNA the joints,
Genetic Features Family/Sub Genus Species! Animal Diseases Signs and Diagnosis
Family Virus Types Affected caused Pathological Changes
Humans etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
virus. keratoconjunctivitis,
lymphangitis, colic
and diarrhoea etc. are
seen in the infected
bovines. Both the
mobidity and
mortality are low in
the patients.
oedema congestion,
and consolidation in
the lungs and
inclusions in the
enterocytes are other
changes in diseased

Rubarth disease This

viral hepatitis is
noticed in young
canines. The main
signs are
Genetic Features Family/Sub Genus Species,! Animal Diseases Signs and Diagnosis
Family Virus Types Affected caused Pathological Changes
Humans etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
thirst, vomiting
diarrhoea abodorninal It is based on
pain high temperature signs lesions
with the onset of and basophilic
illness. The main intranucler
lesions are congested inclusions in the
and larged hepatocytes and
oedematous and endothelial
thickened gall cells.
s in the lungs and
serosal surfaces,
basophilic inclusion
bodies in hepatocytes
and endothelial cells.
Papovaviruses Papovaviridae 1. Polyoma (a) Murine Murines Murine The tumours look like
(papova-Pa= virus polyoma virus polyoma warts or papillary
papilloma, Po= growths and reveals a
polyoma and Va= fibrous core with a
vacuolating) A laver of stratified
Genetic Features Family/Sub Genus Species,' Animal Diseases Signs and Diagnosis
Family Virus Types Mfected caused Pathological Changes
Humans etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
single molecule of squamous epithelium
circular super coiled withhyper
dsDNAAn keratinisation in the
example of non- outer epithelial layer
enveloped DNA in the stained
virus.Transcription sections. Spontaneous
to form m RNA(+) regression noticed in
tumours after
2. PapIlloma (b) Papilloma Papillomas
virus viruses persistence of 4~
caused in
canines, ovines months.
and bovines
(c) Bovine pap- Bovines Cutaneous
. illoma virus 1-
fibro papilloma

(d) Ovine Sheep Do

(e) Canine Dogs Oral Papilloma
(j) Cotton tail Rabbits Cutaneous
Genetic Features Family/Sub Genus Species! Animal Diseases Signs and Diagnosis
Family Virus Types Affected caused Pathological Changes
Humans etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
rabbIt papilloma
Single stranded Parvoviridae Parvovirus 1. Canine Dogs Haemorrhagic Canine parvovirus (1) Based on the
DNA viruses parvovirus2 gastroenteritis infection (related to symptoms and
Parvoviridae A (Canine feline pan lesions and intra
linear single parvovirus aeukopenia) Two nuclear
stranded DNA, non- infection) forms of inclUSIOns in the
enveloped virus of haemorrhagic intestinal
negative or positive gastroententis are as epithehal cells.
sense. under. (i) Intestinal
form A very rare
2. Bovine infection in pups and
dogs of all ages
Calves affected and marked
by vomiting,
parvovlrus Still birth, dehydration, fever
abortion and and loss of condition.
foetal death Intestinal mucosae
3. Porcine
parvovirus congested. Nuclear
inclusions are found
ill me e p unellum or

Genetic Features Family/Sub Genus Species! Animal Diseases Signs and Diagnosis
Family Virus Types Affected caused Pathological Changes
Humans etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
intestinal mucosae.
Pigs (ii) Cardiac form seen
in puppies in the age
4. Feline pa- Members of Panleukopenia group of 2 to 6 weeks
nleukopenia Felidae and enteritiss Dyspnoea and
respiratory distress
are the main signs.
Necrotic changes
along with infiltration
of mononuclear cells
are noticed in the
myocardium of the
dead pups.
B. DNA and RNA (a)Hepadnaviri 1.0rthohepad Hepatitis B Human Hepatitis
reverse transcribing dae na virus vzrus beings
viruses DNA
reverse transcribing
virus Ut is marked
by DNA reverse
transcribing features
and a single
molecule of circular
double stranded
Genetic Features Family/Sub Genus Species! Animal Diseases Signs and Diagnosis
Family Virus Types Affected caused Pathological Changes
Humans etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
DNA with a region
of a single stranded
DNA An example of
non-enveloped virus
2 Single stranded
RNA of positive
2.Avihepa dna Duck Ducks Duck
virus hepatitis
(b) i.Alpha Avian leUCOSIs Fowls Avian leucosis
Retrovlridae retrovirus virus Cattle . and Rous
li. Delta Bovine Bovine
retrovirus leUCOSIs virus leukemia
C. RNA viruses Paramyxovmd Rinderpest Cattle and 1. It is based on
Single standed (ss) ae buffaloes of all ages the symptoms
RNA virus with and swines are and lesions 2.
negative sense affected by RP VIruS. Challenge or
genome A Inoculation of
immune and
"~_""j a"u",u~
Genetic Features Family/Sub Genus Species! Animal Diseases Signs and Diagnosis
Family Virus Types Mfected caused Pathological Changes
Humans etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Paramyxoviruses contagious highly with suspected
febrile disease (1080 F) material from
with mortality upto RP cases. ELISA
Paramoyxovlru Morbilli virus i Rinderpest Buffalo of all Rinderpest 90%. Related to the and AGID agar
ses virus ages, cattle virus-causing peste gel immunodif-
and wild des petitis ruminants. fusion tests are
ruminan Hill cattle more performed to
ts. susceptible to RP confirm the
ii. Peste des Goats and Peste des virus than the plains diagnosis of RP.
petitis less often petitis cattle. Excessive Canine
ruminants sheep ruminants (a salivation with nasal parainfluenza is
virus (related disease alike discharge. A marked by
toRPandCD RP) generalised disease cough, nasal
virus) with greyish white discharge, retch,
elevations like rhinitis,
deposits of bran tracheitis,
Single standed RNA Paramyxovirin Rubula virus iii. Canine Dogs Canine (small discrete bronchitis and
with non-segmented ae(sub famIly) distemper distemper necrotic areas on the bronchopneumo
negative (-) sense virus i.New lips, gums and dental nia. These
genome. castle disease pad of the sick changes and
virus or Avian Fowls aninlllls). Erosions or viral
paramyxo disease
ulcers seen on the identification
VIruS 1 i.e
Genetic Features Family/Sub Genus Specie Animal Diseases Signs and Diagnosis
Family Virus Types Affected caused Pathological Changes
Humans etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
PM V-I Abomasal and diagnosis of this
intestinal mucosae disease.
ll. Canine Dogs Parainfluensis
congested and
parainjluenza (Kennel cough
ulcerated or eroded
virus-2 SV-5 syndrome)
(erosions or ulcers
formed). Linear
brightened stripes in
the colonic and rectal
mucosae called Zerba
markings are the
characteristic lesions
of RP. Necroses or
ulcerated areas are
noticed in the Peyer's
patches of the
intestinal mucosae.
High fever seen
round about 3rd day
of infection followed
by fall in temperature,
diarrhoea and faecal
matter coated with
mucus or blood are
Genetic Features Family/Sub Genus Species,' Animal Diseases Signs and Diagnosis
Family Virus Types Affected caused Pathological Changes
Humans etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
strong indIcations of
RP infection.
Rhabdoviruses(Rha RlJabdovlridae The main All waml Rabies 1. It is based on
bdo=rod) Genus types blooded A dIsease marked by the symptoms
Enveloped negative are animals lesIOns in the nervous and presence of
(-), non segmented system of all warm Negn bodies in
single stranded blooded animals and the neurons of
RNA genome caused by the bItes of hippocampus
infected rabid major in
1.Lyssa VIruS Rabies VIIUS e.g. Cattle Rabies
aninlals. ReservOirs of carnivores and
and horses
rabies are wolves, in the neurons
mongooses, bats of cerebellum of
2. Vesiculoviru Vesiculostoma Horse, cattle Vesiculo (vampire) and bovines.2.
s litis virus and swines stomatitis squirills etc. The seller's stain is
3.EpiJemerovir Bovine Bovine furious and dumb used to stain the
us ephemeral ephemeral forms are its two mclusion bodies
fover VIruS fever (an kmds of rabies. in to neurons of
Arthopod Tendency to attack, mfected brains.
borne enzootic mania, paralysis of 3. A suspected
disease in the tongue and limbs, aninlal of rabies
tropical excessIVe salivation dies within a
countries. are important signs of week in pOSItive
Genetic Features Family/Sub Genus Species,! Animal Diseases Signs and Diagnosis
Family Vh-us Types Affected caused Pathological Changes
Humans etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
furious rabies. Some cases, when it is
50 passages of the kept in cages
rabies virus through InclUSIOn bodIes
rabbits turns it into a are usually
fixed virus capable to noticed in such
produce symptoms of cases when
rabies and paralysIs sufficient time is
as early as 30 days in given for
the rabbits consequent formation of
to inoculation of such inclusions.
fixed virus. Street Immunofluoresc
virus is noticed in the ent antibody
wild carnivores and testing on the
street dogs etc. Rabies bram material
virus is present in the to confirm its
milk, fetus and many diagnosis
organs of the infected
cases. The dumb form
of rabies is marked by
paralysis of the
muscles of head and
neck and mandible
causing inability to
Genetic Features Family/Sub Genus SpecieIV' Animal Diseases Signs and Diagnosis
Family Virus Types Affected caused Pathological Changes
Humans etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
swallow water or
chew food given to
the patients. Broken
teeth, foreign bodies
in the stomach,
proliferation of
capsule cells around
the ganglion or glial
cells and inclusion
bodies (called Negri
bodies) in the neurons
are pathognomonic
lesions of rabies
infection in animals.
Double stranded 1. Reovindae Orbivirus (a) Blue Sheep, cattle Bluetongue It is a 1. It is based on
(ds) non-enveloped tongue virus and deer highly febrile viral symptoms and
RNA viruses (BTV) 1-25 disease of sheep lesions 2.
Reoviruses Marked serotypes of transmitted by Isolation and
by segmented BTV recorded) Culicoides. identification of
genome, linear (b) African Horse, African horse Inflammatory changes Blue tongue
double stranded horse sickness donkey mules sickness (an are noticed in the virus (BTV) 3.
Genetic Features Family/Sub Genus Species! Animal Diseases Signs and Diagnosis
Family Virus Types Mfected caused Pathological Changes
Humans etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
RNA VIrus (AH5V) and zebras Arthopod mucous membrane of ELISA and Agar
Birnaviridae a. Non- borne lips, tongue, cheeks gel
enevloped infectious and gums i.e. immunodiffusio
bisegmented ds disease) occurrence of chelitis, n test (AGID) It
RNA virus Single (c) Rota virus Almost all stomatitis, rhinitis and is based on the
stranded (ss) RNA enteritis etc. Swollen signs and
enveloped viruses oedematous and lesions and
Coronaviruses Orthoreo Avian Chickens, Viral arthritis cyanotic tongue, isolation of
Marked by a single VIruS reoviruses-1- turkeys and of fowls,CRD sloughing of tissues immunilogically
molecule of positive 11 geese and noticed in the oral distinguished
(+) sense RNA myocarditis mucosae. Congested viral types.
genome. An patches in the
enveloped virus 2.Birnaviridae AVlbirna virus Infectious Fowls Infectious mucosae of stomach
Togaviruses bursal disease bursal disease and intestine and
(Toga=cloac) Linear virus inflammatory changes
single stranded (ss) 1. Coronavirida Coronavirus Avian Fowls Avian in the coronary band
RNA (+) sense e infectious infectious of the foot. African
genome marked by bronchitis bronchitis horse sickness It is a
direct transcription. virus (at least virus febrile (105 F) viral

eIght disease of equines

serotypes) transmitted by
culicoides or biting
Genetic Features Family/Sub Genus Species! Animal Diseases Signs and Diagnosis
Family Virus Types Affected cauied Pathological Changes
Humans etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Alphavirus Camne Dogs Enteritis midges etc. Mortality
coronavirus (a) upto 90%. Dikkop and
Dunkop (pulmonary)
are the two forms of
Alphavlrus Canine Dogs Enteritis (u) african horse sickness.
coronavlrus Dikkop (i.e. thick or
2. Togaviridae (a) Eastern Horse Eastern equine cardiac form) is
equine encephalo marked by oedema of
encephala myelitis the head, neck and
myelitiS VIruS face,
(b) Western (b) Western and degenerative
equine equine changes in the
encephalamyelz encephalomyel myocardium In
lis virus itis Dunkop (pulmonary
form), hydrothorax,
oedema of lungs,
(c)Venezllelan (c)Venezuelan
dyspnoea and
equme equine
discharges from the
encephalomyeli encephalomyel
nose are the main
tis virus itis
Genetic Features Family/Sub Genus Specie!, Animal' Diseases Signs and Diagnosis
Family Virus Types Affected caused Pathological Changes
Humans etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Astroviridae A Astroviridae Astrovirus Several Self limiting
single molecule of animal gastro enteritis
linear single species
stranded RNA virus
having positive (+)
sense genome
Picornaviruses Picomaviridae I.Enterovirus 1. Swine Pigs Swine Foot and mouth (1) It is Based on
Direct transcription vesicular vesicular disease It is a febrile the symptoms
A single molecule of disease virus disease viral disease of many and lesions (2)
linear single cloven footed Injection of the
stranded (ss) RNA, animals. Excessive suscepted
positive sense and a 2.Avian Chicken Avian salivation, anorexia material in to
non-enveloped virus entroviruses s Ducks and encephalomyel due to mouth sore, guinea pigs (3)
turkeys itis lameness. Severe Performance of
3.Poliovirus Man Hepatatis depression and the compliment
1,[[ and III Poliomyelitis sudden death in fixation test.
calves arising from
Aphthovirus Foot and Cattle, sheep, Foot- and- mycardial
mouth disease goats pigs mouth disease degenerahve changes
virus The and wild The characteristic
viral types are rumints lesion is an aphthous
0, A, C,SAT- or vesicle formation.
Genetic Features Family/Sub Genus Specie!, Animal Diseases Signs and Diagnosis
Family Virus Types Affected caused Pathological Changes
Humans etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
SAT-3and A vesicle is a
Asia-l circumscribed cavity
Hepata VIruS Hepatatis A Man Hepatatis containing fluid. A
virus Aphthae are noticed
on lips, dorsum of
Calavmdae Ca/civirus Pigs Enteritis tongue, palate and in
Vesicular Pigs Vesicular the skin near the
Calciviruses Direct exanthema lesions in coronary band, teat,
transcription A virus epithelial cells vulva and udder.
single molecule of of lips, tongue, Ballooning
linear single nostrils and degenerative changes
stranded (ss) RNA. snouts. in epithelial cells in
Non enveloped the form of pyknosis,
Flaviviruses Direct fragmentation leading
disease to appearance of
transcription A
single molecule of Flaviviridae i.Pestivirus Bovine viral Cattle and vesicles (aphthae) on
linear single dlarrhea virus calves the lips and tongue
stranded RNA, etc. Degenerative
Swmefever/ Pig Hog cholera
positive sense changes in the
Hog cholera (Swine fever)
genome sensitive laminae of
the foot causes
1l.Flavivirus Japanese Swine man Abortion and shedding of the hoof
e~cephalitis and birds encephalitis in cattle or claws in
Genetic Features Family/Sub Genus Specie"" Animal Diseases Signs and Diagnosis
Family Virus Types Mfected caused Pathological Changes
Humans etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
VIruS sheep and goat.

Mosquitoes act
as its vectors
Bronaviridae Single Bornaviridae Bornavlrus Borna disease Horses Borna disease
stranded RNA with virus
negative (-) sense

Orthomyxovir Orthomy a.Injluenza Man. Human

idae Single stranded xoviridae virus A birds e.g. influenza
negative (-) sense fowls and caused by
RNA, segmented horses influenza A
genome. andB

(b) Injluenza Influenza

virus B virus- a patho
gen of only
(c) Injluenza Horses, Bird flu (called
Genetic Features Family/Sub Genus Specie!Y' Animal Diseases Signs and Diagnosis
Family Virus Types Affected caused Pathological Changes
Humans etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ViruS C swinesand fowl plague)
Bunyaviruses Single Bunyaviridae Bunya virus Bunyawera Sheep and Arthrogryposis
stranded negative (-) virus cattle and
genseRNA hydranenceph
segmented genome aly
Nairovirus Nairobi sheep Sheep and Nairobi sheep Marked by acute
disease virus goats disease haemorrhagic
Phlebovirus Rift valley Sheep cattle Rift valley
ltevervlrus and buffaloes fever
NB Prions (self Cattle (i) Bovine a.Marked by neuronal
replicating Sheep and spongy form degeneration
infectious or rogue occasionally encaphalopath b.Spongiform
proteins with no goat y (ii) degeneration ID the
nucleic acid) Scrapie grey matter of brain,
Aminoacid astrological
sequences of many proliferation and
prions or variants hypertrophy are the
are known but marked changes in
information about bovine spongiform
Genetic Features Family/Sub Genus Specie!, Animal Diseases Signs and Diagnosis
Family Virus Types Affected caused Pathological Changes
Humans etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
their families, encphlopathy. a.
genetics and species Neuronal vacuolation
is lacking. and degeneration
with astrocytic
neuronophagia and
perivascular cuffing
are the marked
lesions in the cases of
Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Note: Influenza viruses are classified in the light of the

virul hanagglutinin and nuraminidase i.e. Hand N genes.
Viral Types of Influenza Animls Diseases
Viruses Affected
i. H7 N7 and H3 N8 Horse Respiratory disease
ii. HI Nland H3 N2 Pigs Do
iii. H3N2 and H3 NI Man Do
iv. H5 NI and H7 NI Fowls Bird flu

Canine parainfluenza virus and canine adenovirus 2

(CAV-2) are part of a complex pathogenesis leading to
infectious laryngotracheitis in dogs. The CAV-2 vaccine
protects dogs against ILT and also against CAV-1 infection
(Viral hepatitis) in dogs due to cross immunity.

Viral Diseases

Fig. 1. Widening of the interductal and

interalveolar interstitium with marked fibrosis and
infiltration of round cells in chronic mastitis in
buffalo (H & E x 100.)

Fig. 2. Epithelioid granulation tissue in

tuberculous mammary gland of a buffalo. Note
the epithelioid cells, Langhan's giant cells
lyphocytes and fibroblasts (H & E x 400).

Fig.3. Actionomycos is (pharynx, cattle) A colony

of Actinomyces bovis in a tissue surrounded by
epithelioid cells and neutrophiles (H & E x 400)

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Fig. 4. Section of duodenum of a cow showing

a migrating immature fluek in the submecosa
and the Empty tract left behind the parasite
H & E x 100

Fig. 5. Colloid goiter, foal, Note the

deposits of the colloid distending the
thyroid follicles. H & E x 400

Fig. 6. Section of liver of a

Tharparker cow, showing a fluke in
the severely thickned bite duct. Note
the proliferated connective tissue
cells in the wall of the bi! duct. H&E;

Viral Diseases

Pathologic effects of viral infections

Both reversible and irreversible changes are produced
by different viruses in bodies of the hosts. The most
nonenveloped viruses grow either in the nucleus or in the
cytoplasm of the infected cells. Viruses are released from the
cells by cytolysis. Retroviruses and togaviruses derive cellular
membranes and proteins from the cells before their release
as enveloped virions. Retroviruses are noncytolytic because
they do a little damage to the infected cells. Examples of
cytolytic viruses are paramyxoviruses, rhabdoviruses and
togaviruses which destroy the infected cells. Pox viruses fuse
with the cellular membranes of the infected cells and are,
then, released due to rupture of such cells. Herpesviruses,
picornaviruses, parvoviruses, adenoviruses and flaviviruses
also cause cell lysis or necrotic changes in the infected cells.
No visible change is seen in latent, persistent and chronic
infections of the cells by viruses. Infectious carriers arise from
chronic cases of viral infections of animals as seen in the cases
of FMD and canine distemper. Slow viruses e.g., HIV or
Maedi virus produce persistent infection in the host body.
Inclusion bodies produce cytopathic effects in the infected
cells by destroying cytoplasm and nuclei of the infected cells.
Neuroh'opic viruses produce necrotic changes in the neurons
of the brain. FMD virus destroys epithelial cells of the skin or
mucosae by producing balloon degeneration and vesicle
formation which lead to appearance of erosions or ulcers
etc. Birds affected with leucosis are emaciated but enlarged
neoplastic growths are seen in the internal organs like liver,
heart and lungs etc.
In short, the main effects are as follows :
1. Cell lysis (cytolysis) and degenerative changes in th nu-
clei of the cells infected with viruses. For examples, FMD
virus causes directly hyaline degeneration and necrosis
of myocardial fibres in young calves.
2. Destruction of cells by toxic capsid proteins or some other

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

viral proteins. Viruses do not produce toxins like bacte-

3. Viruses shutdown the host DNA and RNA synthesis in
the cells because of the takeover of the cellular ribosomes.
Such a situation is incompatible with survival of cells in
the host body.
4. Latent, persistent and chronic infections of cells by vi-
ruses cause deterioration or degeneration in bodies of
the hosts.
5. Cell mediated immune response causes cytolysis in the
infected cells of the hosts. Sensitized lymphocytes (T
lymphocytes) and natural killer (NK) cells deshoy the
cells infected with viruses.
6. Viral inclusions lead to destruction of cytoplasm or nu-
clei of the cells.
7. Certain viruses (e.g., retroviruses) produce irreversible
neoplastic transformation of the normal cells. This leads
to formation of tumours in the bodies of the hosts which
are useless structures.
8. Certain viruses like herpes viruses and paramyxoviruses
produce syncytial cells which are multinucleated cellu-
lar structures. Such structures only help diagnosis of
infections of herpesvirus or paramyxovirus in the ani-

Chapter 4
Protozoan Diseases

Babesiosis (Piroplasmosis)
It is a febrile protozoan disease caused by
intraerthrocytic organisms of the genus Babesia spp. or
piroplasms capable to multiply into two or four by means of
binary fusion inside the red blood cells of the hosts like cattle
and buffaloes etc. Pear shaped structures are formed by the
causative prototozoa inside the erythrocytes. These forms are
pathogenic asexual structures and are transmitted by blood
sucking ticks. A piroplasm or a typical babesia consists of
three parts :
(i) A thin envelope containing protoplasm.
(ii) A dot of chromatin.
(iii) A vacuole.
The newly divided forms of piroplasms are held together
be means of stalk and the affected red cells, later, disintegrate
releasing haemoglobin into circulation. Excessive amount of
haemoglobin so formed passes into urine through glomeruli
to give rise to a condition of haemolytic jaundice and
haemoglobinuria. These protozoa attack healthy red cells and
cause them to disintegrate. In B. callis infection, the division
or subdivisions of parasites give rise to more than two
piroplasms inside the red cells with the result of crowding
inside their bodies. Such red cells, later, disintegrate or get
haemolysed to produce anaemia, haemoglobinuria and
jaundice etc. The reticuloendothelial cells in the liver, spleen
and bone narrow dispose of the excess of released
haemoglobin from lysed red cells. But in the case of massive
destruction of red cells, excessive haemoglobin formed in the

Advanced PathologlJ and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

blood creates the state of haemoglobinaemia or

bilirubinaemia. The hosts, then, suffer from haemolytic
jaundice or icterus along with haemoglobinuria. The RE cells
in the liver etc., fail to dispose of the massively formed
haemobilirubin in the blood and give rise to symptoms of
haematogenous jaundice. Haemolytic anaemia is an
important feature of piroplasmosis. The Babesia organisms
are found inside the red cells during the appearance of acute
symptoms. The Leishman's or Giemsa stain is quite suitable
to stain these organisms in the red cells. In the stained
piroplasms, there is blue cytoplasm and red chromatin mass
attached with strings of chromatin granules and an
arrangement in couples of pear shaped structures which may
be seen in the infected cells. This disease is called red water
in cattle.
Ticks transmit this disease from one vertebrate host
(cattle) to another one. The hard ticks of the family Ixodidae
are important vectors of this disease and in India, Hyalomma
anatolicum is the common tick to transmit the infection to
healthy stock of cattle. Ticks infect healthy animals during
different stages in their life cycle (i.e., transmission of diseases
from stage to stage). The ticks have the following four stages
in their life :
1. 'Eggs: These are very small equal to the size of a pin's
head and can be found in crevices or holes on the ground
or walls of houses.
2. Larvae: These have six legs and bury their mouth
into skin of the host. They get attached to these animals
during the period of feeding, then drop off and moult
into nymphs.
3. Nymphs: These forms possess 8 legs and are actually
immature forms of ticks with no appearance of sexual
organs. These may be oval in shape and attach to the
body of host for feeding. Later, they drop off on the

Protozoan Diseases

ground to moult into adult ticks.

4. Adult ticks: They are found as males or females. While
attached to the verebrate host, the female ticks may be
fertilized by male ticks and when engorged with blood,
they drop off to the lay eggs in crevices or cracks on the
ground. Two to three thousand eggs can be laid by a
single female tick. An Ixodex ricinus is known to shrivel
during the process of egg laying and, later, it dies or
Ticks may be one-host tick, two-host-tick or even three-
host-tick. Ixodex ricinus is a three host tick i.e., each stage
(larval, nymphal or adult) is passed on different hosts. In a
two-host ticks, the adult stage is passed on a second host.
This is noticed in Rhipicephalus evertsi. In one-host tick, the
three stages (namely, larval, nymphal or adult ones) are
passed on a single host and all moultings (i.e., from larva to
nymph to adult) occur on the same host. While attached to
the susceptible host, infected ticks spread the infection to
healthy animals through their bites but transmission of the
disease may be hereditary i.e., adult infected ticks may carry
on the infection fo the next stage of the life cycle i.e. their
infected eggs with protozoa may carry the infection to larval
stage and so on and so forth. Infection, thus, passes through
the eggs of the ticks to other stages. In short, transmission of
babesiosis may be hereditary or may occur from stage to
stage.It means that infection taken in by larvae of ticks may
be transmitted by the emerging nymphs or infection taken
in by the growing nymphs will be transmitted by the adult.
It is worthwhile to note that in the 2nd generation, only the
adult ticks may be infective or the infectivity may be shown
by nymphs and adults or by all the 3 stages like larvae,
nymphs and adults of ticks. The important types of
piroplasms are as follows:

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Table 17. Piroplasms, their hosts and vectors

Species Hosts Vectors
Babesis bigemina Cattle Boophilus microplus in
B. bovis Cattle Isodex ricinlls in
B. canis Dog Rhipicephalus
sanguineus in India
B. gibsoni Dog Haemaphysalis bispillosa
in India
B. caballi Horse Dennacentor and
Hyolomma etc.
B equi Horse Rhipicephalus evrtsi
B. motasi and B. ovis Sheep Haemaphysalis and
Dermacentor spp.
B. felis Cat (in India) ----
B. major, B. divergens, B.bovata are reported in cattle.
B. tralltmanni and, B. perroncitos are piroplasms of pigs.
The important signs of babesiosis are as follows :
(i) Fever.
(ii) Anaemia marked by thin watery blood.
(iii) Jaundice or icterus.
(iv) Haemoglobinuria (red water).
(v) Ascites or debility during later stages.
This febrile disease is called red water in cattle, biliary
fever in horse and tick fever in dogs.
The excreted urine is red or black in colour. Heart beat
is increased in cattle. In hyperacute cases, the cerebrum is
attacked and involved with appearance of nervous signs.
The incubation period of the babesiosis varies from 5 to 10
days and the infected animals may die within 2 to 3 days.
The temperature may become subnormal and the animal may

Protozoan Diseases

In chronic cases, there is a marked anaemia, emaciation,

debility and constipation and diarrhoea etc. The disease in
chronic form may last over several weeks and the animals
may eventually die.
The red cell count drops to 25 per cent of the normal
and haemoglobin percentage is less than 50 per cent of the
normal. Anisocytes (red cells of different sizes) are seen in
the stained films of the blood of the affected animals. The
spleen is enlarged with red cells (four to five times its normal
size) and may even rupture. The spleen is softer than normal
and its Malpighian bodies and trabeculae present a blurred
appearance. The splenic pulp is dark and the liver is yellow
brown in colour as revealed by the incised surfaces and it is
enlarged with parenchymatous or fatty degeneration. The
gall bladder is distended with bile owing to hepatic
disturbances. The renal tubules are blocked and tubular
degeneration is noticed. There is presence of catarrhal
gastroentritis. The blood is thin, pale and watery
Haemorrhages are seen on the heart, seruous membranes
and mucosae of the stomach and intestines. There is presence
of red coloured urine in the urinary bladder. Oedematous
changes are present in the lungs. The subcutaneous,
subserous and intramuscular connective tissue is oedematous
and yellow in colour. The capillaries in the brain and optic
choroids contain several Babesia organisms. Signs and lesions
of diseases in bovines marked by red urine are given in the
table 18.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Table 18. Signs and lesions in bovine diseases marked

by red urine
Diseases Common Pathological Signs / Main Features
1) 1(2) 3)
1. Babesiosis (an Red Urine High fever, pallor, thin and watery blood
infection caused by and severe terminal icterus. Urire is red in
the organisms of the colour with haemolobinuria. Balxsia spp
genus Baresia. present in the red cells. Bodies of animals
like calves infected with ticks. Morbidity and
mortality upto 90%. Incubation period varies
from2 to 3 weeks. Enlarged liver, spleen
enlarged 4 times the nonnal and
oedematous lungs and red urine in the
urinary bladder.
2. Theileriasis (an Red Urine Anorexia, enlarged lymph nodes, fever,
infection caused by haemoglobinuria, theileria in the red cells.
the parasites of the Animal's bodies infested with disease
genus Tlrzleria spp. transmitting ticks neveal oedematous lymph
nodes, pulmonary oedema and enlarged
liver. Patients suffer, or die of asphyxia.
3, Bacillary Red urine Fever upto 10loF, haemolytic anaemia,
haemoglobinuria toxaemia, diarrhoea, shallow .tapid
(Clostridium respiration, abdJminal and diaphragmatic
haemolytiCllm pain Acute onset of the disease with often
infection). death in the animals. Large areas of necrosis
in liver, hamoglo binuria, leucocytosis and
G.tam positive organisms in the sections of
necrosed tissues in livers are some important
4, Leptospirosis Red urine High mortality (upto 31%) in calves. Urine
(Leptospira recl, septicaemia, toxaemia and haemolytic
interrogans pomona condition, Fever varies from 1040F to 106OF.
inf ec tio n). Presence of haemoglobinuria, Pallor, icterus
and haemorrhages in the mucosae,
Leptospiruria (i.e., Leptospira spp. in urine)
initially for 3 days in the patients, Leptospira
antibodies in the guinea pigs given
intrnperitoreal iniection of Llptospira spp,
5. Post parturient Red urine Occurrence post calving 24 weeks. Tremor,
haemoglobinuria. pallor, tachycardia, audible heart sounds,
Weakness, tremor. Acute onset with 50%
mortality. Death from anaemia. Deep brown
to frothy urine. Cells present in the urine on
standing. Presence of severe haemolytic
Protozoan Diseases

6. Chronic copper Red urine Weakness, pallor, icterus, death in 24-48

poisoning. hOUlS. Sudden onset of the disease. Presence
of haemoglobinuria. 2000 ppmcopper in the
dry matter, icterus, yellow coloured friable
liver, hepatic degenerative and necrotic
charu!:e (acute toxic hepatitis).
7. Enzootic Red urine Persistent intermittent haematuria, acute or
haematuria (a chronic anaemia (haemorrhagic type). Death
desease marked by from anaemia. Animals older than 1 year are
persistent affected. Hyperplastic inflammatory changes
haematuria in Hyperaemia and haemorrhages may be
cattle and water noticed in the urinary bladder or other parts
baffalo due to of urinal)' tract.
Ipoisoning) .
It is based on the symptoms, parasites in the blood or
smears of spleen, vector present in environment and lesions
in the body. In enzootic areas, the blood is examined to detect
protozoa during the height of temperature. Thin films of
peripheral blood are good for such purposes. If there is a
history of high temperature with anaemia in cattle in enzootic
areas, it is better to treat them for babesiosis. The protozoa
can be demonstrated in the blood of the susceptible or
splenectomised animals after inoculating them with infected
blood from chronic cases of babesiosis or healthy carriers.
Haemagglutination or complement fixation test is done to
diagnose it. Fluorescent antibody and agglUtination tests are
also helpful to confirm its diagnosis.
In treating cases of babesiosis, two principles are to be
kept in mind, that is,
(i) Babesiosis is an acute disease in the initial stages and
the animals may die due to delay in starting the treat-
ment on account of anaemia and
(ii) Development of pre-immunity. There should be avoid-
ance of complete sterilization of the patients. Pre-im-

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

munity is dependent on the fact of existence of proto-

zoa ( similar to pre-immunity as seen in B.C.C. vacci-
nation) in the body of patients.
The drugs to be tried in cases of babesiosis are the
following :-
(i) Berenil (Diminazene acturate) is given at the rate of 0.8
to 1.6 gm per 100 kg of body weight by deep intramus-
cular route. There should be administration of
antihistamnic drugs prior to administration of Berenil
(e.g., Avil, Zeet etc.).
(ii) One per cent som. of trypan blue can also be given to
horses and bovines. Administration of diminazene and
imidocarb in infected animals gives good results.
Blood transfusion and haematinics can also be given to
patients. Supportive therapy in form of liver extract (Belamyl,
Livogen inj.) are given for quick recovery in animals. Inferon
can be given if m twice weekly to sick animals. Liv-S2 can
also be given to animals. (see tables 37 and 39 for different
drugs or patent preparations used in treating animals
It is a tick borne protozoan disease of animals
(mammals) caused by the parasites (Theileria spp.) of the
family T7zeileridae and transmitted from infected animals to
healthy animals by the bites of ticks (for example, ticks of the
family Ixodidae). Ruminants suffer drom these protozoal
parasites of the genus Theileria. Damage to hosts is mainly
caused by schizonts arising from the process of schizogony
in the affected cells i.e., the causative agents.
Theileria spp.
These organisms multiply in the cells of the lymphocytic
series of the mammalian hosts by a process called schizogony.
This process leads to formation of schizonts known as Koch's
blue bodies in such cells. The sexual stage of the life cycle i.e.,

Protozoan Diseases

of gametocytes in the forms of males and females is found in

the red cells of the hosts. These male and female forms show
sexual life cycle in the gut of the infected ticks after a blood
meal on the animals.
Important species of theleria are given below :
Table 19. Theileria their hosts and diseases caused
Species Hosts Disease Main Vectors
T. parua Bovines East coast fever Rhipicephalus
(cattlel appendiClllatus
--- --
T. bovis - do- Corridor disease
T. mmulata do & water Tropical Hyalomma
buffalo theileriasis anatolicum
T.11lutans - do- Benign bovine Hyalomma spp
theil eriasis and
T. hirci Sheep and Malignant ovine Hyalomma spp.
goats or Caprine
T.ovis - do- Benign ovine or Rhipicephalus
caprine bursa

Schizonts or agamonts or Koch's blue bodies are found

either in the cytoplasm of the lymphoid cells or as free bodies.
These bodies are masses of blue cytoplasm containing 1 to
80 small pale or pink dots in the stained films of the blood or
tissue smears with Giemsa stain and their diameters vary
from 1 to 151..1. in measurements, (an average of 81..1.). Presence
of other forms like gamonts are less frequent. Gamonts appear
as small dense, chromatin dots and are commonly noticed
in reticular cells. When these cells rupture in smears,
individual theilerial forms of organisms are scattered around
the cell and appear as comma shaped structures with small
round nuclei. In the red cells, they appear as dots, commas,
short rods, round or oval forms.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

T.annulata schizonts occur in the lymphoid tissues and

are more common in the liver, spleen and peripheral lymph
nodes. Theilerial organisms in red cells are found in large
number in severe infections. The organisms are round, oval,
rod shaped or anaplasmoid in structures with predominance
of round forms. These forms measure 1 to 2 !l and infect
bovines in India.
Cattle and buffaloes are important mammalian hosts.
The Theileria organisms develop in the ticks of the genus
Hyalomma. Hyalomma anatolicum is the variety common in
Indian cattle and buffaloes. Infection occurs in larval or
nymphal stages of 2 host or 3 host ticks etc., (but not the
eggs) and is transmitted to the adult stage. That is why
transovarian transmission does not occur in theileriasis. In
other words, infection does not pass through the egg to the
larval stage as seen in babesiosis. Infected ticks bite the healthy
animals and transmit the disease to them. Engorged larvae
or nymphs hide themselves in crevices of walls and floors
and moult there in the spring or summer. When these ticks
bite healthy livestock, seasonal incidence of theileriasis occurs
in summer or spring.
Incubation period ranges from 9 to 25 days (an average
of 15 days) after a tick bite. The disease occurs in the acute
form and the temperature of the hosts rises to 104 to 107P.
During febrile stage, Kock's bodies are found in the smears
prepared from the lymph nodes (e.g., prescapular nymph
nodes). The affected animals show loss of appetite, swelling
or enlargement of superficial lymph nodes, and nasal and
ocular discharges. Animals are anaemic and emaciated with
loss of condition and mucous membranes are pale.
Constipation is seen in the early febrile peri d but diarrhoea
and blood stained faeces are noticed commonly in the later
stages. In short, fever, enlarged superficial lymph nodes,
Protozoan Diseases

dyspnoea, wasting and terminal diarrhoea are the main signs

of theileriasis.
The course of the disease varies in animals from 8 to 15
days. Death occurs in 3 or 4 days in the peracute cases.
Indigenous stock is resistant to theilerial infection. Respiratory
distress or asphyxia may arise from pulmonary oedema.
Heavy mortality is noticed in the exotic or cross bred cattle.
Icterus, haemoglobinuria and severe anaemia as seen in the
cases of red water are not the symptoms of theileriasis.
The mucous and serious membranes are pale and show
numerous petechiae. The liver is enlarged and friable and
may be pale brown or yellow in colour. In the spleen, the
Malpighian corpuscles are conspicuous with no enlargement
in its size. The lymph nodes are enlarged, oedematous and
often congested. The kidneys are pale. A very common lesion
is haemorrhgic ulceration of the abomasums of the infected
bovines. Ulcers can be seen in the tonsils of sick animals.
Oedema and congestion are present in the lungs. There is
presence of subepi-and subendocordial haemorrhages or
petechiae in the heart. Hydrothorax and hydropericardium
are other lesions in the dead animals.
It is based on the following :
(1) Symptoms like fever, anaemia, emaciation, dyspnoea,
wasting and terminal diarrhoea and lesions of
lymphoproliferative character in the dead animals.
(2) Detection of the parasites (Theileria spp.) in the smears
made from the peripheral lymph nodes, spleen and liver
etc., by the process of puncture. During life, the smears
are prepared from enlarged lymph nodes particularly
(prescapular lymph nodes) to detect the theilerial or-
ganisms in the red cells and schizonts in the lymphoblasts
of lymphoid organs.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domes tic Animals

There is no suitable or reliable drug for absolute
treatment of theileriasis. However, drugs like Berenil, steclin
and supportive medicine can be given to sick animals. Berenil
is to be given @ 0.8 to 1.6 gm/lOO kg. body weight I/M to
cattle. Recently, a drug called Butalex has been found to be a
specific drug of choice for treating theileriasis. Tetracyclines
show moderate efficacy in sick cattle.
Supportive therapy by way of administration of
haematinics, B-complex and inferon etc., may be used. Blood
transfusion can also be done. 10 ml of 3.8% soln. of sodium
citrate is added to 100 ml of blood for the sake of transfusion
through i/v routes. 5% dextrose saline may also be given
through i/ v in sick animals. Halofuginonelactate and
parvaquone are found to give good results in the cases of
The disease can be controlled by destroying the ticks by
hand picking or application of acricide externally. Recovery
of animals is followed by a solid immunity in them.
Surra (Hindi for Rotten)lTrypanosomiasis
It is a protozoan disease of cattle, buffaloes, horses,
elephants, donkeys, mules and dogs etc., and is caused by
TnJpanosoma evansi. Tabinidae (Tabnid files) spread T.evansi
infection mechanically to healthy animals from diseased ones
by their bites. Ruminants like cattle exist mainly as reservoirs.
Surra is an endemic disease of cattle, horses and camels etc.
in tropical countries like India.
There is a loss of glycogen from the liver and muscles in
the affected anim&ls due to its rapid utilization by the T.evansi
and the animals become weak and emaciated inspite of good
appetite. In horses, emaciation and oedema are important
signs .of the disease. Urticarial plaques are seen on the neck

Protozoan Diseases

and flanks in these animals. Oedema of the muzzle, chest

wall: sheath, scrotum and legs up to the knees and hocks
can also be found. Ulceration and necrosis may also occur in
these oedematous areas and abscesses may develop requiring
three or more months for healing. Chocolate coloured
ecchymoses are found at skin mucosa junctions in the
diseased animals. Such haemorrhages can be found on
membrana nictitans and anus. Temperature may shoot upto
106F and death may occur in a few days or months. The
main clinical highs are fever, progressive emaciation,
anaemia, subcutaneous oedema, nervous changes and death
In dogs, oedema can be noticed in the scrotum, ears and
neck etc., there is frequent cloudiness or opacity of the cornea.
A rapid emaciation in the body with change in the voice is
seen in dogs which may die within two weeks.
In camels, the disease is also called tibarsa which is its
possible period of duration. Affected animals show loss of
condition, weakness and debility.
Cattle and buffaloes are main reservoirs, but surra can
occur in acute form in these animals but one often sees a
subclinical infection. Buffaloes suffering from frank cases of
surra die suddenly giving a suspicion of anthrax in these
The elephants show muscular weakness and the back
bones become prominent. There is a shrinkage in the back
muscles and normal bagginess of the skin due to loss of
muscle glycogen. The infected cats with surra show pyrexia
and loss of hair. The disease takes a semi-chronic course and
extend over 1 to 2 months in these animals.
Oedema extending subdermally can be seen in the
affected animals. Necrosis can be seen in the skin on the
thoracic and abdominal walls. Anaemia is present and

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

petechiae can be seen on mucous surfaces and also in the

liver and renal parenchyma. Sugar, red cells, protein and
haemoglobin may be found in the urine of affected animals.
Spleen may be enlarged with serous fluid in the body cavities.
Stomach and intestines show congested areas. Acidosis,
anoxia and elevated level of potassium, glutamic oxaloacetic
and glutamic pyruvic transminase can be found in the cases
of surra. There are no specific lesions in surra cases but
emaciation and jaundice indicate T. evansi infection in
It is based on the symptoms, progressive anaemia,
emaciation and icterus lesions and detection of T. emnsi in
the stained blood films of affected animals. It is quite helpful
to await a paroxysm before the protozoa can be detected in
the stained blood films either by Leishman's or Giemsa's stain.
Mercuric chloride test is done in the camels to diagnose the
disease. This is performed by adding a drop of serum to 1 m1
of a 1: 25,000 aqueous solution of mercuric chloride. A white
precipitate is formed in the mixture within a few minutes in
cases of positive infections. There is no such reaction with
serum obtained from healthy camels. It is of no use in other
animals (for example, cattle). Formal gel or stilbamidine test
is based on the increased level of serum proteins in the
patients of surra.
In case of surra, the followings steps are to be adopted :
(i) Treat patients with effective drugs.
(ii) Use of fly proof sheds and spraying of the sheds with
insecticides. This procedure lessens the changes of me-
chanical transmission.
(ill) Check up of surra cases during hot and humid climate
i.e., especially during the heavy population of flies.

Protozoan Diseases

There are many drugs which were used in the past but
now-a-days triquine, triboxine and trypnil etc. are found to
be more effective. Since surra is a disease of cattle, buffalo
and horse etc., it is very important to recommend supportive
therapy in such cases. Haematinics, B-complex inj. and 5%
dextrose solution can be given to sick animals.
In severely anaemic patients, blood transfusion can be
done. Blood transfusion can be done after having
compatibility report or necessary precautions in view about
the blood groups of the donors and recipients to avoid
transfusion reactions. Berenil (diminazene and
quinapyramine sulphate) are also effective in treating surra

Anaplasmosis (Gall- Sickness)

It is a rickettsial disease of cattle and sheep caused by
minute obligate intra-erythrocytic parasites of the genus of
the order Rickettsiales i.e. the genus Anaplasma. The two
species of this genus are Anaplasma marginale and. Anaplasma
centrale. These organisms occur as spherical cocci like particles
in the erythrocytes. A. marginale is a round or oval particle
of chromatin (0.15~ in diameter) which is situated in or on
the red cells but A. centrale is more centrally placed in the
red cells. One form of the organism is usually found in the
red cells but the red cells may contain two or four of these
forms. These protozoan parasites multiply by simple fission
and are transmitted by tabnid vectors and ticks like species
of the Genus Boonhilus, Rhipicephalus, Hyalomma, Ixodes and
Dermacentor. In this di.sease, there is only stage to stage
transmission but hereditury transmission may occur.
Contaminated surgical instruments can also transmit it
mechanic all y.
Incubation period varies from 14 to 40 days after

Advanced Pathologlf and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

infection and from six weeks to 3 months after the bite of the
infected ticks. There is dullness, emaciation, pallor of the
tissues depression and loss of condition in the affected
animals. Anaemia is a very important feature of this disease
and red cells count drop to one to 2 millions per cu. mm. and
the blood becomes thin and watery Anisocytosis, punctate
basophilia, polychromasia and nucleated red cells are noticed
in the blood films. There is usually no haemoglobinuria and
jaundice may be noticed in the later stages. Death in the
imported cattle rises to 80%. The affected animals show rise
in temperature upto 107P. The temperature may become
normal or subnormal before the death of the animals.
Breathing is accelerated and animals show depraved
appetite, exhaustion and lack of rumination or appetite. The
skin and mucous membranes become yellow and anaemic.
There is a presence of stiff and unsteady gait in the sick
animals. There is also no change in the colour of urine.
Constipation can be noticed in them and the animals pass
blood stained faeces covered with mucus. Death occurs within
24 hours in the acute cases. Chronic cases are marked by
anaemia. There is very slow recovery and also practically no
mortality in enzootic areas.
There is an emaciation and icterus in the body. The
lymph nodes are enlarged and oedematous. Enlargement of
heart with marked petechial haemorrhages is noticed. The
blood is thin and watery and does not stain the fingers. There
is presence of gastroenteritis and the lungs are anaemic with
changes like emphysema. The liver is enlarged, brownish
yellow or deep orange in colour and saturated with bile and
the gall-bladder is distended with dark green bile. The spleen
is enlarged and has a soft pulp. A yellowish discolouration
may be found throughout the viscera. Excess of fluid is found
in the body cavities. The kidneys are congested and
myocardial haemorrhages are seen in the dead animals.

Protozoan Diseases

Chronic cases of anaplasmosis is marked by serous atrophy

of bone marrow.
The disease can be diagnosed on the basis of symptoms
and lesions. It is confirmed by detecting the organisms in the
red cells of the stained blood films of the sick animals. A
complement fixation test is also done to diagnose
anaplasmosis. A serological test like polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) confirms its diagnosis.
Antibiotics like tetracycline and terramycin can be given
to sick animals. Symptomatic treatment is also done by
administration of antipyretics in cases of high fever.
Haematinics, blood transfusion, and fluid therapy are also
given to protect the animals from severe anaemia and
exhaustion. Supportive therapy may also be given by
injecting B-complex with liver extract. Liv-S2 tab. can be given
For effective control of anaplasmosis, the vectors Le.,
ticks must be destroyed. Ticks can be picked up from the
host's body and burnt. Acricides such as Butox solution etc.,
may be used externally to destroy the ticks. The sick or carrier
animals should be separated from healthy ones to check
spread of infection. Proper sanitation is to be maintained in
cattle shed.
Prophylactic immunization by administration of vaccine
can also be done. Vaccination with killed A. marginale vaccine
or live A. centrale vaccine is carried out in susceptible livestock
of endemic zones.
It is a protozoan disease affecting several domestic
animals which is caused by many different Eimeria or Isospora

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Ammals

spp. The coccidia are intracellular parasites in the epithelium

of the alimentary tract. Serious damage is caused by
coccidian in young animals like calves and lambs by growing
in the intestinal mucosae during asexual cycle. Asexual life
cycles (one, two or more) are followed by a sexual life cycle
resulting information of oocysts which have to reach the
ground infaecal matter for sporulation (i.e., formation of
spurulated oocysts). That is why the coccidiosis is a self
limiting disease provided the hosts are protected from further
infection. Several species of Eimeria or Isosopa cause
coccidiosis in animals. Eimeria tenella and Eimeria necatrix are
very pathogenic in fowls. Eimeria zurnii is pathogenic in
cattle. Eimeria stiedae causes hepatitis in rabbits and
papilliform ingrowths are formed in the bile ducts of rabbit.
Young animals like calves, lambs, piglets, kids (rarely foals)
are very susceptible to coccidial infection. Coccidiosis is
marked by high morbidity with low case fatality in the
affected animals. Schizogony in the epithelial cells is
influenced by developing immunity in hosts.
In cattle the lesions in the large intestine show thickening,
congestion and haemorrhages in its mucous membranes.
Mucous membrane is covered with shreds of mucus or
epithelium. Erosions are also formed in mucosae. The infected
animals become carriers and symptomless infection persists
in such apparently healthy looking animals.
In acute form, the faeces are found to be thin, foetid
and mixed with mucus and blood. Animals show straining,
tenesmus and emaciation and may die within a week or 10
days and mortality may reach upto 50 per cent.
In subacute coccidiosis, diarrhoea and debility can be
found in animals. In coccidiosis in sheep and goat, there is
diarrhoea and dysentery and death may occur. Enteritis is
found in the small intestine and yellowish white patches

Protozoan Diseases

about Y2" diameter in mucosae represent areas of sexual

stages. (i.e., gametocytes etc.). Gametogenesis is marked by
entry of merozoites in sexual phase of the life cycle.
Sporogony is marked by development of the fertilized
macrogamet within the oocysts outside the body of the hosts.
In schizogony in fowls, coccidiosis causes death due to
schizonts being formed following entry in large numbers of
merozoites in the subepithelial tissue of caeca. In short,
destruction and sloughing of mucous membrane and
submucosa are found in caeca because of schizogony. Caeca
show multiple haemorrhages and may be enlarged and
distended with haemorrhagic contents.
In the debris of inflamed caeca, caecal plugs of caseous
material are found. The aforesaid lesions are found in cases
of Emeria tenella infection in chickens. The birds after recovery
from the disease become resistant. Two to three generation
of schizogony (i.e., formation of schizonts due to repeated
division of trophozoites arising from the conversion of a
sporozoite in the intestinal epithelium) may be seen in the
infected chickens.
In Eimeria necatrix infection in birds, the lesions in the
form of haemorrhage or white spotted areas discernible to
the naked eyes are found in the small intestines. White spots
may indicate masses of schizonts. The lumen contains blood
which stains the mucus.
The disease is diagnosed on the basis of symptoms,
lesions and detection of oocysts in the faecal matter and
merozoites or developmental stages in the epithelial cells of
the infected intestines. Stained sections of tissues reveal the
coccidial parasites.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Since coccidiosis is a selflimiting disease, proper
administration of drugs successfully controls outbreaks. The
infection of birds with coccidia needs to be checked by all
means. The drugs to be used to treat coccidiosis, are
sulphadimidine, thalazole and nitrofuran etc., in domestic
animals and birds e.g., cattle, calves, sheep and goats and
poultry. It is worthwhile to mention that sulpha drug is a
drug of choice to treat coccidiosis in the animals. Amprosol
20% @ 30 gm in 100 litre water is very useful in coccidiosis
and can be given to minimize dehydration and anaemia etc.
Blood transfusion in young stock may also be advisable. The
severe straining in coccidiosis can be reduced by giving
intestinal sedatives or epidural anaesthesia. Injection of
prep aline forte and B-complex with liver extract can be
recommended in large animals.
Toxoplasmosis is an infectious disease of domesticated
and wild animals, which is caused by Toxoplasma gondi. It is
a universal systemic coccidian of the suborder Eimeriilla. T.
gondi is a specific parasite of the members of the family
Felidae,. which are defiinitive hosts of T. gOlldi.
Three infective stages are :
Infective stages Intermediate hosts (farm animals)
1. Tachyzoites Multiplying forms in the body of
intermediate hosts.
2. Bradyzoites Forms present in the tissue cysts in
intermediate hosts
3. Oocysts (containing Forms present in the faeces of
sporozoites) intermediate hosts.

Protozoan Diseases

Oocysts are infective stages in farm animals and

livestocks (intermediate hosts of T.gondi) which ingest the
oocysts excreted by rats. The oocysts invade the hosts and
form tissue cysts. Tissue cysts damage the neurosystem,
myocardium, pulmonary tissue and placenta and even foetus
of pregnant animals. Human toxoplasmosis arises from tissue
cysts in animals. Ingestion of tissue cysts in carrion infect the
swines. Abortion and stillbirths are the main signs in ewes.
Encephalitis, pneumonia and neonatal mortality can occur
in other species of animals but these pathological effects are
minor manifestations of toxoplasmosis. It is a serious zoonosis
and the parasites in the meat are sources of infection to
humans. Seropositive prevalence of toxoplasmosis has been
noticed in goats, horses and swines. Infected cats shed oocysts
in their faces. These oocysts grow in infected intermediate
hosts. Humans are intermediate hosts of T. gondi and are
infected from ingestion of bradyzoites and tachyzoites in
meat tissues. Raw or uncooked meat is a disease risk to man.


T. gondi is an intracellular parasite and grows in the

cells of reticuloendothelial cells and central nervous system.
Sporozoites from oocysts or bradyzoites multiply in the
intestinal epithelium which is ultimately destroyed. Released
toxoplasma reach other organs, blood stream and set up the
stages of parasitaemia (i.e., toxoplasma in blood). The effects
of toxoplasmosis are congenital encephalitis, febrile
exanthema, pneumonitis and enterocolitis in infected
animals. A weak immunity causes the tissue cysts to rupture
and inflammatory cells are noticed in the infected tissues and
the lesions appear in the granulomatous form. Pregnant sheep
and goat suffer from abortion. Neonatal mortality is seen in
sheep, Fever, dyspnoea, nervous signs, anorexia and early

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

hyperexcitability and lethargy at later stages are the signs of

toxoplasmosis in cattle. Pregnant pigs abort and the piglets
are premature or stillborn. Diffuse necrotising and
nonsupporative infiltration of brain parenchyma,
accumulation of red cells in the Virchow- Robin space,
delimited areas of coagulation necrosis in the hepatic lobules,
cuboidal or columnar lining of the alveolar walls (foetalisation
of lungs), coagulation necrosis in the enlarged lymphnodes,
ulcers in the intestine, lymphocytic infiltration and presence
of Toxoplasma in the cardiac muscles and focal necrosis in
the infected placenta are some important lesions of


It is based on the symptoms, lesions and detection of

bradyzoites in the infected animals. peR and detection of
parasites in tissues confirm its diagnosis. Immunohisto
chemical staining techniques confirm the diagnosis of
toxoplasmosis in the infected individuals


Use of sulphamethazine and pyrimathamine as a

combination proves effective in pregnant ewes. Drugs are
effective against proliferating parasites in the tissues of hosts
but fail to eradicate the disease in the patients. Treatment of
infected ewe is usually not indicated.

Some main signs and lesions etc., of protozoal diseases

are given in Table 20.

Protozoan Diseases

Table 20. Some signs and lesions in protozoal diseases

Disease Causes Animals Signs and Lesions Diagnosis
1. Species Cattle, An acute disease in 1.I t is based on
Coccidiosis Involved Sheep, young animals (cattle, tlle symptoms
Eimeria Zllrtlii, Dogs, buffaloes, sheep and and the lesions
E.bovis, Pigs, goats etc).Intestinal of
E.arloingl, and Goats. epithelial cells are haemorrhagic
E.illtncata, parasitized by mucoid
E.callis and coccidia. Both asexual enteritIS.
lsosproa and asexual generation 2.Detection of
bigemifla, i.e. Schizogony and oocysts,
lsosproa SI/is gametogenesis occurs schizonts and
E.arlolllgi and in the same host but merozOltes in
E.falll1 sporogony (involving direct smears of
development of faeces and
oocysts) occurs outside intestinal
tlle body on the proper scrapings.
availability of oxygen 4.5porocysts
and some other with two
conditions.Schizogony sporozoites in
IS influenced to a great each sporocyst
extent by developing and two
immunity of the sporocysts
host.Thin and foetid With four
faeces mixed with sporozoites in
blood or mucus is each sporocysts
noticed in acute are noticed in
coccidiosis in cattle and ElIIlcna sp. and
buffaloes.Morta4ty up Isospora sp.
to 50% in respectively.
straining and
progressive emaciation
in the affected cattle. A
mixed infection of
E.bovis and E.Zllmil is
noticed in cattle.
Localization of

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domes tic Animals

Disease Causes Animals 'Signs and Lesions Diagnosis

different coccidia in
different parts of the
released from the oocysts
and merozoites emerging
from the schizonts cause
death or destruction of the
intestinal epithelial
differenciate in
macro garnets for the
sexual life cycle of
coccidia.Oocysts are
formed following
fertilis ation of
macro garnets by
micro garnets for sta rting
the stage of sporogony.The
oocystsdevelop outside
the bod y of the hosts on
the ground under suitable
conditions and a fresh life
cycle of the coccidia starts
following ingestion of
these cysts by suitable
hosts.A cha:k of
reinfection converts
coccidiosis in to a self
limiting disease owing to
elimina tion of all coccidia
from hosts 'bodies.

Protozoan Diseases

Disease Causes AnimalsAffe Signs and Lesions Diagnosis

2. Tn}pallosoma Cattle, A protozoan host 1.1 t is based on
Trypanoso evansi Vectors buffaloes, specific disease the
miasis Biting flies horses and marked by fever, symptoms,lesion
(surra) (Tabanlls spp.) camels etc., anaemia, emaciation, s and detection
transmit this cattle and nervous signs and of trypanosomes
disease to buffaloes act death in the diseased in the blood.
healthy like animals and 2.Death of
animals. reservoirs of increased incidence rodent
T.evansi. of surra during inoculated with
rainy seasons suspected blood
favouring breeding of sick animals.
of biting files. In sick 3.Mercuric
animals, there are chloride formal
intermittent gel or
fever,oedema of the stilbamidine test
dependent parts of for increased
body and loss of proteins levels
weight despite good are carried out to
appetite. Nasal diagnosis cases
discharge and of surra..
terminal nervous 4.Enzyme like
symptoms e.g., immunoabsorbe
paraplegia, paralysis, ntassay
delirium and (ELlSA),comple
presence of ment fixation
trypanosomes in the and indirect
blood of cattle and fluorescent
buffaloes during antibody test are
acute phase. Pale done to confirm
mucosae of stomach its diagnosis.
and small intestines, Appearance of
enlargement of white precipitate
spleen infiltrative following
changes of addition of one
leucocytes in the drop of serum
muscles are from
important changes in
surra. Cases of

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Disease Causes Animals Signs and Lesions Diagnosis

oestrus,still birth and suspected cases
abortion may be to 1ml of 25000
noticed in dilute solution
bovines. There are no of mercuric
characteristic lesions chloride in
in the animals died of water is
surra. noticed in to
the cases of
surra in
3.Babesiosi Bibesia bigemilla Cattle, A febrile disease 1. It is based on
s (red in cattle and Buffaloes, (temperature upto the symptoms
water) buffalo,B.ovis horses, l06OF)ofmanunals and the lesions.
and B.motasl in sheep, (cattle and buffaloes). 2.Detection of
sheep and B.eqlli swinesand High susceptibility is BabeSia
in horses and dogs etc. seen in the age group bigclIlilla in the
B.gibsolli and of 6-12 months. The red cells of
B.callis in dogs parasites (i.e., Babesia cattle. 3.ELISA
are causes of spp.) inhabit the red and
this disease. cells and cause the complement
Transovarian release of the fixation test
transmission by haemoglobin from confirm its
Boophilus the red cells in the diagnosis.
alllllatlls or plasma. The
Boophilus reticuloedothelial
microplus in cells of bone marrow
Indian and spleen convert
cattle.Hereditar the iron free mOiety
y and stage to in to bile pigments.
stage Later, the bile
transmission is pigments in the
shown by the circulation cause
infected ticks. haemolytic jaundice
(icterus) in the
affected animals amd
haemoglobin in the
urine causes red
urine in the patient
e.g., cattle. In short,
the effects are

Protozoan Diseases

Disease Causes Animals Signs and Lesions Diagnos is

poikilocytosis and
nucleate d red cells
(erythroblasts) etc.
Transmission of
babesia by ticks like
BOOp/lilllS spp and
Hyalomma allatoliclllU
etc. The main lesions
include ecchymoses
in the subcutan eous
tissues on the heart,
mucosae of the
stomach and
intestine, enlarged
spleen (increased
upto 2 to 4 times the
normal size),
indistinct Malpighian
corpuscles and
trabecul ae,enlar ged
liver with fatty
changes and swollen
kidneys with
degenerative changes
and casts in the
tubules. The urine in
the bladder is red or
tinged with blood.
Gastroenteritis and
icteric discolouration
or pallor of mucosae,
all visceral organs
and yellow intima of

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Disease Causes Animals Signs and Lesions Diagnos is

arteries ete. are some
importan t changes of
babesiosis in cattle.
Babesia is also found
in the capillaries of
the brain and carriers
or recovere d animals
from babesiosis are
immune due to
premuni tion (or
residual parasitism)
and the immunit y in
them lasts a year or
so. Relapse of the
disease may occur
due to reduced
premuni tion from
some causes.
~. nlC1!cna Ca ttle, she ep, A febnle blood 1. It IS based on
Thclleriasls anI/illata (the goat and protClloal mfection the symptom s
(thl'lleriosl~) cduseof ungulates. marked by anorexia, and the lesions
tropICal n,cleria diarrllOea, loss of like enlar ged
theileriaSIS) mllluia In is weight dysentery, SUperfICIal
The vectors are highly respiratory distress lympha
ticks like virulent for and iceteric mucous (commonly
H!ploll/lI1a crossbred or membrane. Thelerial pescapu lar
anatohcu m In irnpolted forms in red cells and lymph nodes)
cdttie a three exotIC s::hizony in the m the mfected
host tIck European lymphocytes are animals. 2
marked by cdttle m notic ed in the Lymph node
s tdge to stage India Witll affected animals. or liver bIOpsy
tI'ansmisslOn great Schizonts are seen as is done to
L e., both larvae mortali ty. fdint blue masses of detect
an',! nymphs cytoplasm containi ng schizonts
turn to be several red chromat in called (Koch's
infective. dots. Chroma tin dots blue bodIes) in
surround ed by &lme s lamed smears
cytoplasm are called of tile lymph
nodes. 3.
antibody test.

Protozoan Diseases

Disease Causes Animals Signs and Lesions Diagnosis

Merozoites enter red
cells and exist in them
possibly as
gametocytes. The
thelerial forms are
seen in red cells as
minute oval or
coccoid bodies or as
commas or red
shaped structures.
Blood containing
schizonts is infective
for healthy animals.
Survivors or
recovered animals are
solidly immune due
to premurution(i.e.,
occurance of no
relapse). The main
pathological lesions
are oedema of the
tongues and
subcutaneous and
intramuscular tissues,
serous exudates in the
body cavities,
petechiae or
haemorrhages on
serous and mucous
membranes, enlarged
and oedematous
lymph nodes,
haemorrhagic or
ulcerative gastritis in
the abomasums,
excess of pericardial

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domes tic Animals

Disease Causes Animals Signs and Lesions Diagnosis

pleural fluids and
enlarged liver with
mottled appearance.
Affected animals die
of asphyxia. Almost
no change is seen in
5. Anaplasma Cattle, sheep A febrile direase I.Based on the
Anaplasmo margillale and and goats (temperature upto symploms and
sis (gall A .celltraJe of the IlEoF) of ruminants thelesims.
sickness) order like cattle, sheep and 2.Detection of
Rickettsials goa ts marked by Allaplasm spp.
Vectors, severe debility, in red cells in
Hyalomma spp. anaemia, ema:::ia tion,. the stained
Boop,illus, jaundice ~.e., pale films.
microplus, alld mucosae~ 3.Complement
Dennacellter depression,. fixation and
alldersolli constipation, dot EUSA tests
transmit its dyspnoea and death etc.4.Presence
healthy live of the affected of tick on the
stock. animals. Incubation body of
period varies from 3 affected
to 4 weeks. Death animals
within 24 hours in supports a
paracute cases. positive or a
A. subclinical fOrm of suspected
anaplasmosis is seen diagnosis.
in sheep and gcats.
Red cell count
reduced to 1.5
million, immature
red cells in the blood
films, anisocytosis,
puctate basophilia,
abortion in pregnant
animals and

Protozoan Diseases

Disease Causes Animals Signs and Lsions Diagnosis

h yperexciata bility etc.
some other signs. The
main pathological lesions
are as under: 1. nun
waleI)' blood,excess
fluids in the serous
cavities and deep orange
liver, gan bladder
distended with dark green
bile, mngested kidneys, a
severe enlargement of
spleen with soft pulp are
some important changes
seen in dead artimals.
An tie I)' throcyte
antibodies exacerbate
anaemic changes. 2.
haematopoiesis in the
sp le en and other organs,
dark red faeces covered
with blood or mucus,
swonen and oedematous
lymph nodes are
importan t postmortem
findings. Parasitised red
cens are destroyed by
reticuloendothelial cells of
the spleen. 3.
Anaplas1lYJsis is marked
by absence of
Survivors are carriers of
anaplasmosis and a state
of preimmurtity is seen in
the recovered animal
patien Is or carriers of
residual parasitism.

Chapter 5
Parasitic Diseases

FASCIOLASIS (Distomiasis)
Distomiasis is caused by species of the families like
Fasciolidae and Dicrocoelidae. The important species of these
families are :
(i) Fasciola gigantica (common liver fluke in India).
(ii) Fasciola lzepatica (common liver fluke).
(iii) Fascioloides magna (large liver fluke).
(iv) Dicrocoelium dendriticum (lancet fluke).
Fasciola hepatic a is noticed in the liver, bile ducts and
gall bladder in cattle and sheep and animals like, goat, horse,
dog, deer and pig etc., may also be parasitised. Ova are laid
by this parasite in the biliary passages and they reach the
intestine with the biliary secretions to be finally expelled with
the faeces. The micracidium emerges from these ova and the
cercariae (motile forms) escape after many developmental
stages of the miracidium in the body of snails. These cercariae
encyst on the tips or blades of the grasses as metacercariae
which on being grazed with grass or ingested by the suitable
hosts like cattle, reach mature stages finally in the biliary
passages of the liver.
The main signs of fascioliasis are:
(i) Weakness, oedema, anaemia (paleness of the mucous
membrane), icterus and emaciation.
(ii) Diarrhoea, constipation and oedema in the
intermandibular spaces (called bottle jaw in parasitic
(ill) Abortion in the pregnant animals. In cattle, the faeces
ParasItic Diseases

may be hard or brittle due to constipation.

(iv) Prostration and death in the final stages
The parasites, on being lodged in the biliary channels,
cause icterus (i.e., obstructive icterus).
The main lesions of this disease are :
(i) Abscesses in the lungs by the wandering infected para-
(ii) Destruction or damage is caused to the hepatic cells by
the migrating flukes i.e., a kind of traumatic hepatitis.
The flukes, after passing through the intestinal walls,
wander in the peritoneal cavity and peneh'ate into liver
substance, These parasites in the liver lie in a mass con-
taining blood, fibrin and cellular detritus. Cells like
neutrophiles, eosinophiles and lymphocytes may also
be added to the infiltrate or exudate. Macrophages or
epithelioid cells can also be found around the dead lar-
vae or flukes. The liver capsule reveals small perfora-
tions and hepatic parenchyma is swollen and severely
damaged or destroyed by migrating young flukes.
(ill) Occurrence of anaemia, eosinophilia and peritonitis.
Such signs with sudden death are noticed in the sheep.
Eggs are laid by the flukes in the biliary passages on
10th day postinfection. These flukes cause proliferation
of the biliary epithelium to form papillary and glandu-
lar hyperplasia. Occlusion of the bile ducts may follow
such changes in the biliary passages. The mucosae of
the gall bladder can also undergo hyperplasia. Fibrous
proliferation occurs in the walls of bile ducts which may
also get calcified. The fibrosis or scarring around the
bile ducts may spread into the surrounding liver lobules
to produce marked proliferation of connective tissue
(i.e., perilobular fibrosis or cirrhosis). Destruction of the
liver parenchyma leads to weight loss of the patients.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

In such animals with liver damage, hypoproteinaemia,

eosinophilia and anaemia (normocytic normochromic)
etc. are found. Albumin (plasma) leakage through the
bile ducts causes hypoproteinaemia. Anisocytes,
poikilocytes and basophilic stippling can be noticed in
the liver fluke disease. Clostridium oedematiens novi can
grow in the yellowish white necrotic lesions produced
by roaming or migrating immature flukes in the liver of
sheep infected with F.1repatica. Acute hepatitis develops
and a pathological state of black disease occurs in the
sheep (aged 2 to 4 years). The acute, subacute and
chronic inflammatory lesions are noticed in the liver in
the affected animals of all the age groups. In fasciolia-
sis, pericellular fibrosis (fibrous tissue growth around
single liver cells) and monolobular fibrosis (i.e., prolif-
eration of fibrous tissue around individuallobules) are
noticed after 12-30 weeks of infection. Pipestem liver is
noticed in fascioliasis in cattle and arises from changes
like fibrosis and calcification in the wall of bileducts in-
vaded with the flukes. In cattle, the flukes can be found
in the lung parenchyma in which cysts containing
brownish purulent gelatinous material with living or
dead flukes are noticed. G. explanatum causes hepatic
trematodiasis (e.g., biliary fibrosis) in the parasitised liver
of cattle (fig.-).
In Dicrocolium dendriticum infection, there is a
thickening of the walls of the bile ducts and occurrence of
periportal fibrosis. The epithelium in the bile duct of the liver
shows hyperplastic changes.
It is based on the following:
(i) Symptoms and lesions.
(ii) Detection of eggs or ova of the flukes in the faeces of the
affected animals. ELISA is also helpful in diagnosis of
the cases of fascioliasis.

Parasitic Diseases

The same steps as given under amphistomiasis are
followed. Certain details about patent preparation or dosage
schedule of different diseases (including parasitic diseases
are given in table 37 and 39.
Amphistomiasis (Paramphistomiasis)
The trematodes of the family Paramphistomidae set up a
pathological state known as amphistomiasis (stomach fluke
disease) in domestic animals like cattle, sheep and goats etc.
Paramphistomes are found in the rumen, reticulum and
intestines of the ruminants and immature forms of these
trematodes are very pathogenic in many kinds of ruminants.
The trematodes of the family are also found in pigs, equidae
and human beings. Paramphistomum cen}i is a conical pear
shaped fluke and is red in colour. This fluke is found in cattle,
sheep, goats and buffalo etc., Cotylophoron cotylophorom is
noticed in the rumen and reticulum of sheep, goat and cattle.
Calicophron calicopllOrum is a parasite of sheep and cattle and
found in their rumen and reticulum. Gigantacohjle explal1atU11l
is noticed in the bile ducts, gall bladder and duodenum of
buffalo and cattle. The cattle are less commonly infected with
the flukes.
Liberated micracidia from the eggs enter the bodies of
suitable snails in which they undergo different developmental
stages Le., formation of sporocysts and rediae inside the body
of the snails. The rediae release the cercariae inside the body
of the snails in which they remain for some time for the sake
of maturation. After they have undergone maturation inside
the snails, the mature cercariae which are dark brown are
released and the liberated cercariae are immature
amphistomes (highly pathogenic forms for animals). These
amphistomes undergo encystment on plants in the form of
metacercariae which are dark or black in colour. The

Advanced PathologV and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

metacercariae ingested by the ruminants along with green

vegetables are immature amphistomes. On being released in
the gut from the state of encystment, these pathogenic
immature forms attack the intestinal mucosae (i.e., in the
first three meter of small intestine) and after a period of 6 to
8 weeks, they migrate to the rumen through the reticulum
where they reach the stage of maturity. In the forestomachs,
they live in the non- pathogenic form. But the immature
paramphistomes penetrate into the mucosae of the
duodenum of the upper ileum. (Fig. 4; p. 200) The parasites
engulf plugs of the mucosae into their suckers. Haemorrhages
and necrotic changes are producaed in the mucosae (i.e.,
haemorrhagic duodenitis). Catarrhal and haemorrhagic
enteritis are noticed in the duodenum and jejunum etc. The
affected animals show anaemia, hypop-roteinaemia, oedema
and emaciation. Profuse, watery, foetid diarrhoea, acute
enteritis and marked weakness are noticed in the affected
animals which frequently die. Immature amphistomiasis is
commonly seen on the river sides or on plains in India during
rainy season when the population of the snails is very high
in waters. A lot of calves and kids die of immature
It is based on the symptoms (foetid watery diarrhoea),
lesions (intestinal ulcers and erosions) and detection of
immature amphistomes in the fluid faeces. The
paramphistomes can be found lying over or adhering to the
mucosae of the duoenum and in the intestinal contents during
the postmortem examination of the fatal cases of immature
These are important parasitic diseases in cattle, sheep
and goats etc., which are marked by diarrhoea and debility'
etc. Before the specific drug is given to the animals, the
presence of this infection should be confirmed by faecal
Parasitic Diseases

examina tions.
The drugs used for this disease are :
(i) Carbon tetrachloride can be used to treat such cases.
One should be careful in avoiding its use in debilitated
(ii) Distodin tab., fasinex tab, Terramaffin tab. Talzone F.
etc., can be used.
(ill) Trodex inj. can be used si c in positive cases.
(iv) Fluid therapy 5 to 10% Dextrose liver extract. Some of
the drugs acting on the guts can be used.
(v) To improve the general debilitating conditions, calboral
or mifex can be used.
Oxyc1ozanide, hexachlorophene, nic10samide are also
used to treat the cases of amphistomiasis in domestic animals.
Ancylostomiasis (Hook Worm Disease)
Hookworms are parasites of cosmopolitan distribution
and produce this disease in man and animals. However,
horses do not suffer from hookworms. The important
hookworms are :

Table 21. Hookworms and their hosts

Hookwotnls Definitive hosts
Ancylostoma dnodenale Man
Necator americanus Man and rarely dogs
Ancylostoma caninum Dog and cat
braziliense - do-
Bunostomum phlebotomum Cattle
Bunostomum trigonocephalum Sheep and goat
Globoce~halus urosubulatus Swine
These worms have buccal cavities containing teeth and
suck blood from the hosts. Adults inhabit the intestinal lumen.
The infective larvae penetrate through the skin or enter the
body through ingestion. They migrate to the lungs and, then,

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

get access to the tracheal exudate. They are swallowed and

reach the gut where they grow as adults. When the hook
worms penetrate into the skin of aberrant host, a specific
type of dermatitis (creeping eruption) is prod~ced.

The infective larvae (the 3 rd stage larvae) produce

ancylostome dermatitis in man (water itch). A.braziLiense
produces reddish papules and linear tunnels (creeping
eruption). The larvae, on reaching the lungs, produce cough
and pneumonia. The adult worms in the intestine draw plugs
of mucous membrane in their mouth, abrade the mucose
with their teeth and the juices produced by them digest the
mucous membrane. The anticoagulants produced by the
worms prevent clotting. These worms leave bleeding points
at the point of attachments and the blood escapes from these
points for sometime after these parasites have moved on to
other fresh spots. An AnC1Jlostomum caninum can cause loss
of 0.01 to 0.09 m1 of blood in a day. Enough blood is lost
from the body of the host to produce the state of anaemia.
'The affected animals become pale and anaemia. Emaciation
hypoproteinemia, weakness and diarrhoea containing blood
and mucus are seen in the affected animals. The hook worm
infection may lead to cardiac failure or death of the patients.
The anaemia produced in patients is usually microcytic and
hypochromic. Eggs and occult blood are found in the faecal
Skin dermatitis is produced due to penetration of the
infective larvae into the skin. Exudate rich in lymphocytes,
eosinophiles and macrophages is seen in the dermis of skin.
Prenatal infection occurs through the placenta caused by
hookworm larvae when the larvae break into the alveoli from
the alveolar capillaries, haemorrhage occurs in the alveolar
spaces and leucocytes also infilfrate into the alveoli and

Parasitic Diseases

lobular pneumonia is produced in the affected animals.

Fibrotic changes occur in the lung parenchyma. Bleeding
continues from the denuded epithelium of the mucosae and
the worms change their positions, leave bleeding points, cause
also loss of blood and the worms produce enteritis. The red
cells count may drop to 25 per cent of the normal. Hyperplasia
of the haematopoietic tissue occurs in the bone marrow.
Myeloid metaplasia is seen in the spleen.
It depends upon the detection of hookworm ova in the
faeces of the affected animals. Adult worms can be found
attached to the intestinal mucous membrane in the dead
cases. Larvae are found in the stained sections of the affected
tissues. The symptoms and lesions also help the diagnosis of
this disease in the animals.
Hookworm infection in dogs is characterized by
diarrhoea, dysentery, anaemia and itching in the anal portion
etc. At first, this disease is confirmed by stool examination.
The following line of treatment can be adopted for
treating hookworm infections :
(i) Ancylol inj. (0.2 mg/kg body wt.) can be given sic.
Drugs can be repeated after 21 days.
(ii) Mebendazol or other broadspectrum anthelmentics can
be used at the dose rate 50 mg per kg body wt. for three
days in dogs.
(ill) Supportive treatment in the forth of Livogen, Belymyl
at the rate of 1 to 2 ml i/ m on alternate days can be
(iv) Iron preparation such as Inferon inj. 1 to 2 ml i/m twice
weekly can be also given to raise haemoglobin level.
(v) Liv-53 tab. or sharcoferrol syrup can also be fed to ani-

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Trichostrongyles infect the domestic animals like cattle
and sheep etc. Affected animals show anaemia, cachexia,
diarrhoea and debility. Lambs and calves die of this disease.
The important trichostrongyles are as follows :
Table 22. Parasites and their hosts
Parasites Hosts
Hael1wnchus contortus Sheep, ~at and cattle
OstertaRia ostertaqi -Do-
Trichostron)[lvlus axei -Do-
Cooperia spp. e.g. C. punctata and Sheep and cattle
C. spntulnta
Nematodirus spp. e.g. N. spat/liRer -Do-
Mecis tocirrus di)[itatu s Sheep, cattle, Roats and buffaloes

H. contortus ingests large qualities of blood in the host
body and lacerations in the mucosae and gastritis are
produced. The infective larvae of T. axei burrow into the
mucosa of the abomasum but other species of the genera
Trichostrongtjlus and Cooperia invade the mucosa of the small
intestine. Larvae of Ostertagia spp. penetrate into the
abomasal mucosa and burrow deeper to cause severe
damages to the gastric wall. These parasites develop in small
nodules and the adults may emerge from the nodules in the
Infection with Haemonchus contortus even causes death
from loss of blood. There are oedematous swellings under
the jaw and ventral abdomen. Mucoid degeneration takes
place in the body fat (e.g., fat in the coronary groove of heart
or subcutaneous tissue) to produce gelatinous tissue (serous
atrophy of fat). Affected animals become weak, show
staggering gait and become moribund and later die.
Diarrhoea with thin, foeted, dark coloured faces and anaemia
are important signs of infection with trichostrongyles.

Parasitic Diseases

In acute cases, dead animals are severely anaemic. The
mucous membranes are pale and the blood is thin and
watery. Oedematous swelling in the subcutis under the jaw
and abdomen and excessive amount of fluid in pericardial,
thoracic and peritoneal cavities are important pathological
changes. The body fat is highly gelatinized. The liver is friable,
light brown and may show fatty changes. Large number of
worms are present in the abomasum. Mucosa of the
abomasum may show ulcers or red bite marks by the worms.
Small round nodules are found in the abomasal mucosae
and local lymph nodes are swollen. There is myeloid
hyperplasia in the bone marrow and liver shows fatty
changes and mucoid atrophy of fat is seen in the body. The
term bottle jaw refers to submandibular oedematous tissues
because of gastro intestinal parasitism.
It is based on the detection of ova in the faeces and
helminths in the abomasum and small intestine of animals.
Anaemia and gelatinisation of fat (serous atrophy of fat) etc.,
aid the diagnosis of trichostrongylosis.
The round worms include different species or nematodes
affecting various domestic animals. Diarrhoea, potbelly,
urithriftiness, bottle jaw and fits etc., are important signs of
disease in cattle and young calves.
The drugs for treating round worms infection are as
(i) Piperazin adipate, vermex liquid dewormer, Helmacid
and helatac, etc.
(ii) Broad spectrum antihelminthic drugs like ivermectins,
benzimidazoles and imidazothiazoles etc., can be used
to treat round worm infection. Other drugs such as
panacure, albomar, zodex, banminth forte, zenil and
Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

albedol etc. are used to treat trichostrongylosis affect-

ing mainly ruminants and some other animals like pigs
and rabbits etc.

The disease produced by sachistosomes in animals is
called schistosomiasis. These flukes inhabit the blood vessels
and the eggs laid by them circulate as emboli in the
circulation. On being lodged in the tissues, these eggs behave
like foreign irritants to them and invoke pathological changes
(mainly proliferative or of a granulomatous inflammatory
type). The important blood flukes found in India are as
Table 23. Schistosomes and their hosts
Species Hosts Anatomic sites
ScJzistisoma Cattle, sheep, goat, Mesenteric, portal and
indicum horse and camel. pelvic veins.
S.incognitus Dogs and pigs. Mesenteric and portal
S. nasalis Cattle, goats and Nasal veins.
S. spindale Cattle, sheep, goats Mesenteric and portal
antelopes and water veins.
The male and female blood flukes copulate within the
lumina of the blood vessels and move against the blood stream
to lay eggs inside the small venules in the different organs or
tissue of the hosts. The ova with the help of cytolytic fluid
produced by them penetrate into the walls of the capillaries
and move throughout the tissues to reach in the lumen of
the intestine or the urinary bladder etc. The ova then leave
the body of the host with the faeces. The ova which fail to be
excreted with urine or faeces etc., reach at unusual sites in
the body and provoke tissue reaction~ at such sites. A
miracidium escapes from the fertile mature ovum in proper
Parasitic Diseases

environment and attacks a suitable host (for example, a snail)

to complete further stages of their life cycle like formation of
sporocysts etc. From the secondary sporocysts, the cercariae
escape into the surrounding, search a right kind of definitive
host and after penetrating into the skin of such host, they
turn into matacercariae for progression to other stages in
their life cycle. Metacarcarie enter small peripheral veins in
the skin of the hosts, reach the lungs, then the liver and finally
they lodge at certain anatomic sites of predilection like adult
portal, mesenteric and nasal veins depending upon the
species in definitive hosts involved. The lesions produced by
eggs or migrating ova in the tissues of the hosts are small
haemorrhagic ulcers or chronic inflammatory growths.
The lesions in the hosts result from the presence of adults
or ova etc., in the veins of the body. The adults in the veins,
ova in veins or tissues, cercariae in the skin and metacercariae
during migration through the tissues elicit tissue reactions of
Phlebitis and intimal proliferation are the changes in
the veins. The macro phages which have engulfed blood
pigments discharged by the flukes can be found in the organs
like liver and spleen etc. The ova in the organs like liver and
spleen and in the capillaries of intestines etc., escape from
them due to action of lytic enzymes (produced by them) and
finally reach the lumen of the intestine etc. Small
haemorrhagic ulcers are produced by migrating eggs and
these eggs cause marked chronic inflammatory reaction in
the tissues of the hosts. A microabscess containing
neutrophiles and eosinophiles can be found around the eggs
and giant cells of the foreign body types appear at the later
stages. In sections of these granulomatous lesions, foreign
body type of giant cells can be seen around the ingested ova.
The spine is noticed at one terminal pole in case of S. indicum,
S.nasalis and S. spindale. Eggs of S. nasalis are non-acid fast.
Marked fibrosis is noticed around these fluke eggs. The emboli
of the eggs of the flukes can reach organs like liver, spleen,

Advanced Pathologl/ and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

lungs, lymphnodes, skin, testes and brain etc. s. nasalis grows

in the veins of the nasal mucosa in cattle, buffaloes, goats,
sheep and horses. Rhinitis, mucopurUlent discharge,
sneezing, coryza, dyspnoea and snoring (snoring disease)
are seen in the affected animals. Nasal veins may dilate and
these are seen in the nasal mucosae. Nasal mucosae show
chronic fibrosis and proliferation of the epithelial tissue. Pin
head size eruptions and congestion of the nasal mucosae are
noticed in the affected buffaloes.
It is based on the detection of eggs in the faeces of the
host or in the sections of the granulomatous lesions in the
body of the affected animals.
Treatment of Nasal Granuloma
This disease is characterized by snoring sound produced
by the affected animals. S.nasalis produces granuloma in
nasal mucosae on the nasal septum. The diagnosis of the
disease should be confirmed first by examining the nasal
The drugs used for treating nasal granuloma are as
(i) Anthiomaline in doses of 20 m1 ijm alternatively (maxi-
mum five injections) can be given.
(ii) Sodium antimony tartarate (Tartartmetics) 2 to 4% can
be used twice weekly (maximum 5 injections).
Tartartemetics may be dissolved in 5% dextrose saline
and given ilv into the body. The drug is found very
efficacious in treating nasal granulomas.
(iii) Ivomac inj. 10 ml sic in case of nasal granuloma is
claimed to have definite effect on this disease. Ivomac
inj. can be repeated after 2 weeks and, then, on 25 th day
of first injection.

Parasitic Diseases

Ascariasis (Common Round Worms Infection)

The common round worms called ascarids inhabitate
the gastrointestinal tract of mammals and birds all the world
over. The ascarids are large worms in the small intestine of
mammals but small ones e.g., caecal worms are seen in caeca
of fowls. Unsegmented thick shelled or pitted eggs are laid
by ascarids. Some of the ascarids of the family Ascaridae
found in animals are as under:
Table 24. Ascarids and their hosts
Species Definitive Hosts
Toxocara vitulorum Cattle and buffalo
Parascaris equorum Horses
Toxoxara canis Man
Toxocara cati Dog and cat etc.
Toxocaris leonina Dog and cat etc.
Ascaris lumbricoides Pigs.

Certain ascarids like T.canis and T.catis etc., may use an

intermediate host before completing their life cycle in the
definitive host. The intermediate hosts may be insect larvae,
amphibia or insectivora. These parasites can show migration
through the liver, lungs and many organs of the definitive
hosts during their life cycle. They even may not show
migration and return to the lumina of the gut after passing
some time in the wall of the gut to attain the adulthood
therein. The maximum damage is done to the organs (say,
liver and lungs) owing to migratory activity during the
prepatent period (a period elapsing between ingestion of the
infective larvae and the appearance of the eggs in the faeces
of definitive hosts) like man, dog, cattle, and horse etc.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

The main pathological changes are as follows :
(i) Depriving the final host of food and nutrients. The hosts
starve and undergo emaciation and debilities but the
parasites multiply and thrive well in hosts's body. One
may find ascariasis as a febrile state in the patients.
(ii) Peritonitis following perforation of the intestinal wall
by the round worms.
(iii) Injuries to mucosae owing to abrasions caused by the
worms. The animal patients suffer form diarrhoea.
(iv) Icterus due to worm obstruction in the bile ducts. The
worms may even enter the stomach or pancreatic ducts
from the small intestine.
(v) Presence of neutrophiles, eosinophiles and lymphocytes
etc., in the liver due to inflammatory reaction. Epithe-
lioid cells, eosinophiles, lymphocytes and neutrophiles
are seen around areas of caseous necrosis in the hepatic
(vi) Haemorrhages due to damages caused by migrating lar-
vae in the pulmonary capillaries and inflammatory
changes in the lungs. Bronchopneumonic changes in the
lung parenchyma are noticed.
(vii) White spots in the liver due to fibrosis at the necrosed
sites caused by the migrating larvae. Severe form of
enzooting pneumonia of pigs and swine influenza are
noticed in the pigs affected with ascariasis.
(viii)Presence of congestion, enlargement and subcapsular
haemorrhages in the livers of the affected animals. Mi-
grating larvae leave behind necrotic tracts during their
movements in the liver parenchyma.
(ix) Oedema, subpleural haemorrhages and cyanosis are

Parasitic Diseases

noticed in the lungs. Tracheal scrapings may reveallar-

vae on microscopic examination. Presence of blood
stained fluid is noticed in the thorax.


It is based on the following:

(i) Detection of eggs in the faeces or larvae in the bacheal
exudate at autopsy of the fatal cases.
(ii) Symptoms and lesions in the liver and lungs. In gen-
eral, the worm infested animals are debilitated and suf-
fer from diarrhoea.

1. A void exposure of young pigs and goats to infested
adults and contaminated soil.
2. There should be periodical treatment of young animals.
3. Rearing of pigs in concrete pans to avoid the ascarid
4. Piperazine adipate, vermox liquid dewormer, helmacid,
belatac etc., can be used. Pyrental tantrate and
levamisole are found quite effective in worm infected
pigs. Pyrenta1250 mg/kg or levamisole 7.5 mg/ kg body
weight gives good results in the buffalo calves.

Other suitable anthelmentics given to patients of

ascariasis are ivermectin (O.3mg/kg), doramectin,
flubendazole (5 mg/kg), oxibendazole (.15 mg/kg) and
levamisole etc.

Some important features of parasitic diseases in animals

are summarized is Table 25.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Table 25. Some important features of parasite diseases

Disease Causes Animals Signs and Lesions Diagnosis
Fluke Fasciola Cattle and A disease caused by liver 1. Based on the
dIsease gigantica ill buffaloes flukes with marked symptoms and
1. lndia,and in India. characteristic chronic lesions and
Fascioli F.hepatica ill Horses, inflammatory changes of the detecnon of ova
aSIS (a the westem pigs and bile ducts and liver in in the faecal
dIsease cOl/ntries.lnte rabbits are an1111als like cattle and sheep matter. The ova
arising nnediate occaslOnal etc.The main symptoms are are recognised
from hosts are Iy weakness,anaemia and by yellow shell
ingesno snails. These affected. iceterus in some cases and with an
nofthe are as under; emaciation, constipation and mdistinct
metacer diarrhoea are some other operculum and
ariae changes of the disease. In embryonic cells.
encyste hver fluke infestation, the
don tl1e liver is enlarged, congested,
blades soft and friable with
of Trelllat Inter numerous haemorrhages or
grasses). odes media opaque spots on the
1.Fasci te peritoneal covering. The
ala hosts haemorrhagic spots are
glgalltl (a)LI111 caused by liver fluke larvae
ca Ilea penetrating into the hepatic
2.FascI spell's
parenchyma from the
ala c.g., abdominal cavity.One
lIepatic Li1111lC
notices cavities in the liver
a a con taming liver flukes and
I1lleola such flukes are also found in
alld the blle
rrhagic tracts are nonced and
these lead the liver flukes to
species enter the bile ducts etc.In
chronic stages (i.e.,
cirrhoslS),the livers are
enlarged and bear nodulated
appearance. The liver is
yellow in colour firm in
c0nsistency and hard or
difficult to be cut with
knife.The bile ducts are
enlarged, rigid and look like
white tubes and the livers
with calc!fied and fibrosed
bile ducts are called pipe
stem hvers.The ducts
possess thickened walls and

Parasitic Diseases

Disease Causes Animals iSigns and Lesions Diagnosis

Affected I
greenish brown mucoid
fluid or inspissated
deposits and flukes
etc.The thickened bile
ducts are dilated and
some-wha t calcIfied in
the livers of cattle.
Microscopicall y,the
important changes are
fibrous connective
tissues around one or
Imore lobules of hepatic
parenchyma The tracts in
jthe liver used for
migration contain
I ymp hocytes.Macrophag
es,epithelioidcells and
multinucleated giant
cells are found around
!the dead larvae.Healing
lof the wounds in the
lhver IS marked by
~1l1growth of granulation
lhssue and scarring.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Disease Causes Animals Signs and Lesions Diagnosis

(b) Glgatocotyle The amphistomes l.Based on the
Clgalltocotyle explallatuw inhabit in the bile symptoms
rxplallatlllll Its ducts, gall bladder and the
illfestatlO/l intermediate duodenum etc.of the lesions and
(hepatic host is the herbivores like buffalo detectIon of
amphistomiasi snail called and cattle. It is the parasIte
s) Animals Gyraulus commonly seen in the G.explallatlllll
affected collvexlllsculu livers of affected in tl1e gall
Buffaloes and s buffalo. IntrahepatIc bladder. 2.
cattle Schistosollla biliary cirrhosis is Eggs of C.
3. Nasal Ilasalis of the caused by C. explalltulll. explallaflllll m
granuloma (a family The flukes obstruct fue faecal matters
disease caused Sclllstosolllati bile ducts and are of the
by dae found in large numbers patIents.
S. nasal is in the Illdolallorbis in the gall bladders of Based on the
veins of eXlIstlls (a the buffaloes. A marked symptoms
cattle,buffalo snail) is its fibrosis is seen around and the
goat and mtermeruate the obstructed bile granulomatou
horses m India. host(I.H) ducts. s lesions
Nasal Cralllllollla containing
The blood flukes live in ova of S.
the veins of nasal cavity lIasalls in the
of the patient and affected
produce respiratory tIssues. Its
disturbances. A spine is ova are
located at one terminal acidfast m
pole of the ovum of S. character as
lzasalis. A revealed by
granulamatous Ziehl-neelsen
inflammatory lesion staming
develops around tl1e l11E'thod.
eggs of the
schistosomes in the
nasal mucosae and
produce respiratory
distress and abnormal
the sound. SectIon of
tl1e stained ova reveal
Iparts of miracidia.

Parasitic Diseases

Disease Causes Animals [Signs and Lesions Diagnosis

4. (1) Dogs,cats, Hook worms have well 1. Based on
Allojiostomi Allojlostollla humans, developed buccal cavities the symp toms
asis (hook canill1l1l1 in sheep, and are blood suckers of and lesions.
wonn dogandcat goats and man and animals. When 2 Detechon of
disease). (2) cattIe etc. these worms penetrate eggsmthe
Allojlostollla into the skin, dermatitis is faeces.
dllodellaie and produced in the affected 3. Hook
Ncmtar patients. They reach the worms
A mer/calllls ID lungs and gain access to attached to
man (3) the inteshne via tIle tIle inleshnal
Bllnostollllllll tr ac heal route. C ree pmg mucosa TIle
pillebotollllllll eruption (specific wonnsare
incattle (4) dermatitis) is produced in alsonohced
Allojiostollla tI1e aberrant hosts. ID the faeces
braztilclIsc in Ingestion also causes or IDtestinal
dogs and ca ts mfection of the hosts. The contents at
(5) main signs are cough, autopsy.
BlllloStOlllll1ll pneumonia, anaemia 4.Presence of
trigollo(J' plwiu (microcytic anaemia), the hook
in sheep
weakness, dlarrhea, wonnlarvae
and goats. progreesive emaciation ID the IDJured
and death. The other tissues like
changes are: (1) skin and
I nflalmnatory reaction or lungs etc.
skin se nsitiza hon in tI1e
viscinity of tIle migratory
trac t, mfil tr atlOn of
lymphocytes, eosinophiles,
macrophases etc. in the
dermis of the affected skin.
(2) Haemorral1ages in the
alveohof the lungs
followmg ruphlre of the
caplllanes owing to larval
leucocytic inlil tra tion in
the lung parenchyma and
secondary bacterial
pneumonia in the
devitalized or damaged
parenchyma are other
changes. 3.Hook worms
!damage the intestinal
mucosae, cause bleeding,
release anticogulants, feed

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Disease Causes Animals Signs and Lesions Diagnosis

on the flowing blood and
change the sites to attack
fresh areas in the mumsae
with the development of
anaemia in the affected
annnals. 4. The larvae of
these hook wonn breach
the placental layer and
produce prenatal infection
in young animals.
5. A. Cattle, The hair worms be1ulging 1.Basedon
Tnchostroll TricilOstrollgyi sheep and to several genera like the signs and
gyiosls (hair IIsspp.1. goats Trichostrongylus, the lesions in
wonnor Tnchostrollgyl Lambs and Cooperia, Ostertagia and the boches of
scour 115 axeim the calves are Nematodirus the dead
wonn stomach of severaly predommantlyattack animals. 2
infestation) the horse and affected. young animals like lambs Eggs in the
also in the and yearlings. Thewonns faeces of
small are noticed m the ink>cted
intestines of alimentalY tract (e.g., animals.}.
sheep and abomasums). Over Wonns 11l
goats. crowding and malnutrition the abomasal
2 T.colllbnfor are predominant indirect contents are
//lis in cattle, predisposmg causes. The easily seen
sheep and hair wonns ha ve direct life following
goat. cycle I.e., they reach the siev ing of the
3. T.mpriCDla abamasums, attack the contents.
in goat abomasal mucosae and
B. Oste ttagia then burrow in to the
oste Itagi in the abomasal mucosae and
abomusumof feed on hosts blood. The
cattle larvae of the genera like
CIlC 1I1atodi rtlS Tnc//Ostrollgljllls and
spp. 1. Coopria project partially
Cplll/cwand from iliese mflammatory
COl/cophom in growtllS in the mucosae.
tlle Anaemia, presence of
abomusumof oedematous fluid under
cattle E. the jaw (called bottle jaw )
Ha('///OIle!lIIs and ventral abdomen
spp.1. parhcularly m sheep
HaCIllOIlc/IIIS affected with such
CD IltoltllS in
intestinal parasitism.
the Serous atrophy mucoid
of cattle and

Parasitic Diseases

Disease Causes Animals Signs and Lesions Diagnosis

degeneration of body
subcutaneous fat, and fat
between calices of
kidneys, weakness,
staggering and cachexia
are important signs of haIr
worm infection. The main
findings are pale mucous
membrane, pale viscera,
thin and watery blood,
and excess fluid ill the
thorax abdomen and
pericardium, hght brown
liver with fatty changes
and several motile worms
in the abdomasal contents.
The worms e.g.,
Haemollcllls COlltOrillS are
called stomach worms or
barber pole worms. The
larvae of the genus
Ostertagia burrow deep
into the abomasal
mucosae to form nodules
and project partially over
these nodules.
6.Ascariasis Ascaris spp.ill Man, Ascariasis in animals is l.5ymptoms
dogs Toxocara swine, caused by parasites called , lesions and
cati, Toxocara dogs, cats, ascarids. The lesions are presence of
call is and lions, produced in the intestines ascarid in
Toxocara leollilla tigers, and the parasites migrate the guts and
in cats and cattle, through organs like liver bile ducts.
dogs.Ascaris equines and lungs etc., of the 2.0vaor
llllllbricoliies in and affected hosts. The worms adults in the
man and poultry. from the normal usual faeces of
A.SIlIllIl ill pigs habitat of the intestine can infected
Toxocara migrate in to the bile ducts hosts.
vitllloTllIII ill or may cause perforation in
cattle and the intestines. The main
buffalo signs of ascariasis are poor
Parascaris growth, diarrhoea,
eqlloTllIII in pneumonia in young pigs,
horses and convulsions, intestinal
Ascaradia galli in perforation and
fowls aIld

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases a/Domestic Animals

Disease Causes Animals Signs and Lesions Diagnosis

obstructions in foals,
anaemia, steatorrhoea and
loss in weight of calves.
Migratory activities by the
ascarids cause the damage
or destruction in the organs
of the hosts. Subcapsular
white spots in pigs are ~en
in tlle cases of chron ic
ascanasis. Oedema,
haemorrhages and cyanosis
are noticed in the infecte d
lungs of animals. Infection
in pigs causes emphysema,
alveolar wall thickening
with fibrin and eosinophills.
Evenhaemonbages are ~en
in the alveoli of the infected
pigs. Anaemia and
jaundi::ed caracasses are
seen in fatal cases of
ascariasis. Larval migration
through lungs and livers
and other somatic tissue
results in prenatal infection
in fOetus. In Toxocara callis
infection, as:arids gnaw on
the intestinal mucosae and
consume the nu trien Is
needed by the hosts.
2. Immature Cattle, Severe l.Based on the
Amphisto amphisto buffaloes dianboea,haemorrhagi:: symptoms lesions
lUla51S (a) mes of , sheep duodenitis and high and the presence of
Inunature the and mortality in the affected inunature
amphistio species goats etc. animals i.e., particularly in amphistomes on
miasis like young bovines,goat and the duodenal or
(called CottJlophor ~eep etc. Mature intestinal mucosae.
cheraha in all amphistomes are harmless 2.Presence of flukes
Billdr). Cotylophor and reside in the runlen, in the loose faecal
11111 alld reticulum etc. Metacercariae matter. 3.Eggs with
Calicophor encyst in the small transparent wall
011 and distinc
calicopllOr operculum in the
Illll faecal matter.

Parasitic Diseases

Disease Causes Animals Signs and Lesions Diagno

Affected sis
intestines, produce severe
enteritis (duodentis),attain
maturity in the intestines and
then, migrate to four
stomachs which reveal
several mature adult
amphistomes. Some
important signs are anorexia
dyspepsia, emaciation,
exhaustion, increase in thirst,
foetid loose faeces, anal rim
or hind legs soiled with
faecal matter, persistent
straining, anaemia and pale
mucosae.One can notice
immature amphistomes
attached to the duodenal
mucosae and
histopathologically, plugs of
the intestinal mucosae are
seen in the oral suckers of the
flukes. The flukes migrate to
the mucosae of the
duodenum or some part of
ileum etc. Necrosis, erosions,
hyperaemia, petechiation in
the intestinal mucosae, excess
mucus and slough of
mucosal epithelium are
important findings of this
acute disease. The flukes
damage or destroy the
mtestinal mucosae, Burner's
glands but do not appear to
perforate the duodenal wall
to enter the peritoneum.
Trematodocs {Ilterm
1.Cotylophoro ediatc
11 hosts
cotylophor1ll/l 1.{lldop
2.Paramphist lallorbi
omum cerol s
3.Gartrotlzyla CXI/stll

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Disease Causes Animals Signs and Lesions Diagnosis

x S
cr1l1nl!1lifo 2.I.ex
r ustus
4.Fishaed 3.Gyr
erUlS a ullls
I!1IlolllJltu COIlW
s. xiI/sal
7. l.EchlllOCOCCIlS A serious disease of cattle, 1. Based
Echillococ grall ulos liS Its sheep, goal:&, horses, deer on the
COS is intermediate and man due to very detection
(hydatid hosts are cattle harmful effects in orjns like of ova or
disease. sheep, pigs and lungs, liver and other viscera segment
horse etc. of affected hosts by of
Defimtive hosts developmental stages of EclllllOCOCC
are dogs, fax, lalVal forms (bladder 115 spp. ID
wolf, jackal and worms) of the tapeworms the
man. caned E.gmlllllosllS. Larval definitive
2.E.lIlllltdoalfaris forms are detected in tlle ho!>ts. 2
Intermedia te lungs, liver etc., of Histopath
hosts are cattle, intermediate hosts like cattle, ology of
sheep, swines man, pigs and sheep ek:., the
and human The cysts of E.gmllllloslls hydatid
beings. The grow slowly, develop cysts in
defimtive hosts fibrous capsules around it lungs and
are dogs, jackal, and also produce daughter the liver
wolf and man cysts. The lalVae enclose etc. of the
etc. germinal layers which give intemledi
origin to several spherical ate hosts.
brood capsules. The brood 3.
capsules also possess Performan
germinal layers and several ce of
scoIi:es (even upto 40) are compleme
noticed in such brood nt fixation
capsules. The daughter cysts test to
(i.e., endogenous cysts) grow confirm
inside the parent cyst or its
outside the parent cyst as diagnosis.
exogenous daughter cysts.
E.lIIl/tlIocllian5 produces an
alveolar form of hydatid
disease marked by
development of several

Parasitic Diseases

Disease Causes Animals Signs and Lesions Diagnosis

daughter cysts in organs
e.g. lungs of the
intermediate hosts like
cattle,catfie, sheep, horse
and human beings.
Distension, displacement
and replacement of the
pulmonary or hepatic
parenchyma by bladder
forms produce severe
effects upon the
intermediate hosts.
Cid (Sturdy) Larval stages A disease marked by 1. Detection
of the growth of the larval form" of ova and
tapeworm called Coenurus cerebralis segment of
called in the brain and spinal adult forms
Coenurus cord of sheep and goats. in the faeces
cercbren/ls These animals suffer of the
developing from incoordination and definitive
in the brain paralysis. The larval hosts 2.
and spinal forms migrate through Histopatholo
cord of sheep different tissues of the gyof
and goats. body and finally localise Coenurus
Intermediate ill the brain and spinal cerebmlls in
hosts are cord of the intermediate the affected
sheep and hosts. The cyst in the brains of the
goats brain has scolices (up to intermediate
Definitive 500) and contains clear hosts like
host like fluid. It is also lined by a sheep and
dogs harbour germinal layer capable to goats.
the form scolices. The
tapeworm symptoms of this disease
Multiceps in the nervous tissue
multiceps. depend upon the
damages done to pressed
nervous tissue or
destruction of the
nervous tissue by the
developing Coenurus
cerebralis. In short, the
tape worms consume the
nutrients or food
required by the definitive
hosts like dogs and but
their larval forms involve
nervous bssues. Cause
necroses and loss of
function and

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Disease Causes Animals Signs and Lesions Diagnosis

displacements of cells
and tissue in organs like
brain and spiral cord etc.
in the intermediate hosts.
Ccrebrospltlnl Filarid Sheep, This disease called kurnri 1. It is based on
IlclllntodwSIS worms of goats, is caused by larvae of the symptoms
(lumber the genus horses as S.digitntn in animals like and the
paralysis or Setaria e.g., its horses, sheep, goats and detection of
kumn). S.digitnta aberrant man etc. Blood sucking immature
S.d/gltata is hosts. mosquitoes are its forms of
frequently mtermediate hosts. They S.digitntn in the
noticed as suck blood of horses, stained
anadlllt sheep and goats etc., and sections of tl1e
worm m spread infection to them. bramof
the The main SignS are ammals like
abdominal paresis, weakness or horses and
cavity of blindness, incoordination sheep etc.
cattle. The and paralysis of tl1e hind
adult lin1bs. Endophthalmitis,
worms and acute focal
their encephalomalicia
rnicrofilari haemorrhage, axonal
ae do not swelling, loss of myelin
cause and degenerative
serious changes are caused by
aihnentm larval forms in the
the usual central nervous tissue of
host like tl1e unusual or aberrant
cattle. hosts. Adult worms may
even be found in the eyes
PIl/lIlounry Three 1. Cattle, Lungworms lay the eggs Lungworm
Ilflllntodwsis important buffaloes, in the bronchi m which larvae or eggs
(Dictyocaulosi species are deer and hatching may also take in the faeces of
s) It IS also :-1. camels. 2. place. The 4,h stage larvae patients ova or
called Dictyocalllll Sheep and after their development larvae in the
lungworm 5 viVlpnrus goats 3. enter the puhnonary bronchi or
disease (a kind 2. D.filnria Horses artery or lymphatics and bronchioles
of verminous 3. and ultimately reach the exudate of and
pneumoma). D.nmfieldi donkeys. bronchioles and bronchi larvae in the
D.vIVl]'nrlls is to be matured. The main lung
frequently signs are laboured parenchyma
nohced in the respiration, anorexia, are the bases to
trachlal diarrhoea and stunted diagnose the
exudate of growth. Puhnonary lungworm
affected cattle consolidation, occlusion disease in the
in India. animals.

ParasitIc Diseases

Disease Causes Animals Signs and Lesions Diagnosis

of the broncluoles and
alveoli and secondary
bacterial infections are
seen in the lungs. The
larvae damage the
alveolar walls and
capillarIeS and cause
haemorrhage and necrosIS
in the lung parenchyma
Granulomatous reaction
occurs around the dead
larvae behaving like
foreIgn bodies 111
puhnonary parenchyma.
The bronchial epithelium
proliferates and
lymphocytes and
eosinophils mfiltrate the
bronchial walls and
peribronchial tissues.
Splrocrrcosis Spzrocaca Spirocercosis - It is caused It is rnsed on
Dogs, fox, cat /lIpi by ingestion of the
and wolf are its coprophagous beetles symptoms,
susceptible harbouring the infection lesions and
hosts. It is i.e., the 3rd stage larvae of detection of
often seen in S.llIpl. The beetles ingest embryonated
dogs in India embryonate d eggs in the eggs in the
faeces of the final hosts Jaeces of the
(like dogs) and get infected hosts.
infected. The main signs of
spirocercosis are as
follows;- 1.Vomiting
owing 10 obstruction
arising from nodules in
the oesophageal wall. 2.
Haemorrhages due to
rupture of nodules in the
aorta or alimentary tracts.
The main lesions are as
follows;- 1. Nodules in
the walls of aorta,
oesophagus and stomach
etc. 2 Saccular dilatation
of the affected aortic walls.
AortIc rupture may lead to
fatal haemorrhages in the

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Disease Causes Animals Signs and Lesions Diagnosis

affected dogs. 3.
Nodules in the
oesophageal wall
wi th pa rtially
projecting S.lupi in
its lumen.
4. Development of
maIig neonplasms
like oesteosarcoma
or fibosarcoma in
the oesophagus
affected dog with

Chapter 6
Deficiency Diseases

Various deficiency diseases in animals arise from wants

or deprivations of several vitamins or mineral substances.
Even improper supply of certain amino-acids in the animal
feeds produce diseases in bodies of individuals. 1 an animal
does not ingest a single nutritional factor, it can suffer from
particular disease or deficiency e.g., goiter due to deficiency
of iodine or anaemia arising from the lack of iron in animal
feeds. A disease due to single factor in the animal is noticed
in animals e.g., anthrax due to Bacillus anthracis infection
but complex or mixed diseases are always noticed in animals
due to deficiency of nutritional factors. For example, vitamin
A deficiency causes coryza superimposed with infection of
organisms. An excess of vitamins e.g., A and D in feeds cause
toxic conditions in animals known as hypervitaminosis A
and hypervitaminsis D respectively. The feeds given to birds
and animals should be completely balanced in respect of
minerals, vitamins, proteins, fats and water etc. A diet low
in phosphorus causes hypophosphetaemia in animals. Pica
(depraved appetite) is an example of this condition. In short,
deficiency of one or more nutrients, interference with intake
and absorption, capacity of storage or utilisation of nutrients
and increased excretion or proper retention of nutrients are
responsible for producing diseases in animals.
Below are the main pathological signs and the lines of
treatment to be followed by the veterinarians and
practitioners are given in table 26. Curative and preventive
dosage in avitaminoses and mineral deficiences affecting
animals are presented in table 26b.

Table 26 Deficiency Diseases of Animals, their Pathological Science and Treatment
Deficiency Diseases Pathological Signs Treatment
l.Hypovitaminosis A Vitamin AI The main signs are: 1. Night blindness (nyctalopia). Inability of Since the tissue changes are
(retinoI1) and vitamin A2 (retinoP) are the animal patients to see in the parbal darkness. The light reversible, the symptoms or
its two forms. Vitamin A occurs in the bleached rhodopsin (visual purple) is not restored to its previous lesions dIsappear with
form of carotene (a yellow pigment status due to its deficiency. Presence of dryness of the eye due to normal supply of vitamin A
with chlorophyll in green plants). deficient lacrimal secretion. Thickening and sqamous metaplasia at the dose rate given below.
in the lacrimal ducts lead to ductal blockage. Conjunctivibs and See table-26b
keratitis present in the cattle and horses and Opacity, mfection
and ulcers occur in the eyes of the patients. Loss of reproductive
efficiency. Deficiency signs usually appear in animals. Other
signs in animals include failure of growth in the young animals,
improper development of the bones and nervous system,
degenerativt:' changes in the various glands and kidneys. Sterility
may supervene in male and females affected with Its deficiency.
Atrophy, metaplasia and necrosis affect the respiratory and
digestive tract mucosae. Urinary obstruction is present in cattle,
sheep and goats suffering from vitamin A deficiency which also
precipitates urolithiasis (renal culculi or stones etc.). Presence of
the comified epithelium in the vaginal wall. Foetal
malformations may occur. Piglets are bom without eyes. In
hypovitaminosis A. Diets deficient in viahnin A or defective
absorption of this vitamin from the gut causes its deficiency. In
short, the main signs of vitamin A deficiency are as under: (
nyctolopia) 1. Night blindness due to interference with
regeneration of visual purple. Vitamin A is a must for preventing
dim-light vision. It is needed for proper function of both rods
and cons. 2. Comeal keratinisation, and dryness of eyes
(xerophthalmia) and atrophy of retina, defects in the hooves and
loss of weight.
Deficiency Diseases Pathological Signs Treatment
3. Infertility and congenital defects in offsprings of the deficient darns.
4. hlcreased suscepbbility to many infectious diseases. Depressed
immlme system. 5. An increase in cerebrospinal fluid pressure in calv es
causing syncope, incoordination and convulsions in them 6. Poor bone
growth. Normal position and activity of osteoblasts and osteocysts is
main tained by vitamin A. h1coordination of bone growth or defective
moulding of bones present. Presence of distortion in the animal bone,
constrrtion of optic nerve, ataxia and weakness are also seen. 7.
Atrophy of the epithelial tissues, Secretory epithelial cells fail to divide
and there is an excesslve presence of stratified keratinised epithelial
cells. Secretory epithelium is replaced by keratinized epithelium in the
salivary glands and placenta etc. 8. Defective embrycnal development.
Ccngential defects in pigs and rats are seen. Congenital
0'\ hypovitaminosis is seen in calves. Weakness, incoordination and
U1 blindness with dilated pupils are the changes noticed. Retinal dysplasia
and constriction of the optic canal may also be present. 9. Focal necrotic
hepatitis, squamous metaplasia of the epithelium in interlobular ducts
of glands e.g., salivary glands is a marked feature of this defriency. 1he
pathogncmonr lesions of vitamin A de&iency include sqamous
metaplasia and hyperkeratosis of mucous glands opening into the
oesophagous and pharynx and nodule formations in their mucosae.
Hyperkeratinisation of the epithelium of prefuce, rumen and reticulum
are some other importan t changes. Defective formation of den tin and
Deficiency Diseases Pathological Signs Treatment
2. Hypovitaminosis B. Vitamin B Diseases like avian curly toe-paralysis, canine pellagra and chromic See table. 26b
includes chemical compounds as arthritis are caused by vitamin B dehciency. Paralysis and myelin
given below: 1. Thiamin (vitamin Bl) degeneration are noticed in birds. Cyanosis of the distal portion of
2. Riboflavin (vitamin Bl). tongue, petechiae or haemorrhages in the digestive canal mucosae,
haemorrhagic gastritis and enteritis, ulcers in the mouth, myelin
degeneration, dianhoea and ulceration of the buccal mucosa are the
signs of canine pellagra (or blue tongue).
3. Nicotinic acid (Niacin) 4. Pigs suffer from chronic enteritis, (diarrhoea), anorexia, stunted
Pantothenic acid 5. Pyridoxine growth and necrotic patchy mucous colitis. Bovines do not suffer from
VItamin Bh 6. Vitamin B12 ItS deficiency because of its manufacture by ruminal bacteria. Horses
(cyanocobalamin) Vitamin B"Cobait do not suffer from its deficiency. In experimental cases of thiamin
is needed for bacterial synthesis of deficiency, pigs show focal necrosis of atrial myocardium with
vitamin Bu. VItamin Bl 2 requires an flabbiness and dilatation of the heart. Microbes in the presence of
intrinsic factor ( a protein produced by adequate amount of cobalt play a role in its synthesis in intestines of
the gastric parietal cells) for its herbIvores. Deficiency of vitamin Bl and B2 produce severe aliments
absorption in the gut. in birds. Adult ruminants and horses suffers fI'om thiamine deficiency
because of consumption of plants containing thiaminase.
3. Hypovitaminosis C. Man, monkey In animals, only monkeys or guinea pigs suffer from its defiaency. See table. 26b
and guinea pigs need vitamin C in Lesions like subperiosteal haemorrhages, failure of the proper
their diets. It is present in large ossification of long bones, defective dentin formation and
quantities in animal and pljUlt tissues. hyperkeratotic deITIlatitis are noticed in the animals. Ordinarily, the
Birds and several types of animals domestic animals do not suffer from its deficiency. Poultry does not
synthesize it in their livers. need vitamin C in its feeds.
4. HypovItaminosis D Its Important Leg weakness ID chickens. Rickets in the young animals.,decrease in See table. 26b
components are: 1. Vitamin 0, appetite, poor and bending of bones and enlargement of joints are
(cholecalciferol) It is produced by seen in vitamin D deficient animals. Bones become fI'agile and are
sunlight in the skin. Vitamin D~ is an prone to multiple fIactures. Vitamin D needed for mmeralization of
ergocalciferol. osteoid and eplphysel cartilage and its deficiency leads to resorption
of bones.
Deficie~ Diseases Patholo~cal Sig!1s Treatment
5. Hypovitaminosis E This This deficiency produces white muscle disease in lambs. White muscle disease is a See table 26b
Vitamin (alphatocophevrol) degenerative in nature causing appearance of white streaks in the muscles. A
occurs in the wheat germ oil. weakness of the limbs develops in patients. Retarded development or death of the
Tocopherols have antioxidant embryo in the rodents, necrotic changes in the seminiferous tubules,
activity and prevent aspemlatogenesis, Zenker's necrosis and degenerative changes in the muscles are the
autooxidation of unsaturated main findings in cases of experimental vitamin E deficiency in rodents. Yellow fat
fatty acids. called ceroid which stains red by acid fist technique, is noticed at the interstices of the
adipose tissue (cells) and in phagocytes and Kupffer cells of the liver etc. Such
pathological state develops in pigs feeding with fish offal and seems to be connected
with vitamin E deficiency.
6. Hypovitaminosis K Its two As this vitamin is produced by bacteria in the nomlal animals they do not suffer from See table 26b
fomls are vitamin K2 (active its deficiency. It is required for proper fomlation of prothobin and clotting factors VII,
form) and vitamin K3. Vitamin K IX and X Anorexia, weakness, marked decrease in prothrombin are signs of vitamin K
is required for normal blood DefiCiency. Vitamin K deficiency is associated with a haemorrhagic disease in pigs
cloting Excessive haemorrhages which fail to grow, become pale and also show subcutaneous haemorrhages. Vitamin
are seen in vitamin K deficiencv. K is a powerful anti dote to sweet clover poisoning in the aninlals.
7. Iron deficiency Iron is a There is a need of iron for proper fonnation ot haemoglobin and the body gets it by See table 26b
cofactor in cytochromes, catalase absorption through the intestine. Iron deficiency leads to anaemia and failure to
and ferredoxin and forms an thrive properly in the animals. In young pigs, diarrhoea, lack of hydrochloric acid
essential part of haemoglobin. (achlorhydria) and destruction of red cells lead to the state of anaemia. When it
combines with calcium phosphate in bone, the disease produced is called osteomalacia
or rickets. A little amount of copper and cobalt is required for nomlal haematopoiesis.
Suckling pigs (1 to 8 weeks of age) affected with piglet anaemia are pale, emaciated,
unthrifty anaemic and stunted in growtll. At autopsy, oedematous lungs, dilated
heart, enlarged liver, pericarditis, pnl'UmOIUa, haemorrhagic gastritis and enteritis are
noticed in bodies of the dead pigs. Diarrhoea is a common sign in piglet arJaemia.
Affected pigll'ts also show dyspnoea, letllargy, pale r.lucosae and pigs deficient in iron
show a high inCidence of still births. Mottling of liver, fatty infiltration and decrease in
the panetal cells are some other changes in the iron deficient persons.
Deficiency Diseases Pathological Signs Treatment
There is a fall in values of red cell count and haemoglobm percentage (1 to 2 gm. per See table 26b
100 ml of blood) in the affected piglets. In general, the pathologic changes in the
anaemia are as follows: 1) Fall in red cell count (less than a million per cubic
millimeter of blood), and presence of anasarca in the body. 2) Pale red cells due to
haemoglobin deficiency 3) Presence of anisosytes, poikilocytes, polychromasia.
reticuIocytes and nucleated red cells in the blood smear 4) Oedematous and
haemorrhagic mucous membrane. 5) Pale organs. 6) Haematopoiesis (regenerative
changes) in the bone narrow seen postmortem. Replacement of fatty marrow by red
marrow. 7) Punctate basophilia is present in chronic lead poisoning and anaemia of
toxic origin. 8) Presence of megaloblasts in man affected with pernicious anaema due
to deficiency of liver factor or anti-anaemic factor i.e., vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin).
7. Copper deficiency Copper is a Most of the tissues contain copper, 20 to 30 mg of copper is present in one kg of the dry See table 26b
part of ceruplasmin and enzymes matter of the central nervous system. Its deficiency leads to anaemia and unthriftiness
like superoxide dismutase in the animals.For example, steely wool is noticed in the copper deficiency affecting
cytochrome, oxidase and the sheep. Enzootic ataxia (sway back) is an other disease seen in sheep due to copper
tyrosinase. deficiency. The lesions or signs noticed in the lambs i.e., in the patients of enzootic
ataxia are the following: 1) Demyelinization of the central nervous system in
neonates and necroSIS, softening and cavities in the cerebral white matter in the brain
containing translucent, greyish white material. 2) In coordination and weakness of
the posterior limbs, following lesions due to copper deficiency is noticed in cows
which fall and die all of a sudden. Diffuse fibrous scarring of heart, haemosiderosis of
the liver, spleen and kidneys. Unthriftiness and aneantia and osteoporosis are some
effects of copper deficiency.
Diarrhoea, emaciation, lameness and changes in the hair are some other signs of
copper deficiency in animals. Villous atrophy of the mucosae of the small intestines
causing diarrhoea in patierits is noticed. Flabby heart, pale colour, sudden death and
atrophied muscle fibres with replacement by fibrous tissue are seen in falling disease
noticed in animal suffering from copper deficiency.
Deficiency Diseases Pathological Signs Treatment
9. Cobalt deficiency Cobalt Cobalt is required for proper activity of the ruminal bacteria and nomlal production of See table 26b
present in the soil and herbage vitamin B12. Its deficiency in the feeds causes deficiency of Vitamin B12 Its deficiency
etc. and 4 percent of Vitamin B12 produces a cachectic syndrome (e.g. an enzootic marasmus) in sheep and cattle (bulls
is constituted by this substance. and calves) which show gradual loss of appetite, wasting away, deatll, anaemia and
haemosiderosis in the organs like kidneys, liver and spleen etc. Fatty changes are
present in livers of dead sheep and cattle. When the pasteur contains less than 0.0 + 7
mg/kg dry matter, cattle suffer from cobalt deficiency. Sheep consuming pastern' with
cobalt less tllan 0.07 mg/kg dry matter also show signs of cobalt deficiency and show
pallor of the mucosae. Animals are emaciated and easily fatigued. Growth, milk and
wool production are badly affected. Decreased lambing percentage, increased rate of
still births and increased neonatal mortality are noticed in the calves. Reduced
concentraction of immunoglobulins and lower vitamin BJ2level are found in the cobalt
deficient dams. Lambs of such dams are slow to start sucking. Excess of haemosiderin
in the spleen and liver with high levels of iron in the liver and spleen. Cobalt level is
low in the liver of the deficient ruminants (e.g., cobalt content less than 0.07 mg/kg
id!Ymatter of tlle liver}.
la. Manganese deficiency It is required in small amounts for proper functioning of the body tissues. Its See table 26b
defiCiency in the rats produce aspermatogenesis, retarded growth, weakness and
defective offsprings. Perosis (i.e., the condition of slipped tendon) occurs in chickens
and turkeys. In slipped tendon, there is a medial displacement of the gastrocnemius
tendon. Defomled chicks with globular heads, short and thick legs and wings hatch
from th~ eggs laid by tlle manganese deficient hens. Infertility, congenital and
acquired skeletal deformities are some effects of this deficiency. Infertility problem in
the animals (e.g., cattle) rise, in case, tlle soil contains less tllan 3 mg/kg of manganese.
Manganese occurs as a cofactor in enzymes like arginase and phosphotransferase in
aninlals bodies. It plays its role in bone matrix formation and also in synthesis of
chordroitin sulphate which maintains the rigidity of the connective tissue.
Deficiency Diseases Pathological Signs Treatment
10 Zinc deficiency: Zinc is a Zinc in small amounts is an essential requirement for animals like pigs, sheep, cattle See table 26b
component of the enzyme and goats etc. Thickening of the stratifIed squamous epithelium in the skin and
carbonic anhydrase. oesophagus is produced by its deficiency in animals body. Zinc deficiency results in
parakeratosis (i.e., retention of nuclei in stratum comium in the pigs). One notices
thickening in the stratum SpinOSunl as well as the cornified layer. Hairs become
sparse in the rats affected with experimental zinc deficiency. Alopecia, wool eating,
abnormal hoof growth, lameness and unthriftiness are some other signs of zinc
deficiency. Skin biopsy of the zinc deficient patients reveals a prominent increase in
the thickness of all the elements of epidermis.
11 Iodine deficiency: It occurs in Man and animals require iodine in small amounts. Its deficiency causes goiter (i.e., See table 26b
soil and water etc. enlargement of the thyroid gland) (Fig. 5; p. 200) Hyperplastic changes are noticed in
the thyroid glands of cretins. Goiters are seen in the animals like lambs, pigs, calves
and newly bom colts etc. Iodrne deficiency results in the birth of hairless pigs. If
animals are not treated in time, they succumb to its deficiency. In the endemic zones
of goiter, both the soil and water are deficient in iodine. An excessive intake of iodine
leads to the state of iodism marked by lacrimationa and exfoliation of the epidermal
scales like dandruff. Alopecia, enlarged thyroid and myxoedema are the common
changes seen in iodine deficiency in animals. Hypoplastic hair follicles, delayed
osseous maturation, absence of centres of ossifications, retarded foetal brain
development, lack of wool growth and delayed skeletal maturation are some other
signs of iodine deficiency.
Deficiency Diseases Pathological Signs Treatment
12. Phosphorus deficiency Inorganic phosphorus 4 to 8 mg per 100 ml of blood is found in the normal animals. Its See table 26b
(aphosphorosis) imbalance or deficiency with calcium and vitamin D mly lead to rickets or
osteornaJ.osia in animals (for example, cattle). A depraved or an abnormal appetite
called pica develops in cattle due to aphosphorosis. Dirt is eaten by the affected
animals. Phosphorus deficient cattle chew bones of dead animals (osteophagia).
Rickets in sheep is mostly produced by phosphorus deficiency. In short, pica, poor
growth, oestodystrophy and infertility are the main signs of phosphours deficiency.
Weight loss, rough hair cat, lameness, fractures in the vertebrae, pelvis, ribs and
porous, chalky white, soft and fragile bones are seen in the experimental cases of
phosphorus deficiency in cattle. Such defiClency in cattle produces retarded growth,
reduced fertility and low milk yield in cattle. Rise in cases of bGlulism in cattle due to
osteophagia is noticed. Pregnant cows become recumbent. Poor stature and perverted
appetite are present in phosphorus deficient sheep and ,horses. Some other
pathological changes in the phosphorus deficient animals are as follows. 1. Lighter
bones showing a low ratio of ash to organic matter as seen in oesteomalacia. 2.
Excessive deposits of osteoid in the adult bones of animals 3. Softer and large bone
shafts due to subperiosteal osteoid deposits, enlarged jOints, epiphyseal cartilage
thicker than usual and the ash to organic matter ratio as 1:2 to 1:3 are noticed in the
cases of rickets. In healtll, the ratio of ash to organic matter in bones is 3:2 in animals.
13. Sodium chloride deficiency Deprivation of common salt in the feeds of animals causes anorexia, loss in body See table 26b
weight. Dairy cattle on a sodium deficient diet show polydipsia, polyurea, salt hunger,
pica, drinking urine, licking dirt, a fall in milk production and loss of appetite and
weight. Salt in tlle diet at allevel of 0.5% is quite adequate for all farm animal species.
Consuming inadequate amount of common salt causes poor growth, rough coat and
unthriftiness in such animals. Men and horses loose sodium chloride tlrrough
sweating. A cow can eat conunon salt upto 2lbs. per day for an indefinite period
without much ill effects. Animals may collapse and die due to salt deficiency. Excess of
common salt in feeds causes salt poisoning in pigs and chickens.
Deficiency Diseases Pathological Signs Treatment
14. Magnesium deficiency: It is a Bovines contain about 2 mg of magnesium per 100 ml of blood. It plays an See table 26b
cofactor in phosphotransferases important role in the transmission of impulses at the neuromuscular junctions. An
and phosphohydrolases. Bones excessive formation of acetyl choline is favoured by low concentration of magnesiunl
of animals contain about 7% and the low ratio of magnesiunl to calcium.
magnesium. It is an activator of When the level of magnesium goes below 0.7 mg per 100 nu of blood,
the enzyme alkaline phosphatase hypomagnesemia is noticed causing grass tetany in animals. The main changes of
and many enzymes utilizing experimental hypomagnesemia in calves are as under: 1. Opisthotonus, muscle
adenosinetriphosphatase (ATP). tremor and reluctance to move, nervous hyper irritability and apprenhensiveness. 2.
Sudden convulsive seizures, scratching and kicking at the belly. light stimuli produce
twitching in the skin. Continual shifting of weight from limb to limb and
incoordination. 3. Agonal haemorrhages in the heart, intestinal and mesentric serosae.
Presence of thrombosis of the venules in the heart
4. Deposition of calcium in the intemallayer of heart and large blood vessels.
Hypocalcaemia and hypomagnesemia are noticed in cattle and sheep affected with
hypomagnesemia. Agonal haemorrhages or convulsive death may be seen in the
patients of hypomagnesemia. Deficiencies of copper cobalt, selenium, zmc, iodine and
magnaese constItute important trace elements deficiencies.
15. Slenium and / or Vitamin E Either selenium or vitamin E or both may cause or be associated with development See table 26b
deficiencies. It is an essential of many diseases in animals like pigs, sheep, cattle and horses etc. Role of selenium
element but highly toxic in large and vitamin E is interlinked in either causmg a disease in an animal or in the
doses. It exists in the soil and treatInent of certain ailments produced. When these nutrients are given to animals,
certain seleniferous plants. It is a they recover from the maladies. An inter-relationship between seleniunl, vitamin E
component of the peroxidase. and sulphur containing amino-acids has been marked in preventing many nutritional
Selenium requirement in the diet diseases in animals. The main diseases associated witll the deficiencies of either
for most species of animals is 0.1- selenium or vitamin E or both are given below in Table- 26a
0.3 ppm of diet (mg/Kg) Toxic
level of selenium varies from 2-
10 ppm in the feed.
Table 26A. Pathological signs and lesions in animals
Deficiency diseases Animals affected Pathological signs
1. Nutritional muscular dystrophy. Cattle, sheep, pigs and Grey or white localized focal areas in the skeletal
horses. muscle and diaphragm due to degenerativecllanges in
the patients of nutritional muscular dystrophy. The
affected muscle, looks like fish flesh. !iJme grayim
streaks may involve group of muocle fibers. The affected
muscles are oedematous, friable and calcified. Sub-
endocardial white areas of degeneration are noticed in
the heart of the affected sheep and cattle. An extension of
such lesicns may lead to cardiac hypertrophy,
pulmonary congestion and oedema, cakific ation of the
dystrophic tissues and coagulaticn necrosis and hyaline
degeneraticn in the affected musclefibers. Yellowish
brown fat deposits causing discolouration in the muscles
is noticed in older aninlals.
2. Retained foetal membranes. Cattle The role of selenium deficiency as a cause of retained
foetal membranes is doubtful The findings on the
inferior reproductive performance are also inconsistent.
There is need of further research work in this direction.
3.Hepa tosis diaetetica : N ote:- Resistence to Pigs The VESD syndrome (vitamin E and selenium
infectious diseases (e.g., mastitis) increases with deficiency) affects the growing pigs (3 weeks to 4 months
maintenance of normal level of vitamin E and of age). The patholOgical state of hepatosis dietetica
selenium in the diet of the animals. Animals fed arises from consuming a diet low in vitamin E and
with diet low in vitamin E and selenium show selenium In Scandinavian countries (Sweden or
the following phenomena: 1. Immune response Denmark), the disease occurs even naturally in pigs.
of animals is badly affected 2. Development of Degenerative and necrotic changes are noticed in the
immunosuppression 3. Increased susceptibility organs like liver, heart, skeletal muscle and blood vessels
to bacterial and viral infections 4. Poor antibody etc. TIlere is a degenerative myopath y of caniiac and
lE!oduction or poor humoral immune resp)l1ses skeletal muscles. Oedema, microangiopathy and
Deficiency Diseases Pathological Signs Treatment
5. Suppression of proliferation of T and B yellowish discolouration of adipose tissue are also seen
lymphocytes. One also finds cytodestruction of in this condition. The affected pigs die suddenly.
T lymphocytes and natural killer lymphocytes.
6. The performance of neutrophils is rendered
poor. In other words, phagocytic role of
neutrophiles markedly declines. Decrease in the
phagocytic function of neutrophils is also
noticed in the mammary glands. Administration
of vitamin E and selenium to the animals
maintained on deficient diets greatly improves
the condition of these animal patients.
Potassium (a part of sodium potassium pump Almost all domestic The main signs or changes are as follows 1. Dehydration,
for maintenance of proper cellular osmotic animals chronic diarrhoea, hyperadrenalism, loss of appetite,
pressure). rough hair coat, muscular weakness and paralysis in the
deficient animals 2. Development of cellular oedema (the
mildest and earliest degenerative change in
parenchymatous organs due to failure of sodium
ipotassium pump and poor milk yield by lactating cattle
Table: 26b. Curative and Preventive Doses used in Avitaminoses and Mineral Deficiencies
in Animals
Deficiency Diseases Minerals Treatment Prevention
1. Cobalt deficiency Cobalt Sheep : 1 mgjkg body weight per day infected orally Sheep :0.1 mgj day to a sheep in
Lambs: 300 mg per lamb at an interval of a month feed. Cattle: 0.3 to 1.0 mgj day
Cattle: 3 to 10 mg feed to each animal. individually in feed.
2 Copper deficiency Copper Calves: 4 gms per calf per week (2-6 months) Cattle Calves: 1.5 gms at weekly
: 8 to 10 gms per animal at one interval for 3 to 5 interval in (2-6 months) feed.
weeks. Cattle : 4 gms orally at weekly
interval in feeds.
3. Iodine deficiency Iodine Therapeutic doses not recommended owing to its Lactating and pregnant Cows:
toxicity with body. 0.8 to 1.0 mg per kg dry matter
of the feed. Dry cows & calves:
0.1 to 0.3 mgjkg dry matter of
the feed.
4. Iron deficiency Iron Elemental Iron: 0.5 to 1 gm one injection once each Ferrous sulphate: 1.8 per cent 4
week in large animals like horse,Yitamin 1312 ml daily given to animals.
(cyanocobalamin) 5000 ug per week in a single dose to
large animals like horse. It is better to follow the
manufacture's guide.
5. Sodium chloride deficiency Sodium Farm animals : 0.5 of sodium chloride in the feeds per
chloride day.
6. Magnesium deficiency Magnesium Pigs: 400-500 mgjkg of the total per day.
7. Zinc deficiency Zinc Goat : Zinc sulphate 250 mgjkg daily for Zinc sulphate: 50 mgjkg of
4 weeks in the feeds Sheep : Zinc Oxide 200 mg given feed daily for pigs.
ij m in olive oil Lambs: 50 mg given Ij M in olive oil
Pigs: Zinc Inj. 2 to 4 mgjkg body weight to be given
Iparentereally daily for 10 days.
Deficiency Diseases Minerals Treatment Prevention
8. Potassium deficiency Potassium Pigs, piglets and ruminants: 65 mgjkg body weight
to be given in the diet.
9. Vitamin E selenium Selenium Calves, goats & lambs: 3 mg selenium and 150 LU.
deficiency per ml of DL alpha tocopherol @ 2 ml/45 kg body
weight intramuscularly. Only one injection sufficient.
E-Care-Se. Horse, cattle and Dogs: 1 nu per 25 to 50
kg body weight 1 nu per 25 kg body weight by
intramuscular route.
10. Calcium deficiency Calcium Parenteral administration of calcium preparations like
calboral25%, calcium borogluconate (25%) are used.
H + C - 200 - 400 m by i/v and sic route to animals.
Calcium sandoz (10%) Dog : 25ml to be given by i/v
route. Note: Daily requirements in gms of calcium,
Phosphorus and vitamin D for cattle are given as
below: Growing cattle Calcium Phosphorus Vit-D
15-3012-23 500 i/v kg dry matter intake Pregnant and
17-34 13-26 - do - Lactating cows.
For each kg of milk, 2 to 3 gms of calcium and 1.7 to
2.4 gms of phosphorus are to be given as milk
production requirement over and above maintenance
rate. Ewes 0.3-0.5-2 0.28 - 0.37 250-300I.U. Lambs 0.40
0.27150 LU. Horse (adults) 0.3-0.8 0.20 - 0.516-8 LU.
Iper Kg body wt.
11. Hypovitaminosis A Calf: 440 IU/kg body wt. I/M in a quar solution The Calf: 40 I. U. per kg body
main daily requirement of Vitamin A for all species is weight daily IjM.
40 IU by parenteral route.
Deficiency Diseases Minerals Treatment Prevention
12 Hypovitaminosis B VitantinB For all spe cie s Thiamine hydrochloride @ 5 mg/kg For monogastric animals.
body wt. If needed, it may be repeated after 3 hours. Tltiamine hydrochlOride @ 30 to
Initial dose is given by I/V rou te followed by 1/ M 60 ug per kg body weight
injectIon for 2 to 4 days. Berin For large animals: 10 parenterally with additional
m! of Berm is given 1/ M fur 5 to 7 days on alternate supply of yeast, cereals and
days to treat Vitantin B deficiencies in all species, the grain etc.
following treatment rate is recommended 1. Vibelan
Injection: 10 m! to large aninuls 2 to 5 rnl to small
animals 2. Conciplex Inj. : 10m! to large artimals 2 to
5 m! to small annnals 3. Neuroxin B12 : 10 nu to large
animals 2 to 5 nu to small animals. All the above three
products are given on alternate days for 5 to 7 days.
Vilantin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is required at the dose
rate of 20 to 40 ug daily be calves and goats. For pigs
the dose is 10 to 50mg of
Vilantin K is required per tone of its feeds. In case of a
ruenUa, monogastric ani,mals at the dose rate of 2 ug
vitamin 812 parenterally.
13. Hypovitaminosis K VitantinK Treatment For all animals Dose: 3 mg/kg body
weight parenterally as a single irqection resbres
deficiency or prev ents coagulation defects etc. Asa
preventive dose, 25 mg/kg of feed is given to all
aniamls for 4 days 300-500 mg/vitamin K is given
subcutaneously every 4 to 6 hours as anti dose to
counter poisoning in horses.
Note: Different proportions of Vitamins andntinerals
are available in the market. It is better to follow the
inoculation details fur their use to avoid reactions and
comp Iications.
Chapter 7
Pathologic Changes and
Treatment of the Cases of
Poisoning in Animals

Poisons are substances producing pathological changes

in the body of the animals. Such substances enter the body
through the digestive tract, by inhalation, through the skin
or also by some other routes. Some poisons or toxins do not
leave any detectable signs or lesions in the body of animals.
Acute or chronic effects are produced in different organs in
the patients of poisonings. The kinds of the poisons are as
(i) Poisons or toxins produced by the pathogenic organ-
(ii) Poisons produced by abnormal metabolism in the body.
(ill) Extraneous poisons like phosphorus or carbon tetrachlo-
ride etc.
(iv) Poisons existing in the body of the plants.


The main effects of poisonings are as follows :

(i) Necrosis or death of the cells or tissue coming in contact
with the poisons e.g., acids or alkalies. Concentrated
acids or alkalies kill the cells out right on their immedi-

Pathologic Ozanges and Treatment of the Cases of Poisoning in Animals

ate contact. Poisons in mild concentritious produce de-

generative changes in the cells.
(ii) Acute inflammatory changes in the affected organs are
seen due to various poisonous substances.
(ill) Lesions in the organs excreting the poisonous substances
e.g., the existence of inflammatory lesions during the
elimination of the mercury through the colonic mucous
(iv) Degenerative changes in the organs like heart and kid-
neys etc.
(v) Bacterial toxins or plant poisons exert degenerative ef-
(vi) Interference with some nervous function as seen in cases
of strychnine poisoning.
(vii) Petechiae or ecchymoses due to injuries to the endothe-
lium of the capillaries. Poisons, toxins and viral proteins
(capsids) increase permeability causing petechiae and
haemorrhages in organs.
(viii)Haemolysis of red cells.
(ix) Depressing or destroying the haematopoietic tissue.
(x) Blocking of the enzyme systems in the body.
Pathologic changes in some cases or poisonings and their
treatment of such cases are given in table 27.
The following facts are to be borne in mind while
treating the cases of poisoning in animals :
(1) Stop any more ingestion of poison and its absorption
through the ,skin.
(2) The residual poison of alimentary tracts should be re-
moved. Emetics, purgatives and gastric lavage can be

Advanced Patlwlogy and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

(3) Plenty of water is used to wash the skin and animals

thus, get protected from further absorption of the poi-
(4) A teaspoonful of salt can be given in water orally to
produce vomiting. Apomorphine 20 mg can be used to
produce vomiting.
(5) It is also proper to neutralize the residual toxins in the
(6) Tannic acid can be used to precipitate the alkaloids. If
irritants and corrosive poisons have been ingested, milk
or egg may be used.
(7) In the cases of poisonings, principle of using chemical
antidotes is very beneficial. This drug makes the poison
(8) Calcium preparation (calboral) can be used as univer-
sal antidotes.
(9) Activated charcoals which absorb poisons, can be used
as slurry by dissolving 5 tea spoonfuls of it in 100 m1 of
water and this can be given by stomach tube. Sodium
sulphate can also given by stomach tube.
Important details about poisons, their pathologic signs
and lesions and the line of the treatment adopted are given
in Table 27.

Pathologic Changes and Treatment of the Cases of Poisoning in Animals

Table 27. Pathological signs and Lesions in some

poisoning cases
Poisons Pathologic Signs and Treatment
Lesions etc
1. Organic These poisons are This compound is greatly used
phosphates anticholinesterases and the as insecticide and pesticide. It,
or phosphorus harmful effects are thus, enhances the chances of
compounds dependent on the ability to poisoning. Atropine sulphate
(including prevent or inhibit the action 0.25 mg/kg. B.wt. and 1 mg/kg
insecticides, and of the enzyme called body weight can be given
defoliants e.g. cholinesterase. There is a respectively to cattle and
Tetraethyl marked decrease of sheep. Average total dose in
pyrophosphate cholinesterase in the red cattle is 50 mg and half of these
(TEPP), parathion, cells. is given by i/v or through i/m
malathion, Acetylcholine is left free to route. This can be repeated at
carbaryl. demetron, act continuously as there is an interval of 4-5 hours.
dichlorvos and no enzyme to destroy this Calboral200 ml can be given
endosulphan etc.) substance. by i/v route. For dogs,
The main signs are : Atropine sulphate @ 0.02
1. Excessive salivation. mg/lb body (average dose 1
2. Twitching and ml) can be given by i/v route.
fasciculation of muscles. Fluid therapy (5% dextrose)
3. Ataxia and asphyxia. can be used by i/v route.
4. Haemorrhages in the Calcium (Sandoz) 4-10 ml can
heart, lungs and be given by i/v route in dogs.
gastrointestinal tract. Sedatives such as largactil can
5. Swelling and be used in case of convulsion
degenerative changes in the and excitement in the patients.
axons and pulmonary
1. Chlorinated Poisonings are caused due In order to treat cases of
hydrocarbons as to errors in poisoning from chlorinated
insechcides e.g., mixing and application of hydrocarbons, skin should be
dichloro, diphenyl, the insecticides. Soft egg washed with soap water. If the
trichloro ethane shells and loss in dogs have ingested such
(DDT), chlordane, hatchability are seen in poisons, emetics (concentrated
lindane (ganuna poisoned birds. The main solution of the common salt)
isomer of benzene signs are: and gastric lavage can be used.
hexachloride), 1. Nervous hyperirritability, For sedation, pentobarbitone
toxaphene,en~ spasmodic twitching and may be given. Calboral 200 ml
eldrin and dieldrin quiverings of the muscles i/v is quite useful. Calcium
etc. (including those of eye sandoz 4-5 ml can be given
lids). through i/v route. Cold water
2. Belligerency or frenzy or pack should be used to reduce
convulsions and stopping the body temperature.
of the heart beat in systole. Corarnine 1 ml i/v. or i/m can
3. Pressing the heads be used to improve respiratory
against hard objects. circulation in dogs. 10 ml of

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases a/Domestic Animals

Poisons Pathologic Signs and Treatment

Lesions etc
4. Augwnen tation of cor amine can be gIven to
symptoms due to shaIp improve the respiratory
noise. Temperature upto circulation in dogs. 10 ml of
1150F. cor amine can be given to large
5. Dyspnoea and cyanosis animals at the d01l! rate of
and grinding of the teeth. 5mlfkgb.wt
1. Pulmonary congestion,
oedema Nissfs
degeneratien and necros.s
of neurons. Necrotic
changes in the ganglia of
medulla, cerebellum and
brain stem. Increa1l!d
cerebrospinal fluid.
2. Acute toxic hepatitis and
acute tubular nephritis.
3. Mercury or 1. Haemorrhagic gastro- In order to treat the mercury
mercury entritis, and coagulation toxiciation, animals should be
compounds e.g., necrosis in the gastric given large aIIDunt of
mercuric chloride, mucosa. coagulable protein such as egg
mercuric iodide, 2. Ulcerativecditis due to orally to be immediately
mercury vapour, elintinat;ion of the mercuryfollowed by mild purgatives.
methyl mercury and
arylmercury etc.
rom, Sodium thiosulphate 15-30 gms
dissolved in 100-200 ml of
3. Destr tionof renal distilled water can be given Lv.
tubules r ulting in and this should be followed by
uraemia and anuria. oral dosing (30-60 gm at 6 hour
4. N ecros.s in jaw bone, intervals). Treatmen t should
anaemia, oedema, cachexia continue till recovery. BAL (6.5
and paralysis of the limbs. mg/kg b.wt.) should be given
5. Hydropic degeneration in every 4hours.
the salivary glands and Supportive treatmen t such as
renal tubules. use of astringent. It can be
6. In the nervous system, given orally to control
degenera tien, necrosis, gastroenteritis and fluid
increase of microglia, therapy should be given i/v to
demyelination of the nerve correct the dehy dration in
tracts, encephalomalacia animals.
and myelomalacia are seen
Neuronal necrosis is seen in
cerebral cortex.
7. Hyaline degeneration of
Pwkinj e fibres and cardiac
muscle fibers.

Pathologic Changes and Treatment of the Cases of Poisoning in Animals

Poisons Pathologic Signs and Treatment

Lesions etc.
4. Lead 1. Anaemia in affected In order to treat lead pobnning
Whenanimals lick animals. Nucleated red cells cases, magnesium sulphate can
or ingest paints and basophilic stippling be given orally. Calcium
containing lead, (Le., red cells studded with versenate 10 mg/kg b.wt. as
they get poisoned pwple stained granules). 125% oolutioncan beusedi/v
Lead shots or fumes 2. Increased &agility of along with Dextrose solution.
from burning erythrocytes, head pressing, Dogs can be given this drug at
storage battery, hyperaesthesia, colic, the rate of 25 mg/kg b/wt. i/v
smelting works etc., ataxia, convulsions and Dose should be re pea ted for 4
can lead to a state of distension of arterioles, to 5 days. Siquil or largactil can
poisoning. venules and capillaries. be used for sedation of animals.
Swelling, hyperplasia and
pyknosis in the endothelial
cells. Astrocytosis and
enc~halopathy are seen.
5. Strychnine 1. Intermittent Ionic spasms Emetics like ampomorphine 2J
initated by sound orndses ml i/v can be use d and the
etc. This poison gets bound stomoch can be evacuated. The
to synaptic membrane and animals can be sedated using
acts antagonistically to the pentobarbitone largactil and
action of gl~ine to produce siquil etc., ~stric1avage can be
this state of hyperirrita1:ility given after anesthetization
in the spinal part of reflex Drugs like caffeine or narcotics
arc. should not be used.
1. Failure of respiration due
to spasms. No postmortem
lesions except petechiae in
organs due to anoxia.
Urine collected from latal
cases of pdsonings in dogs,
shows toxic spasms in frogs
after intraperitoneal
6. Lathyrus (L. 1. A gradual increase in In order to treat the animals
sativl/s). The paralysis of the posk!rior suffering from Latilyrlls satuJlIs
poisoning due to limbs degeneration and poisoning, calcium salts.
this plan t species is dISappearance of nervous (Calroral) 200-250 ml if v can
called lathyrism in are found in the spinal cord. also be given to animals.
animals and human 2. Paralysis of recurren t
beings. I t develops laryngeal nerve produces
from ingestion of roarin g in horses.
the seeds over 3. Blindness, tortimllis and
several weeks or anaesthesia (skin) in cattle.
months. A 4. Rapid weak pulse and
neurotoxin, I3-N death occurring from

Advanced PatllOlogv and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Poisons Pathologic Signs and Treatment

Lesions etc.
Oxalyl-L-a,13- respira tory paralysis.
diaminopropionic Pulmonary congestion and
acid is found in the subepicardial
seeds of L. sativlIs. haemorrhages.
5. Abortions and
intrauterine death offoeus
in pregnant animals.
Cmtracted tendons and
a plasia of the lower jaw in
the offsprings.
6. Dis~cting aneurysms of
the aorta in turkeys.
7. Fluorine Chronic fluorosis Fluorine intoxicated animals
It produces acute The signs are : can be treated successfully by
and chronic 1. Mottling and attrition of using gastrointestinal sedative.
poisoning (fluorosis) teeth. Treatment to neutralize
in the animals on 2. Intennittent lameness residual fluorine in alnnentary
account of ingestion and periosteal hyperostosis. tract is given Calcium salts can
over a long period 3. DeIIDnstrationof more also be used LV. Balargan (tIlJ)
1-2mg/kgof than 6 ppm of fluorine in or BaladonainJ. Can be used as
fluorme/ day in the unne of affected sedative. Do~s of 30 gmof
feeds can lead to animals. aluminium sulphate datly
fluorosis. Pastures 4. Hyperplastic pitting of should be used as neutraltzing
and feeds the enamel and chalky agent. Calboral21JO-250 m1
contaminated with areas in the teeth. I.V.canbe given fluid therapy
airborne residues 5. The oones in the patients (5%) Dextrosei.v. should be
from aluminium are heavier and thicker than used.
fac lories or normal with reduction in
phospha te refineries the size of the marrow
can lead to the state space. Metacarpals,
of poisoning. metatarsals and mandibles
Calcium fluoride show such changes.
and sodium fluoride 6. Osteoporosis in seen in
can produce sodium fluoride poisoning.
fluorcis. Fluorine to the extent of
1.5% can be found in the
affected bones.
7. Lameness, anorexia, loss
of weight, fall in milk yield
unthriftness and
intermittent diarrohea are
found in chronic fluorosis.
In acute cases of fluorosis,
abdominal pain,
convulsions, weakness,

Pathologic Changes and Treatment of the Cases of Poisomng In Animals

Poisons Pathologic Signs and Treatment

Lesions etc
lethargy and acute
gastroen tritis are seen.
Death occurs from
respiratory and cardiac
8. Cyarudes 1. Death may occur Cattle suffer from HCN
Animals suffer from instantaneously. poisoning due to ingestion of
cyanides due to Convulsion, forthing and shorgum plant at certain stages
ingestion of mouth gasping, respiration, of its growth (Hiwar pods and
cyanogenic plants. dilated pupils, involuntary cyanogenic plant). If animals
The cyanides defaecation and micturition ingest such pOIsons, they can
prevent the are seen in the patient of be given the following
intracellular cyanide poisoning. preparation by i/v route.
oxidative processes. 2. Bright red colour of the i) Sodium nitrite-3 gm.
arterial blood (an important ii) Sodium thiosulphate-15 gm
diagnostic sign). in 250 ml (distilled water). If
3. No lesions in the organs necessary, use of tlus drugmay
in acute poisoning. be repeated. Arumal can be fed
4. Ataxia, vomiting sodium thiosulphate at the rate
involuntary urination and of 30-60 gm orally every hour
defaecation, incoordination four to five times. Calboral or
and unconsciousness are Dextrose saline can
noticed in patients. be used.
5. Bright cherry red colour Antihistaminics can be given.
in the blood and tissues due Supportive treatment may also
to formation of be used. Purgatives can be
farboxyhaemoglobin. given immediately. Exposure to
6. Bilateral necrosis of sunlight can be prevented by
cerebral white matter and providing shade to animals.
cortical grey matter.
7. Almost no lesions in
acute cases of poisoning.
8. Arrest of respiration but
continuation of heart beat
in cyanide poisoning is a
marked feature of cyanides

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Poisons Pathologic Signs and Lesions etc. Treatment

9. Onions 1. Haemolytic anaemia, haemolytic Further access to

Cattle and sheep are icterus and haemoglobinUria are found the onion can be
sometimes fed in animal patients. prevented.
unusable onions (i.e. 2. Odour of onion can be marked in Haemostatics
even in the the breath, milk, urine and tissues etc. agents may be used
decomposed state) parenterally.
and a state of Haematinic drugs
poisoning develops can be used to
in them. The toxic improve the
substance haematopoiesis.
(haemolysin) in Liver tonics and
onions is nprophyl anti-allergic drugs
disulphide which can be used.
causes precipitation
of proteins.
10. Selenium Two types of poisoning are Selenium in
The soil may be rich 1. Acute selenium poisoning. toxicated patients
in selenium content 2. Chronic selenium poisOning. can be treated by
and the plants Acute selenium poisoning giving ascorbic acid
(seleniferous) 3. Halmorrhagic enteritis and proctitis and copper
growing in such soil and passive congestion in lungs and sulphate orally at
have sulphurous abdominal visera are noticed. the dose rate ofl-2
odour and also 4. Acute toxic hepatitis and toxic gm orally.
contain selenium. tubular nephrosis.
Sodium selenite in 5. Mucosae of the urinary bladder are
dose of 10 mg can inflamed and subepicardial
cause death in the haemorrhages are present.
lambs. Ingestion of Chronic selenium poisoning
seleniferous plants 1. Staggering and pressing forward
causes selenium their heads are signs in equine
toxicity in cattle and patients. Great weakness, paralysis,
sheep etc. dyspnoea and cyanosis are noticed in
them Death occurs form respiratory
failure, impairment of hatchability in
the hens and foetal malforations are
2. Falling hair in the region of mane
and tail and hoof lesions are found in
the affected animals like horses and
cattle etc.
3. Encircling grooves parallel to the
coronary band and laminitis. Cracks or
inordinate growth of the toes and
erosion of the joints.

Pathalagic Changes and Treatment af the Cases af Paisoning in Animals

Poiso Pathologic Signs and Lesions etc. Treatment

4. Chronic passive congestion in the
lungs and focal necrosis in the heart
are noticed in the patients.
5. Oedema present in pericardial,
thoracic and peritoneal cavities.
Hydropic degeneration or necrosis in
the liver, hyaline casts in the
convoluted tubules, hyaline
degeneration and fibrinoid necrosis of
arterioles are found.
11. Lantana The main pathological changes are: In order to treat the cases of
poisoning 1. Icterus, hepatotoxic Lantana intoxicated
L.camara is a photosensitivitis (photosensitivity, animals, the following steps
toxic plant for dennatitis and pink nose) and should be taken. Purgatives
domestic inflamed reddened muzzles are can be given immediately.
animals like found in cattle. Exposure to sunlight can be
cattle and 2.Cracks or ulcers in the skin, prevented by providing
buffaloes etc., haemorrhagic gastroentritis, shade to animals prevented
Theanimals subcutaneous oedema and by providing sheds to
ingesting subepicardial haemorrhages are animals. liver tonics and
suffer from important changes in this plant calcium borol-gluconate
poiSOning. poisoning. (250 ml to 300m i/v) and
The toxic 3. Gall bladder may be distended. antihistaminic drugs like
components Proliferation of bile ductule in the Avil inj. or candistin inj. can
of this plant liver and necrosis of hepatocytes be used 5% Dextrose saline
are lantadene more severely in the peripheral is also beneficial on ifv
A and portions of the lobules. administration.
lantadene B.
12. The signs and the lesions are : Use purgatives, liver tonics,
Phenothiazine 1. Haemolytic anaemia, fluid therapy and
It has haemoglobinuria, acute toxic haematinics to treat the
severe toxic hepatitis and nephrosis. cases of phenothiazine
effecs in 2. Dullness, depression and weakness poisoning.
domestic in the animals and primary
animals like photosensivitity of skin can be found.
13. 1. Presence of acute or catarrhal Carbontetrachloride
Carbontetrach haemorrhagic gastroentritis, intoxication leads to liver
loride: diarrhoea, abdominal pain and loss of damage. In such cases, the
It is an appetite. treatment includes calcium
anthelmintic 2. Icterus and blood stained faeces and glucose therapy by I.V.
drug and may be present. Acute toxic hepatitis. route. Antiallergic drugs
causes Fatty changes and necrosis in the can be given
sometimes epithelium of tubules in the kidneys.
acute Petechiae in different organs are also
Ipoisoning. seen.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Poisons Pathologic Signs and Lesions etc. Treatment

1. In chronic cases, cirrhosis develops by parenteral route.

in the liver. Supportive
treatment such as
liver tonrs should
be used. Purgatives
may be also tried.
14. Phosphorus 1. In per acute GlSes,COIIB, An emetic or
Accidential ingestion convulsIOns and central nervous purgative should be
of fire works of depression are noticed given immedia tely.
phosphrous matches 2 Presence of namea. vomiting, Copper sulphate
causes pcisoning in abdominal pain. icterus, fever, (1%) solution can be
the animals. polydipsia and polyurea in the given orally as an
patients of phosphorus poisoning. emetic in sman
3. Degenerative changes in the liver animals. Supportive
and kidneys. In the liver, the treatment includes
hepatocytes are fined with fat. Fatty the administration
changes are seen in the heart and of astringents to
kidneys. Hydropic degenemtion is soothe the
found in the proximal convoluted gastroenteritis and
tubules. Other changes are small parenteral
atrophic spleen, hydrothorax, electrolyte solution
genemlized oedema. haemorrhagr is given to relieve
enteritis and ecchymotic the dehydration in
haemorrhages in heart etc. the bodies of
In chronic cases of phosphorus patients.
poisoning, mandible and maxillae
show necrotising purulent
osteomyelitis or deformities.
15. Urea: Ammonia released from urea due to In Glse of urea
Urea asa action of enzyme urease causes poisoning, animals
substitute for protein symptoms of poisoning. should be given
nitrogen is fed to The signs are ; 24% acetic acid
cattle and ca!es of 1. Twitching of the eye lids, tails and solution or2 - 4
poisoning occur in ataxia. Salivation and frothing !een liter or vinega r
animal due to at mouth. Slow pulse and respimtion given orally.
ingestion of excessive are noticed Antiallergic inj. cab
amount of urea 2 Heamorrhagic enteritis, acute toxr be given. Fluid
hepatitis and toxr tubular nephrosis therapy or
are !een in the affected animals. electrolyte solubon
3. Congestion and neuronal can be used LV. B-
degenemtion in the central nervous complex omlly may
system. Haemorrhages may be found also be tried.
in the lungs.

Pathologic Changes and Treatment of the Cases of Poisoning in Animals

Poisons Pathologic Signs and Lesions etc. Treatment

16. Salt: 1. 0.9% Nacl kills the baby chicks. In order to treat the
Salt poisoning is 2. Presence of hydrothorax and case of salt
seen in pigs and hydroperitoneum ill the chickens. poisoning, the toxic
poultry due to Nephritis is also found in them. feed and water
excessive ingestion of 3. Blindness, hyperirritability and must be removed
sodium chloride. convulsive seizures are seen in salt immediately
Cattle tolerate larger poisoning in the animals. Symptomatic
doses of salt,in 4. Oedema in the tissues and body treatment includes
case,the water is cavities. use of alnnentary
available in plenty to 5. Eosinophilic meningoencephatitis tract sedatives in
these animals. is quite pathognomonic for swines. gastro-enteritis, and
Accumulation of eosinophiles can be provision of
found in the perivascular spaces of isotonic fluids when
the brain. dehydration has
occurred. In case of
cerebral oedema,
diuretics or
hypertonic solution
are injected
parenterally. A
balanced ration
(0.5% sodium
chloride) should be
given to poultry
and the feeding of
old feed should be
replaced by fresh
balanced poultry

Chapter 8
Some Miscellaneous
Pathological Conditions/

Inflammation of the lungs in man and animals is called
pneumonia. There are several causes (e.g., viruses and
bacteria etc.) of pneumonia. An acute inflammatory state of
the lungs is called pneumonia whereas pneumonitis refers
to an inflammatory disease of the lungs characterised by a
chronic reaction in the form of proliferative changes in the
fibroblasts and lining cells of the alveoli. Reticuloendothelial
cells, epithelioid cells and septal cells take active proliferative
or defensive role in the lungs.
In short, pneumonia refers to acute infectious
inflammation of the lungs with exudative changes in the
alveoli. Two main kinds of pneumonia are:
(i) Lobar pneumonia (croupous pneumonia).
(ii) Bronchopneumonia (lobular pneumonia).
In man, lobar pneumonia is found and characterised
by inflammatory reaction at one point which spreads by
direct continuity to other parts of the lungs till the whole or
most of the lobes of lungs get involved in the extending
inflammatory reaction. In bronchopneumonia, the infection
spreads through the air passages i.e., there is an inflammation
of the bronchi or bronchioles (bronchiolitis). Croupous
pneumonia or lobar pneumonia occurs in the human beings
and is caused by a pneumococcus called Diplococcus

Some Miscellaneous Pathological Conditions/Diseases

pneumoniae. There is a characteristic accumulation of the

exudate in the air passage and the affected part gets
consolidated and the consolidation is more or less in uniform
manner and is clearly separated from the surrounding
healthy tissue by a line of demarcation as marked at autopsy.
Croupous inflammatory changes are quite uncommon or rare
in animals. The involvement of the whole lobe results from
the fusion of lesions in the different foci. In large number of
pneunmonic cases in animals, the alveolar exudate consists
of cells like epithelioid cells or large cells with rounder central
nuclei and extensive amount of cytoplasm. Lymphocytes are
also found in such exudate.
There are four important stages in the lobar or croupous
pneumonia in man and these are as follows:
(1) Congestion
The lungs are red, congested and swollen and the pieces
of the lungs float in water. When cut, a blood tinged fluid
escapes from the cut surfaces of the lungs. Microscopically,
the alveolar walls have distended capillaries with red blood
cells. Alveolar exudate may reveal a few red cells in some
(2) Red Hepatization
The lungs look prominent and healthy and the inflamed
parts in the lungs are well demarcated. The diseased pieces
of the lungs are firm like liver in consistency with red
colouration. The cut pieces of the consolidated lungs sink in
water. Pleura in the neighbourhood of the inflamed part of
the lung is also congested. Microscopically, the alveoli contain
fibrinous exudate with numerous red cells, neutrophiles and
desquamated cells. These inflammatory cells lie between the
fibrinous strands. The alveolar capillaries are also congested
and the alveoli are full of exudate. Such stage of pneumonia
occurs in about 2 days.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Ammals

(3) Grey Hepatization

The consistency of the diseased lungs is firm or solid
and the lungs are grey in colour. The cut pieces of the lungs
also sink in water and have dull appearance. A greyish
purulent fluid escapes from the cut pieces on being
compressed between fingers. Microscopically, the alveoli are
not full of exudate and a little space between the exudate
and alveolar walls is noticeable in light microscopy. The fibrin
in the exudate contracts and forms a free mass in the alveolar
spaces. The alveolar capillaries are less congested and the
red cells disappear from the exudate with predominance of
fibrinous meterial in the alveoli. In purulent pneumonia,
neutrophiles are largely noticed in the alveolar exudate. In
humans, the alveolar exudate is exclusively fibrinous in the
infection of Diploccus pneumoniae.
(4) Resolution
In this stage, the solution of the fibrinous material is a
well marked change in the alveoli and the cells in the alveolar
spaces also disintegrate. The liquified fibrinous exudate is
either expectorated or absorbed into the circulation. Repair
of the damaged alveolar walls occurs and the lungs revert to
the state of normalcy.
When the lungs fail to revert to normal state, diffuse
suppurative softening, gangrene and organisation of the
exudate (fibrosis) at later stages can be seen in the lungs.
Lobular Pneumonia (Bronchopneumonia)
When there is spread of the acute inflammatory reaction
from air passage to the air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs, the
state of bronchopneumonia (lobular pneumonia) is produced.
It starts as a capillary bronchitis or bronchioilitis with
involvement of the alveoli served by these air passages. In
lobular pneumonia, the inflammatory changes are noticed
within individuallobules and their associated bronchioles.

Some Miscellaneous Pathological Conditions/Diseases

The inflammatory areas in the lobules assume a patchy

appearance in bronchopneumonia. In equine
rhino pneumonitis (a viral disease), monocytes and
neutrophiles are noticed in the alveoli, bronchioles and
interstitial tissue of the affected lungs.
Causative Factors
(1) Organisms of the genra Pasteurella, Streptococcus,
Haemophilus and Croynebacterium etc.
(2) Inhalation of the irritant gases lowers the resistence or
vitalitis of the lungs and the invasion of the lungs with
many organisms is facilitated. Bronchopneumonia is
seen in the aspiration pneumonia due to faulty drench-
ing etc.
(3) Invasion of the lungs or bronchioles by parasites i.e.,
Muellerius capillaris. Larval stages of the nematodes like
Ascaris spp. cause bronchopneumonia in animals. A
fungus known as Aspergillus fumigatus also produces
bronchopneumonia in poultry.
The disease (Le., bronchopneumonia) starts as capillary
bronchitis or bronchiolitis and then it spreads to associated
alveoli. Alveoli get consolidated and the plugging of the
broncholes with exudate causes collapse of the alveoli in the
lobules (lobular collapse). Later, catarrhal inflammatory
changes take place in these collapsed alveoli. The infection
can also spread from the bronchi to the alveoli of the closely
related lobules.
Gross Changes
There is an irregular or patchy distribution of large or
small areas of consolidation, collapse and emphysema in the
parenchyma of the lungs. When the pieces of the lungs are
squeezed, exudate escapes from the bronchioles. The feel of
the lungs is not found uniform throughout the parenchyma.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

The colour of the lesions varies from red to pale or grey and
these may be solid to the touch and look more prominent
(i.e. raised) than the adjacent normal areas of the lungs. Large
areas of the lesions in the lobules are presented as confluent
bronchopneumonia which resembles lobular pneumonia.
The areas of the collapsed lungs are dark red, sunken in
appearance and are surrounded by small zones of the raised
emphysematous tissue. Such changes are observed in the
lungs of pneumonic cases.
Microscopic changes
Catarrhal inflammatory changes are found in the
smaller bronchial and associated air spaces. These
bronchioles show denudation of lining epithelium and may
be filled with catarrhal exudate which consists of red cells,
leucocytes and desquamated epithelium. A little fibrinous
material may be found in the exudate. Areas of collapse and
emphysema are found in the stained sections of the lungs. In
the collapsed areas, the alveolar walls are found
approximated (i.e., very close to each other) and the capillaries
are congested and more apparent. Ephysematous areas
bordering collapsed alveoli are marked by over distended
air spaces (alveoli) whose walls may be thin and look like
delicate strands of tissue. Ruptures in the alveolar walls of
such tissues can be noticed and ruptured alveoli
intercommunicate with each other.
When the exudate is removed by absorption or
expectoration, the lungs revert to the state normalcy.
Bronchopneumonia may pass on to chronic stage
characterised by fibrosis. Even suppurative or gangrenous
changes can occur in the lungs due to pyogenic or
saprophytic organisms in the dead and devitalised tissues.
The changes noticed in some types of pneumonia are
given in table 28.

Some Miscellaneous Pathological Conditions/Diseases

Table 28. Signs and Lesions in some Main Types of

Pneumonia Signs and Lesions
1. Aspiration pneumonia 1. loud breath sound or crackles into ventral
(gangrenous pneumorua) It is portions of lungs (usually apical or lower
caused by faulty drenchmg, porhons of the lobes) the pulmonary lesions
regurgitation and aspiration of are white or black and emit foul odour 2.
drugs or ITritating, stomach lesions of acute br0ncho pneumonia and
contents into the trachea and toxaemic changes in organs of the affected
bronchi etc. animals. The pulmonary leSlOns are soft, dark
green or brown colour in the dead animals 3.
Cavitation due to growth of putrefactive
organisms or saprophytes in the dead
pulmonary tissues because of aspIrated drugs
or stomach contents. 4. Developments of
gangrenos pneumonia in the lungs is marked
by hyperaemic, haemorrhagic and exudative
changes around the necrosed tissues m the
lung parenchyma.
2. Interstitial pneumonia the 1. Alveolar septa thickened by infiltratIng
causative factors are viruses, lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages,
mycoplasma or members of serum or fibrin and increase of connective
pSIttacosis lymphogranuloma hssue elements 2. Hyperplasia of alveolar
group. lining cells is a frequent finding 3.
Macrophages and some free lining cells may
be noticed in the alveolar spaces but
neutrophiles are not usual components of the
alveolar exudate.
3. VITal pneumonia 1. A serous and mononuclear reaction is a
feature noticed in viral pneumonia. Nature of
the exudates in alveoli (that is the kind of
leucocytes or fluid material) is dependent on
the species of the animals and the causative
factors involved.
4. Hypostatic pneumonia It is 1. Oedema, congestion and pneumonic
usually seen in recumbent animal leslOns of the lower parts of the lungs of
patients frequently as a kind of dymg animals (i.e., a long delayed death on
terminal pneumonia. the beds and the ground) graVIty and porous
nature of the lungs favour an accumulahon of
bloo~ or fluid in the dependent portions of
the lungs.
5. Verminous pneumonia (lung 1. Chronic pneumonic areas noticed in the
worm disease). dIaphragrnatic portions of the lungs due to
chronic inflammatory cellular reaction
involvinc the giant cells of foreign body types
etc. around the dead or degenerating larvae
in the

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases ofDomestzc Animals

Pneumonia Signs and Lesions

parenchyma with fibrous capsule around
the lesions in the lungs. Areas of collapse as
dark red sunken areas are surrounded by
raised, pale emphysematous areas. 2.
Wonns or strongy1es and eggs are noticed III
the mucopurulent exuda te in the bronchi.
Devitalized portions of the lungs caused by
parasitic invasions are favourable targets of
pathogenic bacteria 3. Oedema, interstitial
pneumonia, foreign body types of gmnt
cells, emphysema and fibrin, mononudear
cells and granubcytes in the affecEd alveolI
are some important changes of verminous

It is based on the symptoms, lesions and isolation of the
organisms from the diseased tissues in the affected animals.
After the diagnosis of pneumonia (bronchopneumonia)
has been confirmed in animals by clinical examination, a
systematic line of treatment is followed.
Pneumonia or pulmonary infections are caused different
kinds of bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites etc. The
aetiology of pneumonia (i.e., viral or bacterial) should be first
established in making choices of drugs. When the aetilogy of
pneumonia gets established, a proper selection of drug can
be made for quick recovery. However, treatment can also be
done on the basis of presumptive diagnosis i.e., a diagnosis
without knowing exact cause of disease by means of
laboratory tests.
The steps of treatment are given below:
1. Administration of antibiotics and sulpha drugs such as
terramycin or gentamycin or ampicillin or Vesadin
(33.3%). Any of these can be used for 7 days.
2. Use of antipyretics or analgesics, such as Bolin inj. and
Novalgin inj. etc.

Some Miscellaneous Pathological ConditionsfDiseases

3. Anti-histaminics (avil) or cortico-steroids may be used.

4. Antiseptic inhalation with Tr. Benzoin and oil of tur-
pentine etc., can be used to clear the congestion in the
respiratory tract. Add 2 to 3 m1 of these drugs in 10 kg
of water (hot) and cover the head of animal with blan-
ket and make it to inhale the rising vapour. In young
pups, vicks vapour can be used. When the animals re-
cover from fever after a few days, supportive treatment
is given to the animals. For this, B-complex injection,
Liv. 52 or Belamyl injection can be used.
In the case of respiratory faliure and shock etc., corarnine
can be given to animals in the doses of 10 to 25 m1 in horses
and cattle and in doses of one to two m1 in dogs. Artificial
respiration should be given to small animals. Camphor oil
(1:20) in doses (10-20 m1 by si c) can be given to animals.
Sometimes, very good response has been seen from camphor
Hepatitis is an inflammation of liver in the body of an
animal or individual.
Hepatitis can be divided into the following types:
(1) Suppurative or infectious hepatitis.
(2) Non-infectious or toxic hepatitis.

Infectious Hepatitis
It can be caused by various etilogical factors (i.e.,
bacterial and viral infections). Actinobacillus lignieresi and
Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections lead to hepatitis. In
pygonic infections (for example, strangles, abscesses, septic
metritis and ulcerative endocarditis etc.), the infectious or
septic emboli reach the livers through the blood vessels and
produce abscesses in their parenchyma. Pyaemic infections
can reach the liver by portal vein from the intestines. If there

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

is a pyaem ic phlebi tis, the infecti on can reach the liver by

direct extens ion. (e.g., inflam mation of the unbili cal vein).
Infecti ve biliary passag es can also lead to pus forma tion in
the liver. If there is a traum atic injury to the liver with
contam inated objects from rumen or reticul um, absces ses are
notice d in the liver. There is an infecti ous hepati tis in Rubar th
diseas e, leptos pirosis , viral infecti on of ducks (viral hepati tis).
Infect ion reache s the liver by variou s routes which are as
(1) Portal vein
(2) Hepat ic artery
(3) Umbil ical vein in the newly born anima ls
(4) Bile ducts
(5) Hepat ic vein
(6) By direct extens ion or contin uity from the adjoin -
ing infecte d tissues.
Toxic Hepatitis
It is caused by differe nt kinds of toxins or poison s and
can be divide d into acute toxic hepati tis a.nd chroni c toxic
hepati tis. The main causes are:
(1) Chemical Poisons
Coppe r, arseni c, phosp horus, mercu ry, chloro form and
carbon tetrach loride etc., are examp les of chemi cal poison s.
(2) Plant Toxins
Plants of the genus Senecio cause hepati tis in anima ls.
Toxins produ ced by fungi (aflatoxin) set up toxic hepati tis.
(3) Metabolic Poisons
Toxic subst ances are produ ced in cases of
gastro enterit is. Toxic injury to liver happe ns in many acute
infecti ous diseas es. Toxic substa nces enter the body in cases
of pregn ancy diseas e of ewes. Hepat ic damag es are also

Some Miscellaneous Pathological ConditionsjDiseases

produced by vitamin E and selenium deficiencies and

excessive administration of follicular hormones.

Gross Changes
The livers due to toxic effects are swollen or somewhat
smaller than normal, lighter in colour (pale or yellow) and
more red due to an increased amount of blood in the organ.
There is an accentuation of the lobular markings in the liver.
The centers of the liver lobules are congested (red) and the
peripheries of the lobules are more yellow or pale due to
degenerative changes like cellular swelling, fatty changes and
necrosis. The coagulated necrotic cells may form a pale part
at the centers of the lobules. In fascioliasis, the bile ducts are
enlarged and look like prominent macroscopic rigid tubes to
the naked eyes.
Coagulative necrosis is found in the cells of the liver
lobules. The hepatocytes show pyknosis and acidophilic
cytoplasm. Based on the position of necrosis, diffuse necrosis,
focal necrosis, peripheral necrosis, midzonal necrosis and
centrilobular necrosis and paracentral necrosis are certain
types of the necrosis found in livers. In paracentral necrosis,
the necrotic areas adjoining the central veins are found on
one side of the lobules.
The animals affected with acute toxic hepatitis may die
or the disease in them may pass on to chronic toxic hepatitis
(cirrhosis). The term cirrhosis is derived from the Greek,
Kirros, which means tawny or orange coloured. The main
characteristic change in the liver is formation of tissue growth
seen arising either from the portal connective tissue or from
that around the venous outflow or both.
In cirrhosis, the liver cells are injured or destroyed and
disappear from the lobules. It is followed by progressive
proliferative growth of fibrous tissue as a kind of replacement

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

step. In short, it can be said that the toxins destroy the liver
cells and induce proliferative changes in the connective tissue
Cirrhosis can be classified into different types on the
basis of distribution of the connective tissue elements and
the main types are as follows:
(1) Multilobular Cirrhosis (older synonyms: atrophic
cirrhosis, postnecrotic cirrhosis and Laennec's cirrhosis).
In this cirrhosis, the newly formed connective tissue is
distributed along the interlobular branches of the portal vein.
In short, there is interlobular proliferation of the connective
(2) Pericellular Cirrhosis
It is marked by arrangement of the penetrating
connective tissue elements around the individual liver cells.
In cirrhosis of the liver, the connective tissue elements
may be in the coarse and dense form or in more cellular or
fine form. The connective tissue elements may also be seen
encircling the bile ducts in the liver.
(3) Monolobular cirrhosis
In this, increased connective tissue elements are usually
seen around individuallobules.
The main causes are:
(1) Toxins of metabolic, bacterial or plant origin and chemi-
cal poisons like carbon tetrachloride and manganese
chloride etc. Toxins of plant origin also produce cirrho-
sis as caused by plants like lupin or ragwort in horses.
Toxins in moldy feed or toxins absorbed in gastritis and
entritis also lead to cirrhosis of the liver.
(2) Irritants in the biliary passages or concentrated bile can
act like an irritant.

Some Miscellaneous Pathological Conditions/Diseases

(3) Parasites
Liver flukes, migrating ascaris and ecchinoccus cysts
are known to produce parasitic cirrhosis in the liver.
The monolobular cirrhosis and pericellular cirrhosis are
associated with toxins of plant origin.
Gross Appearance
The liver is enlarged in the early stages of multilobular
cirrhosis. Later, it is reduced in size owning to contraction of
the connective tissue elements. The liver becomes firm in
consistency and is difficult to be cut into pieces with knife
and its surface bears a granular or nodulated appearance.
The liver possessing nodules is called hobnail liver. Such
cirrhosis causes reduction in size of the liver and is known
as atrophic cirrhosis. The mono lobular cirrhosis is
hypertrophic in nature because the liver is enlarged and bears
a fine granularity on its surface. Yellow brown colour due to
fatty changes or green colour due to bile staining of the tissues
can be seen in the liver parenchyma. Whole liver or only
parts of it can show cirrhosis and many newly formed bile
ducts in the portal spaces can be found in the stained sections.
Large bile ducts may be prominent, thickened and tortuous
in appearance.
Microscopic appearance
Course dense bands of fibrous tissue containing newly
formed bile ducts are noticed in the stained sections of liver
and these bands can encircle one to severallobules. The newly
formed connective tissue elements are found along the
interlobular branches of the portal veins. When these fibrous
bands contract, depressed areas are formed on the surface
of the liver. Degenerative changes like fatty changes and
necrosis are found in the liver cells. Hyperplasia of the liver
cells can be found with loss of normal architecture of the
liver lobules. The interalobular vein (central vein) may not

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

have central position or may be peripherally located in the

lobule. In monolobular cirrhosis, the fibrous tissue can be
found either around small areas of the liver tissue or around
individuallobules and contain newly formed bile ducts. Fine
strands of fibrous tissue can be found encircling the individual
liver cells in the pericellular cirrhosis.

Parasitic Cirrhosis
Now-a-days, the older terms are not in use and the
classification based on etiology, morphology and functional
state of the liver is quite satisfactory. The term cirrhosis can
be considered synonymous with chronic toxic hepatitis.
Under the heading cirrhosis, the types of cirrhosis like
parasitic cirrhosis, biliary cirrhosis, Glissonian cirrhosis and
central cirrhosis can be considered. A brief description of
these types is as follows:

Parasitic Cirrhosis
In fascioliasis, fibrous connective tissue elements are
found around the bile ducts. Such fibrous tissue can also be
noticed around one or more lobules of the liver. In the early
stages of fascioliasis, the liver lobules show hemorrhagic tracts
which are the paths followed by the migrating flukes. The
effects of cirrhosis in the individuals are jaundice, ascites,
chronic venous congestion and enlargement of the spleen.
Haemorrhages can be found in the veins in stomach and
Porphyrinaemia and photosensitisation may be seen in
the patients of cirrhosis. Jaundice arises from biliary cirrhosis
in animals.
The migrating larvae of Stephanurus dentatus and Ascaris
lumbricoides cause necrotic changes in the hepatic lobules
where the latter show growth of fibrous tissue (cirrhosis).

Some Miscellaneous Pathological Conditions/Diseases

Biliary Cirrhosis
This is characterized by chronic inflammation of the
intrahepatic bile ducts. In animals, liver flukes produce just
an encircling fibrosis in the immediate vicinity of the invaded
bile ducts. In the sections of the affected liver, fibrous tissue
is found encircling the various bile ducts lodged with parasites
etc. (see Fig. 6; p. 200) Fibrosis spreads through the portal
areas and around the lobules and several newly formed
nonfunctional bile ducts are found in the biliary cirrhosis.
Infiltration of inflammatory cells, like lymphocytes and
monocytes can be noticed. Jaundice is almost always present
in this kind of cirrhosis. The liver is found enlarged with a
greenish hue and the surface of the liver is nearly smooth.
Glissonian Cirrhosis
In this, there is spread of the chronic fibrosing
inflammation of Glisson's capsule. The fibrosis extends over
a short distance beneath the capsule and is not considered
to be a cirrhosis.
Central Cirrhosis
In this, fibrosis occurs around the central veins due to
chronic valvular stenosis or incompetence. The fibrous tissue
around the central vein does not show extensive spreading
Treatment I Management
Hepatitis in domestic animals is caused by different
animate and inanimate factors like bacteria, viruses, parasites
and poisons etc. These factors can induce either acute or
chronic hepatitis. After the cause and the kind of hepatitis
have been diagnosed in animals, rational selection of drugs
can be made.
Hepatitis in animals can show changes like enlargement
of liver, chronic indigestion, dullness, clay coloured faeces,

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

icterus and anaemia etc. Such pathological signs are to be

kept fully in consideration in treating hepatitis cases.
The drugs used for treating hepatitis are as follows:
(i) Administer specific drugs for treating diseases like fas-
cioliasis, leptospirosis, babesiosis, anaplasmosis, theiler-
iasis and poisinings etc.
(ii) B-complex with liver extracts such as livogen, Belmyl,
Pepsid, Liverzet etc., can be used.
(ill) Fluid therapy (10 to 20% dextrose saline) can be used.
(iv) In presence of toxicity, calcium therapy can also be used
such as calboral and mifex.
(v) Anti-allergic drugs such as Cortisone and
antihistaminics etc., can be used and antibiotics may
also be injected in febrile and diffuse condition.
(vi) In case of constipation, purgatives or laxatives can be
used in animals.
(vii) A balanced diet with adequate amount of protein can
be given to animals for lessening the danger of
Last but by no means least, a complete rest is very
essential for the patients of hepatitis in animals.
It means inflammation of the stomach or abomasum in
the body of animals. Dogs and pigs commonly suffer from
it. This condition is noticed in the diseases like braxy, canine
distemper, rinderpest, haemorrhagic septicaemia and swine
erysipelas etc.
Two types of gastritis are as under:
(1) Acute gastritis
(2) Chronic gastritis

Some Miscellaneous Pathological ConditionsjDiseases

Acute Gastritis
It may be of catarrhal or haemorrhagic type.

The main causes are:
(1) Arsenic, phosphorus and carbontetrachloride in cat-
tle and sheep etc.
(2) Hot fluids, frosted foods and irritant vegetables.
(3) Bacteria, viruses and parasites.
Pasteurella multocida, rinderpest virus, Erysipelothrix
rhusiopathiae and trichostrongyles cause gastritis in the
Anorexia, vomiting and pain etc., are the main signs
of the gastritis.
Gross Changes
The gastric mucosae may be swollen, reddened and
thrown into irregular folds. The mucosae can be found
covered with mucopurulent exudate. There can be reddening
and covering of the gastric mucosa with bloody exudate in
acute haemorrhagic gastritis. The presence of extravascular
blood on the gastric mucosa is an important sign of
haemorrhagic gastritis.
Microscopic changes
The mucosa of the stomach is found congested and also
shows numerous haemorrhages. The epithelium of the
abomasum or stomach may be found desquamated. Some
neutrophilic infiltration into mucosa and submucosa can be
found. Lymphoid hyperplasia in the mucosae may form some

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Chronic Gastritis
Acute gastritis can be followed by chronic gastritis or it
may be chronic from the very outset. Parasites cause chronic
gastritis in animals.
The main parasites are:
Parasites Animals
1. Species of Ostertagia, Trichostrongylus and Cattle
2. Gasterophilus and Trichostrongtjlus spp. Horse
3. Ascarides Puppies

Anorexia, vomiting, lethargy and anaemia are found in
the affected animals.
The mucous membrane is prominently thickened near
the pylorus and elevation and folding of the mucosae can
arise from epithelial hyperplasia in the fundic region of the
stomach. Microscopically, the increase in the connective tissue
elements is noti~ed in the sections of the stomach.
Inflammatory cells are present in the lamina propria. The
mucosa of the stomach is covered with viscid, adherent and
mucopurulent material. The mucosa has reddish brown
colour due to haemorrhages and the surface of the mucosa
is irregular and granular in appearance. The surface
epithelium is desquamated and the glands may be atrophied
or cystic in appearance. In atrophic chronic gastritis, the
mucosa of the stomach is thinner and smooth but in the
hypertrophic form, the mucosa is thickened and prominent.

Some Miscellaneous Pathological Conditions/Diseases

Ulceration of the Stomach

Ulceration in the mucosae of stomach is frequently found
in calves and pigs. In many acute infective and septicaemic
infection, small ulcers are found in the stomach. The covering
of the mucosa is eroded and followed by haemorrhages. In
chronic gastric catarrh, ulcers are found in the stomach.
Ulcers are found in the stomach damaged by irritants and
foreign bodies and, thus, get predisposed to the action of
gastric juice and ulcers are finally formed in the mucosae.
The ulcers developing due to actions of gastric juice are
called peptic ulcers which are round or oval and possess
punched out edges. They are found towards the pyloric end
of the stomach. In chronic ulcers, the fibrous tissue changes
are seen around the ulcers. The ulcers are shallow or deep or
may penetrate through the wall to form perforating ulcers.
The ulcers assume a funnel shaped appearance and fibrous
adhesions and peritonitis develop in the vicinity of the
perforating ulcers. Excessive haemorrhages from the ulcers
end fatally.
Treatment I Management
Gastritis in animals is also caused by different factors
like bacteria, viruses, parasites and poisons etc. Abomastitis
with many ulcers is found in theileriasis. In dogs, it is a
common condition marked by vomiting.
The line of treatment is designated in a specific or non
specific way. In absence of diagnosis about specific factors,
a general symptomatic non-specific way of treatment is
adopted. The drugs used for checking vomiting and gastritis
are as under:
(i) Suitable antibiotics such Ampicillin, Gentamycin,
Amikasin etc., can be used.

Advanced PathologV and Treatment of Diseases ofDomestlc Animals

(ii) To check vomiting in dogs and cats etc., antiemetics can

be used such as avomin, perinorm, stemetil and largactil
(iii) Antacids can also be given in dogs such as diagene tab.
gelusil, diagene suspension and triple carb etc.
(iv) In case of gastritis with fever, antipyretics can be used.
(v) To protect the life of animals from dehydration, the fluid
therapy can be used.
(vi) To lessen the gastric irritation, emulsion of egg albumin
and milk with ice can be fed to dogs.
(vii) As supportive measures, electral powder, B-complex
with liver extract, enzyme etc., can be used.
In other domestic animals, it is better to find out the
specific cause of gastritis and then rational specific drugs
can be given to the patients.
It means inflammation of the intestinal mucosa caused
by several factors. The main factors for causing enteritis are:
(i) Bacteria
Eischerichia coli, Salmonelle spp. Clostridum perfringens
types Band C, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Proteus and
Pseudomonas spp. are important bacteria to cause enteritis in
the animals. ~. coli is known to produce a powerful
enterotoxin to cause enteritis.
(ii) Fungi
Candida spp. is known to cause diarrhoea in young
(iii) Viruses
Rotavirus, coranavirus, virus causing mucosal disease,
viruses of rinderpest and bovine malignant catarrah are
known to cause enteritis and diarrhoea in the domestic

Some Miscellaneous Pathological Conditions/Diseases

animals like cattle. Villous absorptive cells are damaged or

destroyed by rota virus and coronavirus in new born calves
and transmissable gastroenteritis virus in piglets produces
state of maladsorption which results in diarrhoea. These
infections cause villous atrophy and loss of digestive and
absorptive abilities.
(iv) Protozoa
Eimeria spp. and Cryptosoporidium infections are
marked by enteritis or diarrhoea in cattle.
(v) Chemical Agents
Enteritis, diarrhoea, dysentery and abdominal pain are
seen in the poisoning caused by various factors like arsenic,
fluorine, copper, sodium chloride, mercury nitrates and
molybdemum etc.
In many cases, gastritis and enteritis may occur together
in animals.
The main signs of enteritis are as under:
(a) Diarrhoea, dysentery and abdominal pain.
(b) Dehydration and disturbed acid-base imbalance.
(c) Fever, septicaemia and toxaemia.
(d) Faeces are soft or like fluid in consistency.
There may be unpleasent smell in it. Blood, fibrinous
material and mucus etc., may be present in the faeces. The
faecal matter may be pale yellow or red or dark (melaena)
and blood may be present in the faeces in such cases.
(e) The eye ball may show recession. Dehydration can be
evident after 10-12 hours from the onset of enteritis.
(f) Presence of mucus in faeces in chronic enteritis. Ema-
ciation and loss of weight can be seen in patients suffer-
ing from chronic enteritis.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Ammals

It is based on the symptoms, lesions and identification
of the etiological factors in the faeces. Bacteria like E. coli and
Salmonella spp. can be isolated from the faeces. Parasites can
be found in faecal matter. There is severe diarrohea, serous
atrophy of fat in the chronary grooves of the heart and bone
marrow and loss of weight with normal temprature in
Treatment I Management
The condition of enteritis is recognised by diarrhoea (loose
motion) and dysentery (loose faecal matter mixed with blood).
There are diverse causes of enteritis and treatment of enteritis
can be successful if causes of enteritis like rinderpest, H,S
parasitic infection and Jhone's disease etc., are known.
Use of drugs acting selectively against the organisms or
parasite ensures success of treatment.
The specific treatment of enteritis has already been dealt
with under the heading of specific diseases.
However, the following general line of treatment can
be given to treat cases of enteritis in the absence of diagnosis
of causes.
(i) Use of Astringent powder such as Neblon powder,
Didisco powder - 50 gm BID for 5 days.
(ii) Sulpha drugs or antibiotics can be used such as sulpha
boulus or diadine bolus (3 boluses BID in large animals
for 5 days). Stec1in bolus or Terramycin tab. or Gastina
tab. 4-6 tab. twice daily for 3-5 days can be used.
(ill) In case of dehydration, fluid therapy should be given.
(iv) In case of enteritis with fever, antipyretics are recom-
If there is no recovery in the affected animals with
enteritis, it indicates turning of acute enteritis into chronic

Some Miscellaneous Pathological Conditions/Diseases

enteritis.' In such situation, it is safe to findout exact cause of

enteritis for deciding further line of treatment. In such cases,
it becomes very important to rule out the chances of Johne's
disease by examining smear of rectal pinch for the presence
of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis.
Table 29. Astringent mixtures for enteritis (diarrhoea
and dysentery)
fl) Pulv. Creta prep. Adult cattle Calf.
30gm 10gm
Pulv. catechu 30 gm 15 gm
(2) Acid tannic 15gm --
Kaolin 30gm 15zm
Pulv ginger 15 gm 5 gm
Give in gruel once in 12 hours.
Inflammation of kidneys in the body of animal or an
individual is called nephritis. Several suppurative factors
cause nephritis in animals. Nephritis has been classified in
various ways by different authors but the types given below
serve its purpose to a great extent.
A. Suppurative (infectious) B. Non-suppurative(non
nephritis infectious) nephritis
(a) Pyaemic or embolic nephritis a. Acute Nephritis
(b) Pyelonephritis
I. Glomerulonephritis
n. Tubular nephritis
Ill. Interstitial nephritis
b. Subacute nephritis
c. Chronic nephritis
d. Nephrosclerosis

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Inflammatory changes are seen in the glomeruli, tubules

and interstitium of the renal tissue. Bacteria cause
inflammatory reaction in the glomeruli and tubules etc. and
several toxins extert their toxic effects on the kidneys during
their excretion through the glomerular filter. The factors like
intensity and duration of the lesions are used to classify it
into acute, subacute and chronic types.
The details of the nephritis are as under:
Pyaemic Nephritis (Embolic Nephritis)
In the kidneys, the pyaemic nephritis is noticed as a sort
of secondary infection i.e., the primary infection metastasing
from the kidneys can be found in some other distant organs
like uterus, heart or navel etc., in the body of the animals.
The main causes are:
(1) Bacteria such as streptococci, staphylococci and Bact.
equirulis etc.
(2) Septic emboli, thrombi or vegetatious from the heart
valves. When these septic materials reach the kidneys,
the organisms transported in these infected tissues start
growing in such organs. Such infected objects (e.g., bac-
teria in the stained sections of the kidneys) are arrested
in the glomerular capillaries. Emboli can also be lodged
in the intertubular capillaries and arteriolae rectae. Le-
sions in the medulla develop from impaction of the em-
boli in the arteriolae rectae.
The lesions can be found in both kidneys which are
found enlarged, congested and haemorrhagic. The renal
capsules are easly stripped of from the parenchyma and
numerous small abscesses are seen scattered in the renal
parenchyma. The infectious agents are carried into the

Some Miscellaneous Pathological Gmditions/Diseases

kidneys through the circulation ()f blood and there is a heavy

showering of the pyogenic bacteria throughout the renal
tissue. The renal cortex shows the rich growth of the abscesses
but the abscesses can also be found in the medulla. The
abscesses are small, numerous and may be invisible to the
naked eyes. The abscesses developing in the glomeruli are
somewhat round in shape whereas those developing in the
intertubular capillaries show grayish white enlongated
appearance along the medullary rays. The lesions are usually
of the same size and age and also originate from the same
source due to raining of bacterial emboli.
The lesions consist of microorganisms and leucocytes,
obliterating or replacing the normal renal tissue. In the
stained sections of kidneys, the organisms look like solid mass
or plug surrounded by a zone of neutrophiles.
Pyaemic nephritis ends fatally in the animals.
Pyelonephritis and Pyelitis
Inflammation of the pelvis or calices of the kidneys in
animals is called pyelitis. When the inflammatory changes
are present in both pelvis and renal parenchyma, it is called
Types and its causes
(A) Pyelitis
Its main causes are :
(1) Tuberculous infection and other bacterial infections
like infections of E. coli, staphylococci, streptococci and
corynebacteria. Irritation caused by calculi in the kidneys,
ureter and urinary bladder predisposes the tissues to bacterial
(B) Pyelonephritis
The causes of pyelonephritis are :

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

(1) Corynebacterium renale

This organ ism reach es the kidne ys throu gh the
circula tion (haem atogen ous or descen ding types of infection)
and set up inflam mator y chang es in the pelvis. Pyelon ephrit is
is comm on in cattle (mainl y cows) and pigs and may develo p
as a prima ry infect ion. In cows, the infect ion can be of
ascen ding types from genita l tract follow ing metrit is or
renent ion of the foetal memb ranes in the uterus . In short,
infecti on to the pelvis of kidney s can either extend from the
infecte d genita l tract or reach the kidney s throug h the blood
circul ation (i.e., a desce nding type of infect ion). Use of
contam inated surgic al instru ments also causes pyelon ephrit is
and such pyelon ephrit is is-called surgic al kidney . A surgic al
kidney is an examp le of ascend ing infection.
Patho logy

Gross Changes
In cattle, one or both kidney s are usuall y affected.
The main lesion s are :
(1) Enlarg ement of the kidney s.
(2) Thick capsul e adher ent to the under lying renal tissue.
(3) Mottle d surfac e of the kidney s (appea rance of greyis h
white patche s agains t the norma l reddis h brown col-
our ofthe kidney s).
(4) Absce sses and areas of haemo rrhage s.
(5) Dilata tion of the calices with dirty greyis h or brown ish
exuda te. The exuda te may be blood staine d, slimy or
muco id fluid contai ning pus, necrot ic mater ial and
conce retion s etc.
(6) Greyi sh white streak s owing to exten sion of the
suppu rative processess.
(7) Destru ction of the renal tissues borde ring the calices.
Pus can even replac e much of the renal parenc hyma.

Some Miscellaneous Pathological Conditions/Diseases

The ureters in such cases are found thickened.

Microscopic Changes
In infectious of the kidneys, the uriniferous tubules are
found dilated and filled with desquamated epithelium,
leucocytes, cast and bacteria etc. A prominent leucocytic
infiltration is found around the tubules and glomeruli.
Necrotic changes are found in the renal tissues around the
renal pelvis. There is also presence of haemorrhages and
infarcts in the kidneys. There is a severe destruction of the
renal parenchyma and interstitial changes are seen in the
Pus, albumin, bacteria, blood and catarrhal cells are
found in the urine of such patients of pyelonephritis.

Perinephric Abscesses
In this condition, abscesses are found around the
kidneys. The suppurative processes may extend into kidneys.
It differs from pyonephrosis in which abscess is found in the
parenchyma of the kidneys.
Non-suppurative Nephritis
As the term implies, non-suppurative nephritis is caused
by different factors other than the pyogenic organisms or
non infectious agents and is commonly found in domestic
animals and its occurrence is not common in carnivores.
The details of the different kinds of non-suppurative
nephritis are as follows:
1. Acute Nephritis
In this, acute inflammatory changes are noticed in the
kidneys. Any injury to the glomeruli results into tubular
destruction as the blood supply to the tubules is dependent
upon the normal functioning of the associated glomeruli.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Ammals

The main causes are:
(1) Bacterial Toxins
Toxins are produced in pyaemia and strangles in the
body of animals.
(2) Chemical Poisons
Turpentine, cantharides and carbolic acid are examples
of such poisons.
(3) Harmful products of faulty metabolism.
(4) Extensive damage to the skin as seen in burns, mange
and eczema etc.
(5) Injuries or Cold
Nephritis can be caused by such aforesaid factors and
can assert itself in the exacerbated form with development
of acute inflammatory changes in the kidneys.
Gross Changes
Little or no change can be seen in the kidneys. The
kidneys may be swollen and paler than normal. The kidneys
are soft to the feel or touch and the capsules are very much
distended and can be easily be striped off leaving behind a
smooth renal surface.
Small haemorrhages are found in the renal parenchyma
and the enlarged glomeruli are visible to the naked eyes.
Microscopic Changes
The histopathologic changes can be found in the
glomeruli, tubules and interstitial tissue and the conditions
produced are known as (1) glomerulonephritis, (2) tubular
nephritis and (3) interstitial nephritis respectively.

Some Miscellaneous Pathological Conditions/Diseases

The glomerual tufts are increased in acute

glomerulonephritis and also show increased cellularity. The
capsules qf Bowman are distended due to enlarged glomeruli.
Proliferative changes are seen in the endothelium lining the
glomeruli and epithelium investing the tufts from the outside.
Leucocytic infiltration can be seen in the glomerular tuft.
Hyaline changes occur in the proliferated endothelium to
form hyaline intracapillary thrombi. There is a little presence
of blood in the glomeruli. The capsules of Bowman contain
red cells, desquamated cells, fibrin and some leucocytes.
In acute glomerulonephritis, some changes are present
in the tubules and interstitial tissue because of the dependance
of the tubules for blood supply upon the normal functioning
of the glomerular circulation. The efferent glomural vessels
nourish tubular walls.
In the tubular nephritis, the main causes are poisons
like phosphorus. Cellular swelling and necrosis are found in
the tubular epithelum of the kidneys. Cell debris,
desquamated and disintegrated cells choke the tubules and
these substances can be moulded in the shapes of the tubules
to form structures called casts. For example, epithelial cells
form epithelial casts which can lead to formation of fatty,
hyaline or granular casts due to degenerative changes.
Haemorrhages may be present in the kidneys.
The pathologic changes in some important types of
glomerulonephritis are given in Table 30.

Table30. Main Pathologic Changes in Some Types of Glomerulonephritis
Acute Proliferative Membrano Proliferative Chronic Focal Embolic Membranous
Glomerulonephritis Glomerulonephritis Glomerulonephritis Nephritis Glomerulonephritis
1. An important condition 1. It is seen as a na turally 1. Kidneys smaller than 1. it is noticed in 1. it is noticed in man and
noticed in children and occurring disease of nomlill with pitted surfaces the cases of arumals 2. Thickening,
some aninlills affected with animals. Increase of 2. Occlusion of the lumens bacterial splitting and reduplication
streptococcal mfections. 2. mesangial cells (a third of glomerular capillaries endocarditis in of the glomerular basement
Enlarged pale kidneys with kind of cells associated with and increased numbers of man, cattIe, swine membranE: 3. Loss of foot
petechiae and occluded tile endothelium and endothelial, mesangial and and dogs etc. 2. processes of tile podocytes
glomeruli 3. Enlarged epitIlelium of glomerular epithelial cells. 2. Abscesses and (i.e., the epithelial cells of
glomerular tufts due to tufts). 2. Thickened Proliferated epithelial cells petecluabon in the the glomeruli) 4. Irregular
proliferated endothelial and mesangial basement foffiling crescents in the kidneys 3. tluckening of the
mesangial cells of tile membrane and splitting of Bowman's capsules. 3. Proliferated glomerular basement
glomeruli 4. Neutrophiles tile basement membrane. 3. Bowman's capsules epitIlelial cells membrane and its humpy-
and monocytes infilterated Presence of obliterated or adherent to (bOtIl parietal and bumpy appearance.
into glomeruli and inununoglobulin deposits occluded glomerular tuft. 4. visceral) foffiling
compressed glomerular (humps) on the Degenerative changes in crescents in the
capillaries lacking red cells. subendothelial SIde of the the epithelium of Bowman's
5. Proliferated parietal basement membrane of the nephrons, ischaemia, capsules. 4.
epltIlelial cells (capsular glomeruli. 4. Humpy and tubular atrophy and Neutrophilic
epitIlelial cells of Bowman's bumpy appearance of the interstitial fibrosis. infiltration in the
capsules). Presence of fat in disrupted basement necrosed glomeruli
the swollen tubular membrane of the glomeruli and bacterial
epithelial cells of tile seen in stained sections of colonies lodged in
affected kidneys. tile kidneys by silver the glomeruh.
staining method.
Some Miscellaneous Pathological Conditions/Diseases

In acute interstitial nephritis, the causes can be bacteria

like leptospira. Interstitial tissue between the tubules
undergoes proliferation and shows infiltration with
nongranular leucocytes. The round cell infiltration can be
found around the convoluted tubules and the Malpighian
Acute nephritis may lead to uraemia and the affected
animals may die. There can be progression of acute nephritis
into subacute or chronic nephritis.
Subacute Nephritis
It can occur as a primary condition. The affected kidneys
are paler than normal and are also enlarged and their
capsules can be easily taken off. The cut surfaces of the
convoluted tubules (due to compression of the capillaries)
also impart paleness to the cortical surface. The glomeruli
show lobulation and shruken apperance. Bowman's capsules
have proliferated cells and may also be hyalinised or
thickened. The epithelial lining of the Bowman's capsule
proliferates to form a cresentic mass in the capsular space.
Cellular swelling, fatty changes and necrosis are found in
the epithelial cells lining the convoluted tubules. Casts are
formed in the tubules by the desquamated cells and debris.
Interstitial tissues may show proliferated changes.
The animals may die of subacute nephritis and the
disease may progress to chronic nephritis.
Granular Contracted Kidney
In this disease, there are marked proliferative changes
of the connective tissue cells with destruction and
disappearance of renal parenchyma. It may develop
insidiously or may be sequel to acute or subacute nephritis.
Nephritis developing insidiously is called primary contracted
kidney and the other one sequel to acute type is called
secondary contracted kidney.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

The kidneys are small, fibrous and pale in colour. The
renal surface may be rough or granular and the capsule may
be thickened and adherent to underlying renal tissue. The
stripped capsule shows fragments of the kidneys leaving
behind a rough surface. The cortex is very much narrow due
to destruction and can be seen as a mere rind i.e., hard skin
of the fruits. The medullary and boundary zones are wide
and show cysts due to dilatation of the tubules. In dogs,
proliferation of fibrous tissue is found in the medulla and
boundary zones. In a form of chronic nephritis of dogs, the
capsular adhesions are not the main changes and the medulla
and its boundary zone shows fibrous tissue proliferation. The
glomeruli can be found destroyed and there are crescents
showing hyaline changes or may be replaced by the fibrous
tissue in case of chronic nephritis. The increase of connective
tissue between the tubules is a conspicuous change. The
tubules may be dilated and form cysts like spaces due to
compression of the tubules by the growing fibrous tissue.
The animals suffering from chronic nephritis ultimately
In this, there is a renal fibrosis due to an arterial disease
(Le., an arterioselerotic condition). Hypertension is found in
man suffering from nephrosclerosis. Narrowing or
constriction renal of vessels causes necrosis and subsequent
fibrosis of the glomeruli. Necrosis follows obliteration of the
vessels. Tubules show degenerative changes. Atrophy, fibrosis
and necrosis are found alternating with areas showing little
change owing to existance of some normal glomeruli and
tubules. The kidneys present numerous infarcts in their
parenchyma. The depressions on the surface of the kidneys
are found due to contraction of fibrous tissue in the kidneys.
The nephrosclerosis may occur with or without hypertension

Some Miscellaneous Pathological Conditions/Diseases

in areteriosclerotic and senile contracted kidney respectively.

An obstructed blood flow through the kidneys causes an
increase in blood pressure. Ischemia in renal parenchyma
causes increased formation of the enzyme called rennin.
Rennin combines with hypertensinogen (a blood globulin)
to form hypertensin leading to vasoconstriction and increase
in blood pressure. Increased blood pressure is the cause of
arteriosclerosis of intrarenal blood vassiles giving rise to
nephrosclerosis - a condition usually noticed in human
Pathological changes or abnormalities in urine:
Acute Nephritis
The main changes in the urine are:
(1) Oliguria (a diminished volume of urine).
(2) A high specific gravity.
(3) Presence of albumin.
(4) Presence of casts and blood in the urine.
(5) Reduction in the amount of urea and chlorides in urine.
Subacute Nephritis
The main changes in the urine are:
(1) Deficient urine i.e. less production of urine.
(2) Presence of albumin.
(3) Epithelial casts and blood cells in the sediments.
(4) Slight rise in the specific gravity or it may be normal.
Chronic Nephritis
The main changes in the urine are:
(1) Polyuria (increased quantities of urine).
(2) Decrease in the specific gravity.
(3) Albumin may be seen in the urine.
(4) There may be occasional presence of casts.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Treatment I Management
Nephritis in animal is caused by different factors, like
bacteria, parasites and poisons etc. The signs of pain, dysuria,
albumin or blood in urine, oedema, and uraemia warrant
immediate attention of the clinician for the sake of treatment.
For treating nephritis, cultural examination of urine is done
to find out antibiotic sensitivity of organisms in question.
The treatment of nephritis is continued over a long
period, say 10 to 15 days, for eradicating infection. Antibiotics
such as streptomycin, gentamycin, nitrofuran and
ciprofloxacin etc., can be used. Leptospirosis causes nephritis
in dogs whereas pylonephritis (pyelitis and nephritis) are
caused by Conjnebacterium renale in cattle. These infections
in such animals respond well to treatment in time.
The other drugs used in nephritis are as follows:
(i) Use of diuretics: Diuretics should be used with caution
and also with object of eliminating toxic and waste metabolic
products from the body. The patients of nephritis are marked
by signs of ascites and oedema in their bodies. In cattle and
dogs, lasix can be used to treat the complications like ascites
or oedema.
Phenacetin in doses of 4 gm mixed with treacle can be
given twice to horse and cattle as diuretics.
(iii) Fluid therapy and antiemetics can be given to
animals (specially dogs) in case of vomiting and dehydration.
It denotes the excessive accumulation of fluid in the
tissue spaces, body cavities and cells etc., due to disturbance
in the fluid interchange machanism between tissues spaces,
capillaries and lymphatic vessels.
The main types of oedema are:

Some Miscellaneous PathologIcal Conditiolls/Dlseases

(i) Non - inflammatory oedema.

(ii) Inflammatory oedema.
The inflammatory and non inflammatory fluids are
called exudate and transudate respectively.
These are as follows:
1. A decreased osmotic pressure of the blood.
2. Increased hydrostatic pressure in the capillaries.
3. Obstruction to lymphatic flow.
4. Damage to the capillary walls.
Decreased Osmotic Pressure (Hypoproteinaemia):
It is noticed in the following conditions:
1. Congestive heart failure
2. Portal hypertension due to h~patic fibrosis. It causes as-
cites in animals.
Compression of mammary veins due to an enlarged
foetus. It causes ventral oedema in cows and mares in late
Decreased osmotic pressure also arises from the
continued loss of blood.
It is seen in infestations with blood sucking parasites
like Strongylus spp. in horse, Fasciola spp. in cattle,
Bunostomum spp. in calves and, Haemonchus spp. in
ruminants. Heavy nematode infestations also cause loss of
proteins as seen in ostertagiasis.
Renal diseases cause the loss of proteins as seen in cases
of nephritis in animals.
Gastroenteropathy is marked by loss of proteins as
noticed in Johne's disease.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Liver damage results in failure of plasma proteins

synthesis. Diets low in proteins cause oedema.
3. Obstruction to Lymphatic Flow
Tumours (e.g., lymphosarcoma in buffaloes), or
inflammatory swellings, and granulomatous lesions lead to
oedematous states like ascites and hydrothrax.
Inherited (congenital) lymphatic obstruction e.g.
oedema of cross bred calves.
4. Vascular Damage to Small Vessels
The causes are as given below.
1. Allergic Factors
Oedema due to allergic factors (vasodilators) is noticed
in urticaria or purpura haemorrhagica.
2. Toxic injures
Toxins damage the capillaries and increase their
permeabilities leading to oedema in the diseases like anthrax,
gas gangrene, malignant oedema, hepatosis dietetica and gut
oedema etc.

Oedema in tissue spaces or serous cavities does not arise,
when the existing balance of pressure between the
hydrostatic pressure and the plasma osmotic pressure at the
venous end of capillaries permits the return of the fluid to
the capillaries from the tissue spaces. In other words, the
plasma osmotic pressure( inward attractive force) is greater
than capillary hydrostatic pressure( outward expulsive force)
at venous end of capillaries.
The main pathological conditions seen in animals are
as follows:

Some Miscellaneous Pathological Conditions/Diseases

Table 31. Oedema in different tissues etc.

1. Anasarca - An accumulation of fluid in the
subcutaneous tissues
2. Ascites - An accumulation of fluid in the
peritoneal cavity
3. Hydrothorax - An accumulation of fluid in the thorax
4. Hydropericardium - An accumulation of fluid in the
5. Bottle jaw - An accumulation of fluid in the
intermandibular space.
It is a marked lesion seen in cases of parasitic intestinal
infestations in animals.
6. Brisket disease It is marked by an accumulation of fluid
in the brisket region of animals.
7. Oedema of limbs due to obstruction to venous blood as
seen in case of pregnancy.
8. Local oedema of head.
It is seen in causes of African horse sickness and purpura
An oedematous swelling in the tissue is soft, painless
and pits on pressure. Oedema in the thorax and pericardium
affects cardiac movements, respiration and may even cause
collapse. The pulmonary oedema which is a local oedema,
may produce localised signs. e.g., respiratory distress and
an outpouring of frothy fluid from the nose etc., Nervous
symptoms are caused by cerebral oedema.
It is based on the symptoms, lesions and an examination
of the oedematous fluid etc. In non-inflammatory oedema,
the fluid (transudate) does not contain inflammatory cells as
noticed in the cases of oedema arising from lymphatic
obstruction or hypoproteinaemia. The pathological changes
are the same as noticed in specific diseases with important
sign of oedema. When there is a rupture of urinary bladder
or urethra, one notices subcutaneous accumulation of urine,

Advanc ed Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

perito mitis, pleuri tis (pleurisy) and perica rditis etc. In oedem a
due to hypop rotein aemia , one notices fall in the level of serum
protei ns.
Treatment I Management
The prima ry cause of oedem a is the guidin g princi ple of
treatin g the cases of oedem a.
1. Use cardia c tonics digito xin or digita lin to treat oedem a
in conge stive heart failure as seen in the cases of steno-
sis or incom petenc e of heart.
2. Oedem a due to parasi tic gastro entriti s is treate d by us-
ing anthel mintic s.
3. Oedem a due to hypro protei naemi a in anima ls needs the
admin istrati on plasm a substi tutes. Such anima ls may
be given diets rich in protie ns.
4. Water and salt intake s should be restric ted.
5. Restri ct the admin istrati on of diuret ics and aspira tion
of fluid. Dirure tics like laxis or diamo s may be used to
remov e oedem a fluid from the body.
6. Oedem atous fluid from the cavities should be aspira ted
slowly to avoid the periph eral circula tory failure or acute
dilata tion of splanc hnic vessels in the abdom inal cav-
ity. One-t hird of the fluid from a cavity (say, abdom inal
cavity) is to be remov ed by parace ntesis abdom inis.
7. As a suppo rtive treatm ent, liver extract, nervin e tonic
and vitam in B compl ex (oral) and iron prepar ation are
given to the anima l patien ts.

Some Miscellaneous Pathological Conditions/Diseases

Table 32. Heart Tonics

Tr. Digitalis - Bml
Tr.NuxVom - 10ml
Tr. Zingiberis - 30ml
Aqua add - 125ml
Mft. hust. sig. once -
daily for eight days.
Digitalin Horse and cattle 15-60 ml sic or i/m
Dog 1-10 ml sic or i/m
Digitoxin Dog 0.1 to 1 mg orally or i/m

Preparation to treat pulmonary oedema

Atropine sulphate 0.25 mg/kg body weight
The average dose for large animals is about 75 to 100
mg of Atropine sulphate. This is dissolved in distilled water
for the sake of subcutaneous injection.
Respiratory stimulants for use in respiratory failure,
coma and anaphylactic shock etc.
1. Caffeine citrate
H & C : 4 gm, Dog. 50 - 250 mg.
2. Coramine (Nikethamide)
H & C 10 - 20 ml IntramuscularlyDog -1-3 ml r/M or
3. Camphor in oil (1 in 20)
.10 - 20 ml is injected subcutaneously.
For Horse and cattle
Phenacetin 4 gm
Treacle Q.S.

Advanced Patlwlogy and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Mft. Elect. sig. B.D.

For dogs
Sod. Salicylas 0.5 gm
Pot. Acetes 0.5 gm
Spt. Amm. Arom 1 - 2 m1
Syrup 5 m1
Aqua Add 15 m1
Aft. Haust. sig. T.D.S.
For ascites in small animals. Use injection Laxis 3-6 m1
inj. Neptal 1 m1 - intramuscularly.
Ruminal Tympany (Bloat)
Ruminal tympany refers to an abnormal distension of
the rumen and reticulum with gas. Gas arises from ingesta
or fermentation of food in the rumen and exists in the form
of foam in the rumen and reticulum. Interference with
eructation or ingestion of bloating forages causes bloat in
ruminants. Legumes cause primary frothy bloat. Physical
obstruction (e.g., recticular adhesions) in the oesophagus
interferes with eructation.
The main signs are :
(i) Detection of dead animals on the farm with mild to se-
vere distension of left abdomen.
(ii) Distension of right abdomen in the cases of severe
(ill) Distress, dyspnoea and protrusion of tongue.
(iv) Release of froth following passage of stomach tube in
rumina! frothy bloat.

Some Miscellaneous Pathological ConditionsfDiseases

A lot of gas is released in secondary free gas bloat.

(v) Death of bloat cases occurs within a few hours if treat-
ment measures are not attempted to.

1. Marked hyperaemia and haemorrhages in tissues of cra-
nial part of body like tongue, nasal sinuses, lymph nodes
and proximal part of the oesophagus due to ruminal
tympany. Such changes are not apparent in the caudal
part of the body.
2. Distended abdomen and frothy contents seen at autopsy
conducted soon after death.
3. Compressed state of the lungs, pale liver due to expul-
sion of blood from the liver because of tympany.
Treatment I Management
Treatment measures depend upon the kind of tympary
and differ in both the frothy bloat or free gas bloat. The
trocar and canula is used for emergence or release of the
ruminal contents and gas in the bloat. H animal's life is not
threatened, the passage of the stomach tube is recommended
for immediate relief.
Viral Diarrhoea
Rota viruses, coronaviruses, toroviruses and
parvoviruses cause viral diarrhoea in new born farm animals
like lambs, kids, piglets, foals. Viral infections spreads to
healthy young animals by faeces. Specific antibody in
colostrum offers resistance to young suckling farm animals.
Bovine coronaviruses (being pneumonic tropic viruses) cause
respiratory diseases in young calves.
The main signs and age groups of different young farm
animals are as follows :

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Table 33. Viral diarrhoea and the age group affected.

Farm Signs Age Group
1. Calves Outbreak of 5-14 days and older upto 3-4
diarrhoea. weeks.
2. Piglets Out break of diarrhoea 1-4 weeks of age epidemic
(porcine). diarrhoea type I 4-5 weeks of age.
Porcine epidemic Pigs of all ages.
diarrhoea type n.
3. Foals Profuse diarrhoea,
fever and
The main lesions in the affected young farm animals
are dehydration and fluid filled intestines. Intestinal villi and
crypts reveal atrophic changes.
The main viruses causing viral diarrhoea belong to
families like Reoviridae, Coronaviridae, Toroviridae and
1. Rotaviruses
These viruses cause diarrhoea in calves. The factors
influencing susceptibility to rota virus infection are as
1. Age of animals.
2. Degree of viral exposure.
3. Immune status of dam and absorption of colostral anti-
4. Practice of weaning.
5. Presence of other enteropathogens.
Youngest animals show highest mortality. Infected
calves spread infection to incontact calves.
2. Coronavirueses
Bovine corona viruses infect calves all over the world
and are pneumotropic viruses in bovines.

Some Miscellaneous Pathological Conditions/Diseases

3. Parvoviruses
These have been associated in outbreak of postweaning
4. Toroviruses
These are also associated with diarrhoea in young calves.
Group A rotaviruses cause diarrhoea in foals.
Calves, lambs, pigs and foals show similar viral
pathogenesis, infected epithelial cells become detatched and
epithelial regeneration is noticed within 4-6 days following
the onset of diarrhoea: Lactose malabsorption is noticed in
young patients of virus diarrhoea. Parvovirus infection causes
lymphopenia and damages the small intestinal crypt
epithelium with villous atrophy. The faeces are voluminous
mucoid and slimy, dark green or light brown in colour in
calves infected with coronaviral enteritis.
It is based on symptoms, lesions and detection of virus
in faeces by electron microscopy. Immunofluorescence tests
using faecal smear and fluorescent antibody technique are
performed to confirm viral infection. ELISA test is done to
detect virus in the faecal matter.
The most marked pathological lesions of viral diarrhoea
are dehydration, fluid filled intestinal tract and distension of
abomasum. Villus fusion or atrophy is noticed in the intestinal
Treatmentl Management
The treatment procedure is the same as done in the causes
of undifferitiated diarrhoea of calves. The withholding of milk
for 24-48 hour is quite useful. Oral and parenteral fluid
therapy is quite essential in treating the diarrhoeic cases.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases o/Domestic Animals

Affected foals are given fluid electrolyte therapy for 72 hours.

Infected calves should be isolated from the calving grounds.
New born calves must get adequate amount of colostrum.
Dams are vaccinated to induce specific immunity. Colostrum
intake imparts resistant against several diseases ..
Indigestion is noticed in animals following excessive
ingestion of feeds like grain, silage and indigestible roughage.
The main signs of indigestion are inappetence, drop in milk
production, lack of rumination, usually full rumen and
decreased or lack of reticulorumen contractions. Recovery
in such patients occurs in 12-24 hours and is spontaneous in
nature. There are no fatal lesions of indigestion. Primary
atony (e.g., atony of rumen and reticulum etc. ) is followed
by indigestion.
High protein diets increase alkalinity or changes in pH
of ruminal contents and cause atony of rumen. Damaged or
putrefied feeds also produce ruminal atony. Putrefaction of
proteins produces amines Le., histamine causes atony of
rumen. Grossly, the affected rumen is firm or doughy without
distension. Indigestion is commonly followed by diarrhoea
at later stages.
Sediment activity test and cellulose digestion test are
carried to asses the activity of ruminal microflora.
Animal patients of indigestion spontaneously recover
from it. Rumenotonics, parasympathomimetics, alkalinizing
and acidifyings materials are administered to animals to treat
indigestion. Neostigmine is very effective at a dose of 2.5 mg/
45 kg bwt. Magnesium hydroxide at the rate of 400g per
adult is given to cattle in case of acidic rumina! contents. If
the rumina! contents are alkaline 5 - 10 It. of acetic acid or
vinegar is recommended to treat indigestion.
Some Miscellaneous Pathological ConditionsfDiseases

Anaemia is a condition which is marked by either
deficiency of red cells or reduced haemoglobin content of
the blood. Red cells, incompletely charged with haemoglobin
may cause anaemia, despite the normal red cell count in the
patients. It can arise from defective blood formation or from
loss of blood (i.e. as a posthaemorrhagic phenomenon).
Excessive blood destruction causes haemolytic anaemia.
Babsia, anaplasma and bacterial haemolysins cause
haemolytic anaemia. Anaemia may be specific due to specific
causes. The main clinical signs of anaemia are pallor to
mucosae, thin and watery blood, petechial and ecchymotic
haemorrhages, haemoglobinuria and bleeding tendencies,
Postmortem findings are also specific to specific causes.
Decreased values of red cells, or PCV indicate anaemia.
Anaema may be classified as haemorrhagic or haemolytic
anaemia or anaemia due to decreased production of red cells.
In short, anaemia is marked by a decrease of red cells or of
haemoglobin or of both in the patients.
1. Haemorrhagic Anaemia
The causes of haemorrhagic anaemia are as follows :
1. Spontaneous rupture or traumatic injury to blood ves-
sels is seen in the cases of castration and dehorning.
2. Severe parasitic infestation e.g., Strongyles, hookworms,
Haemonchus spp. infestation, Fascicla hepatica and
coccidia cause severe loss of blood.
3. Clotting defects.
Anaemia is caused by coagulation defects as seen in
some acute haemolytic anaemia.
2. Haemolytic Anaemia
The causes of haemolytic anaemia are :
1. Babesiosis, anaplasmosis, trypanosomiasis and theiler-

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

2. Bacill~ry haemo globin uria.

3. Leptos pirosis .
4. Postpa rturien t haemg lobinu ria.
5. Ingest ion of Brassica sp and rape etc and excessive feed-
ing of culled onions .
6. Transf usion reactio n.
7. Autoi mmun e haemo lytic anaem ia.
8. Conge nital anaem ia with jaundi ce.
Anaem ia is also caused due to decrea sed produ ction of
red cells or haemo globin .
The main causes are :
1. Nutritional Deficiency
Deficiency of coppe r, cobalt and iron produ ces anaem ia
in anima ls. Iron deficie ncy causes piglet anaem ia in baby
pigs. Anaem ia develo ps in calves due to potass ium deficiency.
Pyrido xine deficie ncy can contri bute to anaem ia in calves.
Folic acid deficiency causes anaem ia in pregn ant mares .
2. Chronic Disease
Eryth ropoie sis is depre ssed by chron ic suppo rtive
diseas es. Radia tion injuri es and intest inal paras itism
(tricho strong ylosis in calves and sheep) induce anaem ia in
them. Some unkno wn causes also lead to anaem ia in anima ls.
3. Myelophthistic Anaemia
It is a rare kind of anaem ia in anima ls which is marke d
by neopla stic growt h in marro w cavities, fractu res of skelet al
bones , porosi s and cavita tion of bones. Anaem ia in affecte d
anima ls is macro cytic and normo chrom ic. It is notice d in
lymph osarco ma and plasm a cell myelo matos is in calves.
Autoi mmun e Haemolytic Anaemia
It is marke d by produ ction of antibo dy target ed agains t

Some Miscellaneous Pathological ConditionsfDiseases

surface antigens of red cells in animals. Intravascular

haemolysis destroys the red cell, and macrophages of the
reticuloendothelial system which removes the dead and
destroyed cells. The antibodies produced in such patients are
of the IgG or IgM types.
The main signs are:
1. Pallor of the mucosae, muscular weakness, increased
rate of pulse and tachycardia.
2. Weak heart sounds and weak pulse.
3. Labored breathing or dyspnoea with terminal stages of

The main changes are:
1. Increase in number of immature red cells in the blood
and normal total protein in haemolyitc anaemia.
2. Presence of bilirubinemia and bilirubinuria and discol-
oured plasma. There is an increased red cell fragility
and a positive antiglobulin test in immune mediated
haemolytic anaemia.
3. Haemorrhages due to thrombocytopenia, thin watery
blood and contracted spleen, Icterus in haemolytic anae-
mia and decreased haemoglobin percentage.
4. Other changes affecting red cells are anisocytosis, (vari-
ations in sizes) poikilocytosis (variations in shapes), pres-
ence of nucleated red cells, reticulocytes and variations
in staining reaction (punctate basophilia)
5. Regeneration of red cells, replacement of the fatty mar-
row by red marrow and haemosiderosis in some organs.

The primary cause of anaemia determines the future
line of treatment in patients. Blood transfusion and

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

haematinic preparations or administration of blood are useful

steps to treat anaemic patients.
Laminitis refers to degeneration of the sensitive laminae
of the hoof in animals like cattle and horses. The acute
degenerative changes are noticed in the sensitive primary
and secondary laminae of the hoof. Acute vascular exudative
changes in the hoof are rated as secondary changes to
degenerative changes. The exact cause of laminitis is not
known. The clinical signs of laminitis in horses are colic,
diarrhoea, metritis and grain engorgement. Laminitis in cattle
is associated with ruminal acidosis (clinical or subclinical).
Lameness and recumbency are noticed in sick horses.
Inapparent or severe lameness is noticed in cattle. Physical
examination and radiography confirm diagnosis of laminitis.
Over weight ponies are frequent victims of laminitis. Trauma
and other physical factors (i.e., excessive worms) contribute
to laminitis in horses. Laminitis is also associated with
systemic illness in ponies. Subclinical laminitis is noticed in
cattle. In jersey heifer, inheritance autosomal recessive gene
conditions development of laminitis. Laminitis develops in
heifer soon after calving. Laminitis is marked by separation
of sensitive laminae from the laminae lining the internal
surface of the hoof. The 3rd phalanx drops through the hoof
and rests on the sole. Degeneration of the sensitive laminae
is secondary to ischaemia due to formation of microthrombi
within the capillaries of the sensitive laminae. Rotation of
the 3rd phalanx leads to the state of dropped sole. Chronic
traumatic aminitis is common in heifers. The pedal bone
shows rarefaction in cattle by radiography. In horse, autopsy
reveals excessive amounts of grains in stomach. Microscopic
examination of the affected tissue sections shows loss of some
of the keratogenic structures of the epidermal laminae.

Some Miscellaneous Pathological Conditions/Diseases

Acute laminitis is an emergency disease which needs
immediate attention of surgeons or doctors.
The main steps of treatment of the horse are as follows:
1. Removal of causative agents.
2. Relief from pains.
3. Vasodilation of blood vessel in foot.
4. Prevention of formation of microthrombi in dermal cap-
5. Avoiding the rotation of the pedal bone.
6. Promotion of keratinisation and hoof growth. Nor-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) are admin-
istered to sick horses. Phenyl betazone at doses of 2.2-4
mg/kg is given intravenously to horses. NSAID is also
administered to cattle suffering from laminitis.
Aspirin 0.3 grain/kg orally every 12 hours or phenyl
butazone 4.4 mg/kg orally every 48 hours is administered to
bovine cases of laminitis. Antibiotics are used to prevent
infection, Vasodilatory drugs are used to prevent infection.
These drugs are also used to retard progression of acute
laminitis in animals like solipeds and cattle. Anticoagulants
are used to prevent capillary microthrombi in the hoof of
the patients. -'
Diseases Caused by Zootoxins
Zootoxins introduced into the body of farm animals by
bites of snakes, stings of bees or tick bites etc., are very harmful
to these animals. Snake bites cause even death in large
animals. Fang marks are located or traced at the bitten sites.
Some details about diseases caused by zootoxins are as

Snake Bites
Snake bites inject venom in to the body of the victims

Advanced Pathology and Treatment o/Diseases of Domestic Animals

with fangs and such bites are especially noticed during

summer months. The clinical signs of the disease are muscle
weakness, stumbling gait, recumbency, pupillary dilation,
swallowing paralysis, salivation and muscle tremor.
Inflammatory swelling and necrosis are noticed at bite sites.
The clinical examination reveals venom in blood, urine, body
tissues and fluids. Autopsy findings include necrosis and local
swelling at the bitten sites of snakes.
The toxic effects of snake venoms are as under :
1. Flaccid paralysis, pupillary dilation and paralytic respi-
ratory failure caused by neurotoxins in snake venoms.
2. Tissue necrosis and necrosis of platelets are caused by
cytolysins. Such changes are followed by intravascular
3. Haemolysis of red cells by haemolysin in the snake
venom. Coagulant fraction of snake venom causes in-
travascular coagulation.
4. Haemorrhagic tendency due to thrombosed and anti-
coagulants in snake venom.
5. Muscle necrosis and myoglobinuria are caused by
myotoxins. The size and species of the snake, the size of
the bitten animal and the location of bite, thickness of
hair coat subcutaneous fat and the actual amount of
toxin injected influence the effects of snake bites in the
The clinical signs of snake bites are severe pain,
excitement, anxiety, swellings, dilatation of the pupils,
salivation, hyperaesthesia, tetany, depression, recumbency
and terminal paralysis. Asphyxia is seen as factor causing
death in small animals. Local sloughing of the swelling at
bite site is noticed in recovered cases. An ELISA is used to
identify snake venom in blood, urine or other body tissues.
Autopsy findings include several local swellings containing
serous or inflammatory exudate. Fang marks are noticed on
the under surface of the reflected skin.

Some Miscellaneous Pathological Conditions/Diseases

The principles behind treatment of snake bites in man
animals are almost identical.
A tourniquet is applied above the bitten site to restrict
the blood circulation. If possible, suction is soon carried to
remove the snake venom from the bite site. Tourniquet is
released at 20-minute intervals. The bitten site is incised to
reach the site of deposition of snake venom i.e., up, to a depth
of 0.5 cm. Excision at the bite site of snakes reduces local
tissue reaction. A firm pressure bandage is used in humans
to restrict distribution of snake venom by lymphatics. Snake
venom retained at bitten sites prevents systemic effects.
Application of firm pressure over the bitten areas delays
absorption of snake venom. A broad firm bandage around
the limbs above bitten areas occludes the superficial venous
and lymphatic outflow. Mechanical suction removes blood
or fluid from the bitten zones. A cross incision (about one
cm. long and 1/2 cm deep) over fang marks causes an escape
of blood or fluid containing the snake venom. The wound is
cleaned with sterile water or normal saline.
Antivenin, antibiotics and antitoxins are used Antivenin
contains antibodies against the venoms of all snakes in the
areas of snake bite incidence. The i/v route is preferred for
quick effects. One unit of antivenin is sufficient for animals
weighing 70 kg or more but smalIer animals of 9-18 kg b.w
require about 5 units of antivenin. Broad spectrum antibiotics
are administered into the victims to control the local infection.
Sedatives may be given to control pain and excitement.
ACTH, cortisone and antihistaminics are used to protect the
victims from anaphylaxis.
Bee Stings/Stings of Scorpions and Wasps
Severe local swellings (up to 6 cm. diameter) are caused
by multiple stings of bees. The swellings in lips, eyelids, tongue
and in vulva are painful. Diarrhoea, haemoglobinuria

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

jaundice, tachycardia, cardiac arrythimia, rapid breathing,

sweating, moderate colic and prostration are noticed in horses
having multiple stings of bees. Victims of bee stings may die
in some cases. Haemorrhages and oedema of connective
tissues are noticed as autopsy lesions in fatal cases.
Application of a weak solution of ammonia or sodium
bicarbonate or tincture of iodine at sites of bee stings has
beneficial effects. Nervous stimulants are administered to
check prostration. Tracheotomy is performed to save the
victims of bee stings from asphyxia. It is also better to incise
the areas of bee stings or stings of scorpions to allow escape
of blood having zootoxins. Even mechanical suction can be
applied over the bitten zone to remove blood or fluid
containing toxins.
Impaction (Impaction of Omasum and Abomasum)
Impaction of Omasum
Impaction of the omasum and abomasum
(forestomachs) is noticed in ruminants. When the omasum
is excessively enlarged and firm with ingesta, it is called
impaction of the omasum. Tough and fibrous feed or even
soil cause impaction of the omasum. This condition is noticed
in sheep. Bouts of indigestion, decreased rumen motility,
infrequent and scanty faeces and negative ketone tests are
signs of impaction in animals like sheep. In fatal cases,
omasum reveals distension and patches of necrosis on omasal
leaves with even peritonitis. Such necrotic changes may also
be noticed in the ruminal mucoase. In short, the important
clinical signs of impaction are complete anorexia, cessation
of defaecation, and empty rectum, abdominal pain and
disinclination to move or lie down.
Impaction of the Abomasum
Impaction of abomasum is noticed in cattle ingesting
excess quantity of poor or low grade roughage. The important
signs of impaction are anorexia, scant faeces, distension of

Some Miscellaneous Pathological Conditions/Diseases

abdomen, loss of body weight. In abomasal impaction, rumen

in patients is full and atonic. Distension is noticed in right
lower flank which can be palpated. Affected animals become
weak and recumbent. The clinical observations include
metabolic ketosis, hypochloremia and hypokalemia. Autopsy
of fatal cases reveals greatly distended abomasum,
Laprotomy may be made for diagnostic confirmation. When
animals (e.g., pregnant cows) ingest large quantities of sand,
the ingested sand causes impaction of omasum, abomasum,
large intestine and caeca etc. Chronic dilatation and atony
of abomasum ensues from gradual accumulation of sand.
Dehydration is noticed in cases of abomasal impaction.
Hypokalemia follows sequestration of potassium iones in
abomasum. This condition can turn into cases of permanent
abomasal atony. The important clinical findings are akalosis,
hypochloremia, haemoconcentration and dehydration in
animal patients. There is an increased respiration and static
rumen with full of contents. Over distension of abomasum
causes stretching of its serosa.
At autopsy, the abomasum is abnormally enlarged up
to twice the normal size and impacted with dry contents.
Such impaction may also be seen in omasum. Beyond the
pylorus, the intestinal tract is dry and empty. Dehydration
and emaciation are the marked changes in the carcasses.
Acute diffuse peritonitis follows rupture of over distended
abomasum. Abomasal tears or necrosis or ulcers also may be
present in rumen, omasum and abomasum.
Measures to correct metabolic alkalosis, hypochloremia
and dehydration in affected animals are taken to save the
patients. Balanced electrolyte solutions are given i/v to animal
patients for up to 72 hours @ of 100-150 ml/kg body weight
over a 24 hour period. Dioctyl sodium sulpho succinate is

Adv,mced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domes tic Animals

administered into rumen by stomach tube at a dose rate of

120-180 m1 of a 25% solution for 450kg animals. It is repeated
daily for 3-5 days. This drug can be mixed with 10 L of warm
water and 10L of mineral oil while administering into the
body. Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate is given by stomach tube.
Chlolinergics like neostigmine, physostigmine and
carbamylcholine can also be used effectively. An
abomasotomy is a step for surgical correction of abomasal
Shock (Fr. = to shake or jolt) refers to an acute peripheral
circulatory failure. Infact, it is any entity with multiple causes
and marked clinically in patients by changes like functional
depression, elevated heart rate with weak pulse pallor,
sweating, poor venous return and feeling of cold, lack of
strength and subnormal body temperature. Shock is divided
into two kinds, namely (1.) Primary shock and (2.) Secondary
(haematogenous shock).
Peripheral circulatory failure (shock) arises from
decrease in effective circulatory volume (hypovolaemia) due
to haemorrhages, flaid loss, fluid sequestration or septic or
toxic effects on blood vessels. Haemoconcentration, multiple
organ dysfunction, low arterial blood pressure, low central
venous pressure and elevated blood lactate are important
Primary shock or neurogenic shock occurs in immediate
conjunction to trauma and is marked by unconsciousness
due to vasodilatory effects of histamine.
The main causes of peripheral circulatory failure are as

Some Miscellaneous Pathological Conditions/Diseases

1. Hypovolaemic Failure
It arises from reduction in circulationg blood volume
due to blood or fluid loss.
2. Vasogenic Failure
It is caused by peripheral vasodilatation, pooling of
blood in vessels and lack of blood into tissues.
3. Septic or toxic shock
Toxic or septic factors cause vasogenic failure because
of loss of vascular integrity or increased vascular permeability.
Impairment of oxygen uptake, anaerobic metabolism in tissues
and widespread cellular dysfunction cause shock to pass into
an irreversible shock or death.
Severe burn injuries, extensive surgery, prolapse of
uterus, sudden reduction of pressure in body (for example,
quick withdrawl of ascitic fluid), severe pain (as seen in colic)
and trauma with local sequestration of blood and fluid can
induce shock in animals. Potent endotoxins of Gram negative
organisms cause toxic (septic) shock in animals. Shock is seen
in animals affected with septicaemic diseases or Gram-
negative bacterial infections and toxic infections (e.g., acute
gangrenous mastitis, acute mastitis and paracute coliform
mastitis). An absorption of toxin from intestines and infarction
in intestines induce septic or toxic shock in animals.
Endotoxins or other bacterial toxins damage the endothelial
cells of the capillaries which turn into leaky vessels.
The main clinical findings are depression, weakness and
restlessness with a fall in body temperature.
There are no specific autopsy findings in the cases of
shock. Congestion in the capillaries and small vessels of the
splanchnic area and pulmonary oedema are noticed in toxic
shock. Traumatic injury is noticed in the animals died of

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domes tic Animals

shock. The carcasses of dead animals bear a dehydrated

appearance. Severe congestion is noticed in smaller vessels
of the liver intestines and lungs. Spleen of dead animals
shows an empty bloodless appearance. The peripheral parts
of the dead bodies reveal ischaemic appearance. The lungs
of such cases show oedema fluid and red cells in the alveoli.
Blood tinged fluid is noticed in peritoneal, pericardial, and
pleural cavities of animals died of shock.
The line of treatment in the cases of shock depends upon
the identification of the causes. Quick surgical intervention
in the injured animals with fluid therapy is a must in the
case of shock to save the animals life. Early treatment of bum
or accident cases with extensive tissue damage is needed for
treating the patients of shock. Fluid therapy and use of
antibiotics is resorted to improve the patients condition.
Treatment of some diverse pathological conditions
faced in day to day veterinary practice.
I. How to Treat Ectoparasitic Infection
To control ticks, lice, fleas and mange in animals, the
animals can be dusted with Gammexine (BHC 5%) powder.
The houses and cattle sheds should be disinfected with 5%
DDT solution. Malathion in strength of 0.1 % solution may
be used for spraying on cattle bodies. 0.2% malathion solution
can be used as spray on animal sheds. In no case, grass, hey
and feeding trough etc., should be sprayed with malathion
solution in order to check poisoning. Sumithion is also used
as spray in poultry houses. Butox and Pestoban can also be
used to control the ticks.
11. How to Treat Infertility (failure to conceive and give birth)
in Cows and Buffaloes
It arises from diseases in gonads like ovary and testicles
and also other parts of reproductive system like oviduct and
uterus etc., Ovarian cyst, lack of balanced diet, malnutrition,
Some Miscellaneous Pathological ConditionsfDiseases

managemental errors, congenital defects and persistent

corpus luteum are very important factors causing infertility
in cattle and buffaloes. Thus, hormonal imbalance is an
important cause of infertility. The animals can be rendered
infertile either due to anoestrus or repeat breeding. The
following line of treatment can be adopted for treating
anoestrus after confirmation of non-pregnancy state in an
(i) Prajana capsule can be given to cows and buffaloes at
the rate of 3 capsules on the first day and if there is no
heat, this can be repeated after 24 hours.
(ii) Tonophosphane inj. 5 ml. i/m on alternate day (6 inj.).
Prepalin forte 2 ml i Im on alternate day (6 inj.) can be
(ill) Mineral mixture (30 gms) and Vitamin supplement such
Vitablend at dose rate of 5 gm. should be given for 15
days. There should be massage of ovary and uterus.
Hormonal therapy can be given. The uterus should be
tampooned with Lugol's iodine using speculm and swab
holders. Other heat producing drugs in place of Prajana
such as Fertivet @ 300 mg can be given orally for 5 days.
Ill. How to Check Repeat Breedings in Bovines
Animals suffering from repeat breeding are noticed to
come in heat regularly without conceiving after natural or
artificial service. Ovarian cysts produce nymphomania
(abnormal heat) in cows. Such animals with history of repeat
breeding should be thoroughly examined for ovarian and
uterine abnormalities. After the cause of repeat breeding has
been ascertained, the following line of treatment is followed:
(i) There should be intra-uterine application of antibiotics
before and after artificial insemination. Gentamycin,
hostacyclin and terramycin liquid can be used. One should
always do insemination in late oestrus which lasts over more
than 30 hours in crossbred and exotic animals. Two

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

inseminations are usually done at intervals of 12 hours. Intra-

uterine application of gentamycin should be done during
oestrus (that is the sexual or oestrus cycle for 18-24 hrs for
both cows and buffalloes) at 12 hours from the onset of
oestrus and this should be repeated after lapse of 24 hours
from the moment of insemination. It is better to start breeding
within four months after delivery to achive one calf every
IV. How to Enhance Lactation after Parturition
Cows and buffaloes some times show poor milk
production due to various factors. In order to increase
production, the following preparations can be used:
(i) Ostocalcium B12 500 ml and Vimeral syrup 30 ml in mixed
state can be used in doses of 100 ml daily for 2 weeks.
(ii) Leptadine tablets - 100 tab. Ten tab. daily for 10 days
can be given orally.
(ill) Glactagouge - 50 gm daily for 2 weeks. This drug is rec-
ommended to enhance the milk production.

V. How to Treat Retention of Placenta

There should be expulsion of placenta normally after
six to eight hours of parturition in cattle. If there is a retention
of placenta, the following drugs can be used.
(i) Erbolin tab. 20 tab. should be given twice daily for two
(ii) Replanta 50-100 gm can be given per day for 3-4 days.
(ill) Oxytocin inj. 10 units per ml 5 ml of this drug is given
if m after parturition.
In case of persistence of retention of placenta, the
placenta should be removed manually with hand after using
hand gloves smeared with cream of antibiotics. This
precaution is very important to protect the physicians from
brucellosis. Brucella abortus can even penetrate into intact skin
to produce infection. The infection due to Brucella abortus in

Some Miscellaneous Pathologlcal ConditionsjDiseases

the uterus may lead to retention of placenta in cattle.

After removal of placenta, the following pessaries can
be used at least for three days. Fureabolus, Steclin bolus or
Sulcoprime bolus etc., can be used.
How to Treat pyometera
Pyometera in cattle arises from vibriosis, trichomoniasis
and brucellosis. Fever and toxaemia can be found and the
uterine discharge has foul smell. The treatment suggested is
as follows:
(i) Uterine discharge is removed by gentle uterine massage
per rectum.
(ii) Injection of the post pituitary hormone (Oxytocin)
should be given for 2 to 3 days. Even Vetestroll0-20 ml
can be given.
How to Treat Prolapse of Vagina in Cattle
Prolapse of vagina and uterus occurs due to severe
irritation and excessive straining. In such cases, it is advisable
to keep the hind quarters of animals on a raised ground level
or platform and prolapsed mass in uterus and vagina should
rest on clean cloth. The protruding mass should be irrigated
with cold water containing 1 % Savlon or 0.1 % solution of
Potassium permangnate. Use adrenaline topically to check
bleeding. Anasthetic ointment like xylocin should be smeared
on prolapsed organs. It is also proper to have gentle
manoeuver for reduction. Posterior pituitary hormone can
be injected at a dose rate of 5 ml if m. In such cases, it is
better to remove urine with help of catheter.
Antihistaminics and sedatives such as Chloral hydrate
can be used. Mifex can be advised to be given parenterally.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

How to Treat General Cases of Poisonings

Symptoms like vomiting, bloating, frothing from mouth,
diarrhoea, loss of consciousness, coma, convulsions, clamping
of jaw, arrhythmia, heart beat, dilatation of pupils and
subnormal or a febrile conditions are found in case of
poisoning in animals. The following principle of treatment
can be adopted: (i) Further ingestion or absorption of poisons
-should be checked (ii) Residual poison from intestine can be
removed by giving emetics. Gastric lavage or purgative etc.,
is used. (iii) Skin can be washed in cases of poisons detected
over it. (iv) Residual poisons can be neutralized by the
folIo wings drugs :
(a) Oxidizing agents like tannic acid, milk, eggs, are
very useful in cases of poisonings (particularly cor-
(b) Chemical antidotes.
(c) Calcium B-12 acts as antidote.
(d) Use of activated charcoal.
(e) Fluid therapy to check dehydration and use of seda-
tives to check excitement.
The antidotes applicable against particular or specific
poisons should also be tried.
How to Treat Snake Bites
In cases of snake bites, lower extremities, head and
muzzle should be examined for swelling and pain etc. Death
in snake bites occurs due to asphyxia. In 1 to 10 hours, dogs
may die but cattle and horses may die within 48 hours. The
treatment is as follows:
(i) Use tourniquet above the bitten site i.e., in another
words, there should be tight tying or ligation above the
site of bite.
(ii) Give an incision at the site of bite and allow it to bleed
profusely and wound should be washed with sterile
Some Miscellaneous Pathological Conditions/Diseases

(iii) Antivenin is administered into the bodies of victims of

snake bites.
The basic principles in the treatment of snake bites in
man and animal are almost the same ones. The main steps
are given below for the sake of information:
(i) Apply firm pressure over the bitten area in order to
delay the absorption of snake venom (the first basic step). Or
a broad firm bandage around the limb above the bitten site
should be used. The purpose of using bandage is to occlude
the superficial venous and lymphatic outflow.
(ii) Apply firm pressure over the bitten area on the head,
trunk or neck. It is easy to use bandage on the extremities or
limbs. Bandage can be loosened for 90 seconds every 10
minutes. Immobilize the limbs to check spread of the snake
venom through the out flowing blood or limb from the bitten
How to Treat Drowning Cases of Animals
Drowning of an animal means the submersion of its
body in water. If this occurs for a period of about three to
four minutes (say, man), it is sufficient to cause asphyxia
and death. It may produce collapse from which recovery is
not possible.
In such cases, the management includes the following
1. As soon as the animal has been rescued from water, it
should be placed in a position which will allow water
taken into the lungs to run out by the mouth and nos-
2. Small animals may be held up by the hind legs and
swung from side to side and the large ones should be
laid on their sides with the hind quarters elevated at a
higher level than their heads.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

3. Pressure should be brought to bear on the chest by one

throwing all his weight on to the upper part of the chest
wall or by kneeling on this part. When no more fluid
runs from the mouth, the animal should be turned over
on to opposite side and the process is repeated.
4. Then, the animal should be removed to warm surround-
ing as soon as possible and dried by wiping or by rigor-
ous rubbing with rough towel. Clothing should be used
and the smaller animals may be provided with one or
more hot water bottles. Steps should be taken to pre-
vent the development of pneumonia in such patients.
How to Treat Burns in Animals
Burns may defined as a destruction of tissues caused by
the application of heat or chemical substances to the external
or internal surfaces of the body.
Burns includes all lesions, whether produced by fire, hot
water or chemical substances.
In cases of burns, the parts most affected are face
(especially the eye lids), conjunctivae, lips, surface of the body
especially udder, teats, perineum, and the coronets. Badly
burnt skin will be dry and ready to sloughed off in a week.
Burns of all degrees (1st, 2nd and 3rd degree etc.) may be
found in the bodies of the animals.
Symptomatic treatment may be adopted in case of burns.
Cooling astringent lotions containing calamine and
antihistaminics (Avil inj.) should be used with excellent
results. In view of having quick recovery, antibiotic, therapy
should be given to patients. Painkillers or analgesics may also
be used. Sloughing in skin should be removed by surgical
interference. Fly repellent should also be used. Fluid therapy
may also be given.
Fluid therapy may be also given to suffering animals in
order to prevent the risk of shock.

Some Miscellaneous Pathological Omditions/Diseases

Antiserum can be given at the rate of 2 ampoules. if v

as initial dose and this should be repeated till recovery is
How to Treat a wound or a swelling in animals
The veterinary practioners or doctors usually come
across cases of swellings without any opening or even open
It is very important to ascertain at first the nature of the
swelling or wounds which may be tumours, chronic
inflammatory growths or enlarged lymphatic glands. Then,
the wounds should be treated with all precautions to prevent
unnecessary complications or spread of malignancy. In case
of establishment of lesions as an inflammatory growth or
simply as absceses, the wounds should be opened to drain
the pus with sterilized instruments. There should be proper
draining and irrigation of the wound with antiseptic lotions
and packing of the wound with magnesium sulphate
powder. In order to effect the quick recovery, there can be
parenteral use of antibiotics and daily dressing with antibiotic
lotions. In case of malignant lesions or growth, these should
be operated with all surgical precautions to prevent
metastasis in the body. Enlarged organs e.g., lymphoid
organs, do not require to be surgically removed and after the
cause of lymphatic swelling is known, the specific treatment
should be followed as done as in cases of theilariasis etc.
Swellings or wounds on the limbs of pets (say, dogs) are also
caused by malignant osteosarcomas and other growths.

Chapter 9
Some Metabolic Disorders
and Others

Milk Fever
The term milk fever is a misnomer as there is no fever or
no milk in this disease of animals. It does not indicate what
its term implies. and occurs in the dairy cows and some times
also in sheep. Hypocalcaemia and defects in the parathyroid
glands (poor level of parathormone) cause this condition in
the animals. It is characterized by hypocalcaemia (calcium
level may be as low as 3.0 mg per 100 ml of blood).
Hyposphosphatemia and slight hypermagnesemia are also
present. Certain information as regards the diseases in bovines
marked by recumbency are given in table 34.
Table 34. Pathological Signs and Lesions in the Diseases
of Animals (bovines) Marked by Recumbency
Diseases Diagnosed Common Pathologic SignsfFeatures Expected
Signs or
(1) (2) (3)
1. Milk fever Recumbency Mature cows usually affected within 48
(parturient paresis) hours of calving. Early excitement and tetany
characterized by no followed by coma, hypothermia, flaccidity,
fever and no milk. dilated pupil, absence of ruminal
An example of movements, soft heart sounds and
metabolic disease impalpable pulse. Presence of hypocalcaemia
often noticed in (calcium less than 5 mg/ dl (l.25m moljL).
cows. High level of magneSium in serum (over 3
mg/ dl) 1.25 m moljL). inorganic phosphate
low i.e. less than 3 mg/ dl (0.9 m moljL).
Quick response follOWing injection of soluble
calcium salt. Absence of gross and
microscopic lesions in fatal cases.

Some Metabolic Disorders and Others

Diseases Diagnosed Common Pathologic Signs/Features Expected

Signs or
2. Downer cows Recumbency Marked by inability to rise in spite of efforts
(Downer syndrome) to do so (creepers). Animal patients are
This syndrome is a bright and active and also eat the feeds
metabolic disease given. Slight rise of temperature. Downer
cows may be dull or depressed and show
lack of alertness (non-alert downers). The
course may range from 1 to 2 weeks.
Presence of ketonuria and protemuna. There
may be low level of calcium, potasssium and
inorganic phosphate. Usually occurring in
cattle following milk fever or lactation
tetdIlY. Presence of fatty changes in the liver
and myocarditis. Traumatic injuries to
muscles or nerve in dead bodies at autopsy.
3. Ephemeral Fever Recumbency Presence of myositis, thin nasal discharge,
lymphadenitis and transitory fever. Marked
by high count of white cells. The patients
recover spontaneously within 3 days.
EpideInics caused by insect vectors.

4. HypomagneseInia Recumbency Occurfence of disease in cattle (mostly

(also called grass calved females) Magnesium level is less than
tetany). A metabolic 1.2 mg/dl (05 m mol/L)!. Presence of
disorder seen in excitement, hypersensitivity, muscle tremor
cows with in few and tetany. The animals patients go down
hours of calving with tetanic convulsions, presence
haemorrhages in the peritoneum, intestinal
mucosa. Subcutaneous, subencocardial

The main signs of the disease are :
(i) Recumbency, somnolence. Often cows are found in
comatose condition. The sick animals are seen lying on
their sternum with their heads turned towards their
(ii) Inability to stand on their feet and death within a day
or two due to lack of treatment.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Anzmals

There are no significant gross and microscopic lesions
in milk fever in the sick animals.
Downer Cow Syndrome
It refers to those cases of milk fever in cows which do
not respond to calcium therapy and patients fail to stand on
their feet. This syndrome incorporates complicated lingering
cases of milk fever. The animal may be alert with usual
appetite but attempts to stand on their legs are unsuccessful.
Since milk fever is a disease developing due to low blood
calcium level, treatment is directed towards correcting the
level of calcium in the body after detection of symptoms in
the animals.
The following drugs can be used:
1. Calcium borogluconate preparation is a drug of choice
and can be given in the doses of 400 - 500 m1 of a 20%
solution. Calcium borogluconate is given slowly by if v
route. It is better to warm the bottle equal to body tem-
perature and if v injection should be interrupted for 20
- 30 seconds twice during administration. The adminis-
tration may be completed within 20 - 30 minutes and
there should be auscultation of heart during if v admin-
istration of the drug. If there is any irregularity in heart-
beats, its administration is stopped immediately.
2. Antihistaminic drugs or cortisone can be given.
3. Mifex may also be used in place of calcium
boroglucona te.
4. In order to maintain blood calcium, drugs like Caldi -
12 in dose rate of 15 - 20 m1 if m daily for 3 days is
Supportive treatment should also be given in the form

Some Metabolic Disorders and Others

of mineral mixture and calcium B12 syrup etc.

Underdosing with calcium preparation (calcium
borogluconate) is not safe because the cows may fail to rise
or a relapse of milk fever may occur in them.
Cows suffering from hypocalcaemia respond well to a
definite pattern of calcium therapy.
Apart from discussion on treatment aspect of milk fever,
it is very important to put stress on the control aspect of milk
fever. The milk fever can be very well controlled by following
1. Calcium intake: It is better to keep appetite of
the pregnant cow at normal level and steps should be taken
to avoid alimentary tract stasis. It is well known that cows
kept on a diet high in calcium content before calving have
increased chances of milk fever. If cow is dependent on
gastro-intestinal absorption of calcium and not on skeletal
release, the chance of milk fever is very much increased. And
as such, usual balanced diet should be given to pregnant
2. Avoid excessive intake of calcium during pregnancy.
3. Use of calcium, gel-calcium (in the form of gel) can be
given to pregnant cows by way of drench or in the feed
to provide 100 gm calcium daily.
4. Administration of Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) can be
given to the cow as a prophylatic measure against milk
Treatment/Management of Downer Cow Syndrome
This condition which is characterized by the inability
of the cow to stand on their feet usually after parturition
requires prompt curative measures. In view of its existence
as complication of milk fever or a condition associated with
various factors like metabolic factors, toxaemic or deficiency
states of vitamin and selenium, treatment measures are taken

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases o/Domestic Ammals

accordingly. The measures are as follows:

(i) Inject tonophosphate 20 m1 by i/v route.
(ii) Injection of berin or Neurobion at the rate of 10 m1 i/m
for a period of 3 to 5 days.
(ill) Calcium borogluconate 450 m1 i/v can be given slowly.
(iv) Potassium acetate 10% solution in dose of 100 m1 by i/
v route can be given daily for eight days and along with
this, dianabol (lOOmg) i/ v should be given for three days
and betamethasone 200 mg epidurally for 2 days.
(v) Animals should be supported with ceiling. The body
should be massaged with camphor liniment etc.
Steps should be taken to prevent bedsores by providing
them very good bedding with frequent turns to the animals
from side to side. Such steps check development of ischaemic
necrosis due to prolonged pressure or recumbency. The main
objectives of treatment are directed towards helping the
animals to stand on their own feet.
Ketosis (Acetonaemia)
When the acetone or ketone bodies appear in the blood
of animals, it is called ketosis. The ketone bodies appear in
the urine of such diseased animals to produce (ketonuria).
The chemical substances like acetone, betahydroxybutyric
acid and aceta-acetic acids are called ketone bodies. In all
species of animals, ketosis arises from decrease in the
availability of blood glucose or from hypoglycaemia or from
inability to utilize glucose as seen in case of diabetes mellitus.
Lack or want of glucose is compensated by oxidation of fatty
acids to produce energy for different kinds of cellular
activities. This abnormal phenomenon results in the
appearance of ketone bodies in the blood of animals. If the
production of ketone bodies is within the physiologic limit of
utilizing fat in the case of non-availability of glucose, the
situation is an usual phenomenon in the body. When there
is very poor availability or lack of glucose in the body, the

Some Metabolic Disorders and Others

situation reaches the pathological level of excessive ketone

bodies in the body, that is, in true sense, the state of ketosis
exists in the body of the animals. Unavailability of
oxaloacetate allows incorporation of fatty acids in tricarbolic
acid cycle which causes abnormal production of ketone
bodies. A sickly sweet smell due to ketone bodies is imparted
to the animals. This is metabolic disease is often seen in
The causes of ketosis are as follows :
(i) Starvation: The animal derives energy by oxidation of
its stored fat in body. Proteins of muscles are also used
later by the animals for energy. Emaciation is noticed in
such cases.
(ii) Loss of appetite or failure to eat, ruminal indigestion or
atony of the rumen.
(ill) Use of too much coarse roughages such as straw also
causes development of ketosis.
(iv) Digestive disturbances.
Simple starvation causes primary ketosis whereas
secondary ketosis arises from other diseases.
When there is an interference with appetite or oxidation,
primary spontaneous ketosis is produced in the bovines.
Diabetes mellitus and toxic damage to the liver as found in
phosphorus or carbon tetrachloride poisoning also cause
ketosis in the animals. Metabolism and storage of glycogen
are very much disturbed in such states. Ketogenic diet (i.e.,
diet containing too much fat and little carbohydrate) can
also lead to ketosis in the body of the animals.
High level of ketone bodies is found in the blood serum.
Acetone is also found in the urine. Milk can also be tested for
the presence of acetone. There is development of hyperlipemia
and presence of excessive amount of fatty acid which appears

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Ammals

as neutral fat in the liver cells. Depletion of the body's reserve

of alkaline ions (i.e., NaCH03) causes acidosis in the body.
Ketones (i.e. acetone, acetoacetic acid and beta hydroxy
butyric acid) neutralize alkaline ions in the blood to produce
such state. Reduction in the storage of glycogen in the liver
causes hypoglycaemia in ketosis.

Pregnancy Disease of Ewes

It is characterized by ketosis i.e., a toxaemic stage of
pregnancy. The affected ewes show depression, somnolence
and coma. Hypoglycaemia is also seen in such animals. This
pregnancy disease is seen only in the last week of pregnancy
in the ewes. Fatty changes are seen in the heart, liver and
kidneys. Subepicardial petechiae and ecchymoses arise from
toxaemia in the ewes. This condition in the ewes arises from
toxic products of pregnant mother and foetus, starvation,
maintainance on non-nutritious diet and lack of exercise etc.
It is based on the detection of abnormal level of ketones
in the blood, urine and milk etc. Symptoms and lesions in
the sick animals also aid the diagnosis of ketosis.
Ketosis in the animals is caused by hypoglycaemia
within 6 to 8 days of parturition. The treatment is directed
towards lowering the level of ketones in blood with measures
to raise the blood glucose leveL Hypocalcaemia can also occur
with ketosis and indicates the steps to be taken to raise the
level of blood calcium.
The measures suggested are the following :
(i) Inject Dextrose 25-50% solution in doses of 500 -1000
m1 by I/V route. This parenteral administration of Dex-
trose is a specific treatment.
(ii) Mifex can be given in doses 450 m1 (i/v route) with ob-

Some Metabolic Disorders and Others

ject of treating hypocalcaemia.

(ill) Corticisteriods can also be given.
(iv) In order to control nervous symptoms, animals can be
given chloral hydrate 30 gm orally as haust (drench)
followed by 7 gm of this drug twice daily for several
days. Supportive treatment by way of injecting 5 to 10
m1 Vibelon i/ m for 3 to 5 days can be given.
(v) Lastly, it is also advisable to give cobalt salt and a mix-
ture of crushed maize @ 2 kg with 1/2 kg of molasses per
day to make adequate supply of carbohydrate to sick

Magnesium Deficiency
Magnesium is an important intracellular bivalent cation
in the body of an individuaL It is involved in many enzymic
reactions or biologic activities. The different kinds of reactions
in which the magnesium is involved are as follows:
(i) Membrane transport.
(ii) Activation of aminoacid, acetate or succinate.
(ill) Synthesis of protein, nucleic acid, fat or co-enzymes.
(iv) Generation and transmission of nerve impulses and con-
traction of muscles.
(v) Oxidative phosphorylation.
(vi) Activatior of alkaline phosphatase and adenosine tri-
phosphatase (ATP) Normal level of magnesium in blood
is 2.0 mg/l00 ml.
Dietary deficiency causes low level of magnesium.
The main signs of magnesium deficiency are as follows:
There is a nervous hyperirritability. But high levels of
magnesium cause depression, coma and death.
Grass tetany of adult cattle and hypomagnaesema of
calves are its important clinical syndrowes.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Hypomagesemia in Calves
A diet low in magnesium (like milk) causes this condition
in calves. The level of magnesium is 0.7 mg/lOO ml of blood
and magnesium falls to one third of its normal value.
There are hyperirritability, tetany, scratching, fixed
depression of the ears and opisthotonos, kis::king of the belly,
salivation and exophthalmos and tonic and clonic
Necrosis of myocardial fibres takes place. Later,
calcification occurs at such sites. Metastatic calcification is
seen in calves maintained on a diet low of magnesium.
Calcification can also occur in the kidneys and muscles as
well. Due to hypomagnesemia, calcification in the internal
layer of heart and large blood vessels is noticed. Grossly, these
lesions occur as slightly raised, light coloured plaques on the
internal surfaces of heart etc. Renal tubules show toxic
degenerative changes. Agonal haemorrhages are noticed in
heart, intestinal and mesenteric serosae in calves.
Grass Tetany
Affected animals like cattle, sheep and rarely horses
show tetanic convulsive seizures and incoordination of limbs.
Asphyxia and agonal haemorrhages occur in the affected
In winter tetany in cows, hypocalcaemia and
hypomagnesemia are noticed. Nutritional deficiency of
magnesium causes hypomagnesemia. A ration deficient in
magnesium also produces metastatic calcification in foals.
Lactation tetany or hypomagnesemia arises from

Some Metabolic Disorders and Others

deficiency of magnesium. The principle of treatment is to

correct the magnesium level in the blood.
The following steps give the line of treatment:
(i) Inject mifex to sick animals at the doses of 450 ml to
adult and 50- 150 ml to young ones.
(ii) Inject 100-200 ml of sterilized magnesium sulphate (25
to 50%) SIC.
(ill) Magnesium oxide @ 100 to 200 gm can be given to ani-
mals every day for a week and a combination for 12 per
cent magnesium adipate and 5 per cent calcium
gluconate at dose rate of 500 ml is also recommended.
In making choice of drugs for administration in any dis-
eases, the fact of avoiding overdosing with particular
antibiotics or chemotherapeutic agents must be kept in
This will always save the animals from toxic effects of
particular drugs.
Azoturia (Monday Morning Disease)
If the working horses are given diet rich in carbohydrate
and put to work after rest for a few days, a pathological
state called azoturia characterized by sudden stiffness and
lameness develops in them. The muscles of the croup and
hind quarters become hard and the horses become reluctant
to move and fall down. Degenerative changes like Zenker's
degeneration develops in the muscles and myoglobin appears
in the urine. The mortality can rise upto 40% and the sick
animals require months to recover from muscular or renal
changes or damages etc.
The main signs are as under:
(i) Appearance of myoglobin (a muscle pigment) in the

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domes tic Animals

(ii) Lameness or stiffness in the body. There is a sudden in-

ability to move after first making movement by a few
steps and the horses tremble, get transfixed in pain and,
then, sweat due to pain.
(ill) The affected muscles may be hard in consistency as
wood and are slightly swollen.
Such muscles in the body are in extreme cramp or tonic
spasm. The painful state of muscles can be comparable to
muscular cramps in human beings. Increase in the level of
serum glutamic oraloacetic transminase and creatine
phosphokinase occurs in azoturia.
The cause of azoturia is not finally unsderstood. An
accumulation of sarcolactic acid in the muscles which have
stored sufficient glycogen due to intake of excessive
carbohydrate during the period of rest is seen in the muscles.
This acid causes swelling of the muscle fibres and
compression of the capillaries. The state of oxygen deficiency
is produced in the muscles.As a result, Zenker's necrosis
occurs in the muscles due to excess of lactic acid and oxygen
The muscles like sublumbar, gluteal, thigh or pectoral
have pale yellowish tint and increased fragility or friability.
They look like muscles of the fish. Haemorrhages are seen in
the affected muscles.
Microscopically, the affected muscles show swelling of
the sarcoplasm and loss of striations. The muscle fibres become
hyaline or dark red in colour and also break into small
fragments. Later, the leucocytes infiltrate into such affected
muscles. When the lesions become chronic, there is an
atrophy of the muscles and replacement of the muscle fibres
by newly proliferated fibrous tissue. Degenerative changes
are found in the heart muscles. The lungs show hypostatic
congestion and renal tubules get plugged with muscle

Some Metabolic Disorders and Others

pigments (myoglobins).
It is based on the symptoms and lesions in the affected
muscles and presence of myoglobin in the urine of the
This disease affects the horses with characteristic
degenerative change in muscles and kidneys etc. The
treatment is directed as ameliorative measures. The measures
are as follows:
(i) The horses should be given complete rest and they
should never be put to exercise.
(ii) Give chloral hydrate 30 gm as a drench.
(ill) Alternatively inject largactil 5 % som. in dose of 4 to 6
m1 (ifm).
(iv) Thiamine hydrochloride can be given in dose of 500 mg
by if m or if m route.
(v) Antihistaminics like Avil or Zeet in doses of 10 to 20 m1
can be given if m.
(vi) Vitamin E can be given interamuscularly.
(vii) Fluid therapy (5% or 10% Dextrose solution) can also
be given.

Post Parturient Haemoglobinuria

It is a disease of dairy cows within several weeks after
calving and is characterized by anaemia, haemoglobinuria
and intravascular haemolysis.
The causes are as under :
1. Diets low in phosphorus.
2. Copper and selenium nutritional imbalances.
3. Some other factors not fully understood.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

1. Appearance of symptoms in the period 2-4 weeks after
calving. Sudden onset of haemoglobinuria, inappetence
and weakness in the calved animals
2. Fall in milk yield and discolouration of urine. Develop-
ment of dehydration, pale mucous membrane,
augumented pulse, rise of temperature upto 103.5F,
dry and firm faeces are noticed in the affected dams.
3. Other signs include dyspnoea, weakness, staggering and
recumbency, ketosis and sloughing of the tail.
4. Inorganic phosphorus level in the affected animal may
be as low as 0.4-1.5 mg/ dl (0.13-0,400 m moljL).
Marked fall in the red cell count and haemoglobin value
are noticed.
5. The urine in the affected animals is dark brown or black
in colour.

The main changes are :
1. Jaundiced carcass due to haemolytic icterus.
2. Thin and watery blood. Red cell count less than 2 mil-
lion per cubic millimeter of blood (i.e., presence of
severe anaemia).
3. Swollen liver with fatty changes (fatty degeneration and
fatty infiltration) Centrilobular necrosis and midzonal
fatty changes are noticed. In short, there is a presence
of acute toxic hepatitis.
It is based on the symptoms and changes in the blood
and urine etc. Occurrence of haemolytic anaemia within 4
weeks of calving is a characteristic indication of
postparturient haemoglobinuria. Haemolytic jaundice,
haemoglobinuria, and acute toxic hepatitis marked by
phosphataemia help diagnosis of postparturient

Some Metabolic Disorders and Others

The steps are as given below :
1. Transfuse 5 litres of blood to severely affected cows. If
required, transfusion may be repeated after 48 hours.
2. Fluid therapy (i.e., 5% dextrose) is also adopted to com-
pensate the fluid loss.
3. Administer sodium acid phosphate (60 gms in 300 m1
of distilled water by ilv route. The same dose in dis-
tilled water is also to be given to the patients by sic
route at the interval of 12 hours. A similar dose of so-
dium acid phosphate is also given orally.

It denotes the condition characterised by sentisisation
of the skin (Le., the superficial layers of lightly pigmented
skin), mucosa and cornea following exposure to sunlight in
animals like cattle and sheep. Photosensitivity in the skin
arises from the presence of photodynamic substances in
sufficient concentration in the skin. Porphyrins of both the
animal and plant origin are known to originate from the
decomposition of the pigments like haemoglobin and
chlorophyll. These substances are sensitive to light. Presence
of porphyrins in the blood is called porphyrinemia. If these
are present in the urine, the condition is called porphyrinuria.
Skin sensitisation to light arises from porphyrinemia.
The photodynamic substances may be exogenous or
endogenous in nature.
Types of photosensitisation
These are:
(i) Congenital porphyria or pink tooth.
(ii) Primary photosensitisation.
(iii) Secondary photosensitization.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domes tic Animals

The condition of pink tooth occurs in cattle whose
and teeth possess reddish or brown colour due to deposition
of porphyrins in these tissues. Such pigments can also be
found in some internal organs. Porphyrinuria is also noticed
in the lead poisoning in dogs.

The causes and pathological changes are given in the
table 35:
Table 35. Types Causes and Pathological Changes in
Different types of Photosensitisation
Types of Causes Pathological Changes
(1) (2) (3)
1. Congenital 1. Porphyrins formed in 1. Presence of porphyrins in
porphyria excess due to aberrant the urine, bones and teeth.
pigment synthesis. 2. Reddish or brown colour of
the teeth etc.
2. Primary 1. Ingestion of exogenous 1. Presence of dermatitis in
photosensitisation photodynamic agents unpigmented skin. Animal
present in certain plants. The patients are very much
plants and the pigments are sensitive to light and prefer
as under. sheds. The liberated
Plants PhotodynaIDlc agents histamine from the damaged
HypericulIl Hypericin skin due to sun light leads to
perforatum tissue oedema and cell death.
Loss of skin is noticed.
Subcutaneous oedema and
Fagopyrum Fagopyrin enlargement of local lymph
eSCll/elltllm nodes are found.
2. Chemicals e.g.,
phenothiazine and sulfoxide
acridine dyes. The metabolic
product phenothiazine
sulfoxide is a photodynamic
substance in calves.
3. Hepatogenous 1. Phylloerythrin. It is an end The damaged liver fails to
photosensitisation product of chlorophyl remove phylloerythrine from
metabolism in the body and the portal blood and this
is excreted in the bile. pigment is carried to the skin
Hepatitis or biliary by circulating blood. When
obstruction causes the poorly pigmented skin is
accumulation in the skin exposed to sun light,

Some Metabolic Disorders and Others

Types of Causes Pathological Changes

which is reddened and photosenstivity and
sensitive to sunlight. The development of skin lesions
animals grazing green are noticed The skin lesions
pasture develop a type of are as follows:
sensitivity called 1. Erythema and oedema.
hepatogenous 2. The skin presents a
photosensitisation. A toxic weeping surface and
injury to the livers is noticed gangrenouschangesmosfly
in nearly all types of on the dorsum of the body.
hepatogenous Ears, conjunctiva, eyelids,
photosensitivity. muzzle face, and perineum
The plants containing are the predilection seats for
hepato-toxins are : the skin photosensitivity
1. Agave /echllgllilla lesions.
2. ulIltana camam and Lippia Rubbing the affected skin
reilamwlIIi against bushes lead to
3. Certain chemicals like lacerated skin.
carbon tetrachloride and 1. Drooping of the ears due to
phenanthridium. Water oedema, dyspnoea due to
contaminated by pathogenic nasal obstruction and
fungi may also lead to dysphagia due to swelling of
photosensitivity . the lips are some signs of
4. Toxic tubular nephritis such photosensitivity.
and toxic hepatitis, oedema 2. Swelling of the eyelids,
of the ears and face and redness of the muzzle,
lymphocytic infiltration in fissuring and sloughing of the
the portal spaces are large patches of the skin due
noticed in Agave /ec/lllglli/la to necrosis or gangrene are
toxicity. The changes also seen.
noticed in Lwztana call/am
toxicity are bloody faeces,
icterus, haemorrhagic
pseudomembranes in the
intestine, hepatitis,
dermatitis and itching.
Note: Congenital
photosensitivity owing to a
defect in the excretion of bile
pigments is noticed in

It is based on the followings :
1. Skin lesions on the unpigmented areas.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

2. Presence of porphyrinemia and porphyrinuria.

Some steps of treatment are as follows :
1. Remove the animals from direct sunlight.
2. Prevent the animals, from taking the toxic water, soaked
hay or grass contaminated with fungi.
3. Administer laxatives to remove toxic materials from the
4. The animals are given anti-histaminics immediately in
adequate doses.
5. Use antibiotics to check the development of septicae-
mia in animal patients.
6. Administer 5% Dextrose as fluid therapy to dilute and
eliminate the absorbed toxins.
7. Calcium borogluconate (25%) at the dose rate of 250 m1
intravenously and the same dose by subcutaneous route
should also be given.
8. Liver extract (e.g., livogen, Belamyl) at the rate of 10 m1
intramuscularly is given on the altemate days.
External application of drugs on skin lesions include use
of Himax and Herbex.
Equine Colic
It is a disease of horses recognized by the presence of
abdominal pain. Colic arises from distension of the stomach
or intestines due to accumulation of ingesta, gas and fluid.
Transient distension also occurs due to spasm or increased
peristalsis in the intestine.
The chief causes of colic in horses are the following :
1. Low grade roughage, lush green feed, exhaustion, ex-
cessive perspiration and. retained meconium etc. Dis-
tension results from accumulation of ingesta as noticed

Some Metabolic Disorders and Others

in the impaction of the large intestine. Accumulation of

gas can cause intestinal colic or flatulent colic. Gastric
distension results from accumulation of food in its cav-
2. Engorgement due to pyloric obstruction. Gastric dilata-
tion can arise from accumulation of fluid.
3. Fibrin balls, enteroliths, foreign bodies, volvulus, torsion,
intussusception, diaphragmatic hernia and peduncu-
lated lipomas. Impaction of ieocaeal valve can be also
noticed. Fluid accumulation leads to acute intestinal ob-
struction. Verminous mesenteric arteritis can also cause
distension of intestine from accumulation of fluid.
4. Bacterial infection, strongylosis, viral infection (equine
viral arteritis), chemical poisons and excitement etc. The
infections or poisons cause enteritis and spasm and in-
creased peristalsis is noticed in the affected horses.
The main lesions are :
1. Restlessness, pawing or stamping or kicking at the belly
and frequent getting up and lying down. The horses
look at the flanks, can roll and lie on the back and can
attempt to sit like dogs. Protrusion of penis without uri-
nation is seen in geldings. A horse may go down and
roll on the ground.
2. Playing with water without actual drinking. Bouts of
pain lasting for over 10 minutes are noticed. Profuse
sweating and sobbing respiration in the horses are
present. There can be increase in the respiratory or the
pulse rate. Pain is severely increased in colic and failure
to respond to analgesics is considered to be a grave prog-
nosis. Vomiting in the horses indicates a very serious
sign of this disease.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment a/Diseases of Domestic Animals

Rupture of the stomach or intestine can lead to death of
the horse. Large .quantities of toxic ingesta or faecal contents
in the peritoneal cavity can cause choking or death within a
few hours. The animals get exhausted due to pain or
autointoxication. There is a marked degenerative change in
the mucosae and this change is more evident in the
obstructive colic. The damage is more marked in the intestine.
Distension of the intestine is seen in cases of colic due to
peritonitis and verminous measenteric arteritis. Verminous
arteritis causes an infarction of the gut wall.
It is based on the symptoms like severe pain, absence of
gut sounds and defaecation (acute obstruction of the small
intestine), recurrent attacks of pain (verminous mesenteric
arteritis), fever and toxaemia (infected verminous arteritis),
flank watching and lying down frequently (as seen in
subacute or chronic obstruction) Rupture of the gut or
deposits of faecal contents in the peritoneal cavity can be
seen postmortem.
In cases of flatulent colic, gases from the stomach should
be removed by passing stomach tube. A funnel can be
attached to stomach tube and the following drugs can be
Oil terebinth 20 m1
Acid carbolic 20 m1
Oil line 300 m1
Timpol100 m1 is given as drench with lukewarm water.
Anti-allergic drug lke Avil-5 to 10 ml can be given by
intramuscular route.
In colic due to impaction of large intestine, the following
drug can be used

Some Metabolic Disorders and Others

Aloes barb - 15 gm, Aqua - Q.S., Oil terebinth - 60 ml

Chloral hydras - 30 gm,
Oleum Hni - 500ml.
Mft. Haust. Sig. Dissolve aloes and chloral hydras in
hot water and shake well with oil of terebinth and linseed
oil and the mixture should be given by drench. In case of
spasmodic colic, drugs like Baralgan can be used. The drugs
are repeated after three hours if it is so needed.
Preparation to Treat Impaction of Colon with Colic

Aloes barb IS gm
Aqua ferv (warm water) A.S.
01. Terebinth 60ml
Chlonal Hydras 30 gm
Ol.lini SOOml

Mft. haust. sig. Dissolve aloes and chloral hydras in hot
water and shake well with oil of Turpentine and linseed oil.
Administrator as a dresh slowly.
Preparation to Treat Spasmodic Colic.
Choloral Hydras 30 gm
01. Terebinth 30ml
01. Lini 500ml
Mft. Haust. sig. Administrater
by stomach tube or
inj. Novalgin (Hoechst)
inj. Beralgan (Hoechst) 15 - 20 ml intramuscularly

Table36. Physiological Values of Domestic Animals

Parameters Cow Buffalo Mare Ewe Bitch

C 38.5 38.5 38 39 38.5
OF 101.5 101.5 100.5 102.5 101.5
Pulse / minute 60-70 50-70 30-40 70-90 90-120
Respiration/ minute 10-30 20-30 10-12 10-20 22
Age of puberty 14-24 months 14-24 months 15-24 months 7-12 months 6-12 months
Age of sexual maturity 30 months 30 months 36 months 12-18 months 9-12 months
Length of oestrus 21 days (18-24 21 days (21-23 days) 21 days (seasonally 17 days (seasonally 21 days (16-2.~ days)
Cycle days) Ipolyestrus) Ipolyestrus)
Length of oestrus 18 hours (12-28 20 hours 5 days (4-7 days) 18-24 hours after 2-3 days after onset
hours) onset of oestrus of oestrus
Optimum service time 10-16 hrs after 10-16 hrs after onset 2-3 days after onset 18-24 hrs after onset 2-3 days after onset
onset of oestrus of oestrus of oestrus of oestrus of oestrus
Gestation period 282 days (278-293 310 days 336 days (330-345 148 days (144-151 63 days
days) days) days)
Time for breeding 45-90 days post 60-90 days post 25-30 days or second First oestrus (Sept- First oestrus (Feb-
(for health, prevention of partum parturn oestrus Nov) Apr and Aug-Oct)
infertility and regular
supply of milk)

Common Chemotherapeutic Agents and Vaccines

A tabular statement or box pattern of some common
drugs and vaccines has been given in view of the requests of
the students and veterinarians to check the accuracy of the
treatment adopted as per history of animal patients and fatal
cases. Such routine practice to correlate the symptoms, lesions
and diagnosis made in animal patients with the line of
treatment followed will make one a successful veterinary
practitioner. Efforts have been made to include medicines,
prophylactic agents and patent preparations needed by a
clinician in every day practice in Tables 37, 38 and 39.

Table 37. Some information about Chemotherapeutic agents
Chemotherapeutic Pharmaceutical Species Dose Rate Repetition Route of Indications
Agents Products (drugs)
Sp ecialities
Antibiotics Longacllhn, All Species of i. 4000-10000 In case of Parenter al Anthrax, B.Q.
1. BenzaUune 6,12,2448 lakh animals. uruts per kg. Benzyl (I/M) tetanus.
Penicillin and units mjectlon body weight penlCllhn 6-12 mahgna nt
derivatives 11. Pronape n 20 or hours and for oedema, baCillary
lakh Units 5mg/kg .bwt procaine haemogl obmuna ,
Iil. Pronape m-40 every week. penlCllhn 24 braxy, F.MD.,
lakh uruts hourly. entero toxaemia,
IV. Bestripen-40 Young F.M.D., foot rot,
lakh uruts arumals and Joint III or na vel
ProCllhn- vet. small ammals
20 and 40 lakh
are given
units higher doses.
VI. Frobfed
Procame peruclllln Dogs/Ca ts 2-4 Lakh
(inJ). umts.
2. Cloxa::illin & !.Indox SOOmg. All SpeCIes i. Large animals 12 hourly
ampicill in r/M Anthrax,B.Q.,H.S.
1000mg . and 4-7mg/ kg ,
2000 mg.mJectlOn Body weight tetan us, braxy etc.
11. Bmocm-1000 & 11. Small ammals
2000 mg. injection 4-10 mg/kg
Ill. Catloxln J.
iv. Betalactm InJ. -do- 1I1.5mg/kg.b.
Chemotherapeutic Pharmaceutical Species Dose rate Repetition Route of Indications
Agents products (drugs) Administrati
specialities on
3. Ampicillin i. Marcocillin inj. All species. 2-7mg/kg 12-24 I/M Respiratory, urinary,
ii. Albercillin inj. Body weight. hourly and genital tract
iii Conampi inj. 3-5days. infections. Anthrax,
iv. Eskycillin inj. B.Q., & tetanus etc.
v. Dynacil-Vet.inj.
vi. Catcillin inj.
vii. Vetampin inj.
viii. StancilIin inj.
4. Streptomycin i. Combiotic Large and liorse/foal/cow 10mg/kg 24 hourly I/M Urinary, respiratory,
and penicillin smaII vial inj. /calf Body weight gastrointestinal, tract
ii. Munomycin forte inj. /sheep/ goats/ infections. T.B.,
iii. Dicrysticin-s 10-20mg/kg Johne's disease,
Large vial Dogs and cats Body weight actinomycosis and
iv. Vetopeninj. O.5gm/SOkg bwt actinobacillosis etc.
0.5 gm, 1.0 gm, 25 Large animals 0.25mg/5kg bwt
gm SmaII animals

5. Kanamycin Kanacin inj. 1 gm All species 7-10 mg/kg Body 12 hourly I/M Urinary tract
weight infection. mastitis,
respiratory tract
infection, metritis
cervicitis etc.
6. Gentamycin i. Gentamycin inj. All species 12 hourly, Respiratory tract,
sulphate lP. ii. Genticin inj. SmaII animals 2-4 mg/kg bwt. for 7-9 days I/M urinary tract, geni tal
iii. Gentim inj. Large anintals 1-2 mg/kg bwt. tract infections,
mastitis etc.
Chemotherapeutic Phamtaceutical Species Dose Rate Repetition Route of Indications
Agents Products (drugs) Administratio
Specialities n
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
vi.Catlogenta Do Do Do Do Do
7. Amoxycillin I. Moxel inj. All species. 5-10mg/kg. 24 hourly I/M Respiratory
+ 2000mg. Body weight. problem, HS
Cloxacillin urinary tract
infection etc.
8.Oxytetracyc1in i. Terramycin inj. All species 5-10mg/kg 24 hourly I/M H.S., B.Q.,tetanus,
ii. Tetra inj. Body weight. respiratory,
ill. Oxy. Stec1in ID). urinary and
iv.Terramycin-LA genital tract
v.Oxyvet-LA 10-20 IDg./kg. At 72 hrs. infections
vi. Telon-LA Do Body weight. interval etc.actinomycosis,
vii. Veterinary anaplasmosis,
oxytetracyclin inj. Cattle/Horses/ 5-10 mg./kg. Do leptospirosis etc.
Buffaloes. bwt.
9. Tetracyclin Hostacyclin water Horse, cattle, 5 to 20 gm. or 24 hourly Oral use Pasteurellosis,
hydrochloride soluble powder sheep and pig 25 mg/30 kg restricted vibriosis,
Tetracycline bwt. depending / intra-uterine. anaplasmosis,
hydrochloride bolus on weight of the 24 hourly feline in fluenza
Steclin bolus. C/H/S/G pigs 4-6 /48 hourly. Do and goat
boluses daily. Do Do pneumonia etc.
Do Do Do
Chemotherapeutic Pharmaceutical Species Dose Rate Repetition Route of Indications
Agents products (drugs) Administratio
specialities n
10. Chlortetracyc1in Aureomycin Small animals 20-25mg/kg 12 hourly in Orally Mastitis,
hydrochlor bwt. hvo divided strangles,
doses. pasteurellosis
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Do Do Large animals 7-1Omg/kg bwt. 12 hourly Do Do
11. Chloramphenicol Neochlor inj. Large animals 2-4 mg/kg. bwt 24 hourly I/M Calf diphtheria,
S/G/P/F/Calv 4-10mg/kg. footrot, virus
es Body weight pneumonia,
coliform or
Do -do- salmonella
Do infection. metritis,
kennel cough,
infectious bovine
keratitis, otitis,
eye infections etc.
12 Norfloxacin Neonox-200 C/B 1-2 tab in 4Bhourly Intraterine All bacterial
Dispersible tab. D/cats distilled water 24 hourly Orally after infections.
1 tab in distilled meals
Chemotherapeutic Pharmaceutical Species Dose Rate Repetition Route of Indications
Agents Products (drugs) Administ
Specialities ration
13. Cephalosporins Keflong inj. All species 10-20mg/kg 24 hourly I/M Pneumonia, H.S.,
(0.5 gm., 19m.) Body weight metritis, nephritis,
cystitis, septicaemia
and otitis.

14. Pefloxacin Pelwininj. All species As directed by IjV All microbial

methene sulphonate Pefloninj. physician ---- infections (e.g., H S)
15. Enorofloxacin 10% Meriquin inj. All species Iml/40kg.bwt. 24 hourly I/M
Enrosin inj.10% cattle / Buffloes. Do 24 hourly Do
Floxidin inj. Do Do Do Do
16. Tylosin Tylosin inj. Cattle Pigs,dogs 4-10 mg/kg bwt Do I/M
& cats. 2-10mg/kg Do
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
17. Plymyxin B Plymyxin B Large animals 40,000 units/kg. Orally Mastitis, septicaemia
body weight & otitis extema.
10,000 units/kg. 24 hourly l/M
body weight
18. Lyncomycin Lyncomycin inj. Dogs and cats 20 mg/kg.bwt. 12 hourly Orally Mycoplasma infection
Do 20 mg/kg.bwt. 24 hourly l/M erisipelothrix
Pigs 4-1Omg/kg.bwt. 24 hourly I/M infection, tetanus,
infectious arthritis,
enterotoxaemia etc.
Chemotherapeutic Phannaceutical Species Dose Rate Repetition Route of Indications
Agents Products (drugs) Administ
Specialities ration
19. Sulphadimidine Sulpha drugs All species . 1 gm./7.5 kg Orally H/S, foot rot, calf
or 1. Diadin inj. WClSIG{g etc. bwt. 24 hourly SiC, I/V pneumonia, calf
Sulphamezathine (33.3%) 30 mI/50 kg. and scours, pneumonia,
ii. Vesadine inj. Body weight as I/periton strangles, joints ill in
(33.3%) initial dose ea!. foals, speticaemia,
iii. Suphadimidine followed by half metritis, necrotic
sodiuminj. (33.3%) D/C/Rabbits/ of this dose for 2 24 hourly enteritis, coccidiosis
Other small days etc.
animals Enteritis, coccidiosis
iv. Diadin tablet (5 3 mI/5 kg. B. wt
gm) initially
followed by 1.5 24 hourly Orally in
v. Sulpha bolus. H/CjS/G/p mI/5kg. B. divided
weight daily. doses
-do- -do-
l gm.j7.5 kg 0.2gm/kg.B.wt.f
bwt. ollwed by half


Do -do- Dogs/Cats/Ra 1 gm/5 kg.bwt. -do- Orally Strangles metritis,

bits and other followed by 0.5 pneumonia, HS. etc.
small animals gm. kg. bwt.
Chemotherapeutic Phannaceutical Species Dose Rate Repetition Route of Indications
Agents Products (drugs) Administ
Specialities ration
20. Sulphathalazole vi. Thalazole Tab. Calves/Foals 7.5 g.m/50 kg. 24 hourly Orally Indicated in bacterial
Phthalylsulph (5gm) b. wt. for 3-4 infections of
Pigs days 24 hourly Orally alimentary tract.
1 gm/9kg. B.
Dogs weight daily 24 hourly Orally
upto 6 days
Cats 1 gm/7kg. B. 24 hourly Orally
weight daily
upto6 days
0.5 gm/3 kg. B.
wt. daily upto 6
21. Sulphonamides i. Atrinla bolus (1.2 Cows/Mares/F 30mg/kgBwt. 12 hourly for 3- Orally Respiratory and
and gm,2.5gm) oaIs/ in divided doses 5 days urinary alimentaIy
Trimethoprim Ewes/ -do- tract disease, etc.
ii.Sulcoprim 15mg/ kg. B. -do-
bolus Dogs weight
C/H 2-4 bolus daily MOrning-
iii. Oriprim S/G/Calves 0.5-1 bolus evening for 5
bolus Horse and daily days
cattle Twoboluses -do- -do-
iv. Oriprim inj. Small aninlals 1/2-1 bolus injectable 24
I/M hourly
All species 1 ml/20 kg Do I/M ActinobacillOSiS
v. Sulprim 24 body weight I/M
inj. daily
1 ml/16 kg bwt.
Chemotherapeutic Pharmaceutical Species Dose Rate Repetition Route of Indications
Agents Products (drugs) Administ
Specialities ration
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
vi. Oriprim I/V Small animals 2-5 ml daily 24 hourly I/V Actinomycosis,
Large animals 15-30 nu daily 24 hourly I/V infectious
Coccidiosis, G.!. tract
infection, urogenital
tract infection
22. Antipyretics, All species 8-10 ml/100 kg 12-24 hourly I/M In high fever, myositis
analgesics l.Novalgin inj. Horse bwt./ and painful
and antiflammatory 2. Bolin inj. Cattle 20-60ml conditions.
drugs 3. Bovalgin inj. Foals/Calves 2040ml
4. Analgin inj. Pigs 5-15 ml
Diclofenac 5. Paracetol inj. Sheep/goat 30ml
Sodium 6.Catlofenac inj Dog/cat 2-8ml
Do 7.Zobid inj. Large Animals 1-5 nu
Do 8. Nufenac inj. Small Animals 1 ml/25 kg bwt.
9. Esgipyrin inj. C/H 0.5 to 2 ml
Foal/calve IS-20ml
Large animals 5-10ml
Small animals 1-15 ml
Chemotherapeutic Pharmaceutical Species Dose Rate Repetition Route of Indications
Agents Products (drugs) Administ
Specialities ration

23. B.complex i. Uverjet inj. Large animals 5-10 ml daily Anorexia, liver
with liver ii. Livogen inj. disorder, hepatitis,
extract inj. iii. Belamyl inj. Jaundice. debility and
+ exhaustion, to
iv. Bivinal forte Small animals 1-2mldaily I/M maintain normal
inj. 24 hourly erythropoiesis and
v. Pepsid inj. check anaemia.
vi. Vibelan inj.

24.B.complex inj. i. Polybion inj. Large animals. 5-10 ml daily. 24 hourly or I/M Neurological disorder
ii.M.V.! alternate day. and paralysis
iii. Conciplex

24 hourly or
alternate day Do
B1B6B12 iv. Neurobion Small animals 2-3 ml daily. I/M
and other water soluble inj.
vitamins v. Vibelon inj. Large animals
vi. Triradisol. Do 5-10ml
inj. H-500 Do Do
vii. Triradisol Do Do
inj. H-lOOO C/B/H Do
viii. Neuroxin Dog 5-10ml Do Do
-B12Inj. 2-3ml Do Do
Chemotherapeutic Pharmaceutical Species Dose Rate Repetition Route of Indications
Agents Products (drugs) Administ
Specialities ration
25. Anti allergiq Allergic reaction
anti histaminics allergic pulmonary
emphysema, asthma
Pheniramine uticaria, insect bite,
maleate i. Avilinj. All species 24 hourly. I/M taileczema, demlatitis.
Chlorphenriamine Large animals 5-10 ml daily ruminanl atony.
maleate ii. Zeet inj. Small animals. 1/2-1 nu daily. tympany and bloat in
ill. Cadistin inj. ruminants, acute
Promethazine Hcl iv. Catlan septicmetritis,
Promethazine Hcl v. Promethazine pregnancy toxaemia,
Anti-inflamnlatory / anti- inj. shock etc.
anaphylactic shock/ Anti Phenergan inj.
Dexamethasone All species Ketosis, inflammation
Sodium Cattle/Buffaloe 4-20 mg daily 24 hourly I/M of respiratory tract,
phosphate i. Dexona inj. s/Horses 2-4mg daily in severe urogenital tract, local
Calves/Pigs/S 0.5to2mg. conditions it inflammatory
heep/ daily maybe condition arthritis,
Goat/ Dogs 8-20 mg daily repeated in 12 surgica shocks,
and Cats hour. anaphylactic shock,
ii. Dexavet inj. C/H/B traumatic shock
ill. Curadex inj. 2-4mgdaily pregnancy toxaemia,
iv. Cadex inj. 4-6n1l pneumonic
S/G/Calves 0.25-1 nu. pasteurellosiS, HS etc.
Betamethasone v. Dexanlethasone inj. Dog/Cat
Chemotherapeutic Phannaceutical Species Dose Rate Repetition Route of Indications
Agents Products (drugs) Administ
Specialities ration
As given above
vi. Betanesol inj
vii. Betaeotril inj. All species
Prednisolone viii. Hostacortin- H Do

50-200 mg daily
25-30 mg daily
Cattle/horses 10-30 daily.
26. Antiemetics/ Anti- All species I/Mor
convulsants Small animals 2.5 mg/kg.bwt. I/V Vomiting &
Chlorpromazine Hcl I/M restlessness.
Trifluopromazine Hel. i. Largactil
Trimeprazine tart
Prochlorperazine ii. Siquil Dog, Cattle, 1-2 mg/lb.bwt. 120r
mesylate Horse 10 mg/100Ib 24 hours
Metoclopramide Hcl iii.Vallergan bwt. Do I/M
iv. Stemitil inj. 10-15 mg/100 Do
Ibs do I/Mor
v. Perinonn inj. Small animals Body weight Do IjV
(Dog & cats). 1 amp.daily or Do I/M
twice daily
depending upon Do
the condition.
Chemotherapeutic Pharmaceutical Species OoseRate Repetition Route of Indications
Agents Products (drugs) Administ
Specialities ration
27. i. Pethidine Horse/cattle l50mgto Repitition I/M Painful condition,
Antispasmodic Hydrochloride Pigs, 200mg/SOkg depends upon I/M colic, difficult
Dogs, bwt. condition I/M parturition etc.
Cats 3-5 mg/kg.B.wt. Orally
10 mg/kg.B. wt. -00- SIC, I/V -do-
Large animals 25 mg/kg.B.wt. -00-
ii. Polygesic inj. D/C 5-10 SIC/or -do-
Foal/Calf mg/kg.B.wt. I/M
Large animals 20-60ml -00- I/M
ill. Ridalpin inj. Small animals l-2ml -do-
Calf/foal 5-l5ml Repeated after -do-
20-60ml 3 to 4 weeks
iv. Trigan-D inj. Large animals. 2-4ml -do-
2-l5ml -Do-

28. Anti trematodal i.Corbon Cattle, 5ml Repeated after Orally Liver flukes,
(Fluke remedies) tetrachloride Sheep and lml 2 weeks paramphistomiasis
goats Repeated after etc.
ii. Distodin (1 gm) Tab. Adult animals 1 gm tab/lOO
Distodin 100 mg. tab kg.b.wt. 2-3 weeks
Small animals 100 mg tab(1-2 Orally -do-
ill. Trodex inj., tab.)
Chemotherapeutic Pharmaceutical Species Dose Rate Repetition Route of Indications
Agents Products (drugs) Administ
Specialities ration
Nitroxyl OxycIozanide Large animals As desired by SIC -do-
Oxyclozanide Cattle 10 nu. physician.
3. Tolzan-F susp. 10 ml/kg.b.wt.
4.Amfanide Cattle & Orally
Rafoxanide buffaloes 033 ml/kg.b.wt.
Sheep & goats. 7.5 mg/kg b.wt.
Oxyclozanide S.Hexanide C/B 10 mg/kgbwt. As desired by Orally Do
Oxyclozanide 6. Nilzan Swines 0.33 nu/bwt. kg. physician. Do do
+ Cattle + sheep do (60-90 ml) as Do Flukes.& Gl.tract
total dose do Do nematodes.
Tetramisole hel 7. Fasinex C/B/S/G 1-4 tablets. Do Do
Lithium Anthiomaline inj. Adult Cattle 20ml. Repeat twice a I/M Nasal Granuloma
antimony week deep (NG)
thiomalate MaximumS
Sodium antimony Tartarematic Do 1 nu (4%) / 40 Do I/V Do
tartrate kg
b.wt. or 20 ml.
2-3 % as total
Chemotherapeutic Pharmaceutical Species Dose Rate Repetition Route of Indications
Agents Products (drugs) Administ
Specialities ration
29. 1. Vemlex Cattle & 15-30 m1/30 kg. Repeat after 3 Orally Round worms of
Antinematodal 2. Piperazine buffaloes B.wt. weeks poultry, cattle,
(Round worm remedies). Adipate 44.4 % Horses/ swines 15 m1/30 kg. buffaloes horses,
Piperazine 3. Helmacid B.wt. swine, dogs, cats etc.
salt liquid Calves/ Foals
4. Peperazine Dogs & Cats 15m1/25 kg.
45 % liquid B.wt.
2.5 mlll0 kg.
Fenbendazole B.wt.
5. Panacur Do Orally
bolus (2.5mg) Cattle,
6. Panacur tab. buffaloes
(l5Omg) /horse
Sheep/ Goats/ 5-10mg/kg
Pigs. B.wt.
Dog & cats
5 mg/kg B.wt.

Mebendazole 7. Wormin 500mg. C/B 5-10
bolus mg/kg.b.wt.upt
Fenbendazole 8. Curaminth C/H 0 Orally All round womlS i.e.,
9. Zodex do Do Round worms,
Calves/ sheep/ 5-10 WhipwomlS,
Chemotherapeutic Pharmaceutical Species Dose Rate Repetition Route of Indications
Agents Products (drugs) Administ
Specialities ration
Morental citrate pigs/goats mg/kg.b.wt. hookworms etc.
10. Banminth Il 4-8 boluses For 3 days Orally Do
forte (lgm. All species 2-4 boluses continuously
Levamisole hel bolus) Tablet
11. Kalmisole 1 bolus/2oo kg Do Do Do
Albendazole vet tablet Livestock b.wt. Round wmms &
12. Albomar 1 tablet/20 kg Do Orally Flukes
suspension Do but.
/powder Tapeworm infestation
13. Analog One tablet/ 20 Do Repitition Orally
30. Anticestodal suspension C/B/H/S/G/P kgb.wt.
drug 14. Dicestal
Ivermectin Large animals 0.33ml/kg or 5- After 2-3 weeks All endo and ecto
15. (a) Ivomec Horses D/C/S 7.5 mg/kg b.wt. After weekly parasitic infections
inj. All species inetervals 2-3 SIC
(b) Mectin inj. C/H/D/S/ 1 mlf5 kg.fbwt. inj. Babesiosis +
31. Anti-haemo- theileriosis etc.
protozoal After 48 to 72 Do
4, 4' -diamidino-
0.5gm/4kg/bwt hours. I/Mdeep
i. Berenil All species
ii. Pronil-H. (cattle) 0.5
Small animals gm/3kg/bwt.
1 ml/50
Chemotherapeutic Pharmaceutical Species Dose Rate Repetition Route of Indications
Agents Products (drugs) Administ
Specialities ration

0.8 to 1.6
gm/lOO kg. B.W
Sodium ill. Tartaremitic Horse/Cattle/ lmI4%/40kg Twice week for I/V Surra
antimony tartarate Camels bwt.or 20 ml. (2- 2 weeks
Quinapyramine sulphate iv. Trypnil inj. 3%501) After 3 months SIC Surra
and Q.P.chloride v. Triqininj. Horse/ Cattle 3mg./kg body
vi. Tribexine inj Camels wt.
32 Bupravaquone or 0.025 ml/kg Within 48-72
vii. Butalex Bwt.or (10-12 nu
hours of the l./M Theileriasis
Cattle as total douse)initial injection
33. Antianemic Twice weekly Anaemia,DegnaIa
drugs Do I/M disease and
i. Acetylarsan I ml/20kg.body Thrice daily debilitating conditions
(23.6%) Large animals wt. Twice daily I/M
ii. Cal-D rubra Dogs and Cats Thrice daily Orally Do
ill.Sharcopherol Small animals Alternate day Orally Do
iv.Neuroxin- Large animals Orally Do
B12 Small animals 5 to 10 ml Alternate day I/M Do
v. Imferon Inj. lt02ml daily Do
Large animals 10ml I/M Do
vi. Fesol cap. Small animals 50ml Orally
Dogs and Cats 5-l0ml
Chemotherapeutic Phannaceutical Species Dose Rate Repetition Route of Indications
Agents Products (drugs) Administ
Specialities ration
1 cap.

34. Intramammary i. Pendistrin-SH Large animals 1 tube every 12 5-7 days I/mamm Mastitis(acute and
infusions hrs. ary chronic)
Pencillin ii. Vetclox plus Cattle and Do Do
Streptomycin + buffaloes after milking Do
Ampicillin + iii. Penicur-D 3-5 days Do
Cloxacillin + iv. Alciclox 1 tube every 12 Do
Dexamethasone v.Campidex (Acute mastitis) hours after
vi. Vetmas
" "
Chronic Do
35. Antiectoparasites 1. Ascabiol -do- Apply on Sarcoptic man-
(emulsion) Dogs affected surface Apply on
"Topical ge,parasitic
with a soft alternate day applicatio otitis,removal of lice.
2. Malathion brush n Ectoparasites of
3. Lorexane All species Spray or apply livestock poultry and
cream All species 0.5-1 % on the dogs. pets. Ectoparasites
suspension Applied as a -do- Effective at gainsticks,
4. Butox spray & pow- mites, lice and rues,
All species der should be Used as
5. Pestoban 1 % solution and sprinkled on spray as
0.6% dust. body. topingup
2ml/litre of May be repea- These drugs stimulate,
water for spray ted after 2 increase and maintain
or dip. weeks. milk~eld in the
Chemotherapeutic Phannaceutical Species Dose Rate Repetition Route of Indications
Agents Products (drugs) Administ
Specialities ration
36. Galactogauge Leptaden tab. 3ml/litre of Twice daily for animals.
Large animals water for toping 2 to3 weeks or Do
ii. Dudhdan tabs up. more Orally
Cattle Buffaloes Twice daily for -do-
ill. Galog tabs. Goat and ewes 10 tabs. 2 Orally -do-
Large animals Weeks Orally
iv. Calsus Plus liquid. 3-5 tabs. Do -do-
Cattle / Buffalo 1 tab
37. Rumenotoric l.Bovirum bolus Do -do-
drugs 2.Rumenton 5-10 ml For a week -do-
3.Bio-spur bolus -do- -do-
3-4 boluses per
day -do-
2-4 boluses
38. Anti-convu- i. Mysoline tab. Small aninlals 250 Total dose Orally Epilepsy, epileptic
lsants(chorea) mg/5kg.B.wt. divided in to 2 form of convulsions,
parts given at and hysteria
intervals of 12 Nervous disorders
ii. Gardenal tab. Dog hours. Do convulsion,
and 30-300mg 30mg. tab- Oo cholrea.eclampsia,teta
Cats according to Thrice daily nty, poisoning by
bwt. strychnine and
ill. Lardopa Dogs Do
I(500mg) tab. once daily
Chemotherapeutic Pharmaceutical Species Dose Rate Repetition Route of Indications
Agents Products (drugs) Administ
Specialities ration
iv. Pacitane Dogs 1/2 tablet followed Do
(2mg) Twice daily
v. Amantrel Dogs 1 tab. Thrice daily
(l00ntg) tab.
1 tab. Thrice daily

39. Drugs used in Repeat after 12 S/Cor Hypocalcaemia, (milk

calcium therapy i. Calborol Cattle & Horse 350 nu to 450 nu hours if I/Vslow fever) Lactation
Calcium (Warmed to necessary tetanty Acute reaction
(borogluconate) Sheep/Pigs/Go bodytem) in cattle and sheep
ii. Calcium boro at 60 nu. 24 hours due to allthelmi-
- gluconate inj. Pig/Goats/She 20 to 50 nu -do- ntics.(e.g., CTC)
ill. Mifex ep 3oo-450nll -do- -do- -do-
iv. Thiacal C/B 200 to 350 nu -do- -do- -do-
Cattle & 250-450 nll -do-
Osto calcium buffaloes Daily for 15 to Orally
BI2liquid(SOOnU) C/B loonll 30 days -do- -do-
25 to 75 nll -do- -do-
Cattle & 100 nu Orally -do-
Cobacal-D Inj. buffaloes 10 to 20 nll Thrice a week I/M -do-
Calves for 1 to 2 weeks
10 to 15 nll.
Small animals -do-

Chemotherapeutic Pharmaceutical Species Dose Rate Repetition Route of Indications
~gents Products (drugs) Adminis
Specialities tration
40. Fluid therapy i. 5% Dextrose All species 25 ml to 50 12 or 24 hours IjV 1. In cases of
nu/kg Body wt. depending dehydration, from
upon severity vomiting, diarrhoea &
ii.5 to 10% Dextrose Do Do ofdeydration Do enteritis.
saline or (DNS) Depending 2. Jaundice, hepatitis,
upon the ketosis loss of appetite
severity of the and impaired
iii. Rintose disease (e.g., Do digestion etc.
solution C/B/H 500-1oooml jaundice) Do
iv. Ringer's S/G 1oo-2ooml Do
lactate Do Do 24 hrly.3 to 4 Do Do
v. Dextrose days
(5%,10%) Large animals 450 ml. 1000 ml. Do Do Do
(20%,25%) Sheep and goat 100-150 ml
vi. Electrovet Small animals 25 to 50 ml. Do Do
vii. Lecrivet C/B/H 500-2000 nu. Do Do
Large animals 450ml Do
Do Do
Chemotherapeutic Phannaceutical Species Dose Rate Repetition Route of Indications
Agents Products (drugs) Adminis
Specialities tration ).

41. AntihaemoIT- i. Styptobion Dogs/Cats 1-2 ml. Twice daily Do Epistaxis, haemorrage
hagic ii. Styptochrome Large animals 10ml. Twice daily I/M
drugs (inj.) I/M Do
ill. Revice (inj.)
iv. Styptocid Do Do Do Do ~
v. Chromostat Do Do Do Do
vi. Kalpin (inj.) Do Do Do Do
42 Antibloat
i. Bloatosil Cattle 100ml. asa Repeated after Do Do ::;l
buffaloes drench 6-12 hrs or 24 Orally Do !l:
hours if needed Tympany, frothy bloat
sheep & goat

ii. Blotinox Do Do
Cattle & Do
buffaloes 100ml.
Horse & Do Do ~
50-100ml. Do
Do ~
Sheep & Goat Do
Do Do Do ;:!

iii. Tympol Cattle &

buffaloes 50mg. Do
Do ~
iv. Blatal Sheep & goat Do Do Do
Large animals 20-30ml. Do
Chemotherapeutic Pharmaceutical Species Dose Rate Repetition Route of Indications
Agents Products (drugs) Adminis
Specialities tration
43. Anti 1. Chlorostrep Calves/Colts 40-55ml Do Orally Gastroenteritis,
diarrhoeal Dogs & Cats 1-2 teaspoon ful. Thrice daily for Orally diarrhoea dysentery
suspension 2. Diarmycin-n Neonates 5-10ml. 5 t07 days Do etc.
suspension Twice daily Do
3. Enterostrep
" " Do Orally
" "
1-2 tablets Do Orally
4. Kaltin Do In morning & Do
suspension Do evening Do
Dogs & cats 1-2 teaspoon ful 3-4times daily Do
5. Pesulin
suspension neonates 1-2 teaspoon ful As per Orally
6. Furoxone requirement Do Orally
" Do
7. Streptomag-
"Dogs & cats Do Do Do Do
ma suspension Do Do Do Do
8.Drivet Do
9. Gramogyl Do Do Do Do
10. Unimycin Do Do Do Do Do
bolus Cattle + Buffalo One bolus/45 Given for 3 Do
11. Diarosil kgbwt. days Twice
12. Fazole bolus Do Daily Do
Large animals Twoboluses Do Orally Diarrhoea+ dysentery
1 bolus/SO kg
Chemotherapeutic Pharmaceutical Species Dose Rate Repetition Route of Indications
Agents Products (drugs) Adminis
Specialities tration
44. Anti 1. Dulcolax tabs. Do Do As required Constipation
constipative 2. Vaculax Do Do Do Do Do
drugs Glaxenna tab. Do Do Do Do Do
3. Cremaffin Do Do Do Do Do
4. Agarol Do Do Do Do Do
5. Liquid Do Do Do Do Do
45. Supportive 1. Tonophosphan All species 5- 20 ml. /1-3 Do I/M Debility + Exhaustion
drugs Large ml.
animals/ small
Some Common Ointments, Liminents and Antiseptic 5. Sulphur ointment
lotions etc. Sulphur sublimated -1 part
1. Iodine ointment (1:25) Vaseline -10 parts
Iodum -4gm. Use in case of mange
Pot. Iodide -4 gm. 6. Embee Veterinary Cream for wound dressing Or
Glycerine -12gm. Dressing oil
Vaseline -80 gm. Creosote -10ml.
Use-Painful swellings and sprains. Oll. Turpentine -125 ml.
2. Tr. iodine Oll. Lini -500ml.
Iodine -5 gm.
Pot. iodide -3 gm. 7. Carron Oil
Dist. water -5ml. Liquor calcis (Lime water) -1 part
Rectified sprit -200ml. Linseed oil - 8 parts
Use- Cut or Injuries To be mixed by shaking
3. Lugol's iodine Use - Burns
Iodum -2gm.
Pot. Iodide -3 gm. 8. B.I.P.P.
Dist. water -80 gm. Bismuth subnitrate -1 gm.
Use - Uterine paint Iodoform -2gm.
4. Red ointment Liquid paraffin - q.s.
Hydragyri lod. Rubr. -1 part Use - Sinus and fistulae
Vaseline - 8 parts
Use - Blister

9. Salicylic ointment 13. Betadine solution & Povidone - Iodine (U.s.P)

Acid salicylic -2gm. 50% w / v. for dressing of wounds.

Add carbolic -2gm.
Vasiline -30 gm. 14. Himax ointment
Use - Ringworm
Use - Skin or foot wounds
10. In case of moist eczema, the following can be used
Acid salicylic -2gm.
Acid tamric -2gm. Alum -(1%)
Sprint -30ml. Borax - (2-3%)
Boric acid - (2-3%)
11. Liniment Ammonia Copper sulphate - (0.5'Yo)
Potassium permagnate - (1:2000)
Liq. Ammonia fortis - 30ml. Tannic acid - (0.5-2%)
Oil. Turpentine -:'IOml. Sulphdnilamide -(1%)
Camphoor -30ml.
Aqua -30ml. 16. Common antiseptics
Simple oil - 250 rnl.
To be mixed by shaking Acriflavin - (1:1000 to 1:10,000)
Use - Sprain and chest pain Boric Acid - (1-2%)
Cetavlon - (1:500 - 1:5000)
12 Antiseptic powder and solution Iodine - (2.5%)
Hydrogen peroxide - (1:5 to 1:10)
Boric acid - 2 parts Pot. permagnate - (1:1000 to 1:5000)
Iodoform -1 part
Zinc oxide -1 part
Use - Dressing of unhealthy wounds and ulcerated
17. Febrifuge
20. Antibloat preparation
For cattle, buffaloes and horses. For cattle & buffaloes
Ammon, carbonate -8gm.
Quinine sulphate -4gm. RI Oil turpentine (Tarpin) -60ml.
Sodium salicylate -16gm. Carbolic acid -4gm.
Powder liquorice -16gm. Extract nuxvom -4ml.
Treacle -Q.S. Linseed oil (Tisi tel) -1000 nu.
Give as haust.
One such electuary thrice daily.
21. Carminative mixture For cattle, buffaloes and horses
18. Diuretics
Ajwain powder -15 gm.
i. Ridema inj. Large animals (C/B/H) 5-50 (I/M) nu. Anisi powder (sun) -15 gm.
(I/M) Black pepper (Golmirch) -0.5 gm.
ii. Lasix inj. Dogs/Cats 0.25 - 0.5 nu. Black salt (Kala mirch) -so gm.
Ginger powder -15 gm.
Mix with water and drench thrice daily.
19. Stomachic 22 Ecbolic

For horse and cattle. For cows, buffaloes and mares

Copper sulphate (Tutia) - 2 gm. RI
Cobalt chloride -100 gm. 1. Ergot extract -20ml.
Ginger powder (Adrakh) - 30 gm. Magnesium sulphate -180gm.
Nux vomica powder (Kochila) - 30 gm. Pulv ginger -30 gm.
Sodium bicarbonate (Khane ka soda) - 20 gm. Pulvanisi -30 gm.
Prepare electuary and give such thrice daily. Treacle -Q.S.
One electuary daily.
n. Replanta @ 50 gm. per day for 3-4 days in cows & Buffaloes.
23. LaxativejPurgative For cattle and buffaloes 26. Heart tonics

Rx Horse and cattle

Magnesium sulphate -150 gm. Tr. digitalis - 8 nu.
Sodium sulphate -60 gm. Tr. Nux Vom -10 ml.
Sodium sulphate -60 gm. Tr. Zingiberis - 30 ml.
Ginger powder -16 gm. Aqua add - 125 nu.
Water -750ml. Mft. Haust. Sig. once daily for eight days.
Drench at once. Digitalin - Horse and cattle -15-60 mg SIC
Dog. -1-10 mg.- SIC or I/M
24. Expectorant Digitoxin Dog - 0.1 to 1 mg. orally or I/M

For cattle, buffaloes and horses 27. Astringent mixture for enteritis, diarrhoea and dysentery
Anise powder -15 gm.
Ajwan powder -8gm. Rx
Camphoor powder -15 gm. (1) Adult cattle Calf.
Extract belladona -3gm. Pulv. Creta 30 gm. 10 gm.
Potassium chloride -I2gm. Pulv. Kaolin 30~ 10 gm.
Treacle -Q.5. Pulv. Catechu 30 gm. 10 gm.
Prepare electuary and feed thrice daily
2. Inj. Novalgin (Hoecht)
25. Tonics-
3. hlj. Polygesic (Hoecht) Large animals 20-60 ml.
For cattle, buffaloes and horses Calves/Foals 5-15 ml.
Rx Sheep/Goat 2-8 ml.
Cobalt sulphate -50mg. Dog/Cat 1-2 ml I/M
Copper sulphate -l00mg.
FelTous sulphate - 5 gm. 4. Trigan- D
Gentian powder -6gm.
Nuxvom powder -6gm.
Treacle -Q.5.
Such one dose thrice daily.

28. (2) Acid tannic 15 gm. 31. Feed supplements

Kaolin 30 gm. A. For dogs

Pulv. ginger 15 gm.
Give in gruel once in 12 hours. 1. Vitapet

29. Preparation to treat impaction of colon with colic in horse 2 Calmin

R/x B. For cattle & buffaloes

Aloes barb 15 gm
Aqua ferv (warm water) Q.5. 1. Milkmin
Oi. Terebinth 60 nu.
Chloral Hydras 30 gm. 2. Gwala
Oi.lini 500 nu.
3. Supplevite
Mft. Sig. Dissolve aloes and chloral hydras in hot water and
shake well with oil of Turpentine and linseed oil. Administer 4. Supplimin
as a drench slowly.
S. Hiyield
Preparation to treat spasmodic colic
6. Provimin Forte
7. Biotone S. Powder
30. 1. Chloral Hydras 30 gm.
Oil. Terebinth 30mI. 8. Kalmin forte
Oil. Lini SOOmI.
Mft.Haust. Sig. Administer
by stomach tube Mft. Elect. Sig. B.D.

32 Triple Carb (Gastric sedative for dogs) 36. Diuretic for Dogs.

Rx. Rx.
Mag. Carbo Lev. Sod. Salicylas 0.5 gms.
Bismath Carbo Pot. Aceats 0.5 gms.
Sodi Bicarb aa 20 gm, Spt. Anun-Arom- 1-2mI.
Mft. Pulv 6. Sig. Give 4 hourly Syrup SmI.
Aqua ad1Snu.
33. Mistura alba (Laxative mixture for dogs) Mft. Haust SigT.D.

Rx. 37. CNS depressants for cattle or horse

Mag.Sulph lS-25 gm.
Mag. Carb levis 4gms. Rx.
Aqua mentha pip ad 180mI. Chloral hydras 20 gms.
Mft. Mist. Sig. 2.4 teaspoonfuls according to weights Aqua 125mI.
Oil Lini 500 mI.
~. Antiemetic (for dog) Mft. Haust Sig. Stat

Rx. 38. Zinc iodoform paste (Z. I. P. P)

Tr.opii. 8 nu.
Spt. Chloroform 30 ml. Rx.
Aqua. Mentha pip ad 180 ml. Zinc Oxide 1 Part
Mft. Mist. Sig. 2-4 teaspoonfuls 3 hourly Iodofoml 2 Parts
Liquid Paraffin q. s. to make a paste
35. Diuretic (for horse and cattle) Use As an antiseptic, germicide and stimulant to granulation
Phenacetin 4gms.
Treacle Q.~.
Disease Vaccines Animals to be Vaccinated Dose & Route of Immunity Remarks
1. Anthrax Anthrax spore Cattle/buffaloes/ sheep/ goats/ 1 ml 5/ C (In elephant 1 year Vaccination
vaccine. camels/ elephants. second dose of 3 ml (annually).
after an interval of 3

S-lOml SIC
2. Black Quarter Black quarter vaccine Cattle and buffaloes 1-2mIS/C 1 year Do before
(a) Monovalent sheep and goats Do 1 year monsoon.
(b) Polyvalent Do 1 year
Brucella vaccine 2-S year
3. Brucellosis (Strain- 19) Cattle 6 to 9 months and the 2-Syear Do
adult except pregnant anintals.

Lambs & sheep.

4. Enterotoxaemia Enterotoxaemia (above 3 months) 2-2S mlS/C Two 1 year Do
(p. K. D. and vaccine. injection at an interval
Enteroxaemia in of 2-3 weeks.
S. Haemorrhagic (a) H.S. borth Cattle and buffaloes. 3-6 months Vaccination
septicaemia vaccine before
(H.S.). (b) H.S. agar wash Do Do monSOOll (6
vaccine 3 toS mlI/M Do months).
(c) H.S. Oil adjuvant Do 1 year Do
Disease Vaccines Animals to be Vaccinated Dose & Route of Immunity Remarks
(a) Freeze dried 1mlSjC Annually
6. Rinderpest goat tissue Do lifelong
vaccine immunity
(FDGTV). (above 14
(b) TCRP (Tissue 1mlSjC
culture vaccine) Do
HoechstFMD 10 ml SjC for cattle 2 years
7. Foot and Mouth vaccine Quadrivalent Do buffaloes and calves immunity.
Disease I.V.R.I. Banglore, above 4 months. Revacci.nation
B.A.I.F. (Vaccine Do after every six
(All the four straines months in
of the F.M.D. virus in animals (e.g.,
to the vaccine) exotic & cross
Types O,A,C & Asia bred animals).
SL. Name of Age 1st Vaccination Route of Booster Repeat Diseases
Vaccines Administration
14 weeks 1 to 2 years Rabies.
1. Rabisin 6 to S weeks l/M 3 years Rabies.
2. ARV (20%) 3 months l/M
3. Candur DHL 2 months l/Mor S/C 9 months 3 years Distemper,
12-14 weeks 1 year hepatitis and

4. Caniffa 2 months l/M 12-14 weeks 1 to2 years Distemper

5. Pentadog 6-8 months l/M 12-14 weeks Distemper, hepatitis,
14 weeks leptospirosis parvo virus
infection. etc.
6. Candur-P 2 months l/M 12-14 weeks 1 year Distemper infectious
7. Parvodog 2 months l/Mor S/C 12-14 weeks 1 year hepatitis, parvo virus
S. Commander-7 6 weeks I/M Annually 1 year infection and
Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

ARV Anti rabies vaccine Disease Age for

DHL Distemper, hepatitis and leptospirosis
Distemper 12 weeks.
Diseases Age for vaccination
Distemper 12 weeks
Rabies 3 months of age
DH Distemper and hepatitis Rabies 3 month of age.
1. Animals in advanced pregnancy are not to be vacci-
2. Only healthy animals with normal morning and evening
temperature are chosen for vaccination.
3. Bacterial and viral vaccines can be repeated after 2 and
3 weeks respectively.
4. During an outbreak of a disease in a particular area,
clinically healthy animals are required to be vaccinated.
5. Reconstituted vaccine should be used within two hours
of its preparation.
6. Vaccination against H.S., B.Q. & Anthrax may be
avoided during an outbreak of such diseases owing to
suspectibility of the animals.
7. Bacterial vaccinations are preferred to be given before
onset of rainy season.
8. Vaccination against viral diseases e.g., rinderpest is usu-
ally given during winter months.
9. The animals should be dewormed at 4 to 6 month inter-
vals and underdose anthelmintic therapy should be
10. Postbite vaccination in the cases of dog bites is preferred.

Name Presentation Dose Manufacturer
Inj Akacin Inj. 2rnl amp (l00mg) 10mg/kgTID Morvel
Inj Vetacin Inj. 2rnl, 10ml, 30ml vial (25Omg/ml) !BC
Fortified Procaine Penicillin inj Inj. 20 lac vial (procaine penicillin G 15 lac, Cattle, horse, sheep, goat, pig: Alembic
20 lac Ipenicillin G Sodium 5 Lac)/ vial 4000-10,000 IV/Kg BW
Fortified Procaine Penicillin inj Inj. 40 lac vial (Procaine penicillin G 30 lac, Dog: 10,OOO-20,OOOIU/Kg BW Alembic
40 lac Ipenicillin G Sodium 10 Lac)/vial
Fortified Procaine Penicillin 20 Inj. 20 lac vial (Procaine penicillin 15 lac, Benzyl IBC
lac Penicillin Sodium 5 Lac)/vial
Fortified Procaine Penicillin 40 Inj. 40 lac vial (Procaine penicillin 30 lac, Penicillin IBC
lac G Sodium 10 Lac)/vial
Fortified Procaine Penicillin 20 Inj. 20 lac vial (Procaine penicillin 15 lac, Benzyl Sarabhai
lac Penicillin Sodium 5 Lac)/vial Zydus
Fortified Procaine Penicillin 40 Inj. 40 lac vial (procaine penicillin 30 lac, Penicillin Sarabhai
lac G Sodium 10 Lac)/vial Zydus
Ampilin Vet Inj. 2gm & 25gm vial Cattle, Sheep, Goat, horse, Pig: Lyka
Bacipen Inj. 2& 2.5 gmvial 5-10mg/kg BWQID Alembic
Catcillin inj. vet Inj. 25gm vial Dog, Cat 2Omg/kg BW QID Cattle
orally; lOmg/kg BW QID remedies
Conampi Inj. 19m, 2gm & 25gm vials parentraily Concept
Name Presentation Dose Manufacturer
Dynacil vet Inj. 19m & 2.5gm vial HAL
Roscillin Inj. 250, 500 mg& 19m vials Ranbaxy ~
Tab 125mg & 250mg
Syrup 12Smg/Sml & 25Omg/Sml ~
Stancillin Inj. 2gm vial Sarabhai ~

zydus ;p
Vetampin Inj. 2gm vial Wockhardt ~


AC-VET Inj. 2gm vial (Ampicillin sodium 19m & Cloxacillin
sodium 1 gm)
Intas [
AC -VET forte Inj. 3gm vial (Ampicillin sodium l.5gm & Intas ~
Cloxacillin sodium 1.5 gml [....
~ Aml'icillin and Cloxacillin Inj. 2gm vial Wockhardt
Baxivetinj Inj. SOOmg, 1 gm & 2~ vials 4-10 ml!; / kl!; BID Lyka
Binocin Ini. 1 gtn & 2 gIll via'is Concept
Biolox Inj. 2 gm vial Jeps
Biolox forte Inj. 25 gm vial Jeps
Catlox inj. vet

RC forte
Inj. 2gm vial

Inj. 41!;m vial

Vetdox forte Inj. 2gm vial Sarabhai
Name Presentation Dose Manufacturer
Amoxyrum bolus 1.5 gm bolus(2's) 10 mgjkg BW BID (LA); 10-20 Glaxo
m~jkg BW (SA)

Comoxyl powderSOOm!5g 100gm; SOOgm Cattle, horse: 20g for 3 days; Concept
sheep, goat, calf: 5gm for 3-
Hipen Tab: 125 mg & 250 mg; inj. 250mg and 500 mg vial 10 mgjkg BW BID (LA); 10-20 Cadila Health
mgjkg BW (SA) Care
Augmentin Dry syrup 30ml (Amoxycilin 200mg + Clavulanic Dog & cat 12.5-25 mg/Kg BW Smith Kline
acid28.75mg)j 5ml BID Beecham
Augmentin lOOODUO Tab lOOOmg (Amoxycilin 875mg + Clavulanic -do- Smith Kline
acidl25mg) . Beecham
Temobax Dry susp 6.6gm (30 ml) -do- Ranbaxy
Amc10x Inj. 2g (Amoxycillin sodium 19 and cloxacillin Novartis
Centamox Inj. 2g (Amoxycillin sodium 19 and cloxacillin Century
inj. SOOmg (Amoxycillin sodium 250mg and
cloxacillin sodium 25Omg}/vial
Comaxvet Inj. 500mg & 2gm vial Vetindia
Conmox Inj. 2gm vial Concept
Name Presentation Dose Manufacturer
Crilmox inj. vet Inj. 2gm vial Cattle
Hipenox Inj. 19m & 2 gm vial Sarabhai
Inimox Inj. 500mg, 2gm & 4 gm vial Indian
Intamox Ini. 500mg, 2gm, 2.5gm & 4 gm vial Intas
Klomivet Ini. 2gm vial Lyka
Megamycin Ini. 2gm vial Pfizer
Megamycin forte Ini. 3gm vial Pfizer
Moxel Ini. 500mg, 2gm & 3 gm vial Alembic
Moxyclox Ini. 3gm vial Wockhardt
Sporidex Drops: lOO mg/ ml, 10 ml Small animals Ranbaxy
Granules: 125 mg/5ml, 30 ml 10-25 mg/kg BW/ 8-12 h PO
Granules: 250 mg/5ml, 30 ml
DT-tab; 125 & 250 mg, ID's
Cap: 250& 500 mg, ID's
Name Presentation Dose Manufacturer
Alcephin Tab: 125 mg, 10's -do- Alembic
Syrup: 125mg/SmJ., 40 ml
Phexin Drops: 100 mg/ml, 10 ml -do- Glaxo pharma
Syrup: 2S0 mg/Sml, 30 ml
DT-tab; 125 mg, 10' s
Cap: 250& 500 mg, 10' s
Sepexin Kid-Tab 125mg, 10's Lyka
Disp-Tab 25Omg, lO's
Syrup: 125 mg/Sml, 30 ml
Cefaxone Inj. 25Omg, SOOmg, 1 g vial IS-SO mg/kg BW/ day Lupin
Monotax Inj. 125mg, 250mg, sOOmg, 1 g vial -do- Biochem
Zefone Inj. 250mg, 1 g vial -do- Cadila
Biotax Inj. 125mg, 250mg, SOOmg, 1 g vial Dog; 10-SO mg/kg BW/ 6-8h Biochem
Taxim 1nl. 125mg, 250mg, sOOmg, 1 g vial Goat SO mg/kg BW/ 12 h Alkem
Britax Inj. 250mg, SOOmg, 1 g vials Brihans
Lyfovet Inj. 2gm vial Oriental
Name Presentation Dose Manufacturer
Cefadrox Kid-Tab 125mg, lO's Dog, Cat 10-30mg/kg BW TID Aristo
Syrup: 125 mg/Sml, 30 ml
Droxibid Kid-Tab 2S0mg, 4's HAL
Tab SOOmg, 4's
Droxyl Kid-Tab 250mg, 4'8 Torrent
Tab SOOmg, 4's
Susp 250mg/ Sml, 30ml
Lydroxil Dis-Tab 250mg, 4's Lyka
Syrup 125mg/Sml, 40ml
Ambistryn-S Inj. 1 gm vial All animals: 10 mg / kg BW Sarabhai
Kancin inj Inj. SOO mg & 19 vial Cattle: S-10 mg / Kg BW IM, N Alembic
Kanamycin Inj. 500 mg & 19 vial Dog, Cat S mg / Kg BW IM, N Biochem
Indomycin Inj. 2gm vial IBC
GENTAMICIN (40 mg in each ml)
Catlogenta Inj Vet Inj. lOml & 30ml vials Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Pig, Dog, Cattle
Cat: 4mg/kg BW BID remedies
Poultry: 3-Smg/kg BW
Name Presentation Dose M'lnufacturer
G-Cin Inj. 30mI & 90ml vials Indian
Gentamicin Inj. 30mI & 100ml vials Alembic, IBC
TIK, Vetcare,
Gentamicin Inj. 10ml & 30ml vials Vetindia
Marcogenta Inj. 2m!, Sml, 10 mI vial& 30ml vials Marc
Gentiminj. Inj. 10 & 30 mI vial Merind
Althrocin Tab Tab 250 mg, SOO mg Cattle, sheep, goat, horse: 2.2-4.4 Alembic
Liq25mg/mI mg/kgBW
Anithrocin FS Powder 20mg/ g Pig: 2.2-6mg/kg BW IBC
Anithrocin SP Powder sOmg/ g Dog 10-40 Mg/kg BW IBC
Chloramphenicol sodium Inj.1 gm vial LA- 2-4 mg /kg I/V 20-30 mg KAPL
Succinate I/M
Chloramphenicol sodium !nj. 19m & 2gm vials Lyka
Chlorophen Ini. 30 ml vial (100 mg/ml) Vetindia
Chlorovet 30 ml vial (100 mg/mI) LA-4mg/kg G. Loucatos
SA-S-1S mg/kg
Neochlor Inj. 10 & 30 ml vials (each ml contains 100mg) 4-11 mg/ kg I/m Vet care
Name Presentation Dose Manufacturer
Neochlor forte powder 20% 50gmpack 19m/Lt of water on day 1; Vet care
w/w 19m/lO Lt. of water for next 3-5
Lykacetin Inj. 19m, 2gm, 3gm vials Lvka
Vetnicol bolus Bolus 500 mg(4's) Vets farma
C-Flox Inj. 40mg/ nu (SOnu vial) Dog, Cat: 5-15mg/kg BW Intas
Ciprovet Inj. 10ml, 30nu vial Cattle, sheep 4-5 mg/kg BW Vet India
Ciplox Tab 250mg (lO's) Cipla
INF IV 2Omg/lOml Q.OOml).
Ciprobid Tab 250mg (10' s) Zydus Cadila
Inj. IV 2mg/ml (5Onu & 100 ml)
CiJlrowin Tab 250 mg & SOD mg (10' s) Alembic
AV-Floxin 2000 Powder (Ciprofloxacin 20g, Norfloxacin 20 g)/kg: Broilers: 500nlg/M ton of feed AVR
500 gm pack Layers, breeders: 1000mg/M
ton of feed
C-Flox-TZ Tab (Ciprofloxacin HO 250mg, Tinidazole 300mg): Large animal: 1-2 boll OD for 3- Intas
10's 5 days
Bolus: (Ciprofloxacin HO lSOOmg, Tinidazole Small animals: ltab/15-25 Kg
1800mg): 2' s BW
Conflox-vet inj 5"11. Inj. 30ml (50mg/ ml) Concept
Conflox Vet Oral Solution 10% Soln 100ml & 500ml Poultry lOmg/kg BW Concept
Enrocare Ini- 20ml vial (lOOmg/ ml) Vetcare
Name Presentation Dose Manufacturer
Enrodn Inj.15ml,5Oml, looml vials Ranbaxy
Enrodac-l0 Ini. l5ml vial Sarabhai
Enrofloxacin Ini. l5ml vial Vetindia
Enrox (10% wJv) Ini. l5ml & looml vial Alembic
Floxidin Oral Soln. (5% w Iv) 100ml & 250ml Poultry 1Omg/kg SW Intervet
Oral Soln. (10% w Iv) 100ml & 250ml 5% soln. 2ml/Lt. of water
Ini. (10% w Iv) 15ml & 50ml vial 10% soln. lml/Lt. of water
Meriquin TabSOmg (lO's) Poultry 1ml/10kg SW Wockhardt
Ini. (100mg/ml): lnu & 50ml vial
Uq (100mg/ml): 100ml & 500ml
QuinIntas Inj. (lOOmg/ml): l5ml, 3Om1 & 15ml vial Poultry Intas
Uq (100mg/ml): lOOml & lLt Prophylactic: lml/4-8 Lt. of
Curative: lml/2-4 Lt. of water
Roflox Inj. (10%): l5ml & lOOml Novartis
AlcycIin-O Ini. 3Om1 vial (5Omg/ml) Cattle, sheep, goat, swine, horse: Alembic
Intamycin Inj.3Om1 & lOOml vial (5Omg/ml) 5-lOmg/kg SW/day Intas
Intamycin LA IInj. 3Om1 & lOOml vial (200mg/ml) Dog & Cat lO-2Omg/kg Intas
Oxy-l00 lni.3Om1 & lOOml vial (lOOmg/ml) BW/day Vetindia
Oxytetracycline lni.3Om1, 50ml & lOOml (SOmg/ml) Alembic, IBC
Oxytetracycline Ini. 3Om1 & lOOml vial (50mg/nu) Concept,
Name Presentation Dose Manufacturer
Oxytetracycline Inj. 3Oml, 50ml & looml (50mg/ nu) Vetindia
Oxytetra-LA Ini. 30ml (200mg/ n1l). Vetindia
Oxyvet Inj. 3Onu, 50ml & lOOnu (SOnlg/ nu) Sarabhai
Oxyvet-LA Inj. 3OnlI. (200mg/ n1l) Sarabhai
Terramycin Inj. 30ml & lOOnU vial (50mg/nlI.) Pfizer
Tab 500mg (4's)
Soln 60 nlI. (5Onlg/nu)
Terramycin-LA Inj. 30ml & 50nu vial (200nlg/ nu) Pfizer
WolicycIine Inj. 30ml (50mg/n1l) Wockhardt
Wolicycline DS Inj. 30nll. (lOOmg/nu) Wockhardt
WolicycIine LA Ini. 30nu (2oomg/ nu) Wockhardt
Neocyclin bolus 500mg (4's) Intas
LINCOMYCIN (300 mg/mI)
AIincomycin - vet Inj. 5n1l vials Bovine:lOmg/kg BW Alved
Lincocin inj. Inj. 2nU vials Dog: 15-25mg/kg BW BID Max
Pig: llmg/kg BW BID
Dicrysticin inj. Inj. 2.5 gm vial(procaine penicillin G 15Lac, Large Animal: 2nu/50kg BW Sarabhai
Penicillin G sodium 5 Lac, streptomycin sulphate Small Aninlal; ln1l/5kg BW Zydus
2.5 gm)/vial
Name Presentation Dose Manufacturer
Munomycin forte inj. Inj. 2.Sgm vial Large animal: 1-2 vials daily Glaxo
Vetopen inj. Inj. O.S,l.O, 2.5 gm vial HAL
Bistrepen-V Inj. 2.Sgm vial Alembic
Aldine BolusSgm All animals: loomgjkg BW oral, Alembic
Diadin BolusSgm IV Pfizer
Pabadine bolus Bolus Sgm (4' s) Intas
Sulfam Inj. lOOml vial (lgmj3m1) Pranav
Sulfamin Bolus Sgm(4's) Indian
Inj. lOOm!. & 4SOm1 (333mgj nu) Immunologica
Sulpha BolusSgm Sarabhai
Atrima bolus Bolus 1.2gm (Sulphadiazine 1gm, trimethoprim Large animals: lS-3Omgjkg BW Prima Vet
0.2gm) Dog: lSmgjkg BW Care
Bolus 2Agm (Sulphadiazine 2gm, trimethoprim
Name Presentation Dose Manufacturer
Bactridox Inj. 30 ml vial (sulphadoxine 20mg, -do- Alved
trimethoprim4mg) / mI
Bactrisol bolus Bolus 1.2gm(Sulphadiazine 1gm, trimethoprim -do- Alved
BactrisolInj Inj 30 ml vial (Sulphadiazine 400 mg, trimethoprim Alved
BiotrimIM Inj. 10 & 30 mI vial (Sulphadiazine 400 mg, Ranbaxy
trimethoprim 80mg)mI ,
BiotrimIV Inj. 30 ml vial(Sulphadiazine 200 mg, trimethoprim Ranbaxy
Biotrim DS Bolus 2.4 gm (Sulphadiazine 2gm, trim~oprim Ranbaxy
Cotrimal bolus Bolus (sulphamethoxazole 1.25gm, trimethoprim Alembic
Cotrimal DS bolus Bolus (sulphamethoxazole 2.5 gm, trimethoprim Alembic
Intrim Bolus (sulphamethoxazole 2 gm, trimethoprim 400 Indian
mg) Immunologica
Intrim bolus Bolus (sulphamethoxazole 1.25 gm, trimethoprim Intas
Name Presentation Dose Manufacturer
Intrim Forte Bolus Bolus (sulphamethoxazole 2 gm, trimethoprim 400 Intas
Oriprim Bolus Bolus (sulphamethoxazole 2 gm, trimethoprim 400 Sarabhai
mg) zydus
OriprimIM Inj.5mlamp Sarabhai
OriprimV Inj. 30ml vial Sarabhai
Sulcoprim Bolus (Sulphadiazine 2gm, trimethoprim 200mg) Concept
Sulprim-24 Inj. 30ml vial (Sulphadiazine 200mg, trimethoprim Unichem
Oriprim powder Powder 100gm (Sulphamethoxazole SOOmg, Animals: 2g/40kg BW BID Sarabhai
trimethoprim 10Omg)/g Poultry: zydus
Upto 6 weeks:
6-12 weeks: 4gm/1oobirds
12-18 weeks: 8gm/1oo
Biotrim oral Uq. Liq. 100ml (Sulphadiazine 200 mg, trimethoprim Poultry: 1ml in 2-4 Lt. Of Ranbaxy
4Omg)ml drinking water
Bactrisol Dispersible powder Powder 1OOgm, SOOgm & 1kg Chicks: 19m/ 2Lt of water Alved
Adults: 19m/ Lt of water
Name Presentation Dose Manufacturer
Anquin Tab 400mg (4's) Dog, Cat 22mg/kg BW BID Lyka
Negaflox Tab 400ng (8' s) Cadila Health
Norflox Distab lOOmg, 200mg, 400mg (10's) Cipla
Uroflox Tab 400mg (10' s) Torrent
Anarobin Inj. 50ml vial (5mg/ml) Dog: Unichem
Flagyl Tab 200mg, 400mg (10' s) 25-50mg/kg BW/ day in divided Rhone-
doses, Oral Poulenc
FlagylI.V Inj. lOOml (loomg/ml) 2Omg/kg BW / day in divided Rhone-
doses, IV Poulenc
Metrogyl Tab 2oomg, 400mg (lO's) Cattle: Unique
Susp 30ml, 60ml (200mg/5ml) 2Omg/kg BW/ day in divided
doses, IV
Inj. LV looml (500mg) .
Metronidazole Iitj. looml (5mg/ml) Prima Vetcare
Unimezol Tab 200mg (10's) Unichem
Amedol-F Susp. 60ml; (MetrOnidazole lOOmg, Diloxanide Small animals 3-5 ml Vetchem
furoate l25mg, Furazolidone 5Omg)/5ml
Name Presentation Dose Manufacturer
Centrogyl LM Bolus (Metronidazole 19m, Furazolidone sOOmg, Large animals 4-6 boli / day Century
Loperamide hydrochloride 7Smg) Small animals 1-2 boli / day
DependalM Tab (Metronidazole 300mg, Furazolidone 100mg) Dog, Cat : 1 tab TID Smithkline
Diamet Bolus (Metronidazole 19,Furazolidone 2oomg) Animals: 1 bolus/SOkg BW BID Novartis
Dirolin Bolus (Metronidazole 19, Furazolidone 200mg) Animals: 1 bolus/SOkg BW BID Vetindia
Fazole Bolus (Metronidazole 19, Furazolidone 200mg) Animals: 1 bolus/SO~ BW BID Unichem
Metrofural Bolus (Metronidazole 1gm, Furazolidone sOOmg, Large animals 4-6 boli / day Alembic
Loperamide hydrochloride 7Smg) Small animals 1-2 boli / day
Pelwin inj. 100 ml bottle 100 m.l/ 200 kg Wockhardt
Name of Drug Presentation Dosage Firm
Lomotil Tab 2.5mg (10'sO Dogs: 2-5mg (total dose) RPG
Cats: 0.5mg/k~BW
Lopamide Tab 2mg (lO's) Dogs, cats: 100nl&!K/i BW Torrent
Indigenous Preparations
Becknor Bolus Bolus Large Animals: 1bolus BID PO Naturalremetues
Small animals: 1/2 bolus BID
Catorrhoea Powder 100gm, 1 kg Cattle buffalo: 25-50 g BID/3-4 Tabs TID Cattle remedies
Tab 8X 6's Horse, mule: 20-30 g BID/2-3 Tabs TID
Sheep, Goat: 10-20 ~ BID/1-2 Tabs TID
Diamukt Dry susp. 15 gm (add water upto Dogs oral: (upto 10kg): Srnl TID Dabur
the mark on label) (more than 10 kg): 10-15 ml TID
DiarexVet Bolus Large animals: 2 boll BID PO Hirnalaya
Small animals: if2 -1 bolus BID PO
Diaroak Dry susp. 30gm, 400gm, 1kg, 2.5 kg Large animals: 30gm Dabur
Small animals 10-15gm
Poultry (mixing rate): 2.5 kg/ ton of feed
Neblon Powder Powder 100 gm & 1 kg pack Large animals:30-50gmBID / QID Indian herbs
Small animals: 6-10gm BID/QID
Dogs, piglets: 2-3 gm BID/QID
Name of Drug Presentation Dosage Firm
Beekom-L Inj. 30 mI vial Large Animals 5-10 mI, IM Wockhardt
Small Animals 0.5-2 ml , IM
Beekom-L Inj. 30 mI vial Large Animals 5-10 mI, IM Wockhardt
Small Animals 0.5-2 mI, IM
Belamyl Inj. Inj. 10 mI, 30ml & 50ml vials Large Animals 5-10 mI , IM Srabhai Zydus
Small Animals O.25-O.5mI, IM
Bivinal Forte Inj. 10 mI, 30mI vials Large Animals 5-10 mI, IM Alembic
Small Animals 0.5-2 mI , IM
Bovoplex-CC Inj. 10 mI, 30ml vials Large Animals 5-10 mI, IM Indian Inununologicals
Small Animals 0.5-2 nu , IM
Brotone Liq 120mI & 500mI Cattle: 4Om1 OD for 3 days Glaxo
Dog5mI BID
Broliers: 5-10mI/100 birds
Growers & lClYers: 20mI/100 birds
Hepaplex Inj. 10 mI, 30mI vials Large Animals 2.5-5 mI, IM Unichem
Small Animals 0.5-1 mI , IM
Livamyl Inj. Vet Inj. 10 mI, 30nu vials Large Animals 4ml , IM Cattle Remedies
Small Animals 0.25-O.5nu, IM
Name of DruJ( Presentation Dosage Firm
Livaplex Inj. 30ml Vial Large Animals 5-10 ml, IM Pranav
Small Animals 0.5-2 ml, IM
Liverjet Inj. 10 ml, 30mI vials Large Animals 5-10 ml, IM Cadila Pharma
Small Animals 0.5-2 ml , IM
Livogen Inj. 10 ml, 30ml vials Large Animals 5-10 ml, IM Glaxo
Small Animals 0.5-2 ml , IM
Nutriliv injection Inj. 10 ml, 30ml vials Large Animals 5-10 ml, IM Vetcare
Small Animals 0.5-2 nu , IM
Nutriliv forte Liq 500ml, 5Lt., 30 Lt. Broilers: 5-10mI!100 birds PO Vetcare
Layers: 20nll.!100 birds
Pepsid Inj. 10 ml, 30mI vials Large Animals 3-5 ml, IM Concept
Small Animals 0.5-1 nu, IM
Stronic Inj. 10 ml, 30nll. vials Large Animals 5-10 ml, IM Ranbaxy
Small Animals 0.5-2 ml , IM
Enliv Powder 1kg, 5kg pack Chicks: 3ml!1000 chicks! day Alembic
Liq.: 1Lt, 5 Lt Growers: 7ml!12000 birds! day
Layers!brolers: 10nll.!1000 birds! day
Liv 52 vet Powder 109, 100g, 1kg, 5kg Himalaya
UQ.: lloml, 1Lt., 5Lt
Liver Up Powder1kg Large animals: 5gm BID PO Sarabhai Zydus
Small animals: 2gm BID PO
Name of Drug Presentation Dosage Firm
Livol Powder lOOg & lkg Cow, Buffalo: 4O-6Ogm OD/BID PO Indian Herbs
Calf, heifer, colt, pig: 15-20g OD/BID PO
Sheep, Goat 8-12 gm OD/BID PO
Dog, Piglet: 3-5 gm OD/BID PO
Yakrifit Bolus Cow, buffalo, horse: 50ml or 2 bolus BID Dabur
Uq. 125ml, 250ml & 500ml Sheep, Goat: 15-20 mlor V2 bolus BID
Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domes tic Animals

Anthelmintics in Veterinary Practice

A) Benzimidazole (BZD) Anthelmintics:
Name of the
Anthelmintic Cattle Sheep Horse Pigs Dogs
(mlYkg) (mlYkg) (mlYkg) (mlYkg) (mlYkg)

Albendazole 7.5 5 5 - -
Fenbendazole 7.5 5 5-10 5 100

Mebendazole - 10-15 5-10 30 ppm 25-50 twice

for 10 daily for 5
days days

Thiabendazole 100 50-75 50 50-100

Tric1abendazole 12 10 - -

Route of Administration: Per Os

B) Imidazothiazole

Name of the
Ah~helmintic Cattle Sheep Pigs Dogs Poultry
(mlYkg) (mlYkg) (mlYkg) (mlYkg) (mlYkg)

Levamisole 7.5 7.5 7.5 5 25-50


Route of administration: Per Os or Subcutaneous

C) Salicylanilides:
Name of the Species
Cattle Sheep (mglkg) Dogs & Cats
(mglkg) (mglkg)

Closantel 5 SC, 10 5SC,10PO 5PO


Niclosamide - - 150 PO

Oxyclozanide 10-15 PO 10-15 PO -

Rafoxanide 7.5 PO 7.5SCi 3 SC -

SC:Subcutaneous; PO: Per Os

D) Piperazine Derivatives:

Species Horses Pigs Dogs & cats

(m~g) (m~g) (m~g)

Diethyl carbamazine - - 6.6

Piperazine 200 250-300 110-220

Route of administration: Per Os

E) Tetrahydropyrimidines:

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Morantel: Cattle & sheep-10mg/kg, orally

Pyrantel: Horse - 20 mg/kg (6.6 mg/kg base) orally; Dogs-
15mg/kg (5 mg/kg base), orally.

F) Macrocyclic Lactones (Macrolide Endectocides):

Ivermectin: Cattle, sheep & horses: 0.2 mg/kg SC; Pigs: 0.3
mg/kg SC; Dogs: 0.006 Mg/kg (monthly, for heart-
Milbemycin D: Dogs: lmg/kg SC once monthly
Milbemycin oxime: Dogs: 0.5 mg/kg se once monthly


It consists of systematic anatomical examination (Le.,

first with the naked-eye and, then, with the aid of a
microscope) Bacteriological and chemical examinations etc.,
are carried out to find out the definite diagnosis as the cause
of death. It gives an insight into the nature, extent and
evolution of the disease in an organism Obduction, cosmetic
postmortem complete and incomplete postmortems are some
of the kinds of postmortem examinations which are carried
out according to the object or purpose of the investigation.
For example, an examination of only brain may serve the
purpose as done usually in the cases of rabies in animals
(canines). Pre autopsy data (e.g., age, sex and symptoms etc
enables the autopsists to adopt a more logical approach in
discussing the priorities or severities of different
pathoanatomical diagnoses (i.e., placement of different
pathoanatomical diagnoses in order of severities of the lesions)
and the art of writing the epicrises guides the autopsist to
the definite cause of death after looking into details of merits
of several primary secondary and many other co-existing
lesions in the dead animals. Postmortem protocol should be
thoroughly prepared without missing to note any lesions and
pathoanatomical diagnoses are made for different systems
of the body in view of the lesions therein. The most important
or severe pathoanatomical diagnosis is given the first priority
in declaring the cause of death. Deaths in animals may be
either due to biological or aetiological factor. A rupture of
heart liver and thrombosis in cerebral artery may be
responsible for biological death or somatic death of the

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

animal but an aetiological diagnosis refers to a definite

aetiological factor for bringing about an end to life of an
animaL For example, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Bacillus
anthracis and Clostridium chauvoei are considered as
aetiological causes of death. The fact that an aetiological
factor ultimately produces fatal biological or somatic changes
in the body refers to another aspect of discussion.
Obduction refers to a medicolegal postmortem
examination. The findings are used in the court for deciding
the cause of death or accident or duration of some pathologic
Cosmetic postmortem is a postmortem which is done
with least disfigurement to the cadaver and the parts are
replaced in the body. The cuttings are sewed together and
the body Is washed and made to appear as nearly intact as
Complete postmortem refers to an autopsy in which
organ or part is carefully examined to make possible a correct
Incomplete postmortem refers to an autopsy in which a
part of body (brain or limb etc.) is removed and examined
for diagnosis of the disease. This is a sort of postmortem done
to corroborate a postitive laboratory diagnosis e.g., rabies in
Authority should be in a written form to do postmortem
examination from the police officer, or the farm management
or the owner of the dead animal to avoid unnecessary
Clinical history (anamnesis) must be procured before
autopsy of the dead body. Details of clinical diagnosis,
treatment or other concerning facts are very much needed
to arrive at a correct diagnosis postmortem.


The dead animals after autopsy must be either burnt or
suitably buried between layers of lime sufficiently deep (about
6 feet in depth) in the ditches dug for such purposes.
Care of the Instruments
These must be sharp and properly sterilized to protect
the autopsists during postmortem examination. The
autopsists must be properly dressed i.e., there shuuld be
utilization of aprons, white coats, gumboots during autopsy.
Recording the Lesions
Postmortem findings must be recorded immediately after
autopsy in the postmortem hall by another person. There is
usually a need of three persons (including the autopsist) for
postmortem work.
A uniform and careful method should be followed for
opening the dead body and examining the organs of the
cadaver. To maintain anatomical continuity of the organs of
a system during postmortem examination is very helpful to
make conclusions about the cause of death. This helps in an
easy detection of an obstruction (e.g., stone or calculus) in
the tubal structures (say, bile lluct, urethera and parts of the
gut etc.).
Postmortem protocol refers to a detailed written
description of the postmortem findings. The protocol includes
all information in history of the case or in relation to
preautospy data (e.g., antemortem changes, age, breed, etc.),
findings of external and internal examination along with
pathoanatomical diagnosis and epicrisis.
Postmortem report refers to a brief report of the protocol
and usually consists of pathoanatomical diagnoses as cause
of death. A vetromedical report must be brief to prevent
confusion in the court.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Pathoanatomical diagnosis refers to specific diagnostic

terms in the listed form after external examinations of
different organs of various systems in the dead body. The
terms like pneumonia, cirrhosis and nephritis are
pathoanatomical diagnoses inferred from observations of
changes like degenerations,haemorrhages or inflammations
in various organs.
Description of lesions
In describing a lesion in a correct manner, descriptive
terms such as colour, shape, consistency, odour, appearance
of cut surface and relationship of the lesions to the
surrounding structures are cautiously taken into
consideration. A regular practice of this kind makes one a
keen observer. Patholohgy is an observational science.
Preautopsy data refers to certain informations like time, place,
position of the cadaver, weather, description of the agonal
state, position of cadaver after death, owner, species, breed,
sex, size and weight etc. It is very important to know the
position of the animal before death and also after its death
for correct interpretations of conditions like hypostasis or
lividity etc.
Hypostasis or cadaveric lividity (livor mortis) refers to
bluish red spots in the subcutis of the side upon which the
animal has been lying down before death. This condition
arises from excessive accumulation of blood as seen in veins
of the most dependent parts of the body due to gravitation.
Epicrisis refers to the personal written opinion of the
autopsist about the entire case. The following facts are
included in the epicrisis:
1. Pathogenesis of the disease.
2. Cause of death.
3. Opinion about the primary lesions regarding its cause
or development.
4. Secondary and tertiary lesions regarding their occur-


rence and relationship to the primary lesions.

5. Statement concerning the importance of certain
possibly co-existing lesions.
It begins soon after death of the animal (say, after 4 t024
hours). In some cases, it lasts usually 24 hours. Sometimes, it
may continue for 48 hours or longer and disappears with
onset of decomposition or putrefaction. It appears first in
the eyelids, than the masseter and disappears in the same
manner. (i. e. disappearance seen first in the eyelids) It causes
and reaches at maximum level after 20 to 24 hours and then
it declines quickly.
It is characterised in dead animal by hardening and
contraction of all the voluntary and involuntary muscles
arising from coagulation of the myosin of muscles by lactic
acid produced from muscle glycogen due to lack of oxygen.
Rigormortis is related to breakdown of the muscle enzyme
adenosine triphosphate and the energy so released is used
for the muscular contraction during rigormortis. It disappears
due to the softening of the coagulated myosin by autolytic
Rigormortis which takes place in heart earlier than its
development in skeletal musculature is powerful enough in
the left ventricle to express the blood from it. Some clotted
blood occurs in normal heart but presence in the left vertricle
indicates incomplete rigor because of myocardial
degeneration. Unclotted blood in the left ventricle indicates
hypoxia or disapprearance of rigormortis from the left
ventricle, currant jelly clot or chicken fat in heart arises from
the processes of sedimentation and blood coagulation. Red
cells are present in the currant jelly clot but absent in the
chicken fat clot.
Algormortis (L=coldness+of death) refers to a gradual

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

drop in body temperature to that of the surrounding

atmosphere in dead animals.
In vetrolegal cases, the veterinarians are confronted with
the problems of differentiating antemortem wounds from
postmortem wounds. Actually, there are no postmortem
wounds or injuries. Wounds can only be produced during
life of an animal.
Wounds or injuries like changes are made into the dead
body of organs with bad motives. Organs also tear or rupture
due to putrefaction or gas postmortem and postmortem
wounds like changes are given below:
Antemortem Wounds
1. Presence of arterial haemorrhage.
2. Inflammatory and reparative processes are seen in the
3. Presence of gaping wounds due to stretched condition
of the skin.
4. Presence of blood at the site of wound.
S. Spouting (i.e., flow of blood with great force from arter-

Postmortem changes like Wounds

1. No haemorrhage and no blood flow after death of an
animal. Slight venous escape of blood present
2. Absence of inflammatory or reparative processes
3. No gaping of the edges is seen
4. No clotting of the blood at the wound like sites
S. No spouting of blood
Sometimes, the necessisty for deciding age of injuries
arises and the following facts help the veterinarians in
arriving at a conclusion:-
i. Inflammatory changes around the site of injury and


changes in colour indicate the occurrence of injuries

before death or probably 24 hours before death.
ii. Haemorrhages and arterial spouting do not occur at the
so called injuries site after death of the animal.
iii. Coagulation of blood occurs during life or within 10
minutes after death.
iv. Edges of the wound may be everted or retracted and
these changes occur during life or not within more than
three hours after death.
(a) Healing of superficial cut in 10 to 24 hours.
(b) Presence of inflammatory swelling within 36 hours.
(c) Union of the edges of the incised wounds in 48 hours.
(d) Presence of complete healing in 4 to 7 days, leaving be-
hind a tender scar.
(e) Growth of the granulation tissue to fill in the gaps of
the wound in about 7 days.
Direct causes of death from wounds are haemorrhage,
injury to vital organs like heart, lungs, brain etc., and shock.
A blow on the heart or abdominal region can cause shock in
an organism and necrosis, septicaemia, payemia,
inflammation of internal organs, diseases, (e.g., tetanus,) are
indirect causes of death. Cessation of respiration and
circulation, cooling of the body, primary flaccidity,
rigormortis, secondary flaccidity, putrefaction and
mummification are the main signs of death in the animals.
After a few hours following death, the body temperature
falls and becomes equal to that of the atmospheric
temperature, (i.e., cooling of body). Primary flaccidity
(relaxation of the muscles) occurs immediately after death
and lasts a few hours. Secondary flaccidity (relaxation of
the muscles) becomes apparent with the onset of putrefation
and decomposition. The putrefaction is very rapid at 1000 F
Air and moisture promote putrefaction.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases o/Domestic Animals

The signs of putrefaction are as follows:

1. Abdomen distended with gas.
2. Blood stained fluid from mouth and nostrils.
3. Liquefaction of eye balls.
4. Presence of obnoxious odour or smell.
S. Bursting of the abdomen and thorax with protrusion of
stomach and intestine through it or eversion of the rec-
tum through the anus.
6. Semifluid consistency of the tissue.
A putrefied body is not suitable for postmortem
examination but putrefied tissues can be used to perform
some tests to ascertain the cause of death as done in the
suspected cases of anthrax e.g., Ascolis test to diagnose the
anthrax cases.
A veterinarian is frequently requested to give wound
certificate in medico or vetrolegal cases. The following form
can be used for writing a wound certificate:
Nn ~~

This is certify that at the request of

I have this day examined.
(2) .......................................................................... .
Having the following id en tifica tion marks

(3) .................................................................... ..
The said animal has got the following injuries on its body
(4) .................................................................... ..
I am of opinon ........................................................ .
Place: Signature


Autopsy Techniques of Different Animals and Birds

The postmortem techniques as followed by veterinarians
in countries like Sweden are very satisfactory, systematic
and can lead to valuable findings in animal disease
investigation. These methods definitely merit the acceptance
and adoption in the veterinary colleges in India. A mere
observation of the lesions in the organs of body exposed by
untrained persons is not a healthy practice.
The techniques to be adopted for postmortem
examination in animals like cattle, horse, sheep, pigs and
dogs etc., are given below:
Autopsy technique in large ruminants (Rubarth,
The technique in vogue in Sweden is as below:
The body is supported on its back and inclined towards
its left side. Evisceration of abdominal and thoracic cavities
is performed from the left side.
The hind legs are abducted by cutting through the
medial thigh muscles, opening the hip joints and cutting
through the teres the accessory ligaments.
The udder is removed from females. In the case of males,
the penis and prepuce are drawn backwards to avoid being
damaged when the abdominal wall is incised. This is done
in the following manner. First, the parietal tunica vaginalis
is incised and opened as far as the external inguinal ring
and, then, the penis prepuce are dissected free as far back as
the ischialarch. The abdomen is, then, opened by an incision
running along the linea alba from the xiphoid cartilage
backwards to the pelvis (do not extend the incision too far
forwards otherwise the disphragm will be damaged). The
abdominal wall is reflected by incising along the costal arch
and, in females, along the anterior border of the pelvis. In
males, the abdominal wall is incised from the midline towards
the inguinal canal so that spermatic cord, the testicles can be
Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases o/Domestic Animals

After the abdomen has been opened and the abdominal

walls reflected, the omentum is freed along its insertion to
the lateral grooves of the rumen and from the duodenum,
but the spleen is left attached to the rumen.
The fore stomachs and abomasum are removed. The
duodenum is sectioned between two ligatures at the pylorus.
Then the rumen is freed from its attachments to the dorsal
abdominal wall while the assistant pulls it over to the left
side of the body. The oesophagus is then cut through(be
careful of the diaphragm), the forestomachs and abomasum
are freed from their remaining attachments, and removed to
the left side of the body.
The intestinal tract except for the duodenum is
removed. After ligating the duodenum at the junction
between its second and third parts, the duodenum and the
pancreas are exposed and freed as much as is possible at this
stage. The rectum is then freed, ligated and divided. The
intestines are removed in one piece by cutting the mesentery
along its attachments from the rectum and far forwards as
the root of the mesentery. The duodenum and pancreas are
allowed to remain in the abdomen for subsequent removal
together with the liver. When the mesenteric root is cut
through, the intestinal tract can be lifted out of the abdomen.
The urogenital organs, adrenals and rectum are
removed. The floor of the pelvis is removed by sawing from
the anterior and posterior borders through the obturator
foramen on each side (do not saw too far laterally).
The penis has meanwhile been freed from the ischial
areh. The kidneys and adrenals are freed together and by
carefully pulling them backwards, the ureters will be freed
from the dorsal abdominal wall as far backwards as the
urinary bladder in females. The broad ligament is incised
along its insertion on the abdominal wall so that the ovaries
fallopian tubes and uterus accompany the kidneys and
ureters. All these organs are gathered into the left hand and


then are drawn backwards at the same time as the

attachments to the pelvic walls are cut through by cautious
use of the knife and incision around the anus completely
frees these organs.
The abdominal aorta is opened in situ.
The dispharagm is cut through along its insertion
beginning at the xiphoid cartilage (avoid incising the
pericardial sac).
Any pleural contents are collected and the amount is
The appearance of the pleura is inspected.
The pericardial sac is freed from the sternum by inserting
the edge of the hand anterior to the pericardial sac and
drawing the hand backwards, keeping it as close to the
sternum as far as possible. If any fluid is present in the
pericardial sac, it should be collected and the amount is
The structures of the oral cavity and neck are then
removed. An incision is made on each side of the tongue
along the borders of the mandibles as far forwards as the
symphysis. The tongue is, then, pushed upwards between
the mandibles, grasped and drawn backwards at the same
time as the first incisions are extended backwards. The soft
palate is cut free by incisions from each side which run
forwards and medially to meet in the midline. The hyoid
bones are divided at the joint between the main branch and
the thyroid branch. The knife is placed at this junction with
the sharp side upwards so that the great branch is lateral to
the knife and the thyroid branch medial to it. If the knife has
been correctly placed, a single sharp jerk will separate the
bones. The pharyngeal structures are, then, dissected free
laterally and dorsally. The trachea and oesophagus are freed
to half way down the neck and then cut through.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Inserting two fingers through a short transverse incision

between two of the cartilage rings close to the free stump are
then drawn backwards and freed as far as the thoracic
aperture. After opening the aperture, the trachea and
oesophagus are pushed into the thoracic cavity. The left hand
is then inserted into the thoracic cavity from the abdomen
and the trachea is again picked up through the transverse
incision. The trachea is then drawn backwards and the
thoracic organs freed from the dorsal thoracic wall by cutting
through the mediastinum.
The thoracic aorta, is removed together with the other
thoracic organs.
The head, with the salivary glands attached, is removed
by cutting the atlanto-occipital joint.
The body lymph nodes are then examined. On the fore
limbs (after these have been cut down), the prescapular, and
axillary, are examined. On the hindlimbs, the popliteal lymph
nodes as well as the deep inguinal and the internal iliac lymph
nodes should be checked for lesions.
The joints are opened from the medial surface beginning
distally on the limbs.
The skeletal musculature is inspected by means of
several incisions, not forgetting the back and neck muscles.
The spinal cord is exposed by removing the dorsal arches
of the vertebrae if examination is warranted.

Autopsy of Horse
The autopsy technique is much the same as in the cattle
and buffalo except for the abdominal organs. The body is
placed on its back and inclined towards its r~ght.
Evisceration of the abdominal and thoracic cavities
should be performed from the right side.
Inspect the contents of the abdominal cavity. The


position of the organs is inspected, particulary the position

of the left ve~tral and dorsal colon and the pelvic flexure.
The diaphragm should be normally arched and tense, if it is
not, ascertain the cause.
Winslow's foramen is located by following the visceral
surface of the caudate lode of the liver mediocranially. The
foramen is a narrow slit which will admit two fingers.
The great colons are lifted out of the abdomen to the
right side of the body.
The small intestine is freed along its mesenteric
attachment beginning with the duodenum at the site of the
duodenocolic ligament. This ligament connects the third part
of the duodenum and the large intestines at the termination
of the right dorsal great colon and the beginning of the small
colon. The small intestine is divided between two ligatures
and then, is freed along the mesenteric attachment as far
back as the ileum where it is divided again between two
ligatures. During removal of the small Intestine, the assistant
should stand on the left side of the body and help by drawing
out the intestine and tensing the mesentery.
The rectum, small and great colon, and caecum are
removed together. The rectum is divided in the pelvis and
the intestines are freed along their mesenteric attachment as
far forward as the right dorsal great colon. In this region,
the pancreas is to be left in the abdominal cavity (it is removed
later together with the liver and duodenum), it is necessary
to free the great colon from the pancreas and the dorsal
abdominal wall by blunt dissection or by careful use of the
knife in places. At this point only, the branches of the
mesenteric blood vessels connect the great and small colon,
caecum and rectum to the body. These blood vessels are freed
as far out as possible and then cut close to the intestinal wall.
The large intestinal are now completely freed and be lifted
out to the right side of the body.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

The spleen and omentum are removed.

The stomach is removed. The duodenum is divided
between two ligatures immediately posterior to the pylorus.
Then, a short longitudinal incision is made through the serosa
covering the portion of the oesophagus which extends into
the abdominal cavity and the stomach is, then, freed of its
ligaments and removed from the body.
The liver, duodenum and pancreas are removed
together. The pancreas is first freed from the root of the
mesentery and the dorsal abdominal wall and then the lateral
and falcifrom ligaments of the liver are cut through. The
incision through the wall of the vena cava is then slit by the
insertion of the finger while the liver is held towards the right
side of the body. The liver is now attached to the body by
only one wall of the vena cava and when this is cut through,
the liver can be removed together with the pancreas and
duodenum. Removing the liver in this manner avoids damage
to the diaphragm.
The mesentery and the abdominal aorta are removed.
The aorta is divided immediately behind the diaphragm and
in front of the root of the mesentry and by drawing gently
backwards, it can be freed from the dorsal abdominal wall.
The aorta, with mesentery attached, is then removed by
cutting the iliac branches as far distally as possible (abounO
The remaining steps in the horses are similar to those
followed during autopsy in cattle and buffaloes.
Autopsy of Small Ruminants
The technique is similar to that for larger ruminants
except that the sternum is removed by cutting through the
costochondrial junctions. The neck and thoracic organs are,
then, removed together, i.e., without cutting of the trachea
and oesophagus anterior to the thoracic aperture.


Autopsy of Carnivores
On the whole, the autopsy technique for these species
follows the description described above but with the following
Examination and removal of the abdominal organs.
The incision along the linea alba should not extend
farther forwards than the xiphoid cartilage, otherwise, the
diaphragm can easily be damaged. The omentum with the
spleen is lifted up and folded over the thoracic wall so that
position of the abdominal organs can be inspected.
The intestinal tract is removed. Divide the rectum in the
pelvis, after ligatation, if necessary, and then work forwards
by cutting along the mesenteric attachments. Continue until
the tip of the duodenal branch of the pancreas is reached.
This represents the junction between the duodenum and
jejunum. Ligate the small intestine at this point and divide
The omentum and spleen are removed along the
insertion of the omentum, taking care to avoid the splenic
branch of the pancreas.
The liver stomach pancreas and duodenum are removed
Begin by freeing the pancreas from the root of the
mesentery and the dorsal abdominal wall. The ligaments of
the liver are, then, freed to avoid damaging the diaphragm.
Follow the contour of the liver very closely. The stomach is,
then, cut free through the cardiac region, the incision should
not be made too far otherwise the plieural cavities will be
opened. Then, cut through the vena cava to free the liver
completely. After breaking down or cutting through any
remaining ligaments, the organs can be removed in one piece.
The autopsy is, then, continued as for the cattle with
the exception that the sternum is removed by cutting through

Advanced Pathologlf and Treatment of Diseases of Domes tic Animals

the costochondral junctions before taking out the neck and

thoracic organs in one piece.
Autopsy of Pigs
The technique is similar to that applied to carnivores
except for removal of the intestinal tract.
To remove the intestinal tract, begin at the tip of the
colonic spiral and free the entire intestinal tract along the
mesenteric attachments orally and aborally.
In large pigs, the stomach is removed separately. In
smaller animals, the stomach is removed together with the
liver, duodenum and pancreas.
Autopsy of Birds
1. The legs are abducted by cutting or breaking open the
hip joints.
2. The abdomen is opened and the sternum is freed by lat-
eral incision through the ribs.
3. The crop is then freed by blunt dissection from its at-
tachment along the thoracic aperture to avoid being
damaged when the heavy anterior osseous 'attachments
of the sternum (the coracoid and clavicle) are clipped
through with bone tongs on each side to join the lateral
incision through the ribs.
4. The spleen is removed separately. The stomachs and
intestinal canal are removed in one piece after cutting
through the oesophagus just anterior to be proventricu-
5. In sexually mature females, the ovary is removed at its
base and the oviduct is first extended by cutting through
its dorsal and ventral mesenteric attachments and then
removed by cutting through the c1oaca.
6. The pericardial sac is incised and the chambers of the
heart is opened in situ by incising the wall or the right


ventricle near the apex and continuing the incision

anteriorly up through the pulmonary artery and later-
ally up through the right atrium. The procedure is re-
peated for the left ventricle extending an incision at the
apex up through the aorta and up through the left
atrium, the heart is then removed by cutting through its
7. The lungs are freed by blunt dissection from the tho-
racic walls cutting through the dorsal attachment (dor-
sal to the thoracic oesophagus and aorta), and, then, re-
moved by cutting through the trachea immediately an-
terior to the syrinx.
8. The upper beak is cut transversely at its base to expose
the nasal cavities, and, then, the mouth is opened by
cutting throught one corner (the right is most conven-
ient ) and the incision continued throught the pharynx
and down the oesophagus to open the crop. The tra-
chea is, then, opened along its whole length.
9. The brachial plexus and the sciatic nerve are exposed
on both sides.
10. The major joints are opened.

When a case of a dead animal is presented for
postmortem examination, there are certain extremely
important precautions to be remembered and followed
during autopsy work. Postmortem work done in a haphazard
manner will lead one to no conclusion with waste of the
material and time.
The precautions are as follows:
1. Consideration of a postmortem case should be made as
a serious bit of research work and anamnesis (history)
of the case should be read carefully. If necessary more
information about the dead animal can be obtained from
either the attending veterinarian or owner of the ani-
Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

2. Special attention is given to the organs in the dead body

of the animal which have shown clinical signs of ab-
3. Lesions in the bodies should be noted as encountered
during postmortem work. Postmortem findings should
never be written from one's memory after the work is
over or even after lapse of a day or two. There is al-
ways a risk of forgetting very valuable findings after
passage of sometime from the moments of postmortem
4. Materials for bacteriological, parasitological and chemi-
cal examination etc. should be removed and properly
preserved for further laboratory investigation.
S. The skin of the dead animal should be carefully exam-
ined on both sides of the body and distinguishing marks
or any abnormalities e.g., discharges from
naturalorifices should be recorded.
6. The dead body should be examined to ascertain the state
of nutrition, inanition and anaemia etc.
7. The autopsist must obtain the authority to do postmor-
tem examination from police, attending doctor or the
owner of the animal and he should be properly dressed
for this kind of work. Gum boots, white coat, apron and
rubber gloves should be used invariably as a routine
measure before commencement of the autopsy work.
8. Nutritional state (obesity vs. emaciation) and wasting
conditions affect the relative weights of the organs in
dead animals.
The formula for calculating relative weight in dead
animals is as follows :

. . Weight of organ
Relative weIght = x 100
Weight of the body


9. Descriptive terms likes size, shape, weight, colour,

odour, consistency, incision, contents, appearance, of
cut surface and relationship of the lesions to the sur-
rounding are to be used in depicting changes or lesions
in the organs of the bodies in a careful and objective
manner as they are exposed or encountered while ex-
amining the dead bodies' postmortem.
10. A first aid kit should be readily available in the post-
mortem room to treat minor cuts or pricks incurred
during autopsy.
11. Gastrointestinal tract should be left to the last for the
sake of examination during autopsy.
12. For collecting the fluid or blood for cultural examina-
tion, heart wall should be first seared with red hot
spatula and the fluid is drawn into sterilised capillary
13. During the postmortem examination, films and cultures
are made from the different fluids and tissues. The sur-
face of the organ should be seared with red hot spatula
in order to be picked up with sterilised scalpel and the
material is picked up with sterilised platinum loop in
the hot flame for bacteriological examination using suit-
able media. Culture can be made from bone marrow in
the animals which have been dead for a long time. The
bodies of such animals are usually in very advanced
stage of decomposition.
14. The various inoculation routes for administering the
extract of lesions in the animals are subcutaneous, in-
tracerebral, intravenous, intraperitoneal, intradermal.
intratesticular and intravenous etc. The inoculation site
is clipped or shaved and cleared with cotton soaked in
ether or spirit. For collecting blood, the needle is inserted
into the vein in the direction of blood flow.
15. All the contaminated instruments and discarded cul-
tures etc., should be placed in Big jars containing disin-

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

fectant solution like 5 per cent carbolic acid or 1 per

cent Lysol solution in water.
16. A long dead animal is useless for bacteriological exami-
17. Blood films for microscopical examination are made thin
ones as far as possible. Dry the blood films immediately
by waving them in the air. Prepare thick blood films in
cases of anthrax with the help of a platinum loop.
Interacellular parasites (say. Babesia sp.) and leucocytes
are found easily in large numbers at the edges or termi-
nation of the blood films.
18. Sputum for detecting tuberculosis organisms may be
collected from the wall etc., in front of suspected TB
cases. The animal can be made to cough on a piece of a
large sheet placed over the wall. Thick or turbid mucus
from TB patients is quite satisfactory.
19. Nematodes should be collected in a test tube containing
normal saline (0. 85 per cent sodium chloride in dis-
tilled water) and the tube is shaken well to clean the
parasites. Hot 70 per cent alcohlol containing 3 to 5 per-
cent glycerine is poured over the worms to kill and fix
them. The worms get cleared after sometime in this so-
20. Materials from animals showing symptoms or repre-
sentative lesions of bacterial, viral or parasitic diseases
etc., are collected in the conditions as given below:
(1) Acute stage of the disease.
(2) Immediately after death of the animal.
(3) After sacrificing the diseased animal.
Disposal of the dead bodies of the animals is done by
burial or burning the dead body alongwith dungs, bedding,
blood stained soil or discharges in order to prevent the spread
of outbreak of diseases (e.g., anthrax). Burning of the dead
bodies may be disadvantageous owing to high cost of the


fuel. But one should be extremely careful in burying the

cadavers. At first, a trench of the adequate size with a depth
of atleast 6 feet is prepared by digging the earth. A foot of
lime is layered over the trench and the carcass is laid over it.
The whole dead body must have a covering of a foot of lime
from all sides (i.e., top, sides and base etc.). Burial sites must
be located far from human dwellings or drinking water
resources (e.g., well). If possible, one can bum the cadaver
using an incinerator. Spores of anthrax are known to be
spread by earth worms from trenches having improperly
buried dead bodies of anthrax cases.
Some Common Specimens for Laboratory Tests
Blood Collection
There are suitable sites in different animals for taking
blood from veins for haematological and cultural examination
as given below:

Table 40. Sites of blood collection

Sites Animals
Jugular vien Cows, buffaloes and horses
Ear veins may also be used Sheep and goats
for this Purpose
Anterior vena cava or by Pig
cutting the end of tail or tip
of the ear
Saphenous vein Dogs and cats
Brachial vein (on the ventral Fowls.
surface of the wing)
Hairs or feathers are removed from the sites of blood
collection. The sites should be disinfected with methylatyed
spirit or 70% alcohol. Aseptic precautions are taken while
collecting the blood for cultural and bacteriological

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

1. Serum
It is prepared by allowing the blood to clot by keeping
the glass tubes in slanting positions at a cool place. Separated
serum can be preserved on ice or one drop of 1 % merthiolate
(Aq. Sol.) is added to 10 m1 of the serum as a preservative. 1
m1 of 5 per cent solution of phenol can be mixed with 10 m1
of serum for preservation.
1. Blood
It is collected from the patients for investigational
purposes and can be preserved with suitable anticoagulants.
Anticoagulants for hematological studies.
There are different kinds of anticoagulants used for this
purpose and some of these are as under:
1. EDATA: 1 % (1m1 for 10 m1 of blood)
2. 4% Sodium citrate (1 m1 for 10 m1 of blood)
3. 1 m1 of 10% solution of potassium oxalate for 3 oz of
blood is used for chemical analysis. No oxalated blood
is used for determination of calcum, magnesium or
acetone iP.. the blood.
4. Mixture of 6 parts (say, gms) of ammonium oxalate and
and 4 parts of potassium oxalate in 100 m1 of distilled
water is prepared and kept in a reagent bottle. 0.3 m1 of
this solution is taken in small specimen bottles and kept
in the incubator overnight to allow the evaporation of
water. The sedimented salt is sufficient for 5 m1 of blood.
5. Heparin 1 % solution - Rinse the vial or syringe with 0.1-
2 m1 solution for 10 m1 of blood for glucose estimation.
2. Faeces
It is collected directly from the rectum at the time of
defaecation. 4- 10% of formalin is used for collecting faeces
to detect heminthic eggs. Postassium dichromate is a suitable


fixative for coccidial oocysts. Faeces is suitably emulsified in

the preservative.
3. Urine
It is collected during micturition or with the help of a
sterilized catheter. It is preserved on ice in sterilized tubes
for bacteriological examination. 2 drops of 40% formalin' or
toluene sufficient to form a thin layer over the surface of the
urine in glass container is used in different investigations or
chemical analysis etc.
4. Milk
It is collected in the sterile glass containers for cultural
work in cases of mastitis. The first few drops should be
discarded and, then, it is collected in sterilized glass containers
to be preserved on ice. 0.1 % boric acid is added for examining
milk for acid fast organisms like Mycobacterium tuerculosis.
5. Pus
For its collection, sterile swabs are used. Pus may be
collected directly from an abscess in sterile glass vials for
bacteriological examination. Usually thin smears are
prepared from pus for microscopical examination.
6. Tissues
There are different purposes for the collection of tissues
from the organs of dead animals.
Three important objects are as under:
1. Bacteriological virological and parasitological examina-
tions etc.
2. Histopathological examination.
3. Chemical examination.
I. Bacteriological Examination
Specimens like liver, spleen, lungs and lymph nodes etc.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

are collected with aseptic precautions just after the

postmortem examination in sterilized containers. At first, the
surface of the heart is seared with hot spatula, sterilised
capillary pipettes or syringe or needles are used for blood
collection. Fluid from thorax, abdomen and pericardium is
collected for cultural work with the help of sterile capillary
11. Histopathological Examination
Small pieces of tissue (about 0.5 cm thick or 2 cm cubed)
showing typical representative lesions are removed from the
different organs and placed in glasswares containing 10%
formal in saline solution. Collection of some adjoining normal
tissues with the representative lesions is preferred for the sake
of comparison with normal features during the microscopical
examination of the stained tissue sections. There is a demerit
of liquefaction or autolysis in big chunks of tissues collected
for preservation and so the tissue pieces selected should be
small in size and placed in a preservative which is 10-20
times more than the volume of the tissue pieces taken together
for the sake of proper fixation of tissue elements.
Ill. Chemical Examination
Sometimes, animals are willfully poisoned with
chemicals under the influence of ulterior or criminal motives
and the different organs in such cases are required to be
examined in the forensic laboratory to identify the poison
used to kill the animal. The duplicate samples or materials
from different organs and stomach or intestinal contents are
preserved in saturated solution of sodium chloride (common
salt) or rectified or methylated spirit for onward transmission
to the forensic laboratories to detect the poisons. Suspected
plants or feeds are sent to the laboratory in the unpreserved


Collection of Materials in Different Diseases

Smears from tissues or blood are prepared for
microscopical examination to identify the aetiological factor
for producing the diseases. Different organs in different
diseases are needed for bacteriological and histopathological
There are many animal diseases which require
laboratory examinations to arrive at a definite diagnosis.
Bacteriological, virological, parasitological or chemical
examinations of these materials are done in the laboratories.
The types of specimens as noted in table 41 against the
different diseases for ready reference are as under:
TABLE 41. Diseases and speciments required for
innestigation in some bacterial -viral and protozoan
diseases etc.
Diseases Re-,!uired SpecimensjMaterials Collected
1. Anthrax Blood smears, smears from swellings in case of horse,
pigs, dog and cat. Pieces of skin and spleen (even from
Iputrefied organs for Ascoli's test).
2. Actinomycosis Pus smears from the different parts of the lesions,
and actinobacillosis Affected organs both on ice and in 10% formalin.
3. Black quarter and Smears of haemorrhagic muscle exudate from freshly
malignant oedema dead animals (air dried on ice) and in formalin soaked
cloth separatelY-
4. Botulism Suspected food and intestinal contents on ice.
5. Brucellosis Blood and serum samples, quarter milk samples, in case
of abortion,. Foetal stomach and heart on ice.
6. Chronic Affected live birds, or dead birds packed on ice. Serum
respiratory disease samples. Smears from bowel mucous membrances.
(CRD) Samples of ingesta from duodenum, jejunum and ileum.
Enterotoxaemia Ingesta preserved with 2 or 3 drops of chloroform.
7. Fowl cholera Affected birds, heart, blood, liver and spleen on ice.
8. Fowl Sick birds and blood smears from such birds.
9. Glanders Swabs from nasal and skin lesions (farcy cords or buds
etc.) Lungs and other organs showing lesions on ice and
in 10% formal saline separately.
10. Johne's disease Smears from rectal mucosal scrapings. Portions of
intestines and associated lymph nodes (mesenteric
lymph nodes) on ice and in 10% formal saline

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Disease s Require d Specim ens/Mat erials Collecte d

11. Leptosp irosis Portions of kidney and liver on ice and in 10% formal
saline. Blood (collected) during febrile stage on ice.
Freshly voided urine on ice. Serum samples .
12. Listeriosis Aborted foetus or foetal stomach and heart on ice.
When there are symptom s of circling disease in the
patients , portions of brain, liver, spleen and kidney on
ice and in formal saline are preselve d separate ly.
13. Haemor rhagic Smears of blood and exudate obtained form
septicae mia oedema tus swellings with help of sterile syringe and
needle. Blood from heart, portions of liver, spleen,
kidneys and lungs showing pneumo nic lesions. Long
bones packed on charcoal.
14. Contagi ous Bovine or caprine blood serum. Portions of affected
bovine or carpine lungs and associated lymphn odes on ice and also in
Ipleurop neumon ia 10% formal saline.
15. Pneumo nia due to Portions of diseased lungs and associat ed lymphn
other infections on ice, portion of lungs in glycerine saline and portions
agents of diseased lungs in formal saline.
16. Tubercu losis Portions of lesions unprese rved on ice or in 25%
!glycerine saline and in 10% formal saline.
17. Swine erysipel as In acute cases, heart, blood, portions of liver, kidneys
and spleen on ice. In chronic cases, affected joints on
ice. Organs showing lesions in formal saline. Serum
samples .
18. Ulcerative Swabs and smears from the lesions. In cases of caseous
lympha ngitis and lympha denitis pieces of affected organs or lymph
Caseous nodes.
lympha denitis
19. Vibriosis Foetus or foetal stomach over ice. Portion of placenta
and uterine discharg e on ice.
1. African horse Blood, spleen and lungs in 50% sodium citrate and
sickness carbolic acid.
2. Foot and mouth Lungs includin g trachea, spleen and heart blood in
disease, Vesicular buffered glycerine and on ice. Serum samples from old
stomatit is and cases. Lungs and trachea in formal saline.
vesicula r exanthe ma
Infectio us bronchi tis
3. Infectio us Live birds in early stages of disease or tracheal exudate
laryngo tracheit is in glycerine saline. Portion of trachea in formal saline.


Diseases Required SpecimensjMaterials Collected

4. Pox in sheep, Swabs in 50% glycerine saline or unpreserved.
goats, pig, cattle,
contagious pustular
dermatitis in sheep
and goats.
5. Fowl pox Scabs in 50% glycerine saline or unpreserved. Sick
birds or animals, Brain and spinal cord in formal
6. Avian Saline and buffered glycerine respectively. Serum
encephalomyelitis from convalescentanimals.
and infectious
7. Avian leucosis Affected birds or portions of liver, spleen, nerve and
complex (ALC) other organs showing lesions in 10% formalin saline.
8. Canine distemper Pieces of liver and spleen on ice. Portions of urinary
bladder, kidneys, liver, lungs and trachea in formal
9. Louping ill Serum from acute and convalescent cases. Defibrinted
or oxalated blood, portions of brain cord from freshly
dead carcasses or buffered glycerine and in 10%
formalin saline.
10. Equine abortion Portions of placenta, foetal organs in glycerin saline.
Foetal stomach and heart blood on ice. Pieces of liver,
spleen, lungs and trachea of foetus in 10% formalin
saline. Serum of the mare.
11. Infectious bursal Serum, Bursa of fabricious and kidneys in charcoal
disease (Gumboro medium and in 10% formal saline.
12. Infectious canine Liver, gall bladder and kidney in 10% formal saline.
hepatitis (Rubarth
13. MareI<' s disease Live birds for isolation of virus and histopathology,
Serum and suspected material in 10% formal saline or
charcoal medium.
14. Pseudorabies Brain and spinal cord in glycerine saline and in formal
15. Psittacosis and Serum from acute and convalescent cases. Whole
ornithosis blood on ice. Dead or sacrified bird wrapped with
lysol soaked cloth and gacked over ice.
16. Rabies Head packed over ice. Brain (half of it divided
longitudinally in formal saline and the other half in
glycerine saline.)
17. Ranikhet disease Freshly dead birds packed over ice and brain, spleen
and liver in 50% glycerine saline

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Diseases Required Specimens/Materials Collected

18. Rinderpest and Defibrinated blood prepared during height of
mucosal Disease temperature, pieces of lymph nodes and spleen on ice
complex or in bufferedmcerin.
19. Swine fever Defibirinated blood from living animals, heart blood,
liver and spleen on ice. Organs (including brain)
showing lesions in 10% formal saline.
20. Swine influenza Portions of lungs showing pneumonic lesions on ice,
and virus pneumonia in buffered glycerin and in formal saline separately.
of pigs.
Some important protoxoan and fungal diseases etc.
1. Anaplasmosis Thin blood films. Citrated or oxalated blood from sick
2. Coccidiosis Faeces in 10% formalin or in a 2.5 per cent pot-
dichromate solution. Portion of intestine showing
lesions in formal saline.
3. Piroplasmosis Thin blood smears. Heart blood, spleen and kidney
(Babesiosis) smears from dead animals, citrated or oxalated blood.
4. Theileriasis Thin blood films. Smears or biopsy tissue specimens
from prescapular lymph node, liver and kidneys on ice
and in 10% formalin saline.
5. Trichomoniasis Uterine discharges in sterilised glasswares (collected
within 24 hours of abortion or during heat period) on
6. Trypanosomiasis Citrated blood films. Serum to be collected in camel,
cattle or buffaloes.
7. Parasitic and Faeces samples in formalin.
fungal infections
8. Mange and Skin and deep skin scrapings.
parasites The parasites collected from the gut or heart or body
cavities etc., of animals during autopsy are first kept in
hot solution of 5% formalin for 2 minutes. Then, these
are transferred into a glass container containing 70%
alcohol to which a little glycerin is added for clearing,
the worms.
9. Fungal diseases Portions of organs/tissues showing lesions, on ice and
in formal saline separately.
10. Aspergillosis Affected birds. Lungs along with caseous masses from
the air sacs over ice and in 10% formalin saline.
11. Ring worm Skin scrapings from the lesions, including some hair
roe ts unpreserved in a tightly stopped container.
12. Neoplastic Entire tumour or small pieces 2 cm cubed or pieces
conditions (Tumours) less than 1/ 2 inch in diameter in 10% formal saline
solution (20 times the volume of the tissue pieces)


Despatch of Materials to the Pathological Laboratory

The materials obtained from live animals either through
biopsy or after their death should be sent by post with
adequate precaution to prevent the materials from being
spoiled during the transit. The materials can be carried in
large containers like thermoflask containing ice. The
laboratory should be provided with a copy of letter giving
complete history or anamnesis of the case for enabling the
pathologist to chalk out the proper kind of tests to ascertain
the cause of death.
The history sheet of the case must include the following
information :
1. Clinical symptoms of the disease with complete anam-
2. Animals involved (species).
3. Breed, sex and age.
4. Number of animals attacked and total population of the
susceptible animals.
5. Duration of the sickness or outbreak.
6. Number of animals dead.
7. Nature of feed, sources of water supply, management,
houses and pens etc.
8. Postmortem changes.
9. Time elapsed between death of animal and collection of
the material.
10. Type of material collected and despatched. Specify con-
tainer or specimens, source material, giving case number
and name of the owner.
11. Type of the preservative used.

Despatch of Live Animals and Birds

Small animals or birds like poultry, suckling pigs, lambs,
kids and rabbits etc., are sent to the laboratory. It is better to

Advance d Pathology and Treatment ofOlseases of Domestic Animals

select only those cases with typica l sympt oms of the diseas e
for labora tory invest igation . These sick cases are sent throug h
courie r with prope r precau tion to preve nt spread of the
outbre ak to health y anima ls during transp oratio n from place
of occurr ence of the diseas e to the labora tory.
Mater ials can be sent to the labor atory for
histop atholo gical exami nation and to Forens ic Labor atory
for identi fying the chemi cals etc. used to kill the anima L
The metho ds follow ed are as under :
1. Despa tch of the materi als for histop atholo gical exami na-
2. Despa tch of the materi als for chemi cal exami nation in a
Forens ic Labor atory.

Despa tch of the Mater ials for Histo patho logica l

Requi remen ts
Glass contai ner, cotton , fixative (10% forma l saline) and
pieces of organs .
Proce dure
1. Pieces of tissues (about 2 cm cubed ) are remov ed from
the organ s immed iately after death of the anima l. De-
compo sed, autoly sed or putere fied organ s are useles s
for histop atholo gy work.
2. A tissue piece is placed into atleast 10-20 times its vol-
ume of preser vative in a screw cappe d jar (with wide
mouth ).
3. Place a pad of cotton on the"bo ttom and, then, the tis-
sue is place in the jar on it and pour enoug h solutio n of
10% forma l solutio n (unles s otherw ise specif ied). An-
other pad of cotton is placed over the tissue.
4. After that, a label showi ng partic ulars of specim ens
(numb er, anima ls, organs , name of the owner and dis-
ease suspec ted etc., writte n with a hard pencil) should


be placed inside the jar which is then nicely stoppered.

Paste another label on the outside of the jar or container.
5. Seal the mouth with molten paraffin and pack well. It
is better to keep the bottle in a small cloth bag which
should be protected in a wooden box of the proper size
filled with wood dust or any soft packing material. Give
the address of the sender on the wooden box with in-
structions to the post office i.e., to handle it with care.
Despatch of Materials in Vetrolegal or Medicolegal
Cases of Poisoning in Animals
Police report and a sample of sealing wax and an
impression of the seal used on a piece of paper along with
forwarding letter are required to be sent to the forensic
Laboratory in the packing box containing the specimens.
Each specimen bottle should contain sufficient quantity
of preservative (about 4-5 times more than volume of the
specimen used) and should be tightly stoppered and sealed
before sending through a courier or by post. There is a risk of
material being spoiled during transit when it is sent by post.
Process of Packing
Materials from organs of dead animals suspected to have
been poisoned are first kept in a glass container (with wide
mouth) containing preservative. (say, supersaturated
solution of salt i.e., namak) a label giving details of the case
number etc., is placed inside the glass bottle. The bottle is
tightly stoppered and mouth is properly sealed with paraffin,
sealing wax and is then kept inside a suitable cloth bag which
is also suitably sealed and labelled. All the organs are, thus
packed separately. The specimens are, then, kept in a larger
wooded box which is also sealed in a cloth bag. Details of
the addresses of the senders and of the laboratory for
investigation are written on outside of the box and sent to
the forensic laboratory through a courier. While doing
postmortem examinations in police cases, the following facts
are to be kept in view as precautions:
Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

1. Obtain a letter from police authority for postmortem

examination. Any postmortem examination should be
done after having the letter of authorisation to do so.
2. It may be done in presence of a police representative
and no unauthorised person should be allowed to wit-
ness the autopsy.
3. The postmortem examination should be done as soon
as possible after death of the animal.
4. Examine all organs thoroughly following the autopsy
techniques as described earlier for all important domes-
tic animals.
5. A sample of preservative (about 2 oz) should be sent to
the Forensic laboratory along with other specimens in a
separate container in all medicolegal cases.
6. Measuring tape for accurately measuring the injury or
lesions is used to avoid false guess of wound dimen-
7. Glass bottles (with wide mouths) are needed to collect
viscera. Have enough glass slides, pipettes and spirit
lamps to fix the smears on the slides.
8. Postmortem findings should be recorded on the spot of
postmortem examination in a notebook with the help
of an assistant and nothing should be recorded from
one's memory after leaving the place of autopsy. Help
of at least 3 person is needed to complete the postmor-
tem work.
Preservatives used in Cases of POisonings
1. Use saturated solutions of common salt (sodium
chloride) or rectified spirit for preserving specimens like
stomach or intestinal contents and pieces of organs like liver,
heart spleen and loops of intestine etc. Use sufficient
preservative (about 5-10 times the total volume of the pieces
of organs) in order to facilitate examinations. In cases of
suspected HeN poisoning, 1 % mercuric chloride is a good

preservative. The blood or muscle can be sent on ice in suitable
containers. The weights of the organs and stomach contents
etc., to be preserved for chemical analysis in large animals
are as under :
Liver 1/2 kg.
Kidney 1/2 kg.
Ruminal contents 1/2 kg.

The different organs should be packed separately in

sterile airtight containers.
Veterolegal or Medico-Iegal Examination on a Live Case
The animals suffer from accidental or wilful injuries,
weapon injuries and other offences and these are brought to
veterinary hospitals for the sake of injury reports.
1. Prepare a correct and thorough description of the ani-
2. Describe the injuries in details (age, depth, size, direc-
tion, situation or relation to the surroundings).
3. Record the probable cause of injuries and indicate prog-
nosis of the injuries.
4. Give your accurate opinion about nature and outcome
of the injuries done to the animal. Avoid use of vague
or ambiguous words leading to risks in the court-en-
quiry. Injury reports prepared in a slipshod style war-
rants punishments to the investigating doctors.

Common Diagnostic Tests

There are many methods fo diagnose mastitis in lactating
livestock. Some of these techniques are as follows :

Ad,'ance d PatllOloglf and Treatme nt of Diseases of Domesti c Animals

1. Bromothymol Blue Test

In mastit is the reactio n of milk chang es to alkalin e pH
(early 7.4). This can be detect ed by bromo thymo l-blue test.
Bromo thymo l-blue stock solutio n.
Dissol ve 1 gm. of bromo thymo l-blue in 500 ml. of 47%
alchoh ol.
Proce dure
1. Take 1 ml. of Bromt hymol -blue solutio n in a gradu ated
10 ml. cylind er.
2. Add to this 5 ml.of fresh milk and mix both by invers ion
once or twice. If the milk contai ns inflam mator y exu-
dates, mastit is is indica ted by develo pment of green, dark
green or blue colour. In norma l case, the colour of mix-
ture is yellow or slightl y yellow ish green.
Strip Cup Test
While milkin g, milk the first 2 or 3 stream s from the
teats in the strip cups from the four quarte rs (i.e., left fore,
lef-thi nd, right hind and right fore teats). The strip cup base
has a black surfac e and any clots or flakes are easily detect ed.
If clots are seen in the milk drawn from the teats of the cows
or buffal oes, the case is positiv e for mastit is and segreg ate
them immed iately.
White Side Test
The princi ple of this test is based on an increa sed
leucoc yte count of mastit is milk.
Requi remen t
A glass plate with under side painte d black, 2 dropp ers,
broom stick and 4 % sodium hydro xide solutio n.
Proce dure
Place 5 drops of suspec ted milk on the glass plate and


add to it 2 drops of 4 % sodium hydroxide solution. Stir rapidly

with the broom stick for 20 to 25 seconds. If the mixture
becomes thick and viscid, then the case is positive for acute
Note : Milk collected in sterilised class vials is sent to
district or provincial investigation laboratory for
bacteriological investigation in thermoflask containing ice.
Urine Examination
Use a clean container for collecting fresh urine. Test
reaction with litmus paper. Record colour, odour and
transparency of the urine sample.
Specific Gravity
Place the urinometer in urine and record the sp. gr. In
decimals as 1.050. There should be no bubbles in the urine
to confuse recordings on the scale.
Albumin Determination
1. Take 2 ml. of Robert's reagent or Nitric acid (concen-
trated) in test tuble.
2. Add 2 ml. of urine on the reagent slowly with a drop-
3. A white or grey ring at the zone of contact of two fluids
indicates albumin.
Report as given below:
Trace +
Moderate ++
Heavy +++
Boil about 5 ml. of urine in the upper part of the test
tube for 3 minutes. A cloudy precipitate appears in the
presence of albumin in the heated upper part of urine in the

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Antmals

test tube. The precipitate does not disappear on addition of

dilute acetic acid solution to it.
Acetone Determination
Rothera's Test:
1. Take 3 ml. of urine in a test tube.
2. Add 1 ml. Rothera's reagent and mix.
3. Layer 1 ml. liquor amm fortis over the solution in a tube.
Development of a permanganate colour at the zone of
contact with in a minute indicates a positive reaction.
Sugar Determination (Benedict's test)
1. Take 0.5 ml. (7-10 drops) of urine in test tube.
2. Add 5 ml. of Benedict's reagent to the urine.
3. Mix well and boil the mixture on a spirit lamp for 5
4. Allow to cool.
Record reading as given below:
Green colour with slight yellow sediment
Green colour with heavy yellow sediment +(1.00/0)
Yellow colour with heavy sediment ++ (1.5%)
Yellow colour with heavy reddish sediment +++ (2.0%)
Occult Blood Examination (Haemoglobin)
1. Prepare a saturated solution of Benzidine in 2 ml. gla-
cial acetic acid.
2. Add 2 ml fresh 3% sol. of hydrogen peroxide.
3. Add equal part of urine to the above solution and for-
mation of a blue colour indicates blood or haemoglobin.

Examination of Urinary Sediment

Take 5 ml of urine in a centrifuge tube and centrifuge


it for 20 mts at 1000 rpm. Put a small amount of sediment

on a glassslide and after placing a cover slip over it, examine
under the low and high power objectives of the microscope
for presence of red cells, leucocytes and casts etc.
Faecal Examination
Two important methods are as follows:
I. Direct Method
Take a small quantity of faeces and make a uniform
suspension with water. Place a Cover slip on a drop of the
erriulsion on a glass slide and examine first under low power
and then high under power objective for eggs of parasites
11. Concentration Methods

(A) Floating Method

A faecal suspension is made in sugar solution because
floating of the ova occurs on the top of this solution.
Take 2 gm of faeces in a beaker and make a uniform
suspension using 20 ml. of sugar solution. Remove the coarse
particles by using a strainer. Pour the suspension in centrifuge
tube and centrifuge at 600-1000 rpm for 15 to 20 minutes.
Transfer a drop of the supernatant on a glassslide. Examine
under microscope after putting a cover slip over it.
(8) Sedimentation Method
Prepare the faecal suspension of 2 gm faeces in 20 ml.
water. Strain and centrifuge it at 1000 rpm for 2-3 minutes.
Discard the supernatant and examine the sediment for egg
or ova after putting a cover slip over it. It is quite good for
trematode or operculated ova.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

White Cell Count

The steps are as under :
Fresh blood is sucked upto the mark (11) in a clean white
cell pipett e contai ning a white kead. A piece of blottin g paper
is used to clean the tip of the pipette . The WBC dilutin g fluid
(Turk 's fluid) is sucke d up to 11 mark and the pipett e is
shake n well to mix the blood and, then, the tip of the white
cell pipett e is C}pplied to the haemo cytom eter at an angle of
45 and the dilutio n is sucked betwe en the cover slip and
ruled surfac e of the counti ng grid by the capilli ary force.
A haemo cytom eter has two ruled platfo rms with a
distan ce of 0.1 mm betwe en the covers lip and the ruled
platfo rm. There are nine prima ry square s in each of these
platfo rms. Each prima ry square spread s over an area of 1
sq. mm. The four corne r prima ry squar es are, furthe r.
subdi vided into 16 small square s each and are used for
counti ng of the white cells.
The centra l prima ry square posses ses 25 small square s
each of which is furthe r subdiv ided into 16 tertiar y square s.
All the white cells touch ing the top and the left hand
bound aries of the ruled square millim eters are includ ed for
the sake of counti ng. The sum of white cells in these 4 corner
square s is multip lied by 50 (if blood is dilute d 20 times) to
estima te the numb er of white cells per cubic millim eter of
the undilu ted blood obtain ed form an indivi usal.
Red Cell Count
For calcul ating this value ,the oxalat ed blood is sucke d
upto 0.5 mark in the red cell pipett e and its tip is cleane d
with blottin g paper . The diluen t (Haye m's fluid) is sucke d
upto 101 mark and both the diluen t and blood are shake n
well to give a dilutio n factor of 1 in 200.
Fill the haemo cytom eter as done in case of white cell
count and all the four small corner s and one centra l square


of the counting grid are counted (i.e., 80 tertiary squares). In

all, one finds 400 small tertiary squares for the red cell count
in an area of 1 sq. mm.
The sum of the red cell in five small squares multiplied
by 10,000 gives the red cell count per cubic millimeter of the
blood, in case, the blood from the patient has been diluted
200 times in the red cell pipette.
Note: As in case of white cells, include all the cells
touching the top and left hand boundaries for the sake of
counting and discard all the red cells touching the rest sides
of the small squares within the 16 tertiary squares.
Sedimentation rate (Westergren method)
1. Put half ml. of 3.8 per cent sodium citrate solution in
the tube.
2. Collect 4.5 ml. of blood directly into the citrated solu-
tion and shake.
3. Draw this mixture into the special pippete upto the zero
mark. Fix the stand.
Record the level of sedimentation value in mm.
Calculate the average sedimentation (ESR) in minutes
per hour as given below:

- -- 2 hours
at - -- + L
evei at one h our

The ESR rates are given :

Normal range:
Men: 3-7 mm in one hour.
Women: 4-11 mm in one hour.
Cattle: omm in 30 min.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Horse: 2-12 mm in 10 min.

Dog: 0-6 mm in 30 min.
Haemoglobin Estimation

Sahli's Haemometer Method

It consists of following steps :
1. A fresh or citrated whole blood from the body is used.
2. The blood is drawn up to 20 cmm. mark into the special
diluting Sahli's pipette.
3. The tip of the pipette is cleared and its content is dis-
charged into a special haemoglobinometer tube contain-
ing a few drops of N/I0 or 10% Hcl.
4. The Hcl treated blood is further diluted drop by drop
with distilled water or N/I0 Hcl till the colour matches
the two standard coloured rods of the haemometer.
5. The reading of the haemoglobin value in grams per 100
m1 of blood is recorded.
Seller's Staining Method for Rabies

1. Saturated solution of basic fuchsin in acetone free me-
thyl alcohol.
2. Saturated solution of methylene blue in acetone free
methyl alcohol.
3. Working solution.
Methylene blue (in methyl alcohol) 2 parts
Basic fuchsin (in methyl alcohol) 1 part
Mix the two solutions for immediate use.

1. Make impression smears from the hippocampus major
in the brain of the suspected case. Moist films are used
without fixation over flame.


2. Put the mixture of the stain over the film just for a few
seconds (2-3 seconds.)
3. Wash the smear in running water. A properly stained
film will show a violet colour. In case, the staining solu-
tion is not properly balanced, a trial should be made by
adjusting the proportions of basic fuchin and methyl-
ene blue solution in order to obtain the violet colouration
of the film.
Negri bodies are stained bright red or cherry red with a
halo around them and other structures are stained blue. The
presence of Negri bodies is pathognomic for diagnosis of
rabies. Staining of distemper inclusions is done with Shorr
s3 differential stain. Lyssa bodies are small granular bodies
in the neurons of animals infected with the fixed virus.
Staining of Acid Fast Organisms by Ziehl Neelsen's Method

Req u i rements
1. Ziehl-Neelsen carbol fachsin
Basic fuchsin 19m
Absolute alcohol 10 cc
Aqueous solution of 100 cc
Carbolic acid (Phenol 1 to 20)
Dissolve the stain in alcohol and add aqueous phenol
solution to it.
2. Acid alcohol (1 to 2%)
Concentrated hydrochloric acid -2 cc
Absolute alcohol: 98 cc
3. 1% aqueous methylene blue solution make a working
dilute solution of the stock solution by adding 1 cc of
1 % metheylene blue to 9 m1 of distilled water for using
as a counter stain.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Antmals

1. Fix the smear above the flame of the sprit lamp or gas
2. Pour Z.N. carbol fuchsin on the smear and warm the
slide till the stain steams. Maintain the temperature and
let it cool slowly for 3 to 5 minutes.
3. Wash it in running water.
4. Decolourise the smear with acid alcohol (2%) till the
thickest part remains a faint pink.
5. Wash in water to remove traces of acid alcohol.
6. Counterstin the film with working aqueous solution of
methylene blue for 1/2 to 1 minute. Non acid fast bacte-
ria are stained blue with methylene blue.
7. Wash with water, dry it and examine under oil immer-
sion objective after putting a drop of cedar wood oil
over the smear. Acid fast bacteria stain red with carbol-

Staining of Bacterial Spores

1. Prepare a thin film of the spore forming bacteria.
2. Stain with steaming Z.N. carbol fuchsin.
3. Decolourise with 5 % acetic acid until the film is light
pink and, then, wash with water.
4. Counterstain 3 minutes with 1 % methylene blue (aque-
ous solution).
Spores stain bright red.
The Leishman's method
Place a drop of blood on a clean grease free slide. Lower
another slide at an angle of 45 just in front of the drop and
allow the drop to spread along its edge.
Drawing the blood should be done in only one direction


and only once from the starting point for a uniform film.
Dry the smear in the air. Make atleast three such smears and
save the slides from house flies which destroy the film by
Leishman's stain
Leishman's powder 0.15 gm
Acetone free, methyl alcohol 100 ml.

1. Cover the blood film with Leishman's stain for 1 minute.
2. Apply double quantity of freshly prepared distilled
water (or buffer sol, pH 6.6 ) and mix by blowing with a
3. Leave the stain for 10 minutes on the film. This time
limit may vary according to the quality of the stain.
Overstaining is to be avoided for smooth counting of
the leucocytes.
4. Wash the smear with fresh or neutral distilled water.
Dry and examine under the oil immersion objective af-
ter placing a drop of cedar wood oil over the stained
film. Acidic water is not used for washing the blook
smears to avoid red colouration of the blood films.

Gram's Method of Staining

Reagents required
a. 1 % crystal violet solution. Crystal violet 1 gm in
distilled water 100 ml.
b. Gram's iodine Iodine crystals 1 gm Potassium io-
dide 2 gm Distilled water 300 ml.
c. 95 percent alcohol.
d. Dilute carbol fuchsin Z.N. carbo! fuchsin 1/2 to 1 ml.
Distilled water 9 ml.

Advanced Pathologtf and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic AllImals

1. Fix the smear by passing glass slide (quite above) over
the flame of the spirit lamp or gas burner for a few times.
Avoid the burning of the smear. The opposite surface of
the slide should be just tolerably hot to the touch.
2. Cover the slide for a half minute with 1 % solution of
crystal violet solution.
3. Pour off the stain and put Gram's iodine over it and
allow it to remain for 1 to 2 minutes.
4. Wash it with alcohol (95 %) till purple colour ceases to
come off.
5. Wash in water and counterstain with 1 % dilute carbol
fuchsin (1 to 10) for 1/2 minute.
6. Wash in water, dry an examine under oil immersion
objective after placing a drop of cedar wood oil over the
Preparation of Stained Tissue Sections
It includes the steps like fixing, embedding, section
cutting, staining and mounting of the stained sections. A
short description of the different processing steps are given
1. Fixing
It is done to stop the tissue autolysis and also to obtain
the hardening of the pieces of the organs. Pieces of the tissues
(not more than 0.5 to 1 mm thick) are immersed for the sake
of preservation in the following reagents:
(a) 10% formalin (i.e., 40% formaldehyde gas in solu-
tion). Tissues are preserved in aqueous solution of
formalin (10%) for 12 to 24 hours.
(b) Absolute alcohol or methylated spirit.
The solid tissues can be preserved in absolute alcohol.
To strain the glycogen in tissues, the tissues are preserved in


absolute alcohol soon after death of the animal. Contact of

water with tissues washes out glycogen in the cells.
(c) Zenker's fluid
It is good for fixing the nervous tissue in 12 to 24 hours.
Zenker's fluid.
Postassium bichromate 2,5 g
Sodium sulphate 1.0 g
Mercuric chloride 5g
Glacial acetic acid 5.0 ml
(to be added just before use)
Water 100 ml
(d) Decalcifying fluid
It can be used for preserving the bone pieces and is
prepared by adding 1 part of the Nitric acid to 9 parts of the
formal in solution.
(e) The tissues can be preserved in 70% alcohol or in
methylated spirit for long period or till required.
2. Washing
Tissues are washed in the r:mning tap water for 12 to
24 hours depending upon the thickness of the pieces of the
Dehydration and Processing in Xylol
The fixed pieces of tissues are placed into the following
solutions of alcohol to replace the water in the tissues with
alcohol for approximate periods as given below:

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Solution Timin2
1. 80% Alcohol 1 to 2 hours
2.80% Alcohol 1 to 2 hours
3.95% Alcohol 1 to 2 hours
4.95% Alcohol 1 to 2 hours
5. Absolute alcohol or Acetone 2 to 3 hours
6. Absolute alcohol or Acetone 1 to 2 hours
7 Absolute alcohol or Acetone 1 to 2 hours
8. Benzene or chloroform 1 to 2 hours
9. Benzene or chloroform 1 to 2 hours
3. Processing in paraffin
The pieces of the tissues are given 3 changes of one hour
duration each in the melted paraffin (m.p.52c) and finally
the tissues are placed in the melted paraffin at 58c overnight.
Embed the tissues in the molten paraffin in moulds and
cool rapidly. When set, cut and trim the paraffin blocks.
4. Section Cutting
Paraffin sections (5 to 6 microns thick) are cut with th
microtome. Float the sections on to the slides smeared with
egg albumin and the sections are, then, left in the incubator
for 1 to 2 hours for attaching the sections to the glass surfaces.
5. Processing of the Paraffin Sections for Staining
Paraffin sections are treated with two changes of xylol
to remove the paraffin from the sections for 1 to 2 minutes.
Two changes for 1 to 2 minutes in absolute alcohol are given
to the sections to remove the xylol. The sections are passed
through all descending grades of alcohol (say, 95% and 70%
alcohol) and are then washed in water to remove the alcohol.
The washed tissue sections are, thus, ready for staining.
6. Staining
The different types of the staining solutions are used for
staining cells, fungi,bacteria and spirochaetes etc. The tissues


washed with tap water are at first stained with haematoxylin

solution for 5 to 10 minutes. As a routine staining procedure,
it is prepared as follows :
Harris's Haematoxylin
Haematoxylin crystals 5.0 gm
Alcohol 95% 50.00 cc
Ammonium or potassium alum 100.00 gm
Distilled water 1000.00 cc
Mercuric oxide 2.5 gm
1. Use heat to dissolve haematoxylin in absolute alcohol.
The alum is also dissolved in water with the application
of heat. The two solutions are mixed and boiled quickly.
Then, mercuric oxide is added to it. The solution is re-
heated until it turns a dark purple. Then, the prepared
stain is plunged into cold water in a basin for rapid cool-
ing. After cooling, the stain is ready for use. If desired, 2
to 4 cc of glacial acetic acid may be added to 100 cc of
the staining solution.
2. The stained section is rinsed in tap water and differen-
tiated in 1 % acid alcohol by giving 3 to 10 quick dips.
The nuclei will be distinct in the well differentiated sec-
tions under the microscope.
3. The sections are washed in tap water for a brief period
and, then, dipped in ammonia water or saturated solu-
tion of lithium carbonate until sections turn bright blue.
4. Then, wash the sections stained with Haematoxylin so-
lution in running tap water for 10 to 20.
5. Finally, the sections are counterstained with eosin solu-
tion of the stain to complete the H & E staining method.
The sections stained with haematoxylin and eosin solu-
tion are given one change in 95 % alcohol and two
changes in absolute alcohol. These are also given two
changes in xyline and then the sections are mounted in

Advanced Pathology and Treatment a/Diseases a/Domestic Animals

permount or any mounting medium. The eosin solution

is prepared as follows.
1 % Alcoholic eosin solution
Eosin-Y water soluble 1 gm.
Distilled water 20cc.
Dissolve and add:
Alcohol 95% 80 cc
At first, Eosin Y is dissolved in the distilled water and
then, the 95 % alcohol is added to it. A drop of acetic acid
may be mixed with 100 cc of eosin solution to obtain a deeper
shade of staining.
The nuclei are stained blue against the pink background
of eosin.
NB : Good staining of the sections depends upon the
quality of the stain used and the experience of an individual.
Examination of Skin Scrapings to find out Ectoparasites
1. 10% solution of KOH (Potassium hydroxide) 10 gm
Distilled water 100ml
2. Slides
1. Scrap the skin against the direction of the hairs until it
bleeds slightly.
2. Boil the material collected in a few ml of 10% KOH so-
lution in a test tube until the hairs are broken up.
3. Cool and centrifuse it for about 3 mts at 1000 rpm.
4. Take a loopful of sediments on a clean side and exam-


ine it under low and high power objectives after putting

a cover slip over the sediments for detecting the mange.
Examination of Skin Scrapings for Ring Worm

1. 10% KOH solution.
2. Slides.
1. Scrap the epidermis from the outer edge of the lesions
with a sterile scalpel. Scraping must have a few hairs
from the margin of the lesions and heat it for a few min-
utes in 10% KOH solution in a test tube and examine it
after taking a loopful on a clean slide after putting a
cover slip over it under low and high power objectives.
In order to measure a microscopic object (say, a
bacterium), the process adopted is called micrometery which
envisages the use of a stage micrometer, an occular
micrometer and a microscope. The one hundredth division
of the scale measures 1/100 (or 0.01 mm). A micron is equal
to 1/1000 mm (or 0.001 mm). One small division of the stage
micrometer measures lOll or microns (Le., 1/ .001 x 0.01=
1000 x 1/100= lOll). The objective, eye piece and "the tube
length of the microscope influence the millimeter value of a
division of the ocular micrometer (i.e., the eye piece scale).
The value of a division of the occular micrometer is
determined separately for the different objectives, eye piece
and tube lengths. The tube length is kept constant to avoid
errors. The scale of the occular micrometer (0.1 mm in length)
is divided into small divisions. The geometric relation between
a division of stage and occular micrometer is 1 to 10.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Proce dure
(1) Insert an occula r micro meter inside the eye-pi ece of the
micro scope keepin g its tube length (usual ly 160 mm.)
consta nt.
(2) Place a stage micro meter on the micros copic stage.
(3) Find out the numb er divisio ns of the occula r microm -
eter which are in compl ete coinci dence or just coveri ng
the divisio ns of the microm eter scale.
Standardisation With 90 x Objective
50 divisio ns of the occula r micro meter = 5 divisio ns of
the stage micro meter
1 divisio n of the occula r micro meter = 5/50 = 5/50 x 10
= 1 !J. (micron)
(4) A staine d film of a bacter ial cultur e is moun ted on the
stage of the microscope. The divisio ns on the stage of
the micro meter coveri ng a bacter Ium are noted and, say,
two divisio ns are in exact coinci dence with the length
of an organi sm. So with the given objective, eye piece
and tube length , the bacter ium in questi on measu res 2
!J. (microns).
Note: With other two objectives (8 x or 40 x), the value
of the ocular micro meter divisio n is to be standa rdised , while
keepin g the tube length consta nt.
Estim ation of Age of Anim als
An autops ist's task is to estima te the age of the anima ls
during postm ortem exami nation . Determ inatio n of the age
of an anima l is of great impor tance in vetero legal cases.
All the teeth in the mouth of the anima ls erupt at
differe nt times which rough ly guide to estima te the ages of
animals. Wear of the teeth also guides in determ ining the
age of the anima ls.
Longe vity of cattle and buffal o is 20 years and 15 years
respec tively but these anima ls can live up to 28 years.


The longevity of some animals and birds is as follows :

Table 42. Longevity of different animal
Animals Years Birds Years
Horse 20 Parrot 30
Sheep 12 Dove 15
Goat 15
Dog. 10
Coat 12
Dog 10
Cat 12
Elephant 60
Camel 45

The dental formulae of cattle and buffaloes are given

Dental formula 1/1, C/C, PIP, M/M (1= Incisor C= Ca-
nine, P= Premolar M= Molar).
Temporary dentition 0/4 % 3/3 % = Total teeth: 20
Permanent dentition 0/4, % 3/3 3/3 = Total teeth: 32
Breed, individual factors, feeding and nutritional
conditions etc., affect the eruption of teeth in animals. The
following table incorporates the eruption of teeth in cattle
and buffaloes.
Table 43. Age groups and teeth exeption in animals
Type of teeth Age at erupton Age at eruption
(months) (Months)
Cattle Buffalo
Central incisors 24-30 30
2 nd pair incisors 36 42
3 rd pair incisors 48 54
Corner incisors 54-60 70-72
1 si pair molars 24
2nd pair molars 24
3 rd pair molars 36
41h pair molars 6
51h pair molars 18
6 th pair molars 24
Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

The wear and general appearance of the teeth help in

the estimation of age of animals after eruption of all the
permanent teeth in the mouth. The arrangement of the teeth
in the jaw forms an arc or a horse shoe pattern in the adult
mouth but it becomes straight with advancement in the age
of the animals. Cattle do not have canine teeth and there are
no incisors in the upper jaw. They have dental pad in place
of upper incisors quite suitable for grazing purpose.
Some details of teeth eruption times of important
domestic animals with dental formulae in age estimation are
given below:
Cattle, buffalo, sheep and goat.
Deciduous Teeth
2 (Di 0/4 D/c % Dp 3/3) = 20
Permanent teeth 2 (1 0/4 C % P 3/3 M 3/3) = 32
Eruption of the deciduous teeth in cattle before birth
Di 1 before birth
Di 2 before birth
Di 3 birth to one week
Di 4 birth to 2 weeks.
Dp 1 birth to 3 weeks.
Dp 2 birth to 3 weeks.
Dp 3 birth to 3 weeks.
Eruption of the pennanent teeth in cattle
11 1.1/2 to 2 years
12 2 to 2.1/2 years
13 3 years
14 3.1/2 to 4 years
P1 2 to 2.1/2 years
P2 1.1/2 to 2.1/2 years


P3 2.1/2 to 3 years
Mi 5 to 6 months
M2 1 to 1.1/2 years
M3 2 to 2.1/2 years
Table 44. Appearance of Teeth at Various Ages
At birth All the temporary incisors cut through the jaws.
Atl month The temporary incisors are prominent and well
Atl month The temporary molars are in wear.
At6month The 4th molar will cut through the gums. No over
lappinSI of the teeth.
At 1 Year The temporary incisors are in wear.
Atl Year The fifth molar will cut through the jaw.
Atl Year 3 The fifth molar is well up and in wear. The incisors
months show more signs of wear.
Atl Year 9 Eruption of the first pair of permanent incisors. The
months sixth molar will cut through the gums.
At two Years The first and 2nd permanent molars cut through the
gums. The first pair of permanent incisors are well up
and in full wear.
At 2.1/2 Years All the four permanent incisors are well up and in full
At3 years All the six permanent incisors are in full wear. The
molars~esent a uniform ridge.
At 3.1/2years All the eight permanent incisors are well up in Wear.
At 3.1/2 years The corners are obviously younger and less worn
than the others.
At 4 to 5 years The teeth are slightly worn along their cutting edges.
At6 years The surface of the wear reaches half way across the
upper surface of the teeth. A portion of the root is
At 10 years The greater part of the crown is lost from the teeth. A
'portion of the root is exposed.
At 10 to 14 years Only stumps of the teeth remain. The teeth are widely
separated from each other.
At 16 years The teeth become close together again.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Age Estimation on the Basis of Rings in the Horns of

The rough estimate of age can be made by counting
the number of rings around the base of the horn.
The first ring appears at the age of 2 years and then one
ring is added annually. The age of cattle can be calculated
by the following formulae :
Age of the cattle in year = The number of rings in the
horn + 1.
Age Estimation in Pigs
The approximate age estimation can be done on the basis
of period of teeth eruption in the pigs. Factors like breeds,
individuality etc., very well affect the dentition periods. The
dental formulae are as under :
2 (D1 3/3 DC 1/1 DP 3/3) = 28
Permanent 2(1 3/3 C 1/1 P 4/4 M 3/3) = 44
Eruption Chart of the Deciduous Teeth

Di 1 1 to4 weeks
Di 2 6 to 12 weeks
Di 3 before birth
DC before birth
DP 1 5 to 7 weeks
DP 2 5 to 7 weeks
DP 3 1 to4 weeks


Eruption Chart of the Permanent Teeth

11 1st Year
12 16 to 24 months
13 8 to 10 months
C 6 to 10 months
P1 5 months
P2 5 months
P3 12 to 15 months
P4 12 to 15 months
Ml 4 to 6 months
M2 8 to 12 months
M3 10 to 20 months

Appearance of the Teeth at Various Ages

Above 6 : The permanent incisors cut through the
months gums.
At9months : The permanent tusks reach more than half
At12 months : The central permanent incisors are well up.
Eruption of any of the first three permanent

Dental formula of horse

Horse Deciduous 2(Di 3/3 DC % DP 3/3= 24
Permanent 2 (1 3/3 C 1/1 P3 - 4/3 M 3/3) = 40/42
Dental formula of dog
Deciduous 2(Di 3/3 DC 1/1 DP 3/3) = 28
Permanent : 2(1 3/3 C 1/1 P 4/4 M 2/3) = 42

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Deciduous Horse Dog
Di 1 day -1 weeks 3-5 weeks
Di2 4-6 weeks 4-5 weeks
Di3 6-9 weeks 5-6 weeks
DC - 3-4 weeks
DP1 day-2 weeks 4-6 weeks
DP2 day-2 weeks 4-6 weeks
DP3 day-2 weeks 6-8 weeks
Permanent Horse D02
1 1 2.1/2 years 2-5 months
1 2 2.1/2 years 2-5 months
1 3 4.1/2 years 4-5 months
1 4 - -
C 3.1/2-5 xears 5-6 months
p 1 5-6 months 4-5 months
p 2 2.1/2 years 5-6 months
p 3 3 years 5-6 months
p 4 4 years 4-5 months
M 1 9-12 months 5-6 months
M 2 2 years 6-7 months
M 3 3.1/2-4 years 6-7 months
7 Years 11 Infundiblum
6 Years 13 (Upper) 7 year hook
6 Years 12 Infundiblum disappears
9 Years 13 -do- -do-
10 Years 13(upper) -do- Galvayne's groove appears
15 Years 13 ~do- -do- Y2 way down
21 Years 13 -do- -do- reaches tip
21 Years 13 -do- -do- gradually grows out

Table 45. Normal Physiological Value s and Some Reagents
Normal Range of Blood Value s:
Cow SheEp Goat Horse Pig Dog Poultry. Human
R.B.C (million~ 5.4-9 8.5-13.5 12.5-22.0 6.5-9.4 5.0-9.4 6.4-8.0 4-6
W.B.C 4.5-13.0 4.0-12.0 5-13 5-11 8.6-20 6-20 20-40 5-10
(thousa nds)
Neutro philes 3015-55 4020-50 36 5650-65 3930-50 6960-75 3120-40 55-70
Eosinophiles 81-15 60-15 3.5 41-5 4.51-10 5.2-10 62-10 1-4
Basophiles 0.5 0-1 0.2 0-2 0 0.5 0-1 11-4 0.5 0-2 2.51-4 0-1
Lymph ocytes 5240-70 5240-70 58 3020-40 5240-60 2010-30 7855-96
I(percen t)
Monocytes 93-15 41-12 2 82-12 31-10 62-12 10-3 3-7
Haemo globin 8.0-14.5 9.0-14.5 9.4-14.0 9.0-14 9.0-16.8 12.0-17.8 8.0-13.0 13-17
(gms/l 00ml)
Sedime ntation 0(30 0 0 2-12 (10 1-6 (30 0-6 (30 Men (3- Wome n
rate (E.s.R) mm min) min) min) min) 7mm/h r.) (0-15m m/hr)
Coagu lation 6 ---- ---- 11 3 4 ---- ----
Advanced Pathology and Treatment o/Diseases o/Domestic Animals

Normal Values of Specific Gravity of Urine

Range Average
Horse 1020 to 1050 1035
Cattle 1025 to 2045 1035
Sheep 1015 to 1045 1030
Goats 1015 to 1045 1030
Dogs 1015 to 1045 1030
Cats 1020 to 1045 1030
Pigs 1010 to 1030 1015
Normal life span of red cells
Horse 140-150 days
Cattle 150 days
Sheep 70-153 days
Goats 125 days
Dogs 107-115 days
Cats 125 dats
Laboratory reagents
1.Physiological saline:
Sodium chloride ; 0.85 gm
Distilled water ; 100 ml
2. Buffer, pH 6.6 (for use in staining blood films)
Disodium phosphate : 3.80 gms
Monopotassium dihydrogen phosphate ; 5.47 gms
Distilled water : 100 ml
Mix them together by shaking the container for making
a uniform solution.


3. Leishman's stain
Dissolve 0.15 gm of Leishman's powder in 100 mI of
absolute (acetone free) methyl alcohoL Take 0.15 gm of
Leishman's stain in a glass mortar. Add 10 ml of methyl
alcohol (acetone free). Triturate with the pestle and decant
it into a glass bottle. Repeat it till the complete dissolution of
the stain in the mixture. Coloured bottle protect the stain
during storage. The volume of the stain is made up to 100 mI
in a coloured bottle by taking more methyl alcohoL
4. Glemsa Stain
Dissolve 0.85 gm of the Giemsa stain in 100 mI of a
mixture of equal parts of glycerol and acetone free methyl
alcohol by shaking and keep for 4 or 5 days.
5. Seller'S Stain
Stock solution
1. Methylene blue: 10 gm
Acetone free, methyl alcohol to make 1000 mI.
ll. Basic fuchsin: 5 gm
Acetone free methyl alcohol to make 500 mI keep the
stock solutions in blue ground glass stoppered bottles in a
Staining solution is made at the time of staining the fresh
impression smears. Smears are made from hippocampus
major of the brain in dog or cerebellum in cattle. Methylene
blue solution 2 parts and basic fuchsin solution 1 part are
mixed well in a test tube before use to stain Negri bodies.
6. Benedict's Qualitative Reagent for Sugar
Copper sulphate 17.3 gm
Sodium .:itrate 173.0 gm
Sodium carbonate 100 mg

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Distilled water to make 1000 ml

7. Sugar Solution for Faecal Examination
Sugar 1280 gm
Water 1000 ml
Phenol (as preservative) 20 ml
8. Hayem's Solution (for total red cell count)
Mercuric chloride 0.5 gm
Sodium sulphate 0.5 gm
Sodium chloride 1.0 gm
Distilled water 200 ml
9. Hcl Solution (for haemaglobin estimation and total
leucocytes count)
Conc. Hc1 1.0 ml
Distilled water 100 ml
10. Rothera's Reagent
Ammonium nitrate 30 gm
Sodium nitroprusside 2gm
Distilled water 80 ml
11 Neutral Buffered Formalin
40%formal dehyde 100 cc
Distilled water 900 cc
Sodium phosphate monofolic 4gm
Sodium phosphate difolic anhydrous 6.5 gm
12. Cavony's Fluid
Absolut~ alcohol 60 ml


Chloform 30 ml
The proforma for postmortem report is given below:
Postmortem No-............................ .
Species ....................................... .
Colour ......................................... Breed ....-~........ .
Owner ........................................Sex ................. .
Residence ...................................... Age ................ .
Weight ............ .
By whom sent for examination and reasons if any
Date and hour of death / sacrifice Autopsy findings
Date and hour of postmortem examination 1.
History 2.
Cadaverous changes 3.
Rigor mortis
External appearance on removal of
skin (describe contusions and wounds etc.)
Mouth and pharynx
Nasal cavities
Larynx and trachea
Pleural cavity and lungs
Pericardium and heart (absolute wt ....... relative wt .......... %
Liver (absolute wt ........ relative wt. ............................. %
Gall bladder

Advanced Pathology and Treatment-efDlseases of Domestic Animals

Spleen (absolute wt .................. relative wt .................. %

Stomach and intestine
Urinary organs
Kidneys (absolute wt ................. relative wt .................. %
Generative organs
Brain and spinal cord
Lymph glands in general
Blood or tissue smears sent for microscopical examination
Diagnosis on the basis of above examination
Remarks (state if viscera and tissue specimens etc. sent
for chemical, histopathological and parasitological ex-
Microscopical examinationof blood etc.
Results of chemical, bacteriological parasitological and
histopathological examinations .............................. .
Place where postmortem examination was done .............. .
Signature of the autopsist
Designation :
When neoplastic lesions are suspected in the organs of
an organism during postmortem examination, small pieces
of tissues (sbout 2 cm. cubed) are removed and placed in
fixatives like formalin saline or Zenker's solution which is 10
to 15 times more in volume than the total volume of the tissue
pieces selected with representative lesions for
histopathological examination. Fixatives preserve tissue
elements as they were visible during life and also prevent
further autolytic changes in them.


The following are 4 important fixatives :

1. 10% formalin solution
Formaldehyde 40% solution 10 cc
Water 90 cc
2. Formalin saline solution
Formaldehyde 40% solution 10 cc
Sodium chloride 0.9 gm
Water 90 cc
3. Even absolute alcohol is used for fixation of tissues. What
kind of fixative is to be choosen for histopathology de-
pends upon a particular process to be adopted for stain-
ing the tissues.
4. Romahny's fluid
Formalin (40 %) 120 ml
Pyridine 10 ml
Nicotin (50% solution in water) crude 10 ml.
1000 ml.
Note : Air should not be allowed to come in contact
with the fluid.
Wash the tissues to be fixed in saline water. The fluid
can be filtered and reused. It protects the live colour of the
lesions in tissues preserved, making it quite good for
Postmortem Lesions
How to write postmortem lesions in the dead animals.
While describing the pathological lesions in the dead
animals, the abnormalities (i.e., diviations from normalcy)
are described in view of certain features like size, shape,
colour, consistency, appearance of the cut surface of the
Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domes tic Ammals

organs and lesions in the organs are exactly noted in view of

the anatomical locations. One should take care of separating
the interpretations from the observations of the lesions. The
terms like nutmeg appearance and chronic passive congestion
in livers are observation and interpretation respectively. It is
better for students to note only observations during
postmortem examinatioft of dead animals.
Below are some clinical signs and gross lesions and the
corresponding diagnoses in some important pathological
Table 46. Diagnosis and related observations in
different diseases.
Diagnoses or Observations on Organs in the Dead Bodies
1. Necrosis Grey or white areas or spots with some what firm
consistency in an organ (say, liver). A necrosed tissue
may be red to the naked eye due to infiltration with
blood. Such tissues may be liquefied like water as
exemplified bypus in an organ or skin(e.g. abscess).
2. Fatty Changes Grey or yellow discolouration in the affected organs
which may be also larger than normal. Loss of strength
or toughness can be marked in the organs. The
friability is also noticed in such organs and one can
easily thrust the fingers into such tissues. Fat droplets
are seen on the edges of the cutting instruments like
3. Amyloid The organs like livers in the affected animals may be
infiltration larger, paler and firmer than normal. The organs or
parts affected with anyloid infiltration may be white or
opaque with waxy cut surfaces. The amylOid material
in the tissues stains mohogony brown following
application of a solution of iodine on the cut surfaces.
4. Mucoid (I) Presence in excess of the slimy grayish white
degeneration slippery material on the mucous membrane (II) The
(Serous Atrophy affected tissue becomes translucent and watery
of Fat) beneath the serosal covering of the tissues or organs.
Mucoid degeneration in the tissue converts it into a
structure resembling Wharton's jelly or watery fat or
adipose tissue. Usually seen in the coronary groove of
heart of cattle suffering from chronic diseases or
[parasitic infections (bottle jaw).


Diagnoses or Observations on Organs in the Dead Bodies

5. The calcium salts removed from the tissues are white or
PatholOgical grey, irregular and sometimes honeycombed. When the
calcificationaffected tissue is sliced with knife, a gritty sound is heard.
When touched, the feel of the cut surface is also gritty.
6. 1. Pieces of the bone in the nonosseous tissue like lungs,
Pathological legs of turkeys (tendon) and lateral cartilages in the
ossification horses.
7. Atrophy Organs are smaller than normal as found by weighing or
measurement and comparin~ with the normal.
8. Organs are larger than normal in the thickness or size.
Hypertrophy Increase is also seen in their weights.
9. Neoplasia An enlargement or swelling anywhere in the body.
Swelling may not be detectable in some cases (occult
neoplasms). Presence of thickness is seen in the intestinal
wall. There may be bulging of the organ or part involved
in the body. The cut surfaces of the swelling may be grey
or shining or red like currant jelly and may be completely
black in colour as seen in melanoma.
10. Thrombus Friable growth (dull in colour) with roughened or stringy
surface in the blood vessels. Such mass may be shining
and red like currant jelly and may completely block a
vessel. An attachment of mass of clot with the intimal
lining of the vessel can be marked. An attempt to dislodge
the thrombotic mass may &agment it into pieces, tearing
also the underlying intimal layer.
11. Emboli Pieces of tissues (red or grayish masses), fragments of
parasites, air or even fatty material or pieces of the tumour
are seen as blockings in the vessels.
12. The affected part may be red and swollen and heavier
Hyperaemia than normal. Bluish red swollen areas in the organs. When
/ congestion cut, the blood escapes from such incised tissues. When
there is rush of arterial blood to a part, the part may have
bright red colour imparted by the accumulated blood.
13. Oedema When a part is swollen (e.g., ventral wall of the abdomen),
the affected part may be thick, firm or doughy due to
accumulation of fluid in the cells or intercellular spaces. It
can pit on pressure causing pits in the skin. When cut, a
pale yellowish fluid escapes or drips &om the cut surfaces.
During life, such parts in the body are cold, puffy and

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domes tic Animals

Diagnoses or Observations on Organs in the Dead Bodies

14. Shock Severest state of depression, weakness, subnormal
temperature, lack of warmth on the body surface, fall in
blood pressure, shallow and irregular respiration and
rapid or irregular pulse in the living animal. At autopsy,
excessive serum in the bruised tissues, pulmonary
oedema, excess of blood in the dilated blood vessels of
the internal organs (e.g., abdominal organs like liver and
intestines etc.) and haemorrhages in the intestines,
ischaemic mucosae and ischaemic heart or brain
following extensive haemorrhage from stabbing or gun-
shot wounds are some important changes of
haemorrhagic shock.
15. Tissues in Cardinal signs of inflammation i.e., redness (rubor)
acute swelling (tumour), heat (colour), pain (dolor) and loss of
inflammation function are seen in the affected part during life. When
the parts showing changes are incised or examined
postmortem, an exudate (serous, fibrinous, mucoid,
purulent, mucopurulent or haemorrhagic) escapes from
the cut surface. The layer of fibrin on a mucous
membrane may form a pseudomembrane or diphtheritic
membrane. The pseudomembrane is detachable whereas
a diphtheritic membrane is firmly attached or adherent
to the underlying tissue.
16. Tissues in Granulomas, nodules or granules are seen in the tissues.
chronic Granulomas can be found in TB, aspergillosis,
inflammation brucellosis and colibacillois (in chickens). In chronic
inflammation, granulation tissue is also formed as seen
in the walls of tissues, abscesses or sinuses. Affected
tissues have a rough granular surface and may be hard,
tough, white, oedematous (swollen) and congested
17. Abscess A collection of pus in the tissue with or without a wall
or capsule. The pus may be a viscous cream coloured
fluid with obnoxious smell. The pus may be red due to
blood or blue green due to pigments.
18. Pulmonary Lungs are swollen and reddened. The cut pieces do not
congestion sink in water. Presence of blood on the cut surfaces.


Diagnoses or Observations on Organs in the Dead Bodies

19. Pneumonia Swollen lungs of liver like consistency and also red in
colour. The cut pieces sink in water as seen on testing
dumg autopsy and present a dry or somewhat bulging
surface. The pneumonic tissue is slightly raised above
the level of the surrounding normal tissue. Droplets of
exudate on the cut surfaces of the lungs.
20. Pulmonary Portions of lungs reduced in size and depressed below
collapse or the level of the surrounding normal parenchyma with
Atelectosis red colouration and firm in consistency. The cut pieces
sink in water and no blood flows on surfaces of the
incised slices of lungs, thus, differentiating it from
pUlmonary congestion.
21. Pulmonary Pale bloodless areas in the lungs. Marking of the ribs
emphysema present on the pleural surface. The lungs pit on pressure
and also do not collapse after the thorax has been
opened. Somewhat raised pale areas are found close to
the red and sunken areas (collapse) in the lungs affected
with bronchopneumonia.
22. Nutmeg Lobules of the livers showing congested central areas
liver surrounded by pale or yellowish peripheral areas. A
mottled appearance of the liver is effected as a resulting
23. Acute Right ventricle severely dilated with formation of a
cardiac failure groove between the left and right ventricle and the line
from the atrioventricular level to the apex is not a
straight one. The right ventricular wall is flexible or
yielding in nature.
24. Congestive The lungs are firm in consistency and possess brownish
heart failure discolouration due to chronic passive congestion. The
(chronic) livers are mottled (nutmeg liver). The wall of the left
ventricle is thicker than normal (i.e. hypertrophied).
Mitral stenosis or incompetence is present. Congestion
in the spleen, kidnE>Ys and intestines.
25. Congestive The vena cava and large veins of the abdominal and
heart failure thoracic cavities are large dark and also filled with
(acute) blood. The vessels in the mesentery are prominent and
dark. The liver and lungs are swollen, reddened and the
blood escapes from the cut surfaces of these organs.
Degenaerative lesions in the heart or ventricleS!.

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Diagno ses or Observ ations on Organs in the Dead Bodies

Interpr etation s
26. Hepatic Red areas seen in the liver due to blockage of a branch
infarcti on of the portal vein from embolis m or thrombosis. In
infarction, necrotic changes occur but in the hepatic
infarcts, necrosis is prevent ed by branche s of hepatic
artery supplyi ng good oxygen ated blood.
27. Pyaemi c The kidneys are larger than normal, congest ed
nephrit is (redden ed) and show petechiae. Several abscesses are
seen subcaps ularly but abscesses in the intertub ular
capillaries are elongat ed in shape. The renal capsule
easily strips in such kidneys.
28. Greyish white patches subcaps ulary against the
Pyelone phritis normal reddish brown kidneys. Dirty grayish brown
blood tinged material present in the dilated calices or
pelvis. Grayish white streaks seen on the cut surfaces
of kidneys. In short, the kidney is mottled and
capsule s may be attache d with renal parench yma.
29. Chronic The kidneys bear granula r surface and are contrac ted
nephrit is and smaller than normal. Capsule is remove d with
fragmen ts of the kidneys. A narrow cortex reduced to
a mere rind is seen in chronic nephritis. Small cysts
cortaini ng a little fluid are visible owing to dilation of
the urinifer ous tubules.
30. Goitre An enlarge d or somew hat firm thyroid gland.
31. Osteom alacia Lameness and fracture of the ribs or jawa. Maxilla
frontal and nasal bones are swollen. Reduce d
interma ndibula r space. Reducti on in the nasal cavity
with difficult breathing. Tumou r like swellings in the
32. Rickets Epiphy seal cartilage is irregula r and thickened.
Extremities of the bones and costoch ondral junction s
enlarge d in size. Bendin g of the bones and pendul ous
pot belly are seen. The bones are too soft to be cut with
a knife. Birds show crooked or twisted sternum .
33. When the kidneys are incised into two halves, several
Hydron ephrosi s cysts (multilocular) of different sizes are seen on
cut surfaces. Medull a almost disappe ars and the pelvis
is severely dialated.
34. Hepatic There is a firm liver which is difficult to be cut into
cirrhosis pieces. Hepatic surface is granula r or/nodu lar. The cut
su~faces may be yellowi sh brown or green in colour.
Bile ducts are thickened, harden ed and appear as rigid

Diagnoses or Observations on Organs in the Dead Bodies

35. Postmortem It is a sign of postmortem decomposition. Red areas of
imbibition uniform colour with no elevated surfaces are seen.
This occurs due to a pigment (haemoglobin) which is
released from the red cells. These pigments stain the
tissues along the margins of the congested veins. Such
areas may be red or pink.

Jones, T.e. and Hunt, R.D. (1983). Veterinary Pathology,
Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia.
Murphy, F.A; Gibbs, E.P.J; Horzinek, M.C and Studdert, M.J.
(1999). Veterinary Virology,3 rd ed, Academic Press, New
Radostitis, Otto M; Gay, Clive C; Blood, Douglas, C and
Hinchc1iff, Kenneth, W. (2000). Veterinary Medicine,
ninth ed, W.B. Saunders Comapny, Ltd, New York.
Singh, V.K. (Head Department of Nephrology, P.M.CH.
Patna) and Gupta, V.K. (Medical Officer, Health De-
partment of Government of Bihar, Patna: Personal Com-
Singh, CD.N. and Lakra, P. (1972). Pathologic changes in
Naturally Occurring COhJlophoron Cotylophororum infec-
tion in Cattle, Am. J. Vet. Res. 2: 659-663.


Abortion 88 Brucellosis 94
Acid fast staining technique Canine distemper 165
(Ziehl-Neelsen's method) 469 Canine parvovirus infection 160
Actinobacillosis 62 Carbon tetra chloride toxicity 265
Actinomycosis 59 Chlorinated hydro carbons
African horse sickness 143 toxicity 281
Amphistomiasis 237 Cirrhosis 299
Anaemia 333 Coccidiosis 219
Anaplasmosis 217 Coenurus cerebralis (Multiceps
Ancylostomisis 239 multiceps) infection 259
Antemortem wounds 434 Collection of materials in
Anticoagulants 450 differnt diseases 453
Anthrax 10 Colibacillosis 21
Aphtha, epizootic (foot -and- Common diagnostic tests 461
mouth disease) 120 Chemotherapeutic agents
Ascariasis 247 used in the veterinary
Aspiration pneumonia 295 practice 374
AUjeszky's disease 171 Curative and preventive
doses of vitamins
Autopsy technique of birds 444
and minerals 275
Autopsy of carnivores 443
Creepers (Aphosphorosis) 271
Autopsy technique in large
Crescents in nephritis 319
ruminants 437
Cretinism (Myxoedema) 270
Azoturia 361
Babesiosis 203
Cyanides poisoning 285
Dermatitis, contagious
Bacteraemia 02
pustular 142
Bang's disease (Brucellosis) 94
Despatch of materials to
Barbone (Haemorrhagic pathological laboratory 457
septicaemia) 15
Despatch of materials in medico
Bee sting 339 legal cases 459
Black- leg (Black -quarter) 76 Dropsy (Oedema) 322
Blue tongue 148 Dyctyocaulosis (parasitic
Botulism 83 pneumonia or lung worm
Bovine ephemeral fever 135 disease) 260
Bronchopneumonia (Lobular Echinococcus granulosus infection
pneumonia) 292 (Hydatid disease) 258


Emphysema 294 Johne's disease OD) 50

Enteritis 308 Laboratory reagents 486
Enterotoxaemia 68 Lamb dysentery 74
Epicrisis 432 Laminitis 336
Epizootic aphtha (F.M.D) 120 Lantana poisoning 87
Equine colic 368 Lathyrus toxicity 283
Equine encephalomyelits 146 Lead poisoning 283
Erysepelal swine 98 Leishman's method 470
Estimation of age of animals 478 Leptospirosis 38
Examination of skin scrapings 476 Limberneck 71
Farcy 36 Lobar pneumonia 290
Fascioliasis 234 Lobular pneumonia (Broncho
Foot and mouth disease 120 pneumonia) 292
Fluorine poisoning 284 Lock jaw (Tetanus) 78
Gastritis 304 Lumbar paralysis 260
Glanders 34 Lumpy jaw (Actinomycosis
Goitre 270 of the jaw bones) 59
Gram's method of staining 471 Lungers 65
Haemoglobin estimation 468 Lysa bodies 469
Haemorrhagic septicaemia 15 Maditch 171
Hepatitis 297 Magnesium deficiency 272
Hog cholera (Swine fever) 168 Mastitis 24
Horse pox 140 Mercury poisoning 282
How to write a postmortem Micrometry 477
report 491 Milk fever 352
Hydatid disease 258 Navel-ill 31
Hypostasis 295 Negri bodies 156
Hypovitaminosis A 264 Nephritis 311
Hypovitaminosis B 266 Nephroselerosis 320
Hypovitaminosis C 266 Normal haematological values485
Hypovitaminosis D 266 Nymphomania 345
Hypovitaminosis E 267 Oedema 322
Hypovitaminosis K 267 Omphalophlebitis (Navel-ill) 31
Immunisation programme in Onion poisoning 286
animals 403 Organic phosphates toxicity 281
Inclusion bodies 06 Patent preparations used in
Indigestion 332 animals 407
Infectious canine hepatitis Phosphorus poisoning 288
(Rubarth disease) 163 Photosensitisation 365

Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals

Physiological values of Seller's staining method for Negri

animals 372 bodies in rabies 468
Pica 271 Septicaemia 02
Piroplasmosis 203 Sequestrum 67
Pleuro pneumonia, bovine Setaria spp infection 260
contagious 65 Shock 342
Pneumonia 290 Snake bites 337
Pock diseases 137 Some common specimens in
Postmortem examination 429 diseases for laboratory tests 449
Post parturient Spirocercosis 261
haemoglobinuria 363 Stings of bee, scorpion and
Pox cow (Vaccinia or Variola wasp 339
vaccina) 139 Strangles 30
Preservatives used in the cases of Straus test 34
poisonings 460 Struck 71
Pseudorabies 171 Surra 214
Pulpy kidneys 68 Swine erysipelas 98
Pyaemic nephritis 310 Swine fever 168
Pyelitis 313 Tetanus 78
Pyelonephritis 313 Theileriasis 210
Proforma for noting down Toxaemia 02
postmortem lesions 489 Toxoplasmosis 222
Rabies 152 Treatment of diverse pathological
Rickets 271 conditions 344
Rigor mortis 433 Trichomoniasis 92
Rinderpest (Cattle plague) 128 Trichostrongylosis 242
Ruminal tympany 328 Trypanosomiasis 222
Salmonellosis 54 Tuberculosis (TB) 44
Salt poisoning 289 Urea toxicity 288
Schistosomiasis 244 Vaccination schedule in dogs 405
Scrapie 151 Vibriosis 92
Selenium toxicity 286 Viral diarrhea 329


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