3.5 Weapon Enhancements

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5 Weapon Enhancements

Ability Blow

This weapon has several runes along the business end of the weapon. When picked up they shimmer and move in
accordance to how strong their synergistic ability score is.

An ability blow weapon is tied to a certain ability score. Damage from the weapon go off the selected ability score,
rather than Strength (or whatever ability score is normally used). For example a wisdom blow greatsword +1 still
uses strength for attack rolls, but uses Wisdom for damage rolls instead of Strength.

Faint Clairsentience; ML 5th; Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, offensive prescience; Price: +1.

Ability Striking

This weapon has several runes along the hilt. When picked up they shimmer and move in accordance to how strong
their synergistic ability score is.

An ability striking weapon is tied to a certain ability score. Attacks with the weapon go off the selected ability score,
rather than Strength (or whatever ability score is normally used). For example a charisma striking longsword +1
uses Charisma for attack rolls instead of Strength, but still uses strength for damage.

Faint Clairsentience; ML 5th; Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, offensive precognition; Price: +1.


Antifreeze items have thin tracings down their sides filled with a pale blue-green liquid. No matter where they seem
to be, the item never seems to ice up in any degree of freezing conditions. An antifreeze weapon, armor, or shield is
immune to the effects of cold damage and protects its wielder from extreme cold damage when used. It shields the
user as if they were under endure elements (cold only).

Faint Transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, endure elements, resist energy; Price: 500 gp


An arcing weapon has the characteristics of a shock weapon, but the energy arcs to additional targets on a successful
critical hit. The electricity does not harm the wielder. When an arcing weapon lands a successful critical hit, the
electricity arcs to a number of additional targets depending on the weapon's critical multiplier. If the weapon has a
x2 multiplier, the target of the attack and one more target of the wielder's choice are both dealt 2d8 electricity
damage. If the weapon has a x3 multiplier, one more target can be chosen than if the multiplier was x2, for a total of
three targets. If the weapon has a x4 multiplier, one more target can be chosen than if it were x3, for a total of four
targets. This damage replaces the electricity damage usually dealt, and the damage for each target is the same; do not
roll separately for each target. Each target must be within 20 ft. of the previous one, and nothing may be targeted
more than once for the same critical. All targets beyond the first are entitled to a reflex save (DC 17) for half

Moderate Evocation; CL 11th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, chain lightning; Price: +2 bonus

Armor Busting

This armor busting hammer is ridged and bumpy, to place all the force into a powerful denting smash.

The armor busting property can only be placed on bludgeoning weapons. Armor busting items are bludgeoning
weapons designed specifically to break through heavy armor. It ignores 1 point of armor bonus for every attack you
would be granted by BAB (to a maximum of ignoring 4 armor bonus at +16 BAB). This stacks with the similar
property of certain weapons like the military light mace and military heavy mace, but it becomes a +2 enhancement
Moderate Evocation; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shatter; Price: +1 (or +2 if it stacks with similar


A baleform weapon attunes itself to the wielder. When the wielder of a baleform weapon rolls a natural 20 for an
attack roll, hitting the target, the weapon's magic activates and channels into its target. The target must then make a
Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the wielder's HD + the weapon's enchantment bonus) or suffer the effects of a baleful
polymorph spell with the following modifications: The duration of
the baleful polymorph is reduced to 1 minute. The weapon only
transfigures targets into one given form (chosen at the time the weapon is enchanted).
The wielder gains a +4 bonus on saves against involuntary shapechanging effects.

Moderate Transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, baleful polymorph spell; Price: +2 bonus.

Baleful Intent

The unrepentant evil of this weapon penetrates the defenses of good.

Any weapon with this enhancement, and the Unholy or Unholy Power enhancement (required), has its effectiveness
against the forces of good strengthened. When a weapon of baleful intent is used to attack a good target, that targets
armor class is reduced by the total enhancement bonus of the weapon. This armor class reduction only applies to
attacks made by the weapon with the baleful intent enhancement. The weapon bestows a negative level on any good
creature attempting to wield it; this stacks with negative levels from the unholy or unholy power enhancements and
follows the same rules. Bows, crossbows, and slings with this special ability bestow the unholy power of this
enhancement upon their ammunition.

Moderate evocation (evil); CL 17; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, blasphemy; Price: +2 bonus.

Blade of Disaster

A weapon of disaster is a jet black planar rift condensed within the edge of a piercing or slashing melee weapon,
disintegrating its foe with a concentrated attack. It does +2d6 extra typeless damage on every successful hit, and can
harm ethereal and incorporeal creatures and objects as if it was a force effect.

Furthermore, the wielder of a weapon of disaster can make an attack with it as a standard action. If the attack hits,
the weapon channels a disintegrate effect (effective caster level equal to the wielder's base attack bonus). Save DC
to resist the effect is 10 + the wielder's base attack bonus + the weapon's magical enhancement bonus.

Using its disintegrate ability, a weapon of disaster can be used to destroy wards of force energy, such as a wall of

Strong transmutation; CL 17th; Create Magic Arms and Armor, black blade of disasterSpC; Price: +5.

Blast Loading[edit]

This crossbow begins to light up with glowing lines when its ammo is expended. Rather than reload it you toss it at
the opponent and get a new one.

This enhancement can only be applied to crossbows, guns, and other weapons which need reloading. Blast Loading
weapons can be reloaded as an attack action, throwing the expended weapon as a grenade and having it reform in
your hands. To reload, you throw the weapon with a range increment of 20 ft. It explodes and deals damage as a
mundane attack from the crossbow + 2d6 damage in a 10 ft radius burst. All damage is physical damage
(bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing). Targets get a Reflex save for half, DC 10 + 1/2 BAB + ability modifier for
attack rolls (usually Dexterity, or no save for creatures hit directly with the ranged attack. The weapon them
immediately reforms in your hands fully loaded. It's not actually damaged by this process, so it doesn't lose its
magical enhancements.
You can also detonate the weapon as an attack action as long as it is within 60 ft, if you wish to use it as a trap. After
detonating it reforms in your hands. Ownership is obtained after using a blast loading weapon for 24 hours.

Strong Conjuration; CL 13th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, fireball, teleport object; Price: +1.


A blazing weapon make flaming weapon even stronger. Blazing can only be placed on weapons which possess the
Flaming, Flaming Burst, Burning Roar or Overheat weapon enhancements. A blazing weapon add an additional 1d6
fire damage to a weapon with flaming, add 2d6 fire damage to a weapon with flaming burst and 3d6 fire damages to
a weapon with burning roar. This bonus overlap and do not stack.

A blazing weapon add 2d6 fire damages to a weapon with the overheat enhancement, this damage stack with
flaming, flaming burst or burning roar.

Strong evocation; CL 7th; Craft Magical Arms and Armor and flame strike or fireball; Price +1 bonus


This weapon looks like it has a fresh slick coating of blood on its edge. When in battle you swear it gets more
dangerous looking.

A bloodthirsty weapon becomes more powerful the more it is used in battle. Once per round whenever it makes a
successful attack against a creature, it gains a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage (this stacks with its base
attack and damage), up to a maximum of +3 after 3 rounds of successful attacks. Bonuses persist until the weapon
has gone for 1 minute without making a successful attack.

Faint Transmutation; CL 5; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, keen edge; Price: +1.

Branding: A branding weapon leaves magical markings upon anything it slashes, stabs or bludgeons, as if it left
magical writing as a "scar", stamp or imprint. These branding marks glow under effects that reveal magic, such as
detect magic.

A branding weapon's mark does not fade with time. These marks may be removed with erase but cannot be removed
with dispel magic (or other dispelling effects).

Faint Universal; CL 1st; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, arcane mark; Price: 50 gp.

Brilliant Energy, Variant[edit]

The business end of your weapon transforms into solid light, passing through armor and striking at the creature's life
essence directly. This does not modify the items weight. It always gives off light as a torch (20-foot radius).

This weapon ignores armor and shield bonuses to AC, and ignore half of natural armor bonuses. It can strike
incorporeal creatures as if it were ghost touch. It can still hit non-living objects (such as constructs, undead, and
attempting to break a sword) but with less effectively as it strikes out at its elemental spirit, negative energy force, or
general omnipresent energy which exists in nature. Against non-living objects or creatures it deals half damage.
Because it is made out of light, it deals +50% additional damage against creatures vulnerable to light.

As the same action to draw or sheathe a weapon you can collapse a brilliant energy weapon into a compact form,
typically only the hilt of the weapon or a small rod. It decreases two size categories for the purposes of storing it
away, and may be grown or shrunk as part of the action of drawing or sheathing the weapon. The brilliant energy
effect may also be toggled on or off as a standard action.

Strong transmutation; CL 16th; Craft Magical Arms and Armor, gaseous form, continual flame; Price: +4.

Burning Roar
A burning roar weapon functions as a flaming and flaming burst weapon, but also allows its wielder to call
forth a rush of fire. As a standard action, the wielder of a burning roar weapon may call forth a cone of fire 15' long,
plus an additional 5' for every 6 points of the wielder's base attack bonus. This cone deals 5d6 points of fire damage,
plus 1d6 per 2 points of base attack bonus possessed by the wielder. Targets are entitled to a reflex save against a
DC of 10 + 1/2 of the wielder's base attack bonus, + the wielder's Con modifier to suffer only half damage.

The burning roar is available even if the flaming ability is not active. This ability is only available on melee

Special: This ability may be added to a flaming weapon at a cost of only an additional +2 bonus, or to a flaming
burst weapon at a cost of only an additional +1 bonus.

Strong evocation; CL 14th; Craft Magical Arms and Armor and flame strike or fireball; Price +3 bonus.

Catalyst Catalyst
weapons make the corrosive or acidic burst weapon enhancements grow with power with every strike. Catalyst can
only be placed on weapons which possess the Corrosive MIC or Acidic BurstMIC weapon enhancements. For each
cumulative hit the weapon deals in a round, its acid damage is increased by +1d6 points. For example a corrosive
longsword +1 would deal 1d8 slashing and 1d6 acid on its first hit, 1d8 slashing and 2d6 acid on the second hit, 1d8
slashing and 3d6 acid on the third hit, and so forth. Burst effects are similarly multiplied, such as dealing 3d10
points of damage on the third hit if it is a confirmed critical.

Catalyst weapons are immune to acid damage. They fizz and hiss as if melting the more times you strike with it.
Only attacks made by the weapon count towards increasing its damage, attacks by other weapons do not increase the

Strong Conjuration; CL 13th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, acid stormSpC; Price: +1.

Compensating You
lunge into a reckless swing, and the weapon's balance shifts and changes to compensate for the optimal heavy

A compensating weapon reduces the penalty you take on your attack rolls from any source. You can apply this
enhancement to a weapon multiple times. For each +1 equivalent bonus, you compensate for up to -2 penalty.

For example, a compensating-2 longsword +1 is a +3 weapon. If you are taking a penalty to attack (from Power
Attack, non proficiency, a curse or spell effect, or any other source) you ignore 4 points of the penalty, to a
minimum of 0 penalty. It does not apply to the penalty to attack from extra attacks granted by a high BAB.

Faint Divination; CL 5; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, true strike; Price: +1.

Compound Strength This

enhancement can only be placed on the composite longbow, composite shortbow and ranged weapons with similiar
properties. Anyone wielding the weapon with a strength bonus lower than the Compound Strength's bonus is treated
as having the Compound Strength's bonus on attack and damage rolls with the weapon. If the weapon has
"composite" in front of the name, it is changed to "compound" instead. Additionally, the strength bonus from the
enhancement must match or beat the strength rating of the weapon.

Moderate Transmutation; CL bonus x 3; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Bull's Strength; Price: Varies, +1 bonus per
4 points of strength added from 10.


A compression item can well compress itself into a small item such as a ring or a belt. When applying the
compression enhancement to a item choose a body slot, the item gain an essentially weightless alternate form of
your choosing occupying that body slot.
While in it alternate form the item look like a magical trinket of the creator's choosing upon enhancing, a suit of
armor could for example look like a wrist watch or a ring. While in it alternate form the item do not grant any of it
normal benefits, it is essentially inactive. Switching between alternate form require a move or swift action.

You automatically pass any sleight of hand checks when attempting to hide a weapon in it alternate form unless the
opposing party is able to identify it as a compression weapon, even then you receive a +20 bonus on your sleight of
hand check.

On the bad side the weapon now count as occupying both it original body slot and the alternate form body slot,
unless it was made into an held item (but then it can only switch to it original form when held which is not as

Moderate transmutation; CL 10; Craft magic arms and armor, shrink item; Price: +1,000.

Compression Matrix[edit]

A compression matrix armor you to store your entire inventory in a single item. Compression matrix can only be
added to an item with the compression enhancement. With 10 minute of preparation it is possible to assign any
number of worn items to a particular compression matrix, each of those items essentially gain the compression
enhancement (even if they normally couldn't get it) however they are all stored in the slot as the item with
compression matrix.

By example Herake the fighter has a +1 Compression Matrix full-plate armor, it alternate form is a pair of steel
bracers (occupying the hands slot). He assign both his rings, his boots and his headband to his compression matrix.
Whenever he use the alternate form of his full-plate armor all the assigned item also fuse with the steel bracers and
return when he switch it back to a full-plate.

It is possible to have multiple item with compression matrix on your person, however an item with compression
matrix cannot be assigned to another compression matrix. This does however allow someone to have many items on
the go.

Moderate transmutation; CL 10; Craft magic arms and armor, shrink item; Price: +1.

Conductive Conductive
weapons make the shocking or shocking burst weapon enhancements grow with power with every strike.
Conductive can only be placed on weapons which possess the Shock or Shocking Burst weapon enhancements. For
each cumulative hit the weapon deals in a round, its electric damage is increased by +1d6 points. For example a
shock longsword +1 would deal 1d8 slashing and 1d6 electric on its first hit, 1d8 slashing and 2d6 electric on the
second hit, 1d8 slashing and 3d6 electric on the third hit, and so forth. Burst effects are similarly multiplied, such as
dealing 3d10 points of damage on the third hit if it is a confirmed critical.

Conductive weapons are immune to electric damage. They crackle arcs of lightning in the air the more times you
strike with it. Only attacks made by the weapon count towards increasing its damage, attacks by other weapons do
not increase the total.

Strong Evocation; CL 13th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, chain lightning; Price: +1.

Contracting With
this enhancement, you can gain the benefit of a smaller type of weapon (Ex. One-Handed, Light). Example of
benefits include being able to wield a two-handed weapon in one hand, or using a one-handed weapon on your off
hand at no penalty, and being able to use Weapon Finesse on a one-handed weapon. Your weapon counts as its
original size if it would be beneficial to you. This ability can be applied twice to a Two-Handed Weapon, allowing
you to wield it as a light, one-handed or two-handed weapon.

(You could even gain the benefits of a Boneblade weapon with a one-handed weapon if it has the Contracting

Faint Transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Shrink Item; Price: +1.
Coolant items have thin tracing down their sides filled with a deep grey-blue liquid. No matter where they seem to
be, their item never seems to grow overly warm or glow from heat in any amount of hot conditions. A coolant
weapon, armor, or shield is immune to the effects of heat damage and protect its wielder from extreme heat damage
when used. It shields the user as if they were under endure elements (heat only).

Faint Transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, endure elements, resist energy; Price: 500 gp.

Corrosion Nix: This enhancement completely protects the warded object against rust (magical or otherwise),
including the attack of a rust monster as well as being immune to acid damage. This enhancement may be placed
upon armor, shields and weapons.

Moderate Transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, rusting grasp; Price: 500 gp.

Cryo A cryo
weapon make frost weapon even stronger. Cryo can only be placed on weapons which possess the frost, icy burst,
freezing whirl or supercooled weapon enhancements. A cryo weapon add an additional 1d6 cold damage to a
weapon with frost, add 2d6 cold damage to a weapon with icy burst and 4d6 cold damages to a weapon with
freezing whirl. This bonus overlap and do not stack.

A cryo weapon add 2d6 cold damages to a weapon with the supercooled enhancement, this damage stack with frost,
icy burst or freezing whirl.

Strong evocation; CL 7th; Craft Magical Arms and Armor and cone of cold; Price +1 bonus

Curative[edit] A
curative weapon is marked with organic glowing lines of energy that beat and pulse like blood vessels on the
weapon that glow brightly when activated (see below). Curative weapons deal an extra 2d6 damage against creatures
which are harmed by positive energy. As a swift action 1/day, the weapon may be activated to transform the
business end of the weapon into pure positive energy. Until the beginning of your next turn all attacks made with the
weapon cure creatures with a burst of positive energy equal to the damage they would have otherwise taken
(including the +2d6 damage usually reserved for undead targets). For creatures harmed by positive energy, they
instead take double damage from attacks while activated.

Strong Conjuration; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, heal; Price: +2.

Thor's bones, how did I cut its head off with my hammer? Cutting
weapons deal slashing damage, as is implied, but it's not limited to bladed objects. A cutting weapon deals 1d6 extra
slashing damage, and you can choose to convert all your weapon damage into slashing damage as a free action. Thus
a cutting warhammer +1 deals 1d8 bludgeoning and 1d6 slashing, or 1d8+1d6 slashing. They appear to have
unusually sharp edges or (if lacking) make a distinctive SHNIKT noise when drawn.

Moderate transmutation; CL 7; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, polymorph; Price: +1.

Dancing: As a move action, you may release this weapon and activate it at the same time. The weapon then floats
free from you, and may immediately move up to your speed. The weapon may share the same space as another
creature, but you are considered to fill that space for the purpose of threatened area, attacks of opportunity, flanking,
and the like. You may make any and all of your attacks with the weapon as though you were wielding it (even
splitting your attacks between the weapon and another you are wielding, though this does not give you more attacks
than you would normally be able to make).

The weapon may be sundered as per the normal rules, as though you were wielding it, and you may reposition it
with a swift or move action, causing it to fly up to your base speed (though it provokes no attacks of opportunity).
When attacking with the weapon, treat yourself as where the weapon is for the purposes of determining if the
creature you are attacking has cover, but use your own position to determine if the target has concealment against
your attack. The weapon may dance in this fashion for up to one minute, and if the wielder is more than 200' from it
or a minute passes, the enchantment ends and it falls to the ground. The original wielder may order it to return as a
free action, causing it to return to the wielder's hand provided they have a free hand to accept it.

Strong transmutation; CL 15th; Craft Magical Arms and Armor, animate objects; Price +2 bonus.

Whirling Dance: (Synergy,

Prerequisite: The whirling dance ability can only be added to a weapon that already has the dancing ability.) Once
this weapon has been released and is dancing, once per round as a swift action the original wielder can have it make
a single attack against any threatened opponent. This weapon deals damage as normal.

Strong transmutation; CL 15th; Craft Magical Arms and Armor, animate objects; Price +1 bonus.

Demon Weapon, Least- Unlike most weapon enhancements, this can be applied to a non-magical (and, for that
matter, a non-masterwork) weapon. To do so requires a least demonic essence.
This gives the weapon an enhancement bonus to attack damage rolls equal to the wielder's character level/3
(rounding down, minimum +1). Additionally, it gains additional abilities equivalent to other weapon enhancements.
When this enhancement is first applied, roll 1d6, and then roll 1d12 on the following table to determine the abilities
gained. If the 1d6 roll came up even, add 1 to the result to determine the ability. If it came up odd, don't add

Least Demon Weapon Abilities

Result Ability Gained

1 Ghost touch

2 Anarchic

3 Flaming burst

4 Throwing and teleporting (re-roll for ranged or thrown weapons)

5 Unholy

6 Icy burst

7 Vicious (deals nonlethal damage to the wielder instead of lethal, re-roll for ranged weapons)

8 Shocking burst

9 Brutal surge MIC 30

10 Acidic burst MIC 28

11 Sweeping MIC 44

12 Screaming burst MIC 42

13 Keen (can apply to bludgeoning weapons as well)

Additionally, the abilities of the weapon can be changed. This requires an hour-long ritual, a DC 19 Knowledge (the
planes) check, and either another least demonic essence, or a living creature of at least CR 4 that is killed as part of
the ritual. If the check is successful, the essence is expended (or the creature's soul is consumed, preventing any
revival short of true resurrection), and the ritualist can roll 1d12 on the above table again. If the ritual was done at
night, add 1 to the result; if it was during the day, don't add anything.

If thirteen essences or creatures are provided for the ritual, and the check DC is increased to 23, the ritualist can
choose what ability the weapon gets. However, this can only be done once for any least demon weapon.
Note that a least demon weapon can never possess more than one ability from the chart. It can be enchanted
normally to have abilities (including those that are listed), but this weapon property can never give more than one of
the abilities on the table.

A character which is not evil or not possessed takes a negative level while wielding a lesser demon weapon, or even
having it on their person. This can never cause actual level loss, but it cannot be removed unless the weapon is no
longer carried or used. Additionally, if the creature wielding or carrying this item is lower than 4th character level, it
takes an additional negative level per level of difference (with the same rules as above). Lastly, the weapon seeps
into its wearer's mind and makes it more prone to swings of emotion. This gives a -2 penalty on Charisma checks
against non-chaotic creatures, and a -1 penalty on saves against abilities that cause emotion in the target (most fear
abilities, and abilities that cause morale bonuses, for example, cause emotion).

Moderate (DC 19) evil; CL 4th; Craft Magic Arms and Armour or an appropriate Craft skill to the weapon 7 ranks;
Price: 1,300gp.

Demon Weapon , Lesser- Unlike most weapon enhancements, this can be applied to a non-magical (and, for that
matter, a non-masterwork) weapon. To do so requires a lesser demonic essence.
This gives the weapon an enhancement bonus to attack damage rolls equal to the wielder's character level/3
(rounding down, minimum +1). Additionally, it gains additional abilities equivalent to other weapon enhancements.
When this enhancement is first applied, roll 1d6, and then roll 1d12 on the following table to determine the abilities
gained. If the 1d6 roll came up even, add 1 to the result to determine the ability. If it came up odd, don't add
anything. Least Demon Weapon Abilities

Result Ability Gained

1 Wounding

2 Baleform

3 Suppression

BanishingMIC (Will save DC changed to 10

+ 1/2 the wielder's character level + the wielder's Charisma modifier)

5 Bodyfeeder

6 CursespewingMIC

7 Ethereal ReaverMIC

8 Spellcatching (no use limit) and spell storing (comes without a spell)

9 Spell draining

10 Forceblade

Disruption (Will save DC changed to 10

+ 1/2 the wielder's character level + the wielder's Charisma modifier)

12 Collision

13 BlindsightedMIC (change activation to swift action)

Additionally, the abilities of the weapon can be changed. This requires an hour-long ritual, a DC 22 Knowledge (the
planes) check, and either another lesser demonic essence, or a living creature of at least CR 7 that is killed as part of
the ritual. If the check is successful, the essence is expended (or the creature's soul is consumed, preventing any
revival short of true resurrection), and the ritualist can roll 1d12 on the above table again. If the ritual was done at
night, add 1 to the result; if it was during the day, don't add anything.
If thirteen essences or creatures are provided for the ritual, and the check DC is increased to 26, the ritualist can
choose what ability the weapon gets. However, this can only be done once for any lesser demon weapon.

Note that a lesser demon weapon can never possess more than one ability from the chart. It can be enchanted
normally to have abilities (including those that are listed), but this weapon property can never give more than one of
the abilities on the table.

A character which is not evil or not possessed takes a negative level while wielding a lesser demon weapon, or even
having it on their person. This can never cause actual level loss, but it cannot be removed unless the weapon is no
longer carried or used. Additionally, if the creature wielding or carrying this item is lower than 7th character level, it
takes an additional negative level per level of difference (with the same rules as above). Lastly, the weapon seeps
into its wearer's mind and makes it more prone to swings of emotion. This gives a -3 penalty on Charisma checks
against non-chaotic creatures, and a -2 penalty on saves against abilities that cause emotion in the target (most fear
abilities, and abilities that cause morale bonuses, for example, cause emotion).

Moderate (DC 19) evil; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armour or an appropriate Craft skill to the weapon 10 ranks;
Price: 3,000gp.

Dervish Wind[edit]

A dervish wind weapon can be loosed and take a life on it own. As a move action you can loose a dervish wind
weapon, the weapon will fight on it own indefinitely. The weapon use the statistic of the creature that loosened it
such as space, reach, base attack bonus, strength score and etc. The dervish wind weapon may make a single attack
each round as a free action, however the creature that loosened a dervish wind weapon may take her attack actions
through any active dervish wind weapons, which allow for maneuver uses or full-attack. Doing so however forfeit
an attack granted by your base attack bonus and you still need to expend any resources or action used in the
particular attack.

Dervish wind weapons take a cumulative -2 penalty to attack roll, ability checks and damage rolls when attacking
with dervish wind weapons for each active dervish wind weapons you possess (including the first). You may only
have a number of active dervish wind weapon equal to the number of attacks granted to you by base attack bonus.

Strong transmutation; CL 15th; Craft Magical Arms and Armor, animate objects; Price +3 bonus.

Disguised Weapon- This weapon looks like an ordinary household object when not in use. When first enhanced,
choose a mundane object, such as a broom, plate, mug, bottle, scarf, or even a child's toy wooden sword. The
weapon looks, feels and weighs like the object chosen. If the object is not of a similar size (for example a greataxe is
not the same size as a glass bottle, but a broom is), this enchantment costs an additional 500 gold.

Upon command or when used to attack someone, the weapon changes its appearance to assume its original form. On
command it returns to its mundane form. Only a true seeing spell or similar magic reveals the true nature of the
weapon when disguised.

Moderate illusion; CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, disguise self; Price +1,500.

Dismemberment- Removing arms and legs with a single swing. On a confirmed critical hit you can roll one more
time to confirm. If you confirm again, you remove a limb of your choice (such as arms or legs, but not the head),
dealing 1d4 Con damage and applying appropriate penalties for the lost limb. The limb lost may not be the head or
any body part necessary to continue living.

Mild necromancy and transmutation; CL 8; Craft Magical Arms and Armor, None; Price: +2 bonus.


This weapon removes spell effects as per the greater dispel magic spell. The effect has a caster equal to the level of
the wielder, with the wielder's attack roll also serving as the dispel check for the attempt.

Moderate abjuration; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, greater dispel magic; Price: +2.
Dread Corrosion[edit]

The unsurpassed acidic qualities of this weapon penetrate all defense.

Any weapon with this enhancement, and the Acidic Blast enhancement (required), has the power of that acid
strengthened. The weapons acid penetrates the targets acid resistance or acid immunity without reduction. The
weapon also gains a +1 on sunder attempts against any object normally subject to corrosion by acid or rust. The acid
does not harm the wielder. Bows, crossbows, and slings so crafted bestow the acid energy upon their ammunition.

Moderate evocation; CL <-level->; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, <-spells required to craft->; Price: +1 bonus.

Dread Flame[edit]

The flame of this weapon penetrates all defenses.

Any weapon with this enhancement, and the Flaming, Flaming Burst or Fiery Blast enhancement (required), has the
power of that fire strengthened. The weapons fire penetrates the targets fire resistance or fire immunity without
reduction. The fire does not harm the wielder. Bows, crossbows, and slings so crafted bestow the fire energy upon
their ammunition.

Moderate evocation; CL <-level->; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, <-spells required to craft->; Price: +1 bonus.

Dread Lightning[edit]

The electricity of this weapon penetrates all defenses.

Any weapon with this enhancement, and the Shock, Shocking Burst or Lightning Blast enhancement (required), has
the power of that electricity strengthened. The weapons electricity penetrates the targets electricity resistance or
electricity immunity without reduction. The electricity does not harm the wielder. Bows, crossbows, and slings so
crafted bestow the electrical energy upon their ammunition.

Moderate evocation; CL <-level->; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, <-spells required to craft->; Price: +1 bonus.

Dread Rime[edit]

The cold of this weapon penetrates all defenses.

Any weapon with this enhancement, and the Frost, Icy Burst or Icy Blast enhancement (required), has the power of
that cold strengthened. The weapons cold penetrates the targets cold resistance or cold immunity without
reduction. The cold does not harm the wielder. Bows, crossbows, and slings so crafted bestow the cold energy upon
their ammunition.

Moderate evocation; CL <-level->; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, <-spells required to craft->; Price: +1 bonus.


A duplicating weapon is just that, when wielded it can create a copy of itself as a free action. The copy appear in
your off-hand as long as it was empty, if you drop the copy or original, the copy immediately vanish. Both the
original and the copy share the same material, enhancement and other bonuses. When wielding a duplicating
weapon you gain the benefit of two-weapon fighting feat (not an alternate version or replacer, the original SRD
version). If you already possess two-weapon fighting (or replacer) you gain the benefits of ambidextrous feat

Moderate Conjuration; CL 9th; craft magic arms and armor, major creation; Price: +2.

A earthshaker weapon is a devastating enhancement that allow it user to do a high amount of damage and cause
tremors. Firstly an earthshaker weapon deal an additional 10 points of damage on a hit. As a standard action the
wielder of a earthshaker weapon may strike the ground with extreme force, replicating the effect of the tremors spell
with a caster level equal to your base attack bonus.

If your base attack bonus is 11+ or higher you may also strike the ground as a 1 round action, replicating the effect
of earthquake with a caster level equal to your base attack bonus.

Strong Evocation; CL 11th; craft magic arms and armor, tremors; Price: +4.

Elastic- An elastic weapon gives the weapon reach, or allows reach weapons to strike in close combat. Elastic
weapons have a segmented appearance to their handles, which expands and contracts as a free action. When applied
to a non-reach weapon, the weapon gains the reach property allowing you to threaten and strike twice your normal
distance away. You continue to threaten and be able to attack at your normal reach as well. When applied to a reach
weapon, the weapon can instead shrink, allowing it to threaten nearby spaces as well as normal reach distance.

Faint Transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, enlarge person, reduce person; Price: +1.

Elsebane- An elsebane weapon embodies a strange sort of xenophobia if the target isn't the right enemy, it will
make them into it. One usage popular among demonslayers is to combine it with Humanbane in order to bring their
foes down at least somewhat to the level of a mortal, and then subject them to effects normally restricted to
humanoids. When an elsebane weapon strikes a target that is not a designated foe as per any single prerequisite
enhancement, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 wielder level + any one ability modifier applied to
the attack roll) or become a designated foe, as described below. This occurs separately for each prerequisite
enhancement if the weapon possesses multiple, and each may occur or not at the wielder's option. However, among
any designated foes which are mutually exclusive (such as animal type and elemental type), the wielder may choose
only one change to occur. All changes occur before other effects of the weapon resolve. Each change can only occur
once per day on a given creature.

Bane: The designated foe for this enhancement is whatever type (and subtype, if applicable) the
enhancement specifies. For 1 minute, the target is treated as having that type (instead of their normal type)
and subtype (if applicable, and in addition to their normal subtypes) for the purposes of all effects.

Anarchic/Axiomatic/Holy/Unholy: The designated foe for this enhancement is whichever alignment is

targeted. The target is treated for 1 minute as if it were the specified alignment instead of its actual
alignment for the purpose of all effects.

Aquan/Auran/Ignan/TerranMIC: The designated foe for this enhancement is the targeted elemental
subtype. For 1 minute, the target is treated as having the subtype for the purposes of all effects.

MagebaneMIC: The designated foe for this enhancement is any creature which can cast spells or use
invocations. For 1 minute, the target is treated, for the purposes of the Magebane enhancement, to be such a

PsibaneMIC: The designated foe for this enhancement is any creature with the psionic subtype. For 1
minute, the target is treated as having the psionic subtype for the purpose of all effects.

Other enhancements may produce similar changes, at the DM's option.

Prerequisite Enhancements: Any one of those listed above.

Moderate Transmutation; CL 11; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Baleful Polymorph; Price: +1.

Enduring: This enhancement may only be applied to ammunition. Ammunition with this quality never breaks due
to being fired, even if it hits.
If you miss the target, roll 1d8. This determines the misdirection of the shot, with 1 being straight back at you and 2
through 8 counting clockwise around the grid intersection or target creature. Then, count a number of squares in the
indicated direction equal to the range increment of the shot. This determines where the ammunition landed. To find
ammunition that misses, the search DC is 16 if the ammunition is Fine size, 12 if it is Diminutive, 8 if it is Tiny, 4 if
it is Small, 0 if it is Medium, -4 if it is Large, -8 if it is Huge, -12 if it is Gargantuan, and -16 if it is Colossal or
Colossal+. Remember that a light weapon's actual size is two sizes smaller than its size category, a one-handed
weapon is one size smaller than its size category, and a two-handed weapon is the same size as its size category.

Additionally, ammunition with this property has a hardness 10 higher than normal, 50 more HP than normal, and a
break DC 10 higher than normal.

Faint Transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, mending; Price: +3 bonus.

Energy Brand[edit]

The blade was a lightning brand falchion, its cutting edge replaced by a radiant crackling energy and patches of the
blade phasing in and out between steel and electricity.

An energy brand weapon is assigned to a particular type of energy (acid, cold, electric, or fire). Half the weapon's
physical damage becomes the appropriate energy damage (round down for energy damage). For example a (fire)
brand longsword used by a fighter may deal 21 points of damage, 11 slashing and 10 fire.

Moderate Psychokinesis; ML 10; Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, weapon of energy; Price: +1.

Energy Forged[edit]

Energy forged weapons deal entirely energy damage, but no longer add any ability modifiers to damage. An energy
forged weapon's business end is made out of "solid" energy, such as fire, ice, acid, lightning, sound, force, or simply
raw magic, and thus most appear to be glowing energy weapons. In spite of being made from energy, they retain the
properties of the base material (such as adamantine), and still require normal attack rolls, not touch attacks. The
weapon deals its normal damage plus an extra +1d6 damage; all damage is of the appropriate energy type chosen.

An energy forged weapon gets stronger in strong hands. For every 4 additional points of BAB you deal an extra 1d6
points of damage (to a maximum of +6d6 at +20 BAB). For example a fireforged longsword deals 1d8+1d6 fire
damage, and in the hands of someone with +12 BAB 1d8+4d6 fire damage. Strength does not apply to damage,
though Weapon Specialization, Power Attack, and other weapon enhancements still do.

Sonic, force, and untyped magic damage deal d4 dice in damage instead of d6.

Moderate Evocation; CL 10; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, any 3rd level or higher of the appropriate energy
descriptor; Price: +2.

Expanding- With this enhancement, you can gain the benefit of a larger type of weapon (Ex. One-Handed, Two-
Handed). Example of benefits include being able to use Power Attack with a light weapon and/or receiving a 2:1
ratio on your power attack, and gaining bonuses to disarming (or removing a penalty due to being a light weapon).
Your weapon counts as its original size if it would be beneficial to you. This ability can be taken twice with a Light
Weapon, allowing you to wield it as a light, one-handed or two-handed weapon.

Faint Transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Enlarge Person*; Price: +1.

Exploding- A strike
with your weapon results in a fiery explosion! Be careful when using it in melee Exploding weapons smell faintly of
gunpowder. When an exploding weapon successfully hits, it explodes into a 10 foot radius fireball dealing an
additional 1d6 fire damage + 1d6 per point of enhancement on the weapon, Reflex half. The target of the attack
makes his save at -4. Regardless of the number of attacks, those affected only need to save once per round for the
series of explosions produced. The saving throw is 10 + 1/2 BAB + your attack modifier.
If put on a melee weapon, you will be subject to the explosion if you're in reach, so most exploding weapons are
ranged weapons. Bows, crossbows, and slings so crafted bestow the exploding power upon their ammunition.

Moderate Evocation; CL 8; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, fireball; Price: +2.

An everfull weapon never need worry about running out of mundane ammunition. It will always produce
shots of normal nature, modified by any other enchantments on that ranged weapon.
Moderate Conjuration: CL 8 Price:+1
Failsafe: A failsafe weapon is inscribed with runes related to various gods of luck and fortune. Upon rolling a
natural 1 when using a failsafe weapon, you can choose to ignore the effects of a natural 1 (typically an automatic
miss, or worse in some games). Your attack is not re-rolled, but if your blow would have hit otherwise with 1 + your
attack score, then you hit. Otherwise you miss, but incur no further effects of a fumble. You may activate this power
3/day as a free action.

If you have luck points, such as from feats, domain, or enhancement, you gain 1 additional luck point a day when
using this weapon.

Faint Abjuration; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, remove curse; Price +1 bonus


The whip has a terrifying series of rough edges. It looks like it hurts just holding it.

The flaying property can only be placed on slashing weapons. Flaying weapons deal damage to natural armor, and
tear up soft skin even worse. Every time you deal damage with a flaying weapon you reduce the creature's natural
armor bonus by 1. Treat the loss of natural armor as ability damage, including how it is recovered. Creatures without
a natural armor bonus or whose natural armor bonus has been reduced to 0 instead take 1d10 additional damage
from the weapon.

Moderate Evocation; CL 11th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, blade barrier; Price: +3.


This longsword is covered in magic runes. When casting a spell, the runes glow and the tip trails patterns of light in
the air.

Focus weapons can be used to perform somatic components, and enhance weapon-like spells channeled through it.
This allows a caster with a weapon and a shield (or two weapons) to still cast spells.

Weapon-like spells can be channeled through the weapon, granting the weapon enhancements to the weapon-like
spell, when applicable. For example, a polar ray spell cast through a +3 keen longsword gains +3 to attack and
damage and has a 19-20/x2 critical.

Strong Evocations; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Price: 4000 gp.

Focused- Weapon-wielders rarely have a fair shake on DCs tied to mental scores. This fixes that problem. A
weapon with this enhancement adds its enhancement bonus to the DCs of any class feature that forces a saving
throw due to hitting with this weapon, such as martial maneuvers, the Arcane Channeling ability of the duskblade, or
the Spellstrike ability of the magus. The maximum DC that this enhancement can raise your ability to is equal to 10
+ 1/2 your level + your highest ability score's modifier that is not Constitution.

Weapons with this modifier made for mages who combine swordplay with sorcery are often also found with the
Focus enchantment.

Moderate Conjuration; CL 8; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Magic Weapon; Price: +1.
Foe Render[edit]

The rapacity of this weapon renders your foes defenseless.

Any weapon with this enhancement, and the Bane or Dread enhancement (required), has its effectiveness against its
designated foe strengthened. When a weapon with the foe render enhancement is used to attack its designated foe,
that targets armor class is reduced by the total enhancement bonus of the weapon. This armor class reduction only
applies to attacks made by the weapon with the foe render enhancement. Bows, crossbows, and slings so crafted
bestow the effect upon their ammunition.

Moderate conjuration; CL 13; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Hardening(rev.); Price: +1 bonus.

Forceblade: A Forceblade weapon appears to be ghostly, translucent and often glowing as if made of a glassy
version of its base material. As it is swung through the air it creates a gentle vroom vroom noise and crackles.

Force Weapons deal force damage instead of the normal slashing, bludgeoning, or piercing damage of the weapon,
bypassing damage reduction, and being effected by any energy resistance to force, though such resistance is rare. It
still counts as a weapon of its original type for the purpose of interacting with enhancements such as Keen or
ImpactMIC. A Shield spell prevents the damage from a Forceblade weapon, but not from any other source of damage
the sword may carry such as Flaming or Shocking Burst. For example, a shocking forceblade longsword deals 1d8 +
Str force damage and 1d6 electric damage.

A Forceblade weapon can strike at ghosts normally, and do not suffer the miss chance from their ethereal nature.

Moderate Evocation; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, wall of force; Price +3 bonus.

Freezing Whirl: A freezing whirl weapon functions as a frost and icy burst weapon, but also allows its wielder to
call forth a burst of cold. As a standard action, the wielder of a freezing whirl weapon may call forth a circular burst
of cold 10' in radius, plus an additional 5' for every 6 points of the wielder's base attack bonus, that is centered on
themselves. This burst deals 5d6 points of cold damage, plus 1d6 per 2 points of base attack bonus possessed by the
wielder. The wielder of the weapon is not subject to this damage. Other creatures in the area are entitled to a reflex
save against a DC of 10 + 1/2 of the wielder's base attack bonus, + the wielder's Dex modifier to suffer only half

The freezing whirl is available even if the frost ability is not active. This ability is only available on melee weapons.

Special: This ability may be added to a frost weapon at a cost of only an additional +2 bonus, or to a icy burst
weapon at a cost of only an additional +1 bonus.

Strong evocation; CL 14th; Craft Magical Arms and Armor, chill metal or ice storm; Price +3 bonus.

Greater Energy Brand[edit]

The entire head of the greataxe was replaced by a sizzling green liquid which took the shape of blades. On contact
with the enemy it ate through them like pop rocks in coke.

A greater energy brand weapon is assigned to a particular type of energy (acid, cold, electric, or fire). All of the
weapon's physical damage becomes the appropriate energy damage. For example a greater (frost) brand longsword
used by a fighter may deal 21 points of cold rather than slashing damage. The weapon still counts as being
composed of its original material and damage type when beneficial (thus a greater frost brand adamantine longsword
counts as slashing for the purposes of feats and abilities, and acts like adamantine when desirable).

If the weapon already has energy brand, this enchantment only costs +1.

Strong Psychokinesis; ML 15; Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, weapon of energy; Price: +2 (+1 synergy).
Greater Shockwave
With a single swing, Eiji cleaved down the entire forest! A
greater shockwave weapon acts like a shockwave weapon, but to a wide area of effect. A pulse of energy is released
on a horizontal plane, cutting all in its path. As with a shockwave weapon, attackers can make attacks to creatures
within 30 feet away as if they were in melee range. Their actual threatened area does not increase. As a standard
action they can instead made a wide sweeping motion, producing a 30 foot cone area of effect which deals (the
number of attacks granted by BAB) times your normal weapon damage to all in the area (including multiplying your
strength and bonuses inherent on the weapon, but not class features which give bonus damage), with a DC 10 + 1/2
BAB + strength (or dexterity if using Weapon Finesse) Reflex save for half. Because it is not an attack roll, feats
such as Power Attack cannot work with the area effect form. Alternatively you can produce a line effect with twice
the length (60 feet).

This is a +5 effect on its own, but only a +3 if the weapon is already a shockwave weapon. Greater shockwave
counts as shockwave for the purpose of determining the distance one can attack with either normal attacks or area
effects. For example, a shockwave + greater shockwave longsword can attack at 60 feet away, has a 60 foot cone,
and a 120 foot line effect.

Strong Evocation; CL 15th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, spiritual weapon; Price: +3 (synergy) or +5.

High Frequency[edit]

Your blade is vibrating rapidly on a molecular level. It sunders molecules apart, cutting through almost any
substance with ease.

With an imperceptible whine, a high frequency weapon begins vibrating undetectably save for the pale glow from
heat. High frequency weapons ignore up to 10 points of hardness and 10 points of DR from any source. Against
creatures vulnerable to sonic damage it deals an extra +3d6 damage (though it itself is not sonic damage). In
addition, you may duplicate shatter at will by touching your weapon to an object.

High frequency blades do not benefit the hardness/DR bypassing effect against other high frequency items.

Moderate Evocation; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shatter; Price: +3.

High Tension[edit]

This enhancement can only be placed on a ranged weapon This enhancement can only be placed on a ranged
weapon, it allow you to add your dexterity to damage (or any ability score that replace dexterity such as if you have
the spiritual weapon feat). This does not stack with similar abilities.

Moderate Divination; CL 6th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor,true strike; Price: +1.


The runes inscribed on this weapon seem to take much longer to read than they should. Weird.

The wielder of a hindering weapon can slow a creature as the slow spell for 1 round on a successful hit. The DC for
the Will save against this effect is 13 + the wielder's HD. On a confirmed critical hit, the creature struck receives
no save. A hasted creature struck by a hindering weapon has their haste suppressed for 1 round on a failed save.

This ability can only be used once every other round.

Moderate Transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, slow; Price: +1.

Holy, Lesser- A low powered version of the Holy enchantment, it too is imbued with holy power. This power
makes the weapon good-aligned and thus bypasses the corresponding damage reduction. It deals an extra 1d4 points
of damage against all of evil alignment. It bestows one negative level on any evil creature attempting to wield it. The
negative level remains as long as the weapon is in hand and disappears when the weapon is no longer wielded. This
negative level never results in actual level loss, but it cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells)
while the weapon is wielded. Bows, crossbows, and slings so crafted bestow the holy power upon their ammunition.

When combined with the Holy Enchantment the damage rises to 1d6 (for a total of 3d6), but the negative levels do
not stack.

Weak Evocation; CL 4th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor and Bless Weapon; Price +1 bonus.


A variant on the dancing enhancement, a hovering weapon hover in your space and attack on it own. A hovering
weapon float beside you, you count as wielding that weapon even if you do not have the necessary hands required to
do so. However you cannot attack normally with a hovering weapon, it will attack on it own at the beginning of your
turn using your highest attack bonus but suffer a -4 penalty to hit. If your hovering weapon require reload it will
reload itself at the end of your turn, taking the necessary time to do so, although at no action cost on your part. You
may only have one hovering weapon out at any time equal to the number of attacks granted to you by base attack

Strong Transmutation; CL 11; Craft Magic Arms and Armor,animate objects; Price: +2.

Hyper Weapons and shields that are bigger on the inside than they are on the out. As a swift or weapon draw action,
you may pull the inside of your weapon or shield out, providing a slightly bigger weapon. The weapon is considered
one size larger. Futhermore, its HPs in its enlarged state are kept track of separately than its normal state. The
process may be reversed just as easily, returning the weapon or shield to its normal size.

When thrown, a hyper weapon automatically changes to its larger size.

Monks cannot enchant their fists with this enchantment.

Transmulation; CL 5; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Enlarge WeaponCS97; Price: +1.


When you draw the string on this bow, an arrow of light appears nocked and ready to fire.

A weapon with this enchantment automatically generates its own ammunition, creating magical projectiles as
needed. Furthermore, the weapon can now be enhanced with enhancements that can be placed on projectiles, which
affect the projectiles fired by this weapon.

This enhancement can only be placed on weapons that use ammunition.

Faint Conjuration; CL 7;Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Minor Creation; Price: +1

Infinate Ammunition This enhancement can only be placed on a masterwork projectile. It does not have (and can
not have) an enhancement bonus. Unlike most projectiles, the cost of an Infinite Ammunition enhancement is only
for one projectile in most cases (see special).

Infinite Ammunition is created for one specific type of weapon, and that type only (Infinite Crossbow Bolts created
for a light crossbow won't work on a heavy crossbow). After the ammunition is fired, regardless if it hits anything or
not, it teleports the ammunition back into the weapon in the same state as it was before it was fired. The user must
still spend an action to reload the weapon, following the normal rules for reloading that type of weapon. The
ammunition is otherwise considered to be a mundane version of its type. It cannot be further enhanced in any way,
but the weapon that fires the infinite ammunition can still bestow an enhancement bonus or special abilities to the

Special: Ammunition created for a specific type of weapon that holds more than one arrow/bolt/bullet costs 500
gold for all of them, and they all teleport back after the last projectile is fired. For example, a set of six infinite
bullets created for a revolver and five infinite bolts created for a repeating crossbow both only cost 500 gold, but
they can only be fired from a revolver or a repeating crossbow. Even though the repeating crossbow/revolver user
does not need to replace the clip/chamber, he needs to spend an action to reload the weapon and he provokes an
attack of opportunity as normal.

Moderate Conjuration; CL 7; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, dimension door; Price: 500 gp


The rapier tip is actually a hollow needle. At the hilt a small orb for poison lies.

The injecting property can only be placed on piercing weapons. Injecting weapons are perfect for injecting all kinds
of poisons, and for drawing blood as well. The weapon gains a reservoir for poisons and other substances in the
same action it takes to normally poison a weapon. The reservoir ensures that you have no chance to poison yourself
by handling the weapon. Any poison can be placed inside, even inhaled and ingested poisons, which is converted
into a liquid mass to be injected. The DC for poisons delivered via injection rises by +2.

You can also draw fluids from a creature (typically blood) by having the reservoir empty and making a successful
attack. As a swift action following the attack you draw out a sample of fluid, dealing 1 Con damage. You can dump
the reservoir as a free action, though doing this exposes you to its contents. It is a favorite enhancement of vampires
and other blood sucking creatures. This function does not work on creatures without blood.

Moderate Conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, wall of thorns; Price: +2.

Instant Recall
An instant recall weapon acts like a Returning or Teleporting weapon, but teleports to the user so the weapon can be
used again. This enhancement can only be placed on weapons which can be thrown. As a free action you can recall
your weapon from anywhere on the same plane to your weapon placing it within your grasp. This allows you to
make iteritive attacks with the same throwing weapon in the same round. In addition, it is impossible to be disarmed
of the weapon and it effectively possesses Quick Draw with that weapon, as you can call it into your hand
immediately. Effects which block teleportation block the recall ability of this weapon. The teleportation does not
cross planes. The weapon obeys the commands of whoever owns it, another creature can claim ownership if they
have possessed the weapon for longer than 24 hours.

Instant recall weapons qualify the weapon as a ranged projectile for weapon enhancements such as Explosive CW or
SplittingCoR (in Splitting's case, only one copy of the weapon exists after it is thrown and recalled). If the weapon
already has the Returning or Teleporting enhancement, the cost of this enhancement is only +1.

Strong Conjuration; CL 13th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, instant summons; Price: +2 (+1 with Returning or


This battleaxe has strings on it. Somehow you manage to play it like a guitar in spite of the sharp surface.

Instrument weapons are both normal weapons and a musical instrument, suitable to be played with your Perform
checks. For example, you can have a battleaxe +1 that is also a masterwork guitar.

Faint illusion; CL 3rd; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, ghost sound; Price: 750 gp plus cost of instrument.

Insulated items have thin copper wiring down their sides ending in rubber caps and endpoints. Even if struck by a
massive pulse of electromagnetic energy, insulated items seem unaffected. An insulated weapon, armor, or shield is
immune to the effects of electrical damage and is treated as non-magnetic and non-metallic for the purposes of spells
and other effects (but not against rust). For example, repel metal or stone has no effect on an insulated item.

Faint Transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, resist energy; Price: 500 gp.
Intelligent: An item with this enhancement is sentient and capable of communicating telepathically with its wielder
as long as they are in physical contact. The item can see normally, and possesses darkvision to a distance of 60 feet.
While using the intelligent item, the wearer gains the following benefits:
The wielder may use the items senses in place of their own, although they still use their own sensory skill
modifiers. Slippery Mind: If
the character is affected by an enchantment spell and fails their saving throw, they can attempt the same saving
throw again 1 round later. The save can only be rerolled once per enchantment effect. If you are incapacitated
(asleep, unconscious, etc.) or under the influence of an enchantment, the intelligent item can act in your stead. The
player may still decide what actions they take, but while the item is in control they may only take a standard action
per round. During this time, the item uses the wielder's mental ability scores, as they lack any specific scores of their
own. While the item is not in control of the wielder, they gain an additional standard
action usable once per encounter.

Strong transmutation; CL 15th; Craft Magical Arms and Armor, magic jar; Price +2 bonus.

Aligned: If the character wishes, their intelligent weapon may have a specific alignment (the default intelligent
weapon is neutral). An aligned weapon will not function for a wielder with an alignment diametrically opposed to its
own (for instance, a lawful good weapon will not function for a chaotic evil character). Since the items ability to
resist its owners will is limited, however, it will function for a character of any other alignment.


A killing weapon kills creatures with a single blow. When a creature is dealt damage by a killing weapon, it must
make a fortitude save (DC 20 + half the wielder's base attack bonus) or die outright. A creature who succeeds its
save is immune to the effects of killing weapons for 1 minute. Creatures immune to [death] effects cannot be slain
by this ability, but on a failed save they take an additional 100 damage or have their hit points halved, whichever
leaves them with less hit points.

Creatures slain by a killing weapon cannot be resurrected unless a wish is used before a true resurrection spell.

Strong Necromancy; CL 22nd; Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, power word kill; Price: +8.

Lightning Slice: A lightning slice weapon functions as a shock and shocking burst weapon, but also allows its
wielder to hurl a bolt of lightning a short distance. As a standard action, the wielder of a lightning slice weapon may
call forth a line of lightning 30' long, plus an additional 5' for every 3 points of the wielder's base attack bonus. This
line deals 5d6 points of electricity damage, plus 1d6 per 2 points of base attack bonus possessed by the wielder.
Targets are entitled to a reflex save against a DC of 10 + 1/2 of the wielder's base attack bonus, + the wielder's Str
modifier to suffer only half damage.

The lightning slice is available even if the shock ability is not active. This ability is only available on melee

Special: This ability may be added to a shock weapon at a cost of only an additional +2 bonus, or to a shocking burst
weapon at a cost of only an additional +1 bonus.

Strong evocation; CL 14th; Craft Magical Arms and Armor and call lightning or lightning bolt; Price +3 bonus.

Luminous: On command, a luminous weapon glows like a candle, dimly illuminating a 5 foot square, or as brightly
as a torch, shedding bright light in a 20-foot radius (and dim light for an additional 20 feet) or commanded off,
shedding no light at all. When shedding bright light, this illumination counters darkness spells of an equal or lower
level (as a 2nd level spell), suppressing both effects when their areas overlap.

Magical weapons that already shed light because of their initial enchantment may even be commanded to suppress
their glow with this enchantment.

Faint Evocation (Light); CL 3rd; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, continual flame; Price: 100 gp.
Greater Manyspell Storing [Synergy]: A greater manyspell storing weapon functions as a manyspell storing
weapon, except that it can store up to 10 levels of spells.

Prerequisite Enhancements: Spell Storing, Manyspell Storing.

Strong Evocation (plus aura(s) of stored spell(s)); CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Price +1 bonus.

Massive Critical[edit]

This sword has tiny spines along the blade. When striking deep into the enemy, spikes suddenly burst out through
their body, tearing up their insides and causing grievous wounds.

Massive Critical weapons increase the critical multiplier of the weapon by one step. For example a longsword (x2)
now deals x3 on a critical. A scythe (x4) now deals x5 on a critical. The price varies depending on the critical range
of the weapon it is applied to. Calculate the price before adding modifications to the critical threat range, such as
from certain weapon materials, Improved Critical, or keen enhancements.

Enhancement Price

Base Critical Range Price

20 +1

19-20 +2

18-20 +4

Moderate Transmutation; CL 10; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, keen edge; Price: Varies (see chart).

Mastery A
mastery weapon increases the save DCs on your combat maneuvers and options. Whenever you make an combat
maneuver or attack with a mastery weapon, such as being part of a maneuver, combat option such as trampling, or
metacombat feat and it involves a saving throw, the saving throw increases by an amount equal to the enhancement
bonus of the weapon + 1 (minimum +2).

For example if a warblade makes a strike that has a save vs daze and his DC is normally DC 19, if he is using a +3
Mastery weapon the DC would rise by 4, to DC 23.

Faint Transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, greater magic weapon; Price: +1.

Material Composite[edit]

A piece of armor, shield or weapon enhanced with material composite effectively gains benefits as if it was made
from an additional material. The armor, shield or weapon gains all benefits from being made of the chosen material
plus it original material, as well as any other materials gained from additional Material Composite enhancements. At
your choice you may also apply an additional item template instead of a material.

In order to apply material composite to a piece of equipment you must supply enough material to make the item out
of it, costing the same price as if you normally made the piece of equipment into the chosen material. Unlike a
normal magical enhancement, material composite is an extraordinary effect. You may only apply the material
composite enhancement once on a particular item.

Faint transmutation; CL 11th; craft magic arms and armor; Price: +1 plus appropriated material cost.

Type: Prefix
Base price modifier: +2
Effect: This weapon transmutes into a form that is able to bypass any metal-based Damage Reduction that can be
Bypasses these DR types: Adamantine, Alchemical Silver, Byeshk, Cold Iron or Mithral
Mimetic: The wielder of a mimetic weapon may will the weapon to take the shape of any type of weapon he desires
as a swift action. When transmuting the weapon, he may bestow the weapon with any appearance he desires. When
changing the mimetic weapon into a different type of weapon, it gains all the properties of that weapon, including
base damage, threat range and critical multiplier. The mimetic enhancement only allows a weapon to change in other
weapons intended for creatures with similar size category as the original weapon. In cases of ranged weapons like a
bow or crossbow, they are treated as having unlimited ammunition; a projectile is automatically manifested
whenever such a weapon is readied to fire. Regardless of any additional weapon functions being aided by its magic,
a mimetic weapon cannot assume the shape of any weapon more mechanically complex than a crossbow.

Strong transmutation; CL 15th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, polymorph any object; Price +1 bonus.

Mind Rending[edit]

A mind rending weapon use the power of illusion to add extra pain and damage to those it strike. A mind rending
weapon deal an additional 1d6 typeless damage, however mindless creatures and objects are immune to this extra
damage (other creatures immune to mind-affecting effects simply halves the damage).

Moderate Illusion; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, mindlash; Price: +1.

Mindblade Inducer A boon to soulknives who can channel their mindblade into the weapon. This melee-only
enhancement allows the soulknife to treat the enchanted weapon as though it was their mind blade for all intents and
purposes (like feats such as Weapon Focus), including channeling their psychic strike into the weapon. When used
in this way, the soulknife's mindblade enhancements replace all of the weapon's normal enhancements except for
this one. Unless the soulknife is proficient with the specific weapon he takes the normal -4 to hit when wielding it.

Charger: Three times per encounter the soulknife may activate their psychic strike as a swift action.
Cost: 4,000 gp

Enhanced: When using this weapon, the soulknife's level is considered 2 higher for the purpose of enhancement
Cost: 10,000 gp

Flurried: When using this weapon during a full attack, the soulknife may attack as though he had the flurry of
blows monk ability as a monk of his soulknife level.
Cost: +2 enhancement bonus

Inducer: This weapon simply allows the soulknife to channel his mindblade through it.
Cost: 500 gp

Powerful: The weapon counts as one size larger than its actual size for the purpose of base damage. This does not
stack with things like Powerful Build, but does with actual size-increasing effects.
Cost: 4,000 gp

Striker: When dealing psychic strike damage, this weapon deals an additional 1d8 damage.
Cost: +1 enhancement bonus

Switch: Once per encounter the soulknife may change the enhancements on their mindblade as a full-round action.
Cost: 2,000 gp

Moderate varied; Craft Arms and Armor; Price: Varied.


Faster and faster you strike, making it harder for an opponent to dodge. Your weapon receives a cumulative +1
bonus to hit per previous successful attack you made this round. This bonus is reset to zero at the beginning of your
next turn or when you miss. Only attacks made by the weapon count towards increasing this bonus, attacks by other
weapons do not increase the total.

Mild transmutation; CL 8; Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Haste; Price: +2 bonus.


An occult weapon is attuned to a creature's magical abilities rather than their abilities. An occult weapon does not
add any ability score to attack or damage. When wielding an occult weapon you add 3/4 (rounded down) of your
highest caster level to your attack roll and deal an extra 1d6 magic damage per 3 point of caster level you have.
Items that increase your caster level do not increase an occult weapon attack and damage.

Strong transmutation; CL 15th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Price: +2.

Option- This enhancement creates a magical ball around the wielder that shoots magic missiles when an attack is

When wielded, a magic option appears in the wielder's space. This magic option functions like those of the spell,
except that its duration is limited to when the weapon is wielded and activates only when attacks are made with the
enhanced weapon.

Special: Unlike most weapon enhancements, this enhancement may be applied to a single weapon up to four times,
with each instance of its application generating an additional magic option. Such weapons are often denoted as
"double option", "triple option" or "quadruple option" as applicable.

Faint Evocation (Force); CL 3rd; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, magic option; Price: +1.

Magic Option Evocation [Force]

Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 standard action Range:
Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Effect:
Personal Duration: 1
Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes

With a trio of floating orbs around the cloaked figure, he began a flurry of daggers, and for each slice of a blade,
the orbs followed suit with a magic missile from each.
When cast, this spell generates a small magical ball of force, the titular magic option, that follows you around within
your space. This magic option fires out a single magic missile when you make an attack action (including each
attack made during a full attack action). This magic missile strikes your intended target unerringly, even if your
attack is a miss. The missiles only activate if the target is within medium range.
You gain one additional magic option at every five caster levels for a total of two at 5th, three at 10th and the
maximum of four at 15th level and higher. Magic
options intercept incoming magic missiles, though in doing so, they "wink out" for 1 round (which still counts
against the spell's total duration


After one hit, an overcoming weapon knows your enemy's defenses and ignores them on the next hit.

A weapon with the overcoming property does no special damage on its first successful hit. However, a second
successful attack ignores 5 points of damage reduction from any single source (except divine). On subsequent
successful attacks the weapon ignores an additional 5 points of damage reduction from the same source, or 5 points
of damage reduction from a second source, and so on until all damage reduction has been overcome.

This ability ends when the wielder successfully strikes a different target more than once, or goes for more than three
rounds without a successful attack.

A ranged weapon bestows this enhancement on its ammunition.

Strong Abjuration; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Know Vulnerabilities; Price: +1.

These weapons make the flaming or flaming burst weapon enhancements grow with power with every strike.
Overheat can only be placed on weapons which possess the Flaming or Flaming Burst weapon enhancements. For
each cumulative hit the weapon deals in a round, its fire damage is increased by +1d6 points. For example a flaming
longsword +1 would deal 1d8 slashing and 1d6 fire on its first hit, 1d8 slashing and 2d6 fire on the second hit, 1d8
slashing and 3d6 fire on the third hit, and so forth. Burst effects are similarly multiplied, such as dealing 3d10 points
of damage on the third hit if it is a confirmed critical.

Overheat weapons are immune to fire damage. They obtain a molten glow the more times you strike with it. Only
attacks made by the weapon count towards increasing its damage, attacks by other weapons do not increase the total.

Strong Evocation; CL 13th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, delayed blast fireball; Price: +1.


A painful weapon cause a sore painful wound and can be used for taking out foes non-lethally. A painful weapon
work as a merciful weapon except it cause extreme pain. A creature struck by a painful weapon while below 50% hit
point (or brought below 50% hit point by the attack) is sickened for 1 hour after being struck. Additionally any
concentration check made against an attack from a painful weapon is made with a -5 penalty.

Moderate Necromancy; CL 9th; craft magic arm and armor, symbol of pain; Price: +2.


A paired weapon is placed on a set of two weapons. These items are now bonded to each other, granting benefits and
identical enhancements. Paired can only be applied on weapons where at least one of the two items is non-magical
and masterwork, such as a +2 flaming longsword and a masterwork shortsword. Paired weapons are marked with an
identical glyph, and share their enhancements between the set. Any enhancements come at a +50% cost, plus
surcharge for any pre-existing enhancements. Thus the +2 flaming longsword (enhancement value 18,000 gp) now
costs 27,000 gp (a +9000 gp surcharge), and grant you a +2 flaming longsword and +2 flaming shortsword set.

As a benefit, you may teleport a paired weapon into your hand as a free action as long as you are holding the other
paired weapon as long as you have been in ownership of the weapons for 24 hours or more.

Moderate Conjuration; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, dimension door; Price: +4000 gp plus surcharge.

Paramount Velocity[edit]

The speed of this weapon renders your foes defenseless.

Any weapon with this enhancement, and the Speed enhancement (required), bestows a +2 bonus to its wielders
initiative roll. Attacks made with the weapon ignore any bonus to armor class derived from the targets dexterity

Moderate transmutation; CL 12; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Haste; Price: +1 bonus.

A phantom weapon strike through objects and armor as well as incorporeal opponents, it also trap the souls of those
slain with it. A phantom weapon strike as incorporeal touch attack instead of normal attacks, it also pass through any
solid obstruction ignore any kind of cover or concealment from non-force effects. A phantom weapon can strike
incorporeal and ethereal creature as a ghost touch weapon. Finally a phantom weapon is constantly under the effect
of soulbinding sword, except it does not need to meet a minimum cost for holding a soul and may only contain a
single creature within at any time.

Special: This ability may be added to a Ghost Touch weapon at a cost of only an additional +4 bonus. Strong
Conjuration; CL 15th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, soulbinding sword; Price: +5.

Phantom Range[edit]

If your estoc had any more phantom range, it'd be a ghost.

A phantom range weapon has a lot more reach that it appears to be, leaving most people extremely surprised. The
enhanced gain reach but is still able to threaten and strike adjacent creatures. If the weapon already had reach or this
enhancement is applied multiple time increase the weapon's reach by 5 ft. The weapon still has it normal
appearance, resulting in most creature not being aware of the extended reach initially. If a creature is unaware of the
weapon's true reach it is flat-footed against the first attack made against it with the phantom range weapon.

Moderate Transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, enlarge weaponSpC; Price: +2


If you treat someone like they're an extremist, they can become one. If the wielder of the Pigeonholing weapon
names an action they have seen the victim do, explains why it is one of the extremist alignments, and then
successfully hits the victim with the Pigeonholing weapon, the victim must save against the spell from the following
list that causes its target to become the appropriate alignment: turn to the abyss, visions of rebirth, path of diabolism,
celestial epiphany. The save DC for this spell is equal to 15 plus three quarters of the wielder's BAB.

A Pigeonholing weapon bestows one negative level on any True Neutral creature attempting to wield it. The
negative level remains as long as the weapon is in hand and disappears when the weapon is no longer wielded. This
negative level never results in actual level loss, but it cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells)
while the weapon is wielded.

Examples of acceptable declarations follow:

"You littered! Throwing trash around the place, messing it up, is a Chaotic Evil action!" (turn to the abyss)

"You littered! Discarding things you don't need so they may be used by others is a Chaotic Good action!"
(visions of rebirth)

"You punched that Demon! Committing wanton acts of violence is a Chaotic Evil action!" (turn to the

"You punched that Demon! Opposing the forces of the abyss is a Lawful Good action!" (celestial epiphany)

"You punched that Demon! Doing battle with the sworn enemies of the Devils is a Lawful Evil action!"
(path of diabolism)

"You punched that Demon! Expressing your distaste for those who intimidate others is a Chaotic Good
action!" (visions of rebirth)

Moderate Enchantment, moderate [Good], [Evil], [Chaotic], and [Lawful]; CL 7; craft magic arms and armor, turn
to the abyss, visions of rebirth, path of diabolism, celestial epiphany; Price: +3.

A plasma weapon is a made of superheated matter kept within a magical magnetic containment field. A plasma
weapon ignore armor bonus and halves natural armor bonus to AC as well as any hardness of any material not
immune to both electricity and fire. A plasma weapon is also capable of extreme destruction, it deal an extra +2d6
electricity and fire damage, only resistance or immunity to both applies. On a confirmed critical hit a plasma damage
deal an extra +5d6 electricity/fire damage (which stack with the base electricity/fire damage for a total of 8d6) and
blind the struck creature for 1 round (no save). A plasma weapon always shed light as a torch when in use.

Finally a plasma weapon can be discharged as a standard action, reacting as a bolt of indra spell with a caster level
equal to your base attack bonus and deal electricity/fire damage (DC is based on your highest mental ability score).
Once you use this ability however the plasma enhancement on your weapon is suppressed for 5 rounds.

Strong Evocation; CL 11th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, wall of plasma; Price: +5.

Power Storing, Greater[edit]

Increases the amount of power points that can be stored in a weapon.

A Greater Power Storing Weapon functions identically to a Power Storing XPH Weapon, except that you may use a
number of power points equal to your manifester level. You may add a metapsionic effect you possess to the power
stored (regardless of effect, the power still only affects the target struck by the weapon) so long as the total number
of power points does not exceed your manifester level. You cannot use Wild Surge or Overchannel on powers stored
into a greater power storing weapon.

Lastly, manifesting the stored power on the creature struck is a free action, not a swift action.

Strong psychokinesis; CL 15; Craft Psionic Arms & Armor; Price: +3 (+2 with Power Storing).

Psionic Conduit[edit]

A psionic Conduit weapon channels touch powers through your melee weapon. The weapon is embedded with
psychokinetic crystals that pulse with faint light when used, running from the grip or handle to the weapon's tip. As
a standard action the wielder may channel a psionic power with a range of touch through the weapon as part of a
melee attack with that weapon. If the attack is successful, the power is manifested on the creature struck in addition
to the normal weapon damage. Alternatively, the wielder can use the weapon to make a touch attack against an
opponent as part of manifesting a power, benefitting from any numeric enhancement bonus to attack (but not
damage) as well as any reach the weapon would normally provide.

moderate psychometabolism; CL 9th; Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, call weaponry; Price: +1.

Pure Elemental

A pure elemental weapon takes whatever energy type the weapon deals and has it bypass elemental resistance and
immunity. This enhancement can only be applied to a weapon that already deals some manner of energy damage
(such as a flaming longsword +1). Any energy damage the weapon deals now ignores energy resistance. Energy
immunity deals 1/2 damage instead.

Moderate Transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, resist energy, vulnerability; Price: +1.

Rare Energy Brand

The blade shimmers, almost as if it wasn't solid. The actual edge was transparent like glass and seemed to be made
of force.

An advanced form of the energy brand weapon enhancement, which applies to rare energy types like sonic, force,
and pure magic. Treat this as Energy Brand but you can select non-traditional damage types.
Moderate Psychokinesis; ML 10; Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, weapon of energy; Price: +2.

Raw Forged[edit]

Raw forged weapons deal bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage that scales but no longer add any ability
modifiers to damage. The added damage must be a damage type the weapon already deals (so you could not add
Rawforged Bludgeoning to a longsword), and it appears unusually pointed, unnaturally sharp, or curiously weighty
as appropriate. It deals its weapon base damage plus +1d6 of the chosen bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage.

A raw forged weapon gets stronger in strong hands. For every 4 additional points of BAB you deal an extra 1d6
points of damage (to a maximum of +6d6 at +20 BAB). For example a rawforged slashing longsword deals 1d8
slashing damage, and in the hands of someone with +12 BAB 1d8+3d6 slashing damage. Strength does not apply to
damage, though Weapon Specialization, Power Attack, and other weapon enhancements still do.

Moderate Transmutation; CL 10; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, keen edge; Price: +1.


Razor weapons are extremely sharp, and cause profuse bleeding on a hit. The weapon deals 1d4 points of bleed
damage that may result in bleedout. Razor can only be applied to piercing and slashing weapons.

Strong Faint; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, keen edge; Price: +1.

Razor Edge[edit]

The razor edge may only be applied to a slashing weapon; it adds +20 damage on each successful attack. Upon
hitting with three attacks, this enhancement is permanently removed from the weapon (including the +1 bonus
itself); each point of enhancement bonus on the weapon grants you two additional successful strikes before the
enhancement wears off.

Razor edge cannot be placed on projectile weapons and ammunition. It cannot be added to weapons created
temporarily by magic or other means.

Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, keen edge; Price: +1.


An extremely rare enhancement,the resonant enhancement add extra damage based on the wielder's lowest ability
score. In effect a resonant weapon add 1d6 + the wielder's lowest ability modifier to damage rolls. For most this
weapon enhancement is sub-par and not worth bothering with, however a few are capable of using it to it full

Moderate Transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, totemic power; Price: +2.

Resonant Beam[edit]

The Resonant Beam enhancement allow the wielder to fire a powerful beam from the weapon as an attack action,
the beam require a ranged touch attack, it range and power depend on the health of the wielder. The damage dealt is
force damage and thus can strike incorporeal or ethereal opponents, if the wielder possess the Energy Blade Beam
feat she add +1 damage per die whenever she use the feat or the enhancement.

Resonant Beam come in two flavor, regular which the beam is stronger the more hit points you have and Reversed
which is the opposite. If you have conflicting result, such as having your maximum hit point at 1 hp for whatever
reason, use the stronger result on the table.

Table: Resonant Beam

Regular Damage Range

Full Hit Points 1d6 per point of Weapon Enhancement 60 ft.

Above Half Hit Points 1d4 per point of Weapon Enhancement 30 ft.

Below Half 1 per point of Weapon Enhancement 10 ft.

1 hp or below None 0 ft.

Reversed Damage Range

Full Hit Points 1 per point of Weapon Enhancement 10 ft.

Above Half Hit Points 1d4 per point of Weapon Enhancement 30 ft.

Below Half 1d6 per point of Weapon Enhancement 60 ft.

1 hp or Below 1d8 per point of Weapon Enhancement 120 ft.

Moderate Evocation; CL 11th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Greater Magic Weapon, Status; Price: +2.


A righteous weapon is especially good at smiting and allow you to grant some creature protections from you attacks.
When you make a smite attack with a righteous weapon, it deal an extra 6 damage to a valid target and do not use
the smite attempt if used on an invalid target. A righteous weapon grant an additional smite attempt per day to any
creature who wield it, this does not stack with multiple righteous weapon (so if a paladin used it additional attempt
from a righteous longsword he would not gain another when he pick up a righteous greatsword).

Additionally a righteous weapon deal no damage to those undeserving of it fury, the wielder can designate one or
more creature as a free action (or a group of creature, such as all villagers or all good creature), the chosen creatures
are immune to the weapon and any effect produced by the weapon. The wielder can remove such protection as a free
action as well, both free action are usable outside of the wielder's turn. Only good-aligned wielder may use this

A righteous weapon bestows one negative level on any evil creature attempting to wield it. The negative level
remains as long as the weapon is in hand and disappears when the weapon is no longer wielded. This negative level
never results in actual level loss, but it cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the
weapon is wielded.

Special: This ability may be added to a Holy weapon at a cost of only an additional +1 bonus

Strong Evocation [Good]; CL 13th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Exalted Word, Moral Guidance; Price: +2.

Righteous Fervor[edit]

The unfailing purity of this weapon penetrates the defenses of evil.

Any weapon with this enhancement, and the Holy or Holy Power enhancement (required), has its effectiveness
against the forces of evil strengthened. When a weapon of righteous fervor is used to attack an evil target, that
targets armor class is reduced by the total enhancement bonus of the weapon. This armor class reduction only
applies to attacks made by the weapon with the righteous fervor enhancement. The weapon bestows a negative level
on any evil creature attempting to wield it; this stacks with negative levels from the holy or holy power
enhancements and follows the same rules. Bows, crossbows, and slings with this special ability bestow the holy
power of this enhancement upon their ammunition.

Moderate evocation (good); CL 17; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, holy word; Price: +2 bonus

A rustic weapon greatly enhance an otherwise mundane and simple weapon. This enhancement can be added only to
a mundane weapons made of regular material (steel, iron, bronze, wood) not altered by magic and when made into a
rustic weapons cannot be further enhanced. A rustic item is not magical, thus is not shut off in antimagic field nor
does it detect as magic under magic detection spell. Unlike normal magic item, this enhancement can be added to
non-masterwork weapons.

A rustic weapon gain a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and +1d6 damage for every 3 points of BAB a creature
possesses, it bypasses alignment and magic based damage reductions, it gain a +1 bonus to it critical threat (applied
after effects such as improved critical) and can strike at ghosts as if they were a magic item.

Not magical; CL 7; Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Price: +2.

Sa'angreal Weapon

This weapon happens to also allow access to truly ridiculous amounts of firepower. All sa'angreal are attuned to
either saidar (only usable by Channelers of HYPERLINK "/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidar_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidar_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidar_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidar_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidar_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidar_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidar_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidar_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidar_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidar_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidar_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidar_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidar_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidar_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidar_(3.5e_Class)"saidar), saidin
(only usable by Channelers of HYPERLINK "/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidin_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidin_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidin_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidin_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidin_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidin_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidin_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidin_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidin_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidin_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidin_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidin_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidin_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidin_(3.5e_Class)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Channeler_of_Saidin_(3.5e_Class)"saidin), or the
True Power (only usable by Channelers of the True Power).

The sa'angreal possesses an Energy Pool of 300 points, from which its wearer can draw up to 20 energy points per
round to supplement the points the wearer draws from their own pool. The sa'angreal's Energy Pool replenishes at a
rate of 1 energy point per minute.

Saidar, saidin, or True Power, as appropriate; CL 18; Weave Angreal with HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)"sa'angreal HYPERLINK "/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK
"/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" HYPERLINK "/wiki/Weave_Angreal_(3.5e_Feat)" Weapon learned in place
of a weave; Price: 100000 gp.
Sacrificial Ignition[edit]

A sacrificial ignition weapon is an occult enhancement that employs the power of blood to empower your weapon.
When you injure yourself with a sacrificial ignition weapon, it obtains a great weapon buff that covers it in burning
blood. Ignited weapons often spray wet blood from their ends, which immediately ignites into red hot flame, and are
often styled with various blood grooves and patterns. Sacrificial transformation weapons can only be applied to
piercing or slashing weapons, or weapons equipped with a blood pin hilt.

As an attack action you injure yourself with your weapon, not dealing your normal damage but instead dealing
instant bleedout. In return for 1 minute the weapon gains 1d6 bonus fire damage, plus an additional +1d6 at BAB +5
and every five BAB beyond (max 5d6 at 20th). If your attack is a confirmed critical hit, it becomes d10s instead.

This bonus fire damage does not stack with the Flaming or Flaming Burst enhancements, but stacks with other
sources and counts as Flaming or Flaming Burst for pre-requisites.

If you have the blood pin hilt, activating this is a free action.

Faint Evocation; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, flame blade; Price: +2.

Sacrificial Transformation[edit]

A sacrificial transformation weapon is an occult enhancement that employs the power of blood to empower your
weapon. When you injure yourself with a sacrificial transformation weapon, it obtains a great weapon buff that
transforms the weapon into its true form. Transformed weapons are often eternally blood red, bigger, scarier, with
more sharp edges spikes or other dangerous bits as appropriate to the type of weapon it is. Sacrificial transformation
weapons can only be applied to piercing or slashing weapons, or weapons equipped with a blood pin hilt.

As an attack action you injure yourself with your weapon, not dealing your normal damage but instead dealing
instant bleedout. In return for 1 minute the weapon increases its damage dice up one size, increases its reach by 5 ft,
and you can replace the usual ability score to attack and damage with your Constitution for the duration.

If you have the blood pin hilt, activating this is a free action.

Faint Necromancy; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, vampiric touch; Price: +1.


This weapon seems to slowly shed this fine golden sand which evaporates as it touches the ground. Touching it
makes you tired.

A sandman weapon forces a Will save against sleep on a critical threat. The saving throw is DC 10 + 1/2 BAB +
your ability modifier used on your attack roll, save negates. If the weapon has a x3 critical the DC rises by +2, and a
x4 critical raises the DC by +4.

Faint Enchantment; CL 5; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, sleep; Price: +1.


Getting struck with this weapon seems to to drain your focus. Be careful, in your moment of focus loss who knows
what you aren't resisting and reacting to in time.

A sapping weapon allows the wielder to transfer some or all of the swords enhancement bonus as a penalty to
saving throws for those he attacks successfully. As a free action, the wielder chooses how to allocate the weapons
enhancement bonus at the start of his turn before using the weapon. If he makes a successful attack, the creature
gains a penalty to their saving throws until the beginning of the wielder's next turn.

Moderate necromancy; CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bestow curse; Price: +1.

This weapon seems to reflect and scatter light around it like some kind of disco ball. As you fight, bolts of colored
light flash off it and strike your foes!

A scatterbeam weapon fires lasers out of it. Its most effective in the hands of someone with a high base attack bonus.
As a swift action you may make a ranged touch attack up to 30 ft and deal 1d6 points of energy damage (acid, cold,
electric, or fire, chosen on creation). When you hit +6 BAB you can fire two beams as a swift action, three beams at
+11 BAB, and four beams at +16 BAB. You may also fire an extra beam if under the effects of haste and similar
effects. For the purpose of extra damage (such as sneak attack) only one of the beams benefits from the additional
damage each round. This cannot be placed on ammunition.

Faint Evocation; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, scorching ray; Price: +1.


Secure items deny their use to all but specific users. Advanced secure items can even deal punitive measures to
ensure compliance.

A secure weapon only recognizes its administrator (typically the owner) and up to 10 other creatures as valid
creatures to use the item. For any non-valid user, the item's magical properties are suppressed and useless.
Administrators can assign or deny use with a command word, or transfer administrator status to another. When
denying access illusory projections, warnings, or sounds may be admitted explaining the loss of function.

A disable device check of DC 25, or a UMD check of 30, can bypass the secure function and treat you as if you
were a valid user.

For an additional +6000 gp, the secure weapon can be assigned a punitive countermeasure. Treat the item as a
Spellstoring weapon, able to hold any spell of any level. Once loaded with a spell, it goes off if a creature denied use
of a secure item holds it for longer than 1 round. At the beginning of the next round the spell is cast, focused solely
on the user (even if it would otherwise target multiple creatures or an area).

Alternatively for +60,000 gp, the punitive measure can go off each round an endless number of times instead of just
once, until a new spell has been placed in the weapon. Spells with expensive material or XP components cannot be
used in this manner.

This is unique as it can be applied to any magic item, and not just weapons, armor, or shields.

Moderate Evocation; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, arcane lock, contingency;
Price: 2000 gp, 8000 (punitive), or 62,000 gp (unlimited punitive).


The sword shimmered with a pale blue light. When swung, a shockwave of energy rippled along the ground and cut
the distant tree in two.

A shockwave weapon is capable to applying melee damage at range by releasing shockwaves of energy, blade
beams, and other projectiles. Attackers can make attacks to creatures within 30 feet away as if they were in melee
range. Their actual threatened area does not increase.

This ability may be taken multiple times, each time adding an additional 30 feet of range.

Faint Evocation; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, spiritual weapon; Price: +2.

Siege Weapon

This weapon looks heavier and chunky than normal, giving off the idea that it could do some real damage even
though it is as easy to use as any normal weapon.
Siege weapons can only be put on ranged weapons and ammunition. It counts as a siege weapon, bypassing effects
such as wind wall and not having damage reduced against objects. Ranged weapons which have this enhancement
bestow it upon its ammunition.

Faint Psychometabolism; ML 5th; Craft Universal Item, hammer; Price: +1.

Signature Kill

Weapon using the signature kill enhancement leave a specific mark on the corpse of any creature it killed. This mark
can be anything from a discolored eye, a facial expression, a run etched in the flesh of the victim or even unusual
bleeding. The specific mark the weapon create on it victim can be changed with a 10 minute rituals that require 50
gold pieces worth of special ritual components.

Faint Necromancy; CL 1; Death Grimace BoVD; Price: +500 gp.

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