TPACK Expressions Unit Plan

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TPACK Expressions Unit Plan

Name and Grade Level: Lopes 7th Grade

Unit:Algebraic Expressions

Title: Intro to Algebraic Expressions

Content Knowledge -

Objective: Students will learn the aspects of an expression and why

they are different from equations.

The different aspects of an expression and of an equation will be

introduced and discussed.

Throughout the lesson, order of operations will be reviewed since it will be

need for all the lessons throughout the unit.

Common Core/ISTE Standard:


Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand

linear expressions with rational coefficients.


Understand that rewriting an expression in different forms in a problem context

can shed light on the problem and how the quantities in it are related.

ISTE Creative communicator 6c

Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using

a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.

ISTE Computational Thinker 5c

Students break problems into component parts, extract key information, and
develop descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate problem-


Collaboration: Students will work in groups to complete a expression vs equation


Modeling: Teacher will model how to complete the activity and throughout the
lesson. Teacher will model how to use iTooch for the students.

Independent Practice: Students will complete the iTooch lesson on their own to
practice the skills learned in the lesson.

Assessment Plan: Check off which apply: Detail How

__X___: Informal ____: Formal

__X___: Formative ____: Summative


The teacher can look at how the students did on the app by having
the students complete the test portion and have the student record
their score and time.

Technology for Learners Being Used

Itooch on ipad or iphone

Poll Everywhere
SMART board / SMART notebook
Technology for Teachers Being Used

SMART board / SMART notebook

Poll Everywhere

What 21st Century Skills are Students Using?

Critical Thinking: Students will utilize their critical thinking skills

when they complete the activity and throughout the lesson.

Creating: Students have to create their own justifications for each

question in the activity.

Communication: Students will communicate with their peers when

they are working in groups on the activity.

Collaboration: Students will work together to answer the questions on

the activity.

Which Blooms Taxonomy? And Which Bloom Taxonomy for Digital?

Create: They will create justifications for each question.

Evaluate: They will evaluate their own work by completing the lesson
on iTooch.
Understand: They will discuss the difference of expression vs
equation in their justification.

Essential Vocabulary:


Itooch on ipad or iphone
Poll Everywhere
SMART board / SMART notebook


Students will participate in a Poll Everywhere activity answering the

question What is the difference between expressions and

Lesson: (developmental procedures)

Students will use poll everywhere to answer a question polled by
the teacher. Throughout the lesson the students will see if
their answers are correct.(What do you think is the difference
between expressions and equations? Why do you think so?)
Students will engage in the SMART notebook lesson.
Students will get with their groups and complete a expression vs
equation activity and add their own justifications for each
question. (How many do you have correct? Is your original
response still correct?)
Students will complete lesson 3 identify expression on itooch
app (In your own words what is the difference of expressions
and equations?)


Groups will be assigned different questions based on their ability.


They will be given word problems and asked to create expression or

equations based on the real - world problem.

Name and Grade Level: Lopes 7th Grade

Unit:Algebraic Expressions

Title:Equivalent Algebraic Expressions Day 1

Content Knowledge -

Objective: Students will determine if algebraic expressions are

equivalent or not.
Use the commutative and associative properties to manipulate algebraic
expressions while maintaining equivalence.

Use the strategy of rewriting subtraction as addition and rewriting division

as multiplication so that they may utilize the associative and commutative

Common Core/ISTE Standard:


Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand

linear expressions with rational coefficients.


Understand that rewriting an expression in different forms in a problem context

can shed light on the problem and how the quantities in it are related.

ISTE Creative communicator 6c

Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using

a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.

ISTE Computational Thinker 5c

Students break problems into component parts, extract key information, and
develop descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate problem-


Collaboration: Students will work in groups to answer the questions in a peer


Modeling: Teacher will model how to get onto the website and how to complete
the peer instruction.

Independent Practice: Students will complete the lesson on explore learning.

Assessment Plan: Check off which apply: Detail How

__X___: Informal ____: Formal

__X___: Formative ____: Summative


The teacher will look at how the students did on explore learning
along with how the students do with the peer instruction.

Technology for Learners Being Used

Poll Everywhere

Technology for Teachers Being Used

Poll Everywhere

What 21st Century Skills are Students Using?

Critical Thinking: Students will utilize their critical thinking skills
when they complete the lesson on explorelearning.

Creating: Students have to create their own justifications during the

peer instruction.

Communication: Students will communicate with their peers when

they are working in groups on the peer instruction activity.

Collaboration: Students will work together to answer the questions

during the peer instruction activity.

Which Blooms Taxonomy? And Which Bloom Taxonomy for Digital?

Create: They will create justifications for each question.

Evaluate: They will evaluate their own work by completing the lesson
on explore learning.

Understand: They will discuss why the equations are equivalent in

their justifications.

Essential Vocabulary:

algebraic expression
associative property
commutative property
equivalent expressions
Simplest form

Poll Everywhere

Students will participate in a Poll Everywhere activity answering the
question What makes expressions equivalent when they are

Lesson: (developmental procedures)

Students will use poll everywhere to answer a question polled by
the teacher. Throughout the lesson the students will see if
their answers are correct.(What makes expressions equivalent
when they are different? Why do you think so?)
Students will engage and complete the first
lesson posted.
Students will get with their groups and complete a peer
instruction activity. Students will be given multiple questions
and they will have to defend their answers with others. (What
does it mean for an operation to be commutative? What
operations are commutative? Are there operations that are not
commutative? How can you prove that they arent commutative?
The expression 29 + 4 + 96 do we have to evaluate left to right?
Is there an easier way? How do we know that it wont change
the result? Is -3 + n equivalent to 2 + n - 5? How can we
manipulate it to look equivalent?)
Students will complete lesson on to learn the next
lesson for the following class.

Groups will be assigned different questions based on their ability.


They will be given asked to create their own questions.

Name and Grade Level: Lopes 7th Grade

Unit:Algebraic Expressions

Title:Equivalent Algebraic Expressions Day 2

Content Knowledge -

Objective: Students will determine if given algebraic expressions are

equivalent or not.

Use the commutative, associative, and distributive properties to

manipulate algebraic expressions while maintaining equivalence.

When given two equivalent algebraic expressions, identify which

properties can be used to make one expression identical to another.

Common Core/ISTE Standard:


Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand

linear expressions with rational coefficients.


Understand that rewriting an expression in different forms in a problem context

can shed light on the problem and how the quantities in it are related.

ISTE Creative communicator 6c

Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using

a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.

ISTE Computational Thinker 5c

Students break problems into component parts, extract key information, and
develop descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate problem-


Collaboration: Students will work in groups to answer the questions in a peer


Modeling: Teacher will model how to get onto the website and how to complete
the peer instruction.

Independent Practice: Students will complete the lesson on explore learning.

Assessment Plan: Check off which apply: Detail How

__X___: Informal ____: Formal

__X___: Formative ____: Summative


The teacher will look at how the students did on explore learning
along with how the students do with the peer instruction.

Technology for Learners Being Used

Poll Everywhere

Technology for Teachers Being Used

Poll Everywhere

What 21st Century Skills are Students Using?

Critical Thinking: Students will utilize their critical thinking skills

when they complete the lesson on explorelearning.

Creating: Students have to create their own justifications during the

peer instruction.

Communication: Students will communicate with their peers when

they are working in groups on the peer instruction activity.

Collaboration: Students will work together to answer the questions

during the peer instruction activity.
Which Blooms Taxonomy? And Which Bloom Taxonomy for Digital?

Create: They will create justifications for each question.

Evaluate: They will evaluate their own work by completing the lesson
on explore learning.

Understand: They will discuss why the equations are equivalent in

their justifications.

Essential Vocabulary:

Algebraic expressions
Associative property
Commutative property
Distributive property
Equivalent expressions
Simplest form


Poll Everywhere

Students will participate in a Poll Everywhere activity answering the
question What did you learn in the video last night? Do you like
watching a video for homework?

Lesson: (developmental procedures)

Students will use poll everywhere to answer a question polled by

the teacher. Throughout the lesson the students will refer back
to the question.(What did you learn in the video last night? Do
you like watching a video for homework?)
Go over what was discussed in the video and how to apply the
Students will engage in and complete the
second lesson posted.
Students will get with their groups and complete a peer
instruction activity. Students will be given multiple questions
and they will have to defend their answers with others. (What
are some expressions equivalent to 6 + 3(n + 7) ? What
expression do we get when we undistribute 8n + 24? Is there
only one way to undistribute this expression?)


Groups will be assigned different questions based on their ability and

some students will be put into a small group for a mini lesson.


They will be given asked to create their own questions.

Name and Grade Level: Lopes 7th Grade

Unit:Algebraic Expressions

Title:Simplifying Algebraic Expressions Day 1

Content Knowledge -

Objective: Students will determine if algebraic expressions with one

variable are in simplest form.

Use properties of addition and multiplication to simplify expressions.

Use the distributive property to simplify expressions.

Common Core/ISTE Standard:


Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand

linear expressions with rational coefficients.


Understand that rewriting an expression in different forms in a problem context

can shed light on the problem and how the quantities in it are related.

ISTE Creative communicator 6c

Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using

a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.

ISTE Computational Thinker 5c

Students break problems into component parts, extract key information, and
develop descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate problem-

Collaboration: Students will work in groups to answer the questions in a peer


Modeling: Teacher will model how to get onto the website and how to complete
the peer instruction.

Independent Practice: Students will complete the lesson on explore learning.

Assessment Plan: Check off which apply: Detail How

__X___: Informal ____: Formal

__X___: Formative ____: Summative


The teacher will look at how the students did on explore learning
along with how the students do with the peer instruction. Students
will also hand in their students follow-up sheet.

Technology for Learners Being Used

Poll Everywhere
Technology for Teachers Being Used

Poll Everywhere

What 21st Century Skills are Students Using?

Critical Thinking: Students will utilize their critical thinking skills

when they complete the lesson on explorelearning.

Creating: Students have to create their own justifications during the

peer instruction and on their students follow-up sheet.

Communication: Students will communicate with their peers when

they are working in groups on the peer instruction activity.

Collaboration: Students will work together to answer the questions

during the peer instruction activity.

Which Blooms Taxonomy? And Which Bloom Taxonomy for Digital?

Create: They will create justifications for each question.

Evaluate: They will evaluate their own work by completing the lesson
on explore learning and on their student follow-up sheet.
Understand: They will discuss why the equations are equivalent in
their justifications.

Essential Vocabulary:

Additive identity
Algebraic expression
Commutative property
Distributive property
Multiplicative identity
Multiplicative property of negative one
Multiplicative property of zero
Simplest form

Poll Everywhere


Students will participate in a Poll Everywhere activity answering the

question What is the difference between distribute and

Lesson: (developmental procedures)

Students will use poll everywhere to answer a question polled by
the teacher. Throughout the lesson the students will refer back
to the question.(What is the difference between distribute and
Students will engage in and complete the
third lesson posted.
Students will get with their groups and complete a peer
instruction activity. Students will be given multiple questions
and they will have to defend their answers with others. (Aside
from making Spidro happy, whats the benefit of writing
expressions in simplest form? Elinor has simplified the
expression 5 + 2n 3 like this: 5 + 2n 3 5 + 3 2n 8 2n Is
this correct? If not, why? A rectangle has a width of 3 and a
length of n. Elizabeth says the perimeter of the rectangle is 2(3
+ n). Emma says the perimeter is 23 + 2n. Which one of them is
Students will complete the student follow-up sheet to hand in.


Groups will be assigned different questions based on their ability and

some students will be put into a small group for a mini lesson.

They will be given asked to create their own questions.

Name and Grade Level: Lopes 7th Grade

Unit:Algebraic Expressions

Title:Simplifying Algebraic Expressions Day 2

Content Knowledge -
Objective: Students will determine if algebraic expressions with multiple
variable that are in simplest form.

Use the distributive property to add terms with like variables.

Simplify algebraic expressions by commuting and combining terms.

Common Core/ISTE Standard:


Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand

linear expressions with rational coefficients.


Understand that rewriting an expression in different forms in a problem context

can shed light on the problem and how the quantities in it are related.

ISTE Creative communicator 6c

Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using

a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.

ISTE Computational Thinker 5c

Students break problems into component parts, extract key information, and
develop descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate problem-


Collaboration: Students will work in groups to answer the questions in a peer


Modeling: Teacher will model how to get onto the website and how to complete
the peer instruction.
Independent Practice: Students will complete the lesson on explore learning.

Assessment Plan: Check off which apply: Detail How

__X___: Informal ____: Formal

__X___: Formative ____: Summative


The teacher will look at how the students did on explore learning
along with how the students do with the peer instruction. Students
will also hand in their students follow-up sheet.

Technology for Learners Being Used

Poll Everywhere

Technology for Teachers Being Used

Poll Everywhere

What 21st Century Skills are Students Using?

Critical Thinking: Students will utilize their critical thinking skills
when they complete the lesson on explorelearning.

Creating: Students have to create their own justifications during the

peer instruction and on their students follow-up sheet.

Communication: Students will communicate with their peers when

they are working in groups on the peer instruction activity.

Collaboration: Students will work together to answer the questions

during the peer instruction activity.

Which Blooms Taxonomy? And Which Bloom Taxonomy for Digital?

Create: They will create justifications for each question.

Evaluate: They will evaluate their own work by completing the lesson
on explore learning and on their student follow-up sheet.

Understand: They will discuss why the equations are equivalent in

their justifications.

Essential Vocabulary:

Additive identity
Algebraic expression
Commutative property
Distributive property
Multiplicative identity
Multiplicative property of negative one
Multiplicative property of zero
Simplest form

Poll Everywhere

Students will participate in a Poll Everywhere activity answering the
question How do we simplify expressions? What can be done to the
expressions to change them that we havent discussed?

Lesson: (developmental procedures)

Students will use poll everywhere to answer a question polled by
the teacher. Throughout the lesson the students will refer back
to the question.(How do we simplify expressions? What can be
done to the expressions to change them that we havent
Students will engage in and complete the
fourth lesson posted.
Students will get with their groups and complete a peer
instruction activity. Students will be given multiple questions
and they will have to defend their answers with others.
(Marshall finds the perimeter of a rectangle by adding all four
sides: l + w + l + w. Morris finds the perimeter by doubling the
sum of the length and width: 2(l + w). Are they going to get the
same value? Why or why not? Walter has simplified the
expression 3n 2 + n to 2n + 2. To check his work, he evaluates
both expressions when n = 2: 3n 2 + n and 2n + 2. Since he
gets the same value, Walter concludes that he must be correct.
Is he? If not, how would you convince him otherwise?)
Students will complete the student follow-up sheet to hand in.

Groups will be assigned different questions based on their ability and
some students will be put into a small group for a mini lesson.

They will be given asked to create their own questions.

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