Intermediate Test

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TEST - intermediate
Exercise 1 - Tenses and verb forms
Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense. Some verbs are passive, and there are also examples of the Second Conditional,
indirect questions, infinitives, gerunds, and reported statements and requests.

I started (start) teaching five years ago. I really like teaching (teach) children.

An interview with Sarah Jenkins

Sarah Jenkins is an English teacher. She 1_________ (work) in a language school in London. She
2__________ (teach) English since she 3_________ (leave) university five years ago. I asked her first if she
4__________ (enjoy) teaching English. Yes, I do, she replied. Its hard work, but its very rewarding.
5_________ you ever __________ (work) abroad? Yes, replied Sarah, I 6__________ (spend) two years in
Madrid. But the school soon closed and I 7___________ (make) redundant. Luckily, some of my students asked me if
I 8_________ (continue) to teach them privately, so I stayed in Madrid.
And how long 9_________you _________(teach) in London?I asked. Since I came back from Madrid,
three years ago. I then asked Sarah what the most memorable moment of her career was.
Well, a funny thing 10_________ (happen) while I 11_________ (work) at the school in Madrid. I had
a student called Gloria. On some days she was the best student in the class. But on other days she performed really
badly. I tried very hard 12_________ (help) her, but things got worse. Then, one day, I met Gloria in the street and
asked her about her boyfriend. (The day before she 13_________(tell) me a sad story about him.) She looked
surprised and told me that her name 14____________ (be) Victoria, not Gloria. She continued, My twin sister and I
15_________ (alternate) in your classes since September two for the price of one! After that it was much easier to
teach them. At the beginning of each class I simply asked, Are you Gloria or Victoria today? Finally I asked Sarah
about her plans for the future. Well, Im very interested in teaching young children, so next September I
16___________ (do) a special training course. And are you going to stay in Britain, or would you like to work abroad
I 17_________ (promote) recently. Im now Director of Studies. So I think I 18__________ (stay) here for
a few more years. Of course, if someone 19____________ (offer) me a well-paid job in Italy or Greece,
I 20____________ (take) it, but thats not very likely!
Exercise 2 - Conditionals
Using the prompts, write a sentence in either the first or the second conditional.

1. Are you coming to town with me this afternoon?

Perhaps. If I / finish / decorating the living room, I / come / with you.

2. I havent got any money. If I / have / some money, I / buy / you a drink.

3. I always go to Italy for my holidays. If the weather in Britain / be / better, I /take / my holidays / there.

4. Ive got so much work to do!
Im sorry. I have a lot of work, too. If I / have / more time, I / help / you.

5. Im a teacher. If I / be / the Minister for Education, I / spend / more money on schools.

6. Ive lost my address book.
If I / find it, I / bring it to you.

Exercise 3 - Passives
Make these active sentences passive.

1. Do they still build ships in Scotland?

Are ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. Do you think aliens will ever visit Earth?
Do you think Earth _________________________________________________________________________
3. The Chinese invented printing.
Printing __________________________________________________________________________________
4. You mustnt take photographs in the museum.
Photographs _____________________________________________________________________________
5. They have recently discovered oil near the Falkland Islands.
Oil _____________________________________________________________________________________
6. Theyre planning a big celebration to mark the end of the millennium.
A big celebration __________________________________________________________________________
7. The police think that someone might have murdered him.
The police think he ________________________________________________________________________
8. They didnt know the bones were human until they had carried out a number of tests.
They didnt know the bones were human until a number of tests ____________________________________
9. In some countries they are going to make soft drugs legal.
In some countries soft drugs _________________________________________________________________
10. If the car is fitted with an alarm, they cant steal it.
If the car is fitted with an alarm, it ____________________________________________________________

Exercise 4 - Modals 10
Finish each sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a).
Example: (a) Im sure hes not Swedish. He has black hair and brown eyes.
(b) He cant be Swedish. He has black hair and brown eyes.
1. (a) The dogs barking. Im sure hes hungry.
(b) The dogs barking. He must _______________________________________________________________
2. (a) Theres no food in his bowl. Im certain he hasnt eaten anything since this morning.
(b) Theres no food in his bowl. He cant ________________________________________________________
3. (a) Sally hasnt got in touch with me. Perhaps she phoned while I was out.
(b) Sally hasnt got in touch with me. She could __________________________________________________
4. (a) Ah, the phones ringing. Perhaps its Sally.
(b) Ah, the phones ringing. It could ____________________________________________________________
5. (a) Why did the car crash? Perhaps the driver didnt see the red light.
(b) Why did the car crash? The driver might _____________________________________________________
6. (a) Im sure it was Tom I saw at the theatre last night.
(b) It must ________________________________________________________________________________
7. (a) Why is that man standing at the side of the road? Perhaps hes trying to hitch a lift.
(b) Why is that man standing at the side of the road? He might ______________________________________

Exercise 5 - Time expressions
Complete the sentences with in, at, on, ago, for, since or nothing.
1. I left college ______________ 1982.
2. What are you doing ______________ next Thursday?
3. I like to relax ______________ weekends.
4. He came to live here four years ______________.
5. Hed been painting ______________ many years before he sold his first picture.
6. Shakespeare was born ______________ 23 April, 1564.
7. Spring begins ______________ March.
8. We always eat turkey ______________ Christmas.
9. ______________ you left, there have been many changes. 10
10. I started my new job ______________ last Monday.

Exercise 6 - Reported statements and questions
Put the direct speech into reported speech.
1. I always play football on Saturdays, he said.
2. Weve been waiting since six oclock, she said.
3. Where did you go last night? she asked me.
4. Will you stay in a hotel? I asked him.
5. Im really looking forward to the holiday, he said.

Exercise 7 - Reported commands
Use the verbs to put the direct speech into reported speech. Not all the verbs are used.

ask beg refuse offer remind advise order invite

1. Dont forget to take all your belongings with you, said the driver to the passengers as they left the coach.
As the passengers left the coach, the driver ___________________________________________________
2. If I were you, I wouldnt visit the Bronx, said the travel agent to the young couple.
The travel agent _________________________________________________________________________
3. Would you like to stay at my house? said Peter to James.
Peter _________________________________________________________________________________
4. I wont eat my vegetables! said Timmy.
Timmy ________________________________________________________________________________
5. Ill give you a lift into town, said Ray to Mary.
Ray __________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 8 - Correct these sentences 5

There is one mistake in each of the following sentences. Find it and write the corrected sentence below.
1. How long do you live in London?
2. Yesterday evening I have seen a really good film.
3. Ill phone you as soon as Ill arrive.
4. If I won a million pounds, Ill buy a Rolls Royce.
5. I work in this office since 1992.
6. I went to Canada last year. So have I.
7. If you have a headache you ought take an aspirin.
8. Whats the matter? Ive just been seeing a road accident.
9. Could you tell me how much does this cost?
10. She said me that she was hungry.

Exercise 9 - Everyday English
What would you say in these situations?
1. Somebody telephones your house and wants to speak to your son, but he isnt at home. Tell the caller where your
son is and offer to take a message.
2. You phone the travel agent to inquire about flights to the USA. The office is closed so you leave a message on the
answer phone. Introduce yourself, say why you are phoning, ask the travel agent to call you back, leave your number,
and end the call.
3. Your friend says she has a headache. Make helpful suggestions.

4. Your brother rings you and says hes just won $ 100.000 on the National Lottery. Suggest things he could do with
the money.

5. You have arranged to go to the cinema with your friend. But on that day your sister has an accident and is taken to
hospital. You want to visit her in the evening and have to cancel the appointment with your friend. What will you say to

6. Your friend tells you he has just failed to get a place at university, and that he has to stay at school for another year.

Exercise 10 - Phrasal verbs
Match a verb from A with an adverb/preposition from B to complete the sentences. Put the verbs in the correct form.
A Turn look bring take get
B Over up on after off
1. Quick! ______________ the television the films about to start.
2. We ______________ from Heathrow Airport at 1 pm and landed in Paris an hour later.
3. My grandparents were very poor. I dont know how they managed to ______________ six children.
4. He found it very difficult to ______________ his mothers death.
5. We can get a baby-sitter to ______________ the children while were out. 5

Exercise 11 - Adjectives
Use un-, in-, or im- to make these adjectives negative.
1. tidy ____________________
2. possible ____________________
3. sensitive ____________________
4. patient ____________________
5. sociable ____________________ 5

Exercise 12 - Compound nouns

Complete the sentences with a compound noun formed with either traffic, motor or driving.
1. Sorry Im late. I got stuck in a ______________ in the town centre for half an hour.
2. A new ______________ has just been built between London and Birmingham.
3. The policewoman stopped the car and asked the driver to show her his ______________.
4. Are you going to watch the Formula 1 Grand Prix on television?
No. I dont like ______________.
5. Why are you angry?
I parked outside the bank. A ______________ saw me and gave me a parking ticket! I have to pay a $32 fine!

TOTAL: 100

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