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© 1981 Microcomputer Games, Inc. division of The Avalon Hill Game Co .. Baltimore, MD, Printed in USA
APPLE II®, 48K APPLESOFT Cassette, 48K Diskette You have five types of ammunition from which to
TRS-80®, Level II 16K Cassette, 32K Diskette choose: Ball, Cannister, Double Cannister, Shell and
PET 2001 ®, 16K Cassette Spherical Case. At the beginning of each game the
AT ARI 800®, 40K Cassette display in the lower right hand corner of the fort lists the
_ <!l Trademarks of APPLE Computers, Tandy Corp., Commodore Business number of rounds available for each type. This display
Machines, and Warner Communications also keeps a running tab on how many rounds are left of
each type throughout the game.
The computer will ask you which ammunition you
INTRODUCTION want to use . Enter your selection by typing:
Fort Defiance is a half-finished stockade blocking the
path of an invading army during the War of 1812. You B for Ball
are the commander of an artillery piece defending the C for Cannister
fort against an enemy that heavily outnumbers your gar- D for Double Cannister
rison . Your skill and determination in repelling the H for Shell
assault will determine the fate of the fort. P for Spherical Case
Your gun is stationed on an incomplete side of the If you are firing Shell or Spherical Case, you must
fort. Fortunately, you have an ample supply of ammuni- specify a fuse length. Fuses come in seven lengths,
tion and the attackers will have to cross over hundreds of labeled (shortest to longest): A,B,C,D,E,F,G. Select one
yards of open ground. The enemy may attack with of these by entering the corresponding letter.
cavalry, infantry, or artillery . . . but the narrow trail For an historical summary on the different types of
they must follow to reach the starting position for each ammunition available and an explanation of fuses, see
attack .. . limits them to attacking with only one infan- HISTORICAL NOTES.
try, cavalry company, or howitzer at a time.
From your position in the watchtower you see the
enemy far off in the distance, organizing for an assault.
You see them coming and briskly bark orders to your
Before each game begins, the computer will ask you
for a handicap. You can choose any number from 1 to
64 (63 on the Apple). The computer suggests a handicap
for your first game. The higher the number is, the
longer the enemy will keep coming before breaking into
a retreat. For instance, if you choose a handicap of I, CANNISTER
the attackers will probably break and rout after only
one casualty.
As your gunners go through the steps of loading the
cannon for each shot, you will have to give them ap-
propriate orders. You are responsible for selecting the
specific type of ammunition, specifying the fuse length
(when needed), determining the elevation setting and pin-
pointing a target.
SETTING THE ELEVATION @ If the elevation is correct but the fuse too short an
After choosing your ammunition and fuse length, the "at sign" (@) will appear where the round bursts .
computer will ask you to adjust the elevation. Again, this This may sometimes seem to be on target but is ac-
is done by selecting a key A (point blank) through G (long tually up in the air between you and the target.
When a shot is successful it will eliminate one or more
troops from the enemy formation. Every time an enemy
gunner is killed the howitzer crew will consider
retreating. If they remain in action they will fire more
slowly until the missing man is replaced. If a direct hit
disables the enemy cannon, its crew will flee .


The "at sign" (@) may be used for depressed eleva-
tion (very short range) and for a shorter fuse setting
than A.
When aiming the gun the rate of traverse can be made
faster by holding down the F or G key at the same time as
the or key.
The TRS-80 has one more important additon. Along
with the different types of ammunition supplied (Ball,
Shell, Spherical Case and Cannister), you will also be
allotted a certain amount of gunpowder which varies
from game to game. Each time a shot is fired your gun-
powder reserve drops by one. When you have no more
DETAIL SHOWING QUOIN USED TO ADJUST ELEVATION gunpowder left, the cannon may no longer be fired.
When a shot digs into the ground near the enemy or
PINPOINTING A TARGET passes close overhead, gaps may appear in their forma-
Once all the above is completed a " + " will appear at tion as soldiers duck and dodge. However, these gaps will
the top of the screen to indicate in which direction your close back-up as soon as the shot stops moving, while
cannon is presently pointed. Use the right- and left- gaps made by actual hits will remain.
pointing caret keys (" > "&" < ") to adjust deflec-
tion . Note that the gun will recoil off target after every APPLE
shot and you will usually have to re-adjust the elevation When pinpointing the target you may find the
and deflection. REPEAT Key useful as it will speed up traversing the
FIRING THE CANNON If two players are taking turns defending the fort,
After you have selected your ammo and fuse length, each can enter his own current handicap by asking for the
adjusted the elevation and found a target, the cannon is briefing each time it is his turn. Otherwise the computer
ready to fire. To fire your gun simply depress the SPACE will carry forward the handicap from the game just end-
BAR. The above procedure will then start over again and ed.
you must start by selecting another round of ammuni- By adjusting the TINT control on your TV set you can
tion. determine whether the attacking infantry are British (red
coats) or American (blue coats) and thus play either side
~============~~~ in the War of 1812. (This is also useful for two-sided
SPONGE AND RAMMER play, a player defending the fort until it is overrun, then
changing the TINT for the other player's forces.)
The visible effects of shots are somewhat different
from those displayed by other systems.
* When a projectile bursts at the correct range an Bouncing projectiles produce splash marks (- : -) or
asterisk will appear at the point of burst causing a craters as they tear up the grass. Spherical case and shells
number of casualties. will burst in a harmless puff of smoke if they bounce over
the target, were originally aimed too high or had correct
• When the elevation is correct but the fuse goes out
or was cut too long the unexploded Shell or
range settings but fuses were set too short. It is usually
possible to see whether these bursts are above or behind
Spherical Case will still cause one casualty as it hits the target (range error) or in front of it (fuse error).
the target just like a ball. The" e" marking the pro- Sometimes, however, this will be obscured by smoke and
jectile will halt at the target as the computer notes hard to spot-as it often really was!
the loss, and with infantry the gap will remain in the Effective hits will cause a visible gap to appear in in-
formation thereafter. fantry formations . The infantry will pause to dress ranks
whenever this happens and rear-rank file-closers will at-
-V- When the elevation is too low the projectile will tempt to fill in the gap if possible. When losses become
strike the ground short of the target, making a s-erious enough to affect their morale, the infantry com-
splash (-V-) and crater (--). It may then bounce on mander will have his men halt, dress ranks, load and fire
randomly into or over the target or may bury itself. a volley. This will give them the satisfaction of hitting
back at you (although they must be very close to you Cannister has been aptly described as "a paint bucket
before this is likely to drive away your gunners). More full of golf balls." On firing, the container of wood or tin
important, it will cover their front with a smoke screen was torn open by gas pressure and friction and the 40 to
which may throw off your aim for a few shots! The infan- 100 iron balls inside erupted from the muzzle in a deadly
try will then resume the advance. spray. These small balls lost velocity quickly, however,
Of course, if you hit them often enough, the infantry and were not effective at longer ranges. Double cannister
will run away, dropping muskets and packs as they consisted of loading two cannisters (and one powder
scatter! charge) into the gun at the same time. This gave twice the
If attacking infantry get close enough they can fire number of balls, but the maximum range was so reduced
their muskets between the logs of your palisade and clear that it was only useful at very close quarters.
out the fort. Thus, they do not have to attack through the Shells were hollow iron spheres filled with gunpowder
gate to defeat you. Attacking cavalry do have to charge and fitted with crude time fuses. To avoid the danger of
through the gate, however, having no muskets. explosion or deterioration in storage, shells were often
To help you adjust your fire , the Apple will beep brought to the battlefield empty and filled with gun-
whenever your shots at the enemy howitzer are effective . powder (through the fuse hole) just before use. The fuses
(Players wanting to rough-it without this artificial aid were wooden tubes packed with fine-grained powder.
can delete statement number 4372.) The length-and thus the burning time- could be
roughly set by cutting the fuse off at one of a series of
rings marked along its sides. The fuse was then driven
The two tunes which are heard during the opening firmly into place with a mallet and the shell loaded into
credits are "Liliburlero" and "O' er the Hills and Far the howitzer. In spite of the lower rate of fire caused by
Away." The latter was particularly popular during the all these steps and the unreliability of the fuses, shell was
Napoleonic Wars-in spite of having been written a cen- favored for certain targets-cavalry in particular, as the
tury earlier. The words, for those inspired to sing along, bursting shells tended to frighten their horses.
are (follow the bouncing spherical case):
Spherical Case Shot was a thin-walled spherical
Hark the drums beat up again, "shell" with the usual fuse, but where a shell was nearly
For all young soldier gentlemen, filled with powder, the Spherical Case was filled with
To come and Enter into pay, lead musket balls and only a small powder charge. Its
O'er the hills and far away. fuse was set to burst not among the enemy troops as with
shell, but 50 to 100 yards before reaching them . The
Chorus: O'er the hills and o'er the main powder charge was just adequate to tear open the outer
To Flanders, Portugal and Spain shell without scattering the balls too widely. They, in
Queen Anne commands and we'll obey turn, would form a cloud that would continue along the
O'er the hills and fa-ar away. original trajectory until they collided with the target. The
net effect was similar to a charge of cannister fired from
Let all young gentlemen as have a mind, the bursting point. For all its complexity and expense,
To serve a queen that's good and kind, Spherical Case could be highly effective and was widely
Enlist and enter into pay, copied at the end of the Napoleonic Wars.
O'er the hills and far away. The gunpowder used to fire the guns and howitzers
was contained in cartridge bags of serge, as this material
(Chorus) burned cleanly and not too much would be left behind to
clog up the bore. Although careful adjustment of powder
No more from sound of drum retreat, charges was sometimes done in siege warfare, in the field
While Marlborough and Galway beat, one normally used one size of charge for each gun or
The French and Spaniards, every day, howitzer and adjusted the range by varying the elevation.
O'er the hills and far away. The strength of the gunpowder varied widely due to the
methods (and honesty) of the manufacturers, rough
(Chorus) handling, and exposure to dampness. Wise gunners (then
as now) kept all cartridges received in each shipment
These tunes are also played by the fifers of the enemy together. This minimized the variation between one shot
infantry as they advance upon you. As casualties mount and the next. Likewise, fuses were not very reliable. Even
you may notice one of them getting out of tune and the when properly cut for the range and elevation, they were
cadence becoming increasingly ragged. likely to go out or go off too early! Thus, the opening
range settings in the game will vary considerably from
HISTORICAL NOTES one attack to the next.
The most common artillery projectile in 1812 was still Pictured on the box cover is a gun of the type which
the classic cannonball of wrought iron. While it had no would have been found at a remote outpost like Ft.
explosive charge, it could do considerable damage by Defiance. It weighs nearly 4500 pounds (with carriage)
impact alone. A "spent" ball rolling along at the end of which was about the limit for cross-country, horse-
its trajectory could inflict disabling injuries as young drawn movement.
soldiers, who tried to catch them for souvenirs, The gun was designed to fire ball and had a long barrel
sometimes discovered! While the energy of a 12-pound to obtain the highest possible velocity (and thus energy)
ball was rather excessive for killing a single soldier, it was with a reasonable-sized shot. Given the weight limits and
very effective for knocking out enemy guns-one hit 1800 technology, this was a barrel about seven feet long,
could crack a gun barrel or shatter the carriage and weighing 2000 pounds and firing a 12 pound shot, the size
disable the crew with a hail of deadly splinters. of a grapefruit.
Early attempts to fire shell from guns failed because
the shells were broken by the strain of pushing them to ~ Second Step-Numbers I to 4 finish
running up gun. 5 steps up to muzzle. 6

high velocities. Since high velocities were undesirable, cuts and drives fuse into Spherical Case,
the weight of the barrel could be better used to make it puts it into his ammo pouch.
short and ofiarger diameter, to throw a large shell at low
~elocities. Thus the howitzer was developed as a com-
panion to the twelve-pounder gun. A howitzer frequently
had a barrel three feet long and could fire a forty-pound
shell. The low velocity of the shell gave it a shorter max-
imum range, but when fired at high elevations it dropped
almost straight down at the end of its flight. This made it

very useful against troops behind cover (such as the walls Third Step-Numbers 1,2 and 3 walk
of a half-finished fort). towards the rear. Number 4 steps between
Either of these weapons could fire cannister. While left wheel and breech of gun. Number 5

the howitzer cannister was heavier than that of the gun, it levels rammer with sponge-end in muzzle
contained roughly the same number of balls, their of gun. 6 takes powder charge from chest
individually greater weight off-setting their lower initial t) . on ammo wagon.
velocity to make them deadly.
When Spherical Case was developed, better manufac-
turing techniques made it possible to fire it from guns (as
well as howitzers) without breaking it up. By the mid-
19th century (after our game is set) guns were firing shell
as well, and the howitzer was a vanishing species .
Fourth Step-Number 1 steps between the
trails of the gun, as 2 and 3 step up to either
ROLLING FIRE side of the breech. Number 5 pushes the
Because of their spherical shape the projectiles of wet sponge-end of the rammer all the way
smoothbore artillery tended to bound on impact with the into the gun, drowning any sparks left
ground rather than burying themselves as would a ~ from the previous shot, while 4 plugs the
modern, pointed shell. When fired at low angles of eleva- G touch-hole of the gun with his thumb to
tion it was theoretically possible for a ball to bounce • prevent any sparks from being blown up it,
along for hundreds of yards before rolling to a halt. out of reach of the sponge. 6 runs forward
Given a solid rank of troops for a target this would seem with ammo.
to make hits virtually certain with every shot. However,
in reality, the ground was never perfectly flat and even
small irregularities could cause shots to skip over their in-
tended victims. Nevertheless, against cavalry and infan-
try it was accepted practice to aim low and employ this Fifth Step-Number 5 withdraws rammer
"rolling fire." and 4 removes thumb. Numbers 2 and 3 lift
Shell and Spherical Case could also be used in rolling breech while number 1 adjusts elevating
fire, but the concussion of repeated impacts made the quoin.
fuses even less reliable than usual. Of course, a dud Shell
Spherical Case shot could be just as deadly as a Ball!


Loading and firing these weapons was a complicated ~
task, which required close coordination by all of the
members of the crew. Gunners normally spent hours of Sixth Step-Number 5 reverses rammer,
every day running through the steps of gun drill . This so wet end will not touch cartridge.
paid dividends, however, for a well-trained crew could Number 6 arrives at muzzle with ammo.
load and fire their piece twelve or more times per
minute-although two shots per minute was a more com-
mon rate in combat, where conditions were less ideal
than on the parade ground.
Each man had his particular task to perform. For con-
venience, we have numbered the men in the diagrams
below. Q. •
Seventh Step-Number 6 places cartridge
First Step-(The gun having just fired and in muzzle and 5 rams it all the way down
recoiled) while men 1,2,3 and 4 "run up" the barrel. Numbers 1,2 and 3 step to the
the gun, pushing it back into firing posi- rear of the gun cartridge.
tion and number 5 dips the sponge of his
rammer in a bucket of water, number 6
selects a Spherical Case for the next shot,
and prepares to cut fuse.
Lift the cartridge dDDr Dn YDur ATARI cDmputer and insert the
COMPUTING LANGUAGE BASIC cartridge into. the cDmputer.
Eighth Step-Number 5 withdraws ram- Press the POWER switch ON. With SIDE ONE Df the cassette up,
mer and 4 drives a sharp-pointed priming put it int o. YDur ATA RI CASSETTE RECORDER and press 'RE-
wire down the touch-hole and into the car- WIND' until the tape stDps mDving . Using the keybDard, type:
tridge, tearing it open.

Then press the 'RETURN' key Dn the keybDard. YDU will hear Dne
beep. Push ' PLAY ' Dn the recDrder and press ' RETURN' again. The
recDrder ShDUld start to. mDve and the prDgram will be lDaded . By
turning up the vDlume Dn YDur video. screen YDU can hear the prDgram
being lDaded. When the tape stD ps , the prDgram has been transferred
frDm the cassette tape to. the cDmputer. ' READY' will be displayed Dn
the screen. Type:
Ninth Step-Number 6 places Spherical
Case shot in muzzle and helps number 5 to RUN
ram it home onto the cartridge, which
splits further open. Number 4 removes and press the 'RETURN' key to. play the game. ShDU ld YDur video.
screen display the wDrd ERROR, press the 'RESET' buttDn and
priming wire. repeat all Df the abDve lDading instructiD ns.
To. assure a successful lDad Dn YDur A TARI cDmputer we suggest
YDU advance the clear pDrtiDn Df tape (leader) until the brDwn
magnetic pDrtiDn is just visible to. the left Df the cassette head.

The APPLE prDgram is lDcated Dn SIDE ONE after the AT ARI
prDgram . By liste ning to. the tape, YDU can tell the difference between
Tenth Step-Number 5 withdraws rammer the two. prDgrams. The APPLE prDgram is easi ly recDgnized by the
and 6 starts back to ammo wagon. Number relatively high pitch and 'pure' quality Df the calibratiDn tDne at the
4 pours loose powder into touch-hole (or beginning Df the prDgram . Thi s tDne is free Df the characteristic
puts a special fuse into it). Numbers 2 and A TARI buzz. Find the beginning Df the APPLE prDgram and pDsitiDn
3 pick up trail of gun. the tape to. just after the start Df the calibrat io.n tDne.
"Bring up" FlDating PDint BASIC (nDt Integer BASIC) Dn YDur
cDmputer. (HDW thi s is dDne will depend Dn which mDdel Df APPLE
yD u Dwn. With an APPLE II PLUS YD U just turn it Dn, while Dlder
APPLES may require a special APPLESOFT cassette to. be lDaded.
See YDur Dwners manual.)
VDlume levels fDr individ ual recDrders and cDmputers can vary
widely and the APPLE is very critical Df incDrrect vDlume settings, so.
YDU may have to. try a number Df settings befDre the CDrrect Dne is

discDvered . (See YDur Dwners manual fDr instructiDns Dn cassette
Eleventh Step-Number 5 starts back to vDlume adjustment.)
his bucket, number 4 steps away from the With the recDrder Dutput jack unplugged, play the tape just into.
gun. Number 1 sights along the barrel and the beginning Df the calibratiDn whistle at the start Df the prDgram and

e~~ '"'"
tells 2 and 3 to traverse the gun left or right. StDp. NDW plug in the CDnnector cab le frDm the cDmputer to. the
recDrder. T ype in the fDll Dwing cDmmands (These serve to. lDcate in-
cDming prDgram in specific areas Df memDry to aVDid Dverlap with the
high resDlutiDn graphics):

HIMEM: 48*1024 (RETURN)

POKE 103,01 (RETURN)
Twelfth Step-Numbers 1,2 and 3 step POKE 104,96 (RETURN)

away from the gun to each side. Number 2 POKE 24576,0 (RETURN)
picks up his linstock (left here since gun POKE 1005,0 (RETURN)
·POKE 1006,2 (RETURN)
was last fired) and blows on the smoldering
match (clipped to one end) until it glows. ·ThDse persDns with cassette APPLESOFT use POKE 1006,0 instead
6) 8 G Df POKE 1006,2.

e ., "'" The "Shape Table" used with the high resDlutiDn graphics is nDW
lDaded frDm the tape by the fDllDwing methDd: Type

Thirteenth Step-Standing with his back SHLOAD (do. nOT 'RETURN' yet)
to the enemy (so he can see that everyone
NDW press 'PLAY' on the recDrder and hit 'RETURN' Dn the
else is in the clear) number 2 touches the
keybDard . After a ShDrt pause the APPLE will beep Dnce. If the
glowing match to the powder piled in the vDlume setting is wrDng an errDr message will appear. See your Dwners
touch-hole. This inflames and sets off the manual for hints Dn volume adjustment. If the vDlume setting is CDr-
charge, which fires the Spherical Case rect the "Shape Table" will finish lDading, the APPLE will beep again
toward the enemy and throws the gun and the cursor will reappear.
The "PrDgram " is nD~ ready to be lDaded by the fDllowing
backward about six feet. As the smoke method: DiscDnnect the cable frDm the recDrder Dutptlt and cue-up the
cloud billows around your crew, you cassette at the start Df the calibratiDn whistle for the "Program" as
observe the projectile bouncing toward the described above, then reconnect the cable from the comp uter. Next,
enemy . .. number 2 sticks one end of his type:
linstock in the ground and the cycle begins
again. LOAD (do. nOT 'RETURN')

Now press the 'PLAY' button on the cassette recorder and then hit DESIGN CREDITS:
'RETURN'. After a slight pause the APPLE will beep once and return Game Design: David A. Wesely
an error message or continue to load, as in loading the "Shape
Table". The APPLE is more critical about volume adjustment on the
"Program" load than on the "Shape Table" SHLOAD, so you may
Box Art: Bob Haynes
have to make yet another volume adjustment before the program Inside Art: Charles Kibler
loads . However, only a very small change will be needed (if any) as the Typesetting: Colonial Composition
"Shape Table" and "Program" were both recorded in one run with Printing: Monarch Services, Inc.
the same input volume and both should load at the same volume.
When the "Program" is finished loading the APPLE will beep PLAYTESTING BY:
again .. . and the cursor will reappear. Type ' RUN ' and press Kevin Maclean
'E NTER ' to start the program. Once you have determined the correct
volume setting needed for loading the "Program" you can con-
David Williams
siderably simplify the loading process on future run s by do ing the David Dobyns
following: Brian Houston
HIMEM : 48*1024 (RETURN) David R. Megarry
POKE 103,01: POKE 104,96: POKE 24576,1: POKE 1005,0: POKE
SHLOAD:LOAD (do not ' RETURN') The Avalon Hill Game Company is the world' s largest publisher of a
great variety of st rategy board games of skill. We manufacture over 100
Now press 'PLAY' on the recorder, then hit the 'RETURN' key on games; including wargames, sports strategy and stat istical replay
your APPLE . games, power politics games, adventure and role-playing games, and
If the volume is set correctly, the 'Shape Table" and "Program" games on fantasy and science fiction. For complete information with
will load without you stopping to re··cue the cassette between them. pretty pictures, write the factory and ask for a game catalog on:
The APPLE will beep four times during the process .
The APPLE is very sensitive to radio "static" that it may pick up D Adventure Gaming (including war, SF, and fantasy games)
while listening to the silence between the "Shape Table" and the
D Sports Gaming D Leisure Time and Family Gaming
"Program" and may decide not to load the latter if it picks up any
stray signals.
Send $1.00 for each catalog ordered .

COMMODORE PET 2001 The Avalon Hill Game Company

Consumer Relations
Turn the tape over so SIDE TWO is up. Insert the tape in your 4517 Harford Road, Baltimore, MD 21214
recorder and rewind to the beginning of the tape . When ready, type:
The clarity of these rules has been verified by Software Testers of
and press the 'RETURN ' button on the keyboard, then the
Universal Microcompurer Programmers (STUMP) and deemed "com-
'PLAY' button on the recorder. The tape should sta rt moving, and
plete" in all facets of instruction . Please re-read them in areas that seem
start loading your program . This program is not short, and will take
unclear at first reading. Quest ions on play can be answered by the fac-
several minutes to load. The co mputer will tell you when it finds the
tory only upon receipt of a self-addressed envelope bearing first-class
program and starts loading. When done, the computer will print postage.
'READY', and the tape will stop . Type:
I. Check your equipment carefully to be sure that all cables and
and press 'RETURN' to play the game.
connections are correct.
2. Re-read the sect ion in your computer's manual that tell s you how
TRS-80 to load software. Try to load software again.
3. If you can adjust the volume on your recorder, try different set-
The TRS-80 program is located on SIDE TWO after the PET 2001 tings, both higher and lower.
program . By pulling out the EAR and MIC jacks on the recorder and 4. If poss ible, load another program from a tape or disk you know
listening to the tape, you can differentiate the PET program from the works on yo ur co mputer. This will prove that your equipment works .
TRS-80 program. The PET sounds louder, yet has a lower pitch. Try once more to load your game.
Check that the volume control is set to the proper level (between 5 5. The normal reason soft ware will not load is tape recorder or disk
and 6 is normal). Press 'PLAY ' on the recorder , type: drive head mi sali gnment. Your computer may be able to save and load
CLOAD programs on its own recorder, but be unable to read software madeon a
different recorder for thi s reason. Be sure your recorder heads are cor-
(For Mod III only, enter: L after CASS?, then CLOAD) rectl y aligned. Your local computer store or dealer can help you with
and press the 'ENTER' key on the keyboard. The recorder should this.
start to move and your program will be loaded. This will be indicated 6. If the program still cannot be loaded, send the software, with a
by the flashing asteri sk at the upper right corner of the screen. This complete description of the problem (what type of computer you have,
program is not short, and will take several minutes to load . When the what the computer says, if anything, when you try to load the software
tape stops and the TRS-80 prints 'READY' on the sc reen, type: or play the game, and what you did to try to get it to load.) to :

RUN Avalon Hill Microcomputer Games

4517 Harford Road
and press 'ENTER ' to play the game . Baltimore, Maryland 21214
Defective software will be replaced.
DISKETTE LOADING INSTRUCTIONS After the program is loaded
Once you have your program loaded, it is a good idea to make a
APPLE II DISKETTE backup copy (for your own use). Follow the normal procedure for
saving a program in your computer's manual.
Insert di skette and "boot" the system.


Insert di skette and "boot" the system. Model III owners must first VIOLATION OF THIS REQUEST DETRIMENTAL TO OUR
convert the program to run on their machine per the enclosed instruc- LEGAL RIGHT TO EXIST IN A COMPETITIVE BUSINESS
tion sheet. ENVIRONMENT.

6 10/ 81 V1424 4130101

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