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Sample Letter of Invitation to Pastors and Churches

Dear Pastor,

The classis committee to form a Classis Safe Church Team is moving ahead.
The committee has met and we are ready to recruit members to serve on the

We would appreciate the names of one or two persons from your church to serve
on this Team. Team members will receive 11 hours of training, learn the
dynamics of church-leader misconduct, and understand how to implement the
advisory panel process if convened. Presently, there are four mandates for our
Safe Church Team. Team members can decide their individual commitment to
one of those four mandates after training has concluded.

One of the committee members will contact you before the next classis meeting
(or by a certain date) for the name(s) and phone number(s) of the person(s)
whom you nominate. We'll talk to this person(s) and give them more information
about the Safe Church Team.

The benefits to your church if a member serves on the Team:

- it signifies your churchs commitment to the Safe Church Team
- it assures representation of your church on the Team
- the church will have a person trained to respond to allegations of
church-leader misconduct
- the church will have a resource for education and support services

If you have questions about identifying a church member to serve, please contact
me at the phone number below.


Person's Name, Chairperson

(Optional) Name of another team member

Sample Letter to Pastor and Church Confirming the Nomination

Dear Pastor,

You have nominated ________________________ (name) to serve as a

member of the Classis ________________ Safe Church Team. (Her or his)
name should be submitted to the stated clerk for approval at the next classis

If approved, (she or he) can participate in the Safe Church Team training
scheduled on __________________ (date).

___________________ (name) will be acting on behalf of your church when (she

or he) serves according to the scope and duties outlined for the Safe Church
Team. If (her or his) nomination is approved, (she or he) should be covered with
the liability coverage offered to other volunteers and staff serving in ministry at
your church.

The following sample of a minute confirming this liability coverage should be

entered into the church's records:

_____________has been nominated and approved as a volunteer on

behalf of this church to serve according to the scope and duties of the
classis Safe Church Team. (He or she) will be provided general liability
insurance coverage according to this churchs policy.

Thank you for nominating ________________ for participation as a member of

the Classis Safe Church Team. Your prayers are coveted for the activities of the
team as it serves classis and its churches.


Person's Name, Chairperson

(Optional) Another team member's name

Letter of Confirmation to the Nominated Team Member



We are glad you agreed to be nominated as a member of the Classis

_____________ Safe Church Team. We look forward to working with you in this
area of ministry.

Your name will be submitted for approval to the classis meeting on

__________________ (date). Your service on the team is a three-year term,
subject to one renewal term with your approval at the conclusion of your first

You are scheduled to receive training on the Safe Church Team on

____________________(date) at ______________________ (place). If you are
unable to attend, please notify me as soon as possible. In some instances,
Team members may not serve unless training has been completed.

Regarding liability insurance coverage, your church has agreed to provide you
that coverage under the churchs general liability policy. You can confirm that
decision by contacting the clerk of council of your church.

We welcome you to the classical Safe Church Team. If you have questions or
concerns, please contact me at your convenience.


Person's Name, Chairperson

(Optional) Another team member's name

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