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11 (Justifying circumstances: self defense; defense of relative;

Mitigating circumstances- if present, defense of stranger; avoidance of injury causes damage; in performing a
reduces the penalty imposed duty or following a right; obedience to orders)
-based on diminution of freedom, intelligence,  unlawful aggression MUST be present
intent or on lesser perversity of offender  INCOMPLETE justifying circumstances are mitigating
ART. 12 (Exempting circumstances: 3-minor with discernment;
Art. 13. Mitigating circumstances. — 4-injury by accident;6-uncontrollabe fear)
The following are mitigating circumstances;  RA 9344 minor = 15 and below
Mitigating if 15, 18 WITH discernment
1. Those mentioned in the preceding chapter, when  12(4) act MUST be lawful and WITHOUT intention,
all the requisites necessary to justify or to exempt
from criminal liability in the respective cases are not otherwise, it’s intentional felony
RA 9344 Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006
Diversion – child-appropriate process of identifying the responsibility
and treatment of a child in conflict with the law
Diversion Program – program that a child in conflict with the law shall
2. That the offender is under eighteen year of age
or over seventy years. In the case of the minor, he undergo after being found responsible for an offense
shall be proceeded against in accordance with the Determination of Age PRESUMP: minority
provisions of Art. 80. * Birth cert in absence: child’s claim
Baptismal cert testimonies
Other docs physical appearance; other relevant evidences
over 70 yrs. old- generic mitigating

IF proven facts show that there is a notable and evident disproportion

between the means employed to execute the criminal act and its
3. That the offender had no intention to commit so FACTORS:
grave a wrong as that committed. 1. weapon used
2. injury inflicted
3. part of the body injured
4. manner of inflicting
**refers only to the intention of offender DURING commission of crime
not during planning stage
**applicable only to offenses result: physical injuries or material harm
**not applicable if offender applied BRUTE force and TREACHERY

PROVOCATION (threat)- any unjust or improper conduct or act of the

offended party; capable of exciting, inciting or irritating anyone
4. That sufficient provocation or threat on the part Requisites:
of the offended party immediately preceded the act. 1. sufficient
2. originate from offended party
3. immediate to the act of provoked
**threat should not be offensive and positively strong; otherwise,
self defense

VINDICATION- grave offense done against offender’s relatives

5. That the act was committed in the immediate
vindication of a grave offense to the one committing 1.grave offense done to spouse, ascendant, descendant, legitimate,
the felony (delito), his spouse, ascendants, or natural or adopted brods and sisses or relatives affinity same degree
relatives by affinity within the same degrees. 2.felony committees in vindication of such offense
**grave offense: social standing of offended, place, time of insult
** allows proximate time interval

PASSION OR OBFUSCATION: non-existing after 24 hrs. even 30 mins.
1.accused acted upon impulse or lawful sentiments
6. That of having acted upon an impulse so powerful 2.impulse is so powerful
as naturally to have produced passion or obfuscation.
Loss of reason and self-control diminish will power
Acts must be:
1.unlawful and sufficient to produce condition of mind
2. proximate to the criminal act,
not admitting of time during which the
perpetrator might recover his normal equanimity
**may arise from honest belief
**obfuscation when relationship is illegitimate is NOT mitigating
**arising from ONE cause =ONE mitigating circumstance only EXCEPT
when other facts are CLOSELY connected

1. offender not actually arrested
2. offender surrendered to person in authority
7. That the offender had voluntarily surrendered 3. surrender was voluntary
himself to a person in authority or his agents, or that he VOLUNTARY PLEA OF GUILT (an act of repentance and respect for law)
had voluntarily confessed his guilt before the court 1. spontaneously confessed his guilt – no external stimulus
prior to the presentation of the evidence for the 2. confession was made in open court
3. confession prior to presentation of the evidence for the prosecution
- spontaneous, showing intent of the accused to submit himself
unconditionally to the authorities, either because:
 acknowledges his guilt; or
 wishes to save them the trouble and expense necessarily incurred in
his search and capture.
**surrender to a person of authority or his agent or through
**If accused pleaded not guilty, even if during arraignment, he is entitled
to mitigating circumstance as long as he withdraws his plea of not guilty
to the charge before the fiscal could present his evidence.
**intention to surrender without actual is not mitigating
**plea of guilty to lesser offense not mitigating

8. That the offender is deaf and dumb, blind or Physical defect must restrict means of action, defense/ communication
otherwise suffering some physical defect which thus with others. Does not distinguish between educated/not educated.
restricts his means of action, defense, or
communications with his fellow beings. Illness
1. must diminish the exercise of his will-power
9. Such illness of the offender as would diminish the 2. should not deprive the offender of consciousness of his acts
exercise of the will-power of the offender without
however depriving him of the consciousness of his acts. **illness of mind not amounting to insanity, feeblemindedness, weak
character and misfortunes, acute neurosis

Examples of similar circumstances

**defendant who is 60 years old with failing eyesight is similar to a case
of one over 70 yrs old
**outraged feeling of owner of animal taken for ransom is analogous to
vindication of grave offense
** impulse of jealous feeling, similar to passion and obfuscation
10. And, finally, any other circumstances of a similar running amuck is not mitigating voluntary restitution of property,
nature and analogous to those above mentioned. similar to voluntary surrender
**extreme poverty, similar to incomplete justification based on state of


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