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Mock Exam 2



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Question 1

Marking guide

Available Maximum
(a) Investment in the WT service 15 15
(b) Sensitivity calculations and comment 7 7
(c) Three real options 6 4
(d) Equity funding gap 10 6
(e) Ethical considerations 4 3

30.9.15 30.9.16 30.9.17 30.9.18 30.9.19 Marks

Purchase of equipment (500,000) 1
Capital allowances (W1) 18,900 15,498 12,708 10,421 47,473 2
WT contribution (W2) 214,240 241,355 284,109 263,369 2
Additional labour cost (W3) (73,158) 1
CB lost contribution (W4) (100,425) (82,750) (85,233) 2
Redundancy costs (W5) 38,245 (41,644) 2
21% tax on net cash flows (23,901) (33,307) (49,795) (31,199) 1
Working capital (W6) (17,510) (6,891) (6,195) (9,922) 40,518 3
(498,610) 98,521 131,811 187,825 205,359
df (10%) 1.000 0.909 0.826 0.751 0.683
Present value (498,610) 89,556 108,876 141,056 140,260
NPV (18,862)
Therefore, the advice should be to reject the investment in the WT equipment as the investment is
likely to reduce shareholder wealth.
Total: 15 marks
Note. Full marks to be awarded if calculations are done in 000.

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(1) Capital allowances ()
Y/e 30 September 2015 Purchase 500,000
WDA (18%) (90,000) @ 21% 18,900
Y/e 30 September 2016 410,000
WDA (18%) (73,800) @ 21% 15,498
Y/e 30 September 2017 336,200
WDA (18%) (60,516) @ 21% 12,708
Y/e 30 September 2018 275,684
WDA (18%) (49,623) @ 21% 10,421
Y/e 30 Sept 2019 Balancing allowance 226,061 @ 21% 47,473

(2) WT Contribution ()
Sales (65%) Inflation Money flow
Y/e 30 September 2016 320,000 208,000 1.03 214,240
Y/e 30 September 2017 350,000 227,500 1.032 241,355
Y/e 30 September 2018 400,000 260,000 1.033 284,109
Y/e 30 September 2019 360,000 234,000 1.034 263,369
(3) Additional labour cost ()
This will be incurred in 2019 only if the project goes ahead as the same labour is used for CB
and WT.
Money flow = 65,000 1.034 = 73,158
(4) CB Lost Contribution ()
Sales (65%) Inflation Money flow
Y/e 30 September 2016 150,000 97,500 1.03 100,425
Y/e 30 September 2017 120,000 78,000 1.032 82,750
Y/e 30 September 2018 120,000 78,000 1.033 85,233
(5) Redundancy Costs ()
Saved in the y/e 30 September 2018: money flow = 35,000 1.033 = 38,245
Incurred in the y/e 30 September 2019: money flow = 37,000 1.034 = 41,644
(6) Working Capital ()
10% of
WT Sales difference Incremental
+3% CB Sales (working working capital
inflation + 3% inflation Difference capital impact) cash flow
30 Sept 2015 (17,510)
30 Sept 2016 329,600 154,500 175,100 17,510 (6,891)
30 Sept 2017 371,315 127,308 244,007 24,401 (6,195)
30 Sept 2018 437,091 131,127 305,964 30,596 (9,922)
30 Sept 2019 405,183 405,183 40,518 40,518

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(b) (i) If we calculate the Internal Rate of Return of this investment this will tell us the discount rate at
which the net present value of the investment will be zero.
Using a discount rate of 5%:
30.9.15 30.9.16 30.9.17 30.9.18 30.9.19
Net Cash Flow (498,610) 98,521 131,811 187,825 205,359
df (5%) 1 0.952 0.907 0.864 0.823
Present value (498,610) 93,792 119,553 162,281 169,010
NPV 46,026
IRR = 5 + (46,026/[46,026 + 18,862] (10 5)) = approx 8.5% 2 marks

So the sensitivity to changes in the discount rate = (10 8.5)/10 100 = 15% 1 mark
This would suggest that the decision does not appear overly sensitive to changes in the
discount rate given that the discount rate estimate would have to fall by a full 15% of the initial
estimate before a nil NPV was evident. 1 mark
30.9.16 30.9.17 30.9.18 Total

CB lost contribution (100,425) (82,750) (85,233)
Taxation 21,089 17,378 17,899
Net cash flow (79,336) (65,372) (67,334)
df (10%) 0.909 0.826 0.751
Present value (72,116) (53,997) (50,568) (176,681) 1 mark
Sensitivity = 18,862/176,681 100 = 10.7% 1 mark
This would suggest that the decision is not very sensitive to changes in the lost contribution
given that the estimated lost contribution would need to be 10.7% lower than the initial
estimate to generate a nil NPV. 1 mark
Total: 7 marks
(c) One problem of net present value analysis is that it only considers cash flows related directly to the
investment. It is possible that an investment with a negative net present value is acceptable for
strategic reasons. This is because management accept that there are options associated with a
particular investment which outweigh the conventionally calculated net present value. So the value
of an investment can be seen to be the traditional net present value plus the value of any options.
2 marks
In this particular scenario there may be:
(1) Follow-on options: launching the WT service may give a later call option to expand services in
this area (eg water plumbing) and make further investments. 1 marks
(2) Abandonment options: the investment in the WT service offers the put option of the early
disposal of the equipment (and to recover a significant proportion of the investment) or the
temporary suspension of the service. 1 marks
(3) Option to delay: there may be the option to delay and wait and see whether market conditions
for the new service improve. 1 marks
Max 4 marks
(d) Typically small firms are unquoted so it is more difficult for equity investors to sell/realise their
investment. Small firms, therefore, usually rely for finance on retentions, rights issues and bank
borrowing. 1 mark
However, such firms may wish to expand and in such circumstances these traditional sources of
finance often prove insufficient. 1 mark
If the firm is not in a position to realistically consider a listing on the Stock Exchange then there may
be an equity funding gap. 1 mark

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This equity funding gap may be met by small firms in a number of ways (all of which must be
supported by appropriate brief discussion to earn the available marks):
(1) Business Angels 1 mark
(2) Venture Capitalists 1 mark
(3) The Enterprise Investment Scheme 1 mark
(4) Venture Capital Trusts 1 mark
(5) The Alternative Investment Market 1 mark
(6) Plus Market 1 mark
(7) Peer-to-peer Internet based funding 1 mark
In the above section, for identification, for discussion
Max 6 marks
(e) Confidentiality
Information about the redundancies is confidential and any leaking of this information would
breach this principle. 1 mark
The fact that a family relative works in the CB service should not override the confidentiality of the
information about the redundancies. In addition the finance director should not be involved in the
decision or process regarding their family member. 1 mark
Professional competence and due care
Acting with professional competence and due care includes acting in accordance with professional
standards. To comply with this principle the information about the redundancies must remain
confidential. 1 mark
Professional behaviour
Behaving professionally includes complying with all relevant laws and regulations and avoiding any
action that discredits the profession. Therefore, breaching any of the principles outlined above
would not comply with this fundamental principle either. 1 mark
Max 3 marks

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Question 2
Marking guide


Available Maximum
(a) Calculate existing WACC 10 10
(b) Weighted average cost of capital 7 7
(c) Updated WACC and key assumptions 14 12
(d) Practical problems 9 6

(a) Cost of debt

Cash flow DF at 5% PV at 5% DF at 10% PV at 10%
t0 (108.00) 1.000 (108.00) 1.000 (108.00)
t1 t4 8.00 3.546 28.37 3.170 25.36
t4 100.00 0.823 82.30 0.683 68.30
2.67 (14.34)

Pre-tax cost of debt = 5 + (2.67/(2.67 + 14.34)) (10 5) = 5.78% 2 marks

Post-tax cost of debt = 5.78% (1 0.21) = 4.57% 1 mark
Cost of equity
DVM approach

g= 3 1 = 6.2%

D 0 (1 + g)
ke = +g 1 mark

ke = [(36.5 1.062) / (4.85 50)] + 0.062 = 22.18% 1 mark

CAPM approach
ke = 5.75 + 1.3(10.6 5.75) = 12.06% 1 mark
Market value of equity = 50m 4.85 = 242.5m 1 mark
Market value of debt = 40m 108/100 = 43.2m 1 mark
WACC using DVM ke
WACC = [(22.18% 242.5) + (4.57% 43.2)]/(242.5 + 43.2) = 19.5% 1 mark
WACC using CAPM ke
WACC = [(12.06% 242.5) + (4.57% 43.2)]/(242.5 + 43.2) = 10.9% 1 mark
Total: 10 marks
(b) The first step is to ungear the beta of the proxy so as to provide a measure of the systematic
business risk of the new industry:
e = a (1 + D[1 T]/E)
1.6 = a (1 + 40[0.79]/60)
a = 1.048 2 marks
Regearing to allow for Gawsworths financial risk (Debt = 40m 1.08 = 43.2; Equity = 50m 4.85 =
e = 1.048 (1 + 43.2[0.79]/242.5) = 1.20 2 marks

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CAPM gives:
ke = 5.75 + 1.20(10.6 5.75)
Cost of equity = 11.57% 1 mark
Cost of debt = (as in part (a)) = 4.57%
The capital structure of the company at market values (as in part (a)):
Market value of equity = 50m 4.85 = 242.5m
Market value of debt = 40m 108/100 = 43.2m
WACC = [(11.57% 242.5) + (4.57% 43.2)]/(242.5 + 43.2) = 10.51%
This figure of 10.51% is the discount factor that the finance director should use in the capital
investment appraisal exercise. 2 marks
Total: 7 marks
(c) The company is changing its area of business. 1 mark
It cannot be assumed that the current systematic business risk associated with the company will be
appropriate to these new circumstances. 1 mark
The company is undergoing a major change in strategic direction so the WACC should be reviewed
as it will be affected by any changes in the levels of risk facing the company. Four key assumptions
underpin the use of WACC as the discount rate when evaluating investment projects: 1 mark
(1) The historical capital structure (proportions of debt and equity) of the company will remain
unchanged this means that if the company raises new long-term finance during the period of
the investment it is assumed not to have an effect on the weights attached to equity capital
and loan capital. If these weights are changed then the WACC will change due to the change
in the companys financial risk that would be created. 3 marks
(2) The investment is small in relation to the overall size of the company the cost of equity and
the cost of loan capital reflect the marginal cost of these sources of finance. This in turn
means that the WACC reflects the overall marginal cost of relatively small amounts of capital.
The proposed investment must, therefore, be relatively small in order to be financed by
relatively small amounts of capital. 3 marks
(3) The investment has the same level of systematic (business) risk as that of the company. The
companys current costs of equity and debt reflect the risks in its current areas of operation. A
change in a companys area of operations is likely to change its costs of equity and debt. The
discount rate used should reflect the systematic risk of the investment rather than the
business. Therefore, where the systematic risk of the company is different from that of the
investment, it would be inappropriate to use the existing WACC of the company as a discount
rate. 3 marks
(4) The finance is not project specific in some circumstances it is unwise to use the average
cost of a pool of funds, eg one-off interest-free loan for a specific purpose, where it would be
inappropriate for its benefits to be pooled and spread across all the companys projects.
2 marks
Max 12 marks
(d) (1) The problem of identifying other companies that have similar operating characteristics.
1 mark
(2) There may be important differences between companies which might impact on their beta
(i) Size 1 mark
(ii) Cost structures 1 mark
(iii) The level of risk associated with their loan capital 1 mark
(iv) Growth opportunities 1 mark
(3) The unrealistic assumption that debt is risk free when calculating a which can lead to
unrealistic assessments of both financial risk and business risk. The pre-tax cost of debt was

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calculated in part (a) as 5.78% versus a risk free rate of 5.75%, so the companys debt is not
entirely risk free. 2 marks
(4) The returns from the refocused business may differ from previous returns and the cost of
equity is lower (lower equity beta), hence the value of the shares may not remain constant as
assumed. 2 marks
Max 6 marks

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Question 3
Marking guide


Available Maximum
(a) Woking plc 4 4
(b) Solomon plc 6 6
(c) The hedge 5 5
(d) Result of index option 6 6
(e) Futures vs options 6 5
(f) Intrinsic value and time value 4 4

(a) Harlech is absolutely better than Woking in both markets. However it is 1.75% better in fixed (8.5%
6.75%) but only 0.5% better in floating ((L + 2.5)% (L + 2)%). Therefore Harlech should focus
on borrowing fixed this will create an additional saving of 1.25% (1.75% 0.5%) which can be
shared through a swap, presumably equally with Woking, so each saving (1.25% / 2 =) 0.625%.
2 marks
Swap Terms
Harlech takes out a fixed rate loan with its bank 6.75%
Woking pays to Harlech (per requirement) (6.75)%
Harlech pays to Woking (balancing figure) L+1.375%
Harlech net payment (L+2% saving of 0.625%) = L+1.375%
1 mark
From Wokings perspective this implies:
Woking takes out a floating rate loan with its bank L+2.5%
Woking pays to Harlech (per requirement) 6.75%
Woking receives from Harlech (balancing figure) (L+1.375%)
Harlech net payment (8.5% saving of 0.625%) = 7.875%
1 mark
Total: 4 marks
(b) (i) Which contract? September mark
Type of contract? A put option (the right to sell a future) mark
Strike price? 93.50 (100 6.5) as a cap is needed at 6.5% mark
How many contracts? 3m/0.5m 12/3 = 24 contracts mark
Premium? At 93.50 (6.5%) Sept put options cost 0.48% mark
So 24 (0.48% 0.5m 3/12) = 14,400 mark

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(ii) If the closing prices are an interest rate of 7% and a futures price of 92.10
Option market outcome is as follows:
Strike price 93.50
Closing price 92.10
Exercise? Yes
Gain on future 1.40% mark

Outcome of option position (1.40% 0.5m 3/12) 24 = 42,000

1 mark
Net overall position ():
Borrow 3m at spot for 12 months (3m 7%) 210,000
Profit on option (42,000)
Option premium 14,400
Cost 182,400 1 mark

This cost represents an effective interest rate of 182,400/3m 100 = 6.08% mark
Total: 6 marks
(c) (i) The value of one contract is 49,000 (4,900 10). mark
The hedge that should be undertaken is to sell futures to protect the portfolio against falls in
share prices. mark

The number of contracts required is 12m/(49,000) = 245 (rounded) mark

(ii) The results of the hedge are as follows:

Market value of portfolio = 11.6m

FTSE100 index and the futures index = 4,800

The loss on the portfolio = 12m 11.6m = 0.4m mark

The gain on the futures = (Sell at 4,900 Buy at 4,800) 10 245 = 245,000 1 mark

The companys net position is 245,000 (gain on futures) 400,000 (loss on portfolio) = loss
of 155,000. 1 mark

(iii) The hedge has not enabled the company to completely avoid a loss it is less than 100%
efficient due to basis risk (the fact that the current FTSE100 index value and the September
futures price have moved by a different amount). 1 mark
Total: 5 marks

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(d) Value of portfolio on 1 August = 12m.
A September put option with an exercise price of 5,000 (the current spot rate) is purchased.
1 mark
How many? 12m/50,000 = 240 contracts (value of one contract: 5,000 1 mark
Premium? 240 September put options at 5,000 = 61 points per contract 1 mark
So 61 10 per point 240 = 146,400 1 mark
Exercise? The FTSE100 Index has risen to 5,100, while the put option gives 1 mark
the right to sell at 5,000 abandon the option as its value is nil
the spot rate is more favourable.
Overall position? Value of portfolio = 12,240,000
Gain on option = Nil
Cost of option = 146,400
Outcome = 12,093,600 1 mark
An increase from 1 August of 93,600
Total: 6 marks
(e) Both index futures and index options come in notional contract sizes and hedging transactions
must be in whole numbers of contracts, meaning hedged amounts may not cover the exposure
exactly. 2 marks
Index futures have cheaper transaction costs (a brokerage fee) than index options, where the
premium is a significant cost. 1 mark
An index future does not afford any upside potential if the market moves favourably, but an index
option does as it can be abandoned and a better spot rate used instead. 1 mark
Can abandon an option for any reason, but a future must be closed out. 1 mark
An index future also requires an initial margin to be deposited, whereas an index option does not.
1 mark
Max 5 marks
(f) (i) Intrinsic value
The intrinsic value of an option is computed by assuming its expiry date is today and
comparing the current spot price (SP) with the exercise price (EP).
The intrinsic value of an in-the-money put option = EP SP (ie it would be exercised)
The intrinsic value of an out-of-the-money put option = nil (ie it would be abandoned)
The intrinsic value of an option can never be negative its minimum value is nil.
2 marks
(ii) Time value
This represents the difference between an options actual value (represented by the premium)
and its intrinsic value. The two may differ because in the period between today and the expiry
date of the option there is a chance that the spot price of the underlying asset may rise or fall.
The time value of an option is, therefore, a function of the time to expiry, the volatility of the
underlying asset and interest rates.
2 marks
Total: 4 marks

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321 Avebury Boulevard
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