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MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Version 3.0
Last Revision: 2/26/13

Invensys Systems, Inc.

2013 Invensys Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical,
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Invensys Systems, Inc. No copyright or patent liability is assumed with respect
to the use of the information contained herein. Although every precaution has
been taken in the preparation of this documentation, the publisher and the
author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability
assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained
The information in this documentation is subject to change without notice and
does not represent a commitment on the part of Invensys Systems, Inc. The
software described in this documentation is furnished under a license or
nondisclosure agreement. This software may be used or copied only in
accordance with the terms of these agreements.

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All terms mentioned in this documentation that are known to be trademarks or
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Wonderware, Wonderware Factelligence, and Wonderware Logger are
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be trademarks of their respective owners.

MBTCP Version 3.0 Features................................................................. 7
Documentation Conventions .................................................................. 8
Technical Support................................................................................... 8

Getting Started ...................................................9

Overview ................................................................................................ 9
Before You Begin ................................................................................. 10
Generic Modbus Controllers .................................................................11
Supported Client Protocols....................................................................11
OPC .................................................................................................. 12
SuiteLink .......................................................................................... 12
DDE/FastDDE .................................................................................. 12
Supported Device Protocols ................................................................. 13

Setting Up Your DAServer ...............................15

Checklist for Setting up the MBTCP DAServer .................................. 15
Finding Your DAServer in the SMC .................................................... 16

Configuring the DAServer ...............................19

Configuring the MBTCP DAServer..................................................... 19
MBTCP Hierarchy in the DAServer Manager ................................. 22
String-Data Handling........................................................................ 56
Message Optimization ...................................................................... 58
Configuring Device Redundancy ......................................................... 58

Device Groups and Device Items....................61

Device Group Definitions................................................................. 61
Device Item Definitions.................................................................... 64
Exporting and Importing DAServer Item Data .................................... 67
Scan-Based Message Handling ........................................................ 70
Unsolicited Message Handling ......................................................... 71

Managing Your DAServer ................................73

Configuring the DAServer as Service.................................................. 73
Configuring the DAServer as Not a Service ........................................ 74
Archiving Configuration Sets............................................................... 74

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide


Activating/Deactivating the DAServer .................................................76

In-Proc/Out-of-Proc ..............................................................................77
Hot Configuration .................................................................................77
Demo Mode...........................................................................................78

Accessing the Data in Your DAServer............79

Accessing Data Using OPC ..................................................................79
Accessing Data Using DDE/SuiteLink .................................................80

MBTCP DAServer Features .............................83

Activate as out-of-proc..........................................................................83
Device Redundancy ..............................................................................83
Runtime Behavior..............................................................................84
Zero- and One-Based Addressing .........................................................84
Support for 64-bit Data Types...............................................................85

Item Name .........................................................87

Data and Register Types .......................................................................87
Modbus Item Naming ...........................................................................89
Register-Number Item Names ...........................................................89
Item Names Using the Modicon PLC Register Addresses................92
Absolute Notation Item Names .........................................................93
Modulo-10000 Point Item Names .....................................................94
Modulo-10000 Items, BCD Register Type, and Concept Data
DAServer Standard System Items.........................................................96
DAServer Global System Item..........................................................97
DAServer Device-Specific System Items .........................................97
DAServer Device-Group-Specific System Items..............................99
DAServer Redundant Device Specific System Items .....................101
Generic OPC Syntax ...........................................................................102

Troubleshooting .............................................103
Monitoring Connectivity Status with the PLC....................................103
Monitoring the Status of DAS Conversations.....................................104
Using DDEStatus and IOStatus in Excel.........................................105
Reading Values from the DAServer into Excel...............................105
Writing Values to the DAServer from Excel ...................................106
Error Messages and Codes..................................................................107
DAServer Error Messages...............................................................107
Server-Specific Error Codes............................................................116

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide


Reference ........................................................ 117

DAServer Architecture........................................................................117
DAServers .......................................................................................117
Component Environments...................................................................119

Supported MBTCP DAServer Hardware

and Firmware ...................................................121

The Modbus Protocol.....................................123

Controller Function Codes ................................................................. 123
Modbus Exception Codes................................................................... 124
TCP Port............................................................................................. 126
Data Types.......................................................................................... 126

Index .............................................127

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide


MBTCP DAServer Users Guide



The Wonderware MBTCP DAServer (referred to as the DAServer throughout

the remainder of this users guide) is a Microsoft Windows application
program that acts as a communications protocol server. It allows other
Windows application programs access to data in the (Modbus and Schneiders)
Modicon-family of controllers (also referred to as devices), including the TSX
Premium, TSX Quantum, and TSX Momentum that are connected to the
DAServer through the computers Ethernet ports using the Modbus TCP/IP

MBTCP Version 3.0 Features

This release of the MBTCP DAServer 3.0 delivers the following
Zero-based Addressing
This feature allows the DAServer to access TSX Premium PLC and
generic Modbus PLC controllers with user-configurable 0-based or
1-based addressing.
Support for 64-bit Data Types
This feature provides access to data in Modbus PLCs that support 64-bit
integer and floating point value data types. Three tag syntax suffixes have
been introduced to facilitate access to 64-bit data.
Supported Operating Systems
Windows XP SP3 (32-bit)
Windows 2003 Server SP2(32-bit -Standard and Enterprise)
Windows 2003 Server R2 (32-bit - Standard and Enterprise)
Windows Vista SP2 (32/64 bit - Ultimate, Business, Enterprise)
Windows 2008 SP2 (32/64 bit - Standard and Enterprise)
Windows 2008 R2 (64 bit - Standard and Enterprise)
Windows 7 SP1 (32/64 bit - Professional and Ultimate)
Windows 7 Embedded (32 bit)

Note 64-bit processor support is provided through the use of Microsoft's

WoW64 emulation component on x86 hardware.

For more in-depth information on the DAServer architecture, see the

Reference section.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

8 Welcome

Documentation Conventions
This documentation uses the following conventions:

Convention Used for

Initial Capitals Paths and file names.

Bold Menus, commands, dialog box names, and

dialog box options.
Monospace Code samples and display text.

Technical Support
Wonderware Technical Support offers a variety of support options to answer
any questions on Wonderware products and their implementation.
Before you contact Technical Support, refer to the relevant section(s) in this
documentation for a possible solution to the problem. If you need to contact
technical support for help, have the following information ready:
The type and version of the operating system you are using.
Details of how to recreate the problem.
The exact wording of the error messages you saw.
Any relevant output listing from the Log Viewer or any other diagnostic
Details of what you did to try to solve the problem(s) and your results.
If known, the Wonderware Technical Support case number assigned to
your problem, if this is an ongoing problem.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide


C H A P T E R 1

Getting Started

This chapter describes the Wonderware MBTCP DAServer (Data Access

Server), and the device and protocol environment in which it works. It includes
application- and bus-level communications protocols, item naming
conventions, and DAServer features.

Before You Begin
Generic Modbus Controllers
Supported Client Protocols
Supported Device Protocols

The DAServer is one component of a software system that connects your
software application with information on the factory floor.
This DAServer documentation covers only the information you need to
configure and run the DAServer component. See the documentation that comes
with the related components for details on their operation. You can find
installation instructions in a help file on the distribution CD.
You use the DAServer Manager to configure, activate, and troubleshoot the
DAServer. The DAServer Manager is located in the System Management
Console (SMC).
This documentation describes some of the features of the DAServer Manager.
See the DAServer Manager Users Guide to find more information on:
Global parameters
Configuration sets
Time zone features
Icon definitions

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

10 Getting Started

Configuring as a service
Importing/exporting device items
Standard diagnostics
You can troubleshoot problems with the DAServer using the ArchestrA Log
Viewer, a snap-in to the SMC. See the Log Viewer help file to find information
Viewing error messages.
Determining which messages are shown.
Bookmarking error messages.
You may also be able to troubleshoot problems using your client application,
such as the Wonderware InTouch HMI software. The client application can use
system device items to determine the status of nodes and the values of some

Before You Begin

Before configuring the DAServer, verify the following items:
A PC is set up with the necessary network cards, and is connected to the
necessary networks.
The Windows administration account is created or identified.
The DAServer and any other Wonderware software such as the DAServer
Manager is installed with the proper licenses. For more information, see
the License Utility documentation on the distribution CD.
The client software is installed.
The device(s) is/are connected (networked) and, if necessary,
Before configuring the DAServer, you should know:
The device network configuration and addresses.
Which data items are needed for the client application.
The device name/topic name/group name.
The desired update intervals.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Generic Modbus Controllers 11

Generic Modbus Controllers

Starting in version 1.1 of the MBTCP DAServer, additional Modbus devices
that are not listed in the supported hardware will be supported. These Modbus
devices, referred to as Generic Modbus devices/controllers in this document
and in the implementation of the DAServer, must be capable of supporting the
Modbus protocol function codes, exception codes, and data types as described
in Appendix B, The Modbus Protocol.
Compared to the Schneider PLCs listed in Appendix A, Supported MBTCP
DAServer Hardware and Firmware, the Generic Modbus devices/controllers
offer the following additional capabilities:
Configurable TCP Port Number.
Support of Modbus devices that cannot handle multiple-coil write in one
Support of Modbus devices that cannot handle multiple-holding-register
write in one message.
Configurable 4-digit, 5-digit, or 6-digit addressing.
The maximum addressable register range will be verified by the Modbus
devices and does not need to be configured into the DAServer.
Access to data in Modbus PLCs that support 64-bit data types such as
integer and floating point value data types. In support of accessing 64-bit
data types, the order of the PLC memory registers written to and read from
are configurable.
Configurable Zero Based Addressing to enable addressing both in Modbus
PLCs that are zero-based, such as the TSX Premium, and in Modbus PLCs
that are one-based. Zero-based addressing means that the first address bit
(character) begins at 0 rather than at 1.

Supported Client Protocols

The MBTCP DAServer (Data Access Server) communicates with clients and
PLCs using the following different communications protocols:

Important! This DAServer is compliant with the OPC Data Access (DA)
2.05 specifications.

For more information about the DAServer architecture, see the Reference

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

12 Getting Started

OPC (OLE for Process Control) is a non-proprietary set of standard interfaces
based upon Microsofts OLE/COM technology. This standard makes possible
interoperability between automation/control applications, field systems/
devices and business/office applications.
Avoiding the traditional requirement of software/application developers to
write custom drivers to exchange data with field devices, OPC defines a
common, high-performance interface that permits this work to be done once,
and then easily reused by HMI, SCADA, control and custom applications.
Over the network, OPC uses DCOM (Distributed COM) for remote

SuiteLink uses a TCP/IP-based protocol and is designed specifically to meet
industrial needs such as data integrity, high throughput, and easier diagnostics.
This TCP/IP standard is supported on Windows NT and Windows NT-
technology-based operating systems (for example, Windows 2003, Windows
2000, Windows XP, and Windows XP Embedded).
SuiteLink is not a replacement for DDE, FastDDE, or NetDDE. The protocol
used between a client and a server depends on your network connections and
configurations. SuiteLink provides the following features:
Value Time Quality (VTQ) places a timestamp and quality indicator on all
data values delivered to VTQ-aware clients.
Extensive diagnostics of the data throughput, server loading, computer
resource consumption, and network transport are made accessible through
the operating systems performance monitor. This feature is critical for the
operation and maintenance of distributed industrial networks.
Consistent high data volumes can be maintained between applications
regardless if the applications are on a single node or distributed over a
large node count.
The network transport protocol is TCP/IP using Microsofts standard
WinSock interface.

DDE/FastDDE communication protocols allow communication between a
client and a server. DDE protocol is developed by Microsoft whereas
FastDDE protocol is proprietary to Wonderware.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Supported Device Protocols 13

Important! On Windows Vista and later operating systems, Local DDE is

supported only when the DAServer is configured as "Not a Service" and
activated from its executable file or launched from InTouch. Local DDE is not
supported when the DAServer is activated from the System Management
Console (SMC).

DDE is a communications protocol to allow applications in the Windows
environment to send/receive data and instructions to/from each other. It
implements a Client/Server relationship between two concurrently running
The server application provides the data and accepts requests from any other
application interested in its data. Requesting applications are called clients.
Some applications such as InTouch and Microsoft Excel can simultaneously be
both a client and a server.

FastDDE provides a means of packing many proprietary Wonderware
Dynamic Data Exchange messages into a single Microsoft DDE message. This
packing improves efficiency and performance by reducing the total number of
DDE transactions required between a client and a server.
Although Wonderware's FastDDE has extended the usefulness of DDE for our
industry, this extension is being pushed to its performance constraints in
distributed environments.

Supported Device Protocols

The Modbus Ethernet (MBTCP) DAServer, part of the Schneider Data Access
Server Family, is designed to provide connectivity to the family of Modicon
controllers through the following supported network communications protocol:
Modbus TCP/IP Ethernet protocol

Note The MBTCP DAServer is capable of supporting dual network (NIC)

cards in a system.

Modbus TCP/IP Ethernet Protocol

The Modbus TCP/IP Ethernet protocol is a part of the MBTCP DAServer,
which must be installed on your computer and configured for the PLC with
which you wish to communicate.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

14 Getting Started

This Modbus TCP/IP Ethernet protocol can be used in a network with up

to 1024 slave devices.

Note For more information on the Modbus protocol and to better understand
how to read and write data to the different Modicon controllers, please refer to
the Modicon "Modbus Protocol Reference Guide" (PI-MBUS-300) from
Schneider Electric.

Direct Connectivity
The Modbus TCP/IP Ethernet protocol is utilized to directly connect to the
following Modicon controllers through the TCP/IP port.
TSX Quantum controllers
TSX Momentum controllers
TSX Premium controllers
Generic Modbus TCP (4-Digit, 5-Digit, and 6-Digit) controllers
Indirect Connectivity
The TCP/IP Ethernet protocol, through the TCP/IP port and down to either
a Modbus Bridge or NR&D Pen-T Bridge is used to communicate with the
following controllers:
Compact 984 controllers (via RS232)
Modicon Micro controllers (via RS232)
TSX Momentum controllers (via RS232 or RS485)
Generic Modbus Serial (4-Digit, 5-Digit, 6-Digit) controllers (via
Serial RS485)
For more information about Modbus Bridge models and other supported
hardware, see "Supported MBTCP DAServer Hardware and Firmware" on
page 121.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide


C H A P T E R 2

Setting Up Your DAServer

This section describes the procedures required to set up the MBTCP DAServer
for use with the supported devices, gateways, and communication-interfaces.
Many high-level functions and user-interface elements of the DAServer
Manager are universal to all DAServers. These universal functions are
described in detail in the DAServer Manager Users Guide.
See the DAServer Manager Users Guide to find more information on:
Global parameters
Configuration sets
Time zone features
Icon definitions
Configuring as a service
Importing/exporting device items
Standard diagnostics

Note Before attempting to configure your DAServer, you should determine

the hierarchical structure of your network/controller environment.

Checklist for Setting up the MBTCP DAServer

If you are setting up a DAServer for the first time, perform the following tasks
in the order listed:
1. Review the items described in Before You Begin on page 10.
2. Locate the DAServer in the System Management Console (SMC). See
Finding Your DAServer in the SMC on page 16.
3. Configure the global parameters. See the DAServer Manager Users
4. Add a Port. See Configuring the MBTCP DAServer on page 19.
5. Add and configure ports and devices. See applicable configuration set-up
in Configuring the MBTCP DAServer on page 19.
6. Add one or more device groups. See Device Group Definitions on
page 61.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

16 Setting Up Your DAServer

7. Add device items. See Device Item Definitions on page 64.

8. Activate the DAServer. See Configuring the MBTCP DAServer on
page 19.
9. Access data from the client, see Accessing Data Using OPC on page 79.
10. Troubleshoot any problems. See Troubleshooting on page 103.

Finding Your DAServer in the SMC

Each DAServer is identified by a unique program name (ProgID) under the
SMC. The ProgID for this MBTCP DAServer is: ArchestrA.DASMBTCP.3.
On the computer where the DAServer is installed, it can be found in the local
node of the default group of the DAServer Manager.
You do not need to install the DAServer Manager on the same computer as the
DAServer. When you access the DAServer remotely, you will not find the
DAServer node under the local node. You must locate and identify the
DAServer on a computer in one of the node groups.

To find the DAServer

1. On the system Start menu, click Programs. Navigate to the Wonderware
folder that contains the System Management Console and then click
System Management Console.
2. In the System Management Console, expand DAServer Manager.
3. Locate the group with the node ArchestrA.DASMBTCP.3

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Finding Your DAServer in the SMC 17

4. Expand the ArchestrA.DASMBTCP.3 node to display the global

5. Select the configuration node to display the global parameters.
To view global parameter configuration and settings in detail, see the
DAServer Manager Users Guide.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

18 Setting Up Your DAServer

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide


C H A P T E R 3

Configuring the DAServer

Network Communication Bridge/Interface Modules are the communication

links between the MBTCP DAServer and its supported Modicon-family of
controllers (also referred to as devices), including the TSX Premium, TSX
Quantum, and TSX Momentum that are connected to the DAServer through
the computers Ethernet ports using the Modbus TCP/IP protocol. You must
create these links within the DAServer Manager hierarchy to bridge/route
control and information data between different networks to target controllers.
This is accomplished by creating Port Objects. These Port Objects simulate the
physical hardware layout and must be built to establish communications to
each of the controllers. Once you have built the MBTCP hierarchy, you can
configure the respective devices for communications. Finally, you can create
the desired Device Groups for each controller.

Note Before you add these Ports in the SMC, you need to identify your
hardware topology to the devices being connected.

Configuring the MBTCP DAServer

Note This DAServer is hosted by the DAServer Manager, a Microsoft
Management Console (MMC) snap-in, which is a part of the ArchestrA
System Management Console (SMC) suite of utilities. Many high-level
functions and user-interface elements of the DAServer Manager are universal
to all DAServers, and only the documentation for the DAServer Manager
contains descriptions of those universal functions/UI elements. Therefore,
reading the documentation for both the MMC and the DAServer Manager is
critical to understanding this users guide. To read the documentation about the
MMC and DAServer Manager, right-click the DAServer Manager icon and
select the Help menu. Both the MMC Help and the DAServer Manager Help
are displayed. An Adobe Acrobat version of the DAServer Manager
documentation (DAServerManager.pdf) is also available in the CD-ROM
directory\User Docs\English.

Note The shortcut menu items described in this document typically represent
only a subset of any actual shortcut menu. Most items in each shortcut menu
are standard Windows commands. For more information about those
commands, please see Help, by right-clicking the System Management
Console icon.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

20 Configuring the DAServer

Note For more information on the Modbus protocol and to better understand
how to read and write data to the different Modicon controllers, please refer to
the Modicon Modbus Protocol Reference Guide (PI-MBUS-300) from
Schneider Electric.

To prepare the MBTCP DAServer

1. Install the Wonderware MBTCP DAServer on Windows by running the
Setup.exe program.

Note DAServer installation instructions are included in a separate Help

file (.chm extension).

2. Accept all the default settings during the installation.

Important! Since there are no default values for security settings, you
must take note of the User Name and password selected during the install.

3. After the DAServer has been installed, start the System Manager Console
by clicking the Start button on the Windows taskbar and pointing to
4. Point to the Wonderware folder that contains the System Management
Console, then click System Management Console.
5. From the System Management Console tree, click on DAServer
6. Click on Default Group, then the Local node.
Under the Local node, the DAServer name is

Note See the DAServer Manager documentation for general information

about working in this snap-in environment.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Configuring the MBTCP DAServer 21

7. Before the DAServer is started, you must first build the device hierarchy
to establish communications to each of the controllers.

Important! For step-by-step procedures on how to build the device

hierarchy, please see the following section, "MBTCP Hierarchy in the
DAServer Manager."

Note Selecting the Configuration object of the hierarchy tree displays

the Global Parameters configuration view for this DAServer. The default
Poke Mode settings for the DAServer is Optimization mode. Configure all
other global parameters as required for this DAServer. For more
information about the Global Parameters configuration view, including
descriptions of the different Poke Modes, see the DAServer Manager
documentation. You can access that documentation by right-clicking the
DAServer Manager icon and selecting the Help menu, and then
navigating through the DAServer Manager book.

Important! Any Global Parameters that appear dimmed are either not
supported or cannot be configured for this DAServer. Simulation Mode is
not supported.

8. When the MBTCP hierarchy build has been completed, you can start
configuring the respective devices for communications.
9. You may create the desired Device Groups for each controller by:
Navigating to the object of interest in the DAServer Manager tree
Clicking on the Device Groups tab.
Right-clicking in the Device Groups dialog box and selecting the
Add command from the shortcut menu.

Important! For step-by-step procedures on configuring Device Groups,

please see the following section, "Device Group Definitions."

10. Finally, you may create the desired Device Items for each controller by:
Navigating to the object of interest in the DAServer Manager tree
Clicking on the Device Items tab.
Right-clicking in the Device Items dialog box and selecting the Add
command from the shortcut menu.

Important! For step-by-step procedures on configuring Device Items, please

see the following section, "Device Item Definitions."

Note When any configuration view is in an open state and you open the same
server the second time, the DAServer locks the second instance of this same-
server access for any update or configuration activities. Access to this second
opening instance will resume after the first one has been closed.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

22 Configuring the DAServer

The DAServer is now ready for use. In order to use the DAServer, you must
activate it.
If you are using an OPC Client, the DAServer can be auto-started.
If you are using DDE/SuiteLink, you must start the DAServer either as a
manual or automatic service.
To activate the DAServer, right-click on ArchestrA.DASMBTCP.3 and
select Activate Server from the shortcut menu.

Note To run the MBTCP DAServer as a service, right-click on the DAServer

name and select Configure As Service from the shortcut menu. You can
configure it as an auto service or manual service. For more information about
configuring your DAServer as a service, see the Activation/Deactivation/
Service Component of the DAServer Manager documentation.

MBTCP Hierarchy in the DAServer Manager

Before attempting to configure your DAServer, you should determine the
hierarchical structure of your network/PLC environment.

Note The default name created from adding a hierarchy object is in the format
of New_ObjectName_###, where ObjectName is the name of the object type
and ### is a numeric value starting from "000" enumerated sequentially per
hierarchy object. The hierarchy object name is up to 32 characters long. The
link name for the OPC items is constructed by assembling the respective object
names of the nodes along the hierarchy tree in the logical order, starting from
this DAServers TCPIP_PORT root down to the leaf. Therefore, the link name
is always unique for the DAServer.

The server-specific configuration portion of the MBTCP DAServer hierarchy
tree under the DAServer Manager starts at the TCPIP_PORT object.
1. Configure the TCPIP_PORT object from the Configuration branch of the
hierarchy after the DAServer has been installed.
2. Rename this object as appropriate.

Important! If you subsequently clear your configuration hierarchy, you must

create this TCPIP_PORT object from the Configuration branch of the
hierarchy. From this point, all of the following instructions apply.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Configuring the MBTCP DAServer 23

To create a TCPIP_PORT object from the Configuration branch

1. Right-click on Configuration.
2. Select Add TCPIP_PORT Object from the shortcut menu.
A new TCPIP_PORT object is created as a node in the hierarchy tree.
It is named New_TCPIP_PORT_000 by default.
3. Rename the newly created object as appropriate.
The New_TCPIP_PORT_000 Parameters configuration view (right
pane) is displayed.

This configuration view has one element:

Port number: Displays the default port (socket) number, which is 502.

Note The MBTCP DAServer uses port 502 as the default port number to
contact the PLC. The port number in this display is dimmed and non
changeable. However, the actual port to be used by the Generic Modbus PLCs
can be configured in the ModbusPLC object. This setting will override the port
setting in the TCPIP_PORT object. Controllers configured under the
ModbusBridge object will always use port number 502.

From the New_PORT_TCPIP_000 branch of the DAServer hierarchy, the

following objects can be created:
ModbusBridge Object
TSXQuantum Object (representing the TSXQuantum controller)
TSXMomentum Object (representing the TSXMomentum controller)

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

24 Configuring the DAServer

TSXPremium Object (representing the TSXPremium controller)

ModbusPLC Object (representing the Modbus Generic 4-Digit, 5-Digit, or
6-Digit controller)

Important! Each hardware configured has a limitation to the number of

connections it can support at one time. Please refer to the respective hardwares
documentation for the maximum number of simultaneous Modbus/TCP server
connections it can support.

Note The TSXQuantum, TSXMomentum, TSXPremium, and ModbusPLC

objects represent the logical endpoint to the hardware hierarchy. If you add a
ModbusBridge object, you must configure an additional leaf on the hierarchy.

ModbusBridge Object
To add ModbusBridge objects to your MBTCP hierarchy
1. Right-click on the TCPIP_PORT branch.
2. Select Add ModbusBridge Object from the shortcut menu.
It is named New_ModbusBridge_000 by default.

Note You can add up to 247 of each type object to the hierarchy. However, the
bridge itself limits the number of PLCs that can be connected to the serial line.

3. Rename as appropriate.
The New_ModbusBridge_000 Parameters configuration view is

This configuration view has three configurable elements.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Configuring the MBTCP DAServer 25

Bridge type: From the drop-down menu, select the type of

communications bridge to use for the connection to the TCP/IP Port.
The default bridge type is the Modbus Bridge.
The alternative bridge is the NR&D Pen-T Bridge.
Network address: Enter the host name or IP address of the bridge.
The number of characters should not exceed 255.
The field cannot be blank. (The number of characters cannot be zero
The default value is
Maximum outstanding messages: Enter the maximum number of queued
messages allowed in the Modbus Bridge.

Note The Bridge Type used governs the value configured.

Modbus Bridge:
The Bridge Type Modbus is the default bridge.
This attribute is editable.
The maximum number is 4 (four).
The minimum number is 1 (one).
The default value is 2 (two).
NR&D Pen-T Bridge:
The value of this attribute is set to 1 (one).
This attribute is not editable.
From the ModbusBridge branch of the DAServer hierarchy, the following
objects can be created:
Compact984 Object
ModiconMicro Object
TSXMomentumRS Object
ModbusPLCRS Object
For further instructions on adding these objects, see "Adding the Compact984,
ModiconMicro, TSXMomentumRS, or ModbusPLCRS Objects to the MBTCP

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

26 Configuring the DAServer

TSXQuantum Object
To add TSXQuantum objects to your MBTCP hierarchy
1. Right-click on the TCPIP_PORT branch.
2. Select Add TSXQuantum Object from the shortcut menu.
A new TSXQuantum object is created as a node in the hierarchy tree.
It is named New_TSXQuantum_000 by default.
3. Rename as appropriate.
The New_TSXQuantum_000 Parameters configuration view is

This configuration view has 11 elements that are configurable:

Network address: Enter the host name or the IP address of the PLC.
The number of characters cannot be more than 255.
The field cannot be blank. (The number of characters cannot be zero
The default value is

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Configuring the MBTCP DAServer 27

Reply timeout (sec): Enter the amount of time the server will wait for an
The minimum value is 1 (one).
The maximum value is 60.
The default value is 3 (three).
Maximum outstanding messages: Enter the maximum number of
outstanding messages in the queue.
The minimum value is 1 (one).
The maximum value is 20.
The default value is 4 (four).
Use Concept data structures (Longs): Select to read data from the PLC
in concept data structure format for Long item types. If checked, the
DAServer will process the data in the same register order as the Concept
programming software.
Checked selected (Default)
Not checked not selected
Use Concept data structures (Reals): Select to read data from the PLC in
concept data structure format for Real item types. If checked, the
DAServer will process the data in the same register order as the Concept
programming software.
Checked selected (Default)
Not checked not selected
Bit order format: The format of the bit order entered into the PLC.
When the Bit order format is selected as B1 B2 B16, it means the
bit order starts from left to right (the Most Significant Bit = Bit 1 and
the Least Significant Bit = Bit 16).
When the Bit order format is selected as B16 B15 B1, it indicates
that the bit order starts from right to left (MSB = Bit 16 and LSB = Bit
The default is bit order starts from left to right.
Register Order: The order of the PLC memory registers written to and
read from, used to support 64-bit data types.
Order 1: R1 R2 R3 R4 (Default)
Order 2: R2 R1 R4 R3
Order 3: R3 R4 R1 R2
Order 4: R4 R3 R2 R1
where R1, R2, R3, and R4 are the relative register addresses in the PLC.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

28 Configuring the DAServer

String variable style: PLC string-data format. Select the option for the
style used by the device to store strings in its registers.
Full length (space padded) (Default)
C style (null terminated)
Pascal style (includes length specifier)
Register type: Select either Binary or BCD for the register type being
Binary (Default)
Maximum address range: There are five sub-elements in this Maximum
addressable registers box. The maximum addressable registers can be
obtained from the Modicon Concept or Modsoft configuration programs.
The PLC will return an error if a register within the configured range is
used to read data but does not exist in the PLC. The MBTCP DAServer
filters out registers outside of this range and logs error messages.
Discrete input Minimum value is 1 (one) (Default)
Enter the maximum number of
addressable discrete inputs (read Maximum value is 65536
coils) in the PLC
Coil Minimum value is 1 (one) (Default)
Enter the maximum number of
addressable write coils in the Maximum value is 65536
Input register Minimum value is 1 (one) (Default)
Enter the maximum number of
addressable input registers in the Maximum value is 65536
Holding register Minimum value is 1 (one) (Default)
Enter the maximum number of
addressable holding registers in Maximum value is 65536
the PLC.
Extended register Minimum value is 1 (one) (Default)
Enter the maximum number of
addressable extended registers in Maximum value is 98303
the PLC.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Configuring the MBTCP DAServer 29

Block I/O size: The Block I/O Sizes box contains seven sub-elements.
The DAServer uses the Block I/O sizes to maximize data throughput. The
MBTCP DAServer uses a 256-byte buffer to read or write data to the PLC.
The maximum value is the maximum number of registers that can be read
or written from/to the PLC in one command.
Discrete input/coil read Minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
discrete inputs or coils to read at Maximum value is 1976 (Default)
one time.
Coil write The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
coils to write at one time. The maximum value is 800 (Default)
Holding register read The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
holding registers to read at one The maximum value is 123 (Default)
Holding register write The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
holding registers to write at one The maximum value is 100 (Default)
Input register read The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
input registers to read at one time. The maximum value is 123 (Default)
Extended register read The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
extended registers to read at one The maximum value is 122 (Default)
Extended register write The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
extended registers to write at one The maximum value is 120 (Default)

TSXMomentum Object
From the TCPIP_PORT branch of the DAServer hierarchy, you can also create
a TSXMomentum object.

To add TSXMomentum objects to your MBTCP hierarchy

1. Right-click on your TCPIP_PORT branch.
2. Select Add TSXMomentum Object.
A new TSXMomentum object is created as a node in the hierarchy
It is named New_TSXMomentum_000 by default.
3. Rename as appropriate.
The New_TSXMomentum_000 Parameters configuration view is

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

30 Configuring the DAServer

This configuration view has 11 elements that are configurable.

Network address: Enter the host name or IP address of the PLC.
The number of characters cannot be more than 255.
The field cannot be blank. (The number of characters cannot be zero
The default value is
Reply timeout (sec): Enter the amount of time the server will wait for an
The minimum value is 1 (one).
The maximum value is 60.
The default value is 3 (three).
Maximum outstanding messages: Enter the maximum number of
outstanding messages that can be in the queue for the PLC.
The minimum value is 1 (one).
The maximum value is 20.
The default value is 4 (four).
Use Concept data structures (Longs): Select to read data from the PLC
in concept data structure format for Long item types. If checked, the
DAServer will process the data in the same register order as the Concept
programming software.
Checked selected (Default)
Not checked not selected

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Configuring the MBTCP DAServer 31

Use Concept data structures (Reals): Select to read data from the PLC in
concept data structure format for Real item types. If checked, the
DAServer will process the data in the same register order as the Concept
programming software.
Checked selected (Default)
Not checked not selected
Bit order format: The format of the bit order entered into the PLC.
When the Bit order format is selected as B1 B2 B16, it means the
bit order starts from left to right (the Most Significant Bit = Bit 1 and
the Least Significant Bit = Bit 16).
When the Bit order format is selected as B16 B15 B1, it indicates
that the bit order starts from right to left (MSB = Bit 16 and LSB = Bit
The default is bit order starts from left to right.
Register Order: The order of the PLC memory registers written to and
read from, used to support 64-bit data types.
Order 1: R1 R2 R3 R4 (Default)
Order 2: R2 R1 R4 R3
Order 3: R3 R4 R1 R2
Order 4: R4 R3 R2 R1
where R1, R2, R3, and R4 are the relative register addresses in the PLC.
String variable style: PLC string-data format. Select the option for the
style used by the device to store strings in its registers.
Full length (space padded) (Default)
C style (null terminated)
Pascal style (includes length specifier)
Register type: Select either Binary or BCD for the register type being
Binary (Default)

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

32 Configuring the DAServer

Maximum address range: There are five sub-elements in this Maximum

addressable registers box. The maximum addressable registers can be
obtained from the Modicon Concept or Modsoft configuration programs.
The PLC will return an error if a register outside of this range is used to
read data. The MBTCP DAServer filters out registers outside of this range
and logs error messages.
Discrete input Minimum value is 1 (one) (Default)
Enter the maximum number of
addressable discrete inputs (read Maximum value is 65536
coils) in the PLC
Coil Minimum value is 1 (one) (Default)
Enter the maximum number of
addressable write coils in the Maximum value is 65536
Input register Minimum value is 1 (one) (Default)
Enter the maximum number of
addressable input registers in the Maximum value is 65536
Holding register Minimum value is 1 (one) (Default)
Enter the maximum number of
addressable holding registers in Maximum value is 65536
the PLC.
Extended register Minimum value is 1 (one) (Default)
Enter the maximum number of
addressable extended registers in Maximum value is 98303
the PLC.

Block I/O size: This Block I/O Sizes box contains seven sub-elements.
The DAServer uses the block I/O sizes to maximize data throughput. The
MBTCP DAServer uses a 256-byte buffer to read or write data to the PLC.
The maximum value is the maximum number of registers that can be read
or written from/to the PLC in one command.
Discrete input/coil read Minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
discrete inputs or coils to read at Maximum value is 1976 (Default)
one time.
Coil write The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
coils to write at one time. The maximum value is 800 (Default)
Holding register read The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
holding registers to read at one The maximum value is 123 (Default)
Holding register write The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
holding registers to write at one The maximum value is 100 (Default)
Input register read The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
input registers to read at one time. The maximum value is 123 (Default)

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Configuring the MBTCP DAServer 33

Extended register read The minimum value is 1 (one)

Enter the maximum number of
extended registers to read at one The maximum value is 122 (Default)
Extended register write The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
extended registers to write at one The maximum value is 120 (Default)

TSXPremium Object
From the TCPIP_PORT branch of the DAServer hierarchy, you can also create
a TSXPremium object.

To add TSXPremium objects to your MBTCP hierarchy

1. Right-click on your TCPIP_PORT branch.
2. Select Add TSXPremium Object.
A new TSXPremium object is created as a node in the hierarchy tree.
It is named New_TSXPremium_000 by default.

Note You can add up to 1024 of this type of object to the hierarchy.

3. Rename as appropriate.
The New_TSXPremium_000 Parameters configuration view is

This configuration view has 12 elements that are configurable.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

34 Configuring the DAServer

Network address: Enter the host name or IP address of the PLC.

The number of characters cannot be more than 255.
The field cannot be blank. (The number of characters cannot be zero
The default value is
Reply timeout (sec): Enter the amount of time the server will wait for an
The minimum value is 1 (one).
The maximum value is 60.
The default value is 3 (three).
Maximum outstanding messages: Enter the maximum number of
outstanding messages in the queue for the PLC.
The minimum value is 1 (one).
The maximum value is 20.
The default value is 4 (four).
Use Concept data structures (Longs): Select to read data from the PLC
in concept data structure format for Long item types. If checked, the
DAServer will process the data in the same register order as the Concept
programming software.
Checked selected (Default)
Not checked not selected
Use Concept data structures (Reals): Select to read data from the PLC in
concept data structure format for Real item types. If checked, the
DAServer will process the data in the same register order as the Concept
programming software.
Checked selected (Default)
Not checked not selected
Use Zero Based Addressing: Select to choose 0-based addressing.
Checked selected, use 0-based addressing
Unchecked not selected, use 1-based addressing (Default)
Bit order format: The format of the bit order entered into the PLC.
When the Bit order format is selected as B1 B2 B16, it means the
bit order starts from left to right (the Most Significant Bit = Bit 1 and
the Least Significant Bit = Bit 16).
When the Bit order format is selected as B16 B15 B1, it indicates
that the bit order starts from right to left (MSB = Bit 16 and LSB = Bit
The default is bit order starts from left to right.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Configuring the MBTCP DAServer 35

Register Order: The order of the PLC memory registers written to and
read from, used to support 64-bit data types.
Order 1: R1 R2 R3 R4 (Default)
Order 2: R2 R1 R4 R3
Order 3: R3 R4 R1 R2
Order 4: R4 R3 R2 R1
where R1, R2, R3, and R4 are the relative register addresses in the PLC.
String variable style: PLC string-data format. Select the option for the
style used by the device to store strings in its registers.
Full length (space padded) (Default)
C style (null terminated)
Pascal style (includes length specifier)
Register type: Select either Binary or BCD for the register type being
Binary (Default)
Maximum address range: There are four sub-elements in this Maximum
addressable registers box. The maximum addressable registers can be
obtained from the Modicon Concept or Modsoft configuration programs.
The PLC will return an error if a register outside of this range is used to
read data. The MBTCP DAServer filters out registers outside of this range
and logs error messages.
Discrete input With 1-based addressing (Default)
Enter the maximum number of Minimum value is 1 (one) (Default)
addressable discrete inputs (read Maximum value is 65536
coils) in the PLC
With Zero Based Addressing
Minimum value is 0
Maximum value is 65535
Coil With 1-based addressing (Default)
Enter the maximum number of Minimum value is 1 (one) (Default)
addressable write coils in the Maximum value is 65536
With Zero Based Addressing
Minimum value is 0
Maximum value is 65535

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

36 Configuring the DAServer

Input register With 1-based addressing (Default)

Enter the maximum number of Minimum value is 1 (one) (Default)
addressable input registers in the Maximum value is 65536
With Zero Based Addressing
Minimum value is 0
Maximum value is 65535
Holding register With 1-based addressing (Default)
Enter the maximum number of Minimum value is 1 (one) (Default)
addressable holding registers in Maximum value is 65536
the PLC.
With Zero Based Addressing
Minimum value is 0
Maximum value is 65535
Block I/O size: The Block I/O Sizes box contains five sub-elements. The
DAServer uses the block I/O sizes to maximize data throughput. The
MBTCP DAServer uses a 256-byte buffer to read or write data to the PLC.
The maximum value is the maximum number of registers that can be read
or written from/to the PLC in one command.
Discrete input/coil read Minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of Maximum value is 1000 (Default)
discrete inputs or coils to read at
one time.
Coil write Minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of Maximum value is 800 (Default)
coils to write at one time.
Holding register read Minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of Maximum value is 123 (Default)
holding registers to read at one
Holding register write Minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of Maximum value is 100 (Default)
holding registers to write at one
Input register read Minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of Maximum value is 123 (Default)
input registers to read at one time.

ModbusPLC Object
The ModbusPLC object is created from the TCPIP_PORT branch of the
DAServer hierarchy. It is intended for PLCs/controllers that use the Modbus
protocol but not in the list of the supported hardware described in Appendix A,
Supported MBTCP DAServer Hardware and Firmware. However, the
PLCs/controllers need to conform to and comply with the Modbus
specifications as listed in Appendix B, The Modbus Protocol.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Configuring the MBTCP DAServer 37

To add ModbusPLC objects to your MBTCP hierarchy

1. Right-click on your TCPIP_PORT branch.
2. Select Add ModbusPLC Object.
A new ModbusPLC object is created as a node in the hierarchy tree.
It is named New_ModbusPLC_000 by default.
3. Rename as appropriate.
The New_ModbusPLC_000 Parameters configuration view is

This configuration view has 17 elements that are configurable.

Network address: Enter the host name or IP address of the PLC.
The number of characters cannot be more than 255.
The field cannot be blank. (The number of characters cannot be zero
Port number: Enter the port (socket) number.
The default port number is 502.

Note The MBTCP DAServer uses port 502 as the default port number to
contact the PLC. The port number is configurable in this object. This will
override the port setting in the parent TCPIP_PORT object for this

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

38 Configuring the DAServer

Reply timeout (sec): Enter the amount of time the server will wait for an
The minimum value is 1 (one).
The maximum value is 60.
The default value is 3 (three).
Maximum outstanding messages: Enter the maximum number of
outstanding messages in the queue for the PLC.
The minimum value is 1 (one).
The maximum value is 20.
The default value is 1 (one).
Use Concept data structures (Longs): Select to read data from the PLC
in concept data structure format for Long item types. If checked, the
DAServer will process the data in the same register order as the Concept
programming software.
Checked selected (Default)
Not checked not selected
Use Concept data structures (Reals): Select to read data from the PLC in
concept data structure format for Real item types. If checked, the
DAServer will process the data in the same register order as the Concept
programming software.
Checked selected (Default)
Not checked not selected
Support multiple coil write: Select for the PLC to write to multiple coils
in one message with the Modbus protocol function code 15 (0x0F). If not
selected, the PLC will write to a single coil in one message with the
Modbus protocol function code 5 (0x05).
Checked selected (Default)
Not checked not selected
Support multiple register write: Select for the PLC to write to multiple
registers in one message with the Modbus protocol function code 16
(0x10). If not selected, the PLC will write to a single register in one
message with the Modbus protocol function code 6 (0x06).
Checked selected (Default)
Not checked not selected

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Configuring the MBTCP DAServer 39

Note Certain things have to be understood when the Support Multiple

Register Write Parameter is not selected in the Generic PLC configuration.
When this parameter is not selected, it implies that the PLC does not
support multiple register writes and the server will only write single
registers to the PLC.
What this implies is that items that contain more than one register cannot
be written either. For example, items such as 4xxxxx L, 4xxxxx I, 4xxxxx
U, 4xxxxx F, 4xxxxx-4xxxxx M, 5 HRL, 5 HRF, 5 PV, 5 HRU, and
4xxxxx-4xxxxx cannot be written. When you try to write to the PLC with
this parameter not selected, the following error message will be logged to
the logger, "Cannot write to multiple register item: 4xxxxx L on Node:
TCPPort.GenPLC. The PLC configurable parameter Support Multiple
Register Write is not checked."

Use Zero Based Addressing: Select to choose 0-based addressing.

Checked selected, use 0-based addressing
Unchecked not selected, use 1-based addressing (Default)
Swap string bytes: Select to swap string bytes on data read and data
Checked - selected (Default)
Not checked - not selected
Close Ethernet connection when no activity: Select this option to close
the socket connection if no item is advised to the device (Hierarchy). This
can happen when the client has removed all items advised to the hierarchy.
Bit order format: The format of the bit order entered into the PLC.
When the Bit order format is selected as B1 B2 B16, it means the
bit order starts from left to right (the Most Significant Bit = Bit 1 and
the Least Significant Bit = Bit 16).
When the Bit order format is selected as B16 B15 B1, it indicates
that the bit order starts from right to left (MSB = Bit 16 and LSB = Bit
The default is bit order starts from left to right.
Register Order: The order of the PLC memory registers written to and
read from, used to support 64-bit data types.
Order 1: R1 R2 R3 R4 (Default)
Order 2: R2 R1 R4 R3
Order 3: R3 R4 R1 R2
Order 4: R4 R3 R2 R1
where R1, R2, R3, and R4 are the relative register addresses in the PLC.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

40 Configuring the DAServer

Register size (digits): Select the correct register size for addressing the
4-digit is used for addressing the Modbus Generic 4-Digit PLCs.
5-digit applies to the Modbus Generic 5-Digit PLCs.
6-digit is used for addressing the Modbus Generic 6-Digit PLCs.

Note The selection for the Register size determines the maximum
address range. They are changeable as in other supported PLCs listed in
Appendix A, Supported MBTCP DAServer Hardware and Firmware.
For 4-digit, the maximum value is 999.
For 5-digit, the maximum value is 9999.
For 6-digit, the maximum value is 65536.

String variable style: PLC string-data format. Select the option for the
style used by the device to store strings in its registers.
Full length ( space padded) (Default)
C style (null terminated)
Pascal style (includes length specifier)
Register type: Select either Binary or BCD for the register type being
Binary (Default)
Block I/O size: This Block I/O Sizes box contains four sub-elements. The
DAServer uses the block I/O sizes to maximize data throughput. The
MBTCP DAServer uses a 256 byte buffer to read or write data to the PLC.
The maximum value is the maximum number of registers that can be read
or written from/to the PLC in one command.
Discrete input/coil read Minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of Maximum value is 1976 (Default)
discrete inputs or coils to read at
one time.
Coil write Minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of Maximum value is 800 (Default)
coils to write at one time.
Holding register read Minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of Maximum value is 123 (Default)
holding registers to read at one
Holding register write Minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of Maximum value is 100 (Default)
holding registers to write at one

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Configuring the MBTCP DAServer 41

Adding the Compact984, ModiconMicro,

TSXMomentumRS, or ModbusPLCRS Objects
to the MBTCP Hierarchy
The Compact984, ModiconMicro, TSXMomentumRS, and ModbusPLCRS
objects can be added from the New_ModbusBridge_000 branch of the
DAServer Manager hierarchy.

Compact984 Object
The Compact984 object can be created only from the ModbusBridge branch.

To add Compact984 objects to your MBTCP hierarchy

1. Right-click on your ModbusBridge branch.
2. Select Add Compact984 Object from the shortcut menu.
A new Compact984 object is created as a node in the hierarchy tree.
It is named New_Compact984_000 by default.

Note You can add up to 247 of this type of object to the hierarchy.

3. Rename as appropriate.
The New_Compact984_000 Parameters configuration view is

This configuration view has 11 configurable elements.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

42 Configuring the DAServer

PLC unit ID: Enter the PLC unit ID.

The Bridge's internal configuration contains a UnitID parameter which
can be set to override the Unit_ID address received in the message from
the server. In other words, when the Unit_ID box is 0 (zero) the bridge
routes the message to its configured Slave device. If the server's Unit_ID
is set to 0 (zero), the message will be delivered to the Slave device whose
address is defined in the UnitID box of the Bridge. If the server's Unit_ID
is set to a non-zero value (range 1255), the message will be delivered to
the Slave device at that numerical address, regardless of the contents of the
UnitID box in the Bridge.
The minimum value is 0 (zero).
The maximum value is 255.
The default value is 1 (one).
Reply timeout (sec): Enter the amount of time the server will wait for an
The minimum value is 1 (one).
The maximum value is 60.
The default value is 3 (three).
Use Concept data structures (Longs): Select to read data from the PLC
in concept data structure format for Long item types. If checked, the
DAServer will process the data in the same register order as the Concept
programming software.
Checked selected (Default)
Not checked not selected
Use Concept data structures (Reals): Select to read data from the PLC in
concept data structure format for Real item types. If checked, the
DAServer will process the data in the same register order as the Concept
programming software.
Checked selected (Default)
Not checked not selected
Swap string bytes: Select to swap string bytes on data read and data
Checked - selected (Default)
Not checked - not selected
Close Ethernet connection when no activity: Select this option to close
the socket connection if no item is advised to the device (Hierarchy). This
can happen when the client has removed all items advised to the hierarchy.
Bit order format: The format of the bit order entered into the PLC.
When the Bit order format is selected as B1 B2 B16, it means the
bit order starts from left to right (the Most Significant Bit = Bit 1 and
the Least Significant Bit = Bit 16).
When the Bit order format is selected as B16 B15 B1, it indicates
that the bit order starts from right to left (MSB = Bit 16 and LSB = Bit

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Configuring the MBTCP DAServer 43

The default is bit order starts from left to right.

Register Order: The order of the PLC memory registers written to and
read from, used to support 64-bit data types.
Order 1: R1 R2 R3 R4 (Default)
Order 2: R2 R1 R4 R3
Order 3: R3 R4 R1 R2
Order 4: R4 R3 R2 R1
where R1, R2, R3, and R4 are the relative register addresses in the PLC.
Register size (digits): Select the correct register size for addressing the
5-digit register size (applies to 984-145 Compact PLCs).
6-digit register size (applies to 984-265 Compact PLCs).
The default value is 5, for the 984-145 Compact PLCs.
String variable style: PLC string-data format. Select the option for the
style used by the device to store strings in its registers.
Full length (space padded) (Default)
C style (null terminated)
Pascal style (includes length specifier)
Register type: Select either Binary or BCD for the register type being
The default register type is Binary.
Maximum address range: There are five sub-elements in this Maximum
addressable registers box. The maximum addressable registers can be
obtained from the Modicon Concept or Modsoft configuration programs.
The PLC will return an error if a register outside of this range is used to
read data. The MBTCP DAServer filters out registers outside of this range
and logs error messages.
Discrete input The minimum value is 1 (one).
Enter the maximum number of
addressable discrete inputs/read The maximum value is 9999 for 984-
coils in the PLC. 145 Compact PLCs and 65536 for
984-265 Compact PLCs.

The default value is 9999.

Coil The minimum value is 1 (one).
Enter the maximum number of
addressable write coils in the The maximum value is 9999 for 984-
PLC. 145 Compact PLCs and 65536 for
984-265 Compact PLCs.

The default value is 9999.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

44 Configuring the DAServer

Input register The minimum value is 1 (one).

Enter the maximum number of
addressable input registers in the The maximum value is 9999 for 984-
PLC. 145 Compact PLCs and 65536 for
984-265 Compact PLCs.

The default value is 9999.

Holding register The minimum value is 1 (one).
Enter the maximum number of
addressable holding registers in The maximum value is 9999 for 984-
the PLC. 145 Compact PLCs and 65536 for
984-265 Compact PLCs.

The default value is 9999.

Extended register The minimum value is 1 (one).
Enter the maximum number of
addressable extended registers in The maximum value is 9999 for 984-
the PLC. 145 Compact PLCs and 65536 for
984-265 Compact PLCs.
Note: This option is not
available if you set Register size The default value is 9999.
to 6.
Block I/O size: This Block I/O Sizes box contains seven sub-elements.
The DAServer uses the block I/O sizes to maximize data throughput. The
MBTCP DAServer uses a 256-byte buffer to read or write data to the PLC.
The maximum value is the maximum number of registers that can be read
or written from/to the PLC in one command.
Discrete input/coil read The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
discrete inputs or coils to read The maximum value is 1976 (Default)
at one time.
Coil write The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
coils to write at one time. The maximum value is 800 (Default)
Holding register read The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
holding registers to read at one The maximum value is 123 (Default)
Holding register write The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
holding registers to write at one The maximum value is 100 (Default)
Input register read The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
input registers to read at one The maximum value is 123 (Default)

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Configuring the MBTCP DAServer 45

Extended register read The minimum value is 1 (one)

Enter the maximum number of
extended registers to read at The maximum value is 122 (Default)
one time.

Note: This option is

unavailable if you set Register
size to 6.
Extended register write The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
extended registers to write at The maximum value is 120 (Default)
one time.

Note: This option is

unavailable if you set Register
size to 6.

ModiconMicro Object
From the ModbusBridge branch of the DAServer hierarchy, the ModiconMicro
object can be created.

To add ModiconMicro objects to your MBTCP hierarchy

1. Right-click on your ModbusBridge branch.
2. Select Add ModiconMicro Object from the shortcut menu.
A new ModiconMicro object is created as a node in the hierarchy tree.
It is named New_ModiconMicro_000 by default.

Note You can add up to 247 of this type of object to the hierarchy.

3. Rename as appropriate.
The New_ModiconMicro_000 Parameters configuration view is

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

46 Configuring the DAServer

This configuration view has 10 elements that are configurable.

PLC unit ID: Enter the PLC unit ID.
The Bridge's internal configuration contains a UnitID parameter which
can be set to override the Unit_ID address received in the message from
the server. In other words, when the Unit_ID box is 0 (zero) the bridge
routes the message to its configured Slave device. If the server's Unit_ID
is set to 0 (zero), the message will be delivered to the Slave device whose
address is defined in the UnitID box of the Bridge. If the server's Unit_ID
is set to a non-zero value (range 1255), the message will be delivered to
the Slave device at that numerical address, regardless of the contents of the
UnitID box in the Bridge.
The minimum value is 0 (zero).
The maximum value is 255.
The default value is 1 (one).
Reply timeout (sec): Enter the amount of time the server will wait for an
The minimum value is 1 (one).
The maximum value is 60.
The default value is 3 (three).
Use Concept data structures (Longs): Select to read data from the PLC
in concept data structure format for Long item types. If checked, the
DAServer will process the data in the same register order as the Concept
programming software.
Checked selected (Default)
Not checked not selected

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Configuring the MBTCP DAServer 47

Use Concept data structures (Reals): Select to read data from the PLC in
concept data structure format for Real item types. If checked, the
DAServer will process the data in the same register order as the Concept
programming software.
Checked selected (Default)
Not checked not selected
Bit order format: The format of the bit order entered into the PLC.
When the Bit order format is selected as B1 B2 B16, it means the
bit order starts from left to right (the Most Significant Bit = Bit 1 and
the Least Significant Bit = Bit 16).
When the Bit order format is selected as B16 B15 B1, it indicates
that the bit order starts from right to left (MSB = Bit 16 and LSB = Bit
The default is bit order starts from left to right.
Register Order: The order of the PLC memory registers written to and
read from, used to support 64-bit data types.
Order 1: R1 R2 R3 R4 (Default)
Order 2: R2 R1 R4 R3
Order 3: R3 R4 R1 R2
Order 4: R4 R3 R2 R1
where R1, R2, R3, and R4 are the relative register addresses in the PLC.
String variable style: PLC string-data format. Select the option for the
style used by the device to store strings in its registers.
Full length (space padded) (Default)
C style (null terminated)
Pascal style (includes length specifier)
Register type: Select either Binary or BCD for the register type being
Binary (Default)

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

48 Configuring the DAServer

Maximum address range: There are four sub-elements in this Maximum

addressable registers box. The maximum addressable registers can be
obtained from the Modicon Concept or Modsoft configuration programs.
The PLC will return an error if a register outside of this range is used to
read data. The MBTCP DAServer filters out registers outside of this range
and logs error messages.
Discrete input The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
addressable discrete inputs/read The maximum value is 9999
coils in the PLC. (Default)
Coil The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
addressable write coils in the The maximum value is 9999
PLC. (Default)
Input register The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
addressable input registers in the The maximum value is 9999
PLC. (Default)
Holding register The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
addressable holding registers in The maximum value is 9999
the PLC. (Default)

Block I/O size: This Block I/O Sizes box contains five sub-elements. The
DAServer uses the Block I/O sizes to maximize data throughput. The
MBTCP DAServer uses a 256-byte buffer to read or write data to the PLC.
The maximum value is the maximum number of registers that can be read
or written from/to the PLC in one command.
Discrete input/coil read The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
discrete inputs or coils to read The maximum value is 1976 (Default)
at one time.
Coil write The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
coils to write at one time. The maximum value is 800 (Default)
Holding register read The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
holding registers to read at one The maximum value is 123 (Default)
Holding register write The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
holding registers to write at one The maximum value is 100 (Default)
Input register read The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
input registers to read at one The maximum value is 123 (Default)

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Configuring the MBTCP DAServer 49

TSXMomentumRS Object
The TSXMomentumRS object is created from the ModbusBridge branch of
the DAServer Manager hierarchy.

To add TSXMomentumRS objects to your MBTCP hierarchy

1. Right-click on your ModbusBridge branch.
2. Select Add TSXMomentumRS Object from the shortcut menu.
A new TSXMomentumRS object is created as a node in the hierarchy
It is named New_TSXMomentumRS_000 by default.

Note You can add up to 247 of this type of object to the hierarchy.

3. Rename as appropriate.
The New_TSXMomentumRS_000 Parameters configuration view
is displayed.

This configuration view has 10 elements that are configurable.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

50 Configuring the DAServer

PLC unit ID: Enter the PLC unit ID.

The Bridge's internal configuration contains a UnitID parameter which
can be set to override the Unit_ID address received in the message from
the server. In other words, when the Unit_ID box is 0 (zero) the bridge
routes the message to its configured Slave device. If the server's Unit_ID
is set to 0 (zero), the message will be delivered to the Slave device whose
address is defined in the UnitID box of the Bridge. If the server's Unit_ID
is set to a non-zero value (range 1255), the message will be delivered to
the Slave device at that numerical address, regardless of the contents of the
UnitID box in the Bridge.
The minimum value is 0 (zero).
The maximum value is 255.
The default value is 1 (one).
Reply timeout (sec): Enter the amount of time the server will wait for an
The minimum value is 1 (one).
The maximum value is 60.
The default value is 3 (three).
Use Concept data structures (Longs): Select to read data from the PLC
in concept data structure format for Long item types. If checked, the
DAServer will process the data in the same register order as the Concept
programming software.
Checked selected (Default)
Not checked not selected
Use Concept data structures (Reals): Select to read data from the PLC in
concept data structure format for Real item types. If checked, the
DAServer will process the data in the same register order as the Concept
programming software.
Checked selected (Default)
Not checked not selected
Bit order format: The format of the bit order entered into the PLC.
When the Bit order format is selected as B1 B2 B16, it means the
bit order starts from left to right (the Most Significant Bit = Bit 1 and
the Least Significant Bit = Bit 16).
When the Bit order format is selected as B16 B15 B1, it indicates
that the bit order starts from right to left (MSB = Bit 16 and LSB = Bit
The default is bit order starts from left to right.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Configuring the MBTCP DAServer 51

Register Order: The order of the PLC memory registers written to and
read from, used to support 64-bit data types.
Order 1: R1 R2 R3 R4 (Default)
Order 2: R2 R1 R4 R3
Order 3: R3 R4 R1 R2
Order 4: R4 R3 R2 R1
where R1, R2, R3, and R4 are the relative register addresses in the PLC.
String variable style: PLC string-data format. Select the option for the
style used by the device to store strings in its registers.
Full length (space padded) (Default)
C style (null terminated)
Pascal style (includes length specifier)
Register type: Select either Binary or BCD for the register type being
Binary (Default)
Maximum address range: There are five sub-elements in this Maximum
addressable registers box. The maximum addressable registers can be
obtained from the Modicon Concept or Modsoft configuration programs.
The PLC will return an error if a register outside of this range is used to
read data. The MBTCP DAServer filters out registers outside of this range
and logs error messages.
Discrete input The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
addressable discrete inputs or The maximum value is 65536
read coils in the PLC. (Default)
Coil The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
addressable write coils in the The maximum value is 65536
PLC. (Default)
Input register The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
addressable input registers in the The maximum value is 65536
PLC. (Default)
Holding register The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
addressable holding registers in The maximum value is 65536
the PLC. (Default)
Extended register The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
addressable extended registers in The maximum value is 98303
the PLC. (Default)

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

52 Configuring the DAServer

Block I/O size: The Block I/O Sizes box contains seven sub-elements.
The DAServer uses Block I/O Sizes to maximize data throughput. The
MBTCP DAServer uses a 256-byte buffer to read or write data to the PLC.
The maximum value is the maximum number of registers that can be read
or written from/to the PLC in one command.
Discrete input/coil read The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
discrete inputs or coils to read The maximum value is 1976 (Default)
at one time.
Coil write The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
coils to write at one time. The maximum value is 800 (Default)
Holding register read The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
holding registers to read at one The maximum value is 123 (Default)
Holding register write The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
holding registers to write at one The maximum value is 100 (Default)
Input register read The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
input registers to read at one The maximum value is 123 (Default)
Extended register read The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
extended registers to read at The maximum value is 122 (Default)
one time.

Note: This option is

unavailable if you set Register
size to 6.
Extended register write The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
extended registers to write at The maximum value is 120 (Default)
one time.

Note: This option is

unavailable if you set Register
size to 6.

ModbusPLCRS Object
The ModbusPLCRS object is added to the DAServer hierarchy from the
ModbusBridge branch.

To add ModbusPLCRS objects to your MBTCP hierarchy

1. Right-click on your ModbusBridge branch.
2. Select Add ModbusPLCRS Object from the shortcut menu.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Configuring the MBTCP DAServer 53

A new ModbusPLCRS object is created as a node in the hierarchy

It is named New_ModbusPLCRS_000 by default.

Note You can add up to 247 of this type of object to the hierarchy.

3. Rename as appropriate.
The New_ModbusPLCRS_000 Parameters configuration view is

This configuration view has 13 configurable elements.

PLC unit ID: Enter the PLC unit ID.
The Bridge's internal configuration contains a UnitID parameter which
can be set to override the Unit_ID address received in the message from
the server. In other words, when the Unit_ID box is 0 (zero) the bridge
routes the message to its configured Slave device. If the server's Unit_ID
is set to 0 (zero), the message will be delivered to the Slave device whose
address is defined in the UnitID box of the Bridge. If the server's Unit_ID
is set to a non-zero value (range 1255), the message will be delivered to
the Slave device at that numerical address, regardless of the contents of the
UnitID box in the Bridge.
The minimum value is 0 (zero).
The maximum value is 255.
The default value is 1 (one).

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

54 Configuring the DAServer

Reply timeout (sec): Enter the amount of time the server will wait for an
The minimum value is 1 (one).
The maximum value is 60.
The default value is 3 (three).
Use Concept data structures (Longs): Select to read data from the PLC
in concept data structure format for Long item types. If checked, the
DAServer will process the data in the same register order as the Concept
programming software.
Checked selected (Default)
Not checked not selected
Use Concept data structures (Reals): Select to read data from the PLC in
concept data structure format for Real item types. If checked, the
DAServer will process the data in the same register order as the Concept
programming software.
Checked selected (Default)
Not checked not selected
Support multiple coil write: Select for the PLC to write to multiple coils
in one message. If not selected, the PLC will write to a single coil in one
Checked selected (Default)
Not checked not selected
Support multiple register write: Select for the PLC to write to multiple
registers in one message. If not selected, the PLC will write to a single
register in one message.
Checked selected (Default)
Not checked not selected

Note Certain things have to be understood when the Support Multiple

Register Write Parameter is not selected in the Generic PLC configuration.
When this parameter is not selected, it implies that the PLC does not
support multiple register writes and the server will only write single
registers to the PLC.
What this implies is that items that contain more than one register cannot
be written either. For example, items such as 4xxxxx L, 4xxxxx I, 4xxxxx
U, 4xxxxx F, 4xxxxx-4xxxxx M, 5 HRL, 5 HRF, 5 PV, 5 HRU, and
4xxxxx-4xxxxx cannot be written. When you try to write to the PLC with
this parameter not selected, the following error message will be logged to
the logger, "Cannot write to multiple register item: 4xxxxx L on Node:
TCPPort.GenPLC. The PLC configurable parameter Support Multiple
Register Write is not checked."

Use Zero Based Addressing: Select to choose 0-based addressing.

Checked selected, use 0-based addressing
Unchecked not selected, use 1-based addressing (Default)

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Configuring the MBTCP DAServer 55

Swap string bytes: Select to swap string bytes on data read and data
Checked - selected (Default)
Not checked - not selected
Bit order format: The format of the bit order entered into the PLC.
When the Bit order format is selected as B1 B2 B16, it means the
bit order starts from left to right (the Most Significant Bit = Bit 1 and
the Least Significant Bit = Bit 16).
When the Bit order format is selected as B16 B15 B1, it indicates
that the bit order starts from right to left (MSB = Bit 16 and LSB = Bit
The default is bit order starts from left to right.
Register Order: The order of the PLC memory registers written to and
read from, used to support 64-bit data types.
Order 1: R1 R2 R3 R4 (Default)
Order 2: R2 R1 R4 R3
Order 3: R3 R4 R1 R2
Order 4: R4 R3 R2 R1
where R1, R2, R3, and R4 are the relative register addresses in the PLC.
Register size (digits): Select the correct register size for addressing the
4-digit is used for addressing the Modbus Generic 4-Digit PLCs.
5-digit applies to the Modbus Generic 5-Digit PLCs.
6-digit is used for addressing the Modbus Generic 6-Digit PLCs.

Note The selection for the Register size determines the maximum
address range. They are changeable as in other supported PLCs listed in
Appendix A, Supported MBTCP DAServer Hardware and Firmware.
For 4-digit, the maximum value is 999.
For 5-digit, the maximum value is 9999.
For 6-digit, the maximum value is 65536.

String variable style: PLC string-data format. Select the option for the
style used by the device to store strings in its registers.
Full length (space padded) (Default)
C style (null terminated)
Pascal style (includes length specifier)
Register type: Select either Binary or BCD for the register type being
Binary (Default)

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

56 Configuring the DAServer

Block I/O size: This Block I/O Sizes box contains four sub-elements. The
DAServer uses Block I/O Sizes to maximize data throughput. The
MBTCP DAServer uses a 256-byte buffer to read or write data to the PLC.
The maximum value is the maximum number of registers that can be read
or written from/to the PLC in one command.
Discrete input/coil read The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
discrete inputs or coils to read at The maximum value is 1976
one time. (Default)
Coil write The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
coils to write at one time. The maximum value is 800 (Default)
Register read The minimum value is 1 (one)
Enter the maximum number of
extended registers to read at one The maximum value is 122 (Default)
Register write The minimum value is 1 (one).
Enter the maximum number of
holding registers to write at one The maximum value is 100 (Default)
The logical endpoint for each branch of the MBTCP hierarchy tree is a
hardware device (PLC).

Note In order to use the DAServer, you must activate it. See the DAServer
Manager documentation for information about how to activate and deactivate
the DAServer.

String-Data Handling
The MBTCP DAServer can process three different configurable string variable
Full Length
C Style
Depending on what string style the PLC is using, you can configure the server
using the user interface in the PLC configuration view in order to use the
appropriate string variable style.

Full Length Style

If strings are read using the Full Length Style, each string always uses all of the
registers allocated. The PLC string is stored in the server string as is.
If a string is written and the string is shorter than the allocation of registers, it is
padded with ASCII space characters (hex 20).
For example:

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Configuring the MBTCP DAServer 57

If the string "Wonderware" is stored in the string item "400001-400010 m,"

registers 400001 through 400005 contain the string "Wonderware" and
registers 400006 through 400010 contain spaces.
If the string "Wonderware" is stored in the string item "400001-400005 m,"
registers 400001 through 400005 contain the string "Wonderware" and no
spaces are stored.
If the string "Wonderwareee" is stored in the string item "400001-400005 m,"
registers 400001 through 400005 contain the string "Wonderware" and no
spaces are stored.
A message is placed in the logger indicating that the string was truncated.

C Style
If a string is read using the C Style, the string always uses all of the registers
allocated. The PLC string is stored in the server string as is, except that the last
character contained in the last register of the string is replaced with a null
character (hex 00).
If a string is written and the string is shorter than the allocation of registers, it is
padded with ASCII null characters (hex 00).
For example:
If the string "Wonderware" is stored in the string item "400001-400010 m,"
registers 400001 through 400005 contain the string "Wonderware" and
registers 400006 through 400010 contain nulls.
If the string "Wonderware" is stored in the string item "400001-400005 m,"
registers 400001 through 400005 contain the truncated string "Wonderwar0"
with a null character replacing the last character "e."
A message is placed in the logger indicating that the string was truncated.

Pascal Style
If strings are read using the Pascal Style, each string uses a length obtained
from the first byte of the string to store data in the server. The PLC string is
stored in the server string as is, up to the length obtained from the first byte of
the string. If the length is greater than the number of registers defined in the
item, then the PLC string is stored in the server string as is, up to the maximum
number of registers.
The first byte written of any string of this style contains the character count.
The string being written starts in the second byte. If a string is written and the
string plus the character count are shorter than the allocation of registers, it is
padded with ASCII null characters (hex 00).
For example:
If the string "Wonderware" is stored in the string item "400001-400010 m,"
registers 400001 through 400006 contain the string "(10)Wonderware0" and
registers 400007 through 400010 contain nulls. The (10) in the string implies
one byte containing the character count.
If the string "Wonderware" is stored in the string item "400001-400005 m,"
registers 400001 through 400005 contain the truncated string "(9)Wonderwar."
A message is placed in the logger indicating that the string was truncated.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

58 Configuring the DAServer

Message Optimization
The MBTCP DAServer uses Multi read and write commands to optimize PLC
read/write messages. The MBTCP DAServer optimizes the reading and
writing of data by grouping points that are in consecutive registers. The Block
I/O sizes parameters control the buffer size. The default is to maximize the
buffer size.

Note The number of bytes for the query and response buffers must not exceed
the Modbus maximum buffer size of 256 bytes.

Configuring Device Redundancy

The DAServer Manager provides the ability to assign redundant device for
fail-over protection in the event of device failure. Two device must be
configured in the same DAServer having identical item syntax.
Primary and secondary devices will be setup in the REDUNDANT_DEVICE
object in the SMC, along with a common item name (ping item) shared by each
device to determine device status.

To setup up a REDUNDANT_DEVICE from the configuration

1. Set-up a primary device and hierarchy in the DAServer Manager in the
2. Create at least one device item that can be shared between the primary and
secondary devices to determine device status.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Configuring Device Redundancy 59

3. Set up an secondary device on the same DAServer. Once again, create an

identical device item within the secondary device so that device status can
be determined.

4. Select and right-click on the configuration node.

5. Select Add REDUNDANT_DEVICE Object. An object called
New_REDUNDANT_DEVICE_000 is created.

6. Rename the newly created object as appropriate. The

New_REDUNDANT_DEVICE_000 configuration view is displayed in
the Configuration branch of the hierarchy.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

60 Configuring the DAServer

7. Enter or use the device browser to select the primary and secondary
devices. Save the hierarchy node configuration by clicking on the save

Note The primary device and secondary device must be a PLC object, and not
the Port or Bridge objects.

Note Unsolicited message configuration is not supported from the device

redundant hierarchy.

Important! A Ping item must be specified and be a valid tag in both the
primary and secondary controllers to determine the connection status for
$SYS$Status. The Ping item can be a static item in the device such as a
firmware version or processor type. If the Ping item is invalid or does not exist
in the controller, the failover operation may not work correctly as the value of
$SYS$Status may continue to stay as FALSE in the standby device.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide


C H A P T E R 4

Device Groups and Device


The Device Groups tab in the DAServer Manager user interface is used to
create new, modify, or delete device group definitions for an object. For
DDE/SuiteLink communications, one or more device group definitions must
exist for each PLC that the DAServer will communicate with.

Important! For DDE/SuiteLink, it is strongly recommended that each device

group (topic) definition contain a unique name for the PLC associated with it.
The OPC, however, has the flexibility to use any names, including duplicate
names, for the device group definitions.

Each device group (topic) definition should contain a unique name for the PLC
associated with it.

Device Group Definitions

The Device Groups dialog box, which is displayed by clicking the Device
Groups tab in the New_<Name>PLC_000 Parameters configuration view, is
used to perform the following activities:
Adding, defining, and deleting device groups.

Note When you add a new device group, enter a unique name.

Configuring the DAServer to receive unsolicited messages.

Configuring default update intervals.
Editing update intervals for the device groups.

Note When you select another part of the DAServer tree hierarchy, you are
prompted to save the modifications to the configuration set.

To create or add device groups

1. Right-click in the Device Groups dialog box.
2. Select the Add command from the shortcut menu.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

62 Device Groups and Device Items

When you add a new device group, enter a unique name (up to 32
characters long).

To make changes on device groups names

Change a device groups name for an object as follows:
In the Name column, double-click on the device groups name to be
modified and make the change.

To delete device groups

Deleting a device group from the list can be performed as follows:
1. Right-click on the device group to be deleted.
2. Select the Delete command from the shortcut menu.

Note When you select another part of the MBTCP DAServer tree hierarchy,
you are prompted to save the modifications to the configuration set.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide


To configure the MBTCP DAServer to receive unsolicited

This option is available only to the PLC nodes that are directly connected to
the TCPIP_Port node. PLC nodes that are connected underneath the
ModbusBridge node do not have this capability.
Some PLCs, for example the TSX Premium PLC, can send Holding Register
and Coil unsolicited data to the MBTCP DASever, while other PLCs, for
example the TSX Quantum PLC, can send the Holding Register unsolicited
data only to the DAServer.

Note If you have globally disabled unsolicited messages using the

DASMBTCP.aarul file, configuring Device Group parameters to support
unsolicited messages will have no effect. For more information about enabling
and disabling unsolicited messages, see Unsolicited Message Handling on
page 71.

1. Click on the PLCs name in the PLC branch of the DAServer hierarchy.
2. Select the Device Group tab of the configuration view pane at right.
3. Add a new device group or select an existing device group.
4. Right-click on the device group name, then select Edit from the shortcut
The Device Group Parameters dialog box is displayed.

5. In the Device Group Parameters dialog box, select the Support

Unsolicited Messages check box.
6. Click the OK button to close the dialog box.

Note Since the status of Support Unsolicited Messages check box cannot be
readily viewed from the Device Groups tab, proper naming of device groups
which support unsolicited messages is strongly recommended.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

64 Device Groups and Device Items

7. Save the configuration change by clicking the Save icon located at the
upper-right corner of the configuration view pane.

Note For more information on unsolicited messages, see Unsolicited Message


To configure default update intervals

1. To configure a default update interval for the object, right-click in the
Device Groups dialog box.
2. Select Config Default Update Interval from the shortcut menu.

To make changes on update intervals

A change on an update interval for an object can be made as follows:
Double-click on the value to be modified in the Update Interval column
and make the change.
Update Interval is the frequency (in milliseconds) that the DAServer
acquires data from the topics associated with that device group.
Different topics can be polled at different rates in a PLC by defining
multiple device-group names for the same PLC and setting a different
Update Interval for each device group.
If you also select the "Support Unsolicited Message" checkbox as
described above, duplicate updates could be received by the items
associated with the device group. To avoid duplicate updates, set the
Update Interval to 0 (zero).

Note When you select another part of the MBTCP DAServer tree hierarchy,
you are prompted to save the modifications to the configuration set.

Each configuration view associated with nodes/objects in the DAServer

hierarchy tree has a common feature, the Save button.
1. When you modify any parameters in the Device Groups dialog box, click
Save to save and implement the new modifications.
If you do not click Save, the configuration is reset to its original
condition (since the last save).
2. After all modifications, you must save when prompted for the new data to
be saved to the configuration set.

Device Item Definitions

The Device Items tab in the New_<Name>PLC_000 Parameters
configuration view is used to define aliases to actual PLC items. The Device
Items dialog box is the place where the following activities are performed:
Creating new device item definitions for PLC items.
Modifying the existing device items.
Deleting device items.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide


Archiving the created list of device items to a .csv file, a file with values
separated by commas.
Importing a .csv file into the Device Items tab.
Each device item definition should contain a unique name for the PLC
associated with it.
The Device Items dialog box has the following two columns:
Name: This column defines the alias names to actual PLC items.
Item Reference: The actual PLC item names, linked to the created aliases,
are defined in this column.
For example:
For Modicon holding register 400001 and 400010, the following entries can be

Name Item Reference

Holding1 400001
Holding10F 400010 F

Note When you create or add a new device item, a unique name needs to be
entered for it.

Once the Device Items feature is utilized to configure item names, it provides
the DAServer with the capability to perform OPC Item browsing. When the
DAServer is running and an OPC client requests item information, the
configured items will show up under the PLC hierarchy node.

To create or add device items

1. Right-click in the Device Items dialog box.
2. Select the Add command from the shortcut menu.
A device item is created in the Name column, and it is numerically
named by default.
For example, Item_0, Item_1, and so on.
3. Change the default name by double-clicking on it and entering the new

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

66 Device Groups and Device Items

Enter a unique name for the new device item.

For example, "Holding1."

To add item references

Item references for each of the device items that have been created can be
added as follows:
1. In the Item Reference column, double-click on the area in the same
horizontal line as the selected device item.
2. Type in the actual PLC item name in the frame that appears.
For example, "400001."
3. Click anywhere in the dialog box or press the ENTER key to have the
change take effect.

Note System items are not valid item reference, but DAServer-specific
system items are ok.

To rename a device item from the list

1. Right-click on the device item to be renamed.
2. Select the Rename command from the shortcut menu and enter the new
device item name.
3. Click anywhere in the dialog box or press the ENTER key to apply the

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Exporting and Importing DAServer Item Data 67

To delete a device item from the list

1. Right-click on the device item to be deleted.
2. Select the Delete command from the shortcut menu.
The device item and its corresponding actual PLC item name will be
deleted from the dialog box.

Note When you select another part of the MBTCP DAServer tree hierarchy,
you are prompted to save the modifications to the configuration set.

To clear all device items

1. Right-click anywhere in the Device Items dialog box.
2. Select the Clear All command from the shortcut menu.
All the device items listed in the dialog box, including their
corresponding actual PLC item names, will be deleted.

Exporting and Importing DAServer Item Data

The Export and Import commands on the shortcut menu enable you to export
and import the DAServer item data to and from a CSV file, after the
configuration of the Device Items has been completed. These commands will
allow you to perform an off-line, large-scale edit on the item data configured
for a controller, and import what has been edited back into the controller
configuration. Import what has been edited back into the PLC configuration.
The Export and Import features on the shortcut menu of the Device Items
dialog box enable you to export and import the DAServer device item data to
and from a CSV file, after the configuration of the Device Items has been
completed. These features provide you with the following capabilities:
Archive lists of device items.
Import an archived list of device items into the Device Items dialog box
when you need to utilize or reconfigure any of the device items on the
archived list.
Perform an off-line, large-scale edit on the item data configured for a
device item list.
Import what has been edited back into the Device Items configuration.

To export device items

1. Right-click anywhere in the Device Items dialog box.
2. Select the Export command from the shortcut menu.
The standard Save As dialog box appears.
The file name has defaulted into "PLC Hierarchyname.csv," within
the current-system-configured default directory.
3. Accept the defaults to save the file.
The file is saved as New_<PLC Name>_000.csv.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

68 Device Groups and Device Items

It is editable in Microsoft Excel.

However, if you prefer to save the list someplace else and rename it, perform
the following steps after step 2.
4. Select the folder into which the list is to be saved.
5. Name the list to be archived.
6. Click the Save button.
The whole list will be saved as a .csv file in Excel.

The file can now be edited off-line. It contains one row for each item
configured with two columns, Name and Item Reference, respectively.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Exporting and Importing DAServer Item Data 69

To import device items

1. To import the list, right-click anywhere in the Device Items dialog box.
2. Select the Import command from the shortcut menu.
3. Select the archived list (.csv file) to be imported from the folder in which
it is saved.
4. Click the Open button.
The whole list will be brought into the Device Items dialog box.

Note When the list to be imported contains duplicate names as found in the
current list but the Item References are different, a dialog box will appear to
prompt you to make a selection.

To import device item data that has been edited off-line

1. Right-click anywhere in the Device Items dialog box.
2. Clear all the item data you wish to replace with the edited .csv file by
selecting the Clear All command.
The data will be cleared after you click on Yes to confirm the deletion.
3. Select the Import command from the shortcut menu.
The standard Open dialog box appears.
It defaults to the .csv file extension within the current-system-
configured default directory.
4. Browse for the specific CSV file you want to import, select it, then click
on the Open button.
The DAServer Manager will import the edited file and deposit it in
the Device Items dialog box.

During the imported file processing:

New item references will be added based on unique names.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

70 Device Groups and Device Items

If there are duplicate names, you will be provided with the option to replace the
existing entry with the new entry, or ignore the new entry.

Scan-Based Message Handling

Wonderware's DAServers are based on the concept of polling a hardware
device for information. This polling is driven by a need which is expressed in
the form of requests from one or more clients. Once a particular piece of
information has been requested by a client, the DAServer formulates its own
request and sends that request to the hardware device. The DAServer then
waits for a response to its request. Once the information has been received, the
DAServer passes that information back to the client, and repeats the process
until all clients have ceased requesting information.
The rate at which the DAServer will poll a particular device for a specific piece
of information is defined in the device group (topic definition) inside the
DAServer, using a parameter called the Update Interval. When setting this
parameter, there is always a trade-off between the update speed of the device
group and the resulting decrease in system responsiveness.
Since you more than likely want very fast response, the temptation is to set the
Update Interval to a value close to 0 (zero) seconds. However, if every point is
polled at this rate, the entire system will suffer due to slow response time.
Therefore, you should compromise, and set the Update Interval to a more
reasonable value. You could also create multiple device groups for each
device, setting the Update Interval to different values, then assigning different
items to different device groups depending on how quickly the values change
and how quickly you want to see an update of those changes.
Some items, like alarms, change very infrequently but because of their
importance require very fast updates. For those kinds of items, you should set
the Update Interval at a very small value. If you desire an immediate response,
set the Update Interval at 1 (one).

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Exporting and Importing DAServer Item Data 71

Unsolicited Message Handling

A PLC typically knows when a critical event has occurred before the
DAServer has had a chance to poll for that data. To mitigate the potential
information lag, the PLC should have the capability to inform the DAServer
immediately, without having to wait for the DAServer to poll it.
This is the role of an unsolicited message. Once a PLC has determined that a
critical condition (such as an alarm event) exists, it can generate a message that
is immediately sent to the DAServer without a prior request from the
DAServer. Compared to polling the PLC for an irregular event at fixed
intervals, sending unsolicited messages from the PLC to the DAServer when
the event occurs not only reduces network traffic, but may also get the data to
the server more promptly.

Unsolicited Message Behavior

The unsolicited messaging feature is available only to controllers that are
directly connected to the TCPIP_PORT. Controllers under the ModbusBridge
Object hierarchy cannot use this feature.
In accordance with the protocol, the receiver of unsolicited messages must
acknowledge the receipt of unsolicited messages.

Unsolicited Message Configuration

In order to support unsolicited messages from the devices, the MBTCP
DAServer by default listens on Ethernet port 502.
To facilitate testing with software simulators residing on the same machine,
listening on this Ethernet port can be disabled by setting the
EnableListeningPort property in the TCPIP_PORT hierarchy of the MBTCP
DAServer rule file (DASMBTCP.aarul).
With unsolicited messaging enabled (the default), you can use the Device
Groups dialog to configure unsolicited messaging as a Device Group
parameter for the PLC nodes directly connected to the TCPIP_Port node.
For the step-by-step procedure to configure the Device Group to receive
unsolicited messages, see Device Group Definitions on page 61.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

72 Device Groups and Device Items

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide


C H A P T E R 5

Managing Your DAServer

After you configure the DAServer, there are two steps to take before you can
access data with your client application.
The first step is to determine what kind of client applications are to be used
with this DAServer. If any of your client applications use DDE/SuiteLink, you
must configure the DAServer as a service. If only OPC client applications will
be used, you can configure the DAServer as a service or as not a service.
The last step is to activate the DAServer. Some client applications can
programatically activate the DAServer. If you configure the DAServer as an
automatic service, the DAServer is started and activated when the computer on
which the DAServer is installed starts up. If you configure the DAServer as a
manual service, the DAServer is not started when the computer starts up.
Instead, it is started upon the first connection from an OPC client or when
activated from the DAServer Manager.
After a DAServer is running as an auto or manual service, it stays running until
explicitly stopped in the DAServer Manager or the computer shuts down.

Configuring the DAServer as Service

To support DDE/SuiteLink clients, the DAServer must be configured as a

To configure the DAServer as a service

1. In the DAServer Manager, navigate to the DAServer.
Expand DAServer Manager, expand the node group, and then
expand Local or the remote computer name.
2. Right-click ArchestrA.DASMBTCP.3 and then click Configure As
3. Click either Auto Service or Manual Service.
4. Read the warning message and click Yes.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

74 Managing Your DAServer

Configuring the DAServer as Not a Service

The DAServer can only be set to run as not a service when the DAServer is in
the deactivated state.

To configure the DAServer as not a service

1. In the DAServer Manager, navigate to the DAServer.
Expand DAServer Manager, expand the node group, and then
expand Local or the remote computer name.
2. Right-click ArchestrA.DASMBTCP.3 and then click Configure As
3. Click Not a Service.
4. Read the warning message and click Yes.

Archiving Configuration Sets

A configuration set includes the DAServers global parameters; each channel
and its parameters; and each device and its parameters, device groups, and
device items. It lets you manage the settings of different DAServer
The DAServer contains a default configuration set named DASMBTCP. You
cannot delete the default configuration set.

Caution! Care should also be taken not to accidently delete the configuration
set file outside of the DAServer Manager using Windows Explorer.

You can create multiple configuration sets and switch between them.
Archiving, clearing, and switching configuration sets can only be done when
the DAServer is deactivated.
Before you create a configuration set, verify that you have saved any changes
you made to the global parameters. If you change a parameter and then
immediately create a configuration set, the original parameter value is saved as
part of the configuration set, not the changed value.
To save a global parameter, click the Save icon.

To archive a configuration set

1. In the DAServer Manager, navigate to the configuration node.
A. Expand DAServer Manager, expand the node group, and then expand
Local or the remote computer name.
B. Expand the DAServer.
2. Click Configuration.
3. Right-click and click Archive Configuration Set.
4. In the dialog box, type the configuration set name, and click Archive. All
the current configuration values are saved to the set.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Archiving Configuration Sets 75

After you archive at least one configuration set, you can select it for use.

To select a configuration set

1. In the DAServer Manager, navigate to the configuration node.
A. Expand DAServer Manager, expand the node group, and then expand
Local or the remote computer name.
B. Expand the DAServer.
2. Click Configuration.
3. Right-click, point to Use Another Configuration Set, then click the
desired name.
To change the parameter values saved in a configuration set, make sure the
desired configuration set is shown, then follow this procedure.

To change the parameter values in a configuration set

1. In the DAServer Manager, navigate to the configuration node.
A. Expand DAServer Manager, expand the node group, and then expand
Local or the remote computer name.
B. Expand the DAServer.
2. Click Configuration.
3. Change the parameters that you want to change.
4. Click the Save icon.
Clearing a configuration set returns the parameters to their default values.

To clear a configuration set

1. In the DAServer Manager, navigate to the configuration node.
A. Expand DAServer Manager, expand the node group, and then expand
Local or the remote computer name.
B. Expand the DAServer.
2. Click Configuration.
3. Right-click, move the mouse over Clear Configuration Set, then left
4. Read the warning message, then click Yes. The parameters are set to the
default values.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

76 Managing Your DAServer

To delete a configuration set

1. In the DAServer Manager, navigate to the configuration node.
A. Expand DAServer Manager, expand the node group, and then expand
Local or the remote computer name.
B. Expand the DAServer.
2. Click Configuration.
3. Right-click Configuration, point to Delete Configuration Set and
select the configuration set to delete.
4. Read the warning message, then click Yes.

Activating/Deactivating the DAServer

When you activate the DAServer, it starts communicating and accepting
requests from client applications. If a DAServer is configured as an automatic
service, the DAServer is started and activated when the computer starts up.
Also, a DAServer can be activated by the an OPC client connection request,
but only out-of-proc..

To activate the DAServer

1. In the DAServer Manager, navigate to the DAServer.
Expand DAServer Manager, expand the node group, and then
expand Local or the remote computer name.
2. Right-click ArchestrA.DASMBTCP.3 and then click Activate Server.
Deactivating your DAServer stops it from communicating with client
A DAServer with active OPC clients does not stop until the last OPC client
shuts down.

To deactivate the DAServer

1. In the DAServer Manager, navigate to the DAServer.
Expand DAServer Manager, expand the node group, and then
expand Local or the remote computer name.
2. Right-click ArchestrA.DASMBTCP.3 and then click Deactivate
3. Read the warning message and click Yes.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

In-Proc/Out-of-Proc 77

The DAServer can run only as a stand-alone process (out-of-proc). If the
CLXCTX_ALL option is chosen, out-of-proc activation for the DAServer is
triggered. Explicitly starting as part of the client process (in-proc) is not
currently supported. Activation using the CLSCTX_ACTIVATE
_64_BIT_SERVER flag is also not supported.
When the DAServer is running out-of-proc, it supports requests from both
SuiteLink and OPC client applications.
If the DAServer is running as a service, the icon on the DAServer node in the
SMC is yellow. If the DAServer is not running as a service, the icon is white.
For more information, see the DAServer Manager Users Guide.

Hot Configuration
If a parameter value change takes effect right away while the DAServer is
running, the parameter is a hot-configurable parameter. Certain parameters in
the MBTCP DAServer are hot-configurable. Incorporated in the DAServer are
the following hot-configuration functionalities:
Modifying Global Configuration parameters.
Adding, deleting, or modifying device nodes (without affecting any other
device nodes, excluding the children of the modified device nodes).
Adding, deleting, or modifying device groups in the Name and Update
Interval columns in the Device Groups tab.
Adding, deleting, or modifying Name and Item Reference in the Device
Items tab.
Limited support is provided for the hot configuration for the server-specific
configuration parameters in this release. You can modify server-specific
parameters while the server is active. However, to have those changes take
effect, you have to restart the DAServer.
The following parameters are hot configurable. They can be modified online
and changes will take affect without restarting the DAServer.
Reply timeout
String variable style
Register type

Note If changes are made to server-specific parameters while the server is

active, the DAServer will issue a warning message to the logger.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

78 Managing Your DAServer

Demo Mode
You can install a fully functioning version of this DAServer for demonstration
purposes without a license. Demo Mode allows you to test the functionality of
the DAServer for 120 minutes. After that time, you must install a license to
continue using the DAServer.
When you first start this DAServer, it checks for a license. If the DAServer
cannot find a valid license installed on the local computer, it logs a warning
message indicating a valid license cannot be retrieved, and enters Demo mode.
Thereafter, the DAServer repeats its request for the license every 30 seconds. If
no license is found, the DAServer again logs a warning message on the issue.
This process is repeated for 120 minutes, after which the server stops updating
read/write on all device items (read from cache is allowed, but all non-system
data would receive Bad quality status) and reject the addition of any new items.
The DAServer continues to request for a license. Clients continue to function
normally (for instance, you can still add or remove an item, but its quality is set
to Bad until a license is obtained).

Note Use the $SYS$Licensed system item, a read-only Boolean item, to

check the status of your license: True for Licensed or in Demo Mode and False
for Not Licensed.

If you subsequently add a license to the License Manager, the DAServer logs a
message acknowledging the license, switches out of Demo mode, and runs

Note Once a DAServer obtains a valid license, it no longer checks for a

license. However, if your license expires, your DAServer will no longer
function when you restart the DAServer.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide


C H A P T E R 6

Accessing the Data in Your


Client applications read and write to data items that are internal to the
DAServer, as well as to the items located in the devices. Client application
communication with the DAServer is done using either the OPC or
DDE/SuiteLink protocols. The client application may or may not be on the
same computer as the DAServer.
You do not need to create device items in the DAServer for your OPC client

Accessing Data Using OPC

In the case of OPC communications, the protocol addresses an element of data
in a conversation with six characteristics: node name, program name, group
name, device group, link name, and item name.
The node name (required for remote access) and device group are
A fully qualified OPC Item name (ItemID) is composed of the link name
and item name.
All other characteristics are specified through separate DAServer means.
To access an OPC item, the OPC client needs to connect to the DAServer
(either in-process or out-of-process) and create an OPC group defining the
data-acquisition properties for the collection of items to be added. OPC groups
can be either public or private. Public OPC groups are shared across multiple
clients, whereas private OPC groups are local to a single client. Optionally, a
device group, which indicates the access path to the items for read/write, can
be specified from the DAServer.
The following briefly describes each characteristic of the OPC protocol:
node name: Computer (host) name identifying a specific node on the
network (for Remote Access ONLY).
program name: The registered OPC server name uniquely identifying a
specific server (ProgID). For this DAServer, the program name is

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

80 Accessing the Data in Your DAServer

group name: The OPC group created from the client for organizing a
collection of items logically with the same data acquisition properties
between the client and the server, such as update rate.
device group: Meaningful names configured in the DAServer under a
specific controller for the common custom attributes between the
DAServer and the device, such as update interval. If not specified from the
client, the default device group using the global configuration attribute
values from the DAServer is assumed. Functionally, a device group is
equivalent to an access path (optional).
link name: The set of hierarchy node names, representing the specific
devices on a communications path link from the hierarchy root to a
specific controller as configured for this DAServer under the DAServer
Manager, separated by delimiters.
item name: A specific data element, the leaf of the hierarchy tree of this
DAServer, within the specified group. For example, when using this
DAServer, an item can be a relay, timer, counter, register, and so on, in the

Accessing Data Using DDE/SuiteLink

In the case of DDE/SuiteLink communications, the protocol addresses an
element of data in a conversation that uses a four-part naming convention that
includes the node name, application name, topic name, and item name. The
fully qualified DDE/SuiteLink naming convention includes all four parts,
although the node name part (required for remote access only) is optional. The
following briefly describes each portion of this naming convention:
node name: Computer (host) name identifying a specific node on the
network (for Remote Access ONLY).
application name: The name of the Windows program (this DAServer)
that will be accessing the data element. In the case of data coming from or
going to the Modicon devices via the DDE/SuiteLink PlugIn of this
DAServer, the application name portion of the address is DASMBTCP.
topic name: Meaningful names are configured in the DAServer to identify
specific devices. These names are then used as the topic names in all
conversations with that device. For example, the ModiconPLC topic
name maps to a device group defined in the DAServer.

Note You can define multiple device-group (topic) names for the same
device (PLC) to poll different points at different rates.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide


item name: A specific data element within the specified topic. For
example, when using this DAServer, an item can be a relay, timer, counter,
register, and so on, in the PLC.

Note The term "point" is used interchangeably with the term "item" in
this user's guide.

For more information on item/point names, see the Item Names section of this
user's guide.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

82 Accessing the Data in Your DAServer

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide


C H A P T E R 7

MBTCP DAServer Features

The MBTCP DAServer provides following features:

Activate as out-of-proc
Device Redundancy
Zero- and One-Based Addressing
Support for 64-bit Data Types

Activate as out-of-proc
The DAServer activates only out-of-proc thereby connecting multiple clients
to a DAServer.

Device Redundancy
The DAServer Manager provides the ability to assign redundant device for
fail-over protection in the event of device failure. Two identical devices are
expected to be configured in the DAServer Manager having identical item
syntax, connected to the same DAServer.

Note Items can not be added for updates through the Redundant Device
Object if the items do not exist in both controllers.

If the Primary device fails, the DAServer will automatically switch over to the
Secondary device. The Secondary device then becomes the active device with
the failed Primary device reverting to the backup role. If the failed device
recovers to good status, it will remain in the standby mode.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

84 MBTCP DAServer Features

Runtime Behavior
The DAServer will start with the active device. The DAS Engine will switch to
the standby device when the active device fails to communicate. The value of
the $SYS$Status will determine the communication failure.

Note The value of the $SYS$Status of the standby device must be TRUE in
order to switch over to the standby device. Otherwise, there will not be any

When $SYS$Status shows a FALSE value at both active and standby devices,
the DAS Engine will consider a complete communication failure and mark all
the items subscribed to the redundancy device hierarchy with the current time
and the appropriate OPC quality. The DAS Engine will activate the slow-poll
mechanism to retry the communication to both devices until either one of the
Ping Items returns to a good quality and update its $SYS$Status item to TRUE.
When the DAS Engine switches to the standby device, the standby device
becomes active and the originally active device becomes the standby.
When the active device becomes the standby device the Ping Item will not be
deleted from that the standby device. This will ensure the standby will be able
to recover the communication again.

Note The Ping Item must be a valid item from the controller that has not been
rejected by the server for the failover to function properly.

The DAServer will log any failover activities. All other functionality such as
diagnostics, enable/disable, and reset will be performed exactly same as it is
performed for any other hierarchy node.

Note Unsolicited message configuration is not supported in the Redundant

Device Object itself. You can still receive unsolicited messages directly from
device groups defined in the regular server hierarchy.

This feature allows the DAServer to provide fail over support by providing one
node which switches between two other nodes. The Redundant device is
configured with a redundancy node which directs itself to one of the two nodes
and switches to the other based on lack of communications to a common user-
configured controller item. In this manner the Redundant Device Object can be
used to direct client requests to the redundant node, which switches between
device or communication pathway failure without intervention.

Zero- and One-Based Addressing

PLCs in which the address of the register is equivalent to the subscribed tag
address are known as zero-based PLCs (also written as "0-based"). In zero-
based PLCs, the tag 400000 corresponds to the holding register address 00000
in the PLC. In one-based PLCs, the tag 400001 corresponds to the holding
register address 00000 in the PLC. The TSX Premium model PLC is zero-

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide


To support zero-based PLCs, the MBTCP DAServer has implemented a

configurable zero-based and one-based addressing scheme. The TSX
Premium, Generic ModbusPLC, and the ModbusPLCRS PLC hierarchies have
the zero-based addressing option.
The default addressing scheme in the MBTCP DAServer is one-based.
Comparison examples of zero- and one-based addressing:

Item Name Register Address

0-Based Addressing 400000 00000
400001 00001
1-Based Addressing 400000 Invalid item
400001 00000
400002 00001

Support for 64-bit Data Types

The MBTCP DAServer supports the following 64-bit data types:

Data Type Variant Type

64-bit floating point (double) VT_R8
64-bit signed integer (long long) VT_I8
64-bit unsigned integer (unsigned VT_UI8
long long)

Clients advising data values from the MBTCP DAServer can subscribe to tags
in these 64-bit data-types using specific item syntax. The MBTCP DAServer
reads four consecutive registers in the PLC to get a 64-bit value. These
registers are read in four register orders:
Order 1: R1 R2 R3 R4 (Default)
Order 2: R2 R1 R4 R3
Order 3: R3 R4 R1 R2
Order 4: R4 R3 R2 R1
where R1, R2, R3, R4 are the registers. You can select the order in which the
registers are to be read.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

86 MBTCP DAServer Features

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide


C H A P T E R 8

Item Name

The Wonderware MBTCP DAServer supports a variety of data types for the
Modicon controllers. It also supports item names that follow the conventions
described for the following Modicon PLCs:
TSX Quantum (6-Digit)
TSX Momentum (6-Digit)
TSX Premium (6-Digit)
Generic Modbus (4-Digit, 5-Digit, 6-Digit)
Compact 984 (RS232, 5-digit and 6-Digit)
Modicon Micro (RS232, 5-digit)
TSX Momentum (RS232/RS485, 6-Digit)
Generic Modbus (RS232/RS485, 4-Digit, 5-Digit, and 6-Digit)

Data and Register Types
Modbus Item Naming
DAServer Standard System Items
Generic OPC Syntax

Data and Register Types

When a client sends a read/write request to the MBTCP DAServer, the
DAServer needs to know its data type and size. In order to determine this
information, the MBTCP DAServer parses the item name to get the register
number, data type, and size. The DAServer builds messages with items sorted
by PLC, register type, register number, and topic name, allowing the DAServer
to optimize the number of registers that can be read in one scan command.
The following table contains the types of data for the Modicon controllers,
TSX Quantum, TSX Momentum, TSX Premium, Generic Modbus (4-Digit, 5-
Digit, and 6-Digit), Compact 984, and Modicon Micro, supported by the

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

88 Item Name

TSX Quantum/TSX Momentum/TSX

Premium/Generic Modbus/Compact
984/Modicon Micro Data Type Range
Discrete (bit/Boolean) 0 (zero), 1 (one)
Signed Short Integer (signed 16-bit integer) 0 (zero) to 65535
Unsigned Short Integer (unsigned 16-bit -32768 to 32767
Signed Long Integer (signed 32-bit integer) -2147483648 to 2147483647
Unsigned Long Integer (unsigned 32-bit 0 (zero) to 4294967295
REAL (32-bit float) 32-bit IEEE
LONG REAL (64 bit float) 64-bit IEEE
Unsigned Long Long Integer (unsigned 64- 0 to
bit integer) 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
Signed Long Long Integer (signed 64-bit -9,223,372,036,854,775,808
integer) to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
String (ASCII) 246 characters (Read)
200 characters (Write)

Note The unsigned integer data type "U" has a valid range of 0 (zero) to
2147483647 when accessed through DDE/SL client; for OPC clients the valid
range is from 0 to 4294967295.

Note System-defined types will not be supported as block reads. A read on

any of these data types will return only the first element.

The following table lists the PLC register types, the data types contained in the
registers, and what each is processed as.

Data Type Contained in

PLC Register Type the Register Processed As
Discrete Output (Coil) Discrete Real Time Data
Discrete Input Discrete Real Time Data
Holding Register Discrete, Integer, Float, and Real Time Data
Input Register Discrete, Integer, Float, and Real Time Data
Extended Register Discrete, Integer, Float, and Real Time Data

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Modbus Item Naming 89

Modbus Item Naming

The Modbus-family controllers store data in the Registers. The MBTCP
DAServer supports item names that are consistent with the point naming
conventions used by the Modicon PLCs.
The following item naming conventions are described in this section:
Register-Number Item Names
Item Names Using the Modicon PLC Register Addresses
Item Names Using the Absolute Naming Convention
Item Names Using the Modulo-10000 Naming Convention
Modulo-10000 Items, BCD Register Type, and Concept Data Structures

Note The tag-name length with SuiteLink is limited to 32 characters.

Register-Number Item Names

The register number, which is consistent with the point naming convention
used by Modicon PLCs, is used as the item name. The Modbus-family PLC
address ranges, supported by the DAServer, for the TSX Quantum, TSX
Momentum, TSX Premium, Generic Modbus (4-Digit, 5-Digit, and 6-Digit),
Compact 984, and Modicon Micro PLCs are shown in the following tables.
The MBTCP DAServer will adhere to this address range for native mode.

Register TSX Modicon Compact Compact Tag
Type Momentum Micro 984-265 984-145 Type Access
Output 1-65536 1-9999 1-65536 1-9999 Discrete Read
Coils Write
Contacts 100001-165536 10001-19999 100001-165536 10001-19999 Discrete Read-
Input 300001-365536 30001-39999 300001-365536 30001-39999 Analog Read-
Holding 400001-465536 40001-49999 400001-465536 40001-49999 Analog Read
Extended 6x0001-6x9998 6x000-6x999 Analog Read

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

90 Item Name

Type TSX Premium Tag Type Access
Output 1-65536 Discrete Read/Write. Mapped to %M PLC object; that is,
Coils With 1-based Output Coils and Contacts Registers are the same.

With 0-based
Contacts 100001-165536 Discrete Read-Only. Mapped to %I PLC object; that is,
With 1-based Output Coils and Contacts Registers are the same.

With 0-based
Input 300001-365536 Analog Read-Only. Mapped to %IW PLC object; that is,
With 1-based Input Registers and Holding Registers are the
addressing same.

With 0-based
Holding 400001-465536 Analog Read/Write. Mapped to %MW PLC object; that is,
With 1-based Input Registers and Holding Registers are the
addressing same.
(Default) Poking a value to a particular bit in the Holding
register in this TSX Premium PLC is not
400000-465535 supported.
With 0-based

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Modbus Item Naming 91

Register Generic Modbus Generic Modbus Generic Modbus Tag

Type (6-Digit) (5-Digit) (4-Digit) Type Access
Output 1-65536 1-9999 1-999With 1-based Discrete Read
Coils With 1-based With 1-based addressing Write
addressing addressing (Default)
(Default) (Default)
0-65535 0-9998 With 0-based
With 0-based With 0-based addressing selected
addressing selected addressing selected
Contacts 100001-165536 10001-19999 1001-1999 Discrete Read-
With 1-based With 1-based With 1-based Only
addressing addressing addressing
(Default) (Default) (Default)

100000-165535 10000-19998 1000-1998

With 0-based With 0-based With 0-based
addressing selected addressing selected addressing selected
Input 300001-365536 30001-39999 3001-3999 Analog Read-
With 1-based With 1-based With 1-based Only
addressing addressing addressing
(Default) (Default) (Default)

300000-365535 30000-39998 3000-3998

With 0-based With 0-based With 0-based
addressing selected addressing selected addressing selected
Holding 400001-465536 40001-49999 4001-4999 Analog Read
With 1-based With 1-based With 1-based Write
addressing addressing addressing
(Default) (Default) (Default)

400000-465535 40000-49998 4000-4998

With 0-based With 0-based With 0-based
addressing selected addressing selected addressing selected
Extended 6x0001-6x9999 6x001-6x999 Not supported Analog Read
With 1-based With 1-based Write
addressing addressing
(Default) (Default)

0-based addressing 0-based addressing

is not supported for is not supported for
this Register Type. this Register Type.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

92 Item Name

Note The x in the Extended register number indicates the file number, where
x = 0 implies file number 1, x = 1 implies file number 2, up to x = 9 implies file
number 10. The extended memory size in the PLC determines how many
extended memory files exist. Each file contains up to 10000 registers. The last
file in the PLC will always contain less than 10000 registers.

For example:
A 24K-extended-memory-size PLC contains three (3) files, where the last
file contains 4576 registers.
A 72K-extended-memory-size PLC contains eight (8) files, where the last
file contains 3728 registers.
A 96K-extended-memory-size PLC contains 10 files, where the last file
contains 8304 registers.
1K is 1024 registers.

Item Names Using the Modicon PLC Register

The following table lists other item name formats that are consistent with the
point naming convention with the MBTCP DAServer sufix.

Item Name Description

400001 When no spaces and no letters follow the register
number, the register contents are treated as a 16-bit
unsigned quantity.
400001 S When a space and the letter "S" follow the register
number, the register contents are treated as a 16-bit
signed quantity.
400001 I When a space and the letter "I" follow the register
number, the register contents are treated as a 32-bit
signed quantity.
This takes up two consecutive registers.
400001 L When a space and the letter "L" follow the register
number, the register contents are treated as a 32-bit
signed quantity.
This takes up two consecutive registers.
400001 F When a space and the letter "F" follow the register
number, the register contents are treated as a floating-
point quantity.
This takes up two consecutive registers.
400001 U When a space and the letter "U" follow the register
number, the register contents are treated as a 32-bit
unsigned quantity.
This takes up two consecutive registers.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Modbus Item Naming 93

Item Name Description

400001 LF When a space and the letter LF, follows the register
number, the register contents are treated as a 64-bit
floating-point quantity. This takes up four consecutive
400001 LL When a space and the letter LL, follows the register
number, the register contents are treated as a 64-bit
signed quantity. This takes up four consecutive
400001 UL When a space and the letter UL, follows the register
number, the register contents are treated as a 64-bit
unsigned quantity. This takes up four consecutive
400001-400003 M When a space and the letter "M" follow the register
number or register number pair separated by a dash, the
register contents are treated as ASCII data.
Each register contains up to two (2) ASCII characters.
This example represents six (6) ASCII characters.
300001:10 When a colon and a number from 1 (one) to 16 follow
the register number, the register contents are treated as
discrete data.
This example represents bit 10 of the input register

Absolute Notation Item Names

The MBTCP DAServer also uses another naming convention called the
Absolute Notation. This naming convention is independent of the PLC model
The Absolute naming convention allows access to the four Modbus data types,
each with an address from 0 to 65535. The data types are indicated by the item
name suffix characters.

Item Name Description

nnnnn DO Discrete Output
Refers to the same data Modbus calls "coils."
Valid range is 0 (zero) DO through 65535 DO.
nnnnn DI Discrete Input
Refers to the same data called "contacts" by Modbus.
Valid range is 0 (zero) DI through 65535 DI.
nnnnn IR Input Register
Refers to the same data called "input register."
Valid range is 0 (zero) IR through 65535 IR.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

94 Item Name

Item Name Description

nnnnn HR Holding Register
Refers to the same data Modbus calls "holding register."
Valid range is 0 (zero) HR through 65535 HR.
nnnnn PV Process Variable
Refers to holding register, but treated as floating points
and assumes two (2) registers per floating-point number.
Valid range is 0 (zero) PV through 65535 PV.
The IR and HR absolute notation can also be combined with the following
conversions: L (long), F (floating), S (signed), or U (unsigned).
For example:
219 HRS 16-bit signed integer
000 HRL 32-bit signed integer
100 HRF 32-bit floating point
000 HRU 32-bit unsigned integer
100 HRLF 64-bit floating point
000 HRLL 64-bit signed integer
000 HRUL 64-bit unsigned integer

Modulo-10000 Point Item Names

The MBTCP DAServer uses the Modulo-10000 Points naming convention,
where the item name is two registers separated by a dash, with no spaces and
no letters following the registers.
Two or three consecutive registers may be interpreted as a single numeric
quantity, and each of the component registers must be in the range of 0-9999.

Item Name Description

400001-400002 Can represent numbers between 0 and 99,999,999.
Register 400001 = <9999> and Register 400002 =
400005-400007 Can represent numbers between 0 and 2,147,483,646.
Register 400005 = <21>, Register 400006 = <4748>, and
Register 400007 = <3646>.

When grouping three consecutive registers for interpretation as a single

numeric quantity, overflow becomes a possibility.
The largest number that may be represented in the PLC with three
consecutive Modulo-10000 registers is 999,999,999,999; however, the
largest number that can be contained in an integer-type variable is
2,147,483,647. The latter number is used by the DAServer to represent an
overflow condition.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Modbus Item Naming 95

Therefore, the maximum usable value represented in three Modulo-10000

registers is 2,147,483,646 or (<21><4748><3646>). Any number larger
than this will be clamped at 2,147,483,647.

Modulo-10000 Items, BCD Register Type, and

Concept Data Structures
All the integer holding registers, 16- and 32-bit, signed and unsigned, and
Modulo-10000 item types honor the configuration parameters Register type
and Concept data structures.
When the Register type parameter is BCD and the Use Concept data structures
(Longs) parameter is selected, the data is displayed in BCD and written to the
PLC in the BCD format. In addition, data that takes up two registers (Longs),
except Reals, is displayed and written in the Concept-data-structure format.
The same applies when the Register type parameter is Binary and the Use
Concept data structures (Longs) parameter is selected; the data is displayed in
Binary and written to the PLC in the Binary format. In addition, data that takes
up two registers (Longs), except Reals, are displayed and written in the
Concept-data-structure format.
When the Register type parameter is BCD and the Use Concept data structures
(Longs) parameter is not selected, the data is displayed in BCD and written to
the PLC in the BCD format. In addition, data that takes up two registers
(Longs), except Reals, is displayed and written in the non-Concept-data-
structure format.
The same applies when the Register type parameter is Binary and the Use
Concept data structures (Longs) parameter is not selected; the data is displayed
in Binary and written to the PLC in the Binary format. In addition, data that
takes up two registers (Longs), except Reals, is displayed and written in the
non-Concept-data-structure format.
The Concept-data-structure format implies that data is displayed and written
the same way that the Concept program from Schneider Automation handles
Concept-data-structure format is where the data is displayed and written in the
last-register-to-first-register order.
For example:
When writing the value 2147483646 to the Modulo-10000 item 400001-
400003, the value 21 is written first to register 400003, then the value 4748 is
written to register 400002, and then the value 3646 is written to register
The non-Concept-data-structure format is the opposite of the Concept-data-
structure format.
The value 21 is written first to register 400001, then the value 4748 is written
to register 400002, and then the value 3646 is written to register 400003.
Modulo-10000 items can be displayed and written in the BCD and Binary
formats. When the Modulo-10000 item occupies two registers, the maximum
value that can be displayed and written is 99999999. When the Modulo-10000
item occupies three registers, the maximum value that can be displayed and
written is 2147483646.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

96 Item Name

Warning messages are logged and the client value status is updated when data
is clamped high when reading or writing data. Warning messages will also be
displayed when the PLC data does not convert to BCD correctly.

DAServer Standard System Items

System items provide you with easy access to the DAServer status and
diagnostics information. They are treated just like ordinary items with respect
to the client. However, in most cases these items are not directly acquired via
the communications layer. System item values are usually generated through
internal calculations, measurements, and the tracking of the DAS Engine.
System items, like ordinary items, are defined by the following properties:
Group (client group/OPC group): The arbitrary collection of items, not
Hierarchical location (link name/OPC path. The hierarchical node
section of the fully qualified OPC Item ID.): The device the item is
attached to.
Device group (OPC access path/topic, or a Scan Group on a hierarchical
branch.): A collection of items on the same physical location with the
same protocol update rate.
To check the status of an external device, the reference might be:

Note This syntax does not refer to the access path/device group. As long as
the data requested is from the same external device, the value will always be
the same.

Note For DDE/SuiteLink clients, $SYS$Status always comes from the leaf
level of a DAServer hierarchy branch, which is the destination PLC node. For
OPC clients, $SYS$Status can be accessed at all hierarchy levels. $SYS$Status
at the root level of the whole hierarchy tree is always good, as it represents the
quality status of the local computer itself. Hence, for practical application,
OPC clients should reference $SYS$Status at any hierarchy levels other than
the root.

All system items follow the same naming convention:

All system items start with $SYS$.
System item name is not case-sensitive.
All system items can be accessed through subscriptions to a device group.
However, while some system items return data for that device group, others are

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

DAServer Standard System Items 97

DAServer Global System Item

The following system item refers to specific information regarding a global
condition of the DAServer.

System Item Access
Name Rights Description Values
$SYS$Licensed Boolean/ Binary status indication of the existence RANGE: 0, 1
Read of a valid license for the DAServer.
If FALSE, this item causes the DAServer 1: Valid license
to stop updating existing tags, to refuse exists.
activation of new tags, and to reject write 0: No valid license
requests in addition to setting quality for exists.
all items to BAD. If TRUE, the
DAServer functions as configured.
All instances have the same value.

DAServer Device-Specific System Items

The following system items refer to specific information regarding the
device(s) the DAServer is connected to.

System Item Access
Name (Type) Rights Description Values
$SYS$Status Boolean/ Binary status indication of the RANGE: 0, 1
Read connection state to the device (hierarchy
level) the item is attached to. The device 1: DAServer
group (OPC access path/topic) does not connection to the
affect the value. device is intact.
The status can be good even if individual 0: Error
items have errors. communicating
For DDE/SuiteLink clients, $SYS$Status with the device.
always comes from the leaf level of a
DAServer hierarchy branch, which is the
destination PLC node.
For OPC clients, $SYS$Status can be
accessed at all hierarchy levels.
$SYS$Status at the root level of the
whole hierarchy tree is always good, as it
represents the quality status of the local
computer itself. Hence, for practical
application, OPC clients should
reference $SYS$Status at any hierarchy
levels other than the root.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

98 Item Name

System Item Access
Name (Type) Rights Description Values
$SYS$ErrorCode Longint/ Detailed error code of the >= 0: Good status
Read communications state to the device. (0 is the default
The device group (OPC access state connected.
path/topic) does not affect the value. >0: is some device
state like:
initializing, and so
<0: Error status
(value indicates
the error).
$SYS$ErrorText String/ Detailed error string of the Descriptive text
Read communications state of the device. for the
The device group (OPC access communications
path/topic) does not affect the value. state
corresponding to
the error code.
$SYS$StoreSettings Integer/ Makes the temporary update interval RANGE: -1, 0, 1
ReadWrite changes via the $SYS$UpdateInterval
item permanent. If the client pokes a -1: Error occurred
value of 1 into this system item, the during saving the
currently set update interval is written to configuration file.
the servers configuration file. 0: Read value
The value of this system item clears to 0 always if status is
after being set, if the configuration file OK.
write is successful. If the write fails, then 1: Persist settings
the value is set to -1. (cleared
If the update interval has been changed immediately).
via the $SYS$UpdateInterval item and
this item is not poked to 1, the DAServer
uses the original update interval for that
topic the next time it is started.
Reading the item always provides 0.
Read/Write values are persisted only if
the user sets this system item. The values
other than this persist only for the life of
the DAServer.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

DAServer Standard System Items 99

DAServer Device-Group-Specific System Items

The following system items refer to specific information regarding device
groups that have been configured in the DAServer.

System Item Name Access
(Type) Rights Description Values
$SYS$UpdateInterval DWord/ Accesses the currently set update RANGE:
ReadWrite interval. It is the current update 12147483647
interval of the device group in
milliseconds. A client can poke new 0: Topic inactive, no
values into this item. items are updated.
The value of zero indicates that no Data acquisition is
non-system items on that topic are stopped.
updated (data for these items are not >0: Expected
acquired from the device). updated interval for
the set of all items in
the device group.
$SYS$MaxInterval DWord/ Accesses the currently measured RANGE:
Read maximum update interval in 02147483647
milliseconds of all items of the
corresponding device group. This item 0: If update interval
is read-only. The value of the slowest is 0 or if the status is
item is displayed. false.
>0: Measured update
$SYS$WriteComplet Integer/ Accesses the state of pending write RANGE: -1, 0, 1
e ReadWrite activities on the corresponding device
group. On device group creation 1: Write complete
(adding items to an OPC group), the (no writes are
value of this system item is initially 1, pending initial
indicating all write activities are state).
complete no pokes are pending. 0: Writes are
If values are poked into any items of pending.
the device group, the value of this item -1: Writes completed
changes to 0, indicating write activity with errors.
is currently in progress.
If the server has completed all write
activities, the value of this item
changes to 1 if all pokes were
successful or to -1 if at least one poke
has failed.
If the value of this item is not zero, the
client can poke 1 or -1 to it (poke a 1 to
clear errors, or a -1 to test a client
reaction on write errors).
If the value of this item is zero, it
cannot be poked.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

100 Item Name

System Item Name Access
(Type) Rights Description Values
$SYS$ReadComplete Integer/ Accesses the state of initial reads on all RANGE: -1, 0, 1
ReadWrite items in the corresponding device
group. 1: Read complete (all
The value is 1 if all active items in a values have been
device group have been read at least read).
once. 0: Not all values have
If at least one item in the device group been read.
is activated, this item changes to 0. It -1: All values have
changes to 1 if all items have been read been read but some
successfully, or to -1 if at least one have a non-good
item has a non-good quality. quality.
Poking a 0 to this item resets the
internal read states of all items in this
device group. This resets this item to 0.
If all items are read again after this
poke, this item changes back to 1 or -1.
$SYS$ItemCount DWord/ Accesses the number of items in the RANGE:
Read corresponding device group. This item 02147483647
is read-only.
>=0: Number of
active items.
$SYS$ActiveItemCo DWord/ Accesses the number of active items in RANGE:
unt Read the corresponding device group. This 02147483647
item is read-only.
>=0: Number of
active items.
$SYS$ErrorCount DWord/ Accesses the number of all items RANGE:
Read (active and inactive) that have errors 02147483647
(non-good OPC quality) in the
corresponding topic. >=0: Number of all
If the communications status of a items (active and
device group is bad, all items have inactive) with errors.
errors. This item is read-only.
$SYS$PollNow Boolean/ Poking a 1 to this item forces all items RANGE: 0, 1
ReadWrite in the corresponding device group to
be read immediately (all messages in
this device group become due).
This is useful if you want to force to
get the newest values from the device,
regardless of its update interval.
This also works on device groups with
a zero update interval (manual
protocol triggering).

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

DAServer Standard System Items 101

DAServer Redundant Device Specific System

These system items are specific to the Redundant Device.

System Item Name Rights Description Values

$SYS$ForceFailover Boolean/ This is required to achieve TRUE, FALSE

ReadWrite the failover condition to be
forced by client.
Note: By poking a value of
"1" (True) into the Force
Failover item, a client can
conveniently switch to the
secondary device.

$SYS$ActiveDevice String/Read This system item will show Node Hierarchy

the current runtime active Name

$SYS$FailoverTime Time/Read This system item will show Time at which

the time at which the switch the switch
occurred. occurred

$SYS$StandbyDevice String/Read This system item will show Node Hierarchy

the current runtime standby Name

$SYS$SecondaryDevice Boolean/Read This system item will show RANGE: 0, 1

Status the status of the secondary (Contains the
device. This is the status of value of the
the second device defined in system item
the configuration and is not $SYS$Status)
changed with any failover.
RANGE: 0, 1

$SYS$PrimaryDevice Boolean/Read This system item will show RANGE: 0, 1

Status the status of the primary (Contains the
device. This is the status of value of the
the first device defined in system item
the configuration and is not $SYS$Status)
changed with any failover.
RANGE: 0, 1

$SYS$FailoverReason String/Read This system item will show Descriptive text

the reason for the failover. ForceFailover
or the value of
the system item

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

102 Item Name

Important! The Redundant Hierarchy, including the Device Group, is not

hot-configurable, and requires a Reset on the Redundant Hierarchy to effect a
configuration change.

Generic OPC Syntax

A DAServer serves as a container for the OPC Groups, which provide the
mechanism for containing and logically organizing OPC items. Within each
OPC Group, an OPC-compliant client can register OPC items, which represent
connections to devices in the field device. In other words, all access to OPC
items is maintained through the OPC Group.
The fully qualified name for an OPC item is called the Item ID (equivalent to
Item Name). The syntax for specifying a unique Item ID is DAServer-
dependent. In OPC data acquisition DAServers, the syntax can be as follows:
where each component (delimited by a period) represents a branch or leaf of
the field devices hierarchy.
In this example:
AREA10.VESSEL1.TIC1 is the link name for a DAServer.
PLC is the name of the target PLC.
400001 is the specific data point (Item) desired.
An item is typically a single value such as an analog, digital, or string
Where Item ID describes the syntax for defining the desired data point, OPC
provides for another parameter, called Access Path, that defines optional
specifications for obtaining that data.
In DAServers, Access Paths are equivalent to Device Groups; it is this
parameter that is used to define the update interval between the DAServer and
the field device for accessing the values of data points in the PLC.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide


C H A P T E R 9


This chapter describes troubleshooting tools that can be used to deal with the
MBTCP DAServer problems you may encounter.
The DAServer Manager provides access to diagnostics and other statistical
data, and the Log Viewer provides access to event messages logged during the
operation of a DAServer. Also, your client (for example, InTouch) can monitor
connectivity with the PLC through the $SYS$Status item. Use these tools
together with the information in this section to troubleshoot your MBTCP

Note In order to determine the version of your DAServer, perform the

following steps. Search for DASMBTCP.dll, right-click on the File Name,
select Properties on the context menu, and select the Version tab on the
Properties dialog box. The version of your DAServer is listed under File

Monitoring Connectivity Status with the PLC
Monitoring the Status of DAS Conversations
Error Messages and Codes

Monitoring Connectivity Status with the PLC

The built-in discrete item, $SYS$Status, can be used to monitor the status of
communications with the PLC. This item is set to the following:
0 (zero) when communications with the PLC fails.
1 (one) when communications is successful.

Note For DDE/SuiteLink clients, $SYS$Status always comes from the leaf
level of a DAServer hierarchy branch, which is the destination PLC node. For
OPC clients, $SYS$Status can be accessed at all hierarchy levels. $SYS$Status
at the root level of the whole hierarchy tree is always good, as it represents the
quality status of the local computer itself. Hence, for practical application,
OPC clients should reference $SYS$Status at any hierarchy levels other than
the root.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

104 Troubleshooting

Enter the following DDE reference formula in the appropriate place in your

DASMBTCP is the name of the DAServer application.
ModiconPLC is the exact device group defined in the DAServer
for the PLC.
$SYS$Status is the discrete item used to monitor the status of
connectivity with the PLC.
Enter the following OPC item reference syntax when adding the item in your
OPC client:

YourLinkName is the assembly of hierarchy node names leading to
a specific controller device.
$SYS$Status is the discrete item used to monitor the status of
connectivity with the controller device.

Note In the case of a PLC disconnect, the DAServer will retry three times
before entering into slow poll mode. In the case of reply time-out, the
DAServer will go into slow poll mode immediately.

Monitoring the Status of DAS Conversations

The InTouch WindowViewer supports built-in topic names, called
DDEStatus and IOStatus, that can be used to monitor the status of specific
DAS conversations.
For example, let us assume that WindowViewer (VIEW) is communicating
with the MBTCP DAServer to a PLC that has been defined in the DAServer
with the topic name ModiconPLC. The discrete items, DDEStatus and
IOStatus, are set to:
0 (zero) when this DAS conversation failed.
1 (one) when this DAS conversation is successful.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Monitoring the Status of DAS Conversations 105

Using DDEStatus and IOStatus in Excel

The status of communications between the PLC and InTouch can be read into
Excel by entering the following DDE reference formula in a cell on a
viewis the name of the InTouch application.
[DDE][IO] Statusis the built-in topic name used to monitor the status of
communications between the DAServer and
ModiconPLCis the exact topic name defined in the server for the PLC.

Reading Values from the DAServer into Excel

Values may be read directly into Excel spreadsheets from the DAServer by
entering a DDE formula into a cell using the following format:
Example formula:
DASMBTCPis the name of the DAServer application.
ModiconPLCis the exact device group name defined in the DAServer for
the PLC.
<tagname>is the actual location in the PLC that contains the data value.
This is the item name.
In this example, each time the value of <tagname> changes in the PLC, the
DAServer will automatically send the new value to the cell containing the
formula in Excel.

Note Refer to the Microsoft Excel manual for complete details on entering
Remote Reference formulas for cells.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

106 Troubleshooting

Writing Values to the DAServer from Excel

Values may be written to the DAServer from Microsoft Excel by creating an
Excel macro that uses the POKE command. The proper command is entered in
Excel as follows:
=POKE(channel,"itemname", Data_Reference)
=TERMINATE (channel)
The following describes each of the above POKE macro statements:
Opens a channel to a specific topic name (defined in the DAServer) in
a particular application name (the executable name less the .exe).
Assigns the number of that opened channel to channel.

Note By using the channel=INITIATE statement, the word channel must be

used in the =POKE statement instead of the actual cell reference. The
"application name" and "topic name" portions of the formula must be
enclosed in quotation marks.

=POKE(channel,"itemname", Data_Reference)
POKEs the value contained in the Data_Reference to the specified
item name (actual location in the PLC), via the channel number
returned by the previously executed INITIATE function.
Data_Reference is the row/column ID of the cell containing the data
Closes the channel at the end of the macro.
Some applications have a limited number of channels; therefore, they
should be closed when finished.
Channel is the channel number returned by the previously executed
INITIATE function.
Marks the end of the macro.

Note Refer to the .xlm sample Excel poke macro provided on the DAServer
CD. Also refer to the Microsoft Excel manual for complete details on entering
Remote Reference formulas for cells.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Error Messages and Codes 107

Error Messages and Codes

Generic DAServer error messages and MBTCP-DAServer-specific messages
are supported. Use the Log Flag data to customize the messages logged to the
Log Viewer. See the Log Viewer online documentation for more information
about using log flags.
To troubleshoot DAServer problems, use the following error messages
together with the DAServer Manager Diagnostics root data.
In the following DAServer Error Messages table:
<Message ID> corresponds to the message ID displayed in the
DAServers Diagnostics root in the DAServer Manager.
<Device> refers to the node name of the device.

DAServer Error Messages

The following table lists all the generic-DAServer and MBTCP-DAServer-
specific error messages that are logged to the Log Viewer.

Error Message Explanation Probable Cause Solution Log Flag

"CoilRead" is missing The mandatory The entry is deleted Use the DASProtFail
from the <CoilRead> field is from the file DAServer
DASMBTCP.AAcfg absent from the manually. Manager to
file under <PLC DeviceNode named rebuild the file.
name>. <PLC Name> in the
configuration file.
"CoilWrite" is The mandatory The entry is deleted Use the DASProtFail
missing from the <CoilWrite> field is from the file DAServer
DASMBTCP.AAcfg absent from the manually. Manager to
file under <PLC DeviceNode named rebuild the file.
name>. <PLC Name> in the
configuration file.
"ExtendedRegisterRe The mandatory The entry is deleted Use the DASProtFail
ad" is missing from <ExtendedRegisterR from the file DAServer
the ead> field is absent manually. Manager to
DASMBTCP.AAcfg from the rebuild the file.
file under <PLC DeviceNode named
name>. <PLC Name> in the
configuration file.
"ExtendedRegisterWr The mandatory The entry is deleted Use the DASProtFail
ite" is missing from <ExtendedRegister from the file DAServer
the Write> field is manually. Manager to
DASMBTCP.AAcfg absent from the rebuild the file.
file under <PLC DeviceNode named
name>. <PLC Name> in the
configuration file.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

108 Troubleshooting

Error Message Explanation Probable Cause Solution Log Flag

"HoldingRegisterRea The mandatory The entry is deleted Use the DASProtFail
d" is missing from the <HoldingRegisterRe from the file DAServer
DASMBTCP.AAcfg ad> field is absent manually. Manager to
file under <PLC from the rebuild the file.
name>. DeviceNode named
<PLC Name> in the
configuration file.
"HoldingRegisterWrit The mandatory The entry is deleted Use the DASProtFail
e" is missing from the <HoldingRegisterW from the file DAServer
DASMBTCP.AAcfg rite> field is absent manually. Manager to
file under <PLC from the rebuild the file.
name>. DeviceNode named
<PLC Name> in the
configuration file.
"InputRegisterRead" The mandatory The entry is deleted Use the DASProtFail
is missing from the <InputRegisterRead from the file DAServer
DASMBTCP.AAcfg > field is absent manually. Manager to
file under <PLC from the rebuild the file.
name>. DeviceNode named
<PLC Name> in the
configuration file.
"IPAddress" is The mandatory The entry is deleted Use the DASProtFail
missing from the <IPAddress> field is from the file DAServer
DASMBTCP.AAcfg absent from the manually. Manager to
file under <PLC DeviceNode named build the file.
name>. <PLC Name> in the
Configuration file.
"MaxAddrExtendedR The mandatory The entry is deleted Use the DASProtFail
egisters" is missing <MaxAddrExtended from the file DAServer
from the Registers> field is manually. Manager to
DASMBTCP.AAcfg absent from the rebuild the file.
file under <PLC DeviceNode named
name>. <PLC Name> in the
configuration file.
"MaxAddrHoldingRe The mandatory The entry is deleted Use the DASProtFail
gisters" is missing <MaxAddrHoldingR from the file DAServer
from the egisters> field is manually. Manager to
DASMBTCP.AAcfg absent from the rebuild the file.
file under <PLC DeviceNode named
name>. <PLC Name> in the
configuration file.
"MaxAddrInputRegis The mandatory The entry is deleted Use the DASProtFail
ters" is missing from <MaxAddrInputReg from the file DAServer
the isters> field is manually. Manager to
DASMBTCP.AAcfg absent from the rebuild the file.
file under <PLC DeviceNode named
name>. <PLC Name> in the
configuration file.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Error Messages and Codes 109

Error Message Explanation Probable Cause Solution Log Flag

"MaxAddrReadCoils" The mandatory The entry is deleted Use the DASProtFail
is missing from the <MaxAddrReadCoil from the file DAServer
DASMBTCP.AAcfg s> field is absent manually. Manager to
file under <PLC from the rebuild the file.
name>. DeviceNode named
<PLC Name> in the
configuration file.
"MaxAddrWriteCoils The mandatory The entry is deleted Use the DASProtFail
" is missing from the <MaxAddrWriteCoi from the file DAServer
DASMBTCP.AAcfg ls> field is absent manually. Manager to
file under <PLC from the rebuild the file.
name>. DeviceNode named
<PLC Name> in the
configuration file.
"MaxQueuedMsgs" is The mandatory The entry is deleted Use the DASProtFail
missing from the <MaxQueuedMsgs> from the file DAServer
DASMBTCP.AAcfg field is absent from manually. Manager to
file under <PLC the DeviceNode rebuild the file.
name>. named <PLC
Name> in the
configuration file.
"RegisterSize" is The mandatory The entry is deleted Use the DASProtFail
missing from the <RegisterSize> field from the file DAServer
DASMBTCP.AAcfg is absent from the manually. Manager to
file under <PLC DeviceNode named rebuild the file.
name>. <PLC Name> in the
configuration file.
"RegisterType" is The mandatory The entry is deleted Use the DASProtFail
missing from the <RegisterType> from the file DAServer
DASMBTCP.AAcfg field is absent from manually. Manager to
file under <PLC the DeviceNode rebuild the file.
name>. named <PLC
Name> in the
configuration file.
"ReplyTimeout" is The mandatory The entry is deleted Use the DASProtFail
missing from the <ReplyTimeout> from the file DAServer
DASMBTCP.AAcfg field is absent from manually. Manager to
file under <PLC the DeviceNode build the file.
name>." named <PLC
Name> in the
Configuration file.
"StringVariableStyle" The mandatory The entry is deleted Use the DASProtFail
is missing from the <StringVariableStyle from the file DAServer
DASMBTCP.AAcfg > field is absent manually. Manager to
file under <PLC from the rebuild the file.
name>. DeviceNode named
<PLC Name> in the
configuration file.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

110 Troubleshooting

Error Message Explanation Probable Cause Solution Log Flag

"UnitID" is missing The mandatory The entry is deleted Use the DASProtFail
from the <UnitID> field is from the file DAServer
DASMBTCP.AAcfg absent from the manually. Manager to
file under <PLC DeviceNode named build the file.
name>. <PLC Name> in the
Configuration file.
"UseLongConceptDat The mandatory The entry is deleted Use the DASProtFail
aStruct" is missing <UseLongConceptD from the file DAServer
from the ataStruct> field is manually. Manager to
DASMBTCP.AAcfg absent from the rebuild the file.
file under <PLC DeviceNode named
name>. <PLC Name> in the
configuration file.
"UseRealConceptDat The mandatory The entry is deleted Use the DASProtFail
aStruct" is missing <UseRealConceptD from the file DAServer
from the ataStruct> field is manually. Manager to
DASMBTCP.AAcfg absent from the rebuild the file.
file under <PLC DeviceNode named
name>. <PLC Name> in the
configuration file.
<PLC Name> does The PLC does The client defined an Remove DASProtFail
not allow extended support extended extended register extended
register <Item name>. registers. and it is not register from
supported. client.
<PLC Name>: The client wrote a The client wrote an The client must DASProtWa
Clamping a write to value that exceeded invalid value. write a smaller rn
<Item Name> - the item limits. value.
Received <client
value>, writing
<clamped value>.
An invalid floating Invalid floating- The values read Check the PLC DASProtFail
point value was point number from the PLC for the value in
returned by the PLC (Negative Infinity). registers cannot be the registers.
for item name <PLC Set the item value to converted to a valid
Name>.<Item Negative Infinity float number.
Name>. The value 3.4e+38.
was converted to a
negative 3.4e38.
An invalid floating Invalid floating- The values read Check the PLC DASProtFail
point value was point number from the PLC for the value in
returned by the PLC (Positive Infinity). registers cannot be the registers.
for item name <PLC Set the item value to converted to a valid
Name>.<Item Positive Infinity float number.
Name>. The value 3.4e+38.
was converted to a
positive 3.4e38.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Error Messages and Codes 111

Error Message Explanation Probable Cause Solution Log Flag

Connection to PLC The PLC closed the The PLC may be Check the PLC. DASProtFail
<PLC name> at IP connection. having problems.
Address <Host name>
closed, error code =
<Error code>.
CreateItem failed The server An invalid item Correct the item DASProtFail
<PLC name>.<Item encountered an name was defined by name defined
Name>. invalid item name. the client. by the client.
CreateItem failed due The server The client defined an The client must DASProtFail
to invalid item name encountered an invalid item name. define a valid
<PLC name>.<Item invalid item name. item name.
DASMBTCP failed to The server could not Too many items Stop unwanted DASProtFail
allocate memory. allocate memory to have been defined programs,
continue operating. by client or too define less
many programs are points by client,
running in this PC. or add more
memory to the
DASMBTCPPLCSoc The PLC returned an The PLC may be Check the PLC. DASProtFail
ket::OnSocketRead(1 error code on a having problems.
) failed with errorcode request for data.
<Error code>.
DASMBTCPPLCSoc The PLC returned an The PLC may be Check the PLC. DASProtFail
ket::OnSocketRead(2 error code on a having problems.
) failed with errorcode request for data.
<Error code>.
DASMBTCPPLCSoc The PLC returned an The PLC may be Check the PLC. DASProtFail
ket::OnSocketRead(3 error code on a having problems.
) failed with errorcode request for data.
<Error code>.
DASMBTCPPLCSoc The PLC returned an The PLC may be Check the PLC. DASProtFail
ket::OnSocketWrite error code on a write having problems.
failed with errorcode to PLC command.
<Error code>.
Error in Reading from The PLC returned an The PLC may be Check the PLC. DASProtFail
PLC for item <PLC exception. having problems.
name>.<Item Name>.
Error in Writing to The PLC returned an The PLC may be Check the PLC. DASProtFail
PLC for item <PLC exception. having problems.
name>.<Item Name>.
Fail to Connect to The host name used Invalid IP Address A valid host DASProtFail
PLC <PLC name> at in the IP Address was configured. name or IP
IP Address <Host field is invalid. Address must
name>, error code = be configured.
<Error code>.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

112 Troubleshooting

Error Message Explanation Probable Cause Solution Log Flag

Failed to retrieve host The host name used Invalid IP Address A valid host DASProtFail
information from a in the IP Address was configured. name or IP
host database. Error field is invalid. Address must
code = <Error be configured.
Failed to split the A message returned The message may Increase the DASProtFail
message from by the PLC was not have timed out and ReplyTimeout
ReceiveBuffer for found in the was removed from timer.
Sequence Number requested messages the queue.
<Sequence Number>, queue.
message possibly
Invalid value read for The Modulo-10000 The maximum Check the PLC DASProtWa
Mod 10000 register: point value usable value for the value in rn
<Item Name> on overflows. The represented in three the registers.
Node: <PLC Name>. value is clamped to Modulo-10000
Not a valid BCD- 2147483647 to registers is
value. Convert to indicate overflow 2,147,483,646.
2147483647. condition.
Read value beyond The Modulo-10000 The maximum Check the PLC DASProtWa
limits for Mod 10000 point value usable value for the value in rn
register: <Item overflows. The represented in one the registers.
Name> on Node: value is clamped to Modulo-10000
<PLC Name>. Value 9999. registers is 9999.
clamped to 9999.
recv() failed with The PLC responded The PLC may be Check the PLC DASProtFail
errorcode <Error with an error. down or there is a and the
Code>. communications communication
problem. s link.
Register Type is The Modulo-10000 The Modulo-10000 The client must DASProtWa
BCD. Value point output value value written to the write a smaller rn
clamped to 9999. overflows. The PLC exceeded the value.
value is clamped. max limit.
Register Type is hot- The Register Type The user modified The Register DASProtWa
configured to parameter was the Register Type Type parameter rn
<Register type>. modified at run time. parameter while the can be modified
server was running. at run time.
Reply Timeout is hot- The Reply Timeout The user modified The Reply DASProtWa
configured to <Reply parameter was the Reply Timeout Timeout rn
timeout value>. modified at run time. parameter while the parameter can
server was running. be modified at
run time.
String Variable Style The String Variable The user modified The String DASProtWa
is hot-configured to Style parameter was the String Variable Variable Style rn
<String variable modified at run time. Style parameter parameter can
style>. while the server was be modified at
running. run time.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Error Messages and Codes 113

Error Message Explanation Probable Cause Solution Log Flag

The item name <PLC The item name is A non-numeric Make register a DASProtFail
Name>.<Item Name> invalid. register was defined numeric
is Invalid. It is non- where numeric was register.
numeric. required.
The item name <PLC The item name has The client defined an The item bit DASProtFail
Name>.<Item Name> an invalid bit item with an invalid number must be
is invalid. The bit number. bit number. between 1 (one)
number is invalid. and 16.
The item name <PLC The item name has The client defined an The item bit DASProtFail
Name>.<Item Name> an invalid bit item with an invalid number must be
is invalid. The bit number. bit number. between 1 (one)
number is out of and 16.
The item name <PLC The server The client defined a The client must DASProtFail
Name>.<Item Name> encountered an data type not use a valid data
is invalid. The data invalid data type. supported by the type.
type is invalid. server.
The item name <PLC The Modulo-10000 The client defined an The client must DASProtFail
Name>.<Item Name> item defined by the invalid item name. use two or three
is invalid. The register client exceeds the 3 registers when
range is invalid. register limit. defining
item names.
The item name <PLC The server truncated Not enough registers Add more DASProtFail
Name>.<Item Name> the string being were defined by the registers or
written string value written to the PLC. client to hold the write less data.
<String Value> was string data being
truncated to written.
<Truncated String
Value>. Not enough
registers were defined
to hold the string
The PLC <PLC The server did not The PLC is offline Check PLC's DASProtFail
Name> message get a response from or the data request network
timed out the PLC in the has an invalid connection or
(OnPLCReceiverTim <ReplyTimeout> register number configuration
eout), revoking allotted time. obtained from the file.
message <Message configuration file.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

114 Troubleshooting

Error Message Explanation Probable Cause Solution Log Flag

The PLC <PLC The function code This may be because Check the item DASProtFail
name> reported received in the query the function code is definition and
receiving an is not an allowable only applicable to PLC
ILLEGAL action for the slave. newer controllers, configuration.
FUNCTION code and was not
from the DAServer. implemented in the
PLC errorcode 01. unit selected. It
could also indicate
that the slave is in
the wrong state to
process a request of
this type; for
example, because it
is unconfigured and
is being asked to
return register
The PLC <PLC The data address The item address is Check the item DASProtFail
name> reported received in the query out of the definition and
receiving an is not an allowable configured-slave PLC
ILLEGAL DATA address for the slave. address range, or the configuration.
ADDRESS from the combination of
DAServer. PLC reference number
errorcode 02. and transfer length is
invalid. For a
controller with 100
registers, a request
with offset 96 and
length 4 would
succeed, a request
with offset 96 and
length 5 will
generate exception
The PLC <PLC A value contained in This indicates a fault Check the data DASProtFail
name> reported the query data field in the structure of value sent to the
receiving an is not an allowable the remainder of a PLC.
ILLEGAL DATA value for the slave. complex request.
VALUE from the For example, the
DAServer. PLC implied length is
errorcode 03. incorrect.
The PLC <PLC An unrecoverable Indicates that the Check the PLC. DASProtFail
name> reported error occurred while request as framed
ILLEGAL the slave was would generate a
RESPONSE attempting to response whose size
LENGTH while perform the exceeds the
working on the requested action. available MODBUS
current request. PLC data size.
errorcode 04.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Error Messages and Codes 115

Error Message Explanation Probable Cause Solution Log Flag

The PLC <PLC The slave has This response is Check the PLC. DASProtFail
name> reported accepted the request returned to prevent a
ACKNOWLEDGE and is processing it, timeout error from
while working on the but a long duration occurring in the
current request. PLC of time will be client (or master).
errorcode 05. required to do so.
The PLC <PLC The slave is engaged The PLC program is Check the PLC. DASProtFail
name> reported in processing a long- taking too long to
SLAVE DEVICE duration program respond to the
BUSY and cannot command. DAServer.
process the current
request. PLC
errorcode 06.
The PLC <PLC The slave cannot The communications Check the PLC. DASProtFail
name> reported perform the program data is corrupted or a
NEGATIVE function received in DAServer problem
ACKNOWLEDGE the query. is encountered.
and cannot process
the current request.
PLC errorcode 07.
The PLC <PLC The slave attempted The PLC may need Check the DASProtFail
name> reported to read extended to be serviced. PLC's extended
MEMORY PARITY memory, but memory.
ERROR while detected a parity
attempting to read error in the memory.
extended memory.
PLC errorcode 08.
The PLC <PLC Specialized use in It usually means that Check the DASProtFail
name> reported conjunction with the gateway is Bridge
GATEWAY PATH gateways; it misconfigured. connected to the
UNAVAILABLE indicates that the PLC.
while attempting to gateway was unable
read extended to allocate a Modbus
memory. PLC Plus PATH to use to
errorcode 0A. process the request.
The PLC <PLC Specialized use in It usually means that Check the DASProtFail
name> reported conjunction with the device is not Bridge
GATEWAY TARGET gateways; it present on the connected to the
DEVICE FAILED TO indicates that no network. PLC.
RESPOND while response was
attempting to read obtained from the
extended memory. target device.
PLC errorcode 0B.
The PLC <PLC The PLC returned an The communications Check the PLC. DASProtFail
name> reported unknown error code. data is corrupted.
unknown exception
code. PLC errorcode
<Error Number>.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

116 Troubleshooting

Error Message Explanation Probable Cause Solution Log Flag

The property The RegisterSize The entry in the file Use the DASProtFail
RegisterSize value value in the was modified DAServer
<Value> is invalid for configuration file is manually. Manager to
PLC <PLC Name>. invalid. rebuild the file.
The register number The register defined The client defined an Client must use DASProtFail
for the item name by the client is out of invalid register a register
<PLC name>.<Item range compared to number. number less
Name> exceeds the the maximum than or equal to
configured PLC addressable register the configured
Maximum number. maximum
Addressable addressable
Registers. register.
The socket is marked The connection to The PLC or the Check the PLC DASProtFail
as nonblocking and the PLC failed. network may be or the network.
the connection cannot having problems.
be completed
immediately for host
<Host name>.
The write Item <Item The register being The client is writing Select a DASProtFail
Name> is invalid. The written to is a read- to a read-only different
item is a read only only register. register. register.
Write attempt beyond The output value The client wrote a The client must DASProtFail
limits for Mod 10000 was clamped to a value to the PLC that write a smaller
register: <Item predefined value was too large for the value.
Name> on Node: because the output register.
<PLC Name>. Value value exceeded
clamped to <new certain limits.

Server-Specific Error Codes

There are two server-specific error codes, shown in the following table, that
augment those provided by the DAS Toolkit.

Error Code Logger Message Log Flag

-10001 PLC not connected DASProtFail
-10002 PLC timeout DASProtFail

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide


C H A P T E R 1 0


DAServer Architecture
Component Environments

DAServer Architecture
This DAServer is a collection of components that work in concert to provide
communications access with hardware field devices. These components
DAServer Manager: This is the Microsoft Management Console (MMC)
snap-in, that is part of the ArchestrA System Management Console suite
of utilities, supplied with the DAServer. It provides the necessary user-
interface for diagnostics, configuration, and activation.
Client Plug-ins: These are the components that are added to a DAServer
to enable communications with clients.
Examples are: OPC, DDE/Suitelink, and so on.
DAS Engine: This is the library that contains all the common logic to
drive data access.
Device Protocol: This is the custom code provided by this DAServer to
define the communications with a particular device.

A DAServer is comprised of three physical parts (see the following figure).
They are the following:
Plug-in Component(s): Responsible for communicating with clients.
DAS Engine: This common component is used by all DAServers.
PLC Protocol Layer, DAServer-specific: This component is responsible
for communicating with the hardware.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

118 Reference

DAServer Architecture

Each physical part of a DAServer is comprised of a set of .exe and/or .dll

modules. Wonderware provides the Plug-ins and the DAS Engine. The DAS
Toolkit user creates the PLC Protocol Layer (DAServer-specific) modules. All
three sets of modules are required for a fully functioning DAServer.

Plug-ins provide a protocol-translation function for device integration clients.
Typical Plug-ins communicate in DDE, SuiteLink, or OPC protocol, and serve
as interfaces between their clients and the DAS Engine.

Note Items of an array are not supported in the DDE/SL plug-in. These arrays
are converted to HEX strings, which provide legacy behavior for DAServers
that support this in the DAServer-specific code.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Component Environments 119

DAS Engine
The DAS Engine is a middleware component that exposes two sets of unique
interfaces, one for communicating with the Plug-ins and the other one for
communicating with the PLC Protocol Layer components.

PLC Protocol Layer

The PLC Protocol Layer provides a protocol-translation function for specific
hardware, such as ModBus TCP/IP Ethernet; and it serves as an interface
between the DAS Engine and the hardware.

Note Reads/writes of complete arrays will not be supported.

Component Environments
Stand-alone DAServers have the following characteristics:
The DAS Engine is dynamically linked to the other DAServer
components. In other words, a new DAS Engine (feature enhancement or
bug fix) would not require relinking to the other components nor re-QA of
those other components. When deployed to the system, the new DAS
Engine would attach to all existing DAServer components.
Newly deployed Plug-ins (feature enhancements or bug fixes) do not
require relinking nor re-QA of associated components. Even new Plug-ins
(for example, OPC Alarm & Events) would not require any development
changes to the other components, and therefore no relinking in a customer-
installed base. In fact, it is feasible to implement new functionality in a
Plug-in to enhance the DAServer without any involvement of the code of
the other components.
DAServers can be configured in one stand-alone configuration utility
(DAServer Manager), and the DAServer Manager is capable of displaying
specific configuration views for all DAServers. This utility allows the
browsing and editing of DAServers on different nodes.
The DAServer Manager diagnostics tool displays generic diagnostic
objects common to all DAServers, in addition to the DAServer-specific/
DAServer-developer-defined diagnostic data.
The DAServer data configuration format is XML. Any XML-enabled program
(for example, XML Editor) can read this format.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

120 Reference

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide



Supported MBTCP DAServer

Hardware and Firmware

The following table lists the Modbus hardware and firmware supported by the

Legend Model Description Firmware

TSX Quantum 140 CPU 21304 Controller Exec ID 0871
HID 0405
Rev 02.10
140 NOE 771 00 Ethernet TCP/IP
Option Module
140 NOE 21100 Ethernet TCP/IP
TSX Momentum Controller
170 ENT 110 01 Ethernet TCP/IP
TSX Premium TSX P57 402 Controller
TSX P57 4823 Controller
TSX ETY 110 EtherNet TCP/IP
TSX Momentum Controller
(RS232) 171 CCC 980 20 Ethernet TCP/IP
Module and Modbus
TSX Momentum Controller
(RS485) 171 CCC 980 20 Ethernet TCP/IP
Module and Modbus
Compact 984 PC-A984-145 Controller Exec ID 084E
(RS232, 5-Digit Model A145
Compact 984 PC-E984-265 Controller
(RS232, 6-Digit

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

122 Appendix A

Legend Model Description Firmware

Modicon Micro 110 CPU 311 01 Controller Exec ID 0863
(RS232) HID 0701
Rev 01.10
Model 311/01
Generic Modbus Generic Modbus The Generic
Controller (4- Controller. Controller Modbus
Digit, 5-Digit, 6- must conform to the controller will
Digit) Modbus "Application be simulated
Protocol with the
specifications." Modbus
version 1.05
developed by
NR&D Bridge Pen-T Ethernet-to-Serial
Modbus Bridge Power Logic Bridge
EGX 100


MBTCP DAServer Users Guide



The Modbus Protocol

This appendix describes the Modbus codes, TCP Port, and Data Types that are
supported by the MBTCP DAServer.

Controller Function Codes
Modbus Exception Codes
TCP Port
Data Types

Controller Function Codes

The MBTCP DAServer uses function codes to communicate with the various
controllers supporting the Modbus protocol. The implementation for the
MBTCP DAServer uses the document, " Open Modbus/TCP Specification,"
Release 1.1, dated December 6, 2002 as a reference.
These function codes and their descriptions are listed in the following table.

Note In communicating with the Generic Modbus PLCs, the MBTCP

DAServer acts as a master and sends out the function codes to the PLCs.

Code Name Description

01 Read Coils Reads the ON/OFF status of discrete
(0x01) outputs (0X references, coils) in the
02 Read Discrete Inputs Reads the ON/OFF status of discrete
(0x02) inputs (1XXXXX references) in the
03 Read Holding Registers Reads the binary contents of holding
(0x03) registers (4XXXXX references) in the
04 Read Input Registers Reads the binary contents of input
(0x04) registers (3XXXXX references) in the

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

124 Appendix B

Code Name Description

05 Write Single Coil Forces a single coil (0X reference) to
(0x05) either ON or OFF.
06 Write Single Register Presets a value into a single holding
(0x06) register (4XXXXX reference).
15 Write Multiple Coils Forces each coil (0XXXXX reference)
(0x0F) in a sequence of coils to either ON or
16 Write Multiple Registers Presets values into a sequence of
(0x10) holding registers (4XXXXX
20 Read General Reference Returns the contents of registers in the
(0x14) Extended Memory file (6XXXXX)
21 Write General Reference Writes the contents of registers in the
(0x15) Extended Memory file (6XXXXX)
22 Mask Write Holding Modifies the contents of a specified
(0x16) Register (4XXXXX reference) holding register
using a combination of an AND mask,
an OR mask, and the registers current
contents. The function can be used to set
or clear individual bits in the register.

Modbus Exception Codes

Additionally, there are exception codes generated by Modbus. The
accompanying table shows these exceptions and their explanations.

(Hex) Name Explanation
01 ILLEGAL The function code received in the query is not
FUNCTION an allowable action for the slave. This may be
because the function code is only applicable to
newer controllers, and was not implemented in
the unit selected. It could also indicate that the
slave is in the wrong state to process a request
of this type; for example, because it is
unconfigured and is being asked to return
register values.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide


(Hex) Name Explanation
02 ILLEGAL DATA The data address received in the query is not an
ADDRESS allowable address for the slave. More
specifically, the combination of reference
number and transfer length is invalid. For a
controller with 100 registers, a request with
offset 96 and length 4 would succeed, a request
with offset 96 and length 5 will generate
exception 02.
03 ILLEGAL DATA A value contained in the query data field is not
VALUE an allowable value for the slave. This indicates
a fault in the structure of the remainder of a
complex request, such as that the implied length
is incorrect. It specifically does NOT mean that
a data item submitted for storage in a register
has a value outside the expectation of the
application program, since the MODBUS
protocol is unaware of the significance of any
particular value of any particular register.
04 ILLEGAL Indicates that the request as framed would
RESPONSE generate a response whose size exceeds the
LENGTH available MODBUS data size. Used only by
functions generating a multi-part response, such
as functions 20 and 21.
05 ACKNOWLEDG Specialized use in conjunction with
E programming commands.
06 SLAVE DEVICE Specialized use in conjunction with
BUSY programming commands.
07 NEGATIVE Specialized use in conjunction with
ACKNOWLEDG programming commands.
08 MEMORY Specialized use in conjunction with function
PARITY ERROR codes 20 and 21 to indicate that the extended
file area failed to pass a consistency check.
0A GATEWAY PATH Specialized use in conjunction with gateways; it
UNAVAILABLE indicates that the gateway was unable to
allocate a Modbus Plus PATH to use to process
the request. It usually means that the gateway is
0B GATEWAY Specialized use in conjunction with gateways; it
TARGET indicates that no response was obtained from
DEVICE FAILED the target device. It usually means that the
TO RESPOND device is not present on the network.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

126 Appendix B

TCP Port
The MBTCP DAServer uses port 502 as the default to contact all PLCs. This
includes the port used for unsolicited messages from the PLCs that are
programmed to provide unsolicited data (that is, the PLCs that are directly
connected to the TCPIP_PORT; controllers under the ModbusBridge Object
hierarchy cannot utilize this unsolicited messaging feature).
However, you have the option to configure the actual port to be used through
the ModbusPLC object. When a non-502 port is used by the Generic Modbus
PLC to communicate with the MBTCP DAServer, it will not be able to send
unsolicited data to the DAServer.

Data Types
The MBTCP DAServer supports the following data types:
16-bit signed integer
16-bit unsigned integer
32-bit signed integer
32-bit unsigned integer
ASCII string
32-bit single precision floating point
64-bit floating point
64-bit unsigned integer
64-bit signed integer

Note For detailed information on these data types, see Data and Register
Types in Chapter 3.

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide


Symbols Coil write 29, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56
Communication Protocols 11
.csv file 65 Compact 984 controllers 14
.csv file in Excel 68 Compact 984 PLC 87
$SYS$ActiveItemCount 100 Config Default Update Interval 64
$SYS$ErrorCode 98 Configuration 19
$SYS$ErrorCount 100 Configuration set 62, 67
$SYS$ErrorText 98 Configure default update intervals 64
$SYS$ItemCount 100 Configure the DAServer to receive unsolicited
$SYS$Licensed 78, 97 messages 63
$SYS$MaxInterval 99 Configuring the MBTCP DAServer 19
$SYS$PollNow 100 Create a TCPIP_PORT object 23
$SYS$ReadComplete 100 Create or add device groups 61
$SYS$Status 96, 97, 103 Create or add device items 65
$SYS$StoreSettings 98 CSV file 67
$SYS$UpdateInterval 99
$SYS$WriteComplete 99 D
A DAS Engine 117
DAS Toolkit 118
Absolute Notation Naming Convention 93 DAServer
Access Path 102 activating/deactivating the DAServer 76
Activate Server 22 configuring as service 73
Active Device 84, 101 managing your DAServer 73
Actual PLC item names 65 setting up your DAServer 15
Add command 65 DAServer Manager 19, 20, 117, 119
Add item references 66 DAServer Manager book 21
Add ModbusBridge objects 24 DAServer Manager documentation 19, 20, 22, 56
Add ModbusPLC objects 37 DAServer Manager tree 21
Add ModiconMicro objects 45 DAServer version 103
Add TSXMomentum objects 29 Data Access Server 11
Add TSXMomentumRS objects 49 Data and Register Types 87
Add TSXPremiumPLC objects 33 Data Type 88
Add TSXQuantum objects 26 DCOM 12
Alarm event 71 DDE 12, 13
Alias names 65 DDE communications protocol 80
Aliases 64 DDE/SuiteLink 73
Application name 80 DDE/SuiteLink, Accessing Data Using 80
ArchestrA System Management Console 19 DDEStatus 104
ArchestrA.DASMBTCP.2 16, 17, 20, 22, 73, 74, 76 Default Group 20
Archiving a Configuration Set 71 Default update interval 64
archiving configuration sets 74 Delete a device item from the list 67
Auto service 22 Delete command 67
Delete device groups 62
B Demo Mode 78
Device group 80, 96
before you begin 10 Device Group Parameters dialog box 63
Bit order format 27, 31, 34, 39, 42, 47, 50, 55 Device Groups 21
Block I/O size 29, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 56 Device Groups dialog box 21, 61
Block I/O sizes 52 Device Groups tab 21, 61, 77
Boolean item 78 Device groups. 77
Bridge type 25 Device hierarchy 21
Device Item Definitions 21, 64
C Device Items box 69
Device Items configuration 67
C style 40, 55 Device Items dialog box 21, 64, 65, 67, 69
checklist Device Items tab 21, 64, 65, 77
setting up the MBTCP DAServer 15 Device nodes 77
Clear All command 67, 69 DI (Discrete Input) 93
Clear all device items 67 Diagnostics 12
Coil 28, 32, 35, 43, 48, 51 Direct Connectivity 14

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

128 Index

Discrete input 28, 32, 35, 43, 48, 51 Input register read 29, 32, 36, 44, 48, 52
Discrete input/coil read 29, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56 InTouch WindowViewer 104
Distributed COM 12 IOStatus 104
DO (Discrete Output) 93 IP address 25, 34
documentation conventions 8 IR (Input Register) 93
Dynamic Data Exchange 13 Item ID 102
Item Name 102
E Item name 80, 81
Item Names 87
error messages 107 Item Reference column 65, 66, 68
Export command 67 ItemID 79
Export DAServer device item data 67
Export DAServer device item data to a CSV file 67 L
Export feature 67
Extended register 28, 32, 44, 51 L (long) 94
Extended register number 92 Large-scale edit on item data 67
Extended register read 29, 33, 45, 52 License Manager 78
Extended register write 29, 33, 45, 52 Link name 80, 102
Local node 20
F Log Flag data 107
Log Viewer 107
F (floating) 94 Logger 77
FastDDE 12, 13
Features 12 M
Full length 40, 55
Make change on device groups 62
G Make changes on update intervals 64
Manual or automatic service 22
Generic Modbus (RS232/RS485) PLC 87 Manual service 22
Generic Modbus controllers 14 Maximum address ramge 43
Generic Modbus PLC 87 Maximum address range 28, 32, 35, 48, 51
Generic Modbus Serial controllers 14 Maximum outstanding messages 25, 27, 30, 34, 38
Global Configuration parameters 77 MBTCP DAServer
Global Parameters 21 configuring as not a service 74
Group 96 MBTCP hierarchy 21
Group name 80 MBTCP Hierarchy in the DAServer Manager 21
Message Optimization 58
H Microsoft Management Console 19
MMC 19
Help menu 21 Modbus 13
Hierarchical location 96 Modbus Bridge 14, 25
Hierarchy 22 Modbus Generic 4-Digit PLCs 40, 55
HMI 12 Modbus Generic 5-Digit PLCs 40, 55
Holding register 28, 32, 36, 48, 51 Modbus Generic 6-Digit PLCs 40, 55
Holding register read 29, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52 Modbus Item Naming 89
Holding register read/write 44 Modbus Protocol Reference Guide 14, 20
Holding register write 29, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52 Modbus TCP/IP Ethernet Protocol 13
Host name 25, 34 Modbus-family controllers 89
Hot configurable 77 Modicon Micro (RS232) PLC 87
Hot Configuration 77 Modicon Micro controllers 14
HR (Holding Register) 94 Modicon PLC Naming Convention 92
Modicon PLCs 89
I ModiconPLC 80
Modulo-10000 Points Naming Convention 94
import 69
Import command 69 N
Import DAServer device item data 67
Import DAServer device item data from a CSV Name column 62, 65, 68
file 69 NetDDE 12
Import feature 67 Network address 25, 26, 30, 34, 37
Import off-line-edited DAServer device item data Network transport protocol 12
from a CSV file 69 New_Compact984_000 41
Indirect Connectivity 14 New_Compact984_000 Parameters 41
in-proc/out-of-proc 77 New_ModbusBridge_000 24
Input register 28, 32, 36, 44, 48, 51 New_ModbusBridge_000 Parameters 24

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

Index 129

New_ModbusPLC_000 37 Register number 87, 89

New_ModbusPLC_000 Parameters 37 Register Order 27, 31, 35, 39, 43, 47, 51, 55
New_ModbusPLCRS_000 53 Register read 56
New_ModbusPLCRS_000 Parameters 53 Register type 28, 31, 35, 40, 43, 47, 51, 55, 87
New_ModiconMicro_000 45 Register write 56
New_ModiconMicro_000 Parameters 45 Remote Reference formulas for cells 106
New_ModiconMicroPLC_000 49 Rename a device item from the list 66
New_PLC_000 Parameters 61, 64 Rename command 66
New_TCPIP_PORT_000 Parameters 23 Reply time-out 104
New_TSXMomentum_000 29 Reply timeout 27, 30, 34, 38, 42, 46, 50, 54
New_TSXMomentum_000 Parameters 29 runtime behavior 84
New_TSXMomentumRS_000 Parameters 49
New_TSXPremium_000 Parameters 33 S
New_TSXPremiumPLC_000 33
New_TSXQuantum_000 Parameters 26 S (signed) 94
New_TSXQuantumPLC_000 26 SCADA 12
Nmae column 65 Scan Based Message Handling 70
Node name 79, 80 Scan-Based Message Handling 70
NR&D Pen-T Bridge 14 Secondary Device 59, 83, 101
NRD Pen-T Bridge 25 Service 22
Setup.exe 20
O Slow poll mode 104
SMC 19
Off-line edit on item data 67 finding your DAServer 16
OLE for Process Control 12 Snap-in environment 20
OLE/COM technology 12 String variable style 28, 31, 35, 40, 43, 47, 55
OPC 12 SuiteLink 12, 77
OPC client 65 SuiteLink communications protocol 80
OPC communications protocol 79 Support multiple coil write 38, 54
OPC Item browsing 65 Support multiple register write 38, 54
OPC protocol 79 Support Unsolicited Messages 63
OPC, Accessing Data Using 79 supported operating systems 7
Open button 69 system items
Open Modbus/TCP Specification 123 $SYS$ActiveDevice 101
$SYS$ErrorText 101
P $SYS$FailoverReason 101
$SYS$FailoverTime 101
Pascal style 40, 55 $SYS$ForceFailover 101
Ping item 58, 60, 84 $SYS$PrimaryDeviceStatus 101
PLC 87 $SYS$SecondaryDeviceStatus 101
PLC configuration 67 $SYS$StandbyDevice 101
PLC disconnect 104 $SYS$Status 60, 84, 101
PLC hierarchy node 65 System Management Console 20
PLC Hierarchyname.csv 67
PLC Protocol Layer 117, 118 T
PLC register types 88
PLC Unit ID 50 Target PLC 102
PLC unit ID 42, 46, 53 TCP/IP Ethernet protocol 14
Plug-in Component(s) 117 TCP/IP port 14
Plug-ins 119 The file can be edited off-line 68
Point Naming Convention 89 Topic name 80, 87
POKE command 106 TSX Momentum (RS232/RS485) PLC 87
Poke Mode settings 21 TSX Momentum controllers 14
Port number 23, 37 TSX Momentum PLC 87
Prepare the MBTCP DAServer 20 TSX Premium controllers 14
Primary Device 58, 83, 101 TSX Premium PLC 87
ProgID 79 TSX Quantum controllers 14
Program name 79 TSX Quantum PLC 87
PV (Process Variable) 94
U (unsigned) 94
Redundant 58, 59, 60, 83, 84 Unsolicited Message Configuration 71
Reference 11 Unsolicited Message Handling 71
reference 117 Unsolicited Message, Behavior 71

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

130 Index

Update Interval 70
Update Interval column 64
Use Concept data structures (Longs) 27, 30, 34, 38,
42, 46, 50, 54
Use Concept data structures (Reals) 27, 31, 34, 38,
42, 47, 50, 54

Value Time Quality (VTQ) 12

welcome 7
WinSock 12

Zero Based Addressing 34, 39, 54

MBTCP DAServer Users Guide

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