Advertising Project: Hyundai I10 Transformed-Ad Campaign

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Advertising Project

Hyundai i10 Transformed- Ad campaign


Geographical- the target has been the entire country with no specific cities
embattled. The same advertisement campaign has been used all throughout the
Demographic- the target has been the youth of the country. The targeted age
group has been from 18 to 30 years.
Psychographic- it has targeted the new economy businesses like the IT and the
BPO sector
Behavioral- it targets either singles or young couples without children, it targets
the style conscious and innovative individuals it is for the early adopters that is
the people who get on to the new technology first. It targets the upper middle
class youth (with an income of above Rs. 3.5 Lac annually).


The world premiere of the car was done in India.

Usually these cars are launched in Europe at the auto shows, but this was one of
the only cars launched in India. This was an informative advertisement.
The main message of the i10 launch ad was to inform customers in an interesting
manner, how a car is being launched in India first, and not anywhere else in the
world, as it usually is. The creative concept they worked on was 'world premiere'.


The media strategy was 2 pronged:
1. Above the line:
Through a channel mix targeting core group youth. A channel mix comprising all
main TV channels including news, entertainment, music, movies like Star Network
(Star Plus, Star One, Star News), Zee TV, Sony Network etc. were selected on the
basis of affinity, time spent & loyalty. Sponsorships were taken to add to the
visibility of the brand.
Outdoor events were sponsored by i10 to raise the awareness of the product
amongst the target audience. A competition sponsored by i10 was on 92.7 BIG FM.
Ads were also put on the print media in newspapers like The Times of India, The
Hindustan Times etc., magazines like Autocar, Overdrive etc.

2. Below the line

Posters and danglers were used to raise awareness. Activities were conducted in
the showroom as well. The activities conducted in the showrooms were mainly
around test drives, and to encourage people to check out the car. They did a
promotion called 'Win the i', where customers could win exciting prizes, including
an i10.

List all media used in this campaign

Television Trade/ Professional Magazine

Point-of-Purchase Radio
Consumer Magazine Newspaper
Public Relations Sales Promotion


As the above figure shows the budget was divided into 2 phases:
Launch and,
Post launch
Approximately 22crores were spent during the launch phase and then
later on approximately 15 crores were spent during the launch phase.
Production cost was 1.2 crores


Inocean advertising evaluates their result on the basis of a report called the brand
track report.
The company maintains a report which is called the brand track it is reported
every quarter its divided into three categories.

1. The pre testing stage consists of the top ten reasons for the person to
choose a brand.
2. Brand dynamics- this emphasises on the strength of our brand and the other
brands in the category, and also as to why is our brand being chosen.
3. Communication strategy- Its proven recall. Recall of the ad done for only
Tv and Print, and also as to which media we saw the ad. It is not done for
the internet.

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