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Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

Department of Civil Engineering

What is Water Resources Engineering?
A branch within Civil Engineering among other branches

UEMX4533 Water Resources System

Water resources engineers are concerned
Introduction to Water Resources System
Water Resources Engineering as a Career Path for Civil Engineers with the problems associated with the use and
control of water

By Ir. Dr. Charlene Koo Chai Hoon 1 2

Introduction Introduction

Examples of Application of Water

Resources Engineering
What is Water Resources Engineering?
Control/Management of Water
o Flood Damage Reduction/Mitigation
o Stormwater Management
Utilization of Water
o Water Supply Industrial, Municipal, Agricultural Flash Flood in mountainous
o Hydroelectric Power Generation areas needs protection Landslide from heavy rainfall
o Reservoir as storage
needs protective measures
Protection of water resources and environment
o Water pollution control
o Stream Restoration, Erosion Control, Dam Removal

A dam for flood protection, storage,

A water intake point (for
power, fishing and navigation
consumption) from a stream
3 4
Introduction Introduction
A More specific Example
More Examples
(Job Type for a Water Resources Engineer)
Design the water distribution and storage system for Klang
Valley. Design life will be 50 years

How will a Civil Engineer do it?

Water Treatment Plant draws water
directly from a River. You cannot use Factor Population Growth of Klang Valley
Wastewater Treatment plant used water can not Factor how much water is needed (after 50 years)
just be thrown back it will kill the fishes and the
environment. Must treat it first
Is the water available enough to meet demand?
Factor how much water is available (from groundwater,
rivers, lakes)
No then plan storage system (reservoir) But how big
Civil Engineers design and lay water
distribution system for cities 5
should it be? 6
Introduction Introduction

QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED IN How do Civil Engineers Find out How

DESIGN much Water is Available?
How much water is needed?
How much water can be expected?
In Water resources system, we apply the knowledge of water
What size structure is needed?
Who may use the water? This is the cycle that describes how water is moving around us
What kind of water is it? (rainfall, groundwater, river water, evaporation etc.)
What structural problems exist? The names of the unit are HYDROLOGY and HYDRAULIC
How is the natural environment affected? SYSTEM AND DESIGN.
Is the project economically efficient and equitable?

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Introduction Introduction
Hierarchy of Learning Water Resources System
Job Opportunities
Studying Water Resources Engineering widens job opportunities
1. Everyone takes UEME2123 Fluid Mechanics followed by within the Civil Engineering domain.
UEMX3523 Hydraulics during Junior year.
Some fun places where you can work are:
2. UEME2123 learns the fundamentals (theory)
(1) Department of Irrigation & Drainage (DID)
3. UEMX3523 (prerequisite for UEMX4533) learns the (2) Malaysian Meteorological Department (MetMalaysia)
engineering aspect (application)
(3) National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM)
4. Elective unit during senior year:
(4) C & S Consulting Companies
i) UEMX4533 Water Resources System (focuses on
(5) Local council
managing water resources systems)
(6) Ministry of Energy, Green Technology & Water (Kettha)

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Introduction Introduction

Grading System
Contact Me
Consultation hour:
1-3pm, Tuesday and 3-5pm, Thursday.
Other day & time, please make appointment.
No Method of Assessment Breakdown of Mark Email: [email protected]
1. Midterm Test 10 Webpage:
Office: 58(2), 8th Floor, KB Block
2. Assignments 20
3. Final Exam 70
Total 100

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Introduction Introduction

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