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Republic of the Philippines



G.R. No. L-31581 February 3, 1930

Estate of the deceased Gabina Labitoria.

ENRIQUE M. PASNO, petitioner-appellee,
FORTUNATA RAVINA and PONCIANA RAVINA, oppositors-appellants.

Camus and Delgado for appellant National Bank.

Domingo Lopez for appellee.


There are two appeals in this case. One appeal has been taken by the
oppositors to the legalization of the will of Gabina Labitoria, and concerns
the validity of that will. The other appeal has been taken by the Philippine
National Bank and concerns the survivability of the right of sale of the
mortgaged property under special power while the mortgaged property is
in custodia legis. We will deal with these appeals separately.

I. ENRIQUE M. PASNO, petitioner and appellee, vs. FORTUNATA

RAVINA and PONCIANO RAVINA, oppositors and appellants. Validity of
Gabina Labitoria's will.

As the stenographic notes have not been written up and elevated to this
court, any discussion of the evidence is rendered impossible. The single
question to be decided is whether the admitted fact that the will was
executed on July 27, 1928, although stating that it was executed on
February 6, 1926, invalidates the will. As said by the trial judge, the reason
for the error was on account of the will being in great part a reproduction of
another will of February 6, 1926, and inadvertently retaining this date.

Section 618, as amended, of the Code of Civil Procedure prescribes the

requisites necessary to the execution of a valid will. The law does not
require that the will shall be dated. Accordingly, a will without a date is
valid. So likewise an erroneous date will not defeat a will. (Wright vs. Wright
[1854], 5 Ind., 389; Peace vs. Edwards [1915], 170 N. C., 64; Ann. Cas.
1918-A, 778; L. R. A. 1916-E, 501 note.)

It results that the trial judge was right in admitting the will of Gabina
Labitoria to probate.

II. ENRIQUE M. PASNO, petitioner and appellee, vs. PHILIPPINE

NATIONAL BANK, appellant. Right of the mortgagee, the Philippine
National Bank, to foreclose the mortgage in its favor executed by Gabina
Labitoria during her lifetime now that the mortgaged property is in the
hands of an administrator.

The facts are not in dispute. Gabina Labitoria during her lifetime mortgaged
three parcels of land to the Philippine National Bank to secure an
indebtedness of P1,600. It was stipulated in the mortgage, among other
things, that the mortgagee "may remove, sell or dispose of the mortgaged
property or any buildings, improvements or other property in, on or
attached to it and belonging to the mortgagor in accordance with the
provisions of Act No. 3135 or take other legal action that it may deem
necessary." The mortgagor died, and a petition was presented in court for
the probate of her last will and testament. During the pendency of these
proceedings, a special administrator was appointed by the lower court who
took possession of the estate of the deceased, including the three parcels
of land mortgaged to the Philippine National Bank. The estate having failed
to comply with the conditions of the mortgage, the Philippine National Bank,
pursuant to the stipulations contained in the same, asked the sheriff of
Tayabas to proceed with the sale of the parcels of land. When the attorney
for the special administrator received notice of the proposed action, he filed
a motion in court in which an order was asked requiring the sheriff to
vacate the attachment over the mortgaged properties and to abstain from
selling the same. The lower court granted the petition in an order of
February 14, 1929, and later denied a motion for reconsideration presented
on behalf of the Philippine National Bank.

The mortgage makes special reference to Act No. 3135. That Act is one to
regulate the sale of property under special powers inserted in or annexed
to real-estate mortgages. It fails to make provision regarding the sale of
mortgaged property which is in custodia legis. Under these circumstances,
it would be logical to suppose that the general provisions of Philippine law
would govern this latter contingency. It is a familiar rule that statutes in pari
materia are to be read together. The legislative body which enacted Act No.
3135 must be presumed to have been acquainted with the provisions of
such a well known law as the Code of Civil Procedure and to have passed
Act No. 3135 with reference thereto.

The appellant practically concedes that the law applicable to the case is
section 708 of the Code of Civil Procedure. The cited section reads: "A
creditor holding a claim against the deceased, secured by mortgage or
other collateral security, may abandon the security and prosecute his claim
before the committee, and share in the general distribution of the assets of
the estate; or he may foreclose his mortgage or realize upon his security,
by ordinary action in court, making the executor or administrator a party
defendant; and if there is a judgment for a deficiency, after the sale of the
mortgaged premises, or the property pledged, in the foreclosure or other
proceeding to realize upon the security, he may prove his deficiency
judgment before the committee against the estate of the deceased; or he
may rely upon his mortgage or other security alone, and foreclose the
same at any time, within the period of the statute of limitations, and in that
even he shall not be admitted as a creditor, and shall receive no share in
the distribution of the other assets of the estate; but nothing herein
contained shall prohibit the executor or administrator from redeeming the
property mortgaged or pledged, by paying the debt for which it is held as
security, under the direction of the court, if the court shall adjudge it to be
for the best interest of the estate that such redemption shall be made." In
this connection, it is to be noted that the law provides two remedies (Osorio
vs. San Agustin [1913], 25 Phil., 404). The creditor here is not taking
advantage of the first remedy for the mortgage security has not been
abandoned. Rather is the second remedy invoked but until now
unsuccessfully since the mortgagee has not begun an ordinary action in
court to foreclose the mortgage making the special administrator a party

The power of sale given in a mortgage is a power coupled with an interest

which survives the death of the grantor. One case, that of Carter vs.
Slocomb ([1898], 122 N. C., 475), has gone so far as to hold that a sale
after the death of the mortgagor is valid without notice to the heirs of the
mortgagor. However that may be, conceding that the power of sale is not
revoked by the death of the mortgagor, nevertheless in view of the silence
of Act No. 3135 and in view of what is found in section 708 of the Code of
Civil Procedure, it would be preferable to reach the conclusion that the
mortgagee with a power of sale should be made to foreclose the mortgage
in conformity with the procedure pointed out in section 708 of the Code of
Civil Procedure. That would safeguard the interests of the estate by putting
the estate on notice while it would not jeopardize any rights of the
mortgagee. The only result is to suspend temporarily the power to sell so
as not to interfere with the orderly administration of the estate of a
decedent. A contrary holding would be inconsistent with the portion of our
law governing the settlement of estates of deceased persons.

It results that the trial judge committed no error in sustaining the petition of
the administrator of the estate of the deceased Gabina Labitoria and in
denying the motion of the Philippine National Bank.

Agreeable to the foregoing pronouncements, the judgment and orders

appealed from will be affirmed, with one-half of the costs of this instance
against the oppositors and appellants Fortunata Ravina and Ponciano
Ravina, and the other half of the costs of this instance against the
Philippine National Bank.

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