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DATE : June 02, 2017



We are pleased to inform you that YAMANG BUKID FOOD PRODUCTS is engaging your services
as a member of its SALES STAFF effectiveJune 02, 2017with remuneration as follows:

Basic Rate - PXX,XXX.00/month

Allowance -

You are hereby assigned under the supervision of the Area Manager, who shall discuss with you
details of your responsibilities as well as the performance standards required in your

The following are the conditions of your employment with the Company;

1. You are required to comply with all existing rules, regulations and policies of the
Company as well as those which may hereafter be issued, including but not limited
to those governing order and discipline, dishonesty, safety and security, working
hours, break and rest periods, work assignments and standard operating
procedures, uniform, use of Company properties and access to matters of
confidentiality, and such other deemed necessary in the conduct of our business.

You must, therefore, refer to Yamang Bukids Code of Discipline attached herewith
as Annex A. In addition, you are required to attend an orientation with the Human
Resources Department on or before the effective date of this Employment Contract
to ensure that you are fully aware of the rules and regulations set forth in the said
Code of Conduct.

2. You shall render no less than eight (8) hours of work per day, six (6) working days a
week on the shift assigned by the Company.

3. You likewise agree to render overtime/extra work on any day in case there are
urgent need including rest days and holidays.

4. Except for your compensation above stipulated and the minimum labor standards
as may be provided for by law, any and all privileges and fringe benefits granted to
our regular employees are not deemed part of the terms and conditions of your
employment until you have rendered one year of continues service effective on the
date you reported for work.

5. It is expected that all information you submitted to the Company before and in the
course of your employment is correct, complete and accurate. It is understood that
any misrepresentation of facts called for on your application for employment or in
the course of your employment shall be ground for your dismissal.

6. You shall not engage in or have any share or ownership in a business or occupation
which may render yourself a competitor of the Company nor act or enter into any
transaction which may, in any manner, compete or help any person to compete
with the Company or with any of its business/es; and that you shall not use your
position in the Company for your own personal interest.

7. You agree that all records and documents of the Company and all information or
secret processes pertaining to its business or affairs are confidential and
unauthorized disclosure or reproduction of the same will not be made by you at any
time during or after your employment. You agree that any breach of confidentiality
will constitute ground for immediate termination of your employment for cause,
without prejudice to any liability for civil damages.

8. You agree to be transferred and/or to accept any assignment to another

department or to any location, if and when so requested by the Company as may be
dictated by business exigencies.

9. Should you resign from the Company, you agree to the companys policy of
submitting the appropriate written notice thirty (30) days prior to the effective date
of resignation.

10. You consent to submit yourself to body search when coming in or going out of the
Company premises and that your refusal to do so shall be subject to disciplinary
action in accordance with Companys Rules and Regulations.

11. It is agreed that in cases of disputes which may arise between parties herein with
respect to the interpretation and enforcement of Company personnel policies or
matters concerning wages, hours of work and other conditions of employment, the
same should be initially resolved through the Companys grievance machinery.

If you agree with the above terms and conditions, please indicate your conformity by signing on
the space provided below for this purpose.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have read and fully understood the foregoing terms and conditions of
my employment with the company and that I accept the same completely.



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