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Ac ffre


Look ond reod. Find the words in the box.
Exomple When gou hove this, gour nose goes red ond gou might hove o cough.
I An ombulonce tokes gou to this ploce if
gou ore verg il[. o h o s t I t o

2 You go to see this person if gou've got t e m P e r o t u r e

P CI c h e m I S t s m
3 lf gou feet itt, the doctor gives gou this
n o m b u o n c e
CI t
to moke gou better.
4 You go there to bug medicine ond gou n r t e r c I c h r d
cqn sometimes bug other things tike u u s CT o k m o u g
soop ond combs there, too. r q k u o t r b c
5 These people look ofter people who s X e b z \d/ t d
ore i[[ in hospitol.
e o d e n t I S t I n
6 This often hos o light on top ond con
s t o m o c h o c h e
toke gou to hospitol.

@ Listen qnd drow lines.There is one exomple. Listening

# Port I


Complete the sentences with other words from the box in A.

| ...................... , the bog in the white shorts, hos ...................... his orm.
2 ...................... , the gir[ in the striped T-shirt, hos got o ...................... l"g.
3 ...................... , the bog in the red jocket, hos got o
4 ...................... , the girl in the purple trousers, might hove o
5 ...................... , the little gir[ with the whiteT-shirt, hos storted to
i# Reod the conversotion qnd choose the best onswer.
DoctorWo[[: Good morning,Witliom. I'm DoctorWott.Whot's the motterl
Wittiom: H

DoctorWo[[: When did gou stort to feel like this?

DoctorWqt[: Whot did gou eot gesterdog evening?
DoctorWo[]: I see.Wos it o chocolote cokel
DoctorWol[: Hoppg birthdog for gesterdog!
DoctorWoll: No, gou dont.Whg dont gou go home ond lie down?
And dont eot ong more chocolote cqke!

A Four pieces of pizzo ond o lot of birthdog coke.

B lt hurt when I woke up this morning.
C I wont. I'm not hungrg todog!
D Lots of mg school friends come to mg house.
E Yes. Mum otwogs mokes thot cqke for me on mg birthdog.
F I stqrted school when I wos five geors old.
G Thonk gou. Do I need to toke ong medicine?
H I've got o stomoch-oche. (Exompte)

Ask ond onswer questions obout DoctorWot[ ond Mrs Ring's jobs.

Job? Doctor Job? Ambulonce driver

When/work? everg night When/work? everg weekend
Nome/hospitot? Skg hospitot Nome/hospito[? Swon hospitol
Where/hospitot? Stotion Rood Where/hospito[? Pork Squore
New/otd? new New/otd? otd

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