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Sermon Notes

Practical Lessons for Understanding the Word of God

Your Convictions About Prayer

KEY PASSAGE: Matthew 7:7-8 | SUPPORTING SCRIPTURES: Psalm 119:105 | Isaiah 59:1-2 | Matthew 21:22
John 14:1, 13, 27; 15:7 | Philippians 4:19 | 1 Timothy 2:5-6 | James 1:5-7 | 1 John 5:14-15

believe that Christ died on the cross to pay our sin

debt in full, we enter into a relationship with God
What are your convictions about prayer? and can then converse with Him and be certain that
He hears us.
Are you convinced that God will answer your
The bottom line of all prayer is that access to the
requests, or do you feel uncertain or frustrated?
Lord is only available through Jesus Christ, the one
Having a conviction is being so thoroughly convinced
mediator between God and man. (1 Tim. 2:5). Those
something is absolutely true that you will take a stand
who pray without this relationship are speaking to
for it regardless of the consequences. The Bible is the
the one they imagine God to be, but not to the one
foundation for our convictions about prayer. If we
true God. Jesus came to open the door for us to have
believe and practice what it says, we can be confident
a relationship with the heavenly Father and access
that the Lord will hear and answer our prayers.
to Him through prayer. The promises regarding
answered prayer only apply to those who have been
SERMON POINTS forgiven and reconciled to the Lord.

The Bible contains some tremendous promises Four Basic Convictions About Effective and
concerning prayer that we can confidently believe. Answered Prayer
n Matthew 7:7-8 Ask, and it will be given to
Once we have entered into a relationship with the
you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be
Father through Jesus Christ, we can confidently
opened to you. For everyone who asks receives,
expect answers to our prayers when we . . .
and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks
it will be opened. n Make your requests in accordance with Gods
will (1 John 5:14-15). This means we should ask
n Matthew 21:22 All things you ask in prayer,
for those things that are consistent with His
believing, you will receive.
character, nature, desires, purposes, and plans
n 1 John 5:14-15 This is the confidence which we
for our lives or the lives of those for whom we
have before Him, that, if we ask anything according intercede. He will not give us anything that
to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He is motivated by selfishness, exalts our pride,
hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have contradicts His Word, or leads us into sin.
the requests which we have asked from Him.
n Ask in faith, believing and expecting Him to
The First Decision for Answered Prayer answer. James 1:5-7 tells us, If any of you lacks
wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all
In order to receive answers to prayer, we must first generously and without reproach, and it will be
place our faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness given to him. But he must ask in faith without
of our sins. Because God is holy, our sins have any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the
separated us from Him. But when we repent and surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind.


For that man ought not to expect that he will n We focus on our requests rather than on God.
receive anything from the Lord. Gods promises Sometimes, in our deep concern over the issues
in His Word are the basis for our confidence we bring to the Lord, we lose sight of Him. Our
in His willingness to answer our requests. thoughts are focused on the needs and not on
However, if we rely on our feelings or a sense of the One who can meet them. We must remember
unworthiness, doubts will soon overtake faith. that we are talking to almighty God and should
n Ask in Jesus name (John 14:13). Oftentimes, therefore center our thoughts on His character,
the phrase in Jesus name is tacked onto the power, and promises, expressing our confidence,
end of our prayers as if it were a magic formula gratitude, and praise to Him.
guaranteeing an answer. But that is not at all n We pray without the Word of God. In John 15:7
what it means to pray in Jesus name. It actually Jesus said, If you abide in Me, and My words
means that our prayers align with Christs nature, abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will
teaching, and will. Rather than trying to persuade be done for you. When Scripture fills our hearts
God to answer our requests according to what we and minds, our thoughts and prayer requests
desire, prayer in Jesus name seeks His will and align with Gods will, and our faith grows strong.
glory above our own. But if we neglect Gods Word, there is no light
n Ask with a pure heart. If we tolerate or ignore to guide our path or to give us understanding
known sin and disobedience in our lives, we have and assurance (Ps. 119:105). Together, prayer and
no reason to expect God to hear and answer our the Word of God should be our priority. As we
prayers (Isa. 59:1-2). Thats why its so important open the Word, we find guidance regarding how
to confess and repent of sin when it happens. to pray, and as we pray, our understanding of
Having a pure heart means we are committed to Scripture increases.
being obedient to Christ in every way and living a
holy life. However, holiness as applied to mankind
doesnt mean perfection, but sensitivity to the RESPONSE
Spirits conviction and willingness to deal with
n How confident are you that the Lord will answer
sin immediately.
your prayers?
Mistakes Made in Prayer n Look back at the four basic convictions regarding
answered prayer. Which ones do you need to
One of the reasons our prayers go unanswered is make your regular practice in order to pray more
because of mistakes we make in our prayers. effectively?
n We want to help God answer our prayers. After n Now review the three mistakes made in prayer.
laying our petitions before the Lord, we dont leave If you have followed any of these patterns, what
them with Him, trusting that He will answer them changes can you make to correct your approach?
in the best way at the right time. If the answer
doesnt come as soon as wed like, our faith in Him
begins to waver, and we try to fix the situation
ourselves. In reality, feelings of helplessness are
good because they remind us that God alone has
the power to intervene and the wisdom to know
whats best. The acid test of faith is being willing
to keep our hands off the situation until God deals To purchase this message on CD or DVD,
with it. Our attempts to help Him only result in please visit or call 1-800-789-1473.
confusion and compounded problems. To download these Sermon Notes, visit

Copyright 2017 by In Touch Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. In Touch grants permission to print for personal use only.


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