Past Perfect Tense & Past Perfect Continuous Tense

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Past Perfect Tense is used to express the past action, already finished
when another past action happened.

( In such sentenses, it is not emphasized how long or how many times the action
has continued. It is emphasized that the action had happened before another
action. However, sometimes we can see the duration of the action in a
sentence. In this case also, Past Perfect Tense shows that the action was
completed at the given time and it is emphasized that the event started and
finished in the past, not the duration of the event. )
I had made a decision before you called me.
When she arrived, the bus had already left.
My mother had written three books before she died.
I had never seen him for 5 days. But I saw him yesterday. ( the
event was completed I finally saw it )
When her husband died, they had been married for 30 years. ( the
state was completed They were no longer married )
Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used to express a past action
which started in the past and continued to happen after another
action or time in the past.
( In such sentences, Past Perfect Continuous Tense tell us how long the action
had continued or the duration of the action is emphasized more in this
tense. Namely, Past Perfect Continuous Tense shows that the action was not
completed after that time ( the event continued to happen ) and it is
emphasized the duration of the event. )
We had been looking for the wallet for 2 hours when Susan found it.
She had been writting reports since morning when the boss came
the office.
Tom had been sitting in the garden for 2 hours when his friends went
to the cinema.
They had been celebrating their wedding anniversary for hours
when David arrived.
My wife had been cooking the meal since 4 oclock when my father
called us.
In reported speech, Past Perfect Tense is used instead of Simple Past
Tense and Present Perfect Tense in direct speech )
He told us he had visited Paris twice before. ( He told I have visited
Paris twice before )
Jackson asked the singer when he had sung his first song. ( Jackson
asked the singer When did you sing your first song? )
In reported speech, Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used instead of
Past Continuous Tense and Present Perfect Continuous Tense in direct
She told him she had been living in London. ( She told I was living in
London )
My father said he had been painting all the walls since Monday. ( My
father said I have been painting all the walls since Monday )

We use Past Perfect Tense with stative verbs / non-continuous verbs / mixed
verbs instead of Past Perfect Continuous Tense
They had understood the subject. ( we can not say had been
We had believed you. ( we can not say had been believing)
Linda had appeared confused. ( we can not say had been

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