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MASS SONGS Sabbath Prayer

May the Lord protect and defend you.

May He always shield you from shame.
One Love, One Heart
May you come to be
One love, one heart
In paradise in shining name.
One life for one heart

One dream forever

May you be like Ruth and like Esther.
Till death do us part
May you be deserving of praise.

One Hand, One Heart Strengthen them, Oh Lord,

And keep them from the strangers' ways.

Make of our hands one hand,

Make of our hearts one heart,

May God bless you and grant you long lives.
Make of our vows one last vow:
(May the Lord fulfill our Sabbath prayer for you.)
Only death will part us now.
May God make you good mothers and wives.

(May He send you husbands who will care for you.)

Make of our lives one life,
May the Lord protect and defend you.
Day after day, one life.
May the Lord preserve you from pain.

Now it begins, now we start

Favor them, Oh Lord, with happiness and peace.
One hand, one heart;
Oh, hear our Sabbath prayer. Amen.
Even death won't part us now.

Song of Ruth

Make of our lives one life, Wherever you go, I shall go

Day after day, one life. Wherever you live, so shall I live

Now it begins, now we start Your people will be my people,

One hand, one heart, And your god will be my god, too.

Even death won't part us now.

Wherever you die, I shall die;

And there shall I be buried beside you

We will be together forever,

And our love will be the gift of our life




As we gather may Your Spirit work within us Glory to God in the highest

As we gather may we glorify Your name And peace to His people on earth

Knowing well that as our hearts begin to worship Lord God, Heavenly King, Almighty God and Father

We'll be blessed because we came We worship You

We'll be blessed because we came We give You thanks

We praise You for Your glory

Chorus: Lord, Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, Lord God, Lamb of God

His mercies never come to an end, You take away the sins of the world

They are new every morning, new every morning Lord, have mercy on us

Great is Thy faithfulness (Oh Lord) You are seated at the right hand of the Father

Great is Thy faithfulness Receive our prayer

For You alone are the Holy One

KYRIE You alone are the Lord

Lord, have mercy You alone are the Most High

Jesus Christ
Priest: Lord Jesus, You came to reconcile us
With the Holy Spirit
To one another, and to the Father
In the glory of God the Father
Lord, have mercy
Congregation: Lord, have mercy

Priest: Lord Jesus, You heal the wounds of sin and

Sing Alleluia
Christ, have mercy
Sing alleluia, sing alleluia
Congregation: Christ, have mercy
Sing alleluia to the Lord
Priest: Lord Jesus, You intercede for us to the Father
Sing alleluia, sing alleluia
Lord, have mercy
Sing alleluia to the Lord
Congregation: Lord, have mercy
Sing alleluia, alleluia!

Take and Receive Our Father, who art in heaven,

Take and receive, O Lord, my liberty hallowed be thy name,

Take all my will, my mind, my memory thy kingdom come, thy will be done

All things I hold and all I own are Thine on earth as it is in heaven.

Thine was the gift, to Thee I all resign Give us this day our daily bread,

Do Thou direct and govern all and sway and forgive us our trespasses

Do what Thou wilt, command, and I obey as we forgive those who trespass against us,

Only Thy grace, Thy love on me bestow and lead us not into temptation,

These make me rich, all else will I forego. but deliver us, deliver us from evil.


HOLY For the kingdom and the power and the glory are Yours

Holy, Holy, Holy now and forever

Lord God of hosts.

Heaven and earth are full of your glory, LAMB OF GOD

full of your glory. Lamb of God,

Hosanna in the highest. You take away the sin of the world,

Hosanna in the highest. Have mercy on us.

Blessed is he who comes in the name

of the Lord. Lamb of God,

Hosanna in the highest. You take away the sin of the world,

Hosanna in the highest. Have mercy on us.


We proclaim your death, O Lord You take away the sin of the world,

And profess your resurrection Grant us, O grant us Your peace.

Until You come again.

You Are Mine

I will come to you in the silence I am the Word that leads all to freedom

I will lift you from all your fear I am the peace the world cannot give

You will hear My voice I will call your name, embracing all your pain

I claim you as My choice Stand up, now, walk, and live

Be still, and know I am here


I am hope for all who are hopeless Do not be afraid, I am with you

I am eyes for all who long to see I have called you each by name

In the shadows of the night, Come and follow Me

I will be your light I will bring you home

Come and rest in Me I love you and you are mine

Chorus: Restless is My Heart

Do not be afraid, I am with you Refrain:

I have called you each by name You have made me for yourself

Come and follow Me For you alone my God

I will bring you home And restless is my heart

I love you and you are mine Til it rests in you

I am strength for all the despairing Let me know myself, let me know you

Healing for the ones who dwell in shame That knowing you my only God

All the blind will see, the lame will all run free That I may love you more and more

And all will know My name My God, my only God (Refrain)

Chorus: Possess my soul, possess my heart

Do not be afraid, I am with you My mind, my will, my whole being

I have called you each by name That I may live for You alone

Come and follow Me My God, my only God (Refrain)

I will bring you home

I love you and you are mine

Come and dwell in me, my Triune God

God Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Come live with me forever

My God, my only God (Refrain)


Go and tell every nation, Alleluia

Christ our Savior is risen, Alleluia

Lift your voices in praise

Through His love we are saved

Christ is risen, alleluia!

Praise be to God, alleluia!


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