Kvs Mock Test 01

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Time Allowed: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 150

ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, funsZk INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES

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2. ijh{kk dh vof/k 2 ?kaVs gS ,oa ijh{kk esa 150 izu gSA dksbZ _.kkRed 2. The test is of 2 house duration and consists of 150
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5. bl iqfLrdk esa ikp Hkkx 1, 2, 3, 4 vkSj 5 gSa] ftuesa 150 oLrqfu"B izu 5. This test booklet has five part 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, consisting
gSa] tks izR;sd 1 vad dk gS% of 150 objective type questions, each carrying 1 mark:

Hkkx-1 % vaxszth iz- 1 ls iz- 15 Part 1 : English (Q. 1 to Q. 15)

Hkkx-2 % fganh iz- 16 ls iz- 30 Part 2 : Hindi (Q. 16 to Q. 30)

Hkkx-3 % djsZaV vQs;lZ iz- 31 ls iz- 70 Part 3 : Current Affairs (Q. 31 to Q. 70)

Hkkx-4 % rdZkf ifj{k.k iz- 71 ls iz- 110 Part 4 : Reasoning (Q. 71 to Q. 110)

Hkkx-5 % fk{k.k vfHk{kerk iz- 111 ls iz- 150 Part 5 : Teaching Aptitude (Q. 111 to Q. 150)

;fn vuqokn esa fdlh Hkh izdkj dh dksbZ vLi"Vrk gks rks vaxszth okys ikB 6. In case of any ambiguity in translate, the English
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Directions (1-2): Identify the type of adverb in the bold neighbourhood. He says that water without fish is just as
word absurd as fish without water.
1. She often goes to the cinema On Independence Day Eve he had, as if, an appointment
a) Adverb of time b) Adverb of Degree with the Ajoy, the river he loves and adores.
c) Adverb of Frequency d) Adverb of Manner Choked up with silt and sand from bank to bank, the river
2. She barely left the room when the roof fell in. remains almost dry throughout the year except in the
a) Adverb of Time b) Adverb of Degree rainy season. Once called the crazy river for often
c) Adverb of Frequency d) Adverb of Manner changing its course. Ajoy is now better known for the
3. Which is not Shakespeares drama ? great destruction it causes, at intervals of some years, by
a) Titus Andronicus b) Edward the Second flooding the villages on its banks. It then washes away
c) Hamlet d) Richard III people and cattle and houses, and brings great misery.
4. Tick the correct meaning of the idiom come about The appointed day arrived. It was a cloudy afternoon at
a) get b) take place Palitpur, the venue of the programme where a new bridge
c) happen d) recover has been built across the river.
5. Galsworthy began his literary career as Short speeches were made. Songs were sung. Mr. Patel
a) a journalist b) a dramatist took a handful of the young salmon and threw them into
c) a novelist d) a poet the wateronce, twice, thrice. Others followed him. The
6. Novella is a word from hero of the day looked happy, and a smile lit up his
a) India b) France wrinkled face.
c) Italy d) England But some fisherman in the crowd were rather sceptical
7. Which of the following is a masque written by Milton? about the usefulness of the programme. Will the fish,
a) Comus b) Adeopagitica when grown up, return to the same waters and be caught
c) Lycidas d) None of the above in their nets ? perhaps not. They talked among
8. Put in the correct prepositions themselves.
We hearditour meeting. Mr. Patel, However, does not bother himself about who
a) of, through b) at, during catches how much fish in which waters. He himself is a
c) of, during d) of, in complete vegetarian. His only concern is the well-being of
Directions (9-10): The following sentences are given fish.
with blank spaces. Choose the correct alternative to fill in 11. Pannalal Patel, who is very old, is still
the blank. a) strong b) fond of fishing
9. I am looking forward you. c) very alert d) can walk fast
a) to seeing b) to see 12. Pannalal had an appointment with the river Ajoy
c) to have seen d) for seeing a) on 15th August b) on 14 August
10. He says he is not for the job of a doctor. c) on 15th August morning
a) cut up b) cut off d) on 14th August evening
c) cut down d) cut out 13. The Ajoy floods its banks
Directions (11-15): Read the following passage carefully a) every rainy season b) very rarely
and answer the questions which follow c) every few years d) quite often
SANTINIKETAN, Aug. 17, 1998 : The rainy season has 14. According to Pannalal, water without fish is
returned, and the man is back at his work, He is a) unthinkable b) tasteless
Pannalal Patel, the man who has completed 96 years, and c) impure d) unprofitable
is still going strong. 15. The object of Pannalals programme at Palitpur was
Pannalal was once a terrorist. Then he turned into a the welfare of
Gandhian. At present his mission is Meen Mangal or the a) the fishermen b) the Ajoy
well-being of fish, as he calls it. c) society d) fish
Come the rains, and Pannalal would release millions of
young salmons into rivers following through the


(16 20): 16.

a) b)
c) d)

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17. | - |
a) b) |
c) d) , |
18. |
a) b) | |
c) d) , |
19. |
a) b) | |
c) d) , , |
20. , ?
a) b) |
c) d) | |
(21-25): |
| | , , |
| | | ,
, |
| | |
21. _____| | -
a) b) | ,
c) d) |
22. _____ , | 26.
a) b) a) b)
c) d) c) d)
23. _____ | 27. ?
a) b) a) b)
c) d) c) d)
24. _____ | 28. ______ ______ |
a) b) a) , b) ,
c) d) c) , d) ,
25. _____ | 29. ?
a) b) a)
c) d) b)
(26-30): c)
| d)
| 30. ?
| | | ?
| , | a) b)
, c) d)


31. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Minister Kalraj 32. Which of the following state has become the first state
Mishra has unveiled the worlds largest Charkha at in the country to introduce minimum wages for part
which of the following Airport in India recently? time workers?
a) Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Airport, Patna a) Rajasthan b) Odisha
b) Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport, c) Tamil Nadu d) Bihar
Kolkata 33. The Union cabinet approved an outlay of how much
c) Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Mumbai for providing apprenticeship training to over 5
d) Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi million youngsters in the next four years in its quest
to create more jobs recently?
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a) Rs 30,000 crore b) Rs 15,000 crore a) Myanmar b) Japan
c) Rs 60,000 crore d) Rs 10,000 crore c) Sri Lanka d) Russia
34. The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri 42. In the first leg of his four nation tour of African
Narendra Modi has approved signing of an MoU countries, Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached
between India and which of the following countries in Mozambique. What is the capital of Mozambique?
the field of Traditional Systems of Medicine and a) Pretoria b) Dodoma
Homeopathy recently? c) Nairobi d) Maputo
a) Tanzania b) South Africa 43. The world famous Rath Yatra or chariot festival of
c) Mozambique d) Singapore Lord Jagannath has begun in ___________ as well as in
35. India has slipped by two places to ________ position in different parts of the country recently.
the recently released 2016 Networked Readiness a) Patna, Bihar
Index (NRI) by the Geneva-based World Economic b) Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Forum (WEF). c) Dwarka, Gujarat d) Puri, Odisha
a) 65th b) 72nd 44. In one of the most significant decisions in recent
c) 91st d) 59th times, Indian Hockey Team named senior goalkeeper
36. Leading private sector lender _________ has emerged as _________ as the captain of the national team for the Rio
the most honoured company in the latest ranking and Olympics, removing long-time skipper Sardar Singh.
also bagged the best CEO, best CFO and best IR a) Akashdeep Singh b) Harmanpreet Singh
company awards. c) Nikkin Thimmaiah d) PR Sreejesh
a) HDFC Bank b) ICICI Bank 45. Which State police has launched four mobile apps for
c) Axis Bank d) Kotak Mahindra Bank timely intervention into emergency situations. The
37. Seeking to enhance its ties with resource-rich four applications are Pratisaad Ask, Police Mitra,
Tanzania, India extended its full support to it to meet Vahanchoritakrar and Railway helpline?
its development needs and signed five agreements, a) New Delhi b) West Bengal
including one for providing a Line of Credit of USD c) Kerala d) Maharashtra
__________ in the water resources sector. 46. Which of the following Private sector Bank has
a) 36 million b) 92 million acquired 100 per cent stake in Tamil Nadu-based
c) 65 million d) 43 million Grama Vidiyal Microfinance, a leading Micro Finance
38. Gas importer Petronet LNG Ltd. plans to set up a Institution (MFI) in the country, for an undisclosed
5,000 crore LNG import terminal at Kutubdia islands, sum?
in which of the following countries does it look to a) Bandhan Bank b) Kotak Mahindra Bank
build terminals to feed demand in neighbouring c) IDFC Bank d) ICICI Bank
countries? 47. India and which country have signed a landmark deal
a) Bhutan b) Myanmar for the construction of a 1,320 megawatt coal fired
c) Bangladesh d) Sri Lanka power plant, the biggest project under bilateral
39. Name the Iranian director whose 1997 film "Taste of cooperation that would mark the transition from
Cherry" won the prestigious Palme d'Or at the Cannes electricity export to generation level?
Film Festival, has passed away following a prolonged a) Bhutan b) Bangladesh
illness in Paris recently? c) Myanmar d) Nepal
a) Abbas Kiarostami b) Bernardo Bertolucci 48. Budget carrier GoAir has signed an initial pact with
c) Franco Zeffirelli d) Sergio Leone Airbus for buying 72 A320neo aircraft recently.
40. How many projects of Namami Gange Programme are Airbus is based in which country?
to be inaugurated at various locations in Uttrakhand, a) France b) Japan
Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, c) Russia d) Italy
Haryana and Delhi recently? 49. Name the German captain, who has announced his
a) 210 b) 231 retirement from international football?
c) 150 d) 540 a) Bastian Schweinsteiger b) Manuel Neuer
41. India and which of the following countries have c) Lukas Podolski d) Sami Khedira
reviewed the implementation of decision taken at the 50. Which of the following countries India have agreed to
9th Joint Commission for furthering trade, investment enhance cooperation on anti-terror efforts side-by-
and developmental linkages between the two side" with it in fighting terrorists?
countries in New Delhi? a) Russia b) Germany
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c) Bangladesh d) Myanmar 59. Which of the following Bank has got an in-principal
51. The first woman chief of aviation regulator __________ approval from the Securities and Exchange Board of
was named as the new Union Labour Secretary India (SEBI) for sponsoring a mutual fund recently?
recently? a) IDFC Bank b) Bandhan Bank
a) CK Mishra b) Sunil Kant Munjal c) Yes Bank d) Kotak Mahindra Bank
c) AK Mital d) M Sathiyavathy 60. Which of the following countries has declared free of
52. Which of the following Japanese payments company measles, after no case of the disease was registered in
has installed 600 automatic teller machines with cash the last year by World Health Organisation (WHO)
recycling abilities for country's largest lender State recently?
Bank of India across the country? a) Canada b) Brazil
a) OKI b) BitPay c) Italy d) Saudi Arabia
c) GoCoin d) Stripe 61. Who become the first Sri Lankan player to be
53. The Centre government announced the formation of inducted into ICC Hall of Fame along with Karen
District Development Coordination and Monitoring Rolton, Arthur Morris and George Lohmann?
Committee (DDCMC) to be named ____________ for a) Muttiah Muralitharan b) Sanath Jayasuriya
effective development coordination of almost all the c) Mahela Jayawardene d) Kumar Sangakkara
programmes of Central Government, whether it is for 62. Terming the filming and uploading of a video on the
infrastructure development or Social and human social media by Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) member
resource development. Bhagwant Mann as a serious breach of security, Lok
a) Pragati b) Light Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan set up a nine-
c) Disha d) Marg member panel to probe into the issue and submit its
54. Which of the following state government has report latest by August 3. The probe committee will
announced 60 lakh rupees cash special incentive for be headed by............?
six sportswomen of the state who have qualified for a) Meenakshi Lekhi b) Bhartuhari Mahtab
the Rio Olympics? c) K C Venugopal d) Kirit Somaiya
a) Uttar Pradesh b) Maharashtra 63. Which of the following online marketplace companies
c) Odisha d) Rajasthan has surpassed Flipkart as the preferred online retail
55. The Odisha government has approved three projects destination for consumers in Indias metropolitan
involving investment of nearly __________ crore rupees. areas, according to Forresters Consumer
a) 870 b) 240 Technographics Asia-Pacific Online Benchmark
c) 315 d) 520 Survey, 2016?
56. Who were chosen for the prestigious Ramon a) Snapdeal b) Jabong
Magsaysay Award for 2016? c) eBay d) Amazon
a) Bezwada Wilson, India 64. Who won the Hungarian Grand Prix recently?
b) Dompet Dhuafa, Indonesia a) Nico Rosberg b) Sebastian Vettel
c) Conchita Carpio Morales, Philippines c) Michael Schumacher d) Lewis Hamilton
d) T M Krishna, India 65. Kolkata-based diversified conglomerate ITC Ltd,
57. Who has secured the Democratic Party's White House named _________ as Chief Operating Officer of the
nomination, coming back from a stinging defeat in her company, thereby, making clear his elevation as
first presidential run in 2008 and surviving a bitter successor to chairman YC Deveshwar?
primary fight to become the first woman to head the a) Sanjiv Puri b) Naved Masood
ticket of a major party in US history? c) Ganesh Singh d) Hans Vestberg
a) Dianne Feinstein b) Barbara Boxer 66. Which state has recently set-up a dedicated start-up
c) sarah palin d) Hillary Clinton cell for speeding up the implementation of the
58. The United Nation (UN) General Assembly has initiatives under its start-up policy?
unanimously adopted a resolution approving an a) Kerala b) Assam
agreement to make the International Organisation for c) Tamil Nadu d) Karnataka
Migration (IMO) part of the UN as a related 67. Name the company, which has tied up with Punjab
organisation. Where is the headquarter of IMO? State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) to enable
a) New York, USA b) Paris, France consumers pay their electricity bills instantly.
c) Nairobi, Kenya d) Geneva, Switzerland a) Bharti Airtel b) Vodafone M-Pesa
c) Reliance Jio d) MTNL
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68. 39. In which of the following city, policy planning a) 2,000 crore b) 1,600 crore
dialogue meeting of BRICS has begun? c) 5,400 crore d) 3,500 crore
a) New Delhi b) Mumbai 70. Indias leading food products company ________ has
c) Jaipur d) Patna signed up as the official sponsor for the Indian
69. The Centre has approved nearly how much amount contingent to the Rio Olympics 2016.
for Jammu and Kashmir under skill development a) Mother Dairy b) Rajdhani Group
initiative 'Himayat' to train one lakh 24,000 local c) Amul d) KRBL Limited
youths in vocational courses?


71. Three of the following four are alike in a certain way a) 15 b) 11

and so form a group. Which is the one that does not c) 10 d) 13
belong to that group? Directions (11-15): Select the related letters/ word/
a) 169 b) 441 number from the given alternative.
c) 361 d) 529 81. F H : 21 19 : : J K : ?
72. Three of the following four are alike in a certain way a) 13 15 b) 17 16
and hence form a group. Which is the one that does c) 20 19 d) 21 23
not belong to the group? 82. NPRT : MNOP : : ? : GHIJ
a) Break b) Divide a) HJLN b) FHIK
c) Split d) Change c) FHKM d) FGKL
73. 5 , 7, 10, 36, 136, 690 83. 4 : 8 : : 1 : ?
2 ,(1), (2) ,(3), (4), (5) a) 9 b) 3
What will come in place of (4)? c) 1 d) 0
a) 310 b) 64 84. 10 : 4 : : 35 : ?
c) 110 d) 330 a) 25 b) 13
Directions (4-8): In each of the following questions, a c) 9 d) 17
word has been given, followed by four other words, one of 85. LIME : 43 : : JUICE : ?
which cannot be formed by using the letters of the given a) 54 b) 53
word. Find that word. c) 52 d) 50
74. ORGANISATION Directions (16-17): In a class of 45 students, the number
a) NATION b) GRANT of boys is double of the number of girls. In a class test,
c) RECOGNISE d) SATAN Abhays rank is 15th from the top and there are 9 girls
75. CONSOLIDATE ahead of him in rank.
a) LENTIL b) SLAIN 86. How many boys are below him in rank?
c) CONDOLE d) DETAIL a) 29 b) 31
76. CONCENTRATE c) 35 d) 24
a) TREAT b) REASON 87. How many girls are below Abhay in rank?
c) CENTRE d) CONCERN a) 4 b) 5
77. ADULTERATION c) 6 d) 7
a) RETURN b) RELATION 88. Rahul told Anand, Yesterday I defeated the only
c) RETAIL d) TOILET brother of the daughter of my grandmother. Whom
78. AUTOGRAPHS did Rahul defeat?
a) GREAT b) PATHOS a) Son b) Father
c) GRAPH d) TROUGH c) Brother d) Father-in-law
79. If AMAZING is coded as CKDWMJL, then RAINBOW 89. A man said to a lady, Your mothers husbands sister
will be coded as_____ is my aunt. How is the lady related to the man?
a) PGDKFKB b) TYLKFKB a) Daughter b) Grand daughter
c) TLDKFKB d) TGDMFKB c) Mother d) Sister
80. If means , - means , means + and + 90. Pointing to a gentleman, Deepak said, His only
means - then brother is the father of my daughters father. How is
(3 18 11) 13 8 = ? the gentleman related to Deepak?
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a) Grandfather b) Father c) 25 d) 26
c) Brother-in-law d) Uncle 100. Rahul told Anand, Yesterday I defeated the only
91. A family has a man, his wife, their four sons and their brother of the daughter of my grandmother. Whom
wives. The family of every son also has 3 sons and one did Rahul defeat?
daughter. Find out the total number of male members a) Son b) Father
in the whole family. c) Brother d) Father-in-law
a) 4 b) 8 Directions (31-32): These questions are based on the
c) 12 d) 17 following information:
92. A is Bs sister. C is Bs mother. D is Cs father. E is Ds Five men A, B, C, D and E read a newspaper. The one who
mother. Then, how is A related to D? reads first gives it to C. The one who reads last had taken
a) Grandmother b) Grandfather from A. E was not the first or last to read. There were two
c) Daughter d) Grand daughter readers between B and A.
93. In a row of boys, if A who is tenth from the left and B 101. B passed the newspaper to whom?
who is ninth from the right interchange their a) A b) C
positions, A becomes fifteenth from the left. How c) D d) E
many boys are there in the row? 102. Who read the newspaper last?
a) 23 b) 27 a) A b) B
c) 28 d) 31 c) C d) D
94. Students line up in a queue in which Ashish stands 103. Three of the following four are alike in a certain way
fifteenth from the left and Sachin is seventh from the and so form a group. Which is the one that does not
right. If they interchange their places, Sachin would be belong to that group?
fifteenth from the right. How many students are there a) Cheese b) Butter
in the queue? c) Milk d) Curd
a) 21 b) 22 104. Three of the following four are alike in a certain way
c) 29 d) None of these and so form a group. Which is the one that does not
95. How many combinations of two-digit numbers having belong to that group?
8 can be made from the following numbers? a) Feeling b) Joy
8, 5, 2, 1, 7, 6 c) Anxiety d) Anger
a) 9 b) 11 105. Three of the following four are alike in a certain way
c) 10 d) 12 and so form a group. Which is the one that does not
96. In the numbers from 100 to 1000, how many times belong to that group?
digit 1 comes at the tens place? a) Indigo b) Orange
a) 9 b) 10 c) Yellow d) Pink
c) 900 d) 90 106. Three of the following four are alike in a certain way
97. Rahul ranked sixteenth from the top and twenty-ninth and so form a group. Which is the one that does not
from the bottom among those who passed an belong to that group?
examination. Six boys did not participate in the a) Copper b) Zinc
competition and five failed in it. How many boys were c) Brass d) Aluminum
there in the class? 107. Three of the following four are alike in a certain way
a) 40 b) 44 and so form a group. Which is the one that does not
c) 55 d) 50 belong to that group?
98. In a class of 60, where girls are twice that of boys, a) Gurudwara b) Mosque
kamal ranked seventeenth from the top. If there are 9 c) Church d) Monastery
girls ahead of Kamal, how many boys are after him in 108. Five friends A, B, C, D and E are standing in a row
rank? facing South but not necessarily in the same order.
a) 3 b) 7 Only B is between A and E, C is immediate right to E
c) 12 d) 23 and D is immediate left to A. On the basis of above
99. Raju is sixth from the left end and Vinay is tenth from information, which of the following statements is
the right end in a row of boys. If there are eight boys definitely true ?
between Raju and Vinay, how many boys are there in a) B is to the left of A.
the row? b) D is third to the left of E.
a) 24 b) 23 c) B is to the right of E.
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d) A is second to the left of C. a) A is first b) B is first
109. Seven people A, B, C, D, E, F and G are standing in a c) F is sixth d) F is seventh
single file line, facing a booth. E is somewhere ahead 110. A, P, R, X, S and Z are sitting in a row. S and Z are in
of F. There is exactly one person standing between C the centre, and A and P are at the ends. R is sitting on
and G. D is immediately behind A. F is behind both B the left of A. Then who is sitting on the right of P ?
and D. If D and C are fourth and fifth in line a) A b) S
respectively, then which of the following must be c) X d) Z


111. If majority of students in your class are weak you a) play them with filthy sex jokes
should b) talk with them frankly and guide and channelize
a) not care about the intelligent students their potentialities in constructive ways
b) keep your speed of teaching fast so that students c) complain to the principal against them
comprehension level may increase d) none of the above
c) keep your teaching slow 117. The Kothari Commission Report on Education was
d) keep your teaching slow along with some extra entitled as
guidance to bright pupils a) Education and National Development
112. The field of education is permeated by conflicts and b) Learning to be
misconception because c) Diversification of Education
a) problems in education call for subjectivity of d) Education for all
interpretation 118. The in-service teacher' training can be made more
b) problems encountered in teaching are not effective by
amenable to rigorous scientific investigation a) Using training package which in well prepared in
c) there are not good teaching methods and advance
procedures b) Making it a residential programme
d) teachers are not worthy of doing rigorous scientific c) Using co-operative approach
investigation d) Practicing training follow up procedures
113. The main role of education according to Plato was 119. In order to develop rapport with your pupils you
a) to develop the power of contemplation should
b) to, develop the personality of each individual a) guide them
c) to strengthen the 'state b) behave them in a democratic way
d) All of the above c) have communicative ability
114. What should a teacher do when examinations are d) all of the above
near? 120. Nature is the prime source of Learning is
a) Complete the syllabus by calling students at his propounded by
home a) Rousseaue b) F. Skinner
b) Complete the syllabus by devoting extra time in c) John Deway d) Jean Piaget
school 121. The success of integrated education depends on
c) Ask the students to complete the syllabus a) The support of community
themselves b) The excellence of text-books
d) Help them solving with important questions c) The highest quality of teaching-learning material
115. What will be your reaction when an otherwise d) The attitudinal changes in teachers
punctual student comes late in your class? 122. Arrange the following teaching process in order
a) You will ignore it (i) relating the present knowledge with the previous
b) You will try to know the reason for coming late knowledge
c) You will scold him before other students in the (ii) evaluation (iii) reteaching
class (iv) formulating objectives
d) Ask him to leave the class (v) presentation of materials
116. While dealing with juvenile delinquents a teacher a) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) b) (ii),(i) (iii), (iv),( v)
should c) ( v), (iv),(iii),(i) , (ii) d) (iv),(i) ,( v), (ii),(iii)
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123. Distance Education means a) Remain pleased with him
a) A secondary channel to face to face teaching b) Not give him additional homework
b) Imparting education to learners with the help of c) Motivate him so that he can make more progress
distance methods and media d) Inform his parents about the fact that he is
c) Correspondence course tutorials intelligent
d) Learning by own self 132. Which one of the following is the most important
124. The idea of Basic Education is propounded by quality of a good teacher?
a) Dr. Zakir Hussain b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad a) Punctuality and sincerity
c) Mahatma Gandhi d) Rabindranath Tagore b) Content mastery
125. The field of education is permeated by conflicts and c) Content mastery and reactive
misconception because d) Content mastery and sociable
a) problems in education call for subjectivity of 133. Immediate outcome of teaching is
interpretation a) Changes in the behavior of students in desirable
b) problems encountered in teaching are not direction
amenable to rigorous scientific investigation b) Development of total personality of students
c) there are not good teaching methods and c) Building characters of the students
procedures d) Getting selected for a suitable job
d) teachers are not worthy of doing rigorous scientific 134. Kindergarten system of education was contributed
investigation by
126. Child Labour Prohibition Act (1986) a) T. P. Nunn b) Spencer
a) Prohibits all types of child labour upto 14 years of c) Froebel d) Montessori
age of child 135. 'National Council of Educational Research and
b) Prohibits child labour in risk-taking works only Training' was established in
c) Prohibits child labour during school hours only a) 1961 b) 1962
d) Prohibits child labour by imposing the c) 1963 d) 1964
responsibility of children's education on the 136. How will a teacher bring a hyperactive child on the
employers accurate conduit?
127. A successful teacher is one who is a) Make him sit in front of the class and keep a strict
a) Compassionate and disciplinarian vigil on him
b) Quite and reactive b) Allocate a seat for him in a corner of the class
c) Tolerant and dominating c) Give him tasks of watering trees, cleaning the
d) Passive and active blackboard, making toys of clay etc.
128. The key difference between evolutionary and cultural d) None of above
change is that evolutionary change alters __________ 137. Which of the following states that 'The current
whereas cultural change alters ____________. movement of behavior modification, wherein tokens
a) Reproduction; environment are awarded for correct responses"
b) Heredity; environment a) Herbart's Five Steps b) Lock's Tabula rasa
c) Environment; behavior c) Thorndike's Law of Effect
d) Development; learning d) Thorndike's Law of Exercise
129. The best method of checking student's homework 138. The most important indicator of quality of education
is in a school is
a) To assign it to intelligent students of the class a) Infrastructural facilities of a school
b) To check the answers in the class in group manner b) Classroom system
c) To check them with the help of specimen answer c) Text-books and Teaching-learning material
d) To check by the teacher himself in a regular way d) Student Achievement level
130. The majority of psychologists think that development 139. Dynamic approach to teaching means
is due a) Teaching should be forceful and effective
a) largely to nature. b) Largely to nurture. b) Teachers should be energetic and dynamic
c) To nature and nurture acting separately. c) The topics of teaching should not be static, but
d) To an interaction of nature and nurture. dynamic
131. In case teacher finds a scholar to be bright. He will d) The students should be required to learn through
_________ activities
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140. What is the reason that students run from school ? b) There will be little similarity in the expression of
a) Lack of interesting class teaching work the behaviour in either set of twins.
b) Lack of interest in studies on the part of students c) Identical twins will express the behaviour more
c) Not giving punishment to students similarly than fraternal twins.
d) Callous attitude of teachers towards the problem d) The behaviour will be expressed as similarly by
141. If a person talks bad about your parents before you, identical twins as it is by fraternal twins.
what will you do? 148. What was Frobel's most important contribution to
a) Tell him to shut up b) Listen him carefully education?
c) C. Break relationship with him a) Vocational school b) Public high school
d) D. Join him in this act c) Kindergarten d) Latin School
142. You worship God because 149. Kindergarten system of education was contributed
a) Your friends tell you to do so by
b) It gives you inner strength a) T. P. Nunn b) Spencer
c) C. You have religious atmosphere at home c) Froebel d) Montessori
d) D. You fear God 150. The contribution of taxpayers in Primary education is
143. Navodya Vidyalayas were opened to provide in the form of
a) Quality education to all a) Income Tax b) Tuition Fee
b) Education to those who can afford c) Paying money for individual tution
c) C. Quality education to the meritorious d) Educational cess
d) D. All of the above
144. A teacher meeting his students for the first time
a) A)start teaching without caring the students' likes
and dislikes
b) B)develop rapport with the class
c) C.give a broad outline of the whole subject
d) D.(b) and (c) both
145. All of the following are the characteristic features of
an effective teacher except
a) emphasis upon standard
b) emphasizing group discussion for the purpose of
clarifying the objectives
c) emphasis upon the quick control of the
problematic situation
d) differential treatment meted out to students of his
146. What type of children should have activity of creative
a) Only those children reading on grade level
b) Only those children who can spell and also, can
write cohesive sentences
c) Only those children who want to write for the
newspaper of the class
d) All children
147. If heredity is a significant feature to evaluate a
particular behavior, what forecast can we make about
expression of the behavior in identical twins reared
apart compared to its expression in fraternal twins
reared apart?
a) Fraternal twins will express the behaviour more
similarly than identical twins.

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