People v. Henry T. Go

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44. People v. Henry T. Go G.R. No.

168539 (March 25, 2014)

Re: Jurisdiction of Courts

The Information filed against respondent is an offshoot of this Court's Decision in Agan, Jr. v.
Philippine International Air Terminals Co., Inc.
Subsequent to the above Decision, Pesayco filed a complaint with the Office of the Ombudsman
against several individuals for alleged violation of R.A. 3019 aka ANTI-GRAFT AND CORRUPT
PRACTICES ACT. Among those charged was herein respondent Henry Go, who was then the
Chairman and President of PIATCO, for having supposedly conspired with then DOTC Secretary
Arturo Enrile (Secretary Enrile) in entering into a contract which is grossly and manifestly
disadvantageous to the government.
On September 16, 2004, the Office of the Deputy Ombudsman for Luzon found probable cause
to indict them for violation of Section 3(g) of R.A. 3019.
Thus, in an Information dated January 13, 2005, respondent was charged before the SB in
conspiracy of late Arturo Enrile, Sec of Department of Transportation and Communications
The case was docketed as Criminal Case No. 28090.
a. SB has already acquired jurisdiction over the person of respondent by reason of his voluntary
appearance, when he filed a motion for consolidation and when he posted bail.
b. SB has exclusive jurisdiction over respondent's case, even if he is a private person, because he was
alleged to have conspired with a public officer.
a. filed a Motion to Quash the Information filed against him on the ground that the operative facts
adduced therein do not constitute an offense under Section 3(g) of R.A. 3019.
b. citing the show cause order of the SB, also contended that, independently of the deceased Secretary
Enrile, the public officer with whom he was alleged to have conspired, respondent, who is not a public
officer nor was capacitated by any official authority as a government agent, may not be prosecuted for
violation of Section 3(g) of R.A. 3019.
SB resolution:
a. grants respondents Motion to Quash.
b. appearing that Henry T. Go, the lone accused in this case is a private person and his alleged co-
conspirator-public official was already deceased long before this case was filed in court, for lack of
jurisdiction over the person of the accused, the Court grants the Motion to Quash and the Information
filed in this case is hereby ordered quashed and dismissed.
Hence, the instant petition.

1. Whether the ruling of the Sandiganbayan granting the motion to quash be applied in the
present case

1. No. The Court does not agree.
Respondent should be reminded that prior to this Court's ruling, he already posted bail for his
provisional liberty. In fact, he even filed a Motion for Consolidation. The Court agrees with
petitioner's contention that private respondent's act of posting bail and filing his Motion for
Consolidation vests the SB with jurisdiction over his person. The rule is well settled that the act
of an accused in posting bail or in filing motions seeking affirmative relief is tantamount to
submission of his person to the jurisdiction of the court.
Thus, it has been held that:
When a defendant in a criminal case is brought before a competent court by virtue of a
warrant of arrest or otherwise, in order to avoid the submission of his body to the jurisdiction of the
court he must raise the question of the courts jurisdiction over his person at the very earliest
opportunity. If he gives bail, demurs to the complaint or files any dilatory plea or pleads to the
merits, he thereby gives the court jurisdiction over his person. (State ex rel. John Brown vs.
Fitzgerald, 51 Minn., 534)
As ruled in La Naval Drug vs. CA [236 SCRA 78, 86]:
"[L]ack of jurisdiction over the person of the defendant may be waived either expressly
or impliedly. When a defendant voluntarily appears, he is deemed to have submitted himself to
the jurisdiction of the court. If he so wishes not to waive this defense, he must do so seasonably
by motion for the purpose of objecting to the jurisdiction of the court; otherwise, he shall be
deemed to have submitted himself to that jurisdiction."
Moreover, "[w]here the appearance is by motion for the purpose of objecting to the
jurisdiction of the court over the person, it must be for the sole and separate purpose of
objecting to said jurisdiction. If the appearance is for any other purpose, the defendant is
deemed to have submitted himself to the jurisdiction of the court. Such an appearance gives the
court jurisdiction over the person."
As a recapitulation, it would not be amiss to point out that the instant case involves a contract
entered into by public officers representing the government.
More importantly, the SB is a special criminal court which has exclusive original jurisdiction in all
cases involving violations of R.A. 3019 committed by certain public officers, as enumerated in
P.D. 1606 as amended by R.A. 8249.
This includes private individuals who are charged as co-principals, accomplices or accessories
with the said public officers.
In the instant case, respondent is being charged for violation of Section 3(g) of R.A. 3019, in
conspiracy with then Secretary Enrile.
Ideally, under the law, both respondent and Secretary Enrile should have been charged before
and tried jointly by the Sandiganbayan.
However, by reason of the death of the latter, this can no longer be done.
Nonetheless, for reasons already discussed, it does not follow that the SB is already divested of
its jurisdiction over the person of and the case involving herein respondent. To rule otherwise
would mean that the power of a court to decide a case would no longer be based on the law
defining its jurisdiction but on other factors, such as the death of one of the alleged offenders.

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