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धरर्मो रक्षतति रतक्षतितः

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Question Bank - LLB Sem-1 Gujarat University

➔ Source : Print/ internet literature. Dedicated to students of the subject.

➔ 13-Sep-2018. Version-2.1 compiled by [email protected] for his personal use.
➔ References to questions listed herein below, are to such questions which were asked in
Gujarat University examinations. No claim is made/ implied about truthfulness of the
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1) 101 Law of Tort including MV Accident And Consumer Protection Laws.

2) 102 Criminal Law Paper - I (General Principles of Penal Law).
3) 103 Criminal Law Paper – II (Specific Offences).
4) 104 Law of Contract.
5) 105 Special Contract.
6) 106F Constitutional History of India.
7) 107K Use of Law Journals and Legal Software.
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101 Law of Tort including MV Accident And Consumer Protection Laws

Nov-2011 :
➔ “There are two kinds of remedies for torts. Judicial and Extra Judicial" Discuss this
➔ Explain the doctrine of “Injuria Sine Damnum”, “Damnum Sine Injuria” and “Ubi jus ibi
remedium” in the context of Judicial decisions.
➔ Explain the rule and kinds of "Vicarious Liability." State with illustrations the
circumstances in which a master is liable for the tort of his servant.
➔ Explain : False Imprisonment
➔ Explain : Rylands Vs. Fletcher
➔ Explain : Conspiracy
➔ Explain : Tortious Liability of a Minor
➔ Explain : Willkinson V/s. Downton
➔ Explain : Libel and Slander
➔ Explain : No fault liability under Motor Vehicle Act.
➔ Explain : Provision of Insurance against third party risks under M.V. Act.
➔ Explain : Commencement and duration of risks of Motor Insurance.
➔ Explain : Inevitable Accident
➔ Explain : Public and Private Nuisance
➔ Explain : State of Rajasthan Vs. Vidyavati
➔ Explain : Armory V/s. Delamarie
➔ Explain : Compensation in case of Hit and Run cases
➔ Explain : Consumer and his rights.
➔ Explain : Central Consumer Protection Council.
➔ Explain : Consumer Dispute
➔ Explain : Trader and Manufacturer
➔ Explain : Unfair Trade Practice
➔ Explain : District Forum

Nov-2012 :
➔ There are two kinds of remedies for torts "Judicial and Extra Judicial" Discuss this
➔ What is vicarious liability ? Explain the kinds of vicarious liabilities and state with
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illustrations the circumstances in which a master is liable for tort of his servant.
➔ Explain "Damnum Sine Injuria' and "Injuria Sine Damnum" Quote decisions where
➔ Explain the meaning of Negligence. State the points which the plaintiff must prove in a
suit for negligence.
➔ Define Conversion. State the defence available to the defendant in action for conversion.
➔ Distinguish between 'Libel and Slander'. State as to which defence a defendant can take
up in action of Libel.
➔ Explain the principle involved in : Stephen vils. Mayers
➔ Explain the principle involved in : Donogue vils. Stevenson
➔ Explain the principle involved in : Ashby v/s. White
➔ Explain the principle involved in : Rylands vls. Fletcher
➔ Explain the principle involved in : Bird v/s. Jones
➔ Explain the principle involved in : Dawis v/s. Mann
➔ Explain : Hit and run liability under Motor Vehicle Act.
➔ Explain : Provisions of insurance against third party risks under the Motor Vehicle Act.
➔ Discuss the jurisdiction and functions of Motor Vehicle Tribunal.
➔ Explain : Public and Private Nuisance
➔ Explain : Res ispa loquitor.
➔ Explain : Act of God.
➔ Explain : Consumer dispute
➔ Explain : Consumer and his rights
➔ Explain : Unfair trade practice
➔ Explain : Central Consumer Protection Council.
➔ Explain : Appropriate Laboratory
➔ Explain : Defect in goods or services
➔ Explain : Indian Medical Association vs. V. P. Shanta
➔ Explain : Trader and Manufacturer

Oct-2013 :
➔ Describe the general conditions of Liability in Tort. What is the role of "Motive' in Tortious
Liability ?
➔ "A plaintiff who voluntary exposed himself to a known risk cannot recover damages."
(Pollock). - Discuss.
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➔ Define "Trespass' and "Trespass ab initio'. Discuss its various kinds.

➔ Discuss the essential elements of the tort of Nuisance'. In what ways the public nuisance
differs from private nuisance.
➔ Explain about ‘Remoteness of Damages'. What is the "True Test of Remoteness of
➔ State the facts, decision and principles of law laid down in Rylands V. Fletcher (1886
L.R.3. H.L. 330)
➔ Write explanatory note : Extinguishment of Liability in Tort
➔ Write explanatory note : Doctrine of "Res ipsa loquitur'
➔ Write explanatory note : Shree Ram Food Gas Leakage Case
➔ Discuss about special provisions for compensation in Hit and Run liability under MV Act.
➔ Discuss the jurisdiction and functions of Motor Vehicle Tribunals under MV Act.
➔ Write note : Provisions of Insurance against third party risk under Motor Vehicle Act.
➔ Write note : Commencement and duration of risks of Motor Insurance.
➔ Discuss the composition and jurisdiction of State and National Commission under the
Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
➔ Explain about 'consumer' and objects of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
➔ Write note : Unfair Trade Practice
➔ Write note : Consumer Protection Councils

Nov-2014 :
➔ "All Torts are wrongs but all wrongs are not Torts." Justify the statement with decided
➔ Explain "Inevitable Accident" and "Act of State" as general defences, with decided cases,
➔ Define Assault and distinguish it from "Battery' with the help of decided cases.
➔ Define Nuisance. Distinguish between Public and Private nuisance.
➔ Discuss the Rule of Strict liability with exceptions.
➔ "There are two kinds of remedies available in Tort”. Discuss extra-legal remedies in
➔ Explain the liability of Doctors under Consumer Protection Act with decided cases.
➔ "Provisions of Insurance against third party risk under Motor Vehicles Act” : Explain.
➔ Write explanatory notes : “Volenti non fit injuria”
➔ Write explanatory notes : Tort related to Reputation.
➔ Write explanatory notes : Trespass and Trespass abinitio
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➔ Write explanatory notes : Remoteness of damages

Dec-2015 :
➔ “A Plaintiff who voluntary exposed himself to a known risk cannot recover damages
(Pollock) – Explain.
➔ “There are two kinds of remedies for torts – Judicial & Extra Judicial.” Discuss this
➔ Define conversion. State the defence available to the defendant in action for conversion.
➔ Distinguish between Libel and Slander. State which defence a defendant can get in
action of Libel.
➔ What is vicarious liability ? Explain which circumstances Master is liable for tort of his
➔ What is Negligence ? State as to which defence a defendant can take up in action of
➔ Write short note : Rylands V/s Fletcher
➔ Write short note : Conspiracy
➔ Write short note : Tortious liability of Minor.
➔ Write short note : Damages for Hit & run case
➔ Write short note : Risk and duration of Motor Claim.
➔ Write note : Consumer dispute
➔ Write note : Unfair trade practice
➔ Write note : Trader and Manufacturer
➔ Write note : Consumer Protection Council
➔ Write note : Consumer and his Rights

Apr-2016 :
➔ Explain ‘Tort’ with the help of three legal maxims : (1) Ubi jus ibi remedium, (2)
Damnum sine Injuria and, (3) Injuria sine Damnum
➔ Discuss in detail about general defences to the tort.
➔ What is false imprisonment ? What are the remedies available in law ?
➔ Explain provisions of Insurance against third party risks under Motor Vehicle Act.
➔ Discuss the jurisdiction and functions of Motor Vehicle Tribunals.
➔ Explain the rule of ‘Absolute liability’ with special reference to the case of ‘Rylands V.
Fletcher’ and state the exceptions to that rule.
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➔ Explain in detail the rule of ‘Remoteness of Damages.’

➔ Define ‘Consumer’ and ‘Commercial and Professional Services” under the Consumer
Protection Act, 1986.
➔ What is Consumer Dispute ? Explain about various kinds of consumer redressal forum.
➔ Write explanatory note : Extinguishment of liability in tort.
➔ Write explanatory note : Tort related to ‘Reputation’.
➔ Write explanatory note : Extra-legal remedies
➔ Write explanatory note : Fact and principle of the ‘Bhopal Gas Disaster’ case.

Nov-2017 :

➔ “A tort is an infringement on ‘right in rem’ of an individual giving a right of compensation

at the suit of injured party” Discuss the statement and state how it differs from Crime or
breach of contract.
➔ State the circumstances in which a discharge is obtained from the liability of tort.
➔ Explain detail the concept of negligence.
➔ Discuss commencement and duration of risks of motor insurance.
➔ Explain about false imprisonment and its available defences.
➔ Explain jurisdiction and function of Motor Vehicle Tribunals.
➔ Explain Bhopal Gas Disaster case and principle of absolute liability.
➔ Discuss extra legal remedies in detail.
➔ What is consumer dispute ? Explain about various types of consumer dispute forums.
➔ Explain about ‘consumer’ and objects of the Consumer Protection Act 1986.
➔ Write explanatory notes : Volenti non fit injuria
➔ Write explanatory notes : Armory -vs- Detamine case
➔ Write explanatory notes : Joint Tortfeasors
➔ Write explanatory notes : Wilkinson -vs- Downton

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102 Criminal Law Paper - I (General Principles of Penal Law)

Nov-2011 :
➔ Explain in detail the concept of crime, stages of crime and mens rea under Indian Penal
➔ Explain in detail the Intra-Territorial and Extra-Territorial jurisdiction of Indian Penal
➔ "All murder are culpable homicide but all homicide are not murder." Explain this
statement with illustrations.
➔ Explain the purposes behind the punishment and state different kinds of punishment.
➔ Discuss the right of private defence and state its essential elements.
➔ Explain in detail the offences of public tranquility.
➔ Explain in detail the offences against the State.
➔ State the offences relating to giving false evidence and fabricating false evidence.
➔ State true/false with reasons : There is no provision of solitary confinement in IPC
➔ State true/false with reasons : There is no criminal liability in case of harbouring the
➔ State true/false with reasons : Definition of public servant is not given in I.P.C.
➔ State true/false with reasons : Private defence extends to causing of death to protect
➔ State true/false with reasons : Mistake of fact is a civil defence.

Nov-2012 :
➔ Explain in detail the stages of crime.
➔ Explain in detail the Intra and Extra Territorial jurisdiction of the Indian Penal Code.
➔ Explain in detail the kinds of punishments.
➔ Explain the concept of Abetment under the Indian Penal Code.
➔ Explain with Case Laws the provisions of criminal Conspiracy under the Indian Penal
Code with Case Laws.
➔ Explain in detail the concept of "Common Intention" under the Indian Penal Code with
decided cases.
➔ Explain in detail with decided cases the "General Exceptions" under the Indian Penal
➔ Explain in detail with decided cases when the right of private defence of body or
property extends to the causing of death to the offender.
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➔ Discuss in detail : Offences against the Election.

➔ Discuss in detail : offences against the State.
➔ Discuss in detail : Harbouring the Offenders.
➔ Discuss in detail : Public Servant and Government Servant and its distinguishment.

Apr-2013 :
➔ Explain intra-extra territorial jurisdiction of the Indian Penal Code.
➔ Discuss the provisions of right of private defense of property and body.
➔ What are the purpose of punishment ? Enumerate in detail the kinds of punishment
prescribed under the Indian Penal Code.
➔ Discuss mental elements such as ‘Mens-rea’, ‘Intention’ and ‘Motive’ in offence of IPC.
➔ State the offences against State.
➔ Explain abetment and its different kinds.
➔ Explain the ‘Act of child’ and ‘Act done by consent’ as general exceptions.
➔ Explain : Common intention – Same intention.
➔ Explain : Public Nuisance
➔ Explain : Offence relating to weights and measures
➔ Explain : Offence relating to Election
➔ Explain : Dishonestly
➔ Explain : Valuable Security

Oct–2013 :
➔ Explain in detail the concept and different stages of crime.
➔ Explain in detail the Intra and extra Territorial jurisdiction of the Indian Penal Code.
➔ Explain in detail the various. Theories of Punishment.
➔ Discuss in detail the constitutionality of the Death Penalty.
➔ Discuss in fully the provisions of Right to Defence of Property and Body.
➔ Explain in detail the General Exceptions prescribed under the Indian Penal Code for any
charge of an offence.
➔ Explain in detail the offences against the State.
➔ Explain in detail the concept of Abetment and its different kinds.
➔ Explain in detail the offence relating to giving and fabricating false evidences.
➔ Explain in detail the liability for criminal conspiracy and common intention for any kind of
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Nov-2014 :
➔ Give meaning of Crime, explain the different stages of crimes with case laws.
➔ Discuss the various legal provisions relating to Abetment.
➔ Discuss the various provisions relating to Punishment in the IPC.
➔ Discuss the right of private defence and explain limitation of this right.
➔ State the meaning of Unlawful Assembly and discuss the liabilities of its members.
➔ Explain the distinction between Riot, Affray and Assault.
➔ Explain : Offences against the State.
➔ Explain : Offences relating to Election.
➔ Explain : Offences by or relating to Public Servant.
➔ Explain : Offences relating to giving false evidence and fabricating false evidence.
➔ Explain : Dishonesty
➔ Explain : Valuable Security
➔ Explain : Mistake of fact
➔ Explain : Fraudulently
➔ Explain : Good Faith
➔ Explain : Document

Dec-2015 :
➔ Explain in detail the applicability of the Indian Penal Code as Intra-Territorial as well as
Extra-territorial jurisdiction with case laws.
➔ Explain in detail the offences against the state with case laws.
➔ Discuss the right of private defence and explain limitation of this right.
➔ Explain in detail the different theories of punishment.
➔ Giving the meaning of crime, explain the different stages of crimes with case laws.
➔ Explain in detail the offences relating to giving false evidence and fabricating false
evidence with case laws.
➔ Explain the provisions of abetment prescribed under the Indian Penal code with case
➔ Explain in detail the provisions of offences relating to election in Indian Penal Code with
case laws.
➔ Explain : Document
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➔ Explain : Valuable Security

➔ Explain : Fraudulently
➔ Explain : Dishonesty
➔ Explain : Mistake of Fact
➔ Explain : Good faith

Apr-2016 :
➔ Explain in detail the General exceptions prescribed under the Indian Penal code for any
charge of an offence.
➔ Explain in detail the various theories of Punishment.
➔ Explain in detail the provisions of criminal conspiracy prescribed under the Indian penal
code with case laws for offences.
➔ Explain in detail the offences against the state.
➔ Explain in detail the offences relating to giving false evidence and fabricating false
evidence with case laws.
➔ Discuss in detail the constitutionality of the death penalty.
➔ Explain in detail the Intra and Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the Indian Penal Code.
➔ State the meaning of unlawful assembly and discuss the liabilities of its members.
➔ Explain : Mistake of fact
➔ Explain : Offences against the state
➔ Explain : Harbouring the offenders
➔ Explain : Valuable Security

Nov-2017 :

➔ Discuss the essential ingredients of criminal liability.

➔ Explain in detail the intra and extra territorial jurisdiction of Indian Penal Code.
➔ Explain with case laws the provision of criminal conspiracy under Indian Penal Code.
➔ Explain in detail about different kinds of punishments. In what offences punishment of
death can be imposed?
➔ Explain in detail with decided cases when the right of private defence of body or
property extends to causing of death to the offender.
➔ What is abatement? Explain how and in what manner abatement can be caused.
➔ Give definition and explain briefly : Dishonesty
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➔ Give definition and explain briefly : Common intention

➔ Give definition and explain briefly : Valuable security
➔ Give definition and explain briefly : Movable property
➔ Give definition and explain briefly : Good faith
➔ Give definition and explain briefly : Wrongful gain and loss
➔ Give definition and explain briefly : Person
➔ Give definition and explain briefly : Public servent
➔ Explain : Harboring the offender
➔ Explain : Act of insane person (exception in IPC)
➔ Explain : Solitary confinement
➔ Explain : Offences against the State
➔ Explain : Offences related to election

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103 Criminal Law Paper – II (Specific Offences)

Nov-2011 :
➔ "All murder are culpable homicide but all homicide are not murder." Discuss with an
➔ Fully discuss about causing death by negligence.
➔ Fully discuss about Hurt and Grievous Hurt.
➔ What is kidnapping and kinds of Kidnapping ? Explain them with their elements.
➔ Discuss the essential ingredients of theft and distinguish between theft, robbery and
➔ Define defamation and discuss its exceptions.
➔ Define Rape and fully discuss its ingredients.
➔ Fully discuss about offences relating to cruelty by husband and relatives of husband.

Nov-2012 :
➔ Discuss all provisions of culpable homicide and murder. When culpable homicide is not
amounting to murder ?
➔ What is cheating and criminal breach of trust? Discuss with differences.
➔ Discuss the offences of kidnapping and abduction in detail.
➔ Discuss the offences of dowry death and cruelty.
➔ Discuss the offences of grievous hurt and hurt.
➔ Discuss fully the elements of theft, extortion and robbery.
➔ Define "Rape”. Explain its ingredients.
➔ Define "Defamation” and explain its exception.
➔ Explain : Adultery
➔ Explain : Forgery
➔ Explain : Wrongful confinement.
➔ Explain : Thug
➔ Explain : Offence relating to cruelty by husband or relative of husband.
➔ Explain : Mens rea
➔ Explain : Offences relating to marriage.
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Apr-2013 :
➔ “All murders are culpable homicide but all homicides are not murder.” Discuss with an
➔ Define ‘Murder’. Discuss elements of ‘Murder’.
➔ Discuss the essential ingredients of theft and distinguish between theft, robbery and
➔ What is cheating and criminal breach of Trust ? Discuss with differences.
➔ Discuss the offences of Dowry death and cruelty.
➔ Define Grievous Hurt and distinguish it from Hurt.
➔ Define ‘Rape’. Explain its ingredients.
➔ What is Defamation ? What are the exceptions which may be set-up against the charge
of defamation ?
➔ Explain : Kidnapping and Abduction
➔ Explain : Wrongful restrain – Wrongful confinement
➔ Explain : Extortion
➔ Explain : Criminal Trespass
➔ Explain : Mischief

Oct- 2013 :
➔ Explain in detail the concept and essential elements of an offence of murder.
➔ Explain in detail the concept and essential elements of an offence of Culpable Homicide.
➔ State in detail the definitions and essential ingredients of offences relation to Theft,
Robbery, Dacoity and Extortion.
➔ Explain in detail the definitions and essential ingredients of offences relating to cheating
and criminal breach of trust.
➔ Explain in detail the definitions and essential ingredients of offences relating to
kidnapping and abduction.
➔ Explain in detail the definitions and essential ingredients of offences relating to Hurt and
Grievous Hurt.
➔ Explain in detail the offences relating to rape and state the defences available to the
accused of an offence of rape
➔ Explain in detail the offences relating to Defamation and state the defences available to
the accused of an offence of defamation.
➔ Explain in detail : Offences relating to Dowry Death and Cruelty
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➔ Explain in detail : Offences relating culpable homicide due to acts of Negligence and
➔ Explain in detail : Offences relating to wrongful restrain and wrongful confinement
➔ Explain in detail : Offences relating to Marriage

Mar-2014 :
➔ Discuss in detail the provisions of culpable homicide and murder when culpable homicide
is not amounting to murder.
➔ Fully discuss about offence relating to suicide with decided case laws.
➔ Define Grievous Hurt and distinguish it from Hurt.
➔ Discuss the offences of kidnapping and abduction in detail.
➔ Discuss the essential ingredients of theft and distinguish between theft, robbery and
➔ What is Defamation ? What are the exceptions which may be set up against the charge
of defamation ?
➔ Define Rape and discuss about its essential ingredients.
➔ Discuss about offences relating to cruelty by husband or relative of husband.
➔ Discuss : Causing Death by Negligence
➔ Discuss : Criminal Breach of Trust
➔ Discuss : Criminal Intimidation
➔ Discuss : Bigamy

Dec-2015 :
➔ Explain in detail the concept and essential elements of an offence of culpable homicide.
➔ Discuss in detail about offence relating to suicide with decided case laws.
➔ State in detail the definitions and essential ingredients of offences relating to theft,
robbery, dacoity and extortion,
➔ Explain in detail the definitions and essential ingredients of offences relating to cheating
and criminal breach of trust.
➔ Define Rape and discuss about its essential ingredients.
➔ Discuss the offences of kidnapping and abduction in detail.
➔ Explain in detail the offences relating to defamation and state the defences available to
the accused of an offence of defamation.
➔ Explain in detail the definitions and essential ingredients of offences relating to hurt and
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grievous hurt.
➔ Explain : Offences relating to Dowry death and cruelty.
➔ Explain : Offences relating to wrongful restrain and wrongful confinement.
➔ Explain : Offence relating to Marriage.
➔ Explain : Causing Death by Negligence.

Apr-2016 :
➔ Explain in detail the concept and essential elements of an offence of murder.
➔ Explain in detail the concept and essential elements of an offence of culpable Homicide.
➔ Discuss the offences of grievous hurt and hurt.
➔ Discuss the offences of Kidnapping and abduction in detail.
➔ Discuss the essential ingredients of theft and distinguish between theft, robbery and
dacoity comparing them.
➔ Fully discuss about offences relating to wrongful restraint and wrongful confinement.
➔ Discuss the offences of Dowry death and cruelty with decided cases.
➔ Fully discuss about offences relating to suicide.
➔ Explain : Criminal Breach of trust.
➔ Explain : Cheating.
➔ Explain : Mens rea.
➔ Explain : Defamation.

Nov-2017 :

➔ All murders are culpable homicide but all culpable homicides are not murder. Discuss
with reference to the provisions of Indian Penal Code 1960 and cite decided case laws.
➔ Does a person posses the right to end his life? Give your view with reference to the
Indian Penal Code 1960 and cite decided case laws.
➔ What is defamation? Can it be done without writing? Are there any exceptions to the
principle of defamation? Explain any five of them with decided case laws.
➔ Explain differences between Theft, Extortion, Robbery and Decoity with reference to the
provisions of the Indian Penal Code 1960.
➔ Discuss the provisions of Indian Penal Code 1960 relating to the offence of Rape and
also state the changes made by the Criminal Law (amendment) Act 2013 in the
provisions relating to the offence of Rape.
➔ Dowry death is a social evil. Discuss the statement with reference to provisions of the
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Indian Penal Code 1960 and cite decided case laws.

➔ Write a detailed note on offences relating to marriage with reference to the provisions of
the Indian Penal Code 1960.
➔ Give explanations on the provisions of Section 354A to Section 354D, Criminal Law
(amendment) Act 2013 in the Indian Penal Code 1960.
➔ Write shortnote : Death by negligence.
➔ Write shortnote : Criminal breach of trust.
➔ Write shortnote : Simple hurt and grievous hurt.
➔ Write shortnote : Offence of mischief.

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104 Law of Contract

Nov-2011 :
➔ Define Contract and discuss the essential elements of valid contract.
➔ Define "offer' and discuss the essential elements of valid offer.
➔ Explain the principle in case of Moharibibi v/s. Dharmdas Ghose and discuss in detail the
law relating to minor's agreement.
➔ "Free consent is the essential element of a valid contract." Discuss this statement in
➔ Explain "Doctrine of frustration' with the help of illustrations. Discuss in detail exceptions
of this doctrine.
➔ What is Quasi Contract ? Explain Quasi-Contract with illustrations.
➔ "The jurisdiction to decree specific performance is discretionary and the court will not
grant it merely because it is lawful to do so." Explain this statement.
➔ Write note : Specific Relief
➔ Write note : Declaratory Orders
➔ Write note : Temporary Injunction
➔ Write note : Permanent Injunction

Nov-2012 :
➔ Define contract and discuss essential elements of valid contract,
➔ Define consideration. Discuss in detail the essential elements of valid consideration.
➔ What is Quasi contract ? Explain Quasi contract with illustration.
➔ Explain the principle in the case of Moharibibi vils. Dharmdas Ghose and discuss fully the
case in relations to minor's agreement.
➔ Explain : Doctrine of Quantum Merit
➔ Explain : Appropriation of Payment of Debt
➔ Explain : Lalman v/s Gauri Dutt
➔ Explain : Hadley v/s Buxandale
➔ Explain : Chinaiya v/s Ramaiya
➔ Explain : Carlil v/s Carbolic Smoke Ball Co. Ltd.
➔ Explain : Coercion and Undue influence.
➔ Explain : Void Agreement and Voidable Agreement
➔ Explain : Liquidated damages and Penal damages
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➔ Explain : Fraud and Misrepresentation

➔ Explain : Anticipatory breach of contract
➔ Explain : Doctrine of Frustration
➔ Explain : Against whom specific performance cannot be held.
➔ Explain : Perpetual Injunction and Temporary Injunction.
➔ Explain : Possession of movable property
➔ Explain : Mandatory Injunction
➔ Explain : Appointment of Receiver
➔ Explain : Quia timet action
➔ Explain : Specific Relief
➔ Explain : Rectification of Instruments

Apr-2013 :
➔ Define Consent when consent is said to be free. What is the effect on validity of contract
when consent is not free ? Discuss.
➔ Explain with illustrations the different modes of discharge of contract.
➔ “An agreement without consideration is void”. Discuss the statement. State whether
there are any exception to this rule in the Indian Contract Act.
➔ Discuss in detail with the help of illustrations the provisions pertaining to “mistake”
under the Indian Contract Act.
➔ Explain : Anticipatory breach of contract.
➔ Explain : Doctrine of Quantum Merit.
➔ Explain : Contigent Contract
➔ Explain : Fraud & Misrepresentation
➔ Explain the doctrine of frustration with the help of illustration. Discuss in details the
exceptions of this doctrine.
➔ Explain : Insurance Contract
➔ Explain : Appropriation of Payments of debts
➔ Explain : Mohoribibi v/s Dharmdas Ghosh
➔ Explain : Lalman v/s Gauri Dutt
➔ Explain : Hadley v/s Buxendole
➔ “The Jurisdiction’ to decree specific performance is discretions and the court will not
grant it merely because it is lawful to do so. Explain.
➔ Explain : Mandatory Injunction
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➔ Explain : Specific Relief

➔ Explain : Rectification of Instrument
➔ Explain : Possession of Immovable property
➔ Explain : Cancellation of a document.

Oct-2013 :
➔ Define contract and discuss the essential elements of valid contract.
➔ Define "Acceptance". Discuss the essential of a Valid Acceptance.
➔ "Free consent is the essential element of a valid contract". Discuss this statement in
➔ Discuss the law relating to minor's agreement in detail.
➔ What is Quasi-Contract? Explain Quasi contract with illustrations.
➔ Explain the doctrine of frustration with the help of illustration. Discuss in details
exceptions of this doctrine.
➔ "The jurisdiction to decree specific performance is discretionary and the court will not
grant it merely because it is lawful to do so." Explain this statement.
➔ Write note : Temporary Injunction
➔ Write note : Permanent Injunction
➔ Write note : Declaratory orders
➔ Write note : Persons against whom specific enforcement can be ordered
➔ Explain : Void and voidable contract,
➔ Explain : Novatio
➔ Explain : Tender
➔ Explain : Kinds of Mistake
➔ Explain : Wagering Agreement
➔ Explain : Capacity of Parties

Mar-2014 :
➔ Define contract and discuss essential elements of valid contract.
➔ What is Quasi-Contract ? Explain Quasi Contract with illustrations.
➔ Explain the doctrine of frustration with the help of illustrations. Discuss in details
exceptions of this doctrine.
➔ Define Contingent Contract. Explain with illustrations as to when contingent contracts
can be enforced.
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➔ Explain : Hadley v/s Baxandale

➔ Explain : Carlil v/s Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.
➔ Explain : Lalman v/s Gauridutt
➔ Explain : Anticipatory breach of contract
➔ Explain : Doctrine of Quantum Merit
➔ Explain : Appropriation of payment of Debt
➔ Explain the principle in case of Moharibibi v/s Dharmdas Ghose and discuss fully the law
relating to minor’s agreement.
➔ “Free consent is essential element of a valid contract.” Discuss this statement in detail.
➔ Explain : Against whom specific performance cannot be held.
➔ Explain : Perpetual Injunction and temporary injunction.
➔ Explain : Rectification of Instrument
➔ Explain : Specific Relief
➔ Explain : Specific performance of a part of contract
➔ Explain : Recovery of immovable property

Nov-2014 :
➔ Define-contract and discuss the essential elements of valid contract.
➔ Define consideration. "An agreement without consideration is void." Discuss this
statement. State whether there are any exceptions to this rule in the Indian Contract
➔ Explain the principle in the case Mohoribibi Vls. Dharmdas Ghose and discuss fully the
law relations to minor's agreement.
➔ What is mistake ? Explain kinds of Fundamental error mistake of fact and mistake of law
under the Indian Contract Act.
➔ Discuss the various mode of discharge of contract and effects thereof.
➔ Explain "Doctrine of Frustration" with the help of illustrations. Discuss in detail
exceptions of this doctrine.
➔ What are the kinds of specific relief ? In what circumstances and on what principles can
plaintiff get specific relief ?
➔ Explain : Possession of immovable property.
➔ Explain : Rectification of Instrument.
➔ Explain : Appointment of Receiver.
➔ Explain : Anticipatory Breach of Contract.
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➔ Explain : Wagering contract.

➔ Explain : Unlawful Agreement.
➔ Explain : Carllil V/s. Carbolic Smoke Balli. Co.
➔ Explain : Lalman V/s. Gauri Dutt.
➔ Explain : Coercion and undue influence

Dec-2015 :
➔ Define contract and discuss the essential elements of valid contract.
➔ "Free consent is the essential element of a valid contract." Discuss this statement in
➔ What is Quasi Contract ? Explain Quasi contract with illustrations.
➔ Explain the doctrine of frustration with the help of illustrations. Discuss in details
exception of this doctrine.
➔ Define "Consideration'. "An agreement without consideration is void.” Discuss this
statement. State whether there are any exception to this rule in the Indian Contract Act.
➔ Explain the principle in case of Moharibibi Vs. Dharamdas Ghose and discuss fully the
law relating to minor's agreement.
➔ Write short note : Unlawful Agreement
➔ Write short note : Wagering Agreements
➔ Write short note : Anticipatory breach of contract
➔ Write short note : Tender or offer of performance
➔ Write short note : Novation (Novatio)
➔ Write short note : Liquidated damages Compensation and Penal damages Compensation
➔ Write short note : Temporary injunction and permanent injunction
➔ Write short note : Mandatory injunction
➔ Write short note : Part performance of contract
➔ Write short note : Specific performance of contract
➔ Write short note : Recovery of Immovable property
➔ Write short note : Quia timet action

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105 Special Contract

Nov-2012 :
➔ Define contract of guarantee and discuss its essential elements.
➔ What is the meaning of "contract of indemnity' '? Discuss the need and methods of
creating indemnity obligation.
➔ Discuss in detail the modes of creation and termination of agency.
➔ Define ‘Bailment' and explain its essential elements.
➔ Define conditions and warranties. Explain the implied condition as to the quality and
fitness of the goods.
➔ Define an "unpaid seller”. Discuss the rights of an unpaid-seller.
➔ Discuss in detail the effect of non-registration of partnership.
➔ State the various modes of dissolution of partnership.
➔ Write note : Contract of sale and agreement to sell
➔ Write note : Minor partner
➔ Write note : Del-creder Agent
➔ Write note : Undisclosed Principal

Apr-2013 :
➔ Give definition of Contract of Indemnity and explain its essential elements.
➔ Explain the Rights and Liabilities of Surety.
➔ Give definition of Agency and explain how agency terminated.
➔ Explain the Rights and Liabilities of Bailor.
➔ Explain in detail Rights of an “unpaid seller”.
➔ Explain the meaning of conditions and warranties and discuss the difference between
➔ Give definition of partnership and explain in details the Rights and Liabilities of partners.
➔ Explain the procedure of Registration of Partnership firm and discuss the demerits of an
unregistered firm.
➔ Write short note : Rights of Indemnity holder
➔ Write short note : Pledge
➔ Write short note : Sale and Agreement to sell
➔ Write short note : Minor partner
➔ Write short note : Auction Sale
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➔ Write short note : Duties of Bailee

➔ Write short note : Continuing Guarantee
➔ Write short note : Holding out Agent

Oct-2013 :
➔ Describe the ingredients of "Contract of indemnity" and "Contract of guarantee".
➔ Discuss the rights and liabilities of surety.
➔ What is Agency ? State its essentials elements. Explain how agency can be terminated
by act of parties and by law.
➔ Define the contract of Bailment. Explain its characteristics and explain the duties of
Bailor and Bailee.
➔ "No seller can give to buyer a better title than what he himself has." Explain exceptions
to this rule.
➔ Discuss in detail "Conditions and Warranties".
➔ Define partnership and discuss legal requirements of a partnership.
➔ State the various modes of dissolution of partnership firm.
➔ Write short note : Rights of Pawnee
➔ Write short note : F.O.B. and C.I.F. contracts
➔ Write short note : Effects of non-registration of firm
➔ Write short note : Rights of unpaid seller

Mar-2014 :
➔ In which circumstances the contract of Guarantee can be terminated ? Explain.
➔ Discuss in detail the modes of creation and termination of agency.
➔ What is the meaning of “Contract of Indemnity” ? Discuss the need and methods
creating indemnity obligation.
➔ Define ‘Bailment’ and explain its essential elements.
➔ “No seller can give better title than what he himself is having.” Explain this statement
with exceptions.
➔ Define an “unpaid seller”. Discuss the rights of an unpaid seller.
➔ Define Partnership and explain in detail various types of partnership.
➔ State the various modes of dissolution of Partnership.
➔ Write short note : Rule of Caveat Emptor
➔ Write short note : Contract of sale and agreement to sell
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➔ Write short note : Minor partner

➔ Write short note : Rights and duties of Partners

Nov-2014 :
➔ Define contract of guarantee and discuss its essential elements.
➔ Give definition of contract of Indemnity and explain its essential elements.
➔ Give definition of Agency and explain how agency terminated.
➔ Define "Bailment" and explain its essential elements,
➔ Define an "unpaid seller". Discuss the rights of an unpaid seller.
➔ "No Seller can give to buyer a better title than what he himself has." Explain exceptions
to this statement.
➔ Discuss in detail the effect of non-registration of partnership.
➔ Give definition of partnership and explain in details the Rights and Liabilities of partners.
➔ Write note : Rights and Liabilities of Co-sureties.
➔ Write note : Del-creder Agent
➔ Write note : Liability by holding out partner.
➔ Write note : Rules as to Delivery of Goods.

Dec : 2015 :
➔ Defining the “contract of indemnity” and "Contract of Guarantee', describe its
➔ Discuss the rights of surety against principal debtor,
➔ Define Agency and Continuing Guarantee. Explain when it comes to an end with
necessary illustrations,
➔ Define Contract of Bailment and Contract of Pledge." State the difference between them.
➔ “No seller can give buyer a better title than what he himself has.” Explain with
exceptions to this rule,
➔ What are the Conditions and Warranties ? Explain the implied conditions as to quality or
fitness of goods.
➔ Define partnership and discuss legal requirements of a partner.
➔ State the provision regarding Registration of partnership firm. Discuss in detail the effect
of non-registration of firm.
➔ Write short note : Rights and duties of “Finder of goods"
➔ Write short note : Dissolution of partnership firm by court
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➔ Write short note : Minor partner

➔ Write short note : Rights of unpaid seller

Nov-2017 :

➔ Define an “unpaid seller”. Discuss rights of unpaid seller.

➔ “No seller can give to buyer a better title than what he himself has” Explain with
exceptions to this rule.
➔ Discuss in detail the effect of non-registration of partnership.
➔ Give definition of partnership and explain in detail the rights and liabilities of partners.
➔ Define contract of guarantee and discuss its essential elements.
➔ What is agency? State its essential elements. Explain how agency can be terminated by
act of parties and act of law.
➔ Give definition of Contract of Indemnity and explain its essential elements.
➔ Define ‘Bailment’ and explain its essential elements.
➔ Write shortnote : Rules as to delivery of goods.
➔ Write shortnote : Sale and Agreement of Sale.
➔ Write shortnote : Dissolution of partnership by Court.
➔ Write shortnote : Del-Creder agent.

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106F Constitutional History of India

Apr-2013 :
➔ Write notes on the following matters under the Government of India Act, 1935 : (a)
Federal Court, (b) Provincial Government
➔ Write note in detail on Round Table Conferences, importance and outcomes thereof.
➔ Explain in detail the main provisions of the Indian Independence Act, 1947.
➔ Write note : Wavell Plan and Shimla Conference, 1945
➔ Write note : Rajagopalachari’s Formula, 1944 25
➔ Explain the process of framing the constitution of India and the contributions of various
leaders in it.
➔ Write note : Cabinet Mission
➔ Write note : Cripps Mission
➔ Write note : Constituent Assembly
➔ Write note : Drafting Committee
➔ Write note : Mountbatten Plan
➔ Write note : Attlee’s Statement

Mar-2014 :
➔ Explain the main provisions of the Government of India Act, 1935.
➔ Explain the main provisions of the Indian Independence Act, 1947.
➔ Explain in detail the importances and outcomes of the Round Table Conferences.
➔ Explain the main provisions and objects of the Wavell Plan and Mountbatten Plan.
➔ Explain the main provisions and objects of the Cabinet Mission and Cripps Mission.
➔ Explain the process of framing the Constitution of India and the contributions of various
leaders in it.

Nov-2014 :
➔ Write the extract of Simon Commission Report and views of Motilal Nehru upon it.
➔ Discuss : Cripps Mission
➔ Discuss : Mountbatten Plan, 1947
➔ Explain in detail under the Government of India Act, 1935 : Provincial Government.
➔ Explain in detail under the Government of India Act, 1935 : Federal Court.
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➔ Explain in detail under the Government of India Act, 1935 : Abolition of Indian Council.
➔ Explain in detail under the Government of India Act, 1935 : Federal Government.
➔ Explain in detail under the Government of India Act, 1935 : All India Federation.
➔ Explain in detail under the Government of India Act, 1935 : Distribution of Power
between Centre and State.
➔ Write explanatory note : Round Table Conferences.
➔ Write explanatory note : Cabinet Mission.
➔ Write explanatory note : Wavell Plan and Simla Conference.
➔ Discuss the main provisions of Indian Independence Act, 1947.
➔ Discuss : Constituent Assembly.
➔ Discuss : Drafting Committee.

Dec-2015 :
➔ Explain in detail the main provisions of the Government of India Act, 1935.
➔ Explain in detail the importance and outcomes of the Round Table Conferences.
➔ Explain in detail the aims and objectives of the Cripps Mission 1942.
➔ Explain in detail the Importance and outcomes of the C. Rajagopalachari's Formula,
➔ Explain in detail the aims and objectives of the Wavell plan and Simla Conference, 1945.
➔ Explain in detail the aims and objectives of the cabinet mission and Mountbatten plan.
➔ Explain in detail the main provisions of the Indian Independence Act, 1947.
➔ Explain in detail the Final Draft and adoption of the Constitution of India.

Nov-2017 :

➔ Explain in detail the aims and objectives of the Cripps Mission 1942.
➔ Explain in detail the final draft and procedure of adoption of the Constitution of India.
➔ Explain in detail the main aims and objectives of the Cabinet Mission and Mountbatten
➔ Explain in detail the main provisions of the Government of India Act 1935.
➔ Explain : Federal Court.
➔ Explain : Scheme of Rajgopalachari.
➔ Discuss : Powers of the Governor General.
➔ Discuss : Restrictions on legislative powers.
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➔ Explain in detail the main provisions of the Indian Independence Act 1947.
➔ Limits on powers of the Provincial Legislature and the working of the Provincial

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107K Use of Law Journals and Legal Software

Apr-2013 :
➔ What is Legal Reasoning ? State its importance in legal profession and contribution in
rendering judgment to the judges.
➔ State different types and names of law journals. Explain about columns and various
services taking into consideration any one law journal.
➔ “Regular reading and study of law journals is inevitable for law students, lawyers and
judges.” Explain.
➔ “Every student of law must develop an art of reading a judgment.” Discuss this
statement by explaining the significance of majority and minority opinions of a
➔ Explain : Principles of Legal Journalism
➔ Explain : Matters to be considered while giving crime reporting.
➔ Explain : Importance of articles published in Law Journals.
➔ “It is necessary to read the analytical and critical articles published in the law journals in
order to get true understanding of any legislation, bill or a judgment.” Discuss.
➔ Explain the importance of legal software in the modern era taking into consideration any
legal software.

Mar-2014 :
➔ Explain the meaning, nature and importance of Legal Reasoning. How Legal Reasoning is
useful to the Lawyers, Judges and law students ?
➔ Why everyone in the legal field should continuously peruse various law journals ?
➔ Discuss about the contents of any law journal.
➔ Enumerate the code of ethics of Legal Journalism adopted at the Stockholm Symposium,
1991. Explain how the same have been implemented in the criminal justice system of
➔ “The art of reading a judgment and utilizing for a case by its appropriate interpretation
comes by way of continuously perusing the judgment and hard work.” Discuss.
➔ What is legal software ? Enumerate various types thereof. Describe the facilities made
available from any legal software.
➔ Explain : Head-notes of a Judgment
➔ Explain : Significance of Minority Judgment
➔ Explain : State with reasons whether the following statements are true or false :
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➔ Explain : Only the Editors of recognized law journals are permitted to prepare and sell a
Legal Software.
➔ Explain : A bill which is pending in the House for the discussion cannot be published in
any law journal.
➔ Explain : It is mandatory for the Supreme Court of India to give Legal Reasoning in its
every decisions.
➔ Explain : Head-notes of any Judgment is a part and parcel of the same judgment
dictated by the concerned judge.
➔ Explain : The photograph and introduction of a newly appointed judge can be published
in a law journal.

Jan-2016 :
➔ Explain in detail the contents of law journals.
➔ What is Legal Reasoning? State its importance in Legal profession and contribution in
rendering judgment to the judge.
➔ Discuss about formats of Law journals.
➔ "Every student of Law must develop an art of reading a judgment." Discuss this
statement by explaining the significance of majority and minority opinions of a
➔ Describe in detail the facilities available Law Software.
➔ Discuss about matters to be considered while giving crime reporting.
➔ Discuss : Kinds of Law journals
➔ Discuss : Importance of Legal articles published in Law journals
➔ Discuss : Software installation

Nov-2017 :

➔ Explain in detail the art of reading the judgment from the law journals and significance
➔ Enumerate the Code of Ethics of Legal Journalism adopted at Stockholm Symposium
1991. Explain how the same have been implemented in the criminal justice system of
➔ Explain in detail the various types of law journals and contents of law journals with
➔ Enumerate various types of legal software and state facilities available in the legal
software taking in to consideration any one of them.
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➔ “The art of reading judgments and utilizing for a case by its appropriate interpretation
comes by way of continuously pursuing judgments and hard work” Discuss.
➔ Explain the meaning nature and importance of legal reasoning. How legal reasoning is
useful to lawyers, judges and law students ?
➔ Explain in detail : Important features of crime reporting.
➔ Explain in detail : Headnotes of judgment.
➔ Explain in detail : Precautions required to be taken by a journalist while reporting any
crime trial.
➔ Explain in detail : Importance of legal softwares showing judgments of foreign courts.
➔ Explain in detail : Copyrights of law journals and legal softwares.
➔ Explain in detail : Types of law journals.

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