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'The Big Four-Oh'

Story OutLine
LiEa Rosenthal
? trol9!



Vivian is looking at herself Ln the eiftor. She 16 rdealing

a Eoderately short skirt antl a knlt top. anal, no Datter in
which directign ahe trrrnB, ahe aloeantt -,Iike irhat ahe seeE.
She feels oltl and uhattraetLve. She becooans her aags..altd bagE.
Phillp, also gettlng ready for work. to uake her feel
better. got eve!, everything he say6 just geta her more upset.
ffe insiats 6he lookg just as good aE she atjd Hhetr they Eet
in college and she nas a dancer. off her look. he goes on to
aay that we canrt atay the way we look when wo're eighteen,
but 6he atill looks great. She takes this as an aahi6EloD
tl-at ahe aloea ].ook o1tl. Ee say6 Bhe's the beat-Iooking
forly yea! olil wcf,lan he knovs. She feels even tf,orse.
Phiup ts dLgging himself in deepr and d6epe!. VLviaD sayE
not to rush her, that she wonrt b6 forty until 3.00 that
afternoon. Philip atarts tafking about the palty herll be
throving for her bLrt'batay that night. He gets rnore and tDore
excited aa he outllneE the iletails of the party. but he wolrrt
reveal the bLg surprige. vivian, seeing hon much he want6 to
pleage her, atteepts to act &oEe cheerful. Ee. 6ays ghe
haE a lot in her life to be happy about -- gleat kLtls. good
Job, ard the [email protected] shets up for t,o heaal of the English
alepartmetrt. He eDphaaize5 that forty isu't o1d -- it
can be a ne, begj,nnlng. A lot of people start he$ hobbles,
net, catreera, net, familieB. vivlan is gtarting to be qgnvinceal
that ahe wa8 over-reactLng. sh6'E not getting oliter. shera
gettLng better. She vows to coDcentrate ou the irqrortant
things in life, Aa she turns and walks a!.ay fr@r the o.itror,
her reaqrlYe cruobleg a6 she catches a back view of heraelf-
The tlLstresBing thought of control top pan-tyhose occu.s.


As ceoffrey Ls EervLng WIIl hi6 breatfaEt on th6 patio,
Ashley enters, teady for Echool. Sher6 obviouEly got
soething on her rtrLnd, but is hesitant about getting to
the point. she aska liill rrhat he thinta of cheerleaalerE.

He expouaala on the virtue6 of the Laker gi!19. Ag he oovea

on to the Dallas Co\rgirf6, AshLey interrupts. She xronflerg
,hat he thinks of younger cheerleadlels. Will g6tB it oow.
'Aryone r kDorr?", he a;ks. Ashley adnits that they're having
eheerleatler tryouts at 6chool, but eondlers if it'8 6L11y'
wLli. aEsurea her that being a cheerleatlerrs coo1, and
encouragea ber to go for it. Ashley. atill nervous about tbe
prosP9ct, declales to givg-it a try.
Carlton enters, anal wil]. antl he discust t,hat theyru. be t earlng
to Vivianr 5 party that ntght, Hilary entels, excited about
the gift ahers gotten for all of them to give vivian' Ehe's
ehgplred h6r fget off. but ltra been north the gacrif,ice. After
pqLling out several things ahe bought for herself, ahe finaUy
iets to vivian'a gift -- a cuie niniskirt. will can't believe
that that little things is aIf they got for their moaey, but
Hilary insists vivian will love Lt.
Bhey hear vivian cordng and quickly hiale the gift
aua try to act "natural'. ViviaE eDter6 a PiIe of a1I
her short skirts to give to EiLary, she'a ilecialed theylre-..:
iust not appropriate anyaore atgift he! age. She exlta. The
iids are distraught that thei! ia a bolEb, - alrd theyrll
have to get a new one by that night. Eilary j,s thliltetl at
her net{ lrar(lrobe.
scENE 3


The kids arrive at the party beford.viviait antl Phl1ip. They
are exciteil about the new gift -- a con8ervative Bla-ca1f
wool Ekirt. They thtD* that by all lrying to f,ocus on
uhat vivian realIy feels, they've picked the perfect thing.
Philip antt vl.vian eDter. she's rrearing a ahort, sequined
tank a[re8B. rhe kid6 feel shot tlo]m again. vlvian. in
the mid6t of gettiug exciteal about th Party, has talkeal
herself into thLnklng everythLng is great, includi g hot,
she tooka. She Baya she atecidad that juat becauae Bbera
forty iloeBnrt Eean sherE o1d, a il 6he's not going to be one
of thoEe wden rho buntlIe up iD tlowdy. matroDly clotheB
that cover 6very l,trch of their bodies and Iook about as good
as ,ool blanketa. She lngistg, llore to convince herself
than her kida. that she looks gootl and iloesn't urLnal sho$ing
it. Ihe kids go off, upset that gift nuDber tto has Et uck
vlvl"an, in a eonent of ttoubt, aaka PhilLp, 'I do look good,
iton't I?r Ee asaure6 her ahe aloa6. she continues to tly
to convlnce herself that being forty 1a fabulouE. she goeB
on about hot good ahe looks anal feel8, how good it iE to
be in the prlJDe of her }ifei and ho* good it ia to have
everything all aet. Yea Elr, with this Pro&otlon Ln the

sork8, her Iife is right on Eack. We catl see that ahets

alepreaseat aDal clesperatg behinil her happy facade. but Philip
aloesn't ootice. Ee take6 he orals at face valuo antl ls
glaal to Eee her so up. IIe says that shers a wondlerful
ioman. that she ileee-rves to hive good thin96 in her life,
anit that he Jua! wants her to be happy, rrhatever tbat takes.
She assurea hi-n she is.
The party progresBes. Vlvlan starts out actually havlng a
good tine. The friends and fe6tLvltie6 get hex spiritE up.
But gratlually a].l the references to age -- frdtr the lLordy.
Lordy, viv ia Forty' banner to the calalE \rith the baEl^c 'over .

the hilI" thene to the remernbrances gf friend6 about her

coLlege alay8, acceptance inco Alvin A11ey, etc. that enal
vith "but that ea6 a fglg time ago, a lot of eater unaler the
bridge' -- rrake vivi aore:and more alepreEaeal. rhen qonea
Phillp's big 6ur?ri8e -- d roast, r,rith wiII as uc. ahrough
a serles of dlLssolves, fanity anal frieuds do some gooal-
natureit kiilding of vivian. irhich gets het back into a gooa
uood until they return to ttte nyourre 5o olal' the&e again'
eniling rrith a goodl zinger fron tll1l. AB the coup de grace.
a giant cake ia wheeleal out r topped rrith forty. blazing canalles.
Philip, through all this, has been besiale hi.rEe1f \rith Pritle
at hiE -gala cefebration. ue beams as the cake 15 llovetl sloitLy
acro66 the roqr towardl Vivlan. ViviaD has never feLt worae
a.bout he! age, but, 6till trying to put on a good face. especially
for Philip. Ehe Dal<e6 a last-alitch attetopt at a smile. ItrE
quLckly atoused when tlte heat fron tl-e canales 6ets off tfre
fire sprj.nk]-erE,


wilL and ceoffrey are the alisaster entling the
previous night'e party. WiLl i5 confuseal. Hhatrs the big
deaL about turtling forty? Ee trLes to get Geoftrey to explain,
but then cracks thqt c. probably doesnrt reneober that far
Ashley eaters. She reveala that ahe signed uP to tly out for
cheerleadler. sherE having eecontl thoughts, but Hill 6ays
he knors thets great. He pronpts her to shon hjllr the cheer
6he'a going to do, Slre dloes a really Lame, conventional
cheer, just barely Dovilrg her arIs anil Legs. will doe-slrl--t -want
to--say how bad it waE, ao he [email protected] her EI0iIe. She aeeB
through it ana aays Bhe knor s it rraa lane. Icill insists it's
a atart antl offers to help het. Ashley 16 th.j.Iled. Geoffrey
is sugpicioua. Ee likeal the oltl chee!. $i1I gays it would
have gone over big iE--Geoffrey-! s,day -- after the knight6 had
an eslrecially gootl joustLng oatch.

Hl1ary aDd carlton enteE. They hope that nos that vivian's
back it work, everything wi.11 dosn. They'le exciteil
about thelr neru gift -- aD elegant briefcase. shich she
can use every day. wiII thinks this Ls the mo6t boring
gift he'8 ever heard of,. Hilary i5 insulted since she-
;hoppeit all day to find juot the righL Lhing at just the
rigirl price. iy ttre wayl they all ;we her another week's
allowance. arguement ersues.
Phillp ellters frolu lrork and te115 thes to quiet tlown. We see
that Le's still upset fron the party anal vivianta reactionshers
to lt. Ee saya vivian shouLd ba holne any minute, anal if
in the nood she was in that morning. t:he best place for thee
in out La the p!,cl. Or a pool in aJlother atate, Be,hopes
the flolrels and- candy he got het will Elake things a little
better. roh, that olal trick,' saye will. "And for God's
6ake, alonrt say 'o1tl'!", sayE Phl.Iip' He admonlEhe6- theflr
to have some uiederstantling ior vlviin, t.ho'6 obviously going
through a lough tllDe. uoiever, we can see that Phillp doesnrt
have a handle hinself on lthat to ilo.
vLvian enters and, arnazlngfy, Bhe's io a realLy goodl Eoo'l _

she a5k6 if they'il like s6miining special for dinnef, anal

complirnents Phiiip'6 suit. 'ooo; that's rough,' corments will'
Philip is confuseal. Nets also afraid of sayitlg the wlong
thing- agaln and getting her back in a bad mooal. He tentatively
aska-if she hail i good day. vivian says it ira6 the best.
She's matle soe tleiisions-. Does PhiliP lerDertber trhat he saldl
to her about her aleserving good things in her 11fe,- and thatthat he
want6 he! to be happy, whit6ver it take6? And how he saj-d
at fofty. Iots of people stalt Eew hobbLes or careers or
tanirieli t'or a mornent, Phlllp thlnks vivian Ls to
tell hlln shers pregnant, although he'6 not sure hot{ she could
have maale that deeislon ancl carried I't out since last aight.
EBpecially consialering the kind of mooal she naa I'n last night.
vi;ian as;ures hfun it isn't that. Ee say6 that he atlll
agrees ttitb vhat he saitl. VLvian is glaal, because she'a
d;ne Just what he {aB talking about. Shers not only turne'l
dorn fhe pronotioa, she's quit her job. vivlan seer6 resolute
aual confident as ehe explaina her reasons. In college. she
haal alrea[s that were put a6iate when everyone toltl her to get
her teaching tlegree to falL back on. Then she got Barrieal.
Then ... she looks at ELlaEy. "What?"r she respondE. Artlaray,
Vivj,an continues, the party tast night naale her realLze that
shers halfttay thiough irer ilfe, and-that she doean't Eee ttre
second half Leing tiken up wtth anything that doesnrt make
her happy. sh6's going- to try gays tf,e roia noi taken. - PhiliP
is- eurpiised but sapportive. He that whateveE makes her
happy, {hether it';-be the pre6idlent of a univelsity- or stay
rroilii ina be a houserrife (hli expression sho$s rhLch he's Pul1j-bg
for), he's behiud her a1l the rray. vivlan is 99 91ad. what
ahlis decided to do, she eays, pulling out a leotar'I, is
dance. tlilary throws aeay the briefcase in dlsguBt'




Itrs after school. The kl,als are eating 6nacks. iloing

homelroEk, anal tryiDg to cone to terms with vivi.aD's
new career. Shers on her way to het first aance clasE.
wiII i8 very Eupportive, Ee thinks itts great to just
pick B@ething out of the blue and go for it. Bilary
explaina to hifi that Vivian lras going to be a alancer in
collega, even got acceptgd iDlo the Ailey alance tfoupe.
wi.lI thlDks that i,ould be a gEeat Bt6pplng stone to becoEing
a solid cold ala!cer.., uaybe-fheyt d brLng the shory back and
vivian could get on it aDal he could neet that ilaEcet.rho -Eas
alwaya lookirg right at him. or she could tlance irLth uaE0er...
AahLey interruDla, to say that Vivlan vants to dlo mu8lcalB,
like icatsn. I{i1l thinks for a linute, then 6ays thiE is
great too. ue coulal meet one of those cat girls in the
bodysul,ts. He r6a11y loves aiance he decialea. BotI. AEhley
and fj.Il are suppoEtive and excited ' about vivian's decision.
Carlton anal Eilary, on the otler hanal, are mortified by
the erhole idlea. Perbaps vivian ra'ilI choose a stage na$e,
or alo a European tour, anil they'Il Fave face. Ashley vondlers
ho\s vivian is iloiDg j.n her first tlay of alance clas6. she
gure was excited.


vj.viatt Ls nervoug about stalting back dancing after all
thege years, but Bhers Elao er.citetl. she's got herseLf
hyped up that thLg is sdrethlng 6herB going to carry.
through this time. She enters th6 clasa. The room aa
filletl vLth trrenty-year-olds in uj.dliff tops and bicyale
pantE, stretching out. Vivian fee16 out of Place iD hr
aradittonal leotirit, tights and ].ittle alance akirt. she
trie8 to befriend a group of 9ir15. --fhey are cool to her.
Even ttrough they're half her age, this is their seventh
season of ahoiri. One glrl recogaizes Vivian aa the rnother
of Eilary, \rho used to babyalt fo! her. Viviaa. starta to
feel Lsolated anal unaure of heraelf.
:[he teacher entera anal BayE they'Il start in a fe{ mLnute6.
Everyone Etart8 to warrn up furlouEly. The girl next to
vivi-an liftE ber teg up n&t to her ear, all trhile stlll
talking. vivian trie5 to casually alo the aame ttri'rg arrd
alnost kil1s herEelf. The girl olrks anat lrhispela to
some ottte! girla, irho gi991;, The 9i!18 talk abont ilancers,
ahoirs, etc, vtvian realiies she'a no! going to ftt in
aocially trith theae brat6, but, as the teacher calls the
class togethe!, she becoees lesolved to at least alo her
beBt aance-rriae. The teacher giveE the first cd[binatlon,
which i9 faEt and c@plicateil. He tellg the firat four
girls to take it. We can see viviants paDj-c as t}!e girls
move Erriftly anil surely through the steps.


VliU anal Ashley are yrorking o her cheerleading tryout
routine. wiu has coroe up lrith sore bipper wortls to adapt
her original chee!. Eilary thir*6 it'a cute. Carlton
sonalers is therels sotre kiDd of aortification gene on
his r[otherrs side of the farEily. enters, sole andl aliscouraged. She te116 them about
the awful dance c1a65. liaybe she l,as fooling herseLf
thinking 6he coulal start this again. shers not as llfiber
as she useal to be, she qeta alt confuseal about the stePE,
and she aoeEnrt like people laughing at her. even if she
tlid fa1l tlonn. She natle it through..the cIass, but she
thints eaybe ahe shoufil ju6t quit.
Philip enlers from $,ork. fle 6eea that Vivian is tiretl antl
6ore and depres6eal. Ee thinkB 6he'a tloing an admilable thing,
going for her drea8, but Baybe Ehe JuDped.into it too fast.
lile can aee that he really feels for vivLan antl her 6trug91e.
He rllanta to nake hsr feel better. Sudtlenly. he haa tlre
perfect idea, Theyrll go to f,anaiil Thatrs it, he'I1 take
a fet, days off and get first cl-a6E ticketa and reservatlons
at a fabuloua hotel rlght on the beash anal vivian caD Just
relax. PhilLp i6 proud of his ialea. But, again, itrs ttre
{rong one.nYou Vivian, outrageal, aske ho!, he could suggest such
a thing, real.Iy knor, rrotlen, UnclerPbil,:..obBerses Bi.Il'
PhiLip canlt get Etraight. t{hy tickets to Itawail are baal.
vivian Eays that he'a just trying to sabotage he! efforts.
He insists that hers just thinking of her. He hates to aee
her 60 tired, sore anal gruDpy. It makes hiJt feel bad to
Bee her feel 60 bad. And fo! r,hat? she certai.nly tloesn't
needl to alo it. Ihey doDtt Beea the &oney. why dloeen't she
ju6t take it easy for a rhile?
vivian in6istg.that Ehe aloesnr t lrant to take it easy. she
staits to get firea up- Phi].{p-'6 xorals have helpeal her focus
agailr on lrhat Bhe really tdantg. ghe Bays atre took it easy
*enty years ago when she got the teachLng cerlificate- Nos
shets aE that saee cloE6roacls again, atid Bhets not making
the 6atue tuistake -- choosing whatr g easy anal coffortable.
Philip asks if havilg a! easy. codfortalle LLfe iED't wbat
lhey've been rrqrking forr vivian Eays nor she aloesnrt-want
to iake the coofortable roaal. Then why, que6tions PhiIiP,
did r juBt buy you a ner{ Bl{Ii?
vivian chides his for throwl"ng that 1n her face. She
starts Bappijrg out her plan of attack to Prepare for her
firBt audition -- glasses every alay, walm-ups at hone, reatlinq
"Dance' maqazine, eatiBqi riqht. etc. Shers going to shos
them she cao tlo it. I.taybe ghe canrt tlo it. but she's got
to kno!, she gave it aII she got. She Etoms out, her lesoluiion
at an. all-tiJne high. Phllip Is glaal he didn't bring up the
tliamonal necklace he hadl planned, or she probably nould have
asketl for a alivorce.


Vj,vian ls grabbing a piece of fruit on her rday to hel

flrst audition. Philip is forlornly alonuts fr@
a box. vivian t cdatrents on how unhealthfuL the8e are for
hit!. He aloesn t seern to care- vivian 6toPs her tush out
the aloor to talk to hi-D. she say6 she reall,zeB ahe hagnrt
beetr able to speldl Duch time with hird the IaEt three weeka
because of her heavy alance c].ass Echedlute. Philip, hurt
but t!a](ing a weak attempt to cover, says he haanrt noticeat.
she aays 6he kiror.s it'-s been haral on hie having her be sore
and preoccupieil. Again, he. pretends he hasn't noticed.
she apol-o9ize6 for being too tired to feel r@ahtic. PhlIiP
aduits he'6 noticea this. Vivian says that theEe eeekB
have beert haral on her too. Shera hadl many &oirents of
insecurity and lnalecisl,on. several tllreE she almost quit.
Holrer,er. 6he knors Bheril neve! forgive herself if she atLdnrt
try. She tel1s Philip how much it t{ould mean to he! for
hin to wish her 1uck. Philip say6 that hera afraiat to say
anything since therete a prelty goodl chance she'fl get
angry. But herll ri6k it. He tells her that he Yisbes
her the best in everythirg 6he atoeB. Ee aak0ires hot{ 6her6
antt he know8 aherll tto great. 'so good luck.n
atuck to this, rYourle
says Phillp. never auppoaed to aay 'gooa luckr in
sho{ buBiness! n exclalmg nThatts bad 1uck. You're
Eupposeal to say I blea} a 1e9r'" But ite 6ee b,y vivianra hugging
of .Phlltp blore 6he exlts that what he saiil gave he! the
extra bit of courage ahe neealeal to go on.


Vivian enters tentatlvely. Shers sti1l uncoafortableqlaEs and

acareil. Sone of the same girlg froE the first tlance
are here for the aualLtlon. Ehe leg-Etletching 9ir1 say6
, she haBntt seen vivian since that fLrat tlance clasa three
\reeka ago. She t0ake8 a srlide aeuark about Vivian-going
back to-bakLng cake6. vlvlan says Ehers been taking sqre
private lesao;8 ex-darcer they I ve all heard of'

iivian can nou aJ-30 converae about dancers anil Bhow6. littla
9ir1s are Eurpriaeal, and Vivianra atarting to be a
leaa nervous.

The girls.start stletchlng out, When the girl Puts her

Ieg up nerat to her ear, Vivian duplicates the motion, then
blings hers aroutttl to the back in an arabesque. IDhe
choreographeE calls .a., group together to start. Ee Eivea
a f,ast, coitrplicated conbinatioD. The gitls ]-ook at Viwian
anal just about start to.-tauqh. vtvian takeE off her bulky
srreatBhirt. she haa on a rea11y cute, stylish dance outfit.
While they staae, 6he gtarta in on the c<nnbination. The
girls hawe to rusb to catch up. Vivian, gtrodg anal confialent,
executes the 3tep6 flaulesely, Iands i!1 a Perfeet fifth
positlon, antl looks alounal, f,u1l of priale. The 9ir1E are
gawking - Ihe choreographef calls for the aext grouP. vivian
;atkr self=assuredly oua the door... anil collapses frqr
exhaustion anal out of relLef.that she finally alitl it.


Viyian is sj.tting on the bed, holdlng a heating pad to
hef, hip. She Iooks tirett. Philip enter6. Eer6 torn
betreen lrarrting viviah to aucceedl anal not waDting this
torture to 90 on. Ee aaka how the aualltion went. vivian
te11s hi.r! ho,i, great it went, ho$ Ehe blev all those other
gLrl-6 away, how they asketl her to stay after to try sqlle
other tlancg ccmlrioations. She woDrt be able to galk foE
a month, but she feela qreat. Phllip congratulstes her on
getting in tbe show. sE-;EErts making plan for the
householtl Yhile shers in rehear8a].s. Ee asks trol, long the
showrs going to run. vivLan saye aha isnlt going to be
in t}le show. Philip teII6 her to not be negative. She
rra6 obviously great, and theyrll be sure to Pick her. vlvl'ah
say6 that wonlt happen becaus6 she just calletl theo anal
told then she'g not lnterestetl. Phill-P doe6n't unaler6tanal'
vivian says that these ttrree r.eeks haYe been the hardeBt
of her 1ife. Every euscle i.E 6ore. PIus sher6 tireil going
of belng arountt people lrho can o hy talk about thors
lrith who antl who goa in what ahoit and rrhots less talentetl
and de6eling than you. AnA she aloan I t want to ni6s being
i.ith har famity. (she tloe5 wonaler lf 6he would have been
chosen. Philip aEsurea her that ahe itas the best alancer
thoytve ever 6een. Eers lust lucky no one fron Br9atlway
rra6 there. ) vivian hugs Philip o?er this dreet }ie. She
say5 she r6alizes you can't 9o back. Philip poirta out
that you Sg! go for ard anil that shers so smalt and
creatlve that he'g sure Bhelll final the right career. she
saya the fee19 like a fool -- 6het8 foaty and ahe haa no
ioB and no idea of ehat the uanLs to do or rrho 6he is.
itilip says tbat it'a not the foo1, it's the wise peraon
rho k6eps- searching, anil that hers sure tltat vhatever she
choo6es, sherll be the best.

vivian la gratefuL aDal snuggle5 up to Phllip. After a beat,

she ask6 if he thinks shers. o1tl. He says of course not.
Then the pauses again anal asks if he think6 shers Pretty'
Ee Dakes her get up antl go over to the qirror, whleh isn't
easy, hord sore she is. . Once there, he gays,
ltrqok ho!, prelty you a!e. I{hy ato you think I'rn home by
six every night?rr He Et.rts to poLnt out aII the titlgs
he likes about her -- her hair, the eolor of her skin,
her lips, her legs... By the t re he gets to this Poillt.
!hey! re both pretty turneal on. Philip 6t itches ott the
Btereo $it} his reBote qontrol, and ltarvin Gaye starts
.ln on 'r.etrs Get rt on&. rhey start dancing. As Philip
sqeezes her, she yalps Ln pain. She asks if they calr 61t
this ooe out. A.s Philip agrees enthusiastically and they
Eove toirardl the beit, Viviao says tiat there are soEe reallY
good tllings about getting older -- mote nisdlon, a better
perapeqtive anal you alonrt haye to rtorry about your Parents
c@ing in.



viyian and Phil-iP are both in Ereat Dood.s,- fhey -takd
turrrB hurEning 'Hhatrs coing. On?'. Carltoq and Uilary enter
in a huff. They throw dlofio a box iD fxont of Viyian, and
before she can unsTrap 1t, they say itrs. a stupial leotard.
lrhich they krow she aloesntt irant, but Lf they er.change it,
6her11 probably juat change into. a car Dechanic or something,
so here's the receipt antl happy birthday. Vivian is conf,usedl.
Eilary aaya 6he never thought sherd say thi6, but she hopes
she never see6 another store again in he! l"ife.
Asbley enters, ecstatic. I{ t.I.e help of, Willrs routine,
ahe naale the cheerleading squad. will pr@rpts her to tlo
the routine for the fardly. she says that herll have to
substitute for littLe Bobby creenspan. Ife Eee the routine,
coroplete with xap rrord6,..!f1y gLrl" dance Eteps and big
ending f1ip. Except for the..ho$if ied Philip. the f&oiJy
cheers at ttte fantastic perforhance.

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