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G.R. No. 146611 February 6, 2007

CFI San Pablo City, Laguna
petitioner Tancredo filed an action for partition of their common fathers several pieces of realty, to wit: a residential lot at M. Calim Street, Famy, Laguna; a riceland at
Poroza, Famy, Laguna; and another parcel of land at Maate, also in Famy, Laguna, against his older half-brother, herein private respondent Leocadio
Court ordered Leocadio to partition only the property located at Maate, Famy, Laguna
P filed with the trial court a Notice of Appeal - The court gave due course to the notice and directed the elevation of the records of the case to the CA whereat
petitioners appeal was docketed as CA-G.R.CV No. 59641.

no appellants brief filed within the extended period, CA considered the appeal abandoned and accordingly dismissing the same.
After 8 months, P filed a motion for reconsideration thereof - CA denied the motion
P filed a Petition for Relief praying CA to set aside its dismissal, reinstate his appeal and grant him a fresh period of forty-five (45) days from notice within which to file
his appellants brief. Denied
P filed special civil action for certiorari under Rule 65 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure to SC

Issue: WON CA committed grave abuse of discretion in denying the Petition for Relief

Held : NO
In Hagonoy Market Vendor Association v. Municipality of Hagonoy, Bulacan, G.R. No. 137621, February 6, 2002, then Associate Justice, now Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno,
reminded us that
The Rules itself expressly states in Section 2 of Rule 1 that the rules shall be liberally construed in order to promote their object and to assist the parties in obtaining
just, speedy and inexpensive determination of every action and proceeding. Courts, therefore, not only have the power but the duty to construe and apply technical
rules liberally in favor of substantive law and substantial justice. Furthermore, this Court, unlike courts below, has the power not only to liberally construe the rules, but
also to suspend them, in favor of substantive law or substantial rights. Such power inherently belongs to this Court, which is expressly vested with rule-making power by
no less than the Constitution.

It is equally settled, however, that this Courts power to liberally construe and even to suspend the rules, presupposes the existence of substantial rights in favor of which, the
strict application of technical rules must concede. The facts are borne out by the records pertaining to petitioners purported undivided share in the property at M. Calim Street,
Famy, Laguna, and the property in Poroza clearly showed that these two properties had been subject of an agreement (Exh. "1") whereby petitioner recognized respondents
rights to said properties. This fact binds this Court, there being nothing on record with the trial court as to the herein alleged fraud against the petitioner. Upon thorough
deliberation of the supposed substantial rights claimed by the petitioner with the court below, the Court finds no cogent basis to favorably rule on the merits of the appeal even
if it may be given due course which is indispensable to justify this Court in considering this case as an exception to the rules.

WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DISMISSED and the assailed resolutions of the CA are AFFIRMED.

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