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692 PART SEVEN Short-Term Financial Planning and Management

2. The difference between a firms available balance and its book balance is the firms
net float. The float reflects the fact that some checks have not cleared and are thus
uncollected. The financial manager must always work with collected cash balances
and not with the companys book balance. To do otherwise is to use the banks cash
without the banks knowing it, which raises ethical and legal questions.
3. The firm can make use of a variety of procedures to manage the collection and
disbursement of cash in such a way as to speed up the collection of cash and slow
down the payments. Some methods to speed up the collection are the use of
lockboxes, concentration banking, and wire transfers.
4. Because of seasonal and cyclical activities, to help finance planned expenditures, or
as a contingency reserve, firms temporarily hold a cash surplus. The money market
offers a variety of possible vehicles for parking this idle cash.

C h a p t e r R e v i e w a n d S e l f - Te s t P r o b l e m
20.1 Float Measurement On a typical day, a firm writes checks totaling $3,000.
These checks clear in seven days. Simultaneously, the firm receives $1,700. The
cash is available in two days on average. Calculate the disbursement, the collec-
tion, and the net floats. How do you interpret the answer?

A n s w e r t o C h a p t e r R e v i e w a n d S e l f - Te s t P r o b l e m
20.1 The disbursement float is 7 days $3,000 $21,000. The collection float is
2 days ($1,700) $3,400. The net float is $21,000 (3,400) $17,600.
In other words, at any given time, the firm typically has uncashed checks out-
standing of $21,000. At the same time, it has uncollected receipts of $3,400.
Thus, the firms book balance is typically $17,600 less than its available balance,
for a positive $17,600 net float.

Concepts Review and Critical Thinking Questions

1. Cash Management Is it possible for a firm to have too much cash? Why
would shareholders care if a firm accumulates large amounts of cash?
2. Cash Management What options are available to a firm if it believes it has
too much cash? How about too little?
3. Agency Issues Are stockholders and creditors likely to agree on how much
cash a firm should keep on hand?
4. Motivations for Holding Cash Most often, when news breaks about a firms
cash position, its because the firm is running low, but that wasnt the case for
Ford, Chrysler, and General Motors at the end of 1997. At that time, Ford held
$20.8 billion in cash and marketable securities, GM had $14.5 billion, and
Chrysler had $7.1 billion. Similarly, by the end of 1998, Nissan, the Japanese
auto manufacturer, had piled up about 400 billion yen, which amounted to sev-
eral billion dollars. Thus, each company had substantial cash reserves; in fact,
particularly in Fords case, enormous might be more descriptive. Why would
firms such as these hold such large quantities of cash?
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CHAPTER 20 Cash and Liquidity Management 693

5. Cash Management versus Liquidity Management What is the difference

between cash management and liquidity management?
6. Short-Term Investments Why is a preferred stock with a dividend tied to
short-term interest rates an attractive short-term investment for corporations
with excess cash?
7. Collection and Disbursement Floats Which would a firm prefer: a net col-
lection float or a net disbursement float? Why?
8. Float Suppose a firm has a book balance of $2 million. At the automatic teller
machine (ATM), the cash manager finds out that the bank balance is $2.5 mil-
lion. What is the situation here? If this is an ongoing situation, what ethical
dilemma arises?
9. Short-Term Investments For each of the short-term marketable securities
given here, provide an example of the potential disadvantages the investment
has for meeting a corporations cash management goals.
a. U.S. Treasury bills
b. Ordinary preferred stock
c. Negotiable certificates of deposit (NCDs)
d. Commercial paper
e. Revenue anticipation notes
f. Repurchase agreements
10. Agency Issues It is sometimes argued that excess cash held by a firm can ag-
gravate agency problems (discussed in Chapter 1) and, more generally, reduce
incentives for shareholder wealth maximization. How would you frame the issue
11. Use of Excess Cash One option a firm usually has with any excess cash is to
pay its suppliers more quickly. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
this use of excess cash?
12. Use of Excess Cash Another option usually available is to reduce the firms
outstanding debt. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this use of ex-
cess cash?
13. Float An unfortunately common practice goes like this (warning: dont try this
at home): Suppose you are out of money in your checking account; however,
your local grocery store will, as a convenience to you as a customer, cash a
check for you. So, you cash a check for $200. Of course, this check will bounce
unless you do something. To prevent this, you go to the grocery the next day and
cash another check for $200. You take this $200 and deposit it. You repeat this
process every day, and, in doing so, you make sure that no checks bounce. Even-
tually, manna from heaven arrives (perhaps in the form of money from home),
and you are able to cover your outstanding checks.
To make it interesting, suppose you are absolutely certain that no checks will
bounce along the way. Assuming this is true, and ignoring any question of legal-
ity (what we have described is probably illegal check kiting), is there anything
unethical about this? If you say yes, then why? In particular, who is harmed?

Questions and Problems

1. Calculating Float In a typical month, the Bungee Jump Corporation receives Basic
100 checks totaling $90,000. These are delayed six days on average. What is the (Questions 110)
average daily float?
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694 PART SEVEN Short-Term Financial Planning and Management

Basic 2. Calculating Net Float Each business day, on average, a company writes
(continued ) checks totaling $30,000 to pay its suppliers. The usual clearing time for the
checks is four days. Meanwhile, the company is receiving payments from its
customers each day, in the form of checks, totaling $50,000. The cash from the
payments is available to the firm after two days.
a. Calculate the companys disbursement float, collection float, and net float.
b. How would your answer to part (a) change if the collected funds were avail-
able in one day instead of two?
3. Costs of Float Purple Feet Wine, Inc., receives an average of $6,000 in checks
per day. The delay in clearing is typically five days. The current interest rate is
.025 percent per day.
a. What is the companys float?
b. What is the most Purple Feet should be willing to pay today to eliminate its
float entirely?
c. What is the highest daily fee the company should be willing to pay to elimi-
nate its float entirely?
4. Float and Weighted Average Delay Your neighbor goes to the post office once
a month and picks up two checks, one for $20,000 and one for $4,000. The larger
check takes four days to clear after it is deposited; the smaller one takes six days.
a. What is the total float for the month?
b. What is the average daily float?
c. What are the average daily receipts and weighted average delay?
5. NPV and Collection Time Your firm has an average receipt size of $60. A
bank has approached you concerning a lockbox service that will decrease your
total collection time by three days. You typically receive 12,000 checks per day.
The daily interest rate is .018 percent. If the bank charges a fee of $225 per day,
should the lockbox project be accepted? What would the net annual savings be
if the service were adopted?
6. Using Weighted Average Delay A mail-order firm processes 5,000 checks per
month. Of these, 60 percent are for $50 and 40 percent are for $70. The $50
checks are delayed two days on average; the $70 checks are delayed three days
on average.
a. What is the average daily collection float? How do you interpret your answer?
b. What is the weighted average delay? Use the result to calculate the average
daily float.
c. How much should the firm be willing to pay to eliminate the float?
d. If the interest rate is 8 percent per year, calculate the daily cost of the float.
e. How much should the firm be willing to pay to reduce the weighted average
float by 1.5 days?
7. Value of Lockboxes Paper Submarine Manufacturing is investigating a lock-
box system to reduce its collection time. It has determined the following:

Average number of payments per day 300

Average value of payment $1,500
Variable lockbox fee (per transaction) $.75
Daily interest rate on money market securities .02%

The total collection time will be reduced by three days if the lockbox system is
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CHAPTER 20 Cash and Liquidity Management 695

a. What is the PV of adopting the system? Basic

b. What is the NPV of adopting the system? (continued )
c. What is the net cash flow per day from adopting? Per check?
8. Lockboxes and Collections It takes Cookie Cutter Modular Homes, Inc.,
about five days to receive and deposit checks from customers. Cookie Cutters
management is considering a lockbox system to reduce the firms collection
times. It is expected that the lockbox system will reduce receipt and deposit
times to three days total. Average daily collections are $140,000, and the re-
quired rate of return is 10 percent per year.
a. What is the reduction in outstanding cash balances as a result of implement-
ing the lockbox system?
b. What is the dollar return that could be earned on these savings?
c. What is the maximum monthly charge Cookie Cutter should pay for this
lockbox system?
9. Value of Delay Pain Free Dentistry, Inc., disburses checks every two weeks
that average $80,000 and take seven days to clear. How much interest can the
company earn annually if it delays transfer of funds from an interest-bearing ac-
count that pays .02 percent per day for these seven days? Ignore the effects of
compounding interest.
10. NPV and Reducing Float Puddle of Mudd Corporation has an agreement
with Lollipop Bank whereby the bank handles $6 million in collections a day
and requires a $500,000 compensating balance. Puddle of Mudd is contemplat-
ing canceling the agreement and dividing its eastern region so that two other
banks will handle its business. Banks A and B will each handle $3 million of col-
lections a day, and each requires a compensating balance of $300,000. Puddle of
Mudds financial management expects that collections will be accelerated by
one day if the eastern region is divided. Should the company proceed with the
new system? What will be the annual net savings? Assume that the T-bill rate is
4 percent annually.
11. Lockboxes and Collection Time Birds Eye Treehouses, Inc., a Kentucky Intermediate
company, has determined that a majority of its customers are located in the (Questions 1112)
Pennsylvania area. It therefore is considering using a lockbox system offered by
a bank located in Pittsburgh. The bank has estimated that use of the system will
reduce collection time by two days. Based on the following information, should
the lockbox system be adopted?

Average number of payments per day 700

Average value of payment $1,100
Variable lockbox fee (per transaction) $.35
Annual interest rate on money market securities 6.0%

How would your answer change if there were a fixed charge of $1,000 per year
in addition to the variable charge?
12. Calculating Transactions Required Bumper Crop, Inc., a large fertilizer dis-
tributor based in California, is planning to use a lockbox system to speed up col-
lections from its customers located on the East Coast. A Philadelphia-area bank
will provide this service for an annual fee of $30,000 plus 10 cents per transac-
tion. The estimated reduction in collection and processing time is one day. If the
average customer payment in this region is $6,000, how many customers each
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696 PART SEVEN Short-Term Financial Planning and Management

Basic day, on average, are needed to make the system profitable for Bumper Crop?
(continued ) Treasury bills are currently yielding 5 percent per year.
Challenge 13. Concentration Banking Mojo Corporation currently employs a lockbox sys-
(Question 13) tem with collection centers in San Francisco, St. Louis, Atlanta, and Boston.
Each lockbox center, on average, handles $150,000 in payments every day.
Mojos current policy is to invest these payments in short-term marketable secu-
rities daily at the collection center banks. Every two weeks, the investment ac-
counts are swept and the proceeds are wire-transferred to Mojos headquarters in
Dallas to meet the companys payroll. The investment accounts pay .015 percent
per day, and wire transfers cost .15 percent of the amount transferred.
a. What is Mojos total net cash flow available from its lockbox system to meet
the payroll?
b. Suppose Late Nite Bank, located just outside Dallas, offers to set up a con-
centration bank system for Mojo. Late Nite will accept each of the lockbox
centers daily payments via automated clearinghouse, ACH, transfers (in lieu
of wire transfers) and deposit the funds in the same marketable securities in-
vestments yielding .015 percent per day. ACH-transferred funds are not
available for use for one day. If the ACH transfers cost $700 each, should
Mojo proceed with the concentration bank plan?
c. In part (b), at what cost of ACH transfers would Mojo be indifferent between
the two systems?

Whats On 20.1 Commercial Paper Chevron sells commercial paper to interested institutional
the Web? investors. Go to the Chevron web site at, follow the In-
vestors link and the Commercial Paper link. What is the credit rating for
Chevrons commercial paper? Now follow the link for the commercial paper and
find the Offering Memorandum link. What is the minimum size Chevron will
sell? What size do they request for one- to four-day commercial paper?
20.2 Commercial Paper Rates What are the highest and lowest historical interest
rates for commercial paper? Go to and follow the Inter-
est Rates link. Find the highest and lowest interest rates for one-, two-, and
three-month nonfinancial commercial paper over the time reported. When did
they occur?
20.3 ACH Services One provider of float reduction services is ePayment Systems.
You can find their web site at Follow the Ser-
vices link and then the Electronic Check Conversion link. What does an elec-
tronic check conversion accomplish? How does the system work? How long
does it take for the funds to be deposited in the merchants account?
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target cash balance Based on our general discussion of current assets in the previous chapter, the target
A firms desired cash cash balance involves a trade-off between the opportunity costs of holding too much
level as determined by
cash (the carrying costs) and the costs of holding too little (the shortage costs, also
the trade-off between
carrying costs and
shortage costs.
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CHAPTER 20 Cash and Liquidity Management 697

called adjustment costs). The nature of these costs depends on the firms working cap- adjustment costs
ital policy. The costs associated
with holding too little
If the firm has a flexible working capital policy, then it will probably maintain a mar-
cash. Also, shortage
ketable securities portfolio. In this case, the adjustment, or shortage, costs will be the trad- costs.
ing costs associated with buying and selling securities. If the firm has a restrictive working
capital policy, it will probably borrow in the short term to meet cash shortages. The costs
in this case will be the interest and other expenses associated with arranging a loan.
In our discussion that follows, we will assume that the firm has a flexible policy. Its
cash management, then, consists of moving money in and out of marketable securities.
This is a very traditional approach to the subject, and it is a nice way of illustrating the
costs and benefits of holding cash. Keep in mind, however, that the distinction between
cash and money market investments is becoming increasingly blurred.
For example, how do we classify a money market fund with check-writing privi-
leges? Such near-cash arrangements are becoming more and more common. It may be
that the prime reason they are not universal is regulation limiting their usage. We will
return to this subject of such arrangements at various points in the following discussion.

The Basic Idea

Figure 20A.1 presents the cash management problem for our flexible firm. If a firm tries
to keep its cash holdings too low, it will find itself running out of cash more often than
is desirable, and thus selling marketable securities (and perhaps later buying marketable
securities to replace those sold) more frequently than would be the case if the cash bal-
ance were higher. Thus, trading costs will be high when the cash balance is small. These
costs will fall as the cash balance becomes larger.

Cost of holding
cash ($) Cost of Holding Cash

Total costs of holding cash

Opportunity costs

Trading costs
Size of cash
balance (C )
Optimal size
of cash balance

Trading costs are increased when the firm must sell securities to establish a cash
balance. Opportunity costs are increased when there is a cash balance because
there is no return on cash.
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698 PART SEVEN Short-Term Financial Planning and Management

In contrast, the opportunity costs of holding cash are very low if the firm holds very
little cash. These costs increase as the cash holdings rise because the firm is giving up
more and more in interest that could have been earned.
In Figure 20A.1, the sum of the costs is given by the total cost curve. As shown, the
minimum total cost occurs where the two individual cost curves cross at Point C*. At
this point, the opportunity costs and the trading costs are equal. This point represents the
target cash balance, and it is the point the firm should try to find.
Figure 20A.1 is essentially the same as Figure 19.2 in the previous chapter. As we
discuss next, however, we can now say more about the optimum investment in cash and
the factors that influence it.

The BAT Model

The Baumol-Allais-Tobin (BAT) model is a classic means of analyzing our cash man-
agement problem. We will show how this model can be used to actually establish the
target cash balance. It is a straightforward model and very useful for illustrating the fac-
tors in cash management and, more generally, current asset management.
To develop the BAT model, suppose the Golden Socks Corporation starts off at
Week 0 with a cash balance of C $1.2 million. Each week, outflows exceed inflows
by $600,000. As a result, the cash balance will drop to zero at the end of Week 2. The
average cash balance will be the beginning balance ($1.2 million) plus the ending
balance ($0) divided by 2, or ($1.2 million 0)/2 $600,000, over the two-week pe-
riod. At the end of Week 2, Golden Socks replenishes its cash by depositing another
$1.2 million.
As we have described, the cash management strategy for Golden Socks is very sim-
ple and boils down to depositing $1.2 million every two weeks. This policy is shown in
Figure 20A.2. Notice how the cash balance declines by $600,000 per week. Because the
company brings the account up to $1.2 million, the balance hits zero every two weeks.
This results in the sawtooth pattern displayed in Figure 20A.2.

Starting cash:
Cash Balances for C = $1,200,000
the Golden Socks

$600,000 = C/2 Average cash

Ending cash: 0 Weeks

0 1 2 3 4

The Golden Socks Corporation starts at Week 0 with cash of $1,200,000.

The balance drops to zero by the second week. The average cash
balance is C/2 = $1,200,000/2 = $600,000 over the period.
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CHAPTER 20 Cash and Liquidity Management 699

Implicitly, we assume that the net cash outflow is the same every day and that it is
known with certainty. These two assumptions make the model easy to handle. We will
indicate in the next section what happens when they do not hold.
If C were set higher, say, at $2.4 million, cash would last four weeks before the firm
would have to sell marketable securities, but the firms average cash balance would in-
crease to $1.2 million (from $600,000). If C were set at $600,000, cash would run out in
one week, and the firm would have to replenish cash more frequently, but the average
cash balance would fall from $600,000 to $300,000.
Because transactions costs (for example, the brokerage costs of selling marketable
securities) must be incurred whenever cash is replenished, establishing large initial bal-
ances will lower the trading costs connected with cash management. However, the
larger the average cash balance, the greater is the opportunity cost (the return that could
have been earned on marketable securities).
To determine the optimal strategy, Golden Socks needs to know the following three
F The fixed cost of making a securities trade to replenish cash.
T The total amount of new cash needed for transactions purposes over the
relevant planning period, say, one year.
R The opportunity cost of holding cash. This is the interest rate on marketable
With this information, Golden Socks can determine the total costs of any particular cash
balance policy. It can then determine the optimal cash balance policy.

The Opportunity Costs To determine the opportunity costs of holding cash, we have
to find out how much interest is forgone. Golden Socks has, on average, C/2 in cash.
This amount could be earning interest at rate R. So the total dollar opportunity costs of
cash balances are equal to the average cash balance multiplied by the interest rate:
Opportunity costs (C/2) R [20A.1]
For example, the opportunity costs of various alternatives are given here assuming
that the interest rate is 10 percent:

Initial Average Opportunity

Cash Balance Cash Balance Cost (R .10)

C C/2 (C/2) R
$4,800,000 $2,400,000 $240,000
2,400,000 1,200,000 120,000
1,200,000 600,000 60,000
600,000 300,000 30,000
300,000 150,000 15,000

In our original case, in which the initial cash balance is $1.2 million, the average balance
is $600,000. The interest Golden Socks could have earned on this (at 10 percent) is
$60,000, so this is what the firm gives up with this strategy. Notice that the opportunity
costs increase as the initial (and average) cash balance rises.

The Trading Costs To determine the total trading costs for the year, we need to know
how many times Golden Socks will have to sell marketable securities during the year.
First of all, the total amount of cash disbursed during the year is $600,000 per week, so
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700 PART SEVEN Short-Term Financial Planning and Management

T $600,000 52 weeks $31.2 million. If the initial cash balance is set at C $1.2
million, then Golden Socks will sell $1.2 million in marketable securities T/C $31.2
million/1.2 million 26 times per year. It costs F dollars each time, so trading costs are
given by:
$31.2 million
F 26 F
$1.2 million
In general, the total trading costs will be given by:
Trading costs (T/C) F [20A.2]
In this example, if F were $1,000 (an unrealistically large amount), then the trading
costs would be $26,000.
We can calculate the trading costs associated with some different strategies as

Total Amount of Initial Trading

Disbursements Cash Costs
during Relevant Period Balance (F $1,000)

T C (T/C) F
$31,200,000 $4,800,000 $ 6,500
31,200,000 2,400,000 13,000
31,200,000 1,200,000 26,000
31,200,000 600,000 52,000
31,200,000 300,000 104,000

The Total Cost Now that we have the opportunity costs and the trading costs, we can
calculate the total cost by adding them together:
Total cost Opportunity costs Trading costs
(C/2) R (T/C) F
Using the numbers generated earlier, we have:

Cash Opportunity Trading Total

Balance Costs Costs Cost

$4,800,000 $240,000 $ 6,500 $246,500

2,400,000 120,000 13,000 133,000
1,200,000 60,000 26,000 86,000
600,000 30,000 52,000 82,000
300,000 15,000 104,000 119,000

Notice how the total cost starts out at almost $250,000 and declines to about $82,000 be-
fore starting to rise again.

The Solution We can see from the preceding schedule that a $600,000 cash balance
results in the lowest total cost of the possibilities presented: $82,000. But what about
$700,000 or $500,000 or other possibilities? It appears that the optimum balance is
somewhere between $300,000 and $1.2 million. With this in mind, we could easily pro-
ceed by trial and error to find the optimum balance. It is not difficult to find it directly,
however, so we do this next.
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CHAPTER 20 Cash and Liquidity Management 701

Take a look back at Figure 20A.1. As the figure is drawn, the optimal size of the cash
balance, C*, occurs right where the two lines cross. At this point, the opportunity costs
and the trading costs are exactly equal. So, at C*, we must have that:
Opportunity costs Trading costs
(C*/2) R (T/C*) F
With a little algebra, we can write:
C*2 (2T F)/R
To solve for C*, we take the square root of both sides to get:

C* (2T F)/R [20A.4]

This is the optimum initial cash balance.
For Golden Socks, we have T $31.2 million, F $1,000, and R 10%. We can
now find the optimum cash balance:

C* (2 $31,200,000 1,000)/.10
$624 billion
We can verify this answer by calculating the various costs at this balance, as well as a
little above and a little below:

Cash Opportunity Trading Total

Balance Costs Costs Cost

$850,000 $42,500 $36,706 $79,206

800,000 40,000 39,000 79,000
789,937 39,497 39,497 78,994
750,000 37,500 41,600 79,100
700,000 35,000 44,571 79,571

The total cost at the optimum cash level is $78,994, and it does appear to increase as we
move in either direction.

The BAT Model E X A M P L E 20A.1

The Vulcan Corporation has cash outflows of $100 per day, seven days a week. The interest
rate is 5 percent, and the fixed cost of replenishing cash balances is $10 per transaction. What
is the optimal initial cash balance? What is the total cost?
The total cash needed for the year is 365 days $100 $36,500. From the BAT model,
we have that the optimal initial balance is:
C* (2T F )/R
(2 $36,500 10)/.05
$14.6 million
The average cash balance is $3,821/2 $1,911, so the opportunity cost is $1,911 .05
$96. Because Vulcan needs $100 per day, the $3,821 balance will last $3,821/100 38.21
days. The firm needs to resupply the account 365/38.21 9.6 times per year, so the trading
(order) cost is $96. The total cost is $192.
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702 PART SEVEN Short-Term Financial Planning and Management

The Miller-Orr Model




U* is the upper control limit. L is the lower control limit. The target cash
balance is C*. As long as cash is between L and U*, no transaction is made.

Conclusion The BAT model is possibly the simplest and most stripped-down sensi-
ble model for determining the optimal cash position. Its chief weakness is that it as-
sumes steady, certain cash outflows. We next discuss a more involved model designed
to deal with this limitation.

The Miller-Orr Model: A More General Approach

We now describe a cash management system designed to deal with cash inflows and
outflows that fluctuate randomly from day to day. With this model, we again concentrate
on the cash balance, but, in contrast to the situation with the BAT model, we assume that
this balance fluctuates up and down randomly and that the average change is zero.

The Basic Idea Figure 20A.3 shows how the system works. It operates in terms of an
upper limit to the amount of cash (U*) and a lower limit (L), and a target cash balance
(C*). The firm allows its cash balance to wander around between the lower and upper
limits. As long as the cash balance is somewhere between U* and L, nothing happens.
When the cash balance reaches the upper limit (U*), such as it does at Point X, the
firm moves U* C* dollars out of the account and into marketable securities. This ac-
tion moves the cash balance down to C*. In the same way, if the cash balance falls to the
lower limit (L), as it does at Point Y, the firm will sell C* L worth of securities and
deposit the cash in the account. This action takes the cash balance up to C*.

Using the Model To get started, management sets the lower limit (L). This limit es-
sentially defines a safety stock; so, where it is set depends on how much risk of a cash
shortfall the firm is willing to tolerate. Alternatively, the minimum might just equal a re-
quired compensating balance.
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CHAPTER 20 Cash and Liquidity Management 703

As with the BAT model, the optimal cash balance depends on trading costs and op-
portunity costs. Once again, the cost per transaction of buying and selling marketable
securities, F, is assumed to be fixed. Also, the opportunity cost of holding cash is R, the
interest rate per period on marketable securities.
The only extra piece of information needed is 2, the variance of the net cash flow
per period. For our purposes, the period can be anything, a day or a week, for example,
as long as the interest rate and the variance are based on the same length of time.
Given L, which is set by the firm, Miller and Orr show that the cash balance target,
C*, and the upper limit, U*, that minimize the total costs of holding cash are:2
C* L (3/4 F 2/R)(1/3) [20A.5]
U* 3 C* 2 L [20A.6]
Also, the average cash balance in the Miller-Orr model is:
Average cash balance (4 C* L)/3 [20A.7]
The derivation of these expressions is relatively complex, so we will not present it here.
Fortunately, as we illustrate next, the results are not difficult to use.
For example, suppose F $10, the interest rate is 1 percent per month, and the stan-
dard deviation of the monthly net cash flows is $200. The variance of the monthly net
cash flows is:
2 $2002 $40,000
We assume a minimum cash balance of L $100. We can calculate the cash balance
target, C*, as:
C* L (3/4 F 2/R)(1/3)
$100 (3/4 10 40,000/.01)(1/3)
$100 30,000,000(1/3)
$100 311 $411
The upper limit, U*, is thus:
U* 3 C* 2 L
3 $411 2 100
Finally, the average cash balance will be:
Average cash balance (4 C* L)/3
(4 $411 100)/3

Implications of the BAT and Miller-Orr Models

Our two cash management models differ in complexity, but they have some similar im-
plications. In both cases, all other things being equal, we see that:
1. The greater the interest rate, the lower is the target cash balance.
2. The greater the order cost, the higher is the target balance.

M. H. Miller and D. Orr, A Model of the Demand for Money by Firms, Quarterly Journal of Economics,
August 1966.
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704 PART SEVEN Short-Term Financial Planning and Management

These implications are both fairly obvious. The advantage of the Miller-Orr model is
that it improves our understanding of the problem of cash management by considering
the effect of uncertainty as measured by the variation in net cash inflows.
The Miller-Orr model shows that the greater the uncertainty is (the higher 2 is), the
greater is the difference between the target balance and the minimum balance. Similarly,
the greater the uncertainty is, the higher is the upper limit and the higher is the average
cash balance. These statements all make intuitive sense. For example, the greater the
variability is, the greater is the chance that the balance will drop below the minimum.
We thus keep a higher balance to guard against this happening.

Other Factors Influencing the Target Cash Balance

Before moving on, we briefly discuss two additional considerations that affect the tar-
get cash balance.
First, in our discussion of cash management, we assume that cash is invested in mar-
ketable securities such as Treasury bills. The firm obtains cash by selling these securities.
Another alternative is to borrow cash. Borrowing introduces additional considerations to
cash management:
1. Borrowing is likely to be more expensive than selling marketable securities because
the interest rate is likely to be higher.
2. The need to borrow will depend on managements desire to hold low cash balances.
A firm is more likely to have to borrow to cover an unexpected cash outflow the
greater its cash flow variability and the lower its investment in marketable
Second, for large firms, the trading costs of buying and selling securities are very
small when compared to the opportunity costs of holding cash. For example, suppose a
firm has $1 million in cash that wont be needed for 24 hours. Should the firm invest the
money or leave it sitting?
Suppose the firm can invest the money at an annualized rate of 7.57 percent per year.
The daily rate in this case is about two basis points (.02 percent or .0002).3 The daily re-
turn earned on $1 million is thus .0002 $1 million $200. In many cases, the order
cost will be much less than this; so a large firm will buy and sell securities very often be-
fore it will leave substantial amounts of cash idle.

20A.1a What is a target cash balance?
20A.1b What is the basic trade-off in the BAT model?
20A.1c Describe how the Miller-Orr model works.

A p p e n d i x R e v i e w a n d S e l f - Te s t P r o b l e m
20A.1 The BAT Model Given the following information, calculate the target cash
balance using the BAT model:

A basis point is 1 percent of 1 percent. Also, the annual interest rate is calculated as (1 R)365 1.0757,
implying a daily rate of .02 percent.
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CHAPTER 20 Cash and Liquidity Management 705

Annual interest rate 12%

Fixed order cost $100
Total cash needed $240,000

What are the opportunity cost of holding cash, the trading cost, and the total
cost? What would these be if $15,000 were held instead? If $25,000 were held?

A n s w e r t o A p p e n d i x R e v i e w a n d S e l f - Te s t P r o b l e m
20A.1 From the BAT model, we know that the target cash balance is:
C* (2T F)/R
(2 $240,000 100)/.12
The average cash balance will be C*/2 $20,000/2 $10,000. The opportunity
cost of holding $10,000 when the going rate is 12 percent is $10,000 .12
$1,200. There will be $240,000/20,000 12 orders during the year, so the order
cost, or trading cost, is also 12 $100 $1,200. The total cost is thus $2,400.
If $15,000 is held, then the average balance is $7,500. Verify that the opportu-
nity, trading, and total costs in this case are $900, $1,600, and $2,500, respectively.
If $25,000 is held, these numbers are $1,500, $960, and $2,460, respectively.

Questions and Problems

1. Changes in Target Cash Balances Indicate the likely impact of each of the Basic
following on a companys target cash balance. Use the letter I to denote an in- (Questions 110)
crease and D to denote a decrease. Briefly explain your reasoning in each case.
a. Commissions charged by brokers decrease.
b. Interest rates paid on money market securities rise.
c. The compensating balance requirement of a bank is raised.
d. The firms credit rating improves.
e. The cost of borrowing increases.
f. Direct fees for banking services are established.
2. Using the BAT Model Given the following information, calculate the target
cash balance using the BAT model:

Annual interest rate 6%

Fixed order cost $9
Total cash needed $5,000

How do you interpret your answer?

3. Opportunity versus Trading Costs White Whale Corporation has an average
daily cash balance of $300. Total cash needed for the year is $30,000. The inter-
est rate is 5 percent, and replenishing the cash costs $6 each time. What are the
opportunity cost of holding cash, the trading cost, and the total cost? What do
you think of White Whales strategy?
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706 PART SEVEN Short-Term Financial Planning and Management

Basic 4. Costs and the BAT Model Debit and Credit Bookkeepers needs a total of
(continued ) $4,000 in cash during the year for transactions and other purposes. Whenever
cash runs low, it sells off $300 in securities and transfers the cash in. The inter-
est rate is 6 percent per year, and selling off securities costs $25 per sale.
a. What is the opportunity cost under the current policy? The trading cost? With
no additional calculations, would you say that Debit and Credit keeps too
much or too little cash? Explain.
b. What is the target cash balance derived using the BAT model?
5. Determining Optimal Cash Balances The Bud Wiser Company is currently
holding $600,000 in cash. It projects that over the next year its cash outflows
will exceed cash inflows by $340,000 per month. How much of the current cash
holding should be retained and how much should be used to increase the com-
panys holdings of marketable securities? Each time these securities are bought
or sold through a broker, the company pays a fee of $500. The annual interest
rate on money market securities is 5.5 percent. After the initial investment of ex-
cess cash, how many times during the next 12 months will securities be sold?
6. Interpreting Miller-Orr Econoline Crush, Inc., uses a Miller-Orr cash man-
agement approach with a lower limit of $30,000, an upper limit of $125,000, and
a target balance of $45,000. Explain what each of these points represents and
then explain how the system will work.
7. Using Miller-Orr Slap Shot Corporation has a fixed cost associated with buy-
ing and selling marketable securities of $100. The interest rate is currently .019
percent per day, and the firm has estimated that the standard deviation of its
daily net cash flows is $50. Management has set a lower limit of $1,100 on cash
holdings. Calculate the target cash balance and upper limit using the Miller-Orr
model. Describe how the system will work.
8. Interpreting Miller-Orr Based on the Miller-Orr model, describe what will
happen to the lower limit, the upper limit, and the spread (the distance between
the two) if the variation in net cash flow grows. Give an intuitive explanation for
why this happens. What happens if the variance drops to zero?
9. Using Miller-Orr The variance of the daily cash flows for the Pele Bicycle
Shop is $1.05 million. The opportunity cost to the firm of holding cash is 7 per-
cent per year. What should be the target cash level and the upper limit if the tol-
erable lower limit has been established as $100,000? The fixed cost of buying
and selling securities is $500 per transaction.
10. Using BAT Bates Corporation has determined that its target cash balance if it
uses the BAT model is $1,000. The total cash needed for the year is $16,000, and
the order cost is $5. What interest rate must Bates be using?

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