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Name: _____________________________

Plural Nouns

Many singular nouns can be made plural by simply adding s.

examples: astronaut - astronauts rocket - rockets

Write the plural of each noun below by adding the letter s.

1. lion - __________________________ 2. bubble - _________________________

3. building - __________________________ 4. rainbow - _________________________

5. phone - __________________________ 6. movie - _________________________

Nouns ending in x, z, s, sh and ch form the plural by adding an es to the end.

examples: couch - couches lens - lenses

Write the plural of each noun below by adding the letters es.

7. fox - __________________________ 8. dish - _________________________

9. bus - __________________________ 10. wish - _________________________

11. wrench -__________________________ 12. ax - _________________________

When a noun ends with a consonant followed by the letter y, change

the y to an i and add es.

examples: penny - pennies party - parties

Write the plural of each noun below.

13. library - __________________________ 14. puppy - _________________________

15. kitty - __________________________ 16. family - _________________________

17. story - __________________________ 18. cherry - _________________________

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When a noun ends with a vowel followed by the letter y, just add the letter s.

examples: monkey - monkeys key - keys

Write the plural of each noun below.

19. donkey - _________________________ 20. ray - _________________________

21. toy - __________________________ 22. alley - _________________________

23. tray - __________________________ 24. turkey - _________________________

When a noun ends with the letter(s) f or fe, change the f or fe to an v and add es.

examples: shelf - shelves knife - knives

Write the plural of each noun below.

25. loaf - __________________________ 26. thief - _________________________

27. life - __________________________ 28. calf - _________________________

Sometimes a plural noun is formed by changing the vowels, or by adding a different ending

examples: tooth - teeth child - children

Write the plural of each noun below.

29. person - __________________________ 30. goose - _________________________

31. foot - __________________________ 32. woman - ________________________

33. mouse - __________________________ 34. man - _________________________

Sometimes a word does not change at all when it becomes plural.

examples: fish - fish shrimp - shrimp

Write the plural of each noun below.

35. moose - __________________________ 36. sheep - _________________________

37. deer - __________________________ 38. corn - _________________________

39. aircraft -__________________________ 40. gold - _________________________

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Plural Nouns

Many singular nouns can be made plural by simply adding

the letter s to the end of the word.

examples: astronaut - astronauts rocket - rockets

Write the plural of each noun below by adding the letter s.

1. lion - lions 2. bubble - bubbles

3. building - buildings 4. rainbow - rainbows

5. phone - phones 6. movie - movies

Nouns ending in x, z, s, sh and ch form the plural by adding an es to the end.

examples: couch - couches lens - lenses

Write the plural of each noun below by adding the letters es.

7. fox - foxes 8. dish - dishes

9. bus - buses 10. wish - wishes

11. wrench - wrenches 12. ax - axes

When a noun ends with a consonant followed by the letter y, change

the y to an i and add es.

examples: penny - pennies party - parties

Write the plural of each noun below.

13. library - libraries 14. puppy - puppies

15. kitty - kitties 16. family - families

17. story - stories 18. cherry - cherries

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Many singular nouns can be made plural by simply adding s.

examples: monkey - monkeys key - keys

Write the plural of each noun below.

19. donkey - donkeys 20. ray - rays

21. toy - toys 22. alley - alleys

23. tray - trays 24. turkey - turkeys

When a noun ends with the letter(s) f or fe, change the f or fe to an v and add es.

examples: shelf - shelves knife - knives

Write the plural of each noun below.

25. loaf - loaves 26. thief - thieves

27. life - lives 28. calf - calves

Sometimes a plural noun is formed by changing the vowels, or by adding a different ending

examples: tooth - teeth child - children

Write the plural of each noun below.

29. person - people 30. goose - geese

31. foot - feet 32. woman - women

33. mouse - mice 34. man - men

Sometimes a word does not change at all when it becomes plural.

examples: fish - fish shrimp - shrimp

Write the plural of each noun below.

35. moose - moose 36. sheep - sheep

37. deer - deer 38. corn - corn

39. aircraft - aircraft 40. gold - gold

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