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Kala Hora:-

The word Hard means hour, which is got by joining the last syllable of the first word and the
first syllable of the second word of the compound Ahordtra. You know that an hourforms a
24th part of the entire period of day and night. From the chart given on pp. 402-3 you would
be able to discover the rationale of the weekdays. The first hour in each weekday is
presided over by its own lord . So on Sunday the first hour beginning with Sunrise is ruled
by the Sun himself; the second hour by the planet that is 6th from the lord of the day, i.e.
Venus, in other words it is the 3rd weekday-lord counted backwards. Continue, this process
until you reach the 24th hour. On Sunday the 24th hour is ruled by Mercury (Budha). Hence
the first hour of the very next day is ruled by the Moon. Thus we call it Monday. Similarly on
Monday the last, i.e. 24th, Kala-Hord is presided over by Jupiter. In this manner the last
Hords are ruled in order by Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Sun, Moon and Mars on the
weekdays beginning with Sunday. This shows that the last Hordorx a particular weekday
belongs to the planet that is the 4th from that planet presiding over the weekday.
Effects of Horas:-
These Horas can be made use of in electional astrology or Muhurta. Suppose you have to
attend a court case on a Tuesday. Then select a good Kala-Hora, provided the lord of that
Hora is strong and unafflicted, and the Hora free from Visa Ghati. In this case you can elect
conveniently the third Hord of Venus. It would be excellent, if you could elect Jupiter's Hord,
if the planet is strong.
Sun would create in his Hard (especially in journey) the sight of a single brahmin, a single
water pot and a widow. It would also produce troubles and strain.
The Moon'. Gain of wealth, sight ofan eagle (Garutfa), lizard's cries from the left side as well
as sight ofa pot of milk, toddy, umbrellas and chowries.
Mars: Grief and illness; and sight of an empty pot, buttermilk, a lame person, one with white
leprosy etc.
Mercury. The sight of cows, young girls, pots of curds, blazing fire, and flowers and fruits,
and acquiring money and learning.
Jupiter: All kinds of prosperity, authority and sight of mirror, music, both instrumental and
vocal, a group of Vedic scholars, auspicious women and other holy things.
Venus: Conjugal felicity and meeting with two brahmins, auspicious women holding flowers
and fruits in their hands, getting happy tidings and such other auspicious omens.
Saturn: Destruction of wealth and all undertakings as well as sight of a widow and oil-
monger and hearing bad news. {Note: The special effects pertain to journeys, according to
the Markandeya Jyautisa.)

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