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Development of Economic Zones

Annual Report


Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

Prime Ministers Office
Glossary Table

ADB Asian Development Bank

ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
BB Bangladesh Bank
BEZA Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority
BG Broad Gauge
BICC Bangabandhu International Conference Centre
BIFFL Bangladesh Infrastructure Finance Fund Limited
BIWTA Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority
BOI Board of Investment
BPDB Bangladesh Power Development Board
BTMA Bangladesh Textile Manufacturers Association
BWDB Bangladesh Water Development Board
CMS Content Management System
DBFOOT Design-Build-Finance-Own-Operate-Transfer
DC Deputy Commissioner
DoE Department of Environment
DPHE Department of Public Health Engineering
EA Environmental Assessment
EBRIDP Eastern Bangladesh Rural Infrastructure Development
ECC Environmental Clearance Certificate
ECR Environmental Conservation Rules
EIA Environmental Impact Assessments
EIRR Economic Internal Rates of Return
EMP Environmental Management Plan
ENPVs Economic Net Present Values
EPZ Export Processing Zone
ETP Effluent Treatment Plant
EZs Economic Zones
FBCCI The Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry
FDI Foreign Direct Investment
FGD Focus Group Discussions
FOC Fiber Optic Cable
Ft/ft. Foot/foot
GAFTA Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement
G2G Government to Government
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GoB Government of Bangladesh
Ha/ha Hectare
ICD Inland Clearance Depot
ICT Inland Container Terminal
ICZM Integrated Coastal Zone Management
IDCOL Infrastructure Development Company Limited
IFC International Finance Corporation
IPFF Investment Promotion and Financing Facility
IPP Independent Power Producer
IPs Industrial Parks
IRR Internal Rate of Return
JBIC Japan Bank for International Cooperation
JETRO Japan External Trade Organization
JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency

Annual Report 2016 Page 1

Km Kilometre
KV Kilo-volt
KWH Kilo-watt Hour
LGED Local Government Engineering Department
LIBOR London Interbank Offered Rate
LPAD Law Justice and parliamentary Affairs Division
MCCI Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
MSL Mean Sea Level
MW Mega-watt
NCS National Conservation Strategy
NCT New Mooring Container Terminal
NEMAP National Environmental Management Plan
NPV Net Present Value
O&M Operation and Maintenance Costs
ODA Official Development Assistance
ODF Optical Distribution Frame
OSS One-Stop-Service
PAP Project Affected People
PFI Participating Financial Institution
PGCB Power Grid Company of Bangladesh
PIU Project Implementation Unit
PPP Public-Private Partnership
PMO Prime Ministers Office
PRG Partial Risk Guarantees
QOL Quality-of-Life
RAP Resettlement Action Plan
REA Rapid Environmental Assessment
RFP Request for Proposal
REB Rural Electrification Board
RMG Ready-made Garments
RSMF Resettlement and Social Management Framework
SEZ Special Economic Zone
SME Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
SOB Survey of Bangladesh
SIA Social Impact Assessment
SRO Statutory Rules and Orders
SPV Special Purpose Vehicle
SWOT Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat
TEU Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit
UNO Upazila Nirbahi Officer
VAT Value-added Taxes
VGF Viability Gap Financing
WARPO Water Resources Planning Organization
WATSAN Water Supply and Sanitation
WB World Bank
Core Values, Vision, Mission............................................................................................................... 6
Governing and Management Structure of BEZA................................................................................. 9
2. Corporate InformationGoverning and Management Structure of BEZA........................................9
3. Corporate Information..................................................................................................................9
3. Chairmans ReportCorporate InformationGoverning and Management Structure of BEZA..........9
4. Corporate InformationGoverning and Management Structure of BEZA........................................9
Corporate Information...................................................................................................................... 12
3. Chairmans ReportCorporate Information...................................................................................12
4. Chairmans Report.......................................................................................................................12
4. Snapshot of Key PerformanceChairmans ReportCorporate Information....................................12
5. Chairmans ReportCorporate Information...................................................................................12
Executive Chairmans Report............................................................................................................13
4. Snapshot of Key PerformanceChairmans Report........................................................................13
5. Snapshot of Key Performance......................................................................................................13
5. Snapshot of Key PerformanceChairmans Report........................................................................13
6. Snapshot of Key PerformanceChairmans Report........................................................................13
5. Snapshot of Key Performance......................................................................................................15
6. Snapshot of Key Performance......................................................................................................15
7. Snapshot of Key Performance......................................................................................................15
8. Snapshot of Key Performance......................................................................................................15
PPP Economic Zones......................................................................................................................... 17
Ongoing and Upcoming EZs.................................................................................................... 17
Mongla Economic Zone (Powerpac Economic Zone).................................................................... 17
Mirsarai Economic Zone............................................................................................................... 18
Mirsarai EZ-2................................................................................................................................ 19
Shreehatta Economic Zone........................................................................................................... 20
Sabrang Tourism Park................................................................................................................... 21
Naf Tourism Park (Jaliardiwp EZ).................................................................................................. 23
Narayanganj EZ............................................................................................................................ 25
Dhaka SEZ.................................................................................................................................... 26
Mirsarai Industrial City -The First Planned City............................................................................. 27
Moheshkhali The Next Planned City........................................................................................... 28
Private Economic Zones.......................................................................................................... 29
A.K. Khan Economic Zone............................................................................................................. 30
Abdul Monem Economic Zone (AMEZ)......................................................................................... 31
Meghna Private Economic Zone................................................................................................... 32
Meghna Industrial EZ................................................................................................................... 33
Aman Economic Zone................................................................................................................... 34
Bay Economic Zone...................................................................................................................... 35
Arisha Economic Zone.................................................................................................................. 36
G2G Economic Zones.............................................................................................................. 37
The first meeting of the Bangladesh-India Joint Working Group (JWG) on the establishment of
Indian Economic Zones (IEZs) in Bangladesh was held in Dhaka on May 10, 2016...................37
Mongla Economic Zone (Indian G2G)........................................................................................... 38
Chinese G2G EZ............................................................................................................................ 39
Governing Board Meetings of BEZA........................................................................................ 40
Strategic aspects of partnering with BEZA........................................................................................ 42
One-Stop Services................................................................................................................... 45
Current Developments..................................................................................................................... 46
Social and Environmental Compliance.............................................................................................. 47
Legal Framework of BEZA................................................................................................................. 49
Feasibility Study................................................................................................................................ 56
Initial Site Assessment............................................................................................................ 57
Investment Promotion abroad and Study Tour................................................................................. 57
Investment Promotion & Road Show within the country................................................................. 60
Key messages of the Road-Show..................................................................................................... 60
Strategic benefits of partnering with BEZA............................................................................ 60
Competitive incentive package............................................................................................... 60
One Stope Services................................................................................................................. 61
Participants Attendance.......................................................................................................... 62
6.5.1 Attendance............................................................................................................... 63
Up-gradation of Website......................................................................................................... 66
Memorandum of Understanding Signed with Investors........................................................ 67
Publications & Campaign of BEZA........................................................................................... 70
Ongoing project of BEZA................................................................................................................... 71
Media Coverage............................................................................................................................... 75
At a glance activities pictures of BEZA.............................................................................................. 76
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Core Values, Vision, Mission

Core Values:
Customer satisfaction;
Team working;
Free flow of information;
Participation and involvement;
Never stop learning;
Networking; and
Effective Public Private Partnership

BEZA aspires to become a sustainable
development driving force and a world class
investment promoter and service provider to
ensure quality of life of the people.

BEZAs mission is to persistently create
value for the investors by establishing
attractive investment facilities in the
economic zones through One-Stop service
and competitive incentive packages.
Who we are:
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA) is attached with the Prime
Ministers Office (PMO) and is mandated to establish, license, operate,
manage and control economic zones in Bangladesh.
BEZA aims to establish economic zones in all potential areas of Bangladesh
including backward and underdeveloped regions with a view to encouraging
rapid economic development by proliferation and diversification of industry,
employment, production and export.
BEZA intends to develop 100 economic zones across the country and create
employment for 10 million people by next 15 years. The authority also plans to
set corridors in Dhaka-Teknaf, Dhaka-Sylhet, Dhaka-Mongla and Dhaka-
Panchagarh routes for the economic zones

Services offered by BEZA

Identification and selection of sites and land acquisition for
economic zones
Appointment of developer and preparation of infrastructure
development plans
Building, developing and leasing economic zones to investors
Development of infrastructure and ensuring efficient use of
Promotion of Public-Private Partnership in economic zones
Implementation of industrial policy along with social and
economic commitments

The journey of Bangladeshs economy is now riding an uptrend, aided by political and
macroeconomic stability, compared to what it had started out in 1970s. In the past
decade, its GDP has grown by ~6% driven by domestic demand as well as price
competitiveness. The government of Bangladesh envisages further growth and improved
employment scenario by establishing a more liberalized trade and investment
environment, thereby attracting large-scale foreign investment. To this end, Bangladesh
government has taken initiative s to build economic zones across the country, under
various implementation models. This vision resulted in the f ormation of Bangladesh
Economic Zones Authority (BEZA). Issues related to availability of land, high taxation
rates, combined with administrative and logistical hurdles have always been a major
source of challenge for attr acting investment. Such issues would be now effectively
dealt with by the single body of BEZA, thus facilitating the investment process amidst
the slow wake of nationwide reforms. The challenge now is to consolidate this by
accelerating economic growth at a harmonic pace, in an inclusive and sustainable

This first publication of the annual report will provide information, which would enable
to assess the status of current progress in infrastructure and investment, its adequacy
and projection of the future requirements of institutional capacity of BEZA .

I congratulate the staff of Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA) , Support to

Capacity Building of BEZA Project, Bangladesh Economic Zone Development Project
(Phase-1) and Prime Ministers Office (PMO) in bringing out this publication.

Septembers 2016, 2016 Paban Chowdhury

Executive Chairman
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

Governing and Management Structure of BEZA
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA), attached with the Prime Ministers
Office (PMO), was officially instituted by the government on 9 November 2010 as a
nodal agency to establish, license, operate, manage and contr ol economic zones in
Bangladesh. BEZA has a 3-level management structure:
1. Governing Board
2. Executive Board
3. BEZA Office/Secretariat

Governing Board:
Governing Board is the highest body that undertakes overall policy decisions. It is
headed by the Honorable Prime Minister with top -level representations from different
Ministries or Divisions of Industries and the Prime Ministers Office including the
apex chambers and private sectors.
The current Governing Board consists of following:
Position Designation
1 Chairman Honorable Prime Minister
2 Member Minister, Ministry of Finance
3 Member Minister, Ministry of Planning
4 Member Minister, Ministry of Labour and Employment
5 Member Minister, Ministry of Industries
6 Member Minister, Ministry of Communication
7 Member Minister, Ministry of Commerce
8 Member Minister, Ministry of Environment and Forests
9 Member Executive Chairman, Board of Investment
State Minister, Ministry of Science and Information and Communication
10 Member
11 Member State Minister, Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources
12 Member Principal Secretary, Prime Ministers Office
13 Member Governor, Bangladesh Bank
14 Member Senior Secretary, Prime Ministers Office
15 Member Senior Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs
16 Member Senior Secretary, Finance Division, Ministry of Finance
17 Member Senior Secretary, Ministry of Commerce
18 Member Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture
19 Member Secretary, Ministry of Industries
20 Member Secretary, Planning Division, Ministry of Planning
21 Member Secretary, Ministry of Labor and Employment
Secretary, Ministry of Science and Information and Communication
22 Member
23 Member Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
24 Member Secretary, Energy & Mineral Resources Division
25 Member Secretary, Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources

Position Designation
26 Member Secretary, Ministry of Shipping
27 Member Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests
28 Member Chairman, National Board of Revenue
29 Member Secretary, Ministry Posts & Telecommunication.
President, The Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry
30 Member
The Representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the districts
31 Member
relevant to economic zones, to be nominated by the Government
32 Member Two women entrepreneurs to be nominated by the Government.
33 Member President of the Specialized Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
34 Executive Chairman, Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

Executive Board:
The Executive Board consisting of an Executive Chairman (as Chief Executive) and 3
Executive members to oversee day to day operation of BEZA. The Executive Board
exercises all powers and performs all functions as may be exercised and performed by
the Authority.


Executive Chairman

Executive Member Executive Member Executive Member

BEZA Office/Secretariat:
The BEZA Office/Secretariat performs all day to day activities as guided by the
Executive Board. BEZA has an existing strength of 72 staff and very recently
government approved the revised organogram with an additiona l manpower of 58 for
Head Office and 100 for 125 site office.

Annual Report 2016 Page 10

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Corporate Information

BEZA Executive Board:

Name Designation Contact Picture

Paban Chowdhury Email: [email protected]

1 Executive Chairman
(Secretary) Phone No: +8802-8180114

Muhammad Abdus
Executive Member Email:
Samad ndc
2 (Investment [email protected]
Promotion) Phone No: +8802-8180116
Dr. M. Emdadul Executive Member
Email: [email protected]
3 Haque (Additional (Planning &
Secretary) Development)

Hariprasad Paul
Executive Member Email: [email protected] Phone:
4 (Additional
(Admin & Finance) +88028180127

Head Office:

Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA)

Prime Ministers Office (PMO)
BDBL Bhawan (Level-15), 12 Karwan Bazar
Dhaka 1215, Bangladesh
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone No.: +88028180114

Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

Executive Chairmans Report

Dear Stakeholders,
Its a great pleasure in presenting Bangladesh Economic Zone Authoritys 1 Annual Report for the
financial year ended 30 June,2016 .

Rapid economic development through higher industrial activity and creation of employment
opportunities is one of main agendas for the Government of Bangladesh. The concept of Economic
Zones (EZs) has been adopted as an Open Door Policy to attract investment from both domestic and
foreign investors . BEZA was established to pioneer the establishment of EZs across Bangladesh
There are six implementation models that have been envisaged for establishing EZs:
2. Private EZ (Established by domestic or foreign private organization)
3. Special EZ (E sector specific industry)
4. G2G EZ (EZ established and owned jointly by GOB and any other government.)
5. Government EZ ( EZ established and operated by BEZA)
6. EZs in collaboration with other GOB Authorities.

During this financial year, BEZA has been able to source investments from different Asian countries,
has kicked off activities for several sites and issued developers licenses. Activities have started for
Mongla and Mirsarai (Chittagong) among the PPP EZs. For Mongla Economic Zone, construction on
the site is expected to be completed by December 2016 and the plots are likely to be available from
2017. Mirsarai Economic Zone will be the first multi-sector EZ in the country, with an area of 30000
acres. Starting with an area of 550 acres in the first phase, this site is suitable for industries like
garments and accessories, composite textiles, auto components, cement, food processing, etc.
Requisite electricity and gas supply will be available to the EZ. BEZA also developing Sabrang
Tourism Park and Naaf Tourism Park in Teknaf, Coxs Bazar for planned and secured tourism in
BEZA has issued 1 private EZ license to Meghna Economic Zone. Meghna Economic Zone (MEZ),
located near river Meghna has signed MoUs with investors based in Thailand and China. Pulp paper,

Annual Report 2016 Page 13

oil refinery, power plants, PVC, beverage, packaging industry and petrochemicals will be the
preferred industries in MEZ. BEZA also issued pre-qualification licenses to some of the other private
players who have expressed interest in establishing EZs. AK Khan SEZ, located in Palash
(Narsingdi), has all the potential locational advantages both from local and foreign investors .
Abdul Monem Ltd. (AML) the leading infrastructure company of Bangladesh, has also been
awarded the Pre-Qualification license for developing Abdul Monem Economic Zone (AMEZ) at a
strategically located land in Gazaria, Munshigonj. Feasibility study and Master plan of the zone have
already been completed, and AMEZ authority expects to start the 1st phase of infrastructure
development as soon as it qualifies for the final license. AMEZ has also set a new milestone in the
Economic Zone regime of Bangladesh by signing an MoU with a Japanese firm as its first unit
28 February 2016 was a great and eventful day for BEZA, as Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh
Hasina inaugurated the development activities of 10 EZs on this day.

BEZA has taken the initiative to enact One Stop Services Act to ensure delivery of all services from
a single point to the investors. A total of 31 services have been identified which will be provided
from an automated OSS portal integrated in BEZA website.

Steps and initiatives have been taken during the last one year for updating, enriching and
strengthening its legal framework by amending the Act and the Rules and by formulating the Policy
and Guidelines. These have contributed a lot in accelerating the process of materializing the vision
and in achieving the goal of rapid economic development through industrialization and employment
in the economic zones.

We are grateful to the Prime Ministers Office , other relevant Ministries and Department of the
Government of Bangladesh ( Particularly Petrobangla, Bangladesh Water Development Board ,
Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board, Power Grid Company of Bangladesh , Bangladesh Power
Development Board , Roads & Highways Division, Local Government Engineering Department, Titas
Gas Distribution Company Ltd., Jalalabad Gas Distribution Company Ltd., Karnophuly Gas
Distribution Company Ltd. ) for their help, guidance and support provided to BEZA and to the
investors for their continued patronage and confidence in BEZA. With continuous learning, skill
upgradation and technology development, we will continue to provide world-class infrastructure and
services to our investors. I wish to convey my appreciation to all the officials of BEZA for the
valuable services and cooperation extended by them and are confident of their continued contribution
towards even better performance in the future.

Dhaka,Bangladesh Paban Chowdhury

29 September , 2016 Executive Chairman (Secretary)

Annual Report 2016 Page 14

5. Snapshot of Key Performance

BEZA was established to facilitate the development and operation of the

Economic Zones throughout the country. The main objective of BEZA is to act as
a change agent for faster economic growth by creating investment friendly
environment and attracting FDI. BEZA has issued license for 12 private EZs and
one PPP EZ, with more than 4000 acres land being ready for unit investors.
Meanwhile 8 unit investors already have signed MoU with the private developesr
to invest. Along with a number of projects in the pipeline, BEZA has also achieved
remarkable progress on other ongoing projects. BEZA follows six implementation
models for establishing EZs:

During the reporting period this financial year, we have made great progress in
the PPP and Private EZs. Let us have a glimpse of our current performance.

Key Objectives:

To foreign direct investment (FDI)

Establishment and development of Economic Zones in all potential areas
Special focus on improving backward and underdeveloped regions
Encouraging rapid economic development through industrialization and
employment generation
Increase in production, better domestic supply and higher diversification
of export

Annual Report 2016 Page

Figure 1 Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina with foreign investors

Figure 2 : Inauguration of Development Activities of 10 EZs by Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

Annual Report 2016 Page 16

PPP Economic Zones
Under the PPP implementation model, EZ on government land will be developed and operated by
private developer selected through competitive bidding

Through well-incentivized EZs, Bangladesh government aims to develop and diversify exports and
encourage domestic manufacturing at the same time, to create jobs, and to pilot new policies and
approaches (for example, in customs, legal, labor, and public-private partnership aspects). These
EZs will also allow for more efficient government supervision of enterprises, provision of off-site
infrastructure, and environmental controls. This will provide immense business and employment
opportunities for all sections of the society in Bangladesh.

BEZA started activities for PPP zones with the support of World Bank and DFID under two
projects within PSDSP. BEZA is focusing on 11 sites under these projects viz. Mongla, Mirsarai
EZ (1 Phase) , Mirsarai EZ-2, Sabrang Tourism Park ,Jaliardiwp EZ, Dhaka SEZ,
Narayanganj,Anwara-2 (CEIZ),Hobiganj and Sreehatta EZ. A reputed Transaction Advisory
Service Firm, PwC and individual consultants are appointed for Transaction Advisory services,
Master Planning, Feasibility study report, Legal issues, Environmental and Social study for these

Ongoing and Upcoming EZs

Item Key Information

Mongla Economic Zone (Powerpac Economic Access 200 m from Mongla
Port, 40 km from Khulna
Zone) City, 105 km to Jessore
This zone is located near the Mongla sea port (second Air Port and 50 km to
largest sea-port of the country) and it has a common
boundary with Mongla EPZ .With a gross area of 205 Competitiveness Readily available
acres, the EZ is suitable for apparel / RMG, jute, food developed land, power &
processing, shipyard etc. Construction on the site will be water supply, direct
done phase wise and full construction is expected to be access to sea and river
completed by 2017 and the plots are likely to be available Employment ~25,000 workers
from 2017 Creation (estimated)1
Mongla is the first PPP EZ in Bangladesh. This EZ Current Ongoing
is awarded to the developer-PowerPac-PPMKPPL Development construction of off-
JV. site infrastructure
facilities viz. Access
Road, Bridge,
Boundary Wall,
Admin Building,
Water Supply and
Electric Supply
Mirsarai Economic Zone (Phase-I) Suitable Textile, Machinery,
Industries Leather, Food
Processing, Shipyard

Figure 3 Master Plan of Mongla EZ

Annual Report 2016 Page 17

Item Key Information
67 km from Chittagong
port, 16 km from Dhaka-
Mirsarai Economic Zone Access Chittagong Highway, 79
km from Chittagong
Along the Dhaka-
The Mirsarai EZ site is located in the Chittagong Corridor,
Mirsarai Upazila of Chittagong . The Adequate supply of
electricity and gas
zone is planned in a naturally reclaimed
Employment ~500,000 workers
land at the mouth of Feni river and it has
stretched up to Sitakundo along the coast 6.5 km approach
of Bay of Bengal huth of the site. It is 60 road
km away from Chittagong port. Current Land development
Development Electricity
BEZA has already completed all kinds of connection
studies, viz. Feasibility Study, Embankment
Environmental and Social Impact Garments and garments
Assessments. The Mirsarai Economic accessories, Integrated
Zone (EZ) will be the first multi-sectoral Textile,
EZ and the second PPP EZ in the Suitable motorbike assembling,
country, with an area 550 acres in Phase-I Industries automobile assembling,
automobile parts
manufacturing, ship-
The selection of developer for Mirsarai
EZ (1 Phase) has already been
completed. The Powerpac-East west
Gasmin JV has been selected as
developer for this zone.

Figure 5 : Executive Chairman of BEZA with utility service provider

Figure 4 : Master Plan of Mirsarai EZ

Annual Report 2016 Page 18

Mirsarai EZ-2

The Mirsarai EZ-2 site is located besides the Mirsarai EZ (Phase-1). Total area is1300 acres .
BEZA BEZA has already completed all kind of studies, viz. Feasibility Study, Environmental
and Social Impact Assessments.

Mirsarai EZ Ongoing Development Activities

for Mirsarai EZ-2
BEZA approach road to be made by RHD at BDT.
124 crore Embankment & Site Filling for 2A
Appointment of contractor for 18 Embankment & Site Filling for 2B
Culvert/ Bridge is in progress. Access Road including Bridge and
Appointment of contractor for road Culverts
construction works will be started Admin Building
after finalization of land acquisition Sluice Gate
Mirsarai/Feni EZ Power Connection
and sub-station Water Supply 2A
REB provided the electricity Electric Substation
connection line up to Mirsarai EZ
BEZA provided 50 acres land for
PGCB grid substation
BEZA provided 1 acre land to REB
for installation of sub-station 33/11
REB, Feni will provide the electricity
connection up to Feni EZ by
December 2016

Figure 6 Master Plan of Mirsara EZ 2

Annual Report 2016 Page 19

Shreehatta Economic Zone

Sreehatta Economic Zone (EZ) has the potential to

become a successful economic zone under Public Item Key Information
Private Partnership. With the presence of a power
55 km from Sylhet
plant, gas connection , and fresh water source
airport, 435 km from
nearby, these EZ site provides a very good
Access Chittagong port, 43 km
prospect for the establishment of a successful
from Sreemangal Railway
economic zone. Moreover, the site is located at the
converging point of the Dhaka-Sylhet Highway and
the Dhaka-Maulvibazar Highway. The site has a Proximity to highway and
total area of 352 acres. Land acquisition and other waterway; availability of
primary activities already been completed and site Competitiveness
power, gas and
development will be completed by June 2017. telecommunication.
Gas line to EZ
Land Development
Power Connection to

Textiles (spinning,
weaving, dyeing, and
Paint and glass
Jalalabad Gas Distribution Company Ltd. working Food and beverage
for gas line connection to the zone . Surface water
is available from the Kushiyara River within 2
km. Appointment of Developer is in progress.

Figure 7: Master Plan of Shrehatta EZ

Annual Report 2016 Page 20

Sabrang Tourism Park

Sabrang Tourism Park will be the first exclusive tourism park in the Coxs Bazar district, encompassing
an area of 1027 acres. Sabrang is an amazing hilly and sea beach territory, multifaced, diverse and
admirably beautiful site. The purest air, lofty hill, sea
and lagoon create perfect conditions for the
development of all types of tourism & entertainment.

Road: The proposed Park is 5 km away from Teknaf
town. Coxs Bazar-Sabrang Marine Drive is the access
road to the proposed Park and this connects the
National Highway (N1) .
Air: Coxs Bazar Airport is at a distance of 96 km from
the proposed Park. The proposed Park takes around 1.5
hours of travel time by road.
Port: Teknaf Land Port is only 9 km.
River: Naaf River is only 8 km from the zone.

Located with exclusive beach front
Half an hour Sea cruise to St. Martin- a coral island
9 km away from Teknaf land port

30 Minutes proximity to Coxs Bazar Domestic

International Airport
Access to the Bay of Bengal
Well-connected by road and sea
Figure 8: Layout Plan of Sabrang Tourism Park Availability of local operators in tourism sector
At the lip of the island Bador Mokam One can
enjoy bot sun rise and sun set , besides having sandy beach. Item Key Information

Current Road Network
Development Embankment

Hotel complexes,
facilities, Business
Suitable tourism, theme
Industries parks, Marine
Figure 9: Natural view of Sabrang Tourism Park
Aquarium, Water
Sports, Water
tourism, Education
2 & Health Tourism

Annual Report 2016 Page 21

Proposed Master Plan for Sabrang Tourism Park

Figure 10 : Master Plan of Sabrang Tourism Park Page 22

Annual Report 2016
Naf Tourism Park (Jaliardiwp EZ)
Naaf Tourism Park will be the first river based exclusive tourism park in the Coxs Bazar district
encompassing an area of 271 acres. Naaf is an amazing island in the middle of the Naf river and it
liesbetween the border of Myanmar and Bangladesh. Have a hill and river view territory, multifaced,
diverse and admirably beautiful. The purest air, lofty hill create perfect conditions for the development of
all types of tourism & entertainment facilities. It hasa nice hill view on both side ( Teknaf of Bangladesh
and Mongdu of Myanmar

Road Connectivity: The proposed Park is 2 km away from Teknaf town. Coxs Bazar-Teknaf
highway is the access road to the proposed Park and this connects the National Highway (N1)
Air Connectivity: Coxs Bazaar Airport is at a distance of 90 km. The proposed Park takes around
1.5 hours of travel time by road.
Port Connectivity: Teknaf Land Port is just opposite of the park.
River: In middle of the Naf river

Located in the middle of the Naf river Item Key Information
One hour Sea cruise to St. Martin- a coral island Employment
Opposite of Teknaf land port Creation
One hour drive to Coxs Bazar Domestic Feasibility Study
International Airport EIA
Access to the Bay of Bengal Road Network
Well-connected by road and river Embankment
Land Development
Availability of local operators in tourism sector
Hanging Bridge
Offsite Infrastructure facilities:
Hotel complexes, Eco-
Hanging Bridge : A hanging bridge to be
tourism, Recreational
completed by December 2017
facilities, Business
Site Development Works (land fill) to be
Suitable tourism, theme parks,
completed by December 2017
Industries Marine Aquarium, Water
Boundary Wall: To be completed by December Sports, Water tourism,
2017 Education & Health
Jetty Tourism

3 Figure 11: Hanging bridge plan 2015.pdf chure

Annual Report 2016 Page 23

Figure 12: Conceptual Plan of
Naf Tourism Park

Annual Report 2016 Page 23

Detail Layout Master Plan
of JaliardipIsland

02Cl0 80 120160
- -Miles
Narayanganj EZ
Narayanganj EZ will be the one of the closest EZ from Item Key Information
Capital city Dhaka . Narayanganj is 32 km away from Area 316 acres
Dhaka city. Access 32 km from Dhaka
Proximity to highway
Connectivity: Competitiveness and waterway;
Road Connectivity: availability of power.
Narayanganj-Munsiganj Highway (R812); Employment
Bandor-Madonpur Highway (R113); and Creation
Dhaka-Narayanganj Link Road (R111).. Feasibility Study
Sitalakhya Bridge is proposed across the Sitalakhya Current EIA
River, which will link the capital with Sylhet and Development SIA
Chittagong highway through Demra and Resettlement Plan
Narayanganj. Once functional, it shall connect Garments industries,
Madanpur-Madanganj-Sayedpur Road (R113) and knitwear garments,
Fatullah (Panchaboti)-Munshiganj (Muktarpur) Industries cold storage,
Lohajang-Mawa Road (R812 shipbuilding, Cement
Air Connectivity etc.
Narayanganj EZ is located about 48 km from Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport at Dhaka.
Port Connectivity
Proposed EZ is located at a distance of about 254 km from Chittagong port .
There are two major railway stations in Narayanganj district viz. Narayanganj and Chashara.
Narayanganj railway station is located at a distance of 7 km from the proposed EZ.
The proposed EZ is located adjacent to the confluence of three rivers viz. Meghna, Dhaleswari
and Shitalakhya.
Narayangunj river port is located within 3.5 km (Water way).

Annual Report 2016 Page 25

Dhaka SEZ

Dhaka SEZ is located in Keraniganj upzila which is 18 km 5

away from the zero-point of Dhaka City. Item Key Information
Area 105 acres
Access 18 km from Dhaka
Proximity to highway
Road Connectivity Competitiveness and waterway;
EZ is located in between Zinzira-Keraniganj- availability of power.
Nawabganj-Dohar-Srinagara Road (R820) and Employment
Dhaka Mawa highway (N8)Air Connectivity Creation
Dhaka SEZ is located about 30 km North East of Feasibility Study
Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport in Dhaka. Current EIA
Port Connectivity Development SIA
Dhaka SEZ is located at a distance of about 254 km Resettlement Plan
from Chittagong port Information
River Connectivity Technology,
The proposed EZ is located adjacent to the Packaging,
Dhaleswari river. Suitable Pharmaceuticals,
Dhaka river port is located within 6 km (Water Industries Shipbuilding ,
way). Cement, Electronics,
and LPG

Figure 13 : Location map of Dhaka SEZ

Mirsarai Industrial City -The First Planned City

Mirsarai Industrial City will be

one of the most suitable large
sites of Bangladeshfor setting up
industrial establishments. It is in
the strategic location of Dhaka-
Chittagong industrial corridor. In
Mirsarai, as well as, in Chit-
tagong division, business costs
and cost of living are significantly
lower than those of the other
competing cities of the world.

At present the area of Mirsarai

site is about 20000 acres and
future expansion is possible up to
30000 acres. Mirsarai Industrial
City will drive , forward the
delivery of a truly world-class
business and industrial centre. For
Mirsarai Industrial City, BEZA
would like to build strong
partnership with the private sector
and local entrepreneurs. BEZA
has its time needed planning to
develop a comprehensive master
plan for developing the 1st self-
contained Industrial City in
Bangladesh, incorporating
Airport, Residential Area ,
Tourism Park, Power Plant,
Hospital, School and University.
We are committed to assist,
encourage and facilitate
investment in the Mirsarai
Industrial City. Now, BEZA are
working on detail Master Plan for
Mirsarai Industrial City.

Mirsarai EZ protection Embankment Power Grid Station

to be constructed by BWDB LNG gas Connection PGCB will
ECNEC approed a project for Karnophuly gas establish a high
Mirsarai EZ protection . Total distribution Company Ltd. voltage power grid
cost of the proejct is BDT. 1182 working for LNG station for
crore connection to Mirsarai dedicated power
The duration of the proejct is industrial city.
upto Dceember 2018

Annual Report 2016 Page 27

Moheshkhali The Next Planned City

Moheshkhali will be another planned Industrial city in our Country. A co-ordinated land use plan has
been developed by BEZA for Moheshkhali Upazila to accommodate Deep Sea Port, Utility infrastructure,
Industrial and Entertainment Zone, LNG terminal and Power Plant.

Figure 14: Conceptual Plan of Moheshkhali planned city

Area Distribution in Acre

A = CPGCBL -1414 J = Cox Bazar SE Z -11285

Land use plan has been prepared by BEZA
B = CPGCBL -1200 L = Gas Transmission Line -83.4
7 EZ sites have been selected in Moheshkhali Island
C = CPGCBL -1500 L = LNG terminal -700 BEZA already got ownership of 16,962
D = CPGCBL -2000 M = Eastern Refinery -34 acres land for Moheshkhali .
E = BPDB -5647 N = Roads & Highway -88.24 JICA is funding for coal based power
plant, Deep Sea Port and Township in
F = Industrial City 8000 P = Fish Processing Plant -250
G = NAVY -100-1100-450 Q = Tourist Area -255
LNG terminal is being constructed to
H = Coast Guards -5.1 R = Deep Sea port -2100 supply 500 MMCFD
I = Maheshkhali EZ (1)- 1438 S = Coal Berth -250 Moheshkhali is moving as a major
K = Moheshkhali EZ (2) -827 T = FEZ -15000 power hub with 10000-12000 MW
Railway and 4 lane Road connectivity
O = Moheshkhali EZ (3) -670 W = Tourism EZ 1300
are underway
V = Coal Port -300 Y = Water Development Board 1540
X = Rail Line - 180

Annual Report 2016 Page 28

Private Economic Zones
Private Economic Zones are established individually or jointly by local, non-resident Bangladeshis or
foreign investor, body, business organizations or groups.

The entry of the private sector into zone development has also changed the range of facilities, services
and amenities available within zones. Recent trends tied to the increase in private zone development
include the development of EZs and industrial estates on an integrated basis rather than stand-alone
basis, increased specialization of facilities catering to the unique needs of target industries (hi-tech,
petrochemical, software, among others) and the provision of a greater range of business support services
and specialized facilities.
BEZA has developed Private EZ policy for private developers. In the 1 phase BEZA has issued 4 Pre-
Qualifications license to AK Khan, Abdul Monem and Meghna group of industries . After obtaining pre-
qualification license from BEZA, all private developers have started on-site development activities. In
the 2 phase BEZA has issued another 3 pre-qualification license to Bay Private EZ, Aman Private EZ
, Arisha Private EZ and in the 3 phase BEZA issued another 4 Pre-Qualification license to United
City IT park,
Bashundhara SEZ
and East West SEZ . 65 56 68 63 160
35 40

Total USD 488

invested by the private

Economic Zone AK Khan Abdul Meghna Meghna Aman EZ Bay EZ Arisha EZ

developers EZ Monem EZ IEZ

PEZ License to A.K. Khan PEZ license to Abdul Monem PEZ license to Meghna
Economic Zone and Meghna
Industrial Zone

Figure 15 Investment trend in PEZs

A.K. Khan Economic Zone

Location: BEZA awarded license to A.K. Khan Group

Danga, Palash, Narshingdi. on 10 February 2015
Total land: Construction of boundary wall is almost
Gross Area 200 Acres. completed
At a glance (Site Information) A.K. Khan has invested ~US$ 35 million
A.K. Khan has purchased additional land for
By river: further expansion
320 km (171 nautical miles) from Chittagong Sand filling work for the land development is
port, directly connected with the River in progress
Meghna& thus well connected with A.K. Khan has completed EIA and Feasibility
Chittagong &Mongla port. study
Employment Projection: Construction of boundary wall is almost
Approximately 40,000 workers
DoE clearance is under final stage
Other Key Information
A Riverside Inland Container Terminal
(RICT), as an Integral part of AKPEZ, will
In house port facility
cater port services to all Industries & Factories
Quick shipment of goods, raw materials &
of AKPEZ and it will be additional incentives
finished products
of this AKPEZ over the road connectivity for
Nominal transport/ logistic cost for shipment
its all investors whose products will need port
services. The attractiveness and advantages Free from any sort of strike / hartaal,
are the followings: resulting in lower lead time
Big scale logistic center will not be Easier & faster ICD storage facility
required for the factories & industries of Special Storage facility for high-value import &
AKPEZ due to presence of Container export items
Terminal at their door step .Only small space Substantial reduction of production & operating
for logistic /container truck will be sufficient costs
for the investors in AK Khan PEZ.
All the industries & factories of
AKPEZ will get port services at their door
step instead of waiting for few days to get it
from Chittagong Port. Arrangement will be
made to provide BL on boarding the container
on the barges of AKCT which will work as a
part of AKPEZ. Saving of time to get this BL,
which is bankable document, will be a great
advantage for the investors of AKPEZ.
For transportation of their cargo,
factories & industries of AKPEZ will be
benefited by using river route which is more
cost effective, safe & environment friendly as
compared to road transportation.

Figure 16: Pre-Qualification License to A K Khan EZ

Annual Report 2016 Page 30

Abdul Monem Economic Zone (AMEZ)
EZ Site
AMEZ is located in Gazaria, Munshiganj on a land parcel of 216 acres with an option to expand up to
300 acres
BEZA awarded license on 1 March
Abdul Monem invested US$ 65.42
Excellent Location at the Gateway to Dhaka
(Only 37 Km)
60% construction of Boundary wall
61km from Hazrat Shahlajal International is completed
Airport MoU is signed with 02 unit investors
240 km for Chittagong Sea Port & 313.4 km Earth filling is almost completed
from Mongla Sea Port Feasibility study and Master Plan
600m from MeghnaGhat River Port have been cleared by BEZA
DoE cleared the EIA
World Class Infrastructure
Industrial plot for long-term or short-term
Utility Service (Captive Power Plant for 24/365, Water supply, Sewage treatment)
Multi-Modal Logistics & Dry Port (Road, River and Rail)
One-Stop Administrative Services
Commercial facility services (financial institutions, retail shops, restaurant & recreation centers
On site Dormitory/Housing for employees, etc

Potential Industries : Textile & Garment and Accessories, Leather Products & Shoe Industry,
Pharmaceuticals, Food Processing, Plastics & Other Consumer Goods, Machinery Parts & Light
Engineering, Automobile & Accessories, etc

Figure 17 : Construction activities of AMEZ

Annual Report 2016 Page 31

Total land area of this zone is 68 acres
EIA report has been approved by Meghna Private Economic Zone
Department of Environmental on
03/08/2016 for Meghna EZ,
Meghan EZ is the first private EZ license holder
Environmental Monitoring is going on.
in Bangladesh . Meghna Economic Zone (MEZ)
BEZA awarded license to Meghna PEZ
is situated at Meghnaghat, Sonargaon,
on 11 May 2015. Narayanganj on the bank of the river Meghna
Meghna group invested US$ 56 Million adjacent to the Dhaka Chittagong highway.
Construction of Boundary wall is 80% Meghna Economic Zone is a sister concern of
completed Meghna Group of Industries-one of the biggest
Construction of administrative building and leading conglomerates in Bangladesh. This
is going on Economic Zone is suitable for industries like Pulp
Land development work is going on & Paper, Tissue Paper, Sanitary Napkin, Baby
Feasibility study and Master Plan have Diaper, PVC plant, Oil Refinery, Flour Mill,
been cleared by the BEZA Power Plant, Petrochemicals, Ceramics and LPG

plant or any other industry at the choice of the Investor.

Road Connectivity: Only 1 km away from Dhaka-Chittagong highway;
Rail Connectivity: 27 km away from Kamalapur Railway Station;
Air Connectivity : 38 km away from Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport (HSIA);
Port Connectivity: River port is quite adjacent to
the MEZ and Chittagong Sea Port is 230 km away
from MEZ.
Employment Projection: employment opportunity
is expected to be created more than 20,000.

Figure 18 : Factory building within the zone

Meghna Industrial EZ
Meghna Industrial Economic Zone (MIEZ) is located at ChotoShilmandi,
Sonargaon, Narayangonj quite adjacent to the Dhaka Chittagong highway with a gross area of 80 acres.
This is the 2 Economic Zone of Meghna Group.

Key site facts:

BEZA awarded license to Meghna
Total Land: Gross Area 80 Acres
Industrial EZ on 11 May 2015
Meghna group invested US$
Connectivity: 14.92 Million
Road Connectivity: Quite adjacent to Dhaka- Construction of Boundary wall is in
Chittagong highway; progress
Rail Connectivity: Only 23 km away from Appointed TAS firm for Feasibility
Kamalapur Railway Station; study .
Air Connectivity: 34 km away from Hazrat
Shahjalal International Airport (HSIA);
Port Connectivity: River port is 4 km
away from the MIEZ and Chittagong
Sea Port is 234 km away from MIEZ.

Suitable Industries:
BOPP, Pharmaceutical Bottle, Ceramics,
Garments, Garments accessories, Auto
Bricks, Beverage, IT, IT Accessories etc.
or any other industry at the choice of the

Estimated Cost of Infrastructure: $120

million for On-site Infrastructure and $3.5
million for Off-site Infrastructure.

Employment Projection: More than

10,000 employment opportunities is
expected to be created.

Figure 19 : Master Plan of MIEZ

Aman Economic Zone

Aman Economic Zone has a gross area of 150 acres (aprox). The zone
has the potentiality to fulfill the conditions to become a successful economic zone with several number of
industries of Aman Group located within this zone . The developer has a plan to attract foreign and other
domestic investment to this zone.
Key Site Facts:
Location:Boidder Bazar, Sonargaon,
Narayangonj zilla in Hariamouza, Choto Daho Major Milestones:
Bhugmouza & Sonamoymouza.
Total Land: BEZA awarded license to Aman EZ on
Gross area150 acres (approx.), 90 acres are 15 February 2016
under construction & rest 60 acres are for Aman group invested US$ 68 Million
gradual. Construction of Boundary wall, land development ,
Connectivity: administrative building is in progress
Aman Economic Zone is well Aman cement invested US$ 120 million
connected to Dhaka & Chittagong. Feasibility study and Master Plan have been
4 km from Mograpara Chow Rasta cleared by the BEZA
towards Ananda Bazar Road to East, DoE has been cleared the EIA
South east from Loknath Mondir at
Barodi through LGRD road via connecting road to Sylhet
Narsingdi Highway.
Have convenient access through Meghna River.

Figure 20: Unit investment within the Aman EZ

Bay Economic Zone
Bay Economic Zone is owned by Bay Group. Bay Group is one
of the largest manufacturer and exporter of leather goods in
Bangladesh. Bay EZ is focusing mainly on manufacturing and export of leather goods from the zone,
followed by other industries.

Key Site Facts

Location: Konabari within Gazipur Sadar Upazila of
Gazipur district besides Dhaka-Tangail road.
Total Land: 60 Acres

Road: Only 34 Km from Dhaka City & beside

BEZA awarded license to Bay EZ dated on
11 February 2016
Bay group invested US$ 63.38 Million
Construction of Boundary wall,
land development is in
MoU is signed with 02 unit investors
development , administrative building is in
progress Joydevpur-Tangail Highway.
Feasibility study report submitted to BEZA Airport: Only 22 km from Hazrat
Preparation of EIA is in progress Shahjalal International Airport.
Sea port: Only 292 Km from CTG sea

Employment: Total Employment 100,000

persons (Appox)

Proposed Industry: Leather product &

Shoe,Shoe material & accessories, Agro
Based,Food processing,IT Chemical,
Electronic,Light Medical Equipment

Bay Economic Zone At a glance.

Excellent scope of Future Expansion
Land is fully owned by Bay Group.
Smooth Connecting Point with the sea
port & land port through highway.
Designed by highly experienced
Fully supported by BEZA .
Figure 21: Conceptual Plan of Bay EZ
Arisha Economic Zone
Arisha Economic Zone, owned by Maisha Group, is located at outskirt of Dhaka city
and on the bank of river Turag under Keraniganj Upazila of Dhaka.

Key Site Facts

Arisha Economic zone will be a multi-sectoral as well as closest EZ to the Capital city of Dhaka
encompassing on area of 150 acres, plot size of 2000 sqm each.

Washpur (Basila), Keraniganj Upazila of Dhaka district
Only approx 4 km away from National Parliament Bhaban
Desirable location for mid-level professionals and executives for civic facilities availability
Located along the Mohammadpur-
Keraniganj 120 feet highway
A major rail track for passenger and
freight transport
Kamlapur Railway junction only 15
km from the zone
Shahajalal International Airport is
only 17 km from the zone
Adjacent to the Burigonga river, A
dedicated jetty will be constructed
with the zone
Chittagong Sea port 250 km,
Mongla Sea port 150 km

Infrastructure Facilities
Figure 22 : 3D picture of Arisha EZ

Site Development Works almost 80% completed, Rest 20% land filling is in progress
Container Depot and Customs Office will be established
Boundary Wall 80% completed, rest 20% construction work is in progress
Admin Building 1st floor completed, another 10 floor will be constructed soon
Fire Station, Medical Centre, STP, Five Star Hotel Facilities, Investor Club
Suitable for Industries
RMG Milestones: BEZA awarded license to
Light Engineering & Auto Parts Arisha EZ on March14, 2016
Finished Leather Goods Arisha group invested US$ 160.32
Packaging Million
Aeronautical Component Industry Construction of Boundary wall is in
Telecommunication progress
IT-enabled services Appointed consultancy firm for feasibility
Electronics study and EIA.
Automobile/Motorbike Assembly 90% Land development completed
G2G Economic Zones
G2G EZs are being established upon initiative by the government of a foreign country or the
Government of Bangladesh and/or in partnership between Government of Bangladesh and Government
of a foreign country.

We have received several requests from

various Asian countries like, Japan,
China, and India to develop G2G EZ.
Up to now India has signed MoU to
invest in 2 EZs, one in Kushtia
(Bheramara), another in Mongla.

Indian G2G:

Kushtia Economic Zone

Located in Bheramara Upazila, Kushtia

EZ has a total area of 477 acres. The
proposed area is situated within the 1
km form Hardinge Rail Bridge and Lalonshah RoadBridge. Proposed EZ is well connected through
river, road, railway and air. It is also near the Irshordi EPZ situated at the opposite side of the Padma
River. The existing India-Bangladesh 500 MW electricity line is within 2 km, water source from Padma
river is 1 Km away and gas line is within 5 km radius. BEZA signed an MoU with India for establishing
Kushtia Economic Zones for the Indian investors. Mr. Paban Chowdhury, Executive Chairman, BEZA has
signed the MoU on behalf of Bangladesh and Foreign Secretary Jaishankar signed on behalf of India.

The first meeting of

the Bangladesh-
India Joint Working
Group (JWG) on the
establishment of
Indian Economic
Zones (IEZs) in
Bangladesh was
held in Dhaka on
May 10, 2016.
Figure 23 : Meeting of the Bangladesh-India Joint Working Group (JWG)
Mongla Economic Zone (Indian G2G)

The proposed site for Mongla economic zone shares close proximity (within 200 meters) with Mongla
port, providing strategic advantage in terms of accessibility to various international market for trade.

The major export commodity handled in Mongla port includes jute, jute products, frozen food/shrimps,
clay tiles, betel nuts majority of which will be handled in containers. The frozen economic goods exports
have been increased since 2002 and is estimated that majority of the entire shrimp exports has been
conducted through Mongla, about 70% of which is destined to Europe and the rest to the US. Further,
there are few commodities such as coal, garments, leather, machineries etc. which are expected to be
handled by the port in coming years on account of thrust and high traffic at Chittagong port. Clinker is
one of the major components general imports through Mongla ports for the local cement plants that has
been increased in last few years due to regional infrastructural development projects. Food grains,
fertilizer, slag, fertilizer, gas, machineries and motor vehicles are other major commodities handled at
Mongla Port, together accounting for ~90% of total imports. The potential of Mongla port has not yet
been utilized like that of the Chittagong port. Government of Bangladesh is actively considering
revitalizing the port to become a national port with capacity / activity comparable with Chittagong port.

Mongla also enjoys the advantage of being along the banks of an inland river, especially since inland
water transport is a major mode of transportation in the country. Government plans to construct the
Padma Bridge as part of the Bangladesh Southwest Road Network Development Project. Following the
opening of new bridge road distance between Dhaka and Mongla will be reduced to 189 km, 74 km less
than the present 264 km distance between Dhaka and Chittagong and the road will be much less
congested. The bridge is expected to revive the Mongla port, which is now operating at very low
capacity due to the long travel time required to reach Dhaka and other key locations.

In order to exploit the above opportunities and advantages India Government has become interested to
develpe one Economic Zone near Mongla Port to host investment exclusively from India.

BEZA signed an MoU with India for

establishing Mongla Economic Zones.
Paban Chowdhury, Executive Chairman,
BEZA signed the MoU on behalf of
Bangladesh and Foreign Secretary
Jaishankar signed on behalf of India.
Honourable PM Sheikh Hasina handed
over a replica map of the Mongla EZ to the
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at
Shapla Hall, PMO. India will extend credit
facility for development of the EZs.
Chinese G2G EZ:
Anwara-2 (Chinese Economic and Industrial Zone )
Chinese Economic and Industrial Zone will be the first
specialized G2G economic zone, with an existing area of 774
acres. It has the potential to meet all the necessary conditions
to become a successful Economic Zone. Once the economic

Figure 24 : Honorable Prime Minister with China President

zone is established, it is expected that there will be a huge Figure 25 Proposed administrative Building of CIEZ
demand f or industrial plots, from potential investors.
China Government has nominated China Harbor & Engineering Company Ltd. as the developer and a
draft of SPC has been agreed with BEZA for development and operation of this zone.

The Zone has access to water transportation The site is suitable for export oriented industries due to
proximity of largest sea port of Bangladesh. It is expected to create employment for 1, 00,000 youth.

Location: Anowara Upazila, Chittagong .

Land area (acre) : 774.42
Multilane Tunnel is proposed under the River Karnaphuli. the multilane road tunnel shall reduce the
travel time and distance from Chittagong to the CIEZ
The CIEZ is located at a distance of 15 km from the Chittagong town.
Chittagong railway station is located at a distance of 17 km from the CIEZ.
The Port of Chittagong is the principal
Port of Bangladesh. CIEZ is located at a
distance of 18 km from Chittagong Port
CIEZ is located at a distance of 20 km
from Shah Amanat International
Airport, Chittagong.
Industries to be set up : Chemical ,
Automobile assembly , garments ,
pharmaceutical etc.

Figure 26 MoU with China Harbor Engineering Company Ltd

Governing Board Meetings of BEZA

1st Governing Board Meeting

The Governing Board in its 1 Meeting held on 18 April 2012 with Honorable Prime Minister
Sheikh Hasina in the chair resolved the following;
A committee headed by Sr. Secretary, Economic Division, Ministry of Finance is was formed to
finalize BEZA e Employees s Service r Regulations, 2012 ;
A committee headed by Sr. Secretary, Economic Division, Ministry of Finance was formed to
review the Bangladesh Economic Zones Operation Rules, 2012, to send it to the Economic
Advisor to the Prime Minister and to send it to the Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs
Division of Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs with his observations for vetting;
The following sites were selected for setting up Economic Zones: Mirsarai EZ , Anwara EZ , Sherpur
EZ, Mongla EZ and Sirajganj EZ;
A committee headed by Executive Chairman BOI was formed to primarily select the sites for
future Economic Zones;
The General Seal of BEZA was finalized;
To avoid duplication in establishing special industrial area in different part of the country, the
Principal Secretary would take appropriate measures for proper coordination among the
Ministries/ Authorities working for establishing industrial areas;
BEZA has undertaken initiative like promotional activities and study tours for reviewing
development patterns, best practices and economic impacts of economic zones worldwide.

2nd Governing Board Meeting of BEZ

2 Governing Board meeting held on 18 February 2015approved- setting up of 17 Economic Zones
including 3 Private EZs;
Incentive package for developers and unit investors;
One stop service package;
Bangladesh Private Economic Zones Policy.

Annual Report 2016 Page 40

In that meeting decision were made that-
G 2 G EZs with Japan , China and India could be established;.
Bangladesh Economic Zones Act, 2010 and the Bangladesh Economic Zones (Appointmant of
Developer etc.) Rules, 2014 should be amendment;
The Governing Board also fixed up the fees for License, Application for Prequalification Letter and
second Phase application for Final License for PEZ and the tenure of PEZ at 15 years with provision for
its extension.

3rd Governing Board Meeting of BEZA

Following decisions were taken in the 3 Governing Board meeting held on 27 July 2016: ;
Beside the existing economic zone in Jamalpur, initiative had to be taken to establish new zone by
creating land from river dredging;
initiative had to be taken to establish zone in Narshingdi District where land could be purchased
at a very low price;
Suitable place was to be identified for establishing economic zone in Sandeep of Chittagong
Beside the existing zone in Bhola District suitable place had to be identified from Government
Khas land for setting up new EZ;
Zone had to be established in new char land on priority basis rather using arable land;
Measures had to be taken to increase the area of land in Patuakhali, Moinamoti, and Fulbaria,
Mymenshing Economic Zones;
Since in Ashuganj Economic Zone there existed
high tension electric line land had to be
searched in nearby place to establish Economic
24 sitswere approved for establishment of
Economic Zones;
To accelerate the process of establishing G2G
Economic Zones, BEZA would coordinate with
relevant department and agencies;
Measures would be taken to amend the
Bangladesh Economic Zones Act, 2010 in the
next session of the Parliament;
To activate One Stop Service of BEZA, a Policy had to be framed;
BEZA had to prepare a standard manpower set up and to send it to the Ministry of Public
Administration for approval;
To attract investment, supply of Gas and Electricity and Internet required for the Economic
Zones relevant Ministries would take necessary measures;
To establish EZ in boarder area, Ministry of Foreign Affairs would take necessary initiative to
start discussion with Myanmar and India;
The draft of the Bangladesh Economic Zones(Appointment of Developer) Guidelines, 2015 was
approve with instruction to publish it after vetting and approval of the Prime Minister.
4 Governing Board Meeting of BEZA
In the 4rth meeting of BEZA governing Board-
High Power Committee was formed to determine land tariff for EZs managed by BEZA;
In-Principle Decision was made for enactment of One Stop Service Act covering BEZA, BEPZA,
Administrative power was delegated to BEZA to declare

Annual Report 2016 Page 41

Strategic aspects of partnering with BEZA

Apart from providing sites for Economic Zones, BEZA also takes care of other strategic aspects needed
for development of these EZs. The Attractiv One-Stop
main features of these aspects have e Services
been summarized below. Most of Incentive
Ready- s Operations
the land provided are hassle-free; made &
various preliminary infrastructural Infrastructu Maintenance
facilities will be provided to the re Manual
developers; whole set of attractive
incentive packages awaits for the
investors; BEZA will act a central / Proposed Amended
one-stop go-to entity for a vast free Land Economi Legislati
c Zones ons
gamut of clearances; appropriate
legislations in the form of Acts and
Rules are in place to render
structural strength to the whole process.

(i) Hassle-free Land

BEZA is essentially developing a land-bank all across Bangladesh for developers and unit investors,
resulting in well-connected industrial corridors spreaded across the country. BEZA is in the process of
acquiring lands and will acquire ~25,000 acres of land by the next year. Land for most of the sites are
hassle-free with minimum resettlement / rehabilitation issues. Most of the lands belong to government
without major land acquisition problems. This eliminates any risk of incurring extra cost or socio-
political turbulence for the developers and the unit investors.

(ii) Ready-made Infrastructure

All the sites are in close proximity to existing or planned ports, airports and National Highways,
thereby establishing seamless linkages / connectivity. This is augmented by availability of fresh water,
gas, electricity and readily developed land. BEZA will also provide some ready off-site infrastructure
facilities at the sites, viz. access road, admin building, boundary wall, retaining wall etc. BEZA will also
ensure supply of fresh water, gas and electricity and the construction of access roads and embankments
for the EZ premises. The following entities will ensure the same:
(iii) Attractive Incentives

BEZA would provide multiple incentives, other than infrastructure provision, to the developer of the
Economic Zone as well as to a particular manufacturing unit. Benefits to the zone developer will range
from income tax exemption to citizenship. The incentive structure for investor unit is also attractive,
ranging from fiscal incentives such as exemption of taxes, custom / excise duties to non-fiscal incentives
such as no FDI ceiling, work permits related and recommendation for Resident ship / Citizenship. BEZA
has taken vast initiatives such as; One Stop Service , attractive Incentive Packages to attract domestic
investors as well.

Incentive to Investors/Developers and its Circular

Table 1 : Incentives for EZ Developer

SL Incentive Explanation References

1 Income Tax Exemption for 12 years 1 10 years 100% SRO No 227-law/IT/2015
11 year 70%
12 year 30%

2 VAT Exemption on Electricity Extent -100% Approved in GOB,

SRO yet to be issued.
3 VAT Exemption on local purchase Extent -100% Approved in GOB,
SRO yet to be issued
4 Exemption of CD on import Extent -100% SRO No-208/law/2015/45/
MS Rod, Cement, Pre-Fab will
not be exempted
5 Exemption of Stamp Duty & reg. Extent -100% SRO No R-6/IM-8/85(part-1)-
fees for registration of land transfer 330
6 Exemption of Stamp Duty on Extent -100% SRO No.7-law/2016
registration of loan document with
Scheduled Bank
7 Exemption of Land Development Extent -100% SRO No.5-law/2016
8 Exemption of Local Govt. Tax( Extent -100% SRO No.333-law/2015
Union Parishad)
9 Exemption from enforcement of BOI Extent -100% SRO No.108-law/2015
Act in EZ

Table 2 : Incentive to investors

SL Incentive Explanation References

1 Income Tax Exemption for 10 Extent -100% SRO No 226-law/IT/2015
nd rd
years (for 1st, 2 , 3 year)
4 year 80%
5 year 70%
6 year 60%
7 year 50%
8 year 40%
9 year 30%
10 year 20%
2 VAT free Import of Machinery, Extent -100% SRO No 209-
Construction Materials. law/2015/46/Customs.
3 Duty free Import of Vehicle (One Extent -100% SRO No 210-
Car, One Microbus- 2000 cc) law/2015/47/Customs.
4 Declaration of EZ as Ware Extent -100% SRO No 221-
housing Station- Duty free import law/2015/48/Customs.
& Export of Raw material etc.
5 IT Exemption on salary of Extent -50% SRO No 298-law/IT/2015
Expatriates -3 years
6 Exemption from Dividend Tax & Extent -100% SRO No 299-law/IT/2015
Royalty, Technical fees -10 years
7 Exemption from Local Govt. Extent -100% SRO No.333-law/2015
Tax(Union Parishad)
8 Exemption from land Extent -100% SRO No.05-law/2016
development Tax
9 Exemption from registration fees Extent -100% Circular -R-6/1 M-8/85(part-1)-
on land transfer & loan document 330
10 Exemption from stamp duty for Extent -100% SRO No.07-law/2016
loan document created by
Scheduled Bank
11 Exemption from stamp duty on Extent -50% SRO No- 06-law/2016
lease of land/space
12 Exemption of VAT Extent Gas - 80% SRO No.168-law/2015/735-
Water - 80% VAT
Electricity - 80%
Supplies - 100%

Table 3 : Unit Investors Non-Fiscal

SL Incentive Explanation Reference

13 Repatriation of Capital & Dividend Extent -100% FE CircularNo.04 dt.14-2-
14 No Ceiling of FDI Extent -100% FE Circular No (general )/
Industrial Policy
15 100% Backward Linkages of raw Extent -100% FE Circular No. 04
materials to sell for E0I
16 Sale of finished product to DTA Extent -20% Approved in GoB. Customs
from EPA rules (EZ) yet to be published
17 Sub-Contracting with DTA Extent -100% Approved in GoB. Customs
rules (EZ) yet to be published
18 Exemption of Double Taxation Subject to Double General IT Rules
Taxation arrangement
19 Foreign Loan Extent -100% FE Circular (general) FE
Circular no. 04
20 Remittance of salary by expatriates Extent -75% FE Circular no. 04
21 Repatriation of Sale proceeds of Extent -100% FE Circular- 32
non-resident owned equity
22 Repatriation of Royalty, Technical Extent -6% of Import FE Circular
fees value of Machinery
23 FC Account for non-resident Extent - Full FE Circular (general)
24 FC Account for local & JV Extent - Full FE Circular (general)
25 Formation of JV Extent - Full Industrial policy
26 Issuance of work permit 5% of total employee Approved in GoB
27 Transfer of shares by foreign Extent - Full SEC circular
shareholder to local
28 Re-investment of remittable Extent - Full Industrial Policy
dividend as new investment
29 Resident Visa with $1,00,000 Extent - Full Industrial Policy
30 Citizenship with $10,00,000 Extent - Full Industrial Policy

One-Stop Services
One stop services (OSS) is one of the ways employed around the globe to facilitate investment. It is the
way to enable domestic as well as international investors to submit regulatory documents at a single
location and/or to a single entity, which in turn facilitate
the investor to obtain necessary clearances. PwC (India),
a consultant firm appointed by BEZA, has designed OSS
services outlines based on which an OSS Act is being
drafted now.

BEZA has taken the initiative to develop and initiate one

stop service for investors. A total of 31 services has been
identified which will provided by an automated OSS
portal integrated in BEZA website. To provide OSS
services, as some of the Zones are going through
development, BEZA has planned to develop and initiate
OSS in a phase by phase manner, initially services will
be provided by a third party solution provider with per
service per investor basis rental. It will be started with
small number of initially required services then scale up
as required. A research and development work will go on
parallel for designing, development and testing of
BEZAs own OSS system. Hardware like basic network
solutions, server and storage units are on procurement
stage which will initially act as the platform for the rental
OSS and R&D.
On the initial stage a MoU has been signed with a software development company to develop and provide
five OSS service (Project Clearance, VISA recommendation, Work Permit Recommendation, Import
Permit and Export Permit) on rental basis.

Establishing investment friendly environment

To make the regulatory / clearance system investor friendly, BEZA is conceptualizing One-Stop-Service
(OSS) mechanism which will provide the investor with a single point of contact for necessary regulatory
clearances/registration required for setting up business in Bangladesh. BEZA will in turn coordinate with
respective authorities to ensure time bound clearances and approval. The aim of the service will be to
streamline and ease out the process of establishing business in its EZs. Also, having to deal with single
authority is likely to get more transparency in the system. The figure below illustrates the key value
proposition of OSS.
Investors (Developers and Unit Investors) Government
Reduction in time and effort Ease in Starting a Business: Bangladesh
Cost saving through reducing potential is ranked 115th by World Bank, ahead of
delays Smoother investment facilitation
Easy access to information a few neighbouring countries; OSS may
Transparent system of tracking the status of result in attracting investment and
approval further stimulate industrial growth
Bringing transparency and efficiency in
the system
Removal of redundancy as information is
collected through Single Window
Better adherence to government

Current Developments
1. List of Services under BEZAs Single Window
BEZA has performed detailed study to shortlist services it would provide under its OSS. The authority
appointed external party to study various Bangladeshi Laws, rules and regulation to identify
clearance/approval required to set up business in Bangladesh. The study identified around 31
clearances/approvals from different government authorities and agencies. Some of these clearances are
one-time in nature whereas the other requires renewal at defined intervals.
It also conducted consultation with private organization and with government authorities to understand
the challenges in the current approval processes. Their inputs provided insights on the challenges in the
current process and hence, supported in shortlisting the list of services.
Moreover, an international benchmark study was conducted to ensure that the services at BEZA are at
par with OSS provided by authorities in other developing countries. The table below provides the
shortlisted services that have been suggested to be included in BEZAs OSS.
2. Operational model for OSS

Apart from shortlisting the list of services, BEZA liaised with other government authorities and
conducted workshop to design the operational model for OSS. The services under OSS will be delivered
via one of the following modes:
(a)In-house Clearance/Approval
BEZA will develop in-house capacity and capability to provide few clearances. This would include
services like Boiler Registration, approval for captive power plant, VISA recommendation etc.
(b)Clearance to be provided by the developer with supervision from BEZA
BEZA has a defined Building Plan Rules which provides directive on the structure of the building, on
the electrical and water plumbing plan. Under BEZAs OSS, BEZA may provide developer the
responsibility to ensure adherence to the code and hence, developer would provide clearance on
building plan, water plumbing plan and electrical plan clearance to the unit investors. BEZA, in turn,
will retain the rights to conduct audits to ensure adherence to the defined code.
(c) Liaison with other Government Authority/Department
For few clearances, BEZA would liaison with other government authorities. For instance, it would
coordinate with department of environment for location and environment clearance, local authorities
for VAT registration etc.
Establishment of OSS would create an investment friendly environment and helps investors to avoid the
hassle of dealing with multiple authority. Moreover, BEZA recognizes that OSS is an evolving process
which needs to respond to policy alteration, technology improvements and change in the requirement of
the investors. Hence, BEZA intends to regularly revisit and update the portfolio of services provided
under OSS along with incorporating the impact of technological improvement on service delivery.
To a great extent, the fate of zone initiatives has been determined from the outset, by the choices made in
the establishment of policy frameworks, incentive packages, and various other provisions and
bureaucratic procedure. We hope that the introduction of OSS and attractive incentive package will
perform their purpose of attracting investments for Bangladesh.
(v) Operations, Maintenance and Quality Assurance Manual
BEZA has conceptualized preparation of Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Manual in order to set up
guidelines pertaining to operations, management & maintenance and quality assurance for economic
zones in Bangladesh. PwC (India) prepared separate manual for Mongla, Mirsarai-1, Mirsarai-2 and
Sreehatta EZ.
In any economic zone, area is demarcated into two parts viz. processing zone (development of land or
premises for the intended industrial usage) and non-processing zone (development of support activities
such as medical, educational, residential, lifestyle facilities). O&M Manual intends to provide standard
guidelines of development and operation activities for land use pattern in both the processing and non-
processing zone areas. Detailed provisions have been captured in this manual on various aspects such as:
Industrial use, Commercial and amenities, Transportation use, Utilities and Green zoning etc.

Social and Environmental Compliance

The Economic zones are set to contribute immensely in the economy in Bangladesh as well as socio
economic development of the country. The Social Impact Assessment is one of the important
compliances for establishment of Economic Zone. The SIA help to understand positive and negative
social impacts of zone. The mojow social studies carried out by BEZA are in the followings:
Prepared 08 social Screening Report e.g. Mongla , Shrehatta,
Mirsarai, Dhaka SEZ , Sabrnag Tourism Park, Jaliardiwp SEZ,
Narayanganj EZ and Anwara-2 (CIEZ)
Prepared Social Impact Assessment (SIA) for Mongla ,
Shreehatta EZ , Mirsarai EZMirsarai-2, Sabrang Tourism Park,
Jaliardiwp SEZ, Dhaka SEZ, Narayanganj EZ, Anwara-2 EZ
Prepared Abbreviated Resettlement Plan for Mongla EZ
Prepared Resettlement Plan for Shreehatta EZ, Mirsarai-2,
Dhaka SEZ, Narayanganj EZ, Anwara-2 EZ (CEIZ).

Preparation of Resettlement and Social Management Framework

BEZA has agreed RSMF and Ethnic Minorities People Plan with World Bank as a precondition to utilize
the fund under PSDSP loan agreement

Social Compliance for Mongla EZ

BEZA have already been implemented the Abbreviated Resettlement Plan for Mongla EZ as a part of
social Compliance. BEZA formed a grievance Redress Committee to answer queries and address
complaints and grievances about any irregularities in using the guidelines adopted in the RSMF and for
implementation of this ARP. Grievance Redress Committee (GRC) for the EZ consisting of
members as suggested in the ARP to ensure proper presentation of complaints and grievances, as
well as impartial hearings and transparent decisions. Based on consensus, the procedure will help to
resolve issues/conflicts amicably and quickly, saving the aggrieved persons resorting to expensive, time-
consuming legal actions. The RSMF contains certain procedural conditions, which BEZA will observe to
safeguard integrity of the GRM.
Environmental Compliance
In the Environmental Arena of the Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority capacity had been
built up in regard to environmental management and pollution control measures. Assistance was also
carried in proper implementation of industrial pollution control measures, to coordinate with the TAS
firms in carryout and approval process of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies for various
proposed EZs. Coordination & supervision of the environmental safeguard actions as per the legal
framework between WB & GOB was done as well as onsite guidance to the master Developers and
the contractors on the implementation of EMP and the EMF.

4.2 Environmental Clearance status:

Economic Zone Status of Status of EIA Approval Remarks
ToR of EIA

PPP Zones

Mongla Approved by DoE Approved by DoE on Monitoring is going on as

on 29/03/2015 21/07/2015 per EMP of EIA

Mirsharai Approved by DoE Approved by DoE on Monitoring is going on as

on 11/05/2015 26/11/2015 per EMP of EIA

Approved by DoE Approved by DOE on Monitoring will be going
on 11/05/2015 03/08/2016 on as per EMP of EIA

Approved by DoE Prepared by TAS firm and Feasibility study is going
on 02/05/2016 Reviewed by the respective and EIA has been
committee submitted to DoE

Jaliar Deep EZ
Approved by DoE Prepared by TAS firm and Feasibility study is
on 13/06/2016 Reviewed by the respective ongoing and EIA has been
committee submitted to DoE

Sabrang Tourism
Approved by DoE Prepared by TAS firm and Feasibility study is
on 13/06/2016 Reviewed by the respective ongoing and EIA has been
committee submitted to DoE

Approved by DoE Prepared by TAS firm and Feasibility study is
on 13/06/2016 Reviewed by the respective ongoing after that EIA will
committee be submitted to DoE

Dhaka SEZ
Approved by DoE Prepared by TAS firm and Feasibility study is
on 13/06/2016 Reviewed by the respective ongoing after that EIA will
Economic Zone Status of Status of EIA Approval Remarks
ToR of EIA

committee be submitted to DoE

Proposed TOR has Prepared by TAS firm and Feasibility study is
been submitted to Reviewed by the respective ongoing after that EIA will
DOE, will committee be submitted to DoE
approved by
August, 2016


Abdul Monem
Approved by DoE Approved by DOE on
on 02/05/2016 03/08/2016

Approved by DoE Approved by DOE on
on 02/05/2016 03/08/2016

Approved by DoE Approved by DOE on
on 02/05/2016 03/08/2016

Legal Framework of BEZA

For rapid economic development of Bangladesh through industrialization, Employment
generation, upgrading the production level, earning foreign currency by expanding the export it was an
unavoidable necessity to establish an Authority to control and manage the setting up and operation of
economic zones planned to be developed and maintained on Public -Private Partnership basis, by
private sectors and Government initiatives. With that view, Bangladesh Economic Zones Act, 2010 (the
Act) was enacted with provision, among others, for establishing an authority naming Bangladesh
Economic Zones Authority, popularly known as BEZA. BEZA was established under Section 17 of the
Act. For smooth administration and proper management of the activities in respect of Economic Zones,
BEZA framed rules and formulated policy. Also for widening the scope of its activities, the Act and rules
have been amended. For attracting the investors, a competitive incentive package has been declared.
BEZA, with the support of the Project, has always been striving to bring improvement in the existing
provisions of laws and rules-regulations and also to formulate new rules and policies for meeting the
needs of the day, for protection of rights and interest of the investors and ,on the other hand, for
facilitating BEZA to properly perform its regulatory functions.
The Project took up the program for updating and enriching BEZAs legal instruments of for the
purpose aforesaid, a Legal Consultant has been appointed. All the legal instruments, as of today, except
Bangladesh Economic Zones Act, 2010 (Act No. 42 of 2010) have been Prepared and after observing the
required process including discussion and sharing of views in the in-house meeting, inter-ministries
meeting, scrutiny by special purpose committees, and vetting as was required case to case, those have
been brought in to operation.
The Bangladesh Economic Zones Act was passed in 2010. Thereafter its Authentic English Text was
published as per requirement of Section 38 of this Act.
The following are the major achievements of projects legal wing during last three years:
Framing of Bangladesh Economic Zones (Appointment of Developer et.) Rules
Section 38 of the Act, provides that, the Government, for achieving the objectives of the Act, may frame
Rules. Accordingly, Bangladesh Economic Zones (Appointment of Developer etc. Rules, 2014 have been
framed in Bangla version. For making it easily understandable to the foreign investors, its Authentic
English Text, at the initiative of the Project, has been published. The rules covers many important
principles including transparent competitive appointment of developer, tenure of the appointed
developer, Qualification, Rights, privileges and Duties of developers, suspension and cancellation of
developers permit, Appointment of substitute developer, remedies of developer and Authority, interim
management of the Economic Zones in case of cancellation of Developers permit etc.
A provision for formulation of guidelines for appointment of developers was very wisely incorporated
in these Rules with another enabling provision that until guidelines are formulated, the Authority may,
after obtaining approval of the Prime Minister, appoint developers in accordance with the Guidelines for
Formulation, Appraisal and Approval of Large Projects, the Guidelines for Formulation, Appraisal and
Approval of Medium Projects and the Guidelines for Formulation, Appraisal and Approval of Small
Projects formulated under the Policy and Strategy for Public-Private Partnership (PPP), 2010 issued by
the Prime Ministers Offices letter No. (Part-2) -323dated 1 August, 2010.
However, the Authority did not sleep over the matter and, with the assistance of the Project, took up the
task of formulation of guidelines before any unreasonable delay.
The Guidelines for Appointment of developer:

As required under Section 4 0f the Act, The guidelines for Appointment of Developer was drafted. The
Draft was finalized after sharing the views of a committee formed in an Inter-ministrial meeting, it being
vetted by the Law and Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Ministry of Law Justice and parliamentary
Affairs (LPAD of MoLJPA). the Guidelines has been publish though S.R.O. No. 44- Law/ 2016. The
guidelines was finally titled as The Bangladesh Economic zones (the Procedure of Appointment of
Developer) Rules, 2016, popularly Known as the Guidelines.

Annual Report 2016 Page 50

This Guidelines is applicable to the Economic Zones and Special Economic Zones on Design, Build,
Finance, Operate and Transfer (DBFOT) basis through Public-Private Partnership (PPP). Noteworthy that
for Developer Agreement and permit etc. the guiding principles are contained in the Private Economic
Zones Policy, 2015. keeping in tact the eligibility, rights, privileges and duties of the developer, the
provisions of Rules 2014, these Guidelines are a complete set of rules to be followed from starting to end
of the process of appointment of developer.

To make the process of appointment of developer transparent, a prohibitory clause against Corrupt,
fraudulent, collusive, coercive, obstructive Practices have been incorporated and on the other hand
principle of competitiveness has been ensured in these rules. The Rules provides for two stage process (
RFQ and RFP) with discretion of the Authority to follow only one Stage inviting process, where
applicable. Provisions relating to Pre-application or pre-proposal meeting, site visit, addressing the
request for clarification, amendment of RFQ, opportunity of Modification, substitution or withdrawal of
application or proposal, etc. have made these rules flexible and on the other hand, the provision in respect
of strict evaluation process basing on the set criteria has enriched these Rules to the optimum standard.
The outline of what should be within the draft developer Agreement and moreover, the provisions of
Vetting of draft Agreement has ensured a quality daft of the developer agreement acceptable internally
and internationally. The Final approval by the Cabinet committee for Economic Affairs, as contained in
the process of appointment of developer, will make the process more transparent and free from any kind
of blemishes of arbitrariness on the part of the Authority.

Amendment of Law and Rules: A time needed steps

Amend of Bangladesh Economic Zones (Appointment of developer) (Rules, 2015.

Background: In the original Rules there were two major hurdles one of the Qualifications for being a
Developer was (i) at least 3 (three) years experience in establishing and operation of sole, multiproduct
economic zone, special economic zone, industrial park or free port; and (ii) experience in designing of or
financing in at least one economic zone, special economic zone, industrial park or free port within last
3(three) years (iii) the amount of gross revenue of 25 million US Dollar per year within last 3 (three)
years for operation of economic zone, special economic zone, industrial park or free port ; and (iv) net
worth of at least 10 (ten) million US Dollar.

It was foreseen that none of the Bangladeshi person or enterprise would be able to come forward to
participate in the bidding process with the above two qualification Criteria, as none of them have such
experience as sought for t in the rules. Hence, initiative was taken for bringing changes in the rules
incorporating also other criteria also make the opportunity of competing in the bid only by economically

Annual Report 2016 Page 51

sound person or enterprise modification in the amount of gross revenue has been made. After
amendment, the present qualification Criteria is (a) experience in establishing and operation of sole,
multiproduct economic zone, special economic zone, industrial park or free port and operation thereof, or
experience in development, construction of infrastructure, management and operation of any large project
; (b) experience in designing of or financing in at least one economic zone, special economic zone,
industrial park or free port or any large project (c) the amount of gross revenue of 10 (ten) million US
Dollar per year within last 3 (three) years for operation of economic zone, special economic zone,
industrial park or free port or any large project ; and (iv) net worth of at least 25 (twenty five) million US

The positive impact of the above amendment is a large number of Bangladeshi enterprises, in
consortium with other local entities have been coming forward to participate in the bids for appointment
of developer with an intent to establish economic zones in Bangladesh.

Amendment of Bangladesh Economic Zones Act: A well thought endeavour for G2G initiatives
between Government of Bangladesh and government of Foreign countries and also between BEZA
and other Government organizations.

As envisaged under original Section 4 of the Act, there were four categories of Economic Zones,
namely- (i) Economic Zones established through public and private partnership by local or foreign
individuals, body or organizations;(ii)Private Economic Zones established individually or jointly by local
non-resident Bangladeshi or foreign investors, body, business organizations or groups; (iii) Government
Economic Zones established and owned by the Government; and (iv) Special Economic Zones
established privately or by public-private partnership or by the Government initiative, for establishing any
kind of specialized industry or commercial establishments. As the Government of some foreign countries
including Japan, China and India were showing their interest for joining hands with the Government of
Bangladesh for setting up, operation and expansion of Economic zones in Bangladesh, the Government of
Bangladesh found reasons, for rapid economic development of the country, to procced together with a
further view that Bangladesh may Take G2G initiatives with Government of any foreign country, if found
beneficial for Bangladesh. Secondly, BEZA took into consideration the fact that some Government
organizations have un-utilized fund and/or land and/or expertise that can well be utilized for the interest
of countrys economy by developing and operating Economic Zones in collaboration with those

But the Law, as cited above, was not supportive of establishing Economic Zones on G2G basis and on
joint initiative of BEZA and other Government organizations. Necessity therefore arose to go for
amendment of Law. As BEZA required, full assistance from the legal wing of the project was provided
for drafting the amending Act. Overcoming all the procedural stages, the draft Act was presented as a
Bill which has been passed by the Parliament as the Bangladesh Economic Zones (Amendment)Act,
2015 (Act No. 29 of 2015) and it has come into force at once.

By the abovementioned amendment wide scope has been created to establish, operate and expand
Economic Zones in Bangladesh at the initiative by or in partnership between the Government of
Bangladesh and the Government of other countries or any Industrial entrepreneur and also at the initiative
by and in collaboration or partnership between BEZA and one or more Government Corporation,
Authority or Enterprise.

While under ther the original provision no land under jurisdiction of any City corporation,
Paurashava and Cantonment Board could be declared as Economic zone , now after bringing change to
that provision, any such land can be declared as economic zone for the public interest exclusively for the
purpose of establishing Information Technology related Economic Zone has been brought by the
amending law that also any land can be

By the said amendment a special procedure has been laid down for implementation of any of the above

Publication of Authentic English Text of the Bangladesh Economic Zones(Appointment of Developer

et.) Rules.

To meet the gradually increasing demand particularly from the representatives of interested foreign
investors, and also to fulfill the requirement of rule 15 of the original Bangla Version, the Authentic
English Text of Bangladesh Economic Zones(Appointment of Developer et.) Rules, has been published, it
being Drafted with the project Assistance and finally vetted by the LPAD of MoLJPA. the English
version of the Rules is equally authentic as its Bangla Version , but in case of any contradiction between
the two the Bangla text shall prevail. the English Version of the rules has made the easily understandable
to the interested foreign investors.

Promulgation of Private Economic Zones Policy: A self-contained guidance for Private Economic

A remarkable achievement of BEZA and the Project is that the Project at the reuirement of BEZA
could complete the Draft Pivate Economic Zones Policy in Banglaaand finalized it after getting it
vetted from the LPAD of MoLJPA. The Policy entitled Bangladesh Private Economic
ZonesPolicy,2015 was published in April, 2015 by S.R.O No. 82- law/2015. Its English Text was
published by S.R.O No.354 law/ 2015.
In the Policy , Emphasis has been given, among others, to the provisions relating to application
procedure, Principle to be followed in declaring Private Economic Zones and awarding License to the
applicant, rights and obligations of the Licensee, developer, Operator, User and Residents, causes for
cancellation of license, providing all necessary permits, clearances et. through one Stop Service
Office, Environmental Protection, safeguards of rights of the workers etc.
This Policy has been facilitating the prospective applicants willing to establish Private Economic
Zones in properly following the process and, on the other hand, indicating the appropriate ways to
the concerned officials of BEZA to perform their regulatory functions in respect of Private Economic
Zone under the set policy and procedure.

Legal Reforms Underway

One Stop Service Act:

According to Section 12 of the Bangladesh Economic Zones Act the Authority has a responsibility
to make arrangements to facilitate the economic zone developers and industrial units in respect of
legal documents which include permission for Economic zone site selection, declaration of economic
zones, clearances, certificates, certificate of origin, permits for repatriation of capital and dividents,
resident and non-resident visa, work permit, construction permit etc through One Stop Service Office.
Also Articles 18, 19 and 20 of the Bangladesh Private Economic Zones Policy have laid down a
narrative guidelines for ensuring all kinds of services for the Private economic Zones by the One Stop
Service Office to be established by the Authority at its Head office and Branch Offices. With a view
to provide time-bound accelerated services as required by the act and Policy by One Stop Service
Office, A draft One Stop Service Act has already been prepared ans it is in the Process of finalization.
Hopefully this Act, will diminish the unreasonable delay in getting necessary permissions and
clearances needed for setting up, operation, maintenance and expansion of the economic Zones.

Building Construction Rules:

Sensing the necessity of ensuring the quality construction in developing the Economic Zones a set of
regulatory rules have been drafted in the name Bangladesh Economic Zones (Construction of
Building) Rules keeping in view the special requirements for construction of building and other
infrastructure. It is under process of finalization. Expectedly these rules will guide the Developers
and the Authority in construction of building and infrastructure according to the international

Improvement of legal documents: a target which is being achieved with the experiences acquired
The draft Request for Proposal document was prepared earlier. while applying it in practice it was
examined and modified as required for the particular Economic Zone.
The draft Developer Agreement being a very important document, it was taken care of before
finalization. examination re-examination and vetting by the LPAD has made this document well
A plan is there to bring further modification in the Draft RFP and Developer Agreement in case of
zone-specific necessity and also strive to prepare a standard RFP documents containing a draft of
standard Developer agreement , and as required by Clause7 of the Bangladesh Economic zones (the
Procedure of Appointment of Developer) Rules, 2016.

Preparing the format of Letter of Award, Pre-qualification letter etc.

By the assistance of the Project BEZA has developed the format of letter of award which has been
awarded for Mongla Economic Zone. It will be used for other Economic Zones with necessary

The format of Pre-qualification letter to be issued to the applicants for establishing Private Economic
Zone has been prepared by the projects assistance.

Providing legal opinion on matters involving legal issues: a readily available legal assistance provided
through the Project.

In performing the functions BEZA and Project Authority had to face matters involving legal issues where
legal opinion was asked for. The Legal Consultant of the project has provided legal opinion on various
legal issues both in writing and sometimes verbally while sharing in the meetings.

Drafting memorandum of Understanding (MoU):

While rapidly proceeding ahead, BEZA had to sign MoU with other entitie(s). The Draft of MoU have
been prepared and finalized after necessary modification by the legal side of the Project. The Draft MoU
sometimes sent by the counterpart entity was examined and finalized by projects legal wing.

Steps for disposal of court cases:

As required by BEZA, the Legal Consultant of the project took necessary steps in the Courts. as a
result, two long pending writ cases could be disposed of protecting the interest of the Government.

Preparation and publication of the SROs for Exemptions, incentives and benefits : A well-timed
declaration for attracting the developers and investors:

Section 13 of the of the Bangladesh Economic Zones Act has empowered the Government to exempt any
Economic Zone or any organization thereof from application of all or any provision of all or any act as
listed in that section or to pass order that any Act or any provision thereof, in its application in the
Economic Zone, be subject to such modification or amendment as may specified therein. According to
the spirit of the said provision a number of draft notification was prepared by the legal wing of the project
and the Government has published in the official gazette.

The incentives declared by the Government has created an investment friendly environment
encouraging thereby the local and foreign investors to invest in the Economic Zones of Bangladesh.

The Project has always been supporting BEZA in updating and enriching its legal framework.
The Legal Consultant has performed his part in the above activities. The opinion and views of all other
concerned officials of BEZA has contributed a lot in the process. The Present Project director by sharing
his knowledge and experience and by his valuable advice fortified by relentless personal care has
accelerated all the process. The present Executive Chairman has explored the innovative ideas and
instructed to initiate the reforms without any delay. His prudent guidance, sharp scrutiny, active
supervision and dynamic leadership with a sense of patriotism has encouraged al concerned to
strengthen BEZAs Laws rules ,policy and other legal documents.
The appreciable support of the World Bank has facilitated the legal wing of the Project in
properly and efficiently discharging the duties.

Enriching the law is a continuing process. BEZAs case is not any exception. Still, so far BEZA as a
new-borne institution has achieved, BEZA may legitimately claim that it has now a stronger legal

Feasibility Study
BEZA has already completed 4 feasibility study for Mirsarai, Shreehatta , Anwara EZ by Japan
Development Institute and Mongla EZ by PwC. BEZA has also engaged 03 (three) reputed consulting
firms: i) The Consortium of DOHWA Engineering Co. Ltd., SGI Consulting Incorporated and Young
Consultants Ltd. from South Korea for Anwara EZ-2 (CIEZ) and Sabrang Tourism Park ii) The
Consortium of Unicunsult and SPC. from Germany for Jaliradiwp EZ and Narayanganj EZ and iii) IIFC
from Bangladesh for Mirsarai EZ-2 and Dhaka SEZ.

Review of Private Economic Zone Feasibility Study Report

As per private EZ policy, private EZ will prepare feasibility study report and BEZA will approve the
feasibility report. Support to Capacity Building of BEZA project assisting to BEZA to review the
feasibility study report.
A K Khan Economic Zone , Abdul Monem Economic Zone, Meghna Economic Zone and Aman
Economic Zone and another 03 feasibility study report (Bay Economic Zone, Arisha Economic
Zone and Meghna Industrial Economic Zone ) approval is under process.
Initial Site Assessment
BEZA conducted Initial Site Assessments for 21 sites by the TAS Firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, PwC,
India (Mahindra Consulting Engineers Ltd, MACE) was the sub-consultant. The assignment covered site
survey, context surrounding each site, landscape, soil, climate, vegetation, industry activity, on-site and
off-site infrastructure available, environmental issues, social aspects, interaction with government
officials and private sector, ranking of the sites, and indicative cost estimations. The sites were as follows:

SN EZ/SEZ Location (Upazila & District) Approximate Land

Area (Acre)
1 Narayangonj Narayangonj 885
2 Panchgarh Panchgarh 610
3 Anowara-2 Chittagong 774
4 Dhaka SEZ Karanigonj, Dhaka 105
5 Sabrang Tourism Teknaf, Coxs Bazar 1,027
6 Dhaka (Dohar) Dohar, Dhaka 316
7 Bhola Sadar Bhola 304
8 Kushtia Bheramara, Kushtia 477
9 Nilphamari sadar Sadar, Nilphamari 323
10 Manikgonj Shibalaya, Manikgonj 300
11 Shariatpur Jajira, Shariatpur 525
12 Jaliar dip Teknaf, Coxs Bazar 271
13 Ashugonj Ashugonj, B.Baria 328
14 Agailjhara Agailjhara, Barisal 300
15 Shariatpur Goshairhat, Shariatpur 750
16 Coxsbazar Moheshkhali, Coxsbazar 8,784
17 Moheshkhali-1 Moheshkhali, Coxsbazar 1,438
18 Moheshkhali-2 Moheshkhali, Coxsbazar 827
19 Moheshkhali-3 Moheshkhali, Coxsbazar 676
20 Narayangonj-2 Sonargaon, Narayangonj 1,000
21 Natore Lalpur, Natore 3,220

Investment Promotion abroad and Study Tour

BEZA is committed to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), promote export and create employment
through establishment of Economic Zones in Bangladesh. To bring the industrial investments in our
country and the best practices of operations, Support to Capacity Building of BEZA Project conducted
so many international tours to enhance its understanding of industrial development around the world. As
part of this endeavor, this project has taken several visits to several industrial zones/facilities of develop
and developing countries. Through those tour there is a strong opportunity to share the experience to
establish EZs in our country. Further, those visits was also utilized to meet with the foreign investors of
those visited countries and to attract them in choosing Bangladesh as an investment destination.

Objectives/ Aims of Study Tour

Meet with potential investors from the Non-Resident Bangladeshi (NRB) and encourage them to
invest in the EZs of Bangladesh.
Attract the Foreign Investors and motivate them to invest in the EZs of our country and become a
developing partner.
Meet with government representative for G to G level negotiation for the foreign investment in
our country.
Gather practical knowledge for establishing EZs in Bangladesh.
Share the experiences regarding EZs management system and one-stop service.

Visited Countries & Economic Zones (EZs)

BEZA delegates has visited the Economic Zones of United Kingdom (UK), Indonesia, Malaysia,
Singapore, India, Thailand, Philippines, Japan, United States of America (USA), China & Hong Kong
and also share the experience with the EZs authority of those countries.

Key Takeaways from Study Tour Program

Key takeaways from the Study Tour/ Investment Promotion Program organized by this
Project is given below and BEZA may consider it for the development of EZs in our country.
Most of the visited EZs/Industrial Estates are an integrated city with all the facilities (such as
residential complex, hospitals, educational institutes etc.) inside the city. BEZA may plan to develop
the proposed EZs in the similar way where all the facilities can be planned within one campus.
BEZA may consider aggressive marketing and investment promotion strategies to attract some
anchor units in the EZs.
There can be secondary revenue sources from the SEZ apart from selling/ leasing/ renting the land/
premise. BEZA may consider of similar alternate revenue sources (utilities, internal transportation).
Customs Clearance and Regulating Authoritys office present in all EZs/Industrial Estates visited.
The same are constructed by the developer of the SEZ. The developer also provides accommodation
for officials of the Regulatory Authority and Customs who operate out of the SEZ.
Most of the zones had CCTV surveillance systems located at strategic locations across the SEZ.
One Stop Service centers are completely operational in both these countries. Philippines has
everything electronically managed and Thailand manually.
Clark Freeport zone had an international airport located inside the zone. EZA may evaluate such
options by identifying land parcels which could house an International airport within the zone.
The Non-Processing areas of the zones were exceptionally well utilized by the developers. Banks, 5
star hotels, housing complexes, malls, casinos, other recreational facilities all present in the SEZ.
Regulatory Authority Call centers operate 24x7 inside the SEZ. Thereby reducing the chances of a
major accident at the SEZ. Employees operate in shifts. BEZA may evaluate considering the same.
IEAT, Thailand had a fully operational Operations Centre located at their head office in Bangkok.
This operation center works 24x7 and closely monitors activities through CCTV cameras across the
Industrial Estates. As a pilot, IEAT has done this in 2 Industrial estates. This center monitors
industrial estate and factories inside them for efficient management of environment and safety
Fire brigade and Police station were present inside the zone.
Marketing of the zones to attract locators/unit investors was jointly carried out by the regulating
authority and the private developers. BEZA may also consider working jointly with the developer of
EZs in Bangladesh
For IT/ ITES industry, India is progressing by leaps and bounds. Bangladesh needs to develop on the
IT/ ITES front and for that it needs to promote the IT and High-Tech SEZs aggressively.
In the next NASSCOM event, Bangladesh may think of organizing/ sponsoring a separate workshop
topic on opportunities in Bangladesh- this will provide extensive coverage to Bangladesh in the
global IT arena.
Bangladesh may consider aggressive investment promotion and marketing activities for IT/ ITES
industry in the country and for the planned/ developed IT SEZs.
MWC is the first integrated city of India and the functional aspects of the SEZ PPP model (11%-
89% share between TIDCO-Mahindra) followed there can be replicated in Bangladesh.
MWC is a multi-sectorial SEZ with focus on three broad sectors: IT/ITES, Textile and Auto-
ancillary. The evolution of this SEZ and the practices/ standards adopted there can be benchmarked
in the case of the SEZs proposed by BEZA.
MWC is an integrated city with all the facilities (such as residential complex, hospitals, educational
institutes etc.) inside the city. BEZA may plan to develop the proposed EZs in the similar way
where all the facilities can be planned within one campus.
BEZA may consider aggressive marketing and investment promotion strategies to attract some
anchor units in the EZs.
BEZA may consider discussions with the private EZ owners/ developers to plan EZs inside the
main Dhaka city &/or in the suburbs where small land parcels are available adjacent to the
residential areas. These land parcels can be developed as commercial hub, single sector SEZ
(especially IT/ ITES SEZ).
There can be secondary revenue sources from the SEZ apart from selling/ leasing/ renting the land/
premise. At Hiranandani SEZ, bus service is available, which is a profit making source of earning
for the developers. BEZA may think of similar alternate revenue sources.
Rental rate is INR 95 to 120/ sq. ft. for IT firms and for the non-processing zone, land price is USD
500 to 750/ sq. ft.
Ease of doing business:
Unique in offering Free Zone and Non Free Zone jurisdiction.
One Stop Shop for business formation.
Quick and effective service.
Political and economic stability.
Non restrictions of hiring expatriates.
Fixed exchange rate against US$.
Duty free trade across GAFTA (Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement) countries.
UAE has double taxation avoidance agreements with 55 countries.
Investment Promotion & Road Show within the country
Stakeholder consultation and investment promotion are important elements behind development of
economic zones to define or adapt project configurations. An economic zone developed in public-private
partnership mode is typically an inter-government responsibility, as it involves several infrastructure
linkages (such as connectivity and utility connection etc.) like road, rail, air, power, water supply, optical
fiber etc. Further to the same, active participation of the private sector is pivotal for the development of
economic zones. BEZAs role to enhance inter-government interactions effectively, in communication
with other government agencies, is also important.
The process of regular contact with government stakeholders and business communities would enable
BEZA to understand business and incentive needs and investment trends and subsequent action can be
formulated accordingly.
Investment Promotion Road-Shows and Stakeholder Consultation activities undertaken by BEZA are
crucial to develop congenial relationship between the private sector and the government authority.
Chittagong road-show is envisaged to be organized for achieving the following stated objectives:
Spreading Awareness about:
Development of EZs under Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and Private implementation models
for prospective developers
The various ongoing activities and initiatives of BEZA
Exploring potential opportunities w.r.t. prospective developers and unit investors who will be
invited at the road-show
Information dissemination among the investors about economic zones in Bangladesh
Obtaining feedback from the investors to assess their requirements, factors influencing
investment decisions and support sought by the private sector from the government
Key messages of the Road-Show
Strategic benefits of partnering with BEZA
Apart from providing sites for Economic Zones, BEZA also takes care of other strategic aspects needed
for development of these EZs. The main
Attractive One-Stop
features of these aspects have been Incentives Services
summarized below. Most of the lands
Ready-made Operations &
provided are hassle-free; various Infrastructur Maintenance
preliminary infrastructural facilities will e Manual
be provided ready-made to the developers;
a whole set of attractive incentive
packages awaits the investors; BEZA will
act a central / one-stop go-to entity for a Hassle- Proposed Amended
vast gamut of clearances; a detailed free Land Economic Legislation
operations & maintenance manual has Zones s
been designed specifying each operational
parameter; appropriate legislations in the
form of acts and rules are in place to render structural strength to the whole process. Such benefits will
reduce the upfront cost of the investors to a great extent, and will help in enhancing their returns. The
features of incentives, one-stop services and infrastructural facilities would be discussed in greater detail
in the road-show.
Competitive incentive package
BEZA, within the scope of the enabling provisions of sections 10, 11, 12 and 13 of the BEZA Act, has
taken measures to provides multiple incentives to the developer of the EZs as well as the investors in a

Annual Report 2016 Page 60

particular industrial unit which includes, among others, fiscal benefits, such as exemption of taxes,
custom/excise duties and non-fiscal incentives, such as no FDI ceiling, work permits and residentship /
citizenship. As initiated by BEZA, the Governing Board has approved incentive packages under 8 heads
for the Developers and under 26 heads for the EZ Users/ Unit Investors. 6 SROs have already been
notified in the official Gazette, while others are under the ongoing active process of such notification.
This attractive Incentive Packages will encourage Developers and the Investors.
One Stope Services
The OSS services can either coordinate with other agencies to obtain the approval or attain legal authority
to provide approvals on behalf of other government authorities. The decision to undertake either of the
courses depends on multiple factors, including political willingness, competency and capacity of the OSS
center or nodal agency. Additionally, documents (as highlighted in figure above) for any approval or any
registration can either be submitted in physical or electronic format.
As can be seen, BEZA offers quite competitive incentive packages w.r.t. its neighbouring economies.
BEZA also referred to the EZ packages usually offered at its neighbouring economies like India and
China and has adopted some best practices as enunciated below:

Investment in world-class infrastructure for smooth operation of upcoming EZs

Offering of tax incentives to the participants in the EZs
Redesign of the bureaucratic approval structure to reduce complexity
Limiting the times required for each step in the approval, accelerating the procedure
Ability to invest for manufacturing products in SEZ for domestic distribution
Allowing foreign entrepreneurs as well as individuals to invest in the EZs
Privileges on import of machines, raw materials, components and instant products
Discounts and tax exemption, foreign currency account balances
Transferring profits outside the country, land use rights
Benefits for Residents of foreign business, family and followers, etc.
Encouraging foreign investment by SEZs in Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou and Xiamen

Annual Report 2016 Page 60

Investment Promotion Road-Show, Chittagong
This was the one of the success event conducted by BEZA on 29 November 2015 for promoting its EZs
to the investor community, mainly located in and around Chittagong. The event was attended by more
than 170 invitees including the private sector, government officials and the media personelle. The event
mainly centered on the need for EZs in the present economic scenario of Bangladesh and how these can
be potential tools for propelling the economic engine of the country. At the same time, it would be a win-
win situation for the investors who would receive attractive incentives from the one-stop service offred
by BEZA. The event was well-covered by the media.
Cabinet Secretary Mr. Mohammad Shafiul Alam attended the
programme as chief guest. Md Shahidul Haque, secretary of Legislative
Inaugural and Parliamentary
Affairs Division, and
Mahbubul Alam,
Business Session 1 president of
Chittagong Chamber
of Commerce and
Business Session 2 Industry, were present
as special guests,
presided over by
BEZA executive chairman Mr. Paban Chowdhury.
Cabinet Secretary Mohammad Shafiul Alam said the

Annual Report 2016 Page

Figure 28: Investment Promotion Road Show at Chittagong

Annual Report 2016 Page 60

EZs could be the key driver of economic growth and employment generation, and could be the major
factor in transforming Bangladesh into a middle-income country by 2021. He also said, The availability
of large hassle-free lands is important to set up EZs.
BEZA executive Chairman MR. Paban Chowdhury Said, Industrial units can be set up within two years
in the first economic zone developed on 550 acres in Mirsarai upazila. He also said that the construction
of an access road to the zone has already started and Mirsarai EZ will be first planned industrial district in

Participants Attendance Private(Forei Government( Number of Attendees (%)

TAS firm
The show was attended by
BEZA gn) Non BEZA)
various delegates from Private, 14% Private(Foreign)
6% 8% 2%
Govt. organizations as well as
people from print media. It was BEZA)
dominated by Private
companies; 47% people were 23%
from private sector.

Investment Promotion Road-Show, Dhaka

The key objective of the road show was to create awareness among private-sector investors from home
and abroad and to promote the upcoming economic zones' projects to the potential zone developers and
unit investors.

Principal Secretary Mr. Md Abul Kalam Azad

attended the programme as chief guest. Senior
secretary at the Finance Division Mahbub Ahmed,
Secretary of the Prime Minister's Office (PMO)
Suraiya Begum and Bangladesh Garment
Manufacturers and Exporters Association
(BGMEA) president Md Siddiqur Rahman also
attended the inaugural session, presided over by
BEZA executive chairman Paban Chowdhury

Figure 29 : Participant at the Road-show, Dhaka

Dr Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad, chairman of Palli
Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), chaired its
business session titled 'investment opportunities
in EZs and role of economic zones'.

Professor Mustafizur Rahman, executive

director of the Centre for Policy Dialogue
(CPD), spoke on investment climate in
Bangladesh. Mohammed Shoheler Rahman
Chowdhury, manager of BEZA, presented a
paper on 'EZ regime and its dimension'. Manish
R Sharma, partner, Pricewaterhousecoopers Ltd,
described 'financing EZ development and its
commercial aspects'. ASM Mainuddin Monem,
Figure 30: Business session of Road Show , Dhaka
Annual Report 2016 Page 62
Managing Director of Abdul Monem EZ Ltd, gave a presentation on role and importance of private
EZ.Shoichi Kobayashi, chairman of Japan Development Institute (JDI), gave detailed work plans on
infrastructure development and FDI in EZ.

Participants from government and business community, including representatives from the
Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI), Metropolitan Chamber of
Commerce and Industry (MCCI), and development partners like the World Bank (WB), the Asian
Development Bank (ADB), the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Japan International
Cooperation Agency (JICA) attended the investment conference.

6.5.1 Attendance

The show was attended by various delegates from Private, government organizations as well as
people from print media. It was dominated by Private

companies; 52% people were from private


Figure 31: Mr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Principal Secretary at Dhaka Road Show.

Collaboration with others an Investment Road Show

International Investment Promotion & Road Show

Bangladesh Roadshow UK 2015 has got underway

at Londons Winter Garden Canary Wharf in a bid
to attract foreign investment.
The two-day event started on 10 September
2015 with the welcome address from Bangladeshs
High Commissioner to the UK Md Abdul Hannan

Mr. Abul Kalam Azad, Principal Secretary, Prime

Ministers Office spoke on the investment
Figure 32. Bangladesh Investment Roadshow UK 2 opportunities in the country at the event. He made a
pitch for environment-friendly investment in

High Commissioner Hannan said many investors had shown interest to bring funds to power, energy
and infrastructure sectors in. Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority was co-organizer of the event.

Annual Report 2016 Page 63

Bangladesh Investment and Policy Summit

To support the governments initiatives to enhance investment environment and attract investors, BUILD,
Board of Investment and the Prime Ministers Office have come together to jointly organize a forum for
both private sector investors and the government to engage in dialogue and exchange latest policy
developments, promote investment opportunities in Bangladesh and explore ways to make the business
climate more business-friendly.


To highlight latest policy developments for private sector growth in Bangladesh

To showcase private sector investment opportunities in key sectors in Bangladesh and
demonstrate opportunities for potential value addition in those sectors for a sustained economic
growth of Bangladesh.

Outcomes of the conference

Bangladesh Investment & Policy Summit 2016 aims to secure public and private sector commitment for
catalyzing an integrated approach to policy and to obtain the institutional and investment changes
required to reduce the policy gaps prevail in the country. Besides there are some other following
outcomes was:

Better knowledge on business- sensitive policy design and implementation;

Exchange of ideas among policymakers and policy reformers and increased trust between them;
National and international investors with better knowledge on investment opportunities and
policies on foreign/regional investments.

Venue and Date

Board of Investment (BOI), Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority BEZA), Business Initiative Leading
Development (BUILD) and Prime Ministers Office (PMO) are jointly organizing Bangladesh Investment
& Policy Summit: on January 24-25, 2016. The summit will be held in Radisson Blu Water Garden Hotel
Dhaka. Honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina was the Chief
Guest of the conference.

4th Bangladesh Investment Summit, Asia

The 4th Bangladesh Investment Summit is take place in Hong Kong on
Tuesday (26 April 2015) to examine trade and investment opportunities for
Asias sovereign wealth funds, public and private pension funds and other
financial investors in Bangladeshs market.
Finance minister Abul Mal Abdul Muhith was present the keynote speech on
the vision for Bangladeshs future, while the prime ministers energy advisor
Tawfiq-e-Elahi Chowdhury was present a keynote on the energy outlook for
Bangladesh. Chief economist of Bangladesh Bank Biru Pakksha Paul spoke on
monetary policy for the future in Bangladesh. Mr. Paban Chowdhury ,
Executive Chairman of spoke on investment opportunities in Bangladesh .

The panel discussions at the summit cover power and energy, export potential
and ICT development, investing in the economic zones, investment
opportunities for foreign investors in Bangladesh, PPP and their role in Bangladesh, and Bangladesh
capital markets.

Inauguration of Development Activities of 10 Economic Zones

The key objective of the inauguration was to create awareness among private-sector investors from home
and abroad and to promote the upcoming
economic zones' projects to the potential
zone developers and unit investors.
The inauguration of development activities
of 10 economic zones held on 28 February
2016 , aiming to boost both foreign and
domestic investment in the country.
Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina
formally inaugurated the development
activities at a function at Bangabandhu
International Conference Centre (BICC).

The Figure 33: Honeralbe Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

eco formally inaugurates the development activities of 10
economic zones at a function at BICC in Dhaka on
Sunday, February 28, 2016
es are -- Mirsarai Economic Zone, Sabrang Tourism Park,
Srreehatta Economic Zone, Mongla Economic Zone, AK
Khan Economic Zone, Abdul Monem Economic Zone,
Meghna Economic Zone, Meghna Industrial Economic
Zone, Bay Economic Zone and Aman Economic Zone.
Figure 34 : Investors participate a photo session with Industries Minister Amir Hossain Amu and Planning
Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal addressed the function as
the special guests, while Housing and Public Works
Minister Engineer Mosharraf Hossain joined the videoconferencing from Mirsarai Economic Zone,

Honorable Prime Ministers Sheikh Hasina said: I would like to urge local people to extend cooperation
so that the investors could build the (economic) zones in a faster pace and 'beautiful atmosphere', and thus
would help establish a hunger and poverty-free prosperous Bangladesh.

Prime Ministers also said "I would like to inform you all that as many as 100 economic zones will be
established across the country in the next 15 years. That will increase export earnings by 40 billion U.S.
dollars and generate about 10 million additional employments.

Honorable Prime meet with foreign investors where more than 100 foreign investors from Japan , China,
Hong Kong, Taiwan, UK, India, USA, Thailand , Malaysia was present . Honorable Prime Ministers
spoke with all of investors regarding their investment plan. This was one of the successful event of
BEZA as well as Bangladesh.

Among others, Mr. Abul Kalam Azad , Principal Secretary, Prime Ministers Office , Ms. Suraiya
Begum ndc, Secretary , PMO , Mr. Paban Chowdhury , Executive Chairman(Secretary) was present .
Up-gradation of Website
BEZA web site is aimed to disseminate information and data that will attract promising investors. The
portal will give information about the BEZA and its activities, services, all committees and other
information. The website will enhance the flow of information between the prospect economic zone
license applicant, investors and mother stake holders. It
will ensure accountability and transparency for the
Economic Zone related activities for all its stakeholders.

The structural design of the previous website was not up to

the mark and the structure was not allowing modular
information block which is essential for organization like
BEZA. BEZA website ( has been
completely re-designed to meet the need of investors.
Current BEZA website contains separate section for
Tender, RFPs, Publication, Legal Documents and
microsites for each of the Zone. The site has been
converted from static site to dynamic word press based
site which gives the leakage for quick update and content
management. BEZA web site is also device sensitive; it
changes its size and orientation depending on the size of
the screen.

Under the support to capacity development project of BEZA , the website has been redesigned as modern
Content Management System (CMS) based dynamic site. The Architectural Design, Sitemap and content
creation was done internally. The developer company developed and migrated existing contents to the
new site. Also the hosting was moved from local service provider to one of the worlds renowned web
hosting service provider, which is more reliable, secure and faster. The website is
constantly under maintenance and up-gradation process.
Memorandum of Understanding Signed with Investors
According to BEZA act 2010 and Private EZ policy 2015, BEZA will ensure utility connection for
economic zones . As a part of this project assisting to BEZA to make memorandum of understanding with
utility services provider. We have already completed MoU with PGCB, DPHE, BRDB, Titas Gas ,
distribution company ltd. We have also assist to BEZA to signed MoU with China Harbor Engineering
Company Ltd. to develop G2G economic zone in Bangladesh and Zejanung Zindun , China for 1320 MW
Power plant in Mirsarai EZ .

MoU with China Harbor Engineering Company Ltd to develop G2G EZ in Anwara (CEIZ)

Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA) signed a deal with China Harbor Engineering Company
Ltd (CHEC) on June 16,2016 for the development of an exclusive China economic zone at Anwara
Upazila in Chittagong.

According to Memorandum of Understanding

(MoU), the Chinese state-owned firm CHEC will be
assigned to develop the site for Chinese Economic
and Industrial Zone (CEIZ) on a 774-acre land in
Anwara. Prime Ministers Office Principal
Secretary Mr. Md Abul Kalam Azad, China Harbour
Engineering Company Vice-President Mr. Bai
Yinzhan, Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and
Exporters Association (BGMEA) President Mr. Md
Siddiqur Rahman and BEZA Executive Chairman
Mr. Paban Chowdhury will attend the MoU signing

A MoU signing ceremony was held on 12

March 2015 on the development of Sabrang
Tourism Park between Bangladesh
Parjatan Corporation & BEZA. Mr. Rashed
Khan Menon, Minister, Ministry of Civil
Aviation and Tourism; Mr. Abul Kalam
Azad, Principal Secretary of Prime
Ministers Office; Mr. Paban Choudhury,
Executive Chairman of BEZA and Mr.
Aparup Chowdhury, Chairman of
Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation were
present in the ceremony.
MoU with Zhejiang Gross Seamless Steel
Tube Co, Jindun Holding Group of China

BEZA has been Signed a MoU with Mr. Jancan

Zhou, Chairman, Zhejiang Jindun Holding
Group of China and discussed about investment
opportunities in our Economic Zones . To
achieve rapid economic growth of Bangladesh
through sufficient Power Supply in the
industrial and other potential sectors, has been considering in the positive, setting up a power plant in the
Mirsharai Economic Zone by the requiring Company, subject to necessary approvals for setting up the
Power Plant and for investment in Bangladesh and other formalities by the requiring Company;

MoU signed with utility Service Providers

MoU with PGCB

BEZA and Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd.

signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 21 April 2016
to establishing a Grid Substation in Mirsarai Economic
Zone. BEZA have agreed to provide PGCB 50 acres of
land to construct the substation. PGCB also have a plan to
construct grid line station another 12 EZs within the 2018.
As we know that dedicated and uninterrupted quality
electricity is one of the main instrument of business. PGCB
will ensure dedicated grid substation for economic zones.

MoU with DPHE

This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is

made on this 11th day of October, 2015, 2015
between the Department of Public Health
Engineering and Bangladesh Economic Zone
Authority towards installation of water supply
facilities by DPHE for BEZA in Mirersharai,
Chittagong and Sreehatta (Sherpur), Maulavibazar.
DPHE is working for water supply pipeline of
Mirsarai . DPHE already been completed a study
regarding sweet water source of Mirsarai EZ .
MoU with BREB
This Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU) is made on 14 January, 2016
between Bangladesh Rural
Electrification Board and
Bangladesh Economic Zone
Authority towards electricity supply
facilities by BREB for BEZA in
Mirersharai, Chittagong and
Moheshkhali, Coxs bazar. REB also
will supply electricity to upcoming
economic zones .


This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU is

also made on 14 January, 2016 between Titas Gas
Transmission and Distribution Company Ltd and
Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority towards
Natural Gas Connection to Private Economic
Zone, Abdul Monem Economic Zone, Gazaria,

MoU with BWDB

BEZA and Bangladesh Water

Development Board signed a
Memorandum of Understanding on
26 July 2016 to construct sluice gate ,
embankment and bridge in Mirsarai
Economic Zone as a deposit work.
Publications & Campaign of BEZA
Publication is one of the important activities to aware the stakeholders about development activities of
BEZA. As a part of publication BEZA published different type of brochure, poster, billboard,
advertisement, booklet and souvenir about project which is;

Brochure of BEZA.
Brochure of Tourism Park.
Brochure of Sabrang, Mongla , Mirsarai and Shreehatta EZ.
Vision documents of BEZA.
A Souvenir for inauguration of 10 EZs development activities.
Booklet for Principal secretary tour to Coxs Bazar, Mirsarai and Mongla.
Billboard for BEZA development activities.
Advertisement about BEZAs incentives and OSS.
Video documentary on government economic zones.
Video documentary of private EZs.
Video documentary on BEZAs activities

Figure 35 : Opening Ceremony of vision document of BEZA

Annual Report 2016 Page 70

Ongoing project of BEZA
1. Support to Capacity Building of Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority Project.
Project Title : Support to Capacity Building of Bangladesh Economic
Zones Authority Project.

a)Sponsoring Prime Ministers Office (PMO)

Ministry/Division Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA)
b) Executing Agency
Objectives of the Project:
I. Overall
The overall objective of the project is to develop Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority
(BEZA) in to a fully functional organization equipped with all rules and regulations needed to
develop zones that will facilitate growth in investment in the emerging manufacturing and
services sectors of the economy with the aim of generating employment.

II. Specific

The Specific objectives of the project are to :

(i) Select and design zones according to well-planned and specified criteria ;
(ii) Ensure Private sector involvement and participation in the development and management for
the zones;
(iii) Establish adequate operational guidelines to monitor performance of the master developer
under the concession agreement for zones development;
(iv) Provide the conducive business environment by developing a dispute resolution mechanism
(DRM) to monitor disagreements within the zones and one-stop shop system to deal with firm
requirements for registrations, permitting etc. ; and
(v) Builds better linkages between firms within zones and related suppliers by providing training
and supporting collaboration in applied research and improved standard.

Project Implementation a) Original: i) Date of commencement : November, 2011

period ii) Date of completion : June 30, 2016

b) Revised: i) Date of completion : June 30, 2019

Revised Cost of the i) Total : 13982.61

Project ii) GOB : 463.90
(In lakh Taka) iii) P.A. (RPA) : 13518.71

Annual Report 2016 Page 71

2. Bangladesh Economic Zones Development Proejct (Phase-1)
Project Title : Bangladesh Economic Zones Development
Project (Phase 1)
Sponsoring Ministry/Division : Prime Ministers Office (PMO)
Executing Agency : Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA)
Objectives of the Project:
I. Overall
Encouraging rapid economic development, creation of employment opportunities through attracting
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and transfer of advanced technology are the main policy directives
from government of Bangladesh. This will provide immense economic opportunities for all sections
of the society in Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Economic Zones Act, 2010 (Act No. 42 of 2010)
aims to promote Economic Zones (EZ) in the Private sector, Government led EZs or EZs through
public and private partnership, G2G and specialized EZs. The long term objectives of this project is
to establish and develop Economic Zones in all potential areas including backward and
underdeveloped regions for the purpose of encouraging rapid economic development through
industrialization, employment generation, production and increase diversification of export.

The objectives are to provide basic infrastructure (off-site) for establishing economic zones in
Mongla, Sirajgonj, Mirshorai, Anwara and Sherpur on public-private partnership, provide a
conducive business environment and attract international and local entrepreneurs to develop the
economic zones and invest in Bangladesh.
II. Specific
To promote balanced development of multiproduct industries in different regions of the country;
To create basic infrastructure for the establishment of Economic Zones;
To develop Economic Zones with on-site and off-site infrastructure and other utilities for the
local and foreign investors;
To create a conducive business environment to attract SPV/SPC to develop and operating
Economic Zones;
To create employment opportunities for the people of Bangladesh;
To promote industrialization and apprehend the Vision 2021 of the government.
Major Location/Components/Cost centers of the project:
Division District Upazila Status
Chittagong Chittagong Mirsarai In Progress
Chittagong Chittagong Anwara
Chittagong Teknaf, Coxs Bazar Sabrang
Chittagong Mirshorai 2 B EZ Sonagazi
Chittagong Teknaf, Coxs Bazar Jaliardip
Dhaka Dhaka Karanigonj
Khulna Bagerhat Mongla In Progress
Sylhet Moulvibazar Moulvibazar Sadar
Sylhet Hobigonj Chunarughat
Dhaka Narayanganj Bander &Sonargaon
Project Implementation period:
a) Original : i) Date of commencement : January 01, 2014
ii) Date of completion : June 30, 2016
b) 2nd Revised: i) Date of completion : January 31, 2021
Information regarding Budget: i) Total Budget: 90531.88 Lac ( GOB- 1912.53 Lakh and IDA
88619.35 Lakh)
Expenditure statement : Total Expenditure: 1684.57 Lakh ( GOB- 142.3 Lakh and IDA- 1542.27 Lakh)

3. Establishment of Jamaplur Economic Zone

Project Title: Establishment of Jamalpur Economic Zone

a) Sponsoring Ministry/Division: Prime Ministers Office (PMO)
b) Executing Agency: Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA)
Objectives of the Project:
The objectives of this project is to establish an Economic Zone in Jamalpur District to attract
foreign & local investment to industrialize the country for export promotion and to meet up the
requirements of local areas that leads to employment generation and economic development of
the country.
II. Specific
i) To acquire land and some on-site and off-site infrastructure development for establishment of
Jamalpur Economic Zone;
ii) To promote development and create multiproduct Industries within the EZ;
iii) To create a favorable business environment to attract Indian and local companies to develop
and operate in industrial units;
iv) To generate employment opportunities for sustainable economic development through
establishment of SME units in the zone and expansion of forward and backward linkage
industries of other economic zones within the country.
Location of the Project and Map :

Division District Upazila Name of EZs (Comments)

Mymensingh Jamalpur Jamalpur Sadar Jamalpur Economic Zone,

Estimated Cost of the Project: i) Total : 30258.00

(In lakh Taka) ii) GOB : 30258.00

Project Implementation period: i) Date of commencement : January 1, 2016

ii) Date of completion : December 31, 2017
Approval Status: Approved
Implementation Status: In 2016-17 ADP, 169.99 crore taka allocated for implantation of
this project. Land acquisition process is going on and Project
Director and Deputy Project Director's appointment
are in final stage.
4.Acquisition of Land for Development of Anwara-2 Economic Zone (Chinese Economic &
Industrial Zone)
Project Title: Acquisition of Land for Development of Anwara-2 Economic Zone
(Chinese Economic & Industrial Zone)
Sponsoring Ministry/Division: Prime Ministers Office (PMO)
Executing Agency: Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA)
Objectives of the Project:
The economic dimension of Bangladeshs bilateral relations with China has rapidly grown from the bilateral
agreement was signed in 1976. Chinese impressive economic growth is an opportunity for Bangladesh and it
can gain a lot of benefit from the increased cooperation with China. Under this project government will
ensure land as an incentive for Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV) / Special Purpose Company (SPC)/ G2G
funding of on-site infrastructure and facilities.

There are currently 2,301 zones in 119 developing and transition countries, clustered mainly in Asia and the
Pacific and the Americas. China alone accounts for about 19 percent of these zones. Over half of them are
privately owned and operated. Altogether, these zones account for approximately $200 billion in gross
exports per annum and directly employ some 40 million workers and perhaps some 60 million indirectly.

Massive employment generation, industrialization through attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI),
transfer of advanced technology and reduce pressure of public investment for economic development are the
major policy thrust of government. To ensure sustainable economic development considering these
phenomena Government enacted BEZA Act 2010, aims to promote of Economic Zones in the Private sector,
government led EZs or EZs through public and private partnership and specialized EZs in exercise of the
powers conferred under section 4 of the Act.

The project will provide land and basic infrastructure for establishing Economic Zone in Anwara-2 to attract
Chinese Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV) / Special Purpose Company (SPC) to develop the economic zones
and invest in Bangladesh. It will concrete the way of industrialization to comprehend the Vision 2021 of the
II. Specific
i) To provide land for establishing Anwara 2 Economic Zone (Chinese Economic Zone)
ii) To promote stable development and create multiproduct Industries within the EZ
iii) To create a conducive business environment to attract Chinese companies to develop and operate in
industrial units
iv) To generate employment opportunities for sustainable economic development.
Location of the Project :
Division District Upazila Name of EZs (Comments)
Chittagong Chittagong Anwara Anwara-2 Economic Zone,
(Chinese Economic Zone)
Estimated Cost of the Project: i) Total : 42036.94
(In lakh Taka) ii) GOB (interest free loan) : 42036.94

Project Implementation period: i) Date of commencement : July 01, 2015

ii) Date of completion : December 30, 2016

Approval status: Approved ( by ECNEC)

Implementation Status: Land acquisition process completed. Iplementation of
some infrastructure related works are in
Media Coverage
The print and electronic media coverage were impressive to highlight the BEZAs activities nationally
and internationally most of the articles were hopeful about BEZAs EZs to bring huge progress and
prosperity in the industrial landscape of Bangladesh. News of the BEZA was widely reported in both
English and Bangla in Bangladesh. This resulted in widespread publicity and promotion of BEZA as
newly developed organization. Headlines were available on popular print and electronic media on a
regular basis. All sectors of the media were involved, from print & electronic area focusing the interest
and collaboration of the government and the private sector as a whole about the potential revolutionary
implications of EZ.
At a glance activities pictures of BEZA

Figure 36.28 Executive Chairman (BEZA) exchanging views

with the villagers in Mirsarai and explained to them about the
benefits of establishing a EZ in their Upazila.

Figure 37.27 Pre-Qualification license to Akij EZ

Figure 38. Executive Chairman visiting Meghna Industrial EZ

Figure 39. Mr. Mirza Azam, Honorable State

Minister for Textile & Jute visited the office of
BEZA. He expressed his satisfaction on progress
made in establishing Jamalpur Economic Zone.

Annual Report 2016 Page 76

Figure 4029 : Ms. Heba Shams, Lead Specialist,
Investment Climate, World Bank Group made a Call
on the Executive Chairman

Figure 4130 : POWERCHINA International Group Limited is exploring

the possibility of establishing an Industrial Park in Mirsarai Economic
Zone. Mr. Pan Dengyu, Vice President-Eurasia led the POWERCHINA
delegation during their meeting with the Executive Chairman, BEZA.

Figure 42.31 Pre-Qualification License to Sonargoan EZ

Figure 43. Workshop On Pre-feasibility Study of Sabrang Tourism
Park and Conceptual Planning of the Chinese Economic and Industrial
Zone (Anowara-2)

Annual Report 2016 Page 77

Figure 44.32 Mr. B. S. Agrawal, President, The Southern Gujrat Chamber of Commerce & Industry and his
delegation with Deputy High Commissioner, Bangladesh Deputy High Commission, Mumbai, India .

Figure 4533 : 1 License Private License Awarding Ceremony to Meghna EZ

Figure 46 : Honorable Commerce Minister Mr. Tofael Ahmed visiting Powerac

EZ stall at Thailand
Figure 47.34 Young Entrepreneurs from Kunming, China visit BEZA office for invest in EZ.

Figure 48: Yunnan Yunnei Power Group, China

Figure 359: Mr. Tofael Ahmed, Honorable Minister for Commerce and
Executive Chairman BEZA visiting proposed Bhola EZ
Figure 50 : Mr. Abdul Matlub Ahmad, President, FBCCI and Mr. Mohd. Figure 5136 Pre-Qualification license to Bashundhara SEZ and
Noor Ali, Managing Director, Unique Group meet with Executive East-west EZ
Chairman BEZA for investment opportunity

Figure 372 : Executive Chairman visiting Jamalpur EZ Figure 53 : Pre-Qualification License to United City IT Park

Figure 5438 : Mr. Ibrahim Mansaray, Deputy Minister of Trade & Industry, Sierra Leone visit BEZA office
for investment

Annual Report 2016 Page 80

Figure 5539 : senior executives of Sumitomo Corporation, Tokyo visited BEZA Office

Figure 56.40 Executive Chairman, BEZA at Bangkok for Bangladesh Trade & Investment Conference 2016

Figure 57 Ministry of Commerce and EXIM Bank in Beijing, China to discuss about financing the offsite infrastructure of

Annual Report 2016 Page 81

Figure 58 : Meeting with Mr. Bai Yinzhan, Vice-president, China Harbour and Engineering
Company and discussed about the progress of CIEZ

Figure 41 : Meeting with the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

Figure 5942 : Principal Secretary Md. Abul Kalam Azad with Mr. Dominichi Hideaki, SVP,
JICA in JICA Headquarter , Tokyo.
Figure 60: Officers of the Embassy of Switzerland visited the BEZA office

Figure 61 : Bangladesh-Japan Public Private joint

Economic Dialogue and Bangladesh Investment Seminar Figure 62: Developer agreement for Mongla EZ
held in Tokyo, Japan

Figure 62: World Bank Delegation with Executive Chairman, BEZA

Figure 63: Pre-qualification License to the Bay EZ Figure 64: Pre-Qualification to Aman EZ 43

Figure 44 meeting with the representatives from Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Figure 66: meeting with a IFC delegation headed by Ms. Wendy Werner,
Country Manager, Bangladesh, Bhutan & Nepal

Figure 6745 : Bangladesh Investment and Policy Summit 2016

Figure 69: Major General Mohd Habibur Rahman Khan,
Figure 68: Exchanged views with leaders of Chandpur Tea Garden
Workers Association (Habiganj) on smooth implementation of ndc, psc visited BEZA office on 01 November 2015
Habiganj EZ

Figure 69 : Mongla EZ visit by Principal Secretary , PMO

Figure 70:46 Honorable Prime Minister presided over the 3rd Governing Board
meeting of BEZA at Chameli, Prime Minister's Office on 21 October 2015.
Approved Economic Zones
BEZA wants to establish 100 Economic Zones on 30000 hectares of land in the next 15 years with
an employment generation for 10 million people. As a part of 100 zone development, BEZA have
already identified 74 Economic Zones.

SL. Name of Economic Zone District Upazila

1 Anwara Economic Zone Chittagong Anwara
2 Anwara- 2 Economic Zone Chittagong Anwara
3 Mirsharai Economic Zone Chittagong Mirsharai
4 Shrihatta Economic Zone Moulavibazar Sherpur Sadar
5 Mongla Economic Zone Bagerhat Mongla
6 Shripur Economic Zone Gazipur Shripur
7 Sabrang Tourism SEZ Coxsbazar Teknaf
8 Dhaka SEZ Dhaka Keranigonj
9 Jamalpur Economic Zone Jamalpur Jamalpur sadar
10 Narayanganj Economic Zone Narayanganj Bandar & Sonargaon
11 Bhola Economic Zone Bhola Bhola Sadar
12 Ashuganj Economic Zone Brahmonbaria Ashuganj
13 Panchaghar Economic Zone Panchaghar Debiganj
14 Narsindi Economic Zone Narsindi Narsindi Sadar
15 Nilphamari Economic Zone Nilphamari Nilphamari Sadar
16 Kustia Economic Zone Kustia Veramara
17 Agailjara Economic Zone Barishal Agailjara
18 Manikganj Economic Zone Manikganj Sibaloi
19 Dhaka Economic Zone Dhaka Dohar
20 Habiganj Economic Zone Habiganj Chunarughat
21 Shariatpur Economic Zone Shariatpur Jajira
22 Shariatpur Economic Zone-2 Shariatpur Gosaerhat
23 Jaliardiwp EZ (Naf Tourism) Coxsbazar Teknaf
24 Cox'sbazar SEZ-2 Coxsbazar Moheskhali
25 Moheskhali Economic Zone Coxsbazar Moheskhali
26 Moheskhali Economic Zone-2 Coxsbazar Moheskhali
27 Moheskhali Economic Zone- 3 Coxsbazar Moheskhali
28 Narayanganj Economic Zone Narayanganj Sonargaon
29 Natore Economic Zone Nator Lalpur
30 Gopalganj Economic Zone Gopalaonj kotalipara
31 Araihazar Economic Zone Narayanganj Araihazar
32 Moheskhali SEZ Coxsbazar Mohaskhali
33 Rajshahi Economic Zone Rajshahi Paba
34 Serpur Economic Zone Serpur Serpur Sadar
35 Feni Economic Zone Feni Sonagaji
36 Mongla Special Economic Zone Bagerhat Mongla
37 Gopalganj Economic Zone- 2 Gopalganj Gopalganj Sadar
38 Patia Economic Zone Chittagong Patia
39 Moheskhali SEZ- 4 Cox'sbazar Moheskhali
40 Sundarban Tourism Park Bagerhat Sharankhola
41 Bogra Economic Zone- 1 Bogra Sajahanpur
42 Khulna Economic Zone- 1 Khulna Batiaghata
43 Khulna Economic Zone- 2 Khulna Terakhada
44 Sylhet Special Economic Zone Sylhet Goainghat
45 Kurigram Economic Zone- 1 Kurigram Kurigram Sadar
46 Netrokona Economic Zone-1 Netrokona Netrokona Sadar
47 Moheskhali Economic Zone-4 Cox'sbazar Moheskhali
48 Mymensingh Economic Zone, Mymensingh Ishsargonj
49 Mymensingh Economic Zone Mymensingh Mamensingh Sadar
50 Alotila Special Economic Zone Khagrachari Matiranga & Khagrachari
51 Araihazar Economic Zone- 2 Narayangonj Araihazar
52 Jamalpur Economic Zone- 2 Jamalpur Jamalpur Sadar
53 Rampal Economic Zone Bagerhat Rampal
54 Gajaria Economic Zone Munsigonj Gazaria

Private EZ

SL Name of EZ District Upazila

1 A.K Khan Economic Zone Narshindi Polash
2 Abdul Monem Economic Zone Munsigonj Gazaria
3 ''Garments Silpa Park'' BGMEA Munsigonj Gazaria
4 Megna Industrial Economic Zone Narayangonj Sonargaon
5 Megna Economic Zone, Narayangonj Sonargaon
6 Famkam Economic Zone Bagerhat Rampal
7 Comilla Economic Zone Comilla Megna
8 Aman Economic Zone Narayangonj Sonargaon
9 Bay Economic Zone Gazipur Konabari
10 Sirajganj Economic Zone Sirajganj Sirajganj Sadar & Belkuchi
11 Alliance Economic Zone Comilla Daudkandi
12 Arisha Economic Zone Dhaka Saver & Karanigonj
13 United IT Park Ltd. Dhaka Dhaka Vatara, Badda
14 East Cost Economic Zone, Habigonj Bahubal
15 Sonargaon Economic Zone Narayangonj Sonargaon
16 Bashundhara Economic Zone Dhaka Keranigonj
17 East-West Special Economic Dhaka Keranigonj
18 City Economic Zone Narayanganj Rupganj
19 City Special Economic Zone Dhaka Demra
20 Akiz Economic Zone Mymensingh Trishal
e Planned Economic Zones
Private Economic Zones



Annua1 Report 2016 Page

Economic Zones in Bangladesh

The Ultimate Investment Destination
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority

Annual Report 2016 Page 89

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