Aerial Lift Inspection Checklist

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P 434.297.

F 434.243.2056
[email protected]

Aerial Lift Daily Inspection Checklist
Operator: Date:
Lift Type: Model #: Equipment ID:
Location: Project Name: Project #:
Description of Work:
The following items must be checked daily, prior to use. If not applicable, check N/A. List corrective actions taken.
1 Operator and occupants trained in AERIAL LIFTS and FALL PROTECTION? Yes N/A
2 Lift platform will safely reach the work area (preventing over-reaching)? Yes N/A
Pedestrian traffic is safely diverted with barricades, traffic control, cones,
3 Yes N/A
signage, etc.?
Public roadways are managed with spotters, signal persons, cones,
4 Yes N/A
signage, etc.?
Other moving equipment in the work area managed with barricades,
5 Yes N/A
traffic control, etc.?
Surface and soil conditions where the lift will be operated are strong
6 enough to withstand load forces imposed by the aerial platform in all Yes N/A
operating configurations?
Ramps and other sloped surfaces are properly cribbed to ensure
7 Yes N/A
vehicle's stability?
Work area and driving path free of drop-offs or holes, including those
8 Yes N/A
concealed by water, ice, mud, etc.?
Crew performing good housekeeping by picking up debris before, during,
9 Yes N/A
and after work?
10 Work area floor and driving path free of bumps or obstructions? Yes N/A
Overhead obstructions and crushing hazards are identified (piping,
11 Yes N/A
sprinklers, beams, etc.)?
Path of boom and platform at least 10 feet from power lines, high
12 Yes N/A
voltage conductors, or any other dangerous obstacles?
Hazardous atmosphere conditions are identified (dust, heat, fumes,
13 Yes N/A
flammables, etc.)?
14 Wind and weather conditions are within acceptable limits? Yes N/A
Sufficient ventilation is provided in closed areas where ventilation, or
15 poor vehicle maintenance, could cause a buildup of carbon monoxide or Yes N/A
diesel exhaust?
16 Other potential hazardous conditions are identified? Yes N/A
17 Fluid levels (oil, fuel, brake, hydraulic, coolant) are sufficient? Yes N/A
18 No signs of fluid leaks? Yes N/A
19 Ground controls and Lift controls functioning? Yes N/A
20 Vehicle brakes functioning? Yes N/A
21 Vehicle operating lights and warning lights functioning? Yes N/A
22 Vehicle audible alarms functioning (level sensor, reverse, horn)? Yes N/A
23 Outriggers functioning? Yes N/A
24 Tires are in good condition (no cuts or gouges, proper air pressure)? Yes N/A
25 No loose, missing, or damaged parts? Yes N/A
26 No loose, tangled, or pinched cables, rope, hoses, or wires? Yes N/A
27 Operator & Safety Manuals are properly stored in lift at all times? Yes N/A
28 All placards, labels, panel signs, etc. are legible? Yes N/A
29 Wheel chocks present? Yes N/A
30 PPE available (hardhat, gloves, fall protection, safety shoes, etc.)? Yes N/A
Refer to Operator/Safety Manual for lift requirements and best practices.

Please retain this form for one year for review by FM-Occupational Health and Safety.


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