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Christin Hale

Persuasive Essay: Brainstorming Worksheet

Review How Should I Brainstorm? in the media piece The Writing Process. The media
piece explores six ways to brainstorm:
1) Free Writing 4) Mapping/Webbing
2) Breaking Down a Topic 5) Three Perspectives
3) Listing 6) Journalistic Questions

Assignment Directions:
1. Choose three ways to brainstorm from the list above.
2. Brainstorm about the topic of your Persuasive Essay using each of your chosen three-
3. Document your brainstorms in the space provided below.
4. If you choose to brainstorm by mapping/webbing, document your brainstorm within the
media piece and save it as a PDF file (directions are included in the media piece), which you
will then submit to the drop box along with this completed resource (an assignment drop box
can accept more than one assignment).

Documentation of Brainstorm:
Record your brainstorms below, using as much space as needed for each entry.

Brainstorm One: list

Abortion is murder
Babies that are not born deserve to have a life
Fetuses feel the abortion
It defies the word of God
Roe vs. Wade is wrong
Cause psychological damage
Reduces adoptable babies

2011. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

It is not a form of contraception
Promotes human life is disposable
Can lead to future medical problems

Brainstorm Two:

Brainstorm Three:
Since 1975 the numbers in abortion has dropped tragedy in 2014 it was 926,200. They expect the
rate to continue to drop over the next years. In 2011 it dropped 11 percent. They are say that
abortion clinics closing and restriction are making it hard. They are having to travel farther.
There has been 6 percent of clinics closed from 2001 to 2014. So, by restricting the access to
abortion may just be the key to lowering abortion rates.
Abortions can lead to many different medical problems. There is a chance that later when want
to have a baby you have a high chance of misarranging. There are so many people in the US that
want to have a baby but cannot. People would not have to go to other countries to adopt kids.
They could adopt these babies being killed.
Yes, abortion does hurt the baby with in the womb. You are killing a human being. There is a
baby from the time conception.

2011. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

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