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Case 1:13-cv-06326-WHP Document 527 Filed 01/15/16 Page 1 of 12 1



2 ------------------------------x


4 v. 13 CV 6326 (TPG)


8 New York, N.Y.
January 6, 2016
9 12:13 p.m.

10 Before:


12 District Judge


15 United States Attorney for the
Southern District of New York
17 Assistant United States Attorney


Attorneys for Prevezon Defendants/Movants
21 Attorneys for Nonparty/Movant Hermitage Capital
Management, Ltd.





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1 (In open court; case called)

2 THE COURT: I think it would help to have the people

3 present identify themselves for the record.

4 MR. MONTELEONI: Good afternoon, your Honor.

5 THE COURT: We'll start with the government.

6 MR. MONTELEONI: Yes. Good afternoon, your Honor.

7 Paul Monteleoni for the government. With me at counsel table

8 are my colleagues, Margaret Graham, Jaimme Nawaday, and Kristy

9 Phillips.

10 THE COURT: Very good.

11 MR. CYMROT: Your Honor, Mark Cymrot and John Moscow

12 for the defendants.

13 I'd also like to introduce Mr. Katsyv, who owns the

14 defendants, who is here in court with his lawyer. So this is

15 Dennis Katsyv. He owns the defendants. And this is his

16 Russian lawyer who has spoken on the record in the past,

17 Natalia Veselnitskaya.

18 THE COURT: Does the reporter have the spelling?

19 MR. CYMROT: Yes, your Honor. We gave it to your

20 clerk.

21 THE COURT: Very good. There is somebody else here

22 for --

23 THE DEPUTY CLERK: Mr. Buchdahl, your Honor.

24 Mr. Buchdahl.

25 MR. BUCHDAHL: Good afternoon.


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1 Jacob Buchdahl with Susman Godfrey. We represent

2 Hermitage. We remain interested in this case as counsel that

3 the court had previously disqualified is still appearing for

4 defendants.

5 THE COURT: Wait. I didn't understand the last thing

6 you said. Just a little louder, please.

7 MR. BUCHDAHL: Sure. We represent Hermitage. We had

8 submitted a motion to disqualify defense counsel. And that

9 motion remains pending before the court.

10 And since the counsel that we had moved to disqualify

11 is here appearing on behalf of defendants, in case that subject

12 were to come up, I thought it prudent for us to be here today

13 as well, your Honor.

14 THE COURT: I'm glad you're here. Thank you very

15 much.

16 Now, look, what are the issues, if any, that require

17 any ruling by the court today?

18 MR. CYMROT: Yes, your Honor. Mark Cymrot.

19 Mr. Katsyv and Ms. Veselnitskaya must leave the United

20 States on the insistence of the prosecution by tomorrow. And

21 we are here to ask your Honor to make a finding that if the

22 prosecution goes through with its threat that there would be a

23 violation of due process of law.

24 If I may explain, your Honor?

25 THE COURT: Well, let me just interrupt.


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1 Mr. Katsyv and Ms. Veselnitskaya have come here,

2 obviously, because they have an interest in the litigation

3 which is pending now and apparently at some point will require

4 a trial. Mr. Katsyv, I believe, is an executive or may be the

5 chief executive of the defendant Prevezon. Am I right?

6 MR. CYMROT: And the owner, your Honor. He is also a

7 claimant in this proceeding.

8 THE COURT: Wait. Go back. Say that again.

9 MR. CYMROT: He's the owner of the defendants and a

10 claimant in the proceeding. He is a party to the proceeding as

11 a claimant.

12 THE COURT: I should know, but refresh my memory.

13 What is meant by being a claimant?

14 MR. CYMROT: Well, the United States wants to forfeit

15 the companies that are -- the companies and properties that are

16 defendants. And he's saying those are mine and I am an

17 innocent owner of those properties. Therefore, they should go

18 to me.

19 THE COURT: That is the claim of Mr. --

20 MR. CYMROT: -- Katsyv personally.

21 THE COURT: Now as far as the government is concerned,

22 I'll start in that fashion, what is the status of Mr. Katsyv

23 and Ms. Veselnitskaya?

24 MR. CYMROT: They have refused --

25 THE COURT: Wait a minute.


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1 MR. CYMROT: You want from the government?

2 THE COURT: Mr. Monteleoni.

3 MR. MONTELEONI: Thank you, your Honor. I would point

4 out first that we were not privy to any of the communications

5 that set up this conference and defense counsel has refused to

6 tell us what they told the court ex parte that caused this

7 conference to be held. So we object to that. And we are a

8 little confused as to why this is being brought before the

9 court now.

10 But, the immigration status of Mr. Katsyv and

11 Ms. Veselnitskaya is that I've been told by defense counsel

12 that they've applied for visas and those were denied. We, the

13 government, the U.S. Attorney's Office here, have no influence

14 over -- participation in that visa process.

15 But, Mr. Katsyv, as a party to this case, was required

16 to come in for a deposition and intends to come in at trial to

17 testify as a witness. So, in October the government bypassed

18 the normal visa process and gave a type of extraordinary

19 permission to enter the country called immigration parole.

20 That's a discretionary act that the statute allows the Attorney

21 General to do in extraordinary circumstances. In this case, we

22 did that so that Mr. Katsyv could testify. And we made the

23 further accommodation of allowing his Russian lawyer into the

24 country to assist. We did that when there was depositions

25 scheduled -- those depositions have happened -- and when trial


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1 is scheduled. The trial was previously scheduled for December.

2 So we granted this extraordinary relief of immigration parole

3 to allow them to come into the country during that time.

4 What we've told defense counsel, when they have asked

5 for it to be extended, is we will reauthorize the immigration

6 parole to allow them to attend for trial and for reasonable

7 pretrial preparation once there is a trial date. But, right

8 now there -- the trial date isn't set yet. And there are

9 various possibilities. The trial date could be soon or could

10 be in quite some time.

11 So, we've offered to give this immigration parole once

12 there is a trial date set and we're willing to do that. We

13 think that that's really the end of the matter and that further

14 proceedings on this should just wait until there's a trial date

15 set. At that point we will quickly turn around their parole

16 and they can reenter the country.

17 THE COURT: Well, there are certain things that have

18 to be taken in a certain order. What Mr. Monteleoni has just

19 said is perfectly reasonable.

20 Now --

21 MR. CYMROT: Your Honor, may I speak to that?

22 THE COURT: Just a minute.

23 What is still pending before me and has great

24 relevance to the course of the proceedings is the motion of

25 Hermitage to disqualify Mr. Moscow. And the record shows what


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1 it shows about the status of that and I'm not going to go into

2 that. But that is a matter that is pending. It is still being

3 briefed. It should be no secret that my intention is to decide

4 that as soon as possible. Now, what that decision will be I'm

5 certainly not going to announce at this conference.

6 Now, what Mr. Monteleoni has described is the

7 government's current view of what is called the immigration

8 parole.

9 Now, Mr. Cymrot, you wanted to speak and I interrupted

10 you. You go ahead now.

11 MR. CYMROT: Yes, your Honor.

12 It is essential that Mr. Katsyv and his lawyer stay in

13 the United States right now. The situation is that you're

14 going to decide promptly, you just said, whether counsel will

15 be disqualified. If counsel is disqualified, if you grant the

16 motion, then they need to be here to find new counsel. They

17 cannot do that from Moscow.

18 If you deny the motion, we were three weeks away from

19 trial and there has been a --

20 THE COURT: If the motion is denied, what did you say?

21 MR. CYMROT: We were previously three weeks away from

22 trial. And as we've previously discussed, there's a $15

23 million freezing order on the case and that calls for a prompt

24 trial. So they will have to be here for that. So either way

25 they should stay in the United States either to hire new


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1 counsel or to prepare for trial.

2 It is, I can tell you, very difficult over the last

3 two years plus to coordinate with them in Moscow. And the

4 government has denied them entry into the United States

5 repeatedly.

6 It is a very difficult thing to coordinate. And since

7 they have been here and been to some hearings they have a much

8 better understanding of the proceedings. And we have had a

9 much better opportunity to prepare for trial. It is essential

10 that they be here. There is -- any other litigant would be

11 entitled to be here and to be represented. And the law

12 provides a specific visa for persons who are defending lawsuits

13 in the United States.

14 The United States government has frozen their property

15 for more than two years and yet denied them the right to defend

16 this proceeding properly. That is where we stand. And now

17 they are in the United States and things are going to happen

18 over the next several weeks that they have to be here for, and

19 the prosecution is forcing them to leave which will make it

20 difficult if they have to hire new counsel or difficult if they

21 have to prepare for trial.

22 MR. MONTELEONI: May I respond, your Honor?

23 THE COURT: Yes.

24 MR. MONTELEONI: Thank you.

25 So there are several other possibilities of what might


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1 happen in the next few days that would not mean that there

2 would be a trial right away.

3 If the court decides the motion one way or another for

4 disqualification, and the party that loses appeals that, that

5 decision, then there might be a stay while the Second Circuit

6 reviews that decision. That could mean that there is a time

7 period when they don't need to hire new counsel and they don't

8 need to be present for trial. If, of course, there's a time

9 period when they do need to be present for trial, like the

10 government said, we will make those arrangements.

11 Regarding hiring of counsel. There is no due process

12 right to enter the country if you're not admissible for those

13 purposes. And, in fact, the government doesn't believe that

14 they initially entered the country when they hired

15 Baker & Hostetler. So I think that legally and practically it

16 can be done.

17 Regardless, this is all just premature. If

18 proceedings recommence and there is not an appeal so that we're

19 headed right towards trial, we will promptly reissue the

20 parole. They can come and defend that.

21 THE COURT: What did you just say? What did you just

22 say?

23 MR. MONTELEONI: If as a result of the court's ruling

24 proceedings recommence and a trial date is scheduled in the

25 near future and there is no stay of that, then the government


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1 will promptly issue new parole so that they can come back and

2 prepare for trial. But, there are real possibilities that

3 that's not going to be what happens. And so under the

4 regulations the government doesn't issue parole just when it

5 would be in someone's convenience. The government does it when

6 there's a need. So we're just waiting to see if there's a need

7 for parole now. If there is, then we will issue that parole.

8 THE COURT: Look, here is the thing. I think I've

9 said this and I'll repeat it. I intend to decide the issue of

10 disqualification very promptly. It would be my intention,

11 regardless of how that's decided, to have as prompt a trial as

12 possible. The trial has been long delayed to the prejudice of

13 people who have considerable money at stake in that trial. So

14 the trial has to take place. And it's my intention to have it

15 as soon as possible.

16 Now, that's not going to be tomorrow or the next day,

17 but when I "say as soon as possible" I mean it within the plain

18 language of those words.

19 Now, as the government points out and everybody in the

20 room knows, there's some unknowns right now. I want to clear

21 up those unknowns as soon as possible.

22 Mr. Monteleoni, something expires the 7th. What is

23 that?


25 THE COURT: You've said it but go over it again.


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1 MR. MONTELEONI: Sure. So, the authorization for

2 Mr. Katsyv and Ms. Veselnitskaya to be in the country without

3 visas for a trial. Using the process of immigration parole

4 expires on the 7th.

5 THE COURT: Now, look. The 7th makes no sense now.

6 If everybody acts as fast as possible, including the court, it

7 makes no sense to have that immigration visa or those

8 immigration visas expire tomorrow so that these people would

9 have to go back to Russia. That is totally about as poor an

10 arrangement as I could dream up.

11 Now, what I'm going to request -- and this should not

12 be litigated -- but I'm going to request that the immigration

13 parole or what do you call it be extended past tomorrow and

14 until -- let me get a calendar -- extended for one week to the

15 14th.

16 Will the government agree to that?

17 MR. MONTELEONI: So as I sit here I, Paul Monteleoni,

18 don't have the final say but I will certainly pass the request

19 along to those in the government who do, and I think for an

20 extension of that length I'm optimistic.

21 THE COURT: Well that's a perfectly satisfactory

22 statement. I'll count on that.

23 Now, as far as I know there is nothing more that can

24 be done today here. There's a lot to be done but nothing more

25 in court this morning. And I'll assume that the extension is


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1 granted to the 14th and we all have some work to do. I think

2 that's as far as we can go this morning.

3 MR. CYMROT: Thank you, your Honor.

4 MR. MONTELEONI: Thank you.

5 THE COURT: Thank you all very much.

6 (Adjourned)


















(212) 805-0300

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