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Allan Frewin Jones

The four friends in this story go to the same school. They are all members of school
archeology club. They try to find the things wich people used an that place where they
lived. The four friends are on a half term holiday. The story told, the friends are helping
at an archeolgical site a dig. At these sites, archeologists dig in the ground. They try
to find things wich tell them about the lives of people in the past. The dig in the story
is at the remain of an old village. All the people who lived int village inhabitants had to
leave it at the and of the eighteenth century. After the inhabitants had left the village
remained empty its was a deserted village. This story tekes place in Norflok a country
in the eastern part of England.


The story is set in a time like now. Its set at an archaeological site, also called a dig.
Its looks a bit like a horror story, but its also an adventure story. Although its not
making me scared, it was very touching. Its not a realistic story because ghost dont
exist, although they take place in this book.

The main characters:

The main characters are the 4 friends. Frankie Fitzgerald, shes a bit strange. When
she stole a half coin she started to act weird. She talks to people who arent there.
Regan Vanderlinden, at the beginning she looks evil, but at the end she is the opposite.
The brothers Jack and Tom Christmas, they seem to be fearless but about in the
middle of the story they become tender. The character I like the most is Regan,
because she has cool ideas. The character I dont want to meet is Frankie. She does
strange things. To me she seems to be driven by the Devil.

The summary:

When the friends arrived at the campsite they first went to see the curch. They found
a vault with the words: To the memory of Hugo Glanville, Improving squire of isenglas.
He was murdered by a villain in the year 1778. Let him rest in peace. When the all fell
into a big hole in the ground they found a half coin. The coin was cut into two pieces.
One belongs to Todd and the other one belongs to his girlfriend, who was forced to
marry Hugo. Todd had killed Hugo, but not on purpose. The friends gave the half coin
to Mrs Tinker but Frankie stole it. At this point the strange things begin. Frankie
disappears several times. She saw ghosts. They tell her that she must find the other
half of the coin. This half coin lay in a black chest in an old building. She found it and
returned it to the other half coin. Now Todd and his girlfriend Eleanor are together

I think the title of the book is very good. It s a Unquiet grave because there are things
living there.

My opinion:

I read the book with lots of pleasure. Its a pretty exciting book. Youre never bored.
There is always something going on but sometimes its irritating that Frankie is always
gone. I have never read a book like this before.

1. Frankie, Regan and Tom were standing on a graveyard near a church. Theyre were
going to learn more about archeology and take a look at the old church and the
graveyard. Leo needed to make a phone-call and had to leave the kids. They liked to
stay and read the texts on the plaque.

2. When they came out of the church they saw a little stone building, a family vault of
the Glanville family. They tried to get into it, but the gates were locked. Frankie took a
look at the other side of the building and she screamed. She fell into a big black hole,
underneath the building. She found a half of a, very old, coin.

3. Mrs. Tinker, their history teacher came to drive them back to the campsite. They
told her about their discovery. They were travelling along a lake and an on the other
side along an old house on the top of the hill: Isenglas Hall. Back on the campsite,
while having dinner, Leo told them the story about Hugo Glanville, a landlord who
destroyed the local village, because it spoiled his view to the lake. The inhabitants
were very angry and the story said he was murdered by a villain. Frankie said strange

4. After the storytelling they went out for a walk in the Isenglas Park and they visited
an old building that looked like an ancient Greek ruin; Eleanors bridge. Leo told them
it was popular to build that sort of ruins in the late eighteenth century. Once arrived at
the bridge Leo told the sad story about Eleanor, a young lovely woman whose parents
are dead. She lived with Hugo Glansville and he arranged a marriage between Eleanor
and an old neighbor. But before the marriage took place, Hugo was killed by a man
with a knife. The servants caught the man and hanged him on a tree. The story is that
Eleanor, maybe sad because of the dead of Hugo, threw herself in the water and was
drowned. Although her body was never found. Frankie saw a young man in the
shadow, but when she looked again he was gone.
5. The next morning the four and Leo and their teacher were working at the dig very
hard. After lunch they fell asleep and Frankie went into the water. She was convinced
that Eleanor didnt throw herself in the water. She went on investigation and went
down, back into the vault. The friends followed Frankie, they were worried.

6. There were coming strange noises out of the vault and a cold wind blew from the
vault. The friends called: Frankie, are you all right? There was a deep voice and light
of a candle. They were all very angry. Jack went down to help Frankie. He saw the
face of a young man in dark clothes, but after he blinked with his eyes it was Frankie.
He thought the dead people were waking up in the vault and something was terribly
wrong. Jackie told Tom she had a fight with some bad people and after a while, Frankie
and Jack went back to the other kids. Frankie behaved like everything was ok and
nothing had happened. Mrs. Tinker was angry that they went out by themselves
instead of working at the dig.

7. The next day Edward Musgrave arrived at the dig. He knew a lot about coins and
he had his own story about Eleanor. Eleanor was in love with Todd Blakely and didnt
want to marry the neighbour who did not love her, but wanted to marry her because of
the land she should inherit. Todd Blakely killed Hugo Glansville by accident and he
was caught by the servants and they hanged him from a tree. After that night nobody
had seen Eleanor again. The neighbour took the land. He said she was dead. Just
after Edward Musgrave told the story, Frankie suddenly disappeared. The kids felt
unhappy about her, but they think she wanted to be alone. So they waited, but when
she didnt come back in the afternoon, they went out searching for her.

8. Tom found her at the graveyard, she was crying. Tom tried to talk with Frankie, but
she was running away. Why was she behaving so strangely? Regan was walking near
the lake and called her name. Frankie! No answer, she called again. Then she heard
a voice. It was Frankies voice. She was standing in the old ancient Greek building.
Talking to nobody. Regan called, as she ran to her friend. Who are you talking to?
She said: To a boyfriend. But there was nobody. When they came back at the
campsite mrs. Tinker was very upset. She was worried about Frankie. Frankie
apologized and they started playing a game Murder in the dark.

9. Regan slept badly that night and when she woke up early, she saw Frankies
sleeping bag was empty. She woke up the other kids and they followed Frankies
footprints to the Hall. When they arrived Frankie was pulling the wood off the door to
get in. The kids were trying to stop her, but she became angry. She wanted to go in
there to find Eleanor, she said. She looked at the half-coin in her hand and began to
walk back to the campsite. The kids thought there was something terrible inside
Frankie and it would hurt her, unless they stop her. Frankie was in danger.

10. Back at the campsite, after having breakfast, they went to town. When they
returned the mist came back. Frankie went out again and the friends follow her. She
met the boy/ghost and he told her to get the other half of the coin in Isenglas Hall. The
moment Frankie found the half-coin of the boy; Frankie took him out of the darkness.
Eleanor had the other half of the coin and the boy wanted Frankie to find that coin too,
so she also wakes up. When the friends occurred in the vault, the ghost of Todd
suddenly disappeared and Frankie ran to the graveyard and buried the half-coin under
the tree where Todd Blakely was hung up.

11. Regan was waiting for her at the campsite. When she was back at the campsite,
at nine oclock, they went to bed. Regan still had strange dreams and woke-up, she
couldnt sleep and wanted to wake-up Frankie, but her sleeping bag was empty again.
She woke up the boys. They hesitated to go to the river, or Isenglas Hall. They decided
to go to Isenglas Hall. When they arrived at the Hall, the wooden door was open. They
went through the door and in the hall was a terrible smell, old and evil. They looked at
the stairs; a woman with golden hair was standing on top of the stairs. It wasnt a
woman it was Frankie! Tom wanted to get her, but she disappeared.

12. Regan and Jack heard Tom shouting. They ran to Tom. He was standing in the
middle of a room. They where followed by ghosts, and Regan said they had to stop
following them. They found a stair to walk to the upper floor. There they saw Frankie,
Regan would go to her friend but Jack stopped her. There was no floor between the
door and the window. Frankie walked across the hole in the floor. She ran away.
Regan wanted to stop her, but it didnt work, Frankie was free to go and she ran to a
secret room. Regan, Tom and Jack followed her. When they found her, she laid on the
ground, next to an old wooden chest. First she didnt move, but after a while she
opened her eyes. The boys wanted to look into the chest. There they saw a dead body.
It was Eleanor. In her hand she held the half- coin. Frankie told what had happened
with her. Hugo wanted to punish Eleanor by locking her into the wooden chest,
because she didnt want to marry her neighbour. He often did that. Usually for a few
hours. But the last time he couldnt led her out, because he was killed by Todds knife.
No one knew where Eleanor was, so she died in the chest. Frankie took the half coin
out of the hand of Eleanor. She dug the other half coin from the ground near the tree
and they brought the two half-coins together by the site of the village. Later that
morning a part of Isenglas Hall collapsed and workman found Eleanors body and
buried it in the old graveyard. The evil had gone and the two lovers were in peace at

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