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Item Information Item Information Item Information

Date: Tagged By: Date: Tagged By: Date: Tagged By:

Item Name: Item Name: Item Name:
Location: Location: Location:

Category Category Category

q Report q Office Supplies/Equipment q Report q Office Supplies/Equipment q Report q Office Supplies/Equipment
q Employee Records q Work-in-Process q Employee Records q Work-in-Process q Employee Records q Work-in-Process
q Faculty Records q Others q Faculty Records q Others q Faculty Records q Others
q Applicant Records q Applicant Records q Applicant Records
q Correspondence q Correspondence q Correspondence
q Circulars/Memoranda q Circulars/Memoranda q Circulars/Memoranda

Reason for Red Tag Reason for Red Tag Reason for Red Tag
q Not Required q Obsolete q Not Required q Obsolete q Not Required q Obsolete
q Defect q Unknown object q Defect q Unknown object q Defect q Unknown object
q Scrap q Scrap q Scrap

Suggested Action Required Suggested Action Required Suggested Action Required

q Return to q Return to q Return to
q Scrap q Scrap q Scrap
q Relocate q Relocate q Relocate
q Sell q Sell q Sell

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