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HR Fundamentals


Michael Rose

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Acknowledgements viii
About the author ix

Introduction 1

Part i The fundamentals of

reward management 3

01 Reward and reward strategy 5

Reward 5
Reward strategy 9
Summary 14

02 Why reward is important and how it can make

an impact 15
Symbolic messages in reward 15
Supporting values and culture 18
Alignment with organization strategy 20
Alignment with HR strategy 21
Role in change management 23
Measuring the impact 24
Summary 28

03 Relationship between motivation and reward 29

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation 29
Summary 39

04 How reward fits together 40

Influences on reward strategy 40
Trade-offs between different parts of reward 44
The role of the reward professional 45
Summary 47
vi Contents

05 How to get started with a reward strategy 49

An approach to developing a reward strategy 49
Developing a reward framework 51
Making changes over time 58
Unintended consequences 61
Summary 62

06 Communications 63
Communications and reward 63
Communicating total reward 64
Building communications into reward design 68
Summary 75
Case study: Royal Horticultural Society 76

07 Tax and National Insurance 81

General principles 81
Taxation of various reward programmes 83
Summary 92

Part ii Reward in practice 95

08 Grades and pay structures 97

Grade structures 97
Pay structures 108
Summary 117
Case studies: Which? and Shropshire Council 117

09 Managing pay data and pay reviews 126

Pay data 126
Pay reviews 137
Summary 144
Case studies: Specsavers and the National Theatre 144
Contents vii

10 Bonus plans 150

Introduction 150
Bonus design framework 154
Summary 173
Case study: McDonalds 174

11 Recognition and non-cash reward 182

Introduction 182
Recognition 183
Summary 195
Case study: HSBC 196

12 Long-term plans 204

Role of long-term plans 204
Share plans 205
Cash plans 213
Summary 217
Case study: Marks and Spencer plc 218

13 Benefits 225
Which benefits to offer and why 225
Benefit policy 228
Value 229
Key benefits 229
Flexible benefits 233
Summary 238
Case studies: Guideposts and Kingfisher plc 238

Conclusions 247

Appendix 251
References 258
Index 261


I would firstly like to thank all the people who gave their time to provide
information for the case studies on their organizations that add so much
value to this book: Neal Blackshire of McDonalds, Margaret Brierley of
Shropshire Council, Kim Brosnan of Which?, Dermot Coutier of Kingfisher
plc, Tim Fevyer of Specsavers, Ann Govier of Marks and Spencer plc, Tony
Peers of The National Theatre, Stewart Pyke of HSBC, Kerry Smith of The
Royal Horticultural Society and Kate Worral of Guideposts Trust. Charles
Cotton, Reward Adviser at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and
Development (CIPD) was very helpful in making suggestions on possible
case studies and relevant research.

Thanks to my three partners in RCP, Evan Davidge, Sylvia Doyle and Chris
Wilson, who reviewed the first draft of the book and gave very helpful
comments. Also to Phil Lurie who provided some valuable comments. Finally,
thanks to Chris Blundell, employment tax partner at MHA MacIntyre
Hudson, for reviewing the tax chapter.

About the author

Michael Rose has been an independent reward consultant through his

company Rewards Consulting Limited (
since 2009. He is also a partner at Reward Consulting Partners LLP. He is
based in London and works with a range of organizations to help them
develop reward strategies to meet their particular aims and culture.

Michaels most recent corporate role was Director of Reward for Aon
Limited covering 16,000 people in the UK and EMEA. His other major
corporate roles have been Head of Reward Management for TSB Bank plc;
Human Resources Manager, European Insurance Operations, NZI Insurance,
and Compensation Manager, Abbey Life Assurance.

Michael also has a decades experience as a reward consultant, with KPMG

and Arthur Andersen where he worked with clients across all sectors and
in many countries on reward and broader HR projects.

Michael has an MA in Human Resource Management, is a Companion of

the CIPD, an Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) and a Fellow
of the RSA. He was Vice President Reward for the CIPD, 20062008 and
was voted Compensation and Benefits Professional of the year for 2009 by
Employee Benefits magazine.

Michael is often quoted in the press and has appeared on radio and tele
vision. He has spoken at conferences around the world and has published
over 25 articles on reward and HR issues. Michaels first book, Recognising
Performance, was published by the CIPD in 2001 and reprinted in 2003. His
second book, A Guide to Non-cash Reward, was published by Kogan Page
in February 2011.




Do you get the best value from what your organization spends on reward?
Reward (pay, benefits etc) is important. It can be as much as 75 per cent of
the costs of an organization and all reward carries messages intentional or
not. So you need to get it right to deliver value and carry the right messages
to help engage people in your organization. This book tries to help you do
The book is in two parts. Part One (Chapters 1 to 7) covers the funda-
mentals of reward management reward strategy and how you develop it,
communicating reward and tax issues. Part Two (Chapters 8 to 13) is about
reward in practice and covers each of the main parts of reward, from grade
structures to long-term plans.
Across both parts of the book I have tried to achieve the right balance
between theory and practice. My approach to reward management is funda-
mentally pragmatic: we need to get things right in the situations we find.
But I also strongly believe in the importance of getting the strategy right,
drawing where relevant from theories and research. I have included an
appendix that summarizes many of the theories that are relevant to reward
management. Used in the right way these can be very helpful to provide
some evidence for the strategies we may develop.
My knowledge and experience in reward management has been built
up over a good many years as a practitioner and consultant in a huge range
of different situations. Whilst I cannot hope to make the reader into a reward
expert just by reading this book, I have shared my views on what I see as
important in reward management. I have also given more time to those
aspects of reward that people, in my experience, find most challenging. I cover
what I see as the most important parts of reward but, inevitably in a book
this size, some things will only be covered briefly.
Reward is now more complex than ever with greater choices. For example,
the 2013 CIPD Reward Management survey listed a total of 71 different
benefits provided by participants. I have tried to rationalize the huge range
of reward components the reward practitioner is faced with and how they
2 Reward Management

fit together. I have summarized some of the key issues that I expand on in
the book in the table below:

Ta b l e I.1

Reward Issues to cover

Basic pay Position in the external market, internal equity, rationale for
pay reviews, grade structures, salary structures

Variable pay Will a bonus help or hinder? What would it cover?

How different for different groups of people? Use recognition
as an alternative? Long-term and/or short-term bonus?

Benefits Whats the rationale? How much choice? Tax efficient?

Throughout the book I have given brief examples of practice to help explain
a particular point. In some cases they are things I have been involved in.
For a number of the chapters, I have written up one or two case studies to
help bring to life some aspects of what the chapter covers. They are examples
of good practice that worked for the organization in the case. However,
I advocate best fit rather than best practice so I am not suggesting that each
case study is best practice that should be followed by everyone but I believe
that they are all helpful and have some interesting learning points.
The case studies reflect the position at the time of writing in late summer
2013. However, circumstances change in organizations so some of the case
studies are likely to have been overtaken by events and may not reflect the
organizations detailed practice now.
I have also provided a few short exercises and close each chapter with
a few questions that the reader can ask about their own organization.
Part i

of reward



Reward and 01
reward strategy

T he first part of this book is about reward strategy. I try to demystify

it and give examples of what reward strategy is, and perhaps more im-
portant, explain what I mean by taking a strategic position on reward. It
is all about maximizing value from reward through ensuring it aligns with
the business (or organizational) strategy. This is real, practical and firmly
organizationally focused.
In this first chapter I define what I mean by reward and reward strategy
along with some associated terms and ideas. To start us off I need to deal
with a few terms so you can see how I am using them in the rest of the book:

Reward which is what this book is about. I will use the word to
mean the total of all of the financially valuable related elements
received by employees in an organization.
Remuneration means the same as reward. It is commonly used in
the context of the Remuneration Committee, which oversees the
remuneration of senior executives and sometimes remuneration
Compensation this is commonly used in the US and refers to pay
and bonus. In larger US organizations, the two functions of
compensation and benefits (referring to pension and healthcare in
the US) are often separated.
Benefits are the non-cash parts of reward that are provided by the
employer either to all employees or differentiated by level.

Remuneration and Reward are interchangeable whilst Compensation

and Benefits are a part of reward or remuneration. I have sometimes seen
6 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

a job title such as Reward and Remuneration Manager, which makes no

sense as it is a tautology.

Total Reward has started to be used to mean both reward plus

a range of other non-reward items such as training and development.
I do not think that this is helpful. My preference is to use Reward or
Total Reward interchangeably and use a quite different phrase to
capture the other things that in total make up the employee
experience, such as the employee deal.
Recognition is also sometimes used as in Reward and Recognition.
As I show in Chapter 9, recognition is very different from reward.

If you do want to take a broader definition of total reward then this may be
helpful. Vartiainen et al (2008) suggest that rewards are all of the monetary,
non-monetary and psychological payments that an organization provides
for its employees in exchange for the work they perform. They go on to
define reward as an outcome one receives from others for doing ones job,
and they see three types of reward:

Financial rewards are all the monetary payments an employee

receives. Financial rewards derive their motivating potential from
their exchange function: money can be exchanged for desirable
outcomes, eg goods and services.
Material rewards have an indirect identifiable monetary value,
implying a cost for the organization although the employee cannot
exchange the reward for its monetary value, eg training opportunities
and presents.
Psychological rewards are the supportive and positively evaluated
outcomes of the professional interpersonal relationships an employee
develops with their supervisor, colleagues and/or clients eg
compliments and recognition.

Elements of reward
Reward can be broken into the four parts illustrated in Figure 1.1, which
should also help explain the relationships between the terms discussed
Figure 1.1 implies the relative size of the four components, but of course
this will vary considerably by corporate structure, sector, employee group
and reward strategy.
Reward and Reward Strategy 7

F i g u r e 1.1 The four components of reward

Stock / shares

Benefits Benefits

Variable pay / bonus

or Total Reward
or Remuneration

Basic pay / salary

Basic pay/salary
Basic pay (also referred to as base pay) is the contractual salary and may include
allowances that are paid regularly and are, in effect, salary. Basic pay is dealt
with in Chapters 8 and 9. For the vast majority of people, basic pay will
always be the largest part of their reward. The two main exceptions are:

senior executives whose reward may incorporate a large potential

annual bonus and very significant share plans; and
sales people or traders whose bonus and commission potential may
be much greater than their salary.

Variable pay/bonus
Variable pay can come in many shapes and sizes, but mostly means some
form of bonus. Unlike salary which is a fixed cost, variable pay is just that,
variable its payment will be contingent on something and so it may or may
not be paid. If it is fixed, like a guaranteed bonus, I would consider this is
the same as salary just dressed up as something else by using a different
name. Bonus is discussed in Chapter 10.

Benefits are not cash and will include tangible things like company cars, insured
benefits like life assurance or medical insurance, pensions and some terms
8 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

and conditions such as holidays. Whilst I have classified shares as a separate

element of reward, primarily because for executives their value can be
very large, they may be considered part of the benefit package. The range of
benefits (covered in Chapter 13) will vary between sectors and, often, by
seniority. Interestingly, the proportion of cost devoted to benefits can be
highest in the UK public sector due to the pension arrangements. In public
sector defined benefit (DB) pension plans still dominate whilst they are
now extremely rare in the private sector where some form of defined con-
tribution (DC) plan is more common. The cost of a DB pension plan is
normally very considerably higher than a DC plan.

Share plans, by definition, will only be available within private sector com-
panies with shares. Shares are mostly available for the more senior employees,
but some companies have all employee share plans that allow everyone in the
business to become a shareholder, usually by buying shares within a tax ap-
proved plan. The types of share plan will vary considerably and are heavily
dependent on the relevant tax legislation. Shares are dealt with in Chapter 12.

The whole should be greater than the sum of the parts

Effective reward management is about both the individual elements of
reward and the total cost and value. The different parts of reward may be
for different purposes but they all cost money to provide, so the organization
needs to look at the total as well as the separate elements. There will be
some choices about where to spend the organizations money to best effect
in the balance between the different parts of reward. For example, fixed
basic pay could be lower but with a high potential bonus or profit share.
Or more could be spent on tax-efficient benefits that deliver good value to
employees than fully taxable salary.
What is important is that the options and the impact of these choices are
considered carefully taking a strategic approach and the rationale is clearly
explained to employees. It was common in the past, and persists in many
organizations today, that the different elements of reward were managed
separately and sometimes in a piecemeal fashion. For example, cars were
managed by fleet management, pensions by the pensions department and so
on. Whilst this might have been administratively efficient, overlooking the
total value proposition to employees would lose the value to the organization
of their total spend on reward. I discuss how this can be helped by effective
communications in Chapter 6.
Reward and Reward Strategy 9

Cost of reward
It is a surprise to some organizations quite how much they spend on the
total cost of reward and in particular the proportional cost of the various
elements. For example, I have worked with an organization where the cost
of the DB pension for just 15 per cent of their employees cost half of the
total amount spent on all benefits for the whole company. As you might
expect, they did something about this inequitable spend.
A valuable way of considering the total cost of reward is as a proportion
of all of the costs of an organization (property, technology, power, insurance,
interest etc). Reward can be anything from 5 per cent to 75 per cent of total
costs. At one end there is the service sector which has little capital employed
and where reward is likely to be more than 70 per cent of total costs. At
the other extreme, in a sector such as oil and gas, which uses a huge amount
of capital, the total cost of reward can be less than 5 per cent of all costs.
Whilst employment costs will be of interest to all finance directors and
leaders of organizations, where it is by far the most significant cost, it should
be given particular attention.
I believe that it can be very helpful to show the total costs of reward as
a percentage of the total costs of the organization plus the costs of the dif-
ferent categories of reward. You can illustrate these for your own organ
ization as pie charts. This information can attract the attention of key
stakeholders, who may never before have considered reward in these terms.
It can lead to questions and valuable discussion on the role of reward in
the organization.

Reward strategy
Valuable insights can come from unexpected sources. For example, in Alices
Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, Alice asks the Cheshire cat
which way she ought to go. But when asked where she wants to get to, Alice
says that she doesnt care much. In which case, says the cat, Then it doesnt
matter which way you go.
The point for us is pretty obvious. We need to have a sense of direction
to enable us to develop reward strategies that are relevant, meaningful
and will help the organization. A sense of direction also helps us filter the
opportunities that we come across which are likely to support or hinder our
10 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

Armstrong and Murlis (2004) note the importance of direction as an

element in a reward strategy: Reward strategy determines the direction
in which reward management innovations and developments should go to
support the business strategy, how they should be integrated, the priority
that should be given to initiatives and the pace at which they should be
Duncan Brown (2001) says that ... reward strategy is ultimately a way
of thinking that you can apply to any reward issue arising in your organ
ization, to see how you can create value from it.
Three other unattributed definitions of reward strategy I have come
across are:

The incorporation of business issues into decisions on reward

An integrating approach, linking company strategy, employee
behaviours and outcomes.
A means of ensuring that reward systems actively help businesses to
go where they need to.

The shorthand definition of reward strategy that I use is:

Reward strategy is an approach to reward based on a set of coherent

principles in support of the organizations aims.

A fundamental element of reward strategy reflected in all of these definitions

is to support the organization. That is not to say that reward strategy should
be only reactive. But the approach taken needs to reflect the culture and
aims of the organization. In some cases it can help to drive change. Certainly
as part of the HR strategy getting reward right can help deliver solutions
that help drive strategy. But you do need to understand the aims and values
of the business. A survey of business leaders concluded ... HR must develop
a deep understanding of the business in the same way, and using the same
language, as other managers. The measures it proposes must be tied to
business outcomes: the impact on customer service, the reduction in costs,
the support of a specific new growth area, the increase in staff loyalty and
so on. (KPMG, 2012a)
Reward and Reward Strategy 11

Armstrong and Murlis (2004) say that reward strategy

... clarifies what the organization wants to do in the longer term to develop
and implement reward policies, practices and processes that will further the
achievement of its business goals. It is a declaration of intent, which establishes
priorities for developing and acting on reward plans that can be aligned to
business and HR strategies and to the needs of people in the organization.

Based on the examples in this part of the book, you can define what
reward strategy means for your own organization. But whatever definition
you decide on, it is important to see reward strategy squarely in the context
of the organizations business strategy and HR strategy.

It is perhaps surprising that few organizations have a reward strategy.
This reflects my experience of the lack of a strategic approach to reward.
According to the CIPD 2010 Reward Management survey (the last year
they collected this data), only 35 per cent of participant organizations had
a written reward strategy. As you can see from Table 1.1 this had not in-
creased very much over the previous couple of years despite participants
stated intentions.

Ta b l e 1.1 Prevalence of reward strategy in organizations

2008 2009 2010

Participants with a 33 26 35
reward strategy (%)

Participants planning to 23 24 31
introduce a reward strategy (%)

Best fit
There is a paradox in that product development, marketing and sales
are greeted with plaudits when coming up with a new product, process
or approach to market. It is the new that can beat the competitors in this
fast-changing world. But when HR come up with a new idea it can often be
12 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

greeted with the question, What do our competitors do? This reaction,
of course, does not acknowledge the uniqueness of the particular organ
izations culture.
Whilst we must reward people to ensure that we can compete effectively
in the appropriate employment markets, the way we do so should reflect
our particular organization. It is the culture and values that define the brand
and reward should reflect these, not blindly follow the market. So I strongly
advocate an approach of best fit not best practice. Not me tooism but,
What will work for us? Whilst there will be some issues on legal compliance
which need to be followed, in general best practice is an invalid concept.
Certainly look at what others are doing, but develop the reward strategy
that is right for you, not some other larger organization down the road
with a different history and culture.
A recent survey of World at Work members (Workspan, 2012) found that
whilst two-thirds of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that Our com-
pensation function is focused on creating unique/tailored compensation
solutions for our business, 42 per cent said that there needed to be a greater
focus on this for the future.
You should also guard against following the latest fad that seems to be
doing the rounds. But rather, evaluate its fit for your organization based on
evidence. This can be particularly sensitive when it is the chief executive
who makes the suggestion as something they have come across that they
think you should have in your organization.

Other terms
Reward strategy may be the overall approach you take, but there are other
related terms that we should touch on. I do not think we need to agonize
over which term means exactly what, rather use the terms in the way that
works best for your organization. But I give here my suggestions on how
the following terms may be used:

Reward Philosophy (also Reward Principles) the description of the

beliefs of reward and how it should operate within the organization.
It may be linked to the organizations values. It is overarching and is
used to broadly frame the reward strategy. In Chapter 5 I discuss
how you can develop this and give some examples.
Reward Framework the broad overview of the related and possibly
interlinked elements of reward. May be diagrammatic to illustrate
how the pieces of reward fit together.
Reward and Reward Strategy 13

Reward Policy the detailed policies on specific elements of reward

which give the flexibility, discretion and limits. Typically, this will
cover the main rules about reward and may be part of the terms and
conditions of employment.
Reward Procedure the detailed procedure and processes that
explain what exactly has to be done by different people to enable an
element of reward to change or be introduced, typically giving work
flow of forms, authorization levels etc. For example, annual pay
review process or absence procedure.

The nature of reward is that much of it runs on an annual cycle such as:
financial year, annual pay review, annual bonus and annual renewal of
insurance policies. This means that if you miss making a change at the
right time in the cycle, you may have to wait another whole year. Often you
need to take a long-term view and, based on the sense of direction, may need
to make changes over two or three years. This is not just a practical issue,
but may be needed to carry the key stakeholders with you.
Of course, whilst the strategy might move you neatly in a particular
direction and at an ideal pace, both are likely to be influenced by internal
and external factors (discussed in Chapter 4). These can and are likely to
throw you off course. That is just the real world we live in. It must not,
however, put you off developing a reward strategy. It is the reward strategy
that will help you determine the best approach in light of the inevitable
changes along the way.
It is the totality of what we do that is important and all of the elements
of reward carry messages. But the strategy is made real by making things
happen. So whilst the reward strategy should give you the direction and
general approach, it is the aggregation of the things that are done that
move the organization on.
How you make reward strategy come to life is a central theme of the
rest of this book.
14 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

Whilst there are different terms used to define reward and reward strategy,
you need to get this clear and consistent for your own organization.
Whether you develop something you call a reward strategy, philosophy
or framework, you should have what works best in your organization,
provides some framework within which reward changes can be made and
helps give a sense of direction.


What terms will you use to describe reward?

How will you establish your definition of reward strategy?
Would it be of value to analyse the total costs of reward as
a percentage of the organizations overall costs?
Would it be helpful to see the cost of each category of reward?

Why reward is 02
important and
how it can make
an impact

I n this chapter I look at how reward can make an impact within the
organization. In Chapter 3 I then address the issue of the role of reward
in motivation; the age-old question of, does money motivate?

Symbolic messages in reward

Reward carries strong messages. If you want to see what an organization
values, look at what it pays for, not what it says. Words are cheap and it is
easy to make statements about what is important in an organization. However,
if you say one thing, but pay for something quite different you can guess
which message will have the greater effect on what people will actually do.
That is not to say you should pay for everything; far from it. But if you
are to take a strategic approach to reward, you need to consider very care-
fully the alignment between what the reward system is saying and what the
stated culture, values and aims of the business are. As Tyson (1995) says,
Monetary rewards may not motivate in the long term, but they certainly
symbolize the value corporations attach to specific behaviours for example
rewarding long service, interpreted as loyalty, or rewarding performance
above other attributes.
Lets take a couple of examples long-service awards and sales bonuses.

Long-service awards
It is fairly common for employers to use some form of long-service award.
Typically, they provide a gift or cash and some degree of celebration to
16 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

acknowledge a period of service with the employer. Long-service awards

have been around for a very long time. Go to a local museum and you are
likely to find a piece of silverware engraved with a date in the 19th century
awarded to an employee by some company or institution for 25 years-plus
As I mention in Chapter 7, Her Majestys Revenue & Customs (HMRC)
has a specific tax concession to allow certain long-service awards (for at
least 20 years) to be made tax free. The concession was introduced in the
mid-1970s when a career with a single employer was still the norm.
But whilst such awards are still very common, we need to question their
fit in a modern organization in this fast-moving, technology-driven society
where many of the largest companies in the world are only a few years
old. Young people joining the job market would mostly be horrified at the
idea of staying 40 years with the same employer. Jobs for life are dead, and
have been for many years. Values in organizations are around effectiveness,
commitment, engagement, challenge etc. How many organizations recognize
long service as a core value? Almost none.
The value may not be high, but the message of a long-service award is
clear: we value long service. Of higher cost and carrying similar messages
are service-related benefits such as holiday and defined benefit pension
plans. There are some professions mostly in the public sector where long
service is valued highly. So if you really do value long service for itself, fine;
it may be appropriate to use awards to recognize it. But most organizations
do not. So I suggest that long-service awards are, for the most part, a throw-
back to a bygone age where they were simply milestones in a 40-year career.
If really thought through, they are unlikely to reflect the values of most organ
izations, so they carry the wrong message. Therefore, most organizations
should review if their long-service awards should be part of their reward

Sales bonuses
The role of bonuses is covered in Chapter 10. But it is helpful to use this
example here to illustrate the point on messaging. It is no surprise that sales
bonuses or commissions are generally designed to increase sales. If a bonus
works well as an incentive, the recipient is likely to try to achieve the result
that the bonus is incentivizing. If valued by the recipient the incentive value
of the bonus is likely to be the key driver of behaviours in pursuance of the
Why Reward is Important 17

But as we know, over recent years there have been very many examples,
primarily in financial services, of mis-selling. Typically, this has been due to
sales being made to people for whom the service or product is unsuitable.
A good deal of this has been blamed on the role of incentive bonuses. This
should not come as a surprise as the reward carries a strong message.
In many cases the company will have given training and guidelines on
the suitability of what is being sold. But the bonus plan does not discrimi-
nate a sale is a sale and the bonus gets paid. So whilst the company may,
somewhat naively, believe that the sales peoples behaviour will be modified
by what is taught or said, the simple sales message carried by the bonus is
too strong. If you want to use financial incentives you need to incentivize the
right things.

The rhetoric reality gap

The two examples above illustrate the same point you should examine
carefully what message each element of reward is carrying and ensure it is
what you want. If it is not, where there is a rhetoric reality gap, change it.
You have to make sure that the desired message and the reward are aligned.
You can find these sorts of conflicts between the messages that the reward
system carries and the desired or stated aims or values everywhere. Here
are some more examples in Table 2.1. Are any of these familiar?

Ta b l e 2.1 Rhetoric and reality gaps in reward

Rhetoric Reality

We pay for performance Only as a tiny % of total cash

We are customer focused We incentivize sales

Contribution to team Pay reviews are based on

success is key individual objectives

We value contribution and We have service-based

performance benefits and pensions

We push down decision There is no choice in

making to all any parts of reward
18 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

Supporting values and culture

As we have seen in the last section, there can be significant gaps between
what the organization wants and what it pays for. Mostly this is unwitting
as no one has done the work to look for the gaps. Sometimes it is on the
naive assumption that no one will spot the obvious conflict. But people
normally do and it can destroy trust.
As reward can be so powerful in delivering messages it can help support
the values of the organization. Where an organization has stated values,
they should be a pivotal reference point in aligning the reward strategy.
Many organizations take a values-based approach. The HSBC case study
in Chapter 11 is an excellent example where HSBC has used recognition
to support its values.
Reward can help support values in a number of ways, for example:

the way in which incentives and other variable pay systems work;
the factors that are taken into account in annual pay reviews;
the range and flexibility available in the benefit programmes;
the way in which reward is communicated;
the way in which changes to reward programmes are undertaken
eg open and involving people.

Having real values that are lived by the leadership and not just paid lip
service will be hugely helpful in reviewing and designing reward. You can
keep using the question, How does this support our values? However,
a problem with values is that they can just become part of the rhetoric.
Here is what seems to be a well thought out set of values that was
developed by a very large global business and appeared in its 1998 Annual
Report (McLean and Elkind, 2004). They are short, simple and well written.
As a reward director, I would be happy to be able to test out what our
reward and performance management programmes were doing against
these values. They also help in thinking how we would go about developing
new programmes and how we should communicate reward. What do you
Why Reward is Important 19

Respect: We treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves. We do

not tolerate abusive or disrespectful treatment. Ruthlessness,
callousness, and arrogance dont belong here.

Integrity: We work with customers and prospects openly, honestly, and

sincerely. When we say we will do something, we will do it; when we
say we cannot or will not do something, then we wont do it.

Communications: We have an obligation to communicate. Here, we

take the time to talk with one another... and to listen. We believe that
information is meant to move and that information moves people.

Excellence: We are satisfied with nothing less than the very best in
everything we do. We will continue to raise the bar for everyone. The great
fun here will be for all of us to discover just how good we can really be.

We may be able to agree on this as the sort of value set that could be used
by Reward and HR to reflect the desired behaviours and culture and perme-
ate everything HR do and the way managers and leaders act. There is only
one problem they didnt. The company we are talking about here is Enron.
In 2001 it became the most famous corporate collapse leading to the largest
bankruptcy case in US history. The global accountancy firm Arthur Andersen
also collapsed in its wake. Many of the leaders were jailed for fraud. If only
they had lived their stated values.
Let me be clear, I am a strong believer in the importance of values. I am
simply a critic of the sort of rhetoricreality gap that can, and often does,
exist. If the leaders do not live the values, there is little we can do with reward
to counter that.
Culture and values are strongly linked. Current thinking about the way
organizations should work has changed significantly over recent years and
this has had a strong effect on the desired culture. This in turn has impacted
on the HR Management model and, as part of that, the impact that reward
can have to reflect and help drive the changes.
Figure 2.1 (Deloitte, 2013) suggests the contrast between the more tradi-
tional approach and associated HR thinking, with the emerging trends.
20 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

F i g u r e 2.1 Traditional and emerging trends influencing HR

Traditional approach Emerging trends

Hierarchical Networked

Direct Coach

Top-down Bottom-up

Process-focused Outcome-focused

Automotive Democratic

Measures Improves

External rewards Internal rewards

Fixed organization Matrix organization

Annual cycle feedback Just in time feedback

Weakness-based Strength-based

The extent to which an organization may be moving culturally from the left
to the right box will require changes in the reward systems to ensure they
are carrying consistent messages.

Alignment with organization strategy

In Chapter 1 I suggested that a definition of reward strategy will have some
reference to supporting the organizations strategy. My definition of reward
strategy is: an approach to reward based on a set of coherent principles in
support of the organizations aims. As I have suggested, reward can carry strong
messages about what is important and so can be important in reinforcing
or supporting the organizations aims and values. As part of an integrated
HR strategy, reward can help drive business strategy not just support it, but
at the least it should be aligned and supportive.
Why Reward is Important 21

Peter Cheese, chief executive of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and

Development, says that HR needs to understand the business and the busi-
ness strategy, particularly the value drivers. He believes that HR needs to
be clear how it can best impact on those things that drive value based on
real insights driven by better data analysis. (quoted in Employee Benefits
magazine, 26 November 2012)
It follows, of course, that you need to know the aims of the organization
to ensure that reward supports them. This is no different to any other aspect
of HR. But in the real world it is not always clear what the aims and values
of an organization are. They can also change, sometimes quite fast. So you
may be operating in something of a vacuum. The question, then, is how can
you target reward if you do not know what you are aiming at? You still need
to create some sort of framework within which to develop your reward
Normally there are at least annual targets or goals you can look at. You
need to get close to the business to see what is important. You can work
with others in HR to establish the sort of people proposition that is
needed. Ultimately, in the absence of a clear set of values and aims, you need
to use judgement to consider what seems to be the right thing to do based
on the information you do have.

Alignment with HR strategy

Although reward is seen as one of the most technical HR disciplines, it
will fail badly if not embedded as part of a holistic approach to HR. It is
always the totality of what we do to change things in an organization that
makes a difference. So we need to be clear that we are providing, joined-up
HR. Whilst there will be differences between the different parts of HR,
there needs to be co-ordination and co-operation and the messages that the
different HR programmes carry need to be aligned.
These links between organizational, HR and reward strategy are reflected
in Figure 2.2 taken from my last book: A Guide to Non-cash Reward.
In particular, I see a strong connection between reward and learning
and development or talent management. As shown in Figure 2.2, I see that
neither recognition nor performance management sit comfortably in one
function or the other, but need strong input from both. Although not illus-
trated, there will be equally important connections with the people who
deal with resourcing to ensure reasonable salary levels and benefits. So

F i g u r e 2.2 Holistic HR links

Business Aims Business Values

Business Strategy

HR Strategy

Reward Strategy Learning & Development Strategy

Incentives management

Reward Coaching & L&D

Pay levels
structures mentoring programmes

Benefit plans Recognition

Cash bonuses Non-cash

Why Reward is Important 23

reward can have an impact in supporting delivering the broader HR strategy

by being aligned with it and carrying the right messages.

Role in change management

Because reward carries strong messages, it has an important role to play
in change management. I have said that reward should help support the
organizations aims and values. When these change, the relevant reward
elements must also change to ensure that they align with the new world.
Clearly, if an organization is restructuring or has to operate in a new way
the reward system must reflect these changes and not the old model. If the
reward system is not aligned, it will simply be a barrier to change, rather
than an enabler.

I worked with the division of a company that had moved from the prime
unit being individuals to team working. There was now significant
dependency between the members of the team to support each other
to achieve success. As you might imagine, this was quite a significant
change for the people involved. There was a bonus plan in place, covering
about 40 per cent of the employees based on individual objectives. This
needed immediate attention as it would have led to selfish rather than
team behaviours and undermined the new working model.
We ended up buying out the bonuses and introducing team recognition
to applaud the success of teams.

It is always vital to review variable pay plans in times of change to ensure

that they reflect the changes being made. It may also be important to look at
the pay review system and how, if at all, it links with performance manage-
ment and other measures.
24 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

Measuring the impact

Measuring the impact of any HR initiative can be difficult because you
are dealing with a large number of independent variables. The nature of
what you are measuring is inherently difficult as you cannot easily control
the environment and the other variables. Whilst you may be able to show
a positive correlation between an intervention and a behavioural variable
it is often impossible to prove causality.
Nevertheless, if you are going to take a strategic approach to reward, you
need to determine at the start what a successful outcome will look like from
the changes you make. So you need to consider how to assess whether an
intervention has had the effect intended. It may be that you will have to
deduce a relationship between the intervention and some measurable
changes.Two other issues to look out for:

The third variable problem. For example, it may not be the particular
initiative that is of itself having an impact, but that management are
showing interest in the people affected (Hawthorn effect).
There is also the linking variable issue. This is where the impact
is not directly from the initiative to the result, but there is an
intermediate, linking variable. For example, a change to reward may
give a cost saving. But it might be that the change in reward has
meant that people had to reorganize themselves to work in a
different way which led to the cost saving.

When you set up the planned change it is good practice to establish what
success will look like ie what would be different if the change had its in-
tended impact. It may involve one of the measures I have mentioned here
or something else.
So a word of warning ensure that what it is you are going to measure
is value added and not just chosen because it is easy to measure. For ex
ample, I discourage counting the number of recognition events on its own
as a measure of the success of a recognition programme. Rather use em-
ployee attitude surveys to track the effect.
Below, I give some ideas to consider. None is perfect because of the
inherent problems I have mentioned.
Why Reward is Important 25

Employee surveys
My view is that the most effective and realistic measure is changes in
employee survey results. Many organizations use some sort of employee
attitude or engagement survey. The trend nowadays is to use shorter more
frequent surveys rather than the very large and costly two-yearly surveys
that were common. Many surveys (for example Gallup Q12) do not directly
cover reward. There may be questions you can add to existing regular
surveys that you can use to monitor views on aspects of reward over time.
It is now very cheap and simple to run online surveys using excellent
tools such as Survey Monkey. Therefore, to complement existing surveys,
you can easily run short surveys on a specific reward topic and track results.
I have done this before and after introducing flexible benefits and could
show a significant increase in awareness of the benefits provided after flex
was implemented, which was one of the aims.

A UK FTSE 100 business saw from its engagement survey that people did
not feel valued and recognized. It introduced a whole range of recognition-
related initiatives and saw the recognition score increase substantially
over the next three years.

Exit interviews
Exit interviews are where people who are leaving the company are asked
about their views. They need to be well structured, but I have always found
them a valuable source of data. My experience of running them, when I was
an HR generalist many years ago, was that people were generally open and
honest and actually wanted to tell you what was wrong. The problem is
often that the information obtained is not disseminated to the relevant
functions. But capturing reward-related data from exit interviews can be
a valuable qualitative source of views.
A word of warning, though, on exit interview data. It is common to find
that when people leave an employer they move to a new organization for
a larger salary. Whilst the salary may be higher you need to check, if you
can, the other elements of reward as there may be some trade-offs that have
26 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

been made. But more important is that the larger salary may be due to the
new job being bigger ie a promotion. Also, salary is rarely the key factor
in deciding to leave. So just because the new salary is larger do not conclude
that this was the motivation to leave. It is almost always something else.
For example, it may be that the career development process within your
organization needs improving rather than salary at any particular level.

Staff turnover
Changes in (voluntary) staff turnover may be of some interest as an indicator
of the impact of particular programmes, but it will be difficult to show any
causality using an overall figure. However, turnover broken down by other
factors such as length of service may be a little more valuable. For example,
higher turnover in the first year is most likely to suggest a problem in the
recruitment and selection process. You may be able to track turnover by
salary for different levels in the organization to see if there are any obvious
trends that show. This may provide some information that can indicate the
likely impact of a reward initiative, but it can be stronger if turnover rates
are considered alongside exit interview data.

Large organizations can sometimes pilot an initiative. This can be dif
ficult in smaller organizations and may also depend on the structure. But
a well-designed pilot study can be used to investigate the effect of a reward
A retail pub group piloted the impact of a points-based incentive and
recognition programme with a group of their pubs; they also used a control
group. Compared with the control group, the average change in the pilot
group was an increase in sales of 3 per cent and an increase in profit of 9 per
cent. The customer care score measured using customer surveys increased
by 7 per cent. Based on this successful pilot the new programme was rolled
out to the rest of the group (Rose, 2001).

It may be that the result is pretty easy to measure if it is simply that you are
looking for a reduction in cost. Whilst never completely simple, in most cases
you can see if you made the financial saving or not. It can be problematic
Why Reward is Important 27

where you are reviewing a cost saving with a changing population. In which
case you may need to look at cost per head or rework the data to show the
initial costs for the same population after the reward change.
There is, of course, the question of whether cost saving is the right aim
on its own. You should consider the impact of cost saving on other areas of
value, such as engagement. As a single measure cost saving may be easy to
measure but may be too crude, when you should perhaps be looking for
Aon Hewitt (2012) found that higher performing organizations were
more likely to define and measure success through a range of employee
value and return on investment indicators in addition to budget and cost
management. Whereas the lower performing organizations were more
likely to use cost as a measure. This is shown in Table 2.2.

Ta b l e 2.2 P ercentage of companies using the following to

measure the success of total rewards programmes

Higher Lower Difference

performing performing
companies companies

Employee engagement 69 55 +14

Higher employee satisfaction 45 30 +15

with programmes

Moulding of total rewards spend 43 30 +13

against key business objectives

Business leaders use programmes 37 27 +10

to motivate and retain talent

Rate of cost increase 33 48 15

28 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

Reward implicitly carries messages about what is important in the organ
ization, so it should be aligned with everything else you are saying explicitly.
Reward needs to be an integrated part of your HR strategy in support of
your business strategy. If well designed, reward can help you make change,
but it can also hinder progress if it is not aligned properly.
When you are planning to make changes in reward, think through what
you would want to be different if the change was a success. Be realistic and
look for those things that are indicators of value added even if difficult to
measure, rather than things that are easy to measure.


To what extent do your current rewards support your values?

What are the reward-related rhetoric and reality gaps in your organization?
What can you do about any gaps you list?
Where is reward adding value to the HR strategy and where can
alignment be improved?
What sources of data do you have that can be used to help track the
impact of changes in reward?

Relationship 03
and reward

I n Chapter 2 I emphasized the importance of reward in carrying messages.

That is, reward has a strong symbolic effect. The question that is fre-
quently asked, is, does money motivate? In terms of reward this really means
incentives, bonuses and performance-related pay.
The most common reference made when the role of reward as a motivator
is raised is that Hertzberg said money is a hygiene factor (see Appendix).
That is something that can cause damage if removed, but does not act as
a motivator like achievement and recognition. But even with Hertzberg it is
not quite that simple. Because Hertzberg also said, thus earned as
a direct reward for outstanding individual performance is a reinforcement
of the motivators of recognition and achievement. It is not hygiene as is
money given in across-the-board wage increases (1968).

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

Fundamental to an understanding of the role of reward in motivation are
the concepts of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

Intrinsic motivation is the internal satisfaction the individual has

from doing the work. This is about basic job satisfaction; someone
taking pride in their work. It builds self-esteem and feelings of
competence and self-determination.
30 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

Extrinsic motivation is the behaviour that results from factors

external to the individual such as reward and punishment. Any form
of financial incentive (eg bonuses, performance-related pay) is, by
definition, an extrinsic motivator.

I suggest that the evidence demonstrates that intrinsic motivation is more

powerful and sustained than extrinsic motivation that can be short term
and lead to unexpected negative consequences. But beliefs held within organ
izations that reflect McGregors Theory X (see Appendix) do not necessarily
reflect this.

Many managers in the US and UK have deeply held assumptions about the
role of incentive pay in motivation. This can be because money is the only
currency used by some organizations to thank people; giving the message
that it is only cash that demonstrates your worth (Nelson, 1996). In other
words these managers promote a self-fulfilling prophecy so that employees
learn to expect cash as the only true form of thanks.
If a child is deprived of love by its parents but receives only toys then
although it may crave the love, it ends up demanding more toys the currency
that the parent uses. The parallel with reward is clear what is really needed
is genuine appreciation and understanding by managers of employees.
However, as with children toys are better than nothing (La Motta, 1995).
Daniel Pink (2010) believes that using extrinsic motivators such as pay
are ineffective, and he cites significant research to support his view. But he
goes on to say, On both sides of the Atlantic, the gap between what science
is learning and what business is doing is wide.
According to the Institute of Leadership and Management (2003) some
94 per cent of organizations offer an annual financial incentive to UK staff.
However, they are shown to have little or no effect on commitment and
performance for all but 13 per cent of staff.
Nelson (1996) suggests if you only use money to thank people, then money
becomes a psychological exchange for enduring a miserable job with no other
Kohn (1993), a well-known critic of financial incentives, believes that
Incentives, a version of what psychologists call extrinsic motivators, do
not alter the attitudes that underlie our behaviours. They do not create an
enduring commitment to any value or action. Rather, incentives merely
and temporarily change what we do.
Relationship Between Motivation and Reward 31

Research by Jacquart and Armstrong (2013) found that higher pay for
executives fails to promote better performance. Instead, it undermines execu-
tives intrinsic motivation, inhibits their learning, leads them to ignore other
stakeholders, and discourages them from considering the long-term effects
of their decisions on stakeholders. In particular, the research found that it is
not possible to relate incentive payments to executives actions in an effective
manner. Incentives also encourage unethical behaviour. The research concluded
that organizations would benefit from using validated methods to hire top
executives, reduce compensation, eliminate incentive schemes, and strengthen
stockholder governance related to the hiring and compensation of executives.
The particular strategy you employ will be influenced by the belief
system on the role of reward. Figure 3.1 illustrates the nature of the con-
tinuum of beliefs. Where you sit on the continuum will affect the reward
policies you employ and how you see their relationship with other factors
that engage people at work.

F i g u r e 3.1 Reward: continuum of beliefs

We believe that rewards role on performance and behaviour is

that it that it
as a strong that it will that it can
has little should be
driver influence influence
influence neutral

My view is that, for the most part, somewhere from the middle to the right in
this model is a realistic position to take. Although reward can have a direct and
significant effect in the short term it is unlikely to be a sustained source of
motivation. As Pink (2013) says, Money matters a heck of a lot, yet people
can think about the work more if they are not thinking about the money.

The impact on intrinsic motivation by an extrinsic

If you put money against an outcome or behaviour there is a danger that
the recipients may see it as changing the nature of the relationship from
trust and self-determination to one of manipulation. That is their underlying
intrinsic motivation becomes cancelled out by the external action. The rela-
tionship then can be more instrumented rather than one of partnership.
32 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

Adrian Furnham, professor of psychology at University College London,

illustrates this through the story of the writer who was disturbed by children
playing in the park right by his office window. His solution was to go out
and say to the children how much he enjoyed them playing there and gave
them 1 each. He did this for a couple more days, but on the next day he
told them that he was not going to pay them anymore. Their reaction was
that in that case they were going to play somewhere else.

Impact on more complex roles and tasks

There is evidence suggesting that financial incentives may have a negative
impact on creativity and may limit rather than improve problem solving.
Glucksberg took groups of participants and told them that he was going to
time them to see how quickly they could solve a particular problem (the
candle problem to attach a candle to the wall without it dripping wax
on the floor, given a candle, a box of tacks and some matches) (Pink, 2010).
He divided the participants into two groups.

He told one group that he was going to time them to determine

how long it typically took people to solve this type of problem.
He offered the second group $5 (3.30) if they were in the 25 per
cent that solved the problem the fastest. In addition, the person who
was the fastest of all would get $20.00.

On average, it took the second group, which was offered the cash incentive,
three and a half minutes longer to solve the problem than it took the first group.
Glucksberg repeated the experiment, except this time, he presented not
a box with tacks in it, but an empty box with the tack on the table beside
it. In other words, he made the problem easier because once the box was not
being used as a container it took less mental flexibility to be able to assign
it a different function. This time, the group that was being incentivized
finished the task a lot faster than the other group.
The conclusion that may be drawn from these findings is that extrinsic
rewards may work well for tasks with a simple set of rules and a clear aim.
But rewards may narrow our focus and concentrate the mind. But for the
real candle problem the one with the thumb tacks in the box you dont
want tunnel vision: you want to be able to see what is on the periphery; you
want to be looking around; you want to expand your possibilities. Pink
concludes that as long as the task involved only mechanical skill, bonuses
worked as they would be expected: the higher the pay, the better the perfor
mance. But once the task called for even rudimentary cognitive skill, a larger
reward led to poorer performance.
Relationship Between Motivation and Reward 33

Expectancy theory (see Appendix) tells us that people will undertake an
action if they see that the action will lead to an outcome that they value. So
if you give a big financial incentive that the participants want, they are likely
to do what you ask. Exactly that and no more. One of many dangers is that
this can and does lead to cutting corners and even unethical behaviour;
who cares as long as you achieve the goal? In the longer term this is likely to
lead to more problems as the corporate brand is tainted and can even be
destroyed completely consider Enron and Arthur Andersen.
Even if you support using financial incentives, you need to take account
of the potential cumulative effect they may have. This is because recipients
of incentive schemes may well adjust their efforts to optimize the return they
get via the incentive.
But where the belief is that incentives strongly motivate it can lead to
asking the wrong question on reward. The question I am sometimes asked
as a consultant is:
How should we design our incentive plans so that we get the behaviour we want?

I would reframe the question as:

How can we best get the behaviours we want and what part can reward play in
helping us achieve this?

One of the dangers of giving too much emphasis on incentives is that

you can end up believing that they can manage for you. They cant. It is the
context that is critical so getting everything else right (effective manage-
ment, clear aims, feedback, recognition etc) is likely to be more impactful
than an incentive.
PwC (2011) conducted a survey of 100 senior executives that looked
at the balance for individuals between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
They correlated responses on goal-setting and work preferences. They found
that goal-setting was important for motivation, regardless of whether people
were intrinsically or extrinsically motivated. The process of identifying and
setting challenging goals is in itself motivating for many, regardless of
whether money is attached to the outcome. They conclude, So incentives
do not replace management.
Even where cash is dominant there may be other motivators at work.
I once worked in a life assurance company where the sales people were on
commission only, with no salary. On the face of it this suggests a motivation
environment based entirely on the extrinsic value of money. But it was not
as simple as that. In addition to the cash commission, the company employed
34 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

a whole range of non-cash awards, prizes and incentives. There was the
million dollar roundtable, the chairmans club, the regional awards and
the annual conventions in luxury locations abroad. There was a degree of
exclusivity about the prizes. Only a relatively small number would achieve
them to be feted by the executives of the company. These very desirable
things enabled the successful sales people to demonstrate their success in
a way that cash alone could not. Achieving these different non-cash awards
was all about getting recognition and esteem from others.

Retention effect
Reward can be used to help retain people. This is discussed in Chapter 12.
There is little doubt that a substantial sum of money (say 75 per cent of
salary) payable at a date in the fairly near future (say two years) is likely to
retain the individual if everything else is ok. But unless the payment is due
very soon, it will not retain someone who is completely disengaged.
The PwC (2011) survey found that respondents would take a pay cut of
around 50 per cent to do their ideal job; 25 per cent would take a pay cut of
70 per cent or more. Only 5 per cent of respondents would not take any
pay cut for their ideal job.
Pay that is well below the market level is likely to lead to more people
leaving, so getting salaries close to the market may reduce turnover. But
once pay is at around the market level the marginal impact on retention for
further increases in salary will have a smaller impact than for those well
below the market. So as long as pay is around the market median all the
other things about working for the organization will have a greater impact
on retention. But pay well below the market is more likely to have an impact
on retention.

Reward or other factors in motivation

Survey data
Work on engagement has found that reward is relatively low down the list
of what engages people. Here are three examples from significant surveys.
The global strategy consultancy McKinsey (2009) found that

praise from immediate manager;

leadership attention eg 1:1 conversations;
chance to lead projects or task force.
Relationship Between Motivation and Reward 35

was equal to or more effective in motivating people than:

cash bonuses;
increased base pay;
stock or stock options.

Mercer (2011) found that the top three factors influencing motivation and
engagement at work were:

being treated with respect;

worklife balance;
the type of work that you do.

Base pay came sixth and incentive pay/bonus was last. This was the same
relationship for almost every country surveyed.
The Civil Service People Survey (2012) in the UK had 300,000 participants.
It found that over the past four surveys, analysis has shown consistently
that the strongest influences on levels of engagement were:

perceptions of leadership and managing change;

what work people do; and
the quality of managers.

It concluded that focusing action on these areas is likely to have the biggest
impact in terms of improving engagement. Pay and benefits came fourth or
fifth in each of the surveys 20092012.
In this fast-moving world we need to be clear about what is important
to people in the organization and use our valuable resources on that, not
on something we may think that they want. Towers Watson (2010) found
that employers across the world did not recognize the value to employees
of three factors that were important to them:

convenient work location;

holiday/paid time off; and
flexible schedule.

Each of these factors relates to the employees use of time, which is of grow-
ing importance. Time is a very valuable commodity and employees will make
employment decisions influenced by the flexibility of time as well as reward
and other aspects of working for the organization. Overemphasis on any one
part of the employee proposition, such as reward, is likely to be unsuccessful
in the long term.
36 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

Millennial generation
The Millennial generation, those born between 1980 and 1995, will make up
50 per cent of the workforce by 2020. PwC (2013) found that the Millennial
generation of workers would choose workplace flexibility, worklife balance
and the opportunity for overseas assignments over financial rewards.
The survey also found that millennials are more likely to stay in a job if
they feel supported and appreciated, are part of a cohesive team and have
greater flexibility over where and how much they work. This contrasts with
the non-millennial generation, who place greater importance on pay and
development opportunities.
Unlike past generations who were willing to work beyond their contracted
hours in the hope of rising to higher-paying positions later on, millennials
are largely unwilling to give up a good worklife balance. This generation
of workers is not convinced that such early career sacrifices are worth the
potential later rewards.
The report concludes that many companies will have to completely
rethink how they attract and reward their workers, or risking losing the best
talent to companies that adapt to meet their needs.
Technology has made huge impact on productivity and the speed of
change. Social media and open information will continue to put pressure
on organizations that can no longer control their employee brand. The
Millennium generation is plugged into networks in a way that was unheard
of only a few years ago. They want transparency and clarity and will see
through rhetoric. This puts even more emphasis on the need for a strategic
aligned approach to reward and requires greater involvement of people in
the organization in the changes you plan.

Pay equity
One aspect of reward that can act as a demotivator relates to employees
perception of inequity in reward (see equity theory in the Appendix). Of more
importance than the individuals absolute level of reward is the perception
of their reward relative to others. So the extent to which employees see their
pay as unfair or inequitable is likely to be a greater demotivator than their
perception of their pay against the external market.
The Ultimatum game originated in 1982 and is played between two
subjects. One person is given an amount of money typically around $10
and told that he must offer a share of it to the other person. If the other
person accepts the offer they both keep their share. But if the other person
rejects the offer, then neither of them receive any money. A purely rational
Relationship Between Motivation and Reward 37

response would be for the responder to accept whatever was offered. After
all it is the only way the responder will get anything. But our innate sense
of fairness means that where the offer is low it will often get rejected.
Researchers have replicated the Ultimatum game many times and in
many locations. A meta-analysis of 37 papers with 75 results found that on
average 16 per cent of the offers are rejected. On average the proposer
offers 40 per cent of the pie to the responder. The rejection rate is higher
for smaller shares offered. The analysis also found differences in behav-
iour of responders (and not of proposers) across geographical regions
(Oosterbeek et al, 2003).
Research shows that monkeys can react very negatively if they see that
their treatment is unfair compared with others. In an experiment, pairs
of capuchin monkeys were trained to hand the experimenter a rock in
exchange for cucumber. This was fine until the monkey in the adjoining
cage was rewarded with grapes. At this point the first monkey rejected the
cucumber. You can see the result on at the following address:
Analysis of some of the differences between the best performing em-
ployers and the average companies (Workspan, 2013) showed that the best
employers excelled in 10 specific drivers of engagement compared with
average companies. One of the 10 was paying fairly where the best com-
panies clearly put more emphasis.
Research by Kenexa (2013) indicates that employees who believe they
are fairly paid are more engaged, less likely to quit, experience less stress at
work, feel healthier physically and psychologically and are more satisfied
with their personal life.
Research by PwC (2011) also shows the power of perceived fairness in
pay as a potential demotivator as shown below.

Respondents were asked to say which of the two characters would be

more motivated in this scenario.
Jean and Jacques leave business school. Jean is offered a job to join
the management team of company A at a salary of 600,000. Jacques is
offered a job at company B for 700,000. Subsequently, Jean discovers that
the average pay in the management team at company A is 500,000,
whereas Jacques finds out that at company B the average is 800,000.
Over 60 per cent said Jean would be more motivated and only 17 per
cent said Jacques.
38 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

This research illustrates the point of perception of fairness and is in line

with what I have found to be the reality within organizations where I have
worked. As humans we do seem to be hard-wired to look out for what we
see as unfairness. This is important and means that we must take care to
ensure that, as far as we can, our reward systems are fair, unbiased and non-
discriminatory and we explain clearly to employees what fairness means.
It is not that everyone is paid the same, but that the underlying basis for
reward is fair in relation to what we are asking people to do. Like many
other countries, in the UK, we also have equal pay legislation. Fairness is
likely to be an important part of a reward strategy.

Reward policy
It is not uncommon to find statements about the role of reward such as,
Reward in XYZ Co is to recruit, retain and motivate our employees. My
view is that this sort of glib statement is pretty well worthless. Firstly, reward
can only ever help with some of these three aims; it is unlikely to be the most
significant. Secondly, only some parts of reward can help with some of these.
However, it is helpful to think about which parts of reward might help
achieve each of the three elements: recruit, retain, motivate. It will vary by
level and role, but here are my thoughts on this:

Ta b l e 3.1 Possible role of parts of reward

Aim Part of reward that might help

Recruit Basic salary, guaranteed first-year bonus, flexible benefits

Retain Share plan or other financial retention, flexible benefits

Motivate Recognition, clear and open reward system, bonus

You may wish to review how you see these operating in your own organ
ization. But whatever the case, in building a reward policy or reward
strategy you need to be realistic. You need to determine what overall reward
can help achieve as well as what each element may be able to support.
There is no point in setting unrealistic expectations of what reward can
deliver as you just set yourself up to fail.
Relationship Between Motivation and Reward 39

As illustrated in Figure 3.1, an organization may choose to use reward

very proactively to seek to influence behaviour and outcomes. But at the
other extreme you may decide that reward is not an important motivator
and so try to ensure that reward is neutral. This may be thought of as to take
pay off the table and use the important things to motivate and engage people.

Reward can signal very clearly what the organization considers to be impor-
tant. Financial incentives can positively increase performance on relatively
simple tasks over the short term. But overall very great care needs to be taken
in using reward as a motivator.
On balance I believe that often too great an emphasis is put on the role
of reward as an extrinsic motivator at the cost of a deeper understanding
of how to get an environment that seeks to have intrinsically motivated,
engaged people. That is not to say it has no role, but for reward to have
impact in motivation it has to operate in a context where it is only one part
of the motivation mix.


What is the dominant attitude on the impact of reward in your

organization against the range in Figure 3.1 on page 31? What does this
mean in the way in which you manage reward?
What is the balance between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in your
What does equitable mean in relation to reward in your organization?
What do each part of reward do in relation to recruit, retain and
motivate or engage?

04 How reward
fits together
Influences on reward strategy
One of the practical issues to take into account in developing a reward
strategy is the range of influences there will be on it. Whilst the specifics will
vary with place and time, the nature of the issues will always need to be
monitored and considered. There are two categories of influence: external
and internal.

External influences
Because these will differ from one country to another, they are particularly
important to consider when developing an approach to reward internation-
ally. These differences will limit the opportunity to have a common reward
package in all countries. Rather, you need to think about what should
be the same and what must be different. For example, there is no point
in trying to operate a share plan in a country where its legislation means
that a recipient would have to pay tax when the plan was granted, maybe
three years before any value would be available. I suggest that there are six
areas of external influence that can impact reward strategy, which I discuss

Legislation will always have a significant impact. Minimum levels of
obligation that an employer has to its employees will be reflected in
employment laws. For example, in the UK and many other countries, there
is minimum wage legislation. Although not in law, but of growing impact
in the UK is the concept of a minimum living wage, which at the time of
writing is about 25 per cent higher than the minimum wage. There are a
minimum number of paid holidays, maximum hours, maternity and paternity
leave etc.
How Reward Fits Together 41

Changes to pension legislation have been very frequent and have had
a significant impact, particularly amongst higher paid employees. Employers
are now providing cash allowances in lieu of pension contributions for those
employees who have reached the new caps and wish to become a deferred
member of the pension scheme. This is but one example of the sort of change
that will impact on reward.

An employer can only operate within the tax system that exists at the time,
but which inevitably changes all the time. It is not for the employer to change
salaries etc if the tax rate increases, although employees may ask for this.
But similarly the employer will not ask employees to take a pay cut if tax
rates drop. It is important to be clear what your position is on changes to
Whilst many organizations will think it reasonable to arrange reward
to help employees legitimately reduce their tax, this should not be their
prime concern. But there can be value to both parties if the employer is
able to restructure pay to deliver more to employees at a lower cost to the
Some benefits are not taxable and so an employer may well wish to
look at delivering more value by directing spend to such benefits. But they
do change. For example, in the UK company-provided cars used to be taxed
pretty lightly and were a common benefit for managers. But for some years
tax on cars has been increasing, so that a taxable car allowance, typically
paid monthly through payroll, has become much more common. However,
in some countries cars are still not heavily taxed and so remain an important
benefit. Taxation is covered in Chapter 7.

Social system
This is primarily about what is provided by the state and what is provided
by the employer. The most common benefits where this is relevant are
healthcare and pension, but there are other issues in some countries such
as childcare. There are significant differences internationally in the balance
between provision by the state and the employer. Ultimately, they have to
be paid for, either out of taxation including payroll taxes if mostly provided
by the state, or by the employer (and employee) out of profits and salary.
In some countries the bulk of pension is provided by the state, so it is
uncommon to have any private sector pensions; similarly, with private
42 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

Market sector
The external competition for staff may mean that there are certain ele-
ments of reward that the majority of employers operating in the sector are
likely to offer. For example, profit share, bonuses and all-employee share
plans are common in the financial services sector. Sectors such as oil and
gas typically have very comprehensive benefit packages as the cost is low
compared with the other costs of the business.

Market pay movement

An organization does not operate in a vacuum, and so it is sensible to be
clear about your position on basic pay changes in light of pay movement
in the relevant market or markets. It is generally not appropriate simply to
follow pay movement without considering your overall pay levels. I cover
this in Chapter 9.

Business sector
There are different norms by sector private, public, not-for-profit and
charity. For example, there are fewer bonuses outside the private sector.
By definition, share plans are only available in the private sector. The public
sector tends to have more long-term and service-based reward components
such as incremental pay spines and defined benefit pensions.

Internal influences
I suggest that there are five main areas of internal influence as discussed

Values of the organization

In Chapter 2 I have already covered the importance of values to help frame
the reward strategy. They should strongly influence the HR and reward

Structure and size of the organization

The structure is likely to influence how similar the approach to reward will
be across the organization as a whole. For example, an organization in one
business segment on one site is more likely to have a consistent approach
to reward than a multinational highly decentralized business operating in
many markets. Commonly, the more decentralized, the broader the range of
reward practices.
How Reward Fits Together 43

Smaller organizations are likely to have fewer benefits, as their cost

can be disproportionately expensive. Larger organizations, simply by virtue
of their size, can develop a broader and more comprehensive range of pro-
grammes than smaller businesses. Certain benefits such as private medical
insurance are also more common in larger organizations.

Organizational change
Change is constant; all organizations change all the time. The types of change
are many and varied but may have an impact on reward strategy: eg restruc-
turing, acquisitions, disposals, mergers, new products and services.

To the extent that the organization is aiming to make a profit, the level of
profitability is likely to influence pay levels and in particular, bonuses. The
organizations ability to pay based on its finances may be a stated component
of its position on reward. Of course even if it is not a profit-making organ
ization it will still need to take a view on how it will state its position on the
relationship between whatever financial measures are relevant and its pay

Industrial relations (employee representation)

Where a union is recognized it is likely that the company will need to nego-
tiate pay reviews, changes to terms and conditions and changes to its pay
systems. This is likely to be a significant influence on the organizations
position on reward.

These internal and external factors will all influence the approach to re-
ward, what programmes you provide and how they fit together. Whilst the
spend may be similar from place to place the shape of the total reward
provided may well differ according to the external factor present at the
time. Your reward strategy will need to be able to take these sort of internal
and external changes into account.
44 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

Trade-offs between different parts of

Total cost
All of the elements of reward cost the organization money to provide and,
as suggested in Chapter 1, it can be valuable to capture all of this to engage
with the decision makers in the organization. But it is also important to be
able to show the total value of reward to employees. I discuss this in more
detail in Chapter 6.
In Chapter 1 I gave the four elements of reward: basic pay, variable pay
(bonuses), benefits, share plans. Reward can carry messages and may have
a role to some degree in helping recruit, retain and engage people in the
organization. I have said that it is important to both deal effectively with
each part of reward as well as keep a perspective on the whole spend on

To maximize the value and impact of reward you need to think about the
opportunities for trade-offs between different elements. By this I mean that
from the total reward spend you may wish to reallocate costs to different
elements of reward but for a similar overall cost. This strategic approach
means that you need to understand what each part is currently for, how
much it costs and how well it is understood. You need to keep abreast of
the external and internal factors that may impact your reward strategy.
You also need to keep up to date on products, offerings and research that
might provide opportunities for change.
A flexible benefits plan, covered in Chapter 13, is designed to allow
employees to choose, within limits, the benefits that will suit them best.
They trade off one benefit against another and cash to optimize value for
themselves, whilst remaining cost neutral for the employer. So flexible ben-
efits can provide a platform within which new benefits can be provided but
with the cost controlled.
In addition to a flexible benefits scheme, you should consider what
other trade-off there might be that can add value as priorities change or
opportunities present themselves. For any change you would need to check
the contractual position and take great care about how you made the
change, communications etc. Here are a few examples:
How Reward Fits Together 45

Consolidating into salary allowances or small annual payments

such as a Christmas bonus that are outdated and no longer serve
a purpose or are being provided to only a small number of people
may be consolidated into salary, normally best at the time of the
annual pay review.
Benefits as part of a pay review whilst the pay review is normally
just about increases to salary, consider new tax-effective benefits that
might be introduced in lieu of some of a pay increase. For example,
this may be helpful when moving from a hierarchical benefits system
when you wish to equalize benefits across an organization.
Benefit changes as new benefit products come into the market or
changes are made to more effectively managing benefit costs you
may want to introduce a new benefit and reduce or discontinue
an existing benefit.
Bonus and recognition you may consider allocating a small part
of the bonus spend on a recognition programme.
Shares and salary you may consider adding an all-employee share
plan in one year in place of the pay review.
Salary and bonus you can introduce a variable pay plan or cash
profit share in place of a salary review.

The main point I want to make is that the shape of total reward should not
be considered to be fixed but may be changed over time as the internal and
external environment changes. You need to think about how you can lever-
age best value out of the total spend by potentially changing the reward mix.

The role of the reward professional

Before we look at the practical application for each of the main areas of
reward, I want to cover how I see the role of the reward professional in de-
livering reward strategy.
Being good with spreadsheets just doesnt cut it anymore. I know that
being an effective reward professional has always been more than that. But
in the past, the reward people were the nerds of the HR world: they were
comfortable with compa ratios and pivot tables, regression analysis and
quartiles, but you wouldnt want a beer with them. So whats changed?
I believe that reward people now need to work in a different way and
need new skills and behaviours. I suggest that there are now six aspects of
46 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

reward management that are needed to deliver effective reward strategy.

Some reflect points that I have already made in this chapter:

1 Take a long-term perspective but with short-term actions this is

a balancing act. Firstly, you need to know where you are going
the organizational strategy etc. Without that, you have problems.
And if it doesnt exist then you need to set the agenda and map out
the future. But we operate in the real world so you need to be flexible.
Typically, you can only move in steps that are achievable. Of course
at the same time internal and external events happen that will impact
on what you are doing. The check is that you need to look at these
things in the context of the direction of travel.
2 Recognize holistic HR whilst we need more specialists in HR, we
also need to join up the dots. Reward professionals need to look
outside their specialism to understand the links with other parts of
HR. There is always a danger that you see a problem only within the
terms of your specialism. But there is rarely a single solution, even if
you can define the problem. Therefore, you must work with other
specialists such as Learning and Development and Resourcing to
maximize value.
3 Use a consulting approach to get a sensible solution you need to
understand the context: the issues, attitudes, aims etc. So ask lots of
questions. The best are simple questions. What is this for? Why do
they do that? What is the real aim of this? Too quickly we slip into
the solutions without understanding the context and trying to define
the problem. A consulting approach does just that. A good example
is designing a bonus plan. You never start at the design; you start by
understanding the context and exactly what success looks like. The
design may be fairly straightforward once these are clear.
4 More emphasis on change management and less on reward design
whilst getting the design right is important, we do need to
understand that a lot of what we do is as much art as science. There
may be a number of reward solutions that can be effective; it will
partly depend on the context of the organization within which the
programme is meant to operate. But what is crucial, always, is the
way in which it is communicated and implemented. We must take
that into account in the design. So I am arguing that we need to shift
the balance to more understanding of change management and
How Reward Fits Together 47

communications than simply technical reward. A vital element is

knowing how best to manage stakeholders. You need to understand
what is important to your key decision makers in particular, and
present the benefits to the organization not the features of the design.
You need to know how to sell best fit business-focused solutions
based on evidence to your leadership or you will fail.
5 Meld the academic with the practical we often need to challenge
assumptions about the role of reward. So make sure you can use
relevant academic research to support your argument. For example,
Vrooms expectancy theory (see Appendix) is very helpful in
discussing bonuses. You must be selective in what you draw on for
your audience; this isnt about making you look smart, but helping
the organization get the best solution. So read up on relevant
motivation theories and dont be afraid to use them. My experience
is that, used sparingly, many managers can find them engaging and
6 Manage external relationships the world gets even more complex as
it gets smaller. So even as specialists we are likely to need some external
help and advice from time to time. Therefore, you need to understand
how to manage external advisers to ensure your organization gets
good value. Ensure you understand the fee structure, be very clear
on the scope of the project. Divide it into discrete phases with clear
deliverables. But also remember that you should stick to what you
said youd do. It only costs you money if you dont.

Whilst I recommend that organizations should have a reward strategy,
there will be a stream of internal and external factors that will influence
what you can do and also provide new opportunities. The sense of direction
that you have should not change materially by these influences.
You should monitor the external and internal environment to ensure
you understand the opportunities that are available. You should also look
for trade-offs between different parts of reward to help maximize their
The reward professional needs a new set of skills and behaviours to be
able to operate effectively and make impact.
48 The Fundamentals of Reward Management


What are the main external factors that impact reward in your
What are the main internal factors that impact reward in your
Can you get better value and impact by trading off one part of reward
with another?
How do you measure up to the six elements of reward management
I suggest are now important? Do you need to do anything to improve
in any?

How to get 05
started with a
reward strategy
S o far in this part of the book I have discussed a number of aspects of
what I see as the fundamentals of reward strategy. I now turn to how
you get started. The issues covered apply to reward as a whole. You may
wish to come back to this chapter after having gone through Part II, which
looks at each of the elements of reward in some detail.

An approach to developing a reward

Key requirements
CIPD (2005) research suggests that there are five key requirements in devel-
oping an effective and tailored reward strategy:

1 Clear reward goals and priorities derived from the business strategy
and its requirements.
2 A strong organizational fit of reward policies and practices with the
structure and design of the organization.
3 Alignment of the reward practices with each other in a total-reward
approach and with the other HR programmes in the organization.
4 Aligning with and involving employees in the development and
delivery of the reward strategy.
5 Treating the reward strategy development as a process of continuous
improvement and interaction between principles and practices.

This is a helpful model that we should take into account as we consider

reward strategy in the organization. A prerequisite is a clear understanding
of the relevant organizational issues, business aims and culture, other HR
50 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

programmes etc. You cannot start to develop a reward strategy or frame-

work without this in-depth knowledge. So here is one place to start. You
need the answers to these questions:

What are the main aims of the organization over the next few years?
What are the main priorities?
What are the big business challenges that may restrict the
organizations ability to meet its aims?
What is the current culture and the desired culture of the organization?
What are the values of the organization and how well are they lived?
How does decision making work here?
How does the people proposition need to change to help meet the
organizations aspirations?
What is the HR strategy and what is the role of reward?

Clarity of reward issues

I have often found that reward programmes exist because of historical
rather than strategic reasons. Whilst the business strategy and aims may
have changed, some reward programmes have just been left. These are the
sort of comment you find: I dont know when this was introduced; it was
here when I joined nine years ago, or It was introduced by the founders and
we have never reviewed it.
There may still be a fit, but it is vital to question what is there, particu-
larly if it has been unchanged for some years. Based on an understanding
of the business strategy, aims, culture etc, to help develop a reward strategy
it is valuable to challenge the organization by asking some very simple ques-
tions such as:

What are each of the different elements of reward for?

What messages do our reward programmes carry?
Are the messages they carry in conflict with our aims or values?
Are the messages they carry in conflict with those carried by other
HR programmes?
How cost effective are our reward programmes?
What is the perceived value of reward programmes in the eyes of
How to Get Started with a Reward Strategy 51

What should be the same, and what can be different? (particularly

useful for international organizations)

You need to make sure that you get the full answer, not what may have
grown up as company folklore. So probe to get the real answers. This might
require some survey or analysis of existing data. If you can drive down to
a clear answer to each of these questions, you will have a solid foundation
on which to build your reward strategy.

Developing a reward framework

When you are clear on what the organization wants to achieve, its values,
and what people think about what reward is doing, you can move on to
develop a simple Reward Philosophy or Framework. What I mean by this is
a simple statement giving some of the organizations beliefs and principles
on reward, such as:

reward compared with other things about working in the

what internal equity means;
market position;
the organizations ability to pay/profitability;
the relationship between base pay and variable pay;
position on benefits;
recognition and reward.

This can be covered in less than a full page, although some organizations
may use two or three pages. Going through the process of drafting a reward
philosophy will act as a catalyst in raising questions that need to be agreed
and will typically start to get stakeholders to think more strategically about
I suggest doing an initial draft and then discuss it with the key stakeholders
senior management, board etc. You can adjust the paper in light of the
discussion. You may also wish to take the draft out to consult with other
employees in the organization. In my experience, this is likely to give a better
result and it also starts to engage the people who will be impacted by any
One way to engage your stakeholders is to use a reward gap analysis tool
such as that shown as Figure 5.1, adapted from Brown (2001).

F i g u r e 5.1 Reward gap analysis tool

X = current O = desired

Our pay approach strongly reinforces the actions

Our pay approach essentially operates in isolation
results and competencies that support our
strategy for business success
O X from business requirements
Our pay approach emphasizes internal equity and
consistency O X Our pay approach emphasizes external market
We pay high against the market OX We pay low against the market
We pay very much for the job and its defined
requirement X O We pay for the person and their contribution

We pay for results/outputs, the whats X O We pay for how results are achieved,
the behaviours and competencies
Our pay arrangements are highly structured and Our pay arrangements are flexible and
controlled XO loosely managed
Our pay arrangements are determined largely
Our pay issues are determined largely by HR XO by line management
We maintain high levels of openness and Our pay information is largely secret and not
understanding of our pay system O X understood
Our pay and reward system is hierarchical,
Our pay and reward system is strongly merit-based O X legacy and status-based
We put emphasis on cash reward X O We put emphasis on non-cash rewards
We maintain a harmonized, consistent pay
structure for all staff O X Our pay structure varies for different types/
groups of staff
We reward performance through an organization- We reward performance through individual
wide bonus and/or incentive plan O and team bonus/incentive plans
Our benefits can flexibly meet HR/business and
Our benefits are mainly legacy based and fixed X O employee requirements
We use cash to recognize people who display We use different ways to recognize people who
the right behaviours and do a good job O display the right behaviours and do a good job
How to Get Started with a Reward Strategy 53

Start with the blank schedule and meet with your stakeholders to agree
where you are currently and what is your desired position. Figure 5.1 shows
an example where the current and desired have been completed. This can
help you both develop the reward framework and also start to set an agenda
for change.
You should review all of the comments made during the consultation and
then get final sign-off as appropriate. An agreed version will provide a frame-
work in which a reward strategy can be developed to support the cultural, values,
guiding principles and aims of the organization. Once finalized, I recommend
that it is communicated throughout the organization using your normal
channels. This then sets the reward framework within which you can make
changes. You can refer back to it in communications as you make changes.

Example reward strategy statements

What sort of reward statement or philosophy you decide to use will depend
on the way you do things in your organization. I have given below three
examples of the sort of documents that might form the basis of a model
for you. They are all based on real statements developed within companies.
I also give one real example that has been published online.
It is less the detail of the examples that I think is helpful, but the general
structure and the sorts of things included. I would strongly advise against
choosing any one of these as just right for you, but use them to give you
some ideas of the sort of statement that would help. Using the style that
would work in your organization, draw on these examples and what I have
covered in the first part of this book to establish a reward statement or set
of reward principles that will work for you that will give you the framework
for your reward strategy.

Example 1: XYZ Limited

Reward and Recognition Strategy

Employee Reward is our single largest cost. It is therefore

critical that we maximize the value of Reward to the company.
Reward has an important part to play in carrying strong messages,
such as how someones contribution and performance is seen or providing
focus, but we recognize that reward is only one part of the range of drivers
of people motivation.
54 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

We need to be maximizing the effectiveness of reward whilst seeking to

monitor efficiency savings.
Although reward can be made up of different parts basic pay, variable
pay, benefits and stock we will manage this as total reward, emphasizing
the same source of funding for all elements and the total value to people in
the business.
Reward programmes should clearly support the goals and values of the
We compete for people in different markets and so recognize the
competitive pressures in these markets. Specifically, we will monitor total
reward data for the different markets in which we compete and look to
position total reward competitively.
To support cross-divisional working and movement, we will have
common reward programmes unless there is a strong market need to

Example 2: ABC Group

Reward Policy statement

We recognize that our staff are a key resource and are the
major factor that will differentiate ABC Group from the competition.
The reward policy will support and reinforce the strategic aims and
objectives of the group. This will help to meet the needs of stakeholders
customers, staff and shareholders to provide them with a return on
their investment and a share in the success of the business.
The reward policy sets out the groups aims and objectives for the
reward of our staff. The purpose of the policy is to ensure that the group
attracts and retains sufficient appropriately skilled staff to fulfil strategic
business objectives and to ensure that staff are fairly rewarded.
To achieve this the group will aim to ensure that:
remuneration is externally competitive and internally equitable;
base salaries are competitive when compared to an appropriate market
How to Get Started with a Reward Strategy 55

opportunities are given to staff to enhance total remuneration through

performance-related bonuses, where appropriate;
staff have as much choice in benefits as possible;
the total remuneration package is communicated clearly to staff;
pay, grading, bonuses and benefits will be applied consistently across
the group unless there is a demonstrable reason for differentiation.

This policy lays out a framework for the construction and development of
pay and benefits policies within the group; although detailed practice will
vary, these will adhere to the overall group policy.
Group human resources is responsible for the development of pay and
benefits policies and strategies. The responsibility for the implementation
and management of these rests with line management and/or personnel

Example 3: XCo

Reward and Recognition

1.1 Reward Philosophy

Reward will support the goals and values of the business primarily
the guiding principles. Working with the other elements of HR, it will help
to attract and retain the best skills in the market.

1.2 Reward Policy

1.2.1 Overview
Although there are different elements within this reward strategy, they are
not discrete, but there are important relationships between them. We will
emphasize the total value proposition of working in XCo, of which current
financial reward is part, rather than focusing on any one element. Total
reward will be positioned above the market median. Unless there is a
specific market reason for difference, a consistent approach will be taken.
Reward programmes will be simple, flexible and transparent. Where
appropriate they will be linked to performance.
56 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

XCos reward strategy will provide for non-bureaucratic and simple

systems that will minimize administration; it will be flexible and adaptable.
The company recognizes that both itself and employees are obliged to
pay taxes within the jurisdictions within which it operates. Although the
company may help to minimize employee tax through effective structures,
this will only be within the overall reward strategy.

1.2.2 Basic Pay

Market position
Basic pay will be set at around the median of the markets in which
we compete. The markets may be function/discipline, geographic or
a combination. This policy recognizes that the demand for particular skills
is constantly moving and the market median for some specialized markets
may readjust more frequently than others.
Basic pay will normally be reviewed once per year. In cases of particularly
high market inflation or demand for skills, a more frequent review may be
warranted. XCo does not reward for skills per se, but the way in which
skills are applied to add value to the business.
Recognizing the need to be competitive in the market, the overall pay
budget will reflect the companys ability to pay. At an individual level a pay
review will reflect both performance and potential.
Pay Structure
Underpinning basic pay will be a simple flexible structure; it will be
non-bureaucratic and will support flexible management.

1.3 Variable Pay

Variable pay is cash award based on predetermined and defined

outcomes. It is performance driven. Performance may be based on the
individual, team, or group and is always in support of the business
strategy. Variable pay will typically be based on performance over the
financial year. Bonuses may be paid at the end of a project. They may be
designed to run for a period of more than one financial year.
Variable pay when added to basic pay will provide an opportunity to
move to around the 75th percentile for total reward. This reflects XCos
emphasis on performance.
The proportion of variable pay to basic pay will increase with the
potential impact that an individual may have in the business.
How to Get Started with a Reward Strategy 57

1.4 Benefits

XCo provides benefits for different reasons:

market need to offer certain benefits to attract or retain people;
moral or social reasons as a responsible employer;
financial reasons either because of some tax advantage or through
the bulk purchasing power of the company.

Benefits are not designed to emphasize differentials between groups of

people within the business. They should be as consistent as possible.
Within the range of benefits offered, XCo will aim to provide as much
choice as is practicable (including cash alternative), in line with employee

1.5 Recognition and Value

We will strive to recognize and value the excellent work of our people
using both financial and non-financial means. We will celebrate the
success of teams and individuals in the business.

Tesco plc is a UK FTSE 30 company and one of the worlds largest retailers
with over 530,000 staff. It has a simple set of reward objectives and reward
principles (shown below) that it applies to reward around the world.

Reward objectives
Attract Enable Tesco to recruit the right people.
Motivate Incentivize colleagues to deliver our business goals together.
Recognize Acknowledge individual contribution and performance.
Align Create shareholder value by focusing colleagues on making
what matters better.
Retain Foster loyalty and pride in Tesco so that colleagues want to
stay with us and strive to do their best.
58 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

Reward principles

policies are transparent, and applied consistently and equitably;
reward decisions are trusted and properly governed;
reward is legal and compliant.

we assess competitiveness on a total reward basis including financial
and non-financial rewards;
reward reflects an individuals role, experience, performance and
reward is set with reference to external market practice and internal

reward is aligned to the business strategy, reflects our performance,
and is affordable;
our reward framework is flexible to meet the changing needs of the
we reward in a responsible way.

reward is simple, clear, and easy to understand;
we avoid unnecessary complexity;
reward is delivered accurately.

(, updated 9 May 2013)

Making changes over time

Change model
This book is not about change management; there are many books on that
subject. But I just wanted to give you a couple of insights. First, a very simple
model of one aspect of change (Figure 5.2) that I use all the time as a reward
How to Get Started with a Reward Strategy 59

F i g u r e 5.2 Project model: developing options

Open up options clarification close down options

consultant. I have found it invaluable to help think where we are in a reward

change project.
The model illustrates the typical way in which a project works. There is
an initial issue that is identified. You need to be clear exactly what the prob-
lem is and what you are trying to change. You need to open up a whole lot
of ideas and thinking to consider a range of options before you can gradu-
ally close in on the final design. The model is particularly helpful to demon-
strate that you should go into the potential change with an open mind and
think widely round the subject rather than rush at a predetermined solution.
The second thing I wanted to share is an approach that Hoffmann et al
(2012) developed for how to solve business problems, but which complements
Figure 5.2. Whilst this was developed to solve wider business problems,
I believe that this is a very helpful model that can be applied to changing reward.

1 Understanding the central problem. Too often, executives mistake the

symptoms for the disease and act before they fully take stock of the problem.
2 Applying a conceptual model. A conceptual model lists the potential
causes and solutions of the problem. When combined with business
and operational constraints, it can be used to form a hypothesis about
the cost and benefits of solutions.
3 Using the conceptual model to focus data collection and limit the
temptation to boil the ocean. The conceptual model informs what data
is critical and what is merely nice to have.
60 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

4 Analysing the data to illuminate the causes and potential answers to

the challenges the organization is facing, with a focus on defining
solutions that stakeholders can reliably execute.

5 Presenting the findings to stakeholders to confirm the feasibility of

the solution and develop a road map to successful action.

6 Enabling the solution so the organization can take effective action.

This step almost always requires changes in processes, organization
and people. Defining these changes and providing a road map to
implement them are crucial to successfully realizing the full benefit of
the analysis.

Strategic pragmatism
Nowadays, change is the constant. It comes from the internal and external
factors discussed in Chapter 4. As opportunities present themselves from
changes, for example, in legislation or taxation, or new products on the
market or any of the changes within the organization, you need to consider
the impact on reward.
You need to test out ideas against the organizations aims and values
and reward philosophy. My view is that you also need to be pragmatic.
Whilst you may have a great idea for changes to reward that you believe will
help the organization meet its aims, its time may not have come. You can
only operate within the reality of the organization. As Peter Drucker famously
said, culture eats strategy for breakfast. You can only make the sort of
changes that the culture will allow.
In the discussion on reward strategy in Chapter 1 I emphasized the need
for a sense of direction. You need to know what you are heading for. But
you also need to think carefully about the pace of change. It may just not be
possible to achieve all you want in the period you would like to. But the
clarity of direction can ensure that you are always moving the right way
even if at a slightly slower pace.
I call this approach strategic pragmatism. Having a clear sense of
what is important to the organization and a sense of direction. You can
frame changes against both of these, but it is pragmatism within this
strategic framework that keeps moving reward on to help support the
How to Get Started with a Reward Strategy 61

Unintended consequences
The world is a complex place and so too are organizations. Whilst an idea
might seem excellent on paper, when it gets implemented there can be un
intended consequences as other factors will come into play. It is most
common in any contingent pay system where salary, bonus or share allo-
cation is contingent on a certain outcome. This can be difficult to spot in
Sometimes you might think that the best thing that you can ask of your
reward strategy is to do no harm. Being neutral can be much better than the
potential unintended consequences. Let me give you a few examples of the
sorts of things to look out for.

When you set a target or targets against which a payment may be made
then, as I have already mentioned, if the individual values the payment
for achieving the target they are likely to try to achieve it. This may mean
reducing emphasis on other activities that are not targeted or finding ways
to achieve the target that may cost the organization in other ways. For
example, at an executive level, a target profit may be achieved by cutting
costs as well as increasing revenue. But simply cutting costs may damage the
business. You cannot keep cutting for success. At an administrator level,
you can answer calls or letters quickly to meet a target but without giving
customers the information they want.

Short term vs long term

A payment that is contingent on a short-term outcome may encourage
short-term thinking and decisions that are not in the longer-term interests
of the organization. So a payment of some kind may be made for achieving
a particular financial result, but that may lead to not spending money this
year on an investment that would give a longer-term result, because of the
impact on the payment expected.

Many performance-related pay systems link pay increases directly to a rating
that is assessed based on performance of the individual, typically against
meeting objectives. An organization may wish to emphasize the importance,
62 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

as it sees it, of high pay for high performance and so weights pay increases
heavily to those with the highest ratings. A potential consequence of such
a system is that it may influence the behaviour of the assessor who may
rate people based to some extent on their understanding of the weighting
rather than on performance ie they work backwards.

Agreeing a written reward strategy with the leaders of your organization
can be an excellent way to get them to think about what reward can and
should be doing in the organization and its implications. Once agreed it
should have a reasonable shelf life and you can refer back to it as you pre
sent proposed changes to reward over time.
As you design new reward programmes, in particular variable pay systems,
try to look out for unintended consequences.


What is there in the example reward philosophy statements that could

fit with your organization?
Can you do a first draft based on what you have read so far?
How would it be best to consult with key stakeholders?
How would you position it within your other policy statements?
What process would you go through to get it out into the organization?

Communications 06

E ffective communications is a critical element in bringing any reward

strategy to life. In the world of reward management I see too many
people fixated by the minutia of the design of a reward programme whilst
they spend no time on communications. The only way you can get real
value for the money the organization spends on reward is through effective

Communications and reward

You must understand why you have the different elements of reward, how
they fit together, what they are meant to be doing and how they relate to
other HR programmes before you can communicate them.
If you want to give reward a chance of having an impact, people need to
understand it. The most elegant reward structures will be valueless unless the
stakeholders engage with them, value them and understand how they work.
Without that you are wasting your time. I emphasized earlier that reward
carries messages. Sometimes it is obvious, other times it may need some
interpretation. But if reward carries messages, communications is funda-
mental. I give a simple model to illustrate the point shown as Figure 6.1

F i g u r e 6.1 Technical and communications balance

Release the value help employee engagement, communications

Technical changes, tax issues, programme design not visible to employees

A lot of reward is about the technical issues taxation, pay structures,

compa ratios, spreadsheets. Much of this is undertaken at the desk with
little visibility. It is important to design reward strategy and structures that
will be the best fit for the organization. These are the core elements of reward
64 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

that I show in Figure 6.1 as below the line. Consider them as below the
surface that most people will not see.
However, to release the value of all of that work done below the line are
the above the line activities. This is all about communicating and engaging
with employees who will be affected by the changes being made.

An individuals pay is normally kept confidential, although in the public
sector and the most senior jobs in a quoted company it may be published.
However, whilst this is a reasonable starting point, you cannot rely on
employees keeping the information confidential. Gone are the days that
an organization can control its external or employee brand. The internet put
paid to that.
The Millennial generation, those born between 1980 and 1995, will make
up 50 per cent of the workforce by 2020. PwC (2013) found that 43 per
cent of millennials say they have discussed their pay with co-workers versus
24 per cent of non-millennials.
Data is much more accessible and is openly shared. What you pay and
what it is like to work for your organization is no longer solely in your hands
to communicate.

Communicating total reward

The CIPD Reward Risk survey (2012) found that the top risk identified
by reward professionals in 2011 and 2012 was that Employees dont
appreciate the value of total reward offering. The report concludes that
effective communication of the value of the total reward package remains
a stand-out risk for organizations of all shapes and sizes. It seems that
reward managers are more than ever focused on getting the most out of
the existing reward offering.
Before you spend more money on more reward, you should first ensure
that employees know what they already have and how it works. Benefits,
pensions and share plans can cost a huge amount of money but it is rare
that people understand them or appreciate their value. Therefore, you have
to work very, very hard to get them to do so.
Communications 65

I ran an online survey in a financial services business as part of the

research on flexible benefits. Over 50 per cent of people responded. 23 per
cent of respondents did not know they had life assurance cover provided
and 31 per cent of people did not know the company provided permanent
health insurance. The cost of providing these benefits for the people who
did not know they had them was close to 1,000,000! This information was
material in supporting flex to improve understanding.
I once met with an executive of a business to help him go through his
share plans. He thought that one set was share options and so, at the time,
worth fairly little as the market price was low. In fact they were restricted
stock, worth at the time more than 300,000.

Recognizing that most people do not understand the total value of their
package has led to the growth or reward statements now used by many large
organizations such as BP and Centrica.

Reward statements
Reward statements are not new; I received one from my first employer in
1978. Reward statements communicate the total value of all elements of
reward (salary, bonus, benefits including pension and shares) to each em-
ployee. They will be in a common format but will show the details for each
employee. They may be paper based or online. One of the advantages of
paper-based statements is that they can easily be shared with family or
a lender. But they would only be produced annually.
More commonly now reward statements are online. These are cheaper
to produce, can be more dynamic and can be updated more easily for changes
to the package. Figures 6.2 and 6.3 (courtesy of Strait Logics Limited) show
pages from the sort of sophisticated online reward statements that are
In my experience, reward statements are very popular with employees as
they help them see clearly the different parts of their reward package and
what they are worth.
Reward statements help the employer get value from its spend on
reward as they improve employees understanding of the value of the total
package. This helps to ensure that employees do not simply think about
basic pay, particularly where increases may be small. It is also important
66 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

F i g u r e 6.2 Example online reward statement

that employees value their total package, not just headline pay, if they are
considering looking for a job outside the organization.
A point to consider in communicating total reward is the difference be-
tween the cost to the employer and the value to the employee. The normal
approach is to show the total in terms of the cost to the employer. For cash
elements such as salary, car allowance and bonus this is pretty well the same
for both the employer and the employee at a gross level. Obviously tax
and national insurance will impact the net, but this is rarely shown. But for
benefits in particular there can be a significant difference.
The best examples would be insured benefits where the cost to the em-
ployer (and sometimes the tax cost to the employee) can be significantly
lower than the cost to the employee if they were to buy a similar level of
cover in the market. This is because the premiums will almost always be
Communications 67

F i g u r e 6.3 Example online reward statement

lower for group cover than they would be for an individual. I will take pri-
vate medical insurance (PMI) as the most extreme example.

Firstly, group PMI will normally provide cover for all medical conditions
regardless of whether they were present when the employee joined
the scheme. This is not the case if you were to buy PMI as an individual
where existing medical conditions would normally be excluded.
Secondly, the cost to the employee would be the benefit-in-kind cost
of the benefit ie the tax payable on the benefit of the premium paid
by the employer.
Finally, premiums for group cover are normally considerably lower
than for an individual.

If you put these three together the cost to the employee, for better cover,
may be 20 per cent or 40 per cent of a much lower premium than they
68 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

would have to pay. Therefore, taken together, the net cost to the employee
can be less than 10 per cent of the cost had they bought cover themselves.
So in the case of PMI you have three potential prices you can put on
the benefit: the premium paid, the tax cost of the premium to the employee
or the equivalent cost of buying cover for yourself. Typically, it is the pre-
mium paid that is shown. But I believe that it is also important to draw
peoples attention to the implicit value, which is much greater.

Flexible benefits (flex)

Unlike reward statements, flexible benefits (covered in Chapter 13) may
not cover total reward. Flex is a great way to get people to understand, or
at least to appreciate the benefits they have, but only some benefits may be
flexed within the plan. So whilst flex has the advantage over reward state-
ments of requiring employees to be active in making choices, in itself it may
only provide part of the picture.
Modern online systems can in effect combine total reward statements
and flex through a reward portal. The reward statement element shows their
details and allows them to drill down to the detail of the different plans.
Then, once a year, through the same portal they can make changes to those
things they may flex. For larger organizations this can be an excellent way
to help maximize value putting everything in one place so all elements of
reward are covered.

Building communications into reward

Whilst communicating reward may be seen as following the design there
is an earlier element that needs to be thought through. That is, the level of
involvement of employees during the design and development stages.
Other than for particularly sensitive changes, such as closing a defined
benefit pension, my experience is that reward changes benefit from involv-
ing employees early on. This has a number of advantages:

It is likely to give you a better final result ie the new arrangement or

plan is more likely to be effective as employee groups often come up
with some issues and ideas you had not considered.
It may reinforce the desired culture of, for example, transparency,
openness and involvement if these are important.
Communications 69

It starts to build engagement with the change so that employees are

involved in the design or change rather than it just being done to them.
It starts the change and communications process; assuming you
cannot involve every individual, then those people who are involved
can start talking about the process with their colleagues.

You need to manage expectations so that employees are realistic about the
likely outcomes. You can distinguish between reward levels and reward
design. For example, I have worked with many employee groups in client
organizations where we have explained at the start that the total spend is
planned to remain unchanged but we want to review the design of reward
to make it more appropriate.

Pay review process

In Chapter 9 I cover pay reviews and using market data. I have found that
a surprisingly few organizations who use some rigour to determine market
salary levels etc explain the process to their employees. Unless this is done
it is no surprise that employees may think that decisions on budgets and
market pay appear fairly random. Most people will not realize the research
that goes into trying to be fair in relation to the external market.
If you have communicated a reward strategy or framework of principles,
I hope you will have covered some reference to your position to the ex
ternal pay market. This, then, is a helpful starting point to be able to explain
a little more on how this is done. It does not need to be long and complex.
Here is an example of the sort of explanation I am talking about.

We strive to be fair in establishing pay levels across the business in

comparison with the pay market in which we compete. To do this we
participate in a number of salary surveys run by leading consultancies.
We provide data on pay levels for particular jobs (we do not disclose any
information about individuals) as do other organizations. The consultancy
analyses the input and provides aggregated pay data for the different
roles. We then compare our position against that of similar organizations
and, within our pay policy, use this to help us determine competitive pay
levels and pay increases.
70 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

I have been involved in a few organizations where there were complaints

about pay levels. However, once the process was explained and people realized
that there was some rigour and it was not just based on a finger in the air,
the concerns diminished almost completely. So whatever your approach to
pay levels I suggest you consider communicating something about how you
do it.

Individual pay reviews

Much of this chapter is about the broad communication of reward to most
or all employees, often due to a change in some part of the reward package.
I just want to turn to communicating reward to individuals and what I see
as frequently missed opportunities.
Almost all organizations will have an annual pay review. Some will use
bonuses. The detail and the process will differ greatly. In some organiza
tions there will be a standard pay increase for everyone or maybe a profit
share. In these cases a standard communication for all employees is likely
to be used. But particularly where there are differences in pay awards or
bonuses between people, I think that there is an opportunity for a meaningful
It may be that a standard letter is produced by the HR department and
sent directly to each employee. I think this should be avoided. Much better
is for the line manager to have a conversation with the employee and hand
over a letter. This is an opportunity for the line manager to help the indi-
vidual interpret the message in the pay review (or bonus) and reinforce
whatever they want to say about the last period and the next. Line managers
may need some guidance on the way to manage the conversation, particu-
larly where there may be a zero review.
The motivational value, if any, of a pay review does not last very long
so we should do what we can to increase it. I believe that the organization
can leverage more value out of the pay review event by encouraging these

Recruitment and selection

You need to ensure that those responsible for recruitment and selection are
well briefed on the reward package so that they can explain enough about
your reward programmes to potential recruits. You should ensure that the
documentation given to those being recruited is effective in explaining the
things people considering a job with your organization will want to know.
Communications 71

As part of their recruitment process, many organizations have developed

an online system where potential recruits can log on and review the reward
on offer in some detail. This can be interactive and allow the individual to do
some simple modelling. This can be particularly helpful to explain flexible

A communications model
How you communicate a change will vary hugely based on its nature. A small
change with little impact that may only affect a small number of people may
be dealt with very simply. But a major change, good or bad, that is more
complex and with greater impact for most people will need very careful
You need to bear in mind that, quite reasonably, everyone will want the
answer to the question, How will this change affect me?
You should consider the relationship between the efficiency and effective-
ness of different communications media. There is often a trade-off to be
made as the most efficient is not likely to be the most effective. In practice,
for a large reward change project a number of different media will be used
as discussed below. But although some media will be more expensive than
others, the marginal cost difference is usually fairly small compared with the
total project and the downside risk of communicating poorly.
Here is a general approach to communicating significant reward changes.
I will look specifically at delivering bad news in the following section.

Plan develop a communications plan including lead time to prepare
materials, briefing of stakeholders, key dates to issue different
communications etc.
Establish key messages what are the core messages about the change
background, what rationale etc? Do not worry about specifically
how you will use them, but agree these core messages with the
appropriate stakeholder. This is your initial communications collateral.
Engaging stakeholders you may already have a model for
communicating change, but an important part is normally to brief
the managers in advance of the broader communication to all
employees. This can help give the managers of the organization the
chance to help the communication and so keep them engaged and
involved with the change.
72 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

Ambassadors you may have got to the point of communicating the

change by involving many people through focus groups etc, in the
initial design and development. These may be people who can be
briefed in advance and can act as ambassadors for the change.
Look and feel you may have a design look for the change
colours and name of reward change so that the themed look and feel
can flow through all of the communications.
Teaser for a positive message you may wish to develop some simple
announcements via desk drops or e-mail to act as teasers to generate
interest. You may use them to build to a specified date for an
Stories the more you can make a concept concrete, the better will
be the impact. Use stories and examples to illustrate what you mean.
Think about some typical employees and see how you can show the
change for people like them.
External support you may use external experts to help develop the
communications plans. You may also be working with some technical
providers, such as independent financial advisers or flexible benefits
providers who can provide some direct support such as running
roadshows to explain some details of the change, or resource a
telephone helpline.

Communications channels
Think carefully about the messages and the most appropriate media for the
audiences. One reason for using different communication channels is that
some people will prefer one to another and so a range may be more effective.
Determine what media you will use and when that will be built into the plan.

Letter to home this is relatively costly but can be personal and is

easy to share with the family. There will be some inconsistency on
timing as some people will be away; post may not be delivered on the
same day for all; some will receive the letter before they go to work,
others only when they get home.
Booklet where there is a lot of information, such as for a new
flexible benefits scheme, you may wish to put together a simple
E-mail efficient and cheap and an accepted standard channel for
most organizations but it is not good for long or complex messages.
Communications 73

E-mails can be missed with a lot of e-mail traffic although this can be
reduced by announcing that an important message is coming.
Technology over 92 per cent of the UK adult population have a
mobile phone of which more than 60 per cent are smart phones.
More than 80 per cent also have broadband at home or through their
mobile. So even though some employees may not have regular access
to a computer at work, they are likely to have access at home.
Texts common (according to Ofcom in the UK, there are more than
200 texts sent per person per month) and cheap but only suitable for
short messages, although there can be a link to more information.
Intranet you can link an e-mail or text to an intranet site with
illustrations, models, question-and-answer section etc. For a change
that is going to take place over some weeks or months, an intranet
site can be updated regularly so you can point people to it for the
latest position.
Internal social media if you have an internal system such as
Yammer you would normally use this as part of the communications
mix to pick up issues and respond to points made and questions
Posters where notice boards are used.
Desk drop this needs to be punchy and is likely to give summary
information with where to go for more information.
E-mail address if you want to manage questions you may wish
to set up a dedicated e-mail address to which people may post
questions. You will, of course, need to ensure that you can handle
the questions that come in.
Telephone helpline again to answer questions. This can be time
consuming and expensive to manage, but can help to deal with
concerns and issues very quickly.
Questions and Answers to complement initial communications
you may develop a Q&A as a simple way to cover what you expect
would be the main questions you will receive. An online Q&A can
be kept up to date with questions that have come in via e-mail and
Briefings you may set up road shows, presentations, drop-in surgeries
depending on the change, to help people get a more detailed
74 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

Communicating bad news

Sometimes you need to communicate bad news. For example, closing a defined
benefit pension scheme to future accrual or paying no bonus because of poor
trading results. Here are some points to consider in how to approach this:

Ensure that your leadership are clear on the changes being made and
are briefed so that the message given is consistent.
You may wish to prepare a reactive press statement should the
change be one that becomes of interest to the media. If the story does
get into the media you have the statement ready.
Where there is particular pressure on costs, there may be a number
of negative changes being made. In such a case I suggest you think
about getting all the bad news out at one time and take the inevitable
negative reaction on the chin; deferring some decisions so that you
have more bad news later on has the effect of death by 1,000 cuts
which can be much worse.
Where possible plan for the change and give as much notice as
possible. For example, if you are going to remove a benefit, say
a fixed-value Christmas bonus, can you announce it a year in
advance? A long lead time can make a negative message more
acceptable as people have time to get used to it and, depending on
the change, can make appropriate adjustments.
Accept bad news as such and do not try to sugar-coat it with a
false positive spin. You need to be honest and tell it how it is. Many
people have to face much worse news in their personal lives and they
get through it.
Establish who will be best placed to give the news. Is it a letter
from the CEO or HR director, or will it be cascaded down the
organization through the management chain? The reward expert
may need to be involved in explaining the detail after the main
Depending on the nature of the change and timing and logistics
you may have to announce the news in writing by e-mail or letter.
For example, this may be from the chief executive. However, face to
face is much more effective to help people really understand and
absorb the change. Face to face is particularly important if the
change is very significant or is complex. So if possible, can everyone
Communications 75

be briefed at the same time? If not, then would it be better to follow

up the letter with roadshows or presentations? Some organizations
have regular town hall meetings. Others use videoconference and
conference calls.

Here are two thoughts that might help frame your approach to delivering
bad news:

Employees may not like the message, but at least do they see that
the company managed it as well as possible.
The way you treat people now will be the way they treat the
organization in a couple of years time.

Effective communications is vital to release value from your reward strategy.
Employees need to know what theyve got and how it works.
To make the most impact it is not good enough to have well-designed
reward programmes, they must be embedded so that everyone who is affected
understands them.
You have to work hard to get communications right. It can take much
more time and effort to get the communications piece right than the reward
design itself.


Do you know if the people in your organization understand what their

total reward is, how much it is worth and how it works?
Would some form of reward statements, or flex, help you get better
value from what you spend on reward?
Are you maximizing the existing opportunities to communicate key
messages from reward, such as pay reviews?
How can you involve people more in changes to reward?
76 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

c a s e s t u dy Royal Horticultural Society

This case study illustrates the way in which effective communications and
involvement can help ensure that significant changes can successfully be made
in reward. Effective communications and involvement were at the heart of this
significant change to the pay and associated structures of the RHS. A range of
media were used and communications were built in from the start. The results
show people have a good understanding of their pay and benefits and satisfaction
with pay has steadily increased.

The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) is the UKs leading gardening charity
dedicated to advancing horticulture and promoting good gardening. Its goal is to
help people share a passion for plants, to encourage excellence in horticulture
and inspire all those with an interest in gardening.
It has four gardens in North Yorkshire, Essex, Devon and Wisley in Surrey. The
RHS is responsible for organizing flower shows around the country including the
famous Chelsea Flower Show. The RHS publishes widely, both online and books
and magazines. Its website ( attracts around 500,000 unique users
a month and its book titles are amongst the bestsellers in gardening bookshops.
The RHS carries out wide-ranging scientific research into plants and its
scientists are the recognized centre of excellence for independent horticultural
science and advice.
The society provide a ladder of qualifications, from the RHS Level 1 Certificate
(accessible to the amateur as well as the first step in vocational training for the
professional horticulturist), through to the prestigious Master of Horticulture
(RHS) qualification. The RHS is an Awarding Organization recognized by the Office
of Qualifications and Examination Regulations (Ofqual), ensuring accessibility to
RHS qualifications through colleges and other partners across the UK. It also offers
practical training schemes through the School of Horticulture, public lectures,
courses and workshops. In addition, the RHS promotes horticulture and gardening
in schools and communities through its Campaign for School Gardening, Britain
in Bloom and Its Your Neighbourhood schemes.

The RHS has a turnover of over 70m (2012) and employs about 750 staff in six
locations around the country. Because of the breadth of its operations there are
about 400 unique roles. In 2009, in the face of the economic downturn, the society
Communications 77

restructured and for the first time made some roles redundant. This caused some
disengagement amongst employees and the society needed to find ways to
re-engage its people. Resources were very limited but pay was one of the issues
that it needed to tackle according to feedback in the employee survey. It had
no reward policy or strategies.
In the winter of 2009/10 the head of HR and the acting director general (the
previous DG left in October 2009) visited all the RHSs six locations and met with
many of its people in focus groups to understand more fully the range of issues
that employees had both in terms of what they had gone through and their wishes
for the future.
As a result of this they established an initial People plan covering talent
management, career development etc. An issue that came up frequently in the
focus groups and elsewhere was pay levels.

Pay and benefits project

It was felt that changes to reward would take two years to achieve. So to address
the reward issues, in March 2010 RHS set up a Pay and Benefits Project Group to
undertake a comprehensive review of pay and benefits and make recommendations
for a clear reward strategy for 2011 onwards. The project group worked with an
outside consultant and included the new director general who joined in summer
2010, senior managers, HR and the employee consultation group.
Initially the group looked at a sample of jobs across the organization and
compared their pay and benefits with certain comparator organizations across
the many markets in which they operated. Focus groups were also held to gather
employees views on the benefits provided.
The research showed that most roles were paid at a market rate, but some
people in the lowest three bands (13) were behind the market. The existing salary
bands were very long (partly to accommodate the wide range of roles) which led
to unrealistic expectations that progress could be made to the top of the band.
This was only one illustration of what was clearly a lack of understanding by
employees of their pay and benefits. There were many different markets in which
RHS competed and it was clear that one size fits all would not work.
They found that the RHS had a good range of benefits but there were con
siderable differences in eligibility. Also many people believed that benefits were
at statutory minimum, which was not the case. Three reward changes were
announced in March 2011:
Some individuals in the lowest grades received a salary adjustment to bring
them back to a reasonable market position.
78 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

A new benefit programme was introduced. For example, death in service

benefit was increased to four times salary for all; holiday entitlement was
increased from 23 days to 25 days for the most junior roles, pension service
requirements were also equalized for this group.

There was a set of reward principles which would frame changes to reward
as follows:

RHS Pay and benefit principles

Fair through clear and transparent systems we will ensure a consistent

approach to pay and benefits which builds trust and engagement.

Flexible with our overall reward package we will aim to retain and
attract high-calibre employees with the required skills and potential.

Encourage excellence and share success we will recognize individual

and team excellence in delivering high standards and working more
effectively together across the society.

Build skills and expertise we will build and develop our skills and talent
to support RHS strategy and values.

Well communicated we will ensure that all employees know how pay
and benefits are structured across the society.

Affordable we will ensure that our pay and benefit decisions

appropriately reflect our charitable status.

A well-designed, comprehensive, four-sided pay and benefits newsletter was

distributed to all staff explaining the background, the pay market comparison, the
benefit changes and a schedule of all the benefits with a simple summary of each.
There was also an explanation of what would be happening next.
Every Monday there is an e-mail round-up distributed to all staff across RHS.
For those without access to e-mail, local communications co-ordinators print out
the round-up and distribute on notice boards etc. This weekly communication is
used by different parts of the RHS, including HR, to communicate current issues
to everyone.
Communications 79

HR announced through the weekly round-up that it would be running open

workshops at each site to help explain the reward changes and answer any
questions. Local managers also encouraged people to attend. HR delivered two
sessions at the smaller sites, as they are a seven-day, visitor service operation,
and a number of sessions over a few days at the larger sites to ensure a high
attendance. Over 90 per cent attended.
Prior to the announcement of the changes, HR briefed the 200 people managers
by e-mail. This is their normal approach, although for some changes it may only
be the 30 senior managers who are briefed in advance.

The second phase of the pay and benefit project was to review the pay structures.
The leadership team was asked for its views about what its members believed
was required to support the RHS going forward. Results were also available from
independent external pay benchmarking. Drawing on this and working with an
external consultant, HR developed the idea of a simple five-level structure from
the existing seven and a series of four job families as below, also showing the
approximate number of staff in each:

Horticulture (123)

Retail (111)

Visitor services (22)

Catering (20)

For these groups there would be a structure with clear pay progression within
a framework based on skills and competence. To achieve the optimum structure
for the four job families each was developed working very closely with the line
This was announced in April 2012. A well-designed 11-page, A4 colour booklet
was distributed explaining the new reward policy and consolidating the changes
announced a year earlier. As with the previous change, open workshops were
held at every site. However, this time they were led by the local operations
management rather than HR. This reinforced the role of the line management
(as they had been very involved in the design, so had ownership) and made it clear
it was an organization change, not an HR change.
Whilst the detail for each of the job families would be of most interest to those
in the particular family, the sessions were open to all and all of the job families
were discussed. The organization wanted to make it clear (in line with its
principles) that this was all transparent; it had nothing to hide.
80 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

The way in which the salary system would work starting salaries, progression,
benchmarking to determine market rates etc was clearly explained. But the RHS
also said that where employees believe that their role has changed sufficiently,
or the market has changed, they may make a business case for a pay review.
They would need to provide evidence of comparable external salary rates if
appropriate. In the first year (to April 2013) about 12 people (1.6 per cent of
employees) had made a business case for their pay to be adjusted. This was
a low take-up of the offer but it also generated goodwill as reflected in the June
2013 employee satisfaction survey showing 78 per cent of staff have a good
understanding of their pay and benefits and satisfaction with pay has steadily

Tax and 07

T his chapter covers the tax and payroll tax situation in the UK, but some
of the underlying principles may apply in other jurisdictions. You should
check the position with the local tax authorities or take appropriate local
professional advice. Tax legislation is amended at least annually, so some
details may have changed since this book was written.
The chapter is only able to skim the surface of tax issues as they relate to
reward. It is designed to alert you to some key issues in how tax interrelates
with reward. I hope that it will give you enough information to enable
you to know when you need professional advice and have a better quality
conversation with an adviser.
Information on UK taxation will apply to the majority of employees, but
watch out for particular rules that apply for directors of companies and
those earning less than 8,500. The limit was set originally to define higher
paid employees. However, as you can see it has eroded somewhat with
inflation, having been frozen in 1979. Had it been increased with average
earnings the limit would now be over 50,000.

General principles
Driving reward strategy
As discussed in Chapter 4, taxation will be one of the influences on reward
strategy. For example, in the 1980s company cars were relatively lightly
taxed and so were a common feature of a management benefit package. But
in the 2000s cars have been taxed progressively more and so this has been
a strong influence on providing a taxable car allowance rather than a car.
A fundamental principle in considering the impact of taxation is that you
should not let the tax opportunities drive your reward strategy. Certainly
82 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

take tax changes into account and you may be able to arrange things to
maximize tax breaks from time to time. But you need to get your reward
strategy agreed to meet your agenda and then find the efficient way of
delivering value, not simply have a reward programme because it is tax
efficient. For example, long-service awards. There are some tax concessions
for awards made, within limits, at 20 years and thereafter. But if long service
awards do not fit your culture you should not use them just because of the
tax break.
Having said that, you need to keep up to date with tax changes that may
impact reward, and in particular advantageous reward programmes that
become available. Monitor what is changing in tax and national insurance,
especially with finance bills as they relate to reward, and consider if you can
take advantage of the opportunities provided.

Employer and employee responsibilities

The employer has certain obligations to report to Her Majestys Revenue
& Customs (HMRC) and collect and remit tax and National Insurance
Contributions (NIC) within set time limits, operate PAYE and issue relevant
tax documents P60s, P45s, P11Ds etc.
For the majority of employees being paid through the PAYE system,
there is little for them to do. They may or may not be required to complete
an annual tax return, depending on their circumstances. Generally, only
higher-paid employees or those with other earnings or more complex bene-
fits such as share options need to complete an annual return. But whilst the
employer may be accountable to collect tax and NIC to remit to HMRC,
the personal tax liability remains with the employee.
Whilst you may be able to arrange some elements of reward to minimize
tax for employees, ultimately personal taxation is the responsibility and
liability of the individual, not the employer. A business can only operate within
the tax rules that apply at any one time and they change pretty frequently
at least once a year.
An organization needs to consider how much it will explain and com-
municate tax issues that are the responsibility of the employee although
arising out of a company reward. It is not appropriate for an employer
to give financial or tax advice. It may wish to give information or point
employees to sources of advice or information, or it may wish just to alert
employees to a tax issue. On the other hand, the provision of financial or
tax advice to employees (by a qualified outside provider) could be one benefit
as part of an overall reward package.
Tax and National Insurance 83

For example, in recent years the tax position of company pensions has
changed a number of times. This includes increases and reductions in the
Lifetime Allowance (LTA) and annual allowance. Based on individual circum-
stances an employee may be best advised to take one of the forms of pro-
tection allowed by the government. However, whilst the employer may
choose to alert employees to the potential issue, it is for the employee to
take responsibility for their own affairs and take appropriate advice and
action, not the employer.

Taxation of various reward programmes

What is taxable
A good starting point is to assume that anything of value provided to an
employee is taxable. Whilst it is, of course, much more complex, this should
encourage you to always ask the question, What are the tax and national
insurance implications of what we are proposing?
Whilst most people will recognize that salary is taxable, as you move
further away from pay, it becomes less clear and employees and employers
can make inappropriate assumptions.

Cash be it salary, bonus, allowance or any other cash payment it is

almost always taxable. Any cash payments should be made through
payroll to ensure that any tax and national insurance liability is
settled. If, unusually, a payment itself is made in hard cash, then it
should still be processed through payroll with an appropriate
Vouchers there are particular HMRC rules on vouchers which,
because of their close equivalence to cash, are almost always taxable
as cash. However, there are specific concessions, such as childcare
vouchers, which are free of tax within certain limits.
Benefits this is complex as some benefits are taxable and other not,
some are subject to NIC and others not. I give a list of some of the
most common benefits and their current tax position later in this
Shares again the tax position on shares is complex and depends on
the particular arrangement. Some plans that are approved by HMRC
carry tax benefits if operated within certain limits, for example free
of tax or subject to Capital Gains Tax (CGT) rather than income tax.
84 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

Tax concessions
There are many tax concessions and tax-efficient opportunities approved
by HMRC that you should consider and see where there may be a way to
use them for delivering extra value or help deliver a strategic aim. They are
all available on the HMRC website, but here are a few examples, with others
mentioned elsewhere in this chapter:

A loan to an employee (not director) up to 10,000 interest-free with

no benefit-in-kind tax charge for the individual. This limit increased
from 5,000 from 6 April 2014. An interesting application could be to
help retention say, provide an interest-free loan to a new graduate
joining which is written off after three years, but repayable if they resign.
Or a similar arrangement where the amount is written off based on
some performance criteria, but otherwise repayable. There would be
no tax liability during the term of the interest-free loan, but writing
off the loan will be liable to tax and NIC as if it was a cash payment.
Annual functions provided by the employer which are open to all
employees (or at least all employees at a particular location) and
where the average cost per head does not exceed 150 (including
VAT) in the tax year does not give rise to a tax charge. This
concession typically covers the Christmas party.
Employer paid, or reimbursed, removal costs to move to a new location
or take up a new job up to a maximum of 8,000 are free of tax.
Employer-provided accommodation where: required to do the job
eg school caretaker; it allows you to perform your job better and it is
customary in that employment eg clergyman or police officer; there
are special security risks so accommodation is provided for your
safety eg members of the armed forces.

A bonus will be taxable once paid to the employee and should always be
paid through payroll. But just a word of caution on bonus design. It is very
important that an employee does not acquire an absolute right to a bonus
payment much earlier than the date it is paid. If they did, there could be
a tax and NIC liability created at the point that the right is acquired well
before the bonus is actually paid. Whilst this unintentional design error is
rare I have come across it. So if in doubt get a professional opinion. Bonuses
are covered in Chapter 10.
Tax and National Insurance 85

Share plans
Share plans (covered in Chapter 12) are taxed in different ways. The tax
position of the main UK plans is summarized here.

Save as you earn (SAYE)

Employees save a fixed monthly amount of between 5 and 250 for a fixed
period, normally three or five years. Based on the amount being saved em-
ployees are granted options to buy shares, with a maximum 20 per cent
discount to market value. After the end of the fixed period the proceeds,
including any bonus, can be used to exercise the option. As an HMRC-
approved plan, there is no tax or NIC liability when the option is exercised.
If they do not wish to exercise the option, the proceeds are repaid in cash,
tax free.

Share Incentive Plans (SIP)

The tax situation for shares within an HMRC-approved SIP varies accord-
ing to the type of shares. Companies can give up to 3,000 worth of free
shares a year to each employee. Employees can purchase up to 1,500 worth
of partnership shares a year. This can be rewarded by the company giving
up to two matching shares for each share an employee buys. Employees can
also invest up to 1,500 out of dividends from the plan shares in dividend
shares. There may be no tax or NIC liability so long as the shares are held
for long enough.

Company Share Ownership Plans (CSOP)

There is no tax charge when options are granted under an HMRC-approved
CSOP. The maximum value of share options at grant is 30,000 in total.
Options may not to be granted at less than market value and may not be
exercisable within three years. Gains are then chargeable to CGT not in-
come tax.

Unapproved share option

A share option granted outside a CSOP will be taxable for income tax and
NIC on any gains. However, an unapproved share option can be much more
flexible as it does not need to conform to the CSOP rules. For executive
share options, the relatively low limit of 30,000 for CSOP means that most
options are unapproved. However, where this is the case it is also common
to have a CSOP that shelters the first 30,000 of options.
86 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

Restricted stock
A restricted stock grant should not be taxable on grant whilst there are
restrictions that mean it may or may not acquire a value. At the point that
the grant vests and the restrictions are lifted, so that shares are transferred
to the employee, income tax and NIC are due.

One driver of your benefit policy, as discussed in Chapter 13, is the tax
status of benefits. If you can deliver higher value to employees at no or little
cost to the organization then you should certainly consider it. But of course
the tax rates and limits will change so that a benefit that was tax efficient
may no longer be so. It is helpful, therefore, to be as flexible as possible.
Whilst the tax position of any particular benefit is normally fairly straight-
forward, overall it is complex simply because of the range of different tax
and NIC treatment and associated limits. I have given below a number of
fairly common benefits with their current tax status.
Benefits not subject to income tax or national insurance:

life assurance;
long-term disability insurance;
discounted or free company restaurant meals as long as they are
provided for all employees;
employee assistance programmes;
pension contributions below the annual allowance;
childcare vouchers below annual limits;
travel season ticket loan (<10,000 after 5 April 2014);
a mobile phone (including smart phone) and rental and calls if paid
by the employer;
annual medical checks;
additional holiday;
car-parking spaces at or near work;
sporting or recreational facilities for employees and their families
eg a company gym.
Tax and National Insurance 87

Benefits subject to tax but not employees national insurance:

private medical insurance;

dental insurance;
critical illness insurance;
personal accident insurance;
travel insurance;
hospital cash plan;
company car;
free fuel (for company car).

Benefits subject to tax and national insurance:

retail vouchers;
car allowance.

Tax on company cars and fuel benefit have changed considerably over the
last few years and currently the taxable amount is based on a percentage of
a sum dependent on a range of factors. In the face of increased taxation,
more employers provide a cash allowance than provide a car or fuel.

Salary sacrifice or salary exchange

Salary sacrifice (or salary exchange as it is becoming more commonly known)
is a way of packaging employees benefits and salaries whereby an employee
reduces their contractual salary; the employer then provides some benefit(s)
in place of the salary given up. The result is that it reduces the amount of
NIC paid by both.
Salary sacrifice can be used for a range of benefits and is a fundamental
part of making a flexible benefits system work (covered in Chapter 13).
Benefits that are currently often part of salary sacrifice are: pension, buying
additional holiday, childcare vouchers, cycles, providing employees with
car-parking space, most insured benefits and even cars, and mobile devices
and phones. I will use pension contributions as an example to explain how
it works.
88 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

An employee has a contractual salary of 40,000 and pays 10 per cent pa

(4,000) into their company pension. The employer also pays 10 per cent of
salary into the individuals pension, so a total of 8,000 pa is being
contributed. The employee pays income tax, plus national insurance of
12 per cent on most of their earnings. The employee receives tax relief on
the contribution (of 4,000) to pension but will also have paid national
insurance on their salary out of which the 4,000 is paid.
The employer pays national insurance at a rate of 13.8 per cent on the
salaries it pays.
The employee then reduces their contractual salary down to 36,000
and no longer contributes to their pension. But the employer now agrees
to pay a total of 8,000 pa into the pension, so the amount being saved into
the pension has not changed.
There is no difference to the employees tax position, but they have
saved 12 per cent NIC (480) on the 4,000 of salary sacrificed. The
employer is now paying a lower salary and so pays 552 less NIC
(4,000 13.8 per cent).
The net result is that the same is being contributed into the pension but
both the employee and the employer make a saving. The employer may
enhance the contribution it makes to the pension, using some or all of this
saving, as can the employee.

For salary sacrifice, employees normally opt to change their contractual

salary for no less than 12 months. If a salary sacrifice arrangement allows
an employee to swap between cash earnings and a non-cash benefit when-
ever they like, then they have not really sacrificed their entitlement to the
cash earnings, as is required. In those circumstances, any expected tax and
NIC advantages under the salary sacrifice arrangement will not apply.
However, if an employees financial or personal circumstances change un
expectedly, eg marriage or divorce, HMRC accepts that it may be necessary
to change the terms of a salary sacrifice arrangement under a lifestyle
You need to ensure that a new contractual salary does not go below the
national minimum wage. There may also be some issues relating to state
benefits for some people if they reduce their salary.
Tax and National Insurance 89

Non-cash awards
General situation
Just because it is not cash you should still assume that a gift or award is
taxable. If you are using a non-cash recognition award or incentive, it is
normal practice for the employer to settle any employee tax and NIC that
arises. It is therefore important to discuss this with your tax department
or tax advisers early on if you are considering such a plan. A potential risk
of local informal arrangements to provide employees with non-cash awards
is that any tax or NIC liability is not correctly accounted for. You will need
to ensure that you set up a system to capture information on non-cash awards
given to ensure any tax obligations are met. This is one benefit of using
an external provider to facilitate such gifts. The third-party organization
will be able to provide management information to capture the required
data to help you remain compliant.
Whatever cost estimates or budget you set will need to take the tax cost
into account. It is better to provide a lower value gift and pay the tax than
a higher value one where the employee finds themself paying tax they did
not expect. The enthusiasm and goodwill generated from a non-cash award
is immediately damaged, even destroyed, if the employee suddenly finds
themself taxed on the benefit. Some organizations have found people refuse
to accept a gift on which they may have to pay tax. In these situations the
message is generally that the tax I am going to have to pay is more valuable
to me than the gift, that I can do without so dont bother! (Rose, 2001).

Trivial awards
A gift may not be taxable if it is considered trivial by HMRC. Although
HMRC uses the term trivial it does not define it. There are no set rules for
determining the type of benefit and monetary limit below which benefits are
deemed to be trivial. HMRC expects employers to apply common sense and
judgement both to the type and the amount of benefits that they consider to
be trivial. However, HMRC does give some guidance. It notes that trivial
benefits are often, but not always, perishable and/or consumable. HMRC
does consider two categories, small gifts and seasonal gifts:

Small gifts such as an arrangement of flowers made in recognition

of a particular event (eg an employees marriage or birth of a child),
and importantly that do not form part of any reward for the
employees services.
90 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

Seasonal gifts such as a turkey, an ordinary bottle of wine or a box

of chocolates at Christmas.

It may be possible, therefore, to consider a gift of a bottle wine or a bunch

of flowers or similar as part of a non-cash scheme to be trivial and so not
taxable. But if you move to a case of wine or a Christmas hamper then it is
almost certainly going to be subject to tax. You should discuss with your local
Inspector of Taxes to agree a sensible way to handle your circumstances for
trivial awards. For example, HSBC (see the case study in Chapter 11) agreed
a limit of 10, below which any award is trivial. Cash benefits, benefits with
a moneys worth and vouchers, however small in amount, should not be
regarded as trivial.
The most common way for organizations to settle any tax due on items
which are not accepted by HMRC as trivial is through a PAYE Settlement
Agreement (PSA).

PAYE Settlement Agreements (PSA)

A PSA is a flexible voluntary arrangement that an employer can use to settle
any PAYE tax and NIC due to HMRC on items that are minor, irregular or
impractical to apply PAYE/NIC to, or apportion the value of a particular
benefit. The tax due on the expenses and benefits covered by the PSA would
normally be payable by employees and the tax the company pays must be
grossed up taking account of the tax rates payable by the employees covered
by the PSA.
For practical purposes it may be that small cash and moneys worth
benefits can be included in a PSA. This can be a convenient way for
employers to deal with the position on small (if not trivial) awards without
involving the individual employee. That said, it is important to tell the
employee this is your intention so that they are clear that they do not
need to worry about the tax themself.

Suggestion schemes
HMRC allows some awards as part of a suggestion scheme to be exempt
from tax and NIC. For an award to qualify for this exemption:

the suggestion scheme must be open to all your employees or to an

entire group of employees, such as everyone based in a particular office;
the suggestion leading to the award must relate to your business;
Tax and National Insurance 91

the employee receiving the award couldnt reasonably be expected

to have made the suggestion in the course of their normal duties of
the suggestion cant have been made at a meeting held for the
purposes of proposing suggestions;
the award must be either an encouragement award or a financial
benefit award.

An encouragement award is one made to an employee for a suggestion that

has merit or that shows special effort on the employees part. Encouragement
awards are exempt from tax and NIC up to a small limit of (currently) 25.
A financial benefit award is one made to an employee for a suggestion
that meets the following three conditions:

it relates to an improvement in efficiency or effectiveness;

you must have decided to adopt the suggestion;
you must reasonably expect the suggestions implementation to lead
to a financial benefit.

Financial benefit awards are exempt from tax and NIC up to the greater
of the following limits, subject to an overall limit of (currently) 5,000

50 per cent of the financial benefit you reasonably expect the

suggestion to lead to in the first year following its adoption; or
10 per cent of the financial benefit you reasonably expect in the first
five years following adoption.

If you make an encouragement award or financial benefit award up to the

limits, then you have no reporting requirements and no tax or NIC to pay.
If you make an award above the limits set any excess counts as earnings
and must be put through PAYE.

Long-service awards
There are currently tax exemptions for long-service awards provided they
fall within certain limits. The awards should be:

in the form of a tangible article or shares in an employing company

(or another company in a group of companies);
for a minimum recognition period of service of 20 years;
92 The Fundamentals of Reward Management

up to a maximum spend of 50 per year of service; and

with a minimum 10-year break between awards.

So long as these four criteria are met the service award is free of tax and
does not need to be reported. If a higher value is used than the 50 per year
of service then any excess over the limit is taxable.

Expenses are not part of reward as they should be incurred as part of the job
and so whilst reimbursed should leave the employee broadly neutral. There
are detailed HMRC rules about expenses. But there are some elements of
expenses that interact with reward policy. For example:

HMRC allows expenses to be claimed below certain car mileage rates

per mile (based on a number of situations) tax free.
Taxi fares to take someone home after working late will be tax free
within certain guidelines.
There are daily allowances that may be paid tax free when working
away from the normal place of work.

So whilst these sorts of payments may be claimed through the expenses

system, operated by the finance function, the policy of what the company
will reimburse is something that HR should be involved with as part of
the terms and conditions and reward.

Whilst taxation will always be a significant influence it should not drive
reward policy. Rather, monitor what is changing in tax and national insur-
ance as it relates to reward and consider if you can take advantage of the
opportunities provided.
This chapter on tax and NIC is a general guide only on the position in the
UK and should not be relied upon as the legislation changes regularly. You
are therefore strongly advised to take professional advice at the time. You
may also find that the HMRC website will give you useful information.
It is certainly a good first step.
Tax and National Insurance 93


Have you reviewed the benefits you provide to ensure that the correct
tax and NIC is being applied?
Are there some HMRC-approved plans or benefits with low or no tax
that could fit your reward strategy and increase value?
Could you use salary sacrifice to give better value for some benefits to
Have you established a position on the relative responsibilities of the
employer and employee for tax, in particular when taxation changes?
Are you sure that no tax advice is being given to employees


Part ii

in practice



Grades and 08
pay structures

I n this first chapter of Part II, I deal with grades and pay structures which
are often thought of as the foundations of reward. Whilst for most organ
izations a pay structure will be tied to a grade structure, they are not
synonymous. Let me clarify the difference.
A grade structure is a way of grouping broadly similar jobs in an organ
ization into a hierarchy that provides some degree of internal relativity.
There may be as few as three grades or more than 20. A grade structure allows
people to see where there may be similar sized jobs in other parts of the
organization, so it can help career development. Where benefits are based on
seniority, different benefits may be tied to the different grades. For example,
car allowance may become payable at a given grade. However, an organ
ization can have a grade structure but have individual salaries and so no
pay structure or salary scales.
A pay structure is a hierarchy of pay or salary levels showing the rates
of pay for employees performing a particular job or function at each level
of the organization. It therefore seeks to help address internal pay relativ
ities and is normally based on a grade structure. A pay structure normally
has some form of range of pay for each level (grade) and typically has a
minimum and maximum pay rate, and a series of mid-range opportunities
for pay increases. There may be a mid-point which is normally defined as
the rate for the fully competent job holder. The salary range also normally
reflects the external market, being determined by market pay rates, estab-
lished through market pay surveys.
I will explain each in turn and how they can come together. Inevitably,
there is some overlap between the two sections of this chapter.

Grade structures
To repeat what I said in the introduction, a grade structure is a way of group
ing similar jobs in an organization into a hierarchy which provides some degree
of internal relativity. There may be as few as three grades or more than 20.
98 Reward in Practice

Why use a grade structure?

I suggest that there are four main reasons to use grades:

To help establish pay scales pay scales are linked by the grades into
ranges, as discussed below.
To help ensure appropriate internal pay relativity by their nature
the hierarchical grade structure and associated pay structure should
help ensure pay levels are differentiated appropriately.
To link to benefits in a hierarchical structure unless benefits are single
status, ie the same for everyone, a grade structure is used to peg benefits
for different levels. I give an example in the box on page 101.
To help everyone see where there are similar sized jobs this helps
internal recruitment and career development, so people can see where
there are opportunities in different parts of the organization.

The first two points are the most common. However, although the main
reason that organizations use grade structures is as the basis for a pay struc-
ture it does not automatically follow. See the Which? case study at the end
of this chapter.
If one or more of these four is an issue in your organization you may
wish to introduce a grade structure.

Job size
A fundamental concept underpinning a grade structure is job size. This
reflects the relative significance of one role against another. It is not based
on pay. So you do not compare jobs and assume that one that is paid more
is a bigger job, as that may have much more to do with the salary market
for different disciplines. It is also not about the individual job holder but
the job itself. Having said that, particularly for more senior jobs, the job
holder may influence the size of the job to the extent to which they take
on more or broaden or deepen their accountabilities.
You may have jobs that are quite different in their dimensions, as illus-
trated in Figure 8.1, but are considered the same size. In this example, the
way in which each will make an impact will be quite different. The pay
markets will also be very different.
Job size is normally determined by some form of job evaluation which is
discussed below. If you are introducing a grade structure you will need to
think about what sort of job evaluation you will use.
Grades and Pay Structures 99

F i g u r e 8.1 Job size

Research Scientist Department Manager

Broad, but not so deep
but deep

Job evaluation
Job evaluation (je) can be analytical or non-analytical, although in practice
some approaches use a combination. But in either case you will need to draft
some level of job description for every job to be evaluated.

Analytical je analyses each job based on a set of defined factors, such as:
decision making, skills, impact and accountability. There are usually different
levels within each factor with some points associated with each. The total of
the points give a job size that may be compared with others.
Probably the most well-known analytical je system is the Hay Guide
Chart Method (Hay Group). This uses three main factors that are subdivided
into eight separate dimensions as follows:

Know-how is the sum total of every capability or skill, however acquired,

needed for fully competent job performance. Know-how has three
Practical/technical knowledge
Planning, organizing and integrating (managerial) knowledge
Communicating and influencing skills
100 Reward in Practice

Problem solving refers to the use of know-how to identify, delineate,

and resolve problems. Problem solving has two dimensions:
Thinking environment
Thinking challenge
Accountability the type and level of value a job can add. It has three
Freedom to act

Analytical je can be done using an online system that normally requires

answering a series of questions. The questions will have been validated and
will be designed to bring out the separate factors that have been established
to determine job size.

Pros and cons

An analytical je scheme is more robust and will enable you to see the relative
difference in job size. It can provide a defence against a claim of equal pay
for work of equal value, but only if you can demonstrate that the scheme
is free of sex bias. The Equality and Human Rights Commission provide
helpful checklists on their website ( dealing
with this. It may be more likely to help identify structural issues in organ
izational design than a non-analytical approach. An analytical job evalu
ation scheme can be used to provide a robust grade structure into which
jobs may be slotted as illustrated in the case study below.
It can be very time consuming to set up a grade structure in the first
place and maintain it. For example, some organizations have a fairly lengthy
process to re-evaluate a new or changed job using an analytical system as its
basis. However, this tends to go along with a traditional grade structure with
20-plus grades, which is one reason why broad-banding (discussed later) has
become more common.

Unlike the analytical method that breaks down jobs into their component
parts, a non-analytical method ranks the whole job. Typically, jobs are
matched against a series of profile job descriptions each of which is likely
to be associated with a grade. This is called job classification.
Grades and Pay Structures 101

An alternative method is job ranking, where jobs are ranked against

each other based on perceived value to establish a hierarchy. Paired com-
parison may be used that compares every job with every other job in pairs.
By establishing which job is perceived as the larger in each pairing, a hierar-
chy of job size is established.

Pros and cons

Non-analytical je is fairly simple to operate and so is quicker to implement
than an analytical system. However, it is not so robust and does not help
understand the relative difference in job size, only the hierarchy.
The Equality and Human Rights Commission states that non-analytical
schemes are prone to sex discrimination because comparative judgements
about jobs made by the evaluators will have little objective basis, other than
the traditional value of the job. Whether the jobholders are predominantly
male or predominantly female may influence the placing of that job within
the overall rank order. Non-analytical job evaluation can therefore perpetu-
ate a situation in which the jobs most frequently performed by women are
regarded as being of less value than the jobs mostly performed by men.
A non-analytical job evaluation scheme does not provide you with a defence
against a claim of equal pay for work of equal value.

Harmonizing benefits and people development

I introduced a grade structure into a UK business where the main

driver was not pay. This organization had three operating divisions
with different approaches to pay, bonus and benefits. But the
business strategy was to get them to work more closely with each other
to cross-sell to customers, share resources and develop employees
across the business as a whole. One of the barriers that had been identified
was the significant difference in the benefits. This really got in the way of
people working together and easily moving between the divisions. In one
division they had a formal grade structure with nine grades and associated
salary bands, in another they had eight grades with loose associated
salary bands and in the third there were no grades or salary bands.
To harmonize benefits we first needed a single grade structure as the
foundation on which to hang the benefits. A single grade structure would
also help determine differences in job size across the whole business and
lead to better opportunities to be able to develop and promote people. The
102 Reward in Practice

three divisions were in different markets with a different approach to pay

and they were all concerned to a greater or lesser extent that a new grade
structure would lead to a single associated pay structure imposed from
the centre.
We emphasized that the grade structure was to harmonize benefits,
which had been agreed and to help people development; each division
could decide how it wanted to operate pay and, importantly, job titles.
Initially, benchmark jobs were identified and were evaluated using the
Hay job evaluation system. This enabled a nine-grade structure to be
established, based on the clusters of jobs, with a number of benchmark
jobs fixed for each grade. Other jobs were then slotted into the structure
based on a template shown as Figure 8.2 and were tested against the
benchmarks. From time to time Hay was asked to evaluate jobs.
The result was a single grade structure across the whole business,
covering all the UK employees from the CEO down, harmonized benefits
aligned with the grades, more clarity on job size and more movement
between the divisions. Each division retained an approach to pay and job
titles that worked best for their market. The grade structure developed for
the UK was then taken up by the US parent and rolled out across the rest
of the world.

What is broad-banding?
Broad-banding uses a small number of grades, typically around five although
in the range of three to 10, and is designed to allow for much greater flexibility
than traditional graded structures. In essence, broad-banding is a de-layered
structure. The trend has been to move from a larger number of narrow
bands to a smaller number of broad bands, as illustrated in Figure 8.3.

The rationale for broad-banding

The rigidity of traditional grade structures, of maybe 20+ grades, does not
reflect the sort of flexible working processes required in the fast-changing
environment of modern organizations where organizational change has
developed flatter, more team-oriented cultures. A less hierarchical organ
izational structure and culture has meant that the traditional grades have
Grades and Pay Structures 103

F i g u r e 8.2 Grade-level descriptions

Grade Capsule description

Scans the external environment and is strategically focused across a

long-term horizon setting business plans and policies.
1 Most senior roles in business, including board and leader of the
largest business units.
Strategic intent: set corporate direction and strategy.

Translates and reshapes policies for application in a major organizational

unit, looking well beyond the year ahead. May also hold a small
number of critical business relationships which generate significant
levels of revenue.
Typically Heads of major businesses within the business;
responsible for the management and utilization of significant
2 resources in a discrete part of the business, both direct revenue
generation and support. Accountable for overall performance of
the business unit.
Strategic development: determine discipline specific policy and
provide senior level input on company-wide plans and policies of
strategic importance
A leading expert practitioner in their discipline.

High revenue generation, either directly, through projects or management

of a specific organizational unit. Develop operating plans and translate
policy for area. Main focus is on the year ahead but with input to
longer-term plans.
Typically Heads of Functions cross-functional co-ordination
3 roles. Also large revenue/sales generator roles, or large project/
programme management roles. May head smaller businesses.
Set broad objectives within their area.
Expertise and business development roles; objectives setting,
people and budget management.

The role concentrates on the next 12 months. Emphasis on supporting

policy development and developing local plans. May head function
with focus on their own area or may play an important role in the
management of a medium-size business.
May run a sizable team or department, typically providing
services or support to one part of the business. Also may be a
middle to large revenue generator.
Senior professional or technical roles providing support across
the business or with specific expertise to one part of the
104 Reward in Practice

F i g u r e 8.2 Continued

Grade Capsule description

Includes a range of managerial and professional roles responsible for

revenue generation or managing projects. Focused on the year ahead
in application of policy and delivery within plan; emphasis on
interpretation and incremental improvement.
Roles will include direct revenue generator roles, heads of a
team/area, technical experts with significant experience and
project managers.
Will have a deep understanding of their business area and very
solid expertise in their field.
Operational improvement: organize and equip team so best able
to deliver plans.
Manage the development and delivery of services.

Focused on the provision of (specialist) professional/technical

information, analysis and advice which contributes to and supports the
achievement of organization unit objectives and revenue generation.
As first level management, may involve managing a small team
of technical/junior professionals.
6 Typically project or team based work with solid technical/
conceptual input often contributing to revenue generation.
Provides advice, support guidance and training to colleagues.
Maintains standards and develops new systems/procedures
which impact on own work area.
Day-to-day work of managing conflicting demands and goals.

Operating within well defined boundaries: overall direction given but

there will be some scope for initiative and more independent working
within guidelines.
Involved in parts of projects, building expertise.
In specialized/technical administrative functions an understanding
of the whole process and context in which work is taking place is
Could supervise or provide support, guidance and training to
process orientated work.
Prioritization and organizing of work.

Direction and guidance provided on a regular basis but much of the

day-to-day work is undertaken without detailed instruction.
Systematic roles requiring simple technical input.
May include providing support and guidance to less experienced
Core branch/department secretarial roles

Supervised, either directly or through routine/process restrictions.

Work tends to follow an established sequence and is typically reactive,
there will be some scope for prioritizing within the day.
9 Routine roles requiring basic administration skills,
including word processing.
Most basic roles in the organization, often task-based.
Grades and Pay Structures 105

F i g u r e 8.3 Narrow band to broad band

2 1
5 From many grades with 2
6 narrow pay bands
9 3
12 4
15 To fewer grades with
broad pay bands 5
19 6

become counter-cultural. Flatter structures have led to a reduction in

traditional promotional opportunities, so that career development now
includes lateral as well as vertical moves.
Traditional grade structures can lead to people defining their status
solely in terms of the grade. This often results in grade drift where indi-
viduals tend to rise up the many grades over time, so that the average grade
gradually increases. The question becomes, What do I have to do to get to
the next higher grade? rather than the question a modern organization
would want asked, How can I develop?
The main reasons for introducing broad-banding are:

reduce fixation on grade progression;

improve organizational flexibility;
de-emphasize hierarchy and minimize grade drift;
support a new culture;
emphasize career development;
encourage skill development.

If some of these issues are relevant to your organization you may wish to
consider broad-banding. Broad-banding has been getting gradually more
popular. It is now a common approach in the private sector. The 2013 CIPD
Reward Management survey reported that 27 per cent of participating
organizations use broad-banding.
106 Reward in Practice

Implementing broad-banding
Broad-banding can be implemented in a number of ways. Some organiza-
tions do no more than simply reduce the number of grades. They may just
convert the existing grades into the new boarder structure. Whilst this is
simple, it will carry forwards into the new structure the various anomalies that
have almost always been created over time. For example, roles that have been
over-graded or are no longer needed. Therefore, I would not recommend this
More common, and ultimately more valuable, is to introduce broad-
banding as part of a wider change in the organization such as team-working
where broad-banding can help. Rather than simply converting from old grades
to fewer new ones, a more holistic review is undertaken to examine the
nature of the roles that exist. This way involves some job evaluation. Like
any fundamental change to the grade structure, moving to broad-banding
can act as a catalyst to reviewing the structure of the organization and the
relevance of some roles.
One way to consider the number of broad bands is the natural levels
that there seem to be in the organization. Some organizations define levels
in very broad terms such as:

1 strategy and leadership;

2 implementing strategy and management;
3 technical leadership;
4 operational management;
5 operations and support.

The main steps to implement broad-banding are:

Establish the rationale and get support from the key stakeholders.
Identify a group of benchmark jobs. These should reflect the range
of jobs in the organization in terms of seniority and across different
functions. Choose jobs where there are many job holders and some
unique jobs. Aim for around 10 per cent of jobs.
Draft job descriptions for the benchmark jobs.
Decide on the method of job evaluation.
Evaluate the jobs using the je method agreed.
Review the total evaluated benchmark jobs and see to what extent
they cluster into levels. This may reflect your understanding of the
natural levels that occur in your organizational structure.
Grades and Pay Structures 107

Group the benchmark jobs into the grades (levels) you have established.
Test out the number of job grades with stakeholders and the benchmark
jobs allocated to each and adjust the number of grades if needed.
Evaluate/slot the remaining jobs into the established grades.

Job families
Job families can be used with any form of grade structure (broad band, narrow
band etc.) This is not separate from grades but rather establishes a series of
families of jobs (IT, HR, Sales etc) which are overlaid on the grade structure,
as illustrated in Figure 8.4. Here, five job families are shown in a five-grade
structure. Normally all of the roles are shown by grade and by job family.
As you can see in this illustration, not all grades are used for every job
family; it purely depends on where the job sits in the hierarchy of internal
Job families allow the organization to group together jobs in the same
family regardless of which part of the organization they may sit within. It

F i g u r e 8.4 Example job families

Job families
Sales IT HR Finance Operations

Head of IT
operations Head of Head of Head of
1 sales
Head of HR finance operations

programmer Divisional
2 Online accountant

Programmer HR
3 Business Business Team leader
analyst partner

IT Helpdesk Customer
adviser adviser

HR Accounts
5 support
Assistant assistant
108 Reward in Practice

also allows pay structures to be established by job family reflecting the

different level of market rates between families. Whilst using a job family
approach does not shut off career opportunities outside the job family,
it more realistically reflects the way in which many people progress their
careers. This has a significant benefit for larger organizations. By bringing
all of the roles together in a single job family for any one discipline wherever
they sit in the organization, individuals can see where their career could
develop in the same family. For lateral moves it also shows jobs in other
families at a similar level.

Implementing job families

Job families may be implemented at the same time as a new grading struc-
ture or may be introduced as a way of grouping jobs within an existing grade
Where a grade structure exists that is not being changed here is a simple
approach to implementing jobs into families:

1 Identify the job families that exist where similar type work is
undertaken at different levels. Common groupings to look for are:
finance, IT, marketing, sales, facilities, HR, administration, operations.
Some groupings will be specific to your sort of organization depending
on its sector, such as: actuaries, architects, scientists, designers etc.
2 Identify what jobs exist in each family and list them by family most
will fit fairly easily into one of the families you have identified. Some
you will be less clear about. For these you may need to either:
place them into one of the families, based on typical career paths, or
create a new family if there are sufficient job holders, or
leave outside the job family model (see RHS case study in Chapter 6).
3 If appropriate, establish pay ranges for each job family (see the
following section).
4 Communicate as works best in your organization.

The Which? case study at the end of this chapter illustrates the way in which
job families can be established.

Pay structures
A pay structure is a hierarchy of pay or salary levels showing the rates of
pay for employees performing a particular job or function at each level of
Grades and Pay Structures 109

an organization. It therefore seeks to address appropriate internal pay

relativities and is normally based on a grade structure. A pay structure
normally has some form of range of pay for each level (grade) and typically
has a minimum and maximum pay rate, and a series of mid-range opportu-
nities for pay increases. The salary range also normally reflects the external
market, being determined by market pay rates, established through market
pay surveys.

The benefits of a pay structure

As I discussed in Part I of this book, perceived inequity in pay between
individuals can be a major cause of disengagement. More so than external
comparison. Pay structures normally using some form of pay scale are
therefore important in helping an organization ensure that pay level dif-
ferences can be justified and are equitable based on some fair rationale.
Most organizations will make the pay scales available to employees and
explain how they are determined and how individuals can make progress.
The pay structure will often be used to help set increases on promotion to
a new job. For example, this may be based on the position of the individuals
existing salary in the salary range for the new role to which they have been
Whilst internal equity is very important, pay structures are also used to
key into the external pay market. So rates for jobs based on external market
data can be established within a pay structure. Organizations need to ex-
plain this process to their employees so that they can see that the pay levels
used within the structure are based on data and not just plucked out of
the air.
Pay structures can help an organization manage the total pay bill by pro-
viding a clear framework within which an individuals pay can be changed;
for example, if there is a pay scale with a maximum level of pay, individuals
are not normally paid above that maximum.
Pay structures can also help the process of managing pay levels. For
example, with a single structure you can manage market data and internal
relativities more easily than with only individual salaries. Which? found
that the HR team were spending a disproportionate amount of time on
externally benchmarking pay levels before they introduced a single grade
structure and associated pay levels.
However, a pay structure using salary scales can build expectations that
someone in a particular salary scale will be able to increase their salary to
the top of the scale.
110 Reward in Practice

Types of pay structure

Table 8.1 below shows the range of usage of base pay structures from the
2013 CIPD Reward Management survey.

Ta b l e 8.1 Usage of pay structures

Individual rates/ranges/spot salaries 49

Narrow-graded 37

Pay spines/service-related 32

Job family 30

Broad-banded 29

I discuss each of these approaches to pay in the following sections.

Individual rates of pay

Particularly in smaller organizations, although in some larger organizations
as well, there may be no formal pay structure. Rather, spot salaries or indi-
vidual pay rates are used. This is where individuals are on a salary unrelated
to a particular structure. More so for smaller organizations, this can be a
reasonable and pragmatic approach, but there needs to be care that it does
not lead to internal pay inequality.
Larger organizations are more likely to use individual rates where there
are many unique jobs that can be keyed into good external market data. In
some cases there is a combination so that even though a formal pay struc-
ture exists, some roles are outside it. This may be for jobs with considerable
market movement or where there are unique features about the job or the
job holder.
Some organizations have taken the view that the more formal structures,
even broad-banded, are rather artificial and do not reflect the reality of their
organization. They therefore decide to use spot salaries and do away with
any more formal structure.
Grades and Pay Structures 111

Narrow-graded pay structure

This is the traditional pay structure based on a relatively large number of
grades as illustrated in Figure 8.5.

F i g u r e 8.5 Example narrow band structure

1 250,000 300,000
2 225,000 275,000
19 27,500 35,000
20 25,000 30,000

Jobs of approximately the same size are placed in each grade, often using
job evaluation. But there is a range of salary for each grade to give flexibility
to reflect the different performance, experience etc of different job holders.
The range may also help to deal with slight differences in salary markets.
For significant differences however, it is more common to use a different set
of salary ranges.
For example, there may be one salary scale that covers the majority of
jobs in the organization, but one or two higher salary scales to deal with
those higher-paying salary markets which cannot be accommodated in
the standard ranges. This may be because of location or discipline. So, for
example, there could be one salary scale for London and one for the rest of
the country, or there could be an additional set of salary ranges for specialist
highly paid roles. An alternative approach is to use the single salary scale,
but have additional allowances for cost of living or specialism.
You should consider if additional salary scales are really needed as the
more you have the higher the cost of maintenance. So you should carefully
consider what the nature of any differences are, how many jobs are affected
and how material is the difference. It may be best to see if you can manage
with only one or two scales before developing any more.
112 Reward in Practice

There is normally a stated minimum, mid-point and maximum for each

pay range for each grade. The mid-point is normally considered to be the
salary for a fully competent job holder. The range is normally expressed in
one of two ways:

As a percentage of the mid-point. The minimum and maximum are

expressed as a percentage of the mid-point. For example, a range
might be expressed as 80 per cent to 120 per cent where the mid-point
is 100 per cent. So a range could be:

Ta b l e 8.2 Example pay range

Minimum Mid-point Maximum

30,000 37,500 45,000

80% 100% 120%

As a percentage of the minimum. This is simply the maximum expressed

as a percentage of the minimum. The percentage is normally in the
range 25 per cent to 50 per cent. For example, a 40 per cent range
with a minimum salary of 30,000 would have a maximum salary of

The pay ranges for each grade also normally overlap with the next one. This
is to reflect that the most highly performing people in one salary band may
be contributing more than a relatively inexperienced individual in the next
band. The overlap can be as high as 50 per cent and in general the degree of
overlap in pay ranges has increased over the years to provide more flexibility.

Pay spines
Pay spines are mostly used in the public sector and also not-for-profit; they
are rare in commercial companies. They are a single spine of incremental
pay points from the starting salary of the most junior role to the largest
salary that is payable to the most senior. In practice, the spine is normally
divided into sections to create spines for groups of jobs rather than for
the whole organization which would be unwieldy as there could be over
100 points in a single organizational pay spine.
Grades and Pay Structures 113

The difference between one salary point and the next is an increment.
The size of increments is normally in the range 1.5 per cent to 5 per cent. An
individual will normally move up the spine points, by receiving an incre-
ment to their salary each year until they are at the top of the scale. This pay
structure almost always goes along side service based pay progression, hence
its prevalence in the public sector where this is much more common than the
private sector. The Shropshire Council case study at the end of this chapter
refers to the use of increments.
Pay spines are rarely introduced now as most organizations are looking
for a more flexible approach to pay structures typically based on contribu-
tion rather than time served.

Job family pay structure

As discussed earlier in this chapter, job families are typically an overlay to
a grade structure. Depending on the pay markets for the different job
families, you may establish different salary ranges by job family, but using
the single grade structure. This is a good illustration of the point I made at
the start of this chapter that grade structures and pay structures are not
As market pay is typically based on type of role, using job families allows
a more coherent approach to pay across the organization. The alternative is
that pockets of different pay practice can develop in different parts of the
organization for jobs in the same discipline.
It does not follow that with job families there will be different salary
ranges for each family, it is just that job families give more flexibility to
do so if needed and justified by differences in the pay market. So job families
can be very effective in providing a clear set of career opportunities through-
out the organization and the flexibility to meet different salary markets, whilst
still providing a common framework for the organization. Job families are
commonly used with a broad-banded structure (as in the Which? case
study) discussed below.
An issue to watch out for with a job family structure is that it can result
in unequal pay for work of equal value between job families. This can arise
if jobs of the same size are paid differently when pay levels vary between
families to cater for market rate pressures. Such variations may be difficult
to justify objectively.

Broad-banded pay structure

I discussed broad-banding in the first section of this chapter as a grading
structure. Now I will develop that as a pay structure. A broad-band pay
114 Reward in Practice

F i g u r e 8.6 Narrow band to broad band

1 250,000 300,000
2 225,000 275,000 200,000 300,000 1
5 2
9 3
12 4
15 5
19 27,500 35,000 25,000 45,000 6
20 25,000 30,000

structure will cover the same total range of salaries as a traditional struc-
ture, but in broader bands, as illustrated in Figure 8.6.
Fewer bands give much more flexibility, which is one of the main reasons
for introducing it. However, you need to be careful to manage expectations
of individuals within a band. Controlling pay decisions can also be a prob-
lem in broad-banded graded systems. So it is common to use some form of
pay zones within the broad bands to help clarify the realistic expected salary

F i g u r e 8.7 Pay zones


Z n
o e
n 3

Grade 1
Grades and Pay Structures 115

range for different roles that sit in the same band. These may be ranges of
pay for jobs or job families. The size of a pay zones will be sufficient to allow
for pay progression for a job. Pay zones may also help counter some con-
cerns over equal pay issues.
There would typically be two or three pay zones identified within a broad
band but it will depend on the market based salary ranges that are needed
to accommodate the roles within a particular band. Figure 8.7 illustrates
how three pay zones may fit within a single grade within a broad-band

How you develop pay structures

Unless you are starting with a clean sheet in a new organization there will
be an approach to pay that has been established. What a new pay structure
should look like will depend on many factors relating to the organization:

Organization structure a flatter structure with little emphasis on

hierarchy would suggest a broad-banded approach; a more
hierarchical structure would suggest a narrow band approach.
Organizational size the smaller organization will almost certainly
want informal simple systems, so spot salaries or a simple broad-
banded salary structure.
Homogeneity of jobs if the organization operates in one main field
so that jobs are broadly from the same or similar salary market,
a narrow band structure would work; with many different types of
roles, job families and/or spot salaries should be considered.
Culture team working, informal with decisions made at the lowest
level and an emphasis on contribution rather than seniority would
suggest a broad-banded structure.

This is summarized in Table 8.3.

So to determine the most appropriate type of pay structure for your
organization, you need to go back to some of the strategic issues I presented
in Part I. You first need to understand the culture of the organization. You
also need to review the type of roles you have in the organization and how
they relate to the external pay market. Of course the pay structure will be
closely tied in with your approach to grades.
You may want to think about the degree of fit between the pay and
grading structure you have at the moment and the organizations aims and
culture against Table 8.3.

Ta b l e 8.3 Factors influencing pay structures

Organization Organization Homogeneity Organization
size structure of jobs culture

Small Large Flat Hierarchical Broad Similar Team, informal, Seniority,

decisions made decisions
low down go up



Job families

Spot salaries
Grades and Pay Structures 117

Grade structures and pay structures are different and it is helpful to be clear
about what each is for. Whilst there are very many different types of struc-
tures (with a particular difference between the public and private sectors),
the trend seems to be moving to broader bands and, where appropriate, job
Employers are looking for their grade structures and pay structures to
give them the sort of flexibility that reflects modern organizations but with
sufficient consistency to ensure fairness and equity.


If you have a grade structure, what is it for and is it helping?

If you do not have a grade structure, could it help?
Broad bands and job families are a growing trend; is this a model that
would help your reward strategy?
Would a single pay structure or a number of pay structures be most
appropriate for your organization?

Case studies
I have included two different case studies for this chapter. The first is Which?
and the second is Shropshire Council. Each illustrates a different approach
to changes to grade structures.
Shropshire Council had 1,000 technical, professional and managerial
staff in 22 highly overlapping grades. They implemented a new simpler
grade and salary structure to more clearly differentiate between roles. The
case study shows how the organization used a combination of a points-based
analytical job-evaluation system and panel approach to implement the new
system very effectively.
Which? had 450 staff but over 100 different manager roles, 300 salary
bands and job descriptions and a large number of job titles. They were able
to rationalize this complex range of practices and implement a single grade
118 Reward in Practice

structure with a series of overlaying job families and pay structures. This
provided a single corporate structure but also reflected the relevant dif-
ferences between jobs.

C a s e s t u dy Which?

Which? is the commercial and campaigning brand of the Consumers Association,

an independent registered charity and not-for-profit social business. Having
started in 1957, Which? is now the largest consumer body in the UK. It has total
subscriptions to its publications of over 1.3m with over 635,000 members
subscribing to Which? magazine and over 298,000 online subscribers. Other
magazines include Which? Money, Which? Computing, Which? Travel and Which?
As an independent organization Which? provides unbiased advice to con
sumers through a range of free and paid for services and products including
Which? Consumer Rights, Which? Legal Services, Which? Travel and Which?
Mortgage Advice. In addition to publishing magazines and websites, Which?
undertakes research and campaigns with consumers to get them a better deal.
The group turnover is over 80m. There are over 500 employees across four sites
in London, Hertford, Bristol and Edinburgh.


In 2009 the newly appointed HR director ran an engagement survey to enable

her and the leadership of Which? to understand the levels of engagement and
views from staff about working there. The results came through at the end of 2009
and showed three areas in particular that needed attention:

Reward how reward worked and how it linked to performance; a lack of

understanding of the value of benefits.

Career development how to develop ones career; a lack of career

development opportunities across Which?

Performance performance management was not seen as effective.

It was decided that they would seek to address reward and career development
first in 2010 and look at performance following that.
Grades and Pay Structures 119

Reward and career development project


Initially Which? undertook desk research to look in detail at the existing reward
structures. It drilled down to the job titles, job descriptions, where people were
on salary scales, the entry levels etc. It found that:
There were three main reward structures plus a range of other structures for
different support roles. There was a particular divide between campaigning,
where reward was primarily driven by service, and marketing which was
more about performance and bonuses.

With around 450 staff at the time, there were over 100 different manager roles.

There were 300 salary bands and job descriptions.

There were a large number of different job titles. In some parts of the
organization they had proliferated to provide some career steps but for jobs
which were almost identical. In one fairly small function there were seven job
levels between entry and the manager of the function.

There were many people at the top or above the top of salary bands and
people often joined Which? close to the top of a salary band.

Which? had a corporate aim to change some of the culture and practices in the
organization. It wanted to bring more of a commercial focus without losing the
service and campaigning role and to bring more of the organization together
reducing silos. It was clear that the difference between the pay structures was
working against this.
The pay, grading and career structure was extremely disjointed and complex,
for an organization with fewer than 500 employees, therefore administratively
expensive. For example, with no grading structure HR had to spend considerable
time benchmarking individual roles. The structures had grown over time in
different parts of the organization and emphasized their differences. It became
clear that some people in Which? moved up within their division and then left the
organization whilst there were opportunities in other parts of the organization.
Clearly this was misaligned with the corporate aims of bringing the organization
together and reducing unnecessary differences.
The HR team had to achieve the buy-in of the leadership team to the project.
It explained the criticality of making changes based on the employee research
and the positive impact a better system would make. It engaged an external
reward consultant to help with the project to introduce a single flexible structure
to replace the myriad of differences.
120 Reward in Practice

Level structure

The initial thinking was that a simple grade structure with job families would
provide the sort of framework to meet the organizations aims. The team therefore
worked on developing a single level (grading) structure for the whole of Which?
plus a set of job families.
It reviewed all the 300 jobs using the existing job descriptions to see what
natural levels fell out. It sized the jobs using four factors:
1 primary focus of the role;

2 accountability and impact;

3 skills and complexity;

4 level of problem solving and decision making.

The team grouped the jobs into what seemed to be natural clusters based on the
size of the jobs. To help test out the thinking on the number of levels, Which? sent
out questionnaires to about 25 per cent of employees. It also held focus groups
with around 35 employees and the leadership team to gain more qualitative
information. Finally, based on the analysis and discussions, they established that
seven job levels would fit the organization best.

Job families

Based on the 300 job descriptions they also developed an initial set of job families.
Working with the heads of departments and other managers, the project team
refined this initial set and eventually came to seven job families:


operations support;





Which? explain a job family as: ...a collection of roles that do similar types of
work or where knowledge, skill and competence requirements are similar. A job
family can help to identify how you might develop your career up and/or across
Grades and Pay Structures 121

Single integrated framework

This was brought together in the One Which? One Reward framework shown
below as Table 8.4.
Each role was placed at one of the seven levels in the job family. A two-page
job level profile was produced for each role showing:

the job level (17);

descriptor (eg leadership/management);

job family;

the primary focus (a few word summarizing the focus of the role);

an explanation of the role under four headings used to size the role:
Accountability/Impact, Skills/Complexity, Problem Solving/Decision Making
and Performance Measures;

the generic description of the behaviours for this level role for each of the
six values: Ambition, Bravery, Today Not Tomorrow, Personal Responsibility,
Collaboration and Flexibility.

Salary ranges

A salary range was established for each of the 54 roles shown in Table 8.3 plus
the CMG. The roles were benchmarked using external data and a mid-point salary
was established for each. A minimum and maximum was also set based on the
market data upper quartile and lower quartile. This produced salary ranges of
different widths. The narrowest was where the maximum salary was 15 per cent
higher than the minimum and the widest was where the maximum was 55 per
cent higher than the minimum.
Whilst 60 salary bands may seem rather a lot, they ensured that roles were
well aligned to a relevant market median and tied in with the level and job family
structure. It was also a significant reduction from the original 300 salary bands.


The single seven-level seven job family structure was implemented across the
organization in the second half of 2010. There was a very considerable amount of
communications including posters, leaflets and manager briefings. Each employee
was given the role level, job title and job family for their role as well as the generic
When people were moved to the new structure, the majority were within the
new salary bands. Approximately 9 per cent were above the band maximum and

Ta b l e 8.4 One Which? One Reward framework

Job family > Professional Marketing Ops Support IT/Tech Research Comms Publishing

1 Corporate Management Group (CMG)

Job level>

CMG The primary focus of these roles is strategic business direction and leadership.
Leadership/management. At the most senior levels, the primary focus of these roles is strategic development, delivery and leadership for the area of responsibility.
It will also include roles where contribution to strategy, managing implementation, operational management and delivery is, or may be, required.
Specialist. The primary focus of these roles is to drive and/or support key activities through specialist knowledge. At the most senior levels, the primary focus of
these roles is strategic development, delivery and leadership through areas of expertise. It will also include roles where contribution to strategy, technical support,
implementation and advice is or may be, required.
Support. The primary focus of these roles is front line support for internal and/or external customers.
Grades and Pay Structures 123

were red circled and only receive an unconsolidated payment until their salary
moves back into the band as the band is adjusted. Fewer than 10 per cent were at
the bottom of a band and received a salary adjustment.
Which? had a set of values that it had established some years before. It therefore
wanted to link the values to the new structure. Workshops were held with managers
and employees to establish the different behaviours expected at each level for each
value. The types of behaviour are consistent for each level regardless of job family.
In 2012 the One Which? One Reward framework, shown as Table 8.4, was
developed into an interactive tool on the intranet. Employees could look at any
of the roles and see other roles in other parts of the organization at similar levels.
They could see the competences needed to develop up their job family and what
development opportunities are available.


Whilst there was an appeals process, no employee appealed against their position
in the new structure when it was implemented in 2010.
There has been a considerable increase in the number of people moving to
another part of the organization through rotation and secondment, with promotions
up three-fold following implementation.
The average compa ratio is 102 per cent, which shows that people are close to
the mid-point of the salary scales. Which? is able to recruit people within the new
salary structures with over 85 per cent brought in around the mid-point rather than
at the top of the old scales.
In 2013 Which? benchmarked the whole framework against the external pay
market and found that other than a few small adjustments it was working well.

C a s e s t u dy Shropshire Council


Shropshire Council is a unitary authority which was created on 1 April 2009. It

replaced the former two-tier local government structure in the non-metropolitan
county of Shropshire. Shropshire is part of the Central Region which borders the
West Midlands to the East and Wales to the West.
Shropshire Council covers a predominantly rural area of some 1,235 square miles
(320,000 hectares). The county has a population of just over 300,000. Shrewsbury
124 Reward in Practice

is the county town and the largest in Shropshire with a population of around
95,000. The second largest town is Oswestry with a population of just 18,000.
The council employs around 6,500 staff, of which around 900 are based at its
main site in Shrewsbury. The employees of the council are structured within
services, which are themselves structured as part of directorates. Beneath
director level there are a number of group managers, who oversee the councils
individual service managers. The service managers then oversee much of the
councils day-to-day administrative functions and, with the help of their officers,
provide its frontline services.

Grade structure issues

The majority of technical, professional and managerial employees are classed as

principal officers. This population of about 1,000 individuals in 450 roles were
positioned in 22 highly overlapping salary bands (PO1PO22). More junior jobs
were in grades 110 and PO1 started immediately above grade 10. There were four
increment points for each grade and they overlapped by three points with the next
band. By 2012 this structure had been in existence for more than 20 years.
It was extremely difficult to differentiate between the different grades as they
were so tightly packed, which posed difficulties in determining the grading of posts.
In 2012 the council wanted to improve the position for these PO grades, to
simplify the system and make the difference between levels of POs much clearer.
As the council wanted to make sure the process was as streamlined as possible,
various approaches were reviewed before the approach outlined below was agreed.

Changes made

100 benchmark jobs were selected spanning all departments and across all of the
22 PO grades; these included both single and multiple occupancy posts. The PwC,
Monks Six Factor job-evaluation methodology was developed and applied. The
factors used in the system are:

people skills;

external impact;

decision making;

specialist skills;


innovation/creative thinking.
Grades and Pay Structures 125

The council examined the way the benchmark jobs were distributed based on
the evaluations and felt that they naturally fell into four levels. In place of the 22 PO
grades, the council introduced four new grades, 1114, above the unchanged
grades 110. Each of the four grades had five increments and there was no overlap
between the increment points. This now clearly distinguished pay and grade
between the levels within the PO population.
A generic role profile was drafted for each of the four grades. Each of the job
descriptions for the remaining 350 roles was to be matched against the role
profiles to determine into which grade the job would fit. This was carried out by
a joint panel made up of one management and one trade union representative.
A moderation panel consisting of different management and trade union re
presentative then reviewed and validated or challenged the outcome.
As part of the process various issues were thrown up. One significant issue
was how to implement the revised grading structure at a time when other
significant changes were taking place such as terms and conditions changes,
and the fact that the new grading was very different. It was decided to approach
this by implementing the revised grading over time as sections were restructured.
This allowed for structures to be designed taking account of the revised grades.
However, it was agreed that where any PO graded jobs were not already
assimilated on to the new grades by 2014 they would be moved on to them even
if there was no restructuring.
Other issues included the situation where a manager and their reports might
be in the same grade, which questioned if the role was necessary or more should
be required of it. So the restructure did not simply fit all roles into the new structure,
but challenged some of the apparent anomalies in roles and structure that the
project found.
Whilst the matching process was undertaken with rigour, an individual could
request their job to be fully evaluated using the points factor system. They would
need to take into account that it could go up or down as a consequence.
When individuals were placed into one of the new grades and salary bands,
some had salaries within the band, which were unchanged. Where a salary was
above the new maximum, their salary was held for 12 months but then reduced to
the top increment for the band. Where people were below the lowest increment,
their salary was increased to that point.
In the first 12 months there had been only one appeal to the grade to which
a role was allocated.

09 Managing pay
data and pay
Pay data
One way or another you need information on the reward market within
which you are competing. In smaller organizations it may be very informal
and unstructured simply paying what you need to recruit people. But as
an organization gets bigger it is likely to have to take a more structured
approach and more formally use market data to be able to compare its pay
levels in the external market.

Types of data
There are broadly two types of data:

changes in pay rates: percentage pay increases in the market; and

current pay levels: what particular jobs are paid.

Most of this section relates to the latter, but a few words about changes in
pay rates first. Many organizations look for data showing the rates of pay
increases to help establish overall budgets and overall pay pots for salary
reviews. Sources of market pay movement include published data in journals
such as IDS and IRS based on pay settlements. The Office for National
Statistics publishes regular data online such as the Annual Survey of Hours
and Earnings. You can also look at the rate of inflation such as RPI or CPI
if that is relevant for you. Salary survey providers will also typically show
the rates of increase as well as salary levels for particular jobs.
You do need to take care though that the overall changes in pay in the
market are relevant to you based on your pay position. For example, if
the salaries in your organization are already high in the market, you may
feel that it is appropriate to set a pay increase percentage budget below
the market movement.
Managing Pay Data and Pay Reviews 127

Purposes of pay data

Market reward data can be used for a number of reasons:

establish salaries for new jobs;

determine salary levels for recruitment;
inform annual pay review budgets;
inform annual pay review decisions;
inform pay decisions throughout the year for individual cases;
establish salary ranges for salary scales;
change salary structures;
identify pay trends.

We often talk about market pay data and so a key starting point is to
consider what we mean by market. This is a fairly fluid concept as there is
never a single pay market. Other than the smallest, all organizations are likely
to be competing in a number of pay markets. There are five main factors that
can define a pay market:

Function or discipline the particular skill or profession, such as

accountant, sales, secretary, actuary.
Level or seniority reflecting the seniority of the particular role.
This may differentiate between roles within a discipline, such as
finance director and cost accountant.
Sector this could be broad sectors such as private sector, public
sector, not-for-profit or charity and particular industrial sectors
such as manufacturing, retail, oil and gas, or financial services.
Organizational size typically this will be measured by turnover or
number of employees.
Location where the job is located, for example, Edinburgh, Leeds,
the South East, Central London.

These five factors will overlap when you are looking at the market for some
jobs. Some of the factors are more important depending on the seniority of
the job. For example, location is generally a more significant factor for the
more junior jobs than it is for the most senior.
128 Reward in Practice

One global business I met found that they had to explain a particular factor
of pay markets for their operations across Europe in the eurozone.
Germany, the Netherlands and Ireland had higher total cash than France
or Italy. But it is not a single eurozone pay market; there may be a single
currency but there are different salary markets by country etc.

One way to help think about the pay markets is to analyse where your em-
ployees move to and where new employees come from. This will help in
particular for thinking about location, sector and organizational size.
It is important to understand the nature of the market so that you can try
to obtain data that is most relevant for the jobs you are reviewing.


Which factor or factors are most important in considering

what the market for the following roles is?

1 Call centre customer adviser

2 Nurse

3 IT director

4 Machine operator

5 Internal legal adviser

I would suggest the following:

1 Call centre customer adviser location.

2 Nurse discipline, location and sector.
3 IT director organization size and sector, possibly location.
4 Machine operator location.
5 Internal legal adviser discipline, seniority, sector.
Managing Pay Data and Pay Reviews 129

Sources of pay data

There are many potential sources of pay data. But I would divide them into
three broad categories:

the worthless;
the cautious;
the reliable.

Wine bar source the individual who tells you that he was chatting
with some people in the wine bar (also read pub, club or pretty well
anywhere else) who told him about the salaries at Big Co or the
package that Mr X just went for. It might alert you to the need to
improve the communication in your organization on how you
determine market value, but otherwise I suggest that you ignore this.
Generic surveys typically, published on the internet and in some
newspapers and magazines. This sort of survey will tell you things
like the average salary for an HR manager in the UK is 36,000 or
that the average package for a finance director is 61,000. This sort
of generic information does not take into account any of the factors
that I said define a market and gives some very broad figures that
cannot help determine any salary for a particular role. The
methodology is normally also going to be very suspect. So again,
ignore this.

Treat with caution

The following four sources can all help provide some qualitative, and some-
times quantitative, information about the current salary market. But they
are not as rigorous as the most reliable sources.

Industrial/occupational surveys are often conducted by employer or

trade associations on jobs in a particular industry eg chemical
engineers. Therefore, they can be helpful in specialist areas. But job
matching may still not be that precise and the data may be collected
directly from the individual employees (members). Therefore, there
may be bias in that the sample is self-selecting and, for example,
might tend to the higher paid. The best of these, however, can be
a good source, but be cautious and review the methodology.
130 Reward in Practice

Recruitment consultants and agencies should have an idea of the

salaries being offered for roles they work on and so help give a sense
of the current market. But some may also have a vested interest to try
to inflate salaries as their fees may be a percentage of salary.
Job adverts may also give a sense of the current market. But the role
may not be described well enough to give a clear understanding of
what is required for it, compared with those you may be dealing
with. Also, whilst the advert may show a salary, you do not know
how much the organization will end up having to pay.
Exit interviews with those leaving your organization and interviews
with joiners may give some helpful data. I have found that well-
structured exit interviews can be very valuable to help understand
issues in the organization, but you need to take care in using them to
gauge the salary market. Many people leaving the organization may
be prepared to tell you what their new package will be, but you
would need to know how different the job is. For example, the
individual may be moving to a larger job, so the move is a
promotion. You should ask about this to help you take a view on the
relative salary size. Also, one example is not a reliable sample, so you
would need a number of examples to start to determine a pattern.

Whilst their quality can vary considerably I believe that salary surveys are
the most reliable and valid sources of data. I deal with salary surveys in the
following section.

Salary surveys
A salary survey would be run by an independent organization that would
collect pay and associated data from participating employers for indi-
viduals doing specified jobs. The job would normally be described using
a job capsule or some sizing mechanism. The data would be analysed and
aggregated data would be provided in a report or online for employers to
use to help them make pay related decisions.

Validity of salary surveys

Whilst you may be able to buy some survey data without providing data from
your own organization, many surveys are only available to organizations
who participate by providing their pay data. Salary surveys vary in quality
Managing Pay Data and Pay Reviews 131

and so you need to consider a number of factors before relying on the data
from a survey. I have listed below the main factors you should consider:

Survey provider check on the record and professionalism of the

survey provider. There are many survey providers who are rigorous
and professional in their approach. Here are a few examples:
Global: Aon Hewitt, Hay, Mercer, Towers Watson.
Sector specialist: Radford for IT and McLagan for investment
banking (both part of Aon Hewitt).
Smaller local: Alan Jones and Compensation Research.
It is important to consider organizations whose main business is
survey data or, like some of the major accountancy firms, have survey
specialists as they are more likely to be reliable. Some organizations
run surveys as a marketing opportunity to get press coverage; these
are best avoided even though they may be free.
Methodology look out for when the data was collected. It is likely to
be some months before a survey is published. Although many survey
providers have an online data base that you can access at any time.
Most surveys will collect data from each participating employer who
will input their data for the relevant populations. But be wary of a survey
that asks individuals to input their own data, as I mentioned earlier.
Job matching this is really part of methodology but is worth a point
on its own as it can be a major source of inaccuracy in the data
collected. A critical element of any survey is that the data provided
is based on similar jobs. That is, all of the participant organizations
only input data for jobs of the same size and discipline etc. The survey
provider will use some form of job-matching methodology. It may be
based on a job-evaluation system, such as Hay or a similar job-level
approach such as Towers Watson. Alternatively, it may be based on
a capsule job description, or series of capsules to help determine the
right level. Whilst no system can be flawless, any of these approaches
is likely to give a reasonable basis for effective job matching. Surveys
that use just a job title to match the job should be avoided.
Sample size whilst the overall sample size may be large, matches for
any one job may be quite small. In general, the smaller the sample
size the less reliable will be the data. It becomes dangerous to rely on
data from a very small sample. Reputable survey providers will give a
detailed breakdown of the participating organizations, number of job
holders etc. They will also only present analysis where the sample
132 Reward in Practice

size is large enough. So for some roles they may only show a median
salary, but for others, with a larger sample, they may also show the
quartile ranges, discussed below.

Club surveys
In the UK and many other developed countries there are very many reliable
salary surveys available across sectors and geographies. However, there
may be a particular niche salary market for which there is no salary survey
available. This is likely to be based on geography or a specialised sector. In
this sort of situation you may consider developing a club survey. This is where
a group of employers club together and appoint a survey provider to run a
survey for the group. Normally, each employer will pay, although sometimes
one or two may sponsor the survey. The survey company collect the data
and it remains confidential to them. They analyse the data and provide ano-
nymized median and quartile data etc for the participant organizations.

Key terms
Survey data is normally analysed and presented using particular statistical
terms which you need to know.
Salary surveys mostly use median salary as the most typical salary from a
set of salaries, rather than arithmetic mean. The mean (or simple average) is
the total of all the salaries in the group divided by the number of salaries in the
group. Where, for example, the mean is much greater than the median you
will usually see a relatively small number of very high salaries that skew the
The median is the middle salary from a group of salaries, with an equal
number higher and lower. This is simple with an odd number in a group.
Where a group has an even number of salaries you take the mean of the two
in the middle.
So the median of: 34,000, 39,000 and 41,000 is 39,000 the middle
salary. The mean is 38,000 (34,000 + 39,000 + 41,000)/3.


What is the median and mean of the following group of salaries?

44,000 43,500 69,000 43,000 45,000

63,500 42,000 47,000 44,000
Managing Pay Data and Pay Reviews 133

The median of the group is the middle salary, 44,000


The mean of the group is the total of all the salaries divided by nine, so
49,000, 5,000 more than the median. As you can see from this exercise,
there are two salaries, 69,000 and 63,500, which pull the mean up con-
siderably. If these two salaries were excluded the mean drops to a little over
44,000. If you scan your eye down the list 44,000 looks more represent
ative of the salary for this role than 49,000.
In addition to median, the other term that is used considerably is quartile.
The quartiles divide the data set into four equal groups, each group compris-
ing a quarter of the data as illustrated in Figure 9.1.

F i g u r e 9.1 Median and quartiles

Upper quartile




Lower quartile

134 Reward in Practice

Whilst a quartile can be defined as the 25 per cent range, it is more com-
mon to use median, upper and lower quartile.

Upper quartile is where 25 per cent are above the point and 75 per
cent below. So above or in the upper quartile are salaries in a
group of the top 25 per cent.
Lower quartile is where 75 per cent are above and 25 per cent below.
So below or in the lower quartile are salaries in the group of the
bottom 25 per cent.

Using survey data

Whether you participate in one or more survey or buy those that are avail-
able, you are likely to use the data to inform pay decisions, typically for the
annual pay review. But maybe also for individual pay decisions during the
year. Here are a few pointers to using data from surveys:

Aging the data may have been collected some months ago and so you
may need to age the data to bring it up to date to take account of pay
movement in the intervening period. With very low inflation and low
pay increases this may be of little importance, but you should
consider if this needs to be done. If so, you should increase the survey
data by a factor taking into account pay increases. For example, the
salary data you have was collected six months ago; you have data
that shows salary increases are running at approximately 3 per cent,
so increase the data by 1.5 per cent. Some organizations would age
data not to the pay review date, but to the mid-year ie halfway
between one pay review and the next.
Presenting numbers the median and quartile data will be shown in the
survey down to the last 1. So a median salary may be shown as, for
example, 74,873. If you are just using this data for yourself for
analysis and comparison, fine. But if you are to share survey data
with other stakeholders then I would always round the numbers.
My concern is that an unrounded number conveys a degree of spurious
accuracy and tends to focus people inappropriately on what may
appear to be a very precise looking number. So in the example,
I would show a median of 74,873 as 75,000.
Managing Pay Data and Pay Reviews 135


How would you round the following:

125,329 67,217

36,549 24,217

17,423 51,729

I would probably round as follows:

125,000 67,000

36,500 24,200

17,400 52,000

Median a median, or any other number from a survey needs to be

used with care. Just because a survey shows a median salary of, say
74,873, it does not mean that anyone paid a bit over or under that
is over- or underpaid. The median is simply a statistical outcome of
a set of data and is a reasonable approximation for the rate for the
job. But individual salaries will vary considerably for very many
reasons. The rate for the individual and the median (rate for the job)
will be different. I think it is healthy in most cases, to consider a
range above and below median as the area where a salary is around
median. It depends on the job and spread of salaries, but something
like plus or minus 5 per cent 10 per cent of median is likely to be
considered as around median.
Base and total cash survey data normally shows basic salary and total
cash. Check the definition of total cash for the survey you are using,
but it is usually basic salary plus bonus and other variable pay.
Whilst basic pay can be compared fairly based on the data, total cash
is rather more complex. The main problem is that bonuses may be
driven to a large extent by the performance of the organization. So if
your company has had a particularly good year whilst the economy
has not been doing well, your total cash position might go up against
136 Reward in Practice

the market. The opposite may also be true. So if you are significantly
ahead or behind the market for basic salary that may be of concern.
However, you need to be more cautious in drawing conclusions on
your total cash position without thinking through the context.
Practice, policy and market you may wish to use the survey data to
give an overall position of your pay against the market. One way
to do this is to present your organization salary data graphically
showing salary on the left-hand axis and grade or job on the bottom
axis. You can show the overall salary position against the market and
your salary scales if you have them. So the practice line is your
current position, the market line is the market data and your policy
line is you salary mid-points. This is illustrated in Figure 9.2.

F i g u r e 9.2 Graph of pay practice, policy and market

Basic salary

100,000 Market
80,000 Practice
60,000 Policy
0 2 4 6 8 10

Historic whilst the data may be valid, it is by definition based on the

pay of existing employees in organizations. Pay levels at recruitment
on the other hand are about the reality of the pay market at the time.
So do not discount the experience in recruiting people, as it may be
that pay for people in the market now is higher or lower than shown
in the survey data.
Managing Pay Data and Pay Reviews 137

Pay reviews
As discussed above, one of the uses of market pay data is to inform annual
pay reviews. In countries with high inflation, pay reviews may be more fre-
quent but in most locations an annual review of some kind is common.

Pay review budget

An organization will normally budget for the annual pay review at the start
of the financial year, although it may be difficult to forecast the pay budget
that is going to be required, maybe nine months later. The population will
have changed, as will the external market. Ideally you should work with
finance colleagues to take into account pay increase trends to help establish
the budget. There needs to be some flexibility as the circumstances will change,
otherwise, as I have observed in some organizations, the budget set by finance
becomes fixed regardless of changed circumstances.
The other point to note on budgeting, relates to the date of the pay review
in relation to the financial year. The impact of a general pay increase imple-
mented part-way through a financial year will only increase salaries for
part of the year. It will only have a full impact the following year, but subject
to turnover etc, which is discussed below.
Table 9.1 shows the main factors that employers said determined the
size of the pay review from the 2013 CIPD Reward Management survey.

Ta b l e 9.1 Factors influencing pay reviews


Ability to pay 78.8

Going rate 45.9

Movement in market rates 44.9

Inflation 42.4

Recruitment/retention issues 40.0

Government funding 34.4

138 Reward in Practice

It is no surprise that the most common factor is the organizations ability

to pay. Without the money, other factors become secondary. Often there will
be a rebudget later in the year as you get closer to the pay review. This may
be a further opportunity to work with finance colleagues to refine the budget
based on the latest data you have. Where annual increments are used
(almost exclusively in the public sector) this will have been budgeted for
separately to what is probably a flat rate increase.

Cost of salary increases

The budgeted cost will normally be expressed as a percentage increase in
salaries on a day one basis that is the annualized cost of the salary increase
on implementation. It will not be the cost over the year as there are many
other factors that will have an influence. It is notoriously difficult to forecast
the true cost of an annual salary increase because of the dynamic nature of
an organization. Employees join and leave and also get promoted during the
Organizations often use very tight controls on the annual review budget
but do not try to impose similar controls during the year. Some organizations
have sought to control in-year increases by having a second review date,
normally six months after the main review. It is only at this second date that
salary increases due to particular market pressures etc and promotions
during the year may be implemented. This is then monitored and controlled.
Typically, employees who are more experienced leave and get replaced by
someone who is less experienced and hence is paid less. Obviously, this
will vary from case to case depending on the market conditions. But it has
the effect of balancing out other increases during the year. In terms of aggre-
gate salaries, there is always some recruitment lag. This is the gap between
someone leaving and a replacement starting. During the intervening period
there is no salary being paid for that role.
In aggregate the number of employees will have a significant impact. If the
organization is growing or contracting the total salary costs will obviously

Pay policy
In Part I of this book I discussed a number of factors that would help you
create a reward policy and strategy. Within that you may have a statement on
your position on pay that will frame any pay review. Here are two examples
of the sort of statements that set the scene for pay reviews:
Managing Pay Data and Pay Reviews 139

Intel, the largest semiconductor chip makers stated practice on pay is:

Deliver base and variable cash compensation that is above market in

total, and ensure top performers receive the top rates of pay.

The Royal borough of Kingston Pay policy statement 2013/14

General Principles

In setting pay, remuneration for council staff at all levels needs to be

adequate to secure and retain high-quality employees dedicated to the
service of the public, while not being unnecessarily generous or otherwise
excessive or perceived as such. At the same time there must be sufficient
flexibility to cope with a variety of circumstances (foreseeable or not),
such as local or occupation-specific labour market conditions.

The pay review system you use should be based on your reward principles
or policy that I covered in Part 1 of this book.

Individual pay changes

Table 9.2 shows the criteria organizations used to change individual pay,
from the 2013 CIPD Reward Management survey.
I cover some of the different approaches to pay reviews in the following

An incremental pay structure (as covered in Chapter 8), most commonly
used in the public sector, allows the individual employees salary to increase
by one incremental point (typically 1.55 per cent) every year until they hit
the top of the salary scale. The aim is to reflect acquired skills and know
ledge in theory converted into effectiveness over time. In addition, there
will normally be an annual cost of living adjustment to reflect inflation.
Whilst most incremental systems operate as described, with one increment
increase per year, there are also variations where for particular performance
or demonstrable increases in competence etc there may be two or possibly
even three increments awarded.
140 Reward in Practice

Ta b l e 9.2 Criteria used in reviewing individual pay

Individual performance 71.5

Competencies 64.7

Market rates 64.2

Skills 57.6

Employee potential/value/retention 51.3

Length of service 31.1

Union/staff pressures 27.1

Living wage pressures 24.0

Shareholder views 19.8

National minimum wage 18.8

Common to any approach that has a fixed pay range, there is a question of
what to do once someone is at the top of their salary band as they may
receive no more increments. In most cases they would just continue to receive
any cost of living increase. But in some organizations there may be a non-
consolidated lump sum payment especially to reflect excellent performance.

Cost-of-living/market movement
As I mentioned above, in an incremental system recipients may receive an
annual cost of living increase as well as an increment. This is one reason why
pay levels in the public sector in the UK have outstripped those in the private
sector over recent years.
Some organizations may aim just to use a standard increase for everyone.
This is obviously very simple. Where salary increases are very low, as they have
been for many years, many organizations have felt that the administrative
cost is disproportionately high to try to differentiate between individuals
where there is little to play with. The two case studies at the end of this
chapter reflect this to some extent.
Managing Pay Data and Pay Reviews 141

Individual performance
Individual performance remains the most common factor, although a signi
ficant part of the mix is competencies. This reflects the shift in the approach
to performance management over some years to take into account both the
what of performance the outputs, usually framed as objectives and the
how the way in which the job is done, that is the competencies used.
A common approach to capture individual performance for determining
a pay review is to use some form of annual appraisal with a rating
typically one of around five. This may aim to reflect both the what and the
how and is a part of the annual performance management cycle.
Performance management should be about helping improve the perfor
mance of individuals and teams to help improve the performance of the
whole organization. The core of performance management for individuals
is the answers to the two questions:

What is expected of me?

How am I doing?

However, performance management can become, in the eyes of most em-

ployees, simply the process that is used to determine pay reviews. This is a
classic issue of potentially contaminating effective performance management
goals, feedback, support, development with a pay focus.
In pursuit of fairness and objectivity organizations often look for objec-
tives to be set that are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic
and time bound). But part of the problem can be that objectives are set
that are easy to measure, rather than those that add value. Objectives may
also be too narrow. In the worst cases people achieve results in a chang-
ing environment in spite of the fixed objectives rather because of them.
International think tank ODI dropped SMART and instead encouraged
people to agree objectives that were meaningful and were clear about what
success looked like. In the following employee survey the response to the
statement my last performance appraisal was fair and objective went from
61 per cent positive to 86 per cent.
The annual rating system can be criticized as being too simplistic,
demeaning and insensitive to the complexity of changes in organizations
today. They can also be the focus of the contamination of what otherwise
could be a sensible conversation as part of a whole approach to true
performance management. Whilst I believe that an annual review should be
part of a whole approach to performance management, I am very cautious
about using ratings. My experience is that they are primarily used for the
142 Reward in Practice

annual pay review and little else. This really should be challenged. Many
high-performing organizations such as Arup, Specsavers and the National
Theatre do not use ratings.

Pay matrix
Where an organization uses annual ratings they are often used in some
sort of pay matrix such as shown as Table 9.3. This will typically give the
rating on one side and the position in the salary scale, if there is one, on the
other axis. The range of salary increases that may be used is shown for each
intersection. The manager uses this matrix to propose salary changes for
their team members within an overall budget available.
As I mentioned earlier, with low inflation and relatively low salary increases,
it is questionable if there is much value in spending a significant amount
of time on what might be extremely small differences in salary. Some organ
izations who may have used such a matrix in the past have moved away
from this to a much more informal approach with broad guidelines and an
overall budget.

Ta b l e 9.3 Example pay matrix

Position in salary range

Performance rating High Mid-point +/ Low

5 34.5% 45.5% 57%

4 23% 2.53.5% 34.5%

3 12% 1.52.5% 23%

2 0% 0% 12%

1 0% 0% 0%

Online pay review systems

There are many online pay administration systems available which help
manage pay reviews. They will normally interface with the main HR data-
base and finance system.
Managing Pay Data and Pay Reviews 143

The system will have the relevant details for each employee, salary etc.
There may be some form of matrix in the background limiting the salary
increases available. The reviewing manager may be presented with a
suggested salary for each individual that the manager may change within
the guidelines.
Online pay systems can speed up the whole process considerably. There
will be workflow built in so that the data can move up the organization for
approvals. This can be particularly valuable in a global business where a
manager may have people reporting who work in different countries. Using
such a system can mean that the elapse time for running a pay review can be
shortened, although it still depends on the various stakeholders meeting
a timetable.

Pay review and pay progression

An annual pay review with, perhaps, an element of market pay movement
and performance may be fine for most people in work. But there may be
some employees, particularly when they are fairly early in their career, who
would be expected to make more significant pay progress. In some systems
they may be promoted into a higher grade. But with wider pay ranges and
broad-banded systems much of the pay progression to reflect experience
and value in the market needs to be managed by pay progress within a pay
range rather than by being formally promoted into a higher grade.
An annual pay review will not cope with this sort of progression unless
it is planned for. Many organizations that have trainees, for example on
graduate programmes or other technical or professional trainees, will have
specified pay reviews that operate in addition to the annual pay round. This
is to ensure that those who may be developing strongly in their careers have
their pay reviewed more frequently to ensure that it reflects their market
position and helps protect the talent pipeline.

The message
Where there is discretion as to the size of a pay increase (other than pure
incremental systems), there is an opportunity to give a message with the
award. Informing an individual of a pay review (or bonus) is an ideal
opportunity to ensure that the individual gets the message that the review is
meant to convey. Too often this is wasted with a standard letter produced
by HR rather than a meaningful conversation about the rationale for the
pay decision. I discuss this further in Chapter 6 on communications.
144 Reward in Practice

This chapter has just highlighted a number of issues that I think are impor-
tant in using salary surveys and managing pay reviews. You need to understand
the market(s) in which you compete and take care in the sources you use for
pay data and how you use them. However, it is only a summary. If you are
going to use salary survey data professionally, I suggest that you look for
some training to help you. Some of the major survey providers run courses
as do the CIPD.


Should you look for a training course to give you more detail on salary
surveys and pay reviews?
Are you clear on the pay markets in which you compete?
What are your current sources of pay data; are they fit for purpose?
Do you have a clear statement to explain simply how pay reviews work
in your organization?
Should you reassess the pay review process?

Case studies
I have included two different case studies for this chapter. The first is
Specsavers and the second is the National Theatre.
The National Theatre is one of the leading theatres in the world. The case
study illustrates how a hugely successful organization can manage very
effectively with a very simple and non-bureaucratic pay review process.
The pay review process at Specsavers reflects its values and fits well in the
context of its approach to reward and its pay mix. The case study shows
how the organization brings together a number of reward components as
part of an annual review so that the pay review is positioned as only one of
three elements emphasizing total reward, not just basic salary.
Managing Pay Data and Pay Reviews 145

C a s e s t u dy Specsavers

Specsavers remains a family-owned company having been founded in 1984 with

one store in Bristol. Specsavers is now a well-known high street brand and the
worlds largest private optical group with over 1,650 stores in 10 countries. Each
store is part-owned and managed by its own directors, who are shareholders
of their own businesses but who are supported by key specialists in support
offices who provide a range of services, such as marketing, accounting, IT and
There are more than 2,500 partners and over 30,000 employees. Specsavers
is the largest employer of registered optometrists and dispensing opticians
(around 3,500) in the UK. In 2012, global revenue was 1.8bn. The financial year
runs from 1 March to the end of February.
Specsavers directly employs about 450 people in its headquarters in Guernsey
and in support offices across the UK. It is a strongly values-based business
encapsulated in the following:

Treat people as we would like to be treated ourselves

Passionate about:
Our customers: the lifeblood of our business
Our people: supporting our staff to be the best they can be
Partnership: at the heart of everything we do
Communities: giving back to and working with our local communities
Results: keep it simple, get it done, deliver on our promises


The approach to reward overall reflects the core values, in particular to keep
things simple. To the extent to which pay varies for individuals is to a large extent
based upon the way in which people behave within the values as well as the
Specsavers has five simple bands or levels with benefits tied to each. All
employees are eligible for a quarterly bonus and an annual profit-share award.
The final quarterly bonus and the profit share are payable in June along with the
annual pay review. Given the low levels of market pay changes this means that the
pay award becomes, what might be, only a relatively small (or lower key) part of
the total announced at the time. Particularly with low market pay increases,
146 Reward in Practice

Specsavers takes the view that it wants to get pay right so that it can effectively
take concerns about salary off the table in order to talk about other more
meaningful things to their people the things that really do make a difference.

Performance management

Specsavers encourages regular meaningful conversations between managers

and their teams. These are centred around the four simple questions:
What went well?

What didnt go so well?

What can you do better?

How can I help?

There is an annual review which is documented but they do not use performance
ratings. The annual discussion is also based on the four questions for the whole
year and covers behaviours against the values as well as outcomes; what people
do and how they do it. The regular discussions seek to ensure that the managers
can make good judgements about elements of individual reward that may be
based on behaviours and outcomes.

Approach to pay reviews

Each year Specsavers reviews a range of market data to understand the levels
of pay increases in the market. This includes data from its main data provider,
other published and subscription services and general business contacts. Based
on this data, the head of reward makes a proposal to the board for a pay review
budget in February, for the annual pay review effective from 1 June covering the
head office staff in each of the 10 countries in which Specsavers operates.
Using the approved pay budget, in May each line manager is e-mailed a pay
review schedule listing their staff with basic details including current salary and
bonus history. It is also pre-populated with the standard pay increase. There is an
exceptions column that they may complete.
Specsavers believes that the salary for most people is pretty well positioned.
With market pay increases being generally suppressed and pay pots generally
being relatively small, the starting view is that there will be a standard increase for
everyone unless there are exceptional circumstances. The line managers may
propose a higher or lower review than the standard which they enter on the sheet
with their justification. The exceptions are reviewed by the relevant senior
managers as a group to review the consistency of approach. The exceptions are
Managing Pay Data and Pay Reviews 147

then approved by the relevant board director. Finally, there is a board level review
of all the exceptions to make sure any adjustments are approached in a consistent
It controls the overall budget for pay increases at the board level but does
not try to impose a fixed budget at the level of each line manager. In practice,
Specsavers experience is that there are around 10 per cent of exceptions
approved; approximately half higher and half lower than the standard increase.
After the final approval, the results are communicated to the line managers and
local HR business partners in June. Managers are encouraged to talk to each of
their reports to explain the pay review increase they have been awarded as well
as the final quarters bonus and why they are receiving what they are.
On the last Friday before 24 June (pay day) each individual receives a
personalized reward update showing their new salary, bonus and the amount
of annual profit share they will receive. This is an important date in the calendar
and there is a degree of celebration surrounding it, in particular the profit share.
In addition to the annual pay review there are some areas of the business, for
example call centres, where employees can make progress up a salary scale
based on acquiring additional skills.
Specsavers believes that its simple, relatively low-key approach to pay reviews
reflects the values of the business and works well particularly in the context of
having a bonus and profit-share arrangement.
It is interesting to note that engagement levels in Specsavers are up around the
level you would expect for a high-performing organization and the reward
related scores are higher than average in both UK and global terms.

C a s e s t u dy The National Theatre


The National Theatre is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity,

established in 1963. It is the leading theatre in the UK and has a worldwide
reputation for its productions. It has extended the opportunity for people to see its
productions through the innovative NT Live, where productions are streamed into
cinemas around the world. The National Theatre has also successfully transferred
productions to the West End and to the USA. Worldwide audiences are around
148 Reward in Practice

2.3 million. In its three theatres on the South Bank in London, it presents an eclectic
mix of new plays and classics from the world repertoire with seven or eight
productions in repertory at any one time.
The South Bank theatres have averaged over 90 per cent capacity in the last
few years. With, currently, four productions in the West End, the National Theatres
audiences are likely to represent over 40 per cent of Londons total play-goers
with over 1,750 performances.
In 2011/12 the NT income was 80m, more than doubled in 10 years. The
breakdown of income is approximately:

Box office including transfers 56%

Public subsidy from Arts Council England 23%
Trading and other activities 13%
Fundraising 8%

The objectives of the NT are:

The artistic programme and artistic development. The NT presents a balanced

artistic programme, staging around 20 productions a year from the whole of
world drama, with a specific responsibility for the creation of new work and
representing the widest range of voices.

Audiences. The NT is tireless in trying to reach more people, broaden our

audiences and give them an unparalleled experience.

Learning and engagement. The NT aims to be an inspirational, internationally

recognized resource for lifelong learning about and through theatre.
Leadership. As a national theatre, the NT takes responsibility for fostering
the health of the wider British theatre.

Sustainability. The NT operates in a financially and environmentally

responsible manner, whilst striving to increase self-generated income.

Innovation. The NT actively considers the way in which it operates, and

strives to innovate in all areas of its activity.

The NT employs around 1,100 people (just over 1,000 full-time equivalent in
2012) and will employ over 500 actors and musicians over a year for particular
The 1,100 splits to around 700 technical and front of house staff where pay
levels are negotiated with the union and 400 where there are individual pay
Managing Pay Data and Pay Reviews 149

Pay review process

Initially, a nominal standard percentage rise is built into the budget in December.
This is primarily based on a reasonable approximation of how the forthcoming
years budget will be balanced in the light of funding increases or cuts. Whilst
used for budgeting, the final agreement of the actual pay rise budget will be made
in the following March prior to the annual review date for the non-unionized
staff of 1 April.
In January the head of HR writes to the 15 senior managers (heads of
departments) asking them to review if any individuals should receive more than
the standard increase. At this point the same managers are asked to discuss
their team development plans and diversity objectives for the forthcoming year.
The main rationale for any proposals above the standard is based on any
material changes to responsibilities. In February the head of HR then meets with
each of the 15 senior managers to discuss their proposals. Based on the overall
requests the total is reviewed against the initial budget and adjustments are made.
This produces a final list of requests outside the standard.
In mid-March the head of HR then meets with the three members of the executive
to review all of the individuals on the list and finalize the budget. They review the
nominal budget figure and test it in the light of the February RPI figures and any
additional sense of financial expectations across the last three months of the
financial year (to the end of March). For example, if a production has been a hit
and might therefore generate additional surplus via transfer in the next year, or
looking at whether a greater increase should be granted to the lower paid. In
practice the margin of difference is in the region of 0.5 1 per cent.
The executive members take an overall view of the changes requested to
seek to ensure that there is an unbiased and fair distribution. Typically, fewer
than 10 per cent will receive an increase above the standard. It is unusual for
someone to receive less than the standard, but it is possible where, for example,
there has been a material reduction in responsibility. The executive then approves
a final list.
The head of HR then notifies the departmental heads of the outcome in
March and writes to each individual directly with their pay review.

10 Bonus plans

Prevalence of bonuses
Bonuses come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, from a weekly low-level prize
to annual (and longer) executive plans paying potentially a multiple of annual
salary. Table 10.1 shows the range and prevalence of bonuses reported in
the 2013 CIPD Reward Management survey.

Types of bonus
Using the data in Table 10.1 as a starter, in Table 10.2 below I note some of
the main types of bonus and where they might be used, before discussing
how best to approach bonuses.
I do not propose going through each type of bonus. Rather, I will suggest
an overall approach. But whatever type of bonus plan you might be consider-
ing, there are some vital things you need to take into account. I have been
in meetings where people came armed with proposed details of a bonus
plan before we had even agreed what its purpose was. Designing the bonus
plan is the last stage, not the first. Like decorating a room, it is all about
the preparation. You need to understand a whole lot of other things first.
Once you really know those, the design (if a bonus is relevant at all) will
become clear.
Whilst I mention some issues relating to sales bonuses and commissions,
I do not deal with them in detail. Detailed design issues such as caps and
thresholds and different bonus periods can all have a significant effect on
sales. For example, a cap can encourage successful sales people to push a sale
into the follow period. Sales plans are a particular type of plan that needs
specific expertise to design successfully.

Ta b l e 10.1 Percentage of respondent organizations

Individual-performance related Group-performance related

Individual Combination Sales Other individual Ad hoc/ Profit Goal Non- Gain
bonuses schemes* commission cash-based project based sharing sharing monetary sharing
incentives schemes incentives

All 59.8 49.4 36.5 17.4 19.5 39.7 50.3 21.2 11.9

By sector
Manufacturing and 51.8 66.1 35.7 10.7 25.0 47.6 52.4 16.7 11.9
Private sector services 69.7 51.6 53.3 23.8 18.9 44.7 55.3 16.5 15.3
Public sector 48.8 32.6 4.7 14.0 14.0 11.8 35.3 47.1 0.0
Voluntary, community 45.0 25.0 30.0 5.0 20.0 0.0 14.3 42.9 0.0
and not-for-profit

By occupation group
Management/ professional 58.8 47.5 29.8 13.0 17.2 39.0 48.2 19.1 12.1
Other employees 46.0 40.0 25.6 15.3 14.0 38.0 42.6 21.7 5.4

* combination schemes depend on a mix of individual, group and/or organizational performance.

152 Reward in Practice

Ta b l e 10.2 Main types of bonus

Bonus type Main features Typical Usage

time frame

Individual Payable to individuals Annual As part of

bonus based on their performance
achievements, often management to
linked to annual encourage and
objectives reflect individual

Combination Individual bonus Annual To encourage

schemes typically based on individuals to
two or three factors balance out their
in combination, actions to meet their
such as individual, individual goals as
division and well as support
organization others to achieve
performance broader goals

Sales Individual bonus Monthly or To incentivize

commission paying on sales or quarterly a sales person to
sales revenue maximize sales

Project bonus Team or individual End of To encourage

bonus for successfully project the team to work
delivering a project together to achieve
the project on time
and to cost

Total Reward A discretionary bonus Annual In place of part of

awarded as part of a pay review for
the annual pay review a high performer
process in lieu of who is already on
(some) salary increase a high salary

Profit sharing Group-wide bonus that Annual To encourage people

pays a cash amount or in the business to
a percentage of salary focus on the success
depending on the of the whole
profit that is made business rather than
just their part
Bonus Plans 153

ta b l e 10.2 Continued
Bonus type Main features Typical Usage
time frame

Goal sharing Group bonus based Annual To get people

on achieving broad, behind one or more
typically company or key corporate goals
division wide goals

Team bonus Bonus paid to a team Quarterly or To encourage

for their collective annual team behaviours to
achievement achieve a positive

Gain sharing Group-wide bonus Quarterly or To bring people

based on a formula annual in the business
that relates bonus together to share
to improvements in the value of
productivity and improvements;
performance which part of cultural
are under the control change
of employees

Pool base Create a bonus pool Annual To bring a

and allocate a % share management group
to participants; pool to work together to
size varies according achieve the KPIs
to some KPIs

Spot bonus Immediate low-level Daily To recognize a

bonus to recognize positive behaviour or
particular success output immediately

Deferred Executive bonus Annual with To help retain

bonus where part or all of three-year executives and
the bonus is deferred deferral tie them into the
for, typically, three longer-term results
years before it is paid; of the business
the deferred element
may be in company
154 Reward in Practice

Bonus design framework

Here is a fairly simple framework of six steps that you can follow to design
a bonus plan. Of course they overlap and you may find you need to go back
to an earlier stage, but they are a helpful guide.

F i g u r e 10. 1 Six step bonus design framework

Aims and Design principles
context Fit
Management effectiveness
Design Alignment
parameters Measures
Time span
Agree Distribution
design Scenario testing

Launch Communication

Management support
Manage Links to aims
Supporting messages

Frequency of review
Review Making changes

In the following sections I will take you through each of these steps, giving
a practical approach of how to review and design bonuses.

Aims and context

The absolutely critical question you must answer to start with is, What is
the bonus for? This can be quite a difficult question to answer, particularly
if you have had bonuses operating for some time. They have always been
there rather than they are there for a particular purpose. You should agree
a written answer with whoever are the main stakeholders. The purpose of
the XYZ bonus plan is to.... I am afraid that ... to help recruit, retain and
Bonus Plans 155

motivate... is just not good enough as we discussed in Chapter 1 on reward

strategy. Maybe these questions will help:

What is the problem that the bonus is trying to help solve?

What will be different if the bonus is successful?
How will people behave differently, or achieve different results?
Is the bonus to encourage exceptional performance or will it be
part of business as usual; what is the message the bonus is meant to

You also need to consider the relationship between bonus and basic pay.
So you should be able to answer the question, What is basic pay for and
what is bonus for? Sometimes there is confusion and double counting as they
are both driven from the same outcomes. So I hope as part of your reward
strategy you will have considered this relationship and their strategic fit
and can articulate the difference.
I would strongly advise that you spend some time on this vital stage. You
need to be careful to look for the ultimate aim, not the means. If you can
really distil the essence of what you are trying to achieve, you may decide
that a bonus is not actually the right answer. So I would try to keep a fairly
open mind. You need to be thinking if it is actually possible for a bonus to
deliver the aim you agree, particularly in the context of the organization.

A bonus will not manage for you. It can only help you focus attention on
ends and behaviours but it must be part of the culture and management
style of the organization. Like all other parts of reward (and other HR pro-
grammes) simply grafting on a bonus is unlikely to be successful without
thinking about how it will fit. For example, an all-employee profit share can
be very successful in the right context or little short of a waste of money
having no impact if the fit is wrong.

The John Lewis partnership is one of the most successful retailers in

the UK. It is unique in that it is owned by the 85,000 partners (employees)
who share the profits. It has a very strong culture and values. In 2013
partners received a profit share bonus of 17 per cent of salary. The bonus
announcement is a highlight of the year. It is strongly communicated and
aligned closely with the business success. Whilst the profit share is only
a part of the culture it is central.
156 Reward in Practice

Moog Inc is a very successful US hi-tech engineering business with

over 11,000 employees in 27 countries. Moog operate no individual bonuses
or sales commission. They have only a single global profit share which
emphasizes their core values to team work and shared responsibility.

On the other hand a profit share can just become institutionalized and ex-
pected in the wrong culture.

I worked in a private sector organization which had an annual tax efficient

profit share (under the legislation at the time). It had been paying out the
maximum of 10 per cent of salary for a few years but it was not tied into
total reward. So tough annual pay negotiations were around basic pay
increases of 2.5 per cent or 3.0 per cent, but they were overshadowed by
the 10 per cent profit share that was ignored.

The nature of the bonus itself would need to fit the organization. For some
organizations cash may be inappropriate, so maybe small non-cash awards
would be better, as discussed in Chapter 11. Some research has shown
that in some circumstances a bonus, coined as a pro-social bonus that
may only be used by the recipient for others or to give to charity can be
more motivating than a regular cash bonus for them to spend on themselves
(Anik et al, 2013).
Some annual bonus plans are launched at the start of the year and a pay-
out made after the end of the year, but nothing is said about them during the
year. They never touch the sides. But to get an annual plan to have impact it
needs to be aligned with the key messages how the business is doing, and
what else can we do individually and collectively to help keep it on track?
So its all about context and fit.

In 2011 Intel, the worlds largest semiconductor chip maker, found an error in
the design of one of its products. This meant that it had to scrap 14,000,000
units and manufacture 28,000,000 new units in factories in the US, Israel and
Ireland in 14 weeks; half the time this would normally be planned to take.
Bonus Plans 157

Communication was key. In Ireland, the leadership explained the issue

to everyone at the factory. It was going to be a huge challenge. But they
worked through what had to be done and how they were going to achieve
it. To focus everyone on the local target, they set up electronic displays in
the factory entrance showing the target and how they were tracking to it.
These displays were updated on the basis of daily output achieved, along
with other communications to ensure everyone at the factory knew what
progress was being made.
Intel also wanted to provide some financial incentive reflecting the gain
if they collectively achieved the goal. They wanted a simple system that
emphasized that everyone in each of the three factories could help
achieve this challenging target. They introduced a gainsharing bonus so
that each of the people in the factories, including the team leaders and
managers, would receive $1,000 so long as the goal was reached at
least 28,000,000 units manufactured by the end of 14 weeks.
They actually managed to beat the target: the three factories produced
32,000,000 units within the revised time frame.

Incentives or rewards
A significant problem with bonus plans is that they often do not encourage
people to do what you would like them to do; so they have little effect. A
much worse problem can be when they do exactly what they are designed
for and have a very significant effect. This may sound like the sort of prob-
lem you would like to have a reward programme impacting behaviour
and outcomes as you would like it to.
The problem is that if you design a bonus plan to incentivize behaviour
you may well get what you are incentivizing and nothing else. The theory
that helps to explain this is Expectancy Theory (Vroom, 1964). In essence,
Vroom found that the strength of motivation will vary according to the

desire for a particular outcome;

expectancy that an action will lead to that outcome; and
view that the action (goal) can be achieved.

In other words, in the context of incentive bonuses, if the participant values

a potential bonus and can see that they can achieve a certain outcome which
158 Reward in Practice

will give them that bonus, they are likely to seek to achieve the outcome
to get the bonus. Whilst at one level this might seem obvious, it is helpful
as we think about constructing bonus plans, in particular those that are
designed to incentivize.
It is actually fraught with danger, because you have to be absolutely
clear what the outcome is that you want the bonused individual to achieve.
So, as discussed earlier, a key factor to consider is, What does success look
like? What is the outcome you are seeking? Be very careful to distinguish
between any short-term achievements and the ultimate goal.
The recent past is littered with mis-selling scandals. Very many of these
were caused by organizations that set their goals in generating revenue in
the short term without thinking through the longer-term consequences.
As mentioned in Part One, whilst they may have talked about valuing the
customer, the bonus plans paid out on sales. It should come as no surprise
then that those targeted and bonused to achieve sales did exactly that.
However, huge fines and compensation had to be paid and significant repu-
tational damage was done. One financial services business I talked to said
that the total cost of putting right a particular mis-selling issue was very
considerably more than the value of all the sales made.
There are some illustrative examples shown in FSA (2013) final guidance.
Whilst the report is focused on financial services, the examples of poor
practice show very clearly how a poorly designed bonus plan can undermine
an organization, regardless of the sector.
There are some things where it is counterproductive to try to incentivize,
as discussed in Chapter 3. For example, research has shown that creativity
and innovation are reduced where you introduce a financial incentive.

F i g u r e 10.2 Control and clarity of goal matrix


Broad-based bonus Targeted incentive

eg Some discretion eg Commission


Discretionary awards
Team bonus
eg Spot bonuses/
eg Gainsharing

Low Clarity of goals High

Bonus Plans 159

One way to consider this issue is in relation to the clarity of goals and the
degree of control the individual has over the outcome. This is illustrated
in Figure 10.2. Where the outcomes are very clear and specific and the indi-
vidual has high control, with little support or dependency on others, targeted
incentives may be considered. But as you can see, in other situations depending
on the relationship between goals and control, alternative bonus mechanisms
are likely to be more appropriate.
A reward rather than an incentive is likely to focus on broad outcomes
and may reinforce what people are already doing. This point is expanded
in Chapter 11 on non-cash reward. But, as discussed in Chapter 3, the belief
system in the organization will influence thinking about what a bonus
should be doing. So here are two truths:

if you want to see what an organization values, look at what it pays

for, not what it says;
if the bonus is attractive, people will do what the bonus targets,
so it must be what you want.

Management effectiveness and training

You need to understand how effective your management is at communicat-
ing messages. How will they be able to operate the bonus plan you are
thinking about? Managers dont need bonus plans to help them manage.
But if you are going to introduce bonus plans then look at how people do
manage in the organization and what further training they may require
to help embed the bonus to make it as effective as possible. As I have said
before, bonuses do not manage for you. If a manager believes that they can
abdicate responsibility for managing performance because the bonus will
drive the right outcomes, you are in trouble.
The bonus may include a degree of management discretion judgement
so your managers need to be clear about the nature of the discretion they
have and need to be briefed on using the discretion fairly.

Design principles
As part of the process of taking a strategic approach to bonuses, having
established the main contextual issues, I recommend you start to develop
a set of design principles that you can agree with the key stakeholders. This
is likely to help frame the design of a particular bonus although it could be
to set the scene for all bonuses although this would be more of a bonus
160 Reward in Practice

The design principles are not the bonus plan, but the main agreed prin
ciples to which the design should adhere. Some may be in conflict. I would
not shy away from this, but you need to recognize that there may be some
trade-off between one principle and another. The benefit of agreeing design
principles is that you can get stakeholders to focus on the things that are
important to help achieve the aims but not get fixated by the detail of
Here is an example of a set of bonus design principles that was used
to help design an annual bonus. Like other examples in this book, I am not
suggesting that you should follow this model precisely. But I hope it helps
illustrate what I mean by design principles and allows you to develop what
is appropriate in your circumstances.

XYZ Co Annual bonus design principles

1 As both basic salary and bonus make up the total cash,

the market position for an individual should be taken into
account in considering bonus levels.

2 At the start of the financial year a participant should have a reasonable

understanding of the range of potential bonus they may earn and what
has to be achieved for the bonus to pay out.

3 Bonus should not focus on individual performance at the potential cost

of the larger unit to which they contributes.
4 The bonus plan should be as simple as possible.

5 Bonus will be expressed as a percentage of salary.

6 Potential bonus will be expressed as both target and maximum.

The minimum bonus will be zero.

7 The bonus plan will be fully documented including provision for

changes in circumstances (such as leavers etc). Every participant
will have a copy of the documentation.

8 Effective feedback systems will be available to show people on

a regular basis how they and the parts of the business on which
their bonus depends are doing.
Bonus Plans 161

Design parameters
Firstly, you should be clear about the target population of employees who
you expect to participate in the plan. You need to be quite specific, put it
in writing and agree it with key stakeholders to ensure there are no
As I mentioned earlier, part of Expectancy Theory is that the individual
should be able to see the connection between what they do and the out-
come. So in bonus terms this is saying that if you are going to use individual
bonuses, based on individual results, the individual should be able to con-
trol the outcome. But we need to question very carefully the nature of any
roles for which we are considering introducing a bonus.
In a modern organization, how many people have that degree of control?
I would say very few indeed. Almost always to achieve a result we work
directly or indirectly with others. Even when you look at sales roles you
often find that individuals will support each other. So a vital question to
ask is, How do people work together to achieve a result? You need to probe
to really get to the answer, but whilst the starting assumption might be a
bonus based on individual results, that is unlikely to reflect reality and may
destroy value rather than improve it. For example, if your bonus plan is
based on the individual and their results, it is likely to encourage individual
behaviours not supporting others, keeping things to yourself and protect-
ing your own results regardless of the corporate consequences.
Almost no one can achieve results on their own, so consider carefully
if it should be an individual or team plan or at least with outcomes to
which the individual contributes rather than for which they are directly
accountable. You may want to use two or three measures in combination
(such as individual and division) to reflect these elements. So key questions
to ask are:

What do you really want people to do?

To what extent do people work on their own or with others to
achieve success?

Time span
The key question here to ask is, Over what time period does the individual
(or team) make an impact? I have come across many cases where there is
complete misalignment between the span of time of impact and the bonus
period. For example, people doing a job with an immediate impact but
162 Reward in Practice

getting an annual bonus. Ideally, the time span of impact and the bonus
period should be aligned with any pay-out following very soon after the
event. So this might get you to think about more than one bonus plan.
In general, the more senior the person, the longer the time scale over
which they make an impact. For example, the directors of a company should
be setting the goals and strategy looking ahead well past the current year.
You might argue that even an annual bonus is inappropriate for the leaders
of an organization as they should be planning and delivering over a longer
period. That is as least one reason why some element of deferral of bonus
has become more common for executives.
Whilst no one would put in place a bonus for executive using weekly
results, there are plenty of organizations who have annual bonuses (that they
believe incentivize) for relatively junior people for whom a year is normally
much too long. For example, a call-centre adviser is likely to make an impact
day-to-day, or maybe week-to-week. So in this sort of situation, consider spot
bonuses, immediate prizes and recognition as a better fit than an annual
bonus. They can make a particularly big impact for short-term incentives.
This is discussed in Chapter 11.
You might decide that a form of annual profit share would help the
organization explain some of the key financial measures and may get people
to look at what they are doing over the year. This would apply for everyone
and may try to encourage joint working and focus on a common goal as
discussed earlier. It can be most effective in a relatively small organization.
But to make an impact with this sort of annual programme you need to
embed it and ensure that leaders and managers use it to help communicate
things that are relevant to each team and individual.

Horizontal and vertical alignment

It is common to have different bonus plans at different levels and sometimes
for different functions in the organization. This makes sense given the points
I have just made about time span. So the executive bonus plan may look
very different to the plan for people in more junior roles in the organization.
But you should consider the vertical alignment. That is, check that the bonus
plan at one level is not driving people in a different direction to the plan
above or below them.
For example, if front-line employees have a bonus that reflects excellence
in customer service but customer service does not feature in the bonus of
the people above them, there is likely to be conflict in the ways in which the
two groups see success.
Bonus Plans 163

There is also horizontal alignment. This is checking that bonus plans

of people at similar levels who may need to work together, or depend on
outputs from others to do their job are not in conflict. For example, you may
have some people whose bonus reflects only their individual outputs. But
others are looking to those people for support. It is inevitable that there
will be little sharing with others if the bonus drives individual results.
So look at the vertical and horizontal alignment between bonus plans.
They can be different plans with a different emphasis but they must be
aligned and not in conflict. Look at what success is all about and adapt
bonus plans to reflect the reality of the way people need to work together.

If measures are being used as part of the bonus they are likely to fall out
of the corporate or individual objective-setting system. It is common that
people find things that are measurable and use them as objectives, but
often a measure does not help you determine outcomes or value. Counting
the number of words in a poem or weighing a statue will not help you
appreciate their value.
There is a tendency to look for objective measures to underpin a bonus.
However, searching for something measurable rather than value adding
can lead to a situation coined the Macnamara Fallacy (Handy, 1994):

The first step is to measure whatever can be easily measured. This is OK as far
as it goes.
The second step is to disregard that which cant be easily measured or to give it
an arbitrary quantitative value. This is artificial and misleading.
The third step is to presume that what cant be measured easily really isnt
important. This is blindness.
The fourth step is to say that what cant be easily measured really doesnt exist.
This is suicide.

Bonus plans are often designed to avoid what is seen as subjectivity under-
pinning them. But another way to consider this is that we require people
to use assessment or judgement every day, often based on incomplete data.
The test is going back to what ultimately you are trying to achieve rather
than strive for perceived objectivity through measures at all costs.
It may be that a mix of measures is needed to carry a balanced message
(eg individual, team and company performance measures). I would advise
against more than three as otherwise it becomes too complex and unfocused.
164 Reward in Practice

Of course the sort of measures used, if any, should be based on the aim
of the bonus plan. But the management information needs to be available
for the measures. There is no point in deciding that a particular measure
should be used where there is no management information available.
Where a quoted company uses a bonus based on business-wide financial
measures, such as a profit share, there will be limited opportunities to com-
municate how you are doing as the information may be price sensitive and
therefore controlled by disclosure rules. You are likely to be restricted to
the annual results and quarterly updates.

Agree design
Funding is not about what you pay to an individual, team or department;
that is distribution. Funding is establishing where the money is to come from.
Whilst this might have been discussed earlier in the process, it will need
firming up now.
One of the advantages for an organization of paying bonus rather than
salary is the lower long-term cost and flexibility. Whilst an increase in salary
will increase the costs of other benefits which are based on salary such as
pension and life assurance, bonus is normally not counted as the basis for
such benefits. Most bonuses are structured to be non-contractual and so
there is flexibility for the company to pay higher or lower bonuses depend-
ent on profitability.
If times are tough for the business, it is easier to reduce a non-contractual
bonus than it is to reduce pay. The alternative may be redundancies. So
bonuses may be funded directly from the profit of the business. This does
assume that this flexibility is clear in the bonus plan rules and you explain
to people the finances of the organization so as to manage expectations.
You will need to work with your finance colleagues normally to agree the
funding. The finance function of the company will normally approve the basis
of funding for a bonus plan. They will want to budget for the bonus funding
as part of the annual budget cycle. Whilst sometimes this will be a fixed budget
to fund, typically, small bonuses, it is more likely to vary with profitability
or another financial measure. The funding may be a simple percentage of
this years profit or may also reflect improvement over last year.
You need to recognize where funding for any one bonus plan could pay
out a substantial bonus whilst the business overall makes little or no profit.
This may be a conscious decision as without the bonus the overall finances
could be worse. But it needs to be agreed.
Bonus Plans 165

In some bonus plans there is even a bonus-funding table shown so it is

clear to everyone how the initial funding will be calculated. An example is
shown as Table 10.3.

Ta b l e 10.3 Example bonus funding table

% of target earnings before Bonus

interest, taxes, depreciation and funding
amortization (EBITDA) achieved (%)

125+ 140

120 130

115 120

110 112

105 105

103 103

102 102

101 100

100 (target) 100

99 99

98 98

97 97

96 95

95 92

94 89

93 85

92 80

91 75

90 69

85 35

Below 85 Nil
166 Reward in Practice

Sales bonus funding, and in fact the basis of distribution to individuals

or teams, may be based on revenue rather than profitability. This is fraught
with danger as I have seen many such plans paying bonus or commission
on sales, but the company making little or no profit. As was coined in the
retail business, Revenue is vanity but profit is sanity. Whilst the individual
sales person may primarily affect the revenue, it is important to take into
account the costs of sales at least to some extent, as there is almost always
the opportunity to affect costs as well. A particular concern is where the sales
person can agree discounts which may have little effect on their revenue-
driven commission, but could significantly affect profitability.
Where a bonus is payable over a longer period, for example it has a deferral
period, the amount due will be accrued (spread) over the period, so that the
cost of the bonus is charged against the profits of different years. This can
be fairly complex and is clearly something for your finance colleagues to
deal with. But it is important to note that the funding may get spread over
more than one year.

You will need to establish what participants would get from the bonus
plan and how it would be calculated against outcomes. There are almost
endless permutations of ways to deal with this, but here are some pointers
covering a range of issues:

Bonus set as a percentage of salary assumes that individuals impact

is related to their seniority and the actual cash amount is valued
similarly by participants as in proportion to their salary.
Flat payment to all carries the message of equal contribution of
a team mostly used for short-term bonuses, such as a bonus at the
end of a project.
Minimum bonus generally the minimum bonus is zero assuming
that bonus payout relates to outcomes. Otherwise it becomes a
guaranteed bonus. I would advise that this should be considered for
the first year of employment only. Long-term minima or guarantees
are a bad idea.
Maximum bonus there may be a maximum (or cap) to ensure
that windfall outcomes are not over-rewarded and also to keep
a reference point with the external pay market.
Target bonus this may be stated as the bonus payable for a set of
outcomes, but will lead to expectations.
Bonus Plans 167

Threshold the minimum performance point that triggers funding

or a bonus payment. This might be set a few points below target.
Accelerator an increasing rate of bonus or funding typically for
Decelerator a reducing rate of bonus or funding, typically for
performance below target.
Multiplier combining two (or possibly more) factors together by
multiplying them together. For example, the initial pot is established
by taking a percentage of an outcome which is then multiplied by a
factor of between 0 and 2 depending on a second measure. Typically
used where both measures are important and a minimum level must
be achieved in each.
Adder combining two or more factors by adding them together.
Typically used when achievement in either or both is acceptable.

Scenario testing
One influence on bonus plan design will be the range of likely outcomes and
the degree of direct or indirect impact the participants of the bonus may
have. This is particularly important for annual and longer bonuses, but you
need to think about them for most types of bonus other than immediate
or very short-term plans.
For example, could there be a very high impact due to changes in the
market rather than what the participants actually do?
The unexpected does happen quite often actually so it is very important
to think about the potential range of outcomes as illustrated in Figure 10.3.

F i g u r e 10.3 Range of possible outcomes to consider

Range of outcomes

Windfall Best Expected Worst Catastrophe

Whilst there is likely to be some discretion in the operation of the plan, it is

far better to consider the range of outcomes and build them into the design.
If you present some outcomes where the decision makers would make a pay-
ment using discretion, then try to document that in the plan.
168 Reward in Practice

If you are implementing a short-term bonus, or competition over a few days
or weeks with low value payments you will need to ensure that everyone
understands it, but the documentation can be pretty light. However, as the
term of a plan and the potential value increases it is very important to ensure
that the plan is well documented. Certainly any bonus plan that covers a
year or more must be documented in some form of plan rules.
The document you use needs to be in the corporate style and its prime use
is to explain the details of the plan. But it needs to be sufficiently robust that
it covers the range of circumstances that may take place and ensure it is clear
when a payment will and will not be made. You would be strongly advised
to use an expert to draft a set of bonus plan rules.
You may want a lawyer to review the drafting, but be careful to ensure
that you do not turn a well-written and clear document into something that
is overly legal.
Whilst I would not advise someone without the skills and experience to
write a set of bonus plan rules I give below an outline of sections that might
be used and some ideas on what each section would cover.

Short background to set the scene, overall summary, discretion.

At least one sentence starting with something like, The objective of this
bonus plan is to...

Who will participate in the plan and how you will deal with new starters
and existing employees transferring in or out of the function.

Plan outline
Explanation of how it works.

When it will be paid, through payroll, subject to tax and national insurance.
Bonus Plans 169

One or more worked examples illustrating how it works and showing
any important variables for example when a maximum cuts in.

Changes in circumstance
Cover the changes that might happen and how you would deal with it:
dismissal, resignation, death, sickness absence, maternity and paternity
leave etc.

Definition of terms

The documentation can form part of the communications plan covered in

Chapter 6.

As raised earlier, to be effective a bonus plan needs to be owned by the man
agement. So for an annual plan in particular, you may need to look to what
extent it is being used to help communicate messages about the corporate,
department or individual success. For example, if there are quarterly corporate
announcements on results is there any reference to the bonus, where relevant?
Bonus plans depend upon line management to make them effective and
they will only work if line management is committed to them and use them
appropriately in their management role. At the core of this is effective com-
munications. There should be an active programme of briefings for managers
when a bonus plan is launched or when there are major changes. You should
provide support in the form of guidance and training, and perhaps briefing
When it comes to a payment, ideally, the manager needs to be engaged
and should ensure that the individual gets the right message about what the
particular bonus payout means.

I suggest that all bonus plans should be reviewed annually. If you are
introducing an annual plan I suggest that you communicate it only as a
one-year plan, so it is shown as the, say, 2014 bonus plan. This gives you
the opportunity of reviewing it before the start of the next year and
making any adjustments necessary.
170 Reward in Practice

You may wish to take views from any of the stakeholders HR, line
managers etc to gauge how the plan has done both in terms of direct impact
on results and also behaviours. You may wish to do a short survey of par-
ticipants or run a couple of focus groups to see what those affected think
about the plan.
It may be that you wish to make no changes, so simply re-label the pre
vious one. But I have seen many examples of bonus plans that have not been
reviewed for many years even though there have been substantial changes
in the business.

Bonus design checklist

The following checklist summarizes much of what this section covers and
introduces some additional points to look out for.

Bonus design checklist

1. Who is the target group?

Directors/senior managers/managers/staff do you
need different plans for each?
At what organizational level will it apply group, division, unit,
Will it be for individuals or teams?
What is the relationship with other parts of organization?
How do the individuals work together and depend on others?

2. Objectives of the plan

Will the plan reflect business objectives?
What do target group(s) need to do to help achieve business objectives?
Will the plan encourage target group(s) to focus on priorities?
Will the plan make target group(s) more aware of the factors that
govern company performance?
Will the plan enable target group(s) to share the companys success?
Bonus Plans 171

Will the plan reward personal commitment and success?

How will it link with salary reviews?
How will it link with recognition plans?

3. Types of plan

Incentive or reward?

Reward would be a payment for work done where the targets were not
set at the start of the period but, typically, a good level of achievement
was reached eg profit share plan.

Incentive targets or objectives are set at the start as are the basis for
and amounts of payments. It is clear to individuals what behaviour is
required of them to achieve a particular level of payment ie there is
a clear relationship between the achievement of a target and a given

The choice of the type of plan will depend on the:

culture and values of the organization;
degree to which functions are inter-related or free-standing;
extent to which the company is planning-based;
extent to which year to year performance is predictable;
degree of complexity in the mix of measures to be used.

4. Choice of performance measures

The choice of performance measures is critical. Key considerations

include business priorities; the extent to which individual/group can
influence results; the existence of reliable measures and the ability to
track performance. There is the danger of choosing a measure because it
exists rather than because it is right. In general the performance measures
used in a bonus plan should relate closely to the measures used in running
the business. The broad choices will be:
financial vs non-financial;
quantifiable vs non-quantifiable;
short term vs long term.
172 Reward in Practice

5. Key issues in plan design

Competitive base rates and benefits basic pay and benefits should be
competitive. Fluctuations in total earnings should not threaten basic
living standards.
Significant payments very small payments have little motivational value.
Simple and clear complex systems do not motivate.
Appropriate to business needs any plan must reflect business
priorities. There should be a balance between the needs of
shareholders (and other stakeholders) and employees.
Felt fair the plan must be acceptable/equitable in its underlying
principles, how it compares with other plans in the company and to
some extent its comparisons with plans in the market.
Communications ensure that key stakeholders, managers and
participants are briefed effectively including bonus documentation.
A bonus that is not understood is useless.
The target mix can have a mix of performance targets ie financial and
non-financial; individual, team and company performance measures;
short term and long term.
Discretionary element many plans which have a mix of targets have
a discretionary element. This can avoid the pitfalls of rigid/mechanistic
Link with performance appraisal discussions on setting and achievement
of targets should take place as part of performance appraisal
procedure. Be very wary of a mechanistic link to an appraisal score.
Level of payments setting of target level (as per cent of salary). Is it
meaningful? Is it self-financing? upper limit there may be a need to
cap payment.
Treatment of exceptional circumstances it may be necessary to make
provisions for dealing with exceptional circumstances outside the
control of the target group(s) to curb excessive gains/hardships.
Frequency of payment annually (after annual results), quarterly, monthly?
Thresholds and ceilings on payments will payment start below, at or
above target performance; similarly will the maximum be capped?
Bonus Plans 173

Accelerator/decelerator the extent to which the marginal gain

increases or decreases.
Plan duration and reviews all plans need to be reviewed regularly;
ideally annually.
Administration who will approve the plan? Rules and procedures
should be written: formula for calculating payments; eligibility to join
plan; timing of payments; treatment of leavers, new joiners, internal
transfers, death etc.

6. Scenario planning

Model the payments from the plan in a variety of scenarios, in particular

reflecting the extremes of performance and outcomes. What would the
organization do in each?

Bonuses can have a place, but they will do nothing on their own. They can
provide flexibility as part of total reward without being a fixed cost. They
can carry strong messages about what is important. But if they provide a
large enough carrot, participants are likely to seek to achieve exactly what
they target, and nothing else. This can be a significant problem and is some-
thing of a paradox.
Whilst organizations often want a bonus to act as an incentive, when it
does it may end up producing a different result than the organization was
after, particularly in the long term the danger of unintended consequences.
On the other hand if bonus is very small and is not going to act as an incen-
tive, what exactly is it doing?
The fundamental question is, do you believe that people need the extrinsic
motivation that a bonus is meant to provide? Or should a bonus be positioned
to reflect overall success and try to support the intrinsic motivation of the
engaged employee? This is developed in the next chapter on recognition
and non-cash reward.
Maybe the best way to think about bonuses is as a small part of the
whole. They should help managers to reinforce key messages about perfor
mance at different levels and they should make people feel good when they
get them.
174 Reward in Practice


Are you clear what you are asking your bonus plans to do; is it realistic?
Are your bonuses documented sufficiently so that it explains how the
plan works and the main changes to circumstances are covered?
Are you making best use of your bonus plans in helping manage rather
than leaving them drifting unattached to the rest of the organization?
When did you last your review plans? If not in the last 18 months,
I suggest that you do so.

C a s e s t u dy McDonalds

McDonalds has three bonus plans that appropriately balance incentive and
reward, use bonus periods that are relevant to the populations covered, align key
measures, give focus to the balance of outcomes and emphasize team success.


McDonalds is the worlds largest restaurant chain with more than 34,000
restaurants in 118 countries and employing 1.8 million people.
McDonalds opened its first restaurant in the UK in 1974. There are now
over 1,200 restaurants in the UK of which around 825 are owned and operated
through franchisees who collectively employ around 55,000 people. McDonalds
directly owns around 400 restaurants where it employs around 35,000 people
approximately 29,500 crew members and 5,000 shift leaders and managers. There
are another 550 people in its head office and regional management. This case
study focuses on the bonus plans for the company-owned restaurants and the
head office and regional management staff.
McDonalds global philosophy is to decentralize as much as possible so as to
ensure that discretion is used to meet the needs of the local markets. This is
contained in a global framework document that states what must be dealt with at
the corporate centre in Chicago, what can be varied within a region (eg Europe)
and what can be varied in each market (country). In terms of reward, stock is dealt
with at the centre and there is one common bonus framework for non-restaurant
Bonus Plans 175

staff. Hourly-paid employees are paid fortnightly and salaried employees are
paid twice monthly. The financial year is the calendar year.

Bonus plans

McDonalds has three bonus plans that are designed to incentivize achieving
goals and behaviours and reward success. They are each aligned with some key
measures and each has a bonus period that fits the population. Each is covered


In the restaurants there are two bonus plans; one for the restaurant management
team (salaried managers and hourly-paid shift leaders) and one for all other
employees, collectively referred to below as crew. Restaurants typically run
four shifts a day. Each restaurant is run as a profit centre.


Crew members are in a monthly bonus plan based only on customer satisfaction.
This is measured through two monthly mystery shopper visits per restaurant.
McDonalds have established that there are five key factors that are important
to customers and these are scored along with other measures by the mystery
shoppers. Also the speed of service is noted against standard service times. To
qualify for a crew bonus the restaurant must score 100 per cent for the five
customer satisfaction factors for the month and achieve a high overall visit score.
The restaurants are then ranked by speed of service as a tie breaker, if required.
The crew employees in the top 10 per cent of the qualifying restaurants are
eligible for a bonus.
Each month the results are published of the top 10 per cent of restaurants.
There is a certain level of competition between restaurants wanting to be seen
to achieve this standard. The bonus is in the form of hourly pay enhanced by
50p for the fortnightly pay period starting the following month. These periods are
set at the start of the year.
With four shifts a day, over a month it could be any of a large number of crew
members who were involved in the two mystery shopper visits. But the point is
that it is all about the team effort. Also, as a monthly bonus there are 12 opportunities
a year for a restaurant to achieve the bonus. The bonus is very short term to meet
the nature of the role. The message carried by the bonus is clear deliver all the
vital ingredients of customer service to provide customers with a great experience.
This focuses on exactly what crew members can do and how they can make
an impact.
176 Reward in Practice

Restaurant Management Team

Restaurant managers and shift team leaders are all in a quarterly bonus plan
based on three factors. There is also an annual element, payable with the final
quarterly bonus based on two other factors.
In December each year a bonus plan document is distributed to the participants
showing the plan for the forthcoming year and highlighting any changes from the
previous years plan. There is a schedule showing the payment dates for bonuses,
which is sixeight weeks after the end of each quarter. Targets are set for each
quarter throughout the year, rather than for the year as a whole. This enables
more realistic stretching, but achievable targets to be set. So with the December
communication are the targets only for the first quarter.
The three factors on which bonus is payable each quarter are:
Customer satisfaction based on the mystery shopper results, which are
the same as those for the crew.

Comparable sales the change in sales revenue for the quarter compared to
the same period in the prior year.

Profit operating profit.

For each of the three factors there is a qualifying standard below which no
bonus is payable for that element. Where a restaurant does qualify there is a
pre-announced value bonus payable for the quarter depending on the seniority
of the role. The qualifying restaurants are ranked and those in the top 10 per cent
receive a double bonus.
At the same time as the last quarter bonus is payable there is also the
annual element that is payable. This is based on two people measures for the
the turnover of hourly-paid employees for the year, and

employee satisfaction as measured in the annual employee attitude survey,

Your Viewpoint.

An example of the summary given to participants is shown as Figure 10.4 below.

The actual amount of bonus is not shown as this is confidential.
Each quarter when the results are announced the revenue and profit targets
for the next quarter are also given. The customer and employee measures are
set for the year.
The management team bonus is based on an interrelated balance of factors
that can be directly influenced by the management team at the restaurant. The
Bonus Plans 177

F i g u r e 10.4 Bonus payment table

2nd 1st Unit Business

Assistant Assistant Manager Manager

Mystery Shopper:

Top 10% of Qualifying Restaurants Nationally

Enhanced bonus xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

Remaining Qualifying Restaurants Nationally

Standard bonus
xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
Quarterly Bonus Measures

Comparable Sales:

Top 10% of Qualifying Restaurants Nationally

Enhanced bonus xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

Remaining Qualifying Restaurants Nationally

Standard bonus
xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

Profit Carry Down:

Top 10% of Qualifying Restaurants Nationally

Enhanced bonus xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

Remaining Qualifying Restaurants Nationally

Standard bonus
xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

Maximum Enhanced bonus per quarter xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
Maximum Standard bonus per quarter xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

Annual People Measures:

Annual Bonus Measures

Hourly-Paid Turnover
National Target of xx%
xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

Your Viewpoint Overall Commitment score

National target of xx%
xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

Maximum Annual Bonus xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

178 Reward in Practice

management team has accountability for growing sales and delivering profit,
which are two of the factors. But this is balanced out with the customer satisfaction
and people measures. There is alignment with the crew bonus through the
customer satisfaction measure which the whole team can influence.
The message is clear through the bonus that the managers need to keep an eye
on all of the key factors to run a successful restaurant customer satisfaction,
employee satisfaction, revenue and profit. To ensure a balanced approach is
adopted, each of the three quarterly measures are equally weighted to discourage
behaviours targeted at achieving one of the measures at the expense of the
This is a genuine quarterly bonus where each quarter there are new financial
targets to aim for. If no bonus or a partial bonus is achieved for one quarter
there is the next quarter to aim for. Even if the restaurant qualifies for a bonus for
each factor, there is then the opportunity to push harder to get to the top 10 per
cent and double bonus. So there is both an absolute element and a competitive
element based on relative performance. McDonalds see the balance between
absolute and relative performance as important in the way in which they manage
performance. The bonus is simply set as a cash value, so everyone can see what
their potential bonus is.

Head office and regional staff

All head office and regional staff are on the same bonus framework but with
different annual target bonuses as a percentage of salary. The bonus plan is
known as the Target Incentive Plan (TIP).
The actual annual bonus paid is the target bonus multiplied by a factor relating
to achievement of company-wide operating income and other targets for the
UK (team performance factor) and a factor reflecting individual employee
performance (individual performance factor).

Target bonus is between 5 per cent and 20 per cent of salary depending on

Team performance factor is between nil (below threshold operating income)

and 175 per cent (maximum operating income). It has an additional modifier
that can increase or decrease by a further 25 per cent, making the maximum
200 per cent. The modifier is based on three or four factors that are changed
from time to time, but have included, mystery shopper score, external brand
perception scores and customer volumes.

Individual performance factor is between nil and 150 per cent depending on
the annual performance rating. This uses four ratings as shown in Table 10.4.
Bonus Plans 179

Ta b l e 10.4 Performance ratings

Annual rating Factor

Exceptional performance 115150%

Significant performance 75110%

Some improvement required 050%

Unacceptable performance 0%

Bonuses are paid in February, after the year end. Should the operating income be
below the target threshold then there would be no bonus payable under the plan.
At an individual level poor performance could lead to no bonus. As you can see
from the table above, there is flexibility in the individual bonus factor. This allows
managers to adjust bonus for individuals within each rating. Salary increases are
effective 31 December and are paid from February backdated. The flexibility in the
individual bonus factors also allows some adjustments between salary increases
and bonus as they are announced at the same time.
Whilst in theory, the maximum bonus would be 3 times target (target 200%
150%), a corporate maximum of 250 per cent of target is applied to help overall
McDonalds makes the bonus live throughout the year as part of the
communications on how the business is doing. A monthly meeting is held for all
UK head office and regional staff at the head office in London. There is a live link
to the meeting so people unable to attend in person may watch the meeting online.
During the business summary a TIP slide is shown giving the year to date
operating income the main component of the bonus. This clearly relates the
state of the business with potential bonus.
The UK also use a bonus calculator that sits on the intranet. Any employee
can use it at any time to see what their potential bonus could be depending on
the business performance. This aims to engage the TIP participants and helps
explain and embed how the plan works. This is illustrated as Figure 10.5.
180 Reward in Practice

F i g u r e 10.5 Bonus plan calculator


The three bonus plans are summarized in Table 10.5 below


Whilst the bonus cannot be taken in isolation in having a causal impact, it is part
of a whole approach to managing performance and sharing success. Certainly,
McDonalds in the UK has had impressive financial performance over the last
few years.
The compensation and benefits team will have occasional focus group
discussions with managers to check their views on the plans and comments are
taken into account in future adjustments to the plans. The overall views that they
get are that the plans are effective.
Bonus Plans 181

Ta b l e 10.5 Summary of bonus plans

Restaurant Restaurant Head office and
crew management regional staff

Participants 29,500 5,000 550

Bonus period Monthly Quarterly and Annual


Key factors Customer Quarterly: UK Operating income

satisfaction customer Other key Company
satisfaction measures
sales Personal performance
Crew turnover
and Employee

Measures Absolute and Absolute and Absolute

relative relative

Bonus type Increase in hourly Fixed cash by level Percentage of salary

rate for fortnight of manager

The 2012 annual employee attitude survey shows an increase in scores from 2004:

I am proud to work for McDonalds +24 points

I am motivated at work +16 points

I am paid fairly +16 points

Also since 2004 the crew turnover rate has halved.


11 Recognition
and non-cash
In Chapter 10 I discussed the things to look out for when reviewing and
designing bonus plans. I raised some issues that suggested that using recog-
nition and/or non-cash can work more effectively than bonus:

Where the time span of impact is short do not use annual bonus
plans but immediate or very short-term non-cash awards.
Where a direct financial incentive is unlikely to work use
Complement bonus plans with non-cash.

Whilst I believe that more effective use of recognition will deliver more
value than bonuses, it is not a nil sum game. For reasons I will discuss here,
I believe that recognition is important for everyone. The 2013 CIPD Reward
Management survey shows that around 35 per cent of organizations cur-
rently use individual or group-recognition awards.
Reward and recognition are often linked together, sometimes within a
job title. But whilst reward is about the components I have discussed in this
book, recognition is something different. Recognition is more about behav-
ioural change than reward. The underlying principles of recognition are also
different to those that many attribute to reward. In Figure 2.2 I positioned
recognition between reward and learning and development. Although this
book is about reward, I believe that recognition has an important comple-
mentary role and non-cash reward can enhance reward practices. So in
simple terms, I believe that a reward practitioner needs a good understand-
ing of recognition.
In writing this chapter I have drawn on my last book, A Guide to Non-
cash Reward (2011), which covers the subject in detail.
Recognition and Non-cash Reward 183

I define recognition as, A process of acknowledging or giving special atten-
tion to a high level of accomplishment or performance, such as customer care
or support to colleagues, which is not dependent on achievement against a
given target or objective. It can be day-to-day, informal, or formal (Rose,
2011). The core of this definition, is that recognition is not based on targets.
A much simpler way of thinking about recognition is ...catch them doing
something right (Blanchard and Johnson, 1993). We seem to be hardwired
to look for the negative in people and situations, encapsulated in the view
of an engineering director who said, My people know when they are doing
a good job, cause Ill tell them when theyre not. Recognition is all about
trying to counter that attitude.

Recognition versus incentives

Recognition programmes are not incentive plans. Incentives seek to change
behaviour by using the incentive of a carrot. An incentive plan (and some
performance-related pay plans) carries the message, You do that and I will
give you this. A recognition programme, on the other hand, seeks to rein-
force the great things people are already doing, so the message is, What you
just did was great, thanks very much.
Going back to Chapter 3 on motivation, incentives are an extrinsic
motivator, whereas recognition is acknowledging the intrinsic motivation
of the individual.
Recognition programmes typically seek to recognize behaviours (and
maybe achievements) that fulfil overall values, such as excellent customer
service, but are difficult to record in terms of objectives even if it was desir-
able to do so. It may be difficult to define precisely the behaviour that will
be recognized, for example in the area of customer service, in particular
given the emphasis on empowerment, but it might be captured in the phrase,
Ill know it when I see it. This is not to say that a recognition programme
should be unfocused, simply that it is not an incentive scheme.
British Airways simply, but effectively, differentiates as follows:

Reward is about pay or compensation

Incentives are about meeting targets
Recognition is about saying thank you
184 Reward in Practice

Juran (2003) says:

Rewards are salary increases, bonuses, and promotions keyed to

job performance and usually conferred in private, primarily
focusing on conduct of operations using performance appraisal
or merit ratings.
Recognition is typically non-financial and consists of ceremonial
actions taken to publicize meritorious performance.

I have summarized the three key differences between recognition and incen-
tives in Table 11.1.

Ta b l e 11.1 Recognition continuum

Recognition Incentives

Motivation Theory Reinforcement Expectancy

Impact The message The prize

Cost () Low High

The motivation theories, which are covered in the Appendix, are quite dif-
ferent. Of most importance is to distinguish between where the impact is
placed. With an incentive, the outcome (prize or money) must be valued by
the participants, so typically will be large. But it is quite the opposite with
recognition. A prize may complement the recognition but that is not core
it is the message that makes the impact with recognition, not the prize. This
is where many recognition plans come unstuck. Using a reward focus puts
emphasis in the wrong place. Recognition is about reinforcing the great
things people already do, not incentivizing them to do something.
Of course, with the emphasis on the message rather than the prize, the
cost of recognition is very low compared with a financial incentive. Recogni
tion can make a huge impact for its cost compared with expensive incentive
plans. I would suggest that most organizations would do well to carve out a
very small amount from their bonus budget (or an even smaller amount
from their pay budget) and spend it on recognition instead.
Recognition and Non-cash Reward 185

Impact of recognition
Hertzberg found that lack of recognition for work done was a very signi
ficant factor for negative feelings about the job. It was also most often
the only factor present in the situation, compared with others that more
commonly appeared in combination. The research found that whereas
achievement on its own can be a source of good feelings about the job,
recognition is rarely independent of achievement. A feeling that you have
achieved and a feeling that you have been recognized are the two most
frequent feelings that are associated with an increase in job satisfaction.
(Hertzberg et al, 1959) Hertzberg also said that the act of recognition, which
is not related to a specific sense of achievement, becomes a fairly trivial
factor. (Hertzberg, 1968).
Maslow (1970) believed that people need both self-respect or self-
esteem and the esteem of others (recognition). The Appendix provides
more on Hertzberg and Maslow.

Recognition and engagement

There is now considerable evidence to show that there is a correlation
between engaged employees and organizational performance. Improving
engagement also correlates with improving performance. Much of the
evidence is summarized very effectively in the MacLeod and Clark (2009)
Gallup has done some substantial work on examining engagement
within organizations. It has surveyed over 4 million employees worldwide.
Analysis it did of more than 10,000 business units and over 30 industries
found that individuals who receive regular recognition and praise:

increase their productivity;

increase their engagement amongst colleagues;
are more likely to stay with their organization;
receive higher loyalty and satisfaction scores from their customers;
have better safety records and fewer accidents on the job (Rath and
Clifton, 2004).

There are very many pieces of research across organizations that have found
recognition to be a very significant factor, such as:

A survey of 1,500 US employees found that the number one

workplace motivator was recognition. Specifically, the top motivator
186 Reward in Practice

was personal congratulations from the manager for a job well done,
which should be immediate and specific (Caudron, 1995).
A survey of companies across eight countries found that praise was
ranked as the top motivator of front-line employees, just ahead of
money and time off (The Ascent Group, 2009).
The US Department of Labor report that the number one reason
why people leave their job is because they do not feel appreciated
(Rath and Clifton, 2004).
The Roffey Park Management Institute (2007) found that the fourth
biggest motivator of managers was recognition by others. The third
biggest demotivator of managers was a lack of recognition.

A lack of effective recognition when people have really put themselves out
can cost an organization in many different ways as the following quote

Recently we were very busy and a few of us worked a lot of hours to help out,
but we didnt get any thanks for it. Were just not appreciated at work. If
someone were looking for a job, I wouldnt tell them to get one where I work.
Susan, 43, Customer Service Representative (CIPD, 2006)

When someone feels like Susan does, they will lose pride in their organ
ization. Instead of being an ambassador for their company they can be
turned into a detractor. And all for the sake of a few words of thanks and
genuine appreciation. It doesnt take much. With poor recognition, employ-
ees may not only discourage others from joining the organization, but they
may also be more likely to leave.

Recognition plans
It is helpful to consider recognition as a continuum as shown in Figure 11.1.

F i g u r e 11.1 Contrast between incentive and recognition

Day-to-day Informal Formal

Just saying Local, low key, Corporate, high

focused simple, maybe profile, major
thank you small gift presentation
Recognition and Non-cash Reward 187

In my experience, organizations tend to look to solve recognition by imple-

menting formal plans shown on the right, but I suggest that the place to start
is on the left. Encourage local informal recognition.

How to do it
Key factors
Recognition can be oral and face to face, and ideally with something to
remember, or it may be in writing. The big advantage of it being in writing
is that it then provides the memory itself; the recipient can show their
family and friends. Especially as almost all written communications now
adays are electronic, a hand-written note can work particularly well. But as
mobile company 3 have found, a text message can be effective within the
sort of population for whom this is the communication norm. But whatever
the medium this is what to aim for:

Be genuine if you dont mean it, then dont say it.

Be timely make it as close to the event as you can.
Be personal use the persons name.
Make it specific refer to exactly what they did.
Be clear explain why it is appreciated.
Make it public find a way to let others know.

You may not manage to hit all six of these factors every time, but keep
them all in mind and aim for as many as you can. But the one you need to
ensure every single time is the first make it genuine. As Kouzes and Posner
(2007) say, When people see a charlatan making noisy affectations, they
turn away in disgust.

Establish guidelines
If you want to start at the informal end of the recognition continuum, I
suggest developing a simple set of guidelines for managers. It is also sensible
to ensure that recognition is a value reflected in manager and leadership
development and training. Rideau, based in Montreal, has demonstrated
correlation between recognition and financial outcomes and has shown that
coaching managers in recognition can have the greatest impact.
Here are some examples of the sort of things companies have used as
part of their guidelines on recognition.
188 Reward in Practice

Southwest Airlines in the US have a simple guide to recognition which

can be summarized in the following (Freiberg and Freiberg, 1996):

Say thank you often.

Always celebrate people from the heart.
Make heroes and heroines of employees who glorify your companys
Find people who serve behind the scenes and celebrate their
Create a celebration signature balloons, photos, trophies.
Celebrate at work like you do at home. Celebrate at home like
Southwest does at work.

A major retailer summarized its approach in a set of 10 dos and donts,

which formed part of a larger resource pack for managers:

Relate to the culture of the business.
Link to company values.
Give responsibility to individuals and line managers.
Learn from how people have used the tools.
Make it simple to use and understand.

Assume everyone likes to be recognized in the same way.
Assume everyone likes to be recognized at all.
Assume it will solve all business challenges.
Make it bureaucratic.
Underestimate the power of a simple thank you.
Recognition and Non-cash Reward 189

Sky has developed a range of tips and advice primarily as guidance for new
managers, which emphasizes four core elements.

Four Elements

Everyone wants to do a good job for their customers and their

colleagues and wants to enjoy what they are doing. Everyone
needs to be acknowledged and valued for their contributions,
especially if they do something outstanding.
The key to effective recognition is to understand that recognition comes
in many forms. Here are four key elements of recognition that really work:

Keep it in proportion dont go over the top, yet dont underplay it.
Do it at the right time dont wait, the sooner the better.
Clear & simple dont ramble, tell them what they did and what you
appreciated about it.

Say Thanks thats what its all about.
Be sincere Say it like you mean it and find the right time to do it.
Think about how you deliver it and vary from time to time eg in person,
via e-mail.

Constantly look for opportunities to recognize people theres potential
with every interaction eg emails, feedback, team meetings, delegating,
Also provide people with new opportunities to contribute in new ways,
learn new skills, to have more freedom in how they approach work.

Recognize people not just for what they do but who they are.
Consider employee needs as you make decisions and you recognize
employee value.
190 Reward in Practice
One size doesnt fit all

One of the most important things to remember with recognition is that one
size does not fit all! As you know what will truly engage one person may
switch off another. By operating mass recognition with no appreciation of
the individual needs and interests of your employees at best theyll feel
half acknowledged!
Some people like public recognition others prefer a private thank you.
Some like to engage in corporate schemes like Team Sky others prefer
things on more informal basis. So keep things fresh and continually review
what you do.
Key tips for individual recognition:
Identify how each individual contributes.
Learn more about people around you and whats important to them.
Recognize unique contributions with personalized recognition that
takes interests into account.
What some great managers do:
Great managers make recognition part of their day-to-day approach
to leadership! They find ways to add employee recognition to every
When you delegate add a little praise.
When you receive updates from your team thank them for being so
prompt, thorough or accurate.
When you hold a team meeting talking about a new challenge express
confidence in your teams ability to meet that challenge.
Some techniques of great managers we found:
I ensure I say good morning to every single person in the team really
simple but it creates a more positive environment.
I write a hand-written note to each direct report on the anniversary of
their hire date thanking them for their contribution and picking out key
I go to each member of the team at the end of the day and find out what
went well for them that day.
Occasionally Ill ask a more senior manager to send a letter of acknowledgment
to those that have made a significant contribution in my team.
I sometimes take time to stop and think about each member of my team
in turn and when I last recognized them then take action as required!
Recognition and Non-cash Reward 191

I make a conscious effort to ask for feedback as often as I can

I get some great insights and people appreciate getting a chance to
air their views.

Dont get caught out with some common recognition myths:

Some people believe being paid is the only recognition that
people need.
Some managers believe that recognition takes us too much time.
Some managers believe if they do too much recognition theyll be
accused of playing favourites.

Non-cash for recognition and incentives

I have so far emphasized the value of recognition. As I have said, recognition
is all about the message, not the prize. However, within the continuum I gave
in Figure 11.1, there is a place for some tangible awards. But they should not
distract from the message a recognition programme with high-value awards
is almost certainly missing the point and may be destroying value.
Non-cash recognition can be very simple and low key and make a signi
ficant impact.

If you want to acknowledge something straight away, its easy to get the person
a bunch of flowers or take them out for a meal. Its the little things, but things
that are in control of the manager, so that it happens instantaneously and
everyone knows why.
Manager in Kent County Council Service Centre (Brown and West 2006)

Non-cash tangible awards can also be used to complement or replace a

financial incentive. I believe that non-cash can beat cash in a number of
ways that I will explain here.
A study that offered either cash or non-cash incentives of an equivalent
value found that the group who received non-cash awards performed twice
as well as the group who received cash. But the cost was the same. Although
when asked, those incentivized with non-cash, said they would have preferred
cash (Jeffrey, 2004).
We all like to receive presents; there is something about receiving a tangible
award that trumps cash. But there are four main reasons for using non-cash
awards over cash particularly for recognition and incentive programmes:
192 Reward in Practice

Differentiation non-cash awards differentiate a recognition

programme from pay. I was consulting with an organization that
paid recognition awards through payroll. The managers dominant
view was that the important part of the process was the pay. The
great majority of recipients, on the other hand, said that the most
memorable and important part was receiving the letter of thanks
recognizing what they had done.
Memory value the effect of non-cash awards is longer-lasting than
cash. It is sometimes said that cash is a motivator for as long as it takes
before it is spent. In contrast, every time a non-cash item is used or
enjoyed the recipient may remember why and how they earned it.
Perceived value the perceived value of a non-cash award can be
much higher than the actual cost, so that a non-cash award is valued
more highly than cash of the same value. It may be that the
organization can source an award much cheaper than the individual
could. This may be because they are buying in bulk or can negotiate
a better deal with a supplier or through a third party.
More personal a non-cash award can be tailored to the needs and
interests of the recipient, showing a greater amount of thought than
a simple cash sum would reflect. We only need to think about the
difference between receiving a birthday present of a cheque or a
really well-chosen gift.

Think for the moment of a highly-paid employee. I dont know what that
would mean in your organization, but lets say on a salary of 250,000.
What would happen if you gave someone like that a cash bonus of 150?
I have known people on that sort of salary level claim to be insulted with
a bonus of 50,000, so 150...? You would never do it. But think about
replaying this.
How about if that individual received a hand-written note from the
CEO thanking them specifically for something they have done plus a good
bottle of champagne? Even grossed up for tax the cost of the champagne is
about the same as the 150 we just considered. But the message is entirely
different and appreciated.

Non-cash incentives
For a non-cash award to be, in any way, effective as an incentive it needs
to be desirable. Where sales incentives use such awards they are typically
Recognition and Non-cash Reward 193

something special such as an exclusive holiday or a very expensive watch.

In a sales environment such awards are built into the budgets so that people
who have sold enough will have generated the revenue that pays for the
prize as well as their cash bonus. So they are entirely self-financing as you
only qualify if you have met the clear financial targets.
Like any other non-cash award these can be talked about in a way
that cash cannot. They allow people to demonstrate their achievement,
meeting an ego need, often having been won through qualifying in a sales

Prize draws
Where an organization wants to use non-cash as an incentive (or recognition),
but wants to manage costs, they can use a prize draw approach. The prize
will be desirable but perhaps not quite at the level described so far. When
an individual achieves a certain level of target they can gain an additional
opportunity to win a prize. So the highest achievers will have a better chance
of winning a prize than those who were not so successful.
Prize draws rather than a single award can be considered in different
situations other than sales. For example, small short-term competitions for
teams or individuals who all achieve a similar level of achievement may each
have an opportunity to win a prize. Not only does this make it easy to
budget, but allows each to be a winner although only some will receive the

What to do
Here is a checklist of how you can add value by using recognition and
non-cash awards for recognition and incentives (Rose, 2011):


Create a culture where you celebrate successes.

Turn values and behaviours into stories.
Consider carefully the impact and relationship between the new
recognition programme(s) and existing HR programmes, such as
reward, performance management and learning and development.
Start with the day-to-day/informal low-key line manager-based
programmes before bringing in any more formal programmes.
194 Reward in Practice

Issue support and simple guidelines to managers, but do not use specific
goals or measurable objectives as the criteria for recognition awards.
Build recognition into your learning and development programmes
for managers.
Build on existing informal programmes that some line managers may
already be running.
Provide budget and infrastructure for a range of relatively low-value
non-cash awards that can be matched to the person and the
Try to make it as easy as possible for managers to source gifts and
prizes, perhaps by using a third-party provider.
Be very wary of simply buying an off-the-shelf recognition system.
Encourage recognition to be delivered in an open and public way
immediately after the event; it should be sincere and should match
the award to the person and the achievement.
Do not try to limit recognition to a budget or a quota.
Avoid recognition programmes that are time bound, like employee of
the month.
Do not try to measure the success of a programme simply by the
number of awards made but do monitor the trend of usage.
Use engagement surveys and exit interviews over time to monitor
the impact of recognition strategies.
If you are going to have some form of panel, consider using previous
winners, rather than senior managers, to make decisions on those to
receive awards.


Look at how you can use non-cash to support your cash incentive
Use non-cash for short-term competitions and targets.
Remember the value of social recognition of achievement as part of
the incentive design.


Monitor the programmes and expect to refresh them regularly.

Ensure you cover the tax issues for non-cash awards.
Recognition and Non-cash Reward 195

Steps to introduce a recognition programme

Review rationale for considering a recognition programme survey
evidence, exit interviews, management views etc.
Research visit other organizations with recognition programmes.
Discuss outline ideas with key stakeholders in the organization; agree
concept in principle.
Form design and implementation project team.
Define aims of the programme medium-term aims and overall
success; establish what success indicators will be.
Consider how you will explain the relationship between the
recognition programme and other HR programmes, particularly
reward and performance management.
Ensure that recognition is reflected in management development
and training.
Establish an outline budget.
Develop scheme structure who can recognize who, level of
awards etc.
Review opportunity for sourcing awards in-house or outsource
using a third-party provider?
Agree proposals with senior team as appropriate timing, budget etc.
Develop programme guidelines for manager.
Develop guidelines for all employees if it is also peer-to-peer
Review regularly; monitor both programme and success indicators.
(Rose, 2011)

Recognition is all about the message catching people out doing something
right, rather than the reward. If you start from a reward perspective you
are likely to get this wrong. But non-cash can help reinforce the message.
Non-cash can be much more memorable and have a disproportionate impact
for its cost if used in the right way. Non-cash awards can complement a
cash plan.
196 Reward in Practice


Do you have any evidence of the extent to which people feel adequately
Do any of your programmes confuse recognition and incentive?
What opportunities are there to enhance existing cash programmes
with non-cash?
Could you allocate a small proportion of your bonus budget or pay
review budget to fund recognition?
Should you discuss with your learning and development colleagues to
investigate how a joint approach to recognition could add value?

C a s e s t u dy HSBC

This case study illustrates the way in which an organization can develop an
approach to recognition by keeping the emphasis where it should be on the local
message but whilst providing a simple set of guidelines and infrastructure
organized by HR. It shows how to get the balance right between control and local
HSBCs UK bank developed an approach to recognition anchored in new
HSBC Group values which were core to repositioning the bank following the
financial crisis. It gave maximum discretion to managers in how to recognize
people, including local arrangements. It also provided an imaginative infrastructure
within which managers could procure gifts and awards in a simple, flexible, but
managed way.


HSBC Holdings is one of the largest banking and financial services organizations
in the world, serving 58m customers across 81 counties and territories. Operating
through its four global businesses of Retail Banking & Wealth Management,
Commercial Banking, Global Banking and Markets, and Global Private Banking,
the bank employs over 250,000 people based in 6,600 offices around the world.
Recognition and Non-cash Reward 197

In the UK, close to 50,000 employees are located across 1,800 sites including the
groups headquarters in Canary Wharf.
HSBC aims to be the worlds leading international bank, taking advantage of
its strong network of businesses in the markets most relevant to international
trade and capital flows and where wealth is being created.

Banking crisis

The banking crisis of 2008 had a huge impact across the global economy and the
financial services sector, including the much publicized collapse of some well-
known global banks and UK government bailouts of Lloyds and RBS. Risky lending,
inadequate reserves, complex products and ineffective governance were seen as
core contributors to the financial crisis. Blame has been pointed in many directions,
including the use of inappropriate reward systems common across the banking
industry, which have been widely held to have encouraged excessive risk-taking
and mis-selling of products. There was much criticism of the culture within banks
that had allowed the situation to arise. Governments and regulators reacted to the
crisis with a range of measures including even stronger regulation and a specific
focus on change to reward policy and practices.

HSBC changes

Although widely regarded as having survived the financial crisis better than other
banks, HSBC had suffered along with other major banks during the crisis and
implemented far-reaching changes in a number of key areas, including reward.
A practical step was to review its reward policies including sales incentives
and stop those that could encourage mis-selling. A more holistic issue was the
need to take a completely different approach centred on shifting its culture to be
successful in the future in light of the new world. The core of the change in culture
has been an emphasis on values. This is not to pay lip service to empty values,
but to make values central to the way in which everyone in the bank behaves.
HSBC expresses this as follows:

At HSBC we put great emphasis on our values. We want to ensure that our
employees feel empowered to do the right thing and to act with courageous
integrity. By doing so we will meet the expectations of society, customers,
regulators and investors.

The HSBC values are:

dependable and do the right thing;
open to different ideas and cultures;
connected to customers, communities, regulators and each other.
198 Reward in Practice

These values are core to the way in which the bank operates and are built
into learning and development. They are also a key part of every employees
performance review which reflects behaviours in terms of values as well as
performance. Incentive payments which link to the performance rating, only
trigger where minimum standards have been achieved in relation to measured
satisfactory behaviour of values.


Whilst the bank had a range of recognition programmes, there was historic
confusion between what recognition was and what reward was, with little
differentiation between the two. This meant plans that were notionally considered
recognition (in practice non-cash awards) were often linked to cash-based
incentives and so in some cases had become part of the problem.
HSBC now clearly differentiates between reward and recognition:
Reward is fixed pay and variable incentives rewarding performance against

Recognition is about saying thank you to colleagues who demonstrate

outstanding behaviour of values in practice after the event.

Recognition is also used to help embed the values, not only for the individuals
recognized, but also by communicating the most powerful recognition stories
widely to help demonstrate what HSBC values mean in everyday practice.
HSBCs UK Bank has three strands to its recognition framework: Shine awards,
National Champions awards, and business-specific awards. Each is covered

Shine awards

This programme was launched in 2009 and has been continually refined over
recent years. The emphasis of Shine awards is the message from the manager
to thank people for what they have done or, more typically, how they have done
it in support of one or more of the values. HSBC ensures that Shine budgets are
not used for sales or productivity incentive awards, for example campaigns or
HSBC wanted to make the line manager central to fostering a thank you
environment and to support them rather than control what they did. HSBC did
not wish to be prescriptive about exactly how managers use Shine, but there are
short guidelines which are shown below.
Recognition and Non-cash Reward 199

Recognition Guidelines for Shine cardholders, ie front-line managers and

team leaders

Recognition toolkit

SHINE is for recognizing individuals and teams demonstrating outstanding

examples of HSBC values and business principles in practice.
In everything we do we should act with courageous integrity, having
the courage to make decisions based on doing the right thing for our people,
our customers, our shareholders and the wider community. Individuals and
teams working in the UK Bank are eligible to receive a SHINE award for
role-model behaviour of our dependable, open, or connected values.
Good recognition is as much about how you say thank you as the
supporting gift or award.
Please consider the following best practices when you are planning to
give a recognition award:

Best Practice 1: Plan for success

Look back at recognition awards you may have made in the previous
quarter and create a plan for the forthcoming quarter. In your plan include:
1 Specific behaviours you would like to recognize.

2 A good balance between individual and team awards.

3 A spread of awards across your business area and job roles.

4 When and where you plan to make the awards.

Best Practice 2: Be clear and specific

Awards that have the most impact on recipients are those that are clear
and specific. These can include:

1 What behaviour is being recognized? For example, does the recipient

show strong or role model behaviours supporting our values of
dependable, open or connected?

2 Why the specific behaviour stands out as strong or role model behaviour?

3 What is the story behind the awardees achievement?

4 How the behaviour being recognized impacts on superior customer

service, either internally or externally?
200 Reward in Practice

Best Practice 3: Know your colleague

When making an award, there are two key things to consider:

1 Whether you make the award in a public or private setting. Whilst a

celebration is most effective in a public setting and can motivate others
to be recognized in future, you should be sensitive to the awardees
personality. Some colleagues may not seek the limelight and prefer
a private recognition.

2 If you are supporting the recognition with a tangible award, what award
will have the most impact? Some might consider a voucher to represent
a monetary award. Others might prefer an item that has a more memorable
and lasting impact. Or an award which has a personal relevance to the
awardees interests outside work, for example a CD of the awardees
favourite band. This is an opportunity for awarding managers to show
they take a personal interest in the awardees life outside work.

Best Practice 4: Get ready

Research shows colleagues value a personal thanks and in the following


1 face-to-face;

2 hand-written note;

3 phone call;

4 voice message;

5 e-mail message.

Best Practice 5: Timing is everything

Awards should be made as soon as possible after the strong or role model
behaviour has been demonstrated, providing the maximum benefit in
recognizing an individuals contribution. The supporting gift should have an
appropriate value, and please remember little awards for little things done
well are an important part of recognition.

In summary: Use the S.T.O.P. principle

Be Specific people need to know what you are recognizing and why,
showing that you really know and value what the awardee(s) have done
and providing context for others.
Recognition and Non-cash Reward 201

Be Timely recognition should be timely to the action showing that that

you are paying attention and that you care. By saying thank you in
person, or by writing a personal note or a thank-you card, and by
supporting this with an appropriate gift, you will maximize the impact of
the recognition.
Do it Often by making recognition part of your day-to-day
management style it will become natural. The more sincere the
recognition, the more your team will feel valued and engaged.
Be Personal by knowing what motivates people, you can customize
the way you say thank you, making a more memorable impact and
experience for the awardees.

Around 2,000 managers and team leaders have been provided with a prepaid
MasterCard that they can use to buy small gifts that are appropriate to reinforce
the thank you message. HSBC encourages managers to make frequent little and
often recognition awards as they have demonstrated that there is a link between
award frequency and measured employee engagement. They know that the
award is just a small part of the thank you; it is the recognition from the manager
itself that is important and they want to encourage recognition touching as many
people as possible.
The budget for the cards is held centrally and is based on 25 per year per
person in the managers team. To encourage the little and often approach, the
card is loaded quarterly and any balance at the end of a quarter is lost. Guidelines
on using the card state that the cardholders are responsible for:

Ensuring HSBC values and saying thank you becomes part of the culture in
each business area.

Ensuring card funding is used appropriately.

Recording the awards made each quarter on an internal Shine Card

Administration reporting system.

Using Shine cards securely. HSBC Bank plc is the corporate sponsor of
the programme and is liable for funding payments.
202 Reward in Practice

At the end of each quarter each cardholder completes a simple online schedule
giving, for each award:

the name of each recipient;

the date;

the value;
why the award was given;

the type of gift awarded.

This allows effective record keeping to ensure that any tax due is accounted for
to HMRC, through the PAYE Settlement Agreement. Non-voucher and non-meals
and entertainment awards of 10 or less can be excluded under HMRCs triviality
guidelines, providing an individual employee does not receive more than four
such awards during the tax year. Whilst Shine allows managers almost complete
freedom in the nature of the supporting awards they procure via Shine prepaid
cards, an online reporting and reconciliation system allows the programme
managers in HR to monitor the level and quality of activity. In 2012 some 20,000
individual awards and 8,000 team awards were made through Shine.

Business-specific awards

Local award programmes can be developed within broad corporate guidelines,

including regulatory guidelines on recognition arrangements. These will be funded
locally and are to meet particular local needs. In 2013 there were six such local
schemes in operation. Behaviours recognized must also demonstrate corporate
values. The aim is to recognize colleagues who have made a significant impact in
their business area or communities, showcasing our values. The financial value
may be greater than the Shine awards, but must still be appropriate to ensure that
it remains a support to the message rather than any type of incentive. Award
details are captured for compliance and tax purposes. Tax on any local awards
is also settled though the PAYE Settlement Agreement.

National Champions awards

Launched in 2012 these awards are for recognizing the best of the best
colleagues who live, breathe and work our values. In 2012 local management
nominated around 400 people who had already been recognized through a
Shine award or business-specific award. The nominations went to a panel made
up of representatives from the business areas, HR and Organization Development.
120 winners received a letter of congratulations from the Head of UK Bank and
Recognition and Non-cash Reward 203

an Olympics ticket package; 133 runners-up received a letter of congratulations

from the head of HR and a further award. So 63 per cent of those nominated for the
National Champion awards received further recognition and there was no one
To help communicate what the values look like in practice, three of the most
inspirational stories from the 120 winning stories were made into three-minute
videos and were shown at the CEO annual conference. These stories help show
what living the values actually looks like. So they help embed the values by lifting
them off the page and turning them into meaningful stories.
HSBC continually reviews how best to manage its recognition programmes and
at the time of writing it was reviewing to what extent, if at all, it would amend this


HSBC believes that its approach to recognition is successful. In particular it

has evidence that shows the success of the Shine awards. From a survey of
cardholders it found that:
90 per cent agreed that Shine makes a positive impact on the ability of
cardholders to source awards cost-effectively.

86 per cent agreed that the programme awards make a positive impact on
how valued colleagues feel.

The bank undertakes regular employee surveys and these have found that
receipt of a Shine award correlated with a higher engagement index score across
the UK Bank. The average employee engagement index score was 87 for those
who had received a Shine award and 83 for those who had not.

12 Long-term

B onus plans, covered in Chapter 10, are contingent pay for a period of
up to one year. In this chapter I cover long-term plans which provide
potential financial value to the recipient over a period of more than one year.
Typically, long-term plans deliver value in around three years.
Long-term plans aim to support retention and long-term performance as
a balance to an annual plan that, by definition, rewards annual outcomes.
There are two main categories of long-term plan: those paying out cash and
those using company shares.

Role of long-term plans

There are many reasons why long-term plans are used for executives and
employees which I will discuss. The main ones split by executives and em-
ployees are shown below:


To align the interests of the executives with the interests of the

To encourage focus on the longer-term success of the company.
To provide some financial retention.


To share the longer-term financial success of the company.

To be used to help communicate messages about the financial success
of the company.
To provide tax efficient value to employees.
Long-term Plans 205

If you are considering introducing one or more long-term plan you will
need to build the business case with the costs and benefits. Whatever the
rationale, which may be one or more of the points above, you will hope that
the plan will have the desired effect. But one of the benefits of most long-
term plans, particularly cash plans, is that they do not pay out unless the
individual is employed when the plan vests. Therefore, one strategy you
may wish to consider is moving money from short-term salary or bonus to
long-term cash which only pays out if certain conditions have been met,
including the individual still being employed. You should consider giving
enough upside to the payout to offset the delay in payment over monthly
salary or annual bonus.

Share plans
The particular type of share plans used will depend on the tax regime in
the country. In the UK there are certain share-based plans that are approved
by Her Majestys Revenue & Customs (HMRC) and, so long as they are
operated within HMRC rules, carry certain tax concessions. Some of the
tax issues are highlighted in Chapter 7.
Whilst the detail of exactly how a particular share plan will operate will
differ between plans, underpinning all plans are one of two basic types: share
options and share grants. Each is described below.

Share options
This gives the recipient the right (option) to buy a certain number of shares
in the company at a future date but at a predetermined price, so long as they
are still employed. The option price may be the market price when the option
is granted to the recipient or may be the market price discounted by, say,
10 per cent or 20 per cent. The recipient may need to save the money to pay
for the shares or it may be that they are a nil-cost option, in which case they
do not need to save any money. Here is a simple example.
206 Reward in Practice


An employee is granted 6,000 share options on 1 March 2012 with

an option price of 2.15. The option vests (when the employee may
first exercise the option) after three years: 1 March 2015. The
employee may exercise the option at any time from 1 March 2015 for
a period of one year.
In March 2015 the share price is 3.00. The total value is therefore 18,000
(3.00 6,000). The employee decides to exercise the option and requests to sell
enough shares to cover the cost of 12,900 (2.15 6,000) that he has to pay.
The employee sells 4,300 shares at 3.00 per share which produces the
12,900 needed and keeps the balance of 1,700 shares worth 5,100. He may
have chosen to sell all the shares and received the 5,100 profit in cash. There
may be tax due on the profit of 5,100 if held in shares or taken as cash. He may
sell some more shares to pay the tax if required.
Had the market price in March 2015 been 2.00, 0.15 lower than 2.15
(underwater), it would not have made sense to exercise the option as he
would make a loss. However, as the employee has one year within which he
may exercise the option, he can watch the share price and so may be able to
exercise the option some time within that period and may still make a gain.
The option would lapse with no value at the end of the year.

Stock grants (or restricted stock)

An executive may be provisionally granted shares that will not be owned by
the executive until they vest. Typically, they must be held for two to five years,
before they become owned by the executive and may be sold. In some plans
the recipient is granted units that may be converted into shares on the vest-
ing date. Like the options, above, the value would normally be lost if the
individual left the company before the vesting date. There may also be some
performance conditions that apply that increase or reduce the number of
shares that vest. Relative or absolute performance conditions are common
for executive plans, such as total shareholder return and earnings per share.
With a stock grant the value is always available on a specific date in the
future the vesting date. Contrast this with an option, which may have no
value if the market price is lower than the option price, although there will
normally be a period of some months or years during which the option may be
exercised. Restricted stock holders may also receive value equivalent to the
dividends paid before the vesting date, which is not available to shareholders.
Long-term Plans 207


An employee is granted 6,000 share units on 1 March 2012.

The grant vests 1 March 2015 when the units will be converted to
6,000 shares and become owned by the employee.
On 1 March 2015 the share price is 3.00, so the total value of
the shares he now holds is 18,000 (3.00 6,000).
There may be tax due on the profit of 18,000, so the employee may sell
some share to pay the tax due.
Had the market price in March 2015 been 2.00 the shares would still
have been worth 12,000 (2.00 6,000).

The further distinction between share plans is executive share plans and all-
employee plans. Compared with cash plans, any form of share plan is complex
and needs very effective communications regardless of the recipient. I have
spent a considerable amount of time explaining their share plan to senior
executives. So whilst the nature of the communications may be different, it
is equally important for recipients of executive plans and all-employee plans.
Share plans are common for executives in quoted companies and can
be very substantial. Whereas all-employee plans are less common and have
a much lower potential value. I cover each below.

Executive plans
The senior executives of a company are accountable to the shareholders
for the long-term success of the business. To reinforce this aim the majority
of senior executives in large quoted companies will have some form of share
plan. The M&S case study at the end of this chapter gives such an example.
The simple aim is that normally this should align their interests with those
of shareholders so that they gain or lose as do shareholders. Clearly this
needs to be a significant part of their reward package if it is to achieve its
aim. The size of grants for the most senior executives in the larger companies
can be very high and executives can build very substantial value of company
shares via options and grants.
According to PwC (2012), the number of companies that operate share
option plans has dramatically decreased from 2006 levels where about
two-thirds of companies had an option plan in place. By 2012 only 15 per
208 Reward in Practice

cent of FTSE 350 companies operated an option plan. Performance share

plans (restricted stock grants) have become the incentive vehicle of choice
for the majority of companies replacing options for executives.
There are three main criticisms of share options, particularly for execu-
tives, which may have led to this:

As the downside of an option is always the same (no value) but

the upside can be considerable, options may encourage risk-taking
Option holders do not receive dividends, whilst shareholders do and
may rely on them as income. So the leaders who determine, or
strongly influence the dividend policy and who hold a considerable
number of options may be influenced to reduce dividends and use
the money in other ways to boost the share price from which they are
likely to benefit.
A much larger number of shares is needed as options to deliver
a similar value to restricted stock, therefore options may dilute
shareholders value more than restricted stock.

KPMG (2012b) shows that chief executives of FTSE 100 companies received
awards of performance shares as a percentage of salary as follows:

Upper quartile 338%

Median 203%
Lower quartile 187%

This sort of annual award can build very considerably and may dwarf salary
and annual bonus. KPMG also shows the median total remuneration for chief
executives of FTSE 100 companies for 2012, which I give as Table 12.1.
Note that the vested shares column also contains other payments, but it is
only the value of shares that vested in the year, not the total value of the
grants held and yet to vest.

Ta b l e 12.1 Median total remuneration of FTSE 100 CEOs

Basic salary Bonuses Vested shares and Total earnings
misc. payments

830,000 990,000 1,272,000 3,092,000

27% 32% 41% 100%

Long-term Plans 209

Most executive share plans will have some form of performance conditions
relating to key measures of corporate success. These will typically be measures
that are to be delivered that will influence the number of shares that vest.
Table 12.2 shows the performance conditions used in FTSE 350 companies
(KPMG, 2012b).

Ta b l e 12.2 Performance conditions applied to new plans

adopted during 2012

*TSR 15% Net asset value 4%

TSR and #EPS 15% Share price 4%

Profit 11% Dividend payout 4%

EPS 8% Return on capital 4%


EPS and other 8% Return on equity 4%

Strategic 8% Other 4%

TSR and other 7% None 4%

* Total Shareholder return

# Earnings per share

Not only are executive share plans very common, but it is also common
that companies require executives to hold a minimum value of shares at
all times, such as one to three times their salary. This is to try to ensure that
at least a reasonable proportion of their wealth is at risk in the same way
as other shareholders. The majority of FTSE 350 executives actually have
a shareholding in their company of over 200 per cent of salary. Fidelity
(2012) state within their principles of ownership that they ... encourage
management ownership of shares and over time we expect executive
directors to build a shareholding in the company which is material in relation
to their remuneration such that over time dividend income can become a
meaningful component of their remuneration.
210 Reward in Practice

Employee plans
Types of employee share plan
There are now two main types of all employee share plan approved by
HMRC and which carry some tax advantages either free of tax or subject
to capital gains tax not income tax on any profit:

Save as you earn share option scheme (SAYE) introduced in 1980

the employee can save up to 250 a month for three or five years.
At the end of that time they may use the money saved (plus any
interest, which is set by the government) to exercise an option over
company shares at an option price which was set at the start which
may have been discounted by up to 20 per cent.
Share Incentive Plan (SIP) introduced in 2000 this is a more
complex but flexible plan than the SAYE as it has four components:
Partnership shares: this is a savings plan similar to the SAYE,
however shares are bought at market price rather than via an
option. Employees can save a maximum of 125 per month
from gross salary (before tax deductions, so they receive full tax
relief on the savings). Company shares are bought by trustees,
normally monthly and are held in trust. If they are held for five
years (not sold by the employee within that time), they are free
from tax and national insurance regardless of their value at the
Matching shares: this links to the partnership shares, where the
employer can enhance the value of the shares purchased by the
employee by matching the number of shares purchased by up to
two matching shares for every one purchased.
Dividend shares: dividends paid on SIP shares can be re-invested
in further shares known as dividend shares up to a maximum of
1,500 per participant for each tax year. There is no tax or
national insurance due if the shares are kept for at least three
years from the date of award.
Free shares: The company can give up to 3,000 of free shares to
employees in each tax year on an equal basis. Tax and national
insurance is payable if sold within five years.
Long-term Plans 211

Prevalence of employee share plans

Whilst executive share plans are common all directors of the larger quoted
companies will have some form of stock, they are a little less common for
employees. Nevertheless, HMRC figures show that at the end of the 2012
tax year there were approximately 1,200 companies operating one or more
all-employee share schemes. These companies operated 530 SAYE schemes
and 840 Sips:

SAYE: 380,000 employees received an option grant in the year.

The average value of shares over which options were granted was
SIP: 4,030,000 employees were awarded or purchased partnership
shares; 2,620,000 received matching shares; 820,000 had dividend
shares and 380,000 received free shares.

The number of companies providing an SAYE has reduced since the SIP was
introduced in 2000.

Spreading risk
Senior executives may be required to hold a certain number of shares in the
company to try to strongly align their interests with those of the sharehold-
ers. One of the factors analysts monitor is sales and purchases of shares by
senior executives as it may be an indication of their view of the future of the
But most employees who may receive shares from an employee share plan
should consider the extent to which it is appropriate to have a potentially
significant part of their savings in the shares of one company, particularly
their employer. They are unlikely to hold shares, or at least not a significant
amount, in any other company. A financial adviser will emphasize the need
to spread risk, or not putting all your eggs in one basket. I do not think that
employees who chose to sell shares as they are able to should be considered
in any way disloyal or not committed to the company. Just that they are
taking a sensible personal investment decision with their money.

Aim and impact of employee share plans

Employee share plans can be used to try and engage employees more with
the overall success of the company and to take interest in the key financials
that they can influence and the stock market will monitor. Share plans can
help demonstrate the link between changes that may be being made within
the company such as pay freezes, reorganization, redundancies with
212 Reward in Practice

organizational performance which may be reflected in the share price. So

they can help to communicate messages about the financial success of the
Where the company is successful with an increasing share price, an em-
ployee share plan will help directly give a financial benefit so that participants
share in the longer-term financial success of the company.
Within the HMRC rules, an approved employee share plan can be very
tax efficient, so whilst there remains a cost to the company they can provide
tax efficient value to employees.
Research shows that employee share plans can have a positive effect on
retention. McConville et al (2012) found that 50 per cent of employees
thought they would stay longer because of their share plan participation
compared to approximately 30 per cent who did not. The research also
found that employees who really understood the share plan in which they
participated reported higher levels of attitudinal and behavioural impact
when compared to employees who felt they did not. This emphasizes the
need to ensure you work hard to communicate the way the employee share
plan works if you want it to have an impact.
The other main factor that will influence the impact an employee share
plan will have is the extent to which it delivered against participants
expectations primarily the expectation of a financial benefit from the
plan. Employees whose expectations had been met were more likely to state
that participating in the share plan had led them to feel:

more likely to stay at the company longer;

more integrated into the company;
more committed to the company;
happier to spend the rest of their career with the company;
more likely to feel part of the family in the company;
more motivated to work for the company;
felt a greater sense of personal ownership for the company;
more likely to produce better quality work;
more likely to consider cost implications to the company of their
more likely to make suggestions concerning issues that affect
the organization.
Long-term Plans 213

Cash plans
Reasons for using cash for long term
Long-term cash plans are typically used where shares are not available.
This may be for a number of reasons:

No shares an organization with no shares not-for-profit, public

sector, private company with no shares outside the owners etc.
Share limit reached where shares may be used but are unavailable
due to limits having been reached. Through shareholder approval
there will be a maximum number of shares that may be used for
executive and employee plans which may not be breached; for
example 10 per cent of the issued shares.
Time or simplicity where time or the requirement for simplicity means
cash may be more expedient. A share plan can take some months to
set up and get approved whilst a cash plan can normally be set up
very quickly. A cash plan has almost complete flexibility whereas
a share plan will normally have to meet various compliance rules.
Tax issues for a global business in a country where share plans are
taxed very heavily or in such a way as to make a share-based plan
Set-up cost for a global business in a country where there may be
only one or two participants and the set-up cost would be very high
compared with cash.
Top-up to top up a share plan, for example because of an error in
the original grant.
Underpin shares if you want to provide a minimum value for an
existing share plan to aid retention you can use a cash plan that may
pay at vesting of the share plan.
Retention for retention, only where certainty is required cash will
be better than shares.

Phantom share plans

A phantom share plan is a cash plan that is designed to replicate the main
elements of a share plan. It may be used for some of the reasons mentioned
above. It is cash, so is taxable like any other cash payment. Phantom plans can
be designed in many different ways. But a typical plan would look like this:
214 Reward in Practice

Example phantom share plan

Participants are granted a fixed number of units. There will be

a set of plan rules issued explaining the plan, good and bad leaver
provisions, how units are valued etc similar to the bonus plan
rules covered in Chapter 10. To help reflect the value, being similar
to a share plan, a certificate may be issued showing the number of
units and the vesting date.
The units may be valued using a formula, for example based on the value
of the company using a multiple of earnings or other measures. Where
shares exist the unit price may be pegged to the market share price.
Whatever method is used it will need to be stated in detail in the plan rules.
At the end of the term, say three years, the plan vests and a payment is
made based on the value of the units multiplied by the number of units held.
The payment will be made through payroll so that tax and national
insurance is deducted correctly.

Retention plans
If the objective is retention, then the best model is to use a fixed cash
amount payable at a given point in time in the future with no performance
conditions. The amount payable needs to be greater the longer the period
the recipient needs to wait. The term is likely to be two to four years; typi-
cally three years.
There is evidence that shows that executives will discount the value of
a future payment (shares or cash) by over 20 per cent p.a. (PwC, 2011).
This means that a deferred bonus (or share) award payable after three years
will have perceived value of only around half the level of paying it immedi-
ately. The less certainty there is of the payment, for example because of
performance conditions, the greater the discount individuals apply.
The balance between time and value is a matter of judgement of what
seems reasonable. There is no point in making the amount too small as it
will have no effect. As the PwC survey suggests, it generally needs to be a larger
amount than you might first think. It is always best to consider the amount
in terms of a percentage of salary. One way to look at this is to ask yourself
what percentage of your own salary would you consider a significant
amount that is likely to help retain you for between two and four years.
My suggestion as a starter is:
Long-term Plans 215

Ta b l e 12.3 Cash retention value required over time

Term per cent of salary

2 years 3550

3 years 6075

4 years 100125

Nowadays, four years is a long time in an organization so I would not

exceed three years. However, you may wish to provide a second grant
12 months after the first for an equal term or provide two grants initially
one for a smaller amount vesting in two years and one for a larger amount
vesting in three.
An employer may lend an employee (not director) up to 10,000 interest
free and there is no tax payable by the employee on the benefit. So one
route, for smaller retention plans could be to provide such a loan and then
write it off (grossing up for tax) at the end of a period. This may be worth
considering for example for graduate trainees (see endowment effect in
Whatever the detail, a cash retention plan will only have an effect where
everything else is reasonable. A very disengaged employee will not stay
whatever the amount.

Steps to develop a long-term cash plan

The steps you should take are very similar to those required to develop
a shorter-term bonus plan covered in Chapter 10. You might find it helpful
to refer back to that chapter in this context, but here is a summary of the key

Aims and design principles you need to establish why you are
developing this plan what it is meant to do, what problems to help
solve etc and agree this with the key stakeholders assuming that they
are not potential beneficiaries. It may be the remuneration committee.
If you are looking at a cash retention plan it is valuable to first
develop some design principles that you can agree with the key
stakeholders. Here are some simple principles that you may wish to
develop for your own situation:
216 Reward in Practice

Significant: to have real retention value the amount payable must

be meaningful, particularly taking into account the time before
Phased: to ensure there is always some value at risk and no cliff edge
Simple: to be able to explain easily to participants
Certain: to increase perceived value there needs to be guaranteed
payment not dependent on performance measures
Target population who is the plan for. This is likely to be a much
smaller population than a short-term bonus.
Alignment think through the relationship between existing
short-term bonus and the long-term plan you are considering.
Measures what will drive any payout corporate goals, share price
retention only etc?
Term agree the term, typically two or three years.
Funding how is the plan to be funded? Agree with your finance
colleagues and ensure that they know the details so that they can
accrue for the plan each year.
Distribution is any sum guaranteed as long as the individual is
employed when the plan vests or what variables are there?
Scenario testing look at range of scenarios including corporate
changes such as takeovers, acquisitions, mergers, and decide if any
would trigger payment.
Document draft plan rules and agree them.
Briefings ensure leaders are briefed.
Communication to the participants. This is likely to be lower key
than an annual bonus that is open to a larger population.
Manage where there is a link to some measures, communicate the
progress throughout the plan term to the participants.
Review and adjust for a further grant as appropriate.

Deferred bonus
Some annual bonus design provides for a percentage of the bonus to be
deferred for one to three years before it will be paid out. There are two main
reasons for doing this:

To link the deferred part of the bonus to some longer-term

performance factor. This issue came to the fore during the banking
Long-term Plans 217

crisis, from around 2008. It became clear that annual bonuses had
been paid out based on results in the year. However, the apparent
value was short lived and what at the time was thought to be
profitable business on which bonus had been paid, turned out to be
loss making. Bonus deferral became more common to only pay out
when the longer-term results are known.
To help retention. Some organizations report a peak of resignations
immediately after the annual bonus round. To help retention,
deferring some bonus each year will mean that there is always
something to lose on resigning.

Long-term plans can provide some incentive for the longer term to give
some balance with an annual bonus, encourage retention, reward joint
success and help communicate the issues in the business. There is an argu-
ment that there should be more weight to longer-term plans than annual
plans for the leaders of the company to encourage focus on the long-term
success of the business. You should consider what value tax efficient share
plans can deliver if you are in a company where they can work. But even if
not, a cash plan can fairly easily be developed to help reward and retain over
a period of a few years.


Do you have people in your organization who make an impact over

a period of more than one year for whom you should consider some
form of longer-term plan to counter short-term incentives?
Should you consider moving some short-term reward to longer term?
Do you have a reward statement or policy that makes reference to
reward over the longer term? If not, should you consider adding
If you are in a quoted company, should you consider if an approved
employee share plan could add value?
218 Reward in Practice

C a s e s t u dy Marks and Spencer plc.

This case study illustrates how a long-term commitment to employee and executive
shares can become a reflection of the culture of the organization. The organization
undertakes regular reviews of all its share plans to ensure that they are fit for
Marks and Spencer has used a range of share plans as a fundamental part of
its reward strategy for senior managers and all employees over more than 30 years.


Marks and Spencer (M&S) is a FTSE 100 company and one of the best known
retailers in the UK. The group had a turnover of over 10 billion to March 2013. It
operates in over 50 territories worldwide and employs almost 82,000 people. In
the UK, M&S employs over 74,000 people of whom 69,000 are store based. M&S
has about 766 stores across the UK and around 418 international stores. It also has
a growing e-commerce business. For 2012/13, the UK turnover of just under 9
billion was split between food (54 per cent) and general merchandise (46 per cent).
M&S launched Plan A in January 2007. It currently has 180 commitments to
achieve by 2015, with the ultimate goal of becoming the worlds most sustainable
major retailer. Through Plan A, M&S is working with its customers and suppliers
to combat climate change, reduce waste, use sustainable raw materials, trade
ethically, and help customers to lead healthier lifestyles.

Share plan philosophy

M&S has a long history of providing executive and all employee share plans. The
company sees them as an important element in their reward packages. For executives
and senior managers they are to provide incentive to achieve long-term business
success and to help attract and retain leaders who are focused and motivated to
deliver the business priorities which are aligned to shareholder interests.
Share schemes that are offered to all employees help encourage an interest
in business success and foster engagement through sharing the success of the
company. M&Ss stated philosophy for this approach is as follows:
Sharesave, the Companys Save As You Earn scheme (SAYE) is an integral
part of the Total Reward package, encouraging and supporting our people
in taking responsibility for their future financial security, and enabling them
to invest in the future success of the business as a Marks & Spencer
Long-term Plans 219

Executive and management share plans

M&S operates three main share plans for their executives and senior managers.
The first two are the Performance Share Plan and the Deferred Share Bonus Plan.
The stated aims of these two plans are to:

link individual reward with long-term company performance and align the
recipients with shareholders interests through long-term financial
performance and delivery of business strategy.

In each case the value of the shares and dividends paid on vesting/exercise is
subject to tax and National Insurance. Each of the three plans is described below.

Performance Share Plan (PSP)

This is the primary long-term incentive plan for approximately 100 of the most
senior managers and executives in M&S. Discretionary awards may be offered
based on a percentage of salary. The percentage by which any award vests after
three years is determined by performance of key performance measures. For
awards made in 2013/14, the performance metrics and targets are as shown in
Table 12.4.

Ta b l e 12.4 Performance metrics and targets

Weighting Performance Commercial Basis of

metric rationale measurement

50% Earnings per Rewards focus Based on annualized

share (EPS) on bottom-line underlying EPS growth
performance over three-year
performance period

20% Return on Rewards efficient Based on average

Capital Employed use of capital ROCE % over three-year
(ROCE) performance period
against predetermined

30% Revenue Rewards top-line Based on strategic

growth in line with growth targets: 10% for
business strategy each of UK, International
and Multi-channel
220 Reward in Practice

For each of the metrics shown, there is a minimum threshold performance at

which up to 20 per cent of the award vests and a maximum at which 100 per cent
The remuneration committee regularly reviews the performance measures to
ensure that they are correctly aligned to the business strategy and appropriately
reflect the key drivers of shareholder value.

Deferred Share Bonus Plan (DSBP)

M&S provides an annual bonus opportunity for all employees in a range of

plans. At the highest level the maximum annual bonus for executive directors is
200 per cent of salary for maximum performance. For approximately 450 of the
most senior managers and executive directors there is a compulsory deferral into
shares of a percentage of any annual bonus. This was introduced in 2005. The
deferral is 50 per cent of any bonus for the top 150 directors and senior managers
and 33 per cent for the next 300 senior managers. There are no further performance
conditions other than continued employment and the shares vest after three years
so long as the recipient remains employed. In addition, the value of any dividends
earned during the deferred period is paid on vesting.

Restricted Share Plan (RSP)

The purpose of this third plan is to help retain and recruit senior managers who
are vital to the success of the business. Discretionary awards may be made at
recruitment or as part of the review of an individuals reward package. Shares are
held in trust for one to three years at which point they are released to the employee
so long as they are still employed. In certain circumstances, the company may
attach performance conditions to the award. The value of any dividends earned
during the restricted period is also paid at the time of vesting.
All executive directors of M&S are required to hold shares equivalent in
value to a minimum value of 200 per cent of salary for the CEO and 100 per cent
of their salary for the other executive directors within five years from their date of
appointment. For this purpose holdings include the net value of all unexercised
awards under the Deferred Share Bonus Plan and Restricted Share Plan.

Executive Share Option Scheme (ESOS)

M&S also has an approved ESOS which was used annually up until 2005. At that
time the remuneration committee reviewed the executive share plans (as it does
regularly) and concluded that the aims of the business would be better met by
the combination of the PSP and DSBP as described above, rather than using share
options. Therefore, since then no options have been granted under the scheme.
Long-term Plans 221

Employee share ownership Sharesave

M&S has operated an approved Sharesave plan continuously since 1981, the
first time they became available. Whilst there is no explicit link made between
business performance and the share plan, the company believes that the scheme
encourages participants to take a keener interest in the business performance,
particularly around the quarterly trading statements and annual results. M&S
also believes that an employee share ownership scheme allows participants to
directly share from the success of the business.
M&S considered if the new SIP would be a suitable alternative when it was
introduced, but concluded that the Sharesave was a better fit for their population.
This was because they believed that the SIP five-year holding period to benefit
from the tax advantages was too long, there was a greater risk profile than the
Sharesave, and finally it would mean providing it to all including the more senior
people already receiving shares.

Plan outline

The plan allows employees to save any amount between 5 and 250 each month
for three years. At the end of three years they can get their money back or use it
to buy shares at a 20 per cent discounted price. The price at which options are
offered is 80 per cent of the average mid-market price for three consecutive dealing
days preceding the offer date. Sharesave launches each year in October and is
open for all employees who started working for M&S before 1 July in that year.


Around one third of employees participate in Sharesave at any one time. This is
a high percentage for the retail sector. Currently there are around 25,000 people
participating with a total of around 45,000 accounts. There will always be more
accounts as employees may participate in a three-year Sharesave each year so
long as their aggregate monthly savings do not exceed the HMRC maximum of
250. The average saving is 112 pm with around 32m pa being saved in total.

Changes over time

The basic model of allowing saving in the full range allowed by HMRC (5
250 pm) and the maximum 20 per cent discount have remained unchanged since
1981. However, for many years M&S offered Sharesave with the full range of
saving options allowed by HMRC three, five or seven years. During the regular
annual review in 2003 it found that the seven-year option was rarely selected and
so it was dropped. The five-year option was dropped in 2008, when M&S found
that fewer than 15 per cent of participants chose this saving period.
222 Reward in Practice

The Sharesave that matured in January 2008 was the first for several years for
M&S where the option price was below the market price it was underwater.
Whilst the participants were free, as they always are, to just take the cash savings
rather than exercise the option, M&S wanted to do something more. It recognized
that participants were in the plan to become shareholders. It therefore set up
a special share-dealing service where employees who had funds maturing could
use their savings (from a minimum of 150 up to their total savings) to buy shares,
which was all undertaken on a specified day. This was simple and employees
could benefit from lower dealing charges than if they bought shares as individuals.
Over the three years where the option price has been underwater at maturity,
about 2,000 people have used this service.


M&S does not recognize a union, but it has an extensive system of employee
involvement through the Business Involvement Groups (BIG). Representatives
from each location (store, distribution centre, head office etc) are elected to represent
their colleagues. There will be between two and 25 representatives depending on
the number of people at the location. From the location level there is then a regional,
divisional and national structure, and then up to a European works council.
M&S discusses proposals for changes to Sharesave with the appropriate
BIG representatives. For example, it discussed with them the proposal to move
to three-year savings only and the way to handle the underwater issue in 2008.
M&S recognizes the criticality of effective employee communications to promote
Sharesave. Each year it runs a one-day high-level planning session, including BIG
representatives, to review what worked or did not work the previous year and
consider how best to communicate that years Sharesave launch. It works with
the scheme administrators to review communications concepts that are refined
to get to the final design.
It tries to keep the messages focused and as simple as possible, avoiding
jargon. For example, rather than using option price it uses discount price. M&S
realized that there was little benefit in spending considerable time detailing the
options and process at maturity at the point of launch as this just overcomplicated
the communications. So it explains simply that at the end of the three years the
participants can get their savings back or buy discounted shares. It then leaves
the detail to when it is needed at maturity.
Communication materials are high quality, to the same standard that M&S
uses for customer merchandising and promotions, and reflect the look and feel
for the launch. The company balances out the need to keep in line with Plan A
and the focus on reducing paper and the needs of its employees, the majority of
whom do not have internet access at work. Therefore, the key communication
Long-term Plans 223

method is a brochure sent to the employee at home. However, all employees are
encouraged to apply online, by text or phone.
Individuals receive a targeted invitation that differs between those currently
saving and those who are not. Existing savers receive a separate section in their
brochure giving details of their current Sharesave schemes.
A wide range of supporting materials are used to help maximize awareness
in the backstage areas of stores and to try to create a buzz about Sharesave.
These include:
6ft-high pop-up displays
Coffee table brochures
Posters that change weekly during the Sharesave enrolment period
Features in People Quarterly and Your M&S
There are regular store team briefings and M&S and the administrators run
surgeries where employees can ask questions about the scheme. Communications
include some short quotes from named individual participants and simple examples
such as the following:

The table below shows how your savings build up and ideas of what you
could do with that money.

Ta b l e 12.x
Monthly Saving after What you could do with your
saving 3 years savings

10 360 Get a laptop computer

20 720 Buy a new TV

50 1,800 Help pay off your student loan

100 3,600 Have a dream holiday

200 7,200 Drive a new car

250 9,000 Put down a deposit on a new home

But if you decide to buy some M&S shares with the exclusive discount your
savings could be worth a great deal more!
224 Reward in Practice


Having a Sharesave scheme for over 30 years has become a part of the culture
of the business. It is seen to have been very successful in fostering employee
engagement, encourages a real interest in the performance of the business and
allows employees to share success.
M&S has undertaken research that shows a correlation between levels of
Sharesave participation, staff turnover and levels of employee engagement. As
shown in Table 12.5 (comparing two M&S stores), M&S has one of the lowest
employee turnover rates in the retail sector and about half of the employees have
been with the company for more than five years.

Ta b l e 12.5 Comparison between two M&S stores

Store A Store B

Sharesave participation (%) 30 7

Staff turnover (%) 8 39

Employee engagement (%) 88 62


Benefits 13
B enefits are the non-cash parts of reward that are provided by the
employer either to all employees or differentiated by level. Benefits can
be a significant part of reward, but even when they are, they are generally
poorly understood.

Which benefits to offer and why

Analysing your benefits
Most organizations have a range of benefits that may have been built up
over years, often with little strategic intent. I believe that it is worth standing
back and questioning quite why we have each of the benefits we do in our
organizations. Other than for a legal requirement, such as paid holidays,
I suggest that there are only five reasons why an organization chooses to
provide particular benefits to its employees:

1 Market need: a benefit is needed to compete effectively in a particular

market; eg executive stock.
2 Tax efficiency: a benefit that has tax and/or national insurance
savings over cash; eg pension.
3 Organization provision: a benefit that the organization can provide
much cheaper than can an individual; eg private medical insurance.
4 Moral: the employer believes that they have a moral responsibility;
they may also consider a reputational risk if the benefit is absent;
eg life assurance.
5 Organization value: there is a direct value to the organization as well
as to the employee; eg company car.

I recommend that as part of a review of benefits you analyse your existing

benefits against these five criteria on a table as illustrated in Table 13.1 below.
The table is completed for some of the benefits for an organization using
ticks and crosses. You may want slightly more fine tuning by using, high,
medium and low.
226 Reward in Practice

Ta b l e 13.1 Five criteria for providing benefit

Benefit Market Tax Organization Moral/ Organization
need efficient provision reputation value



Company car

Life assurance

One way or another these criteria are about delivering value to the em-
ployee and the organization that cash does not. We always need a balance
between taking a total reward approach to maximize overall value and
distinguishing between the separate elements of reward which are there
to do different things.
There is no simple answer to the question of which benefits you should
offer. There are statutory benefits such as a minimum of 20 days paid holiday
a year and the requirement to offer a pension with automatic enrolment.
But other than these you could choose to offer no benefits. However, look-
ing at the rationale above, there is a case to be made for offering benefits
that can deliver more value to the employee than the cost to the employer.
So even smaller organizations should look at the opportunities that may
be available.

Provision of benefits
The 2013 CIPD Reward Management survey gave a list of 71 benefits
provided by participating organizations (up from 57 the previous year).
Table 13.2 shows the top 10 and bottom three by provision to all employees.
One interesting point from this survey is that benefits are mostly pro-
vided on a common basis, (single status) to all employees rather than by
Benefits 227

Ta b l e 13.2 Most and least common benefits provided

Benefit Provide to all Provision
employees % dependent on
grade/seniority %

Top ten:
Paid leave for bereavement 92.9 0.9
Pension scheme 83.8 4.9
25 days and over paid leave 73.0 19.7
(excluding public holidays)
Life assurance 68.7 6.3
Christmas party/lunch 66.9 2.1
Tea/coffee/cold drinks free 66.7 2.8
Childcare vouchers 63.3 1.4
Eye-care vouchers 62.9 2.8
On-site car parking 59.6 15.9
Allow internet purchases to be 59.5 3.4
delivered at work
Employee assistance programme 56.2 1.4

Bottom three:
Company car 0.2 37.6
Mobile phone (salary sacrifice) 1.0 7.2
First-home deposit 1.0 0

There were only five benefits in the survey where more than 25 per cent of
organizations based provision by seniority:

car allowance 51.6%

company car 37.6%
mobile phone 37.1%
relocation assistance 32.8%
flexible time/homeworking 32.3%

There is no doubt from the data that the majority of employers have a single
status approach to benefits other than where there is clear market practice
228 Reward in Practice

otherwise, and the number with status driven benefits is dropping. This has
been the trend for many years to minimize differences in benefit provision.
This reflects the cultural trend in most organizations to try to minimize
artificial hierarchy and encourage engagement and involvement.

Benefit policy
To provide the framework within which benefits may be provided I re
commend developing a simple benefit policy which should be part of the
reward policy and should address the following questions:

Based on the five points above, why are you providing the benefits
you are?
What are benefits meant to do as part of the reward package?
Will you state broadly how you will position benefits against the
Will benefits be single status or hierarchical?
How much choice there should be for employees?

When you have developed a policy you can discuss and agree a final version
with your key stakeholders.

Moog Inc operates in 27 countries with over 11,000 employees. In some

countries the local market may have relatively low levels of benefits eg
China where paid annual leave is often set at the statutory minimum of five
days. As a global employer, Moog decided that it should provide at least
a minimum level of certain key benefits as a minimum standard regardless
of the local market. It therefore set minimum standards globally for the
following benefits as a part of its benefit policy:
retirement income saving;
paid vacation time;
paid sickness absence;
medical insurance;
life assurance.
Benefits 229

Some organizations group their benefits into a few categories each of which
reflect the core aims of the overall benefit provision. Groupings may be, for

health and well-being;

your time and flexible working;
security for your family;
financial and savings.

The main reason to do this is to help clarify the rationale for benefits and to
aid understanding and the value of benefits. It is easier to explain the con-
nections of a relatively large number of benefits if they are shown in a smaller
number of groups.

Of all the elements of reward, benefits are, without doubt, the least understood
and appreciated. In many cases employees do not even remember that they have
a particular benefit that may be costing the employer a substantial amount.
There is clearly little point in the company spending large amounts of money
on a benefit that is unappreciated; the employer is getting no value from it.
Where benefits are not understood it is up to the organization to do some
thing about it. It is a waste of time setting up a suite of benefits and not
spending considerable time communicating them very well. This is the main
driver in the use of reward statements which are discussed in Chapter 6 on

Key benefits
The benefits that employers offer will vary considerably, but in this section
I discuss some of the main ones.

Insured benefits
A number of benefits are insured. That is to say, the organization, and maybe
the employee, pay a premium to a third party insurer to provide the benefit and
cover the risk. The employer normally uses a broker to find the most appro-
priate cover. The policies usually renew annually. Typical insured benefits are:

Life assurance commonly four times salary paid out on death in

230 Reward in Practice

Permanent health insurance providing an income of 50 per cent to

75 per cent of normal earnings if the employee is unable to work
long term due to sickness or injury.
Critical illness insurance providing a lump sum payment on
diagnosis of specified illnesses.
Personal accident insurance paying a lump sum following an
accident. The sum will vary according to the severity of the injury.
Private medical insurance paying the cost of private hospital
in-patient and out-patient treatment.
Travel insurance paying for certain losses while travelling abroad.

Pensions are a specialist part of benefits and are subject to a whole set of
legislation including the requirement for automatic enrolment into a pension
scheme. The Kingfisher case study at the end of this chapter is on its approach
to pensions and summarizes some of the main changes it has made. Although
there are some hybrid schemes, pension plans fall into one of two types
defined benefits (DB) and defined contribution or money purchase (DC). In
both cases their names help describe their differences.

Defined benefit pensions

The pension benefit is defined in a formula and the employer has to contribute
enough into the pension scheme to enable the benefits to be paid. A typical
DB pension may allow participants to accrue benefits at 1/60th of final
pensionable salary per year of service. If the individual was a member of
the organizations DB pension scheme for 40 years they would be able to
retire on a pension of 40/60ths or two-thirds of their salary when they retire.
It is irrelevant that they may have been on a low salary in the past; it is the
salary at retirement (normally defined by a simple formula) that counts.
The pension is payable for life of the member and may continue, usually
reduced, for a surviving spouse. The employer will have had to fund the pension
scheme to ensure that the pensions can be paid no matter how long the retired
member (and spouse) live. This means that as life expectancy has been increas-
ing, the cost of funding DB pensions has also increased. According to the Office
for National Statistics, between 1960 and 2010 the average life span in the
UK has increased by about 10 years for a man and eight years for a woman.
DB pensions are set up under a trust so that their assets are ring-fenced
from those of the employer. The trustees have a legal obligation to run the
pension scheme in the best interests of the members. The members will be in
one of three groups:
Benefits 231

Active members employees who are accruing benefits eg 60ths.

Deferred members former employees who have left the
organization but have some accrued benefits that will be payable
when they retire. They are not accruing benefits, but the value of the
benefits they have accrued is normally increased by inflation.
Pensioners members who have retired and are now drawing a
pension. They may have retired from active service or may have
retired from being a deferred member.

DB pensions are clearly a very long-term commitment for an employer.

They will need to be contributing whilst benefits are accruing and for the
pensions being paid. A DB pension is the one benefit that will still be costing
the employer money long after the employee has stopped working.
The risk is almost all with the employer as, whatever happens to life
expectancy, annuity rates or the rate of return on investments, the company
has to provide enough money to fund the scheme. The value of the assets
and liabilities can move very considerably even in the short term, and this
volatility makes it very difficult for an employer to budget for the costs of
funding the scheme.
An increase in pensionable salary will have a knock-on effect to a pension
and the additional funding cost to the employer. This is often not under-
stood. I have seen line managers increase the salary of someone in a DB
scheme close to retirement as they think that the cost is small as their salary
costs will stop at retirement. But as you see from the following example,
the costs to the employer can be substantial.

An employee has 30 years service in a 60ths DB scheme. Therefore,

they have already accrued pension benefits of 50 per cent of salary at
retirement. With a current pensionable salary of 40,000 this is worth about
20,000 pa as pension. The capital sum required to be funded to provide
this is around 450,000.
Lets say this person is promoted and given a salary increase of 10,000
to a new salary of 50,000. Pension goes up to approximately 25,000 and
the capital sum required goes up to approximately 563,000. The additional
113,000 becomes an additional liability on the pension scheme and pushes
up the funding cost for the employer. The cost of each years future service
also increases considerably.
232 Reward in Practice

The huge increase in costs of running a DB pension has meant that the
majority of companies no longer offer them for new employees. An increas-
ing number have also stopped providing them for existing employees and
have replaced them with DC pensions. It is only in the public sector where
this very expensive benefit is still commonly available.
Legislation relating to pensions has changed very frequently, in particular
reducing the tax-free limits available. This means that with the current limits
on annual contributions and total values, many executives are more likely
to look to building stock to provide wealth for future income in retirement
rather than pensions.

Defined Contribution pension

This is almost the opposite of a DB scheme. The employer and, almost
always, the employee save money into a DC pension scheme each month.
The contributions are almost always defined as a percentage of salary. Each
individuals saving pot is defined and it increases with the contributions
made and by the increase in the investments. When the individual wants to
retire, they have a pot of money that they can use to provide an income,
within certain limits.
A DC scheme may be set up under a trust or may be run by an insurance
company, typically as a Group Personal Pension Plan.
The risk profile is very different from a DB scheme. The longevity risk,
annuity risk and investment risk are now with the employee and not the
employer. The employer can easily budget for the cost of the scheme as their
obligation is only to make the contributions they have stated.

Private medical insurance

Private medical insurance (PMI) covers the cost of private medical treatment;
normally consultations, tests, and in- and out-patient procedures. It is a benefit
that can be of value both to the employee and the employer, in terms of effective
use of time and potentially being able to be back at work more quickly.
Where the employer is paying some or all of the premium, then the employee
is liable to tax on that as a benefit-in-kind. There is, therefore, some common
interest in keeping the premiums low as it reduces the cost to the employer
and reduces the tax for the employee. The cost of PMI is relatively high and
the typical increase in annual premium is around 10 per cent. Employers
have therefore been taking different actions to try to keep costs down.
For example, introducing or increasing the excess. An excess is the first
part of a claim up to a limit, paid by the employee. It normally applies to each
individual covered for each year, not per condition. Typical excess levels are
Benefits 233

100200. They can have quite a significant impact in reducing the pre-
mium. This is because they reduce the amount that the insurer has to pay
and also tend to deter employees from making small claims. A 150 excess
can reduce the annual premium by around 3 per cent and an excess of
200 can reduce it by around 5 per cent.

Voluntary benefits
Voluntary benefits are facilitated by the employer, sometimes by paying a fee
to a third party, but the costs of any benefits are borne by the employee.
Voluntary benefits may be some of the insured benefits mentioned above.
For example, travel insurance may be part of voluntary benefits where
the employer collects the premiums from salary from those employees
who want the cover. More common are voluntary benefits such as discount
arrangements from a wide range of retailers and service providers. Retail
gift vouchers with discounts of 510 per cent are often part of the arrange-
ment. This is one of the benefits used in the Guideposts case study at the
end of this chapter.
Voluntary benefits can deliver reasonable value to employees for a very
low, or nil, cost to the employer so are worth considering.

Flexible benefits
Flexible benefits (flex) is a system whereby individual employees can
choose different benefits and different levels of benefits within a given menu
to meet their lifestyle but at a neutral cost to the employer. It is normally
run through an online system allowing an annual selection of benefits for the
following 12 months. A part of flexible benefits is the use of salary sacrifice
which is covered in Chapter 7.
The 2013 CIPD Reward Management survey found that just over 20 per
cent of the participating organizations operated a flex plan. However, flex
was more common in larger organizations:

SME (<250) 12.4%

Large (2509,999) 23.5%
Very large (10,000+) 44.1%

I believe that flex should be considered by any organization other than

the very smallest. Whilst flex was in the past disproportionately expensive
for smaller employers, due to the set-up costs, there are now systems that
234 Reward in Practice

target businesses which were previously too small to make flex a sensible
option. An online system requires access to a computer, which would not
be available to everyone at work. However, now the expansion of home
computers and smartphones mean that even if employees do not have regular
access to a PC for their work, they are likely to have access at home.
I have written this section using the format of needing to write a business
case to introduce flex. Within this I have, by implication, outlined the main
issues that you need to take into account.

Building the business case for flexible benefits

Firstly, you will need to be very clear about why you believe that flex should
be introduced.

As part of any consideration on introducing flex it is important to get
both external and internal information.

External information
There is a considerable amount of information available on flex. There are
four main sources:

Internet and publications There are frequent articles and case

studies in the HR press and online, particularly Employee Benefits
Magazine and e-reward.
Conferences Flex is now the subject of many conferences. For
example, Employee Benefits holds an exhibition and conference each
year in London. There are also a number of flex providers exhibiting.
The CIPD conference held annually in Manchester occasionally has
a speaker on flex. But again, there are always exhibitors in the field.
Some professional advisers run open conferences on flex.
Case studies Look for organizations that have implemented flex.
Use your network and consider organizations that have a business
relationship with your own customers and suppliers. Most people
will be happy to talk about their experiences and the practical issues
they faced.
Professional advisers When you get to implementation you are likely
to need professional help. But you may also wish to discuss the
feasibility of implementing flex early with an adviser. Of course, you
are likely to start to incur fees so you will need to budget appropriately.
Benefits 235

Internal Information
What information do you already have that can help you in considering
the need for flex?
Exit, or termination, interviews may give you some information on how
people feel about the benefits you provide and the significance of the benefits
provided by a new organization.
Staff engagement/attitude surveys can also give you an understanding
of what people think of the benefits on offer. Most engagement surveys have
very little in detail on benefits; there is unlikely to be more than one ques-
tion. So you might want to run an internal survey specifically on benefits.
You can run short simple surveys online with easily available software de-
signed for the purpose. Some organizations can run surveys as part of their
intranet. They do not need to have more than a dozen questions. The aim
is to find out what people already know about the benefits you provide,
their value and how they work. Typically, understanding is poor so a survey
can show you which benefits employees already value and which ones they
do not even remember; what sort of benefits are they interested in and how
much flexibility they would like. It is, of course, important to manage expec-
tations in this process.

Suggested outline of a business case

You need to be clear about who exactly are the decision makers and who
are the influencers. It is unlikely that a leadership team will make a decision
on something like introducing flex without them knowing that it has support
within the organization. So you may well need to lobby the people who will
influence the decision makers in advance.
The decision-making process will differ between organizations, but you
will probably have to draft some form of paper and possibly present to the
decision making group, such as the board of directors. Notwithstanding
the particular approach you take to build and present the business case,
I consider below what such a business case might look like. You should be
able to deal with every section if you want to be successful.

Explain the purpose of the paper and any relevant background information
so that it is clear exactly what it is you are asking to be decided.

What is flex?
It is helpful to ensure that all the readers understand what you mean by flex.
You may wish to draw on some of the descriptions from external sources.
236 Reward in Practice

Do not go into the detailed design of what you propose, but give a fairly
high-level overview of flex. You may wish to give a couple of examples
so that the benefits in the next section can be assessed.

Competitor analysis
If this is an important issue you may wish to give a summary of which of
your main competitors, or the employment market in general, have flex.

The business benefits

Here you will need to explain under the appropriate number of sections
exactly what benefits will flex give you. Some of the main reasons why organ
izations consider flex:
Reinforce culture if you empower people in the organization to
make decisions more quickly for customers, you may think that flex,
which empowers people to make choices over their benefits, will help
you reinforce that culture. Benefits set by the employer can seem
quite paternalistic compared with flex.
Maximize the value of benefits many organizations spend a
considerable amount of their pay bill on benefits, but employees do
not always recognize or understand their value. Reward statements
can help improve this understanding, but flex engages people in
having to actually do something.
Control costs benefits are often administered and accounted for
separately. The cost of a benefit may not be particularly visible to
managers. Flex can help give more transparency to benefit costs and
make decision makers more aware of the costs of benefits. Flex can
give a framework to cost benefits.
Reduce costs this would need to be looked at carefully. Although
there may be some direct savings from flex, such as employers
National Insurance, flex is not really about saving money.
Improve recruitment flex can give a competitive edge in
recruitment. It can be quite powerful to explain the flex choices to
a prospective employee. The perceived value can be very high
particularly from someone with fixed benefits. It can also say
a lot about the sort the organization you are.

However, you need to present your own organizational benefits. Example

sub headings you may wish to use could be:

harmonizing benefits;
cultural change empowerment, reduce status barriers, flexibility;
Benefits 237

diversity of workforce;
market leading/following;
employee engagement;
maximize value of existing benefits to employees;
help bring together elements of reward towards a total reward position;
framework to easily expand range of benefits;
national insurance savings.

Costs and savings

Explain the various direct and indirect costs of implementing flex. Direct
costs should cover the cost of technology purchase/license of software,
development costs to existing systems such as HRIS and payroll, external
consultancy and advisors fees, administration costs such as running a tele-
phone helpline internally or outsourced communications for launch. You
will need to determine with your finance colleagues how some of these costs
will be treated in the accounts and will probably need to show the cost over,
say, three years. In addition to the set-up costs, remember development and
communications costs in subsequent years. You will probably need to be
clear in which financial years expenditure will be incurred.
Direct savings are likely to be in National Insurance, consolidation of pro-
viders and salary savings through buying holiday being more popular than
Indirect savings are usually more difficult to demonstrate. However, if
you expect that flex will help in recruitment what would the financial bene
fit of an improved acceptance to offer ratio? Support in cultural change, for
example, with empowerment and helping to improve customer service may
be important. If you have data you may draw on this to illustrate what effect
you expect flex to have.

Plan outline
Give enough information about each benefit that you propose to put in
the plan for the first year. Also outline plans or ideas for future years.

Explain the proposed effective date for benefit choices and the timetable
to get there.
238 Reward in Practice

Decision-making groups will need assurance that a flex plan can be commu-
nicated and understood so that it will be effective in delivering its objectives.
Summarize the communications plans including media and timing.

Benefits can be a valuable part of the reward package, but only if you are
clear on why you have them and you ensure that employees understand
how they work, what they cost and their value to them. Flexible benefits
are now available even to SMEs and are well worth considering.


Why do you offer the benefits you do?

Should you review all of your benefits against the five points suggested
at the start of this chapter?
Would it be helpful to repackage benefits in themed groups lifestyle
Do you know if your employees understand the benefits you provide and
their value?
Should you do some work on the potential opportunities you may have
to introduce flex?

Case studies
I have included two very different case studies for this chapter. The first is
a charity, Guideposts, and the second is a FTSE 100 company, Kingfisher plc.
Kingfisher has made considerable strategic changes to completely reposi-
tion its UK pension arrangements since 2004 including closing its Defined
Benefit (DB) pension scheme to 5,000 active members, enhancing its Defined
Contribution (DC) scheme which has increased by 19,000 members and
Benefits 239

planning its long-term pension strategy over 30 years. The case study illus-
trates the complexity and long-term nature of pensions as well as the need
to take a considered strategic approach.
The charity, Guideposts, relaunched its pension plan and introduced
two new benefits with the aim of maximizing value to employees whilst
containing costs. This was the first step in making other cost effective
changes to its benefits over the longer term. The case study shows how a
small organization can seek to maximize value from their overall spend on
reward through effective use of benefits.

C a s e s t u dy Guideposts Trust Limited

Guideposts Trust is an independent charity that helps people with mental health
issues, dementia, learning disabilities, physical impairments, and their carers and
families to make the best possible choices for quality care services. In some cases
their projects aim to help people to live more independent lives. In all cases they
aim to reduce social exclusion and isolation and promote equal opportunities,
well-being and quality of life for all of their service users.
Services and support include: a 24-hour national dementia helpline and website
and a range of community-based services including carers support services,
childrens services, mental health services, employment training and day and leisure
The head office is in Witney, Oxfordshire, and it has regional offices in
Hertfordshire, Warwickshire, Gloucestershire, Suffolk and Essex. There are around
250 people who work for Guideposts and over 200 volunteers. Its turnover is
about 10 million per annum.


In early 2012 Guideposts established its five-year plan. One part of the plan was
related to staff: to recruit and retain the people needed to ensure optimal staffing
for the services Guideposts ran and wanted to develop. One part of the people
proposition was to ensure there was an attractive reward package, but within
the context of a charity.
Whilst Guideposts had a pension plan, where the charity matched a 3 per cent
contribution from employees with 6 per cent, the take-up was poor. Only 35 out
of 250 (14 per cent) were members of the pension plan. There were no other
240 Reward in Practice

non-statutory benefits. Guideposts felt that improvements to benefits could help

enhance the package. It wanted to increase membership of the pension plan
and look at other benefits that could be introduced at little or no cost. They were
also conscious that they would need to introduce automatic enrolment from
February 2014.

Changes made

In the summer of 2012 Guideposts put the management of pension out to tender,
which resulted in it appointing a new adviser. Its initial brief was to improve the
take-up of pensions and advise on other benefits that could be introduced in the
short term at low cost. Guideposts also wanted to take a longer-term view and
consider other benefits that may be introduced over the following years. It was
important that the charity was able to maximize value to their employees for
a low cost for the organization. The initial proposals were to:
amend the pension plan to make it more attractive;
introduce discounted shopping voluntary benefits;
introduce childcare vouchers.

Group personal pension

A new Group Personal Pension was to be introduced via a new provider. It would
maintain the simple matching contribution plan, so that if the employee contributed
3 per cent of basic salary, Guideposts would contribute 6 per cent. But it also
introduced the option of operating this via salary exchange (salary sacrifice, see
Chapter 7 on tax issues). The way in which Guideposts decided to operate this
was that the whole of the employer and employee National Insurance saving was
reinvested into pension. This made the pension even more attractive for no cost
to the charity. This is illustrated under Communications below.

Childcare vouchers

Childcare vouchers would be introduced using salary sacrifice, within the

statutory limits. With the majority of employees being relatively low paid, and so
basic rate tax payers, this would offer good value to employees at no cost to
Guideposts. Employees could exchange salary that was subject to tax and
national insurance for vouchers that were free of tax and National Insurance, to
help towards paying for childcare. Guideposts would make a direct saving by
incurring lower national insurance contributions. Although any savings were
planned to be used to offset the administration and other costs associated with
the benefit changes.
Benefits 241

Voluntary benefits

This was an online shopping and discount arrangement that employees could
access at home, by smart phone or in the office. It included retail vouchers with
a wide selection of shops with discounts of up to 10 per cent. There would be a
modest annual cost to Guideposts of 10 per year per employee.


After discussion with senior managers, a communications plan was agreed.

Firstly, in October 2012, the changes were featured in the staff newsletter. This
was followed by a simple desk drop and posters that summarized each of the
three benefits in one paragraph. Employees were also invited to a roadshow in
November (prior to implementation on 1 December) run by the benefit advisers
and with an HR adviser attending. More than 100 employees attended the roadshows.
The roadshow presentation used a simple set of slides. For example, it used
a simple example to illustrate the pensions savings:

Non-salary exchange

80 Contribution
20 20% tax relief
100 invested

Salary exchange

80 Contribution
20 20% tax relief
25.80 Enhancement from NI savings
125.80 Invested

The additional 25.80 was made up of 13.8 per cent employers NI saving and
12 per cent employees NI saving.


Pension membership increased from 35 (14 per cent) to over 80 (33 per cent) on
the implementation on 1 December 2012 90 per cent of these selected salary
242 Reward in Practice

From introduction in December 2012 to June 2013, one-third of employees had

regularly used the discount shopping site.
The take-up of childcare vouchers was disappointing and analysis was being
undertaken to understand why and make changes as appropriate.

Future plans

Guideposts made these initial benefit changes to help improve the employee
reward package but at a modest cost to the charity. This was only the first step
and it plans to review the effectiveness of these benefits and consider other
benefit opportunities in the same way high value to employees at a modest cost
to the organization. At the time of writing, Guideposts was looking to promote the
benefits further in the second half of 2013. Guideposts was keen to encourage
employees to join the pension plan in advance of automatic enrolment it was
required to introduce in February 2014.

C a s e s t u dy Kingfisher plc


Kingfisher is Europes largest home improvement retailer with over 1,000 stores
in nine countries and a turnover of more than 10 billion. It is a FTSE 100
company and the second largest UK listed retailer, after Tesco. It employs globally
78,000 people and nearly 6 million customers shop in its stores every week. In
the UK it trades under a number of brands such as B&Q and Screwfix. In 2001/2
Kingfisher made a strategic decision to concentrate on the home improvement
sector and it disposed of a number of subsidiaries such as Woolworths, Superdrug
and Comet.

Closing defined benefits scheme to new members

The pensions landscape in Kingfisher was complex due to the history of the UK
businesses. By 2004, Kingfisher had over 34,000 deferred members and pensioners
in its main DB pension scheme as well as over 13,500 active members. At that
time it decided to close the DB scheme to new joiners. It also made changes to
the future accrual. The DB scheme had an accrual rate of 1/60th per year of service
Benefits 243

and the active members were required to contribute 5 per cent of salary. The
accrual rate was reduced to 1/80th per year of service for service after April 2004
with the contribution rate remaining at 5 per cent. However, employees had a
choice at that time to retain the 60th rate of accrual but for a higher contribution
rate of 7 per cent.

Defined contribution scheme

In 2004, Kingfisher introduced a new DC pension scheme where the company

matched employee contributions. For managers, the company matched employee
contributions of between 5 per cent and 8 per cent. For those below manager
level, it was a match of between 3 per cent and 5 per cent; this group also had to
have 12 months completed service to be able to join the scheme. Both groups only
became eligible for the higher levels of matching after five years of service. At
that five-year service date, the onus was on the individual to request to make
a higher contribution, and hence receive the higher matched contribution from
the company. There was no default fund and the scheme was not being actively
promoted by the company.

200509 changes

In addition to closing the DB scheme to new joiners in 2004, over the next few
years the company also worked with the trustees to de-risk the DB section of the
scheme by moving the assets from equities to gilts. The company and trustees
were planning ahead for the following 2030 years.
In 2009, and ahead of automatic enrolment, Kingfisher decided to improve the
DC pension scheme. It introduced the following changes:
Adopted a white labelled approach for the investment funds on offer to
the membership.

Changed fund managers and the external DC administration provider.

Rationalized (previously 16 funds) and introduced a new choice of nine funds,

including a diversified return fund, a money market fund (rather than cash),
an ethical fund and a sharia fund.

Introduced a new lifestyle default fund option.

Strategic principles

In 2011 Kingfisher established a set of strategic principles to frame its UK approach

to retirement provision as follows:
244 Reward in Practice

To offer a retirement package that helps support the recruitment,

retention and engagement of its UK colleagues which:
aims to deliver for colleagues a quality and acceptable level of
retirement provision as part of the choices the member makes for
their long-term savings;
allows for a holistic approach based on fairness and consistency;
is competitive (eg average to upper quartile) when compared to
other UK retailers;
supports employee communications that are transparent, accessible
and easily understood by colleagues and members;
promotes excellent education of colleagues, allowing for individuals
to make suitable and informed investment choices which fit to their
ensures a smooth and informed transition for colleagues from active
membership into retirement (eg annuity purchase and/or income
results in a benefit design and provision that is more compatible with
the concept of flexible retirement (eg recent legislative removal of
default retirement age, annuity revision and wider ability to draw
down income from savings).
Has integrity ie from a governance and regulation viewpoint.
Is affordable to the businesses, but also moves pension provision
away from being purely a hygiene factor to a genuine enabling
approach aligned with the Kingfisher corporate culture of engaging

Closing DB scheme and enhancing DC

In February 2012 the company and trustees began consultation with the active
membership regarding the closure of the DB scheme to future accrual. The driver
of the proposals was to reduce liabilities and volatility rather than to reduce
costs. The closure was implemented on 30 June 2012. This meant that the existing
active members who had been accruing benefits under the scheme would
accrue no further benefits in the DB Scheme, but would be offered membership
of the DC scheme for future service from 1 July 2012. At the time there were
approximately 4,800 active DB members about two-thirds of whom were
Benefits 245

contributing 7 per cent and accruing benefits at 1/60th and 1/3rd contributing 5 per
cent and accruing benefits at an 80th.
A wide range of communications was used to help in the consultation process:
regular newsletters, videos, a dedicated website and telephone helpline, posters,
table stands, pension clinics, presentations, seminars and literature explaining
the outcome and decisions the members were required to make. A social media
page was created where individuals could voice their opinions, comment and
question either anonymously or publicly.
Recognizing that the closure was not driven by saving money, Kingfisher
redirected some savings to increase the attractiveness of the DC scheme to all
employees. The design of the scheme was reviewed and the decision was made
to offer substantially enhanced employer contribution rates, from 1 July 2012, which
match or exceed those made by the member. Salary sacrifice (SMART) was also
introduced to further enhance the tax-efficiency of the members contributions.
DC pension now became single status with all employees treated the same with
equal access to the new pension. The new contribution rates for all were:

Ta b l e 13.3 DC contribution rates

Employee Company matched

contribution (%) contribution (%)

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 10

8 14

This change moved the DC scheme from bottom quartile for the sector to upper
During the consultation with DB members on the closure of the DB scheme, the
company and trustee also had to explain to the affected members about the DC
scheme. This was a step change for those employees as they had not previously
246 Reward in Practice

had to actively make decisions in terms of contribution levels, investment options,

optional incapacity benefits etc.
A range of new literature was created to educate the membership about the
DC plan: member guides and individual and lifestyle fund fact sheets. In addition,
a SMART pension calculator was created that allowed individuals to see how
much they could potentially save by contributing into the scheme via SMART.
In June 2012, at the time of the DB closure, there were approximately 2,200
DC section active members. An additional 4,800 ex-DB members joined the DC
scheme. Nine months later in March 2013 a further 14,000 joined the DC scheme
with automatic enrolment. So within nine months the membership of the DC scheme
went from 2,200 to 21,000.
The trustee website ( was relaunched in September
2012 to improve engagement with members. The website underwent a huge
makeover to bring it more in line with the Kingfisher Group branding and to
also improve the navigation and purpose.
From March 2013 with automatic enrolment a new first tier was added to the
DC contributions where a 1 per cent employee contribution was matched with
2 per cent from the company.
Kingfisher has found that the numbers opting out of pension at automatic
enrolment has been very low at around 6 per cent.


As part of an internal post-implementation review, feedback from the retail HR

community is that members find the scheme communications engaging, simple
and concise. Visits to the trustee website have increased by several thousand
per month.
In 2011 the scheme received the UK SIF Responsible Pension Leader gold
award and in May 2012 received the NAPF Pension Quality Mark Plus award for
its DC section.


R eward is important as it can cost up to 75 per cent of the total costs of

the organization and it carries strong messages. It can play an impor-
tant part in the engagement of people in the business. But this can only be
where it is aligned with the culture and strategy of the business.
Reward may be proactive and seek to help drive business strategy.
However, very great care needs to be taken to avoid unintended conse-
quences. Evidence suggests that reward can have positive impact in the short
term but may have limited impact in sustaining change in the long term.
Financial retention can help but not in the face of other negatives. A deter-
mined competitor can almost always offer more to an individual they really
want to recruit.
Whatever the reward strategy you are going to establish, you need to agree
some clear statements on reward philosophy and strategy with your leader-
ship team and other stakeholders. Invest some time in this stage and, along
with whatever corporate values etc there are, you should have the framework
to develop changes to reward in the organization. But you need to monitor
the internal and external environment to ensure that you spot the issues that
either give an opportunity for changes or require changes to be made.
Effective reward management is about both the individual elements of
reward and the total cost and value. The different parts of reward may be
for different purposes, make impact in different ways and carry different
messages but they all cost money to provide, so the organization needs to
look at the total as well as the separate elements. There may be trade-offs
available between them that may deliver better value. Figure 14.1 summaries
the relationship between the main elements of reward, their drivers and
associated issues, their relationship with total reward and where they should
make impact.
You need to question why you have the reward programmes you do
and what they are for. For example, benefits have often developed with
little strategic intent, but you can review what they are meant to be doing
collectively and individually. Benefits are commonly misunderstood and
undervalued. Where this is the case you are wasting money and need to do
something about it change the benefits or communicate them much better.
248 Conclusions

F i g u r e 14.1 Holistic reward model

Business strategy, culture and values

External market
Internal equity
Organizational drivers

Basic Pay

Variable Pay Benefits

Aims and design framework Total Market need

Horizontal & vertical alignment Tax efficiency
Incentive/reward Reward Organization provision
Individual/group Moral/reputation
Non-cash alternative Organizational value

Aligned messages and Engagement

To the extent to which pay must compete in the external market there is
likely to be reducing marginal value from increasing salary much above the
median. Pay is always one element of the employee proposition but only one
of many. Unless you get everything else right, pay will do little to engage
Internal equity is a more significant demotivator than absolute pay
levels. You need to be clear about what you are paying for and be able to
explain it to employees. Whilst pay structures and similar systems may help,
ultimately success is likely to be down to managers being consistent in their
Looking through a reward filter you can too easily see reward as the
solution rather than in some circumstances the message being core and
some element of reward providing tangible reinforcement. Recognition and
the thoughtful use of non-cash can have a significant sustained impact over
incentives. Maximizing the effectiveness of recognition and performance
management require a joint approach with learning and development
Conclusions 249

To meet the challenges of the strategic reward agenda requires a new

skill-set for the reward professional including emphasis on communications
and change management and using evidence based on relevant academic
research. Both depth of reward expertise and breadth of understanding of
the wider HR relationships and business understanding are now critical.
What of the future? Here are seven themes to consider:

Employee engagement reward needs to be considered in terms of

its impact on engagement align reward to values, make reward
solutions part of the whole of the joined up employee value
proposition, challenge assumptions on extrinsic reward, use
qualitative not just quantitative measures.
Millennium generation want to be seen to make a difference and
receive great feedback, want freedom and their own time but a good
salary. In reward, you will need to:
Find ways to give people more control over time; use different contracts.
Concentrate on the outputs, not the inputs.
Develop new and even more flexible benefit plans.
Ensure better feedback mechanisms and communicate pay
messages clearly.
Social networking Information can no longer be controlled by
companies as it used to be. You can find out what it is like to work
for a particular organization through social media sites. People will
be even better informed about your organization including pay and
benefit levels with exchanges of pay data. Therefore, rethink what
is confidential. As data will be exchanged anyway outside the
organization, look at introducing forums and internal social media
sites such as Yammer. Get the performance management system in
shape as it will be scrutinized even more.
Life expectancy continues to increase. Across Europe state retirement
pension ages have increased and will continue to do so. Defined
benefit pension plans are mostly closed to new employees and are
closing rapidly to existing employees. There will be further moves
from state to company pension schemes. DB schemes will be closed
to all employees and new tax-effective savings vehicles will develop.
Environment issues are mainstream and employees expect to see
their companies implement changes to save energy. We will move to
considering the whole carbon footprint of products and of people:
home, travel, work. Reward related issues will be:
250 Conclusions

Bonuses will need to reflect environmental impact.

There will be a radical change to cars and a reduction in
conventional company cars and no company-provided fuel.
Greener options will be the norm in flexible benefits plans.
Greater need to communicate change with low environmental
impact recycled or ideally no paper: electronic only.
Shareholder pressure Over the last few years there has been an
increase in shareholders objecting to companies executive reward
policies. Shareholders, reinforced by further corporate governance
legislation, will want to see an appropriate level of reward that reflects
company performance. Greater care will be needed in designing
executive compensation working with the remuneration committee
taking a longer-term view of what company success looks like and
the appropriate levels of reward and the potential reputational issues
in designing termination terms in executive contracts.
Pace of change will continue to increase. Reward programmes will
need constant review to ensure that they are fit for purpose. This
means greater flexibility in reward and perhaps some new thinking
on the relationship between common corporate-wide programmes
and more discretion to meet the needs of parts of the organization
that have changed.

However you view reward, look for those things that will work best for
your organization, what will fit with your agenda and not the so called best
practice that might be doing the rounds. Critically review the opportunities
available against your desired culture, aims and values.


Relevant research based models and

The following models and theories are relevant to an understanding of
different elements of reward and engagement and how reward fits into the
totality of HR interventions. Whilst an overemphasis on theories does not
play well for most managers in organizations, I believe that they can be
helpful. For each theory presented I indicate the elements of reward, or
reward-related programmes to which I believe they are most relevant. I do
not endorse all of the theories as appropriate to the modern organization,
in particular neither Principal-Agent theory nor Labour market theory.
Whilst you can find more details on these models and theories from many
sources, Perkins and White (2008) cover many of them in some detail.

Endowment effect
Endowment effect, also known as status quo bias, is the phenomenon in
which most people put a considerably higher price for a product that they
own than they would be prepared to pay for it. People tend to try to avoid
what they see as a loss (Thaler, 1980).

Relevance retention plans, incentive plans, reward communications

Equity theory
Equity theory assumes that employees seek to maintain an equitable ratio
between the inputs they bring to the employee relationship and the outcomes
they receive from it. So this is about an employees perception of what they
receive as an employee for what they have to give. But it does not just apply
to the employeremployee relationship. Of critical importance is the way
in which employees evaluate their own input/output ratios based on their
comparison with the input/outcome ratios of other employees. In other
words, an individual may be demotivated if their perception is that they
are paid less than someone else doing a similar role.
252 Appendix

Inputs in this context include the employees time, expertise, qualifications,

experience, intangible personal qualities such as drive and ambition, and inter
personal skills. Outcomes include reward and flexible work arrangements.
Employees who perceive inequity or injustice will seek to reduce it, either by
distorting inputs and/or outcomes in their own minds (cognitive distortion),
directly altering inputs and/or outcomes, or leaving the organization.

Relevance pay structures, pay review mechanisms, performance-related

pay, engagement

Expectancy theory
Vrooms expectancy theory (1964) says that the strength of any motivation
will vary according to:

the desires for a particular outcome;

the expectancy that action will lead to the outcome; and
the likelihood that the goal can be achieved.

It is the consequences of attaining a goal that is significant rather than the

intrinsic value of the goal itself. The theory is based on a rational cognitive
approach, which assumes that a person will, in effect, weigh up the value
to them of an outcome in terms of its consequences as well as the likelihood
of it happening. So, according to the theory, people will pursue that level
of performance that they believe will maximize their overall best interest.
This would then predict that a reward given that was not contingent on
behaviour, or was not expected to be contingent, would have no effect on
the choices that an individual makes.

Relevance incentive bonus plans

Hierarchy of needs
Maslow considers that there is a hierarchy of needs that is a fundamental
part of motivation as illustrated in the figure below.
In Maslows model it is only when a lower order need has been satisfied
that a need higher up the hierarchy may become a cause of motivation.
A criticism of this ordered approach is that it implies that everyone re-
quires a similar amount of the basic needs (Hertzberg, 1968).
In most western countries the basic needs are met to a great extent for
most people in work; food, water, shelter, security, freedom from fear and
Appendix 253

A p p e n d i x 1 Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

Achieving individual

Self-esteem and esteem
from others

love, affection, part of groups

Safety needs
Shelter, security, stability etc.

Health, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sleep

anxiety and chaos, and are taken for granted. These needs may be perceived
in terms of salary providing the income necessary to meet basic needs of
food and shelter. Benefits such as pension, life assurance and medical insur-
ance meet some part of the safety need. The contractual terms may provide
security of tenure and belonging needs may be met by group membership.
The state is also likely to provide some form of welfare benefits if needed
to meet at least the basic needs.

Relevance recognition plans, benefits, engagement

Labour market theory

This classical labour market theory considers the market for labour to be
a rational market where the relationship between supply and demand will
determine the price of labour. The underlying assumptions are that workers
can choose between work and leisure and employers can choose to hire or
not. The theory follows the same economic model of supply and demand
where demand increases the price until supply increases to meet it at a point
of equilibrium.
254 Appendix

This overly pure model does not reflect the modern understanding of
behaviours as reflected now in behavioural economics, where a number
of Nobel prize winners for economics have been psychologists. However,
it is important in our understanding of market pressures on salary levels.

Relevance pay market

Operant conditioning
Skinner developed the model of Operant conditioning from work primarily
on animals. This research found that an animal that responded voluntarily
to a stimulus (for example a lever in the box) and was rewarded by food
as a consequence of its voluntary action tended to repeat the behaviour.
The voluntary behaviour was being reinforced by the food. This positive
reinforcement was a core element of Skinners operant theory of motivation.
A positive reinforcer is a stimulus which, when added to a situation,
strengthens the probability of an operant response (Skinner, 1953).
The opposite of this positive reinforcement is extinction where under
repeated non-reinforcement the behaviour decreases and eventually dis
appears. In the context of pay this may suggest that the expectation and
regular delivery of monthly or weekly pay means that it will have little or
no motivation effect.
Skinners theory would argue that ... the only tool needed for worker
motivation is the presence or absence of positive reinforcement. In other
words, managers do not, as a general rule, need to use punishment in order
to control behaviour (Steers and Porter, 1991).

Relevance recognition

Organizational citizenship
Organ (1988) defines organizational citizenship as, individual behaviour that
is discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward
system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the
organization. Organs definition includes three critical elements of organ
izational citizenship behaviours (OCBs):

OCBs are thought of as discretionary behaviours, which are not part

of the job description, and are performed by the employee as a result
of personal choice.
Appendix 255

OCBs go above and beyond that which is an enforceable requirement

of the job description.
OCBs contribute positively to overall organizational effectiveness.

A simple way of thinking about organizational citizenship is that it is the

extent to which an employees voluntary support contributes to their em-
ployers success. If treated well by their employer, the employee wants to
reciprocate by doing their best.

Relevance engagement, recognition

Principal-agent theory (Agency theory)

Agency theory was developed as an economic theory. In employment terms
it centres around aligning what it sees as the otherwise divergent interests of
the agent (employee) and the principal (employer). Agency theory says that
the principal must use schemes that helps align the interest of the agents
with the principals own interests, such as merit pay, stock-option schemes,
profit sharing and incentives. These are the agency cost and are the means by
which the employer seeks to ensure that the employee does what the em-
ployer wishes. The theory also suggests the need to set objectives and monitor
performance. The theory emphasizes the need for extrinsic motivators and
reflects the thinking in McGregors theory X.

Relevance incentives, contingent reward

Psychological contract
This is normally seen as the unwritten contract that exists between em-
ployer and employee. It has been defined as, a set of beliefs about what each
party is entitled to receive, and obligated to give in exchange for another
partys contributions (Perkins and White, 2008). These will typically be values
such as fairness and trust and to a large extent will reflect the culture within
the organization.

Relevance reward philosophy and strategy, communications, engagement

256 Appendix

Theory X and Theory Y

McGregors theory X assumes that people are inherently lazy and therefore
must be motivated by outside incentives. Their natural goals are counter-
productive with those of the organization, therefore they must be con-
trolled by external forces to get them to work towards the goals of the
organization; people are basically incapable of self-discipline and self-
control. Theory Y assumes that human motives fall within a hierarchy, from
the most basic through to self-actualization (similar to Maslows theory).
People are primarily self-motivated and self-controlled; there is no inherent
conflict between the goals of the individual and more effective organiza-
tional performance; employees will integrate their own goals with those of
the organization (McGregor, 1960 quoted in Schein, 1980).
Theory X would take a rational-economic perspective and advocate
the need for extrinsic reinforcement within an assumption that people are
primarily motivated by economic incentives and will do whatever gives
them the greatest economic gain. Theory Y would argue for the dominance
of intrinsic reward.

Relevance incentives, engagement

Two-factor theory
Hertzbergs research of accountants and engineers in the 1950s asked the
subjects to recall examples of situations where they had positive and nega-
tive feelings about the job (Hertzberg et al, 1959). Based on the responses,
Hertzbergs theory is that there are factors which are satisfiers that can
change behaviour positively as motivators relating to job content achieve-
ment, recognition, work itself, responsibility and advancement. There are also
hygiene factors, which act as dissatisfiers, relating to job context com-
pany policy and administration, supervision, salary, interpersonal relations
and working conditions. Although these are commonly the main source of
dissatisfaction they do not become a source of motivation if reversed.
Hertzberg criticises Maslows hierarchy concept that suggests an order
of need (Hertzberg et al, 1959). However, he describes a study undertaken
by Fantz where Maslows three lower level needs were equated to the
hygiene factors and the three higher needs represented the motivators.
Hertzberg seems to accept this relationship between the two models of
motivation (Hertzberg, 1968).

Relevance recognition, engagement

Appendix 257

Utility theory
Primarily a theory in economics and investment that although it is im
possible to measure the utility derived from a good or service, it is usually
possible to rank the alternatives in their order of preference to the con-
sumer. The principle of expected utility maximization states that a rational
investor, when faced with a choice among a set of competing feasible
investment alternatives, acts to select an investment that maximizes his
expected utility of wealth.
In our terms utility theory is interested in peoples preferences or values.
The simple point of interest is that different people will have different pre
ferences, getting greater utility from some parts of their reward and terms
and conditions than others.

Relevance benefits, flexible benefits, employee communications



Anik, L et al (2013) Prosocial bonuses increase employee satisfaction and team

performance, working paper, Harvard Business School
Aon Hewitt, Total Rewards Survey, 2012
Armstrong, M and Murlis, H (2004) Reward Management, Kogan Page, London
Ascent Group Inc (2009) Reward & Recognition Program Profiles & Best Practices
Blanchard, K and Johnson, S (1993) The One Minute Manager, HarperCollins,
Brown, D (2001) Reward Strategies: From intent to impact, CIPD, London
Brown, D and West, M A (2006) Pride and groom, People Management (January
26), pp 1617
Caudron, S (1995) The top 20 ways to motivate employees, Industry Week, 244 (7)
(April 3)
CIPD (2005) How to develop a reward strategy
CIPD (2012) Annual survey report, Reward risks (October)
CIPD (2006) Working Life: Employee attitudes and engagement research Report
Civil Service People Survey (2012) [online]
Deloitte (2013) Resetting Horizons Human Capital Trends [online] https://
Fidelity (2012) Principles of Ownership (December) [online]
Freiberg, K, and Freiberg, J (1996) Nuts! Southwest Airlines crazy recipe for
business and personal success, Bard Press, Austin
FSA (2013) Final guidance: risks to customers from financial incentives (January)
Glucksberg, S (1962) The influence of strength of drive on functional fixedness and
perceptual recognition, Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63 (1), pp 3641
Handy, C (1994) The Empty Raincoat, Random House, London
Hay Group Guide Chart Profile method of job evaluation, Hay Group
( [online]
Guide_Chart-Profile_Method_of_ Job_Evaluation_Brochure_web.pdf
Hertzberg, F (1968) Work and the Nature of Man, Granada, London
Hertzberg, F, Mausner, B and Snyderman, B B (1959) The Motivation to Work,
John Wiley & Sons, New York
Hoffmann, C, Lesser, E and Ringo, T (2012) Calculating Success, Harvard Business
School, Boston
References 259

Institute of Leadership and Management (2013) Beyond the Bonus: Driving

employee performance
Jacquart, P and Armstrong, J S (2013) Are top executives paid enough?
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Jeffrey, S (2004) Right Answer, Wrong Question, University of Chicago
Juran, J (2003) Juran on Leadership For Quality, Simon & Schuster, New York
Kenexa (2013) Perception is Reality: The importance of pay fairness to employees
and organizations
Kohn, A (1993) Why incentive plans cannot work, Harvard Business Review
Kouzes, J M and Posner, B Z (2007) The Leadership Challenge, Jossey-Bass,
San Francisco
KPMG (2012a) Rethinking human resources in a changing world [online]
KPMG (2012b) Guide to Directors Remuneration [online]
La Motta, T (1995) Recognition The Quality Way, Quality Resources, New York
MacLeod, D and Clark, N (2009) Engaging for success: enhancing performance
through employee engagement. A report to government, Department for
Business, Innovation and Skills [online]
McConville, D, Smith, A and Arnold, J (2012) The Human and Organisational
Impact of Employee Share Ownership, Loughborough University
McKinsey Quarterly (2009) Motivating people: getting beyond money (November)
McLean, B and Elkind, P (2004) The Smartest Guys in the Room, Penguin, London
Maslow, A H (1970) Motivation and Personality, Harper & Row, New York
Mercer (2011) Whats Working survey
Nelson, B (1996) Dump the cash, load on the praise, Personnel Journal, 75 (7),
pp 6570
Organ, D W (1988) Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The good soldier
syndrome, Lexington Books, Lanham, MD
Oosterbeek, H, Sloof, R and Van de Kuilen, G (2003) Cultural differences in
ultimatum game experiments: evidence from a meta-analysis, University of
Perkins, S J and White, G (2008) Employee Reward, CIPD, London
Pink, D (2010) Drive, Canongate Books, New York
Pink, D (2013) Dont tell me what to do, People Management (May), pp 3840
PwC (2011) Making executive pay work: the psychology of incentives
PwC (2012) Getting the balance of executive pay right, executive reward survey
PwC (2013) NextGen: a global generational study
260 References

Rath, T and Clifton, D O (2004) How Full is Your Bucket? Gallup Press,
New York
Roffey Park Management Institute (2007) The Management Agenda
Rose, M (2001) Recognising Performance, CIPD, London
Rose, M (2011) A Guide to Non-cash Reward, Kogan Page, London
Schein, E H (1980) Organizational Psychology, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
New Jersey
Skinner, B F (1953) Science and Human Behavior, Macmillan, New York
Steers, R M and Porter, L W (1991) Motivation and Work Behavior, McGraw-Hill,
New York
Thaler, R (1980) Toward a positive theory of consumer choice, Journal of
Economic Behaviour and Organization, 1 (1), pp 3960
Towers Watson (2010) Creating a sustainable rewards and talent management model
Tyson, S (1995) Human Resource Strategy, Pitman, London
Vartiainen, M et al (2008) Reward Management Facts and Trends in Europe,
PABST Science Publishers, Lengerich
Vroom, V H (1964) Work and Motivation, Wiley, New York
Workspan (2012) Beyond spreadsheets (December)
Workspan (2013) Beyond the survey: how to increase engagement (June)

Further resources register to gain access to this excellent site with a huge
number of resources on reward. the CIPD publishes an annual rewards management survey,

normally in May, but also has other free resources. this is the website for the monthly magazine

that focuses on benefit-related issues but also covers other aspects of reward. this is the US professional

reward body which is a membership organization. Little is available on the site
without joining. an international forum for people with

an interest in employee engagement. Free to join. The Incentive Research Foundation, which is a not-for-profit

research organization with some excellent research on motivation, incentive and
reward the HMRC site for all UK tax issues



(italics indicate a figure or table in the text)

above the line activities 6364 Specsavers case study 146

accelerator bonus payments 167, 173 team working 33, 153t
accommodation, and taxation 84 Which? case study 123
adder bonus payments 167 see also motivation
adverts 130 below the line activities 6364
advisers, external 47, 72, 82, 234, 241 benchmark jobs 102, 106, 107, 124, 125
agency theory 254 benefit advisers 241
aging salary survey data 134 benefits (benefit plans) 5, 78, 22, 86, 164,
all employee share plans 8, 42, 21824 22546
allowances 7, 45, 84, 92, 111 communication of 6465, 6668
car allowances 41, 66, 81, 87, 97, 227 harmonizing 10102
ambassadors 72 in hierarchical structure 98
analytical job evaluation 99100 Maslows Hierarchy of Needs 252
Anik, L 156 and Millennium generation 248
annual bonus payments 176, 177, 181 RHS case study 77, 78, 80
annual increments 138 sample reward policy statement 57
annual performance appraisals 141, 172, Specsavers case study 145
184 taxation of 41, 82, 83, 8687, 89, 90
annual salary review budgets 138 Utility Theory 256
Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings 126 see also flexible benefits
Aon Hewitt 131 benefits policy 86, 22829
Total Rewards Survey (2012) 27 best fit 1112, 47
Armstrong, M and Murlis, H 10, 11 Blanchard, K and Johnson, S 183
Arthur Andersen 19, 33 bonus calculators 17980
Arup 141 bonus design checklist 17073
Ascent Group Inc 186 bonus design framework 46, 15473
assessments, performance 6162 bonus distribution 16667
awards see financial benefit awards; bonus plans 7, 22, 42, 43, 45, 135,
long-service awards 15081, 249
deferred bonus 21617
bad news, communication of 71, 7475 and motivation 30, 32, 35, 38, 47
base pay see basic pay non-consolidated lump sum payments
basic pay (basic salary) 2, 7, 8, 35, 110, 140
13536 quarterly bonuses 145
and bonus 155 sales 1617
and reward policy statements 65 taxation of 83, 84
behaviour outcomes 10, 15, 19, 24, 31, and team working 23
39, 253 booklets 72, 79
HSBC case study 198, 199, 200, 202 BP 65
and incentive pay 1617, 30, 31, 33, briefings 73, 121, 154, 169, 216, 223
157, 158, 161, 251 British Airways 183
McDonalds case study 171, 175, 178 broad banding 100, 10207
organizational citizenship behaviours broad-banded pay structures 11315
25354 brochures 22223
and recognition 182, 183, 193 Brown, Duncan 10
and share option plans 208, 212 Brown, D and West, M 191
262 Index

budgets, pay review 13738, 146 company pensions 83, 88

business expenses 90, 92 see also DB pension plans
business sector 42 company share ownership plans (CSOP) 85
business strategy see organizational strategy compensation 5, 7
business-specific recognition awards (HSBC) see also basic pay; bonus plans
202 confidentiality 64
consolidation, into salary 45
car allowances 41, 66, 81, 87, 97, 227 consulting approach, the 46
car mileage rates 92 corporate functions 84
career development 26, 77 Christmas parties 227
and grade structures 97, 98, 105, 106 cost of living allowances 111
and job family pay structure 113 cost of living increases 139, 140
Which? case study 118, 11923 cost of reward 9, 44, 138, 247
cars see company cars bonuses 16466
cash payments 83 cost savings 2627
see also allowances; basic pay; bonus flexible benefits 236, 237
plans; total cash creativity, and incentive pay 32
cash plans 205, 21317 critical illness insurance 87, 230
cash-based incentives 151, 198 CSOP (company share ownership plans)
see also bonus plans 85
Cauldron, S 18586 culture see organizational culture
Centrica 65
change, pace of 249 daily allowances, and taxation 92
change management 23, 4647, 5860, DB pension plans 8, 9, 16, 42, 68, 74,
247 23032, 249
Cheese, P 21 Kingfisher plc 24243, 24445
childcare vouchers 83, 86, 87, 227 DC pension plans 8, 230, 232
Guideposts Trust 240, 242 Kingfisher plc 24346
Christmas bonuses 45, 74 decelerator bonus payments 167, 173
Christmas parties 84, 227 decentralized organizations 42
CIPD 49, 144, 234 deferred bonus schemes 153, 166, 214,
Reward Management Survey (2010) 11 21617
Reward Management Survey (2013) Deferred Share Bonus Plan (Marks &
1, 106, 110, 137, 140, 151, 182, Spencer plc) 219, 220
22628, 233 defined benefit pension plans
Reward Risk survey (2012) 64 see DB pension plans
citizenship, organizational 25354 defined contribution pension plans
Civil Service People Survey (2012) 35 see DC pension plans
club surveys 132 Deloitte 20
combination bonus schemes 151, 152 desk drops 72, 73, 241
communications 19, 6380, 172 differentiation, non-cash awards 192
benefit plans 238, 241 discretionary awards 152, 158, 172, 219,
and bonus plans 159, 169, 179 220
Intel case study 157 discretionary behaviours 253
Kingfisher case study 245 dividend shares 85, 210, 211
Marks & Spencer case study 22223 documentation 70, 160, 16869, 172
recognition 187 see also booklets; brochures; letters;
Which? case study 120, 121 newsletters
see also briefings; documentation; Drucker, P 60
psychological contract; utility theory
communications channels 7273 elements of reward 68, 6364, 247
communications design look and feel 72 see also basic pay; benefits; bonus plans;
communications model 7173 share plans
communications plan 71 e-mail 7273, 74, 78, 79, 146, 189, 200
company cars 7, 41, 81, 87, 225, 226, 227, employee assistance programmes 86, 226,
249 227
Index 263

Employee Benefits Magazine 21, 234 gain sharing bonus schemes 151, 153, 157
employee engagement 27t, 63, 201, 203, Gallup 25, 185
224, 237, 248 gap analysis tool 51, 52
employee loans 84, 86, 215, 223 gas and oil sector 9, 42, 127
employee representation 43 generic salary surveys 129
employee responsibility, taxation 8283 Glucksberg, S 32
employee share plans 204, 21012 goal sharing bonus schemes 151, 153
all-employee share plans 8, 42 goal-setting 33
Marks & Spencer plc 21822 and bonus plans 157, 158, 159
employee (staff) surveys 2526, 203, 235 grade drift 105, 106
employer responsibility, taxation 8283 grade structures 97108, 11725
employer-provided accommodation 84 graduate training programmes 143, 215
encouragement awards 91 group personal pension plans 232
endowment effect 215, 250 Guideposts Trust 240, 242
engagement 27, 63, 201, 203, 224, 237, Guideposts Trust 23842
Enron 19, 33 Handy, C 163
environmental issues 148, 249 harmonizing benefits 10102
equal pay issues 38, 100, 101, 113, 115 Hay Group 99100, 102, 131
Equality and Human Rights Hay Guide Chart Method 99100
Commission 100, 101 Hertzberg, F 29, 185, 251, 255
equity in pay 2t, 3638, 51, 52, 109, 248, Hierarchy of Needs (Maslow) 25152
251 historic pay data 136
equity theory 25051 historical (inherited) reward
excess levels, insurance 23233 programmes 5051
Executive Share Option Scheme (ESOS) Hoffmann, C et al, problem-solving model
(Marks & Spencer plc) 219, 220 (2012) 5960
executive share plans 85, 204, 20709, holidays 8, 40, 225, 227
211, 219, 220 horizontal alignment, bonus plans 16263
exit interviews 2526, 130, 194, 195, 235 HR strategy 10, 11, 2023, 46, 4950
expectancy theory (Vroom) 33, 47, HSBC 90, 196203
15758, 161, 251
expectation management 38, 69, 77, 109, in year pay increases 138
114, 164, 212, 235 incentives
expenses, business 90, 92 and behaviour 15759, 183, 184,
external advisers 47, 72, 82, 234, 241 19293, 194
external influences 4042 see also bonus plans; motivation
extrinsic motivation 2934, 39, 183, 248, incremental pay spines 42, 112, 13940
254, 255 annual increments 138
independent financial advisers 72
Fidelity 209 individual bonus schemes 151, 152, 161,
Finance function 92, 107, 108, 164 179
financial benefit awards 91 individual pay reviews (pay changes)
financial rewards 6 70, 110, 134, 13942, 148
financial services sector 42, 197 individual performance 140t, 141-42, 151,
flat bonus payments 166 160, 17879
flexible benefits (flex) 4445, 87, 23338, individual rates of pay 110
248, 249, 256 individual recognition 19091
communication of 65, 68, 72 industrial relations 43, 125
flexible working 102, 227, 229 industrial salary surveys 129
free shares 85, 210, 211 inequity in pay see equity in pay
FSA (2013) final guidance 158 influences 4043
function (job), impact on market pay insured benefits 7, 6667, 22930, 233
127, 162 Intel 139, 15657
funding bonuses 16466 internal influences 4243
Furnham, A 3132 internal social media 73, 249
264 Index

intranet 73 McKinsey survey (2009) 3435

intrinsic motivation 2934, 39, 183 Macnamara Fallacy (Handy) 163
management effectiveness, and bonus
Jacquart, P and Armstrong J 3031 plans 154, 159
Jeffrey, S 191 management information 89, 164
job adverts 130 managers see leadership team; line managers
job classification 100 market level pay 34, 6970, 109, 136, 247
job evaluation 99102, 106, 111, 117, market movement increases 42, 140
124, 131 narrow graded pay structures 111
job families 79, 10708, 113 Royal Horticultural Society 77
homogeneity of jobs 115, 116 sample reward policy statement 56
Which? case study 120 market pay data 12728
job family pay structure 113 flexible benefits 236
job matching 129, 131 market sectors 9, 42, 127, 197
job ranking 101 Marks & Spencer plc 21824
job size 9899, 100, 101, 102 Maslow, A 185, 25152, 255
jobs, benchmark jobs 102, 106, 107, 124, mass recognition 19091
125 matching
John Lewis Partnership 155 job matching 129, 131
Juran, J 184 shares matching 210
material rewards 6
Kent County Council 191 maximum bonus payments 166, 179
key requirements, reward strategy 49 mean salary 13233
Kingfisher plc 230, 23839, 24246 measures, bonus plans see performance
Kohn, A 30 measures, bonus plans
Kouzes, J and Posner, B 187 measuring success 2427
KPMG survey (2012) 10, 20809 median salary 13234, 135
memory value, non-cash awards 187, 192
La Motta, T 30 Mercer survey (2011) 35
labour market theory 250, 25253 messages 1517, 71
leadership team 79, 119, 235, 247 see also communications
see also line managers; management Millennial Generation 36, 64, 248
effectiveness minimum bonus payments 166
legislation 38, 4041, 60, 230, 232 minimum wage legislation 40, 88, 140
minimum wage 88, 140 mis-selling scandals 17, 158, 197
tax 8, 81, 92, 156 Monks Six Factor job-evaluation (PwC)
letters 61, 70, 72, 74, 143, 190, 192, 202 124
life assurance 7, 86, 164, 226t, 227, 228, monthly bonuses 175, 181
229, 252 Moog Inc 156, 228
life expectancy 230, 231, 249 motivation 2939, 47, 157, 183, 184, 248,
line managers 70, 79, 146, 147, 169, 170 251, 253
and recognition 19091, 194, 198 and pay reviews 70
see also leadership team; management see also behaviour outcomes
effectiveness multiplier bonus payments 167
linking variable issue 24
loans 84, 86, 215, 223 narrow graded pay structures 11112
location, market pay 127 National Champions awards (HSBC)
long-service awards 1516, 82, 9192 198, 20203
long-term cash plans 205, 21317 National Insurance Contributions (NIC)
long-term plans 20424 8193, 210, 219, 237, 240
long-term vs short-term reward strategy 61 National Theatre 141, 144, 14749
Nelson, B 30
McConville, D 212 newsletters 78, 241, 245
McDonalds restaurant chain 17481 NIC (National Insurance Contributions)
McGregors theory X 30, 254, 255 8193, 210, 219, 237, 240
Index 265

non-analytical job evaluation 99, 10002 pay zones 11415

non-cash awards 34, 8990, 151, 19194 PAYE 82, 90, 91, 202
non-consolidated lump sum payments 140 PAYE Settlement Agreements (PSA)
non-monetary incentive schemes 90, 202
see non-cash awards pension plans 8, 41, 227, 23032
see also company pensions; DB pension
objective setting, and bonuses 17t, 6162, plans; DC pension plans; group
141, 152, 16364, 171 personal pension plans
occupational salary surveys 129 performance, individual 140t, 14142,
Office for National Statistics 126, 230 151, 160, 17879
oil and gas sector 9, 42, 127 performance appraisals 141, 172, 184
One Which? One Reward Development performance assessments (ratings) 6162
Framework 12123 performance management 22, 23, 118,
online pay review systems 14243 141, 146, 152, 249
online reward statements 65, 68 McDonalds case study 17481
operant conditioning 253 see also performance appraisals;
Organ, D 253 performance assessments
organizational change 43 performance measures, bonus plans
see also change management 16364, 171
organizational citizenship 25354 performance share plans 86, 208, 21920
organizational culture 10, 12, 1820, 50, Perkins, S and White, G 254
60, 188 permanent health insurance (PHI) 230
and bonuses 15557 personal, non-cash awards 192
flexible benefits 236 personal accident insurance 230
HSBC case study 196203 phantom share plans 21314
and pay structures 115, 116, 236 pilot studies 26
organizational strategy 2021, 22, 46, Pink, D 30, 31, 32
4950 Plan A (Marks and Spencer plc) 218, 222
organizational structure and size 4243 PMI see private medical insurance
and broad banding 10205 policy statements 3839, 5358
and job families 108 pool base bonus scheme 153
pay structures 110, 115, 116, 127 posters 73, 121, 223, 241, 245
organizational values 10, 12, 15, 16, presenting salary data 13435
1820, 21, 22, 42 press statements 74
and bonus plans 15557, 159 principal-agent theory 254
HSBC 196, 19798 private medical insurance (PMI) 43, 6768,
Specsavers 145, 147 87, 225, 226, 230, 23233
Which? case study 123 private sector 8, 41, 42, 105, 113, 117,
127, 140, 151
paired comparison method 101 prize draws 193
partnership shares 85, 210, 211 problem solving, and incentive pay 32
pay, confidentiality issues 64 profit sharing schemes 42, 151, 152, 155,
see also basic pay; bonus plans; equity in 156, 162, 164
pay; market level pay; salaries profitability 43
pay data 12636 project-based bonus plans 151, 152
pay matrices 142 psychological contract 254
pay policy 13839 psychological rewards 6
pay progression 143 public sector 16, 42, 64
pay ranges (salary ranges) 112, 143 pay 112, 113, 127, 138, 139, 140, 151
Shropshire Council 124, 125 pensions 8, 232
Which? 12123 PwC
pay review budgets 127, 13738 Monks Six Factor job-evaluation 124
pay reviews 6970, 110, 13749 survey (2011) 3334, 3738, 214
pay spines 42, 110, 11213 survey (2012) 20708
pay structures 10825 survey (2013) 36, 64
266 Index

Q&A (questions and answers) sessions 73 salary ranges (pay ranges) 112, 143
quarterly bonuses 145, 176, 177, 178, 181 Shropshire Council 124, 125
quartiles, salary data 13334 Which? 12123
salary sacrifice (salary exchange)
ranking, job 101 8788, 245
Rath and Clifton report 186 salary survey providers 131
recognition 182203, 248 salary surveys 126, 129, 13036
sample policy statement 57 sales bonuses (commission) 1617, 150,
recognition plans 18691 151, 152, 166
recruitment 38, 7071, 136, 137, 138 sales incentives, non-cash awards 19293
flexible benefits 236, 237 sample size, salary surveys 13132
recruitment agencies 130 SAYE (Save As You Earn) 85, 210, 211
recruitment lag 138 scenario testing, bonus payments 167
relocation allowances (removal costs) selection see recruitment
84, 227 service sector 9
remuneration 56 service-based pay reviews 13940
Restricted Share Plan (RSP)(Marks & share incentive plans (SIP) 85, 210, 211
Spencer plc) 220 share options 20506
restricted stock (stock grants) 86, 20607, share plans 8, 45, 83, 8586, 20512,
208, 21920 21824
retention 34, 3839, 84, 137, 140, 244 shareholder pressure 249
long-term cash plans 212, 213, 21415, Sharesave (Marks & Spencer plc)
216, 217 218, 22124
reward, defined 58, 184 Shine awards (HSBC) 198202, 203
policy statements 3839, 5358 short-term vs long-term reward strategy 61
reward bonus plans 171 Shropshire Council 12325
reward design SIP (share incentive plans) 85, 210, 211
and change management 4647 Skinner, B 253
and communications 6875 Sky 189
reward framework (philosophy) social media 73, 249
12, 5158, 78 social networking 24849
reward issues 5051 social system 41
reward philosophy (framework) Southwest Airlines 188
12, 5153, 78 Specsavers 141, 14447
reward policy 13 spot bonus 153
reward principles see reward philosophy spot salaries 110
reward procedure 13 staff (employee) surveys 2526, 203
reward professionals 4547 staff turnover 26
reward statements 6568 see also retention
reward strategy 914, 4962, 8182 stakeholders 47, 51, 71
rhetoric reality gap 17 status driven benefits 22728
RHS (Royal Horticultural Society) 7680 status quo bias 250
risk-taking behaviour 208 Steers, R and Porter, L 253
see also mis-selling scandals; unethical stock grants (restricted stock) 86, 2067,
behaviour 208, 21920
Roffey Park Management Institute survey stocks see share plans
186 strategic pragmatism 60
Royal Borough of Kingston 139 strategy see HR strategy; organizational
Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) 7680 strategy
suggestion schemes 9091
salaries 7, 83, 138 survey data 3435, 13436
consolidation into 45 surveys see Aon Hewitt; CIPD; Civil Service
salary exchange (salary sacrifice) 8788, 245 People Survey; employee surveys;
spot salaries 110 Gallup; salary surveys; staff surveys;
see also basic pay; market level pay survey data
Index 267

target bonuses 166 trade-offs 4445

target incentive plans (TIP) 17880 trades unions 43, 125
targets 61 travel insurance 230, 233
tax advisers 82 trivial non-cash awards 8990
taxation 16, 41, 8193, 212 two-factor theory 255
taxi fares 92 Tyson, S 15
team bonuses 153
team briefings 223 Ultimatum game (1982) 3637
team working 23, 106 unapproved share options 85
and bonus schemes 161, 163, 178 unethical behaviour 31, 33
teasers (communication) 72 see also mis-selling scandals; risk-taking
technical trainees 143 behaviour
technology 36, 73 unintended consequences 6162
telephone helplines 73 unions see trades unions
termination interviews see exit interviews utility theory 256
Tesco plc 5758
texts 73, 187, 223
values see organizational values
Thaler, R 250
variable pay 7, 23, 56
theory X 30, 254, 255
see also bonus plans
theory Y 255
Vartiainen, M et al, quoted 6
third variable problem 24
vertical alignment, bonus plans 16263
third-party suppliers 89
voluntary benefits 233, 241
threshold, bonus payments 167
vouchers 83, 87, 233
time span, bonus plans 16162
childcare 86, 227, 240, 242
timing 13
TIP (target incentive plans) 17880
total cash (total pay) 13536 Which? 11723
see also allowances; basic pay; bonus wine bar pay data 129
plans; cash payments work/life balance 36
total reward 6, 6468 Workspan
total reward bonus scheme 152 engagement survey (2013) 37
Towers Watson survey (2010) 35 World at Work survey (2012) 12






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