Antyeshti S.Y.V

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Modified for contemporary use.

Pait U.Ve Sri Rama Ramanuja Acharya
Simha Publications



Final Rites
GHAA DNAM .... 17
DAY 4 EKODDIHA RDDHA ................................................................. 23
DAY 10 DAAGTRA..... 26
DAY 11 AYA DNAM ..... 32
DAY 12 SAPI KARAA RDDHA ........ 44
PACAKA NTI ...... 66

Although these ceremonies are known as the ukla Yajurvediya funeral rites they can be adpated
for the use of all Hindus.
Obviously nowadays because of various social constraints it is not possible to perform all these
ceremonies as described, nor is the average person interested in them, but this book has been
published with a view to enlightening all those who are interested in their performance.
All the offerings to the dead require the gotra of the deceased. The gotra is the ancient clan system
to which all Hindus belonged. Nowadays very few people remember their clans and so the subsitute
is to use either the sampradya (spiritual lineage) to which one belongs e.g. for devotees of
Vishnu one can say Achyuta gotra, for Saivites one can say iva gotra etc. One may also use
the generic Kayapa1 Gotra. One may also use the gurus gotra or the astrological gotra.
A Gotra is a set of seven families descended from the original seven rishis or sages. Each gotra is
represented by a specific set of nakshatras and is identified by the Moon's position in the birth chart.
Each stanza of the Rig Veda is identified by a specific rishi, who is counted as the perceiver (not
author) of that Vedic hymn. Ascertain the nakatra2 (asterism) of the deceased individual and use
the gotra indicated in the table bleow.

Rishi (Translation) Nakshatras

1. Marichi (Light) Marce Ashwini, Pushya, Swati, Abhijit (not always
2. Vasishta (Wealthy) Vasiasya Bharani, Aslesha, Visakha, Shravana
3. Angiras (Refulgent) girase Krittika, Magha, Anuradha, Dhanistha
4. Atri (Consumer) Atre Rohini, Purva Phalguni. Jyeshta, Satabisha
5. Pulasthya (One of Smooth Pulasthyasya Mrigasira, Uttara Phalguni, Mula, Purva
Hair) Bhadrapada
6. Pulahu (Connector of Space) Pulaho Ardra, Hasta. Purva Ashadha, Uttara Bhadrapada
7. Kratu (the Inspirer) kratave Punarvasu, Chitra Uttara, Ashadha, Revati

All the rites for the dead are performed by the kart (agent or chief mourner) wearing one garment
only i.e. shirtless and wearing just a dhoti. Some young men may object to wearing a dhoti and they
may wear a kurta and pyjamas instead.
Savyam means wearing the sacred thread draped over the left shoulder and
Apasavyam means wearing it draped over the right shoulder. (If one has not been initiated one may
use a shawl.)
Sakalpa for the dead should be done holding the brahmajali on the left thigh and all actions are
done anti clockwise.

Kayapa was one of the prajpatis or progenitors of sentient beings. He was the father of the gods and antigods.
The nakatra can be obtained by going to a astrological site like <> and inserting the birth data of
the individual.


Father pit
q Step-father spatnapit
Fathers father pitmaha Fathers mother pitmah
Fathers fathers father prapitmaha Fathers fathers mother prapitmah.
Fathers fs, fs, father vddhaprapitmaha Fathers fs, fs, mother vddhaprapitmah

Mother mt Step-mother spatnamt.

Mothers father mtmaha Mothers mother mtmah
Mothers fathers father pramtmaha Mothers fathers mother pramtmah
Mothers fs, fs, father vddhapramtmaha Mothers fs, fs mother: vddhapramtmah

Wife patn Husband pati

Son putra Sons son pautra Sons daughter pautr
Daughter putr Daughters son dauhitra Daughters daughter dauhitr
Son-in-law jmt. Daughter-in-law putra-patn
Father-in-law vaura Mother-in-law vaura-patn

Brother bhrt Step-brother spatnabhrt. Sister bhagin Step-sister spatnabhagin

Fathers brother pitvya Fathers sister pitbhagin

Mothers brother mtula Mothers sister mtbhagin.

Male teacher guru Male teachers wife gurupatn

Female teacher gurv Female teachers husband gurvpati
Disciple iya Friend (male) sakh. Friend (fem) sakh
A dear one ptajana One born in the same lineage svakulajta


! Ideally the dying person should be laid on a grass-mat or bed of eastward pointing darbha
grass with the feet to the South.
! After worshipping the Lord one should then begin the chanting of the lord's name or the
reciting of the Viu sahasranamam until demise.
! The dying person or a relative on his/her behalf should make a go-dna as atonement for
all sins committed during the dying persons life time.
! If not done when dying it may be done as soon as possible afterwards.

Godna Sakalpa
hari o tat sat | r govinda 3 | adye r bhagavato mah-puruasya r vio
jay pravartamnasya adya brahmaa dvitya parrdhe .. asym puya
________ gotra ___________ nma mama [pita/mta] jtjta kmkma sakd
asakt kta kyika vcika mnasika ssargika spspta bhuktbhukta ptpta
sakala ptaka anuptaka upaptaka laghu ptaka sakar karaa malin karaa aptr
karaa jti-bhraa-kara prakrakdi nn vidha ptaknm nirsena dehvasna
kle deha uddhi dvr r paramevara prtyartham im sarva pryacitta
pratymnya bht yath aktyalakt sa-vats g rudra daivat
__________ gotrya __________ armae brhmaya tubhya aha sampradade o
tatsan na mama ||
for all the sins of my father / mother who is now dying; I pray for forgiveness, for all the offences
committed from the day of his birth to this day of his dying, in his childhood, youth, adulthood and old
age, in his his waking, in his sleeping and in his dreams; motivated through desire, anger, greed,
delusion, pride, greed or envy, through his organs of knowledge or organs of action, the major offences
that he may have committed or the minor ones, offences done knowingly or unknowingly, those done in
secret or those done openly, for all these various offences, minor as well as major, unable to perform the
proper expiation or penance I now make a donation of a cow to ________________. of the ___________ gotra.

yaja sdhana bht y vivasygha prain |

asya mlya pradnena pryat viva-rpa-dht ||
pryacitte samutpanne niktrna kt yadi |
yasya ppasya uddhyartha dhenu mlya dadmi te ||


! The washing of the corpse is usually done at the funeral palour but washing by the family
can be negotiated with the funeral directors.
! The final rites are either performed at the funeral palour, the home or the crematorium and
the application of the rituals will differ slight accordingly.
! If performed at home then the coffin is brought in head-first and laid with the feet to the
South and is removed from the house feet first.
! Perform camanam, pryma
Raka-dpa Prajvalanam
! Light the Raka-dpam of sesame oil and place it facing south
bho dpa brahma rpas tva karma-sk hyavighna-kta |
yvat karma sampti syt tvat tva susthiro bhava ||
! Recite the sakalpa
sakalpa hari om tatsat | govinda govinda govinda asya r bhagavato mah
puruasya r vio jay pravartamnasya adya brahmao dvitya parrdhe r
veta varha kalpe vaivasvata manvantare, aviatitame kali yuge, kali-yugasya
prathama pde, ....
Apasavyam asym puya tithau,__________ gotra __________ mama
pitu/mtu pretasya pretatva nivtaye uttama loka prpti-artha, aurdhva dehika
karma kariye ||

Preta uddhi
! Sit on the right side of the coffin facing south. kart
! The family either washes the corpse or does so
symbolically through the sprinkling of holy water.
! Place Kumbha with five mango leaves on a pile of rice Pias
! Invoke Varuna and offer akata in place of the actuall
upacras. /R
! Chant Pavamni Skta or at least the Aghamarana Sktam. South

hiraya ga varua prapadye trtha me dehi ycita |

yan may bhuktam asdhn ppebhyaca pratigraha || 1 ||
I take refuge in Varuna, who is radiant like gold. O Varuna I entreat you to grant me the saving grace, for
I have enjoyed that which belongs to unworthy people and have accepted gifts from people whose
earnings were unlawful.
yan me manas vc karma v dukta ktam |
tan na indro varuo bhaspati savit ca punantu puna puna || 2 ||
May Indra, Varuna, Brahaspati and Savitar completely absolve me and my people from the sins that we
have committed in thought word or deed.

namo'gnaye'psumate nama indrya namo varuya namo vruyai

namo'dbhya || yad ap krra yad amedhya yad anta tad
apagacchatt || 3 ||
Salutations to the mystic fire hidden within the waters, Salutations to Indra, Salutations to Varuna,
Salutations to the energy of Varuna, Salutations to the cosmic powers that are represented by water.
Through the power of this chant let all that is injurious, impure or troublesome in water be destroyed.

atyand at pnd yacca ugrt pratigraht |

tan me varuo rj pin hyavamaratu || 4 ||
May King Varuna efface and absolve me of whatever sins I have incurred by eating unlawful food,
drinking unlawful beverages and accepting gifts from unlawful persons.

so'ham appo virajo nirmukta mukta kilbia |

nkasya pham ruhya gacched brahma salokatm || 5 ||
Thus becoming sinless and pure and freed from negative desires and attachment, may I ascend to the
Supreme State of enlightenment and achieve union with the cosmic consciousness.

yacpsu varuas sa puntvagha-maraa ||

May the all pervading sin-effacing Varuna purify us.

yat pthivygu rajas svamntarike virodas |

imgu stadpo varua puntvagha-maraa || 6 ||
May the sin-effacing Varuna, the god or waters, purify the taint of sin that attaches to the beings dwelling
on the earth, in the atmospheric regions and the intervening space, and also those connected with us.

punantu vasava punantu varua puntvagha-maraa |

ea bhtasya madhye bhuvanasya gopt || 7 ||
May the Vasus purify us. May Varuna purify us. May the sage named Aghamarshana purify us. Varuna is
the protector of the world that was, and also the world that exists at present between the past and future

ea puya-kt lokn ea mtyor hiramayam |

dyv pthivyor hiramayagu sagu ritagu suva |
sa nas suvas sagu idhi || 8 ||
He grants to those doers of virtuous deeds the worlds which they deserve and to the sinful the world of death
called Hiranmaya. Again Varuna who supports heaven and earth, having become the Sun is wholesome and
attractive. Being so blissful and benevolent in nature Varuna grant us your favours and purify us.

o rdra jvalati jyotir aham asmi | jyotir jvalati brahmham asmi |

yoham asmi brahmham asmi | aham asmi brahmham-asmi |
aham evham mm juhomi svha ||
That Supreme Light which projected itself as the universe like a soaked seed which sprouts I am that
Supreme Light. I am that Supreme Light of Brahman which shines in the inmost essence of all that exists. In
reality I am the same infinite Brahman even when I am experiencing myself as a finite self owing to
ignorance. Now with the onset of knowledge, I am really that Brahman which is my eternal nature. Therefore
I realize this identity by making myself, the finite self, an oblation into the fire of the infinite Brahman which
I am always, May this oblation be well made.

ta ca satya cbhddht tapaso dhyajyata |

tato rtryajyata tatas samudro arava |
samudrd arav dadhi savatsaro ajyata |
ahortri vidadhad vivasya miato va |
sry candramasau dht yath prva akalpayat |
diva ca pthiv cntarikam atho suva || R.V. 10:190
From Tapas kindled to its height Eternal Law and Truth were born: Thence was the Night produced, and
thence the billowy flood of sea arose. From that same billowy flood of sea the Year was afterwards
produced. Ordainer of the days and nights, Lord over all who close the eye. Dhatar, the great Creator,
then formed in due order Sun and Moon. He formed in order Heaven and Earth, the regions of the air, and

prjpatya pavitram | atodymagu hiramayam |

tena brahma vido vayam | ptam brahma punmahe ||
That which is offered to the Creator is pure; with an hundred precious efforts, may we strive to become
Knowers-of-Brahman, may that Spiritual Wisdom purify us. (S.V. Part ii, book 5 Hymn 8)

indras sunt saha m puntu | somas svasty varuas samcy |

yamo rj prambhi puntu m | jtaved morjayanty puntu |
o bhrbhuvasuva ||
May Indra (The Mind) purify me with good polity, Soma (the Moon) with health, Varuna (The Cosmic
Witness) with propriety, Yama the king (the Principle of Dharma) with restraint; and Agni (the Mystic
Fire) with energy.
gaydni ca trthni ye ca puy iloccay |
kuruketra ca gag ca yamun ca saridvar || 1 ||
kauik candrabhg ca sarva ppa prain |
nand bhadrvak ca gaak sarays tath || 2 ||
bhairava ca varha ca trtha piraka tath |
pthivy yni trthni catvra sgaras tath || 3 ||
pretasya viuddhyartha asmins toye viantu vai |
! Asperse the coffin/corpse.
satya uddha tap uddha jna uddha tathaiva ca |
sarva bhtday uddha jala uddhaca pacama ||
! Melted ghee is placed on the mouth, nostrils, eyes, ears and mouth of the corpse.

o vcante undhmi | pran te undhmi | caku te undhmi |

rotra te undhmi | nbhin te undhmi | meran te undhmi | pyun
te undhmi | caritrgus te undhmi ||
I purify your speech, your lifes breaths, your eye, your hearing, your very core do I purify, I purify your
discharges and your acts too do I purify. (V.S. 6:14)

! Cover the corpse with a new white cloth.
! Facing the south all offer their obeisance to Lord Yama.

Yama Prrthana
yama sayamani ntha ymalya nama priya |
daa-bhn mahirho dakinasy dii sthita || 1 ||
O Lord of the Dead, the king of the underworld, the consort of Samyamani, the wielder of the rod of
justice, seated upon a buffalo in the Southern direction.
yena sahryate sarva yena dharmaca rakyate |
yasmd bibheti loko'ya preta-ntha namo'stu te || 2 ||
I salute you, O Lord of the Dead, the one who protects the Dharma, who terrifies the whole world, and by
whom all is eventually taken.
ehi dharma bhtm reha, dharm-dharma vicraka |
dharmea dhraya lokn, dharma rj namostute || 3 ||
Come, O the best of the upholders of Dharma, the judge of Dharma and Adharma, the one who supports
and sustains the world through Dharma. Salutations to the Lord of Dharma.
daa hasta dharo-devo, dharma rj mah-bala |
mah-kla mah-deva, dharma mrte namostute || 4 ||
I salute you, O embodiment of the Dharma who carries the rod of chastisement, the mighty King of
Dharma, the great god and Time itself.

namo dharmya mahate nama ppntakya ca |

jna vijna rpya dharma mrte namo'stute || 5 ||
Salutations to the Great Lord of Righteousness, the Redeemer of all sins. Obeisance to Him, in the form of
righteousness; manifest in wisdom and ignorance.

yamya dharma-rjya mtyave cntakya ca |
vaivasvatya klya sarva-bhta-kayya ca ||
audumbarya dadhnya nlya paramehine |
vkodarya citrya citra-guptya vai namo nama ||
Salutations to the Lord of Death, to the one who is the ultimate controller, King Dharma, the destroyer
and the end of all things, the son of the Sun-god, the personification of time, the all-powerful one, the
blue-hued one, the subject of all worship, the insatiable one, mysterious one, who maintains the akashic
records of everything that happens. To the one who maintains the akashic records all hail.

o kla rpya vidmahe | daa-dharya dhmahi | tanno yama pracodayt ||

Kravya Agni vhanam
! This is usually done at the crematorium, but if not being done there, it can be done at home.
! In a clay pan light a fire and invoke Kravya Agni.
o kravyda nma agnaye nama ||
kravyda nma agni vhaymi, sthpaymi ||
gaccha bhagavan agne manau sannidho bhava ||
I pay my obeisance to the fire that consumes corpses, contemplate the Mystic fire, I invoke the Mystic fire
to be present here in this crematorium
Pj ea gandha kravydgnaye nama | ete akat kravydgnaye nama |
imni pupi kravydgnaye nama | ea dhpa kravydgnaye nama | ea dpa
kravydgnaye nama ||
! A libation of ghee or sesame oil is poured into the fire, mouth or on the head of the corpse.

om pareyivgusa pravato mahranu bahubhya panthm

anupaspanam | vaivasvatagu sagamana jann yamagu
rjnagu havi duvasya svh || yamya ida na mama ||
1. Offer oblations to Yama the son of Vivasvant the Knower, who was the first to pass away along mighty
steeps and has founded the path for the many [who follow].

o lomabhyas svh | tvace | lohitya | medobhyas | msebhyas |

snyubhyas | asthibhyas | majjabhyas | retase | pyave | ysya | prysya
| sayyysya | viysya | udysya | uce | ocate | ocamnya | okya
| tapase | tapyate | tapyamnya | taptya | dharmya | niktyai |
pryacityai | bheajya | yamya | antakya | mtyave | brahmae |
brahma-hatyyai | vivebhyo devebhyo | dyv-pthivbhygu ||
o yur yajena kalpatm pro yajena kalpatm apano yajena kalpatm
vyno yajena kalpatm cakur yajena kalpatgu rotram yajena
kalpatm mano yajena kalpatm vag yajena kalpatm tma yajena
kalpatm yajo yajena kalpatggas svh ||
By the fire sacrifice that I perform. Let the fire sacrifice give me long life, Let fire sacrifice give me inhaled
air, Let fire sacrifice give me exhaled air, Let fire sacrifice give me able eyes, Let fire sacrifice give me able
ears, Let fire sacrifice give me able mind, Let fire sacrifice give me able words, Let fire sacrifice give me an
able Self, Let fire sacrifice give me ability to perform more fire sacrifices.
tva bhtakj jagad-yone tva loka pariplaka |
uktas sahrakas tasmd eta svarga mta naya ||
O Lord, you are the Creator of all beings, the source of the universe, The Protector of all creatures. Please
therefore, in the form of fire, consume this corpse and convey the deceased to a superior realm. (G.P.
ktv tu dukta karma jnat v'pyajnat |
mtyu-kla-vaa prpta nara pacatvam gatam ||
Whatever positive or negative deeds on may have committed knowly or unknowlingly at the time of death
the body dissolves into the five elements.
dharmdharma samyukta lobha-moha samvtam |
daheya sarva gtri divyn lokn sa gacchatu ||
Only ones dharma and adharma accompany one, enveloped with greed and delusion. May this body be
consumed by the fire and may the deceased attain a higher realm.

Paca Pia Dnam3

/ Prathama Pia Dnam (Place of death)
! Sit on the right side of the corpse facing South.
! On a Banana leaf, place three blades of kusha with their points to the South.
Apasavyam hari om tatsat | mama upta etc. __________ gotrasya
__________ mama pitu pretasya (mtu gotry /prety) pretatva nivtti prvaka
strokta phala prpti-artha bhm-di devat tui-artha ca mtika sthna
nimittaka pia dna kariye ||
! In a leaf-container place water, chandan, til, white flowers take it in the hands and say:
o adya __________ gotra/gotre__________ mama pitu preta/mtu pret mti-
sthne ava nimittaka pia-sthne atrvane nikva te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Take the pia and offer it from the pit-trtha.
o adya __________ gotra /gotre __________ mama pitu preta/mtu pret - mta
sthne ava nimittaka ea pia te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Take the leaf-container in the hands and say:
o adya __________ gotra/gotre__________ mama pitu preta/mtu pret mti-
sthne ava nimittaka piopari atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate
tavopatihatm ||
! Take the water and pour it over the pia
ida tala jala tavopatihatm ||
ida gandhas tavopatihatm ||
ete akats tavopatihatm ||
ida bhgarja ptra tavopatihatm ||
Bhringaraj/false daisy
o andi nidhano deva akha cakra gad dhara |
avyaya puarkka preta moka prado bhava ||
O Imperishable Lotus-eyed Lord, wielding the conch, discus and mace, may it please Thee to grant
liberation to the departed one.

Protocol lays down that six pias (rice-balls) should be offered, one at each of six places (1) the place of death,
(2) at the door, (3) at the crossroads, (4) at the place of rest on the way to the crematorium, (5) on the pyre and (6) at
the collection of the ashes.
The corpse is called ava at the place of death the goddess of the earth is pleased by the pia offered. The corpse is
called pantha at the door, and the deity Vstu is pleased with the offering. It is called khecara at the crossroads and the
Elementals are pleased by the offering. At the resting place the corpse is known as bhta and the guardian deities of the
ten directions are satisfied by the offering. On the pyre the corpse is called sdhaka and preta after the collection of the
/ Dvitya Pia Dnam (door of the house)
Apasavyam o adya __________ gotrasya __________ mama pitu pretasya
(mtu gotry /prety) pretatva nivtti prvaka strokta phala prpti-artha
gha vstu adhi-devat tui-artha nirgama dvra nimittaka pia dna kariye ||

! In a leaf-container place water, chandan, til, white flowers take it in the hands and say:
o adya __________ gotra/gotre__________ mama pitu preta/mtu pret nirgama
dvre panth nimittaka pia-sthne atrvane nikva te may dyate tava-
upatihatm ||
! Take the pia and offer it from the pit-trtha.
o adya __________ gotra /gotre __________ mama pitu preta/mtu pret -
nirgama dvre panth nimittaka ea pia te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Take the leaf-container in the hands and say:
o adya __________ gotra/gotre__________ mama pitu preta/mtu pret nirgama
dvre panth nimittaka piopari atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate
tavopatihatm ||
ida tala jala tavopatihatm || ida gandhas tavopatihatm ||
ete akats tavopatihatm || ida bhgarja patra tavopatihatm ||
o andi nidhano deva akha cakra gad dhara |
avyaya puarkka preta moka prado bhava ||

/ Tritya Pia Dnam (Cross-roads)

Apasavyam o adya __________ gotrasya __________ mama pitu pretasya
(mtu gotry /prety) pretatva nivtti prvaka strokta phala prpti-artha
upaghtaka bhta-apasraa-artha catupathe khecara nimittaka pia dna
kariye ||

! In a leaf-container place water, chandan, til, white flowers take it in the hands and say:
o adya __________ gotra/gotre__________ preta/pret catupathe khecara
nimittaka pia-sthne atrvane nikva te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Take the pia and offer it from the pit-trtha.
o adya __________ gotra /gotre __________ mama pitu preta/mtu pret -
catupathe khecara nimittaka ea pia te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Take the leaf-container in the hands and say:
o adya __________ gotra/gotre__________ preta/pret catupathe khecara
nimittaka piopari atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
ida tala jala tavopatihatm || ida gandhas tavopatihatm ||
ete akats tavopatihatm || ida bhgarja patra tavopatihatm ||
o andi nidhano deva akha cakra gad dhara |
avyaya puarkka preta moka prado bhava ||

/ Caturthi Pia Dnam (Place of rest)

Apasavyam o adya __________ gotrasya __________ mama pitu pretasya
(mtu gotry /prety) pretatva nivtti prvaka strokta phala prptyartha
dehasya ahavanya yogyatbhva sampdaka yaka rkasa picdi tui artha
virma sthne pia dna kariye ||

! In a leaf-container place water, chandan, til, white flowers take it in the hands and say:
o adya ________ gotra/gotre_______ mama pitu preta/mtu pret virma sthne
bhta nimittaka pia-sthne atrvane nikva te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Take the pia and offer it from the pit-trtha.
o adya __________ gotra /gotre __________ mama pitu preta/mtu pret
virma sthne bhta nimittaka ea pia te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Take the leaf-container in the hands and say:
o adya __________ gotra/gotre__________ mama pitu preta/mtu pret virma
sthne bhta nimittaka piopari atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate
tavopatihatm ||
ida tala jala tavopatihatm || ida gandhas tavopatihatm ||
ete akats tavopatihatm || ida bhgarja patra tavopatihatm ||
o andi nidhano deva akha cakra gad dhara |
avyaya puarkka preta moka prado bhava ||
! Carry the coffin and reciting the mahmantra procede to the crematorium.
! The following items are carried to the cemetery clay pot with water, clay vessel with the
fire and accessories for the pia-dnam, 7 samidhas, and flowers for the raddhjali.


! Scatter til or mustard seeds on the place where the coffin is to be placed with the feet directed
to the south.
apeta vta vica sarpatto'sm eta pitaro lokam akran |
ahobhir adbhir aktubhir vyakta yamo dadty-avasnam asmai ||
Begone! O troublesome elementals, disperse! slink off from here! for him the fathers have prepared this
place. Yama gives him a resting-place distinguished by days and waters and by nights.

! Spread a cloth or a banana leaf.

! Offer 2, 3 pias or all 5 pidas at once if not previously offered.

/ Pacama Pia Dnam (In the hand of the corpse)

! Spread 3 kua and offer the 5th pia

Apasavyam o adya __________ gotrasya ___________ mama pitu pretasya

(gotry mtu /prety) pretatva nivtti prvaka strokta phala prptyartha
pretasya citty ava haste sdhaka nimittaka pia dna kariye.
! In a leaf-container place water, chandan, til, white flowers take it in the hands and say:
o adya __________ gotra/gotre__________ mama pitu preta/mtu pret citty
sdhaka nimittaka pia-sthne atrvane nikva te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Take the pia and offer it from the pit-trtha.
o adya __________ gotra /gotre __________ mama pitu preta/mtu pret
citty sdhaka nimittaka ea pias te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Take the leaf-container in the hands and say the mantras and then pour over the pia
o adya __________ gotra/gotre__________ mama pitu preta/mtu pret citty
sdhaka nimittaka piopari atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
ida tala jala tavopatihatm || ida gandhas tavopatihatm ||
ete akats tavopatihatm || ida bhgarja patra tavopatihatm ||
! Place the pia in the hand of the corpse.

andi nidhano deva akha cakra gad dhara |
avyaya puarkka preta moka prado bhava || 1 ||
O Imperishable Lotus-eyed Lord, wielding the conch, discus and mace, may it please you to grant
liberation to this departed one.
atasi pupa saka pta-vsa samacyuta |
ye namasyanti govinda na te vidyate bhayam || 2 ||
Those who worship the Lord Govinda of dark hue; garbed in yellow silk, for them there is no fear of
ka ka kplo tva agatn gatir bhava |
sasra rava magnn prasda puruottama || 3 ||
O Most merciful Lord Krsna who art the saviour of the helpless, have mercy upon those who are
drowning in this ocean of repeated birth & death.
nryaa sura reha lakmi knta janrdhana |
asya pretasya mokrtha suprto bhava sarvad || 5 ||
O Lord Narayana foremost of divinities, Consort of Lakshmi, Lord of humankind! Please show
compassion and grant liberation to the departed one.

! All the relatives now circumambulate the coffin in an anticlockwise direction with the
youngest going first.
! The relatives and friends may now offers flowers at the feet or on top of the coffin.
! Chant bhajans or stotras or the Yama Skta during the procedure.

! After the circumambulation has ended, the karta takes a pot of water and holding it on his left
shoulder, circumambulates the corpse three times anticlockwise and then goes outside and
breaks the jug. Without looking back he returns.
hiramayena ptrea satyasypihita mukha |
tat tva pann apvu satya dharmya daye ||
The face of truth is covered with a golden disc. Unveil it, O Pushan, so that I who love the truth may see it.

pann ekare yama srya prjpatya vyha ramn samha |

tejo yat te rpa kalyatamam tat te paymi |
yo 'svasau puruas so 'ham asmi ||
O Pushan, the sole seer, O Controller, O Sun, offspring of Prajapati, spread forth your rays and gather up
your radiant light that I may behold you of loveliest form. Whosoever is that person (yonder) that also am
vyur anilam amtam atheda bhasmntagu arram |
om 3 krato smara ktaggus smara krato smara ktaggus smara ||
May this (life) enter into the immortal breath (Vayu); then may this body end in ashes. 0 Intelligence,
remember, remember what has been done. Remember, 0 Intelligence, what has been done, Remember.

agne naya supath rye asmn vivni deva vayunni vidvn |

yuyodhyasmaj-juhuram eno bhyihnte nama uktim vidhema ||
O Refulgent Agni you possess all kinds of knowledge and are therefore wise. Lead us in a goodly
path to the wealth of Beatitude. Keep away from us corrupting sin which stands in the way of our
attainment. We offer you many salutations.

Brahma Paca-ratna Stotra

namaste sate sarva lokrayya, namaste cite vivarptmakya
namo 'dvaita tattvya mukti-pradya, namo brahmae vypine vatya || 1 ||
I pay my obeisance to the eternal Refuge of all: I bow to the pure Intelligence manifested in the universe. I
pay my obeisance to the Non-dual Absolute that grants liberation. I bow to Brahman the great, all-
pervading attributeless One.
tvam ekam araya tvam ekam vareyam, tvam eka jagat kraa vivarpam |
tvam eka jagat kart pt prahart, tvam eka para nicala nirvikalpam || 2 ||
You are the only Refuge and Object of adoration. The whole universe is your appearance and you are its
substrate. You alone are Projector, Preserver, Destroyer of the Universe. You are the sole immutable and
inconceivable Supreme Being.
bhayn bhaya bhaa bhan, gati prin pvana pvannm |
mahoccai padn niyant tvam ekam, pare para rakaka rakakm || 3 ||
You are the Dread of the dreadful, the Terror of the terrible. The Refuge of all beings, Purifier of all purifiers.
You alone rule the high-placed ones, Supreme over the supreme, Protector of the Protectors.
parea prabho sarva rpprakin, anirddeya sarvendriygamya satya |
acintykara vypakvyakta tattva, jagat bhsakdha pydapyt || 4 ||
O Supreme Lord in Whom all things are, yet Unmanifest in all, Imperceptible by the senses, yet the very
Truth. Incomprehensible, Imperishable, All-pervading hidden Essence. Lord and Light of the Universe!
save us from harm.
tad eka smarmas-tad eka japma, tad eka jagat ski-rpa namma |
sad eka nidhna nirlambam a, bhavmbhodhipota araya vrajma ||
On that One alone we meditate, that One alone we sing in praise, To that One alone the Witness of the
Universe we bow. Refuge we seek with the One Who is our sole Eternal Support, The Self-existent Lord,
the Vessel of safety in the ocean of repeated birth.

paca-ratnam ida stotra brahmaa paramtmana |

ya pahet prayato bhtv brahma-syujyam pnuyt ||

! The curtain is closed and the coffin removed to the incinerator.

! Empty the ashes from the previously kindled fire on top of the coffin.
! Some places allow a small fire to be lit on top of the coffin prior to incineration.
! Light some camphor and invoke Kravya Agni.
o kravyda nma agnaye nama ||
kravyda nma agni vhaymi, sthpaymi ||
gaccha bhagavan agne manau sannidho bhava ||
I pay my obeisance to the fire that consumes corpses, contemplate the Mystic fire, I invoke the Mystic fire
to be present here in this crematorium

! A libation of ghee or sesame oil is poured into the fire.

o agnaye svh | o kmya svh | o lokya svh | o anumatyai svh ||
o pareyivgusa pravato mahranu bahubhya panthm
anupaspanam | vaivasvatagu sagamana jann yamagu
rjnagu havi duvasya svh || yamya ida na mama ||
1. Offer oblations to Yama the son of Vivasvant the Knower, who was the first to pass away along mighty
steeps and has founded the path for the many [who follow].
! Offer 7 samidhas on the citta or on top of the coffin.

ajo bhgas tapas ta tapasva ta te ocis tapatu ta te arci |

ys te ivs tanvo jtavedas tbhir vahaina suktm u loka ||
Your portion is the goat: with heat consume him: let your fierce flame, your glowing splendour, burn him
with your auspicious forms, O Jatavedas, bear this person to the region of the pious . (R.V.10:16:4)

rabhasva jtavedas tejasvad haro astu te |

arram asya sa dahyaina dhehi suktm u loke ||
O all-knowing Agni take this person under your radiant shelter, consume this body, and establish him in
the world of virtuous action. (A.V. 18:3:71)

tva bhtakj jagad-yone tva loka pariplaka |
uktas sahrakas tasmd eta svarga mta naya ||
ktv tu dukta karma jnat va'pyajnat |
mtyu-klavaa prpta nara pacatvam gatam ||
dharmdharma samyukta lobha-moha samvtam |
daheya sarva gtri divyn lokn sa gacchatu ||
! At the time of incineration say:

asmt tvam adhi jto'si tvad aya jyat puna |

asau svargya lokya svh ||
Born are you from us O Agni; let him/her again be born from you.
For the attainment of the realm of svarga I make this offering. All-hail! (Y.S.35;22)

! All the chief mourners then go outside and offer tiljali.

om adya __________ gotra/gotre ___________ nma/nmn sdhaka/sdhak pretatva
nivtaye akaya svarga loka prptyartha et tiljalayas te may dyante
tavopatihatm ||
! All now depart from the crematorium.
! Everyone should either have a shower before entering the house or at least sprinkle
themselves with water. They should chew neem leaves, do camanam, touch water, cow-
dung, oil, chillies, yellow mustard seeds and fire.
! The chief mourners should go and sit on the banks of a river or seashore till evening and
then return home.


! At home the kart lights a lamp that will be kept burning till the final rites.

hari o tatsat | govinda x 3 . asym puya tithau __________ gotrasya/gotry
__________ nma/nmn pretasya/prety pretatva nivtaye andhakra dri
karartha dpa-dna aha kariye ||
In order to alleviate the misery of the deceased and to dispel the darkness of nescience I make this
offering of a lamp.
pretasya andhakra dri karartha prathama dine ea dpaste may dyate
tavopatietm ||
In order to dispel the darkness of ignorance, on this the first day, may this offering of a lamp be
andhakre mah-ghore mahatt tamasvte |
tamo nivrarthya ima dpa dadmyaham ||
The terrible darkness of Ignorance envelops us all around.
In order to dispel this darkness I light this lamp of knowledge.

! Fill a little pot with water and place it near the lamp.
hari o tatsat | govinda x3 . asym puya tithau __________ gotra __________
gotre nma/nmn preta/pret pretatva ke jala pnrtha sajaloya ghaas te
may dyate tavopatietm ||


(Done on the 3rd, 7th, or 9th day after the cremation.)

! Return to the crematorium and collect the ashes in the box.
! Go to a maapa and scatter some mustard or sesame seeds.

apahat asur rakgusi pic ye kayanti pthivm anu |

anyatreto gacchantu yatrai gata mana ||
Expelled are the Antigods, the forces of chaos that deprecate the earth. May they depart hence to
another place that they may fancy.

! Open the box containing the ashes and mix with milk and sandal-paste and place them in a
clay pot placed on some darbha grass in the south. Wrap the pot in red cloth.
tv manasnrtena vc brahma trayya vidyay |
pthivym aki-kym apgu raser na nivapmy-asau ||

sakalpa hari o tatsat Govinda x 3 asym puya tithau

__________ gotrasya __________ pretasya/prety mama pitu/mtuh dahana pact
tritye, saptame, navame 'hani asthi sacayana (tath jale nirvapanam) kariye ||
Raka dpa prajvalanam
bho dpa brahma rpas tva karma-sk hyavighna-kta |
yvat karma samptis syt tvat tva susthiro bhava ||
Karma-ptra sdhanam
! Place a vessel filled with water upon a pile of rice, add parimala dravya, and a flower,
decorate the four sides with sandal paste and kumkum.
! Cover the mouth of the vessel with the right hand or show the akua mudra.

vhaymyaha deva varua bhuvanevaram |
sarvauadhi-rasa divyam amta pra-dhrakam || 1 ||
ap-pate jagan-ntha rasa rpa gaddhara |
padmodbhava ih-gaccha akrea sahita prabho || 2 ||
sagaaca sabhryaca iumraika vhana |
ehi deva jaldhyaka ptresmin sannidhim kuru || 3 ||
o namo namaste sphaika prabhya suveta vastrya sumagalya |
supa-hastya jhasanya jaldhinthya varuya namo namaste || 4 ||
o karma-ptra susapannam astu |

! Recite the following mantras:

yad deva deva heana devsa-cakm vayam |
agnir m vivn mucatvagu hasa ||
yadi div yadi naktam engusi cakm vayam |
vyur m tasmd enaso vivn mucatvagu hasa ||
yadi jgrad yadi svapna engusi cakm vayam |
sryo m tasmd enaso vivn mucatvagu hasa ||
Whatever carelessness and familiarility we have show to the devas may Agni
completely free us from the effects of that foible.
Whatever blunders have been committed by us during the day or night may Vayu
liberate us from the effects of that.
Whatever blunders have been committed by us during wakefulness or sleep, may
Surya free us from the effects of that

apavitra pavitro v sarvvasth gatopi v |
ya smaret puarkka sa bhybhyantara uci ||
Pure or impure, being in any condition whatsoever, he who meditates upon the Lotus-eyed Lord Vishnu is
purified both physically and mentally.

/ ai Pia Dnam
Sakalpa hari om tatsat | mama upta etc.
Apasavyam __________ gotrasya __________ pretasya mama pitrasya (gotrasya
_________ prety mtre) asthi sacaya nimittaka pia-dnam aha kariye ||
! In a leaf-container place water, chandan, til, white flowers take it in the hands and say:

o adya __________ gotra/gotre__________ mama pitu preta/mtu pret asthi

sacaya nimittaka pia-sthne atrvane nikva te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Take the pia and offer it from the pit-trtha.

o adya __________ gotra /gotre __________ mama pitu preta/mtu pret asthi
sacaya nimittaka ea pias te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Take the leaf-container in the hands and say the mantras and then pour over the pia
o adya __________ gotra/gotre__________ mama pitu preta/mtu pret pretasya
asthi sacaya nimittaka piopari atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate
tavopatihatm ||
ida tala jala tavopatihatm || ida gandhas tavopatihatm ||
ete akats tavopatihatm || ida bhgarja patra tavopatihatm ||
o andi nidhano deva akha cakra gad dhara |
avyaya puarkka preta moka prado bhava ||
! Take gandha, akata and flowers
o adyeha __________ gotra/gotre__________ preta/pret pia arcana vidhu
imni gandha akata pupdni tava upatihatm ||

/ Bali Dnam
! Offer 3 pias as bali
yesmin mane dev syur bhagavanta santan |
tesmat sakd ghyu balim agam akayam ||
pretasysya ubh-lokn prayacchantu ca vatn |
asmkam yur rogya sukha ca dadat ciram ||
iti mana vsibhyo (pretya, preta-sakhbhyo) bali sadpa dadmi ||
(Offer 3 balis: 1 for mana vsis, 1 for Preta and 1 for his friends)
! Go to the place where the ashes are to be consigned or buried.
hari o tatsat govinda x3 asym puya tithau _______ gotrasya
_______ armaa pretasya/prety mama pitu/mtu adya dvitiye/tritiye'hani
sgare/ puya nady /bhmau v bhasma nirvapanam kariye ||

! If burying, then dig a hole, sit facing south and spread darbha in the hole, sprinkle with water
from the karma-ptra.
! Chant the aghamaraa skta and place the clay pot on the darbha in the hole.

hiraya ga varua prapadye trtha me dehi ycita |

yan may bhuktam asdhn ppebhyaca pratigraha || 1 ||
yan me manas vc karma v dukta ktam |
tan na indro varuo bhaspati savit ca punantu puna puna || 2 ||
namo'gnaye'psumate nama indrya namo varuya namo vruyai
namo'dbhya || yad ap krra yad amedhya yad anta tad
apagacchatt || 3 ||
atyand at pnd yacca ugrt pratigraht |
tan me varuo rj pin hyavamaratu || 4 ||
so'ham appo virajo nirmukta mukta kilbia |
nkasya pham ruhya gacched brahma salokatm || 5 ||
yacpsu varuas sa puntvagha-maraa ||
yat pthivygu rajas svamntarike virodas |
imgu stadpo varua puntvagha-maraa || 6 ||
punantu vasava punantu varua puntvagha-maraa |
ea bhtasya madhye bhuvanasya gopt || 7 ||
ea puya-kt lokn ea mtyor hiramayam |
dyv pthivyor hiramayagu sagu ritagu suva |
sa nas suvas sagu idhi || 8 ||
ta ca satya cbhddht tapaso dhyajyata | tato rtryajyata tatas
samudro arava | samudrd arav dadhi savatsaro ajyata | ahortri
vidadhad vivasya miato va | sry candramasau dht yath prva
akalpayat | diva ca pthiv cntarikam atho sva || R.V. 10:190

! Now cover with earth or pour them into the river or sea.

soma ekebhya pavate ghtam eka upsate |

tebhyo madhu pradhvati tgus ca devpi gacchatt || 1 ||
1. For some is Soma purified for libation, some others are served ghee for oblations, to those for whom the
Mead flows forth, even to those Devas let him depart.

tapas ye andhys tapas ye svar-yayu |

tapo ye cakrire mahas tgus ca devpi gacchatt || 2 ||
2. To those who became Invincible through spiritual practice, those whom spiritual practice has
advanced to heaven. To those who showed great spiritual discipline in their lives, even to those let him

ye yudhyante pradhaneu rso ye tan tyaja |

ye v sahasra dakis tgus ca devpi gacchatt || 3 ||
3. To the heroes who contend in just wars and boldly give up their bodies away for the sake of others, or
to those who gave a thousandfold charity, even to those let him depart.

ye cit prva taspa tvna tvdha |

pitn tapasvato yama tgus ca devpi gacchatt || 4 ||
4. Yea, the first followers of Dharma the Sacred Law, the Dharma's pure and holy strengtheners, to the
Manes, Yama! Spiritual practitoners, even to those let him depart.

sahasra nth kavayo ye gopyanti sryam |

n tapasvato yama tapojgu api gacchatt || 5 ||
5. Skilled in a thousand ways and means, the sages who protect the Dharma. The Rishis, Yama! Spiritual
practitoners, even to those let him depart. (R.V. 10:154.1-5 New Life.)

andi nidhano deva akha cakra gad dhara |
avyaya puarkka preta moka prado bhava || 1 ||
atasi pupa saka pta-vsa samacyuta |
ye namasyanti govinda na te vidyate bhayam || 2 ||
ka ka kplo tva agatn gatir bhava |
sasra rava magnn prasda puruottama || 3 ||
nryaa sura reha lakmi knta janrdhana |
asya pretasya mokrtha suprto bhava sarvad || 5 ||
Address to the Relatives
amanvat ryate sagu rabadhvam ut tihata pra tarat sakhya |
atr jahma ye asann aev-ivn vayam ut tarema abhi vjn ||
Beside the flowing water here: hold fast to each other, keep your spirits up, and let us move on, my
friends. Here let us leave the events that brought us pain, and cross the river to events that are
auspicious. (RV 10:53:8)

yad vai devasya savitu pavitragu sahasra-dhra vitatam antarike |

yena pund indram anrta mrtyai tenha mgu sarva tanu punmi ||
The purifying force that is in the Sun, the countless solar Rays which radiate through the firmament, by
which Indra was purified, may those rays purify us and console us in our grief.
y rrt pannda payanti kh abhi mt npatim icchamn | dhtus
ts sarv pavanena pt prajay'smn rayy varcas sagu sjtha ||
By the rays of the Sun may we be purified, may our prosperity be stable and our children be always with
us. RV 10:53:8

ud vaya tamasas-pari payanto jyotir-uttaram |

deva devatr sryam aganma jyotir uttamam ||
Looking upon the loftier light above the darkness we have come. To Surya Narayana; God of gods, the
light that is most excellent. (RV. 1;50;10).

dht puntu savit puntu | agnis tejas sryasya varcas ||

May the Creator purify us, may the Sun purify us, Agni by his briliance and the Sun by his splendor.

! Sprinkle the mourners with water from the karma-ptra.
! Extinguish the raka-dpa
! Dispose of all the items used for the ceremony.
! The kart prostrates to the South

! The mourners return home and the kart takes a bath.
! He continues with the daily pia-dnam and tilodaka libations.


! According to the Grihya stras the family need observe only 3 days of mourning. So for
them on the fourth day, perform an Ekoddiha rddha4 and Puyham.
! The kart bathes, wears white and sits down.

! Scatter mustard;

apahat asur rakgusi pic ye kayanti pthivm anu |

anyatreto gacchantu yatrai gata mana ||

Pradhna Sakalpa hari o tatsat | Govinda .. asym puya tithau:

Apasavyam _______ gotrasya _______ armaa mama pitu [_______
gotry _________ nmny prety mama mtu] pretatva nivttyartha adya
caturtho'hani ekoddia rddham brhmaa abhvt dravya abhvt ca ekoddia
vidhnena agnau kariye ||
On this meritorious day in order to liberate my father/mother from an earth-bound state, on this fourth day
I perform the mahaikodistha sraddha. In the absence of the qualified Brahmins and the specific required
substances I make this offering through the means of the fire.

Preta vhanam
! spread darbhas on the vedi with their points to the south and scatter til.
adya _______ gotrasya _______ armaa mama pitu [_________nmn mama
mtu] ekoddita rddhe vhayiye ||
yhi preta mama pitu somy gambhrai pathibhi pryai |
prajm asmabhya dadato rayi ca drghyutva ca ata rada ca ||
rja vahantr amta ghta paya klla parisrutagu passtha
tarpaya me preta pitara (me prat mtara) arghyam ||
adya caturtho'hani ekoddia vidhnena ekoddia rddhe _______ gotrasya
_______ armaa mama pitu [prety mama mtu] ida sanam ||

! Fill one argha-ptra with water and recite the following

an-no devr-abhiaya po bhavantu ptaye | a yor-abhisravantu na ||

! Add sesame seeds (black for men and white for women).

Ekoddiha is performed every month on the tithi of the death until the Sapiikaraa rddha at the annual
tilosi soma devatya gosavo deva nirmita |
pratnavadbhi pkta svadhay pitn lok prhi na svadh ||
! Place a pavitri in the argha ptra and add gandha and pupa.

arghya pradanam
! With the uddharii take and offer water.

y divy pa payas sababhvu | y antarika uta prthivry |

ysm ah anuyanti kmam | t na pa agu syon bhavantu ||
This water that is born from the essence of heaven,, that is in the atmosphere and in the earth, that is
desired by Purvashadha for the fullfillment of desires, may this water grant us peace. (TB. 3.1.2)
Father adya _______ gotrya _______ armaya mama pitu ida te arghyam |
Mother adya _______ gotrya _______ nmny mama mtu ida te arghyam |

aya te gandha tavopatihatm |
ete akats tavopatihatm |
ida tulas patra tavopatihatm |
a te dhpa tavopatihatm |
aya te dpa tavopatihatm |
ida ra-stra tavopatihatm |
aya te adhvanna bali tavopatihatm |
vastra yajopavita uttariya bhararthe ime til ime gandh |

! Place the khr in a patra on the vedi and recite.
preta pitu [mtu] ida te bhojana ptram |
! Sprinkle with ghee.
! Do abhyukaam.
! Touch the leaf with the right thumb;

pthiv te ptra dyaur apidhna brahmaas tv mukhe juhomi | ida

viur vicakrame tredha nidadhe padam | samham asya pgm sure ||
svh vio havyam rakasva |

Father - adya ______ gotrya ______ armae pretya pitre anna sapradade ||
Mother - adya ______ gotryai ______ nmny pretyai mtre anna sapradade ||
! Offer tilodaka
o eko viur mahad bhta pthak bhtny anekaa |
trn lokn vypya bhttm bhukte vivabhug avyaya ||
There is only One Supreme All-pervading Lord of the Universe who dwells with the hearts of all beings,
pervading all the three realms of existence, he remains, experiencing all, through the individual Self.

anena dya ekoddia rddhe bhagavan janrdaa priyatm |

May the Supreme Lord Janardana be gratified by the performance of this [monthly] ekodistha sraddha.

! Aposhanam
! Offer three times the arghya jalam. (apradaksina)

preta pitu [mtu] anna pnyam | sapannam | tptosi | amt pidhnam

asi | ida hasta praklanam | ida pda-praklanam | ida camanyam |
iya te dakia | ida te tmblam ||

Sakalpa hari o tatsat | govinda x 3 prvokta gua vieea visihy
asy puya tithau
_______ gotrasya _______ armaa pretya mama pitre [pretyai mama mtre]
pia dna kariye ||
! place darbhas on the vedi to the south asperse with ;

mrjayant mama pitara /mtara |

adya _______ gotrasya _______ arman/varma/gupta/dsa pitu [nmn
mtu] eta pia dadmi |

mrjayant mama pitara /mtara |

adya _______ gotrasya _______ arman/varma/gupta/dsa pitu [nmn
mtu] eta pia upatiasva ||
vje vje vata vjino no dhaneu viprmt taj |
asya madhva pibata mdayadhva tpt yta pathibhir deva ynai ||
O brahmanas, O Immortals and the knowers of the Truth, having accepted the offering of food at each
offering, protect us in abundance of wealth and prosperity. Drink ye the essence of this offering and be ye
satisifed; return ye by the path used by the devas.

! Remove the offerings and consign to water.

! Bathe and do puyham.


This ceremony is usually done over 10 days but nowadays all the offerings are made on the 10th
day. For those who wish to retain the daily offerings the complete method is given in the appendix.

Raka-dpa prajvalanam
! camya, apavitra etc.
! Light the Raka-dpam of sesame oil and place it facing south
bho dpa brahma rpas tva karma-sk hyavighna-kta |
yvat karma sampti syt tvat tva susthiro bhava ||
o devatbhya pitbhyaca mah-yogibhya eva ca |
nama svadhyai svhyai nityam eva namo nama || x 3
om namo namaste govinda pura puruottama |
ida rddha hkea rakat sarvato dia ||
! Stand and scatter yellow mustard seeds and salute the following directions:
o prcyai die nama | o dakinasyai die nama | o pratcyai die nama |
o udcyai die nama | o antarikya nama | o bhmyai nama ||
! take til and flowers and offer on the ground:
o rddha bhmyai nama ||
Sakalpa hari om tatsat .. asym puya tithau __________ gotra
__________ pitu / (__________ gotry __________ prety mtu) pretasya
pretatva vimuktaye akaya uttama-loka prptyartha adya daamahani daa gtra
pia dnam aha kariye ||
! take til and water and offer on the ground 3 times:
o __________ gotra __________ preta (gotre/pret) cit daha janita tapa ta
upaamana artha prathama dina sambandh ea tila toyjalis te may dyate
tavopatihatm ||
! Make salutations to Lord Yama:
o yamya nama | dharma-rjya | mtyave | antakya | vaivasvatya | dadhnya |
nlya paramehine | vkodarya | citrya | citra-guptya ||
! Fill a small clay pot with water:
ke tu nirlambo vyu-bhta nirraya |
preta ghao may dattas tavaia upatihatm ||

! Place two clay vessels on an sana, pour water in one and milk in the other.
citnala pradagdhosi praityaktosi bndhavai |
ida nram ida kram atra snhi ida piba ||
! Touch the water vessel:
o __________ gotra/gotry __________ preta/pret anena jalena snhi |
! Touch the milk vessel:
o __________ gotra/gotry __________ preta/pret atra kra piba |

Prepare the karma-ptra (see page 17)

! Prepare an altar or if done outside dig a trench from North-west to South-east.
! Prepare 10 sanas, 10 pias and 10 ones
! Place 10 leaves for sanas on the altar and place a banana next to each leaf.
! Sprinkle everything with the karma ptra water.
! Take tila and jal in a one and make sakalpa

Sakalpa hari om tatsat .. asym puya tithau __________ gotra
__________ pitu / (__________ gotry __________ prety mtu) pretasya
pretatva vimuktaye akaya uttama-loka prptyartha raurava nma naraka uttraya
mrdh vayava nipattyartha prathama dina nimittaka praka pia pradna
kariye ||
! Place chandan, akata and flower on each leaf.
o __________ gotra __________ pitu (__________ gotre __________ pret
mtu) idam sana tavopatihatm ||
! In each one place a pavitri, til and water.
o __________ gotra __________ pitu (__________ gotre __________ pret
mtu) idam avanejana te may dyate tava upatihatm ||

Pia 1
! Offer the 1st pia from pitru tirtha
o __________ gotra __________ pitu (__________ gotry __________
prety mtu) pretasya pretatva vimuktaye akaya uttama-loka prptyartha
raurava nma naraka uttraya mrdh vayava nipattyartha prathama dina
nimittaka praka prathama pias te may dyate tava upatihatm ||
Pour the water over the pia
o __________ gotra __________ preta atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate tava
upatihatm ||

Pia 2
! Offer the 2nd pia from pitru tirtha
o mama pitu /mtu pretasya pretatva nivttaye, yoni-pusa nma naraka
uttraya, karki-nsik praka dvitya piaste may dyate tava upatihatm ||
Pour the water over the pia atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate tava upatihatm
Pia 3
! Offer the pia from pitru tirtha
o mama pitu /mtu pretasya pretatva nivttaye, mah-raurava-nma naraka
uttraya, gal sabhuja vakasthala praka tritya piaste may dyate tava
upatihatm ||
Pour water over the pia atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate tava upatihatm ||

Pia 4
! Offer the pia from pitru tirtha
o mama pitu /mtu pretasya pretatva nivttaye tmisra nma naraka uttraya,
nbhi liga guda praka caturtha piaste may dyate tava upatihatm ||
Pour water over the pia atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate tava upatihatm

Pia 5
! Offer the pia from pitru tirtha
o mama pitu /mtu pretasya pretatva nivttaye andha-tmisra nma naraka
uttraya, jnu jagh pda praka pacama piaste may dyate tava
upatihatm ||
Pour water over the pia atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate tava upatihatm ||

Pia 6
! Offer the pia from pitru tirtha
o mama pitu /mtu pretasya pretatva nivttaye sambhrama nma naraka
uttraya, sarva marma praka aha piaste may dyate tava upatihatm ||
Pour water over the pia atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate tava upatihatm ||

Pia 7
! Offer the pia from pitru tirtha
o mama pitu /mtu pretasya pretatva nivttaye amedhya kmi sampra nma
naraka uttraya, sarva n prako saptama piaste may dyate tava
Pour water over the pia atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate tava upatihatm ||

Pia 8
! Offer the pia from pitru tirtha
o mama pitu /mtu pretasya pretatva nivttaye pura-bhakaa nma naraka
uttraya, danta nakha lomdi praka ahama pias te may dyate tava
upatihatm ||
Pour water over the pia atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate tava upatihatm ||

Pia 9
! Offer the pia from pitru tirtha
o mama pitu /mtu pretasya pretatva nivttaye svamsa bhakaa nma naraka
uttraya, vrya praka navama pias te may dyate tava upatihatm ||
Pour water over the pia atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate tava upatihatm ||

Pia 10
! Offer the pia from pitru tirtha
o mama pitu /mtu pretasya pretatva nivttaye kumbhpka nma naraka
uttraya, kut-pipsa prako daama pias te may dyate tava upatihatm ||
Pour water over the pia atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate tava upatihatm

! Offer a thread of wool, tulsi, betel, mithai, a banana, betel-leaf & nuts, lamp and incense.
o adya __________ gotra __________ preta (gotre/pret) etni ra stra bhga-
rja patra dhpa dpa naivedya tmbla pgi phaldi may dyate
tavopatihatm ||
! Take water & til and offer from the pitru-trtha on 1st pia once, 2nd pia twice etc. etc.
! If done in the house one can offer all the tiljals into a tray.
o __________ gotra __________ preta daama dine eka-tila toyjaliste may
dyate tavopatihantm ||
o adya dvitya dine dvi-tila toyjalis te may dyante tavopatihantm ||
o adya tritya dine trayas tila toyjalis te may dyante tavopatihantm ||
o adya caturtha dine catus tila toyjalis te may dyante tavopatihantm ||
o adya pacama dine paca tila toyjalis te may dyante tavopatihantm ||
o adya ahama dine a tila toyjalis te may dyante tavopatihantm ||
o adya saptama dine sapta tila toyjalis te may dyante tavopatihantm ||
o adya ahama dine ahau toyjalis te may dyante tavopatihantm ||
o adya navama dine nava toyjalis te may dyante tavopatihanm ||
o adya daama dine daa toyjalis te may dyante tavopatihantm ||
o andi nidhano deva akha cakra gad dhara |
avyaya puarkka preta moka prado bhava || 1 ||
atasi pupa saka pta-vsa samacyuta |
ye namasyanti govinda na te vidyate bhayam || 2 ||
ka ka kplo tva agatn gatir bhava |
sasra rava magnn prasda puruottama || 3 ||
nryaa sura reha lakmi knta janrdhana |
anena tarpanena ntha preta moka prado bhava || 4 ||
hiraya-garbha purua vyaktvyakta svarpie |
asya pretasya mokrtha suprto bhava sarvad || 5 ||
etad kta yad vio tarpaa tena r mah viu prto 'stu.

! Puyha vcanam is performed.

Pavamni Skta
punantu m deva-jan | punantu manavo dhy | punantu viva yava ||
Purify me O gods, purify the thoughts of my mind. Purify me of all things that be. (V.S. 19;39)

jtaveda pavitravat | pavitrea punhi m |

ukrea deva ddyat | agne kratv kratgu ranu |
O Radiant God the omniscient, as a filter; purify me, refulgent with your pure bright capacity to purify
with powers according to your own. (V.S.19;40)

yatte pavitram arcii | agne vitatam antar | brahma tena punmahe ||

O Agni your capacity to purify is diffused through all your fiery glow. O Sacred knowledge! through you
may I become pure. (V.S. 19;41)

pavamnas suvarjana | pavitrea vicarai | ya pot sa puntu m |

May Pavamana (Agni the principle of enlightenment) with his purifying capabilities, popular amongst
all peoples, purify us today. (V.S.19;42)

ubhbhym deva savita | pavitrena savena ca | idam brahma punmahe |

God who impels (to enlightenment), purify me by both these, purifying power and sacrifice, and may I be
purified through sacred knowledge. (V.S. 19;43)

vaivadev punat devygt | yasyai vahvs tanuvo vta ph |

tay madantas sadham adyeu | vayaggas syma patayo raym ||
The purifying goddess who is dear to all gods has come, she who contains these many beautiful forms.
Through her may we in sacrificial banquets rejoice, and may we become prosperous. (V.S. 19;44).
prjpatya pavitram | atodymagu hiramayam |
tena brahma vido vayam | ptam brahma punmahe ||
That which is offered to the Creator is pure; with an hundred precious efforts, may we strive to become
Knowers-of-Brahman, may that Spiritual Wisdom purify us. (S.V. Part ii, book 5 Hymn 8)

indras sunt saha m puntu | somas svasty varuas samcy |

yamo rj prambhi puntu m | jtaved morjayanty puntu |
o bhrbhuvasuva ||
May Indra (The Mind) purify me with good polity, Soma (the Moon) with health, Varuna (The Cosmic
Witness) with propriety, Yama the king (the Principle of Dharma) with restraint; and Agni (the Mystic
Fire) with energy.

prokaa mantr
Prokaam (sprinkling)
devasya tva savitu prasave'vinor bhubhy po hastbhygu
sarasvatyai vco yantur yantregnes tv smrjyenbhisicmi | drupaddi
venmumucna | svinnas sntv mald iva | ptam pavitreevjya | pa
undhantu mainasa | o bhr-bhuvas-suva x 3 ||
Impelled by the Lord Savita the Impeller, with the arms of the Ashvins (Right Knowledge & Right
Action) and with the hands of Pushan the Nourisher, with the voice of Sarasvati Divine Knowledge,
with the control of the Controller, I asperse with sovereignty. As one released from a fetter, or cleansed by
bathing after toil. As butter which has been purified through a filter, let this water purify me from all sins.
(VS. 20;20)

! Every one has a haircut even those who had a head-shave on the first day.
! Every one wears new clothes and yajopavta.
! The house is thoroughly cleaned.


! Take bath, wear new clothes and yajopavita

! Perform this ceremony on the bank of a river or beach if possible or in a temple hall or
! Prepare the bedding and other gifts.
! Take sakalpa for doing aya dnam
Sakalpa hari om tatsat | govinda govinda govinda asya r bhagavato mah
puruasya r vio jay pravartamnasya adya brahmao dvitya parrdhe r
veta varha kalpe vaivasvata manvantare, aaviate kali yuge, prathama pde,
akbde mero gneya digbhge, __________ dee, __________ mahnagari
antargate, asmin vartamnm vyavahriknm prabhavdi ai savatsarn
madhye __________ nma savatsare, __________ ayane, __________ tau,
__________ mse__________ pake, __________ tithau, __________ vsare
__________ nakatra yuktnm, asym puya tithau, mama upta samasta durita
kaya dvr r paramevara prtyartham:
__________ gotra/gotre __________ pretasya/prety pretatva nivtaye uttama
loka prptyartha, adya ekdahe ayya dnam aha kariye ||
tadagatay nirvighnatrtha gaea pjana sakala sasthpana navagraha pjana r
bhagavad viu pjana ca kariye ||

nti Pha
svasti na indro vddharav | svasti na p vivaved |
svasti nas trkyo arianemi | svasti no bhaspatir dadhtu ||
May our minds incline us to hearing the Spiritual Teachings, may the Divine Sustainer who is all
knowing, nourish us during our spiritual practice, may the Divine Protector guard us from all spiritual
error, and may the Lord of Wisdom grant us the realisation of the Truth. (Yajur Veda 25:21)

dyau ntir antarikagu nti pthiv ntir pa ntir oadhaya nti |

vanaspataya ntir vivedev ntir brahma ntis sarvagu nti ntir
eva ntis s m ntir edhi ||
Peace be to the sky, peace be to the atmosphere, Peace be to the earth, Peace be to the waters, Peace be
to the herbs, Peace be to the forests, Peace be to the gods, Peace be to the creator, Peace be to all beings,
peace indeed peace, may that peace come to me too.

o rman mah gadhipataye nama, lakm-nryaabhym nama, v-

hirayagarbhbhym nama, um-mahevarbhym nama, mt pit caraa
kamalebhyo nama, r pitrevarya nama ||
vinyaka guru bhnu viur mahevarn sarasvat praamydau sarva kryrtha
siddhaye ||
Ganapati Pjanam
o ganntv gaapatigu havmahe priyn tv priyapatigu
havmahe nidhnn tv nidhipatigu havmahe vaso mama ham ajni
garbhadham tvam ajsi garbhadham || V.S. 23:19
o ga gaeya nama dhyymi vhaymi sthpaymi |
o ga gaeya nama | Offer the 16 upacras
o vighnevarya varadya sura priyya, lambodarya sakalya jagadhitya |
ngnanya ruti yaja vibhitya gaur sutya gaantha namo namaste ||
ktennena pjanena r gaembike pryetm ||

Karma-ptra sdhanam
! Place a vessel filled with water upon a pile of rice, add parimala dravya, and a flower,
decorate the four sides with sandal paste and kumkum.
! Cover the mouth of the vessel with the right hand or show the akua mudra.

vhaymyaha deva varua bhuvanevaram |
sarvauadhirasa divyam amta pra-dhrakam || 1 ||
appate jaganntha rasa rpa gaddhara |
padmodbhava ih-gaccha akrea sahita prabho || 2 ||
sagaaca sabhryaca iumraika vhana |
ehi deva jaldhyaka ptresmin sannidhim kuru || 3 ||
o namo namaste sphaika prabhya suveta vastrya sumagalya |
supa-hastya jhasanya jaldhinthya varuya namo namaste || 4 ||
o karma-ptra susapannam astu |

! Recite the following mantras:

yad deva deva heana devsa-cakm vayam |

agnir m vivn mucatvagu hasa ||
yadi div yadi naktam engusi cakm vayam |
vyur m tasmd enaso vivn mucatvagu hasa ||
yadi jgrad yadi svapna engusi cakm vayam |
sryo m tasmd enaso vivn mucatvagu hasa ||
apavitra pavitro v sarvvasth gatopi v
ya smaret puarkka sa bhybhyantara uci ||

Viu Pjanam
ntkra bhujagaayana padmanbha surea
vivdhra gaganasada meghavara ubhmgam |
laksmknta kamalanayana yogibhir-dhynagamya
vande viu bhava-bhaya-hara sarva-lokaikantham ||
I offer my obeisance to Vishnu, who is the embodiment of peace, resting upon the serpent of Tine
(Anantasesha). From His navel sprouts the lotus of cosmic manifestation. He is the Lord of the celestial
beings. His form is the universe. He is like the sky and of the colour of clouds, auspicious of limbs. He is the
Lord of the Goddess of Prosperity, His eyes are like lotuses, and He is realized by yogis through deep
meditation. He is the remover of the fear of rebirth, He is the one Lord of the entire Universe.
namo 'stv-anantya sahasra-mrtaye sahasra-pdki iroru bhave |
sahasra-nmne puruya vate sahasra koi yuga dhrie nama ||

Navagraha pjanam
kena rajas vartamno niveayann amta martyaca |
hirayayena savit rathen-devo yti bhuvan vipayan ||
With the Light of Truth in space advancing, determining life and death, borne in his golden chariot he
comes, Savitar, God who gazes upon the worlds. (Rig Veda 1.35.2 ; Taitt. Sam.
o candramase nama candram vhymi sthpaymi || o bhaumya, o budhya,
o bhaspataye, o ukrya, o anaicarya, o rhave, o ketave etc.

o brahm murris tripurntkr bhnu ai bhmi-suto buddhaca |

guruca ukra ani rhu ketava sarve grah nti kar bhavantu ||
o srydi navagrahebhyo nama ||

! Prepare the bedding with clothing, and any of the daa dnams that are to be given.
! Sprinkle the items with water from the karma ptra.
o sopaskaraa ayyyai nama |
! Honour the recipient brahmin with chandan pupa etc. Tie raksha sutra to his wrist.
o im sopaskaraa ayym dadmi |
Sankalpa o ady aucnte dvityehni ___________ gotra/gotre ___________
pretasya/prety paraloke sukha ayana atha uttama loka prptyartha - im
sopaskar ayym nidr kalaa dhta chatra cmardi pduko phana vahana
pdhnacchdandika prdi gandha paa kauaiya kaumora krpsa vastra
suvara rajata bhaa tmbla pupa phaldibhi yath aktya ___________ gotrya
___________ armae brahmaya supjitya tubhya aha sampradade ||
Today, upon the termination of the period of mourning, I make these presentations so that my
father/mother may rest in peace and hopefully obtain a higher state of existence. I offer this bedding,
comfortable blankets and sheets, together with sandals, umbrella, clothing, ornaments, betel, fruit etc to
the venerable Brahmin named ________ of the gotra of ________ may it be acceptable to you.

! Offer some dakia as well.

o ady aaucnte dvityahni ktaitat sopaskaraa ayydna pratihrtha ida
rajata candra daivata yath _________ nma ________gotrya brhmaya
dakiatvena tubhyam aham sampradade ||

yath na ka ayana nya sgara jtay |

ayy mampya nystu tath janmani janmani ||

Chant the Raga-ntha ahakam on page 86



! Prvgam & Puyha-vcanam

Sakalpa hari o tatsat | govinda x 3 .. asym puya tithau:
__________ gotrasya __________ armaa pretasya mama pitu [__________ gotry
__________ nmny prety mama mtu] pretatva vimukti prvaka uttama loka
prptyartha adya ekdaehani bodhyanokta prakrea vabha-utsarjana karma
kariye ||

! Set up a homa-kua and to the North establish the Rudra kumbha.
! Invoke Rudra with the mantra:

pario rudrasya hetir vnaktu pari dveasya durmatiragyo |

avasthir maghavadbhyas tanuva mavastokya tanayya maya ||
May Rudra's missle turn aside and spare us, the great wrath of the Impetuous One avoid us. Turn
bounteous God, your strong bow from our princes, and be gracious to our seed and our offspring.

! Offer upacras
! Perform Agni-mukham and make the following oblations.

o iha ratis svh | ida agnaye ||

o iha ramadhvaggas svh | ida agnaye ||
o iha dhtis svh | | ida agnaye ||
o iha svadhtis svh | ida agnaye ||
om upasjan dharua mtre dharuo mtarandhayaggas svh | ida ||
o ryas poam asmsuddharat svh | ida agnaye ||
o prajpataye svh | prajpataye ida ||
o indrya svh | indrya ida ||
o agnaye svh | agnaye ida ||
o somya svh | somya ida ||
! Prepare the payas-caru and make the following oblations.
om agnaye svh | agnaye ida ||
o rudrya svh | rudya ida ||
o arvya svh | arvya ida ||
o paupataye svh | paupataye ida ||
o ugrya svh | ugrya ida ||
o bhmya svh | bhmya ida ||
o bhavya svh | bhavya ida ||
o mahdevya svh | mahdevya ida ||
o nya svh | nya ida ||
o yamya svh | yamyedam ||
p g anvetu na p rakat-varvata |
p vjagu sanotu nas svh | pue idam ||

! Offer oblations of caru with the Go Skta:

gvo agmann uta bhadram akran | sdantu gohe raaya tvasme |

prajvat puru rp iha syu | indrya prvr uaso duhn || 1 ||
The cattle have come and brought good fortune; let them rest in the cow-pen and be happy near us. Here
let them stay prolific, many coloured, and daily yielding their milk for Indra (The mind)

indro yajvane pate ca ikati | upeddadti na sva muyati | bhyo

bhyo rayimidasya vardhayan | abhinno khilleni dadhti devayum || 2 ||
Indra aids the one who offers sacrifice and practices generosity; he takes not what is his, and gives him
more thereto. Increasing ever more and ever more his wealth, he helps the practitioners dwell within
their restraints.

na t naanti na dabhti taskara | nain amitro vyathir dadharati |

devguca ybhir yajate dadti ca | jyogat tbhis sacate gopatis saha || 3 ||
These (Cows) are never lost, no robber ever injures them; no evil minded foe attempts to harass them. The
master of the cattle lives many a year with these; the Cows whereby he pours oblations and serves the

nat arv reuka ko anute | na sagu sktatra upa yanti t abhi |

urugyam abhaya tasya t anu | gvo martyasya vicaranti yajvana || 4 ||
The swift horse (symbol of skilfull means) with his dusty brow overtakes them not, and never to the
abattoir do they take their way. These cows, the cattle of the pious worshipper, roam over widespread
pastures where no danger is.

gvo bhago gva indro me accht | gvas somasya prathamasya bhaka

im y gvas sajan sa indra | icchmi iddhd manas cid indram || 5 ||
To me the cows seem like Divine Bliss, they seem Indra, they seem a portion of the first poured Soma.
These present cows, they, O men, are Indra. I long for Indra (the enlightened mind) with my heart and my
yya gvo me dayath ka cit | alla cit kuth supratkam |
bhadra gha kutha bhadra vca | bhadvo vaya ucyate sabhsu ||
O Cows, you fatten even the worn and the wasted, and make the unlovely comely to look upon. Prosper my
house, you with auspicious voices. Your power is glorified in our assemblies.

prajvat syavasagu riant | uddh apas su prape pibant |

m vastena ata mghaagu sa | pari vo heti rudrasya vjyt || 7 ||
Graze on good pasturage and multiply; drink pure sweet water at good drinking places. Never may a
thief or sinful man be your master, and may the dart of Rudra still avoid you. (Rig Veda 6:28).

o agnaye svitakte svh | agnaye idam ||
o bhs svh | o bhuvas svh | suvas svh |
o bhr-bhuvas-sva svh ||
! Wash the bull/coconut.

po hiho mayo bhuva | t na rje dadhtana | mahe raya cakate | yo

va-ivatamo rasa | tasya bhjayateha na | uatr-iva mtara | tasm
araga mma va | yasya kayya jinvatha | po janayath ca na ||
O Waters! you are beneficent, so grant to us nourishment that we may behold great delight. Grant us a
share in that great bliss that you possess, like Mothers in their tender solicitous love. To you we come
gladly for Him, to whose abode you lead us on. Make us pure through wisdom and grant us to be reborn
with splendour.
! Decorate the bull and offer upacras.
kmadheno kule jt strihyaya sudha-vah |
narakd uddharanatvena svarga loka mayrcit ||
dharmas tva va-rpea jagad nanda kraka |
tavotsarga pradnena trayasva bhavravt ||

You are the symbol of Dharma, you are the giver of joy to the world. By releasing you into the world, may
we be able to cross this ocean of rebirth.
vo hi bhagavn dharma catur pda prakrtita |
vomi tam aha bhakty sa mm rakatu sarvata ||
! Turn the bull (or roll a coconut) in the four directions.
East he vabha-rja prv dia gatv tni khditv jalni ptv deva
brahmaa bhmi vihya yatheccha vihara ||
O King of Bulls proceed to the east. Graze and drink as you please, wander over the lands of the gods and
brahmins at will.
South he vabha-rja dakim dia gatv
West he vabha-rja pratic dia gatv
North he vabha-rja udc dia gatv

adya __________ gotrasya __________ armaa pretasya mama pitu [__________

gotry __________ nmny prety mama mtu] pretatva vimocana artha
may ea vabha utsa ||
In order to liberate my father from the state of a hungry ghost I release this Dharma bull.
! In the Ina-kona offer some rice.

Rudra Bali
yo rudro agnau yo apsu ya auadu yo rudro
viv bhuvan vivea tasmai rudrya namo astu ||
I salute Rudra who is present within the fire and the waters, in the plants and trees and in all the earth
and the whole universe.







argha ptras



! Prepare khr
! Place 16 leaves (of banana or peepal) and 16 kuas on the altar with their tips to the south.
! Place the 16 argha-ptras in front of the leaves,
! You may now place also the 16 bananas next to each leaf.
! Wash hands and feet do camanam
! Wear pavitri and recite the following loka.
o ayodhy mathur my k kc avantik |
pur dvrvat caiva saptait mokadyik ||
Raka-dpa prajvalanam
! Light the Raka-dpam of sesame oil
bho dpa brahma rpas tva karma-sk hyavighna-kta |
yvat karma sampti syt tvat tva susthiro bhava ||
o devatbhya pitbhyaca mah-yogibhya eva ca |
nama svadhyai svhyai nityam eva namo nama || x 3

Karma-ptra sdhanam
! Place a vessel filled with water upon a pile of rice, add parimala dravya, and a flower,
decorate the four sides with sandal paste and kumkum.
! Cover the mouth of the vessel with the right hand or show the akua mudra.
vhaymyaha deva varua bhuvanevaram |
sarvauadhi-rasa divyam amta pra-dhrakam || 1 ||
ap-pate jagan-ntha rasa rpa gaddhara |
padmodbhava ih-gaccha akrea sahita prabho || 2 ||
sagaaca sabhryaca iumraika vhana |
ehi deva jaldhyaka ptresmin sannidhim kuru || 3 ||
o namo namaste sphaika prabhya suveta vastrya sumagalya |
supa-hastya jhasanya jaldhinthya varuya namo namaste || 4 ||
o karma-ptra susapannam astu |
! Recite the following mantras:

yad deva deva heana devsa-cakm vayam |

agnir m vivn mucatvagu hasa ||
yadi div yadi naktam engusi cakm vayam |
vyur m tasmd enaso vivn mucatvagu hasa ||
yadi jgrad yadi svapna engusi cakm vayam |
sryo m tasmd enaso vivn mucatvagu hasa ||
apavitra pavitro v sarvvasth gatopi v
ya smaret puarkka sa bhybhyantara uci ||

oaa rddha Sakalpa

hari o tatsat | govinda x 3 .. asym puya tithau:
________ gotrasya ______ mama pitu/mtu pretasya pretatva vimukty-artham
adya msika trai-pkika dvitya msika, ttya msika, caturtha, pacama, na-
aha, aha-saptama, ahama, navama, daama, ekdaa unbdika, dvdaa,
msikni sva svakla kartavyni oaa rddhni sapii-karaa adhikra siddhi-
artham ekdaehni ekoddia oaa rddham aha kariye ||
! Scatter til on the altar
apahat asur rakgusi vediada ||
! Hold a flower with til and jal, recite the following and place it on the pretsana.
Invocation of Father
________ gotra ______ mama pitu preta adya ekdaha rddhe idam sana te
may dyate tavopatihatm ||
Invocation of Mother
________ gotre ______ mama mtu pret adya ekdaha rddhe idam sanam
te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
oaa Argha Ptra Nirma
! Place a pavitri in each of the 16 ones that were previously arranged in a row.
o pavitre stho vaiavyau savitur va prasava utpunmy-acchidrea
pavitrea sryasya ramibhi || tasya te pavitra-pate pavitra ptasya yat
km pune tacchakeyam ||
Ye two are the purifiers that belong to Vishnu. By the impulse of Savitar, with this flawless purifier I
purify you, with the rays of Surya. V.S. 1;12
! Place til in each of the 16 ones.

o tilosi soma devatya gosavo deva nirmita |

pratnavadbhi pkta svadhay pitn lok prhi na ||
! Place flower dipped in chandan in each of the ones.

o y phalinr y aphal apup yca pupa |

bhaspati prast st no mucatvagu hasa ||
The fruitful, the fruitless, the flowering and the flowerless; Impelled by Brihaspati, may they free
us from tribulation.
! Take kua, jal and til in hand
o adya ________ gotra/gotre ______ mama pitu/mt preta/pret adya rddhe
ea te hastrghya may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Pour the water over the pavitra in each one.

o an-no devr-abhiaya po bhavantu ptaye | a yor-abhisravantu na ||

May the excellent waters be helpful to us for our bliss and our drink. May they flow all around, for curing
our ailments, and preventing us from falling prey to them.
Preta Pj
! On the preta sana offer candan, pupa, tulasi, wool, yajopavta, fruit, naivedyam, tmblam.
arcata prrcata priyam-edhaso arcata | arcantu putrak uta pura na
dhavarcata || (RV 8:69:8) ida vo 'rcana

o adya ________ gotra/gotre ______ mama pitu/mtu preta/pret adya di

dvdaa msiknta oaa rddha nimittakni etni gandha pupa dhpa dpa
naivedya yajopavta vsmsi eka tantrea te may dyante tava upatihantm ||
o am oaa rddhnm arcana vidhe pariprat astu ||
oaa Pia Dnam
! Take water, tila, flowers and recite
o ________ gotra/gotre ______ mama pitu/mtu preta/pret adya rddhe pia-
sthne atrvane nikva te may dyate tava-upatihatm ||
! Pour it on the altar.
! Take the first pia
o adya ________ gotra/gotre ______ mama pitu/mtu preta/pret adya rddhe
ea te pio may dyate tava-upatihatm ||
! Continue with the other 15 pias.
! Wash hands,

namo'stv anantya sahasra-mrtaye sahasra-pdki iroru bhave |
sahasranmne puruya vate sahasra koi yuga dhrie nama ||
o viur viur viur hari hari hari.
! Take the one with water and pour on each pia with the following
o adya ________ gotra/gotre ______ mama pitu/mtu preta/pret adya rddha
pie atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate tava-upatihatm ||

! On each pia place some woolen thread,

! Take kua-traya tila & jala
o adya _________ gotra/gotre _________ mama pitu/mtu preta/pret adya di
daamehni (dvdaa msiknta) oaa rddha piopari etni vssi te may
dyate tava-upatihatm ||
! On each pia place chandan, pupa, tulsi, light dhpa and dpa & fruit (banana).
! Take kua-traya tila and jala
o adya ________ gotra/gotre ________ mama pitu/mtu preta/pret dydi
daamehni (dvdaa msiknta) oaa rddha pieu yad data gandha adya
arcana tat tavopatihatm ||
! Pour water down near the altar.
ebhi oaa pia-dnai ____ gotrasya/gotry ____ mama pitu/mtu pretasya
pretatva nivti sad-gati prapti-cstu ||
! Pour water on the bhojan ptra. o iv pa santu ||
! offer a flower o saumanasyam astu ||

! offer akata o akatm criam cstu ||

o ________ gotrasya/gotry ______ pretasya dydi daamehni (dvdaa

msiknta) oaa rddhe yad data anna pndika tad upatihatm ||
andi nidhano deva akha cakra gad dhara |
avyaya puarkka preta moka prado bhava || 1 ||
atasi pupa saka pta-vsa samacyuta |
ye namasyanti govinda na te vidyate bhayam || 2 ||
ka ka kplo tva agatn gatir bhava |
sasra rava magnn prasda puruottama || 3 ||
nryaa sura reha lakm knta janrdhana |
anena rddhena ntha preta moka prado bhava || 4 ||
hiraya-garbha purua vyaktvyakta svarpie |
asya pretasya mokrtha suprto bhava sarvad || 5 ||

Dakina Dnam
o ________ gotrasya/gotry ______ pretasya/prety pretatva nivttyartha
ktaitat adydi daamehni (dvdaa msiknta) oaa rddhnm pratih phala
siddhyartha ida rajata candra daivata ________ gotrya _____ brhmaya
daki dnam aham utsrje ||

! Remove the pias and dispose in water or feed to the birds.
! Wash hands and feet and recite the following mantra 3 x
devatbhya pitbhyaca mah-yogibhya eva ca |
nama svadhyai svhyai nityam eva namo nama ||
! Extinguish the raksha dpam

pramdt kurvat karma prcyavetdhvareu yat |
smarad eva tad vio sampra syd iti ruti ||
ktena anena dydi oaa msika rddha karma r pit svarp janrdana
bhagavn priyatm || o tatsat brahma arpaam astu ||


! camya, Pryma wear pavitri and light 2 raka-dpas

Raka-dpa prajvalanam
bho dpa brahma rpas tva karma-sk hyavighna-kta |
yvat karma sampti syt tvat tva susthiro bhava ||
o devatbhya pitbhyaca mahyogibhya eva ca |
nama svadhyai svhyai nityam eva namo nama || x 3
! Sprinkle tila
apahat asur rakgusi vediada ||
Karma-ptra sdhanam
! Place a vessel filled with water upon a pile of rice, add parimala dravya, and a flower,
decorate the four sides with sandal paste and kumkum.
! Cover the mouth of the vessel with the right hand or show the akua mudra.

vhaymyaha deva varua bhuvanevaram |
sarvauadhirasa divyam amta pra-dhrakam || 1 ||
appate jaganntha rasa rpa gaddhara |
padmodbhava ih-gaccha akrea sahita prabho || 2 ||
sagaaca sabhryaca iumraika vhana |
ehi deva jaldhyaka ptresmin sannidhim kuru || 3 ||
o namo namaste sphaika prabhya suveta vastrya sumagalya |
supa-hastya jhasanya jaldhinthya varuya namo namaste || 4 ||
o karma-ptra susapannam astu |
! Recite the following mantras:

yad deva deva heana devsa-cakm vayam |

agnir m vivn mucatvagu hasa ||
yadi div yadi naktam engusi cakm vayam |
vyur m tasmd enaso vivn mucatvagu hasa ||
yadi jgrad yadi svapna engusi cakm vayam |
sryo m tasmd enaso vivn mucatvagu hasa ||
apavitra pavitro v sarvvasth gatopi v
ya smaret puarkka sa bhybhyantara uci ||

vdi da dti nipta dita pkdika pta bhavatu ||

! Sprinkle all the items to be used.

o vaiavyai nama | kyapyai nama | o akayya nama | o bhmyai nama |
o bhagavatyai gayyai nama | o bhagavate gaddharya nama ||

! Prepare 2 mandalas for the preta and the pitrus.



prapitmaha pitmaha pit preta

argha ptras

sammelana vedi pitru preta

avanejan avanejan
ptras ptra karma-ptra

Kart Kart

! Take kua-traya tila and jala

Sankalpa Hari o tat sat govinda 3 adya r bhagavato mah puruasya
.. asym puya tithau;
Apasavyam ________ gotra ______ pretasya ______ [gotry ______
prety] pretatva nivtti artham uttama loka prpti-artha sapi karaa rddham
aha kariye ||
Gayatri mantra x 3
o devatbhya pitbhyaca mah-yogibhya eva ca |
nama svadhyai svhyai nityam eva namo nama ||
o namo namaste govinda pura puruottama |
ida rddha hikea rakat sarvato dia ||

1. Preta
! Sprinkle with water from the karma-ptra on the preta maala.
adyeha ______ gotra ______ pretasya (______ gotry ______ prety) sapi
karaa rddhe aham pretam vhaymi ||
2. Pitru
! Sprinkle with water from the karma-ptra on the pitru maala.
adyeha ______ gotrm ______ pretasya pit pitmaha prapitmhnm _______
_______ _______ armnm vasu rudra ditya svarpn pitn (______ gotr
______ pret var vddha var vddhatara varm ______ dev gag-
yamun-sarasvati svarp mtn) sapi karaa rddhe aham vhayiye || o
pitn/mtn vhayiye !
uantas tv ni dhmahyu antas samidhmahi |
uann uata vaha pitn havie attave || (R.V. 10:16:12)
O Agni deva we who desire that our manes should go to heaven, pray that you too may be pleased to
conduct them to this ceremony so that they may betake of the offerings being made.

ayantu na pitaras somyso gnivtt pathibhir deva-ynai

asmin yaje svadhay madantu adhibruvantu te avantvasmn ||
May our ancestors whom the flames have consumed, worthy of the Soma offering, come on divine paths.
Enjoying at this sacrifice their portion, may they be gracious to us and bless us. (VS.19.58).

Arghya parikalpanam
! Prepare 3 ones on the Pitru maala and 1 for the preta maala.

2. Preta
! Place a pavitri in the one
! Add water

an-no devr-abhiaya po bhavantu ptaye | a yor-abhisravantu na ||

! Add til
tilosi soma devatya gosavo deva nirmita |
pratnavadbhi pkta svadhay pitn lok prhi na svadh ||
! Add chandan & flowers om argha-ptra sampattirastu |
! Cover the one with the right hand and say:

y divy pa payas sababhr bhuva | y antarik prthi vry |

ysm ah anuyanti kmam | t na paaggas yon bhavantu ||
o adya ______ gotra/gotre ______ preta/pret sapikaraa rddhe ea te
hastarghyo may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Pour a little of the water on the sana.
3. Pitru
! Prepare 3 ones on the pitru maala.
! place a pavitri in each one and then add water
an-no devr-abhiaya po bhavantu ptaye | a yor-abhisravantu na ||
! Place til in them.
tilosi soma devatya gosavo deva nirmita |
pratnavadbhi pkta svadhay pitn lok prhi na svadh ||
! Add chandan & flowers
! Cover the ones with the right hand and say:
om argha-ptra sampattirastu |
y divy pa payas sababhr bhuva | y antarik prthi vry |
ysm ah anuyanti kmam | t na paaggas yon bhavantu ||
! Pour water on to the sana and repeat for all 3
o ________ gotra pitmaha_______ arman ea te hastrghya svadh ||
o ________ gotra prapitmaha_______ arman ea te hastrghya svadh ||
o ________ gotra vddha prapitmaha_______ arman ea te hastrghya svadh ||

o pa iv ivatam nt ntatam tstai kvantu bheajam ||

uantas tv ni dhmahyu antas samidhmahi |
uann uata vaha pitn havie attave || (R.V. 10:16:12)
O Agni deva we who desire that our manes should go to heaven, pray that you too may be pleased to
conduct our manes to this ceremony so that they may betake of the offerings being made.

Atra Argha-ptra Melanam

! Sprinkle with water from the karma-ptra.
Sakalpa Hari o tat sat asmin puya tithau ________ gotra/gotre ______
pretasya/prety pretatva nivti prvaka sad-gati prptyartha vasu-rudra-dityatva
prptyartha ca tat pit pitmahnm [mt pitmahn] arghai saha pretrgha
sayojayiye ||

Father adyeha ________ gotrasya ________ pretasya pitr pada prptyrtham,

preta ptrodaka pretasya ________ nma pit ________ nma pitmaha ________
nma prapitmahnm armnm argha-ptrodakai saha samyojayiye ||
Mother adyeha ________ gotry ________ prety pretatva vimuktaye pret
ptrodaka pret ________ nmn var ________ nmn vddha var
________ nmn vddhatara varm devinm arghaptrodakai saha
samyojayiye ||
For Males
! Take the preta-pavitri and place it in the pitmahs ptra.
! Pour 1/3rd of the water into the grandfathers one.
Grandfather o mama pitu pretasya pretatva nivtyrtha ptrastha prathama
aa jala ________ gotrasya pitmahasya ________ armaa vasu rpasya
argha ptrea saha sayojayiye ||
ye samns samanasa pitaro yama rjye |
te lokas svadh namo yajo deveu kalpatm ||
ye samns samanaso jv jveu mmaka |
te rrmayi kalpatm asmin loke ataga sam ||
sagacchadhvagu savadadhvam | sa vo mngusi jnatm ||
dev bhga yath prve | sajnn upsate ||
Meet together, talk together, let your minds comprehend in harmony; In like manner as the ancient gods
concurring, accepted their portion of the sacrifices.

! Take the preta-pavitri and place it in the pra-pitmahs ptra.

! Pour 1/3rd of the water into the great grandfathers one.
Great Grandfather o mama pitu pretasya pretatva nivtyrtha tad argha
ptrastha dvityam aa jala ________ gotrasya pra-pitmahasya ________
armaa rudra rpasya argha ptrea saha sayojayiye ||
samno mantras samitis samn | samna manas-saha cittam em |
samna keto abhisaga rabhadhvam | sajnena vo havi yajmahe ||
May you pray together in harmony, may you strive for common goals with a common purpose, may you
have associated desires. I repeat for you a common prayer, I offer for you a common oblation.

! Take the preta-pavitri and place it in the vddha -pra-pitmahs ptra.

! Pour 1/3rd of the water into the great, great grandfathers one.
Great Great Grandfather o mama pitu pretasya pretatva nivtyrtha tad
argha ptrastha sarva jala ________ gotrasya vddha prapitmahasya ________
armaa ditya rpasya argha ptrea saha sayojayiye ||
samn va kti | samnam hdayni va |
samnam astu vo mana | yath va susah sati ||
United be your intention, united be your hearts, united your thoughts, so that there may be a thorough
harmony among you. (Rig Veda 10,191:2-4.)
For women
Mother-in-law o mama mtu prety pretatva nivtyrtham uttama loka
prptyartha tad argha ptrastha pratham aa jalam ________ gotry
pitmahy ________ gag rpy argha ptrea saha sayojayiye ||
ye samns samanasa pitaro yama rjye |
te lokas svadh namo yajo deveu kalpatm ||
ye samns samanaso jv jveu mmaka |
te rrmayi kalpatm asmin loke ataga sam ||
Great-mother-in-law o ________ gotry ______ prety pretatva
nivtyrtham uttama loka prptyartha tad argha ptrastha dvityam aa jalam
________ gotry prapitmahy ________ yamun rpy argha ptrea saha
sayojayiye ||
ye samn -------- sam ||
Great-great-mother-in-law o ________ gotry ______ prety pretatva
nivtyrtha tad argha ptrastha sarva jala ________ gotry vddha
prapitmahy ________ sarasvat rpy argha ptrea saha sayojayiye ||
ye samn -------- sam ||
o anena arghya sayojanena pretasya sad-gati uttama-loka prptica bhavatu ||
kuvapja prasiti na pthv y hi rjevmavgm ibhena |
tvmanu prasiti drnostsi vidhya rakasas-tapihai ||
Extend your prowess like a wide spreading net; go like a mighty king with his attendants. Follow your
swift net, shooting arrows, transfix the forces of chaos with your darts that burn so fiercely.
udratm avara utparsa unmadhyam pitara somysa
asu ya yuravk tajste no avantu pitaro haveu ||

Pia Dnam
! On the pitru vedi sprinkle tila and recite
apahat asur rakgusi vediada ||
! Draw a line with the root of the kua and then cast it to the south.
o ye rp prati mucamn asur santas svadhay caranti |
par puro nipuro ye bharan tyagnigu llokt praudtyasmt || (V.S. 2:30)
! Swing a coal (or lighted camphor) around the vedi and place to the right.
! Place 3 kuas with their tips to the south.
! Fill 4 dones with water, pupa, chandan etc.
! Take each done and recite.
o ________ gotra ______ preta mama pitu sapii-karaa rddhe piasthne
atrvane nikva te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
o ________ gotra pitmaha ______ arman atrvane nikvate svadh ||
o ________ gotra prapitmaha ______ arman atrvane nikvate svadh ||
o ________ gotra vddha pra-pitmaha ______ arman atrvane nikvate svadh ||

! Take a long pina for the preta

o ________ gotra ________ preta sapii-karaa rddhe etat te anna-pia may
dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Place the pia upon the preta-vedi.
! On the ancestor vedi offer the 3 regular pias
o ________ gotra pitmaha ______ arman etat te anna-pia tubhya svadh ||
o ________ gotra prapitmaha ______ arman etat te anna-pia tubhya svadh ||
o ________ gotra vddha pra-pitmaha ______ arman etat te anna-pia tubhya
svadh ||
o ________ gotre ______ preta mama mtu sapii-karaa rddhe piasthne
atrvane nikvate may dyate tavopatihatm ||
o ________ gotre pitmah ______ nmn atrvane nikvate svadh ||
o ________ gotre prapitmah ______ nmn atrvane nikvate svadh ||
o ________ gotre vddha pra-pitmah ______ nmn atrvane nikvate svadh ||

! Take a long pina for the pret

o ________ gotre ______ pret sapii-karaa rddhe etat te anna-pia may
dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Place the pia upon the preta-vedi.
! On the ancestor vedi offer the 3 regular pias
o ________ gotre pitmah ______ nmn etat te anna-pia tubhya svadh ||
o ________ gotre prapitmah ______ nmn etat te anna-pia tubhya svadh ||
o ________ gotre vddha pra-pitmah ______ nmn etat te anna-pia tubhya
svadh ||
! Wipe the hands on a kua
o lepabhga bhuja pitaras/mtaras tpyantu ||
! Wash the hands

karravindena padravinda, mukhravinde viniveayantam |
vaasya patrasya pue ayna, bla mukunda manas smarmi || 1 ||
O infant Krishna I contemplate upon you in my mind, with hands and feet the colour of lotus blossoms
and a face as beautiful as a full blown lotus, lying on your back on the leaf of a banyan tree.
sahtya lokn vaa patra madhye, aynam dyanta vihna rpam |
sarvevara sarva hitvatra, bla mukunda manas smarmi || 2 ||
Having swallowed all the worlds you lie in the middle of a banyan leaf devoid of all form. Lord of all, the
one who takes incarnation for the welfare of all beings, I contemplate upon you in my mind
indvara ymala komalga, indrdi devrcita pda padmam |
santna kalpa-drumam ritn, bla mukunda manas smarmi || 3 ||
O infant Krishna, the colour of indigo with tender limbs, whose feet are worshipped by Indra and all the
other Devas, the wish-fulfilling tree of those who take refuge in you, I contemplate upon you in my mind.
! camanam

! place til, jal etc in the preta avanejan ptra
o ________ gotra/gotre ______ preta/pret sapii-karaa rddhe pie atra
pratyvane nikvate may dyate tavopatihatm ||

! Pour it over the preta pia

Preta/Pret Pj
! On the pretsana pia place woollen thread, yajopavta, pupa, chandan, dhp, dpa, phala,
pn-supri. Take kua and til
o ________ gotra/gotre ______ preta/pret sapii-karaa rddhe etni gandha
pupa dhpa dpa tmbla yajopavta vsmsi te may dyate tavopatihatm ||

Pitara Pj
! place til, jal etc in the pitmaha, prapitmaha, vrddha pitmaha avanejan ptras
o ________ gotra ______ pret sapii-karaa rddhe pitmaha/ prapitmaha/
vddha pitmaha pie atra pratyvane nikva te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! On the pitara pias place woollen thread, yajopavta, pupa, chandan, dhp, dpa, phala,
pn-supri. Take kua and til
Father o ________ gotra ______ preta pit pitmaha, prapitmaha, vddha
prapitmaha _______ __________ __________armno vasu rudra ditya svarp
sapii-karaa rddhe pia arcana vidhv etni gandha akata pupa tulasi-dala
dhpa dpa naivedya tmbla yajopavta vsmsi yath vibhga va svadh ||
o pia arcana vidhau sarva paripram astu ||
o anena pia dnena pretasya sad-gati uttama loka avptica bhavatu ||
Mtara Pj
! place til, jal etc in the pitmahi, prapitmahi, vrddha pitmahi avanejan ptras
o ________ gotre ______ pret sapii-karaa rddhe pitmahai /prapitmahi/
vddha pitmahi pie atra pratyvane nikva te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! On the mtara pias place woollen thread, yajopavta, pupa, chandan, dhp, dpa, phala,
pn-supri. Take kua and til
Mother o ________ gotre ______ pret mt pitmah, prapitmah, vddha
prapitmah _______ __________ __________nmn ganga, Yamuna sarasvat
svarp sapii-karaa rddhe pia arcana vidhv etni gandha akata pupa
tulasi-dala dhpa dpa naivedya tmbla yajopavta vsmsi yath vibhga va
svadh ||
o pia arcana vidhau sarva paripram astu ||
o anena pia dnena pretasya sad-gati uttama loka avptica bhavatu ||

Pia Melana Prakra

! Remove the clothing etc. from the preta pia and place it in front of the pitara pias.
! Using sacred thread or darbha or silver or gold skewer cut the preta pia in 3 parts.
! Take kua-traya and jal.

(A) Pu Pia-melana Viea

o ________ gotrasya ______ pretasya pretatva nivttti prvaka pit samatva
prptyartha vasvdi loka prptyartha ca __________ gotr pit pitmaha
prapitmaha vddha pra-pitmahn piai saha samyojana kariye ||

! Take the first part of the preta-pia in the left hand and touch the pitmaha pia with the
right hand.
o ________ gotrasya ______ pretasya prathama pia akala ______ gotra
________ arman pitmahasya piena saha sayojayiye ||
ye samns samanasa pitaro yama rjye |
te lokas svadh namo yajo deveu kalpatm ||
ye samns samanaso jv jveu mmaka |
te rrmayi kalpatm asmin loke ataga sam ||
! Mix the two together.
! Continue the same with the other pias
o ________ gotrasya ______ pretasya prathama pia akala______ gotra
______ arman pitmahasya piena saha sayojayiye ||
ye samn .. sam ||
o ________ gotrasya ______ pretasya dvitya pia akala ______ gotra
_________ arman prapitmahasya piena saha sayojayiye ||
ye samn .. sam ||
o ________ gotrasya ______ pretasya tritya pia akala ______ gotra
________ arman vddha prapitmahasya piena saha sayojayiye ||
ye samn .. sam ||
o anena pia sayojanena pretasya pretatva nivtti uttama loka prptir-astu ||

(B) Str Pia-melana Viea

o ________ gotry ______ prety pretatva nivttti prvaka pit samatva
prptyartham __________ gotr asmat pitmah prapitmah vddha pra-
pitmahnm piai saha samyojana kariye ||

o ________ gotry ______ prety prathama pia akala ______ gotry

______ pitmahy piena saha sayojayiye ||
ye samns samanasa pitaro yama rjye |
te lokas svadh namo yajo deveu kalpatm ||
ye samns samanaso jv jveu mmaka |
te rrmayi kalpatm asmin loke ataga sam ||

! Mix the two together.

! Continue the same.
o ________ gotry ______ prety dvitya pia akala ______ gotry
______ pra-pitmahy piena saha sayojayiye ||
ye samn .. sam ||
o ________ gotry ______ prety tritya pia akala ______ gotry
______ vddha pra-pitmahy piena saha sayojayiye ||
ye samn .. sam ||
o anena pia sayojanena pretasya pretatva nivtti uttama loka prptir-astu ||
o esa vo nugat pret pitaras ta dadhm iva |
ivam astti e jayat cira jvinm ||
gacchasva pit loke tva pretatva ca parityaja |
samnai pitbhi sdha viharasva yath sukham ||

soma ekebhya pavate ghtam eka upsate |

tebhyo madhu pradhvati tgus ca devpi gacchatt || 1 ||
1. For some is Soma purified for libation, some other are served ghee for oblatations, to those for whom
the Mead flows forth, even to those let him depart.

tapas ye andhys tapas ye svar-yayu |

tapo ye cakrire mahas tgus ca devpi gacchatt || 2 ||
2. To those who became Invincible through spiritual practice, those whom spiritual practice has
advanced to heaven. To those who showed great spiritual discipline in their lives, even to those let him
ye yudhyante pradhaneu rso ye tan tyaja |
ye v sahasra dakis tgus ca devpi gacchatt || 3 ||
3. To the heroes who contend in just war and boldly cast their lives away for the sake of others, or to
those who give a thousandfold charity, even to those let him depart.

ye cit prva taspa tvna tvdha |

pitn tapasvato yama tgus ca devpi gacchatt || 4 ||
4. Yea, the first followers of Dharma the Sacred Law, the Dharma's pure and holy strengtheners, to the
Manes, Yama! Spiritual practitoners, even to those let him depart.

sahasra nth kavayo ye gopyanti sryam |

n tapasvato yama tapojgu api gacchatt || 5 ||
5. Skilled in a thousand ways and means, the sages who protect the Dharma. The Rishis, Yama! Spiritual
practitoners, even to those let him depart. (R.V. 10:154.1-5 New Life.)
(never use the preta word after this)
Go dnam
o adye __________ gotrasya/gotry asmat pitu/mtu pitrdi/mtrdi trayea
sahasra yojanena caturthasya nivtir jt tat ok panayrtha brahmaya nivsa
dhenu dna nikraya rpa rajata candra daivata yath ______ nma gotrya
brhmaya dtum aham utsje ||
! Hold the breath with o atra pitaro mdayadhva yath bhgam vyidhvam |

! Breath out with o amdanta pitaro yath bhgam vyiata ||

namo va pitaro rasya namo va pitara-oya

namo va pitaro jvya namo va pitaras-svadhyai
namo va pitaro ghorya namo va pitaro manyave
namo va pitara pitaro namo vo ghanna pitaro datta sato va pitaro
demaitad va pitaro vsa dhatta || (V.S. 2:32)
Obeisance to your genial essence, O Fathers! Fathers, obeisance unto you for Ardour!
Obeisance unto you for Life, O Fathers! Fathers, obeisance unto you and the funeral offering!
Fathers, to you obeisance to your Awful aspect! Fathers, obeisance unto you for Passion!
O Fathers, unto you be adoration. Bestow upon us houses, O ye Fathers, what is ours, O
Fathers, will we give you. With this your raiment clothe yourselves, O Fathers.
! Place sutra on the 3 pias etad v pitaro vsa
! Offer water til etc
o ______ gotra ______ pitmaha ______ prapitmaha ________ vddha pra-
pitmaha armann etat te vsa svadh |
o ______ gotre _________ pitmah ______ prapitmah ______ vddha pra-
pitmah ______ nmn etat te vsa svadh |
! Offer til, chandan, pupa, tulasi, dhpa, dpa, pan-supari etc.
! offer water o iv pa santu
! offer flower o saumanasyam astu
! offer akata o akata criam astu
! take kua, til, jal
o _______ gotrasya ________ pitur _______ pitmaha ________ prapitmaha
sapi-karaa rddhe dattaitad anna pndika akayyam upatihatm ||

! Pour a stream of water of the pias o aghor pitara santu |

gotrn no varddhatm dtro no 'bhivardhat |
veds santatir eva ca raddh ca no m vyagamad ||
bahu deya ca no astu anna ca no bahu bhavet |
atithg ca labhemahi | ycitra ca nas santu |
m ca ycima kancana et saty ia santu ||
May our clan expand may our wellwishers increase.
May our learning expand and our faith be not diminished.
May we have many objects fit to be given, and much foodstuffs.
May we receive many guests and may we have many petitioners.
May we never need to petition any one, may this blessing be ours.

rja vahantr amta ghta paya klla

parisrutagu svadhstha tarpayata me pitn ||
Bearers of vigour and the ambrosia of immortality a sweet beverage and foaming drink, you are a
refreshing draught, bring delight to my ancestors . (VS.3.34)

svadhsya tarpayata me pitn |

Dakina Dnam to 2 Brahmins
! Offer gold dakshina
o ady mat pitmahdi tray rddha sambandhi kma kla sajakn
vive devn ktaitat rddha pratihrtha ida hirayam agni daivata
______ gotrya ______ armae brhmaya dakiatvena datum utsje ||

! Offer silver dakshina

o ady ______ gotrasya pitur ________ armaa [______ gotry mtur
________ nmnm] ktaitat sapii-karaa rddha pratihrtha ida rajata
candra daivata ______ gotrya ______ armae brhmaya dakiatvena datum
utsje ||
yu praj dhana vidy svarga moka sukhni ca |
prayacchanti tath rjya n prt pitmah ||
yu putrn yaa svarga krti puim bala ryam |
pan sukha dhana dhnya prpnuym pit pjant ||
! Lift up each pia and smell it and keep to one side.
! With gandha, akata and pupa salute the seasons.
pjayitv tu piasthne pitnca praamed tn |
vasantya namastubhya grmya ca namo nama ||
varbhyaca arat samja tave nama sad |
hemantya namastubhya namaste iirya ca ||
o vasantya nama | o ghrmya nama | on varbhyo nama |
o arade nama | o hemantya nama | o iirya nama ||

vje vje vata vjino no dhaneu viprmt taj |
asya madhva pibata mdayadhva tpt yta pathibhirdevaynai ||
O brahmanas, O Immortals and the knowers of the Truth, having accepted the offering of food at each
offering, protect us in abundance of wealth and prosperity. Drink ye the essence of this offering and be ye
satisifed; return ye by the path used by the devas.

yntu pitga sarve yath sthnd upgat |

sarve te hra manasas sarvn kmn dadhtu me ||
mantra-hna kriy hna bhakti hna dvijottam |
rddha sampratm ytu prasdd bhavatm mama ||

! Extinguish the raka-dpa, wash hands and feet and then do camanam.
Kam ycana
o pramdt kurvita karma pracyavetdhvareu yat |
smarad eva tad vio sapra syt iti ruti ||
If inadvertently a slip occurs while one is performing a sacrifice, mere remembrance of Vishnu rectifies
the fault. This is what is laid down by the Vedas.

pryacitta anya ei tapa karmtma kni vai |

yni tem ae ka anusmaraa param ||
There is no other expiation in austerities and other actions whereby everything that is deficient
becomes whole other than by the remembrance of the name of Krishna.
yasya smty ca nmokty tapo yaja kriydiu |
nyna sampratm yti sadyo vande tam acyutam ||
Through the remembrance or recitation of the name of Acyuta while performing any austerity, yaja
or ritual, all imperfections therein are immediately corrected.
yat pda pakaja smarad yasya nma japd api |
nyna karma bhavet pra ta vande smbam varam ||
Through the remembrance of the Lotus Feet of Lord Siva and through reciting His holy name . A
deficient work becomes perfect. I salute Lord Siva.

o viave nama | o viave nama | o viave nama |
o smba-sad-ivya nama | o smba-sad-ivya nama |
o smba-sad-ivya nama |

o ktena anena sapi-karaa rddha karma pit svarp r janardana bhagavn

pryatm na mama | o tat sat ||


Sakalpa o hari o tat sat ................. mama upta samasta duritakaya dvra
r paramevara prtyartham aaucnte trayodaa ahni ubhatva prpyartha strokta
vidhnena trayodaa dina kriyni kariye (crya dvrea krayiye) ||
tad agatvena nirvighnena parisampptartham dau vighnevara pj kariye ||
tad agatvena anta-karaa uddhyartha, arra uddhyartha, gha uddhyartha,
sarvopakaraa uddhyartha - laghu puyha vcana kariye ||
! Ganea Pj, Puyha-vcanam, Viu Pj, Navagraha Pj, Gyatr Dev pj

Gyatr Homam
o hari o tatsat ................. mama upta samasta duritakaya dvra r paramevara
prtyartham aaucnte trayodaa dine ubhatva prpyartha gyatri mah mantra
havana khya karma kariye ||

Gyatr Dhynam
mukt vidruma hema nla dhavala-cchyair mukhai str kaai
yuktm indu nibaddha ratna muku tattvrtha vartmikm |
gyatrm varadbhaya-akua ka ubhra kapla guam
akha cakram athravinda yugala hastair vahantm bhaje ||

ytu varad dev akara brahma sammitam |

gyatrm chandas mteda brahm juasv na |

O taruditya-sakyai nama | sahasra-nayanojjvalyai o | vicitra-

mlbharayai o | tuhincala-vsinyai o | varadbhaya-hastbjyai o | rev-tra-
nivsinyai o | praityaya-vieajyai o | yantrkta virjityai o | bhadra-pda-
priyyai o | govinda-patha-gminyai o || 10 || deva-gaa-santuyai o | vanaml-
vibhityai o | syannottama-sasthyai o | dhra-jmta-nisvanyai o | matta-
mtaga-gamanyai o | hiraya-kamalsanyai o | dhiyai o | janoddhra-viratyai o |
yoginyai o | yoga-dhriyai o || 20 || naanaika-niratyai o | praavdya-
kartmikyai o | ghorcra-kriy-saktyai o | dridryac-cheda-kriyai o |
ydavendra-kulodbhtyai o | turya-patha-gminyai o | gyatryai o | gomatyai o |
gagyai o | gautamyai o || 30 || garusanyai o | geya-gna-priyyai o | gauryai o |
govinda-pjityai o | gandharva-nga-rgryai o | gauvaryai o | gaevaryai o |
gurayyai o | guavatyai o | gahvarai o || 40 || gaa-pjityai o | gua-traya
samyuktyai o | gua-traya vivarthityai o | guvsyai o | gudhryai o | guhya
gandha-svarpiyai o | grgya-priyyai o | guru-padyai o | guhya-ligga-dhriai o
| svitryai o || 50 || srya-tanayyai o | suumni bhedinyai o | suprakyai o |
sukhsnyai o | sumatyai o | sura-pjityai o | sughapta-vyavasthyai o | sudatya-
sundaryai o | sgarbaryai o | sudhu-biba-vadanyai o || 60 || sustanyai o | su-
vilocanyai o | styai o | satvrayyai o | sandhyyai o | su-phalyai o |
suvidhyinyai o | ubhruve o | suvsyai o | suroyai o || 70 || sasrrava-triyai
o | sma-gna-priyyai o | sdhvi-vainavyai o | sarvbharaa-bhityai o |
vimalkryai o | mahendryai o | mantra-rpiyai o | mah-lakmyai o | mah-
siddhyai o | mah-myyai o || 80 || mahevaryai o | mohinyai o | madankryai o |
madhusdana-codityai o | mnyai o | madhur-vsyai o | ngendra-tanayyai o |
umyai o | trivikrama-padkrntyai o | tri-svargyai o || 90 || tri-locanyai o |
sasthityai o | srya-maala madhyasthyai o | vahni-maala-madhyasthyai o |
vyu-maala sasthityai o | vyoma-maala madhyasthyai o | cakriyai o | cakra-
rpiyai o | kla-cakra-vitnastyai o | candra-maala darpayai o || 100 || jyotsn-
tapmaliptgyai o | mah-mruta-vjityai o | sarva-mantrrayyai o | dheavyai o |
ppa-ghnyai o | paramevaryai o | radyai o | mahdevyai nama || 108 ||

uttame ikhare dev bhmym parvata mrdhani |
brhmaebhyo hynujna gaccha dev yath sukha ||


! The gifts are arranged neatly together.

! As each sankalpa is recited the item is touched by the yajamna and the recipient.

1. Bhmi-dnam5
o adyeha mama pitu/mtu janma kta sakala ppa kaya dvr r paramevara
prtyartha dna khaokta phalvptaye ca im bhmi pratinidhi mlya viu
daivat __________ gotrya __________ nma brhmaya sampradade | om tat sanna
mama ||
sarva-bhtray bhmir varhea samuddht |
ananta sasya phalad hyata nti prayaccha me ||
2. Tila-Dnam
o adyeha mama pitu/mtu janma kta sakala ppa kaya dvr r paramevara
prtyartha imstiln (tan mlya dravyam) prajpati daivatn __________ gotrya
________ nma brhmaya sampradade | om tat sanna mama ||
maharer gtra sambht kayapasya til smt |
tasmd e pradnena mama pitra ppa vyapohatu ||
3. Suvara Dnam
o adyeha mama pitu/mtu janma kta sakala ppa kaya dvr r paramevara
prtyartha ida suvara (tan mlya dravyam) vahni daivata __________ gotrya
________ nma brhmaya sampradade | om tat sat na mama ||
hirayagarbha garbhastha hema bija vibhvaso |
ananta puya phalada atha nti prayaccha me ||
4. jya Dnam
o adyeha mama pitu/mtu janma kta sakala ppa kaya dvr r paramevara
prtyartha ida jya (tan mlya dravyam) mtyujaya daivat __________
________ nma gotrya brhmaya sampradade | om tat sat na mama ||
kmadheno samudbhta sarva kratuu sasthitam |
devnm jyam hras-tata nti prayaccha me ||

5. Vastra Dnam
o adyeha mama pitu/mtu janma kta sakala ppa kaya dvr r paramevara
prtyartha ida vastra dvaya (tan mlya dravyam) bhaspati daivata
__________ gotrya ________ nma brhmaya sampradade | om tat sat na mama ||
ta-vt tapa tra lajjy rakaa param |

For Bhmi dnama one may give a bag of potting mix.
dehlakaraa vastram ata nti prayaccha me ||
6. Dhnya Dnam
o adyeha mama pitu/mtu janma kta sakala ppa kaya dvr r paramevara
prtyartha ida dhnya (tan mlya dravyam) prajpati daivat __________
gotrya ________ nma brhmaya sampradade | om tat sat na mama ||
sarva-deva-maya dhnya sarvotpattikara mahat |
prin jvanopyacta nti prayaccha me ||
7. Ga-Dnam
o adyeha mama pitu/mtu janma kta sakala ppa kaya dvr r paramevara
prtyartha ida ga (tan mlya dravyam) soma daivata __________ gotrya
________ nma brhmaya sampradade | om tat sat na mama ||
yath deveu vivtm pravaraca janrdana |
tath rasn pravara sadaivekuraso mata |
8. Rajata Dnam
o adyeha mama pitu/mtu janma kta sakala ppa kaya dvr r paramevara
prtyartha ida rajata (tan mlya dravyam) candra daivat __________ gotrya
________ nma brhmaya sampradade | om tat sat na mama ||
prtir-yata pit ca viu akarayo sad |
iva-netrodbhava raupyam-ata nti prayaccha me ||
9. Lavaa Dna
o adyeha mama pitu/mtu janma kta sakala ppa kaya dvr r paramevara
prtyartha ida lavaa (tan mlya dravyam) soma daivata __________ gotrya
________ nma brhmaya sampradade | om tat sat na mama ||
yasmd anna-ras sarve notk lavaa vin |
ambho prtikara yasmd ata nti prayaccha me ||
10. Ra-Dhenu Dnam
o adyeha mama pitu/mtu ehika amumika aneka janmrjita devari pit
manuydi samasta a ppa kaya dvr r viu prtyartha im panoda
dhenu tan mlyopakalpita dravya rudra daivat __________ gotrya
________ nma brhmaya sampradade | om tat sat na mama ||
ehikmumika yacca sapta janmrjita tvam |
tat sarva uddhim ytu gomlya dadato mama ||


Sakalpa o adyeha mama pitu/mtu janma kta paca-sn janit ppa kaya
prvaka r paramevara prtyartha trayodaa ahni paurika vidhin paca-bali
tath vaivadeva karma kariye ||
Om On this meritorious day in order to atone for all the injury to sentient beings that my father
(mother) committed throughout his/her life in the five places I now offer the vaishvadeva bali.

Paca-bali Prayoga
! Prepare 5 pias of cooked rice and 4 leaves.
1. Go-bali
! outside of the manala on a leaf in the west
saurabheyya sarva-hit pavitr puy-raya |
pratighantu me grsa gvas trailokya mtara ||
ida gobhyo nama
2. vna-bali
dvau vnau yma-abalau vaivasvata kulodbhavau |
tbhym anna prayacchmi sytm etvahisakau ||
ida vabhy nama
3. Kka-bali on the ground
endrvarua vyavy ymy vai nairts tath |
vyas pratighantu bhmau pia mayojjhatam ||
idam anna vyasebhyo na mama ||
4. Devdi-bali
dev manuy paavonvaysi siddh sayakoraga daitya sagh |
pret pics tarava samast ye cnnam icchanti may pradattam ||
idam anna devdibhyo na mama ||
5. Piplikdi-bali
piplik ka patagakdy bubhukit karma nibandha baddh |
te hi tptyartham ida maynna tebhyo visa sukhino bhavantu ||
idam anna piplikdibhyo na mama ||
! Make 6 offerings of food with the following lokas.
dev manuy paavo vaysi siddh sayakoraga daitya sagh |
pret pics-tarava samast ya cnnam icchanti may pradattam || 1 ||
May gods, humans, animals, birds, perfected ones, Yakshas, snakes, demons, hungry-ghosts, goblins, trees
and all those who desire food from me;
piplik ka patagdy bubhukit karma nibandha baddh |
prayntu te tptim ida maynna tebhyo visha sukhino bhavantu || 2 ||
may ants, bugs, moths and other insects who are hungry and bound by the fetters of Karma, obtain
satisfaction from food offered by me and enjoy happiness.
ye na mt na pit na bandhur nevnna siddhir na tathnnam asti |
tat tptayenna bhuvi dattam etat te yntu tpti mudit bhavantu || 3 ||
I offer this food on the ground for them who have no mother, no father, no friends, no food, nor the means
for preparing it. May they be satisfied with the food offered for their satisfaction.
bhtni sarvi tathnnam etad ahaca viur na yatonyad asti |
tasmd aha bhta nikya bhtam anna prayacchmi bhavya tem || 5 ||
All these beings, this food and myself are indeed not different from Vishnu. I therefore give for their
sustenance this food from which is formed the bodies of all beings.
caturdaa bhta gao ya ea tatra sthit ye khilabhta sagh |
tptyartham anna hi may visha tem ida te mudit bhavantu || 6 ||
May all beings, that belong to the fourteen categories of existent things (The 8 types of gods, humans,
and 5 types of animals), be satisfied and delighted with this food offered by me. ((V.P. 3:11:49 -53)

o pramdt kurvita karma pracyavetdhvareu yat |
smarad eva tad vio sapra syt iti ruti ||
If inadvertently a slip occurs while one is performing a sacrifice, mere remembrance of Vishnu rectifies
the fault. This is what is laid down by the Vedas.

pryacitta anya ei tapa karmtma kni vai |

yni tem ae ka anusmaraa param ||
There is no other expiation in austerities and other actions whereby everything that is deficient becomes
whole other than by the remembrance of the name of Krishna.
r ka ka ka
yat pda pakaja smarad yasya nma japd api |
nyna karma bhavet pra ta vande smbam varam ||
Through the remembrance of the Lotus Feet of Lord Siva and through reciting His holy name . A deficient
work becomes perfect. I salute Lord Siva.

o smb-sad-iva, o smb-sad-iva, o smb-sad-iva.



Note: If death takes place before the 5 nakatras and the cremation occurs during then only the 5
puttalas are burnt with the body and nti karma is not done.
If the death occurs during pacaka and the cremation afterwards then only the nti karma is done.
If both death and cremation take place during pacaka then both the incineration of the puttalas and
nti are done.
At cremation

Sakalpa: ________ gotrasya _______ pretasya dhanihdi pacake ____ nakatra

maraa scita vania vinrtha puttaldi dha karma kariye ||

! Make five krcas with Kusha grass and wrap each in wool, with a supr.
! Put them in a tray and offer pj
o preta-vhya nama | o preta-sakhya nama | o preta-pya nama |
o preta-bhmi-pya nama | o preta hartre nama | imni gandhkata pupa
dhpa dpdni vastni yumabhya may dyate yumkam upatiantm ||

! and recite the five Nakatra mantras over them.6

! The Yajamna sprinkles til on them and places them as follows:

On the head o pretavhya svh |

Right side o pretasakhya svh |
Left side o pretapya svh |
On the navel o preta bhmipya svh |
Between the feet o pretahartre svh |

Pia Dnam
Offer the following pias on a leaf.
1. o ________ gotrasya ________ pretasya (gotryh pretyh) mta sthne
ava nimitta ea te prathama pindo may dyate tavopatihatm ||
2. o ________ gotrasya ________ pretasya (gotryh pretyh) dvra dee
pntha nimitta ea te prathama pindo may dyate tavopatihatm ||
3. o ________ gotrasya ________ pretasya (gotryh pretyh) chatvare khechara

One can use either the mantras found on pages 58 59 or the ones at the end of the section.
nimitta ea te tritiya pindo may deeyate tavopatihatm ||
4. o ________ gotrasya ________ pretasya (gotryh pretyh) vira-sthne
bhta nmn nimitta ea te caturtha pindo may dyate tavopatihatm ||
5. o ________ gotrasya ________ pretasya (gotryh pretyh) ava haste sdhaka
nimitta ea te pacama pindo may dyate tavopatihatm ||

! Place the first five Pindas in the same positioning the coffin as the 5 kurcas.
! Offer oblations into either the fire on onto the corpse with the following mantras:
o preta-vhya svh | preta-vhya ida na mama ||
o preta-sakhya svh | preta-pya svh | preta bhmi-pya svh | preta-hartre
svh ||
agnimukh sarve kta ayanam ena gatyua pradahantu |
dharmdharma samyukta lobha moha samvtam ||
daheya sarvagtri divyn lokn sagacchatu |
o andi nidhano deva akha cakra gad dhara |
avyaya puarkka preta moka prado bhava ||
O Imperishable Lotus-eyed Lord, wielding the conch, discus and mace, may it please Thee to grant
liberation to the departed one.
atasi pupa saka pta-vsa samacyuta |
ye namasyanti govinda na te vidyate bhayam ||
Those who worship the Lord Govinda of dark hue; garbed in yellow silk, for them there is no fear of death.

ka ka kplo tva agatn gatir bhava |

sasra rava magnn prasda puruottama ||
O Most merciful Lord Krsna who art the saviour of the helpless, have mercy upon those who are drowning
in this ocean of birth & death.
! Continue with the usual cremation ceremonies.


o viur viur viuh nama paramtmane sr purna puruottama rmad

bhagavato mah puruasya sr paramevara vior jay pravarta-mnasya adya sr
brahmanohni dvitye parrdhe sr veta-vrha kalpe vaivasvata manvantare aa-
via-titame yuge kali-yuge kali-prathama pde jmbu-dvpe mero _____ digbhge
_______ dee _______ grme/nagare samvatsare _______ ayane _______ tau
_______ mse _______ pake _______ vsare _______ nakatre _______ ri sthite
ubha punya tithau

adya _________ gotrasya _________ asmat pit/mt dhanihdi pacaka

durmaraa janita doopantyartha mama ghe sarvem bldn drghyur
rogya prptyartha varia vinrtha viu /mtyujaya pjana prvaka
pacaka ntim aha kariye ||
tat prvgatvena puyha vcana kalaa-sthpana prvaka graha-pjana ca
kariye ||



Nakatras Graha dpa

Vedi kumbha
! kua



! Worship gaembik
! Perform Svasti-Puyham
! Invoke Lord Vishnu in the pradhna kalaa and offer upacras.

ntkra bhujaga-ayanam, padmanbha suream |
viv-dhra gagana-sadriam, megha varna ubhgam ||
lakm knta kamala nayanam, yogi-bhir-dhyna-gamyam |
vande vium bhava bhaya haram, sarva-lokaika ntham ||
o sr viave nama | ih-gaccha iha-tiha pjaymi |
! Make offerings with the following:
o bhr bhuva sva, r viave nama, arghya samarpaymi | pdyam |
camanam | snnam | vastram | upavta | gandham | candanam | akatam | pupa |
dhpam | dpa | naivedyam | phalam | tmblam | nirjanam ||

! Conclude Pj with prayers for the departed.

o andi nidhano deva akha cakra gad dhara |
avyaya puarkka preta moka prado bhava ||
atasi pupa saka pta-vsa samacyuta |
ye namasyanti govinda na te vidyate bhayam ||
ka ka kplo tva agatn gatir bhava |
sasra rava magnn prasda puruottama ||
namostu dharma rjya, pitu pretatva muktaye |
sa me prta ubha dadyt, asmil-loke paratra ca ||
! Invoke and worship the navagrahas.

1. satyena rajas vartamno niveayann amta martyaca |

hirayayena savit rathen-devo yti bhuvan vipayan ||
2. pyyasva sametu te vivatas-soma viyam |
bhav vjasya sagathe ||
3. agni-mrddh diva kakut-pati pthivy ayam | apgm retgm si jinvati
4. udbudhyasvgne pratij ghyenam i prte sagmsjethm ayaca |
puna kvagmstv pitara yuvnam anvtgm sttvayi tantum-etam ||
5. bhaspate atiyadaryo arhd dyumad-vibhti kratumaj-janeu |
yadddayacchavasarta prajta tad-asmsu dravian dhehi citram ||
6. prava-ukrya bhnave bharadhvam | havya mati cgnaye suptam |
yo daivyni mnu jangmi | antar-vivni vidma n jigti ||
7. anno devr abhiaya po bhavantu ptaye | ayor abhisravantu na ||
8. kay nacitra bhuva dt sad vdhas-sakh | kay acihay vt ||
9. ketu kvanna ketave peo mary apease | samuadbhir-ajyath ||

! Establish 5 kalaas and one in the NE
! Invoke the ruling deities of the 5 nakatras:


! The yajmna is given flowers and rice, and the Pandit recites:

o vaso pavitram asi ata-dhra vaso pavitram asi sahasra-dhram |

devas-tv savit puntu vaso pavitrea ata-dhrea supv kma-duka ||
asmin kalae dhanih adhihtri-vaso ih-gaccha iha tiha vasave nama |
! The yajmna offers the flowers and rice to Dhanishth Kalaa, and does pj.
o dhanihyai nama, arghya samarpaymi ||
pdyam | camana | snna | vastra | upavta | gandha | candana | akata |
pupa | dhpa | dpa | naivedya | phala | tmbla | nirjana ||


o varuasyottambhanam asi varuasya skambha- sarjanstho varuasya
ta sadanyasi varuasya ta sadanam asi varuasya ta sadanam sda ||
asmin kalae ata-bhish adhihtri varuna deva ih gaccha iha tiha varunya
nama |
! The Yajmna offers the flowers and rice to Shata-bhish Kalaa.
! Pj continues as given for Dhanishth use shata-bhiyai.


o uta no ahirbudhnya ot-vaja eka pt pthiv samudram |
vive-dev t vdho huvn stut mantr kavi ast avantu ||
asmin kalae prv-bhdra-pada adhihtr ajaikapda ih gaccha iha tiha ajaika-
pdya nama |
! The Yajmna offers the flowers and rice and does pj with prv-bhdra-padya.


o ivo nmsi svadhitis te pit namastestu m m higus | ni varttaym
yyuenndyya prajananya ryas-poya suprajs-tvya suvryya ||
asmin kalae uttar-bhdra-pada adhihtr ahir-budhnya ih gaccha iha tiha
ahirbudhnya nama ||
! The Yajmna offers the flowers and rice and does pj with uttar-bhdra-padya.


o pan tava vrate vaya na riyema kad-cana | stot-rasta iha smasi ||
asmin kalae revat adhihtr pan ih gaccha iha tiha pane nama ||

! The Yajmna offers the flowers and does pj with revatyai.

! On 14 piles of rice from Ina to Agni konas place 14 betel nuts and invoke the 14 yamas.
o bhr-bhuvas-sva yamya nama, vhaymi sthpaymi | o
dharma-rjya nama | o mtyave nama | o vaivasvatya nama |
o klya nama | o sarva-bhtakayya nama | o audum-barya
nama | o dadhnya nama | o nlya nama | o vkodarya
nama | o paramehine nama | o citrya nama | o chitra-guptya
nama |
tryambaka yajmahe sugandhi pui vardhanam |
rvrukam iva bandhann mtyor mukya mmrutt ||

asmin kalae aghora mrityu-jaya dar karla

ih gaccha iha tiha aghora dar karlya nama ||
! The Yajmna offers the upacras with o mtyujayya nama.

o klyai nama | o karlyai nama | o vikarlyai nama | o mahot-

karyai nama | o sahrinyai nama | o durdharyai nama | o
bhanyai nama |

o namaste astu bhagavan vivevarya mah-devya tryambakya tri-
purntakya trikgni-klya klgni-rudrya nla-kahya mtyujayya
sarvevarya sad-ivya rman-mah-devya nama ||

! Touch the kumbhas with the darbha mui while chanting the following mantras:

1st Kumbha East

kuvapja prasiti na pthv y hi rjevmavgm ibhena |
tvmanu prasiti drnostsi vidhya rakasas-tapihai || 1 ||
1. Extend your prowess like a wide spreading net; go like a mighty king with his attendants. Follow your
swift net, shooting arrows, transfix the forces of chaos with your darts that burn so fiercely.

tava bhramsa uy patatyanu-spa dhat oucna |

tapggayagne juhv patagna sadito visja viva gulk || 2 ||
2. Forth go in rapid flight your whirling weapons; follow them closely glowing in your fury. Spread your
tongue-like winged flames, O Agni cast your firebrands without encumbrance all around you.

prati spao visja tritamo bhav pyurvio asy adabdha |

yono dre aghaagu so yo atyagne mkie vyathird-adhart || 3 ||
3. Send your spies forward, fleetest in their motion; do not mislead; the guardian of this people.
Punish the one who near or far is bent on hurt, and let no trouble sent from you affect us.
ud-agne tiha pratytanuva nyamitrgu oatt-tigmahete |
yono ratigm samidhna cakre ncat dhakyatasa na ukam || 4 ||
4. Rise up O Agni, spread out before us, burn down our [mental] foes, you who has sharpened arrows.
Blazing Agni! Consume completely like dried up stubble the one who seeks our detriment.

2nd Kumbha South

vibhr bhat pibatu somya madhvyur dadhad yaja patva vihrutam |
vta jto yo abhi-rakati tman praj pupoa purudh vi rjati ||
udutya jtavedasa deva vahanti ketava | de vivya sryam ||
That illustrious Sun-god, the knower of all beings, is borne aloft by the seven rays which are his horses.

citra devnm udagdanka cakur mitrasya varuasygne |

pr dyv-pthiv antarikagm srya tm jagatas-tastuaca ||
May the Sun who is the eye of Mitra, Varuna and Agni, the embodiment of all the gods, rise high. The Sun-
god, the Self of the universe of everything that moves and moves not, pervades the physical realm,
mental realm and the spiritual realm.

kena rajas vartamno niveayann amta martyaca |

hirayayena savit rathen-devo yti bhuvan vipayan ||
With the Force of Attraction in space advancing, determining life and death, borne in his golden chariot
he comes, Savitar, God who gazes upon the worlds. (V.S.33:43)

3rd Kumbha west

u ino vabho na yudhmo ghanghana kobhana caranm |
sakrandano nimio eka vra atagm sen ajayat skam indra ||
Swift rapidly striking, like a bull that sharpens his horns, terrific, stirring up the people, with eyes that
close not, bellowing, lone Hero, Indra subdued at once a hundred armies.

sakrandanen nimiena jiun yutkrea ducayavanena dhun |

tad indrea jayata tat sahadhva yudho nara iu-hastena v ||
With him loudly roaring, ever watchful Victor, bold, hard to overthrow, Rouser-of-battle, Indra the
Strong, whose hand holds the arrows, conquer, ye warriors, now, now vanquish in the combat. (VS.17.33-

sa iu-hastai sa niagibhir vasagm sra sayudha indro gaea |

sagm sta-jit somap bhu ardhyrdhva dhanv prati-hitm abhirast ||
Indra rules those who carry shafts and quivers (Maruts), with his band brings hosts together, Foe-
conquering, strong of arm, the Soma-drinker, with mighty bow, shooting well-aimed arrows.
bhaspate paridy rathena rakoh mitrgm apabdhamna |
prabhajant sen pramo yudh jayann asmkam edhyavit rathnm ||
Brihaspati come quickly with your chariot, demons destroying, driving off our enemies. Crushing hostile
hosts and demolishing them, victorious in battle, defend our chariots.

bala vijyas sthavira pravras sahasvn vj sahamn ugra |

abhivro abhisatv sahoj jaitram indra ratham tia govit ||
Conspicuous by your strength, firm, foremost fighter, mighty and fierce, victorious, all subduing. The Son-
of-conquest, surpassing men and heroes, winner of cattle, mount your triumphant car, O Indra.

gotrabhida govida vajra-bhu jayantam ajma prama tamojas |

imagm sajta anuvirayadhva indragm sakhyonusagm rabhadhvam ||
Imitate Indra in prowess in heroism, ye kindred warriors, follow friends, this Indra who is a breaker of
mountains, the acquirer of water, armed with the thunder-bolt, who quells an army and with might
destroys it.

abhigotri sahas ghamnodyo vra ata manyur indra |

ducyavana ptana yudhyosmkagm sen avatu prayutsu ||
May Indra bursting open the clouds with force, the pitiless Hero, wild with anger. Invincible, unshaken
and irresistible may he protect our armies in our battles.

4th Kumbha North

namaste rudra manyava uto ta iave nama | bhubhym uta te nama ||
Salutations to your Ire, Rudra and also salutations to your arrow. Salutations to your bow and also to
your both arms. (V.S.16:1)

y te rudra iv tanur aghor ppa kin |

tay nastanuva anta may giri antbhi ckahi || (V.S.16:2)
Oh Rudra, who showers happiness on us from the Mount, With your aspect which is peaceful, Which is
giver of good always, And that, which is bereft of sin, And which is the road to salvation, And which takes
us to taller heights, Reveal to us the principle of the Self.

y mium giri anta haste bibharyas tave |

ivm giritra tm kuru m higus puruam jagat || (V.S.16:3)
Oh Rudra who feeds us sweetness sitting on the mount, And who gives us solace sitting on the mount,
Please make the arrow in your hand, Which you have brought to punish the sinners, Peaceful and do not
give trouble to people and the world.

ivena vacas tv girscch vadmasi |

yath nas sarvam ijjagad ayakmagu suman asat || (V.S.16:4)
We praise and sing about you so that we attain you, Oh, God who lives on the top of the mountains, Be
pleased to protect our relations and cows, Grant them all, a disease free life, And make them live with love
towards each other,

adhyavocad adhivakt prathamo daivyo bhiak | ahiguca sarvn

jambayant sarvc ytudhnyodharc par suva || (V.S.16.5)
He who is first among everything, He who is Godliness in Gods, He who is the doctor curing the sins, He
who praises good deeds of devotees, Forgetting the ills done by them, May he kill all animals and asuras
that trouble us, And bless us all.

asau yas tmro arua uta babhrus sumagala | ye cainagu rudr abhito
diku rits sahasraso vaigu hea mahe || (V.S.16.6)
He is red in colour, He is more red in colour, He is golden, He gives rise to good things, He is the Rudra,
who is the sun, And so we bow before the thousands of Rudras, Who are spread in all directions, And
request them to cool themselves down.

asau yo vasarpati nla grvo vilohita | utaina gop adannadan

udahryas sa do mayti na || (V.S.16.7)
He who has the blue neck, Is the one who rises as the copper colured sun. Even lowly cowherds see this
Rudra who comes as sun, Even the maids who carry water from rivers see him thus, And even all the
animals of the world see him thus. Let this Rudra who is seen in the form of sun. Grant us all happiness.
namo stu nla grvya sahasrkaya mue |
atho ye asya satvno ha tebhyo karan nama || (V.S.16.8)
Let my salutation go, To the God who has a blue neck, To the God who has thousands of eyes, To the God
who grants us all boons, And also my salutations, To his devotees who are his servants.

pramuca dhanvan astavam ubhayor rtnyorjym |

yaca te hasta iava par t bhagavo vapa || (V.S.16.9)
Please untie the string connecting the ends of your bow, Oh God Please put away arrows in your hand in
thine quiver.

vijyam dhanu kapardino vialyo bavgu uta |

aneann asya y iava bhurasya niagadhi || (V.S.16.10)
Oh God with the mane of hair, Let your bow loosen its string, Let your quiver become empty, Let your
arrows loose the power to hurt, Let your sword be always in your scabbard.

y te hetir muama haste babhva te dhanu |

tay smn vivatas tvam ayakmay pari bhuja || (V.S.16.11)

He who is greatest among those who fulfill wishes of devotees, With those weapons that you have and the
bow in your hand. Which do not cause infirmity to any one, Please do save us from all troubles always.

pari te dhanvano hetir asmn vnaktu vivata |

atho ya iudhistavre asmanni dhehi tam || (V.S.16.12)
Let your arrows pass away from us, oh Lord,And let your quiver be kept for our enemies,Who are like our

avatatya dhanuvagu sahasrka ate udhe |

nirya alyan mukh ivo nas suman bhava || (V.S.16.13)
Oh God with thousand eyes, Oh God with hundreds of bows, Please break the sharp ends of arrows thine,
Please slacken the string of your bow, And become God who does us good, And God who has a calm mind.

namaste ayudhyn tatya dhave |

ubhbhym uta te namo bhubhy tava dhanvane || (V.S.16.14)
My salutations to thine strong weapons which are about to strike, My salutations to your both hands and

m no mahntam uta m no arbhaka m na ukantam uta m na ukitam |

m no vadh pitara mota mtara m na priys tanuvo rudra rria ||
Oh Rudra, God of the world, Never give trouble to our elders. Never give trouble to our children, Never
give trouble to our lads, Never give trouble to our children in the womb, Never give trouble to our fathers,
Never give trouble to our mothers, And never give to trouble our body, which is dear to us.

m nastoke tanaye m na yui m no gou m no aveu rria |

m no vran rudra bhmino vadhr havimantas sadamit tv havmahe ||
Oh Rudra, God of the world, Never cause sorrow to our children and sons, Never diminish our span of life,
Never cause sorrow to our cows, Never cause sorrow to our horses, And do not destroy in anger our
efficient servants, And we would come with holy offerings and salute you.

5th Kumbha Center

kay nacitra bhuva dt sad vdhas-sakh | kay acihay vt |
What sustenance will he bring to us, wonderful ever prospering friend? With what most mighty company.
(S.Y.V. 27:39)

kastv satyo madn magu hiho math-sadandhasa | dh cidruje

vasu | abhuas-sakhnm avit jaritm | ata bhavsytibhi || V.S. 36:4-6
an-no mitra a varua | an-no bhavatvaryam | an- na indro
bhaspati | an-no viur-urukrama | a no vta pavat mtariv
a nas-tapatu sryah | a na kanikradaddeva parjanyo abhi varatu ||
Gracious be Mitra unto us, and Varuna and Aryaman; Indra, Brihaspati be kind, and Vishnu of the mighty
stride. May the wind blow pleasantly for us, may Surya warm us pleasantly. Pleasantly, with a roar of
thunder, may the God Parjanya send the rain on us. (V.S. 36:10)

ahni a bhavatu naagu rtri pratidhyatm | a na indrgn

bhavatm avobhi a na indr varu rtahavy | a na indr pa
vjastau m indr som suvitya a yo ||
May days pass pleasantly for us, may nights draw near delightfully. May Indra and Agni be gracious to us
with their resources, Indra and Varuna who taste our oblations. May Indra and Pshan be our help in
battle, may Indra and Soma give health, strength and comfort. (V.S. 36:11)

anno devr abhiaya po bhavantu ptaye | ayor abhisravantu na ||

May the celestial Waters, our helpers, be sweet for us to drink, And flow to us with health and strength.
(V.S. 36:12)
syon pthivi bhav-nkar nivean | yacchna-arma saprath ||
Pleasant be to us, O Earth, thornless, our resting-place, grant us shelter reaching far. (V.S. 36:13)

po hiho mayo bhuva | t na rje dadhtana | mahe raya cakate | yo

va-ivatamo rasa | tasya bhjayateha na | uatr-iva mtara | tasm
araga mma va | yasya kayya jinvatha | po janayath ca na ||
O Waters, you are beneficent, so grant us energy that we may enjoy great delight.
Give us a portion of the life-giving essence, the most propitious that you have. Like mothers in their
longing love. To you we gladly come for Him to whose abode you lead us on: And, Waters, give us
procreant strength. (V.S. 36:14-16)

dyau ntir antarikagu nti pthiv ntir pa ntir oadhaya nti |

vanaspataya ntir vivedev ntir brahma ntis sarvagu nti ntir
eva ntis s m ntir edhi || 17 ||
Sky peace, Air peace, Earth peace, Plants peace, Trees peace, All-Gods peace, Brahma peace, Universe
peace, just peacemay that peacecome to me!

mitrasya m caku sarvi bhtni samkantm | mitrasyha caku

sarvi bhtni samke | mitrasya caku samkmahe || 18 ||
May all beings regard me with the eye of a friend. May I regard all beings with the eye of a friend. With
the eye of a friend do we regard one another.

yato yatha samhase tato no abhaya kuru |

a na kuru prajbhyobhaya na paubhya || V.S. 36:22
From whatsoever trouble you desirest, give us safety thence.
Give to our children happiness and to our stock security.

tac-cakur deva-hita purastc-chukram-uccarat | payema arada-ata,

jvema arada-ata, uyma arada-ata, prabravma arada-ata,
adns-syma arada-ata, bhya ca arada att || 24
May we continue to see for an hundred autumns, may we discover life together, may we live together, may
we listen to beneficial advice, may we communicate well, may we never be defeated for an hundred
autumns, thus for a long time may we continue to pursue the path to enlightenment.

! Perform agnimukham. (varada nma agni)

Pradhna homa
! offer jyam to soma
Navagraha Homam
1. satyena rajas vartamno niveayann amta martyaca |
hirayayena savit rathen-devo yti bhuvan vipayan svh ||
2. pyyasva sametu te vivatas-soma viyam |
bhav vjasya sagathe svh ||
3. agni-mrddh diva kakut-pati pthivy ayam | apgm retgm si jinvati
svh ||
4. udbudhyasvgne pratij ghyenam i prte sagmsjethm ayaca |
puna kvagmstv pitara yuvnam anvtgm sttvayi tantum-etam svh

5. bhaspate atiyadaryo arhd dyumad-vibhti kratumaj-janeu |

yadddayacchavasarta prajta tad-asmsu dravian dhehi citra svh ||
6. prava-ukrya bhnave bharadhvam | havya mati cgnaye suptam |
yo daivyni mnu jangmi | antar-vivni vidma n jigti svh ||
7. anno devr abhiaya po bhavantu ptaye | ayor abhisravantu na
svh ||
8. kay nacitra bhuva dt sad vdhas-sakh | kay acihay vt svh ||
9. ketu kvanna ketave peo mary apease | samuadbhir-ajyath
svh ||

! offer samit, caru and til to the following (or one can use the 5 mantras at the end of the
o vaso pavitram asi ata-dhra vaso pavitram asi sahasra-dhram |
devas-tv savit puntu vaso pavitrea ata-dhrea supv kma-dukas
svh || vasubhyo ida na mama ||
o varuasyottambhanam asi varuasya skambha- sarjanstho varuasya
ta sadanyasi varuasya ta sadanam asi varuasya ta sadanam sda
svh || varuya ida na mama ||
o uta no ahirbudhnya ot-vaja eka pt pthiv samudram | vive-dev
t vdho huvn stut mantr kavi ast avantu svh || ahirbudhnyya
ida na mama ||
o ivo nmsi svadhitis te pit namastestu m m higus | ni varttaym
yyuenndyya prajananya ryas-poya suprajs-tvya suvryya svh
|| ajaikapade ida na mama |
o pan tava vrate vaya na riyema kad-cana | stot-rasta iha smasi
svh || pe ida na mama ||

Yama hutis
o yamya svh | yamya ida na mama ||
dharmarjya | mtyave | antakya | vaivasvatya | klya | sarva-bhta-kayya |
audumbarya | dadhnya | nlya | paramehine | vkodarya | citrya | citra-guptya ||

! offer 108 with the following mantra:

o y te rudra iv tanur aghor ppa kin | tay nastanuva anta may

giri antbhi ckahi svh | aghorya ida na mama ||
tryabaka yajmahe sugandhi pui vardhanam |
rvrukam-iva bandhann mtyor mukya mmtt ||
o adya _________ gotrasya _________ pretasya (_________ gotryh _________
pretyh) pacaka madhye dur-maraa doa nivttyartha ktasya pacaka nti
karmgabhta havanasya pr-htim hoymi ||

mrdhna divo arati pthivy vaivnaramta jtam agnim |

kavigu samrjam atithi jannm sann ptram janayanta devssvh ||

! uttarga pj
! bhiekam
! irvadam

Nakatra Mantras

aau dev vasavas-somysa | catasro devir-ajar ravih | te

yaja pntu rajasa purastt | savatsariam amtaggas svasti |
yaja na pntu vasava purastt | dakiato'bhiyantu ravih |
puyan nakatram abhi-savima | m no artir-aghaagu
sgann ||
katrasya rj varuo'dhirja | nakatrga atabhiag vasiha
| tau devebhya kuto drghamyu | atagu sahasr bheajni
dhatta | yajan no rj varua upaytu | tanno vive abhi sayantu
dev | tanno nakatragu atabhiag juam | drgham yu
pratirad bheajni ||
aja ekapd udagt purastt | viv bhtni prati modamna | tasya
dev prasava yanti sarve | prohapadso | amtasya gop |
bibhrjamnas samidh na ugra | 'ntarikam aruhad agandym |
tagu srya devam ajameka-pdam | prohapadso anuyanti
sarve ||

ahirbudhniya pratham na eti | reho devnm uta mnum |

ta brhmas somaps somysa | prohapadso abhirakanti
sarve | catvra ekamabhi karma dev | prohapad sa iti yn
vadanti | te budhniya pariadyaggas stuvanta | ahigu rakanti
namasopasadya ||
p revatyanveti panthm | puipati paup vjabastyau | imni
havy prayat ju | sugair no ynair upayt yajam | kudrn
pan rakatu revat na | gvo no avgu anvetu p | annagu
rakantau bahudh virpam | vjagu sanut yajamnya yajam

This ceremony is usually done over 10 days but nowadays all the offerings are made on the 10th
day. For those who wish to retain the daily offerings the complete method is given here.

Sakalpa hari om tatsat .. asym puya tithau __________ gotra
__________ pitu / (__________ gotry __________ prety mtu) pretasya
pretatva vimuktaye akaya uttama-loka prptyartha adyrabhya daa gtra pia
dnam aha kariye ||

! Take tila and jal in the one and offer-

o __________ gotra __________ preta (gotre/pret) cit daha janita tapa
topaamanrtha prathama dina sambandh ea tila toyjalis te may dyate
tavopatihatm ||
yamya nama | dharma-rjya | mtyave | antakya | vaivasvatya | dadhnya | nlya
paramehine | vkodarya | citrya | citra-guptya ||
! Prepare a clay vessel
ke tu nirlambo vyubhta nirraya |
preta ghao may dattas tavaia upatihatm ||
! Prepare a little water and milk.
citnala pradagdhosi praityaktosi bndhavai |
ida nram ida kram atra snhi ida piba ||
! Pour the water into the pot:
o __________ gotra __________ preta anena jalena snhi |
! Pour the milk into the pot:
o __________ gotra __________ preta atra kra piba |

Prepare the karma-ptra.

! Build a vedi of sand and spread kusha
! Sprinkle everything with the karma ptra water.
Sakalpa hari om tatsat .. asym puya tithau __________ gotra
__________ pitu / (__________ gotry __________ prety mtu) pretasya
pretatva vimuktaye akaya uttama-loka prptyartha raurava nma naraka uttraya
mrdh vayava nipattyartha prathama dina nimittakam praka pia pradnam
aha kariye ||

! place chandan, water and flower on a leaf sana on the vedi.

o __________ gotra __________ pitu __________ gotre __________ pret
mtu) idam sana tavopatihatm ||
! Next to it place a one, add a pavitri, til and water.
o __________ gotra __________ pitu (__________ gotre __________ pret
mtu) idam avanejana te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Offer the pia from pitru tirtha
o __________ gotra __________ pitu / (__________ gotry __________
prety mtu) pretasya pretatva vimuktaye akaya uttama-loka prptyartha
raurava nma naraka uttraya mrdh vayava nipattyartha prathama dina
nimittaka praka pio may dyate tavo patihatm ||

! Pour the water over the pia

o __________ gotra __________ preta atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate
tavopatihatm ||

! Offer a thread of wool, tulsi, betel, mithai, a banana, lamp and incense.
o adya __________ gotra __________ preta (gotre/pret) ira praka prathama
pie etni ra stra bhga-rja patra dhpa dpa naivedya tmbla pgi
phaldi may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Take water & til in and pour over the pia.
o __________ gotra __________ preta prathama dine eka-tila toyjaliste may
dyate tavopatihantm ||

o andi nidhano deva akha cakra gad dhara |
avyaya puarkka preta moka prado bhava || 1 ||
O Imperishable Lotus-eyed Lord, wielding the conch, discus and mace, may it please Thee to grant
liberation to this departed one.

atasi pupa saka pta-vsa samacyuta |

ye namasyanti govinda na te vidyate bhayam || 2 ||
Those who worship the Lord Govinda of dark hue; garbed in yellow silk, for them there is no fear of

ka ka kplo tva agatn gatir bhava |

sasra rava magnn prasda puruottama || 3 ||
O Most merciful Lord Krsna who art the saviour of the helpless, have mercy upon those who are drowning
in this ocean of birth & death.

nryaa sura reha lakmi knta janrdhana |

anena rddhena ntha preta moka prado bhava || 4 ||
O Lord narayana foremost of divinities, Consort of Lakshmi, Lord of men! Please grant release to the
departed soul, through this rite of tarpana.

hiraya-garbha purua vyaktvyakta svarpie |

asya pretasya mokrtha suprto bhava sarvad || 5 ||
etad kta yad vio tarpaa tena r mah viu prto 'stu.

Day 2.
Sakalpa hari om tatsat .. asym puya tithau __________ gotra
__________ pitu / (__________ gotry __________ prety mtu) pretasya
pretatva vimuktaye akaya uttama-loka prptyartha yoni-pusa nma naraka
uttraya, karki-nsik praka pia pradnam aha kariye ||
! place chandan, water and flower on a leaf sana on the vedi.
o __________ gotra __________ pitu __________ gotre __________ pret
mtu) idam sana tavopatihatm ||
! Next to it place a one, add a pavitri, til and water.
o __________ gotra __________ pitu (__________ gotre __________ pret
mtu) idam avanejana te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Offer the pia from pitru tirtha
o __________ gotra __________ pitu /mtu pretasya pretatva nivttaye, dvitya
dine yoni-pusa nma naraka uttraya, karki-nsik praka dvitya piaste
may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Pour the water over the pia
o __________ gotra __________ preta atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate
tavopatihatm ||
! Offer a thread of wool, tulsi, betel, mithai, a banana, lamp and incense.
o adya __________ gotra __________ preta (gotre/pret) karki-nsik praka
dvitya pie etni ra stra bhga-rja patra dhpa dpa naivedya tmbla pgi
phaldi may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Take water & til in and pour over the pia twice.
o __________ gotra __________ preta dvitya dine dvi-tila toyjaliste may
dyante tavopatihantm ||

Day 3
Sakalpa hari om tatsat .. asym puya tithau __________ gotra
__________ pitu / (__________ gotry __________ prety mtu) pretasya
pretatva vimuktaye akaya uttama-loka prptyartha mah-raurava-nma naraka
uttraya, gal sabhuja vakasthala praka pia pradnam aha kariye ||
! place chandan, water and flower on a leaf sana on the vedi.
o __________ gotra __________ pitu __________ gotre __________ pret
mtu) idam sana tavopatihatm ||
! Next to it place a one, add a pavitri, til and water.
o __________ gotra __________ pitu (__________ gotre __________ pret
mtu) idam avanejana te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Offer the pia from pitru tirtha
o __________ gotra __________ pitu /mtu pretasya pretatva nivttaye tritya
dine, mah-raurava-nma naraka uttraya, gal sabhuja vakasthala praka
tritya piaste may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Pour the water over the pia
o __________ gotra __________ preta atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate
tavopatihatm ||

! Offer a thread of wool, tulsi, betel, mithai, a banana, lamp and incense.
o adya __________ gotra __________ preta (gotre/pret) gal sabhuja
vakasthala praka tritya pie etni ra stra bhga-rja patra dhpa dpa
naivedya tmbla pgi phaldi may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Take water & til in and pour over the pia three times.
o __________ gotra __________ preta tritya dine trayas tila toyjaliste may
dyante tavopatihantm ||
Day 4
Sakalpa hari om tatsat .. asym puya tithau __________ gotra
__________ pitu / (__________ gotry __________ prety mtu) pretasya
pretatva vimuktaye akaya uttama-loka prptyartha tmisra nma naraka
uttraya, nbhi liga guda praka pia pradnam aha kariye ||
! place chandan, water and flower on a leaf sana on the vedi.
o __________ gotra __________ pitu __________ gotre __________ pret
mtu) idam sana tavopatihatm ||
! Next to it place a one, add a pavitri, til and water.
o __________ gotra __________ pitu (__________ gotre __________ pret
mtu) idam avanejana te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Offer the pia from pitru tirtha
o __________ gotra __________ pitu /mtu pretasya pretatva nivttaye caturtha
dine tmisra nma naraka uttraya, nbhi liga guda praka caturtha piaste
may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Pour the water over the pia
o __________ gotra __________ preta atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate
tavopatihatm ||

! Offer a thread of wool, tulsi, betel, mithai, a banana, lamp and incense.
o adya __________ gotra __________ preta (gotre/pret) nbhi liga guda praka
caturtha pie etni ra stra bhga-rja patra dhpa dpa naivedya tmblam
pgi phaldi may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Take water & til in and pour over the pia four times.
o __________ gotra __________ preta caturtha dine catus tila toyjaliste may
dyante tavopatihantm ||
Day 5
Sakalpa hari om tatsat .. asym puya tithau __________ gotra
__________ pitu / (__________ gotry __________ prety mtu) pretasya
pretatva vimuktaye akaya uttama-loka prptyartha andha-tmisra nma naraka
uttraya, jnu jagh pda praka pia pradnam aha kariye ||
! place chandan, water and flower on a leaf sana on the vedi.
o __________ gotra __________ pitu __________ gotre __________ pret
mtu) idam sana tavopatihatm ||
! Next to it place a one, add a pavitri, til and water.
o __________ gotra __________ pitu (__________ gotre __________ pret
mtu) idam avanejana te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Offer the pia from pitru tirtha
o __________ gotra __________ pitu /mtu pretasya pretatva nivttaye pacama
dine andha-tmisra nma naraka uttraya, jnu jagh pda praka pacama
piaste may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Pour the water over the pia
o __________ gotra __________ preta atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate
tavopatihatm ||

! Offer a thread of wool, tulsi, betel, mithai, a banana, lamp and incense.
o adya __________ gotra __________ preta (gotre/pret) jnu jagh pda praka
pacama pie etni ra stra bhga-rja patra dhpa dpa naivedya tmblam
pgi phaldi may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Take water & til in and pour over the pia five times.
o __________ gotra __________ preta pacama dine paca tila toyjaliste may
dyante tavopatihantm ||
Day 6
Sakalpa hari om tatsat .. asym puya tithau __________ gotra
__________ pitu / (__________ gotry __________ prety mtu) pretasya
pretatva vimuktaye akaya uttama-loka prptyartha sambhrama nma naraka
uttraya, sarva marma praka pia pradnam aha kariye ||
! place chandan, water and flower on a leaf sana on the vedi.
o __________ gotra __________ pitu __________ gotre __________ pret
mtu) idam sana tavopatihatm ||
! Next to it place a one, add a pavitri, til and water.
o __________ gotra __________ pitu (__________ gotre __________ pret
mtu) idam avanejana te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Offer the pia from pitru tirtha
o __________ gotra __________ pitu /mtu pretasya pretatva nivttaye
ahama dine sambhrama nma naraka uttraya, sarva marma praka aha
piaste may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Pour the water over the pia
o __________ gotra __________ preta atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate
tavopatihatm ||

! Offer a thread of wool, tulsi, betel, mithai, a banana, lamp and incense.
o adya __________ gotra __________ preta (gotre/pret) sarva marma praka
ahama pie etni ra stra bhga-rja patra dhpa dpa naivedya tmblam
pgi phaldi may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Take water & til in and pour over the pia six times.
o __________ gotra __________ preta ahama dine a tila toyjaliste may
dyante tavopatihantm ||
Day 7
Sakalpa hari om tatsat .. asym puya tithau __________ gotra
__________ pitu / (__________ gotry __________ prety mtu) pretasya
pretatva vimuktaye akaya uttama-loka prptyartha amedhya kmi sampra nma
naraka uttraya, sarva n praka pia pradnam aha kariye ||
! place chandan, water and flower on a leaf sana on the vedi.
o __________ gotra __________ pitu __________ gotre __________ pret
mtu) idam sana tavopatihatm ||
! Next to it place a one, add a pavitri, til and water.
o __________ gotra __________ pitu (__________ gotre __________ pret
mtu) idam avanejana te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Offer the pia from pitru tirtha
o __________ gotra __________ pitu /mtu pretasya pretatva nivttaye saptama
dine amedhya kmi sampra nma naraka uttraya, sarva n prako saptama
piaste may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Pour the water over the pia
o __________ gotra __________ preta atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate
tavopatihatm ||

! Offer a thread of wool, tulsi, betel, mithai, a banana, lamp and incense.
o adya __________ gotra __________ preta (gotre/pret) sarva n praka
saptama pie etni ra stra bhga-rja patra dhpa dpa naivedya tmblam
pgi phaldi may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Take water & til in and pour over the pia seven times.
o __________ gotra __________ preta saptama dine sapta tila toyjaliste may
dyante tavopatihantm ||

Day 8
Sakalpa hari om tatsat .. asym puya tithau __________ gotra
__________ pitu / (__________ gotry __________ prety mtu) pretasya
pretatva vimuktaye akaya uttama-loka prptyartha pura-bhakaa nma naraka
uttraya, danta nakha lomdi praka pia pradnam aha kariye ||
! place chandan, water and flower on a leaf sana on the vedi.
o __________ gotra __________ pitu __________ gotre __________ pret
mtu) idam sana tavopatihatm ||
! Next to it place a one, add a pavitri, til and water.
o __________ gotra __________ pitu (__________ gotre __________ pret
mtu) idam avanejana te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Offer the pia from pitru tirtha
o __________ gotra __________ pitu /mtu pretasya pretatva nivttaye ahama
dine pura-bhakaa nma naraka uttraya, danta nakha lomdi praka ahama
piaste may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Pour the water over the pia
o __________ gotra __________ preta atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate
tavopatihatm ||

! Offer a thread of wool, tulsi, betel, mithai, a banana, lamp and incense.
o adya __________ gotra __________ preta (gotre/pret) danta nakha lomdi
praka ahama pie etni ra stra bhga-rja patra dhpa dpa naivedya
tmblam pgi phaldi may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Take water & til in and pour over the pia eight times.
o __________ gotra __________ preta ahama dine ahau toyjaliste may
dyante tavopatihantm ||
Day 9
Sakalpa hari om tatsat .. asym puya tithau __________ gotra
__________ pitu / (__________ gotry __________ prety mtu) pretasya
pretatva vimuktaye akaya uttama-loka prptyartha svamsa bhakaa nma
naraka uttraya, vrya praka pia pradnam aha kariye ||
! place chandan, water and flower on a leaf sana on the vedi.
o __________ gotra __________ pitu __________ gotre __________ pret
mtu) idam sana tavopatihatm ||
! Next to it place a one, add a pavitri, til and water.
o __________ gotra __________ pitu (__________ gotre __________ pret
mtu) idam avanejana te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Offer the pia from pitru tirtha
o __________ gotra __________ pitu /mtu pretasya pretatva nivttaye navama
dine svamsa bhakaa nma naraka uttraya, vrya praka navama piaste
may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Pour the water over the pia
o __________ gotra __________ preta atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate
tavopatihatm ||

! Offer a thread of wool, tulsi, betel, mithai, a banana, lamp and incense.
o adya __________ gotra __________ preta (gotre/pret) vrya praka navama
pie etni ra stra bhga-rja patra dhpa dpa naivedya tmblam pgi
phaldi may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Take water & til in and pour over the pia nine times.
o __________ gotra __________ preta navama dine nava toyjaliste may dyante
tavopatihanm ||
Day 10
Sakalpa hari om tatsat .. asym puya tithau __________ gotra
__________ pitu / (__________ gotry __________ prety mtu) pretasya
pretatva vimuktaye akaya uttama-loka prptyartha kumbhpka nma naraka
uttraya, kut-pipsa praka pia pradnam aha kariye ||
! place chandan, water and flower on a leaf sana on the vedi.
o __________ gotra __________ pitu __________ gotre __________ pret
mtu) idam sana tavopatihatm ||
! Next to it place a one, add a pavitri, til and water.
o __________ gotra __________ pitu (__________ gotre __________ pret
mtu) idam avanejana te may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Offer the pia from pitru tirtha
o __________ gotra __________ pitu /mtu pretasya pretatva nivttaye daama
dine kumbhpka nma naraka uttraya, kut-pipsa prako daama piaste
may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Pour the water over the pia
o __________ gotra __________ preta atra pratyavane nikva te may dyate
tavopatihatm ||

! Offer a thread of wool, tulsi, betel, mithai, a banana, lamp and incense.
o adya __________ gotra __________ preta (gotre/pret) kut-pipsa praka
daama pie etni ra stra bhga-rja patra dhpa dpa naivedya tmblam
pgi phaldi may dyate tavopatihatm ||
! Take water & til in and pour over the pia ten times.
o __________ gotra __________ preta daama dine daa toyjaliste may dyante
tavopatihantm ||

! If one cannot do every day then do on the 3rd 7th and 10th days.
! If that is not possible then offer all pias on the 10th day.


1. Puarkka Stotram
namaste puarkka namaste viva-bhvana |
namastestu hkea mah-purua prvaja || 1 ||
devn dnavn ca smnya adhi daivatam |
sarvad caraa dvandva vrajmi araa tava || 2 ||
ekas tvam-asi lokasya sra sahrakas tath |
adhyaka cnumant ca guamy samvta || 3 ||
sasra sgara ghora ananta klea-bhjanam |
tvam eva araa prpya nissaranti mania || 4 ||
na te rpa nackro nyudhni na cspadam |
tathpi purukro bhaktn tva prakase || 5 ||
naiva kicit parokante pratyakosi na kasyacit |
naiva kicid asdhya te na ca sodhyasi kasyacit || 6 ||
kry kraa prva vacas vkyam uttamam |
yogin paramsiddhi parama te para vidu || 7 ||
aha bhtosmi devea sasresmin bhaya-prade |
trhi m puarkka na jne para padam || 8 ||
klevapi ca sarveu diku sarvsu ccyuta |
arre durgatau vpi vardhate me mahad bhayam || 9 ||
tvat pda kamal danyan na me janmntarevapi |
vijna yad ida prpta yad ida sthnam arjitam || 10 ||
janmntarepi me deva m bhdasya parikaya |
durgatvapi jtasya tvad gat me manoratha || 11 ||
yadi na na videta tvatsmi kt sad |
kmaye viu-pdau tu sarva janmasu kevalam || 12 ||
cintayed deva devea klnala samaprabham |
visttsya mah-ra raktsya rakta candanam || 13 ||
2. Jnmta Stotram
yasya vivam andyanta ajam tmani sasthitam |
sarvaja acala viu sad dhyyet sa mucyate || 1 ||
1. One attains liberation through constant contemplation upon the All-pervading Lord; who is without
beginning or end, who has the cosmos as His body, The Self Sufficient, unborn & omniscient lord.

deva garbhocita viu sad dhyyan vimucyate |

aarra vidhtra sarva jna manoritam |
acala sarvaga viu sad dhyyan vimucyate || 2 ||
2. One attains liberation through constant contemplation upon the All-pervading Lord; of whom all the
Devas are various emanations. One who meditates upon the Supreme Lord without form, the Creator,
Omniscient, the Immovable and All-pervading becomes liberated.

nirvikalpa nirbhsa niprapaca nirmayam |

vsudeva guru viu sad dhyyan vimucyate || 3 ||
3. One attains liberation through constant contemplation upon the All-pervading Lord; who is free from
doubts and contradictions, having limitless manifestations, transcending the creation, free from
afflictions and imperfections; Vasudeva the Preceptor of the Universe.

sarvtmakaca vai yvad tma caitanya rpakam |

ubham ekkara viu sad dhyyan vimucyate || 4 ||
4. One attains liberation through constant contemplation upon the All-pervading Lord; on Vishnu, the
Most Auspicious, the One Imperishable Supreme Being, having countless manifestations.

vkytta triklaja vivea loka-skiam |

sarvasmd uttama viu sad dhyyan vimucyate || 5 ||
5. One attains liberation through constant contemplation upon the All-pervading Lord; who transcends
all mundane description, the All-knowing One, the Lord of the Universe, the Supreme witness of all
actions, the Most Excellent.

brahmdi deva gandharvair munibhi siddhacraai |

yogibhi sevita viu sad dhyyan vimucyate || 6 ||
6. One attains liberation through constant contemplation upon the All-pervading Lord; who is served by
the heavenly host led by Brahma and the other Devas, as well as by the sages and yogis.

sasra bandhann muktim icchalloko ca hyeata |

stutvaiva varada viu sad dhyyan vimucyate || 7 ||
7. One attains liberation through constant contemplation upon the All-pervading Lord; All those who
desire to be liberated from the bondage of worldly existence and rebirth, become free by chanting this
hymn to the Supreme Lord, the Saviour.

sasra bandhant ko'pi muktim icchan samhita |

anantam avyaya deva viu viva-pratiitam |
vivevaram aja viu sad dhyyan vimucyate || 8 ||
8. Whoever desires liberation from the travails of transmigration should with concentration meditate
upon the All-pervading Lord. One who contemplates upon the Endless Imperishable Lord Vishnu,
established in the Universe, the Unborn Lord of all the Worlds, attains liberation.

3. Mrtyavaaka
dmodara prapanno'smi kinno mtyu kariyati |
akha cakra dhara deva vyakta-rpiam avyayam |
adhokaja prapanno'smi kinno mtyu kariyati || 1 ||
I have surrendered myself unto the Lord who contains the entire universe within Himself; what can Death
do unto me. I have taken refuge in the Wielder of the Conch and Discus, the manifest immutable Lord, the
One who is never diminished; what can Death do unto me.

varha vmana viu nrasiha janrdnam |
mdhava ca prapanno'smi kinno mtyu kariyati || 2 ||
I have taken refuge in the All-pervading Lord who incarnates as Varaha, Vamana and Narasimha, He is
Destroyer of wickedness, the consort of Lakshmi; what can Death do unto me.

purua pukaraketra-bja puya jagat-patim |

loka-ntha prapanno'smi kinno mtyu kariyati || 3 ||
I have taken refuge in the Supreme Being, who is the Creator of the Cosmos. The Holy Lord of the universe,
the Master of all; what can Death do unto me.

sahasra-irasa deva vyaktvyakta santanam |

mah-yoga prapanno'smi kinno mtyu kariyati || 4 ||
I have taken refuge in the unlimitable Lord, who is both manifest and unmanifest, the Eternal One and the
Great Yogi; what can Death do unto me.

bhttmna mahtmna yaja-yoni ayonijam |

viva-rpa prapanno'smi kinno mtyu kariyati || 5 ||
I have taken refuge in the Lord who is the Inner Soul of all living beings, the Supreme Soul, the source of
all sacrifices, the unborn Lord who has the universe as His body; what can Death do unto me.

grua pur 1.233.
4. Mtyujaya Stotram
rudra paupatim sthnum nla kanha umpatim |
nammi iras deva ki no mtyu kariyati || 1 ||

kla-kanha kla mrtim klaja kla-nanam |

nammi iras deva ki no mtyu kariyati || 2 ||

nla-kanha virpka nirmala vimala prabhm |

nammi iras deva ki no mtyu kariyati || 3 ||

vma-deva mah-deva loka-ntha jagat gurum |

nammi iras deva kinno mtyu kariyati || 4 ||

deva-deva jagan-ntha tem vabha dhvajam |

nammi iras deva ki no mtyu kariyati || 5 ||

gag-dhara mah-deva sarvbharaa bhitam |

nammi iras deva kinno mtyu kariyati || 6 ||

antha paramnanda kaivalya-pada dyinam |

nammi iras deva kinno mtyu kariyati || 7 ||

svargpvarga-dtra si sthityndha kriam |

nammi iras deva kinno mtyu kariyati || 8 ||

utpatti sthiti sahra kartra cevaram gurum

nammi iras deva kinno mtyu kariyati || 9 ||

mrkaeya kta stotra ya pahet iva sannidhau |

tasya mtyu bhaya nsti ngni-caura bhaya kvacit || 10 ||

mtyujaya mahdeva trhi mm aragatam |

janma mtyu jar rogai pita karma-bandhanai || 11 ||

nama ivya smbya haraye paramtmane |

praata-klea naya yoginm pataye nama || 12 ||

5. r Ragantha Ahakam
nanda rpe nija bodha rpe brahma svarpe ruti mrti rpe |
aaka rpe ramaya rpe rraga rpe ramat mano me || 1 ||
O Lord whose form is Blissful form of enlightenment personified, Whose Essential Being is Supreme, Who manifests
as the Vedas, Whose Gorgeous form is the answer to all doubts. May your form O Ranganatha always delight my

lakm nivse jagat nivse ht padma vse ravi biba-vse |

kp-nivse gua vnda-vse rragavse ramat mano me || 2 ||
O Abode of Lakshmi, Substratum of the universe, the indweller of the lotus of the heart, the indweller of the disk of
the sun, the abode of compassion, always present in an assembly of the learned, May you O Resident of Srirangam
always delight my mind.

brahmdi vandye jagad eka vandye mukunda vandye surantha vandye |
vysdi vandye sanakdi vandye rraga vandye ramat mano me || 3 ||
O Lord adored by Brahma and the other devas, the Unique and universally adorable one, the one adored by Lakshmi.
the one adored by Indra the king of the gods. the one adored by Vyasa and the other sages, the one adored by the
four kumaras. May you the most venerable Lord of Srirangam always delight my mind.

brahmdhirje garudhirje vaikuha rje sura rja rje |
trailokya rje akhila loka rje rraga-rje ramat mano me || 4 ||
O King of Brahma and the others, O Lord of Garuda, Sovereign of Vakuntha, Over-lord of Indra, The Emperor of the
three worlds, The regent of the entire universe, May you O King of Srirangam always delight my mind.

amogha mudre paripra mudre r yoganidre susamudra nidre |

ritaika bhadre jagad eka nidre rraga bhadre ramat mano me || 5 ||
O Lord of infallible form, whose form is a totality, reposing in yogic trance with Lakshmi, lying upon causual ocean,
the only auspicious refuge, the single source of the entire universe, May you the auspicious Lord of Srirangam
always delight my mind.

saccitta y bhujagendra y nandka y kamalka y |

krbdhi y vaa patra y rragay ramat mano me || 6 ||
O You who dwell within the mind, and who reclines upon the King of Snakes, and rests in the lap of Nanda, and lies
on the lap of Lakshmi, and reposes on the sea of milk, and reclines upon the Banyan leaf, May you who are
recumbent in Srirangam always delight my mind.

kasa pramthe naraka pramthe abhakta pramthe jagata nidne |

antha nthe jagad eka nthe rraganthe ramat mano me || 7 ||
O tormentor of Kamsa, the tormentor of hell itself, the one who terrorises the enemies of the devotees, the source of
the universe, the refuge of the stray ones, the only Lord of the universe, May you the Lord of Srirangam always
delight my mind.

kveri-kle karuvilole mandra mle dhta cru cele |

daitynta kle akhila loka lle rraga lle ramat mano me || 8 ||
O dweller, on the banks of the Kaveri, agitated by your overwhelming compassion, O beautiful one who upheld the
Great Mandara mountain, dressed in beautiful garments, The destroyer of the forces of chaos in the form of time,
you who created the world as a divine Sport, May you who play in Srirangam always delight my mind.

pareyivgusa pravato mahranu bahubhya panthm anupaspanam |
vaivasvatagu sagamana jann yamagu rjnagu havi duvasya
1. Offer oblations to Yama the son of Vivasvant the Knower, who was the first to pass away along
mighty steeps and has founded the path for the many [who follow].

yamo no gtu prathamo viveda nai gavytir-apabhartav u |

yatr na prve pitara pareyur-en jajn pathy 3'nusv || 2 ||
2. Yama has found out the way for us; this pasture is not to be taken away. Whither our Ancestors have
passed away, thither those who have been born since - each along their own path.

mtal kavyair yamo agirobhir bhaspatir kvabhir vdhna |

ygaca dev v vdhuryo ca devn svhnye svadhaynye madanti || 3 ||
3. Matali having grown strong with Kavyas, Yama with the Angirases, Brhaspati with the Rkvans, whom
the gods have nourished and who have nourished the gods, some rejoice in the mantra " Svaha", others
in the offering to the dead.

ima yama prastaram hi sdgirobhi pitbhi savidna |

tv mantr kaviast vahantven rjan havi mdayasva || 4 ||
4. Upon this strewn grass O Yama pray be seated, joining the Angirases, the Ancestors. Let the mantras
revealed by the seers bring you here. Do thou O King rejoice in this oblation.

agirobhir gahi yajiyebhir yama vairpair iha mdayasva |

vivasvantagu huve ya pit te'smin yaje barhiy niadya || 5 ||
5. Come here with the adorable Angirases; O Yama, along with the sons of Virupa rejoice here. I Invoke
Vivasvant who is your father, let him too rejoice having sat himself down on the strew at this sacrifice.

agiraso na pitaro navagv atharvo bhgavas somysa |

te vayagu sumatau yajiynm api bhadre saumanase syma || 6 ||
6. The Angirases are our ancestors, as are the Atharvans and the Soma-loving Bhrgus; we desire to
abide in the favour and the good graces of those adorable ones.

prehi prehi pathibhi prvyebhir yatr na prve pitara pareyu |

ubh rjn svadhay madant yama payasi varua ca devam || 7 ||
7. Go forth! Go forth! by those ancient paths on which our fathers of old passed away. You shall see both
kings rejoicing in the offering to the dead; Yama and Varuna the god.

sa gacchasva pitbhis sa yamene-prtena parame vyoman |

hitvyvadya punaras tamehi sa gacchasva tanv suvarc || 8 ||
8. Unite with the manes, unite with Yama, enjoy the reward of your sacrifices and good deeds in the
highest heaven. Leaving the gross physical body behind go back to your spiritual home; unite with your
spiritual body, full of vigour.

apeta vta vica sarpatto'sm eta pitaro lokam akran |

ahobhir adbhir aktubhir vyakta yamo dadty-avasnam asmai || 9 ||
9. Begone! O troublesome elementals, disperse! slink off from here! for him the fathers have prepared
this place. Yama gives him a resting-place distinguished by days and waters and by nights.

ati drava srameyau vnau catur-akau abalau sdhun path |

ath pitn suvidatrgu upehi yamena ye sadhamda madanti || 10 ||
10. Run by a good path past the two eyed sons of Sarama, the four-eyed brindled guard-dogs; then
approach the bountiful manes who rejoice at the same feast as Yama.

yau te vnau yama rakitrau catur-akau pathi-rak ncakasau |

tbhym ena pari-dehi rjan svasti csm anamva ca dhehi || 11 ||
11. Give his passage past those two four-eyed dogs that guard the path and observe the actions of
mankind; bestow on him wealth O King, well-being and health too bestow.

ura sva sutp udambalau yamasya dtau carato jangu anu |

tv asmabhya daye sryya punar dtm asumadyeha bhadram || 12 ||
12. Broad-nosed and takers-of-life these two dogs, messengers of Yama wander among mankind; may
these two give us back here to-day auspicious life that we may see the sun.

yamya somagu sunuta yamya juhut havi |

yamagu ha yajo gacchaty-agni-dto arakta || 13 ||
13. For Yama extract the soma juice, to Yama offer the oblation into the sacred fire; to Yama goes this
sacrifice well-prepared with Agni as it's messenger.

yamya ghtavad havir juhota pra ca tihat |

sano devev yamad drgham yu pra jvase || 14 ||
14. To Yama offer the oblations soaked in ghee, and step forth; may he guide us to the Shining Ones that
we may live a long life.

yamya madhumatamagu rje havya juhotana |

ida nama ibhya prvajebhya prvebhya pathi-kdbhya || 15 ||
15. To Yama the King offer the sweet oblation, We pay our obeisance to the ancient seers who taught us
of the path.

tri-kadrukebhi patati aur-vrekam idbhat |

triub gyatr chandgusi sarv t yama hit || 16 ||
16. The oblation flies through the three soma vessels, the six realms, the one great world, travels by
means of the tristubh, gayatri and the other metres, and then finally reaches Yama.


ukla Yajur Vediya Pavamni Skta

punantu m deva-jan | punantu manavo dhy | punantu viva yava ||
Purify me O gods, purify the thoughts of my mind. Purify me of all things that be. (V.S. 19;39)

jtaveda pavitravat | pavitrea punhi m | ukrea deva ddyat | agne kratv

kratgu ranu |
O Radiant God the omniscient, as a filter; purify me, refulgent with your pure bright capacity to purify
with powers according to your own. (V.S.19;40)

yatte pavitram arcii | agne vitatam antar | brahma tena punmahe ||
O Agni your capacity to purify is diffused through all your fiery glow. O Sacred knowledge! through you
may I become pure. (V.S. 19;41)

pavamnas suvarjana | pavitrea vicarai | ya pot sa puntu m |
May Pavamana (Agni the principle of enlightenment) with his purifying capabilities, popular amongst
all peoples, purify us today. (V.S.19;42)

ubhbhym deva savita | pavitrena savena ca | idam brahma punmahe |

God who impels (to enlightenment), purify me by both these, purifying power and sacrifice, and may I be
purified through sacred knowledge. (V.S. 19;43)

vaivadev punat devygt | yasyai vahvs tanuvo vta ph |
tay madantas sadham adyeu | vayaggas syma patayo raym ||
The purifying goddess who is dear to all gods has come, she who contains these many beautiful forms.
Through her may we in sacrificial banquets rejoice, and may we become prosperous. (V.S. 19;44).

prjpatya pavitram | atodymagu hiramayam |

tena brahma vido vayam | ptam brahma punmahe ||
That which is offered to the Creator is pure; with an hundred precious efforts, may we strive to become
Knowers-of-Brahman, may that Spiritual Wisdom purify us. (S.V. Part ii, book 5 Hymn 8)

indras sunt saha m puntu | somas svasty varuas samcy |

yamo rj prambhi puntu m | jtaved morjayanty puntu |
o bhrbhuvasuva ||

(Yajavalkya Smriti)

he Aauca is a period of mourning which is observed in the honour of the deceased. It can
vary from 3 to 16 days or more depending on the family traditions and the inclination of
the individual. Nowadays the minimum acceptable period would be 3 days.

Although the literal meaning is impurity it is not so much as a social disability as an observance
in honour of the deceased. The persons who are normally honoured in this way are parents, elder
siblings, paternal aunts and uncles as well as preceptors and friends.

1. If a child who has not completed two years dies, the corpse is simply buried (not cremated). No
Udaka rites (offering of water, etc.) is done in that case.
2. Kinsmen up to the 7th or 10th degree7 shall perform tarpaa (offering of libations of water) .
3. The Udaka-kriya for maternal grandfather, preceptor and one's own spouse is also the same. In
the case of sons, friends, sister's sons, father-in-law the water libation is poured out once
proclaiming the name of the dead person and his/her Gotra but otherwise remaining silent.
4. No water-offering is made to those who have converted to another religion, criminals, unmarried
persons and divorced spouses.
5. Those who died from substance abuse and those who had committed suicide need not be
honoured with the water libation or the observation of Aauca.
6. After the cremation at the door of the house, neem leaves (margosa Azadirachta indica) shall be
strewn. The mourners shall step slowly on a rock first and perform camana and touch fire, water,
cow dung and white mustard seeds before entering the house formally. Those who have touched the
corpse must purify themselves by these rites and the final formal entry into the house. Those who
had merely witnessed the rites do not require any formal purificatory rites. They are pure at the
close of the rites. Others who participated become pure after taking a bath. They should remain
celibate for the next three days.
7. There should be no cooking of food in the house. The mourners shall take food bought or
received from others. They shall sleep on the ground away from one another.
8. If a child dies before cutting its first tooth there is no impurity; if a child dies before the Mundan
(cutting of the hair) rite is performed, the impurity is for a night only; if a child dies before the
sacred thread investiture, the impurity is for three days; thereafter the impurity lasts for ten days.
9. The impurity due to death lasts for three or ten days. If two children die under two years old, the
impurity is for the mother alone. If two impurities due to birth and death overlap, at the close of the
latter, everyone becomes pure.
10. The impurity due to death is generally observed by the four castes for ten days, twelve days,
fifteen days and thirty days respectively.
11. If a girl dies before marriage or a son, a preceptor, a disciple, person engaged in Vedic studies,
an uncle, a Vedic Scholar, a son not one's own but of a previous marriage, the impurity is for a day

father, paternal grandparents, and great grandparents, mother, maternal grandfather and great grandfather.
12. There is no impurity at all for one who dies in battle, by suicide or through poisoning. In the
case of those who die at the time of charity, marriage, sacrifice, battle, civic commotion or any
other calamity there is no impurity at all.
Lapse of time, havan, detergents, wind, mind, knowledge, austerities, recital of prayers, repentance,
fasting all these are agents for purification. Charity purifies a person committing an unworthy act
and the current itself purifies the river.

Thus it is, that in Time which is eternal, there is nothing upon which to rest, and
there is nothing created, in which there is the least stability, or permanence.
The sands on the river bank, and the rain which pours down from the sky may
be measured and counted; but not the number of our forefathers that have
passed away.
In each aeon, 14 Indras (kings of the gods) come and go, and so many
emperors and divine princes have been taken by Time. What then, can one say of
human beings.
Every creature is seized by Time and carried away, in accordance with the
results of its actions done in this and in previous lives, why then, should one
grieve upon its passing?
Having realised that there is nothing in this world that can give us security, and
that all our friends and relatives are dying one after the other [ just as each
and every one of us will], one must choose Dharma [the path of right living]
as one's only associate.
Merit and demerit are one's only companions on the path of Yama the god of
death, therefore one should constantly exert oneself to accumulate greater merit
and avoid demerit.
To-morrow's business should be done today, and the afternoon's business in
the forenoon; for death will not wait, whether a person has his projects or not.
While the mind is fixed upon possessions, vocation or home, or while the
thoughts are fixed on some beloved object, death suddenly carries one away; as
a wolf snatches a lamb.
Time is no-one's friend, and no-one's enemy. When the effect of one's Karma; by
which this present existence is caused, has expired, death comes to claim one.
One will not die before one's time has come, even though pierced by a thousand
arrows. One will not live after one's time has run out, even though only touched
by the point of a blade of grass.
Neither medication, nor magic formulas, nor burnt-offerings, nor prayers will
save one who is in the throws of death. An impending tragedy [determined by
ones own Karma] cannot be averted by a hundred precautions; what reason
then for one to grieve?

Institutes of Vishnu XX 22- 53


Readings from the Gita

r bhagavn uvca
aocyn anvaocas tva prajvdca bhase |
gatsn agatsca nnuocanti pait || 11 ||
The blessed Lord said [to Arjuna]; You are grieving for that which is not worthy of
grief. The wise lament neither for the physical body, nor for the departed Self.
na tvevha jtu nsa na tva neme jandhip |
na caiva na bhaviyma sarve vayamata param || 12 ||
Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor any of these people; nor
in the future shall any of us cease to exist [in essence; in the form of consciousness
we are all eternal.]
dehinosmin yath dehe kaumra yauvana jar |
tath dehntara prptir dhras tatra na muhyati || 13 ||
As the embodied Self continually passes, in this physical body, through various
stages of transformation; like childhood to youth, to maturity and old age, at death
it passes on into another body. The wise person is not bewildered by such change.
mtr spars tu kaunteya toa sukha-dukhad |
gampyinonitys ts titikasva bhrata || 14 ||
Contact with material nature invariably produces experiences of joy and sorrow
like the summer and winter seasons - they are impermanent and transitory, one
must learn to tolerate them without becoming disturbed.
ya hi na vyathayantyete purua puruarabha |
sama dukha sukha dhra somtatvya kalpate || 15 ||
That person who remains steady and calm and is not mentally disturbed by either
pleasure or pain, and remains balanced and harmonious, is fit for attaining
liberation from the material world.
nsato vidyate bhvo nbhvo vidyate sata |
ubhayor api dontas tvanayos tattva daribhi || 16 ||
The wise sages have understood the determined fact, that the material world and
all in it, is not eternal - it is impermanent and subject to perpetual change. But the
spirit is indeed eternal - it has always existed and will continue existing for all
avini tu tad viddhi yena sarvam ida tatam |
vinam avyayasysya na kacit kartum arhati || 17 ||
Know that consciousness to be imperishable, by which this entire body is
pervaded. [Only the body dies the conscious Self continues its journey through
rebirth, And nothing is able to destroy it.
antavanta ime deh nityasy-okt arria |
aninoprameyasya tasmt yuddhyasva bhrata || 18 ||
These bodies which we perceive, are [merely] the vehicles of the eternal,
indestructible, immeasurable conscious Self [ which is a ray of the Divine]; and
they are subjected to having a beginning and an end - therefore rise up and
perform your duties continue with your lives undisturbed.
ya ena vetti hantra yacaina manyate hatam |
ubhau tau na vijnto nya hanti na hanyate || 19 ||
One who thinks that the Self can cause death, or dies, does not understand the
reality - the Self neither causes death nor dies it is only the physical body which
undergoes change and transformation [known as birth and death].
na jyate mriyate v kadcin, nya bhtv bhavit v na bhya |
ajo nitya vatoya puro, na hanyate hanyamne arre || 20 ||
The Self in actual fact pre-exists the body and is not born along with the body, nor
does it die when the body dies. It is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying and
primeval, it does not die when the body dies.
vedvinina nitya ya enam ajam avyayam |
katha sa purua prtha ka ghtayati hanti kam || 21 ||
As a person discards worn out clothes, and puts on others that are new, similarly
the Self which is the occupant of the body, discarding worn-out bodies accepts
others that are new.
vssi jrni yath vihya navni ghti naropari |
tath arri vihya jrny-anyni sayti navni deh || 22 ||
The Self cannot be cut into pieces by weapons, nor can it be burnt by fire, nor
moistened by water, nor dried by the wind. This individual Self is unbreakable and
insoluble, and cannot be consumed nor dried, It is everlasting, all pervading,
unchangeable, immovable and eternally the same.
naina chindanti astri naina dahati pvaka |
na caina kledayanty-po na oayati mruta || 23 ||
Having realized that this Self is non-manifest, inconceivable and unchangeable, it
does not become you to grieve over the physical body.
acchedyoyam adhyoya akledyooya eva ca |
nitya sarva-gata sthur acaloyam santana || 24 ||
All beings in this universe, have an unknown beginning, a known middle and
certainly an unknown end, therefore what cause is there for sorrow in relation to
them and their flow of change and transformation
avyaktoyam acintyoyam avikryoyam ucyate |
tasmd eva viditvaina nnuocitum arhasi || 25 ||
That which dwells within the bodies of all sentient beings is the spiritual conscious
Self, it is indestructible, therefore it is not proper for you to grieve over the death of
any being.


Final Liberation
(Garuda Purana)
The blessed Lord said;
Listen, O Garuda, and I shall tell you all that you have enquired, By listening
attentively one can attain liberation from the cycle of transmigration.
There is One Absolute Reality, in the form of the Supreme Godhead, indivisible
and Benevolent, Omniscient, the Supreme Cause, Lord of all, Pure, without a
second, Self-luminous, without beginning or end, unchangeable, the Supreme,
devoid of all negative attributes, having existence, consciousness and bliss as
His qualities. All creatures are his emanations.
Being handicapped by beginningless ignorance; like sparks of fire, they separate
into different bodies, through the effect of karma which has no beginning.
They are controlled by virtues and vices in the form of happiness and sorrow.
Their bodies have different social functions, life-spans and enjoyment caused by
their various previous karmas.
The jivas evolve through births in insentient species, in the bodies of insects,
birds, animals, men, women and deities but after obtaining Liberation do not
again take birth in any material form.
Passing through four types of bodies conditioned by their actions (karma) and
leaving one body after the other; innumerable times, the jiva finally takes birth
as a human being. Acquiring Spiritual Wisdom through merit from righteous
actions, one attains liberation.
In the eight million four hundred thousand (lower) births a jiva cannot acquire
Wisdom and Discrimination, It is only in the human birth that this is possible.
After millions of births a jiva may obtain a human form, due to the aggregate of
merit accumulated in all the previous lives.
After obtaining this rare human form which is the stepping stone to Liberation;
surely there is no greater sinner than one who does not pursue the spiritual
Without a human body it is impossible to obtain the Supreme Goal. One should
therefore, be very cautious to guard this extremely precious body and to
perform virtuous actions.
The body is the means of practicing the Dharma, accumulating wealth and
knowledge. Knowledge leads to meditation, meditation to unification with the
Supreme; then is one quickly liberated.
Old age stalks us like a tigress. Youth ebbs away like water from a leaking pot.
Sickness enfeebles us like an enemy. Hence one should apply oneself to Dharma
As long as one is free from sorrow, and not beset by misfortune, as long as one
is free from infirmity and illness, one should practice Dharma.
As long as the health is robust, one should exert oneself in the practice of the
Dharma and discernment between the real and unreal. Only fools start digging a
well when the house is on fire.
Time flies away while the foolish person is engrossed in mundane activities.
Most people do not realize what is beneficial or harmful to them, they are
unaware of their own real interest.
Even after seeing (all around) the pangs of birth, the distressed, the dead, the
fallen and the aggrieved, people do not fear, having drunk the wine of
infatuation (with materialism).
Wealth is fleeting like a dream, youth is fading like a flower, age is fickle like the
lightning. Knowing this who can entertain fortitude.
A life-span of a hundred years is too little (for fulfilling all our desires). Half of
that is spent in sleep or idleness. Whatever is left is wasted due to childhood,
disease, old age and misfortune.
Alas! Is that person not dead; who is idle at a place of action, sleeps at a place of
awakening and is complacent in a place of death?
When the jiva inhabits the physical body which is (unsubstantial) like foam on
the sea, when the company of the beloved is but temporary, how can a person
remain indifferent?
One who does not know the Ultimate Reality; thinks that to be useful which is
useless, considers the impermanent to be the permanent and as meaningful
that which is meaningless.
Being deluded by the illusion of materialism, one stumbles even while seeing,
misunderstands even while hearing and misses the import even while reading.
Even when drowning in this ocean of Time, beset by sharks in the form of death,
disease, and old age; one does not become mindful of reality.
One is not mindful that time is slipping away at every moment, one is not
mindful of impermanence as a pot of unbaked clay lying in water appears to be
It may be possible to wrap the mind up, to tear the ether, or to knot the waves;
but it is not possible to perpetuate one's existence (in this world).
(Forested ) land turns into desert, even the lofty mount Meru will one day be
eroded away, even the deep water of the ocean will dry up, what then can be
said of this insignificant body?
This child is mine, this spouse is mine, all this wealth, these relatives and
friends all these belong to me! Even while thinking thus; one is snatched by
Time ; like a wolf seizing a goat.
This I have achieved, this I will achieve, this project has almost been
accomplished; even while thus aspiring , one is taken by the god-of-death.
One should do today what one plans for tomorrow, in the fore-noon what is
planned for the afternoon for Death will not wait for one to complete the
projects one sets for oneself.
Skewered on the spit of craving, basted in the oil of passion, roasted in the fire
of attraction and aversion, humans are eaten up by Death.
Death takes away even children, young people, the aged and even those in the
womb everything is overcome by Death, such is this world.
Every jiva is separated from its own body and goes to the realm of Death, what
permanence then is there, in relationships of spouse, mother, father, offspring
and other relatives?
This world is based upon suffering, there is no creature that is free from
suffering. Whoever renounces this material world will have joy, there is no
other way.
Just as the fish tempted by the bait does not see the barbed hook, so also do
those who are engrossed in sense gratification not anticipate the torment of
People are troubled in the morning by the calls of nature, by hunger and thirst
at midday and by lust and sleep at night.
All people are obsessed with their bodies, their wealth, their spouses etc. Alas
remaining thus infatuated & deluded by materialism they are born again and
Association with the virtuous and discernment between the beneficial and non-
beneficial are the two clear eyes. Whoever lacks them is blind and will certainly
stray from the path of Dharma.
People are completely obsessed with their own mundane affairs, with their
professions or their various stages of life. Being Ignorant of true Dharma, filled
with vainglory & living in vain they perish.
Therefore people may be content with their own routines, but these will only
further their own sense-gratification. The only way to Liberation is through the
knowledge of the Truth, O Garuda.
Reality is not what it seems, and people suffer due unperceived causes. The
meaning of the scriptures is obscure, and people discourse on unbeneficial
Not realizing that the Truth is within one. A fool is beguiled by (self study of )
the scriptures. While the goat stands in the shed the shepherd seeks for it in
the well in vain.
Scriptures are many, life is short. Obstacles come in battalions. One should
discriminate between that which is true and that which is false like a swan
separating milk from water.
One cannot obtain Liberation by simply chanting Vedas nor by self-study of the
Scriptures. Liberation comes from the dawning of pure wisdom alone, not
otherwise. O Garuda.
It is by instruction from the Guru alone, that one can attain realization. All
(book-learned) knowledge is vain. Among thousands of scriptural verses the
word of the Guru alone is productive [of true knowledge].
Two words mine (mama) and not mine (na mama) signify bondage and
release. By possessiveness is one bound (to the wheel of rebirth) and by non-
possessiveness is one Liberated.
Right Action is that which does not bind one through the renunciation of the
fruits thereof. Right Knowledge is of the Ultimate Reality, it is that which gives
As long as engagement in mundane activities yields it's petty enjoyment, as long
as one pursues the fulfilment of desires, as long as one is enamoured of sense
gratification, there is little interest in talk of the Ultimate Truth.
As long as one is obsessed with one's physical appearance, as long as one is
attached to material possessions, as long as one strives to fulfil material goals, as
long as one is engaged in formulating happiness projects. As long as the mind is
unsteady, as long as one does not meditate upon the import of the Scripture, as
long as one is devoid of the blessing of the Guru, there is little interest in talk of
Ultimate Reality.
Therefore one should obtain the True Knowledge of the Atman from a worthy
preceptor. From following the teaching of a Guru, one may easily attain
liberation from this awesome ocean of rebirth.
Now listen, and I shall teach you the final conclusion of Knowledge of the
Ultimate Reality. By knowing this one can attain the final goal which is known as
the Great Liberation Brahma Nirvana.
Those who are free from egoism and delusion, who are unattached to material
possessions, who are constantly mindful of their true spiritual identity as a Self
(and not the body), who are free from material desires and their results of
elation and dejection, such enlightened beings attain that imperishable Supreme
That person attains the Great Liberation who, in the expanse of the mind, bathes
in the holy lake of the Wisdom in the water of Supreme Truth which removes the
impurity of attraction and repulsion (to material objects).
Whosoever contemplates upon Me (Krishna) with full devotion, with matured
aversion to rebirth, who has attained complete awareness of their true identity
and whose mind is full of peace can obtain the Great Liberation.



darbha, dpa, kumbha, lota, motaka, grass mat

rice, kumkum, candhan, akata, flowers, tulasi, banana leaf x 2 bottle of water, milk 100mls.

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