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Moist Air

Properties of Moist Air

If air and water vapour are present together in a confined space, a
Moist Air & Thermal Comfort balanced condition will be reached where the air has become saturated
with water vapour. If the temperature of the mixture is known, then
Dr. M. Zahurul Haq the pressure of saturated vapour will be the pressure of steam at this
Professor mv
T (o C ) Psat (kPa) P = Pa + Pv : =
Department of Mechanical Engineering
0 0.610
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)
10 1.224
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
15 1.704
P Total (standard) pressure
20 2.337 Pa Partial pressure of dry air
[email protected] 25 3.166
Pv Partial pressure of water vapour
30 4.246
35 5.628 Humidity ratio
40 7.384 ma Mass of dry air
ME 415: Refrigeration & Building Mechanical Systems 45 9.593
50 12.35 mv Mass of water vapour
mv Pv V /Rv T Pv pv
= ma = Pa V /Ra T = 0.622 Pa = 0.622 P Pv
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Moist Air Moist Air

For air at 25o C:

Pv = 3.166 kPa Pa = 97.159 kPa: saturated air.

s = 0.622 97.159 = 0.02026 kg water/kg dry air.
If mv = 0.01013 kg water/kg dry air = 0.5.

saturation or degree of saturation, s

The proportions of moisture can also be expressed as the ratio of

the vapour pressures, and is then termed relative humidity:
relative humidity, Pv ,sat
= 0.01013 Pv = 1.65 kPa = 1.65/3.166 = 52

Dew-point temperature, Tdp is

defined as the temperature at which
condensation begins when the air is
cooled at constant pressure.

e956 e957
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Moist Air Moist Air

Wet Bulb/Dry Bulb Temperatures ASHRAE-1989 Correlations

Psat (Twb ) Pm
Psat (Tdb )

Psat (Tdb ) saturated pressure corresponding to Tdb

Psat (Twb ) saturated pressure corresponding to Twb
Pm partial pressure of vapour due to depression of Twb below
Tdb .
e970 e971 Tdb Twb Twb 273.2
If unsaturated air comes in contact with water at the same temperature, there will Pm = P 1+
1514 873
be change in vapour pressures. As a result, some of the water will evaporate. The
. Estimate relative humidity of air if Tdb = 30o C & Twb = 25o C.
resultant water temperature drop will provide a temperature difference, and a
. Atmospheric air at 30o C and 50% RH is compressed isothermally to
thermal balance will be reached where the flow of sensible heat from the air to the
1.0 MPa. Estimate the psychrometric conditions of the compressed air.
water provides the latent heat to evaporate a part of it. The equilibrium
temperature is Wet-bulb Temperature.
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Thermal Comfort Thermal Comfort

Thermal Comfort Typical Climate Conditions

Comfort zone according to ISO 7730

Comfort zone according to ASHRAE 55-1992

Thermal comfort is defined as that condition of mind which expresses

satisfaction with the thermal environment. Factors affecting thermal
comfort are: temperature, thermal radiation, humidity, air speed,
personal activity and clothing. e959
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Thermal Comfort Thermal Comfort

Bangladesh Outdoor Design Condition Ventilation: Outdoor Air Requirements

To meet metabolic requirements of occupants.

To dilute the indoor air contaminants, odours and pollutants to
Summer design is based on 4 summer month from June to maintain an acceptable air quality.
September (Total = (30+ 31+ 31+ 30)* 24 = 2928 hrs.)
To support any combustion process or replace the amount of
2.5% means that temperature exceeds the value (33o C) only 2.5% exhaust air required in laboratories, manufacturing processes or
of all the hrs in 4 months = 73.2 hr. rest rooms.
Winter: December to January (Total 2160 hrs). To provide make-up of amount of ex-filtrated air required when
97.5% means temperature falls below the value for 54 hrs. positive pressure is to be maintained at the conditioned space.
For ordinary buildings, it is customary to design based on level of To add to or remove heat/moisture from the space.
2.5% in summer and 97.5% in winter.
To,max = 33o C, DR = 11o C = To,av = To,max DR/2 = 27.5o C.

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Thermal Comfort Thermal Comfort

Steady State Thermal Equilibrium Metabolic Rate, M

Energy release per unit area of skin surface as a result of oxidative

process in the living cell is the metabolic rate. It depends on the
M = W + C + R + Esk + Eres intensity of physical activities.
M = Metabolic rate (W/m2 ) 1 met = 58.24 W/m2
W = Mechanical work performed
Mechanical work, W = M , = 0.2 to 0.24
C +R = Convective + radiative, or sensible heat loss from skin
Esk = Evaporative heat loss from skin surface Activity met
Eres = Evaporative heat loss from respiration Sleeping 0.7
Office work, reading or writing or seated 1.0
In an air conditioned space, a steady-state thermal equilibrium is Domestic work, cooking 1.6 - 2.0
usually maintained between the human body and the indoor Walking, 2 mph 2.0
environment. Walking, 4 mph 3.7
Heavy machine work 4.0

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Thermal Comfort Thermal Comfort

Seven Factors Influencing Thermal Comfort ASHRAE Comfort Zone

1 Activity level
2 Clothing
3 Expectation
4 Air temperature
5 Radiant temperature
6 Humidity
7 Air speed

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Thermal Comfort Thermal Comfort

Indoor Design Conditions Outdoor Air Requirements

to meet metabolic requirements of occupants

As per ASHRAE 55-1992 & 90.1-1999
to dilute the indoor air contraminants, odors and pollutants to
T (o C) (%) maintain an acceptable air quality.
Summer 23.5 to 26.0 30 to 65 to support any combustion process or replace the amount of
Winter exhaust air required in laboratories, manufacturing processes or
1. Commercial & public bld. 20.5 to 23.5 20 to 65 rest rooms.
2. Health care bld. 20.5 to 23.5 30 to 65 to provide makeup of amount of exfiltrated air required when
positive pressure is to be maintained at the conditioned space.

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Thermal Comfort Thermal Comfort

Outdoor Air as per ASHRAE 62-1992 Common Air Contaminants

Application L/s per person

Dining/conference room, office spaces, lounges 10
Retail stores, transport waiting rooms, class rooms 7
Hospitial patient rooms, residences 15
Smoking lounges 30

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Thermal Comfort

Filters for Air Cleaning Devices

1 Viscous impingment type

2 Dry screen type
3 Electrostatic precipitators
4 Air washers

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