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PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY OF:BUCKS Magisterial Distict Number 0 MDJ: Hon, MAGGIE SNOW ‘Address: 4001 DURHAM ROAD, DOYLESTOWN, PA 18902 “etephone: (215)230-7265 , : j POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA. vs. DEFENDANT: (NAME and ADDRESS) DINAY ie Name “Tat Na Cision No Be TE) Misdemoanor Limted Tre cdemeanar Pending 2-Fetony Lis D5¥etony Pend Cleasdemesnoe Serovnding Siatet Distance: G)selony Surounding States _[] A-Misdoresnor Fu ‘Number ~ Bate Filed (LiveScan Number | Complaintiincdent Number | SIO Request Lab Services? OBS Joprano [Ped 1 ft 2| 00 barr sen Piva ine Genver "| poe 01/21/1997 | pos. ‘Aaw DOB. CoDefendantisy ED Mele isthe iii Wa stare ‘en Creme | aka Dien (Gey CRED rReanutn ‘Gani Laid @ve) ‘Punis) CIERO Grown Blevxscty Gorciorencey —Chwrewmay Crow untiasay — Chonnicreey) Elen (Pri) Ctx ioc Teen Gen i __Bivaz iss) Chmanataren) Clee et) Eh caatecives) C3 exk urine) Licance Number 31503350, Expires: 01/22/2021 ‘WEIGHT (bsp CANO [onatocation [rattanber —t Dotendan Fingoreined ea: ‘DEFENDANT VEHICLE INFORMATION ‘Stale | Fazmat | Registration ‘Conv Veh, choot p; | Of WEI Wek Code Plate B_| stckormamry / nd OY von var Year| Make oder ‘haa aia Office ofthe attorney for the Commonwealth @ Approved [1] Disapproved bacause: earn ar Carvea ay Taq Wak We COT PTORT, SST WAR BAT, OY BOW REBTGTET BW SGT Tr WS COMFORT BGT toting. Soe Pa Crm? 80"). GREGG SHORE ie Sh AY FS CORSET i TTS CIT on 1, DET. MCDONOUGH & DET. KORETSKY + (z-- Kemmevg 10931/9916& —«40G-s7a7__—s| ‘me ofthe Aan {ESPPOETC aesgneT ABTS Was & bate ® of BUCKS COUNTY DETECTIVES/SOLEBURY PD 0091800 > # ‘enity Corea o Roary Reese a Policl SawGESIT”—Poice Agency OATHS $ 2 do hereby state (check appropriate box) ee ii 1. Bl laccuse the above named defendant who fives atthe address set forth above 3 ° | accuse the defendant whose name is unknown to me out whois described 6 cosa tees tee a : (1 aci8e the defendant whose name and popular designation or rickname are unknown fo tesaha whbm | hep therefore desanated as Join Doe or Jane Doe = Eas with violating the penal laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at LOWER YORK ROAD, SOLEBURY TOWNSHIP, PENNSYLVANIA foam oss ~AONEEIORE ROM. ar SPST ‘on or about JULY 5 THRU 8, 2017 in BUCKS County AOPC 422A ~ Rew. 07/10 _288 POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT oriladtrelaer Nanber 19-20) DINARDO. | OTNLivescan Number T 94119 8-2. er esoreee Data] Acaent |_...ffappiceble) | Number : ‘Statute Description (include the name of statute or ordinance); CRIMINAL HOMICIDE i work Zore ‘Acie of the accused associated with this Ofiense: A person is guilty of criminal homicide if he intentionally, knowingly, | recklessly or negligently causes the death of another human being, Jimi Patrick, Dean Finocchiaro, Thomas Meo and Mark Sturgis. inchoate” aewet Seietaion —— Ps Ottenco_|~ fos0r4 | Peasen ‘aed e o [2 [eos Ay2 [ome [18 - ~ ~ Sa — “iis FRET as ~~ Gas — WBE Oi ae ‘nese ‘Statute Description (include the name of statute or ordinance): CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY ‘Acts of the accused associated with this Offense: A person is guilty of conspiracy with another person or persons to commit a crime if with the intent of promoting or facilitating its commission he:(1) agrees with such other person ‘or persons that they or one or more of them will engage in conduct which constitutes such crime or an attempt or solicitation to commit such crime; or(2) agrees to aid such other person or persons in the planning or commission Cf such crime or of an attempt or solicitation to commit such crime Homicide, Robbery, Abuse of Corpse, inchoate [oar TT Sotciation Ti Conspiracy ‘Ofiense_| 10904 7 a , ofthe | 18 Se ee ee een ___— ace ae pone ena Cswyzre | Wezond | a a m Acts of tho accused associated wih this Offense: In the course of commiting a thet, he:() inet séllpus BBtlly injury upon another;(i) threatens another with or intentionally puts him In fear of immediate serfs boclly injury;(it) commits or threatens immediately to commit any felony of the ist or 2nd degree;(Iv) inflicts bodily injury upon another or threatens another with or intentionally puts him in fear of immediate bodily injury;(v) physically takes or removes property from the person of another by force however slight Page 2. of Lf a) AOPC 412A ~ Rew, 07/10 288 POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT to Filed: OTWiLiveScan Number eee | yt Eee [eect a a ta | Def COSMO. [inaroo ‘The acts committed by the accused are described below with each Act of Assembly or statute violated, if appropriate. When there is more than one offense, each offense should be numbered chronologically. {(Sotforth a brief summary ofthe tacts nuit to adie tho deferdart of tho nature of tho offanse(e) charged. A clation to tha saute) vitated, without ‘more ls not sufclon. Ine sunvmary cas, you must cits the spec section(s) and subsections) of th satus) or oinances) allegedly violate. The ‘age ofthe vltim at tote of to eftense maybe included brow. In adallon,soclel security mumbers end nancial information ag PINS) shoul! not the ont of an uecoumt must be oxtabishod, tat only tho lat fours 2 Pacade $6218. Tachoate [CT arompr TT Solietation Ti Conspiracy _# e902 303 4 [M2 — Scie (ile Couns_—_— Gens Dai ecient (Wapplieable) | Number Seley Zone Statute Description (include the name of statute or ordinance): ABUSE OF A CORPSE feals a corpse in a way ordinary family sensibilities commits a misdemeanor of the second degree. Ci Gonepivacy 89028 18903 rene [Cage 10901 A o [5 [07 [PennDOT Data _(it appli Se ecee eceeeee ‘Statute Description (include the name of statute or ordinance): Possession of instruments of Crime Baty zone ‘Acts ofthe accused associated with this Offense" (@) A person commits a misdemeanor of the first degree IF he possesses any instrument of crime with intent to employ it criminally. (b) Possession of weapon.--A person commits a misdemeanor of the first degree if he possesses a firearm or ‘other weapon concealed upon his person with intent to employ it criminally Crass ise Fete] Pa ~ PennDOT Data {ifapplicable)_ Slatute Description (include the name of statute or ordinance): ‘Acts of the accused associated with this Offense: ROPE 4128 ~ Rev. 07/10 Page 3. off as POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT Docket Number: Date Fil ] “OTN/LiveScan Number ‘Complaintincident Number east | eee a otndetone | Fay tse 2. ask that a warrant of arrest or a summons be issued and that the defendant be required to answer the charges | have made, 3. | verify thatthe facts set forth in this complaint are true and correct to the best of my knowledge or information and belief, ‘This verification is made subject to the penalties of Section 4904 of the Crimes Code (18 Pa.C.S. § 4904) relating to Lunsworn falsification to authorities. 4, This complaint consists of the preceding page(s) numbered through _ ‘The acts committed by the accused, as listed and hereafter, were against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and were contrary to the Act(s) of the Assembly, or in violation of the statutes cite, (Before a warrant of arrest can be Issued, an affidavit of probable cause must be completed, sworn to before the issuing authority, and attached.) O7-3-01 “iaptiarDiik Cou aS 2. 9 £520 1 Lung: ! AOPE 412A ~ Rev. 07/20 Bucks County Detectives Office of the Bucks County District Attorney 30 East Court Street Doylestown Pa, 18901 215.348-6347(O fice) 267-885-1351 (fax) Your Affiants are Bucks County Detective Martin McDonough Badgo# 9916, Bucks County Detective/Lt David Kemmerer #9906 and Solebury Twp De/Cpl Jonathan Koretzky Badge #17. On July 6, 2017 Richard Patrick contacted the Netwown Twp Police Dept. to report is 19 year old grandson, Jimi Patrick, was missing, Jimi Patrick, DOB 5-31-1998, was last seen on July 5, 2017 at about 1800hrs when he left their residence. Your affiants learned that Jin Patrick did not show up for work on July 7, 2017. On July ?, 2017, Bonie Finocchiaro contacted Middletown Twp Police Dept. to report her 19 year old son, Dean Finocchiaro missing. Dean Finoechiaro, DOB 12/18/97, was last seen on July 7, 2017 and did not show up for work that night, On July 8, 2017 Melissa Fretanduno-Meo contacted the Plumstead Twp Police to report her 21 year old son misssing, Her son, Thomas Meo W/M, DOB: 01/30/1996 W/M, 3°6, 160ibs, is diabetic and insulin dependent. Her son carries his diabetic supplies where ever he goes and would not intentionally leave them leave hehiind. Thomas operates a 1996 Nissan Maxima with PA Reg/ KGP-8879. Thomas did not show up for work on. TSI2017. Fretanduno said Thomas works with and is good friends with Mark Sturgis DOB 1120/1994, who lives in Pennsburg Pa. Mark Sturgis was last seen on on July 7, 2017. At that time Mark told his father he was going to meet with Thomas Mco. Mark also did not show for work on July 8, 2017. Sturgis was susbsequently reported missing to the » Pennsyvania State Police by his parents on July 9, 2017. : IF Log et & On July 9, 2017 at approx 0400hrs, Thomas Meo’s vehicle was located at 2827-Agvetbing Rd, Solebury Twp Bucks County, Pennsylvania. This property is owned by Sandra ang Antonio Dinardo 920 Wayland Circle Bensalem, Pa, Thomas Meo was not logbted in, around the vehicle. Det/Cpl Koretzky did observe the keys and title to this vehtt$e, foiled up and hanging up on the wall inside of the garage of this property. A subsequeaéseateh of the vehicle revealed Thomas Meo’s diabetic supplies. g Your affiants later reveiwed this title. We noted the tite is in the name of Thomas Meo and was not endorsed for transfer to Cosmo Dinardo, or anyone else. GRAIRO3N ke On July 9, 2017 at approx 0210hrs, Mark Sturgis’ Nissan was located in the area of Peddler’s Village, Buckingham Twp, Bucks County Pa, This is less than 2 miles from 2728 Aquetong Rd. On July 9, 2017 at approx. 1630 hours, Bucks County Detectives David Coyne and David Kemmerer interviewed a male from Bensalem, who shall be referred to as KBM (known, Bensalem male). KBM is a friend of Cosmo Dinardo. KBM said he had received a call from Dinardo on July 8, 2017 at approx. 1700hrs. KBM subsequently met with Dinardo at Bristol Rd and Galloway Rd in Bensalem Twp. Dinardo offered to sell KBM an older model Nissan Maxima for $500.00. On July 9, 2017 at approx. 1430hrs, Bucks County Detectives Coyne and Kemmerer interviewed the defendant, Cosmo Dinardo. The defendant is the son of Sandra and Antonio Dinardo who own 2827 Aquetong Rd. Dinardo told the detectives he was driving a Silver 2016 Ford Pickup Truck (PA REG ZFZ-0742) on Friday evening July 7, 2017. He picked up Dean Finocchiaro from his home at approx 1900hrs, Dinardo said Finocchiaro asked him to drive him to a residence in Langhorne so that he could “Do a big coke deal”. Dinardo said he did not want to do that. While in the area of Rt 413 and Brigetown Pike, Dinardo made Finocchiaro get out of his truck, Dinardo drove to the ‘Washington Crossing and Morrisville area to go fishing. He fished until dusk and then ‘went home, He denied being in the Solebury Twp area. Your affiants conducted a search of data fiom a mobile license plate reader of Solebury ‘Twp Police unit 65-05. The search revealed PA registration ZPZ-0742 license plate was captured on July 7, 2017 at approximately 7:49PM. GPS location for this capture was at 2541 Street Road, Solebury Township, Bucks County PA. Within a couple of seconds, the license plate reader also captured Pa Registration KGP-8879, from Thomas Mco’s Maxima, at the same location, This location is less than 2 miles from 2728 Aquetong Rd and less than one mile from where Mark Sturgis’ vehicle was found, ‘On July 10, 2017 your affiants along with the assistance other local, state and federal law enforcement officers executed a search warrant at 6071 Lower York Rd in Solebury Twp Bucks County Pennsylvania . This property is also owned by Sandra and Antonio Dinardo. During the search of the property 3 adult mate bodies were discovered in a 12" to 13° pg deep grave. The grave appeared to have been dug with a backhoe. One of the males was 22 identified as Dean Finocchiaro. Another male was identified as Thomas Meo. ‘Eh¢thi m male has been identified as Mark Sturgis. Ee oO ei = On July 13, 2017 Bucks County Detectives Martin McDonough and Lt David Kknm neni < again interviewed the defendant, Cosmo Dinardo. we v 3 BS Dinardo said on July 5, 2017 he agreed to sell Jimi Patrick 4 pounds of marijuana for $8,000.00. Dinardo picked Jimi Patrick up at his home in Newtown and drove him to 6071 Lower York Ra ‘When they arrived, Dinardo said Patrick only had $800.00. Dinardo told Patrick he could sell him a shotgun for $800.00. Dinardo took Patrick to a remote part of the property and gave him a shotgun. Dinardo then shot and killed Patrick with a 22 caliber rifle. M&S Dinardo drove the backhoe to where he had killed Patrick and dug a hole no deeper than 6 feet deep. He put Patrick in the hole and buried him, Dinardo gave specific information about the location where Jimi Patrick is buried. On July 13, 2017, during the course of the aformentioned scarch warrant, investigators located a grave site in the area where Dinardo said Jimi Patrick would be buried. A male ‘was later removed from grave site and believed to be Jimi Patrick, Dinardo said he had lied to investigators during his first interview. On Friday July 7, 2017, Dinardo agreed to sell Finocchiaro ’4 pound of Marijuana for about $700.00. Dinardo picked up his cousin Sean Kratz and they drove to Finocchiaro’s home, During the ride to Finocchiaro’s the two decided not to sell marijuna to Finocehiaro. Instead they discussed and agreed to rob Finocchiaro. Dinardo gave Kratz. a Smith and Wesson 357 handgun which belongs to his mother. All three drove to 6071 Lower York Rd. Dinardo said they drove around the property on his ATV and that Kratz was going to rob Finocchiaro in the woods. He said Kratz did not ob Finocchiaro in the woods and they went into the bam. As they were leaving the barn Kratz shot Finocchiaro in the bead. Dinardo took the gun from Kratz. and also shot Finocchiaro while he was laying face down on the floor, but claimed Finecehiaro was already dead when he shot him, Dinardo took a blue tarp from the com crib and wrapped Finocchiaro in it. He tried to drag Finocchiaro out of the bam on the side facing the com crib, The tarp got stuck on a nail so he bad to use the backhoe to remove him from the bam. He placed Finocchiaro into a metal tank that he referred to as the pig roaster. Dinardo said he also had a “deal” set up with Tom Meo that same night, He was going sell marijuna. He told Meo to meet him in the stone parking lot next to the church in. Peddlers Village. Dinardo could not initially find Meo and drove through Peddlers ‘Village trying to find him. Dinardo found Meo in his Maxima with Sturgis and directed Meo to follow him to 2827 Aquetong Rd and park his vehicle. Meo and Sturgis got into Dinardo’s truck and they drove to 6071 Lower Rd, where Kratz was waiting, Dinardo, Meo and Sturgis exited the truck. Dinerdo was armed with the Smith and Wesson 357. He said “When they turn their backs on me, I shot ‘Tom in the back”. He collasped to the ground and was screaming. Sturgis stared to run away as Dinardo starting shooting at him, Sturgis was struck and he fell to the ground. Dinardo said he had ran out ammunition and went to the backhoe. He then drove the backhoe over Meg, 3 Dinardo used the backhoe to pick up Meo and Sturgis, who were both dead, accosding’S 20 him. After picking them up he brought their bodies to the same metal tank thaf3=) SFT? Finocehiaro was in and placed them in. He poured gasoline into the metal tanklaid lig, > Dinardo and Kratz left the farm, Sree £8 Jn the aftemoon on July 8, 2017 Kratz and Dinardo returned to 6071 Lower Youre, Dinardo used the backhoe to dig a hole and buried Finocchiaro, Meo and Sturgis ™ Dinardo gave the relvolver and tec 9 to Kratz. S On July 13, 2017 at approx 2120hrs affiants McDonough and Kemmerer interviewed Sean Krai Kratz said on July Sth, 2017 he was with Dinardo when they picked up Finocchiaro Dinardo was going to sell Finocchiaro marijuana, While driving to Finoechiaro’s, he and Dinardo discussed robbing Finocchiaro. Dinardo was armed with a handgun, Kratz said all three drove to 6071 Lower York Rd. together. After they arrived, Dinardo and Finoechiaro went into the barn. Kratz said he heard gun shots from the barn and then Dinardo returned to the truck. Dinardo wrapped Finocchiaro in a blue tarp and then used the backhoe to place him into a metal tank and lit him on fire, Dinardo told Kratz he has “two more kids” coming to the property up here buy pounds of ‘marijuana. Dinardo and Kratz also discuss robbing these two. Kratz said Dinardo left to ‘meet the two kids and retumed a short time later with Mark Sturgis and Tom Meo. Kratz remained at the location where Finocchiaro was shot, to wait for Dinardo’s return with the next two victims, Sturgis and Meo. Sturgis and Mco exited Dinardo’s truck, They were talking about the marijuana sale, when Dinardo used the hand gun to shoot Meo in the back and he fell to the ground. He then shot Sturgis. Kratz said Meo was scteaming at Dinardo, Dinardo used « 22 caliber rifle “and finishes him off” referring to Meo. Kratz. said Dinardo used the backhoe to load Meo and Sturgis into the metal conatiner that was burning and then leaves, Kratz later says that Dinardo “basically crushes him” with the backhoe referring to Meo. ‘On Saturday July 7, 2017 Kratz and Dinardo returned to 6071 Lower York Rd. Kratz was present when Dinardo used the backhoe to dig the hole where he later placed the metal container containing Thomas Meo, Mark Sturgis and Dean Finocchiaro. Kraiz directed your affiants to a home in Upper Dublin Twp. Montgomery County, where wwe located 2 firearms. A Smith and Wesson 357 caliber hand gun and a Intrateo 9mm Luger. me m CM EEE Ea raaem Reve mt < TH o

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