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The Sadhana of Vajrasattva

for Foundation Practices

2001 Friends of the Heart

Edition for individual practice
History of this Sadhana

This sadhana is based on the Kagyu Ngndro or Foundation

Practices, also called The Chariot that Carries Us Along the
Noble Way by Wangchuk Dorje, the Ninth Karmapa. The
instructions have been expanded and modified to allow the
practitioner to isolate and focus on the Vajrasattva practice

The Ninth Gyalwa Karmapa, Wangchuk Dorje, was heard

reciting mantras in the womb. He sat cross-legged for three
days soon after birth and declared he was the Karmapa. Not
surprisingly, he was soon recognized and, at the age of six,

Much of his life was spent in a travelling monastic camp, in

which strict emphasis was placed on meditation practice. His
itinerant party received invitations to visit many places. They
were unable to visit China, but made important trips to
Mongolia and Bhutan. Wangchuk Dorje gave many teachings
in southern Tibet and restored monasteries and temples
wherever he went.

Karmapa Wangchuk Dorje was not a prolific author but

several of his texts, such as Mahamudra, Ocean of Certain
Beneficial Meaning and Mahamudra, Dispelling the Darkness
of Ignorance, have made an important impact on the
teaching of mahamudra.

Given by Catherine Rathbun

to practitioners of Friends of the Heart

layout by Franca Leeson

Friends of the Heart 2001

May all beings be happy!

Vajrasattva Page i
Refuge Prayer

Until I reach enlightenment, I take refuge in all the Buddhas

And in the Dharma and all the noble Sangha.
By the merit of accomplishing the six perfections
May I achieve buddhahood for the benefit
of all sentient beings.

Vajrasattva Page ii
The Vajrasattva meditation is designed for cleansing all
unwholesomeness of all etheric planes and removing obstacles to the
clear understanding of the disciple. The Vajrasattva practice also
removes the deep roots that cause mental or physical illness.

Remaining faithful to your samaya and to the instructions of your

vajrayana teacher, prostrate humbly before the sources of refuge, take
your place, and arrange yourself in meditation.

Then, not allowing the mind to fall under the influence of the eight
worldly dharmas, you should resolve to practice the perfect dharma. As
you recite, do not allow the mind to wander, but keep the sound and
sense of the words together. With this attitude, recite aloud the verses

The human body so First, this precious human birth, so favourable for the practice
difficult to obtain of the dharma, is hard to obtain and easily lost. At this time, I
must make this life meaningful.

Impermanence Second, the world and all its inhabitants are impermanent. In
particular, the life of each being is like a water bubble. It is
uncertain when I will die and become a corpse. As it is only
the dharma that can help me at that time, I must practice
now with diligence.

Karmic cause and effect Third, at death there is no freedom, and karma takes its
course. As I create my own karma, I should therefore
abandon all unwholesome action, and always devote my time
to wholesome actions. With this in mind, I must observe my
mind-stream each day.

The defects of samsara Fourth, focusing only on homes, friends, pleasures, and
possessions deepens the roots of suffering. They are like the
feast before the executioner leads me to my death. I must
understand deeply the nature of attachment, cut my way
through it, and strive to attain enlightenment.

Refuge In order to liberate myself and all sentient beings from

One should earnestly devote oneself to suffering, I go for refuge until enlightenment to the place of
taking refuge in the Buddha, the protection: the Lama, Vajrasattva, the Three Jewels, and all
Dharma and the Sangha, as if one were the assemblies of yidams and dakinis.
a hunted prey.

The Bodhisattva Vow Until I reach the essence of enlightenment, I take refuge in all
While you recite this, think of the count- the buddhas, and likewise in the Dharma, and in the assembly
less sentient beings drowning in the
of bodhisattvas. Just as buddhas in the past gave rise to
ocean of suffering, experiencing endless
birth and death. All sentience was and is bodhicitta, followed the bodhisattva path and, through
ones mother, supporting ones existence. progressive training, established themselves in the stages of
Hence, a sense of immense gratitude to the bodhisattvas, likewise I, too, for the benefit of sentient
all manifestation should arise.

Vajrasattva Page 1
beings, will give rise to bodhicitta, train in the bodhisattva
path and gradually, as they did, become proficient. (repeat
three times)

Divine Abidings May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness.
May they be free from suffering and the causes of suffering.
May they never be separate from the highest bliss,
which is without suffering.
May they come to rest in great impartiality,
free of attachment and aversion to those near and far.

Confession and In many previous lifetimes I have performed countless

Resolution unwholesome actions, based on ignorance. All the seeming
pleasures of samsara will end in vanity and pain because of
the roots of unwholesomeness that have not been cleared. I
must finish ignorant action now, in this lifetime. It is like a
fire: perhaps warm at first but, if uncontrolled, it will burn
me. It is like poison: from the root of poison, poison grows. I
must take the antidote or I will suffer without end.

Think of actions you have performed for which you are truly repentant,
and say to yourself, with determination, This I will avoid in the

Countless other beings are also suffering from blindness and

caught in painful repetitive patterns. I vow to bring happiness
by all possible means to sentient beings. I will free them from
suffering and unhappiness. This is why I seek to attain

Hollow Body Visualization Fully understanding that it is for the sake of all sentient beings that
one works for enlightenment, prepare for the meditation by
performing the hollow body visualization.

You may continuously repeat the mantra ARA HUNG

ARA HUNG if it helps you to hold the
mind in focus.
Crystal clear white light moves through my body, from the
top of the head to the soles of the feet, leaving it completely

a ,Z P
empty and clear like a crystal vase.

Rest like this for a while, feeling the edges of the body as you breathe.

From emptiness, above the crown of my head a crystalline
white seed syllable PAM emerges and turns into a thousand-
The seed syllables are white like crystal, petalled white lotus. On the lotus the syllable AH turns into a
and face forward as you visualize them flat, white moon disc. Light swirling from the moon disc
above your head. forms into a HUNG, which turns into a five-pronged dorje

Vajrasattva Page 2
dorje = (Tib.) diamond or thunderbolt. standing vertically on the moon disc. In the centre
In Sanskrit, it is vajra. Vajrasattva, of the dorje is the seed syllable HUNG.
therefore, is Diamond/Thunderbolt
Being. Vajrasattva is also called Dorje
Sempa (literally Diamond Mind in From the HUNG light rays emanate upward, filling
Tibetan. the sky with immeasurable offerings to all the
buddhas and bodhisattvas in the ten directions.
Simultaneously, light rays from the seed syllable are
directed downward to all sentient beings in every
realm, bringing them purification, benefit, and

The light rays return and transform the dorje and HUNG into
the form of Vajrasattva.

The five Buddha-Wisdoms are His body is the colour of clear white moonstone, and is
symbolized on Vajrasattvas crown by adorned with silks and many jeweled necklaces, bracelets,
jewels of five colours, visualized from left and anklets. He wears a five-pointed crown, symbolizing the
to right as:
Yellow jewel: Wisdom of Equanimity attainment of the five Buddha-Wisdoms. He wears beautiful
Blue jewel: Mirror-like Wisdom jewelled earrings. He sits in the sattva position, with his left
White jewel: Wisdom of Dharmadhatu, foot drawn in and his right foot extended somewhat. His
right hand, held at the heart centre, holds a golden vajra. His
Red jewel: Discriminating Wisdom
Green jewel: Completion Wisdom left hand, resting on his thigh, cups an upside-down silver bell
pressed to his side.

, ,Z P
At his forehead is a white OM, at his throat a red AH, and at
his heart a blue HUNG. At his heart there is also a white
syllable HUNG resting on a lotus and moon disc, and around it
is the hundred-syllable mantra, appearing as a ribbon of
white light, starting in front and making two complete turns
in a clockwise direction.

Now, with sincerity and reverence, one offers a prayer to the

Vajrasattva figure, asking that oneself and all others be cleansed of all
negativity and suffering. Use the following text or make up your own;
make it as personal as you wish.

Oh Lama Vajrasattva, please clear away and purify all

negative actions, obscurations, mistakes, and transgressions of
myself and all sentient beings who are as limitless as space.

Mantra Yoga Having made this request, the HUNG in Vajrasattvas heart
begins to radiate immeasurable light which pervades the
entire universe and invokes all the buddhas and bodhisattvas
of all time and space. These divine beings, in the form of
white light and amrit nectar, fall like uncountable snow
crystals into the HUNG.

Vajrasattva Page 3
Then from the HUNG and the surrounding hundred-syllable
mantra light and amrit nectar pour forth, entirely filling his
body, which becomes completely clear and transparent, yet
iridescent with this liquid.

When his body is completely filled, the nectar begins to fall

from the big toe of Vajrasattvas right foot into the top of my
head, drop by drop at first, but becoming a stream of nectar.
It flows down through the channel in the middle of my body,
filling my heart centre, and then circulating through all the
veins and nadis of my being.

All ignorance, unwholesome states and clinging are

completely washed away by this outpouring of nectar. They
exit from my body through my pores and lower orifices in the
form of black liquid, dissolving into the earth below.

Then the nectar, having pushed out the impurities, begins

filling my body from the bottom upward, like milk being
poured into a crystal vase. It fills me all the way to the crown
of my head, at which point it sprinkles upward, touching
Vajrasattva in a gesture of offering and thanks.

Continue visualizing like this as you recite the mantra.

Here is an interpretation of the mantra:
OM Vajrasattva, pray guard the samaya. OM BENZA SATO SAMAYA MANU PALAYA
Vajrasattva pray thou stay nearby. BENZA SATO TVENO PATITA
Enrich me, be loving toward me. SUPOKAYO ME BHAWA ANURAKTO ME BHAWA
Bestow on me all realization. SARVA SIDDHI ME PRAYATSA
In all my actions cause my mind to be pure SARVA KARMA SUTSA ME TSITTAM SHRIYAM KURU
All the vajra Buddhas, SARVA TATHAGATA BENZA
Do not abandon me! Make me vajra-like! MA ME MUNTSA BENZRI BHAWA
Great Samaya Being - AH. MAHA SAMAYA SATO AH

After repeating twenty-one, 108, or as many mantras as you have

determined to do, offer thanks to Vajrasattva for his great blessing.

Oh protector! Unknowingly and in ignorance, I have gone

against and violated my samaya vows. Lama protector, please
grant me refuge. Oh Supreme Vajra Holder, you who have
mastery of great compassion, Lord of Beings, I take refuge in
you. I confess all my violations of the vows and precepts I
have taken. Grant your blessing to cleanse and purify all
negative actions, obscurations, mistakes and transgressions.

Vajrasattva Page 4
Vajrasattva smiles in response to my request and says, My
child and diamond disciple, as one who is continuing in my
lineage, all sins and veils of ignorance of yourself and all
sentient beings, all degenerated vows and unwholesome
actions of body, speech, and mind are purified.

Dissolution Then the figure of Vajrasattva, together with the moon disc
and lotus, dissolve into light. The light is absorbed into the
crown of my head, and the three centres of body, speech and
mind become the very essence of Vajrasattva. We become

Remain in this state for as long as possible.

Dedication and One thereafter shares the merit of this practice with all sentience. Then
Aspiration review the meditation practice without allowing doubt or skepticism to
confuse the mind.

I dedicate this virtue that all beings without exception be

granted the state of buddhahood, that they may travel the
inner path to the vajra-mind, a non-dying, ever-blissful union
of wisdom and skillful means.

By this merit, may I quickly realize Vajrasattva. Having

realized, may I establish all beings without a single exception
in such a state.

Through the blessing of the buddhas who attained the three

kayas, through the blessing of the unchanging truth of the
Dharma, through the blessing of the unwavering intention of
the Sangha, may this dedication and aspiration become

Long Life Prayer for the Lama May the lama live long,
May her good health increase,
Long life prayers for the lama usually
May her dharma activity flourish.
much longer and more elaborate than
this one are always an integral part of
Tibetan dharma practice and must be
performed at the end of every session.

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