Ee141 HW3

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College of Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

Elad Alon Homework #3 EECS141


a) Implement the logic function shown below with a static CMOS gate. You can
assume that both the true and complementary versions of input are available (e.g.
and are available simultaneously).

b) Someone claims they can build a static AND gate with the circuit shown below.
What is wrong with this particular implementation?


B Out

c) By adding just two more transistors to the circuit shown above, fix the circuit so
that it will implement a static AND gate. Note that you are free to use both the
true and complement versions of the input signals (A and B) to achieve this.
PROBLEM 2: Simulation Exercise I
In the following NAND2 gate, we will use the same sizing for all PMOS transistors in
PUN. Similarly, all the NMOS transistors in the PDN are identically sized. We will also
define the NAND2s ratio as the ratio between the width of the PMOS transistors and
the NMOS transistors i.e., = Wp/Wn. In this problem we will explore how changing
impacts various design metrics by using HSPICE. You should make the NMOS transistor
1m wide, and alter the width of the PMOS transistor to change the NAND2s ratio.
The channel lengths of both the NMOS and PMOS transistors should be fixed at 0.09m.
This is a good chance to explore HSPICE and use some of its built-in functionality to
make this problem easier. (Hint: youll want to sweep transistor parameters and
use .MEASURE statements. An example will be shown in discussion session.)

a) Plot VIL and VIH of the NAND2 gate versus the ratio. In order to measure VIL
and VIH, you should assume that the B input is set to Vdd and then sweep the A
input from 0 to Vdd to trace out the VTC.



b) Sweep and plot the high-to-low transition delay, low-to-high transition delay,
and the average delay of the second NAND2 in the fanout of 4 NAND2 chain
shown below. What would you choose to minimize the average delay?
PROBLEM 3: Simulation Exercise II

a) Shown below is an inverter with Wp/Wn = 2m/1m with a load capacitance of

15fF. Assume that in our technology the gate capacitance CG = 2fF/m and that
the junction capacitance CD = 1.6fF/m. Calculate the energy drawn from Vdd
(= 1.2V) when the input transitions from 1.2V to 0V.

b) Using a 10ps fall time slope for the input step, simulate the energy drawn from
Vdd in HSPICE. How close is this value compared to part a)? To ensure
consistent results with the solutions, you should use the falling edge of the pulse
waveform shown below as the input step. The pulse has a 1ns period and you
should measure the average energy during the half cycle (500ps) that starts at the
falling edge.

c) [BONUS] Using a 100ps fall time slope for the input step, simulate the energy
drawn from Vdd in HSPICE. Is it larger or smaller than the result you got in b)?
Why might it be larger or smaller than part b)?

PROBLEM 4: Decoder Warm-up

In this problem you should assume that you are given a pre-designed set of gates that
consists of only NOR2, NAND2, and an inverter. For this problem you must choose
from this set of gates to design a 3:8 decoder. You can assume that both the true and
complement address input signals are available to you.

a) Draw an implementation of a 3:8 decoder using only NAND2 and/or inverters.

b) Draw an implementation of a 3:8 decoder using only NOR2 and/or inverters.

c) For this part of the problem you should ignore all the junction capacitors from the
transistors and assume that each NAND2 has 4fF input capacitance, while each
inverter has 3fF input capacitance. How much energy is pulled out of the power
supply of the decoder from part a) every time one of the address inputs changes?
Dont forget to include the energy used by the gates that drive the address inputs
of the decoder.

d) In order to make the energy consumed by the implementation from b) the same or
less than that of part a), what is the maximum input capacitance each NOR2 gate
is allowed to have?

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