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Scientific method in Social Research-Objectives, Use and Its application and
Limitations, Scope of Interdisciplinary approaches in Social Science-
Relationship between theory and Research. Major steps in social Science
Research - selecting the topic - Problem Formulation, Conceptualization and
Hypothesis in social Research, Types of Social Research design.
Social Work Research: Meaning, Propose, Research Process, Research and
Theory linkages in Practice, Single-Subject Research Designs, Evaluation
Research in Social Work
Research Design: Definition and Types of research designs
Sampling Methods: Definition-Importance of Sampling in Social science
Research, Advantages and disadvantages of Sampling. Types of Sampling.
Sources and methods of Data collection:
Sources: primary & secondary methods of Data collection
Tools: Observation, Interview, Schedule and Questionnaire. Scaling (Turnstone
and Likert scale) Participatory Research: P.R.A, R.R.A etc. Action Research
Case study Focus Group discussions.
Data Processing and Analysis: Classification, Tabulation Data Analysis and
interpretation, Report Writing: Project Report Dissertation.
Statistical Application: Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion t test,
ANOVA F Distribution Chi-Square Test Regression and their Application
in Social science research.
1. Goode, W.J. and Hatt, P.K. (1952), Methods of Social Research, New York, McGraw Hill.

2. Kidder, Louise H. (1981). Research methods in Social Research, New York, Holt.

3. Lal Das, D.K. (2005), Designs of Social Research, Jaipur, Rawat Publications.

4. Lal Das, D.K. (2000), Practice of Social Research : Social Work Perspective, Jaipur, Rawat

5. Oppenhim, N.A. (1966), Questionnaire Design and Attitude Measurement, New York, Basic
Books, p. 55.

6. Wilkinson, T.S. and Bhandarkar, P.L. (1977), Methodology and Techniques of social
Research, Bombay, Himalaya Publishing.

7. Young, P.V. (1953) Scientific Social Surveys and Research Englewood Cliff, N.J. Prentice
Hall (4th Edition).

8. Polansky, N.A. (ed.), (1957), Social Work Research, Chicago, the University of Chicago

9. Philip, A.E. et al. (1975), Social Work Research, and the Analysis of Social Data, Oxford,
Paragaon Press

10. Ramchandran, P., Research in Social Work in A.B. Bose (ed.) (1987), Encyclopaedia of
Social Work in India, New Delhi, Government of India, p. 386.

11. Rubin, Allen & Babbie, E. (1989), Research Methodology for Social Work, Belmohf,
California, Wadsworth.

12. Gupta, S.P. (1980), Statistical Methods, New Delhi, S. Chand.

13. Krishef , Curtis (1987), H. Fundamentals Statistics for Human Services and Social Work,
Boston, Duxbury Press.

14. A. K. Patel, M. V. Dubey. , Research in Social work ,Common publications,978-81-8342-


15. SPSS- Statistical package for Social Sciences

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