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Marketing Intelligence Assignment No.

Marketing Intelligence

Market Research and Analysis (A& B)

Marketing Research of University for launching MBA Program

1. Based on the above case study identify the market size growth and current trends existing
in the chosen market.

Market Size Growth

The business world is changing and because of its rapid changes, higher education
institutions are developing new trends for business professionals to receive a MBA. The
latest trends in MBA have caused universities and colleges to scramble for ways to develop
innovative and effective ways for these individuals to receive a MBA that will further their
careers. The world's leading and most popular business qualification is Master of Business
Administration. Many consultancy and finance companies require MBA graduates. Gone are
the days when one used to get a good job by completing graduation. Your MBA degree
offers you a broader scope of career opportunities than you could expect with a bachelor's
degree. The Association of MBAs reports that there is a growing trend among overseas
executives to supplement their international business experience by studying for an MBA
within the UK.

A candidate with a good MBA degree finds no problem in getting a good job and freshers
are usually inducted as Management Trainees for one to two years, before getting absorbed
in regular scales.

A MBA differs from many other postgraduate courses. It is not normally appropriate to start
this course of study immediately after your first degree, and many schools require that one
should have 4-5 years experience of business.

An MBA course would sharpen your vision, increase your business acumen, enhance you
skill set and help you to view things with a business perspective. Your MBA degree can also
provide insight into or a new perspective on business matters. It can also increase your
ability to handle new challenges. Many graduates discover gifts and talents they were
unaware they had before they completed their MBA.

Just having an MBA degree is not sufficient. There are lot of colleges offering an MBA but
not all of them carry the same weight.The college from where MBA has been persued is also
very important. One can learn about business techniques, management techniques,
Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

leadership skills and all about management. If one want's to survive in today's competitive
world then MBA is the right option.

While studying MBA students are exposed to a huge opportunity of Networking.

The benefit of an MBA graduate business degree can prepare you to step up to a
managerial position within your field. Salaries earned by graduates of MBA programs are
quite high. If you have few years of experience and have completed the course from a
reputed institute then your salary can rise significantly. To cater to the growing demand for
an MBA degree, many colleges allow part time courses. Now, the people have the
advantage to pursue an MBA along with their job.

Name of Author- Vijay Danu

Title- MBA Degree
Date of Publication- Not mentioned
Publisher- Idea Marketers
Place- Idea Marketers


Current Trends

If you are at a point in your professional career where you want to increase your knowledge
of the business world, then you should know the latest trends in MBA programs:

Online MBA Programs: The online MBA program allowed attending school whenever and
wherever anyone wanted, which was usually at work. This has to admit that the cost of the
online program was substantially higher than maybe attending a traditional university. One
caution for online MBA programs: know the schools credibility and accreditation so that
you do not waste the thousands of dollars on an unrecognized degree.

Part-time MBA programs: Part-time MBA programs are becoming a highly sought trend.
This new program style allows for professionals to attend a traditional university while
maintaining some form of employment. Part-time MBA programs are designed to take
longer than the 18 months to two years but they also give students the comfort of
attending school without sacrificing work.
Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

Executive MBA programs: The executive MBA program is just that, a MBA program for
executives. This MBA trend is a program that is designed to challenge owners, C-level
executives and other professionals in upper management positions. The program is rigorous
but rewarding because leaders receive a more tailored learning program.

Specialization MBA programs: A specialized MBA program is a program that offers students
the opportunity to not only receive a MBA but also a certification or specialization in
another area of study. These specialized MBA programs are only good for individuals who
want to remain in their current careers but want to apply business skills.

Accelerated MBA programs: This trend has slowly decreased in its popularity because of
the fast pace and extremely difficult course offerings. Accelerated MBA programs allow
students to earn a MBA in a fraction of the time it would take to complete a regular MBA

Dual degree MBA programs: Dual degree MBA program trends are longstanding because
students are able to receive two distinct degrees. Many students earn a MBA/MPA,
MBA/JD, MBA/MHA, the list is endless. This particular MBA program is based at traditional
institutions and typically takes more than three years to complete. Also, the student has to
be admitted into both programs.

Staying up-to-date with the current trends in MBA programs will assist you make a wiser
decision for your professional career development. Always check with the business school
of choice to determine the most popular MBA trend and see if it fits your lifestyle. For those
who are busy, then part-time or online MBA programs may offer more flexibility to
complete the program. The dual-degree and specialized MBA programs allows you to stay in
your current field while learning business applications. The executive and accelerated are
tailored for those students who are executive and able to learn at a fast pace.

Name of Author- Written by INC

Title- Latest MBA Trends
Date of Publication- 27th September 2010
Publisher- Elizabeth Stannard Gromisch
Place- Bright Hub

Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

2. Based on above case study, now carry out the detailed analysis of the main
competitor market.

Manipal University

Manipal University has emerged as the leading higher education provider in India. Spread
over 600 acres of green expanse, Manipal University is home to 20,000 students pursuing
undergraduate and post graduate programs in diverse subjects. The University has a
strong alumni network of over 72,000 members.

The University has created an ecosystem of teaching and research excellence making it a
universally accepted destination by students. The breadth of disciplines and collaboration
among constituent institutions gives unparalleled opportunity to students to cross
departmental boundaries and explore different horizons.

MBA course at Manipal:

DURATION: 2 years


CITIZENSHIP: Indian Nationals can apply under the General category. Foreign nationals or
Non Resident Indians or Indian nationals supported by NRI relatives can apply under the
Foreign/NRI category.

QUALIFICATION: The candidate must have a bachelor's degree in any discipline from a
recognized university. They should have secured not less than 50% marks in aggregate.


GENERAL CATEGORY: All candidates are required to write any of the All India Management
Tests like MAT, GMAT, CAT, XAT etc. Based on the marks scored in Management Test,
candidates will be shortlisted to attend Group Discussion and Personal Interview at
Manipal. Final selection will be based on the marks secured in Management Test, Group
Discussion and Interview.

FOREIGN/NRI CATEGORY: Admissions are made on the basis of marks obtained at the
qualifying examination.

Candidates can apply either under General category or Foreign/NRI category. Those
submitting applications under both General and Foreign/NRI categories will be considered
Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

only under the General category. Change of category at a later stage will not be entertained
under any circumstances.


Based on the Test score, shortlist of applicants eligible for Group Discussion and Personal
Interview will be prepared.


All the shortlisted candidates will be called for group discussion and interview to be held in
first week of June. The exact schedule for GD & Interview will be announced in the website
sufficiently in advance.

Candidates called for GD & Interview must bring all the original certificates, original copy
and a photocopy of the test score card also.


GENERAL CATEGORY - Based on the marks scored in Entrance Test, GD & Interview, a merit
list will be announced after the GD & Interview.

FOREIGN/NRI CATEGORY - A separate merit list of the applicants under the Foreign/NRI
category will be prepared based on marks obtained in the qualifying examination and those
selected for admission will be informed separately.

The semester is as follows: 1ST YEAR

Semester I

Subjects Credits

Management Process and Organizational Behavior 4

Quantitative Methods in Management 4

Economics for Managers 3

Financial and Management Accounting 3

Business Communication 3

Management Information System 4

Legal Aspects of Business 3

Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

Semester II

Subjects Credits

Economic Environment and Policy 3

Research Methodology 4

Financial Management 3

Operations Management 4

Human Resource Management 3

Marketing Management 3

E-Business Management 4


Specialisations are offered in Marketing, Finance, Human Resource, Health Care Management,
Information Systems and International Business areas.

Core Courses

Semester III

Subjects Credits

Strategic Management 3

Management Control Systems 3

Summer Project 4

Semester IV

Subjects Credits

Technology Management 3

Entrepreneurship & Project Management 3

Local Project 2
Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

Electives (students are required to choose one elective stream)

Marketing Area

Semester III

Subjects Credits

Industrial and Hi-tech marketing 3

Sales, Distribution and Supply Chain Management 3

Consumer Behaviour 3

Retail Management and Internet Marketing 3

Semester IV

Subjects Credits

Rural marketing 3

Service Marketing and Customer Relationship Management 3

Product Management and Brand Building 3

Integrated Marketing Communication 3

Finance Area

Semester III

Subjects Credits

Mergers & Acquisitions 3

Security Analysis & Portfolio Management 3

Financial Reporting, Audit & Control 3

Taxation Management 3
Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

Semester IV

Subjects Credits

International Financial Management 3

Financial Derivatives 3

Financial Services 3

Risk Management & Innovation 3

Human Resource Area

Semester III

Subjects Credits

Organizational Development and Management of Change 3

Legal Environment and Industrial Legislation 3

Personal Growth and Development 3

Performance Management 3

Semester IV

Subjects Credits

Strategic Human Resource Management 3

Training & Development 3

Compensation Management 3

International Human Resource Management 3

Healthcare Management Area

Semester III
Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

Subjects Credits

Operations Management in Health Care 3

Management of Human Resources in Healthcare 3

Health Care Marketing 3

Medical Records & Documentation Procedure 3

Semester IV

Subjects Credits

Legal & Ethical Issues in Health Care Management 3

Hospital Planning & Management Accounting 3

Quality Management in Health Care 3

Health Information System 3

International Business Area

Semester III

Subjects Credits

Mergers and Acquisitions 3

International Monetary and Financial Economics 3

International Accounting 3

International Business Management 3

Semester IV

Subjects Credits

International Financial Management 3

Financial Derivatives 3

Risk Management and Innovation 3

Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

International Human Resource Management

Total price : Rs. 474,000

Indian Institute Management

IIMA has evolved from being India's premier management institute to a notable international
school of management in just four decades.
It all started with Dr. Vikram Sarabhai and a few spirited industrialists realising that agriculture,
education, health, transportation, population control, energy and public administration were
vital elements in a growing society, and that it was necessary to efficiently manage these

The result was the creation of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad in 1961 as an
autonomous body with the active collaboration of the Government of India, Government of
Gujarat and the industrial sectors."
It was evident that to have a vision was not enough. Effective governance and quality education
were seen as critical aspects.

From the very start the founders introduced the concept of faculty governance: all members of
the faculty play an important role in administering the diverse academic and non-academic
activities of the Institute. The empowerment of the faculty has been the propelling force behind
the high quality of learning experience at IIMA.

The two-year full-time Post-Graduate Programme in Management (PGP), rated as the toughest
MBA programme in the world to get admission, is the flagship programme of IIM. Its main
objective is to develop young men and women into competent professional managers, capable
of working in any sector of organized activity, proceeding leadership and achieving excellence in
performance while contributing to the welfare of the larger society. The programme specifically
attempts to:

Equip students with the required conceptual and interpersonal skills and sense of social
purpose for managerial decision-making,
Develop leadership capabilities to act as change agents and be a source of motivation in
the organizations they work in,
Nurture the desire to excel in performance without compromising integrity, honesty and
Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

IIMA is known for the depth and rigour of the programme. The curriculum, reviewed and
revised periodically, remain relevant and contemporary.

Career Impact
The two-year Post Graduate Program in Management, popularly known as PGP, is the
flagship program of IIM. Consistently recognized as one of the leading MBA programs in the
world, this is the most prestigious long-duration program of IIM. Over the years, this
program has produced a large number of industry captains, wealth creators, renowned
entrepreneurs, top-rated management academicians and leaders spearheading social
causes and working with the underprivileged and the needy. Footprints of the graduates of
the Post Graduate Program not only span a wide range of business, industry and social
sector, but also have made impact in the global arena. The program, through high-impact
pedagogical methods, helps the participants to develop themselves into top-quality decision
makers with analytical rigor, conceptual foundations and interpersonal and social skills,
built on values of honesty, integrity and a sense of fairness. The participants learn to think
through managerial issues and decisions in complex, less-structured situations in holistic
and multi-disciplinary perspectives to generate and evaluate alternatives and arrive at
innovative solutions. In-class discussions, group preparation and presentations, field
research and project work prepare the participants to meet the challenges of the
managerial profession. Different co-curricular and extracurricular activities organized by the
participants themselves sharpen their organizing abilities, nurture their leadership qualities
and polish their social skills. The PGP of IIM helps participants to transform themselves into
leaders of organizations and change agents of society.

Admission/Selection Process
The selection of candidates for admission to the 2010-12 batch of the PGP at IIM
Ahmedabad is a two-step process.

In the first step, candidates are short listed for personal interviews from among candidates
who have a valid CAT/GMAT score* who have applied for the programme and who satisfy
the eligibility criteria for the programme. In order to be considered for short listing, a non-
overseas category candidate who does not belong to the SC/ST/DA or NC-OBC categories
should have scored at least 25% in each of the three sections of CAT and at least 33% in
aggregate. A non-overseas category candidate who belongs to the NC-OBC category should
have scored at least 20% in each of the three sections of CAT and at least 30% in aggregate.
A non-overseas category candidate who belongs to the SC/ST/DA categories should have
scored at least 17% in each of the three sections of CAT and at least 25% in aggregate. An
Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

overseas category candidate who applies with a GMAT score instead of a CAT score should
have scored at least 45 in the quantitative and verbal sections and should have a total
scaled score of at least 700. Note that these are only necessary conditions, and all
candidates satisfying these conditions are not guaranteed to be short listed, in fact the
actual cut-offs used for short listing will depend on the performance of candidates in
CAT/GMAT, and has traditionally been higher than the percentages and scores mentioned
above. A candidate"s prior academic record is also used in the short listing process. The
exact criteria used to short list candidates for personal interviews will be disclosed on the
CAT website at and the IIM Ahmedabad website at
along with the list of short listed candidates on January 22, 2010.

In the second step, after the completion of personal interviews of all candidates short listed
in the first step, candidates for admission to the 2010-12 batch of the PGP at IIM
Ahmedabad are selected from among the candidates who have attended the personal
interviews. In preparing this list, apart from performance in personal interviews, inputs such
as the CAT/GMAT score*, academic background and achievements, extra-curricular
activities, and post-degree work experience are taken into consideration.

* CAT refers to CAT-2009

* GMAT refers to GMAT administered within the last 24 months as on 15 December 2009

The following information is about the admission process followed by IIMA for its PGP
subsequent to CAT. It is therefore, important for the candidates to read them carefully.

1. Performance in CAT is an important input in the admission process and is the primary
basis for shortlisting candidates for the second round of admission process, which
comprises of personal interviews. Candidates should note that it is important to perform
well relative to other candidates in each section of the test as the scores in each section and
the overall score are used to short list the candidates for the second round. These scores
may also be used for final ranking as well. In addition to the performance in CAT, IIMA may
use academic performance, relevant work experience and other similar inputs for ranking
and shortlisting candidates for personal interviews.

2. Please note that IIMA shortlists candidates for Personal Interviews (PI) independent of
other IIMs. Hence it is possible to observe variations in the list of candidates shortlisted by
different IIMs.
Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

3. Details of candidates shortlisted will be made available on CAT website (

on January 22, 2010. Shortlisted candidates would also be sent letters by IIMA.

4. After the PI round, admission offers are made by IIMA to successful candidates. The
ranking and final selection is based on a diverse set of attributes and may include
performance in CAT, performance in PI, academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular
achievements, work experience etc.

5. Disclosure of information about the admission process is driven by concerns, which at

times conflict with each other. The IIMA would like the admission process to be transparent.
At the same time, IIMA would wish to protect the privacy of individual candidates and
confidentiality of the process to prevent abuse. Based on these considerations, the
performance of an individual is not made available to any other person. Similarly, the
performance of candidates in PI including assessment of attributes mentioned under
paragraph 4 above is not disclosed to anyone to prevent exercise of undue pressure on the
panelists participating in the admission/selection process. IIMA exercises its own discretion
in disclosing weights assigned to diverse sets of attributes mentioned under paragraph 4
above. To ensure that the perceived lack of transparency does not in any way affect the
candidates negatively, adequate care is taken in formation of panel, development of
objective criteria for assessment, random allocation of candidates to a panel and other such

6. Candidates, who appeared in PI will be able to view whether they have been offered
admission by IIMA during second week of April 2010 by visiting the IIMA website. Admission
offer letter would be sent to all successful candidates. Candidates, who are offered
admission, need to confirm their acceptance by completing all the required formalities by
May 3, 2010. Some candidates may also be placed on the waiting list initially during second
week of April 2010. Offers to candidates on the waiting list would depend upon the number
of successful candidates accepting the offer made by IIMA.
Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

First Year Academic Calendar 2010-2011 (Tentative)

Slot Details Date

June 21, 2011

Registration & Orientation June 22, 2011

June 23, 2011

I Classes Begin June 25, 2011

I Examination July 30 August 3, 2011

II Classes Begin August 6, 2011

II Examination September 14 17, 2011

III & IV Registration September 20, 2011

III Classes Begin September 21, 2011

III Examination October 30 November 3, 2011

IV Classes Begin November 8, 2011

IV Examination December 27 30, 2011

Vacation December 31, 2011 January 5, 2012

V & VI Registration January 6, 2012

V Classes Begin January 7, 2012

V Examination February 14 17, 2012

VI Classes Begin February 21, 2012

Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

VI Examination April 1 5, 2012

Second Year Academic Calendar 2010-2011 (Tentative)

Slot Details Date

VII & VIII Registration June 14, 2012

VII Classes Begin June 15, 2012

VII Examination July 19 21, 2012

VIII Classes Begin July 23, 2012

VIII Examination August 27 September 1, 2012

Vacation September 2 8, 2012

IX & X Registration September 9, 2012

IX Classes Begin September 10, 2012

IX Examination October 23 26, 2012

X Classes Begin October 28, 2012

X Examination December 3 8, 2012

Vacation December 9 19, 2012

XI & XII Registration December 20, 2012

XI Classes Begin December 21, 2012

XI Examination January 17 19, 2012

Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

XII Classes Begin January 21, 2012

XII Examination February 23 March 2, 2012

No tuition fee is charged for Indian students. Selected candidates will get a monthly stipend of
Rs.18,000/- per month for the first and second year, Rs. 19,000 per month after clearing the
comprehensive exam and Rs. 20,500 per month after submission of the TAC approved thesis
proposal. Over and above this, a Contingency Allowance of Rs. 25,000 per year (for five years)
to cover research expenses, expenses on books, photocopying etc. and reimbursement of
internationational conference up to Rs. 1,75,000 are also available to all students.

If we compare both forms, its difficult to judge which one its the best. Both are same
popular in India and equally judged. If we highlight IIM is more reasonable than Manipal.
Manipal is more expensive than IIM. Although its same programmme MBA , it might be
different in some way.

Here below is the research which will identify Manipal and IIMA

ICICI Manipal Academy (IMA), which is into its fourth year of operations, has completed training
of nearly 3,000 probationary officers of ICICI Bank. The Academy is a collaborative effort
between Manipal Education and ICICI Group to make the bank's officers industry ready after a
one-year training programme.
"Now that we have the proof of concept ready for such a corporate university, Manipal
Education is ready to offer similar programmes to other banks and companies in other sectors
too," said Mr Sunil Kishore, Vice-president and Head, Corporate Education, Manipal Education.
In fact, Manipal Education is in talks with a couple of banks and players in the retail and
telecom sectors to initiate such partnerships, he added.

The IMA programme runs for a year where, in the first three trimesters the officers are trained
in general management, banking concepts and also specialise in electives such as treasury,
forex and branch management. The last trimester is on-the-job training in the bank, Mr
Kishore said. The students are awarded a post-graduate diploma in banking. Currently, at the
IMA campus in Bangalore, about 400 officers are being trained in a batch, which would be
increased to 600 by mid-2011, Mr Kishore said. IMA is also increasing capacity at the campus to
accommodate the students.
Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

Manipal Education's portfolio has now expanded beyond its offering of university education.
"We expect at least 25 per cent of Manipal Education's revenues to come from corporate
education in five years," said Mr Kishore. It's philanthropy of a different kind. The Ahmedabad-
based Indian Institute of Management will soon allow B-schools across the country to access its
vast pool of case studies, online.

IIM-A is in the process of taking its 3,500-odd case studies online giving easy access to the
global management arena. The institute envisages this project to be useful to the smaller B-
schools making their academic structure richer.

"The project will benefit smaller management institutes and researchers to get access to IIM-
A's high quality case studies. This will be done at a nominal cost for die institutes and corporate,
while academics and researchers will get free access to the cases," said a source from IIM-A.

Sale of such case studies is not new to the IIMs. Case studies by these premier management
institutes have been in huge demand by other B-schools. "We have been selling the case
studies to various interested parties. Of these, over 60 per cent are institutes, some are
academic individuals and researchers, we however, get less corporate inquiries for the same,"
stated another IIM-A source.

The online availability of case Study will fasten the process of delivery as well as will provide
huge options to choose from.
At present, there is a lot of manual effort involved in providing a case study.
"This is a time consuming process, sometimes even a term is over by the time the required
case study reaches the person," added the source.
The digitisation work of the 3,500-odd case studies is over and the editing work is underway at
present. However, considering the complexity of the work, the institute declined to give a time-
line for completion of the work.
While IIM-A has put up the bibliographic details and synopsis of the case studies on its portal,
uploading of the cases will take place only after the completion of editing work.
A panel of editors has been assigned the job of editing these case studies to make it
comparable with international standards.

IIM-A conducts an average of 50-60 case studies every year.

The case studies, which have been prepared over the past 50 years that varies in content, gives
a closer look to the corporate and management happenings of the business circles in India.
Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

"The case studies are prepared with international standards and touches variety of subjects.
Some of the cases are very interesting and give insights into the corporate happenings in the
country," said an official handling case studies at the IIM-A. . IIM-A, which gets case studies
from Harvard Business School, says it is eager to spread this rich resource of case studies to
smaller B-schools.

The cost involved is merely administrative and operational cost that the institute intends to
recover. As an academic institute we cannot have an objective of profit-making by selling our
knowledge resource," said a source at the IIM-A.
The institute has also developed the gateway for financial transactions, which will enable
payments via credit cards on these case studies.

Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

3. Considering yourself as representative of University wanting to launch MBA program

in India carry out a SWOT analysis.

With Indias rapid growth the demand for business savvy professionals with MBA tag is
rising like never before. This makes the MBA degree one of the most sought after degrees.

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT).

SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It involves
specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and
external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieve that objective. A SWOT
analysis must first start with defining a desired end state or objective. A SWOT analysis may
be incorporated into the strategic planning model. Strategic Planning has been the subject
of much research.

Strengths: characteristics of the business or team that give it an advantage

over others in the industry.
Weaknesses: are characteristics that place the firm at a disadvantage relative
to others.
Opportunities: external chances to make greater sales or profits in the
Threats: external elements in the environment that could cause trouble for
the business.

Identification of SWOTs is essential because subsequent steps in the process of planning for
achievement of the selected objective may be derived from the SWOTs.

First, the decision makers have to determine whether the objective is attainable, given the
SWOTs. If the objective is NOT attainable a different objective must be selected and the
process repeated.

The SWOT analysis is often used in academia to highlight and identify strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It is particularly helpful in identifying areas for

SWOT analysis is a tool for auditing an environment. It is the first stage of planning and
helps marketers to focus on key issues. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors. Opportunities
and threats are external factors.
Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

A Strength could be:

Our specialist marketing expertise.

Innovative service.
Location of our business.
Quality processes and procedures.
Any other aspect of your business that adds value to your product or service

A weakness could be:

Lack of marketing expertise.

Budget and funding.
Undifferentiated or services (i.e. in relation to your competitors).
Damaged reputation.

An opportunity could be:

Moving into new market segments that offer improved profits.

A new international market.
A market vacated by an ineffective competitor.
Expansion of business.

A threat could be:

A new competitor in your home market.

Price wars with competitors.
A competitor has a new, innovative service.
Competitors have superior access to channels of distribution.
Taxation on your service.
Reputation in marketplace back home.

Some of the advantages of SWOT analysis:

Simple and only costs time to do.

Generates new ideas to help take advantage of an organizations strengths and
defends against threats.
Awareness of political and environmental threats allows an organization to have
response plans prepared.

Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

4. Based on the above case study, Class slides & Text book give and explain the different
types of market research techniques.

Market research is a process of the systematic collection of data, about a particular target
market, competitors, customers, market trends, etc. The aim of market research is to obtain an
in-depth understanding of the particular subject. Rising competition has compelled many
organizations to conduct market research. Organizations may conduct market research
themselves, by appointing a market research team to work on the same. Or else, they may get
it done via a market research consultancy or an agency. Market research is vital for business
organizations looking out for opportunities to tap the market, for firms which have come up
with an improvised product and want to evaluate its demand and for companies planning to
introduce their products into the market. However, before conducting market research, it's
vital to have the research objectives defined. Once the objectives have been outlined, market
research can be carried out in different ways.

Types of Market Research

There are two methods of conducting market research: primary research and secondary
research. The choice of the method depends on the research objectives.

Primary Research

In primary research, data is collected directly from the source. For example, if the objective of
the research is to understand the demand of a particular product, then collecting feedback
directly from the customer by talking to them, is called primary research. Primary research
involves the collection of crucial data via interviews, surveys or focus group sessions. It's time
consuming and expensive. However, it is suited for gathering specific data. Primary research
can be further categorized into the qualitative and the quantitative type.

Quantitative Primary Research: This type of primary research involves the collection of
numerical data via surveys. The most frequently used quantitative technique is the 'market
research survey'. The numerical or quantitative information obtained is then statistically
analyzed. Such surveys comprise of questionnaires with closed ended questions. In a close
ended question, a respondent is needed to answer by ticking one of the options given. People
generally agree to cooperate, when surveys are less time-consuming. For example, a bank may
generate a questionnaire, wherein its aim is to find out what people think of their services.
Numerous questions may be asked in the questionnaire and the answer options are excellent,
good, poor or very poor. This data obtained is analyzed statistically and a conclusion is
ascertained. The main rule followed, while conducting quantitative research is that all the
Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

respondents should be given the same questionnaire with the same set of questions. These
quantitative surveys can be carried out, either face to face (asking people on the street to fill
them), email, telephone or by post (self completion and posting it back).

Qualitative Primary Research: This type of research involves gathering data via interviews or
focus group sessions. In this type, open ended questions are included. This means the questions
cannot be answered with a yes or a no. They include in-depth interviews, wherein a trained
executive interviews one or more respondents. The interviewer may carry out the interview on
a one to one basis, with two, triad or even 4-5 respondents. Such open ended interviews enable
the researcher to receive data about the likes-dislikes, requirements, positive-negative
feedback, trends and emotional motivators of the primary market. Unlike the quantitative type,
this type does not comprise of a fixed set of questions. The interviewer may have a basic
framework of questions ready, however, the flow of the interview is impromptu. The
respondent has the freedom to express himself. This helps the interviewer understand the
situation better. Focus groups are another method of carrying out qualitative research. These
groups generally comprise of 6-8 respondents, led by experienced professionals (research
moderators). The role of the professional is to ask general, as well as specific questions, to the
group of respondents. By encouraging a discussion, they are to draw out the required
information. However, since focus groups require experienced professionals, it's an expensive

Secondary Research

In secondary research, the analysis of information that has been collected for some other
purpose, is carried out. This means, that secondary research is carried out by gathering data
from sources such as government publications, libraries, internet, magazines, chambers of
commerce, etc. The data required may be in the form of demographic or statistical data, set of
articles or some studies. Firms can analyze their target markets, evaluate competitors, assess
social, political and economic factors. Data for secondary research can be obtained from a
variety of sources such as:

Chambers of Commerce: Each local area comprises a chamber of commerce, which possesses
information about the local businesses and local community.

Business Information Centers: Small business firms can use such centers, as they provide a large
collection of books, videos, publications and other important resource materials.

Trade Associations: Trade associations provide information on industry leaders, the standards
they observe, latest trends, competitors, etc.
Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

Marketing Departments of Local Colleges: Firms can access special research projects prepared
by students.

Wholesalers and Manufacturers: Firms can obtain information from wholesalers and
manufacturers, regarding customer's likes and dislikes, complaints, costs, industry standards,

Magazines and Newspapers: Industry journals and newspapers are a great source of crucial
information. News events, latest news on politics, economic indicators, etc. are helpful for firms
in understanding the market and its trends.

Competitors: Conducting research on the products or services, prices, brochures, marketing

techniques, etc. helps firms understand how to augment their business.

Besides the above mentioned resources, firms can obtain data from libraries, various books and
publications, banks, insurance companies, real estate companies, etc. As compared to primary
research, secondary research is easier. It is less time consuming and not as expensive. However,
the drawback of secondary research is that the data may not be updated and may not be
customized to suit the need of the research. Since it involves the analysis of data collected by
somebody else for a different purpose, the analysis may not be accurate. For example, a firm
manufacturing leather bags can find out how many people buy their bags, using secondary
research. However, they can't determine the amount people are willing to pay for their
particular leather bag design.

For firms planning to introduce a new product or service, conducting market research helps
understand the customers attitude and preferences. It also minimizes the risk of incurring
losses in the business. Market research conducted by either primary or secondary method is
vital to any business and its objectives.

Name of Author- Priya Johnson

Title- Types of Market Research
Date of Publication- Not mentioned
Publisher- Buzzle
Place- Buzzle

Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

5. Based on the above case study if you had to launch similar program for foreign university
you are representing in UAE then how would you go about it.

The core courses in the MBA program are designed to introduce students to the various areas
of business such as accounting, finance, marketing, human resources, operations management,
etc. Students in MBA programs have the option of taking general business courses throughout
the program or can select an area of concentration and focus approximately one-fourth of their
studies in this subject.

Accreditation bodies exist specifically for MBA programs to ensure consistency and quality of
graduate business education. Business schools in many countries offer MBA programs tailored
to full-time, part-time, executive, and distance learning students, with specialized

This University will be launched for those Indians who want an American degree. Here are the
below details of our university below, it will be easier for selection or for the process:

To be considered for admission to the MBA Program, applicants must submit the following
documents and information:

An Application for Admission to the MBA Program, duly completed, signed and dated
by the applicant.
o Required averages vary by school systems. Students should consult an
Admissions Representative for pertinent requirements.
o The application must clearly specify the program option to which the applicant
wishes to be admitted: i.e. Generalist, International Finance, Healthcare
Management, Management of Construction Enterprises, or International

A statement of the applicants career objectives, special professional and academic

interests, and other reasons why the candidate wishes to pursue the MBA Program at as
well as the applicants special skills, expertise and interests that might contribute
towards enriching the MBA experience.

Original, official transcripts of academic record from all universities, colleges or other
postsecondary institutions attended by the candidate; to be sent directly to the
Admissions Office. Applicants should obtain official attestation of all original transcripts
from the appropriate higher education authority in the country in which the
undergraduate degree was granted.
Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

Official scores of the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT), to be sent

directly to the Admissions Office. The universitys GMAT code is 0063.
o GMAT scores must be submitted at the time of application. However, subject to
the evaluation and approval of the MBA Admissions Committee,
o Applicants who have not taken the GMAT at the time of application may be
granted conditional admission, with a requirement that they submit satisfactory
GMAT scores not later than the end of the first term following admission.

For candidates whose native language is not English, the official score (original of
report) of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), completed within the past
twenty-four months immediately preceding the date of application, to be sent directly
to the Admissions Office.
o A minimum TOEFL score of 550 (CAT 213)* + TWE 4.0 will be required,
alternatively, Internet-based TOEFL score of 79-80 + writing skills 24-30. The
Universitys TOEFL code is 0063.
o This requirement may be waived for candidates whose native language is not
English and who have completed their undergraduate education at an
accredited/recognized English medium institution, provided that there is
evidence that the undergraduate institution has a TOEFL requirement of 500 or
higher (or equivalent score on another internationally recognized exam) required
for admission to the undergraduate program at that institution when the
applicant was admitted to the undergraduate program.
o Moreover, this requirement will be waived for candidates who are native
speakers of English, who have completed their undergraduate education in an
accredited/recognized English medium institution in a country where English is
the official language.

Two MBA Reference Forms completed by present or former university instructors or


Passport Copy and two passport size-pictures.

Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

Tuition Fees & Expenses ( 2010-2011 )

The standard academic year is comprised of the Fall (September) and Spring (January) semesters. There is one
Summer session (May).

Tuition Fees

Fall or Spring Semesters or Summer I Session

Tuition 3 credit hours AED 9,000

Tuition 6 credit hours AED 18,000

Tuition 9 credit hours AED 27,000

Additional Modules if required:

1. Micro-Economics AED 2,000

2. Accounting AED 2,000

3. Finance AED 2,000

4. Statistics AED 1,500

Withdrawal Penalty (Scholarship Students)*

If an M.B.A. student on scholarship exceeds the two-course limit for withdrawals, he/she will be charged the full
tuition for the course(s) from which he/she withdraws.

* HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Scholarship for Academic Achievement .

Intensive English Language Program

Fall and Spring Semesters:

Tuition AED 28,000 per semester

Services Fee for labs and activities AED 100 per semester

Summer Sessions:

Tuition AED 20,000 per session

Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

Services Fee for labs and activities AED 50 per session


Students are responsible for buying their own books. Book expense is not included in the tuition.

Health Insurance (Mandatory)

Effective Fall 2008, Private Health Insurance covering care in the UAE is mandatory to all AUD students.

In order to meet this requirement by enrolling in the AUD-sponsored health insurance plan, students are charged a
non-refundable fee on their joining semester bill covering a one year period. Students with valid current health
insurance covering all of UAE may waive this fee (please see below).

Fees and Charges for AUD Students Health Insurance Plan

Student joining beginning of Charges

Fall Semester (covering September 1st, 2009 August 31st, 2010) AED 1,000

Spring Semester (covering January 12th, 2010 August 31st, 2010) AED 650

Summer I Semester (covering May 10th, 2010 August 31st, 2010) AED 350

Summer II Semester (covering July 5th, 2010 August 31st, 2010) AED 175

Waiver of Fees

For this fee to be waived, students are required to provide evidence of currently valid private health insurance
covering care in the UAE (Original Insurance Card, and the completed to the Finance Office. Deadline to do so is the
last day of the Fall semester.


*A reservation deposit, which is fully applied toward tuition, is required upon acceptance for admission. Due to the high
number of applicants, students are requested to pay this deposit within two months of the start of the term of entry. No
application will be accepted after this date without the reservation deposit. The reservation deposit is non-refundable unless
the application is rejected by the Admissions Department.
Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

**English & / or Math placement exams


Late Registration Fee registration post deadlines* AED 1,000

Graduation Processing Fee non refundable, diploma fee AED 500

*A late registration fee will be charged for those registering after the final advising and registration date set for the semester

Student Residence Visa *

Visa Fee processing AED 1,000

Passport Deposit refundable only upon cancellation of visa AED 2,000

*UAE Residence Visas are only processed for full-time students.


Accommodation is provided by semester for those who wish student housing. Non-refundable housing fees per
semester are:

Fall or Spring Semesters

Single Room* 1 person / room AED 12,500 per semester

Shared Room 2 persons / room AED 8,500 per semester

Summer Sessions

Single Room* 1 person / room AED 8,500 per session

Shared Room 2 persons / room AED 5,700 per session

*Single rooms are not available and will not be guaranteed at all. In the event that there are cancellations and there is
availability of rooms, applications for single rooms will be considered.
Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

Refundable Deposits

Housing Security Deposit refundable, if no damage AED 1,000

Housing Reservation Fee refundable, for reservation AED 2,500

*The housing reservation fee is fully applied towards housing fees.

Housing deposit payment schedule

Semester Deadline

FALL 2010 Wednesday, May 26, 2010

SPRING 2011 Monday, November 15, 2010

SUMMER I 2011 Wednesday, March 23, 2011

SUMMER II 2011 Thursday, May 19, 2011

FALL 2011 Wednesday, May 25, 2011


The balance of the student housing fee must be paid in full one month before the beginning of the semester
or summer session. Failure to pay the housing fee in full may result in the cancellation of the dorm
reservation. In such cases, the housing reservation fee will not be refunded.
The housing reservation fee is non-refundable and non-transferable unless the student's application for
admission is rejected or the student cancels their admission one month prior to the start of the semester for
which he/she has paid.
Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

6. State the marketing research techniques you would apply for gathering the data. How
would you analysis the cancelled data? Based on your analysis of data give your
recommendation to the university you are representing.

Market Research is a systematic, objective collection and analysis of data about a particular
target market, competition, and/or environment. It always incorporates some form of data
collection whether it be secondary research (often referred to as desk research) or primary
research which is collected direct from a respondent.

The purpose of any market research project is to achieve an increased understanding of the
subject matter. With markets throughout the world becoming increasingly more competitive,
market research is now on the agenda of many organizations, whether they be large or small.

The Market Research Process

To conduct market research, organizations may decide to undertake the project themselves
(some through a marketing research department) or they might choose to commission it via a
market research agency or consultancy. Whichever, before undertaking any research project, it
is crucial to define the research objectives i.e. what are you trying to achieve from the
research? and what do you need to know?

After considering the objectives, Market Researchers can utilize many types of research
techniques and methodologies to capture the data that they require. All of the available
methodologies either collect quantitative or qualitative information. The use of each very much
depends on the research objectives but many believe that results are most useful when the two
methods are combined.

Quantitative Research
Quantitative research is numerically oriented, requires significant attention to the
measurement of market phenomena and often involves statistical analysis. For example, a bank
might ask its customers to rate its overall service as excellent, good, poor or very poor. This will
provide quantitative information that can be analysed statistically. The main rule with
quantitative research is that every respondent is asked the same series of questions. The
approach is very structured and normally involves large numbers of interviews/questionnaires.

Perhaps the most common quantitative technique is the market research survey. These are
basically projects that involve the collection of data from multiple cases such as consumers or
a set of products. Quantitative surveys can be conducted by using post (self-completion), face-
to-face (in-street or in-home), telephone, email or web techniques. The questionnaire is one of
the more common tools for collecting data from a survey, but it is only one of a wide ranging
Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

set of data collection aids.

Qualitative Research
Qualitative research provides an understanding of how or why things are as they are. For
example, a Market Researcher may stop a consumer who has purchased a particular type of
bread and ask him or her why that type of bread was chosen. Unlike quantitative research
there are no fixed set of questions but, instead, a topic guide (or discussion guide) is used to
explore various issues in-depth. The discussion between the interviewer (or moderator) and the
respondent is largely determined by the respondents' own thoughts and feelings.

As with quantitative techniques, there are also various types of qualitative methodologies.
Research of this sort is mostly done face-to-face. One of the best-known techniques is market
research group discussions (or focus groups). These are usually made up of 6 to 8 targeted
respondents, a research moderator whose role is to ask the required questions, draw out
answers, and encourage discussion, and an observation area usually behind one way mirrors,
and video and/or audio taping facilities.

In addition, qualitative research can also be conducted on a one on one basis i.e. an in-depth
interview with a trained executive interviewer and one respondent, a paired depth (two
respondents), a triad (three respondents) and a mini group discussion (4-5 respondents).

The best way to explore the research would be Qualitative mehod:

One advantage of qualitative methods in exploratory research is that use of open-ended

questions and probing gives participants the opportunity to respond in their own words, rather
than forcing them to choose from fixed responses, as quantitative methods do. Open-ended
questions have the ability to evoke responses that are:

meaningful and culturally salient to the participant

unanticipated by the researcher
rich and explanatory in nature

Another advantage of qualitative methods is that they allow the researcher the flexibility to
probe initial participant responses that is, to ask why or how. The researcher must listen
carefully to what participants say, engage with them according to their individual personalities
and styles, and use probes to encourage them to elaborate on their answers.

The strength of qualitative research is its ability to provide complex textual descriptions of how
people experience a given research issue. It provides information about the human side of an
Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

issue that is, the often contradictory behaviors, beliefs, opinions, emotions, and relationships
of individuals. Qualitative methods are also effective in identifying intangible factors, such as
social norms, socioeconomic status, gender roles, ethnicity, and religion, whose role in the
research issue may not be readily apparent. When used along with quantitative methods,
qualitative research can help us to interpret and better understand the complex reality of a
given situation and the implications of quantitative data.

Although findings from qualitative data can often be extended to people with characteristics
similar to those in the study population, gaining a rich and complex understanding of a specific
social context or phenomenon typically takes precedence over eliciting data that can be
generalized to other geographical areas or populations. In this sense, qualitative research
differs slightly from scientific research in general.

The three most common qualitative methods, explained in detail in their respective modules,
are participant observation, in-depth interviews, and focus groups. Each method is particularly
suited for obtaining a specific type of data.

Participant observation is appropriate for collecting data on naturally occurring behaviors in

their usual contexts.
-In-depth interviews are optimal for collecting data on individuals personal histories,
perspectives, and experiences, particularly when sensitive topics are being explored.
Focus groups are effective in eliciting data on the cultural norms of a group and in
generating broad overviews of issues of concern to the cultural groups or subgroups

Name of Author- DJS Research Ltd

Title- Definition of Market Research
Date of Publication- Not mentioned
Publisher- Market Research world
Place- Market Research world

Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

7. If you would have been the parent of child planning to do MBA in UAE what would be
your recommendation.

The Master of Business Administration Degree (MBA) is the most popular business qualification
in the world, and is fast becoming a prerequisite for management positions. MBA is normally
considered to be the basic and ideal post- graduate qualification for taking up a good and
rewarding career in management. Any parent will consider their child to do MBA to settle their

A person with a good MBA degree finds no problem in getting a good job and freshers are
usually inducted as Management Trainees for one to two years, before getting absorbed in
regular scales. After a few years of experience, MBAs may choose the job of their own liking on
very attractive terms. Increasing globalization has perpetuated severe competition and tough
battles for market share. For business success, these organizations need talented, qualified
managers with a professional approach. They turn to MBAs from premier business schools.

The MBAs recruited are credited with the following:

* The functional knowledge of the business organization

* The knowledge of functional interdependencies
* In-depth knowledge of at least one discipline
* The ability to adapt to new environments - micro and macro
* A problem solving approach
* The necessary inter-personal skills
* The skills of communication
* Self-confidence
* Initiative and the drive to succeed

In todays complex and competitive world any parents wants his child to succeed irrespective of
the profession/position that you are handling. Just having focused / specialized skill sets though
important may not serve the overall purpose in a business environment. An MBA course would
sharpen your vision, increase your business acumen, enhance you skill set and help you to view
things with a business perspective. To highlight the above point, a pure engineer may not be
able to appreciate commercial, legal, financial or marketing aspects of a business unit.
However, coupled with an MBA, he/she is likely to do better. But the industry these days
requires you to have (in addition to the above mentioned skills):
Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

1. Good communication skills

2. Creativity
3. Leadership qualities
4. The right personality
5. The ability to work in a team
6. Knowledge of all functional areas in Management
7. One specialization in Management

An MBA bridges this gap most effectively. The demand for MBAs far outstrips the supply. And
that is the reason they command such great bargaining power. Where else does one get the
opportunity of making it really big in a short time span, a high-powered life style, lucrative
earnings, of fully exploiting talent and potential, except in a career in Management? No matter
if one is an Arts, Science, Commerce, Engineering or Social Sciences student. An MBA from a
premier business school can provide foundation for a successful career path.

In UAE, the best is to have varieties of choices of selecting MBA program from different
countries like:

- US
- UK
- Australian
- Canadian
- Indian
- Pakistan etc.

Any parent will like to send its child to send UAE to check closely and examine each options and
then to select anyone of his choice. Many universities in UAE also provide accommodation also.
If I was a parent, I wanted my child to see as many options as he can and decide where he can
do MBA. There wouldnt be a place like UAE where you have many varieties and options


Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has
Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2


Date: _____________

Name of child: ___________________________ Birthdate: _____________ Age _______

Date of most recent: Hearing exam __________________

Language(s) spoken in the home:


Name of parent(s): _________________________

Occupation: ________________________________

Phone: _________________________ Occupation: ________________________________

Email: ____________________________________

Siblings and their ages:




What are the childs strengths?


What does your child more interested in which subjects?


What does the child dislike?


How would you describe your childs personality?



Marketing Intelligence Assignment No. 2

How long has your child attended his/her current


How would teacher describe childs school performance?


What does the child did best in school?


What were some challenging areas in school?


How is your childs performance in this (these) areas?


Describe childs grades overall:


In which subject you want your child to specialize in? Why?




What are your expectations from the university?


Is there anything else that is important to you want to know about university?

Any further Comments:



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