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Panlilio vs RTC

G.R. No. 173846

February 2, 2011

Before this Court is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, seeking to set aside the
April 27, 2006 Decision and August 2, 2006 Resolution of the Court of the Appeals (CA).

Facts: On October 15, 2004, Jose Marcel Panlilio, Erlinda Panlilio, Nicole Morris and Marlo Cristobal
(petitioners), as corporate officers of Silahis International Hotel, Inc. (SIHI), filed with the (RTC) of Manila,
Branch 24, a petition for Suspension of Payments and Rehabilitation in SEC Corp. Case. On October 18,
2004, the RTC of Manila, Branch 24, issued an Order staying all claims against SIHI upon finding the petition
sufficient in form and substance.
Finding the petition, together with its annexes, sufficient in form and substance and pursuant to
Section 6, Rule 4 of the Interim Rules on Corporate Rehabilitation, the Court hereby: Stays the enforcement
of all claims, whether for money or otherwise and whether such enforcement is by court action or
otherwise, against the debtor, its guarantors and sureties not solidarily liable with the debtor.
However, of the filing of the petition for rehabilitation, there were a number of criminal charges pending
against petitioners in Branch 51 of the RTC of Manila. These criminal charges were initiated by
respondent Social Security System (SSS) and involved charges of violations of Section 28 of Republic Act
8282,(SSS law), in relation to Article 315 (1) (b)[9] of the Revised Penal Code, or Estafa. Consequently,
petitioners filed with the RTC of Manila, Branch 51, a Manifestation and Motion to Suspend Proceedings.
Petitioners argued that the stay order issued by Branch 24 should also apply to the criminal charges pending
in Branch 51. Petitioners, thus, prayed that Branch 51 suspend its proceedings until the petition for
rehabilitation was finally resolved.
On December 13, 2004, Branch 51 (RTC) issued an Order denying petitioners motion to
suspend the proceedings. It ruled that the stay order issued by Branch 24 did not cover criminal
proceedings. The Court shares the view of the private complainants and the SSS that the said stay order does
not include the prosecution of criminal offenses. Precisely, the law criminalizes the non-remittance of SSS
contributions by an employer to protect the employees from unscrupulous employers. Clearly, in these cases,
public interest requires that the said criminal acts be immediately investigated and prosecuted for the
protection of society. From the foregoing, the inescapable conclusion is that the stay order issued by RTC
Branch 24 does not include the above-captioned cases which are criminal in nature.
Branch 51 denied the motion for reconsideration filed by petitioners.
On August 19, 2005, petitioners filed a petition for certiorari with the CA assailing the Order of Branch
51. On April 27, 2006, the CA issued a Decision denying the petition, the dispositive portion of which reads:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Petition is hereby DENIED and is accordingly DISMISSED. No costs.
The CA discussed that violation of the provisions of the SSS law was a criminal liability and was, thus,
personal to the offender. As such, the CA held that the criminal proceedings against the petitioners should
not be considered a claim against the corporation and, consequently, not covered by the stay order issued by
Branch 24.Petitioners filed a Motion for Reconsideration, which was, however, denied by the CA in a
Resolution dated August 2, 2006.

VIOLATION OF [ARTICLE] [3] 515 OF THE REVISED PENAL CODE. Does the suspension of all claims as an
incident to a corporate rehabilitation also contemplate the suspension of criminal charges filed against the
corporate officers of the distressed corporation?

Ruling: No, the criminal charges are not included.

The Supreme Court DENIED the petition and AFFIRMED the Decision of the Court of Appeals. The Regional
Trial Court of Manila, Branch 51, was ORDERED to proceed with the criminal cases filed against petitioners.
In Rosario v. Co (Rosario), a case of recent vintage, the issue resolved by the Court was whether or not during
the pendency of rehabilitation proceedings, criminal charges for violation of Batas Pambansa Bilang 22
should be suspended and it was ruled that the filing of the case for violation of B.P. Blg. 22 is not a "claim"
that can be enjoined within the purview of P.D. No. 902-A. True, although conviction of the accused for the
alleged crime could result in the restitution, reparation or indemnification of the private offended party for
the damage or injury he sustained by reason of the felonious act of the accused, nevertheless, prosecution for
violation of B.P. Blg. 22 is a criminal action.
A criminal action has a dual purpose, namely, the punishment of the offender and indemnity to the offended
party. The dominant and primordial objective of the criminal action is the punishment of the offender. The
civil action is merely incidental to and consequent to the conviction of the accused. The reason for this is that
criminal actions are primarily intended to vindicate an outrage against the sovereignty of the state and to
impose the appropriate penalty for the vindication of the disturbance to the social order caused by the
offender. On the other hand, the action between the private complainant and the accused is intended solely to
indemnify the former.
The rehabilitation of SIHI and the settlement of claims against the corporation is not a legal ground
for the extinction of petitioners criminal liabilities. There is no reason why criminal proceedings should
be suspended during corporate rehabilitation, more so, since the prime purpose of the criminal action is to
punish the offender in order to deter him and others from committing the same or similar offense, to isolate
him from society, reform and rehabilitate him or, in general, to maintain social order. As correctly observed in
Rosario, it would be absurd for one who has engaged in criminal conduct could escape punishment by the
mere filing of a petition for rehabilitation by the corporation of which he is an officer.
The prosecution of the officers of the corporation has no bearing on the pending rehabilitation of the
corporation, especially since they are charged in their individual capacities. Such being the case, the
purpose of the law for the issuance of the stay order is not compromised, since the appointed rehabilitation
receiver can still fully discharge his functions as mandated by law.

On a final note, this Court would like to point out that Congress has recently enacted Republic Act No.
10142, or the Financial Rehabilitation and Insolvency Act of 2010. Section 18 thereof explicitly provides
that criminal actions against the individual officer of a corporation are not subject to the Stay or Suspension
Order in rehabilitation proceedings, to wit: The Stay or Suspension Order shall not apply: any criminal
action against individual debtor or owner, partner, director or officer of a debtor shall not be affected by
any proceeding commenced under this Act. Withal, based on the foregoing discussion, this Court rules that
there is no legal impediment for Branch 51 to proceed with the cases filed against petitioners.

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