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DB2 10.

1 DBA for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

certification exam 611 prep, Part 2: Physical design
Mohamed Obide January 31, 2013
Anas Mosaad
Adel El-Metwally
Mohamed El-Bishbeashy

This tutorial discusses the creation of IBM DB2 databases, as well as various methods used
for placing and storing objects within a database. The focus is on partitioning, compression,
and XML, which are all important performance and application development concepts you need
to store and access data quickly and efficiently. This is second in a series of eight tutorials
you can use to help you prepare for the DB2 10.1 DBA for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
certification exam 611. The material here primarily covers the objectives in Section 2 of the
View more content in this series

Before you start

About this series
If you are preparing to take the DB2 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows DBA certification exam
(exam 611), you've come to the right place a study hall of sorts. This series of eight DB2
certification preparation tutorials covers the major concepts you'll need to know for the test.

About this tutorial

This tutorial discusses the creation of DB2 databases, as well as the various methods used for
placing and storing objects within a database. The focus is on partitioning, compression, and XML,
which are all important performance and application development concepts you need to know to
store and access data quickly and efficiently. This is the second in a series of eight tutorials that
you can use to help you prepare for the DB2 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows DBA certification
exam (exam 611). The material here primarily covers the objectives in Section 2 of the exam
("Physical design").

After completing this tutorial, you should be able to:

Demonstrate the ability to create a database and manipulate various DB2 objects.

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Know how to convert existing database to automatic storage database.

Use the Admin_move_table feature.
Demonstrate knowledge of partitioning capabilities.
Demonstrate knowledge of XML data objects.
Demonstrate knowledge of compression.
Demonstrate knowledge of new table features.
Knowledge of Multi-temperature data feature.
To take the DB2 10.1 DBA exam 611, you must have already passed the DB2 10.1 Fundamentals
exam 610. We recommend that you study the DB2 10.1 fundamentals certification exam 610
series before starting this series.

To help you understand some of the material presented here, you should be familiar with the
following terms:

Object Anything in a database that can be created or manipulated with SQL (e.g., tables,
views, indices, packages).
Table A logical structure that is used to present data as a collection of unordered rows with
a fixed number of columns. Each column contains a set of values, each value of the same
data type (or a subtype of the column's data type); the definitions of the columns make up the
table structure, and the rows contain the actual table data.
Record The storage representation of a row in a table.
Field The storage representation of a column in a table.
Value A specific data item that can be found at each intersection of a row and column in a
database table.
Structured Query Language (SQL) A standardized language used to define objects and
manipulate data in a relational database. (For more about SQL, see the fourth tutorial in this
DB2 optimizer A component of the SQL precompiler that chooses an access plan for a
Data Manipulation Language (DML) SQL statement by modeling the execution cost of several
alternative access plans and choosing the one with the minimal estimated cost.
System requirements
You do not need a copy of DB2 to complete this tutorial. However, you will get more out of it if you
download the free trial version of IBM DB2 10.1 to work along with this tutorial.

Creating a database
Database directories
A system database directory file exists for each instance of the database manager and contains
one entry for each database cataloged for this instance. Databases are implicitly cataloged when
the create database command is issued, and can also be explicitly cataloged with catalog

A local database directory file exists in each drive or path in which a database has been defined.
This directory contains one entry for each database accessible from that location.

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Creating a database
When you create a database, each of the following tasks is done for you:

Setting up of all the system catalog tables needed by the database.

Allocation of the database recovery log.
Creation of the database configuration file and the default values set.
Binding of the database utilities to the database.
The create database command
To create a database, use the command create database. You can optionally specify the

Whether the database should be automatically configured

One or more storage paths
Drive or path on which to create the database
An alias for the database in the system database directory
Code set and territory
Collating sequence
Default page size
default extent size of table spaces in the database
Table space definitions for the CATALOG, TEMPORARY, and USERSPACE1 table spaces
The default database
Each new database has:

A default buffer pool defined (IBMDEFAULTBP).

A default storage group named IBMSTOGROUP, which is automatically created while
creating AUTOMATIC STORAGE database and the database storage paths are automatically
assigned to that storage group.
Three default table spaces:
SYSCATSPACE for the system catalog tables. SYSCATSPACE cannot be dropped.
TEMPSPACE1 for system-created temporary tables. The TEMPSPACE1 table space can
be dropped once another temporary table space has been created.
USERSPACE1 is the default table space for user-created objects. The USERSPACE1
table space can be dropped once another user-created table space has been created.
The system catalogs
A set of system catalog tables is created and maintained for each database. These tables contain
information about the definitions of the database objects (tables, views, indices, and packages, for
example) and security information about the type of access users have to these objects. These
tables are stored in the SYSCATSPACE table space.

The directory structure

The create database command lets you specify the drive or directory on which to create the
database, depending on the operating system. If no drive or directory is specified, the database
is created on the path specified by the DFTDBPATH instance (database manager) configuration

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parameter. If no drive or directory is specified, and the DFTDBPATH instance-level configuration

parameter is not set, the database is created on the drive or path where the create database
command was executed.

The create database command creates a series of subdirectories. The first subdirectory is
named after the instance owner for the instance in which the database was created. Under this
subdirectory, DB2 creates a directory that indicates which database partition the database was
created in.

For a non-partitioned database, the directory will be NODE0000. For a partitioned database,
the directory will be named NODExxxx, where xxxx will be the four-digit partition number for the
database instance as designated in the db2nodes.cfg file. For example, for partition number 43,
the directory would be NODE0043.

In Windows, instances do not really have an instance owner, so the name of the instance (DB2,
for example) will be used in place of the instance owner's ID.

Because more than one database can be created on the same drive or directory, each database
must have its own unique subdirectory. Under the NODExxxx directory, there will be an SQLxxxxx
directory for every database created on the drive or directory. For example, imagine we have three
databases, DB2QS, TEST and SAMPLE, that were all created on the C drive on Windows. There
will be three directories: SQL00001, SQL00002, and SQL00003.

To determine the directory under which the database was created, enter the command list
database directory on C:. This will produce output similar to the following.

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Figure 1. Directory under which database is created

In the example above, the database DB2QS was created in the SQL00001 directory, the database
TEST was created in the SQL00002 and the database SAMPLE was created in the SQL00003
directory under the NODExxxx directory.


The system catalog table space (SYSCATSPACE) will use the directory T0000000.
The system temporary table space (TEMPSPACE1) will use the directory T0000001.
The default user table space (USERSPACE1) will use the directory T0000002.

EXAMPLE: The following command on windows: db2 create db AUTODB2 on D:\DB2\Data dbpath
on D:\DB2 will create a folder structure as specified in the next figure.

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Figure 2. Folder structure created after executing create db command

Create database commands for Linux/UNIX

To create a database on the directory (file system)/database, use the following command: create
database sample on /database. If this command were executed in the instance named dbinst,
on the server where database partition 0 is defined, the following directory structures would be

Create database commands for Windows
To create a database on the D: drive, use the following command: create database sample on
D:. If this command were executed in the instance named dbinst, on the server where database
partition 0 is defined, the following directory structures would be created:


Creating the USERSPACE1 table space as DMS

To create a database and define the USERSPACE1 table space to be database managed space
(DMS), using two file containers, use the following command on Linux or UNIX:
create database sample2 user table space managed by database using(file '/dbfiles/cont0' 5000, file '/
dbfiles/cont1' 5000)

On Windows:
create database sample2 user table space managed by database using(file 'c:\dbfiles\cont0' 5000, file 'c:
\dbfiles\cont1' 5000)

Creating the TEMPSPACE1 table space with user-defined containers

To create a database and define the TEMPSPACE1 table space to use two SMS containers, use
the following commands on Linux or UNIX:

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create database sample3 temporary tablespace managed by system using('/dbfiles/cont0', '/dbfiles/cont1')

On Windows:
create database sample3 temporary tablespace managed by system using('c:\dbfiles\cont0', 'c:\dbfiles\cont1')

Changing the collating sequence for the database

The Linux/UNIX command create database SAMPLE on /mydbs collate using identity or
Windows command create database SAMPLE on D: collate using identity creates a database
and compares strings byte for byte, since the collating sequence has been set to identity.

Creating and manipulating various DB2 objects

This section discusses the purpose and use of the following DB2 objects:

Data placing objects

Buffer pools
Table spaces
Application objects
Identity columns

Buffer pools
The database buffer pool area is a piece of memory used to cache a table's index and data pages
as they are being read from disk to be scanned or modified. The buffer pool area helps improve
database system performance by allowing data to be accessed from memory instead of from disk.
Because memory access is much faster than disk access, the less often that DB2 needs to read
from or write to a disk, the better the system will perform.

When a database is created, one default buffer pool is created for the database. This buffer
pool, IBMDEFAULTBP, will have a page size equal to the database page size as specified at the
database creation time. If no default page size was specified at database creation, the default
buffer pool will have a page size of 4 KB. The default buffer pool size depends on the operating
system. For Windows, the default buffer pool is 250 pages or 1 MB; for UNIX, it's 1,000 pages
or 4 MB. The default buffer pool cannot be dropped, but its size can be changed using the alter
bufferpool command.

Creating a buffer pool

The create bufferpool command has options to specify the following:

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Buffer pool name specifies the name of the buffer pool. The name cannot be used for any
other buffer pools and cannot begin with the characters SYS or IBM.
immediate specifies that the buffer pool will be created immediately if there is enough memory
available on the system. If there is not enough reserved space in the database shared
memory to allocate the new buffer pool, a warning is returned, and buffer pool creation will be
DEFERRED, as described below.
deferred specifies that the buffer pool will be created the next time that the database is
stopped and restarted.
all dbpartitionnums specifies that the buffer pool will be created on all partitions in the
database. This is the default if no database partition group is specified.
database partition group specifies the database partition groups on which the buffer pool
will be created. The buffer pool will be created on all database partitions that are part of the
specified database partition groups.
size specifies the size of the buffer pool and is defined in number of pages. In a partitioned
database, this will be the default size for all database partitions where the buffer pool exists.
numblockpages specifies the number of pages to be created in the block-based area of the
buffer pool. The actual value of numblockpages may differ from what was specified because
the size must be a multiple of the block size. The block-based area of the buffer pool cannot
be more than 98 percent of the total buffer pool size. Specifying a value of 0 will disable block
I/O for the buffer pool.
blocksize specifies the number of pages within a given block in the block-based area of the
buffer pool. The block size must be between 2 and 256 pages; the default value is 32 pages.
pagesize specifies the page size used for the buffer pool. The default page size is 4 KB or
4,096 bytes. The page size can be specified in bytes or kilobytes.

Once a page size and name for a buffer pool have been defined, they cannot be altered.

create bufferpool statement

The following statement creates a buffer pool named BP1 with a size of 100 MB (25,000 4-KB
pages). Because the page size is not specified, the buffer pool uses the default page size of 4 KB.
Since the IMMEDIATE option is the default, the buffer pool is allocated immediately and available
for use as long as there is enough memory available to fulfill the request: create bufferpool BP1
size 25000.

The following statement creates a buffer pool named BP2 with a size of 200 MB (25,000 8-KB
pages). The buffer pool uses an 8-KB page size. Since the immediate option is the default, the
buffer pool is allocated immediately and available for use as long as there is enough memory
available to fulfill the request: create bufferpool BP2 size 25000 pagesize 8 K.

The following statement creates a buffer pool named BP3 with a size of 4 GB (1 million 4-KB
pages). Because the page size is not specified, the buffer pool uses the default page size of 4 KB;
128 pages of the buffer pool will be used in the block-based area and blocks of the buffer pool
will have 64 pages each. Since the deferred option is specified, the buffer pool is not allocated
until the database is stopped and restarted: create bufferpool BP3 deferred size 1000000

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Table spaces
A table space is a storage structure containing tables, indices, large objects, and long data. They
are used to organize data in a database into logical storage groupings that relate to where data is
stored on a system. Table spaces are stored in database partition groups.

What is a schema?
A schema is a high-level qualifier for database objects created within a database. It is a collection
of database objects such as tables, views, indices, or triggers. It provides a logical classification of
database objects.

While you are organizing your data into tables, it may also be beneficial to group tables and other
related objects. This is done by defining a schema using the create schema command. Information
about the schema is kept in the system catalog tables of the database to which you are connected.
As other objects are created, they can be placed within this schema.

System schemas
A set of system schemas is created with every database and placed into the SYSCATSPACE table

SYSIBM The base system catalogs; direct access is not recommended.

SYSCAT SELECT authority granted to PUBLIC on this schema; catalog read-only views;
recommended way to obtain catalog information.
SYSSTAT Updatable catalog views; influences the optimizer.
SYSFUN User-defined functions.

How is a schema used in DB2?

Use a schema to fully qualify a table or other object name: schemaname.tablename.

You can have multiple tables with the same name, but different schema names. Thus, the table
user1.staff is not the same as user2.staff. As a result, you can use schemas to create logical
databases within a DB2 database.

To create a schema, use the create schema command.

Who can use a schema?

When you can create a schema, you can specify the owner of the schema using authorization.
If you do not, the authorization ID that executed the create schema statement will be the owner of
the schema. Privileges on the schema can also be granted to users or groups at the same time.

Once a schema exists, the owner of the schema can grant CREATE_IN privilege on the schema to
other users or groups.

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Specifying the schema when creating an object

The schema name for an object can be explicitly specified as follows: create table
DWAINE.table1 (c1 int, c2 int).

If the user DWAINE connects to the database SAMPLE and issues the following statement: create
table t2 (c1 int), the schema DWAINE is created (as long as IMPLICT_SCHEMA has not been
revoked from the user DWAINE), as well as the table in the database.

The ID used to connect to the database is known as the authorization ID.

Specifying the schema when using DML commands

When using DML commands (for example, select, insert, update, delete) on database objects:

The object schema can be explicitly specified on the object name, such as schema1.table1.
The object schema can be specified using the set current schema or set current sqlid
If no object schema is explicitly specified, the schema will be set to the current authorization
For example, if user DWAINE connects to the database SAMPLE and issues the statement
select * from t2, DWAINE.T2 is selected from the table, if the table exists. Otherwise, an error is

Creating tables
To create a table in a database, you must first be connected to the database. You must also have
SYSADM authority in the instance, or DBADM authority or createtab privilege in the database.

When creating a table, you can specify the following:

Table name
Column definitions
Primary/foreign keys
Table space for the data, index, and long objects
The listing below shows an example:

Listing 1. Example of table creation


Where are tables created?

If a table is created without the in clause, the table data (and its indices and LOB data) is placed in
the following order:

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In the IBMDEFAULTGROUP table space, if it exists, and if the page size is sufficient.
In a user-created table space, which is of the smallest page size sufficient for the table.
In USERSPACE1, if it exists and has a sufficient page size.
The IN, INDEX IN, and LONG IN clauses specify the table spaces in which the regular table data,
index, and long objects are to be stored. Note that this only applies to DMS table spaces.

Obtaining table information

You can obtain table information with the commands in the table below.

Table 1. Obtaining table information

Command Description

list tables List tables for the current user

list tables for all List all tables defined in the database

list tables for schemaschemaname List tables for the specified schema

describe table tablename Show the structure of the specified table

For example, the command describe table department produces the following output.

Figure 3. Table information output

An index can:

Be ascending or descending (the default, if not specified, is ascending).

Be unique or non-unique (the default, if not specified, is non-unique).
Be compound.
Be used to enforce clustering.
Be bi-directional; this is controlled by allow or disallow reverse scans.
Include additional columns; this is only applicable for unique indices.
Following are a number of create unique statements that illustrate these options:
create unique index itemno on albums (itemno) desc create index clx1 on stock (shipdate) cluster allow
reverse scans create unique index incidx on stock (itemno) include (itemname) create index item on stock
(itemno) disallow reverse scans collect detailed statistics

Identity columns
An identity column is a numeric column in a table that causes DB2 to automatically generate a
unique numeric value for each row inserted into the table. A table can have a maximum of one
identity column. The values for the column can be generated by DB2 always or by default:

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If values are always generated, the DB2 database always generates them, and applications
are not allowed to provide an explicit value.
If values are generated by default, the values can be explicitly provided by an application;
DB2 generates a value only if the application does not provide it. Thus, DB2 cannot guarantee
the uniqueness of the values. This option is intended for data propagation, or loading and
unloading of a table.

Let's look at an example. Given the table created using the following command.
description CHAR(20) )

HINT: If you plan to load or import data into your table, use the GENERATED BY DEFAULT IDENTITY,
which will make use of the supplied values if they are provided; if the data is missing or explicitly
NULL, a value is generated.

Table 2. Identity column statement and values

Statement Result

insert into inventory VALUES (DEFAULT,'door') inserts 100,door

insert into inventory (description) VALUES ('hinge') inserts 101,hinge

insert into inventory VALUES (200,'windor') error

insert into inventory (description) VALUES ('frame') inserts 102,frame

Then the statement SELECT * FROM inventory gives 100 door 101 hinge 102 frame.

Views are derived from one or more base tables, nicknames, or views, and can be used
interchangeably with base tables when retrieving data. All views can be used just like tables for
data retrieval. Whether a view can be used in an insert, update, or delete operation depends on its
definition. Views are classified by the operations they allow:


A view can be created to limit access to sensitive data, while allowing more general access to
other data. The data for a view is not stored separately from the table. In other words, a view uses
no space in the database, other than its definition in the system catalogs. The creator of a view
needs to have at least SELECT privilege on the base tables referenced in the view definition.

The information about all existing views is stored in:


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The following create view statements show how views work:


The with check option

The with check option specifies the constraint that every row inserted or updated through a view
must conform to the definition of the view. A row that does not conform to the definition of the
view is a row that does not satisfy the search conditions of the view. For example, consider this
create view emp_view2 (empno, empname, deptno) AS (SELECT id, name, dept FROM employee WHERE dept = 10)with
check option

When this view is used to insert or update with new values, the with check option restricts the
input values for the dept column.

There are a number of types of constraints in DB2:

Referential integrity constraints

Unique constraints
Check constraints
Informational constraints

You cannot directly modify a constraint; you must instead drop it and create a new constraint with
the characteristics you want. Each constraint is discussed below.

Referential integrity constraints

Referential integrity constraints are defined when a table is created or subsequently using the
alter table statement. The clauses that establish referential integrity are:

The primary key clause

The unique constraint clause
The foreign key clause
The references clause

For example:
create table artists (artno INT, ... primary key (artno) foreign key dept (workdept) references department on
delete no action)

Let's take a look at the various referential integrity rules:

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Insert rules

There is an implicit rule to back out of an insert if a parent is not found.

Delete rules

Restrict: A parent row is not deleted if dependent rows are found.

Cascade: Deleting a row in a parent table automatically deletes any related rows in a
dependent table.
No Action (the default): Enforces presence of parent row for every child after all other
referential constraints are applied.
Set Null: Foreign key fields set to null; other columns left unchanged.

Update rules

Restrict: An update for a parent key will be rejected if a row in a dependent table matches the
original values of key.
No Action (the default): An update will be rejected for parent key if there is no matching row in
the dependent table.

Unique constraints
A unique constraint can be used as the primary key for a foreign key constraint, just like an
explicitly declared primary key. This allows referential integrity constraints to be placed on different
columns within the same table. A unique constraint forces the values in the column to be unique;
the column cannot contain null values.

Check constraints
A check constraint is used to enforce data integrity at the table level. It forces values in the table
to conform to the constraint. All subsequent inserts and updates must conform to the defined
constraints on the table or the statement will fail. If existing rows in the table do not meet the
constraint, the constraint cannot be defined. Constraint checking can be turned off to speed up the
addition of a large amount of data, but the table will be placed in CHECK PENDING state.

Informational constraints
Informational constraints are rules that can be used by the optimizer, but are not enforced during
runtime. Because other constraints may result in the overhead for insert, update, or delete
operations, informational constraints may be a better alternative if the application already verifies
the data. Informational constraints can be:

ENFORCED The constraint is enforced by the database manager during normal

operations such as insert, update, or delete.
NOT ENFORCED: When used, DB2 may return wrong results when any data in the table
violates the constraint.
ENABLE QUERY OPTIMIZATION: The constraint can be used for query optimization under
appropriate circumstances.

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DISABLE QUERY OPTIMIZATION: The constraint cannot be used for query optimization.

A trigger defines a set of actions that are activated, or triggered, by an action on a specified base
table. The actions triggered may cause other changes to the database or raise an exception. A
trigger can be fired before or after inserts, updates, or deletes. Triggers are used for:

Validation, similar to constraints but more flexible.

Conditioning, allowing new data to be modified or conditioned to a predefined value.
Integrity, similar to referential integrity but more flexible.

Table spaces
A table space is a storage structure containing tables, indices, large objects, and long data. They
are used to organize data in a database into logical storage groupings that relate to where data is
stored on a system. Table spaces are stored in database partition groups.

Table spaces consist of one or more containers. A container can be a directory name, a device
name, or a file name. A single table space can have several containers. It is possible for multiple
containers (from one or more table spaces) to be created on the same physical storage device
(although you will get the best performance if each container you create uses a different storage

Figure 4. Table spaces and tables in a database

If you are using automatic storage table spaces, the creation and management of containers is
handled automatically by the database manager. If you are not using automatic storage table
spaces, you must define and manage containers yourself. To get details about the table spaces in
a database, use the following commands: get snapshot for tablespaces or list tablespaces.

SMS table spaces

System Managed Space (SMS) table spaces use the file system manager provided by the
operating system to allocate and manage the space where the tables are stored. Within an SMS

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table space, each container is an operating system directory, and table objects are created as files
within that directory. When creating an SMS table space, the user must specify the name of the
directory for each of the containers. DB2 will create the tables within the directories used in the
table space by using unique file names for each object.

If a table space is created with more than one container, DB2 will balance the amount of data
written to the containers. Since containers cannot be dynamically added to an SMS table space
once it has been created, it is important to know the size requirements of the table space and
create all required containers when the table space is created.

Characteristics of SMS table spaces

With SMS table spaces:

All table data and indices share the same table space.
Each table in a table space is given its own file name used by all containers. The file
extension denotes the type of the data stored in the file.
There is the possibility for dynamic file growth, with an upper boundary on size governed by
the number of containers, OS limits on the size of the file system, and OS limits on size of
individual files.
When all space in a single container is allocated, the table space is considered full even if
space remains in other containers.
New containers can only be added to SMS on a partition that does not yet have any
On Linux or UNIX, the file system size may be increased.

SMS table spaces are very easy to administer, and are recommended for the TEMP table space.

Creating SMS table spaces

To create an SMS table space, use the following command: create table space TS1 managed by
system using ('path1', 'path2', 'path3'). When the path is specified for an SMS container,
it can be an absolute path or a relative path to the directory. If the directory does not exist, DB2
will create it. If the directory does exist, it cannot contain any files or subdirectories. For example,
create table space ts1 managed by system using ('D:\DIR1') specifies the absolute path to
the directory. DB2 would create the DIR1 directory on the D: drive on the database server if it does
not already exist.

The command create table space ts2 managed by system using ('DIR1') specifies the relative
path DIR1. DB2 would create the DIR1 directory under the database home directory.

The following SQL statements create an SMS table space with three containers on three separate
drives or file systems. Note that the table space name is the same, as the examples are showing
the differences between the Linux/UNIX and Windows table space definitions:
create tablespace smstbspc managed by system using ('d:\tbspc1', 'e:\tbspc2', 'f:\ tbspc3') create tablespace
smstbspc managed by system using ('/dbase/container1', '/dbase/container2', '/dbase/container3')

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Altering SMS table spaces

SMS table spaces can only be altered to change the prefetch size. Containers cannot be added to
an SMS table space using the alter command. However, containers can be redefined, added, or
removed during a redirected restore.

DMS table spaces

In a database managed space (DMS) table space, the database manager controls the storage
space. Unlike SMS table spaces, storage space is pre-allocated on the file system based on
container definitions you specify when you create the DMS table space.

The DMS storage model consists of a limited number of files or devices where space is managed
by the database manager. You decide which files and devices to use when creating containers,
and you manage the space for those files and devices.

A DMS table space containing user defined tables and data can be defined as a large (the default)
or regular table space that stores any table data or index data.

Characteristics of DMS table spaces

With DMS table spaces:

The database manager uses striping to ensure an even distribution of data across all
Containers that make up a DMS table space are not required to be the same size. If any
container is full, DMS table spaces use available free space from other containers.
Because space is pre-allocated, it must be available before the table space can be created.
Enabling DMS table spaces that use file containers for automatic resizing allows the
database manager to handle the full table space condition automatically by extending existing
containers for you.
The table space is considered to be full when all of the space within the containers has been
Unlike for SMS table spaces, you can add or extend containers manually, using the ALTER
TABLESPACE statement, allowing more storage space to be given to the table space.

Creating DMS table spaces

The following statement creates a DMS table space without enabling auto-resize (the default):

To enable the auto-resize feature, specify the AUTORESIZE YES clause for the CREATE TABLESPACE

To create a table space that can grow to 100 MB (per database partition if the database has
multiple database partitions), use the MAXSIZE clause of the CREATE TABLESPACE statement:

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If you do not specify the MAXSIZE clause, there is no maximum limit when the auto-resize feature is
enabled. The table space will grow until a file system limit is reached.

The INCREASESIZE clause of the CREATE TABLESPACE statement defines the amount of space used
to increase the table space when there are no free extents within the table space. You can specify
the value as an explicit size or as a percentage, as shown in the following examples:

Listing 2. Specify value as explicit size or percentage


Altering DMS table spaces

You can enable or disable the auto-resize feature after creating a DMS table space by using ALTER
TABLESPACE statement with the AUTORESIZE clause:


Use the ALTER TABLESPACE statement to change the value of MAXSIZE for a table space that has
auto-resize already enabled, as shown in the following examples:

You can also define the amount of space used to increase the table space when there are no free
extents as shown in the following examples:

Automatic storage
What is a automatic storage?
Automatic storage allows you to specify one or more storage paths for a database. Then when you
create table space, a container file will be created automatically on each storage path by DB2. You
can enable or configure automatic storage for a database when it is created, as follows:
db2 create database db_name automatic storage yes db2 create database db_name on db_path1, db_path2

You can add additional storage paths to a database set up for automatic storage using the add
storage parameter: db2 alter database db_name add storage on db_path3. You can also drop a
storage path from a database set up for automatic storage using the drop storage parameter: db2
alter database db_name drop storage on db_path3.

Using automatic storage

Once your database has been set up for automatic storage, you can create table spaces using this
mechanism. You have several ways to take advantage of automatic storage once the database

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has been set up that way. You can simply create a table space in the database (once you are
connected to the database): db2 create tablespace ts_name. Or you can create a table space
and specify its initial size and growth characteristics:
db2 create tablespace ts_name initialsize 10M increasesize 10M maxsize 100M

In this example, the table space will start out at 10 MB, and as it gets close to being full, DB2 will
automatically extend it by 10 MB at a time, up to its maximum size of 100 MB.

If the database was not set up for automatic storage, you can still use automatic storage for a table
space if you create it and specify its storage:
db2 create tablespace ts_name managed by automatic storage

Storage groups

A storage group is a named set of storage paths where data can be stored. Storage groups are
configured to represent different classes of storage available to your database system. You can
assign table spaces to the storage group that best suits the data. Only automatic storage table
spaces use storage groups.

A table space can be associated with only one storage group, but a storage group can have
multiple table space associations. To manage storage group objects, you can use the CREATE

With the table partitioning feature, you can place table data in multiple table spaces. Using this
feature, storage groups can store a subset of table data on fast storage while the remainder of the
data is on one or more layers of slower storage. Use storage groups to support multi-temperature
storage, which prioritizes data based on classes of storage. For example, you can create storage
groups that map to the different tiers of storage in your database system. Then the defined table
spaces are associated with these storage groups. More information about multi-temperature
storage is available in the "Multi-temperature data feature" section.

The default storage groups

When you create a database, a default storage group named IBMSTOGROUP is automatically
created. However, a database created with the AUTOMATIC STORAGE NO clause does not have
a default storage group. The first storage group created with the CREATE STOGROUP statement
becomes the designated default storage group. There can only be one storage group designated
as the default storage group.

If a database has storage groups, the default storage group is used when an automatic storage
managed table space is created without explicitly specifying the storage group.

You can designate a default storage group by using either the CREATE STOGROUP or ALTER STOGROUP
statement. When you designate a different storage group as the default storage group, there is no
impact to the existing table spaces using the old default storage group. To alter the storage group

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associated with a table space, use the ALTER TABLESPACE statement. You can determine which
storage group is the default storage group by using the SYSCAT.STOGROUPS catalog view.

You cannot drop the current default storage group. You can drop the IBMSTOGROUP
storage group if it is not designated as the default storage group at that time. If you drop the
IBMSTOGROUP storage group, you can create another storage group with that name.

Creating storage groups

To create a storage group by using the command line, enter CREATE STOGROUP operational_sg ON
'/filesystem1', '/filesystem2', '/filesystem3'... where operational_sg is the name of the
storage group and /filesystem1, /filesystem2, e/filesystem3 , ... are the storage paths to be added.

Altering storage groups

You can use the ALTER STOGROUP statement to alter the definition of a storage group, including
setting media attributes, setting a data tag, or setting a default storage group. You can also add
and remove storage paths from a storage group.

To add storage paths '/hdd/path1' and '/hdd/path2' to storage group sg, issue the following ALTER
STOGROUP statement: ALTER STOGROUP sg ADD '/hdd/path1', '/hdd/path2'. To drop storage
paths '/db2/filesystem1' and e'/db2/filesystem2' from storage group sg, issue the following ALTER
STOGROUP statement: ALTER STOGROUP sg DROP '/db2/filesystem1', '/db2/filesystem2'.

How to convert existing database to automatic storage

You can convert an existing non-automatic storage database to use automatic storage by using the
CREATE STOGROUP statement to define the default storage group within a database.

When you define a storage group for a database, existing table spaces are not automatically
converted to use automatic storage. By default, only future table spaces you create are automatic
storage table spaces. You must use the ALTER TABLESPACE statement to convert existing table
spaces to use automatic storage.

Example 1: Converting a database on Linux or UNIX

Assume that a database is a non-automatic storage database and that /data1/as and /data2/as
are the paths you want to use for automatic storage table spaces. To convert the database to an
automatic storage database, create a storage group with /data1/as and /data2/as as paths: CREATE
STOGROUP sg ON '/data1/as', '/data2/as'.

Example 2: Converting a database on Windows operating systems

Assume that a database is a nonautomatic storage database, and that F:\DB2DATA and G: are the
paths you want to use for automatic storage table spaces. To convert the database to an automatic
storage database, create a storage group with F:\DB2DATA and G: as paths: CREATE STOGROUP sg
ON 'F:\DB2DATA', 'G:'. After creating the default storage group, to convert an existing DMS table
space tbspc1 to use automatic storage, issue the following statements:

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The rebalance operation moves data from the non-automatic storage containers to the new
automatic storage containers.

How to check if an existing database is an automatic storage

There are several ways to check if an existing database is an automatic storage database. You
can use any of the following options.

The ADMIN_GET_STORAGE_PATHS table function It returns a list of automatic storage paths for
each database storage group, including file system information for each storage path.
The SYSIBMADM.SNAPSTORAGE_PATHS administrative view It returns a list of automatic storage
paths for the database including file system information for each storage path.
The db2look utility Generates the DDL statements for a database by object type.

Using Admin_move_table feature

You can move tables online and offline using the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE procedure. In fact, this can
be used to move the data in a table to a new table object of the same name (but with possibly
different storage characteristics such as a different table space) while the data remains online and
available for access. You can also generate a new optimal compression dictionary when a table is

The ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored procedure creates a protocol table comprising rows with status
information and configuration options related to the table to be moved. The return set from this
procedure is the rows from that protocol table related to the table to be moved.

You can invoke the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE in one of two ways:

Method 1 Modify only certain parts of the table definition for the target table. Fill out the
data_tbsp, index_tbsp, and lob_tbsp parameters while calling the procedure, leaving the other
optional parameters blank.


This example calls the stored procedure using the first method, where the target table is defined
within the procedure, to move a table named T1, located in the schema SCHEMA1. Additionally,
the column definitions of the target table are passed to the procedure.

Listing 3. Example for the stored procedure using the first method

The above example moves the table SCHEMA1.T1 to a new table with the same name that
has the column definitions ('CUSTOMER VARCHAR(80), REGION CHAR(5), YEAR INTEGER,

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CONTENTS CLOB') and resides in table space 'ACCOUNTING' with its indices table space
'ACCOUNT_IDX' and its LOBs table space 'ACCOUNT_LONG'.

Method 2 create the target table and provide its name to the procedure. This provides you
with more control and flexibility by allowing you to create the target table beforehand, rather than
having the stored procedure create it.


This example is equivalent to the previous one, but it calls the stored procedure using the
second method, where the target table is created outside the procedure and is named within the
target_tabname parameter, to move the same table as in the previous example.

Listing 4. Example for the stored procedure using the second method


For online data movement:

1. The procedure creates a shadow table to which the data are copied.
2. Any changes to the source table during the copy phase are captured using triggers and
placed in a staging table.
3. After the copy phase is completed, the changes captured in the staging table are replayed to
the shadow copy.
4. Following that, the stored procedure briefly takes the source table offline and assigns the
source table name and index names to the shadow copy and its indices.
5. The shadow table is then brought online, replacing the source table. By default, the source
table is dropped, but you can use the KEEP option to retain it under a different name.

Obviously, the online operation costs more server resources (disk space and processing power),
so make sure you only use it if you value availability more than cost, space, move performance,
and transaction overhead. Additionally, avoid performing online moves for tables without indices,
particularly unique ones as it might result in deadlocks and complex or expensive replay.

Handling online move failure

If the online move fails, rerun it:

1. Fix the problem that caused the table move to fail.

2. Determine the stage that was in progress when the table move failed by querying the
SYSTOOLS.ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE protocol table for the status.
3. Call the stored procedure again, specifying the applicable option:
If the status of the procedure is INIT, use the INIT option.
If the status of the procedure is COPY, use the COPY option.
If the status of the procedure is REPLAY, use the REPLAY or SWAP option.

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If the status of the procedure is CLEANUP, use the CLEANUP option.

You can cancel the move by specifying the CANCEL option for the stored procedure if the status of
an online table move is not COMPLETED or CLEANUP.

Table space states

Determining a table space's state
To find the state for the table spaces in a database: list tablespaces show detail. A table space
can have a number of different states, as shown below.

Table 3. Table space states

State Hexadecimal

Normal 0x0

Quiesced share 0x1

Quiesced update 0x2

Quiesced exclusive 0x4

Backup pending 0x20

Roll-forward in progress 0x40

Roll-forward pending 0x80

Restore pending 0x100

Disable pending 0x200

Reorg in Progress 0x400

Backup in Progress 0x800

Storage Must be Defined 0x1000

Restore in Progress 0x2000

Offline and Not Accessible 0x4000

Drop Pending 0x8000

Suspend Write 0x10000

Load in Progress 0x20000

Storage May be Defined 0x2000000

DMS Rebalance in Progress 0x10000000

Table Space Deletion in Progress 0x20000000

Table Space Creation in Progress 0x40000000

More details about each of the above states are available at Information Center.

Data organization and partitioning

Table (range) partitioning
Several technologies in DB2 allow you to break up your data into smaller "chunks" for greater
parallelism for queries, allow for partition elimination in queries, and in general help improve

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performance. One of these technologies is the Table (or Range) Partitioning feature, this feature
allows you to take a single table and divide it into partitions which may be spread across multiple
table spaces.

This partitioning capability has a number of benefits, including:

1. Simplified syntax for creating table or range partitions.

2. Large tables can be spread across several table spaces. Note that all of the table spaces
specified must have the same page size, extent size, storage mechanism (DMS or SMS),
and type (REGULAR or LARGE), and all of the table spaces must be in the same database
partition group.
3. Simplified process for rolling in and rolling out of table data by seamlessly attaching and
detaching table partitions.
4. Improved query performance by automatically eliminating data partitions based on predicates
in the query.
Below is the simplified syntax for creating a partitioned table to store 24 month's worth of data in
24 partitions spread across four table spaces.

Listing 5. Syntax for creating a partitioned table

CREATE TABLE fact (txn_id char(7), purchase_date date, ...) IN tbsp1, tbsp2, tbsp3, tbsp4 PARTITION BY RANGE
(purchase_date) ( STARTING FROM ('2005-01-01') ENDING ('2006-12-31') EVERY 1 MONTH )

Table partitioning syntax

The table creation syntax has a short and a long form. Before diving into the syntax, let's first talk
about the partitioning column. Table partitioning allows for the specification of ranges of data,
where each range goes into a separate partition. The partitioning column, or columns, defines the
ranges. A partitioning column can be any of the DB2 base data types except for LOBs and LONG
VARCHAR columns. You can also specify multiple columns (watch for an example later), and you
can specify generated columns to simulate partitioning on a function. Here is the short form.

Listing 6. Short form for table partitioning syntax


Here is the same result using the long form.

Listing 7. Long form for table partitioning syntax

ENDING (30) IN tbsp3, ENDING (40) IN tbsp1, ENDING (50) IN tbsp2, ENDING (60) IN tbsp3, ENDING (70) IN tbsp1,
ENDING (80) IN tbsp2)

Quickly adding or removing data ranges

Another benefit is that when you detach a partition you get a separate table that contains the
contents of that partition. You can detach a partition from a table and then do something with that

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newly detached partition, which is now a physical table. For example, you could archive off that
table, move it to tertiary storage, copy it to another location, or whatever you want to do. DB2 10.1
will asynchronously clean up any index keys on that partitioned table without impacting running

In fact, detaching a table partition from a partitioned table is invoked using the ALTER
TABLE..DETACH PARTITION..INTO clause and consists of two phases:

1. The partition is logically detached from the partitioned table.

2. Asynchronously the logically detached partitioned is converted into a stand-alone table.

This implies that detached data becomes invisible instantly and no actual data movement
occurs during the detach process. A typical example of detaching a table partition: ALTER TABLE
part_table DETACH PARTITION p0 INTO TABLE p0_tab;.

In the above statement, the partition p0 is detached from the part_table table, and asynchronously
a new physical table p0_tab is created containing the content of the partition p0.

Note that the following conditions must be met before you can perform a DETACH PARTITION

The table to be detached from (source table) must exist and be a partitioned table.
The data partition to be detached must exist in the source table.
The source table must have more than one data partition. A partitioned table must have at
least one data partition. Only visible and attached data partitions pertain in this context. An
attached data partition is a data partition that is attached but not yet validated by the SET
INTEGRITY statement.
The name of the table to be created by the DETACH PARTITION operation (target table) must
not exist.
DETACH PARTITION is not allowed on a table that is the parent of an enforced referential
integrity (RI) relationship. So you must change the RI constraints into informational by setting
them to NOT ENFORCED before you can detach a partition. Then you can enforce the constraint
again after the detaching process ends.
If there are any detached dependent tables (tables need to be incrementally maintained with
respect to the detached data partition), the SET INTEGRITY statement is required to be run on
these tables to incrementally maintain the tables. With DB2 9.7 Fix Pack 1 or later, after the
SET INTEGRITY statement is run on all detached dependent tables, the asynchronous partition
detach task makes the data partition into a stand-alone target table. Until the asynchronous
partition detach operation completes, the target table is unavailable.

Similar to adding a new partition, you simply create a table with the same definition as the
partitioned table, load it with data, and attach that partition to the main partitioned table, as follows:

Listing 8. Attach partition to main partitioned table


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You need to use SET INTEGRITY to validate data and maintain indices after the ATTACH operation.
Starting with DB2 10.1, if data integrity can be checked before attachment, newly attached data
can be made available sooner with SET INTEGRITY IMMEDIATE UNCHECKED. Otherwise, if SET
INTEGRITY IMMEDIATE CHECKED is used, commit is required before data is visible.

Index partitioning
There are two types of indexing on partitioned tables: partitioned and non-partitioned indices. In
general, indices on partitioned tables behave the same as those on non-partitioned tables, but they
follow a different storage model:

While all indices of a non-partitioned table reside in one shared index object within the same
table space, non-partitioned indices of a partitioned table are created each in its own index
object in a single table space, even if the table partition spans several table spaces.
A partitioned index uses an index organization scheme in which index data is divided across
multiple index partitions, according to the partitioning scheme of the table. Each index
partition refers only to table rows in the corresponding data partition. All index partitions for a
specific data partition reside in the same index object. By default, index partitions are placed
in the same tablespace as the data partitions that they reference. To override this default
behavior, you must use the INDEX IN clause for each data partition you define by using the
CREATE TABLE statement. In other words, if you plan to use partitioned indices for a partitioned
table, you must anticipate where you want the index partitions to be stored when you create
the table. If you try to use INDEX IN when creating a partitioned index, you receive an error

The figure below illustrates the placement of indices on non-partitioned table table1. This is done
using the INDEX IN clause of the CREATE TABLE statement.

Listing 9. Use INDEX IN clause of CREATE TABLE statement

CREATE TABLE table1 (a int, b int) IN tbs1 INDEX IN tbs2 CREATE INDEX i1 ON table1 (a) CREATE INDEX i2 ON
table1 (b)

Figure 5. Indices on a non-partitioned table

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The figure below illustrates the placement of partitioned and non-partitioned tables on a partitioned
table table1 whose definition is as follows:
create table table1 (a int, b int) partition by range (a) (starting from (1)ending at (100), partition by
range (a) (starting from (101)ending at (200), partition by range (a) (starting from (201)ending at (300)
index in tbs6)

Figure 6. Indices on a partitioned table

We have the following indices defined:

Non-partitioned index i1 resides in table space tbs4: CREATE INDEX i1 ON table1 (b) NOT
Non-partitioned index i2 resides in table space tbs5: CREATE INDEX i2 ON table1 (a,b) NOT
Partitioned index i3 resides in several table spaces as follows: CREATE INDEX i2 ON table1
(a) PARTITIONED. Indices on partitions 1 and 2 reside in the same table spaces as the data
partitions they refer to following the default behavior. Data partition 3 overrides the default
behavior using the INDEX IN clause to specify tbs6 as the tablespace for its partitioned

Note that if the table is partitioned and neither PARTITIONED nor NOT PARTITIONED is specified,
the index is created as partitioned.

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Note that the IN table space name clause in the CREATE INDEX statement can be specified only for
a non-partitioned index on a partitioned table. The specification of a table space specifically for the
index overrides a specification made using the INDEX IN clause when the table was created.

Range clustered tables

Range clustered tables (RCTs) are tables where data are clustered according to a specific key
value. Every key value is associated with its corresponding row location. Hence, this approach
provides exceptionally fast access to specific table rows. Key values must have the following

Not null
Monotonically increasing
Within a predetermined set of ranges based on each column in the key

Note that you cannot create a regular index on the same key values used to define the range-
clustered table.

DB2 pre-allocates the disk space required for the RCT at creation time. This is done by calculating
the number of distinct key values and multiplying it by the table row size. This mandates that the
space required for holding the entire table should be available at creation time. Additionally, you
cannot issue an ALTER TABLE statement to alter the physical characteristics of an RCT after its

RCTs are created using the ORGANIZE BY KEY SEQUENCE clause of the CREATE TABLE statement as

Listing 10. Creating RCTs

create table table1 (id int not null, emp_id int not null, emp_name varchar(40) ) organize by key sequence
(id starting from 100 ending 1000, emp_id ending 100) disallow overflow

This example creates an RCT with the following key characteristics:

ID values range from 100 to 1,000.

emp_id values range from 1 to 100 (if the STARTING FROM clause is not stated, the default
starting value is 1).
The DISALLOW OVERFLOW clause indicates that rows with key values outside the specified
ranges will not be accepted.

A benefit of overflow-disallowed RCT tables is that table reorganization operations are not required
since such tables are always clustered.

In cases you need to allow rows with key values outside the specified range to be stored in the
table, you should use the ALLOW OVERFLOWS clause while defining the table. In this case, rows
with overflow key values are placed in an overflow area, which is dynamically allocated. As more

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records are added to this overflow area, operations against the table that involve the overflow area
require more processing time. The order of rows in the overflow area is not guaranteed. The larger
the overflow area, the more time is required to access it. If this becomes a problem, consider
reducing the size of the overflow area by exporting the data to a new RCT with wider ranges.

Listing 11. Example of an RCT allowing overflows

create table table1 (id int not null, emp_id int not null, emp_name varchar(40) ) organize by key sequence
(id starting from 100 ending 1000, emp_id ending 100) allow overflow

Multi-dimensional clustering
Multi-dimensional clustering (MDC) enables a table to be physically clustered on more than one
key, or dimension, simultaneously. Prior to Version 8, DB2 supported only single-dimensional
clustering of data using clustering indices. When a clustering index is defined on a table, DB2
attempts to maintain the physical order of the data on pages, based on the key order of the
clustering index, as records are inserted into and updated in the table. This can significantly
improve the performance of queries that have predicates containing the keys of the clustering
index because, with good clustering, only a portion of the physical table needs to be accessed.
When the pages are stored sequentially on disk, more efficient prefetching can be performed.

With MDC, these same benefits are extended to more than one dimension, or clustering key. In
the case of query performance, range queries involving any one or combination of the specified
dimensions of the table will benefit from the underlying clustering. These queries will need to
access only those pages having records with the specified dimension values, and the qualifying
pages will be grouped together in extents.

A table with a clustering index can become unclustered over time, as available space is filled in
the table. However, an MDC table is able to maintain its clustering over the specified dimensions
automatically and continuously, eliminating the need to reorganize the table to restore the physical
order of the data.

When an MDC table is created, the dimensional keys along which to cluster the table's data
are specified. Each specified dimension can be defined with one or more columns, the same as
an index key. A dimension block index will be automatically created for each of the dimensions
specified and will be used to access data quickly and efficiently along each of the specified
dimensions. A block index will also be automatically created, containing all dimension key
columns. The block index will be used to maintain the clustering of the data during insert and
update activity, as well as for quick and efficient access to the data.

Every unique combination of the table's dimension values forms a logical cell, which is physically
composed of blocks of pages, where a block is a set of consecutive pages on disk. The set of
blocks that contain pages with data having the same key value of one of the dimension block
indices is called a slice. Every page of the table will be stored in only one block, and all blocks of
the table will consist of the same number of pages, known as the blocking factor. The blocking
factor is equal to the table space's extent size, so the block boundaries line up with extent

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Creating an MDC table

To create an MDC table, you need to specify the dimensions of the table using the organize by
parameter, as follows:

Listing 12. Syntax for creating a MDC table

CREATE TABLE MDCTABLE( Year INT, Nation CHAR(25), Colour VARCHAR(10), ... ) ORGANIZE BY(Year, Nation, Color)

In this example, the table will be organized on the year, nation, and color dimensions, and will
logically look like the figure below.

Figure 7. Data organization within an MDC

You cannot alter a table and make it into an MDC table, so use the design adviser, if possible,
before you create the database to see if your tables should be MDC tables or normal tables.

MDC considerations
The following list summarizes the design considerations for MDC tables:

When identifying candidate dimensions, search for attributes that are not too granular, thereby
enabling more rows to be stored in each cell. This approach will make better use of block-
level indices.
Higher data volumes may improve population density.
It might be useful to load the data first as non-MDC tables for analysis only.
The table space extent size is a critical parameter for efficient space usage.
Although an MDC table may require a greater initial understanding of the data, the payback is
that query times will likely improve.
Some data may be unsuitable for MDC tables and would be better implemented using a
standard clustering index.
Although a smaller extent size will provide the most efficient use of disk space, the I/O for the
queries should also be considered.
A larger extent will normally reduce I/O cost, because more data will be read at a time. This,
in turn, makes for smaller dimension block indices because each dimension value will need
fewer blocks. And, inserts will be quicker because new blocks will be needed less often.

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Insert time clustering

Insert time clustering (ITC) is a new partitioning feature coming with DB2 10.1. ITC tables cluster
data based on their insertion time so, data inserted within the same time interval are physically
grouped together. ITC tables eases the management of space utilization in cases when your
system runs batch data deletion and you want to reclaim the trapped free space after the batch
deletion is done.

ITC tables have similar characteristics to MDC tables. For example, both table types use block
based allocation and block indices. ITC and MDC tables differ in how data is clustered. ITC tables
cluster data by using a implicitly created virtual column to cluster rows inserted at a similar time
together. ITC virtual dimension cannot be manipulated while clustering dimensions on MDC tables
are specified by the creator.

ITC tables are created with the CREATE TABLE command by specifying the ORGANIZE BY INSERT
TIME clause: CREATE TABLE ... ORGANIZE BY INSERT TIME. You can convert existing tables to ITC
tables using either of two ways:

1. Using the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE procedure to convert the table online.

2. Using the export/import or a load from table utilities.

Note that existing tables cannot be altered to become ITC tables.

Materialized query tables

A materialized query table (MQT) is a table whose definition is based upon the result of a query.
The data contained in an MQT is derived from one or more tables accessed by the query on which
the MQT definition is based. You can think of an MQT as a kind of materialized view. Views and
MQTs are defined on the basis of a query. However, an MQT actually stores the query results
as data, and you can work with the data that is in the MQT instead of the data in the underlying
tables. Thus, MQTs can significantly improve the performance of queries, especially complex

An MQT can be defined at table creation time as maintained by the system or maintained by the
user. When you create this type of MQT, you can specify whether the table data is a REFRESH
IMMEDIATE or REFRESH DEFERRED. The REFRESH keyword lets you specify how the data is
to be maintained. DEFERRED means that the data in the table can be refreshed at any time using
system-maintained MQTs allow insert, update, or delete operations to be executed against them.
However, REFRESH IMMEDIATE system-maintained MQTs are updated with changes made to
the underlying tables as a result of insert, update, or delete operations.


The following example creates a system maintained MQT with the REFRESH IMMEDIATE clause.
The DATA INITIALLY DEFERRED clause means that data is not inserted into the table as part of the
CREATE TABLE statement.

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Listing 13. Syntax for creating a system maintained MQT


In the above example:

1. An MQT called EMP_DEP is created joining the data from the EMPLOYEE and
2. The DATA INITIALLY DEFERRED clause means that EMP_DEP MQT is not populated with data
as part of the CREATE TABLE statement.
3. The REFRESH IMMEDIATE clause means that refreshing the data in the MQT is maintained by
the system once an update is made to the underlying EMPLOYEE or DEPARTMENT tables.

After being created, the MQT is in check-pending state and cannot be queried until the following

The IMMEDIATE CHECKED clause in the above statement specifies that the data is to be checked
against the EMP_DEP MQT's defining query and refreshed. The NOT INCREMENTAL clause
specifies that integrity checking is to be done on the whole MQT and, hence, the MQT definition is

Introduction to XML in DB2
You've been able to store XML data in DB2 for quite some time. Of course, you can store the
object as a CLOB and, with the XML extender; you can shred the document into relational tables
that let you efficiently access subcomponents of an XML document with a query. But each of these
methods has a disadvantage. Shredded documents can result in loss of document fidelity and
make it difficult to change the XML schema. The biggest benefit of XML is that the schema is
completely flexible, making it rigid by shredding it into relations is counterproductive. With CLOB
you can keep the flexibility but every time you want to read components of the XML you need to
parse the CLOB at runtime, so performance is poor.

DB2 9 introduces a completely new XML storage engine where XML data is stored hierarchically.
XML is hierarchical in nature, so storing the XML hierarchically in the engine preserves fidelity,
allows for flexible schema, and also delivers high-performance sub-document access. This new
hierarchical storage engine sits inside the same DB2 data server as the relational engine, so now
you can store customer information alongside their XML purchase orders and search all of the
information efficiently.

DB2 10.1 continues adding more cool features to pureXML. New XML indices now more closely
match your data, functional indices can speed up searches and queries, binary XML format
enables faster data transmission, handling of casting errors is now aligned with SQL, performance

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improved for certain XML queries, XML type is now allowed in global variables and also in
compiled SQL functions.

XML columns in DB2 tables

XML is stored inside DB2 in a hierarchical format. XML itself is hierarchical starting from the root
tag (or node) and then traversing through the XML string or document. In DB2 the XML is stored
inside of data pages in this hierarchical structure. If the XML data is larger than a single data page,
the XML tree is broken up into subtrees with each subtree stored on a data page and the pages
linked together.

To create a table with XML data simply run the command create table table_name (col1
data_type, ..., xml_col_name XML).

This allows you to create the table with your relational columns as you would today, and for your
XML information, you just assign the column a data type of XML. Now you can store the XML data
in that column.

XML indices
Creating an index is similar to creating a typical index on relational data with the exception that
you are not indexing a column but rather a component of the XML schema defined in the above
xml_column_name column. The syntax would look something like the code below:
create index index_name on table_name (xml_column_name) generate key using xmlpattern '/po/purchaser/@pname'
as sql varchar(50)

Starting with DB2 10.1, you can create functional XML indices using the fn:upper-case and
fn:exists functions. Indices created using fn:upper-case can speed up case-insensitive searches
of XML data. Indices created using fn:exists can speed up queries that search for specific
elements or for the lack of specific elements. For instance, in our previous example, if you need
to speed up case-insensitive searches over the pname attribute, you'd use fn:upper-case in your
index as shown below:
create index index_name on table_name (xml_column_name) generate key using xmlpattern '/po/purchaser/@pname/
fn:upper-case(.)' as sql varchar(50)

New XML index data types

You can now create indices of type DECIMAL and INTEGER over XML data. In situations where
your numeric data is of either INTEGER or DECIMAL type, indices created as DECIMAL and
INTEGER values can potentially provide faster query response times. In previous releases,
DOUBLE was the only supported numeric type for XML indexes. Consider the following example
using an index of type integer.
CREATE INDEX intidx on favorite_cds(cdinfo) GENERATE KEYS USING XMLPATTERN '/favoritecds/cd/year' AS SQL

The following SQL data types are supported: VARCHAR, DATE, TIMESTAMP, INTEGER,

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New binary XML format

The new binary XML format provides a faster way to transmit and receive XML data between
certain Java pureXML applications and a DB2 server Version 10.1. For these Java applications,
unnecessary XML parsing costs are eliminated, therefore improving performance.

Binary XML data refers to data that is in the Extensible Dynamic Binary XML DB2 Binary XML
Format (XDBX). Only Version 4.9 or later releases of the IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and
SQLJ can send or retrieve XML data to/from the data server in XDBX format. You have the full
control over the XML format you use for transmission using the xmlFormat property either on the
data source level or the connection properties.

Binary XML format is most efficient for cases in which the input or output data is in a non-textual
representation, such as SAX, StAX, or DOM. For example, these methods retrieve XML data in
non-textual representations.

Table compression
You can use less disk space for your tables by taking advantage of the DB2 table compression
capabilities. Compression saves disk storage space by using fewer database pages to store data.
You can use compression with new and existing tables. Temporary tables are also compressed
automatically, if the database manager deems it to be advantageous to do so. Row compression
uses a dictionary-based compression algorithm to replace recurring strings with shorter symbols
within data rows.

Table row compression types

There are two types of row compression you can choose from:

Classic row compression

Adaptive compression
Data stored within data rows, including inlined LOB or XML values, can be compressed with
adaptive and classic row compression. XML storage objects can be compressed using static
compression. However, storage objects for long data objects stored outside table rows is not

Classic row compression

Classic row compression, sometimes referred to as static compression, uses a table-level
compression dictionary to compress data by row. The dictionary is used to map repeated byte
patterns from table rows to much smaller symbols; these symbols then replace the longer byte
patterns in the table rows. The compression dictionary is stored with the table data rows in the
data object portions of the table.

Using row compression

To use row compression, you must first set the table to be compression eligible, then you must
generate the dictionary that contains the common strings from within the table. To set the table to

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be eligible for compression, use either of the following commands: create table table_name ...
compress yes static or alter table table name compress yes static.

Creating the row compression dictionary

Creating the compression dictionary allows the table to be compressed. DB2 then needs to
scan the data in the table to find the common strings it can compress out of the table and put
in the dictionary. To do this, you use the reorg command. The first time you compress a table
(or to rebuild the compression dictionary) you must run the command reorg table table_name

This will scan the table, create the dictionary, and perform the actual table reorganization,
compressing the data as it goes. From this point onward, any insert into this table or subsequent
load of data will honor the compression dictionary and compress all new data. If in the future
you want to run a normal table reorg and not rebuild the dictionary, you can run reorg table
table_name keepdictionary.

Each table has its own dictionary, meaning that a partitioned table will have a separate dictionary
for each partition. This is good because it allows DB2 to adapt to changes in the data as you roll in
a new partition.

To disable compression for a table, use the ALTER TABLE statement with the COMPRESS NO option;
rows you later add are not compressed. Existing rows remain compressed. To extract the entire
table after you turn off compression, you must perform table reorganization with the REORG TABLE
alter table tablename compress no reorg table table_name

Adaptive compression
Adaptive compression actually uses two compression approaches. The first employs the same
table-level compression dictionary used in classic row compression to compress data based on
repetition within a sampling of data from the table as a whole. The second approach uses a page-
level dictionary-based compression algorithm to compress data based on data repetition within
each page of data. The dictionaries map repeated byte patterns to much smaller symbols; these
symbols then replace the longer byte patterns in the table. The table-level compression dictionary
is stored within the table object for which it is created and is used to compress data throughout the
table. The page-level compression dictionary is stored with the data in the data page and is used
to compression only the data within that page.

Using adaptive compression

You compress table data using adaptive compression by setting the COMPRESS attribute of the
table to YES ADAPTIVE or to YES, which by default enables adaptive compression. You can set
this attribute when you create the table by running the command create table tablename ..
compress yes adaptive or create table tablename .. compress yes.

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You can also alter an existing table to use compression by using the same options for the ALTER
TABLE statement alter table tablename compress yes adaptive or alter table tablename
compress yes.

HINT: If you have scripts or applications that issue the ALTER TABLE or CREATE TABLE statements
with the COMPRESS YES clause, make sure you add the STATIC or ADAPTIVE keyword to explicitly
indicate the table compression method you want.

After you enable compression, operations that add data to the table, such as an INSERT, LOAD
INSERT, or IMPORT INSERT command operation, can use adaptive compression. In addition,
index compression is enabled for the table. Indices are created as compressed indices unless you
specify otherwise and if they are the types that can be compressed.

To disable compression for a table, use the ALTER TABLE statement with the COMPRESS NO option;
rows that you later add are not compressed. Existing rows remain compressed. To extract the
entire table after you turn off compression, you must perform a table reorganization with the REORG
TABLE command.

Compress temp tables

Compression for temporary tables is enabled automatically with the DB2 Storage Optimization
Feature. Only classic row compression is used for temporary tables. When executing queries,
the DB2 optimizer considers the storage savings and the impact on query performance that
compression of temporary tables offers to determine whether it is worthwhile to use compression.
If it is worthwhile, compression is used automatically.

Estimating space savings

The ADMIN_GET_TAB_COMPRESS_INFO table function estimates the compression savings that can
be gained for the table, assuming a REORG with RESETDICTIONARY option will be performed. The
following example uses the ADMIN_GET_TAB_COMPRESS_INFO table function to estimate percentage
saved for classic and adaptive compression if enabled on the DB2INST1.CUSTOMERS table:

Figure 8. Result for the example using ADMIN_GET_TAB_COMPRESS_INFO

table function

Temporal tables
Introduction to temporal tables
A new feature included in DB2 10.1 is the time-travel or temporal data tables. Temporal tables
allow you track the changes in your data so that you can back in time and query the data at a
specific point in time. You can also control the business validity of your data. Temporal data can

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be used mainly in two flavors: system-period and application-period. You can combine the two to
create a third: the so-called bi-temporal tables. Using new and standardized SQL syntax, you can
easily insert, update, delete, and query data in the past, present, or future.

The temporal data management capabilities in DB2 are based on three types of temporal tables.
The type of temporal table you are going to use is controlled by the nature of the time fields it's
going to manage. Is it a system time? Business time? Or both? System time is maintained by DB2
system and is provided by the system clock on DB2 server when a transaction occurs. Business
time is date or time stamp provided by the application to control the business validity of records.
It's completely unrelated to the system time on DB2 server.

System-period temporal tables (STT)

System-period temporal tables (STT) are based on the system time. DB2 keeps a history of
rows that have been updated or deleted over time according to system time. Each row and its
corresponding history are automatically assigned a pair of system time (transaction time).

Application-period temporal tables

Unlike STT, application-period temporal tables (ATT) require that the application is aware of the
ATT to provide a valid business time. Applications control the business validity of their data by
supplying a date or timestamp. The provided dates or timestamps describe when the data in a
given row was or will be valid in the real world. Again, new SQL constructs allow users to insert,
query, update, and delete data in the past, present, or future. DB2 automatically applies temporal
constraints and row-splits to correctly maintain the application-supplied business time.

Bi-temporal tables
Bi-temporal tables manage system and business time, and combine all the capabilities of both.
This enables applications to manage the business validity while DB2 keeps a full history of data
changes. Every bi-temporal table is both an STT and an ATT.

One key difference between STT and ATT is that an STT has an associated separate history
table to maintain previous versions of the data. An ATT has no separate history table; all rows are
maintained within the same table. When rows from ATT are affected by delete operations, they are
permanently deleted from the table.

Table 4 gives a quick overview of the characteristics of system time and business time. If your
requirements match the characteristics of system time, you can use STT. If they match the
characteristics of business time, go for ATT. If your application needs both characteristics, you can
leverage it to the bi-temporal table.

Table 4. Characteristics of system time and business time

System time Business time

Captures the time when changes happen to data inside a DB2 Captures the time when changes happen to business objects in the real
database world

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Maintains a history of updated and deleted rows, generated by DB2 Maintains application-driven changes to the time dimension of business

History based on DB2 system timestamps Dates or timestamps are provided by the application

DB2's physical view of time Your application's logical view of time

Spans from the past to the present time Spans past, present, and future time

System validity (transaction time) Business validity (valid time)

Supports queries such as "Which policies were stored in the database Supports queries such as "Which policies were valid on June 30?"
on June 30?"

Consider the following guidelines when you choose temporal tables:

Use system time and system-period temporal tables to track and maintain a history of when
information was physically inserted, updated, or deleted inside your DB2 database.
Use business time and application-period temporal tables, if you need to describe when
information is valid in the real world, outside of DB2.
Use bi-temporal tables, if you need to track both dimensions of time. With a bi-temporal table
you can manage business time with full traceability of data changes and corrections.

System-period temporal tables

Creating a system-period temporal table
To create a system-period temporal table that leverages system time and versioning, you need to
create a base table with three specific columns, create an identical history table for historical data,
and finally associate the history table with the base table. Let's look at these three steps in more

1. Create a base table with three specific columns

The three specific columns are row-begin column, row-end column, and transaction start-ID
column. The names of three columns can be any valid DB2 column name (e.g., start_time,
end_time, and trans_id). Each column must be defined as a TIMESTAMP. The row-begin
and row-end column names must be specified in the PERIOD SYSTEM_TIME (start_time,
end_time) clause.
Listing 14. Sample DDL table with three specific columns
CREATE TABLE travel( trip_name CHAR(30) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, destination CHAR(12) NOT NULL,
departure_date DATE NOT NULL, price DECIMAL (8,2) NOT NULL, sys_start TIMESTAMP(12) NOT NULL generated
always as row begin implicitly hidden, sys_end TIMESTAMP(12) NOT NULL generated always as row end
implicitly hidden, tx_start TIMESTAMP(12) generated always as transaction start id implicitly hidden,
PERIOD SYSTEM_TIME (sys_start, sys_end) );
2. Create an identical history table for historical data
The history table is logically identical to the base table. However, it can be physically different
from the base table. You can put it in a different table space, or even you can have different
partitioning schemes for each table. You may use the like clause in the create table statement
to create a history table with the same names and descriptions as the columns of the base
table as follows: CREATE TABLE travel_history LIKE travel IN hist_space WITH RESTRICT
3. Associate the history table with the base table

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The last step in setting up your system-period temporal table is to link the history table with
the base table. This can be easily done with the ALTER TABLE command: ALTER TABLE travel

You can hide the special columns by specifying the IMPLICITLY HIDDEN clause in the column
definition. In that case, if you don't use the like clause when creating the history table, you must
mark all hidden columns in the base as hidden in the history table as well.

You can also change your existing table to leverage the temporal table using the same steps. In
that case, the base table already exists without the three columns. Alter the table adding these
columns and adding the PERIOD SYSTEM_TIME(sys_start, sys_end).

DML operations against System-period temporal table

Application-period temporal tables
ATT allows you to store business time. By "business time," we mean the application logical notion
of time. That is, it reflects when information was, is, or will be effective (valid) in the real world.
Business time by itself does not involve a history table, and the effective dates must be provided
by the application. We are talking about the validity of the data not the history of the data.

Let's take an example to make it clear by an example. Consider the following two very different

What was the effective price for Manu Wilderness trip on 06/15/2012? (Business time)
What was the stored price for Manu Wilderness trip on 06/15/2012? (System time)
For example, if a trip will be offered at a discounted price during June, the price change might get
entered into the database today or at anytime (system time) with an effective date from 1 Jun 2012
to 1 Jul 2012 (business time). Similarly, a new insurance policy might get created and inserted into
the database in May, but backdated with an effective start date of 15 Apr. In short, the business
validity for a record is independent of when that record was or was not physically present in the

Creating application-period temporal tables

Similar to STT, you will need a pair of DATE or TIMESTAMP columns that describe the start and
end points of the business validity of each record. Although these columns can have arbitrary
names, they must be declared using the BUSINESS_TIME period clause in the CREATE TABLE
statement. This period declaration enables DB2 to enforce temporal constraints and to perform
temporal UPDATE and DELETE operations for business time. DB2 will transparently add, split, or
delete rows as needed.

Let's create a sample, run the following DDL.

Listing 15. Sample DDL to create application-period temporal table

CREATE TABLE travel_att ( trip_name CHAR(25) NOT NULL, destination CHAR(8) NOT NULL, price DECIMAL(8,2) NOT
NULL, bus_start DATE NOT NULL, bus_end DATE NOT NULL, PERIOD BUSINESS_TIME (bus_start, bus_end), PRIMARY KEY

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The optional clause BUSINESS_TIME WITHOUT OVERLAPS in the primary key constraint is new in
DB2 10.1 and enforces temporal uniqueness. Temporal uniqueness means, rows with duplicate
trip_name values are allowed if the business time periods of these rows do not overlap. In other
words, BUSINESS_TIME WITHOUT OVERLAPS means that for any given point in time, there is at most
one row that is effective (valid) for a given trip_name.

Insert data into application-period temporal tables

Inserting new record into an ATT is no different from the regular SQL insert statement. You simply
need to supply appropriate values for all required columns, including the columns representing
business time start and end values. For example, to insert a two rows into our sample travel table
with business time, we could issue the following statement:
INSERT INTO travel_att VALUES ('Manu Wilderness', 'Peru', 1500.00,'05/01/2012', '01/01/2013'), ('The Great
Wall Tour', 'China', 2200.00, '07/01/2012', '12/30/9999');

At this point, the data in the travel_att table should look like below:
TRIP_NAME DESTINATION PRICE BUS_START BUS_END -------------------- ----------- -------- -----------
----------- Manu Wilderness Peru 1500.00 2012-05-01 2015-10-01 The Great Wall Tour China 2200.00 2012-07-01

As you can see, the TRAVEL_ATT table doesn't contain any information about when the rows were
inserted, updated, or deleted. It only tracks validity (business time) of the trips.

Update data in an application-period temporal table

The company discovered that the demand on Manu Wilderness trip is very low in July. They made
an offer for July reducing its price to $1,000 instead of $1,500. This offer is only valid for July. The
price remains the same for the remaining period until the trip becomes invalid:
UPDATE travel_att FOR PORTION OF BUSINESS_TIME FROM '06/01/2012' TO '07/01/2012' SET price = 1000.00 WHERE
trip_name = 'Manu Wilderness';

The command completed successfully and the period from 5 May 2012 to 1 Oct 2015 is split into
three periods. DB2 inserted two new rows and updated the existing row as shown below:

Listing 16. DB2 inserts two new rows and updates existing row
TRIP_NAME DESTINATION PRICE BUS_START BUS_END -------------------- ----------- ------- ---------- -----------
Manu Wilderness Peru 1000.00 2012-06-01 2012-07-01 The Great Wall Tour China 2200.00 2012-07-01 9999-12-30
Manu Wilderness Peru 1500.00 2012-05-01 2012-06-01 Manu Wilderness Peru 1500.00 2012-07-01 2015-10-01

Now if we try to insert a record with a period overlapping with the existing period, DB2 will restrict
you and the command will fail. For example, if you try to insert a new record with trip name Manu
Wilderness and an overlapping period, DB2 will fail with SQL error -0803. In that case, you may
change the name or update the existing record based on your business needs.

Delete data from an application-period temporal table

Deleting records from an application-period temporal table removes rows from the table and can
potentially result in new rows inserted into the application-period temporal table itself. A row is a

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candidate for deletion if its period-begin column, period-end column, or both fall within the range
specified in the FOR PORTION OF BUSINESS_TIME clause. If a specified period falls in the middle of
an existing period, DB2 will transparently split the exiting period into three periods and delete the
correct one. Let's clarify it more with the following example:
DELETE FROM travel_att FOR PORTION OF BUSINESS_TIME FROM '09/15/2012' TO '09/20/2012' WHERE trip_name LIKE
'Manu Wilderness';

When you delete for a portion of business time, you are not necessarily removing records from
the database. You are marking this period as invalid for the application. You are making it logically
unavailable from the business perspective. However, this may not be implemented by a physical
delete. In our example, the Manu Wilderness is available in the period from 1 Jul 2012 to 1 Oct
2015. Marking this trip is not available (delete for portion of business time) in the period from 15
Sep 2012 to 20 Sep 2012 means that there will be a gap. To keep the records before and after
this gap, the current record will be split into two rows. In other words, the existing record will be
updated and a new record will be inserted:

Listing 17. Existing record updated and new record inserted

TRIP_NAME DESTINATION PRICE BUS_START BUS_END ------------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
----------- Manu Wilderness Peru 1000.00 2012-06-01 2012-07-01 The Great Wall Tour China 2200.00 2012-07-01
9999-12-30 Manu Wilderness Peru 1500.00 2012-05-01 2012-06-01 Manu Wilderness Peru 1500.00 2012-07-01
2012-09-15 Manu Wilderness Peru 1500.00 2012-09-20 2015-10-01

DB2 manages all system time and business time periods as inclusive-exclusive periods, or
closed-open periods. Therefore, it is recommended to also use inclusive-exclusive periods at the
application level and to avoid mapping between inclusive-inclusive and inclusive-exclusive periods.

Bi-temporal tables
Bi-temporal tables combine all the capabilities and restrictions that apply on system-period and
application-period temporal tables. You need two columns for the systems time period and another
two for the business time period, as well as the transaction start-ID column.

Creating bi-temporal tables

Administrators can easily create or alter a table to include system and business time. For example,
the following CREATE TABLE statement defines a bi-temporal table with a BUSINESS_TIME
period on the BUS_START and BUS_END columns, as well as a SYSTEM_TIME period on the
SYS_START and SYS_END columns.

Listing 18. Sample DDL to create bi-temporal tables

CREATE TABLE policy ( id INT NOT NULL, vin VARCHAR(10), annual_mileage INT, rental_car CHAR(1), coverage_amt

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Querying temporal tables

Temporal tables special registers
SYSTEM_TIME (for STT) can be used to change the current time for a particular query
session. This allows database queries as of a point in time in the past or future, even if the
packaged application does not allow its SQL statement syntax to be modified.

The new SQL constructs allow you to query the system-period temporal table or views on an
STT to return results for a specified period or point in time. Querying temporal tables can be
summarized in five basic examples:

1. Query without time specification This leverages the temporal tables special registers if they
are set to a not null value. Otherwise, it retrieves the current data.
2. Query with AS OF value clause Includes all the rows where the begin value for the period
is less than or equal to value1 and the end value for the period is greater than value1. This
enables you to query your data as of a certain point in time.
3. Query with FROM value1 TO value2 clause Includes all the rows where the begin value
for the period is equal to or greater than value1 and the end value for the period is less than
value2. This means that the begin time is included in the period, but the end time is not.
4. Query with BETWEEN value1 AND value2 clause Includes all the rows where any time period
overlaps any point in time between value1 and value2. A row is returned if the begin value
for the period is less than or equal to value2 and the end value for the period is greater than
5. Query views defined on a temporal table You can either set the time specification at the
query or in the view DDL. However, you can't have time specified on both.

Partitioning temporal tables

Any temporal table can also be a range-partitioned table. A history table that belongs to a system
period temporal table or a bi-temporal table can also be range-partitioned. The partitioning scheme
of a history table may differ from the partitioning of its base table. For example, you can partition
the current data by month and the history data by year. However, ensure that the ranges you
defined for the history table partitions can absorb any rows moved from the base table to the
history table. Consider the following example.

Listing 19. Example for table partitioning

CREATE TABLE policy ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, annual_mileage INTEGER, rental_car CHAR(1),
SYSTEM_TIME (sys_start, sys_end) ) PARTITION BY RANGE(sys_start) (STARTING('2012-01-01') ENDING
('2014-12-31') EVERY 1 MONTH ); CREATE TABLE policy_history ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, annual_mileage INTEGER,
rental_car CHAR(1), coverage_amt INTEGER, sys_start TIMESTAMP(12) NOT NULL, sys_end TIMESTAMP(12) NOT NULL,
trans_start TIMESTAMP(12)) PARTITION BY RANGE(sys_start) (STARTING('2012-01-01') ENDING ('2013-12-31') EVERY

The example shows different partitioning schemes for the base and history table. The policy
table is partitioned by month; the policy_history table is partitioned by quarter. This difference

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in granularity is not a problem. However, the policy table has partitions for sys_start values up
to 2014-12-31 while the policy_history table has partitions only up to 2013-12-31. If a row in the
policy table with a sys_start value of 2014-01-01 or greater is deleted, the insert into the history
table fails because it has no partition to accept this sys_start value. Hence, the entire delete
transaction fails. To avoid this, define the history table such that the total range of all it's partitions
is always equal to or greater than the total range of partitions in the base table.

After versioning has been enabled with the ALTER TABLE...ADD VERSIONING statement, you can
still detach partitions from the history table for pruning and archiving purposes. However, to
detach a partition from the base table, you must first stop versioning with the ALTER TABLE...DROP
VERSIONING statement.

When you stop versioning and detach a partition from the base table, this partition becomes
an independent table. It retains all three timestamp columns (row begin, row end, transaction
start ID) but not the PERIOD SYSTEM_TIME declaration. The rows in the detached partition are not
automatically moved into the history table. If you choose to move these rows into the history table
yourself, change the sys_end value of every row from 9999-12-30- to the
current timestamp. This change is necessary to reflect the point in time when the rows changed
from being current to being history. If you do not make this change, temporal queries might return
unexpected results.

You can attach a table to a partitioned base or history table while versioning is enabled. The table
you attach is not required to have a PERIOD SYSTEM_TIME declaration, but it must have all three
timestamp columns defined as in the base table. While versioning is enabled, you cannot use the
SET INTEGRITY statement with the FOR EXCEPTION clause. The reason is that moving any exception
rows into an exception table cannot be recorded in the history table, which jeopardizes the ability
to audit of the base table and its history. However, you can temporarily disable versioning, perform
SET INTEGRITY with the FOR EXCEPTION clause, then enable versioning again.

ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE procedure and temporal tables

There are some limitations when using the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored procedure to move data in an
active system-period temporal table into a new table with the same name. The following actions
are blocked:

Alter table operations that change the definition of the system-period temporal table or the
associated history table are blocked during online move operations.
The KEEP option of ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE is unavailable for system-period temporal tables.

Additionally, the online-table-move operation is not supported for history tables.

Multi-temperature data feature

You can configure your databases so that frequently accessed data (hot data) is stored on fast
storage, infrequently accessed data (warm data) is stored on slightly slower storage, and rarely
accessed data (cold data) is stored on slow, less-expensive storage. As hot data cools down and
is accessed less frequently, you can dynamically move it to the slower storage.

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Multi-temperature storage provides the ability to assign priority to data (hot, warm, cool, cold)
and dynamically assign it to different classes of storage. This is carried out by the introduction of
storage groups, which is a new layer of abstraction between logical table spaces and physical
storage (containers).

Using storage groups to prioritize your data

Storage groups allow the flexibility to implement multi-temperature data management in automatic
storage table spaces. After you create storage groups that map to the different classes of storage
in your database management system, you can assign automatic storage table spaces to those
storage groups, based on which table spaces have hot, warm, or cold data.

The following example illustrates the use of storage groups with multi-temperature data. As shown
in the figure, solid-state drives (SSD) are used to hold data for the current quarter, and enough
Fibre Channel-based (FC) and Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) drives are used to hold data for the
previous three quarter. The data that is older than one year is stored on a large Serial ATA (SATA)
RAID array that does not perform quickly enough to withstand a heavy query workload.

Figure 9. Usage of storage groups with multi-temperature data

Changing the temperature of your data

You can dynamically reassign a table space to a different storage group as the data changes or
your business direction changes. The ALTER TABLESPACE statement can be used to do this: ALTER

After the ALTER TABLESPACE statement is committed, containers are allocated on the new storage
group's storage paths, the existing containers residing in the old storage groups are marked as
drop pending, and an implicit REBALANCE operation is initiated. This operation allocates containers
on the new storage path and rebalances the data from the existing containers into the new
containers. The number and size of the containers to create depend on both the number of storage
paths in the target storage group and on the amount of free space on the new storage paths. The
old containers are dropped, after all the data is moved.

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Multi-temperature storage integrates with DB2 Workload Manager

DB2 Workload Manager (WLM) gives users the ability to prioritize incoming work based on what
data is accessed (a data-centric approach). Users can assign a data tag attribute (a value from
0 to 9) to a storage group or tablespace. The data tag can be used by WLM to determine how to
treat the work.

WLM can use data tags predictively. The Optimizer gathers a list of data tags for all table spaces
used by an SQL statement at compile time. The data tag can influence the initial placement of the
statement into a service class. WLM can also use data tags reactively. At runtime, based on the
tag of a table space being accessed, a statement can be remapped into a lower-priority subclass.

A sample scenario
The following steps provide more details on how to set up multi-temperature data storage for the
example shown above:

1. Create three storage groups to reflect the three classes of storage, a storage group to store
hot data, a storage group to store warm data, and a storage group to store cold data.
CREATE STOGROUP sg_hot ON '/hot/fs1' DATA TAG 1 CREATE STOGROUP sg_warm ON '/warm/fs1', '/warm/fs2'
DATA TAG 5 CREATE STOGROUP sg_cold ON '/cold/fs1', '/cold/fs2', '/cold/fs3' DATA TAG 9

Data tags values assigned to storage groups sg_hot and sq_warm to indicate the business
priority of the data stored in these storage groups to the WLM.
2. Create four table spaces, one per quarter of data in the year, and assign the table spaces to
the storage groups. Data tags represent business priority to be used by the optimizer.

This association results in table spaces inheriting the storage group properties. Table spaces
tbsp_2012q1 and tbsp_2012q2 will inherit the data tag value of 5 from the sg_warm storage
group, but table space tbsp_2012q3 will not inherit the data tag value from the storage group
because another data tag value has been assigned to the table space. Table space for data
tbsp_2012q4 will inherit the data tag value of 1 from the sh_hot storage group.
3. Set up your range partitions in your table:
Listing 20. Set up range partitions
CREATE TABLE ... PARTITION BY RANGE (date_column) (PART "2012Q1" STARTING ('2012-01-01') ENDING
('2012-03-31') in "tbsp_2012q1", PART "2012Q2" STARTING ('2012-04-01') ENDING ('2012-06-30') in
"tbsp_2012q2", PART "2012Q3" STARTING ('2012-07-01') ENDING ('2012-09-30') in "tbsp_2012q3", PART
"2012Q4" STARTING ('2012-10-01') ENDING ('2012-12-31') in "tbsp_2012q4"

The 2012Q4 data represents the current quarter and is using the sg_hot storage group.
4. After the current quarter passes, create a table space for the new quarter and assign the table
space to the sg_hot storage group: CREATE TABLESPACE tbsp_2013q1 USING STOGROUP sg_hot.
5. Move the table space for the quarter that just passed to the sg_warm storage group. To
change the storage group association for the tbsp_2012q4 table space, issue the ALTER

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TABLESPACE statement with the USING STOGROUP option. To fix the business priority for the
altered tablespace, the DATA TAG option will be used. Additionally, table space tbsp_2012q3
will be altered to change the data tag value from 3 to 5:
6. Finally, move the table space for the older quarter assigned to sg_warm storage group
to sg_cold storage group. To change the storage group association for the tbsp_2012q1
table space, issue the ALTER TABLESPACE statement with the USING STOGROUP option: ALTER
TABLESPACE tbsp_2012q1 USING STOGROUP sg_cold.

This tutorial focuses on the physical database design concepts and elements. You should now be
able to do the following:

Demonstrate the ability to create a database and manipulate various DB2 objects
Know how to convert existing database to automatic storage database
Use the Admin_move_table feature
Demonstrate knowledge of partitioning capabilities
Demonstrate knowledge of XML data objects
Demonstrate knowledge of compression
Demonstrate knowledge of new table features
Knowledge of Multi-temperature data feature

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Related topics
Read the Preparation Guide for DB2 10.1 DBA for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Exam 611 to
learn in-depth information about each of the concepts presented in this tutorial. This guide is
compilation of topics from the DB2 10.1 documentation.
Use the DB2 documentation in IBM Knowledge Center to find more details about each of the
concepts presented in this tutorial.
Use an RSS feed to request notification for the upcoming tutorials in this series. (Find out
more about RSS feeds of developerWorks content.)
Now you can use DB2 for free. Download DB2 Express-C, a no-charge version of DB2
Express Edition for the community that offers the same core data features as DB2 Express
Edition and provides a solid base to build and deploy applications.

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